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The Tobias Channels "Departing of the Guides"

Presented at the Crimson Circle

August 21,1999

Note: This channeling was presented at the Crimson Circle meeting in Woodland
Park, Colorado at the home of James and Azaya Deuel. Their rural property borders a
large national forest. It was a sunny, late summer afternoon with approximately 25
lightworkers in attendance. The actual channeling was held in a large teepee,
complete with a fire in the center of the circle. As soon as the channeling began, the
skies turned dark and the strong rumbling of thunder could be heard nearby.



And so it is dear friends, that we gather together in this sacred energy. Earlier on this
day, our friend who brings forth these messages to you - the one we call Cauldre
(Geoffrey Hoppe) - came into this space (the teepee) alone to prepare the energy and
to invite us into your space. We told him of changes that would be coming. These are
changes that will affect your heart, and changes that will affect your Earth. So it is no
coincidence that you hear the rumbling in the skies. It is no coincidence, my friends,
that you feel the fear of the storm, for this is appropriate. It is appropriate also that on
this night we will talk about fears. We will talk of being in the midst of chaos, in the
midst of the storm. And we will talk about staying in a place of peace while all of this
goes on around you. All things are as they should be. Or as we have said many times
before, there are no coincidences.

Now as we have done with this group in the past, we ask your permission to take you
to a somewhat different space. You will hear the words. You will know your physical
body still is within this circle - in this sacred teepee - but with your permission, your
guides and Spirit and those who are your family will take you to another
consciousness on this night. Perhaps you will remember afterwards of your journey,
perhaps not. But it will allow for a more clear communication of energy, and a better
understanding of the love that we have for you. It will provide the opportunity for you
to be in a place for a moment of time with the one known as your True self. So now
we ask, with your permission given verbally or in silence, that you join us. Take the
hand of your guides and take the hand of Spirit and we will take you to another place.
We will ask our friend Cauldre to be in silence for a moment.


Now, those who weave the energies on this night - and there are many of them - come
into this space with you. They come into this new space that is being created and
while this transformational work is being done, I Tobias, will talk the words through
Cauldre. I will move the energies through the one known as the Doctor (Dr. Melanie
Wolf); and I will quite literally channeling through each one of you on this night.

It has been the theme of the Crimson Council, from the very first, that there are many
changes for you at this time. You have recently entered into a new energy. This
provides the opportunity to move to a new space. That is what we would like to share
and discuss with you on this night.

Now, we ask all around here tonight to acknowledge the presence of nature without
fear; to acknowledge the presence of their guides without fear; and above all to
acknowledge the presence of your angel - of your True Self - without fear. We ask you
to sit here in this space without fear of the storms around you, for this is simply a
metaphor for what will be coming in your life. Sit here in a place of peace, even as the
Earth shakes and the sky rattles. It is the enlightened human that can do that.

Now, before we continue with the teachings of this night, we will do the final melding
of energies at this time. There is one who chooses to come forward to you personally,
to touch you, to reunite with you. Be in silence for a moment as you accept this True
Self, your God Self, into your reality. For this Self deeply desires to be with you for it
has been eons of time since you have been connected consciously. Simply allow the
hug to take place. Allow the melding to take place. Simply feel the love. Self-to-Self.
One-to-One. Spirit-to-Spirit.


Now, each of you here tonight is in a special place at a special time. We will talk for a
moment about where you have been, who you are, and what will happen next. As each
of you knows in your heart, you are indeed a grand angel disguised as a three
dimensional human. But indeed you are a grand angel. This grand angel will not come
from above to reunite with you. It will not come in the night on some grand chariot.
This grand angel will simply emerge from within you and you will know that it has
always been there.

You have been, each of you, workers in the universe. Not just this universe or
consciousness, but in many others that surround it. You have been to many places in
many dimensions and have experienced much. Each of you certainly has worked
together in these other places. It is difficult to explain in a linear fashion, so think here
in terms of a circle. The many experiences that you have had are even occurring at
this very moment. It is not just about your lifetimes on Earth. It is about the many,
many other identities that you have taken, and many places where you have been.

And so it is that there came a time for Spirit to understand the balances of energies,
for the struggle and the wars in the universes had been long and many. And all sides
were tired. There did not seem to be a natural resolution so this place of Earth was
created. The energies and the patterns of those energies were set into place and this
grand thing called duality was put into force. And then there came the call to the
greatest of the angels. These were the ones who had experienced the most and
endured the most. They came to this place for what we have called the final
experience of the First Creation.

And, my friends, those angels are you and the others you share this Earth with. You
came here and lived (most of you) many, many lives upon this Earth. But your history,
your lineage, goes much further into the universe. It goes into all of creation. This
time on Earth has been but a blink of the eye. You have lived under the veil not
knowing who you were, not even believing when the great masters came to tell you.
When the angels appeared at night you did not believe their words. The duality, the
veil, was so strong that each of you continued to choose to return to Earth lifetime
after lifetime. You returned for something that would eventually benefit the whole of
creation--that would benefit all of One.

