Appendices D-G Fatigue Crack Growth Analyses of Propeller Shaft by DNV

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Appendix D

Fatigue Crack Growth

Analyses of Propeller Shaft
by Det Norske Veritas





DNV Doc. No./Report No.: 18Q5SWV-1/2014-3010

Date of Issue: 2014-01-17
Revision: 0
Project Name: Fatigue crack growth analyses of propeller shaft
Report Title:

Table of Contents

1  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 4 

2  INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 4 
2.1  Objective 4 
2.2  Assessment premises 4 

3  ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................... 5 

4  THE PRINCIPAL OF FRACTURE INTEGRITY ASSESSMENTS ........................................ 6 

5  DESCRIPTION OF THE FRACTURE MECHANICS ANALYSES ....................................... 8 

5.1  Unstable fracture 8 
5.2  Fatigue crack growth analyses 9 

6  RESULTS ................................................................................................................................. 11 

6.1  Critical flaw height 11 
6.2  Fatigue life until 140.8mm flaw height 12 

7  CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................... 14 

8  REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 14 

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Project Name: Fatigue crack growth analyses of propeller shaft
Report Title:

One of two propeller shafts of the Interislander’s vessel Arater has broken. Interislander is questioning
if the vessel may sail with the remaining propeller to Singapore or another port for repair.
DNV GL Materials Laboratory Section has performed fracture mechanics fatigue crack growth and
unstable fracture assessments to determine the remaining fatigue life time based on different input
A conclusion on the remaining fatigue life must be interpreted based on the NDT performed and the
findings in this report.

One of two propeller shafts of the Interislander’s vessel Arater has broken. Interislander is questioning
if the vessel may sail with the remaining propeller to Singapore or another port for repair.
The remaining shaft has been subject to NDT inspection without any indication of fatigue cracks.
However, it is not possible to guarantee that there is no fatigue cracks in the shaft because limitations
with the NDT equipment. Hence, it has been assumed that the shaft may have up to 5-10mm deep
fatigue cracks.
DNV GL has been contracted by Interislander to perform fracture mechanics analyses in order to
evaluate the remaining fatigue life until unstable fracture or an unacceptable large fatigue crack has
Various levels of initial flaw sizes, different fracture toughness propertries, different crack growth
parameters and maximum stress levels have been assumed and the remaining service life until unstable
fracture have been calculated.
No calculations or evaluations of the fractured shaft are included in this report.

2.1 Objective
The objective of this report is to summarize the fracture integrity assessments performed for the
remaining shaft of Arater. The results may be used to give a robust evaluation of the remaining service
life based on information about cracks from NDT inspection.

2.2 Assessment premises

Information relevant for the fracture mechanics analyses are summarized in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Relevant input parameters

Parameter/description Value
Shaft diameter, D 352 mm
Shaft material C-Mn steel, similar to C40 or maybe S355J2G3+N
Specified minimum yield stress, SMYS Probably around 320-360MPa
Specified minimum tensile strength, SMTS Probably around 450-500MPa
E-modulus 207000 N/mm2
Poison’s ratio 0.3
Temperature range Not considered to affect material properties and the

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Project Name: Fatigue crack growth analyses of propeller shaft
Report Title:

Fracture mechanics analyses are a valid tool for assessing the criticality of planar flaws and cracks.
DNV GL has no information about planar flaws or cracks in the remaining shaft, but it is understood
that NDT has been performed without findings. However, it is not for sure that the NDT technique
used is able to detect cracks with heights less than 5-10mm. Hence, various initial flaw sizes have been
assumed. The fatigue crack growth has been assessed for the initial crack sizes to grow to the critical
flaw size for different maximum stress levels and fracture toughness properties. For some of the
assessments the calculated fatigue life is not limited by unstable fracture, but geometry limitations for
the various formulas used in the assessments, i.e. those cases will be somewhat conservative.
DNV has currently no detailed information about the exact shaft material designation or the fracture
toughness properties of the propeller shaft, but different values have been assumed.

CDF Crack driving force, term used to describe how “loaded” the crack tip
is. The measure for CDF in ductile materials under static loading is
the applied J or CTOD and K for dynamic loading

CTOD Crack tip opening displacement. A measure describing how much a

crack opens during loading. CTOD is used both as a measure for
CDF (CTODapp) and a measure for the fracture toughness property of
a material (CTODmat)

J The J- integral. This is a measure that similarly to CTOD describes

the fracture toughness properties of a material or the CDF

K, K Stress intensity factor. Parameter describing the fracture toughness

properties or the CDF considering quite low loading, brittle materials
or dynamic loading (fatigue crack growth)

J R- curve, CTOD R- curve Describes a material’s resistance to crack growth either expressed in
terms of J or CTOD

NDT Non-Destructive Testing

OD Outer diameter

Pb, Pb Bending stress and bending stress range in accordance with BS7910

a Flaw height (surface breaking flaw)

2SD Two standard deviations

WT Wall thickness

RPM Revolutions per minute

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Project Name: Fatigue crack growth analyses of propeller shaft
Report Title:


The principle of fracture integrity assessments are simple and are in general an equilibrium evaluation
between the conditions trying to open up a flaw in a structural part and the materials resistance to open
up. These parameters are normally referred as the Crack Driving Force (CDF) and the fracture
toughness/tearing resistance if static loads are considered. Similarly if dynamic stresses are considered
the crack driving force is normally described by KI which is calculated based on the dynamic stress
ranges and geometry and the materials resistance to fatigue crack growth described by fatigue crack
growth parameters. The principal of fracture mechanics are illustrated in Figure 4-1.

Crack Driving Force (CDF) Fracture toughness (materials resistance)

Who is the

Analyses/Calculations Testing

Figure 4-1 The principal of fracture mechanics analyses

Considering static loads the crack driving force is normally assessed according to formulas in specific
rules and standards or directly by FE analyses. For normal ductile metallic materials and static loads
the CDF is normally characterized by Japp or CTODapp and the fracture toughness is characterized as
Jmat or CTODmat or, J R- or CTOD R- tearing resistance curves, in case of tearing assessment. Both the
fracture toughness and tearing resistance must be established by testing.
For dynamic loads where the crack driving force typically is lower the linear-elastic stress intensity
factor K is normally used both for applied KI (for a given stress range) and for describing the
materials fatigue crack growth properties, da/dN = A(K)m referred as the Paris equation. KI is
calculated according to BS7910 given the applied stress range and geometry of the structural detail and
flaw. The fatigue crack growth parameters are established from testing, but normally values according
to BS7910 are used.
In many cases it is necessary to consider both fracture given a maximum stress condition and the crack
growth considering fatigue loading as illustrated in Figure 4-2.

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Project Name: Fatigue crack growth analyses of propeller shaft
Report Title:

Critical flaw length

Initial flaw length

Initial flaw
Fatigue height Critical
crack growth flaw height

Fatigue life
Flaw size

Critical flaw size or through thickness flaw (leakage)

- Increased max applied stress

- Reduced fracture toughness

Time to initiate a fatigue Initial flaw size

crack (not known)

Number of cycles or time

Fatigue life until “failure”

Figure 4-2 Illustration of fatigue crack growth until unstable fracture

The accuracy of the fracture integrity assessments are depending on many factors as for instance:
─ Description of global static and dynamic loads
─ Local geometry and local stress conditions
─ Materials stress-strain curve
─ The flaw size
─ How accurately the CDF is calculated (both statically and dynamically)
─ How representative the fracture toughness/tearing resistance properties are
─ How accurate the fatigue crack growth properties are specified
─ The failure criterion used (critical flaw size, specified flaw size, leakage etc.)
─ How the effect of weld residual stresses are implemented
A good tool for evaluating how important the different inputs are is to establish a good probabilistic
model or to perform several input sensitivity analyses.

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Project Name: Fatigue crack growth analyses of propeller shaft
Report Title:


The analyses are in general performed in accordance with BS7910, ref. /1/, and the Crakwise software,
ref. /2/, has been used.

5.1 Unstable fracture

The unstable fracture is mainly depending on the maximum stress normal to the crack that needs to be
considered and the fracture toughness property of the material.
Hence, it is difficult to predict the fracture capacity of the shaft when theses input parameters are
uncertain. However, some values which are believed to be representative have been assumed. The
inputs are summarized in Table 5-1.
As long as the fracture toughness properties are not significantly lower than normally expected and/or
the maximum stress is not very high, the unstable fracture is typically not important for the remaining
fatigue life considering relatively small initial cracks.
A shaft speed of 160 RPM and 5200 kW has been estimated to give bending moment of 165 kNm
which gives a bending stress Pb equal to 38.6 MPa. The shaft speed is now specified to be 140 RPM
and using the propeller low the bending moment is calculated as 1402/1602 = 0.77x165 = 126.3 kNm.
According to propeller experts a 50% increase on that is a conservative estimate of the extreme
bending stress in the shaft. Hence, a reasonable extreme bending stress is 44.4MPa.

Table 5-1 Inputs applied in the fracture mechanics analyses to assess the critical flaw size
Parameter Value(s)
Analysis approach BS7910, Level 2B
Stress-strain curve Assumed, based on SMYS 350MPa and SMTS 500MPa with yield
plateau (conservative assumption). See Figure 5-1
Stress intensity factor (SIF) solution Semi-circular surface flaw in round bar, BS7910 M.6.2
Reference stress solution Straight-fronted and semi-circular flaws in round bar/bolt, BS7910
Diameter, D 352mm
Maximum bending stress, Pb 44.4MPa. This will normally allow large flaws before unstable
fracture and in general unstable fracture will not influence on the
fatigue life assessed. However, larger bending stresses have also been
Fracture toughness values Not known, CTOD = 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2mm assumed for the
Fracture toughness conversion factor, 1.0 (conservative assumption)
X (constraint factor ref. BS7910)

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Project Name: Fatigue crack growth analyses of propeller shaft
Report Title:

Assumed stress-strain curve


Engineering stress, Mpa




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Engineering strain, %

Figure 5-1 Assumed stress-strain curve representative for the shaft material
The fracture mechanics model describing a semi-circular surface flaw in a round bar has geometry
limitations and it is not possible to calculate a fatigue crack through the whole thickness. The results
are shown in Section 6.

5.2 Fatigue crack growth analyses

It has been assumed that Arater will sail at 160 RPM at power 5200 kW, i.e. 8400 revolutions per hour
and 201,600 revolutions (load cycles) per day. According to rough estimated performed by the
Machinery Section at DNV GL the dynamic stress range is Pb = 77.1MPa based on 160 RPM and
5200 kW.
Normally the shaft will be covered in oil and the fatigue crack growth parameters for air environment
in accordance with BS7910 should be applicable. However, some extent of seawater cannot be ruled
out and crack growth parameters for marine environment and free corrosion have also been assessed.
The mean crack growth parameters (expected values) and the crack growth parameters for mean plus
two standard deviations (characteristic design values) have been used. The parameters are in
accordance with BS7910 and are summarized in Table 5-2.

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Project Name: Fatigue crack growth analyses of propeller shaft
Report Title:

Table 5-2 Fatigue crack growth parameters used (in accordance with BS7910)
Crack growth parameters
Environment and reliability
K [N/mm3/2] m A
170-363 8.16 1.21E-26
Air, mean crack growth rate
>363 2.88 3.98E-13
170-315 8.16 4.37E-26
Air, mean+2SD crack growth rate
>315 2.88 6.77E-13
0-1336 3.42 3.00E-14
Marine environment under free corrosion, mean crack growth rate
>1336 1.3 1.27E-27
0-993 3.42 8.55E-14
Marine environment under free corrosion, mean+2SD crack growth rate
>993 1.3 1.93E-07

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Project Name: Fatigue crack growth analyses of propeller shaft
Report Title:


6.1 Critical flaw height

160 Critical surface breaking flaw height in propeller shaft

Not possible to calculate critical flaw heights
larger than 140.8mm due to limitations in the
120 BS7910 formulas. E.g. if the fracture toughness
CTOD is higher than 0.2mm and the maximum
stress is less than 200MPa, the critical flaw
Critical flaw height, a [mm]

height is larger than 140.8mm




CTOD = 0.05mm
CTOD = 0.1mm
CTOD = 0.2mm
Formulas not valid for a/D>0.4
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Maximum bending, Pb, stress in shaft, [MPa]

Figure 6-1 Critical flaw height versus applied maximum bending stress considering different
fracture toughness properties
It is not possible to calculate critical flaw heights exceeding 140.8mm because formulas given in
BS7910 are not valid for a/D>0.4.
If the fracture toughness CTOD is 0.2mm or higher and the maximum bending stress is less than
200MPa the critical flaw height will be larger than 140mm (the maximum bending stress is believed to
less than 45MPa). If the fracture toughness properties are low, for instance CTOD 0.05mm, the critical
flaw height will still be at least 140.8mm as long as the maximum bending stress is not higher than
approximately 120MPa.
Most likely the CTOD fracture toughness is better than 0.05mm and the maximum bending stress
lower than 50MPa. Hence, the remaining calculated fatigue life assessed is not dependent on unstable
fracture but limitations in the formulas, i.e. the results are somewhat conservative.
However, the remaining life time after the flaw has grown to 140mm is very short and in general the
unstable fracture is not important for the fatigue lives assessed unless the initial crack size is larger, the
fracture toughness is lower, the maximum stress is considerably higher or a combination of these.

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Project Name: Fatigue crack growth analyses of propeller shaft
Report Title:

6.2 Fatigue life until 140.8mm flaw height

The minimum initial flaw height that can be assessed is 4mm due to formula limitations. Hence, the
initial flaw height has been specified as 4mm in all the assessments. However, from the crack growth
versus time graphs it is still possible to read out the remaining fatigue life for other larger initial flaw
heights as illustrated in Figure 6-2.
Flaw height 140.8mm (not unstable fracture, but very short remaining fatigue life)
Flaw height

Fatigue life for

20mm initial
flaw height

Initial flaw height 20mm

Initial flaw height 4mm Lifetime, days

Fatigue life for 4mm initial flaw height

Figure 6-2 Illustration of how the assessment results should be understood

Because some seawater may be present crack growth parameters for four different situations have been
assessed as follows:
─ Air environment and mean crack growth parameters (expected values)
─ Air environment and mean plus two standard deviation crack growth parameters (typical
characteristic values used in design)
─ Marine environment under free corrosion and mean crack growth parameters (expected values)
─ Marine environment under free corrosion and mean plus two standard deviation crack growth
parameters (typical characteristic values used in design)
The results based on 77.1MPa bending stress range and the various crack growth parameters are shown
in Figure 6-3 and summarized in Table 6-1.

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Project Name: Fatigue crack growth analyses of propeller shaft
Report Title:

150 Fatigue crack growth - propeller shaft

Mean curve in air
Mean+2SD in air
120 Mean curve, free corrosion in marine environment
110 Mean+2SD curve, free corrosion in marine environment
Formulas not valid for a/D>0.4
10mm initial flaw height
Flaw height, a [mm]

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
Number of days
Figure 6-3 Fatigue crack growth versus number of sailing days at 140 RPM

Table 6-1 Summary of the fatigue crack growth analyses performed

Environment, reliability Initial flaw height [mm] Remaining fatigue life [days]
a≤4 ≥ 257
Air, mean curve a=5 138
a = 10 27.5
a≤4 ≥ 76
Air, mean+2SD curve a=5 43
a = 10 12
a≤4 ≥ 18
Free corrosion in marine environment, mean
a=5 16
a = 10 9
a≤4 ≥6
Free corrosion in marine environment,
a=5 5
mean+2SD curve
a = 10 3

The results show that the initial flaw height is very important as well as the crack growth parameters.

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Project Name: Fatigue crack growth analyses of propeller shaft
Report Title:

Fatigue crack growth analyses for various fatigue cracks to grow to 140.8mm crack height in an
Ø352mm propeller shaft have been performed. The assessments are valid for the Arater vessel sailing
at 140 RPM.
As long as the fracture toughness is not lower than 0.05mm CTOD and the maximum bending stress is
not exceeding 110MPa the remaining fatigue lives calculated are valid.
It is seen that the remaining fatigue lives are very dependent on the initial crack size as well as the
environment and reliability which is basis for the crack growth parameters used.
NDT is performed without any findings but due to uncertainties it is not guaranteed that heights less
than 5-10mm are detected.
Both air and marine environment under free corrosion crack growth parameters have been used in the
The mean crack growth parameters represents expected fatigue lives, but in worst case the fatigue
crack growth may be as high as the mean plus two standard deviation parameters.
A conclusion on the remaining fatigue life must be interpreted based on the NDT performed and the
findings in this report.


/1/ BS 7910:2005, “ Guide to methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in metallic structure”, BSi
/2/ Crackwise 4, version 4.3.17532.0. Software following the BS7910 fracture/fatigue procedure
developed and distributed by TWI Software

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Det Norske Veritas:
DNV is a global provider of knowledge for managing risk. Today, safe and responsible business conduct is
both a license to operate and a competitive advantage. Our core competence is to identify, assess, and
advise on risk management. From our leading position in certification, classification, verification, and training,
we develop and apply standards and best practices. This helps our customers safely and responsibly
improve their business performance. DNV is an independent organisation with dedicated risk professionals
in more than 100 countries, with the purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment.

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More on
Appendix E
Failure Analysis and
Condition Assessment of
Starboard and Port Propeller
Shafts by Matcor
Report No,: Page No.:


Failure analysis and condition assessment were conducted on the starboard
and port propeller shafts of vessel “MV ARATERE” respectively following the
fracture of the starboard propeller shaft discovered on 5th November 2013.
The vessel was docked in Keppel Shipyard Pte Ltd (Gul Yard) situated at 55
Gul Road in Singapore during March 2014 for repair and inspection.

The objectives of the assessment were as follows:

(i) To determine the cause(s) of the fracture initiation of the starboard


(ii) To determine the condition of the port shaft pertaining to the elemental
constituents of the deposits and copperish tint, and the morphology /
characteristics of the pits that were reportedly found on the shaft.


The starboard shaft of the vessel fractured during sailing on 5th November
2013, causing the fractured shaft end portion with the propeller to fall into the
sea. The fracture of the shaft was reported to be located within the propeller
hub area at about 10 to 15mm away from the forward end of the hub.

The port shaft was subsequently examined and found with deposits,
copperish tint and unusual markings, which resembled pits, when the vessel
was docked for servicing in February 2014. For easy reference, the said area
with the deposits, copperish tint and markings was termed as “damaged” area
in this report. The “damaged” area was reportedly located with the propeller
hub area similar to the fracture location of the starboard shaft. The port shaft
was however reportedly found with no linear discontinuity under magnetic
particle inspection (MPI).

It was reported that the port and starboard shafts were installed in 1998 and
had been in service for over 16 years. There was no report of servicing of the
two shafts. However, the two propellers were reported to have been changed
to a new design, involving longer and thinner propeller blades two years ago.

The technical drawing of the shaft is attached in the Annex of the report.
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The material specifications of the shaft and propeller are listed as follows.


High carbon steel (normalized at 850oC)
(C: 0.45-0.50wt%, Mn: 0.50-0.80 wt%, Si: 0.15-
Shaft 600-650 N/mm2
0.40 wt%, S: 0.035 wt% maximum, P: 0.035
wt% maximum)
Aluminum bronze
Propeller hub (Cu; 80.20wt%, Zn: 0.28wt%, Mn: 1.06wt%, Fe:
685 N/mm2 minimum
(new design) 4.91wt%, Al: 9.21wt%, Ni: 4.31wt%, Pb:
0.02wt%, Sn: 0.001wt%)


The assessment and failure analysis were based on site inspection of the two
shafts and corresponding propellers, laboratory analysis of the fractured
starboard shaft sample and review of the background information available at
the time of reporting. (Note: Fracture half of the shaft towards forward end
was received for laboratory examination while the other fracture half within the
propeller hub towards aft end was not available for examination).

The site inspection and laboratory analysis involved the following work scope.

