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Problem solving

The below are just examples – you will need to add more!

Theoretical How to fix Faced Didn’t

BBC GUIDLINE – RADIO I’ll have to go through the guideline NO
4 EXTRA and make sure that I follow their rules
and indications, making sure to
understand what I’m allowed to do
and what I’m not when it comes to
producing the radio drama.
I’ll have to take in consideration the
language I’m allowed to use when
I’ll start writing the script for my radio
drama and to get a better
understanding of the regulation,
checking the pros and cons of the
guideline. Making sure that
audience is suited for the kind of
radio drama I’m planning to
produce and the length of it fits their
WATERSHED I’ll have to make sure to avoid NO
(PRE/POST RULES) everything that includes sexual
content to violence, graphic or
distressing imagery and swearing.
E.g. offensive language should be
avoided and not broadcasted. If
any of this would be written in my
script I’ll have to rewrite it, showing a
more decent use of language that
won’t be offensive to anybody
listening to my radio drama.
CHARACTER TYPES – I’ll have to research character NO
PROPP theory and talk about that’s the
goals of each character, give
information about their background
so the audience will be able to
understand the characters better
and get a liking in them. I’ll also
have to be able to show the
audience what kind of people my
characters are based on their
reaction, attitude and the decision
they would make in different
situations. This way I’ll be able to
develop their personality further,
making the character more
complex, compared to how they
initially were.
GENRE – STEAVE NEALE I should do primary and secondary NO
– REPETITION + research to find more about the
DIFFERENCE elements needed to make the
fantasy genre e.g. background
music, Foley sounds, narrative etc.
I’ll do the secondary research on the
codes and conventions of fantasy
genre, so I’ll be able to understand
more about it and fix any problem
that could come my way while
writing the scrip or the editing
process as I’d already have all the
information needed related to the
fantasy genre.
Practical How to fix Faced Didn’t
AUDIO QUALITY The audio quality might be bad due This
to the actors sitting too far from the happened
microphone, so the solution would a few
be to make them sit pretty close to times while
it, so that it won’t sound like the recording,
characters are too quiet or too loud. so I had to
I’ll have to make sure that the actors set other
are speaking clear so there won’t be days as
any inconvenience and the well to re-
audience will be able to understand record.
what the characters are saying
FOLEY SOUNDS I’ll have to make sure that the Foley NO
sounds are appropriate and as
realistic as possible, so the audience
will be able to understand the
meaning of the sounds and won’t
get confused. I’ll spend more time
on Foley sounds, as I’d want to
experiment more making different
sounds before actually starting
making the ones I’ll actually need for
my radio drama. The Foley sounds
would be either made in college, in
the recording studio or my house.
BACKGROUND MUSIC The background music is something NO
I’m most probably going to struggle
with. Because the genre of my radio
drama is fantasy the background
music should be something calm
and somehow melodic.
ACTORS First of all, I’ll have to check NO
constantly on my actors to see if
they’ll still be available to play their
roles, if not I’ll make sure to have
backups that will be able to take
their place, so that I’ll avoid having
any trouble with the production
schedule and avoid falling behind
with my work.
TIME TO EXPERIMENT + I plan to make some time to I had a
RE-RECORD experiment making the Foley sounds small
in my free lessons and in the half problem
term. After I finally finish the plot of with the
my radio drama, I plan to make a list recording,
with all the Foley sounds I might or but my
might not need and try recreating teacher
them in different ways. This way I’ll gave me
be able to see what worked and feedback
what didn’t and come up with other and I was
strategies that will help me fill up my able to re-
struggles. record it
After I record everything, I need for properly.
my radio drama, I’ll have my
teachers to check it and give me
feedback and this way I can re-
record the bits that didn’t worked,
out making them better and also
improving the quality of the radio
AUDITIONING A problem that might occur is to find NO
CHARACTERS the right people to interpret the
characters the way I want. In a radio
drama the voices of the characters
is the main element so I’ll have to
find people that voice’s will fit with
the way I imagined my characters. I
might have to take numerous
auditions until I find actors I’m
satisfied with and after that I should
also look for backups in case there
might be a problem with the main
SCRIPT WRITING I’ll make sure that my script is NO
reaching at least ten pages long, as
I don’t want to make my radio
drama longer than ten minutes, as it
might end up boring for the
audience if there is nothing
interesting going on. I’ll have to write
the Foley sounds I’m going to use,
but in case I change my mind and I
plan to add more Foley sounds or
take out some of them I’ll have to
take my time going through the
script and make sure that everything
is in its right place. This will also help
me to make sure that there won’t be
any mistake while recording and
editing the radio drama.

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