91springboard - Round2 - 30may2018 - Response Fromsakshy Kurre PDF

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Give 5 ideas of activities we can organize in

Unwinds (the Friday party we organize for the

• Emoji Quiz – Language of Emoji
Let the emoji describe event, movies, place etc
• Blind Snake – Let the team guide the blind snake, where the fruit is.
Game on team work
• Save the Princess – Answer simple questions on favourites, likes
and dislikes.
Get to know each other
• Troll Masters - Open mic to describe event without any name
You don’t need alcohol or social media to say anything you want to public
• Giftbox – Find the treasure box hidden anywhere in the office with
some clue.
Let everybody know the place where they work and facilities we offer more than tables and chairs
Mention three differentiating factors that set
us apart from our competitors
Three C’s differentiating 91Sprindboard from others:

• Community
• Cost effective model
• Collaborative culture at co-working space

Best distinctive service: Freebies

A way to reach and work without interference.
How do you define ‘Community’ in terms of

An organisation is driven by the employee, the people.

91springboard is working on to make a workplace where the
employee of different organisation, different taste, different
culture, different platform, different laterals, different is the
difference, etc to work under one roof, to define them as a family,
represent all of them as a band of brothers & sisters and the unity
in diversity cannot be broken at the will of anyone. In a way of
defining a term that makes every MNC feels them as divided by
the organisation they represent but united by the 91springboard,
the way all co-exist and co-learn, the term is ‘Community’.
Describe the steps involved in successfully
conducting a large-scale event

Planning Organising 24Hr Before Day of the

• Define the Event • Meet with your team the Event Event
• Set goals • Delegate work and
coordinate all • Last check-in with • Arrive early with
• Prepare a budget
activities your team your team
• Decide on a time and
• Collect sponsors and • Complete your members and
other sources of checklist volunteers
• Gather a good team &
volunteers money from • Double check • Set everything up.
delegates everything Inside and outside
• Logistics
• Market the event • Let the show begin
• Marketing & • Do a trial run
Advertising • Make arrangements • Take care of all the
for everything
post-event duties

Note: Approvals & Permissions from respective authority is ignored for making this process only, as it depends upon case to case basis. But, this will be taken as 1st priority at the time of organising the event
What do you understand of 91springboard?
Explain its business model

• Size Matter: 1 to 100s seat availability.

• Location factor: Demand meets supply.
• Competitive Price Model: Table, Chairs & Amenities at a marketable
• Low Operational Cost: One time expense life long solutions.
• Upscaling Business: Presence in all influential places in Pan India.
• Revenue streams from Start-ups to MNCs: Catering needs from
one to many.

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