+quartz Crystals. A Celestial Point of View. Lavandar PDF

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Chapter 1:
Approaching The Crystals

Chapter 2:
Cover Art By: Caring For Crystals
Vernon Bloomer
Chapter 3: Meditation

Chapter 4: Healing

Chapter 5:
Life Force Exercise

Chapter 6:

Drinking Crystal Water

Chapter 7:
Silica - Genetic Quartz

Chapter 8:
Crystals With Sound

Chapter 9:
Astrosonics And Crystals

Chapter 10:
Colors And Crystals

Chapter 11:
Activating And
Charging Crystals

Chapter 12:
Recharging Crystals
With The Sun

Chapter 13:
55 Points To Remember
About Crystals

Chapter 14:
Star Dates: 2010-2020



Grandma Allie and Mama Carrie, who unselfishly carried the Star Seed
of Remembrance, but crossed over before they consciously realized
why they had done so.

And To:

Mahmoud Abdel Chfar El Gabry "Keeper Of The Keys" of the Great

Pyramid of Giza, whose soul has kept watch and guarded the secrets
of the Ancients since the arrival of Thoth in Egypt.

To these three, I give many thanks.


by Belva Bloomer

Lavandar is a talented, gifted friend with the ability to impart exciting

and useful knowledge about this planet and our universe. It has been
my pleasure to enjoy and benefit from her help and awareness on
many occasions. She is equally at home with international and world
leaders, famous entertainers, scientists, doctors, writers, artists,
cowboys, Indians, you and me.

When I first met her, she was a psychic/astrologer with thousands of

people depending upon her advice. She would help people to
understand the cause and effect of their situations through her
intuitive talents. As she grew, the accuracy of her predictions amazed
everyone fortunate enough to hear them. From 1975 to 1987, I
personally witnessed countless events associated with her amazing
abilities concerning different aspects of her spiritual/galactic

I accompanied her on both of her trips to Egypt. She shared much of

her insight with me as she recalled many of the secrets of the ancient
temples, tombs, and pyramids. The second trip, on Pleiadean Line Up,
November 17, 18, 19, 1983, I hand carried and delivered to her, 40
pounds of tiny solution crystals for the activation of the crystals, which
were placed in the Queens Chamber of The Great Pyramid of Giza for
48 hours, and were coded by the Pleiadeans from the starship
overseeing the Pleiadean experiments. Later they became known as
the Giza Crystals with Star Gate Codes, which are now legendary
throughout the crystal network. Most of these crystals were distributed
from Cripple Creek, Colorado, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Ruidoso, New
Mexico, Las Vegas, Nevada, and the island of Aruba, to crystal
networkers from around the world. Even after all of these years, we
both are still receiving letters telling us of experiences that have
occurred in the presence of these Giza Crystals, as they have
strategically been placed in activation spots all over the planet. They
continue their activation with every planetary galactic degree of
activation which happens, especially the 25, 26, and 27 degree
astrological timing device which activates the codes inside the Giza

In 1999, Lavandar called me and told me that she had found some
more of the Star Gate Coded Giza Crystals, which had been left in a
bank vault. All of them had not been distributed as we both had
thought. After all these years, another round of Giza Crystals emerge,
as if on cue, to activate a whole new set of starseed with up to date
codes. These Coded Crystals cannot be ordered or sold, as they are
given to specific crystal networkers holding the intent, alignment and
commitment that correspond to planetary balance.

Although Lavandar has shifted her energies toward more global

pursuits involving environmental technologies, she still holds
within her bank vault countless manuscripts, waiting to be published,
involving many world famous people experiencing the Star Gate at
Cripple Creek, Colorado, and also information concerning the "The
Tesla Kids" agenda.

Our association has lasted over 30 years and our adventures together
would make a good galactic spy novel for a writer brave enough to
travel through my eyes to write it. I invite the challenge.

Belva Bloomer
The Why Of Life Foundation, P.O. Box 1627, Cripple Creek, CO. 80813 belvab8888@yahoo.com
"Quartz crystals are the manifestation of the Creator‟s finest hour of
expression. They are windows of light with many facets, which show
the myriad dimensions of life created from cosmic dust in an ever-
expanding universe. Divine Plan has foreordained that all expanding
life revolve around one common denominator, quartz crystal. Through
frozen solidified light, all creation could be monitored and assisted
through the evolutionary process."

"The Crystal Brotherhood" of the

Antares/Arcturus Midway Station
And The Great White Brotherhood

A Short History of
"Quartz Crystals: A Celestial Point of View"
"Quartz Crystals: A Celestial Point Of View" was written and
published while I was living on top of a mountain, 9,740 feet in
elevation, in Cripple Creek, Colorado. This property was an
experimental station for Nikola Tesla, the master of lightning and
electricity. My A-frame cabin sat directly on a gold/quartz vein and on
the spot where Tesla caught lightning in a jar. At the time I moved
there, I did not know about Nikola Tesla. It wasn't until people came to
visit the land that I found out about him and his works. After
researching Tesla and reading such books as "Man Out of Time" by
Margaret Cheney, I was shifted into more crystal awareness with
conscious levels of responsibility of power. Our history books were

erroneously written, omitting him as the inventor of (AC) Alternating
Current Electricity, which was credited to Thomas Edison, who was
backed by the powerful J. P. Morgan. Their „empire‟ of direct current
fell to Tesla‟s superior AC, which they then stole and promoted. He
died penniless, but just before his death; he had perfected free,
sustainable energy for the planet and its people. His laboratory was
destroyed by those who profited from selling electricity. He was a man
ahead of his time, literally. Now, 43 years after his passing, the spirit
of Nikola Tesla lives on through many inventors striving to release free
energy sources through their inventions.

I could stand on the deck of the A-frame cabin and view Pikes Peak
Mountain to the east, 7 miles as the crow flies. Cheyenne Mountain
was also in my sight; the place of our national defense. Beaming up
from the ground was my Medicine Wheel made of quartz crystal
activated by the sun. Pine trees standing tall were in attendance,
waiting for the lightning that would come almost every day. Lightning
became a regular occurrence and could be timed as if on cue. At 4:00
PM in the afternoon, clouds would roll in and a pattern of "high
strangeness" started to happen. Because of this pattern, I would sit
down and wait for the lightning strikes to happen. After lightning
came, I would pay special attention to what would happen next,
whether it was a phone call, a visitation, or some form of
spiritual/galactic message. It always seemed that certain visitors
showed up right on cue. Later I came to know and define some of this
activity as "crack between the worlds" or other dimensional kinds of

I noticed that a select group was showing up, which I now refer to
as "The Tesla Kids". Each one of them was different, but each one of
them had similar characteristics, such as having physical features very
much like Tesla himself. After a while, most of them starting looking
much like David Cooperfield. Each had different aspects of science,
philosophy, and metaphysical understandings, but the one common
thread that bound them together was quartz crystal. They all
possessed and used quartz crystals in their undertakings. At first I
didn't seem to get the connection between "The Tesla Kids" and
"Quartz Crystals" but as time went on, it became very clear that some
kind of information system was at work through silica, a mineral
compound that is known as quartz crystal.

"The Tesla Kids" were not the only visitors that magnetized to the
location of this electrified Star Gate. I call it that because it seemed to
be a place where cosmic travellers would come and go with regularity.
As time revealed itself, along with the visitations, it became apparent
that certain people would be led there to create their own
experiences. People from all walks of life have visited there. One of
the most prominent was an actress/author who was in total alignment
with the crystal movement and New Age movement back in 1982-83.
She edited part of her manuscript, which became a best seller, from
my A-frame cabin which became literally a Star Gate in Cripple Creek.
It was also there that another "light worker" met this actress, and their
encounters became part of her next best selling book. She continued
her spiritual journey through her pioneering efforts, and as a result
launched metaphysics on a global scale. Her continued association
with „light workers" helped to create The Light Institute in Galesteo,
New Mexico, where past life regression and transmutation of records
was conducted. This was a magical time for so many starseed, walk-
ins, and light workers on the planet who started remembering their
heritage and why they were here.

Before I wrote this book, I was already a big collector of crystals.
From 1979 to 1983, I acquired quite a collection. I had, and still do
have, hundreds of crystals. Most of them came from Arkansas mines. I
took many trips to Arkansas to pick up clear quality crystals. On one
particular trip in February of 1983, I was shown some alarming things
that were happening in the quartz crystal mines. The Japanese had
bought several mines and were mining them for computer chips. One
miner came out of the mine crying hysterically. I took him aside and
talked with him. This is what he told me. "The crystals are screaming,
the crystals are screaming. They are alive and they are being killed.
Please help me do something to stop them." I held him for some time
as he sobbed. He further explained that he actually witnessed "Devic
Beings" inside the crystals being destroyed. The miner quit his job and
later had a nervous breakdown over this crystal encounter.

Some of these crystals weighed 500 pounds or more. They were so

clear that their clarity became an obsession for the computer industry.
Those who showed disrespect during this time of computer madness
surely will have felt the fallout at some level of consciousness. The
Japanese were not the only disrespectful corporations, as there were
others as well. That same week, other people showed up with stories
that showed extreme misuse of quartz, detailing several avenues of
rape within the crystal mine industry. At some level, I must have
experienced some memory recall of the downfall of Atlantis, which in
its final days was destroyed because of the misuse of crystal power,
especially The Great Crystal, which was a central power source for
advanced technology over 10,000 years ago. Was this the beginning
of history repeating itself? I look back now on this experience and
know without a doubt this was a place where my intent was followed

by my alignment and commitment to bring a certain kind of activation
and awareness about quartz crystal.

At this point I would like to describe a very "sacred" demonstration

of "devic transference." Before the miner left the mine, he escorted me
back in the cave so that I could experience what he had witnessed.
This is most difficult to write, even after all these years. Some of the
devic beings that resided inside the crystals had jumped out onto
other crystals and were erratic in their energy patterns. As I walked
past them, I extended my arms and said, "Who wants to go? Jump on
and I will take you out of here." All at once, a shimmering of lights
started to happen. I picked up my pace, and with the whirling of a
dervish, collected as many as I could carry and took them out of this
place of destruction. By now my head was swirling, my body was
heating up, and my brain was on overload along with my emotions. I
went back to the motel where I was staying to lie down, and I barely
made it to the bed before I passed out. After a few hours, I awoke with
a distinct feeling that I should go home right away. I booked a flight
and was on an airplane that night back to Denver/Colorado Springs.