A. Assessment and failure analysis of starboard shaft

(i) Site visual examination of the shaft and propeller hub

(ii) Laboratory analysis of fracture area of shaft

- Visual and macroscopic examination

- Fractographic examination
- Sectional metallographic examination
- Micro-hardness test
- Energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analysis

B. Assessment of port shaft

(i) Site assessment

- Visual examination of the shaft and propeller hub

- Pit depth measurement of the shaft
- Surface replication of the shaft
- In-situ hardness test of the shaft
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(ii) Laboratory analysis

- EDX analysis of deposits collected from shaft

C. Evaluation and reporting


Preliminary site visual examinations of the shaft was conducted prior to and
after its removal from the stern tube on 5th and 7th March 2014 respectively.
The fractured shaft sample was received on 7th March 2014 for laboratory
after it was dismantled and sectioned near to the fracture area.

Visual examination was also conducted on the propeller on 7th March 2014,
which had been removed and relocated to the workshop of Mencast Marine
Pte Ltd at No.7 Tuas View Circuit Singapore.

The site and laboratory photographic documentation and results are compiled
in Appendix A, figures A1 to A17.

4.1 Site Visual Examination of Starboard Shaft

The fractured shaft was still retained within the stern tube during the site
examination on 5th March 2014 (figure A1). The fracture was located within
the propeller hub seat area near the forward end. The fracture plane was
essentially oriented transversely across the shaft’s cross-section.

Examination of the external surface of the shaft after it was removed from the
stern tube revealed that the existing condition of the shaft was generally intact
and satisfactory apart from some circumferential surface marks at localized
areas (figure A2).

The shaft was then sectioned at about 100mm away from the fracture edge
using a band-saw at Keppel Gul yard to bring back to the laboratory for
detailed analysis (figure A3). The fracture surface of the shaft was observed
to be generally flat and smooth across slightly more than 80% of its cross-
section with the remaining area showing a rough and undulating appearance
(figure A3). A thumbnail shape mark of darker appearance, which apparently
corresponded to the fracture initiation site, was observed at the periphery of
the middle of the smooth fracture surface area.
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Examination of the surface of the shaft near to the fracture edge revealed a
circumferential line at about 15mm away from the fracture initiation site. The
circumferential line corresponded to the boundary of the inserted portion of
the shaft at the forward end of the propeller hub, which was observed to be
generally darker than the surface outside of the boundary line.

Some localized dent and smearing damage was also observed at the
periphery adjacent to the fracture initiation due likely to secondary mechanical
damage sustained in the course of the total separation of the fractured shaft
portion inserted within the propeller hub.

4.2 Site Visual Examination of Starboard Propeller Hub

The propeller hub was observed to be generally intact apart from a localized
dent damage at the edge of the bore, which was located close to the fracture
initiation site of the shaft (figure A4). This was apparently associated with
secondary damage sustained in the course of the total fracture of the shaft
where similar damage was observed at a localized area of the periphery of
the fracture edge adjacent to the fracture initiation site. The internal surface of
the hub did not reveal any significant damage or wastage apart from some
scattered presence of darkish stains/deposits.

Two of the four propeller blades were observed with dark irregular markings
on the surface (figure A5). The fracture initiation site of the shaft was noted to
be located near to one of the blades with surface markings. It is not known if
the markings were superficial surface irregularities or associated with weld
repair patches, etc. The verification of the nature of these markings was
however not within the scope of this assessment.

The old propeller hub was also located at the workshop (figure A6). It was
observed that the old propeller hub had thicker and shorter blades. The
internal surface of the hub was also generally intact apart from some patches
of darkish stains near to the forward end.

4.3 Laboratory Visual Examination of Starboard Shaft

The relatively flat and smooth fracture surface of the shaft which occupied
slightly more than 80% of the cross-section was observed with distinct beach
marks throughout (figure A7). Close examination revealed a relatively broad
thumbnail shape area of slightly darker appearance where the beach marks
were observed to have emanated from, corresponding to the fracture initiation
site (figure A8). Apart from some localized smearing damage at the adjacent
area of the peiphery, no obvious defects was observed at the fracture
initiation site.
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The propagation of the beach marks, which are indicative of fatigue crack
propagation, were initially observed to be oriented normal to the fracture
initiation site (figure A7). The progressive orientation of the crack fronts of the
beach marks gradually tilt asymmetrically towards the right side of the fracture
surface (relative to the picture in figure A7), likely associated with the
influence of rotational bending fatigue towards the latter part of the crack

The remaining part of the fracture surface after the boundary of the beach
marks had rough and undulating appearance consistent with the final fracture

Examination of the shaft surface adjacent to the fracture initiation site

revealed a few minute transverse fissures oriented parallel and close to the
edge of the main fracture (figure A9).

4.4 Fractographic Examination of Starboard Shaft

Fractographic examination was conducted on the fracture surface using a
Hitachi S3400 scanning electron microscope (SEM). The fracture surface was
ultrasonically cleaned in Alconox solution prior to the examination.

The fractographic features on the fracture surface had generally been

obliterated due to smearing and interfacial rubbing in the course of the failure
(figures A10 to A12). Some striated features, which may be associated with
vestiges of fatigue striations, were observed at isolated areas of the fracture
surface (figures A11 and A12).

4.5 Sectional Metallographic Examination

Sectional metallographic examination was conducted radially and
perpendicularly across the fracture initiation area. The metallographic section
was mounted, ground, polished and etched in accordance with ASTM E3-11
and ASTM E407-07e1. The macrographs and micrographs are shown in
figures A13 to A15.

The fracture path was generally smooth and transgranular with no significant
grain deformation (figures A13 and A14). The slight inclination of the crack
path, which was essentially transverse to the surface, turned slightly after
about 0.1mm depth of propagation. The observed fracture propagation
morphology was consistent with fatigue crack propagation. An incipient crack
with generally similar transgranular morphology was also observed
propagating from the shaft surface in the vicinity of the fracture (figure A15).
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The shaft surface at and away from the fracture and incipient crack was
generally intact with no significant corrosion or damage observed (figures A14
and A15).

The base material of the shaft material had satisfactory ferrite and pearlite
microstructure, typical of normalized steel. No material defects or anomalies
was observed at the fracture initiation site and the general areas of the
section examined.

4.6 Micro-Hardness Test

Micro-hardness test was performed on the representative locations of the

metallographic section using an Akashi MVK-G1 micro-hardness tester with a
penetration load of 300gf at 55X magnification in accordance with ASTM
E384-11e1. The hardness test results are summarized in the table below.

Hardness Results (HV)

Location Standard
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Average
Deviation, %
Adjacent to fracture
210 216 209 210 211 211 1.33
initiation area
Intact area away
202 211 201 202 204 204 1.99
from fracture

Base Metal 203 198 196 208 197 200 2.50

The average hardness values of the shaft surface adjacent to and away from
the fracture initiation area were generally consistent, ranging from 208 HV to
217 HV. The approximate tensile strength of the base metal based on
conversion of the average hardness of 200HV with reference to ASTM A370-
11 was 650N/mm2, which was complied with the specified tensile strength
requirements of 600 to 650 N/mm2.

4.7 Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) Analysis

Semi-quantitative EDX analysis was conducted on the scale/deposits on the
fracture surface and shaft surface. A Thermo Scientific UltraDry EDX detector
with NoranTM System 7 X-ray microanalysis system coupled to a Hitachi
SU3500 scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used. The EDX results are
tabulated as follows and the EDX spectra are shown in figures A16 and A17.
Report No,: Page No.:


Elemental Content by Weight %

C* O Al Na Mg Si S Cl Ca Fe
Fracture surface at
35.78 33.52 - 0.51 0.44 2.47 0.49 0.53 7.94 18.32
initiation area
Shaft surface adjacent to
40.58 34.28 0.10 0.36 - 1.47 - 0.49 0.35 22.37
fracture initiation area
* Carbon readings are not representative of actual content due to interference from surrounding test base.

The scale/deposits on the fracture surface and shaft surface generally

revealed major presence of iron and oxygen with minor presence of
aluminium, sodium, magnesium, silicon, sulphur, chloride and calcium. The
elements detected were mainly associated with iron oxides of the shaft
material with the minor elemental constituents essentially associated with
contamination from seawater.


Preliminary visual examination of the shaft prior to removal from the stern
tube was conducted on 5th March 2014, followed by detailed inspections on
10th and 12th March 2014 after the shaft was removed. Visual examination
was conducted on the propeller on 7th March 2014, which had been removed
and relocated to the workshop of Mencast Marine Pte Ltd.

The site and laboratory photographic documentation and results are compiled
in Appendix B, figures B1 to B13.

5.1 Visual Examination of Port Shaft

The shaft was observed to be covered with white developer used for MPI
during the initial preliminary inspection (figure B1). Examination of localized
areas where the developer had been removed revealed fine pits and
copperish tint at about 930mm from the first step of the shaft from the aft end,
which corresponded to the location at around 20mm from the forward end of
the hub within the propeller hub seat area.
Report No,: Page No.:


The shaft was later removed from the stern hub and the MPI developer
around the reported “damaged” area was cleaned to facilitate examination.
Irregular blackish patches with some apparent scale were observed scattered
circumferentially around the shaft surface at approximately 830mm to 930mm
from the first step of the shaft from the aft end, which corresponded to the
propeller hub seat area (figures B2 to B4). Close examination revealed that
the blackish patches at the shaft surface were roughened with clusters of
minute pits.

The shaft surface within the propeller hub seating area was also tinted with
streaks and patches of copperish material within and adjacent to the darkish
pitted patches (figures B3 and B4). Closer examination revealed that the
copperish material had smeared onto the shaft surface at scattered locations
around the circumference.

The depth of the pits at the shaft surface were measured using a Mitutoyo pit
gauge. A total of six locations were examined. The depth of the pits ranged
from 0.92 to 0.99mm.

5.2 Visual Examination of Port Propeller Hub

Visual examination of the propeller hub revealed there were similar darkish
patches and discoloration on the aluminum bronze propeller hub surface near
to the forward end that corresponded to the irregular blackish patches and
copperish smeared areas on the shaft (figure B5). The remaining surface of
the propeller hub in contact with the shaft was generally intact with no
significant damage, discoloration or deposition.

5.3 Surface Replication of Port Shaft

Surface replication was conducted on the following locations of the shaft to
determine the characteristics of the pits and the copperish tint areas.

(i) Base metal away from the “damaged” area outside of the propeller hub
seating area
(ii) “Damaged” area – Across blackish patch
(iii) “Damaged” area – Across area with copperish tint

The examined surfaces were replicated using an acetate tape in the existing
condition and after being lightly polished and etched in accordance with
ASTM E407-07e1 and ASTM E1351-01 (2012) to obtain the microstructure.
The replicated surfaces were later examined under an optical microscope in
the laboratory. The replicated micrographs are shown in figures B6 to B9.
Report No,: Page No.:


Base Metal. The base metal exhibited fine ferrite and pearlite microstructure,
consistent with normalized carbon steel material (figure B6).

Blackish Patch Area. At a magnification of 50X, it was observed that the

clusters of pits were generally in the form of essentially circular craters amidst
the non-pitted surface, which revealed machining marks associated with
fabrication (figure B7). At a higher magnification of 200X and 500X, the shaft
surface within the pits revealed a roughened surface. The rough morphology
of the shaft surface inside the pits was consistent with corrosion attack. Some
of the darkish scales had detached off from the shaft surface and were stuck
onto the replicated acetate tape within the pits. The surface was later polished
and etched, which revealed a satisfactory ferrite and pearlite microstructure,
similar to that of the surface away from the “damaged” area (figure B8).

Copperish Tint Area. The surface replica of the copperish tint area revealed
scattered irregular patches covering parts of the generally circumferential line
marks of the shaft surface. Copperish particles were observed on the irregular
patches, indicating that the copperish tint was associated with the aluminum
bronze propeller material that was smeared onto the shaft (figure B9).

5.4 In-Situ Hardness Test

In-situ hardness test was conducted on the base metal within and away from
the “damaged” area with compliance to ASTM E110-10. A Krautkramer
MIC10 portable hardness tester was used for the test. The hardness readings
are presented in the following table.

Hardness Value in HV Standard

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Average Deviation (%)
Within the
183 188 201 199 194 193 3.89
“damaged” area
Away from the
181 188 186 202 192 190 4.16
“damaged” area

The average hardness values of the base metal within and away from the
“damaged” area were 193 and 190HV respectively. The approximate tensile
strength values, based on conversion of the hardness readings with reference
to ASTM A370-12, were 629 and 620 N/mm2 respectively, which were within
the stated tensile strength requirement of 600-650 N/mm2 of the shaft.
Report No,: Page No.:


5.5 Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) Analysis

Semi-quantitative EDX analysis was conducted on the deposits that were still
adhered to the shaft surface and from the corresponding surface of the
propeller hub at the “damaged” area. The EDX results are tabulated as
follows and the spectra are shown in figures B10 to B13.


C* O Mg Al Si S Cl Ca Fe Cu Ni Mn
scale (pitted 17.34 28.39 - 0.10 0.24 0.45 0.36 - 52.32 - - 0.81
36.19 27.36 - 6.13 0.14 - - - 6.83 20.94 1.38 1.03
Deposits -
50.09 27.52 0.24 2.03 1.40 0.72 0.16 3.83 5.60 8.41 - -
Propeller Analysis #1
hub Deposits -
49.68 27.48 0.17 2.27 1.70 0.70 0.18 3.90 5.67 7.65 0.61 -
Analysis #2
* Carbon readings are not representative of actual content due to interference from surrounding test base.

The darkish scale revealed major presence of iron, carbon and oxygen with
minor presence of aluminum, silicon, sulphur, chloride and manganese, which
were mainly associated with iron oxides of the corrosion products. Trace
presence of chloride was detected, which may be indicative of its role in the

The copperish material revealed major presence of copper, carbon and

oxygen with minor presence of aluminum, iron, nickel, manganese and silicon.
The elements detected were essentially associated with the smeared
aluminum bronze material of the propeller hub.

Analysis on the deposits taken from the propeller hub at the “damaged” area
generally revealed major presence of carbon and oxygen with minor presence
of iron, copper, aluminum, silicon, magnesium, sulphur, chloride, calcium and
nickel. The elements detected were a mix of those detected in the darkish
deposits and the worn/smeared propeller hub material on the shaft surface.
Report No,: Page No.:



The site assessment and laboratory analysis findings revealed that the
starboard shaft had failed by fatigue within the propeller hub seat area at just
about 15mm away from the forward end of the hub. This corresponds to the
relatively high stress area where the shaft section starts to taper and the shaft
droops from the overhanging weight of the propeller. The upper and lower
surfaces of the shaft would be subjected to tensile and compressive stresses
respectively which alternates accordingly as the shaft rotates. Apart from such
cyclic bending stresses, the shaft may also be subjected to a complex array of
cyclic axial and torsional stresses as well as stresses associated with thrust
and vibration.

The presence of stress raisers such as corrosion pits, notch marks,

metallurgical defects, etc, can also help to facilitate fatigue initiation. However,
laboratory examination of the received sample of the shaft did not reveal any
significant presence of corrosion pits, mechanical notch or material defects at
the fracture initiation site, whilst noting that the examination was confined to
the fracture half of the shaft towards the forward end. The available findings
suggests that the fatigue failure was more likely associated with appreciable
cyclic stresses sustained at the shaft area near the forward end of the hub.
The initial orientation of the progressive crack front pattern normal to the shaft
surface suggests the involvement of essentially bending and possibly axial
stresses. As the crack extended deeper into the cross-section, rotational
bending effects started to play a more influential role which accounted for the
slight tilting of the crack front progression at the latter half.

In view of the above findings and the installation of propellers with a different
design two years ago, it may be beneficial to model and study the stress
distribution on the shaft associated with the new propeller and assembly.

Examination of the port shaft, where the full length of the propeller hub seat
area was available, revealed some extent of corrosion with clusters of minute
pits of up to about 1.0mm deep at localized irregular blackish patches near to
the forward end of the hub. The blackish scales on the surface were
essentially iron oxides of the steel corrosion products with some traces of
chloride, suggesting some corrosion activity at the interface between the hub
and the shaft near to the forward end. There was also some transfer of
smeared copper alloy material from the propeller hub onto the shaft surface.
Report No,: Page No.:


Fracture cause of starboard shaft. The fracture of the shaft within the
propeller hub seat area at about 15mm away from the forward end of the hub
was attributed to fatigue cracking. No significant material defects, mechanical
damage or corrosion pits was found at the fracture initiation site of the
fractured shaft sample. The microstructure and hardness condition of the shaft
was generally satisfactory and consistent with the material specification
requirements. The fatigue failure was most likely due to appreciable cyclic
bending stresses sustained at the particular area of the shaft during operation.

Condition of port shaft. The surface of the shaft at the propeller seat hub
area was generally satisfactory apart from the scattered presence of irregular
blackish patches and copperish tint particularly near the forward end of the
hub. Localized corrosion in the form of clusters of minute pits of up to about
1.0mm deep was observed within the irregular blackish areas. The copperish
tint observed at scattered areas of the shaft was essentially associated with
the aluminum bronze material of the propeller hub that had smeared onto the
shaft surface. The microstructure and hardness condition of the shaft was
generally satisfactory and consistent with the material specification
Report No,: Page No.:


Photographic and Laboratory Documentation of
Starboard Shaft
Report No,: Page No.:


General view of starboard shaft

Close-up views of fracture surface of the shaft at propeller end

Figure A1 Starboard Shaft – On-Site Condition. The fractured shaft was still
retained within the stern tube during the site examination. The fracture
was located within the propeller hub seat area near the forward end.
The fracture plane was essentially oriented transversely across the
shaft’s cross-section.
Report No,: Page No.:


General view of fractured shaft before cutting

Shaft surface along its length

Figure A2 Starboard – Fractured Propeller Shaft. Examination of the external

surface of the shaft after it was removed from the stern tube revealed
that the existing condition of the shaft was generally intact and
satisfactory apart from some circumferential surface marks at localized
Report No,: Page No.:


Cut-out portion of fractured shaft

Side view of shaft surface adjacent to fracture initiation area

Figure A3 Starboard – Fractured Propeller Shaft. The shaft was sectioned at

about 100mm away from the fracture. The fracture surface was observed to
be generally flat and smooth across slightly more than 80% of its cross-
section with the remaining area showing a rough and undulating appearance.
A thumbnail shape mark of darker appearance, which apparently
corresponded to the fracture initiation site, was observed at the periphery of
the middle of the smooth fracture surface area. The surface of the shaft near
to the fracture edge revealed a circumferential line at about 15mm away from
the fracture initiation site. Some localized dent and smearing damage was
also observed at the periphery adjacent to the fracture initiation due likely to
secondary mechanical damage.
Report No,: Page No.:


General view (left) and internal surface (right) of new propeller hub

Close up view of internal surface of new propeller hub

Figure A4 Starboard - New Propeller. The propeller hub was observed to be

generally intact apart from a localized dent damage at the edge of the
bore, which was located close to the fracture initiation site of the shaft.
The internal surface of the hub did not reveal any significant damage or
wastage apart from some scattered presence of darkish
Report No,: Page No.:


Side of propeller that coincides with

the fracture area of shaft

General view of propeller blades

Close-up views of propeller blades adjacent to (left) and away from (right) “damaged” area of propeller hub

Figure A5 Starboard - New Propeller. Two of the four propeller blades were
observed with dark irregular markings on the surface. The fracture
initiation site of the shaft was noted to be located near to one of the
blades with surface markings.
Report No,: Page No.:


General view of old propeller

Close up view of internal surface of old propeller hub

Figure A6 Starboard - Old Propeller. The old propeller hub was also located at
the workshop. It was observed that the old propeller hub had thicker
and shorter blades. The hub internal surface also revealed some
patches of darkish stains near to the forward end.
Report No,: Page No.:


General view of as received sample

General view of fracture initiation area

Figure A7 As-received Sample, Fracture Surface. The relatively flat and

smooth fracture surface of the shaft which occupied slightly more than
80% of the cross-section was observed with distinct beach marks
throughout. Close examination revealed a relatively broad thumbnail
shape area of slightly darker appearance where the beach marks were
observed to have emanated from, corresponding to the fracture
initiation site (indicated by red arrow). The propagation of the beach
marks were observed initially to be oriented normal to the fracture
initiation site. The progressive orientation of the crack fronts of the
beach marks gradually tilt asymmetrically towards the right side of the
fracture surface. The remaining part of the fracture surface after the
boundary of the beach marks had rough and undulating appearance.
Report No,: Page No.:



Close-up view of fracture initiation area – before cleaning


Close-up view of fracture initiation area – after cleaning

Figure A8 Fracture Initiation Area. Close examination revealed a relatively broad

thumbnail shape area of slightly darker appearance where the beach
marks were observed to have emanated from, corresponding to the
fracture initiation site. Apart from some localized smearing damage at the
adjacent area of the periphery, no obvious defects was observed at the
fracture initiation site.
Report No,: Page No.:


Shaft surface at the fracture initiation area

Figure A9 Shaft Surface Adjacent To Fracture Initiation Area. Examination of

the shaft surface adjacent to the fracture initiation area revealed a few
minute transverse fissures essentially oriented parallel to the main
Report No,: Page No.:


Fractographs at 50X (top) and 500X (bottom)

Figure A10 Fractographs Of Fracture Initiation Area. The fractographic features

on the fracture surface had generally been obliterated due to smearing
and interfacial rubbing in the course of the failure.
Report No,: Page No.:


Fractographs at 50X (top) and 3000X (bottom)

Figure A11 Fractographs Of Fracture Initiation Area. The fractographic features

on the fracture surface had generally been obliterated due to smearing
and interfacial rubbing in the course of the failure. Some striated features,
which may be associated with vestiges of fatigue striations, were
observed at isolated areas of the fracture surface
Report No,: Page No.:


Fractographs at 50X (top) and 3000X (bottom)

Figure A12 Fractographs Of Fracture Initiation Area. The fractographic features

on the fracture surface had generally been obliterated due to smearing
and interfacial rubbing in the course of the failure. Some striated features,
which may be associated with vestiges of fatigue striations, were
observed at isolated areas of the fracture surface
Report No,: Page No.:


Examined location

Fracture surface



Figure A13 Macrograph Of Examined Section – At Fracture Initiation Area. The

fracture path was generally smooth and transgranular with no significant
grain deformation. The slight inclination of the crack path, which was
essentially transverse to the surface, turned slightly after about 0.1mm
depth of propagation. The observed fracture propagation morphology
was consistent with fatigue crack propagation.
Report No,: Page No.:



Micrograph at 50X

Micrograph at 200X

Figure A14 Micrographs Of Examined Section – At Fracture Initiation Area.

