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PATENT COOPERATION TREATY ‘WO 2018/078210 PCTIES2018/070026 ADVANCE E-MAIL From the INTERNATIONAL BUREAU SECOND AND SUPPLEMENTARY NOTICE INFORMING THE APPLICANT OF THE COMMUNICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL [APPLICATION (TO DESIGNATED OFFICES WHICH APPLY THE 30 MONTH TIME LIMIT UNDER ARTICLE 22()) GIMENO MORCILLO, 2098 Viente (PCT Rate 47.10) oe Taco wang vt) Espace 28 February 2019 (28.02.2019) Tolan o gis eee oazePi. 2-171 IMPORTANF NOTICE Tai agen Wo Tapio ng loan Tiny dae aac) ecTreS2018/070026 33 October 2017 (23102017) | "24 Getoner'2016 (24.10.2016) So ESPANOLA DE PLATAFORMAS MARINAS, S.L. 1. ATTENTION: For any designated Oifice(6), for which the time limit under Article 22(1), as in force from 1 April 2002 (30 months from the priority date), does not apply, please see Form PCT/IBY/3084(First Notice) issued previously. 2. Notice is hereby given that the following designated Ofice(s), for which the time limit under Article 22(1), as in force from 1 April 2002, does apply, hashhave requested that the communication of the intemational application, as provided for in Article 20, be effected under Rille 93bs.1. The Intemational Bureau has effected that communication on the date indicated below: 03 May 2018 (03.05.2018) AZ, BY, CN, EP, HU, KG, KP, KR, MD, MK, MZ, NA, NG, PG, RU, TM In accordance with Rule 47.1(c-bis)(, those Offices will accept the present notice as conclusive evidence thatthe communication of the international application has duly taken place on the date of mailing indicated above and no copy of the Intemational application is required to be furnished by the applicant to the designated Offices) The following designated Offices, for which the time limit under Ardcle 22(1) as in force from 1 April 2002, dees apply, have not requested, as at the time of mailing of the present notice, that the communication of the Intemational application be effected under Rale 93bis.1 AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AP, AT, AU, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, D3, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EA, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KH, KN, KW, KZ, LA.'LC, LK, LR, LS, LY, MA, ME,'MG, NIN, MW, MX, MY, NI, NO, NZ, GA, OM, PA, PE, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TN, TR, TT, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, 2M, ZW In accordance with Rule 47.1(cbis)i), those Offices accept the present notice as conclusive evidence that the Contacting State for Which that Office acts as a designated Office docs not require the furnishing, under Article 22, by the applicant of a copy of the international application 4. TIME LIMITS for entry into the national phase For the designated or elected Orfice(6) listed above, the applicable time limit for entering the national phase will, subject to what is said in the following paragraph, be 30 MONTHS from the priority date In practice, time limits other than the 30-month time limit will continue to apply, for various periods of, ime, in respect of cextain tf the designated or elected Office(s) listed above. For regular updates on the applicable time limits (90 or 31 months, or other time limit), Office by Office, refer w the PCT Gazette, tke PCT Newsleter and the PCT Applicant's Guide, Volume 1, National Chapters all available from WIPO's Internet site, at http/wwrw.wvipo.intipeVen/index ml It is the applicant’ sole responsibility to monitor all these time limits The Ineraonal Bureau of WIPO Ruhorzad officer 34, chemin des Colombetes 1211 Geneva 20, Swiverland Simin Baharlou Facsimile No, +41 22 328 92 70 email: petssm9\@ipo int Fomm PCTAB0@(Second and Supplementary Notice) (January 2004)

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