As I made my way to the airport, on my way back to Colorado from

this particular trip, a high strangeness started to happen around me. I
experienced missing time and was moved up to first class seating with
no one else around me. After 20 minutes into the flight, I looked
around and observed in the coach section that everyone except me
was asleep; even the stewardesses. At that point I could only imagine
who was flying the airplane. I got out my notebook and started
writing, and by the time I arrived back in Colorado, I had received 55
points to remember about quartz crystal. The next day I sat down at
my typewriter, (no computer in those days), and the information

started flowing. In exactly 14 days it was written, edited and

My dear friend Belva Bloomer edited it for me. We both worked on

it day and night. Belva later became a metaphysical secretary to the
actress/author I had trained, answering thousands of letters that were
stimulated by her best selling books. Vernon Bloomer, Belva's
husband, designed the front cover, which shows a spaceship beaming
energy down to quartz crystals. His artistic interpretation was
responsible for the immediate distribution; no doubt about it. Michael
C. Heleus contributed his expertise concerning Astrosonics and
Crystals, plus the astrological information pertaining to the galactic
activation days of the calendar, showing exact times when it is best to
put crystals out into the sun. Of course, those days have come and
gone on the calendar ,but for those who understand astrological
timing, it can continue to be guidelines for activation. A new calendar
is now included in this eBook edition for activation days. The
publisher, Leroy Hull, Midwest Printery Inc. in Colorado Springs,
accepted the final manuscript and in two weeks it was done. All of us
involved in the production of this 44 page booklet seem to be on some
kind of accelerated time schedule to meet some cosmic window of
timing. Within weeks it was already in its second printing and was
being received around the world by continuous reordering, which
lasted until 1987. There was never any need to lecture on the book,
so I never publicly acknowledged that I even wrote it. As time went on,
I couldn‟t even remember writing it.

A few years after the book was published, I found that three other
people had been given different aspects of crystal information during
that same fourteen day period, and their works were also published.
All four books reflect different aspects of crystal information, but they
all had a core theme about the use and misuse of crystals. Four
people in four different locations writing about quartz crystals in the
same time frame is a curious bit of synchronization.

It was right after these four works were published that the crystal
movement was truly ignited into an industry of gigantic magnitude.
With this came the Star-Seed, Walk-Ins, and Light Workers from every
corner of the globe in search of each other and crystal information. To
this day, it hasn't been revealed to me why the four of us were chosen
to ignite the crystal movement on the planet, but as the result of our
works, entire networks of spiritual beings were connected through
various ways concerning quartz crystal. Those who chose to work and
heal the planet were elevated into spiritual awareness, and those who
misused the quartz crystals were soon on their own spiritual journey,
sometimes off the planet. In all those years of mailing and
corresponding about the book, I only received one negative letter
concerning the book; just one. It seems that the resonant field of this
book somehow lets the reader know who can read it and who can't.
That is just about as plain as I can say it.

Another interesting note was that Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay,
which was mentioned in the booklet, accelerated its distributorship.
The discovery of this awesome Yucatan clay, when activated by
celestial formulas, jump-started another whole industry somehow. It
gained steady customers and is now going on 28 years of sales, and is
found in almost every health store.

People from all over the world wrote of their experiences, and
continued to reorder this book from 1983 to 1987. After the 1987
August Harmonic Convergence, as my life went in another direction,
the publishing and distribution of the book was complete for that
time. Now, as the crystal movement reawakens in a whole new
generation of Star Seed, it is time again.

Star-Gate Coded Crystals

On November 17, 18, and 19, 1983, a group of Star Seed, Walk-ins
and Light Workers traveled to The Great Pyramid of Giza in Cairo,
Egypt. This spiritual adventure focused on the activation of some
genuine solution quartz crystals, which originated out of the Jeffrey
Mine in Arkansas. They are grown in water by double helix spiral
generation, which is a rarity in the mineral kingdom. A diver was
commissioned to dive 90 feet to retrieve them.

During this same period in November of 1983, a combination of

planetary aspects were in alignment with the star cluster of the
Pleiades. Star-seed, Walk-ins, and Light workers knowing of this
alignment chose to become a human/galactic experiment by physically
being in The Great Pyramid during this Pleiadean Alignment. Every
November and opposite dates of May 17, 18, 19 are times when
visitations from the region of the Pleiades takes place. A journal has
been kept through the years as to experiences with these star gate
coded crystals.

Forty pounds of these tiny crystals were hand delivered to me by

Belva Bloomer just two hours before I was scheduled to enter The
Great Pyramid of Giza on November 17, 1983, after I had discovered
that the original batch had been intercepted by a courier who had
withheld several pounds of the best specimens. Belva had to launch
into action to deliver a new batch of crystals from Arkansas to Cairo,
making it with only two hours to spare. They were taken to the
Queens Chamber, where they remained for 48 hours of activation.

Codings were placed in these crystals by time travellers to be
distributed by crystal workers around the planet. Giza crystals may be
referred to as Star Gates. Although tiny in structure, they are able to
hold an immense degree of power. Over the years, it has been
reported that these Star Gate Crystals seem to have a mind all their
own. Lavandar and Belva have received many letters describing
unusual circumstances and events associated with these Giza Crystals.
Stories started to surface from people who had these crystals
manifesting in ways of "high strangeness," healings that defy natural
laws, journals of missing time, and many different aspects of
communications from other worlds.

What are Star Gate Codings?

They have within them Intent, Alignment, and Commitment with

planetary triggers. Their resonant fields are released through cosmic
windows, which match Earth resonance fields. As above, so below.

1. Star Gate crystals hold seven million times celestial power. No

technology on planet Earth has yet been developed to measure the
power of these crystals.

2. Codes holding balancing beams and standing columnar waves were

designed for evolutionary patterns for humans and nature. Both man
and nature can benefit from these crystals, as they can be placed in
any environmental setting for balance and clarity of purpose. Star
Seed, Walk-Ins, and Light Workers have an innate ability to channel
their transfer and placement. Star Gate Crystals activated on the 1983
Pleiadean lineup hold evolutionary codes released during eclipse
patterns focused until 2012 and beyond.

3. Star Gate crystals were distributed globally by crystal networkers
until 1989. Due to a death, several pounds were found in July 1999,
hidden away in a bank vault by the courier, and forwarded to the
original keeper of the crystals. If you have been asked or selected to
participate for the extension of this further sacred galactic alignment,
please honor these crystals of balance. Although tiny in structure,
each one of these crystals can activate life force when placed in
specific alignment, whether with people or nature, including water, ley
lines, or with other Star Gate technology. Please keep a journal of
activities associated with the arrival and departure of these Star Gate
crystals, as future generations will glean knowledge from your
experiences. Water seeks its own level; so do these Star Gate crystals.

The Ayers Rock / Giza Connection

Although I have received hundreds of letters from people

describing in detail their experiences with these crystals, the one
demonstration that stands out as a WOW factor involves starseed
being led to a particular place on the planet and planting a Giza
Crystal. As far as I know, none of these people knew each other, and
over a period of several years, it became obvious to me that some
grand galactic experiment was at hand. This is because of the
vastness and interconnectedness of the weaving of the journeys that
were taken by light workers on a mission.

I knew a lot of crystal light workers who devoted much of their time
to planting crystals around the world at sacred sites, trees, lakes,
buildings, monuments, etc. But the one place in particular that seems
to have more Giza Crystals than any other place is Ayers Rock in
Australia. I received lots of calls and letters from people telling me
that they had been instructed to fly to Australia and plant these Giza
crystals at Ayers Rock. My last recall was that about 100 people had
ventured to plant these crystals. I keep wondering why so many
people were spiritually and galactically drawn to take these crystals to
Ayers Rock. Last year, I got a telephone call from someone who told
me that a hieroglyph had been found in one of the newly discovered
pyramids in Egypt, and that it matched the hieroglyph which is on the
top of Ayers Rock. When I heard the translation, I just about fell to my
knees. They both refer to Time Travel. WOW. How off the chart is that?





"Quartz Crystals- A Celestial Point of View" was channelled by
Lavandar, a messenger from the Great White Lodge of Antares. It was
channelled through tele-thought communication via ionized
consciousness from the "Crystal Brotherhood." They work in
conjunction with the 70 Brotherhoods of this Universe and the
"Councils of Light" which govern this galaxy and other regions. The
"Crystal Brotherhood" is in constant contact and has become a working
entity with the Antares/Arturus Midway Station, and is dedicated to the
upliftment of all souls connected with the evolution of the planet of
Earth. Their appearance at this time is the result of evolutionary
Cosmic Laws.

Those souls, whether on Earth or other planets, who chose to help
bring Earth into the New Age of Reason, may also, in future time, work
with Brotherhood Midway Stations to help other evolving planets out of
spiritual darkness.

The Great White Brotherhood and the Crystal Brotherhood are also
represented among the 33 Species of Galactic Intent. These cosmic
beings reside aboard the spaceship, "Star of Bethlehem" or as some
call it TX-11. The forming of this Federation of Species was in
accordance with Divine Cosmic Laws to uphold the teachings of all
Avatars of all galaxies.

Quartz Crystal, a mineral called silica and also known as oxide of

silicon, is chemically S102. Its composition is one atom of silicon, the
second most abundant mineral in the Earth‟s crust, and two atoms of
oxygen. There are laws that govern crystalline growth, which forms all
quartz. This law brings a silica atom combined with two oxygen atoms
to form a spiral unit of frozen light. The workings of these three
atoms form a mathematical calibration of pizo-electric energy that
matches the same energy and frequency of the Great Pyramid of Giza
in Cairo, Egypt. This symbolic structure is a space-time pyramid
connecting the Earth with other Universes through electromagnetic
telecommunication frequencies. The most important ingredient that
sends forth the spiral of energy is the quartz that is under and all
through the Great Pyramid.