The fracture path was generally smooth and transgranular with no
significant grain deformation. The shaft surface near to the fracture
area was generally intact with no significant corrosion or damage
observed. The base material of the shaft material had satisfactory
ferrite and pearlite microstructure. No material defects or anomalies
was observed at the fracture initiation site.
Report No,: Page No.:


Micrograph at 200X

Micrograph at 500X

Figure A15 Micrographs Of Examined Section – Incipient Crack Adjacent To

Fracture Surface. An incipient crack with generally similar
transgranular morphology was observed propagating from the shaft
surface in the vicinity of the fracture. Apart from the minute incipient
crack, the shaft surface was generally intact with no significant
corrosion or damage observed.
Report No,: Page No.:


Element C-K O-K Na-K Mg-K Si-K S-K Cl-K Ca-K Fe-K
Weight % 35.78 33.52 0.51 0.44 2.47 0.49 0.53 7.94 18.32

Figure A16 EDX Result Of Scale/Deposits On Shaft Surface Adjacent To

Fracture Initiation Area. The scale/deposits on the fracture surface
revealed major presence of iron, oxygen and carbon with minor
presence of sodium, magnesium, silicon, sulphur, chloride and calcium.
Report No,: Page No.:


Elements C-K O-K Na-K Al-K Si-K Cl-K Ca-K Fe-K

Weight % 40.58 34.28 0.36 0.10 1.47 0.49 0.35 22.37

Figure A17 EDX Result Of Scale/Deposits On Shaft Surface Adjacent To

Fracture Initiation Area. The scale/deposits on the shaft surface
revealed major presence of iron, oxygen and carbon with minor
presence of aluminium, sodium, silicon, chloride and calcium.
Report No,: Page No.:


Photographic and Laboratory Documentation of
Port Shaft
Report No,: Page No.:


General view of port shaft

Aft end

“Damaged” area

General view of port shaft at propeller end

Close-up view of port shaft at “damaged” area

Figure B1 Port Shaft – On-Site Condition. The shaft was observed to be

covered with white developer used for MPI. Examination of localized
areas where the developer had been removed revealed fine pits and
copperish tint at about 930mm from the first step of the shaft from the
aft end, which corresponded to the location at around 20mm from the
forward end of the hub within the propeller hub seating area.
Report No,: Page No.:


Propeller end /
Aft end

Propeller end / Aft end

General views of port shaft

Hub seat area

Close-up view

Figure B2 Port Shaft. Irregular blackish patches with some apparent scale were
observed scattered circumferentially around the shaft surface at
approximately 830mm to 930mm from the first step of the shaft from
the aft end. Close examination revealed that the blackish patches at
the shaft surface were roughened with clusters of minute pits (see also
figures B3 and B4).
Report No,: Page No.:


Hub seat area

Aft end

Close-up view

Close-up views at copperish (left) and darkish (right) areas

Figure B3 Port Shaft – “Damaged” Area. Irregular blackish patches with some
apparent scale were observed scattered circumferentially around the
shaft surface at approximately 830mm to 930mm from the first step of
the shaft from the aft end. The blackish patches at the shaft surface
were roughened with clusters of minute pits. The shaft surface also
appeared to be tinted with streaks and patches of copperish material
within and adjacent to the darkish pitted patches within the propeller
hub seat area.
Report No,: Page No.:


Hub seat Towards

area Aft end

Close-up view at “damaged” area

Hub seat
area Towards
Aft end

Close-up view at darkish and copperish areas

Figure B4 Port Shaft – “Damaged” Area. Irregular blackish patches with some
apparent scale were observed scattered circumferentially around the
shaft surface at approximately 830mm to 930mm from the first step of
the shaft from the aft end. The blackish patches at the shaft surface
were roughened with clusters of minute pits. The shaft surface also
appeared to be tinted with streaks and patches of copperish material
within and adjacent to the darkish pitted patches. Closer examination
revealed that the copperish material appeared to have smeared onto
the shaft surface at scattered locations around the circumference.
Report No,: Page No.:


General view (left) and internal surface (right) of propeller hub

Close-up view of internal surface of propeller hub

Figure B5 Port Propeller Hub. It was observed that there were similar darkish
patches and discoloration of the aluminum bronze propeller hub
surface near to the forward end that corresponded to the irregular
blackish patches and copperish smeared areas of the shaft. The
remaining surface of the propeller hub in contact with the shaft was
generally intact with no significant damage, discoloration or
Report No,: Page No.:


Hub seat Towards

area Aft end

Micrograph at 100X

Micrograph at 500X

Figure B6 Surface Replication – Base Metal. The base metal exhibited fine
ferrite and pearlite microstructure, consistent with normalized carbon
steel material.
Report No,: Page No.:


Hub seat Towards

area Aft end

Micrograph at 50X

Micrographs at 200X (left) and 500X (right)

Figure B7 Surface Replication (Un-etched Condition) – Blackish Patch Area.

At a magnification of 50X, it was observed that the clusters of pits were
generally in the form of almost-circular craters amidst the non-pitted
surface, which revealed machining marks associated with fabrication.
At a higher magnification of 200X and 500X, the shaft surface within
the pits revealed a roughened surface.
Report No,: Page No.:


Micrograph of darkish area at 500X

Figure B8 Surface Replication (Etched Condition) – Blackish Patch And

Copperish Tint Areas. Further polishing and etching of the pits within
the blackish patch area revealed a satisfactory ferrite and pearlite
Report No,: Page No.:


Hub seat Towards

area Aft end

Micrograph at 50X

Micrograph at 200X

Figure B9 Surface Replication (Un-etched Condition) – Copperish Tint Area.

The surface replica of the copperish tint area revealed scattered
irregular patches covering parts of the generally circumferential line
marks of the shaft surface. Copperish particles were observed on the
irregular patches.
Report No,: Page No.:


Element C-K O-K Al-K Si-K S-K Cl-K Mn-K Fe-K

Weight % 17.34 28.39 0.10 0.24 0.45 0.36 0.81 52.32

Figure B10 EDX Result Of Shaft Surface – Darkish Scale (Pitted Area). The
darkish scale revealed major presence of iron, carbon and oxygen with
minor presence of aluminum, silicon, sulphur, chloride and manganese.
Report No,: Page No.:


Element C-K O-K Al-K Si-K Mn-K Fe-K Ni-K Cu-K

Weight % 36.19 27.36 6.13 0.14 1.03 6.83 1.38 20.94

Figure B11 EDX Result Of Shaft Surface – Copperish Material. The copperish
material revealed major presence of copper, carbon and oxygen with
minor presence of aluminum, iron, nickel, manganese and silicon.
Report No,: Page No.:


Element C-K O-K Mg-K Al-K Si-K S-K

Weight % 50.09 27.52 0.24 2.03 1.40 0.72

Element Cl-K Ca-K Fe-K Cu-K

Weight % 0.16 3.83 5.60 8.41

Figure B12 EDX Result Of Propeller Hub – Analysis #1. The deposits taken from
the propeller hub at the “damaged” area revealed major presence of
carbon and oxygen with minor presence of iron, copper, aluminum,
silicon, magnesium, sulphur, chloride and calcium.
Report No,: Page No.:


Element C-K O-K Mg-K Al-K Si-K S-K

Weight % 49.68 27.48 0.17 2.27 1.70 0.70

Element Cl-K Ca-K Fe-K Ni-K Cu-K

Weight % 0.18 3.90 5.67 0.61 7.65

Figure B13 EDX Result Of Propeller Hub – Analysis #2. The deposits taken from
the propeller hub at the “damaged” area revealed major presence of
carbon and oxygen with minor presence of iron, copper, aluminum,
silicon, magnesium, sulphur, chloride, calcium and nickel.
Report No,: Page No.:


Technical Drawing of Propeller Shaft
Report No,: Page No.:

Appendix F
Propeller Reports by Recon
Appendix G
Alignment and
Measurement Results by
Det Norske Veritas

Shaft Alignment Calculation,

Installation procedure and
Measurements Results for MV
KiwiRail Limited

Report No.: 2014-9217, Rev. 1

Document No.: 18WDVCP-1
Date: 2014-06-03
Project name: MV Aratere - Shaft alignment investigation and Det Norske Veritas (China)
assistance Company Limited DNV GL
Report title: Shaft Alignment Calculation, Installation Maritime
procedure and Measurements Results for MV Engineering Services China
Aratere (LDNV)
Customer: KiwiRail Limited, Private Bag 6001 House No. 9, 1591 Hong Qiao
Wellington 6141 Road
New Zealand 200336 Shanghai
Contact person: -
Date of issue: 2014-06-03 China
Project No.: PP101087 Tel: +86 21 3208 4518
Organisation unit: Engineering Services China (LDNV)
Report No.: 2014-9217, Rev. 1
Document No.: 18WDVCP-1

Task and objective:

Prepared by: Verified by: Approved by:

Morgan Wik Eric Haotian Moqi Wei Zhu

Principal Project Engineer Project Engineer Head of Department

[Name] [Name]
[title] [title]

[Name] [Name]
[title] [title]

☐ Unrestricted distribution (internal and external) Keywords:

☐ Unrestricted distribution within DNV GL Shaft Alignment, Installation, Jack loads
☐ Limited distribution within DNV GL after 3 years
☒ No distribution (confidential)
☐ Secret

Reference to part of this report which may lead to misinterpretation is not permissible.

Rev. No. Date Reason for Issue Prepared by Verified by Approved by

0 2014-06-02 First issue MOWI MOQIERIC ZHUW

1 2014-06-03 First revision MOWI
Table of contents
1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................. 1

2 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Scope of work 2
2.2 Plant particulars 2

3 METHOD DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................... 4

3.1 4
3.2 Shaft model 4
3.3 Material input data 4
3.4 Hydrodynamic propeller loads 5
3.5 External load definitions of directions 5
3.6 Gearbox model 5
3.7 Acceptance criteria 7

4 RESULTS ................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Static conditions 8
4.2 Warm running MCR condition 13
4.3 Jackload values and correction factors 16
4.4 Reaction influence numbers 17

5 SHAFT ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE.................................................................................. 18

5.1 Aligning with the strain gauge method 18
5.2 Verification with the jack method 18
5.3 Recommended shaft installation procedure 19

6 SEATRIAL ................................................................................................................ 20
6.1 Bearing temperature measurements 20
6.2 Whirling vibration measurements 22

7 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................... 23
7.1 Alignment result 23
7.2 Seatrial results 23

8 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 24

Appendix A Result
Appendix B Drawings and data

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page i


DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 1

This report contains the results of the shaft alignment calculation for the following propulsion plant.


• Type of vessel Car- & Train Ferry

• DWT 5,464 tonnage

• Year of built 1998

• Classification Society DNV

• DNV ID No. 20091

• IMO No. 9174828

The vessel is equipped with twin-screw electrical-driven propulsion plant. For each propulsion shaftline,
two electrical motor drive the fixed pitch propeller via the gearbox and shafts. The low speed shaftline is
comprised of a fixed pitch propeller, propeller shaft, three intermediate shafts and the gearbox. The
propeller shaft is resting on four sterntube bearings (including one auxiliary bearing next to the aft
bearing). There are two inboard intermediate bearings supporting the intermediate shafts. The
propulsion arrangement is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Shaft arrangement

2.1 Scope of work

The scope of work is to make an assessment of the as-built shaft alignment situation of the low speed
shaftlines. Then making a shaft alignment calculation and installation procedure in compliance with DNV
Rules. The two shaftlines are identical, but the as-built alignment situation is individual, i.e. both
starboard- and portside-shaftline is considered in this report. Shaft alignment calculations have been
carried out using the DNV Nauticus Machinery v..11.4 Shaft alignment tool.

All work is performed with reference to relevant drawings and documentations received from the

2.2 Plant particulars

2.2.1 Main engine
• Maker ABB

• Model AMB 560M_L BAB

• MCR power 2×2600 kW

• MCR speed 1200 r/m

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 2

2.2.2 Gearbox

• Model DUG-1931

• Reduction ratio 7.5 : 1

2.2.3 Propeller
• Maker Wartsila

• Type Fixed pitch propeller

• Propeller diameter 3950 mm

• Number of blades 4

• Mass of propeller cap 120 kg

• Mass of propeller in air 6544 kg

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 3


The conditions considered in this report are.

1. Cold static condition (Jack loads calculated)

2. Warm static condition

3. Warm running at MCR condition, 0.25 x T0

3.2 Shaft model

The theoretical model used for the analysis is based on the referenced drawings received and technical
information supplied by the customer. The model of low speed shaftline is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Shaft model

The propeller was modeled by introducing the mass at the centre of gravity. Propeller cap is introduced
as point mass.

The effective contact length of the bearings in Figure 2 is illustrated by the blue elements. In order to
obtain an realistic alignment it is important to model the shaft to bearing interaction as correctly as
possible. This is particularly important for the bracket bearing due to the significant length of the bearing.
The aft bearing is modelled with two support points at each end of the bearing. Other bearings are
modelled with one support point in the middle of the bearing. The wheel shaft of gearbox is modelled
according to maker’s simplified model. The thermal expansion of the main wheel shaft is included.

The centre points of the aft bracket bearing aft seal housing and forward sterntube bearing seal housing
are regarded as the reference points which the zero-offset reference line is running through.

3.3 Material input data

The following material properties were used.

Material type Condition E-modulus Shear modulus Density

[GPa] [GPa] [kg/m3]

1 Steel in air 210 81 7850

2 Steel in sea water 210 81 6850

3 Steel in lube oil 210 81 7000

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 4

Table 1 Material properties used

3.4 Hydrodynamic propeller loads

For the MCR running condition, the loads are listed in Table 2, and the definition of load directions
is shown in Figure 3. The hydrodynamic propeller loads were chosen as 25% of the nominal torque
at MCR condition according to experience from similar vessels.

Condition Fz Fy Mz My

[kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm]

MCR running 0.25xT0 0 0 77 -77

Table 2 Hydrodynamic propeller load

Figure 3 Definition of hydrodynamic propeller load directions

3.5 External load definitions of directions

The DNV Nauticus Machinery v.11.4 Shaft alignment tool uses the following definition of positive
directions for bending moments and shear forces.

Figure 4 Definitions of directions for forces and moments

3.6 Gearbox model

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 5

Only the low speed shaftline is considered in the alignment, i.e. for the gear box, only the output shaft
with the main wheel is included in the alignment model. The gear box model is based on the drawing and
data given by Reintjes as shown in Figure 5 below.

Figure 5 The drawing of gearbox output shaft

The thermal expansion of the main wheel bearings is 0.21 mm which is given by Reintjes. The main
wheel bearing diametrical clearance, mass of main wheel and output shaft were obtained from the
received drawings and data.

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 6

3.7 Acceptance criteria
3.7.1 Bearing load limits
The following limits were used.

Bearing Maximum Minimum Maximum Requirements

allowable allowable allowable from Class
load load mean pressure or
[MPa / kN] [MPa] [MPa]

Bracket brg (ASB) 0.8 / 198 N/A *) 0.8 Class

Aux brg (AUX) 1.2 / 82 N/A *) 1.2 Class

Mid Sterntube brg (MSB) 1.2 / 139 N/A *) 1.2 Class

Fwd Sterntube brg (FSB) 1.2 / 132 N/A *) 1.2 Class

Intermediate shaft brgs (ISB’s) 1.2 / 94 N/A *) 1.2 Class

Main wheel brgs (GB’s) N/A **) N/A **) N/A **) Maker

Table 3 Bearing load limits

*) Stern tube or intermediate bearings shall not be unloaded in any normal static or running operating condition
**) The difference between aft and forward bearing should follow the instruction which is stated in Chapter 3.7.2.

3.7.2 Gearbox bearing load limits

The main wheel installation should meet the acceptance criteria offered by Reintjes. The load difference
between aft and forward wheel bearings should be no larger than the limits set forth in the following

Table 4 Gearbox bearing load limits

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 7

The main results with some comments are presented in this chapter. The printouts of result from the
program including the natural frequencies and mode shapes are attached in Appendix. The alignment
was carried out such that the acceptance criteria are met.

4.1 Static conditions

For the static conditions, both cold and warm gearbox was considered. The effect of the temperature on
the thermal expansion of the wheel shaft bearings was considered. The static conditions were calculated
with propeller 100% submerged.


