Week 3 Blog

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Week Three - Research


What did you learn from your From my research I have learnt what things my target audience
research? want to see in my video in order to make it more appealing to
them so that they enjoy it more. I have also found out what
hobbies they have which I can include in my video in order to
make it more relatable to them. I also learnt what the best
platform would be to upload my video to in order for me to get
the most views. As well as this, I learnt what actors would be best
for my production, which will help it to feel more realistic and
more entertaining.

How has the research into your target I decided to aim my video at 16 to 25 year olds as people this
audience helped you improve your age enjoy rap music as well as watching music videos.
ideas? Researching into this age group has allowed me to understand
what things they want and expect to see in a rap video, such as
effects, expensive clothes, performance and street life. By now
including these things in my production it will appeal to my target
audience more and therefore make it more liked and popular. I
also found out what my target audiences hobbies were, so by
including these things the character in my video will be more
relatable and therefore the audience will be more invested in
him and what happens to him in the story.

How has the research into your Researching into different platforms has allowed me to
platform helped you improve your understand which will be the best place for me to upload my
ideas? music video to. In this case, I chose YouTube. I chose this is
because, through my research, I learnt that it is a global and free
platform that can be accessed by everyone, meaning that it
would be the best place for my video to get lots of views. By
uploading my video to this site. By researching this, I will be able
to upload my video to a site which will get me the most views.

How has researching characters and Researching my actors has allowed me to choose actors that
actors helped you decide who to best suit the roles in my production in order to make my
cast? production feel as realistic as possible and to make it more
entertaining. It has helped me to eliminate any actors who I feel
would not be suitable for my production, making sure that, once
again, that my production feels as realistic as possible. This will
help to make the viewer feel more invested in the character’s as
they will seem real, making them want to find out what is going
to happen with them.

What have you learned from your Doing test shoots has allowed me to practise certain techniques
test shoots? How will you use these that I want to use in my production. It has meant that I know how
ideas in your production? to create these things, what I need to do when filming and
editing to make these things work as well as where they’d be
suitable in my video. It has also let me see whether or not these
techniques will actually fit within my video and if I can make
them look good. I specifically looked two editing techniques.
Practising these allowed me to learn how to create them well
meaning that I could add them to my production easily. It also
showed me that they would be suitable for my video.

What work do you need to complete I do not need to complete any work outside of lesson.
outside of lessons to stay on track?

High Grade Tips

● ‘Thorough research’ - include plenty of sources and detailed analysis of this information
● ‘relevant & coherent’ – make sure your research sources are not just the same as the Media
product you hope to make - and talk about how they inform your planning
● ‘sustained’ – continue your research throughout the eleven-week project and don’t just limit it to
the first two weeks
● ‘accomplished & considered’ – all of the above referred to in your daily/weekly reflections

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