Quartz crystals are formed by heat melting the chemicals of which

they are composed, silica and oxygen, forcing them into cracks and
crevices where the chemicals united, condensed, solidified and became
six sided crystals. Because of their chemical nature, all quartz crystals
have six sides. They will, when melted, resume a hexagonal shape as
they cool. I f cooled slowly, they form a single six-sided point. If
cooled rapidly, they spangle out into a cluster of many points, all six

Crystals come with many names such as Amethyst, Citrine, Smoky

Quartz, Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Rock Crystal, Tourmaline and many
others. Each one has a definite purpose of existence, especially to the
beholder. Crystals mean many different things to many people;
exquisite beauty, richness of form and magnificent color. Throughout
this book there will be only references made to clear Quartz Crystal
and Amethyst.


Approaching The Crystals

When one comes into the field of quartz crystals, one becomes
lighter in vibration as the rotation velocity of the electrons in the
atoms are increased in speed. There should be a reverence and a
quieting of the spirit when approaching crystals. Crystals have a way
of beaming back, with intensity, the reverence that you invite. Take
your time and let nothing distract your awareness of what you are
doing. Listen and observe the crystals with your higher mind. Discover
that part of you that can sing with crystals in spirit. Crystals have a
way of catching one's eye and one can sometimes hear a small, wee
voice saying, "Pick me, pick me." Let the inner guidance system tell
you which crystals are for you. Try not to be influenced by others
around you, for picking crystals is really a private affair. Determine
your true intent for the crystals. One may use them for meditation or
healing, or perhaps to tune into frequencies aboard celestial ships that

are monitoring Earth, or for tuning one's mind to higher frequencies
and awareness.

Whatever the intent or purpose for the crystals, just be certain you
are not moving more rapidly than your mind is ready to learn. Don't
"over-amp" your energy through the power of crystals. Moving faster
than you are ready for, or being taught, can bring you into a state of
"Silica or Psychic Burn Out".

When approaching left-hand crystals, be aware and ready to receive

cosmic energy. For right-hand crystals, be aware of the projection
effect or stimulating energies. The left hand (female) is for receiving
and the right hand (male) is the sender or "shooter."

Crystals create a channel easily ignited by the energy of the person

using them. Tuning into silent energies can bring one into a state of
cosmic awareness and consciousness with their Creator. Crystals can
be used as a looking glass for the soul; remember Alice in

Once you have picked your crystal and cleansed it, then you may
carry it on your body for 1 month. In this time you will be able to
synchronize with the crystal and it with you. Also keep it either on you
or close to you at night. When the month is up, then you will be
merged with the crystal. This merging takes place at the end of the
monthly lunar cycle. After this has been done, let no one touch your
crystals. If they touch them, then you will need to soak them in the
salt and vinegar solution (see Chapter 2) or cover them in dry salt for 7
days. Then place them back on your body and close to you at night
for an additional 7 days. The crystals are in your care, so it is best to
keep them only for you.


Caring For Crystals

If you decide to have crystals around you, there are several things
to consider. First, the ownership; one can never really own a crystal,
just keep one as their guest. One must care for their guest with these
simple rules:

A. Removing Stains

1. If the crystal has a residue of iron, rust, or other earth

minerals, it should be cleansed, using a glass, ceramic, or
clay container, such as a crock pot with a glass lid, (not
plastic or metal). Place 3 quarts of water to 6 tablespoons
of oxalic acid in the container. This solution should be
heated and maintained at approximately 170 F. for 10 to 12
hours with the crystals completely immersed. The fumes
from this solution, which are odorless, can cause great
harm when breathed; therefore, be certain the area is well
ventilated, preferably outside.

2. During this period, check on the crystals occasionally.

Add water, if necessary, so that the crystals are always
covered with the solution.

3. When the time has passed, turn off the container and
allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Using thick
rubber gloves, remove the crystals from the solution,
rinsing each one immediately in clear water the exact

temperature of the solution. This is to avoid cracking the

4. Cleanse again, using a light soap and water solution,

then rinse the crystals and lay them on a white sheet or
towel to dry, preferably in the sun.

B. Cleansing and Purifying

Emotions affect the auric field of the physical body, and because
crystals can easily pick up vibration and frequency, they can also
attract discordant, disharmonious vibrations and frequencies, even
from passing strangers. It is always necessary to cleanse and purify
the vibration of your crystals before and after use by one of these

a. Lay crystals in a running stream for a week.

b. Cover them in salt for 1 week.

c. Soak them in salt, apple cider vinegar, and distilled

water for 10 minutes or longer.

The formula for this solution is as follows:

1 cup sea salt or kosher salt

1 cup pure apple cider vinegar (not flavored)
1 gallon distilled water

This mixture can be made in advance and used as needed. Place

crystals carefully in a glass bowl and pour solution over them until
they are completely immersed, leaving them for 10 minutes or more.
Then rinse thoroughly with distilled water. The contact of the salt
purifies all human emotions immediately from the crystals. Many
people prefer to place their crystals in dry sea salt for 7 days or
between uses. The apple cider vinegar boosts the salt in this particular

Remember that emotional energy makes "life prints" on crystals.

When one is angry, the crystals will magnify the anger. If this
happens, place them immediately in the salt and vinegar solution as
mentioned above.

C. Protecting Your Crystals

Shield your crystals from X-Rays, fluorescent lights, microwave

ovens, cell phones, computers, wi-fi and television. Any one of these
could cause a frequency distortion when using the crystals.

Carry the crystals with reverence; wrap each one individually in

paper, then in cloth. (Preferably dark or black cloth for it holds the
energies within the crystal the best.) There should be no judgment
about black holding the crystals.

D. Additional Use for Crystals

Crystals can be used to cleanse and energize acupuncture

needles. Pour distilled water in glass bowl, gently place the
crystals then the acupuncture needles in the water, and let them
remain for about 12 minutes. Remember: the crystals will pick
up frequencies from the needles, so cleanse your crystals
thoroughly in the salt and vinegar solution after using.

Crystals can be your best friends; treat them as such, protect them
by placing them in a small bag made of natural material, such as

velvet, silk, cotton, etc. Crystals are living entities, so care for them
with love and devotion. If you treat them with respect, they will treat
you in like kind.


Meditation is practiced by millions of people around the world. In
some parts of the globe, it is considered the flip side of prayer.
Prayer, when used as a meditative tool, can be a wonderful
experience. But, unfortunately, prayer is usually a means of asking
God for favors or begging God for forgiveness. Meditation with a
crystal can be a whole new experience. Choose a crystal that has a lot
of clarity, and then choose a time of day that is beneficial for your
awareness level. Here is an exercise that you might follow:

In the bathroom, draw a tub of water; add your favorite flower

essence for a wonderful smell. Then light a stick of sandalwood
incense. Also, light 3 candles or 3 lamps and place them in the
form of a triangle somewhere in the room. With a small bowl of
water by each light, place an amethyst crystal in each bowl of
water and have your tape recorder playing some soft music, such
as Golden Voyage by Bearns and Dexter, and immerse yourself in
the water.

Using a box of kosher or sea salt, pour it over your body,

allowing about 1 cup to go into bath water, as the salt hits the
skin, you will feel the skin tingle. This procedure helps you to rid
yourself of negative emotions, either from you or someone else.

Now, place the crystal in your left hand, if you have two crystals,
place the other one in your right hand. Relax and breathe to the
count of 4, then exhale. Raise your left arm over your head and
breathe in through the crystal. Hold to the count of 4 then
exhale thorough your right hand which is down in the water.
Repeat 7 times, then relax. Now, look at the 3 candles or lights
and visualize the energy of the Trinity in the shape of a pyramid.
See at the top of the pyramid a blue crystal, beaming a line of
energy to your 3rd eye, breathe in this energy and take the color
throughout your body. Hold your breath to the count of 4, then
exhale through your right hand.

This exercise is designed for one to get in touch with spiritual

Teachers connected with the Great White Brotherhood, also for
Blue Flame initiates.

You may want to have another tape recorder nearby to record

some of the visions that you experience.

Another meditation is as follows:

With sandalwood incense burning, light one candle and place on

the east side of the room. As you recline in a chair or on the
floor, place a crystal over the 3rd eye and hold another crystal in
your left hand.

Focus your thoughts upon the candle; then bring the light of the
candle into your 3rd eye. See the light turn from yellow to a
blue-white light and hold this light for several minutes. Using
your left hand, bring it over each chakra of the body, projecting
this blue-white light through the crystal in your left hand. Move
the crystal over your genitals, spleen, solar plexus, entire heart,
throat, and then touch the crystal still placed on the 3rd eye with
the other crystal in the left hand. Now say these words: “By
Divine Light and Law, I am in Perfect Health and Order. So be

Now, take the crystal from the 3rd eye and hold it in your right hand,
and while keeping this blue-white light still in your mind, hold your
arm up level with the candle. With your eyes open, see the energy
leaving your right hand through the crystal and project a healing to the
planet of Earth. Visualize the Earth as a giant crystal, breathing as you
breathe, then breathe and exhale 7 times, holding the breath to the
count of 4 each time. When you finish say: “Thy crystal, thy Light, Heal
thy planet by day and by night. So be it!”


Many pages of material have been written about healing in so many
books, but this book would certainly be incomplete without a chapter
on healing.

The healing process of the body is actually done by the mind, which
is a crystal brain computer. This crystal brain sends out signals to the
physical body and determines which cells need repairing. These
signals travel through connective silica tissue. Without these signals
via connective silica tissue, the body would not be able to receive the
necessary signals for a healthy body. Silica plays a very important part
in sending messages from the crystal brain to any organ or place on

the body. Supplements can be taken if one feels the body is not
getting enough silica through the diet. One of the most recommended
supplements is homeopathic silica by Hyland or silica in liquid by
Natra-Bio. Both of these can be obtained at your health food store.
Cell salts do great repair work within the complicated system of the

Oats have a very high silica count. A bowl of oatmeal without

cream is a great way to start the day. It keeps all lines of
communication open and flowing with healing energy. Many years
ago, a railroad company served oat water to their employees and not
one person became sick with the flu or even a cold during that time,
and they laid more tracks that year than any other railroad. The oat
water set up within the physical body a resistance system that turned
away the cold and flu germs.