Y Z C Fh Fv F φ
[mm] [mm] [mm] [N] [N] [N] [deg]

AftSTBrg1 -1.000 -0.601 0.800 -12012 49807 51235 -13.56

AftSTBrg2 -0.771 -0.548 0.800 14270 42266 44609 18.66
AuxSTBrg -0.956 -0.745 0.800 848 8786 8827 5.52
MidSTBrg -1.519 -2.500 0.800 -5464 17682 18507 -17.17
FwdSTBrg -0.075 -1.333 0.800 1915 47242 47281 2.32
AftISBrg1 2.600 -0.400 0.600 -104 36455 36455 -0.16
FwdISBrg2 5.000 -0.800 0.600 1292 32299 32325 2.29
AftGBBrg 5.920 -0.210 0.235 -1678 28133 28183 -3.41
FwdGBBrg 5.990 0.100 0.215 934 36889 36901 1.45
Table 5 Bearing reactions, Cold static condition, Port side shaftline

Figure 6 State of vertical plane, Cold static condition, Port side shaftline

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 8

Figure 7 State of horizontal plane, Cold static condition, Port side shaftline


Y Z C Fh Fv F φ
[mm] [mm] [mm] [N] [N] [N] [deg]

AftSTBrg1 -1.000 -0.601 0.800 -12014 49810 51238 -13.56

AftSTBrg2 -0.771 -0.548 0.800 14272 42270 44614 18.66
AuxSTBrg -0.956 -0.745 0.800 848 8771 8812 5.52
MidSTBrg -1.519 -2.500 0.800 -5467 17723 18547 -17.14
FwdSTBrg -0.075 -1.333 0.800 1917 47137 47176 2.33
AftISBrg1 2.600 -0.400 0.600 -105 36759 36759 -0.16
FwdISBrg2 5.000 -0.800 0.600 1298 31565 31592 2.35
AftGBBrg 5.920 0.000 0.235 -1736 32225 32271 -3.08
FwdGBBrg 5.990 0.310 0.215 986 33299 33314 1.7
Table 6 Bearing reactions, Warm static condition, Port side shaftline

Figure 8 State of vertical plane, Warm static condition, Port side shaftline

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 9

Figure 9 State of horizontal plane, Warm static condition, Port side shaftline


Y Z C Fh Fv F φ
[mm] [mm] [mm] [N] [N] [N] [deg]

Bearing 0.964 -0.016 0.650 12837 33283 35673 21.09

Bearing 0.711 0.169 0.650 -19258 51878 55337 -20.37
Bearing 1.053 0.077 0.650 4386 20490 20954 12.08
Bearing 1.359 -2.714 0.650 3555 12240 12746 16.2
Bearing -0.061 -1.432 0.650 -1200 46274 46289 -1.48
Bearing -3.200 1.500 0.600 1045 37034 37049 1.62
Bearing -6.900 1.800 0.600 -2976 34738 34865 -4.9
Bearing -8.460 -0.210 0.235 7274 29282 30172 13.95
Bearing -8.640 -0.190 0.215 -5664 34339 34803 -9.37
Table 7 Bearing reactions, Cold static condition, Starboard side shaftline

Figure 10 State of vertical plane, Cold static condition, Starboard side shaftline

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 10

Figure 11 State of horizontal plane, Cold static condition, Starboard side shaftline


Y Z C Fh Fv F φ
[mm] [mm] [mm] [N] [N] [N] [deg]

Bearing 0.964 -0.016 0.650 12840 33286 35677 21.09

Bearing 0.711 0.169 0.650 -19259 51883 55342 -20.36
Bearing 1.053 0.077 0.650 4384 20476 20940 12.08
Bearing 1.359 -2.714 0.650 3558 12280 12785 16.16
Bearing -0.061 -1.432 0.650 -1202 46171 46186 -1.49
Bearing -3.200 1.500 0.600 1050 37331 37346 1.61
Bearing -6.900 1.800 0.600 -2992 34028 34159 -5.03
Bearing -8.460 0.000 0.235 7400 33177 33992 12.57
Bearing -8.640 0.020 0.215 -5778 30927 31462 -10.58
Table 8 Bearing reactions, Warm static condition, Starboard side shaftline

Figure 12 State of vertical plane, Warm static condition, Starboard side shaftline

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 11

Figure 13 State of horizontal plane, Warm static condition, Starboard side shaftline

Figures above show that all bearings are loaded in cold static condition. The bracket bearing is modelled
as a two-points-support bearing. The nominal relative shaft slope in the bracket bearing is found to be
less than 0.3 mm/m.

In the warm static condition the output shaft with main wheel is marginally raised, resulting in the same
load and slope for the bracket bearing compared to the cold condition because of long distance between
gear box and bracket bearing. The load difference between aft and forward wheel shaft bearing is small
which satisfies the acceptance criteria well.

The bending stress of the shaftline is found low. This result is satisfying.

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 12

4.2 Warm running MCR condition
The warm running MCR condition were investigated as well. The propeller was fully submerged.

Y Z C Fh Fv F φ
[mm] [mm] [mm] [N] [N] [N] [deg]

AftSTBrg1 -1.000 -0.601 0.800 18566 10666 21411 60.12

AftSTBrg2 -0.771 -0.548 0.800 19974 33798 39259 30.58
AuxSTBrg -0.956 -0.745 0.800 -31755 56522 64831 -29.33
MidSTBrg -1.519 -2.500 0.800 -10247 17712 20463 -30.05
FwdSTBrg -0.075 -1.333 0.800 3062 46951 47051 3.73
AftISBrg1 2.600 -0.400 0.600 -153 36835 36835 -0.24
FwdISBrg2 5.000 -0.800 0.600 1305 31545 31572 2.37
AftGBBrg 5.920 0.000 0.235 -1741 32250 32297 -3.09
FwdGBBrg 5.990 0.310 0.215 990 33279 33294 1.7
Table 9 Bearing reactions, Warm running MCR condition, Port side shaftline

Figure 14 State of vertical plane, Warm running MCR condition, Port side shaftline

Figure 15 State of horizontal plane, Warm running MCR condition, Port side shaftline

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 13

Y Z C Fh Fv F φ
[mm] [mm] [mm] [N] [N] [N] [deg]

Bearing 0.964 -0.016 0.650 -15153 1003 15186 -86.21

Bearing 0.711 0.169 0.650 -31900 34718 47148 -42.58
Bearing 1.053 0.077 0.650 42069 69574 81304 31.16
Bearing 1.359 -2.714 0.650 7353 12887 14837 29.71
Bearing -0.061 -1.432 0.650 -2079 45843 45890 -2.6
Bearing -3.200 1.500 0.600 1083 37420 37435 1.66
Bearing -6.900 1.800 0.600 -2997 34004 34136 -5.04
Bearing -8.460 0.000 0.235 7405 33204 34020 12.57
Bearing -8.640 0.020 0.215 -5781 30906 31442 -10.6
Table 10 Bearing reactions, Warm running MCR condition, Starboard side shaftline

Figure 16 State of vertical plane, Warm running MCR condition, Starboard side shaftline

Figure 17 State of horizontal plane, Warm running MCR condition, Starboard side shaftline

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 14

It is observed the loads of the aft bracket bearing, the sterntube bearings and intermediate bearings in
MCR running condition fulfil the requirements of DNV rules. The bending stress of the shaftline is low
which is satisfying.

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 15

4.3 Jackload values and correction factors
The inboard bearing loads shall be verified by jacking of the bearings. The following jack positions shall
be used. For the dial gauge, the dial gauge shall be acting above the jack. The base of the dial gauge
shall have an independent and rigid support.

The corresponding correction factors for verification of the inboard bearings were calculated. The jack
loads and corresponding correction factors are given for a 100% immersed propeller in cold static

Jack No. Bearing Correction factor Jack position

1 Forward sterntube brg (FSB) 1.1 100 mm aft of conical transition


2 Aft intermediate brg (ISB1) 1.0 100 mm aft of conical transition


3 Fwd intermediate brg (ISB2) 1.0 100 mm fwd of conical transition


4 Aft gerbox brg (AGB) 1.9 100 mm aft of aft face of fwd
intermediate shaft flange

Table 11 Positions of jacks and correction factors for the shaftline bearings

4.3.1 Bearing load limits

The limits taken from the newbuilding time were used, as found in the report made by BV Technicas. The
original tolerances for the bearing loads were +/-20% of the calculated load. For the gearbox bearing the
makers limits were used.
These limits are valid for the time when the alignment of the propulsion system was verified, i.e. at
quayside before seatrial. Over time the bearing loads will change, this is natural development. But the
changes shall not be so that the minimum or maximum limits are tested.

Bearing Maximum +20% of -20% of Minimum

allowable calculated calculated allowable
load load load load

[tons / kN] [tons / kN] [tons / kN] [tons / kN]

Fwd Sterntube Brg (FSB) 13.5 / 132 5.2 / 51 3.4 / 33 *) 0 / 0 *)

Aft Intermediate Shaft Brg (ISB1) 9.6 / 94 4.8 / 47 3.2 / 31 *) 0 / 0 *)

Fwd Intermediate Shaft Brg (ISB2) 9.6 / 94 4.1 / 40 2.7 / 26 *) 0 / 0 *)

Aft Gearbox Brg (AGB) N/A **) 3.0 / 30 2.5 / 24 N/A **)

Table 12 Bearing load limits

*) Stern tube or intermediate bearings shall not be unloaded or overloaded in any normal static or running operating
**) The difference between aft and forward bearing should follow the instruction which is stated in Chapter 3.7.2.

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 16

4.4 Reaction influence numbers
The reaction influence numbers matrix is a calculation of the reaction force change for all bearings in the
system if a given bearing is moved by 1.00 mm. The matrix can be used as a guideline if adjustment on
any shaftline bearing is required. The unit for the RIN-numbers is N/mm.


Units used: [N/mm]
Bearing 1 Bearing 2 Bearing 3 Bearing 4 Bearing 5

Bearing 1 2.22E+005 -3.38E+005 1.14E+005 3.58E+003 -1.16E+003

Bearing 2 -3.38E+005 5.61E+005 -2.30E+005 9.05E+003 -2.37E+003
Bearing 3 1.14E+005 -2.30E+005 1.30E+005 -1.88E+004 6.40E+003
Bearing 4 3.58E+003 9.05E+003 -1.88E+004 1.28E+004 -8.85E+003
Bearing 5 -1.16E+003 -2.37E+003 6.40E+003 -8.85E+003 9.61E+003
Bearing 6 1.95E+002 3.97E+002 -1.08E+003 2.73E+003 -5.01E+003
Bearing 7 -5.30E+001 -1.08E+002 2.92E+002 -7.45E+002 1.89E+003
Bearing 8 6.50E+001 1.32E+002 -3.58E+002 9.14E+002 -2.32E+003
Bearing 9 -5.08E+001 -1.03E+002 2.80E+002 -7.15E+002 1.82E+003

Bearing 6 Bearing 7 Bearing 8 Bearing 9

Bearing 1 1.95E+002 -5.30E+001 6.50E+001 -5.08E+001

Bearing 2 3.97E+002 -1.08E+002 1.32E+002 -1.03E+002
Bearing 3 -1.08E+003 2.92E+002 -3.58E+002 2.80E+002
Bearing 4 2.73E+003 -7.45E+002 9.14E+002 -7.15E+002
Bearing 5 -5.01E+003 1.89E+003 -2.32E+003 1.82E+003
Bearing 6 5.06E+003 -3.74E+003 6.67E+003 -5.23E+003
Bearing 7 -3.74E+003 5.97E+003 -2.46E+004 2.11E+004
Bearing 8 6.67E+003 -2.46E+004 2.00E+005 -1.81E+005
Bearing 9 -5.23E+003 2.11E+004 -1.81E+005 1.63E+005
Table 13 Reaction influence numbers matrix (RIN-matrix)

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 17

This alignment procedure is only guidance to the yard for installation of the shaft and verification of the
alignment. Before the alignment can start, all the essential welding works must be finished.

5.1 Aligning with the strain gauge method

This method consists of reading the strain values on the shaft in several sections. The strain values are
measured at the top and bottom of of each shaft section. Strain gauges will either be stretched,
compressed or neutral. The diameter, or area, at which strain is measured will then give the bending
moment at this section.

The measured resulting bending moments and bearing loads are compared with calculated values after a
reverse engineering alignment calculation is made. Note, that the ship’s condition must be as foreseen in
the calculation report. No temporary supports are relevant and the shaftline is con

5.2 Verification with the jack method

Alignment verification with jacking consist of hydraulically jacking the shaft near the bearing to be
verified, and plotting the deflection (lift) versus jackload (force) in a jack load graph as seen below.
When jacking, all couplings must be connected and the jacking shall be carried out when the ship is in
afloat condition. The jack is placed at a certain distance from the bearing as specified in the calculation
report. Both the ascending and descending values must be recorded and plotted. The readings can be
done from a load cell or an oil pressure gauge. It is recommended to use a loadcell to improve the
quality. The difference between the ascending and descending values should be within 40% of the jack

The straight line drawn in the middle between the linear part of the ascending and descending curve is
called the ‘theoretical shaft response’ and represents the bearing influence number. The jack load is in
the point where the dotted line is crossing the force axis. The jack load can be converted to the bearing
load by multiplying with the jack correction factor. See measurement result example in Figure 18.

Jack load graph

Shaft displacement [mm]

Jack up
Jack down
Jack load


0 100 200 300 400
Jack load [kN]

Figure 18 Typical jack load graph

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 18

5.3 Recommended shaft installation procedure
Alignment and verification should be carried out according to the following steps:

1. The stern tube is assumed to be aligned in the dock. The line running through centre of the aft
and forward sterntube seal spigot is defined as the reference line (0.00 offset).

2. A preliminary alignment of the inboard bearings and main gear should be carried out in dock.
The laser measurement specification given by DNVGL Advisory is to be followed.

3. Finish the propeller shaft installation including the shaft sealing.

4. The fixed pitch propeller must be mounted prior to the alignment.

5. Fill the stern tube with oil. (Recommended, required to be noted if no oil is filled) Connect the

6. Check the run-out at each bearing with a dial gauge.

7. Make a jack load measuement in cold static condition. Place the lifting device with a load cell or
hydraulic jack with a pressure gauge at the jacking positions. Place a dial gauge on the shaft just over
the jack position. Lift the shaft in steps and record both lift displacement and jack force for ascending
and descending steps.
If the run-out indicated shaft is bent it is recommended to turn the shaft 90deg and repeat the jacking to
see the influence to the jack load. If significant deviation of the two jacking results, turn the shaft 90deg
and repeat jacking again. Convert the jack loads to bearing loads. Compare the load value to the
allowable value.

8. Calibrate the strain gauges. Make a strain gauge measurement. Make a reverse engineering
calculation and evaluate the results. If needed adjust the intermediate bearing and if needed the main
gear. Re-take jacking measurements after adjustment. Re-evaluate the results.

9. The jacking measurements is recommended to be taken at cold ambient temperatures at afloat

condition. (i.e. normal ambient conditions with main gear in cold condition).

10. The jacking measurements are converted to bearing loads and verified against the recommended
limits. This to be main gearbox maker’s allowable loads and loads +/-20% for the shaftline bearings as
shown in the approved alignment calculation made by BV, Dwg no. TN 437/DTA/VIL/es rev. 1, dated

11. If the all the bearing loads and installation checks of the main gearbox all are within limits, carry
out the final chocking of the main gear and the intermediate bearings.

Items 1 – 5 should be carried out in the dry dock and items 6 – 11 should be carried out afloat. It is of
importance to verify the alignment by jacking afloat.

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 19

The sea trial was carried out according to the Cedervall Start-Up Procedure shown in the appendix. The
procedure was followed as far as it was possible. Variations were allowed since the sea trial was
performed outside Singapore where traffic is dense. In addition to running in of the bearings some
turning tests etc. are to be performed.

6.1 Bearing temperature measurements

The seawater temperature was 30.3 °C at the start of the seatrials. The draught of the vessel was
respectively 4.3 and 4.7 m for the aft and forward end. In the table below you find the start and alarm
temperatures for the bearings.

6.1.1 Bearing temperature acceptance criteria

The acceptance criterias are not only the absolute set alarm temperature levels. Instead, more
importantly the bearing temperatures are to be raised simultaneously and with similar trends over the
respective start temperatures for all bearings.

These temperature trends indicate that alignment of the sterntube bearings is in good order and that no
excessive friction occurs between the shaft and the bearings for normal running conditions. Same can be
said for the intermediate bearings. Temperature spikes are to be avoided. If temperature events take
place the Cedervall procedure is to be followed.

The following starting temperatures and temperature limits were used.

Bearing Port side, Starboard side,

Starting Starting Alarm
temperature temperature temperature

[°C] [°C] [°C]

Aft Sterntube Brg (ASB) 37.4 36.4 65

Aux Sterntube Brg (Aux) 39.0 34.0 65

Mid Sterntube Brg (MSB) 33.5 38.6 65

Fwd Sterntube Brg (FSB) 33.3 31.8 65

Aft Intermediate Shaft Brg (ISB1) 31.7 32.4 65

Fwd Intermediate Shaft Brg (ISB2) 31.8 32.7 65

Table 14 Bearing start temperatures and limits

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 20

6.1.2 Bearing temperature measurement results
So far the sea trial was successful and the lubrication oil temperature only increased by a few degrees
Celsius during the sea trial. The figures below show the trends at Deadslow and Slow speed ahead.

Bearing temperatures (Port side)

Temperature (degC)

42 ASB
36 MSB
34 FSB
15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 ISB2
Time (h)

Figure 19 Bearing temperatures vs time, Port side shaftline

Bearing temperatures (Starboard side)

Temperature (degC)

42 ASB
36 MSB
34 FSB
15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 ISB2
Time (h)

Figure 20 Bearing temperatures vs time, Starboard side shaftline

These trends are typical for a twin screw inward rotating propeller configuration. No temperature spikes
were noticed at any time. The result so far is satisfying.

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 21

6.2 Whirling vibration measurements
Whirling vibration measurements were made and the propulsion system was monitored at two locations.

First location is where the A-brackets attach to the hull. In this location shaft induced vibrations was
monitored on the A-bracket by accelerometers.

Second location is directly on the shaft just forward of the forward seal using proximity transducers. This
type of measurement is a direct measurement of the shaft displacement over time.

The accelerometers and proximity transducers can measure if a resonance is found in the upper speed
range. This is done during trial runs. The upper speed range is defined as 70% of the MCR speed. If a
resonance is found the induced vibrations are excessive and amplified many times over normal levels.

It is hard to state an absolute level in mm/s2, mm/s or mm. But as an example, in vibration velocity at
the A-bracket support it would be in a range of 20-60 mm/s. At these levels mechanical damage, i.e.
cracks is to be expected.

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 22

The analysis carried out is based on the referenced documentation for this vessel. Any changes of the
design which have effects of the alignment makes this report invalid and re-calculations of the alignment
should be considered.

The scope of work was to carry out a shaft alignment calculation, installation procedure and show
acceptance criterias for verification of satisfying alignment of the propulsion line. The strain gauge
method was carried out together with normal jack load measurements. Reverse engineering calculations
was carried out to evaluate the results.

The report presents the as-built alignment calculation for the low speed shaftlines of the vessel. It also
shows the verification of alignment during installation and seatrial. The propulsion system is presented
for the port- and starboard-shaftlines.

7.1 Alignment result

The proposed alignment was found to satisfy the specified shaft, bearing and gearbox acceptance criteria
for all investigated conditions. The chosen alignment is found to be the best compromise for what could
be achieved as the present as-built alignment.

Bracket bearings and sterntube bearings:

These four oil-lubricated bearings are loaded for all operating conditions investigated. The loads are
within the bearing acceptance criteria for all conditions.

Intermediate shaft bearings:

The calculated and measured bearing loads are within the requirements for all calculated conditions.

Main wheel bearings:

The calculated and measured average bearing loads are within the acceptance criteria offered by
Reintjes in cold and warm static condition.

7.2 Seatrial results

Bearing temperature measurements

So far during the seatrial the temperature levels and trends are typical for a twin screw inward rotating
propeller configuration. No temperature spikes were noticed at any time. The result was satisfying.

Whirling vibration measurements

Still to be done.

The Appendix is for reference material and results.

