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The topics mentioned above involve a range of specialised technologies and it is

therefore essential for the designer to seek advice from other professions such as
metallurgists and welding engineers and not to rely solely upon their own judgement.
This must be done before the design process has proceeded beyond the point of no
return; sadly this is often not the case!

To begin let us look at some definitions. Firstly, the joint type or configuration of which
there are five fundamental forms as shown in Fig.1. Note that there are no welds
associated with these joint types.

a) In-line or butt joint

b) T-joint

c) Corner joint

d) Lap joint

e) Edge joint

Fig.1. Joint types (a) - (e)

These various joint types may be joined by only two weld types. Firstly, the butt weld
where the weld is within the plane of the components being joined and secondly, the
fillet weld where the weld is completely or mostly outside the plane of the components
( Fig.2). Plug and edge welds are somewhat special cases and will be discussed later.
a) Butt weld

b) Fillet weld

Fig.2. Weld types

A butt weld may be combined with a fillet weld to form a compound weld as illustrated
in Fig.3:

a) Single-sided T-butt weld

b) Single-sided T-butt weld with superimposed fillet weld - a compound weld

Fig.3. Compound welds

Fillet welds are probably the most common type of weld, particularly in structural
steelwork applications, so this first section will look at some of the design considerations
of fillet welds. They may be used to make T, lap and corner joints ( Fig.4).
a) T-joint fillet weld

b) Corner joint fillet weld

c) Lap joint fillet weld

Fig.4. Single-sided fillet welded joint types

A fillet weld is approximately triangular in shape, the size being defined by the weld
throat or leg length as shown in Fig.5.
Fig.5. Terms used to describe features of a fillet weld

Fillet welds sizes should be specified preferably by referring to the throat thickness 'a'
although the leg length 'z' is often used and can be easier to measure during weld
inspection. Conventionally, the leg lengths are regarded as being of equal dimensions,
the weld forming an isosceles triangle in cross section.

The convex fillet is generally undesirable for two main reasons. a)The junction of the
weld metal with the parent metal at the weld toe can form a significant stress raiser and
will adversely affect both fatigue life and brittle fracture resistance; b) the excess weld
metal in the cap costs both time and money to deposit without contributing to joint
strength. The concave fillet weld can be beneficial with respect to fatigue strength and, if
required, the minimum throat thickness MUST be specified.

Fillet welds are less expensive to make than butt welds as there is no requirement to cut
or machine a weld preparation. Although they are capable of carrying substantial loads
they should not be used where the applied loads put the root of the weld in tension,
particularly where the loading is dynamic - fatigue life in particular is drastically reduced.
Where such loading is a possibility then a double sided T-joint should be made using
two fillet welds ( Fig.6).

Fig.6. Preferred fillet welded joint type under bending loads

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