Silica is alkaline in nature and also a powerful antiseptic. It gives

polish to teeth and bones, and is a must for healthy nails and hair.
Most nervous breakdowns are caused by a shortage of silica. When a
person gets nervous or tired, feed them silica foods or give them the
homeopathic cell salts of silica. If a person is doing a lot of mental
work, then silica is a must. Silica also gives sexual vigor; there would
be no reproduction of any animal life if there were no silica. Here are
some of the foods that contain large amounts of silica: Lettuce,
onions, oats, figs, cabbage, asparagus, spinach, peas, carrots, egg
yolks, cherries, strawberries, rice, gooseberries, nuts, watermelon, and

Anyone who is considering becoming a healer should have plenty

of silica within the physical system. In order to be a successful healer,
one must be able to heal thyself. Stay away from the self-proclaimed
healer that has an abundance of physical problems. The rules and
regulations of being a healer are basic, but one must adhere to the
Universal Laws while being a healer.

1. The healer must be healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

2. Heal without praise or reward.

3. Obtain permission from patient on mental, physical,

spiritual, and psychic levels of awareness.

4. Determine the imbalance of the polarities of the

patient‟s body. Then adjust those polarities to bring
about the up-spiral of perfect health.

5. Heal the cause as well as the symptom; if you do not,

then the illness will return to the body.

6. Spend time each day pulling magnetic forces from the

cosmos into the body, in order to have energy for your
body as well as a reserve for others.

How many times have you seen someone who is sick and really
wants to stay that way? Even if you took away their pain, they would
only figure out a way to get it back. It is impossible to heal people
who refuse to help themselves.


Life Force Exercise

Now, let‟s focus on the healing techniques of using crystals.
Remember your crystal must have been cleared, cleansed and activated
with healing magnetism. Now prepare yourself for the following
meditative exercise:

Light a stick of sandalwood incense and a candle. Place them on

a table that will be at eye level. Lay a large crystal in front of the
candle, plus a bowl of water. Holding a crystal in each hand, lie
flat with your head to the north and your feet to the south.
Elevate your head so that you can see the crystal and candle.

Focus your attention on the candle for a few moments. Bring your
gaze down to the crystal. Take deep breaths and hold them to
the count of 4, then exhale. See the candle as the symbol of the
Life Force coming to you from your creator. Breathe in this
golden Life Force and see it activating your blood with the fire of
eternal life. Breathe in and hold to the count of 4, then exhale.
Do this exercise 7 times.

Now, focus your eyes on the crystal and breathe this Life Force
into the crystal. Breathe in and hold to the count of 4 then
exhale. Repeat this 7 times.

Take the crystal and place it on your solar plexus, and continue
to breathe deeply. Open your left hand and expose the crystal in
that hand to the light of the candle, still seeing the flame as the
symbol of the Life Force. The left hand is the receiving hand;
now draw that Life Force from the candle into your left hand and
inhale. Hold to the count of 4 then exhale, close your left hand,
and immediately, open your right hand for that exhaling. Do this
7 times and then relax for a few minutes.

Now, move the crystal from your solar plexus and place it over
your heart chakra and repeat the same exercise of bringing the
energy of the Life Force through the left and releasing it through
the right hand. This should be done on only two chakras at one
session. More than two will overload the body circuits.

Now, focus your eyes again on the candle and say these words
out loud: “Thy light is my light through day and through night.
So be it.”

The exercise that you just read is for increasing the Life Force in
the physical body. This exercise, if done for 7 days, will help to
increase the life force of vital organs. Remember to do only two
major chakras per session. The solar plexus and heart chakra
are to be done together, the spleen and throat, the root and
crown. The 3rd eye is to be done alone by the following

Focus your eyes on the flame of the candle then bring the
light to your brow, centering on the pituitary gland. After
bringing in the light, visualize a golden light swirling in a
counter clockwise motion. Do this for several minutes.
Now, take this golden light to the center of the head, the
pineal area, fill the pineal with golden light. Take this light
back and forth between the pineal and pituitary. Do this
exercise for several minutes. This exercise increases your
ability to pull on the Life Force and also helps to stop the
aging process.

After each exercise say to each center the word Gold, see the
color gold filling up each and every chakra of your body. Over a
period of time you can simply think of these exercises and they
become a part of you. Then, all you have to do is close your eyes
and say the world Gold and you have a burst of Life Force at your
fingertips. This can be done while driving, shopping, or doing
your daily work; just stop all conversation and mentally say the
word Gold and instantly your crystal brain will send signals
through the silica membranes to respond to this command and
your system will be flooded with frequency of gold for

It is very difficult to tell someone how to heal another person. Each

case is different with causes and effects that are sometimes not totally
up front. If you are attempting to help a person, you may pick up a
crystal pendulum and start asking the body for answers. This is done
silently. The body always knows what is going on whether the
conscious mind seems to know or not.

When balancing the body with a crystal pendulum, use counter-

clockwise for opening the chakras and clockwise for closing them.
Always cleanse your crystals with salt, vinegar, and water after each
healing session. Crystals have a way of carrying energy and very
indiscriminately can pass it on to someone else. When you practice
with crystals; you may find your own form of healing technique.
Experiment and find the technique that suits your energy. Be flexible
in your search for truth.


Drinking Crystal Water

Star Seed, Walk-Ins, Light Workers, and Indigos ( who will be
collectively referred to as Star Seed in this book ) need crystals to
support their work with higher energies. Crystals are the “lens” for
balancing ionized consciousness throughout the Universe. It helps
one in making the connection with the resonating star system from
which they came.

Following is a way to aid that connection:

Using one amethyst crystal, place it in the sun in a crystal glass of

distilled water for ten minutes. (Best to do it at high noon when
magnification is strongest.) During this ten minutes, step into the
shower and anoint the chakras of the body with Kosher or sea salt. Do
any mantra of your choice in order to balance yourself with the
energies of the Universe. Don‟t speak out loud during this period. Go
into the sunlight and drink the crystal water. Lay upon a white sheet
for twenty minutes and as the crystal water goes through the system,
it throws the cells into an up-spiral of higher frequency sounds being
set. You may wish to remain on the white sheet using a part of the
sheet for cover for an additional ten minutes. This provides a total
rising of the atomic structure of one‟s body. Visualize whatever color
you wish during this ten minutes. All are not of the same soul color.


Silica - Genetic Quartz

Throughout the history of man, silica has played an important part,
especially in the timing of prophecy and maintaining galactic
experiments of advanced knowledge. But not until January of 1942
was the need as great as when the Federation of Galactic Intent met
and decided that those who were to be born would need greater
amounts of silica within their bodies. A strong Galactic stand was
taken and the programming of the Star Seed was at hand. A
rebalancing process was to begin upon the Earth, so many High Beings
descended to Earth to help save the planet from destruction. The
frequency of silica was increased, because the High Beings who were
coming to Earth would need stronger sending and receiving stations in
order to maintain their contact with their High Command. Silica
became part of the monitoring device, which in turn became a
guidance system for the Star Seed upon the planet. Because of the
different missions, some Star Seed‟s Silica requirement is much higher.

Silica is an element in the human physical body that keeps and

maintains proper physical health. Without silica, the human body
would cease to function. It is the electrical glue that holds the physical
manifestation of the body together. Although all living humans need
this substance, it is essential for the proper supply and balance to be
maintained for Star Seed, and those associated with the psychic
realms. Because these people function mainly upon dimensional and
inter-dimensional frequencies, they require additional, but proper,
amounts of awareness levels of their mission with their Higher Mind
and with their Celestial Overseers. Therefore, silica becomes the
common denominator of frequencies for a higher order. Some refer to
this frequency as Celestial Light. This energy and light permeates
those on Earth who are Star Seed, Walk-ins, or galactic in nature. This
Celestial Light acts as a beacon or signal to those who are the Celestial
Guardians of all Star Seed upon the planet of Earth. Everyone, without
exception, has a Celestial Guardian.

There are several kinds of Celestial Guardians. There are the
ones just mentioned, and also there are Celestial Guardians who are in
charge of frequency attunement having to do with groups,
organizations, towns, cities, states, countries, etc. All these are within
the frequency band of attunement and are in accordance with Cosmic
Laws. Because of dimensional differences, a way was devised to
bridge the gap of communication between Star Seed on Earth and their
Celestial Guardians, who maintain their light in another dimension. A
cosmic mathematical computer system was created with silica being
the bridge for all communications coming and going out of the
system. It became the active ingredient that produced the proper
frequency of transmitting signals from one dimension to another.
Silica became universal in frequency so that all races of advanced
species would always be able to help other species of lower evolution
through frequency attunement, although dimensions apart.

The coding at birth upon the planet of Earth would determine the
probabilities and responsibilities of the Star Seed. Some were born
with total recall and knew of their missions, while others were to be
activated at later times, corresponding to their coding by cosmic
planetary law. All are dedicated to the advancement of Earth and its
inhabitants, and everyone has been monitored closely by their Celestial
Guardians via ionized frequency attunement through thought-form
vibrations. Each of these special beings, have one common goal and
that is to help bring in the New Age of Reason. They help by bringing
in new information, new living conditions, and health techniques that
will restore the perfect Adam Kadmon body. They also come with new
ways of educating children, rediscovering ancient sciences, and last
but not least, bringing back to the Earth the Divine Cosmic Laws that
have long been forgotten. All of this is being brought about by these
special beings, with the help of their Celestial Guardians or Overseers.
This is a Cosmic Plan programmed and activated by frequency
attunement via silica throughout the Universe.