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 23



DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – Page 24


Id Description Position Extension Offset(V) Offset(H)
[-] [-] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
1 Bearing 1382 362.5 -0.016 0.964
2 Bearing 2027 362.5 0.169 0.711
3 Bearing 3158 200.0 0.077 1.053
4 Bearing 9205 340.0 -2.714 1.359
5 Bearing 13941 332.0 -1.432 -0.061
6 Bearing 20055 280.0 1.500 -3.200
7 Bearing 26080 280.0 1.800 -6.900
8 Bearing 31468 118.0 -0.210 -8.460
9 Bearing 31918 104.0 -0.190 -8.640

Id Description Position Stiffness
Structural(V) Structural(H) OilFilm Axial
[-] [-] [mm] [N/m] [N/m] [N/m] [N/m]
1 Bearing 1382 1.3E+009 5.0E+008 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
2 Bearing 2027 1.3E+009 5.0E+008 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
3 Bearing 3158 1.0E+009 5.0E+008 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
4 Bearing 9205 1.3E+009 5.0E+008 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
5 Bearing 13941 1.3E+009 5.0E+008 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
6 Bearing 20055 1.0E+009 1.0E+009 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
7 Bearing 26080 1.0E+009 1.0E+009 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
8 Bearing 31468 2.0E+009 2.0E+009 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
9 Bearing 31918 1.0E+009 1.0E+009 0.0E+000 0.0E+000

Bearings - Condition dependent:

Id Description Position Clearance ReacPoint ThermExp(V) ThermExp(H) HullDef(V)
[-] [-] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
1 Bearing 1382 0.650 40.0 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 Bearing 2027 0.650 322.5 0.000 0.000 0.000
3 Bearing 3158 0.650 100.0 0.000 0.000 0.000
4 Bearing 9205 0.650 170.0 0.000 0.000 0.000
5 Bearing 13941 0.650 166.0 0.000 0.000 0.000
6 Bearing 20055 0.600 140.0 0.000 0.000 0.000
7 Bearing 26080 0.600 140.0 0.000 0.000 0.000
8 Bearing 31468 0.235 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000
9 Bearing 31918 0.215 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000

Shaft elements:
Id Description Position Length DoAft DoFwd Di Mass (calc)
[-] [-] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg]
1 Shaft 0 205.0 250.0 250.0 0.0 79
2 Shaft 205 450.0 305.0 327.3 0.0 275
3 Shaft 655 500.0 327.3 352.0 0.0 352
4 Shaft 1155 187.0 352.0 352.0 0.0 143
5 Shaft 1342 40.0 352.0 352.0 0.0 31
6 Shaft 1382 322.5 352.0 352.0 0.0 246
7 Shaft 1705 322.5 352.0 352.0 0.0 246
8 Shaft 2027 40.0 352.0 352.0 0.0 31
9 Shaft 2067 583.0 352.0 352.0 0.0 445
10 Shaft 2650 100.0 352.0 352.0 0.0 76
11 Shaft 2750 162.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 115
12 Shaft 2912 146.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 104
13 Shaft 3058 100.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 71
14 Shaft 3158 100.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 71
15 Shaft 3258 50.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 36
16 Shaft 3308 5605.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 3995
17 Shaft 8913 292.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 208
18 Shaft 9205 470.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 335
19 Shaft 9675 50.0 340.0 332.0 0.0 34
20 Shaft 9725 3850.0 332.0 332.0 0.0 2616
21 Shaft 13575 200.0 332.0 332.0 0.0 136
22 Shaft 13775 166.0 332.0 332.0 0.0 113
23 Shaft 13941 166.0 332.0 332.0 0.0 113
24 Shaft 14107 298.0 332.0 332.0 0.0 203

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-1

25 Shaft 14405 100.0 332.0 332.0 0.0 68
26 Shaft 14505 50.0 332.0 320.0 0.0 32
27 Shaft 14555 250.0 320.0 320.0 0.0 158
28 Shrink fit 14805 700.0 520.0 520.0 0.0 1167
29 Shaft 15505 575.0 320.0 320.0 0.0 363
30 Shaft 16080 200.0 320.0 320.0 0.0 126
31 SG1Shaft 16280 500.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 233
32 Shaft 16780 1800.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 839
33 Shaft 18580 350.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 163
34 Flange 18930 75.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 233
35 Spacer ring 19005 100.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 311
36 Flange 19105 75.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 233
37 Shaft 19180 475.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 221
38 Shaft 19655 100.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 47
39 Shaft 19755 300.0 280.0 280.0 0.0 145
40 Shaft 20055 300.0 280.0 280.0 0.0 145
41 SG2Shaft 20355 645.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 301
42 Shaft 21000 405.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 189
43 Shaft 21405 1050.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 490
44 Shaft 22455 2100.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 979
45 Shaft 24555 500.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 233
46 Flange 25055 75.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 233
47 Flange 25130 75.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 233
48 Shaft 25205 575.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 268
49 Shaft 25780 300.0 280.0 280.0 0.0 145
50 Shaft 26080 300.0 280.0 280.0 0.0 145
51 Shaft 26380 100.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 47
52 SG3aShaft 26480 965.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 450
53 SG3bShaft 27445 1000.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 466
54 SG3Shaft 28445 1000.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 466
55 Shaft 29445 1150.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 536
56 Shaft 30595 350.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 163
57 Shaft 30945 100.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 47
58 Flange 31045 75.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 233
59 Spacer ring 31120 60.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 186
60 Flange 31180 75.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 233
61 Shaft 31255 154.0 330.0 330.0 0.0 103
62 Shaft 31409 59.0 330.0 330.0 0.0 40
63 Shaft 31468 59.0 330.0 330.0 0.0 40
64 Shaft 31527 30.0 500.0 500.0 0.0 46
65 Shaft 31557 77.0 1400.0 1400.0 0.0 930
66 Shaft 31634 23.0 1400.0 1400.0 0.0 278
67 Shaft 31657 100.0 1400.0 1400.0 0.0 1208
68 Shaft 31757 30.0 500.0 500.0 0.0 46
69 Shaft 31787 19.0 290.0 290.0 0.0 10
70 Shaft 31806 60.0 280.0 280.0 0.0 29
71 Shaft 31866 52.0 290.0 290.0 0.0 27
72 Shaft 31918 52.0 290.0 290.0 0.0 27
73 Shaft 31970 98.0 260.0 260.0 0.0 41
74 Shaft 32068 208.0 220.0 220.0 0.0 62
Total 23491 [kg]

Shaft external masses:

ID Mass name Position Mass
[-] [-] [mm] [kg]
1 Original Cap 205 120
65 31634 2452

Position MassInAir MassInWater
[mm] [kg] [kg]
655 5562 5562

Polar mass moment Of inertia (Jp)

Diametral mass moment Of inertia (Jd)
Additional mass due to entrained water (d_m)
Polar mass moment Of inertia of entrained water (d_Jp)
Diametral mass moment Of inertia of entrained water (d_Jd)

Jp Jd d_m d_Jp d_Jd

[kgm^2] [kgm^2] [kg] [kgm^2] [kgm^2]
17952 8976 1070 8976 8976

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-2

Jacks and temporary supports:
Position Jack? TempSupport?SupportOffset
[mm] [-] [-] [mm]
14405 Yes No 0.000
19655 Yes No 0.000
26480 Yes No 0.000
30945 Yes No 0.000

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-3


Id Description Position Extension Offset(V) Offset(H)
[-] [-] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
1 Bearing 1382 362.5 -0.016 0.964
2 Bearing 2027 362.5 0.169 0.711
3 Bearing 3158 200.0 0.077 1.053
4 Bearing 9205 340.0 -2.714 1.359
5 Bearing 13941 332.0 -1.432 -0.061
6 Bearing 20055 280.0 1.500 -3.200
7 Bearing 26080 280.0 1.800 -6.900
8 Bearing 31468 118.0 -0.210 -8.460
9 Bearing 31918 104.0 -0.190 -8.640

Id Description Position Stiffness
Structural(V) Structural(H) OilFilm Axial
[-] [-] [mm] [N/m] [N/m] [N/m] [N/m]
1 Bearing 1382 1.3E+009 5.0E+008 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
2 Bearing 2027 1.3E+009 5.0E+008 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
3 Bearing 3158 1.0E+009 5.0E+008 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
4 Bearing 9205 1.3E+009 5.0E+008 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
5 Bearing 13941 1.3E+009 5.0E+008 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
6 Bearing 20055 1.0E+009 1.0E+009 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
7 Bearing 26080 1.0E+009 1.0E+009 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
8 Bearing 31468 2.0E+009 2.0E+009 0.0E+000 0.0E+000
9 Bearing 31918 1.0E+009 1.0E+009 0.0E+000 0.0E+000

Bearings - Condition dependent:

Id Description Position Clearance ReacPoint ThermExp(V) ThermExp(H) HullDef(V)
[-] [-] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
1 Bearing 1382 0.650 40.0 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 Bearing 2027 0.650 322.5 0.000 0.000 0.000
3 Bearing 3158 0.650 100.0 0.000 0.000 0.000
4 Bearing 9205 0.650 170.0 0.000 0.000 0.000
5 Bearing 13941 0.650 166.0 0.000 0.000 0.000
6 Bearing 20055 0.600 140.0 0.000 0.000 0.000
7 Bearing 26080 0.600 140.0 0.000 0.000 0.000
8 Bearing 31468 0.235 0.0 0.210 0.000 0.000
9 Bearing 31918 0.215 0.0 0.210 0.000 0.000

Shaft elements:
Id Description Position Length DoAft DoFwd Di Mass (calc)
[-] [-] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg]
1 Shaft 0 205.0 250.0 250.0 0.0 79
2 Shaft 205 450.0 305.0 327.3 0.0 275
3 Shaft 655 500.0 327.3 352.0 0.0 352
4 Shaft 1155 187.0 352.0 352.0 0.0 143
5 Shaft 1342 40.0 352.0 352.0 0.0 31
6 Shaft 1382 322.5 352.0 352.0 0.0 246
7 Shaft 1705 322.5 352.0 352.0 0.0 246
8 Shaft 2027 40.0 352.0 352.0 0.0 31
9 Shaft 2067 583.0 352.0 352.0 0.0 445
10 Shaft 2650 100.0 352.0 352.0 0.0 76
11 Shaft 2750 162.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 115
12 Shaft 2912 146.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 104
13 Shaft 3058 100.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 71
14 Shaft 3158 100.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 71
15 Shaft 3258 50.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 36
16 Shaft 3308 5605.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 3995
17 Shaft 8913 292.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 208
18 Shaft 9205 470.0 340.0 340.0 0.0 335
19 Shaft 9675 50.0 340.0 332.0 0.0 34
20 Shaft 9725 3850.0 332.0 332.0 0.0 2616
21 Shaft 13575 200.0 332.0 332.0 0.0 136
22 Shaft 13775 166.0 332.0 332.0 0.0 113
23 Shaft 13941 166.0 332.0 332.0 0.0 113
24 Shaft 14107 298.0 332.0 332.0 0.0 203
25 Shaft 14405 100.0 332.0 332.0 0.0 68
26 Shaft 14505 50.0 332.0 320.0 0.0 32
27 Shaft 14555 250.0 320.0 320.0 0.0 158
28 Shrink fit 14805 700.0 520.0 520.0 0.0 1167

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-4

29 Shaft 15505 575.0 320.0 320.0 0.0 363
30 Shaft 16080 200.0 320.0 320.0 0.0 126
31 SG1Shaft 16280 500.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 233
32 Shaft 16780 1800.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 839
33 Shaft 18580 350.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 163
34 Flange 18930 75.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 233
35 Spacer ring 19005 100.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 311
36 Flange 19105 75.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 233
37 Shaft 19180 475.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 221
38 Shaft 19655 100.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 47
39 Shaft 19755 300.0 280.0 280.0 0.0 145
40 Shaft 20055 300.0 280.0 280.0 0.0 145
41 SG2Shaft 20355 645.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 301
42 Shaft 21000 405.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 189
43 Shaft 21405 1050.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 490
44 Shaft 22455 2100.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 979
45 Shaft 24555 500.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 233
46 Flange 25055 75.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 233
47 Flange 25130 75.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 233
48 Shaft 25205 575.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 268
49 Shaft 25780 300.0 280.0 280.0 0.0 145
50 Shaft 26080 300.0 280.0 280.0 0.0 145
51 Shaft 26380 100.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 47
52 SG3aShaft 26480 965.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 450
53 SG3bShaft 27445 1000.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 466
54 SG3Shaft 28445 1000.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 466
55 Shaft 29445 1150.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 536
56 Shaft 30595 350.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 163
57 Shaft 30945 100.0 275.0 275.0 0.0 47
58 Flange 31045 75.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 233
59 Spacer ring 31120 60.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 186
60 Flange 31180 75.0 710.0 710.0 0.0 233
61 Shaft 31255 154.0 330.0 330.0 0.0 103
62 Shaft 31409 59.0 330.0 330.0 0.0 40
63 Shaft 31468 59.0 330.0 330.0 0.0 40
64 Shaft 31527 30.0 500.0 500.0 0.0 46
65 Shaft 31557 77.0 1400.0 1400.0 0.0 930
66 Shaft 31634 23.0 1400.0 1400.0 0.0 278
67 Shaft 31657 100.0 1400.0 1400.0 0.0 1208
68 Shaft 31757 30.0 500.0 500.0 0.0 46
69 Shaft 31787 19.0 290.0 290.0 0.0 10
70 Shaft 31806 60.0 280.0 280.0 0.0 29
71 Shaft 31866 52.0 290.0 290.0 0.0 27
72 Shaft 31918 52.0 290.0 290.0 0.0 27
73 Shaft 31970 98.0 260.0 260.0 0.0 41
74 Shaft 32068 208.0 220.0 220.0 0.0 62
Total 23491 [kg]

Shaft external masses:

ID Mass name Position Mass
[-] [-] [mm] [kg]
1 Original Cap 205 120
65 31634 2452

External loads:
Position Load Moment Distributed Direction
[mm] [N] [Nm] [N] [-]
655 0 -78000 0 Vertical
655 0 -78000 0 Horizontal

Position MassInAir MassInWater
[mm] [kg] [kg]
655 5562 5562

Polar mass moment Of inertia (Jp)

Diametral mass moment Of inertia (Jd)
Additional mass due to entrained water (d_m)
Polar mass moment Of inertia of entrained water (d_Jp)
Diametral mass moment Of inertia of entrained water (d_Jd)

Jp Jd d_m d_Jp d_Jd

[kgm^2] [kgm^2] [kg] [kgm^2] [kgm^2]
17952 8976 1070 8976 8976

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-5

[mm] [kg/m^3] [GPa] [GPa]

Shaft 0 In water 7850 210.0 81.0

Shaft 205 In water 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 655 In water 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 1155 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 1342 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 1382 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 1705 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 2027 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 2067 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 2650 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 2750 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 2912 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 3058 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 3158 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 3258 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 3308 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 8913 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 9205 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 9675 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 9725 In oil 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 13575 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 13775 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 13941 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 14107 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 14405 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 14505 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 14555 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shrink fit 14805 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 15505 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 16080 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
SG1Shaft 16280 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 16780 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 18580 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Flange 18930 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Spacer ring 19005 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Flange 19105 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 19180 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 19655 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 19755 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 20055 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
SG2Shaft 20355 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 21000 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 21405 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 22455 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 24555 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Flange 25055 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Flange 25130 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 25205 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 25780 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 26080 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 26380 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
SG3aShaft 26480 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
SG3bShaft 27445 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
SG3Shaft 28445 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 29445 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 30595 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 30945 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Flange 31045 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Spacer ring 31120 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Flange 31180 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 31255 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 31409 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 31468 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 31527 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 31557 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 31634 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 31657 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 31757 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 31787 In air 7850 210.0 81.0

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-6

Shaft 31806 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 31866 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 31918 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 31970 In air 7850 210.0 81.0
Shaft 32068 In air 7850 210.0 81.0


Units used: [N/mm]
Bearing 1 Bearing 2 Bearing 3 Bearing 4 Bearing 5

Bearing 1 2.22E+005 -3.38E+005 1.14E+005 3.58E+003 -1.16E+003

Bearing 2 -3.38E+005 5.61E+005 -2.30E+005 9.05E+003 -2.37E+003
Bearing 3 1.14E+005 -2.30E+005 1.30E+005 -1.88E+004 6.40E+003
Bearing 4 3.58E+003 9.05E+003 -1.88E+004 1.28E+004 -8.85E+003
Bearing 5 -1.16E+003 -2.37E+003 6.40E+003 -8.85E+003 9.61E+003
Bearing 6 1.95E+002 3.97E+002 -1.08E+003 2.73E+003 -5.01E+003
Bearing 7 -5.30E+001 -1.08E+002 2.92E+002 -7.45E+002 1.89E+003
Bearing 8 6.50E+001 1.32E+002 -3.58E+002 9.14E+002 -2.32E+003
Bearing 9 -5.08E+001 -1.03E+002 2.80E+002 -7.15E+002 1.82E+003

Bearing 6 Bearing 7 Bearing 8 Bearing 9

Bearing 1 1.95E+002 -5.30E+001 6.50E+001 -5.08E+001

Bearing 2 3.97E+002 -1.08E+002 1.32E+002 -1.03E+002
Bearing 3 -1.08E+003 2.92E+002 -3.58E+002 2.80E+002
Bearing 4 2.73E+003 -7.45E+002 9.14E+002 -7.15E+002
Bearing 5 -5.01E+003 1.89E+003 -2.32E+003 1.82E+003
Bearing 6 5.06E+003 -3.74E+003 6.67E+003 -5.23E+003
Bearing 7 -3.74E+003 5.97E+003 -2.46E+004 2.11E+004
Bearing 8 6.67E+003 -2.46E+004 2.00E+005 -1.81E+005
Bearing 9 -5.23E+003 2.11E+004 -1.81E+005 1.63E+005

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-7

Horizontal plane
A positive moment turns clockwise at the forward end
A positive shear force points aport at the forward end


[-] [mm] [mm] [mrad] [Nm] [MPa] [N]

Shaft 0 -0.863 0.03 0 0.00 0

Shaft 205 -0.868 0.03 0 0.00 0
Shaft 655 -0.880 0.03 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1155 -0.893 0.03 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1342 -0.898 0.03 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1382 -0.899 0.03 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1705 -0.908 0.03 -3874 -0.90 -12012
Shaft 2027 -0.919 0.04 -7748 -1.81 -12012
Shaft 2067 -0.921 0.04 -7657 -1.79 2258
Shaft 2650 -0.955 0.07 -6341 -1.48 2258
Shaft 2750 -0.962 0.07 -6115 -1.43 2258
Shaft 2912 -0.974 0.08 -5749 -1.49 2258
Shaft 3058 -0.986 0.09 -5420 -1.40 2258
Shaft 3158 -0.995 0.09 -5194 -1.35 2258
Shaft 3258 -1.005 0.09 -4883 -1.27 3106
Shaft 3308 -1.009 0.10 -4728 -1.23 3106
Shaft 8913 -1.424 -0.07 12683 3.29 3106
Shaft 9205 -1.400 -0.09 13590 3.52 3106
Shaft 9675 -1.346 -0.14 12481 3.23 -2358
Shaft 9725 -1.339 -0.14 12363 3.44 -2358
Shaft 13575 -0.235 -0.38 3284 0.91 -2358
Shaft 13775 -0.158 -0.39 2813 0.78 -2358
Shaft 13941 -0.093 -0.39 2421 0.67 -2358
Shaft 14107 -0.028 -0.40 2347 0.65 -444
Shaft 14405 0.091 -0.40 2215 0.62 -444 Jack
Shaft 14505 0.131 -0.40 2171 0.60 -444
Shaft 14555 0.151 -0.40 2149 0.67 -444
Shaft 14805 0.252 -0.41 2038 0.63 -444
Shrink fit 15105 0.376 -0.41 1905 0.59 -444
Shrink fit 15505 0.542 -0.42 1727 0.54 -444
Shaft 16080 0.787 -0.43 1472 0.46 -444
Shaft 16280 0.873 -0.43 1384 0.43 -444
SG1Shaft 16780 1.091 -0.44 1162 0.57 -444
Shaft 18580 1.912 -0.47 363 0.18 -444
Shaft 18930 2.075 -0.47 208 0.10 -444
Flange 19005 2.110 -0.47 175 0.00 -444

Spacer ring 19105 2.156 -0.47 131 0.00 -444

Flange 19180 2.192 -0.47 97 0.00 -444
Shaft 19755 2.460 -0.47 -158 -0.08 -444 Jack
Shaft 20055 2.600 -0.47 -291 -0.13 -444
Shaft 20355 2.740 -0.46 -455 -0.21 -548
SG2Shaft 21000 3.037 -0.46 -808 -0.40 -548
Shaft 24555 4.506 -0.35 -2755 -1.35 -548
Shaft 25055 4.675 -0.33 -3029 -1.48 -548
Flange 25130 4.699 -0.33 -3070 -0.09 -548

Flange 25205 4.723 -0.33 -3111 -0.09 -548

Shaft 25780 4.901 -0.29 -3426 -1.68 -548
Shaft 26080 4.987 -0.28 -3590 -1.67 -548
Shaft 26380 5.067 -0.26 -3367 -1.56 744 Jack
SG3aShaft 27445 5.314 -0.21 -2574 -1.26 744
SSG3bShaft 28445 5.501 -0.17 -1830 -0.90 744
SG3Shaft 29445 5.656 -0.14 -1086 -0.53 744
Shaft 30445 5.794 -0.13 -341 -0.17 744
Shaft 30595 5.813 -0.13 -230 -0.11 744
Shaft 31045 5.872 -0.13 105 0.05 744
Flange 31120 5.882 -0.13 161 0.00 744 Jack

Spacer ring 31180 5.890 -0.13 206 0.01 744

Flange 31255 5.900 -0.13 262 0.01 744
Shaft 31409 5.920 -0.13 376 0.11 744
Shaft 31468 5.928 -0.13 420 0.12 744
Shaft 31527 5.936 -0.13 365 0.10 -934
Shaft 31557 5.940 -0.13 337 0.03 -934

