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The forest is filled with a sunlit warmth that shines on the
dewey grass, crystalizing every surfaces it hit. Into this
tranquil and almost mystical scenery enters SALLY (14), who
wears a girl scout uniform and holds a map in one hand and a
compass in the other. Stopping in front of the camera, Sally
holds up the map to the level of her eye, and holds it down
to look at her front. Confused, she scratches her head and
continues to do so until she realizes that she had been
following the map in the wrong direction. She tilts the map,
which had been upside down, back to its correct position.
Sally continues to walk along the woods and, in certain
moments, makes small hops whenever she encounters a lying
bark of tree or stones. She takes out her compass to check if
she is going in the right direction.


Sally pulls out a piece of paper which is a letter written by
her friend Mina, who had recently moved away. The camera
focuses on the text written on the paper, which is in a
swirly child-like writing. Sally quickly recites the letter
while the camera scrolls down the letter.
Dear Sally, I'm sorry that we had
to fight on my last day of school.
I just didn't want you to get upset
of me leaving. My mom and dad wants
to relocate to somewhere nicer with
better air and neighbors.
Especially so now that my little
brother is about to be born. Bla
bla bla I hope you're not still mad
at me. Bla bla bla, there's
something I left you before I went.
It's something special and I hid it
in a place you'll know. But to find
it, you'll have to use your memory
and your girl scout skills. First
clue: a place where I lost my shoe.
There will be two more clues from
that point on, and you'll find my
treasure close by!
I'll know by the time you find it.
Enjoy the adventure!


Sally pulls her face from the letter and examines the area in
which she is situated in. She is now at the hilltop of a
large meadow. Sally then squints at something that she spots
down hill. She realizes that it is a thin piece of pink paper
tied around a swing. Sally runs down the hill and arrives at
the spot, where she unties the paper and reads the note
scribbled on the paper.
30 degrees east of north, go 20
Sally pulls out her compass and makes it point north. She
then moves towards the direction which is 30 degrees east of
Sally continues to collect the clues that are hidden in
various locations and arrives to the final spot, which is the
school playground. The final spot seems empty at first
glance, which confuses Sally. Sally looks around and wanders
around the space, eagerly looking for another clue. After
careful observations, Sally recognizes an irregular bump
among the sand. She approaches it and swipes away the sand,
slowly revealing a floral patterned blanket. Sally then
pinches the blanket and removes it from the sand. Below the
blanket is a treasure box. Sally opens the treasure box and
pulls out a freshly-picked sunflower. Lastly, she pulls out a
muffin that has been freshly-baked, which can be known from
the steam coming out.
Sally! Time to regroup!
Sally walks to a group of other children led by a teacher
while firmly holding onto her box, cupcake, and sunflower.
She never takes her eyes off of these things. While the
teacher calls the names of the children for a head count,
Sally looks at her muffin and smells it. A big grin forms on
her face, and Sally takes a bite of the muffin.

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