There is a silver cord that connects the spirit with the physical
body. Some have seen this silver cord while experiencing out-of-body
flight. This is an energy system that helps maintain the Life Force
within the physical body. Without this silver cord, the golden
frequency of Life Force could not survive, and therefore would not
manifest as life. This Life Force in turn produces an auric field around
the body, which is viewed by some mystics and psychics. The colors
that emanate from the body will be in correspondence to 7 rays of
light. The Life Force, when viewed from other dimensions is
considered to be the golden frequency. This golden frequency has
different degrees of intensity. Although most people on Earth cannot
see this golden light, it is sometimes felt by sensitives. It is this Life
Force, this Golden Energy, which is set in frequency with Star Seed
upon the planet, and is different in the rate of vibration from the rest
of humankind.

When this Life Force becomes low, the golden frequency seems
to short circuit or become disconnected from the Star Seed, and then
that person‟s mission seems impossible to complete. This can be the
most devastating thing that can happen to these special messengers.
This also results in the inability to pick up the signals of their Celestial
Guardians or feel the presence of their home. When this situation
occurs, a loneliness prevails and many have given up to degenerative
diseases. In extreme cases, suicide has come about because the pain
of disconnection was too great to bear. A disconnection from the

golden energy of Life Force can throw the physical body in its atomic
structure into a degenerative position.

Without the cosmic Life Force of golden frequency, which

intermingles with the etheric cosmic dust of matter, the physical body
can no longer hold together. The proper amount of silica in the body
can help to stop this disconnect from happening. When the silica
supply is diminished, and the corresponding signals can no longer
take place, they may decide to leave the body and ask for a new
assignment, because of the silica shutdown.

When this occurs, other Star Seed should come forward and help
their cosmic brothers and sisters to reconnect to their Life Force, and
to reestablish their frequency attunement with the Golden Energy. But,
if one prefers to stand back and only observe, then through the Law of
Cause and Effect at some appointed time, their own Life Force may
diminish in some way. This mission on Earth is to help everyone
without judgment, and without discrimination. When the need for
cosmic assistance is at hand, simply go within, find the light of your
own action, and let your guidance system take over. Let Go and Let

The three most important connective tissues that cover the brain,
the spinal cord, and nerve fibers all have large supplies of silica. When
silica is under-supplied, these connective tissues start to break down
and degeneration begins. These connective tissues must be working
at top performance to insure the proper signaling of transmitted
information for the entire system to come into balance. It is very
difficult to send or receive celestial communication if these three
connective tissues are not supplied with ample silica. When the
nervous system breaks down due to the lack of it, a down-spiral starts
within the physical organs of the body, proper and normal functioning
ceases, and the body goes into a degenerative state. Cells begin to
disintegrate and start their transmutation journey into the down-
spiral. At some point, the activation of the Will to Live is withdrawn
and death then becomes imminent, and so frequency attunement is
without a connection to the substance.

Quartz Crystal, which is pure silica, is universal in frequency, and

used for energy manifestation, communication, healings, and power
sources on many planets within the universe. Memories of this stone
are prevalent for many people upon the planet, but because of the
misuse of quartz crystal in the past, many have chosen to look away
from the brilliance and not gaze at the crystal.

The price that one can pay for the misuse of crystals is a price
that most do not want to pay. It causes a silica burn-out. This misuse
can terminate the Star Seed from the physical body. Emotions, when
out of control, can also cause a silica burn-out. Depressing thoughts,
feelings of rejection, unhappiness, and negative aspirations should be
kept far away from crystal work. Crystals magnify the blood coding
within the bloodstream and this could create blood that would
program destruction to the body. Anger, hostility, greed, hate or any
negative unproductive energy, when around crystals, will cause
problems once the blood coding has been activated and set within the
Star Seed.

Crystals by themselves are a vibratory mineral, so those people

whose blood crystals have been changed and aligned for future crystal
work, must handle crystals with positive feelings and thought forms.
Crystals can magnify, amplify, direct, focus, and transform energy.
These energies can be awesome. Crystals are power sources which
come from ALL THAT IS. Keep your thoughts into the upswing;
positive, creative, and spiritual in vibration. If you do, then you will
maintain a healthy mind and body.

To be a Star Seed is one thing, but to be one and also take the
task of using crystals is a heavy responsibility to yourself, your loved
ones, country, nation, and to the whole Universe. Many countries have
been destroyed in the name of crystals. There are Dark Forces and
Light Forces operating within the Universe, so when one is working
with crystals, they will be tried and tested by both. Only the ones who
pass the test will be allowed to continue to use them. The Forces that
be will use everything they can to test your intent and loyalty of
purpose. A great deal of Thought-Adjusting will take place and, at
times, you may think you are going insane. If your thinking isn‟t right,
then you could develop some mental problems.

If one is not clear within one‟s own crystal self, then that intent
can cause a silica burn-out. Crystals are reflection of energy. How is
your energy? How clear is your stuff? What is your weakest point?
Where are you the most vulnerable? How often are you out of balance?
Can you answer these questions truthfully? If you can‟t, then there
could be some Dark Force that will bring you to an understanding of
your own truth, though the journey may not be pleasant. When a
person is in balance, physically, mentally, and spiritually, then they can
stand and hold the Light in such a way that the Dark Forces have to
withdraw their Thought Adjusting. Only when out-of-balance can they
project the down-spiral energy and shoot the Star Seed off of their
The knowledge of the Divine Laws of the Universe is in the process
of an awakening. Every Star Seed radio, so-to speak, has to stay in
good condition and in working order to be of service to these Divine
Laws. When the need for repair does come about, then others of like
vibration can come to the rescue with help and healings by Divine
Cosmic Laws. Everyone must be willing to help their Star Sisters and
Brothers maintain their balance so that their missions can be
completed. The evolution of the planet, yes, but also the entire
universe, must be in perfect order and balance. The crystal connection
runs throughout the entire cosmos. And so, this vital information
about silica and the use of crystals is being handed down at this time.


Crystals With Sound

Crystals are used to focus, amplify, transform, transmute, magnify,
and transfer energies. There is no limit to the power and
manifestation of crystals.

Sound is a vibration created by harmonics. It is a signal that

something is happening between different sets of senders and
receivers. Sound would not exist as sound unless it is heard by
someone. However, there are frequencies going on that the human
ear cannot hear, but just because one cannot hear them, it doesn‟t
mean they do not exist. There are energies, frequencies, and
harmonics that are constantly happening on Earth and throughout the
Universe that, if they could be heard by the human ear, it would be so
alarming to the physical body that death would happen instantly. The
human ear is only trained to handle a certain range of vibrations and
frequencies. However, there is a way to increase one‟s sense of
attunement by using sound and crystals together to heighten the state
of awareness of the individual.

Crystals can hold a resonance of sound vibration, and this vibration

can no longer be heard by the human ear once it is encapsulated
within the crystal. The spiral of energy that goes though the crystal
and the spiral of harmonics that is created by music or mantras
correspond to one another by mathematical calibration. This is the
harmonic and main basis for keeping the orchestration of the planets
and galaxies in balance and harmony.

Crystals can be memory banks; whatever is placed in them, whether

it is music, mantras, color, emotions, coding, etc., is what they are in
manifestation. It has been said by some Ancients that a way to insure
a secret is to code the secret into crystal and set the tone and vibration
for only those who are at one with themselves and the Universe. The
secret lies with the attunement of the Keeper of the Keys. The
Lemurians and the Atlanteans knew of this secret of coding, but it was
taken away from man after the destruction of Atlantis. Now that the
New Age of Reason is coming to the Earth, those ancient secrets will
surface and be revealed to the world. Safeguards now will be taken so
that man cannot misuse the powers as before.

The following is an illustration of how crystals and sound can work

together for the betterment of Star Seed. Here are the steps to finding
the highest of crystalline energy plus sound.

In a bathroom, light 4 candles or lamps and place in the

shape of a diamond. Next to each candle, place a bowl of
water using clear glass containers with an amethyst crystal
in each bowl of water. The fire and water elements are

brought together by the amethyst crystal. Now, in a
bathtub of very warm water, place 1 cup each of sea salts
(or Kosher Salt), apple cider vinegar, and Aztec Secret
Indian Healing Clay. This cleanses the body of impurities,
and also helps to set up a frequency of higher atomic
structure. This combination also comes from ancient
secrets of attuning the body for higher work with celestial

Place a crystal on each of the 4 sides of the tub. Make sure

the crystals are pointing towards the water. Now, place
yourself in the tub with a crystal in each hand. The left hand
is for receiving and the right hand is for sending forth.
Make sure that all other lights and sounds are off. Place a
tape recorder close to the tub and play music that is
pleasing and helpful to meditation. (Golden Voyage series
1-5 by Bearns and Dexter is perfect for this exercise.)
Choose the music that suits you the best. If you do not
wish to use music, then chant or use a mantra of your
choice. Both can be used for the spiritual upliftment and
code the harmonics directly to your crystals. Now, take the
crystals in both hands and hold them up in the palms.
Visualize the music or mantra coming into the crystals.
Establish the contact, then breathe in the tones coming
through the crystal. Hold the vibration to the count of 4,
then place both hands in the water and exhale at the count
of 4. Keep doing this until you feel the balance in the body
corresponding with the frequency of the crystal and the
sound. This can be a healing harmonic. You may be able
to call upon this energy whenever you feel the need.

The exercise just mentioned is for balancing the body through
sound and crystals. The effects of this exercise are unlimited to the
user. In many instances, one will have recall of a prior lifetime, and
through this recall can release the perhaps unfinished business of that
time. Being able to recall other times and spaces is only good for the
soul if that soul is permitted to see the time to completion and then
release any disharmonic that that lifetime created. A good thing to say
could be the following:

"Thank you for that life‟s experience. I love and forgive

myself for any unresolved effects during that time. I love
and forgive those who helped in that life experience. I have
now seen it on this level of mind. I now release it through
love and by law to the Universe . . . so be it."

For one to be able to release through this statement is one of the

highest forms of self-healing. The spoken word has much power, but
the written word on the planet of Earth becomes law. So, one may also
wish to write it down. The more insight you have concerning past
lives, the more you are able to climb the ladder to spiritual
understanding. During these times in the tub, align yourself with two
words. TRUTH and UNDERSTANDING. If you have TRUTH and
UNDERSTANDING, then you have almost everything you need for
spiritual growth.