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-8

Shaft 31634 5.950 -0.13 265 0.00 -934
Shaft 31657 5.953 -0.13 244 0.00 -934
Shaft 31757 5.966 -0.13 150 0.00 -934
Shaft 31787 5.970 -0.13 122 0.01 -934
Shaft 31806 5.972 -0.13 105 0.04 -934
Shaft 31866 5.980 -0.13 49 0.02 -934
Shaft 31918 5.987 -0.13 0 0.00 -934
Shaft 31970 5.994 -0.13 0 0.00 0
Shaft 32068 6.007 -0.13 0 0.00 0
Shaft 32276 6.034 -0.13 0 0.00 0

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-9

Horizontal plane
A positive moment turns clockwise at the forward end
A positive shear force points aport at the forward end


[-] [mm] [mm] [mrad] [Nm] [MPa] [N]

Shaft 0 -0.863 0.03 0 0.00 0

Shaft 205 -0.868 0.03 0 0.00 0
Shaft 655 -0.880 0.03 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1155 -0.893 0.03 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1342 -0.898 0.03 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1382 -0.899 0.03 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1705 -0.908 0.03 -3874 -0.90 -12014
Shaft 2027 -0.919 0.04 -7749 -1.81 -12014
Shaft 2067 -0.921 0.04 -7658 -1.79 2259
Shaft 2650 -0.955 0.07 -6342 -1.48 2259
Shaft 2750 -0.962 0.07 -6116 -1.43 2259
Shaft 2912 -0.974 0.08 -5750 -1.49 2259
Shaft 3058 -0.987 0.09 -5420 -1.40 2259
Shaft 3158 -0.995 0.09 -5194 -1.35 2259
Shaft 3258 -1.005 0.09 -4883 -1.27 3107
Shaft 3308 -1.009 0.10 -4728 -1.23 3107
Shaft 8913 -1.424 -0.07 12687 3.29 3107
Shaft 9205 -1.400 -0.09 13594 3.52 3107
Shaft 9675 -1.346 -0.14 12485 3.24 -2360
Shaft 9725 -1.339 -0.14 12367 3.44 -2360
Shaft 13575 -0.235 -0.38 3281 0.91 -2360
Shaft 13775 -0.158 -0.39 2809 0.78 -2360
Shaft 13941 -0.093 -0.39 2418 0.67 -2360
Shaft 14107 -0.028 -0.40 2344 0.65 -443
Shaft 14405 0.091 -0.40 2212 0.62 -443
Shaft 14505 0.131 -0.40 2168 0.60 -443
Shaft 14555 0.151 -0.40 2146 0.67 -443
Shaft 14805 0.253 -0.41 2035 0.63 -443
Shrink fit 15105 0.376 -0.41 1902 0.59 -443
Shrink fit 15505 0.543 -0.42 1725 0.54 -443
Shaft 16080 0.787 -0.43 1470 0.46 -443
Shaft 16280 0.873 -0.43 1382 0.43 -443
SG1Shaft 16780 1.091 -0.44 1160 0.57 -443
Shaft 18580 1.912 -0.47 363 0.18 -443
Shaft 18930 2.075 -0.47 208 0.10 -443
Flange 19005 2.110 -0.47 175 0.00 -443

Spacer ring 19105 2.157 -0.47 130 0.00 -443

Flange 19180 2.192 -0.47 97 0.00 -443
Shaft 19755 2.460 -0.47 -158 -0.08 -443
Shaft 20055 2.600 -0.47 -290 -0.13 -443
Shaft 20355 2.740 -0.46 -455 -0.21 -548
SG2Shaft 21000 3.037 -0.46 -809 -0.40 -548
Shaft 24555 4.505 -0.35 -2758 -1.35 -548
Shaft 25055 4.674 -0.33 -3032 -1.49 -548
Flange 25130 4.699 -0.33 -3073 -0.09 -548

Flange 25205 4.723 -0.33 -3114 -0.09 -548

Shaft 25780 4.901 -0.29 -3430 -1.68 -548
Shaft 26080 4.986 -0.28 -3594 -1.67 -548
Shaft 26380 5.066 -0.26 -3369 -1.56 749
SG3aShaft 27445 5.313 -0.21 -2571 -1.26 749
SSG3bShaft 28445 5.500 -0.17 -1822 -0.89 749
SG3Shaft 29445 5.655 -0.14 -1072 -0.53 749
Shaft 30445 5.793 -0.13 -323 -0.16 749
Shaft 30595 5.812 -0.13 -210 -0.10 749
Shaft 31045 5.871 -0.13 127 0.06 749
Flange 31120 5.881 -0.13 183 0.01 749

Spacer ring 31180 5.889 -0.13 228 0.01 749

Flange 31255 5.899 -0.13 284 0.01 749
Shaft 31409 5.919 -0.13 400 0.11 749
Shaft 31468 5.927 -0.13 444 0.13 749
Shaft 31527 5.935 -0.13 386 0.11 -986
Shaft 31557 5.939 -0.13 356 0.03 -986

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-10

Shaft 31634 5.949 -0.13 280 0.00 -986
Shaft 31657 5.952 -0.13 257 0.00 -986
Shaft 31757 5.965 -0.13 159 0.00 -986
Shaft 31787 5.969 -0.13 129 0.01 -986
Shaft 31806 5.972 -0.13 110 0.05 -986
Shaft 31866 5.980 -0.13 51 0.02 -986
Shaft 31918 5.987 -0.13 0 0.00 -986
Shaft 31970 5.994 -0.13 0 0.00 0
Shaft 32068 6.007 -0.13 0 0.00 0
Shaft 32276 6.034 -0.13 0 0.00 0

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-11

Horizontal plane
A positive moment turns clockwise at the forward end
A positive shear force points aport at the forward end


[-] [mm] [mm] [mrad] [Nm] [MPa] [N]

Shaft 0 -2.756 -1.11 0 0.00 0

Shaft 205 -2.528 -1.11 0 0.00 0
Shaft 655 -2.027 -1.11 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1155 -1.541 -0.83 -78000 -18.22 0
Shaft 1342 -1.395 -0.74 -78000 -18.22 0
Shaft 1382 -1.365 -0.72 -78000 -18.22 0
Shaft 1705 -1.159 -0.57 -72013 -16.82 18566
Shaft 2027 -1.000 -0.42 -66025 -15.42 18566
Shaft 2067 -0.983 -0.41 -64484 -15.06 38539
Shaft 2650 -0.806 -0.21 -42015 -9.81 38539
Shaft 2750 -0.786 -0.19 -38161 -8.91 38539
Shaft 2912 -0.760 -0.15 -31918 -8.27 38539
Shaft 3058 -0.741 -0.11 -26291 -6.81 38539
Shaft 3158 -0.730 -0.10 -22437 -5.81 38539
Shaft 3258 -0.721 -0.08 -21759 -5.64 6784
Shaft 3308 -0.718 -0.07 -21420 -5.55 6784
Shaft 8913 -1.306 0.03 16606 4.30 6784
Shaft 9205 -1.308 -0.01 18587 4.82 6784
Shaft 9675 -1.288 -0.07 16959 4.40 -3463
Shaft 9725 -1.284 -0.08 16786 4.67 -3463
Shaft 13575 -0.249 -0.39 3453 0.96 -3463
Shaft 13775 -0.170 -0.40 2760 0.77 -3463
Shaft 13941 -0.105 -0.40 2186 0.61 -3463
Shaft 14107 -0.038 -0.40 2119 0.59 -401
Shaft 14405 0.082 -0.41 1999 0.56 -401
Shaft 14505 0.123 -0.41 1959 0.55 -401
Shaft 14555 0.143 -0.41 1939 0.60 -401
Shaft 14805 0.246 -0.41 1839 0.57 -401
Shrink fit 15105 0.371 -0.42 1719 0.53 -401
Shrink fit 15505 0.539 -0.42 1558 0.48 -401
Shaft 16080 0.785 -0.43 1328 0.41 -401
Shaft 16280 0.872 -0.43 1248 0.39 -401
SG1Shaft 16780 1.092 -0.44 1047 0.51 -401
Shaft 18580 1.913 -0.47 325 0.16 -401
Shaft 18930 2.076 -0.47 185 0.09 -401
Flange 19005 2.111 -0.47 155 0.00 -401

Spacer ring 19105 2.157 -0.47 115 0.00 -401

Flange 19180 2.192 -0.47 84 0.00 -401
Shaft 19755 2.460 -0.47 -146 -0.07 -401
Shaft 20055 2.600 -0.47 -266 -0.12 -401
Shaft 20355 2.739 -0.46 -433 -0.20 -554
SG2Shaft 21000 3.036 -0.46 -790 -0.39 -554
Shaft 24555 4.505 -0.35 -2758 -1.35 -554
Shaft 25055 4.674 -0.33 -3034 -1.49 -554
Flange 25130 4.698 -0.33 -3076 -0.09 -554

Flange 25205 4.723 -0.33 -3117 -0.09 -554

Shaft 25780 4.901 -0.29 -3436 -1.68 -554
Shaft 26080 4.986 -0.28 -3602 -1.67 -554
Shaft 26380 5.067 -0.26 -3376 -1.57 751
SG3aShaft 27445 5.314 -0.21 -2577 -1.26 751
SSG3bShaft 28445 5.500 -0.17 -1825 -0.89 751
SG3Shaft 29445 5.655 -0.14 -1074 -0.53 751
Shaft 30445 5.793 -0.13 -323 -0.16 751
Shaft 30595 5.812 -0.13 -210 -0.10 751
Shaft 31045 5.872 -0.13 128 0.06 751
Flange 31120 5.881 -0.13 184 0.01 751

Spacer ring 31180 5.889 -0.13 229 0.01 751

Flange 31255 5.899 -0.13 285 0.01 751
Shaft 31409 5.919 -0.13 401 0.11 751
Shaft 31468 5.927 -0.13 445 0.13 751
Shaft 31527 5.935 -0.13 387 0.11 -990
Shaft 31557 5.939 -0.13 357 0.03 -990

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-12

Shaft 31634 5.949 -0.13 281 0.00 -990
Shaft 31657 5.952 -0.13 258 0.00 -990
Shaft 31757 5.965 -0.13 159 0.00 -990
Shaft 31787 5.969 -0.13 130 0.01 -990
Shaft 31806 5.972 -0.13 111 0.05 -990
Shaft 31866 5.980 -0.13 51 0.02 -990
Shaft 31918 5.987 -0.13 0 0.00 -990
Shaft 31970 5.994 -0.13 0 0.00 0
Shaft 32068 6.007 -0.13 0 0.00 0
Shaft 32276 6.034 -0.13 0 0.00 0

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-13

Vertical plane
A positive moment turns clockwise at the forward end
A positive shear force points upward at the forward end


[-] [mm] [mm] [mrad] [Nm] [MPa] [N]

Shaft 0 -1.467 0.33 0 0.00 0

Shaft 205 -1.399 0.33 68 0.04 -668
Shaft 655 -1.250 0.33 1426 0.41 -4189
Shaft 1155 -1.096 0.27 31544 7.37 -61740
Shaft 1342 -1.050 0.23 43206 10.09 -62984
Shaft 1382 -1.041 0.21 45731 10.68 -63250
Shaft 1705 -0.987 0.12 50412 11.77 -15589
Shaft 2027 -0.967 0.01 55785 13.03 -17734
Shaft 2067 -0.967 -0.01 54810 12.80 24266
Shaft 2650 -1.025 -0.18 41793 9.76 20388
Shaft 2750 -1.044 -0.21 39787 9.29 19723
Shaft 2912 -1.082 -0.25 36674 9.50 18717
Shaft 3058 -1.122 -0.29 34007 8.81 17811
Shaft 3158 -1.152 -0.32 32257 8.36 17191
Shaft 3258 -1.185 -0.34 29690 7.69 25356
Shaft 3308 -1.202 -0.35 28430 7.37 25046
Shaft 8913 -2.914 0.03 -14469 -3.75 -9738
Shaft 9205 -2.901 0.06 -11361 -2.94 -11550
Shaft 9675 -2.865 0.10 -13558 -3.51 3215
Shaft 9725 -2.860 0.10 -13711 -3.82 2912
Shaft 13575 -1.859 0.25 18931 5.27 -19869
Shaft 13775 -1.813 0.22 23038 6.41 -21202
Shaft 13941 -1.780 0.18 26649 7.42 -22308
Shaft 14107 -1.752 0.15 22602 6.29 23827
Shaft 14405 -1.715 0.10 15798 4.40 21841 Jack
Shaft 14505 -1.705 0.09 13647 3.80 21175
Shaft 14555 -1.701 0.09 12596 3.92 20854
Shaft 14805 -1.682 0.06 7576 2.36 19306
Shrink fit 15105 -1.666 0.05 2063 0.64 17448
Shrink fit 15505 -1.646 0.05 -1933 -0.60 7862
Shaft 16080 -1.612 0.07 -5429 -1.69 4302
Shaft 16280 -1.596 0.08 -6166 -1.92 3063
SG1Shaft 16780 -1.541 0.14 -7126 -3.49 777
Shaft 18580 -1.116 0.30 -1118 -0.55 -7453
Shaft 18930 -1.010 0.30 1771 0.87 -9054
Flange 19005 -0.987 0.30 2536 0.07 -11339

Spacer ring 19105 -0.957 0.30 3822 0.11 -14387

Flange 19180 -0.935 0.30 4987 0.14 -16673
Shaft 19755 -0.785 0.20 15330 7.51 -19302 Jack
Shaft 20055 -0.736 0.12 21334 9.90 -20724
Shaft 20355 -0.716 0.03 16828 7.81 14309
SG2Shaft 21000 -0.748 -0.11 8550 4.19 11360
Shaft 24555 -1.132 0.01 -2940 -1.44 -4895
Shaft 25055 -1.123 0.02 79 0.04 -7182
Flange 25130 -1.121 0.02 703 0.02 -9467

Flange 25205 -1.119 0.02 1499 0.04 -11753

Shaft 25780 -1.117 -0.03 9013 4.41 -14383
Shaft 26080 -1.132 -0.08 13541 6.28 -15805
Shaft 26380 -1.165 -0.13 8806 4.09 15073 Jack
SG3aShaft 27445 -1.343 -0.16 -4653 -2.28 10203
SSG3bShaft 28445 -1.441 -0.01 -12570 -6.16 5631
SG3Shaft 29445 -1.331 0.24 -15914 -7.79 1058
Shaft 30445 -0.959 0.50 -14686 -7.19 -3514
Shaft 30595 -0.880 0.54 -14107 -6.91 -4200
Shaft 31045 -0.614 0.64 -11754 -5.76 -6258
Flange 31120 -0.566 0.64 -11199 -0.32 -8544 Jack

Spacer ring 31180 -0.528 0.64 -10632 -0.30 -10372

Flange 31255 -0.480 0.64 -9768 -0.28 -12658
Shaft 31409 -0.380 0.65 -7741 -2.19 -13672
Shaft 31468 -0.341 0.66 -6922 -1.96 -14061
Shaft 31527 -0.303 0.66 -7741 -2.19 13684
Shaft 31557 -0.283 0.66 -8145 -0.66 13230

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-14

Shaft 31634 -0.232 0.66 -8812 -0.03 4106
Shaft 31657 -0.217 0.66 -8322 -0.03 -22666
Shaft 31757 -0.151 0.66 -5463 -0.02 -34516
Shaft 31787 -0.131 0.66 -4421 -0.36 -34970
Shaft 31806 -0.119 0.66 -3756 -1.57 -35067
Shaft 31866 -0.079 0.66 -1643 -0.76 -35351
Shaft 31918 -0.044 0.66 202 0.08 -35615
Shaft 31970 -0.010 0.66 143 0.06 1009
Shaft 32068 0.055 0.66 63 0.04 609
Shaft 32276 0.193 0.66 0 0.00 0

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-15

Vertical plane
A positive moment turns clockwise at the forward end
A positive shear force points upward at the forward end


[-] [mm] [mm] [mrad] [Nm] [MPa] [N]

Shaft 0 -1.467 0.33 0 0.00 0

Shaft 205 -1.399 0.33 68 0.04 -668
Shaft 655 -1.250 0.33 1426 0.41 -4189
Shaft 1155 -1.096 0.27 31544 7.37 -61740
Shaft 1342 -1.050 0.23 43206 10.09 -62984
Shaft 1382 -1.041 0.21 45731 10.68 -63250
Shaft 1705 -0.987 0.12 50411 11.77 -15585
Shaft 2027 -0.967 0.01 55783 13.03 -17731
Shaft 2067 -0.967 -0.01 54807 12.80 24273
Shaft 2650 -1.025 -0.18 41786 9.76 20395
Shaft 2750 -1.044 -0.21 39780 9.29 19730
Shaft 2912 -1.082 -0.25 36665 9.50 18725
Shaft 3058 -1.122 -0.29 33997 8.81 17819
Shaft 3158 -1.152 -0.32 32247 8.36 17198
Shaft 3258 -1.185 -0.34 29681 7.69 25349
Shaft 3308 -1.202 -0.35 28421 7.37 25039
Shaft 8913 -2.914 0.03 -14440 -3.74 -9745
Shaft 9205 -2.901 0.06 -11330 -2.94 -11557
Shaft 9675 -2.866 0.10 -13543 -3.51 3249
Shaft 9725 -2.860 0.10 -13698 -3.81 2946
Shaft 13575 -1.860 0.25 18814 5.24 -19835
Shaft 13775 -1.813 0.22 22915 6.38 -21168
Shaft 13941 -1.780 0.18 26520 7.38 -22275
Shaft 14107 -1.752 0.15 22485 6.26 23756
Shaft 14405 -1.714 0.11 15702 4.37 21770
Shaft 14505 -1.704 0.09 13558 3.77 21103
Shaft 14555 -1.700 0.09 12511 3.89 20782
Shaft 14805 -1.681 0.07 7509 2.33 19234
Shrink fit 15105 -1.663 0.05 2017 0.63 17377
Shrink fit 15505 -1.643 0.05 -1950 -0.61 7790
Shaft 16080 -1.607 0.07 -5405 -1.68 4230
Shaft 16280 -1.591 0.08 -6128 -1.90 2992
SG1Shaft 16780 -1.535 0.14 -7052 -3.45 706
Shaft 18580 -1.110 0.30 -915 -0.45 -7525
Shaft 18930 -1.004 0.30 1999 0.98 -9125
Flange 19005 -0.982 0.30 2769 0.08 -11411

Spacer ring 19105 -0.952 0.30 4062 0.12 -14459

Flange 19180 -0.930 0.30 5232 0.15 -16745
Shaft 19755 -0.783 0.20 15616 7.65 -19374
Shaft 20055 -0.737 0.11 21642 10.04 -20796
Shaft 20355 -0.718 0.02 17066 7.92 14541
SG2Shaft 21000 -0.757 -0.12 8639 4.23 11592
Shaft 24555 -1.159 0.02 -3676 -1.80 -4663
Shaft 25055 -1.144 0.04 -773 -0.38 -6950
Flange 25130 -1.141 0.04 -166 0.00 -9236

Flange 25205 -1.138 0.04 613 0.02 -11521

Shaft 25780 -1.124 0.00 7993 3.92 -14151
Shaft 26080 -1.131 -0.05 12452 5.78 -15573
Shaft 26380 -1.154 -0.10 7867 3.65 14571
SG3aShaft 27445 -1.289 -0.12 -5057 -2.48 9701
SSG3bShaft 28445 -1.337 0.04 -12472 -6.11 5129
SG3Shaft 29445 -1.181 0.28 -15314 -7.50 556
Shaft 30445 -0.771 0.53 -13584 -6.65 -4016
Shaft 30595 -0.689 0.57 -12930 -6.33 -4702
Shaft 31045 -0.413 0.66 -10351 -5.07 -6760
Flange 31120 -0.363 0.66 -9759 -0.28 -9046

Spacer ring 31180 -0.324 0.66 -9161 -0.26 -10874

Flange 31255 -0.275 0.66 -8260 -0.24 -13160
Shaft 31409 -0.173 0.67 -6155 -1.74 -14174
Shaft 31468 -0.133 0.67 -5307 -1.50 -14563
Shaft 31527 -0.094 0.67 -6338 -1.80 17274
Shaft 31557 -0.074 0.67 -6849 -0.56 16820

