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Mark Bartram and Kate Pickering Series Adviser Catherine Walter Navigate ~~ Coursebook E with video and Oxford Online Skills > . Advanced > & OXFORD a oe - Om Oxford 3000” navgat nes been aces ontents one Ortord 3000 ensue that leaner are ony Sverige mest eleant vocab Ts 4.9 uptospeear vo comaring m We comatns 1.2 Managing change 2 contnucs fms 58 Ue connous tne 4.3 Vocabulary and sks development p10 Takeout change Predict contr 1.0 Writing and speaking 912 Useedetonaty ‘we aepot sad ona gtoh Us vase ngage aproxmation 1.5 © Video rice Pace sh Maret pit Review 5 a BITRE 2 roots of nature ot Noun pases ts B fecognae acuse noun pases) 22 8 estect toms pi9 © Undrstane and use prases ith aevorhs Feats of engineering elec fn Takeout problems and soto = Uae pret ume 2.3 Vocabulary and skils development 520 Urdastand at se colocation of perception and sound w Face notes 2.4 wing and speaking 522 = ie sunmaries Sree 2.5 © video rhe akrk whoo! pat _ Review 25 eo ESTEE 2:1 tepertect tam oxo Ain vers 927 Tekaontebvcuraatce 3.2 Team game 522 prices 28 Use suman ee ay 223 Vocabulary and skils development 20 Uredaatand hom wits ea ception Ua prepostons prac 444 speaking and wating 92 Ges ana eptase SEDO 35 © video Me a shins race 4 Rewew 535 nm 41 Age of responsibty 526 Drees falgnion 626 express Cegrees of obligation ‘4.2 The caring generation p3e Passives 39 BB Takaboutresponstity B Use phrases with care B Use passives 43 Vocabulary and skills development po ‘Understand word boundaries Understand and use connotation wiitea balanced argumant essay 1 Take patin formal negotiations 4.4 writing and speaking 12 4.5 © video sn intemationa ad worker ptt Review p15 Sr EEEEZEN 5.1 who holds the power? pas Relative clauses 46 Use relative clauses 7 f TSENG ES was eonoRe 5.2 The power of the sun 02 Quantiiers 948 se quantities 5.3 Vocabulary and skils development 50 Use pirases wit oftocescrive quantity Understand compiex sentences Use compound aestves and nouns 5.4 Speaking and writing 952 Manage conversations m Useemonasis nating 5.5 © Video The power ofthe sun nse Review pss om EESELE 6.1 Play games and save the planet? pss sos of would 658 Use woul & Tak about proferences 6.2 The invention of leisure 56 Vorb pattems ps S Understand ord use vero patterns = Talk about sure, relaxaten and sross 63 Vocabulary and skils development co Understand words with more than ane mening inersiand reference Use vague language 6.4 Speaking and writing p<2 s We an online review 65 © video Lelsure through te ages ps4 Review ss sing adctionary p11 PRONUNCIATION | LISTENING/READING EE ‘Sentence stess 27 Video Vox pops 1 p7 Reading precctng content p10 ‘writing a report basod ona graph pr2 ‘Speaking vague language (0: approximation pr Phrases with adverts p17 ‘cllocations or describing problems and solutions pie “collocations of perception and sound 20 Listening taking notes pz ‘Video vax pons 2 921 ‘consonant clusters p23 ‘writing a summary 922 Speaking an informal tak 123 ‘Behaviour and attitude 026 ‘Success and fare 929 Aueliary verbs 927 — @ Video vox pops 3 p27 comple sentences p30 © video vox pons 5 053 -Prepostonal phrases pat ‘Reading how weiters aoia repetition p30 Checking and Speaking checking and rephrasing p32 rephrasing 32 Witting a proposal p33 esponsibity p27 Prrases with care 28 Pacing and spacing in naturel speech ps ‘Conrotaton pt istening understanding word beundaries pao © video voxpops pat ‘Writing abalanced argument essay ps2 ‘Speaking formal negotiations p43 Phrases with relative pronouns 967 erases with ofta describe quantty pe adjectives and nouns 051 Reading understanding Speaking managing conversations p52 ‘Writing emphasis: version and cleft sentences psa ‘ese, relaxation and stress pse with more than one meaning p60 would in connected Speech pS? © video vox 0095 6 959 LUstening understanding reference po ‘Speaking vague language 2) ps2 Wilting an online review pes 3

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