Try experimenting with sound and crystals. Now is the time for
others to bring forth knowledge about crystals and their uses. Crystals
beckon to you from the past; can you but hear the voices of the past
calling to you once again. So be it.

Astro-Sonics And Crystals
Astro-sonics is the extraction and amplification of sound
emanations from astrology and astronomy. This exploration of sonic
to audible tones associated with planetary aspects is the new frontier
of astrology.

Michael Heleus, astrologer, inventor, genius and highly advanced

being, has approached the subject of astro-sonics with clarity and
mathematic precision. He has been able to take tones that are
inaudible to the human ear and bring them to audible tones through
the use of an audio oscillator. The vibrations that are happening
between planets in our solar system are inaudible, but with this
process developed by Michael, they become audible to the human ear.
An audio oscillator can register inaudible frequencies and bring them
to hearing range from 1 cycle per second to 100,000 cycles per
second. Then the oscillator signal is plugged into an amplifier.

Michael takes the birth information of a person, date, place and

time of birth, and places it into a computer. This gives the natal
aspects and the information that he needs to complete his
computation. He computes the planetary fractions and places them in
frequencies that match the person‟s name and chart; he scales up the
tones, octave by octave, until an audible harmonic is heard. The pulse
count is used to meter the tone, and a pitch is obtained and locked in.
Then this tone is amplified until it becomes consciously audible.

The tones of all aspects, trines, squares, sextiles, oppositions,

and minor aspects can be recorded and played. The tones of the
trines and sextiles tend to strengthen and benefit the listener. The
tones of the squares and oppositions are stressful, but have great
power locked within every tone. It is best to take the trines and
sextiles and work within them for several months before advancing to
the squares and oppositions.

Astro-sonics and crystals, when combined, can be a great team

for inspiration, truth, understanding, and illumination. The astro-
sonic tones provide the frequency of attunement and the crystals
supply the focus, amplification, and magnification, transferring the
transmutational energies from the tones directly to the blood crystals
that are in the bloodstream.

At the moment of birth, an imprint of planetary energies is

placed within each cell of the human body. These blood patterns form
a blueprint or road map for the individual. Every human on Earth is
coded to planetary energies. When these blood crystals are activated
by transiting or progressed planets, the wheel of cause and effect is
set into motion. When an individual understands the natal aspects of
his chart, the road seems easier to travel.

By focusing on the trines and sextiles in tones, it helps to create

the most beneficial and up-spiral energy in our physical, mental,
psychic, and spiritual bodies. Great creativity can be brought forth
with these benefic tones, because the astro-sonic tones re-resonate
the original blood crystal codes. After a period of time, one can start
to work on the more stressful things in the chart; the squares and
oppositions. These are areas that need work; that is why they are in
the chart. Some astrologers say that squares and oppositions are
lessons that we have failed to learn in other lifetimes, and that trines
and sextiles are opportunities that we have brought with us from other
times and spaces. If this is true, then the challenge lies in the
comprehension of the natal chart.

The following is a procedure for using crystals and astro-sonic


Fill the bath tub, light sandalwood incense, and also light 3
candles or lamps. Place them in the form of a triangle with 3
small bowls of water with amethyst crystals in each bowl. This
helps to create a Standing Columnar Wave of spiraling energy for
the transmutation process. Place in the bathtub, 1 cup of each:
sea salt (or Kosher salt), apple cider vinegar, and Aztec Secret
Indian Healing Clay. Then lie in the tub with your two personal
clear crystals, one in each hand. It is good to play some
meditation music a few minutes before you play the tones so that
you can relax and get ready for the transmutation process.

Keep a dry towel nearby so that you can wipe your hands to avoid
getting the CD or tape player wet. Take out the music and insert
the astro-sonic tape. As you listen to each tone, pull the sound
through the crystal in your left hand, and as you pull the sound
in, also take a breath and hold it to the count of 4. Place your
right hand holding the crystal in the water and exhale to the
count of 4. Use your voice to help bring in the tones through the
crystal. This magnifies the energy and allows for full penetration
of the blood crystals. Each cell will rise to its own planetary
vibration as you do this exercise. You may want to experiment
and use the tones and crystals with your own guidance system.

Here is something you may say before or after you do your tones;
“These tones of light will now release me from bondage,
limitation and restriction. I take these tones to acknowledge the
divinity within me. So be it.”

If you find that the tones are distasteful, then that is an

indication of how much work needs to be done within your present
attitudes and concepts. As you practice the tones with the crystals you
will find that you will learn to love the tones. You may even look
forward to the time each day that you choose to practice with the

Through observation it has been pointed out that one should

not listen to another person‟s tones. This can cause physical pain and
mental disturbances. Also, use discretion about giving this
information to others.

Some people have reported feeling light headed, dizzy or just

blown away after their astro-sonic tones. If this happens, drink some
fruit juice or herb tea and lie down for a few minutes. Sometimes this
happens when the consciousness of the blood rushes to meet the
astro-sonic tone; this is nothing to be alarmed about at all. In fact,
this is a great sign that transmutation has begun.

Astro-sonics is still in its early stages of development so any

feed back would be appreciated by those who try the astro-sonic
tones. For information or feedback please contact:

Michael C. Heleus

Astro-sonics Services


Colors And Crystals

Crystals can hold the frequency of color just as well as sound.
Colors affect the physical, mental, psychic, and spiritual body of
humans on Earth. Color is just as important as sound, as the two work
hand in hand to bring about the proper cosmic spiral of Life Force.

One of the greatest gifts to the planet of Earth from the

Creator is the Rainbow. The rainbow has 7 different colors; all of
these 7 colors correspond to nature and to the universal cosmic
spiral. The human and animal life upon the planet also relate to the
colors of the rainbow. Each human has within them a color that
resonates to one of the colors of the rainbow. Each person has a
predominant color; some sensitives or clairvoyant (clear-seeing)
people call this color the „aura‟. In the past, not all people have been
able to see this „aura‟, but as the New Age of Reason approaches,
more Star Seed will be able to see this „aura‟. Colors around people
will become very evident, but then the „auras‟ around every living thing
upon the planet will also be clear and in view. As a person progresses
up the spiritual ladder, then the color „aura‟ begins to change. No one
is ever bound by any one color.

The Ancients had a name for the rainbow body of man; they
called it the Halo Body. It was the auric field of the Halo Body that sent
off vibrations denoting the status of the soul housed in that body.
Even today when our space brothers and sisters come to visit Earth,
they also use this auric field to determine who is ready for their

Something to consider is that we all breathe the same type of

air and we all get our light from the sun, but we reflect back to the
world around us different vibrations and colors. These vibrations and
colors give us our personality modes with which to express our
creativity and ideas. There is absolutely no judgment about the color
of a person‟s aura, since colors just are. They are neither positive nor
negative in expression, but function to make the whole, reflecting the
choice of a person‟s path.

The Ancients used a system called the Halo Body Chakra

System. This system centered around the 7 psychic energy centers
that correspond with 7 clusters of nerves along the spine. The flow of
this energy creates different frequencies which emanate different
colors. These colors correspond to our mental, physical, psychic, and
spiritual states of mind.

The way that one relates to life, emotions, and intellect all
reflect in the colors of the chakra system. There are colors that
resonate to each chakra of the body. Here are a list of these colors
and chakras that they match.


The human body is a blueprint of resonating, corresponding

colors of a rainbow. It is according to the Divine Plan to function
within these colors of spiraling creative energies from the Creator.
These colors and the corresponding chakras all work together to bring
about balance and harmony within the human system. When the
chakra of a person takes in light, consciousness, or thought
emanations from outside forces, then that chakra has to calculate and
respond according to the color of that resonance.

After a rain, one can gaze at the sky and see a rainbow full of
gorgeous colors; the wonderment of it all can almost take your breath
away. But have you looked lately into the center or the side of a quartz
crystal? Rainbows in crystals are very special. When light shows
through a many faceted crystal, then it splits into the colors of the
rainbow, showing from 1 to 7 colors according to the angle of light
rays or the number of facets exposed to the light. The humans on the
planet of Earth are walking, talking crystals; a great percentage of the
human body is made of silica, which is the main ingredient of quartz
crystal, in addition to oxygen. Human senders and receivers of
frequency vibrations all resonate to colors or matching harmonics of
the crystal spiraling system. Those who use psychic energy from one
of their chakras, whether it be for sending or receiving, have
developed this ability. They should use this energy and color to the

very highest octave of balance. To misuse this energy could cause
great physical and emotional imbalance.

The Universe is an unending spiral of oscillating motion; the

frequency of this motion depends upon the combination of elements.
Each human body is a functional, floating crystal universe. (Everything
is relative.) Within the physical body universe are elements that are
held together by vibrating frequencies of natural elements. All of
these elements, the light that you absorb, and the light that you send
out, have an effect on your physical, mental, psychic, and spiritual
bodies. Every thought that you think governs the colors that you

The Ancients tell of a Cosmic Banking System functioning in the

etheric world which oversees the planet Earth. Within this system are
the credits and debits of all human life. Everything is recorded; your
thoughts, deeds, fears, and emotions. The Celestial Guardians audit
the evolution of souls through the “auras” or “lights” of their subjects.
This measurement goes into the records of the Book of Life, known as
the Akashic records.

Just like the facet of a crystal, people can elevate their

consciousness so that different colors are projected into the auric
field. The choice is made clear with each bright sun filled day, whether
to project the energies in a creative, positive way, or to use negative,
destructive down spiral tactics.

Colors are the evidence of consciousness, and when someone

does not communicate with others on any level of conversation,
perhaps that person is radiating from another color. If so, have no
judgment, for this person has selected that ray of color as a learning
experience in this life.

A quartz crystal can resonate to your particular color, just as it

resonates to other auric field vibrations. If you allow others or
different color emanations to handle and implant their vibratory color
into your private crystals, this can cause your crystals to absorb
disharmonious vibrations with your particular vibratory color. Keep
only the auric field of harmonious frequencies around your crystals. If
for some reason it cannot be avoided, place the crystals in salt,
vinegar, and water solution for 10 minutes or longer, or use dry sea
salt or Kosher salt over night; in extreme cases follow above directions
for 7 days.