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-16

Shaft 31634 -0.022 0.67 -7793 -0.03 7695
Shaft 31657 -0.007 0.67 -7386 -0.03 -19076
Shaft 31757 0.061 0.67 -4885 -0.02 -30927
Shaft 31787 0.081 0.67 -3951 -0.32 -31380
Shaft 31806 0.094 0.67 -3354 -1.40 -31477
Shaft 31866 0.134 0.68 -1457 -0.68 -31761
Shaft 31918 0.169 0.68 202 0.08 -32026
Shaft 31970 0.204 0.68 143 0.06 1009
Shaft 32068 0.271 0.68 63 0.04 609
Shaft 32276 0.411 0.68 0 0.00 0

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-17

Vertical plane
A positive moment turns clockwise at the forward end
A positive shear force points upward at the forward end


[-] [mm] [mm] [mrad] [Nm] [MPa] [N]

Shaft 0 -0.244 -0.49 0 0.00 0

Shaft 205 -0.345 -0.49 68 0.04 -668
Shaft 655 -0.568 -0.50 1426 0.41 -4189
Shaft 1155 -0.756 -0.27 -46456 -10.85 -61740
Shaft 1342 -0.802 -0.23 -34794 -8.13 -62984
Shaft 1382 -0.811 -0.22 -32269 -7.54 -63250
Shaft 1705 -0.872 -0.17 -14965 -3.49 -54729
Shaft 2027 -0.923 -0.16 3031 0.71 -56875
Shaft 2067 -0.929 -0.16 3960 0.92 -23342
Shaft 2650 -1.030 -0.20 18699 4.37 -27220
Shaft 2750 -1.050 -0.21 21454 5.01 -27885
Shaft 2912 -1.086 -0.24 26053 6.75 -28891
Shaft 3058 -1.123 -0.27 30337 7.86 -29797
Shaft 3158 -1.151 -0.29 33348 8.64 -30417
Shaft 3258 -1.182 -0.31 30768 7.97 25484
Shaft 3308 -1.198 -0.33 29502 7.65 25174
Shaft 8913 -2.875 0.02 -14115 -3.66 -9610
Shaft 9205 -2.864 0.05 -11044 -2.86 -11422
Shaft 9675 -2.831 0.09 -13315 -3.45 3373
Shaft 9725 -2.826 0.10 -13476 -3.75 3070
Shaft 13575 -1.857 0.24 18557 5.17 -19711
Shaft 13775 -1.811 0.21 22633 6.30 -21044
Shaft 13941 -1.779 0.18 26218 7.30 -22150
Shaft 14107 -1.752 0.15 22192 6.18 23695
Shaft 14405 -1.716 0.10 15427 4.29 21709
Shaft 14505 -1.706 0.09 13290 3.70 21043
Shaft 14555 -1.702 0.08 12246 3.81 20721
Shaft 14805 -1.684 0.06 7259 2.26 19173
Shrink fit 15105 -1.668 0.05 1785 0.55 17316
Shrink fit 15505 -1.648 0.05 -2157 -0.67 7729
Shaft 16080 -1.613 0.07 -5578 -1.73 4169
Shaft 16280 -1.598 0.08 -6288 -1.95 2931
SG1Shaft 16780 -1.542 0.14 -7182 -3.52 645
Shaft 18580 -1.113 0.30 -935 -0.46 -7586
Shaft 18930 -1.007 0.30 2000 0.98 -9186
Flange 19005 -0.985 0.30 2775 0.08 -11472

Spacer ring 19105 -0.955 0.30 4074 0.12 -14520

Flange 19180 -0.932 0.30 5249 0.15 -16806
Shaft 19755 -0.784 0.20 15668 7.67 -19435
Shaft 20055 -0.737 0.11 21712 10.07 -20857
Shaft 20355 -0.718 0.02 17132 7.95 14556
SG2Shaft 21000 -0.756 -0.12 8694 4.26 11606
Shaft 24555 -1.158 0.02 -3674 -1.80 -4648
Shaft 25055 -1.143 0.04 -778 -0.38 -6935
Flange 25130 -1.140 0.04 -172 0.00 -9221

Flange 25205 -1.137 0.04 605 0.02 -11506

Shaft 25780 -1.124 0.00 7977 3.91 -14136
Shaft 26080 -1.131 -0.05 12431 5.77 -15558
Shaft 26380 -1.154 -0.10 7848 3.64 14565
SG3aShaft 27445 -1.289 -0.12 -5070 -2.48 9695
SSG3bShaft 28445 -1.338 0.04 -12479 -6.11 5123
SG3Shaft 29445 -1.181 0.28 -15316 -7.50 551
Shaft 30445 -0.771 0.53 -13581 -6.65 -4022
Shaft 30595 -0.689 0.57 -12926 -6.33 -4708
Shaft 31045 -0.413 0.66 -10345 -5.07 -6765
Flange 31120 -0.363 0.66 -9751 -0.28 -9051

Spacer ring 31180 -0.324 0.66 -9154 -0.26 -10880

Flange 31255 -0.275 0.66 -8252 -0.23 -13166
Shaft 31409 -0.173 0.67 -6146 -1.74 -14180
Shaft 31468 -0.133 0.67 -5298 -1.50 -14568
Shaft 31527 -0.094 0.67 -6330 -1.79 17294
Shaft 31557 -0.074 0.67 -6842 -0.56 16840

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-18

Shaft 31634 -0.022 0.67 -7787 -0.03 7715
Shaft 31657 -0.007 0.67 -7380 -0.03 -19056
Shaft 31757 0.061 0.67 -4882 -0.02 -30907
Shaft 31787 0.081 0.67 -3948 -0.32 -31360
Shaft 31806 0.094 0.67 -3351 -1.40 -31457
Shaft 31866 0.134 0.68 -1455 -0.68 -31741
Shaft 31918 0.169 0.68 202 0.08 -32006
Shaft 31970 0.204 0.68 143 0.06 1009
Shaft 32068 0.271 0.68 63 0.04 609
Shaft 32276 0.411 0.68 0 0.00 0

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-19

Horizontal plane
A positive moment turns clockwise at the forward end
A positive shear force points aport at the forward end


[-] [mm] [mm] [mrad] [Nm] [MPa] [N]

Shaft 0 0.735 -0.06 0 0.00 0

Shaft 205 0.747 -0.06 0 0.00 0
Shaft 655 0.776 -0.06 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1155 0.807 -0.06 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1342 0.819 -0.06 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1382 0.821 -0.06 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1705 0.842 -0.07 4140 0.97 12837
Shaft 2027 0.865 -0.08 8280 1.93 12837
Shaft 2067 0.868 -0.08 8023 1.87 -6421
Shaft 2650 0.923 -0.10 4280 1.00 -6421
Shaft 2750 0.934 -0.11 3638 0.85 -6421
Shaft 2912 0.951 -0.11 2598 0.67 -6421
Shaft 3058 0.968 -0.11 1660 0.43 -6421
Shaft 3158 0.979 -0.11 1018 0.26 -6421
Shaft 3258 0.990 -0.11 815 0.21 -2034
Shaft 3308 0.996 -0.12 713 0.18 -2034
Shaft 8913 1.286 0.09 -10689 -2.77 -2034
Shaft 9205 1.257 0.11 -11283 -2.92 -2034
Shaft 9675 1.195 0.15 -10568 -2.74 1521
Shaft 9725 1.188 0.15 -10492 -2.92 1521
Shaft 13575 0.093 0.39 -4636 -1.29 1521
Shaft 13775 0.016 0.39 -4331 -1.21 1521
Shaft 13941 -0.050 0.40 -4079 -1.14 1521
Shaft 14107 -0.117 0.40 -4026 -1.12 322
Shaft 14405 -0.238 0.41 -3930 -1.09 322 Jack
Shaft 14505 -0.280 0.42 -3898 -1.08 322
Shaft 14555 -0.301 0.42 -3881 -1.21 322
Shaft 14805 -0.406 0.43 -3801 -1.18 322
Shrink fit 15105 -0.536 0.44 -3705 -1.15 322
Shrink fit 15505 -0.713 0.45 -3576 -1.11 322
Shaft 16080 -0.978 0.47 -3391 -1.05 322
Shaft 16280 -1.072 0.48 -3327 -1.03 322
SG1Shaft 16780 -1.317 0.50 -3166 -1.55 322
Shaft 18580 -2.304 0.59 -2587 -1.27 322
Shaft 18930 -2.513 0.61 -2475 -1.21 322
Flange 19005 -2.559 0.61 -2450 -0.07 322

Spacer ring 19105 -2.619 0.61 -2418 -0.07 322

Flange 19180 -2.665 0.61 -2394 -0.07 322
Shaft 19655 -2.957 0.63 -2241 -1.10 322 Jack
Shaft 19755 -3.020 0.63 -2209 -1.08 322
Shaft 20055 -3.210 0.64 -2113 -0.98 322
Shaft 20355 -3.403 0.65 -1703 -0.79 1367
SG2Shaft 21000 -3.826 0.66 -821 -0.40 1367
Shaft 21405 -4.094 0.67 -267 -0.13 1367
Shaft 22455 -4.791 0.66 1168 0.57 1367
Shaft 24555 -6.092 0.57 4038 1.98 1367
Shaft 25055 -6.365 0.53 4722 2.31 1367
Flange 25130 -6.404 0.53 4824 0.14 1367

Flange 25205 -6.444 0.53 4927 0.14 1367

Shaft 25780 -6.733 0.48 5713 2.80 1367
Shaft 26080 -6.871 0.45 6123 2.84 1367
Shaft 26380 -7.001 0.42 5640 2.62 -1610
Shaft 26480 -7.042 0.41 5479 2.68 -1610 Jack
SG3aShaft 27445 -7.399 0.33 3926 1.92 -1610
SG3bShaft 28445 -7.703 0.28 2317 1.13 -1610
SG3Shaft 29445 -7.968 0.25 707 0.35 -1610
Shaft 30595 -8.259 0.26 -1144 -0.56 -1610
Shaft 30945 -8.351 0.27 -1707 -0.84 -1610 Jack
Shaft 31045 -8.378 0.27 -1868 -0.91 -1610
Flange 31120 -8.398 0.27 -1989 -0.06 -1610

Spacer ring 31180 -8.415 0.27 -2085 -0.06 -1610

Flange 31255 -8.435 0.27 -2206 -0.06 -1610

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-20

Shaft 31409 -8.477 0.27 -2454 -0.70 -1610
Shaft 31468 -8.493 0.27 -2549 -0.72 -1610
Shaft 31527 -8.509 0.28 -2215 -0.63 5664
Shaft 31557 -8.517 0.28 -2045 -0.17 5664
Shaft 31634 -8.538 0.28 -1609 -0.01 5664
Shaft 31657 -8.545 0.28 -1478 -0.01 5664
Shaft 31757 -8.572 0.28 -912 0.00 5664
Shaft 31787 -8.581 0.28 -742 -0.06 5664
Shaft 31806 -8.586 0.28 -634 -0.26 5664
Shaft 31866 -8.602 0.28 -295 -0.14 5664
Shaft 31918 -8.617 0.28 0 0.00 5664
Shaft 31970 -8.631 0.28 0 0.00 0
Shaft 32068 -8.658 0.28 0 0.00 0
Shaft 32276 -8.716 0.28 0 0.00 0

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-21

Horizontal plane
A positive moment turns clockwise at the forward end
A positive shear force points aport at the forward end


[-] [mm] [mm] [mrad] [Nm] [MPa] [N]

Shaft 0 0.735 -0.06 0 0.00 0

Shaft 205 0.747 -0.06 0 0.00 0
Shaft 655 0.776 -0.06 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1155 0.807 -0.06 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1342 0.819 -0.06 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1382 0.821 -0.06 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1705 0.842 -0.07 4141 0.97 12840
Shaft 2027 0.865 -0.08 8282 1.93 12840
Shaft 2067 0.868 -0.08 8025 1.87 -6419
Shaft 2650 0.923 -0.10 4282 1.00 -6419
Shaft 2750 0.934 -0.11 3640 0.85 -6419
Shaft 2912 0.951 -0.11 2600 0.67 -6419
Shaft 3058 0.968 -0.11 1663 0.43 -6419
Shaft 3158 0.979 -0.11 1021 0.26 -6419
Shaft 3258 0.990 -0.11 818 0.21 -2035
Shaft 3308 0.996 -0.12 716 0.19 -2035
Shaft 8913 1.286 0.09 -10693 -2.77 -2035
Shaft 9205 1.257 0.11 -11287 -2.93 -2035
Shaft 9675 1.196 0.15 -10572 -2.74 1523
Shaft 9725 1.188 0.15 -10496 -2.92 1523
Shaft 13575 0.094 0.39 -4633 -1.29 1523
Shaft 13775 0.016 0.39 -4329 -1.20 1523
Shaft 13941 -0.050 0.40 -4076 -1.13 1523
Shaft 14107 -0.117 0.40 -4023 -1.12 321
Shaft 14405 -0.238 0.41 -3927 -1.09 321
Shaft 14505 -0.280 0.42 -3895 -1.08 321
Shaft 14555 -0.301 0.42 -3879 -1.21 321
Shaft 14805 -0.406 0.43 -3799 -1.18 321
Shrink fit 15105 -0.536 0.44 -3703 -1.15 321
Shrink fit 15505 -0.713 0.45 -3574 -1.11 321
Shaft 16080 -0.978 0.47 -3390 -1.05 321
Shaft 16280 -1.072 0.48 -3326 -1.03 321
SG1Shaft 16780 -1.317 0.50 -3166 -1.55 321
Shaft 18580 -2.304 0.59 -2589 -1.27 321
Shaft 18930 -2.513 0.61 -2477 -1.21 321
Flange 19005 -2.559 0.61 -2453 -0.07 321

Spacer ring 19105 -2.619 0.61 -2421 -0.07 321

Flange 19180 -2.665 0.61 -2397 -0.07 321
Shaft 19655 -2.957 0.63 -2244 -1.10 321
Shaft 19755 -3.020 0.63 -2212 -1.08 321
Shaft 20055 -3.210 0.64 -2116 -0.98 321
Shaft 20355 -3.403 0.65 -1705 -0.79 1370
SG2Shaft 21000 -3.826 0.66 -821 -0.40 1370
Shaft 21405 -4.094 0.67 -266 -0.13 1370
Shaft 22455 -4.791 0.66 1173 0.57 1370
Shaft 24555 -6.092 0.56 4050 1.98 1370
Shaft 25055 -6.365 0.53 4736 2.32 1370
Flange 25130 -6.404 0.53 4838 0.14 1370

Flange 25205 -6.444 0.53 4941 0.14 1370

Shaft 25780 -6.732 0.48 5729 2.81 1370
Shaft 26080 -6.870 0.45 6140 2.85 1370
Shaft 26380 -7.000 0.42 5654 2.62 -1622
Shaft 26480 -7.041 0.41 5491 2.69 -1622
SG3aShaft 27445 -7.397 0.33 3926 1.92 -1622
SG3bShaft 28445 -7.700 0.28 2304 1.13 -1622
SG3Shaft 29445 -7.965 0.25 682 0.33 -1622
Shaft 30595 -8.256 0.26 -1184 -0.58 -1622
Shaft 30945 -8.348 0.27 -1752 -0.86 -1622
Shaft 31045 -8.375 0.27 -1914 -0.94 -1622
Flange 31120 -8.395 0.27 -2035 -0.06 -1622

Spacer ring 31180 -8.412 0.27 -2133 -0.06 -1622

Flange 31255 -8.432 0.27 -2254 -0.06 -1622

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-22

Shaft 31409 -8.474 0.27 -2504 -0.71 -1622
Shaft 31468 -8.490 0.28 -2600 -0.74 -1622
Shaft 31527 -8.506 0.28 -2259 -0.64 5778
Shaft 31557 -8.515 0.28 -2086 -0.17 5778
Shaft 31634 -8.536 0.28 -1641 -0.01 5778
Shaft 31657 -8.542 0.28 -1508 -0.01 5778
Shaft 31757 -8.570 0.28 -930 0.00 5778
Shaft 31787 -8.578 0.28 -757 -0.06 5778
Shaft 31806 -8.583 0.28 -647 -0.27 5778
Shaft 31866 -8.600 0.28 -300 -0.14 5778
Shaft 31918 -8.614 0.28 0 0.00 5778
Shaft 31970 -8.629 0.28 0 0.00 0
Shaft 32068 -8.656 0.28 0 0.00 0
Shaft 32276 -8.714 0.28 0 0.00 0

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-23

Horizontal plane
A positive moment turns clockwise at the forward end
A positive shear force points aport at the forward end


[-] [mm] [mm] [mrad] [Nm] [MPa] [N]

Shaft 0 2.616 1.05 0 0.00 0

Shaft 205 2.402 1.05 0 0.00 0
Shaft 655 1.931 1.05 0 0.00 0
Shaft 1155 1.479 0.76 78000 18.22 0
Shaft 1342 1.345 0.67 78000 18.22 0
Shaft 1382 1.319 0.65 78000 18.22 0
Shaft 1705 1.134 0.50 73113 17.08 -15153
Shaft 2027 0.997 0.35 68226 15.93 -15153
Shaft 2067 0.983 0.34 66344 15.49 -47053
Shaft 2650 0.849 0.14 38912 9.09 -47053
Shaft 2750 0.836 0.12 34207 7.99 -47053
Shaft 2912 0.820 0.08 26584 6.89 -47053
Shaft 3058 0.809 0.06 19715 5.11 -47053
Shaft 3158 0.804 0.05 15009 3.89 -47053
Shaft 3258 0.800 0.04 14511 3.76 -4984
Shaft 3308 0.798 0.03 14262 3.70 -4984
Shaft 8913 1.195 0.02 -13673 -3.54 -4984
Shaft 9205 1.185 0.05 -15128 -3.92 -4984
Shaft 9675 1.150 0.10 -14014 -3.63 2370
Shaft 9725 1.145 0.10 -13896 -3.87 2370
Shaft 13575 0.104 0.39 -4773 -1.33 2370
Shaft 13775 0.025 0.40 -4299 -1.20 2370
Shaft 13941 -0.041 0.40 -3906 -1.09 2370
Shaft 14107 -0.109 0.41 -3858 -1.07 290
Shaft 14405 -0.232 0.42 -3771 -1.05 290
Shaft 14505 -0.273 0.42 -3742 -1.04 290
Shaft 14555 -0.295 0.42 -3728 -1.16 290
Shaft 14805 -0.401 0.43 -3655 -1.14 290
Shrink fit 15105 -0.532 0.44 -3568 -1.11 290
Shrink fit 15505 -0.711 0.45 -3452 -1.07 290
Shaft 16080 -0.977 0.47 -3285 -1.02 290
Shaft 16280 -1.072 0.48 -3227 -1.00 290
SG1Shaft 16780 -1.317 0.50 -3082 -1.51 290
Shaft 18580 -2.305 0.59 -2559 -1.25 290
Shaft 18930 -2.514 0.61 -2458 -1.20 290
Flange 19005 -2.559 0.61 -2436 -0.07 290

Spacer ring 19105 -2.620 0.61 -2407 -0.07 290

Flange 19180 -2.665 0.61 -2385 -0.07 290
Shaft 19655 -2.957 0.62 -2247 -1.10 290
Shaft 19755 -3.020 0.63 -2218 -1.09 290
Shaft 20055 -3.210 0.64 -2131 -0.99 290
Shaft 20355 -3.403 0.65 -1719 -0.80 1374
SG2Shaft 21000 -3.825 0.66 -833 -0.41 1374
Shaft 21405 -4.094 0.67 -277 -0.14 1374
Shaft 22455 -4.791 0.66 1165 0.57 1374
Shaft 24555 -6.091 0.56 4050 1.98 1374
Shaft 25055 -6.364 0.53 4736 2.32 1374
Flange 25130 -6.404 0.53 4839 0.14 1374

Flange 25205 -6.444 0.53 4942 0.14 1374

Shaft 25780 -6.732 0.48 5732 2.81 1374
Shaft 26080 -6.870 0.45 6144 2.85 1374
Shaft 26380 -7.000 0.42 5657 2.62 -1623
Shaft 26480 -7.041 0.41 5495 2.69 -1623
SG3aShaft 27445 -7.397 0.33 3928 1.92 -1623
SG3bShaft 28445 -7.700 0.28 2305 1.13 -1623
SG3Shaft 29445 -7.965 0.25 682 0.33 -1623
Shaft 30595 -8.256 0.26 -1185 -0.58 -1623
Shaft 30945 -8.348 0.27 -1753 -0.86 -1623
Shaft 31045 -8.375 0.27 -1915 -0.94 -1623
Flange 31120 -8.395 0.27 -2037 -0.06 -1623

