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NAME Natcha Boonyam (Aoey)

STUDENT ID 6161151

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Unit 4 Research Report

Education and Human Behavior:

What are the benefits of female having an education?

Natcha Boonyam (Aoey)

Teacher Mr Matt Allsopp
School Mahidol University International Demonstration School


Introduction 3

Methodology 3-4

Findings and Discussion 4-5

Conclusion 5

References 6


Appendix A 7-8

Appendix B 8-9

Appendix C 9-10

Appendix D 10


“One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the worlds.”

(Yousafzai, 2013) This quote was said by a woman who was shot, her left side on her

forehead, by Taliban for attending classes, in 2012. However, a young woman with the

age of 16th has made her first public speech about the girls’ education at the youth

takeover of the UN, on July 12, 2013. She believes that the power of the education can

change the world, and the extremists are afraid of the book, pen and women because

the equality that the female will bring in society. Therefore, I’ll present the benefits of

females having an education.


In this section, I will provide the reason why I choose to do this topic, how can I

correct the data, where can I correct it, and what is it for. The reason that I choose

Education and human behaviour to be my topic, because, in one day, I have watched the

YouTube, then I saw the video, that Malala Yousafzai did in a UN speech. In the video,

she stated “I am here to speak up for the right of education of every child. I want

education for the sons and the daughters of all the extremists especially the Taliban.”

(Yousafzai, 2013) I have had the curiosity why that the female in Pakistan can have an

education but many other countries still have the gender inequality. Hence, what are the

benefits of gender equality have on the education system. Therefore, I try to do the

electronic form survey (Appendix A) in order to firstly find out some background

information about the participants. Also, to examine people’s vast opinions for analysing

and getting more of the information for a better conclusion (appendix B). In the survey,

I have asked people of different ages and different genders in order to have various

kinds of people opinion from a different type of people, by sending the survey to the Line

group, posting in the social media, asking them to do my survey or asking them to

forward the survey to their friends. Because the different type of people will have a

different expression, emotion and feeling; consequently, I will get the answers in

different ways and different opinion in order to anatomize in the conclusion. According to

my survey, the analysis of the data in the survey will be corrected in the form of

qualitative and quantitative information. However, the information in the survey does

not strong enough, so I used some sources of the other information in order to support

my claim and also the information from the survey.

Finding and discussion

In this section, I’ll provide the result from the previous survey, and find out that

is it related to what I’ve researched about females’ education from Malala Yousafzai

speech in UN. After researching, I’ve found the research from Henry R. Labouisse, he

wrote about the female's education. In his research, he agrees that women should have

a chance to study, in order to, make them have skills, self-confidence and information

that need to be a better citizen. For the survey’s results, 63.4% of people that have

done my survey are females, most of them from high school (appendix A). They’ve

known that Malala fights for the education in Pakistan, and most of them agree with that

claim. However, there’re some people that didn’t agree with Malala that females’

education is important (appendix B). In her speech, Malala said that most of the

extremist, males, are afraid of the change and the equality that the females will bring to

the country. Therefore, from the results that I’ve corrected, most of the people agree

with the claim that the males are afraid of the change and the equality that females with

an education will bring to the society (appendix C). Also, I’ve asked about the benefits

that the females might get from the education, and 70% of them said that they’ll

promote the gender equality, if they’ve an education (appendix D). During this research,

I’ve got some of the mistakes from the survey, so I have to done it twice. Because the

first survey, it doesn’t close enough for the results that I want, I tried to create the

second one and made the specific and clear questions for the easier way to understand.

To sum up, I want to use this research to answer my thesis statement, and I want to

find out the benefits of the females’ education. Accordingly, I’ve found that the females

have to have an education because they’ll get the benefits in many ways.


For the conclusion, the purposes of this research report are to find out the

benefits of the females’ education and also why should they have to have an education.

Therefore, the result that I’ve got for the information that I try to find for proving my

claim that the females should have an education. It helps me prove my claim because

most of the people, agree with me that the females should have an education and they

will get many of the benefits from the education. However, there are some of the people

that might disagree with my opinion.


Malala Yousafzai designated youngest-ever UN Messenger of Peace. (2017, April 10). |

UN News. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Times, T. N. (2013, July 12). Malala Yousafzai UN Speech: Girl Shot in Attack by Taliban
Gives Address | The New York Times. Retrieved from

The full text: Malala Yousafzai delivers defiant riposte to Taliban militants with speech to
the UN General Assembly. (2013, July 12). | INDEPENDENT. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Chowdhury, M. (2018, January 13). Top 10 Benefits of Education Include Poverty

Reduction | BORGEN Magazine. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Labouisse, H. R. (1979). Girls' education: A lifeline to development | UNICEF. (n.d.)

Retrieved from


Appendix A - Questions from the survey (personal


Appendix B - Question from the survey

Appendix C - Question from the survey

Appendix D - Question from the survey


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