For those metaphysicians who do energy work, this technique may be


Place the client on a massage table; the head should be to the

north and feet to the south. This allows for the proper

Using your ingenuity; devise a portable lamp that can have

interchangeable colored light bulbs. Select the colors that match
the colors of the chakras. Find out what chakras are not working
properly or which ones need additional colors to help stimulate
their energy spirals. Use a crystal pendulum for opening up the
charkas; counterclockwise motion is used to open the chakras.
Then, either muscle test through kinesiology, or through the
technique of using the pendulum. Either system is workable, or
you can devise a system all your own that is best suited for you.

When the chakra is selected, place the colored light bulb that
corresponds with that chakra into the lamp and have it shine on
that area of the body. Take a left hand crystal and go
counterclockwise for several minutes with this color, then the use
the right hand crystal and move the crystal in clockwise motion
to help close the chakra with the color. This helps to increase
the spiraling system of the chakras in the body.

The Lemurians, Atlanteans, and other Ancients have used

crystals, color, and sound throughout the history of man upon the
planet of Earth. This information once again surfaces to the
consciousness of man and the use or misuse is a decision that man is
faced with once again.

“Universal frequency is the synthesis of all sound and color, which

makes for a Rainbow Body.” Psylavon of the Crystal Brotherhood.


Activating And Charging Crystals

A. Activating:

Always clean your crystals with salt, vinegar and water before
activating. A personal activation can be achieved in this manner:

Hold a crystal in your left hand for 5 minutes, then change to the
right hand and hold for 5 minutes. This brings your energies
into balance with the negative (receiving) and the positive
(sending). This should be done every day for one full month. It
is good to start with a New Moon or when the moon is in Aries,
but make sure that it is a full cycle. At the end of this month,
your crystal should be activated. It is best to set aside the same
time each day for this activation. Be sure to activate your crystals
alone; do not speak during this time. This is very important.

Once the crystal is activated to your personal frequency, allow no

one to touch it. If they do, then immediately place overnight in dry sea
salt or Kosher salt, and hold the next day for 5 minutes in each hand.
The salt dispels the other person‟s vibrations and by using your left
and right hand you instill your vibration back into the crystal with the
balanced polarity.

Some people say that is it is good to carry your crystal around with
you when you are first activating it, but this sometimes is more
harmful than beneficial. If a person is surrounded by negativity during
the day at work, then the crystal could absorb a great deal of
negativity. It is best to keep the crystal away from all vibrations except

Crystals are reverent items; if you carry them around in

environments such as disco bars, large stadiums full of people, jails,
hospitals, or mental institutions, this would only bring the hostile,
disharmonious vibrations into your own environment. Think before
you wear or carry a crystal.

B. Charging:

Activating your crystal with your personal frequency is one

thing, but charging your crystal brings a whole new set of rules. The

charging of crystals enhances the controller of the crystal with many
more advanced frequencies.

a. Crystals that have been charged in the Great Pyramid of Giza

in Cairo, Egypt, have within them transformation and
transmutation energies.

b. Crystals that are charged by the sun at high noon when the
sun or Mercury is 26 degrees of any sign, have frequencies
now placed within the crystals to telecommunicate with
Celestial or Galactic Beings of other spaces or dimensions.

c. Crystals that are magnetized by magnets have two distinct

1. Ones that have been placed on the South Pole magnet
tend to increase energy and expand strength of the
object. Never place a crystal charged with South Pole
energy on a cancer patient.

2. The North Pole magnet, when placed with a crystal,

helps to align the body with the cosmic spiral of the
Universe. At the entrance close to the North Pole is a
vortex that extends out into the cosmos. A North Pole
aligned crystal can bring you into the frequencies of the
high celestial beings at the Polar Paradise. Much study
and experimentation needs to take place with the
workings of the North and South Pole magnets with

The North and South Pole magnets can increase the power of
acupuncture needles. The magnification of meridian lines in the body
can boost and bring the body to a greater elixir of the Life Force.


Recharging Crystals With The Sun

The entire Life Force of the planet of Earth depends upon the
energy and light coming directly from the Sun. Without this energy
and light, no living thing could exist.

The electromagnetic field that surrounds the atmosphere of the

Earth is placed there by the sun‟s magnetic rays. Many cosmic forces
are interrelated to the Sun and its many facets of life properties.

Some Ancients have said that the Secret of Life remains in the
attunement of the Sun. They say that when one establishes contact
with the higher self that the pathway to higher evolution is shown to
them through the use of the electromagnetic waves of the Sun. The
Ancients knew and taught the secrets of the use and misuse of the
Laws of the Sun. Throughout history there have been many recordings
of religions based upon the worship of the Sun. There was even a God
call Ra, the Sun God, in Ancient Egypt.

Many uses of the Suns‟ rays have remained secret because of the
misuse of the energy during the time of Atlantis. Therefore, a lot of
information about the use of the sun will not be revealed to the
masses until the Earth inhabitants decide not to use the energy of the
sun for destructive means.

The sun and crystal energy combination was designed by the
Creator through Cosmic Laws to work with the Universal Cosmic Spiral
System. The sun‟s rays help to clear congested, locked energies that
are inside crystals. The Sun helps in the coding, amplification, and
magnification of energies, whether they be galactic or human in

In the Holy Bible, in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 the message of timing is

made clear to the reader. The message is as follows:

1. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose

in the heaven;

2. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, a time to

pluck up that which is planted;

3. A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and

time to build up;

4. A time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a

time to dance;

5. A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones

together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from

6. A time to get, a time to lose; a time to keep, and time to cast


7. A time to rend, and a time to sew, a time to keep silent, and a
time to speak;

8. A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time

of peace.

The message is one of timing. This timing is done by planetary

cosmic forces that were placed by the Creator when the heaven and
earth were formed to work together. (Eccl. 3:1 To every thing there is a
season, and a time to every purpose in the heaven). The cosmic clock
helps to determine the timing of all things, whether it be of nature or
of man. The timing of all these beatitudes will affect everyone on the
planet at one time or another.

Now, let us look at verse 5: ( a time to cast away stones, and a time
to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain
from embracing). In the original manuscript, before man deleted,
changed, and rewrote the Holy scriptures, it read like this: (A time to
cast away crystals, and a time to gather crystals together; a time to
hold crystals, and a time to refrain from holding them.) The Ancients
knew of the importance of quartz crystals and the powers that the
crystals possessed. When the time came to secret away the
information and uses of crystals, then it was allowed to be stricken
also from the records of man. This was to insure the safety of the
information and to keep it from those who would misuse or abuse the
power of the crystal.

Timing is very important when working with crystals. Planetary

line-ups can affect the frequency of the crystals, and great care should
be given to recharging crystals on the proper planetary alignments.
Here are some rules to remember about recharging the crystals in the

A. Cleanse crystals with Sea Salt (or Kosher salt), apple cider
vinegar and water before placing them in the sun. Cleansing
the thought forms is very important before magnifying,
amplifying them with the sun‟s rays.

B. Place the crystals on a white sheet, towel or blanket; white

helps in the reflection process.

C. Look in an ephemeris and determine when the sun and other

planets are 26 degrees of any sign. The galactic degree of 26
denotes frequency by Cosmic Law. The sun is for
amplification and magnification. The 26th degree of Mercury
is for the focusing of the mental process, a time when galactic
frequencies can be interjected from higher beings. (Those
Galactic days are referenced for the next ten years in Chapter

D. When the Moon is Void of Course and the sun is 26 degrees

or Mercury is 26 degrees of any sign, then this is a time of
perfect activation for crystals to hold celestial influences. (
There are several sites on the internet that provide Moon Void
of Course data.)

E. When planets are 26 degrees of any sign, then the best time
to place them in the sun is between 11:00am and 1:00pm, but
high noon is best.

F. Once the crystals are in the sun, remove yourself from the
area. The magnification can be too strong for your physical
body and blood cells. This could cause an overload to the
system and do more harm than good.

G. Extreme caution should be observed when using planetary

influences in helping to recharge crystals. Full moons will
emphasize the emotional nature of man and should be used
sparingly. A 29 degree or 0 degree is a critical degree and
should not be used for recharging crystals in the sun. Other
planets can be 29 degrees or 0 degrees, but not the Sun or
Mercury. When the Sun or Mercury is 26 degrees of any sign
and also a New Moon, those are the best energies for starting
new projects of interdimensional manifestation. Transiting
Moon Nodes that are 26 degrees of any sign help Light
Workers set in motion their missions upon the Earth. If the
moon‟s Node is 26 degrees and also 26 degrees in the natal
chart, then expect help from the brothers and sisters in other
space dimensions.

H. Extreme caution should also be exercised concerning the

emotional states of the mind and feelings when recharging
crystals in the sun. Total balance is required or do not be
around them or place them in the sun.

After the recharging is over, then quietly, without talking, bring
them indoors and place them in black soft cloth. Satin or velvet are
both acceptable materials for helping to hold the energies of
recharged crystals. White is for reflection and black is for absorption.
Red is sometimes used just before using the recharged crystals.


55 Points To Remember About Crystals

1. Never take a crystal that does not belong to you.

2. Never take advantage of anyone dealing with crystals.

3. Greed and crystals should never enter the same thought


4. The presence of crystals can be abused; reverence must

always be maintained.

5. Rock Shop or crystal dealers are probably some of the

most advanced beings on the planet. They distribute a lot
of light in the name of crystals.

6. If you keep score with crystals as you do with other

material objects, then you will probably lose the crystals.

7. Acknowledge that crystals are the most prized creations

of the Heavenly bodies in the Universe.

8. Highly charged crystals are powerful; they can heal or
kill. Never take for granted highly charged crystals.

9. Before using a crystal, make sure that it has been cleared

and cleansed.

10. Never hold a highly charged crystal over anyone‟s head

without his/her permission.