Spacer ring 31180 -8.412 0.27 -2134 -0.06 -1623

Flange 31255 -8.432 0.27 -2256 -0.06 -1623

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-24

Shaft 31409 -8.474 0.27 -2506 -0.71 -1623
Shaft 31468 -8.490 0.28 -2602 -0.74 -1623
Shaft 31527 -8.506 0.28 -2260 -0.64 5781
Shaft 31557 -8.515 0.28 -2087 -0.17 5781
Shaft 31634 -8.536 0.28 -1642 -0.01 5781
Shaft 31657 -8.542 0.28 -1509 -0.01 5781
Shaft 31757 -8.570 0.28 -931 0.00 5781
Shaft 31787 -8.578 0.28 -757 -0.06 5781
Shaft 31806 -8.583 0.28 -648 -0.27 5781
Shaft 31866 -8.600 0.28 -301 -0.14 5781
Shaft 31918 -8.614 0.28 0 0.00 5781
Shaft 31970 -8.629 0.28 0 0.00 0
Shaft 32068 -8.656 0.28 0 0.00 0
Shaft 32276 -8.714 0.28 0 0.00 0

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-25

Vertical plane
A positive moment turns clockwise at the forward end
A positive shear force points upward at the forward end


[-] [mm] [mm] [mrad] [Nm] [MPa] [N]

Shaft 0 -0.987 0.49 0 0.00 0

Shaft 205 -0.887 0.49 68 0.04 -668
Shaft 655 -0.668 0.49 1426 0.41 -4189
Shaft 1155 -0.436 0.43 31544 7.37 -61740
Shaft 1342 -0.360 0.38 43206 10.09 -62984
Shaft 1382 -0.345 0.37 45731 10.68 -63250
Shaft 1705 -0.241 0.27 55741 13.02 -32112
Shaft 2027 -0.175 0.14 66443 15.52 -34257
Shaft 2067 -0.169 0.13 65743 15.35 17355
Shaft 2650 -0.163 -0.10 56756 13.26 13477
Shaft 2750 -0.175 -0.13 55441 12.95 12812
Shaft 2912 -0.202 -0.20 53447 13.85 11807
Shaft 3058 -0.235 -0.25 51790 13.42 10901
Shaft 3158 -0.262 -0.29 50731 13.15 10280
Shaft 3258 -0.293 -0.33 47685 12.36 30150
Shaft 3308 -0.310 -0.34 46185 11.97 29839
Shaft 8913 -3.000 -0.14 -23582 -6.11 -4945
Shaft 9205 -3.034 -0.09 -21874 -5.67 -6757
Shaft 9675 -3.060 -0.02 -23766 -6.16 2567
Shaft 9725 -3.061 -0.01 -23886 -6.65 2264
Shaft 13575 -1.936 0.41 11252 3.13 -20518
Shaft 13775 -1.855 0.39 15489 4.31 -21851
Shaft 13941 -1.792 0.37 19208 5.35 -22957
Shaft 14107 -1.733 0.34 15429 4.29 22211
Shaft 14405 -1.636 0.32 9107 2.53 20225 Jack
Shaft 14505 -1.604 0.31 7117 1.98 19558
Shaft 14555 -1.589 0.31 6147 1.91 19237
Shaft 14805 -1.514 0.30 1532 0.48 17689
Shrink fit 15105 -1.424 0.30 -3496 -1.09 15832
Shrink fit 15505 -1.301 0.32 -6845 -2.13 6245
Shaft 16080 -1.105 0.36 -9413 -2.93 2685
Shaft 16280 -1.030 0.38 -9826 -3.05 1447
SG1Shaft 16780 -0.818 0.47 -9978 -4.89 -839
Shaft 18580 0.249 0.67 -1059 -0.52 -9070
Shaft 18930 0.485 0.67 2395 1.17 -10670
Flange 19005 0.535 0.67 3281 0.09 -12956

Spacer ring 19105 0.602 0.67 4729 0.13 -16004

Flange 19180 0.652 0.67 6015 0.17 -18290
Shaft 19655 0.953 0.58 15219 7.45 -20462 Jack
Shaft 19755 1.010 0.56 17288 8.47 -20919
Shaft 20055 1.163 0.46 23777 11.03 -22341
Shaft 20355 1.285 0.36 19582 9.09 13271
SG2Shaft 21000 1.456 0.19 11973 5.86 10322
Shaft 21405 1.517 0.12 8168 4.00 8470
Shaft 22455 1.587 0.04 1795 0.88 3669
Shaft 24555 1.630 -0.01 4172 2.04 -5933
Shaft 25055 1.613 -0.06 7710 3.78 -8219
Flange 25130 1.609 -0.06 8412 0.24 -10505

Flange 25205 1.604 -0.06 9286 0.26 -12791

Shaft 25780 1.537 -0.19 17397 8.52 -15420
Shaft 26080 1.466 -0.28 22236 10.32 -16842
Shaft 26380 1.367 -0.38 17081 7.93 16473
Shaft 26480 1.328 -0.40 15456 7.57 16016 Jack
SG3aShaft 27445 0.855 -0.54 2130 1.04 11604
SG3bShaft 28445 0.325 -0.49 -7188 -3.52 7031
SG3Shaft 29445 -0.089 -0.32 -11933 -5.84 2459
Shaft 30595 -0.323 -0.08 -11737 -5.75 -2799
Shaft 30945 -0.340 -0.02 -10477 -5.13 -4400 Jack
Shaft 31045 -0.340 0.00 -10014 -4.90 -4857
Flange 31120 -0.340 0.00 -9564 -0.27 -7143

Spacer ring 31180 -0.340 0.00 -9081 -0.26 -8972

Flange 31255 -0.340 0.00 -8322 -0.24 -11258

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-26

Shaft 31409 -0.339 0.01 -6511 -1.85 -12272
Shaft 31468 -0.338 0.01 -5775 -1.64 -12660
Shaft 31527 -0.338 0.02 -6744 -1.91 16234
Shaft 31557 -0.337 0.02 -7225 -0.59 15780
Shaft 31634 -0.336 0.02 -8088 -0.03 6655
Shaft 31657 -0.335 0.02 -7657 -0.03 -20116
Shaft 31757 -0.334 0.02 -5053 -0.02 -31967
Shaft 31787 -0.333 0.02 -4087 -0.33 -32420
Shaft 31806 -0.333 0.02 -3470 -1.45 -32517
Shaft 31866 -0.332 0.02 -1511 -0.70 -32801
Shaft 31918 -0.330 0.02 202 0.08 -33066
Shaft 31970 -0.329 0.02 143 0.06 1009
Shaft 32068 -0.327 0.02 63 0.04 609
Shaft 32276 -0.323 0.02 0 0.00 0

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-27

Vertical plane
A positive moment turns clockwise at the forward end
A positive shear force points upward at the forward end


[-] [mm] [mm] [mrad] [Nm] [MPa] [N]

Shaft 0 -0.987 0.49 0 0.00 0

Shaft 205 -0.887 0.49 68 0.04 -668
Shaft 655 -0.668 0.49 1426 0.41 -4189
Shaft 1155 -0.436 0.43 31544 7.37 -61740
Shaft 1342 -0.360 0.38 43206 10.09 -62984
Shaft 1382 -0.345 0.37 45731 10.68 -63250
Shaft 1705 -0.241 0.27 55740 13.02 -32109
Shaft 2027 -0.175 0.14 66441 15.52 -34254
Shaft 2067 -0.169 0.13 65741 15.35 17363
Shaft 2650 -0.163 -0.10 56749 13.25 13485
Shaft 2750 -0.175 -0.13 55434 12.95 12820
Shaft 2912 -0.202 -0.20 53439 13.85 11814
Shaft 3058 -0.235 -0.25 51780 13.42 10908
Shaft 3158 -0.262 -0.29 50720 13.14 10288
Shaft 3258 -0.293 -0.33 47675 12.36 30143
Shaft 3308 -0.310 -0.34 46175 11.97 29832
Shaft 8913 -3.000 -0.14 -23554 -6.10 -4951
Shaft 9205 -3.034 -0.10 -21844 -5.66 -6763
Shaft 9675 -3.061 -0.02 -23751 -6.16 2600
Shaft 9725 -3.061 -0.01 -23873 -6.65 2297
Shaft 13575 -1.936 0.41 11138 3.10 -20485
Shaft 13775 -1.856 0.39 15368 4.28 -21817
Shaft 13941 -1.792 0.37 19082 5.31 -22924
Shaft 14107 -1.733 0.35 15315 4.26 22141
Shaft 14405 -1.635 0.32 9013 2.51 20155
Shaft 14505 -1.603 0.31 7030 1.96 19488
Shaft 14555 -1.588 0.31 6064 1.89 19167
Shaft 14805 -1.512 0.30 1466 0.46 17619
Shrink fit 15105 -1.422 0.30 -3541 -1.10 15762
Shrink fit 15505 -1.298 0.32 -6862 -2.13 6175
Shaft 16080 -1.100 0.37 -9389 -2.92 2615
Shaft 16280 -1.025 0.39 -9788 -3.04 1377
SG1Shaft 16780 -0.812 0.47 -9905 -4.85 -909
Shaft 18580 0.256 0.67 -861 -0.42 -9140
Shaft 18930 0.490 0.67 2618 1.28 -10740
Flange 19005 0.540 0.67 3509 0.10 -13026

Spacer ring 19105 0.607 0.67 4964 0.14 -16074

Flange 19180 0.657 0.67 6256 0.18 -18360
Shaft 19655 0.955 0.58 15492 7.59 -20532
Shaft 19755 1.012 0.55 17568 8.60 -20989
Shaft 20055 1.163 0.45 24078 11.17 -22411
Shaft 20355 1.282 0.35 19816 9.19 13498
SG2Shaft 21000 1.447 0.18 12060 5.91 10549
Shaft 21405 1.503 0.11 8163 4.00 8697
Shaft 22455 1.564 0.03 1552 0.76 3896
Shaft 24555 1.603 0.00 3452 1.69 -5706
Shaft 25055 1.593 -0.05 6876 3.37 -7992
Flange 25130 1.589 -0.05 7561 0.22 -10278

Flange 25205 1.586 -0.05 8418 0.24 -12564

Shaft 25780 1.529 -0.17 16398 8.03 -15193
Shaft 26080 1.467 -0.25 21169 9.82 -16615
Shaft 26380 1.377 -0.34 16159 7.50 15990
Shaft 26480 1.342 -0.37 14583 7.14 15533
SG3aShaft 27445 0.908 -0.50 1722 0.84 11121
SG3bShaft 28445 0.427 -0.44 -7112 -3.48 6548
SG3Shaft 29445 0.059 -0.28 -11374 -5.57 1976
Shaft 30595 -0.133 -0.06 -10623 -5.20 -3282
Shaft 30945 -0.141 0.00 -9194 -4.50 -4883
Shaft 31045 -0.140 0.02 -8683 -4.25 -5340
Flange 31120 -0.139 0.02 -8197 -0.23 -7626

Spacer ring 31180 -0.138 0.02 -7685 -0.22 -9455

Flange 31255 -0.136 0.02 -6890 -0.20 -11740

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-28

Shaft 31409 -0.133 0.03 -5004 -1.42 -12754
Shaft 31468 -0.131 0.03 -4240 -1.20 -13143
Shaft 31527 -0.129 0.03 -5410 -1.53 19646
Shaft 31557 -0.128 0.03 -5993 -0.49 19192
Shaft 31634 -0.126 0.03 -7119 -0.03 10067
Shaft 31657 -0.125 0.03 -6766 -0.03 -16704
Shaft 31757 -0.122 0.03 -4504 -0.02 -28555
Shaft 31787 -0.121 0.03 -3640 -0.30 -29008
Shaft 31806 -0.120 0.03 -3088 -1.29 -29105
Shaft 31866 -0.118 0.04 -1333 -0.62 -29389
Shaft 31918 -0.117 0.04 202 0.08 -29654
Shaft 31970 -0.115 0.04 143 0.06 1009
Shaft 32068 -0.111 0.04 63 0.04 609
Shaft 32276 -0.104 0.04 0 0.00 0

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-29

Vertical plane
A positive moment turns clockwise at the forward end
A positive shear force points upward at the forward end


[-] [mm] [mm] [mrad] [Nm] [MPa] [N]

Shaft 0 0.400 -0.40 0 0.00 0

Shaft 205 0.317 -0.40 68 0.04 -668
Shaft 655 0.136 -0.40 1426 0.41 -4189
Shaft 1155 -0.005 -0.18 -46456 -10.85 -61740
Shaft 1342 -0.034 -0.13 -34794 -8.13 -62984
Shaft 1382 -0.040 -0.12 -32269 -7.54 -63250
Shaft 1705 -0.071 -0.08 -11849 -2.77 -64392
Shaft 2027 -0.095 -0.08 9264 2.16 -66537
Shaft 2067 -0.098 -0.08 10542 2.46 -32085
Shaft 2650 -0.162 -0.15 30378 7.09 -35963
Shaft 2750 -0.178 -0.17 34007 7.94 -36628
Shaft 2912 -0.210 -0.22 40022 10.37 -37633
Shaft 3058 -0.245 -0.26 45583 11.81 -38539
Shaft 3158 -0.273 -0.30 49468 12.82 -39160
Shaft 3258 -0.304 -0.33 46458 12.04 29793
Shaft 3308 -0.321 -0.35 44976 11.66 29483
Shaft 8913 -2.974 -0.14 -22792 -5.91 -5301
Shaft 9205 -3.007 -0.09 -20980 -5.44 -7113
Shaft 9675 -3.033 -0.02 -23008 -5.96 2857
Shaft 9725 -3.034 -0.01 -23143 -6.44 2553
Shaft 13575 -1.933 0.41 10880 3.03 -20228
Shaft 13775 -1.854 0.39 15059 4.19 -21561
Shaft 13941 -1.792 0.36 18730 5.21 -22667
Shaft 14107 -1.734 0.34 14975 4.17 22070
Shaft 14405 -1.637 0.31 8694 2.42 20084
Shaft 14505 -1.606 0.31 6719 1.87 19417
Shaft 14555 -1.591 0.30 5756 1.79 19096
Shaft 14805 -1.516 0.30 1175 0.37 17548
Shrink fit 15105 -1.428 0.30 -3811 -1.18 15691
Shrink fit 15505 -1.304 0.32 -7103 -2.21 6104
Shaft 16080 -1.108 0.37 -9589 -2.98 2544
Shaft 16280 -1.033 0.38 -9974 -3.10 1306
SG1Shaft 16780 -0.820 0.47 -10056 -4.93 -980
Shaft 18580 0.251 0.67 -884 -0.43 -9211
Shaft 18930 0.487 0.67 2620 1.28 -10811
Flange 19005 0.537 0.67 3517 0.10 -13097

Spacer ring 19105 0.604 0.67 4979 0.14 -16145

Flange 19180 0.654 0.67 6275 0.18 -18431
Shaft 19655 0.954 0.58 15546 7.61 -20603
Shaft 19755 1.011 0.55 17629 8.63 -21060
Shaft 20055 1.163 0.46 24160 11.21 -22482
Shaft 20355 1.283 0.35 19892 9.23 13516
SG2Shaft 21000 1.448 0.18 12126 5.94 10567
Shaft 21405 1.505 0.11 8221 4.03 8715
Shaft 22455 1.566 0.03 1591 0.78 3914
Shaft 24555 1.604 0.00 3455 1.69 -5688
Shaft 25055 1.593 -0.05 6870 3.36 -7975
Flange 25130 1.590 -0.05 7554 0.21 -10260

Flange 25205 1.587 -0.05 8409 0.24 -12546

Shaft 25780 1.530 -0.17 16380 8.02 -15176
Shaft 26080 1.467 -0.25 21145 9.81 -16598
Shaft 26380 1.377 -0.34 16137 7.49 15984
Shaft 26480 1.342 -0.37 14561 7.13 15527
SG3aShaft 27445 0.908 -0.50 1707 0.84 11115
SG3bShaft 28445 0.426 -0.44 -7122 -3.49 6542
SG3Shaft 29445 0.059 -0.28 -11378 -5.57 1970
Shaft 30595 -0.133 -0.06 -10619 -5.20 -3289
Shaft 30945 -0.142 0.00 -9188 -4.50 -4889
Shaft 31045 -0.140 0.02 -8676 -4.25 -5346
Flange 31120 -0.139 0.02 -8190 -0.23 -7632

Spacer ring 31180 -0.138 0.02 -7677 -0.22 -9461

Flange 31255 -0.136 0.02 -6882 -0.20 -11747

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-30

Shaft 31409 -0.133 0.03 -4995 -1.42 -12761
Shaft 31468 -0.131 0.03 -4230 -1.20 -13149
Shaft 31527 -0.129 0.03 -5402 -1.53 19666
Shaft 31557 -0.128 0.03 -5985 -0.49 19213
Shaft 31634 -0.126 0.03 -7113 -0.03 10088
Shaft 31657 -0.125 0.03 -6761 -0.03 -16683
Shaft 31757 -0.122 0.03 -4500 -0.02 -28534
Shaft 31787 -0.121 0.03 -3637 -0.30 -28987
Shaft 31806 -0.120 0.03 -3086 -1.29 -29084
Shaft 31866 -0.118 0.04 -1332 -0.62 -29368
Shaft 31918 -0.117 0.04 202 0.08 -29633
Shaft 31970 -0.115 0.04 143 0.06 1009
Shaft 32068 -0.111 0.04 63 0.04 609
Shaft 32276 -0.104 0.04 0 0.00 0

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – A-31

Drawings and data

Shaft Assy 622.10.01

Shaft Assy 622.20.00

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – B-1

Sterntube Aft Bearing

Sterntube Fwd Bearing

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – B-2

Laser measurement result #1, Starboard side

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – B-3

Laser measurement result #1, Port side

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – B-4

Laser measurement result #2, Starboard side

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – B-5

Laser measurement result #2, Port side

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – B-6

Laser measurement result #3, Starboard side

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – B-7

Laser measurement result #3, Port side

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – B-8

Jack load measurement results, Starboard side

Jack 1 (FSB SB)

0.600 DO
0.500 WN
Height (mm)

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000
Load (N)

Jack 2 (ISB1 Aft Brg SB)

0.600 DO
0.500 WN
Height (mm)

0 20000 40000 60000 80000
Load (N)

Jack 3 (ISB2 Fwd Brg SB)

0.600 DO
0.500 WN
Height (mm)

0 20000 40000 60000 80000
Load (N)

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – B-9

Jack 4 (AGB SB Top)

0.300 DOWN
Height (mm)


0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
Load (N)

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – B-10

Jack load measurement results, Port side

Jack 1 (FSB PS)

0.600 DO
0.500 WN
Height (mm)

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000
Load (N)

Jack 2 (ISB1 Aft Brg PS)

0.600 DO
0.500 WN
Height (mm)

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000
Load (N)

Jack 3 (ISB2 Fwd Brg PS)

0.600 DO
0.500 WN
Height (mm)

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000
Load (N)

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – B-11

` Jack 4 (AGB PS Bottom-side)
Height (mm)

0.200 Series4

0.100 Series5

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 55000 60000 65000 70000
Load (N)

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – B-12

Strain gauge measurement, Preliminary results, Starboard side

SG1, H = 4.0 MPa (to PS)

SG1, V = 2.6 MPa (down)

SG2, H = 0.2 MPa (to PS)

SG2, V = 6.5 MPa (up)

SG3a, H = 1.8 MPa (to SB)

SG3a, V = 0.8 MPa (up)

Strain gauge measurement, Preliminary results, Port side

SG1, H = 1.6 MPa (to SB)

SG1, V = 2.0 MPa (down)

SG2, H = 0.5 MPa (to PS)

SG2, V = 4.1 MPa (up)

SG3a, H = 1.2 MPa (to PS)

SG3a, V = -3.1 MPa (down)

DNV GL – Report No. 2014-9217, Rev. 1 – B-13

Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organizations
to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide classification and technical
assurance along with software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil and gas,
and energy industries. We also provide certification services to customers across a wide range of
industries. Operating in more than 100 countries, our 16,000 professionals are dedicated to helping our
customers make the world safer, smarter and greener.

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