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9 11.With th.: help o f block am. expla in communication system.

b. Deline Ampli1ud . Derive: Mathematical e"pression tor the same:. Draw
w11vcforms. (NMarks)
c. l::xplain the co inciple ofopcralion ofLVDT. (NMaru)

bet ween AM and FM. (N Mart.s)
18 a. t
uc n u lat ion. with neat wavefi>rm. (II Marks)
b . f."plai
·n the wo rk ing ofthermi.'ltor. Mcnlion ils applications. (II Marks)
c. B .
9 •· Define communication. With neat block d " t he elemems of communication
system. ('6Marks)
b. Derive lin expression for amplitude: "' the .-ssary wavefi>fffl$.
c. What is ttansducer'/ Compare the active transducas. ' " Marks)

10 •· Bring out the difference betwee dulation and ti-equency moduh,tion.

b. If• FM wave represented 1
= \Osirl{S-.c 10 + 4sin IOOOt), calcuhlte:
i) Canier frequency ii) Modulating frequency
iii) Modulation index iv) Band width (06 Martis)
c. With necessary diagr s, explain the following:
i) PieT.~lectric t
ii) LVDT (09Mar1's)

9 u \\'11 II J tK'at hlo · haE
., pla in Ilk: clcmcm~ o,f ,-ommunicatlOII sysiem (06 '.\l1r1<,1
/\ cani.'f ,,f I Ml . o>f 1ts flO".:r 1s ,1mpl•11d..- mud11latt:d "·"ha ~in1t5"idal signal
" of •~oo
ulat i<>n i) 7~"'•· c,1,:ulil14• the s1tkh;ind fr"!tt.:ndo:~ tho: band
" hands and the tntal I"'"'•" in tho.- 111odulatcd wave. tOi '.\larkll
·n AM 11nd IFM 18' \ln,1

1• a. 1
I ran, .lul·cr' 1>1s11ngu1sh hcrn-,:-,'11 a,11\'t' and pass1,·e 1ransduc,:1. tff~ Mar1<,1
20,., •
has II 111'11.:ri;al CUIISlillll • If of K. If its r.:siSlanrc is I(J(J kU nt JOO'k " · "11111 \\'Ill ho: th.: 1,-s1s1an~·.: ill ~OO•l'' (IM Morb)

•· l·.xplam th.- ~m1Stnl\'tK>n and tho: pnncipk uf opcrauon ofl. Vl>l. Also l1S1 the advan1a1cs of
Mtd1l1:5 -
• a. E,q,lain the C:OOSINCCiun ofLVIYf and its Operation.
b. Explain the &cqucncy modulation with neat wa11eforms.
c. Explain with diqram the AM ckt~tion (demodulation). (NM.Illa)

10 a. Explain the piczoc:b:tric: transducer and photoelectric transd (NMallla)
b. EKplain wich bloc;k diagram elements of communica&ion s (NMa..a)
c. Coraptre AM and FM modulation. CMM......)

9 le of communication system. (tsM....1)
••b. modulation. Derive ma1he111&1ical expression a the ~me. Draw
c. cons1ruc1ion and 1he principle of operation of LVDT. (05Marlls)

10 l.i111 the diffm:nc:c» between Amplitude modulation and frequency modulation.
~ ~~~
plal'lll'frcquency modulation with nc.c -veforms. «es Marlls)
rr,er of IOV peak and frequency IOOKHz is amplilude modulated by a sine wave of 4V
and frequency 1000117_ Determinoi the modulation index for the modulated wave and
draw the amplitude spectrum. {06 Marlu)
M 9dutc-s
9 a. xplain communication system. (06Mart-.s)
b. With circuit di process of AM demodulation. (OS Martts)
c. Explain the ration of pie:zoe~tric transducer. (OS Mam)

IO a. necessary 1n communication system? List the different types of
mo ulat ion schem (05 Marl<•)
b. A ·er of I~Hz. with 400 W of its power is amplitude modulated with a sinusoidal signal
2 :z. • depth of modulation is 7S%. Calculate the sideband &cqucncics, the band
wer in the side bands and the total power in the modulated wave. (OS Marks)
construction and the principle of operation of L VDT. (06 Marks)

• ••• •
9 a. EKplain Amplitude Modulation with relevant co Derive the equatio·n for
instantaneous value of modulated signal in volts and ulat ion index. cos M•rks)
b. Define the term transducer. Mention any four a transducer should poscss.
c. Rriefly explain the worlcing ofthermii:tor (06 M•rk•)

10 a. EKplain the ~uency modul:11io y waveforms. Bring our the difference

between AM and FM. (011\-larks)
b. lixplain construction and rhc prin tion ofLVDT. (08 !\<larks)

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