We have cried the tears on this night, for we cannot imagine what it would be like to
not know of our connection with One. This indeed is the greatest pain. This indeed is
what your churches have called the original sin. But it is not a sin. It is an honor that
you took on. You agreed to forget who you truly are.

Oh my friends, we look at each of you tonight. And you still don’t realize… you still
intellectualize this concept… you have yet to feel in your hearts what this is like. But
this day shall come soon.

Now your path on Earth… let us talk of that for a moment. First we must clarify
something here, for humans and particularly lightworkers, worry about this. What we
are to say on this night is given in our truth and the truth of Spirit. It is not meant in
any way to make one better or worse, for as you know, all is One. But we tell you of a
special path you have taken, and we will pose you with a challenge.

Of all the angels who came to this Earth, there indeed was a special group. It is the
one that is family. It is you, and the other eight million plus lightworkers who are on
the planet at this time. There are special attributes of each of you that are different
than other humans. Each of you came here with particular energy attributes that are
indeed different. If you trace your paths and the paths of other lightworkers, you have
been ones who have been very involved in religions in past lives. And spiritual quests
in the past lives. And workings of energies.

Now, the other humans that are sharing the Earth with you that are still one with you,
they too have other unique energy attributes. But tonight we will speak of yours. Each
of you came here with an ability to carry and to hold large amounts of what you
would call light. This light was hidden from you, but was connected to the grids of the
Earth and the grids above the Earth in order to hold a specific balance. This light
crystal light within you and other lightworkers has provided a needed balance of light
and a connection between you third dimension and the higher realms. And you have
carried these energies well, even though you have not consciously known you were
carrying them.

It was known by you and by Spirit that, at the appropriate time in the history of your
Earth, it would be time to openly reveal these energy attributes, this liquid light. As
each of you knows before we say the words, that this time is upon us. That is why
each of you is feeling so challenged in your inner life at this time. That is why you are
filled with anxiety and anticipation. Oh my friends, we hear the commitment that each
of you makes daily to continue walking your path. For you know deep within you of
why you came here at this time.

This place you call Earth is going through a change that you are well aware of. Others
around you may not be so sensitive to what is going on, but you indeed know. You
are, in a sense, passing through a tunnel. This is a tunnel of dimensions, a tunnel of
time and space, a tunnel of energy transformation. You are passing through something
that will change the very nature of you first. Then you will help to facilitate the
change of others, and then the entire Earth, followed by you entire universe.

This group, this family that is here, your family of lightworkers on this planet are
indeed among the first to be going through this. It involves the transmutation of fear
within you, first and foremost. And as you do that, as you walk through the fears, you
transmute all energies and turn them into an energy of love. This energy will be used
to seed, what we have termed before, the Second Creation. Very impressive work that
you do here without even knowing who you are!

The biggest challenges that will be facing each of you has to do with fears. These
fears will pop up in front of you and within you. We ask you to simply dance through
them. Even as the storm approached on this night and the level of fear built within
you and you wondered if you should take cover elsewhere, you were able to walk
through the fear. You knew it was simply an illusion. You knew you could transmute
it. You knew that you were in a safe space.

These fears will continue to come into your life. They will be like weights trying to
hold you down by the ankles. At times they will seem to be insurmountable walls that
can not possibly be crossed, and certainly not gone through. But, my friends, when
this happens simply remember who you are. Simply remind yourself of these words:
"I Am that I Am. I Am All that I Am. I am All that I Am and All that Is. I am One".

Take this energy, dear friends, and walk through the fears that are coming into your
life. Walk through them quickly for if you stall, if you wait or procrastinate, the fears
will build up quickly. The original fear that may have been the size of a stone will
now turn into the size of a boulder and then a mountain. Walk through your fears
quickly. Remember who you are.

You have been walking a long path in this lifetime. You have endured many emotional
challenges. This has been the signature of a lightworker. You have endured many
hardships lifetime after lifetime. You have walked a difficult but rewarding and
beautiful path, a very colorful path. You have come to a difficult point here. All of
these days, all of these lifetimes that you have walked the path, as you know, you
have been guided. There have been angels. There have been guides around you. Yes,
they have changed but there has always been a group around you.

As you have learned in your more recent months and years, these guides could not do
your job for you, but they could whisper words of love and encouragement in your
ear. They could comfort you when you felt like giving up. They could come to you at
night and weep for you and the tears would wash away some of the difficulties and
the pain. You have always had others around you for that has been our job to be your
family and your best friends.

