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Pollution’s effects are not only affecting humans, it’s also

changing the animal population

THESE Pollution is a major issue

in the world today. In every
the price.
According to Connectus

country, in every ocean, there Funds, corporations would “no
are numerous heaps of gar- longer need to go through the
bage dumped into landfills that processes of finding, accessing,
quickly migrate into the multiple and transporting hydrocarbons
bodies of water. Animals misin- to create plastic items using this
“Kids these days” terpret the waste as food, think- technology”, meaning fewer fos-
phrase being ing it will replenish their starv- sil fuels would be burned, work-
ing stomachs, while in reality the ers would consume less from the
used in the “food” is slowly killing them. air, and the amount of contami-
wrong context, Creatures who travel to the sur- nants being released would go

when not face of the water or near shores Addy Wachter down.
get trapped in the mountains of When an object is biodegrad-
looking at the trash and can not escape. The worlds animals as it goes. able, it decomposes naturally
bigger picture United Nations focus group Along with taking a long and becomes a part of the earth.
on Marine Pollution estimates time to break down, plastic con- On the other hand, compostable
that about 80 percent of marine tributes to air pollution. Toxic items are capable of decompos-
I hate the phrase “kids these pollution comes from landfills, materials like benzene and vinyl ing by undergoing a different
days.” Saying “oh, kids these while “60 to 95 percent of the hydrochloride help create the process called microbial fermen-
days” undermines an entire waste being plastics debris” product but also cause cancer tation. These items are “derived
generation of thoughtful, in- Therefore, this proves that all and once emitted into the atmo- generally from renewable raw
telligent and creative children. the plastic bags, straws, and wa- sphere, pollute the air and soil. materials… not hazardous in
Would it be okay if I walked ter bottles are gradually destroy- In order to make the material production and decompose back
into a nursing home and said, ing our planet along with the soft and easily pliable, another into carbon dioxide, water, bio-
“Oh ew, the elderly these days”? homes of multiple, unique spe- chemical called phthalate is add- mass, etc.” says World Centric.
No, obviously it wouldn’t be cies. If one of the most press- ed. The World Count writes that Studies have shown that it takes
because that’s rude and encom- ing problems is plastic, then why plastic“is known to affect our about three to six months for
passes a whole group of people Illustration by Nick Rice not try to decrease the amount fertility, disrupt our endocrine both decomposition processes
Illustration by Nick Rice
who could be very different of this material produced, or at glands, birth defects and other to finish. That may seem like
than the specific group that I cians and world leaders will look least change the material used to health problems” . forever but compared to perpet-
was examining in that particular down at and pat them on the make plastic? Cost is a crucial concern ual piles of plastic sitting there
instance. head. They are doing them for More recently, according to for some businesses that do for thousands of years, wouldn’t
“Kids these days” are living the pure reason that they believe the Ellen MacArthur Founda- not have a lot of money. The you rather have it gone after
on a melting planet. that is what’s right. tion, a handful of companies company cycleWood Solutions those few, short months?
“Kids these days” live with These are kids who have are starting to transition to estimates that their new prod- Flipping a switch from tra-
the threat of being shot at every grown up on dystopian novels compostable or biodegradable uct called the Xylobag, made ditional plastic to biodegradable
time they walk into school. and anti-government sentiment. plastic like Ecover, Pepsico and of compostable plastic, will and compostable plastic is unre-
“Kids these days” are expe- They all believe that in some way L’Oréal. When more and more “cost roughly 1.5 cents per unit alistic. Although, if society tried
riencing the world like no other that they are the Katniss or the corporations begin to follow in compared with 1.2 cents for to make that gradual change
generation has.
Guest Opinion Harry of their generation. You these footsteps, pollution in the traditional plastic bags”. Over over time, this planet would not
Maybe I’m biased. Yes, of Jalen Greene cannot raise a group of young oceans, on land, and in the air time, this will add up. However, continue to lose precious, living
course every generation is dif- people on rebellion-themed lit- will decrease to make our envi- we would spend less money on creatures or clear, blue waters.
ferent, and has faced different erature and expect them to stand ronment healthier. cleanup programs and produc- Instead, the number of deadly
challenges. But you can’t deny eration post-Columbine. The down when they see something Sadly the numerous amount tion because there would be very mounds of waste would drop,
it, there is something differ- first generation with a black that threatens what they believe of plastic produced today little waste to cleanup and the our lungs would fill with fresh,
ent about growing up in a time president. The first generation in. doesn’t decompose, and is left energy used to create the prod- clean air, and animals would
where the Earth is a ticking time in which climate change could Personally, I have sat in class- circling the globe harming the ucts would decrease, evening out have safe homes to live in.
bomb and you are told every day become irreversible. Not only rooms with students my age
that you and your generation that- these are the kids who have from upwards of ten different
are suddenly in charge of fixing created some of the most pow- countries and talked about the
race relations, political polariza- erful student-led movements in issues we see in the world. While
tion, a broken social security sys- history. those issues may differ from per-
tem and also getting your math For example, The March son to person, one thing is obvi-
homework done on time. Again, for Our Lives, School Strike for ous: the kids talking about them
yes, every generation has had Climate, the resurrection of the believe they have the power to
their problems to fix, but most Youth NAACP, and even aspects make change. Their statements
of those weren’t created by peo- of the well-known #MeToo are not “I wish I could… ” but
ple who are going to die before movement were sparked by rather “I have plans to… ” I
they have to solve them. young girls (and boys) speaking believe that this idealism, this
When someone complains up about their stories. These hardheadedness is what will, for
about “those damn kids,” they movements are not just things lack of better phrasing, “save the
are talking about the first gen- that kids are doing so that politi- world.”
Illustration by Sophia Jaeger

4 OPINION May 23, 2019, www.bucsblade.com

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