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ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515


process/outcomes, formal grievance procedure, job enrichment, autonomous work groups and employee
participation in decision making. In totally 30 statements were included. Using a five-point Likert scale
(1=strongly disagree, 4= strongly agree, 5= no opinion), respondents were asked to indicate the extent to
which they agree each practice occurs in the organization.
Two human resource reactions are measured – job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job
satisfaction was measured using 16 items from the 20-item short form of Minnesota Satisfaction
Questionnaire. The instrument was design to measure intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction. The general
organizational commitment was measured using four statements drawn from the measure developed by
Mowday et al. (1979) (Kumpikaite & Rupsiene, 2008). The affective, continuance and normative
commitment was measured using 15 items from Allen and Meyer‘s (1990) original construct. Using a five-
point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree, 4= strongly agree, 5= no opinion), responds were asked to indicate
the extent to which they agree with each of statements concerning job satisfaction and organizational
Data analysis (using SPSS 12.0): Statistical analysis carried out by applying methods of descriptive
statistics and performing discriminant (non parametric Kruskal Wallis test) and correlation analysis.

HRM level. The research results allow to state that the employee assess the best the level of skill-
enhancing HRM practices (mean 3,1), on the second place - empowerment-enhancing HRM practices (mean
2,6), on the third place - motivation-enhancing HRM practices (mean 2,5).
In relation to skill-enhancing HRM practices, the employee agree that training knowledge they use in
daily activities (93,55 per cent) and that the competition is an essential condition in order to get job in this
organization (87,10 per cent). However, only 66,13 per cent of respondents accept that during competition
they need to make exercises related to work nature.
The analysis reveals that the organization apply person-organization fit strategy (66,52 per cent of
respondents agree with this) when selecting people, underlying that it focus on how well the individual fits
with the culture or values of the company and hire people with the capacity to work well with other
The empowerment-enhancing practices are aimed at delegating decision-making authority and
responsibility down the hierarchy and facilitating employees participation and voice (Subramony, 2009). On
the top of rating these practices are statements regarding systems to encourage feedback from employees:
87,10 per cent of respondents think that they can express their opinion during the meetings, 66,13 percent
agree with statement that the organization pay the respect to their voice. However, the results indicate that
employee are not enough involved in decision making: only 35,48 per cent are members of working groups.
Due to this factor the organization miss possibility to use creativity of all employees and do not employs
advantages of employees participation which can provide management with some legitimacy for its actions
on the grounds that ideas have been put forward by workers and or at least considered by them before
decision are ultimately made (Baptiste, 2008).
According to Subramony (2009), motivation-enhancing practices help direct employees efforts toward
the accomplishment of work objectives and provide them with the inducements necessary to engage in high
levels of performance. The research results let to highlight that on the top of rating are HRM practices
concerning formal performance appraisal process: 91,94 percent state that formal appraisal takes regularly,
85,48 per cent are convinced that the appraisal results are used for decisions making. In the middle of rating
are practices regarding promotion within the organization: 46,77 per cent of respondents are persuaded that
vertical career is possible, 40,32 per cent – that horizontal career is possible. Following Pfeffer (1995), we
can state that an emphasis on promotion from within the organization provide a sense of fairness and justice
among the employees. On the bottom of rating are statements concerning wages: only 22,56 per cent approve
that wages correspond to workload, just 16,13 per cent think that work results influence wages.
Organizational commitment level. According to survey results, the organizational commitment is
high (mean 2,9), however despite the fact, that 88,71 per cent of respondents are satisfied with organization
as work place and 85,48 per cent would choose the same organization for work again, just 56,46 per cent
would recommend for the best friends to start to work here. These findings could be explained either by the
fear of competition or by the fact that the organization isn’t so good place for work. Most committed are
elder (over the age 50) employee (mean 3,2), least – employees up to 30 years (mean 2,5).


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