We come now to a place in the path where there is a chasm. There is no bridge over
the chasm, dear friends. There is simply a deep gorge. You cannot see to the other side
of the chasm for there is a fog that surrounds it. You do not know how far it is that you
will have to jump. You do not even know, in particular, why you are being asked to
And at this point on your path it is our time to say good-bye to you. Those who have
guided you or have been in your company, it is our time to bid you farewell. For we
cannot go where you are going at this time. Those who are and have been your guides
for lifetimes after lifetimes, your celestial friends who you visit at night, your family
who is the Crimson Council, cannot go with you. And this is a good thing. You may
ask why this is--why you must take this next part of the journey alone and it is quite
simple. It is not possible for you to know your divinity, to know your Godself again if
our energy is interfering, if our energy is surrounding. That is why we say good-bye at
least for the time being, sending you on your journey by yourself. It is time for each
of you to reconnect with who you truly are.

So now the fears come up! You stand at the edge of the chasm knowing not how far it
is, knowing not even how to fly at this time. It is time for each of you to do a bit of
soul searching, to pull up from within you all that you are, to face the greatest fears
that you will ever face and to simply walk through them. All of the intellectual,
rational thoughts that you have will not work now. This we give in truth. We have said
before to this group and to others, this is not the time to go back to your old
bookshelves to read up on how to cross the chasm because it has never been written.
This is not the time to go find the security of old words that were read by you. This is
not the time to call on your guides. For there is a higher power, a greater love that is
yearning to be called up at this time.

The biggest issue that each of you will face is trust. As humans you have not been so
good about trusting yourselves. You have learned well to trust your mind. When you
have been in trouble you have trusted your guides and Spirit. But you have never been
challenged like you are now to trust Self. Oh, my friends, there is no one to turn to at
this time other than Self. There are no magic words. Even the grandest of the
archangels, many who are here on this night, cannot be here with you when you cross
the chasm. The issue is of trust. The challenge is fear. The intent is divinity.

This is a blessed moment. It is a blessed time that each of you will go through. Know
that as you boldly walk through those fears. Know that as you call up all of who you
are, as you choose in your heart to become a divine human. Allow your intellect to
simply guide you in 3-D, but allow your heart to carry you Home.

This is a divine time. Indeed, there will be storms around you. Pay them no attention.
Feed them no energy, for you will have little extra energy to give. What each of you
will go through will require all that you are. It will mean you need to maximize your
sleep so you are sharp. It will mean that you need to balance your intake of foods and
drinks so that you are nourished. And it will mean, my friends, as each of you has
written on your papers tonight (taking of a previous releasing ceremony) that you
release those things that hold you down. And there should be great ceremony tonight
when you let the fires take those old energies that have been holding you back and
transmute them into new energies that will propel you across the chasm.

We do not give a time frame to this process. It will happen for each of you in a very
near time. While you are preparing for this, while the process is under way, you will
see many changes outside of you in your Earth first. For the Earth is choosing now to
release the old energies.
There will be great rumblings of the Earth in other parts of your world. Many humans
will choose to leave their physical bodies at this time. They know at their soul level
that they are not ready to cross the chasm. And they know that you will need the
balance of energies with them leaving the Earth. They will create a balance outside of
your third dimension to supply you with the energies that you will need. Yes, you
could indeed say that they give of their lives to help you move forward. They know in
their hearts that they are not prepared to walk through the challenges to bring in the
divinity as each of you will be doing.

Now, we speak what may be grand words on this night. Some here will not even
remember the words later. But we reiterate to you that what we give you comes from
the place of deepest truth.

In your days to come, when you feel the energies of fear around you, simply walk
through them. Simply know that you can walk through these. When your mind
challenges you and asks you who you think you are, let your mind know that you are
one with Spirit. And remind your mind that it serves a beautiful purpose on this Earth,
but it does not guide and direct your life.

And then, my friends, learn to trust Self. Learn to trust Self at the deepest levels. Do
not defer to us. Do not defer to your guides or the grandest of the angels for we cannot
help you at this time. You are walking this alone. Learn to bring up the deepest trust.
The prayers that you pray when you need the strength should be directed to your

And the day comes soon that you wake up and feel that all things were pulled out
from underneath you. Know that this is simply a fear and a feeling. For that is the
time when those who have been around you must back away. It may be a very
uncomfortable feeling but remember our talk here tonight.

Remember your family is going through this also, the family that sits in your human
circle tonight. Know that someday, those who have been your guides, those who are
your Family of Crimson will reunite with you. But you, at that time, will look and feel
and be different than the human spirit that sits here tonight. You will be very different.

We love each of you dearly. And we still shake our heads in amazement at the work
you have done. Indeed, it is the greatest sacrifice to forget who you truly are. It is time
to wake up now.

And so it is.

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