11. Never do a healing with a crystal without the other

person‟s consent. Make sure that you have the right to heal
or help in the changing of someone else‟s life.

12. For maximum healing results, when cleansing the body

of toxins, use mineral hot springs to drink, for bath or
colonic irrigations. Place the water first in containers and
place highly charged crystals into the mineral water.
Healing time will be ten times faster.

13. The crystal has been a sacred stone to the Ancients

throughout the history of this planet; know that there is
validity in that knowledge.

14. Treat crystals as though they were your own brains; put
into them what you are willing to deal with.

15. Naturally grown crystals work the best on any given

level, synthetic ones will not.

16. There are at least 200 different uses for crystals on the
planet of Earth. How many uses can you be responsible for
knowing about and using?

17. When digging in the earth for crystals, be certain that
the crystals are ready to come out of the ground; if not,
then place them back. Stop and listen to the crystals; they
will always tell you when they are ready to come out.

18. Crystals are amplifiers of energy and what you do with

them reflects not only on Earth, but the entire Cosmos.

19. Never treat crystals like ordinary rocks, because they are

20. Once you find your personal crystal, clean it, then
cleanse it with salt, water, and vinegar, and then rinse.
Never allow anyone to touch it. This is your personal
connection with your Creator. Always use a separate crystal
for healing.

21. Never under or overestimate the power of a quartz

crystal. One can bring you either to great highs or lows,
spiritually, mentally, or physically.

22. Collect, clean, clear, contact. The 4 C‟s for doing

galactic work with crystals.

23. Remember that your brain is made of mostly silica.

Quartz crystals are all silica, which is one part silicon and
two parts oxygen. Your brain is a computer and so are

24. Pick out your own crystal; never accept another

person‟s private, special crystal. Its frequency may not be
for you.

25. Learn to recognize a galactic coded crystal that has
been placed on Earth.

26. When using crystals, never confuse Earth Laws of Man

with Universal Laws of the Cosmos.

27. When using a crystal pendulum, make sure that you are
the only one in the room, ask the question, put down the
pendulum and in a few minutes return for your answer.

28. Learn the Laws of Discernment when using crystals that

are highly charged.

29. Respect crystal information, no matter where it comes

from. Don‟t get the message confused with the messenger.

30. Remember that quartz crystals can transform, amplify,

focus, store, and transfer energy.

31. Quartz crystals are the doorway between the 3rd

dimensional world and other dimensions.

32. Crystals can alter states of consciousness.

33. When manifesting with the help of crystals, be certain that the

manifestation is what you really want.

34. Never use crystals for parlor or entertaining games, such as

fortune telling to be „wise‟.

35. Food or drink served on quartz crystal can be better transmuted

into "Light Energy".

36. Crystals can be your very best friend, but if treated badly, can be

your worst enemy.

37. Never try to bribe the Universe with a crystal. Never try to make

deals with galactic beings in the name of crystals.

38. Never use crystal energy for personal power or manipulation over

other people. It can be done, but make sure that you are willing to pay

the price with your soul.

39. Remember that all galactic species know the art of using crystals.

Be discerning with whom you communicate; some species are pledged

to help destroy the planet Earth. Will you help them with your inflated


40. Everyone on the planet of Earth knows on some level of mind

about the powers of the crystal. Each, however, will be awakened in

his/her own time and space. Never hurry a person into crystals.

41. User whatever special protection you want to invoke on your

crystal. Sound, color, mantra, golden light, whatever is best for you is

also best for the crystal.

42. Place crystals in the sun at high noon on days when the Sun or

Mercury is 26 degrees of any sign. This is the galactic frequency, and

they do love the sun.

43. Snowstorms and rainstorms were used by the Ancients to amplify

and magnify their crystals. When the sun shone through during the

storms was the best time.

44. Never confuse quartz crystal with other stones or gems. They

can‟t even be compared to other minerals.

45. Old past programming can be removed with the help of crystals.

46. Never drop or throw a crystal down on the ground. It can let

frequencies go that may cause a disturbance in the balance

somewhere in the Universe.

47. Rely on your inner voice to help you select a crystal.

48. Shield crystals away from X-Ray, fluorescent light, or harmful

electronic rays, such as T.V., cell phones, computers, wi-fi,

microwaves, etc.

49. Never yell or become excessively angry around your crystals.

Emotional energy is attracted by crystals.

50. There are coded crystals buried in the earth that hold great secrets

of the Ancients.

51. Quartz Crystals know no time or space; they are multi-


52. Man, on Earth, can get in touch with his brothers and sisters of the

Universe if he applies the knowledge of crystals correctly.

53. Other planets have been using crystals for transportation services

while doing import and export between star systems.

54. If you manifest something through a crystal and then decide you

do not like it, study yourself, center on that part of you and learn what

you do not care for, or like. Crystals magnify thoughts.

55. Place a piece of amethyst or clear crystal in your pet‟s drinking

water. They love the vibration, and you will have healthier pets. Also

try it on your plants.


Solar Star Dates: 2010 through 2020

Galactic Activation Dates
For Charging And Coding Crystals
The galactic degree is 26 degree of any given astrological sun sign.
This degree is used by advanced consciousness throughout this
galaxy. The combination of 26 degree and quartz crystals creates a
Galactic Standing Columnar Wave with which Star Seed, Walk-ins and
Light Workers can communicate with their resonating star system.
Place Crystals in the sun between 11:00 a.m and 1:00 p.m on days
listed below (12:00 noon is the strongest energy frequency that can be
set in 26 degree frequency).

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

January 17 17 17 16 16,17 16,17

February 15 15,16 15,16 15 15 15,16
March 17 17 16,17 16,17 17 17
April 17 16,17 16 16 16,17 16,17
May 17,18 17,18 16,17 17 17,18 17,18
June 18 17,18 17 17,18 17,18 17,18
July 18,19 19,20 18,19 18,19 19 19,20
August 19 19,20 19 19 20 19,20
September 18,19 19,20 19 19 19,20 19,20
October 19,20 20 19 19,20 19,20 20
November 18,19 19 18 18,19 18,19 19
December 17,18 18,19 18 18 18,19 18,19

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

January 17 16 16,17 16,17 17

February 15,16 15 15 15 15,16
March 16,17 16,17 17 17 16,17
April 16 16 16,17 16,17 16
May 16,17 17 17 17,18 16,17
June 17 17,18 17,18 17,18 17
July 18,19 18,19 19 19 18,19
August 19 19 19,20 19,20 18,19
September 18,19 19 19,20 19,20 18,19
October 19 19,20 19,20 19,20 19
November 18 18,19 18,19 19 18
December 18 18 18 18,19 17,18

Celestial Guardians – Overseers of Earthlings' causes and effects.
Beings that function with planetary forces and relay information that is
held in crystal depositories of the “cosmic banking system.” Every Star
Seed, Walk-In or Light Worker is under their guidance.

Cosmic Banking System – A crystalline network which records all

credits and debits of soul growth, monitored by the Great White

Crystal Brotherhood - Recorders of the Ancient Secrets of the Universe

and one of the 70 Brotherhoods of the Great White Lodge of Antares.

Uses tele-thought communications throughout the Universe for
attunement through “crystalline” frequency.

Dark Forces – Beings that are in spiritual darkness and flourish on ego
power, through force, control and manipulations. They have turned
away from the creator‟s Divine Plan, but are co-existent with Light

Federation of Galactic Intent – Celestial beings from advanced worlds

that have joined forces to help bring balance and harmony to the
Universe. The Federation assigned to this galaxy has 33 different
species including Earth humans. Advanced hyperspace technology is
practiced by the Federation and is projected to those who are ready to
use the knowledge for the advancement of the Divine Plan. They join
their efforts with those of the Great White Brotherhood.

The Great White Brotherhood – 70 Brotherhoods formed to administer

the Cosmic Laws of Yahweh and to help in the evolutions of planets
and their inhabitants. They helped to prepare Earth for the arrival of
the Avatar of this age.

Light Forces – Beings of Light dedicated to the balance and harmony of

all advanced worlds. Actions reflected by proper use of Divine Cosmic

Light Worker – A soul dedicated to a higher spiritual order of balance

and harmony, who maintains the “golden energy” of frequency in every
aspect; physically, mentally, psychically, spiritually. Through many
incarnations has pledged to help bring to Earth The New Age of

Reason, and to practice, teach and live through and by Divine Cosmic

New Age of Reason – Earth and its inhabitants will function under the
cosmic laws of the 4th dimension. Evaluation of completed works by
Ascended Masters will reveal the leaders of the age. Beings with Light
Bodies will be permitted to function on Earth by Divine Cosmic Laws.
This Age will be free of past programming from the Lords of Darkness
or the Fallen Angels.

Standing Columnar Wave – An energy that is tornado-like in nature but

is pulsed in perfect cylindrical form. Generated according to its own
power. The Great Pyramid of Giza generates a SCW to the center of the

Star Seed – Cosmic travellers taking Earth bodies at birth. DNA/RNA

memory packets activated by cosmic planetary energies or by Galactic
Blood Coding. Portraying physical, mental, psychic, spiritual
characteristics differing from other humans on Earth.

Thought Adjusting – Tele-thought projections to the human third eye

from superior consciousness via ionized consciousness. Mind
projections to those beings who will choose Light Divine Order or
Spiritual Darkness. A technique devised for advanced complex
problem solving, used by both Light and Dark forces.

Walk-In – Certain souls wish to help usher in the New Age of Reason
by Walking In and bypassing the birth experience. These souls have
earned, through previous spiritual incarnations, the right to exchange
egos with the original occupant of the physical human body. The
original occupant may find themselves at the crossroads of life or
teetering on the brink of disaster. Perhaps they have side stepped
their time track, and through agreement and mutual consent, allow
a Walk-In to inhabit their body. This is not to be confused with
possession, for this mutual agreement is regulated by the Laws of
Cause and Effect. There are many degrees in variations of Walk-Ins:
Permanent Walk-In, Temporary Walk-In, Activating Walk-In, Galactic
Walk-In, even a Walk-In‟s Walk-In.


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