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Evernote allows students to ‘manage digital data’ which is a capability of
‘Managing and operating ICT’ (ACARA, n.d.-a). Student can ‘clip’ any
information or data from the web, store it and share it (Evernote, n.d.).
Critical assessment:
The resource supports students to organise digital information and data in the one
place (Evernote, n.d.). Unlike other cloud-based software services, Evernote
allows users to collate various media files and documents as “notes” into
“notebooks” with tags for easy access (Robinson, 2017). This digital affordance
is not only invaluable for students, teachers can use Evernote to store documents
including lesson places as well as yearly scopes of learning (Robinson, 2017).
The cross-platform flexibility of the app supports a “Bring Your Own Device”
environment and the collaborative affordances help enhance socially negotiated
teaching through student-student as well as student-teacher interactions (Gregson
& Doidge, 2018)

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