Always Blocks

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always blocks

I Modules provide coarse-grain partitioning.

I Now we need a technique for both fine-grain partitioning and to
create the digital logic in those partitons.
I This is done primarily with always blocks.
I always comb creates strictly combinatorial logic
I always ff creates flip flops only
I In rare cases, we may want to describe latches.
I always latch creates latches only
always blocks
I Within an always comb block we can create
I AND/OR arrays of simple logic
I Arithmetic operations
I Comparison logic
I State machine next state steering logic

always_comb begin
unique case ( done_sm_ps )
done = 1 ’ b0 ; // not done indication
if (( cycle_cnt ==5 ’ d31 )&
( mult_sm_ps == SHIFT )) done_sm_ns = DONE ;
else done_sm_ns = NOT_DONE ;
done = 1 ’ b1 ; // indicate done
done_sm_ns = NOT_DONE ; // go back
always blocks

I Within an always ff block we create

I Just Flip-flops
always_ff @ ( posedge clk , posedge reset )
if ( reset ) done_sm_ps <= NOT_DONE ; // at reset
else done_sm_ps <= done_sm_ns ; // else , goto next state

I FF’s with the combinatorial logic that drives their D-inputs

always_ff @ ( posedge clk , posedge reset )

if ( reset ) cycle_cnt <= ’0;
else if ( mult_sm_ps == SHIFT )
cycle_cnt <= cycle_cnt + 1; // count up on shift

Any non-blocking assignment to a signal within an always ff block

creates a flip-flop whose Q output is connected to the name of the signal.
always blocks

I Note that:
I always comb used the blocking ”=” assignment
I Use blocking assignments in always blocks that are written to
generate combinational logic.
I always ff used the non-blocking ”<=” assignment
I Use nonblocking assignments in always blocks that are written to
generate sequential logic.
I Ignoring these guidelines may infer correct logic gates, but
pre-synthesis simulation might not match the behavior of the
synthesized circuit.

”Nonblocking Assignments in Verilog Synthesis, Coding Styles That Kill!, Clifford
E. Cummings, Sunburst Design, Inc., SNUG-2000, San Jose, CA”
always blocks

Let’s do some syntax cleanup...

I The ’ (apostrophe) is called the cast operator
I Its used in several ways:
I As in ”C” it can be used to force a size or type

y = 10 ’( x -2); // cast the value x -2 to be 10 bits in size

y = int ’(2.0*3.0); // cast the value 6.0 to be the integer 6
y = signed ’( x ); // cast x to be a signed variable

I It is also often used to denote a fill value. In other words it lets you
set all the bits of a vector to a value without specifying radix or size.
data = ’1; // set all the bits of data to V_dd }
if ( rst ) y1 <= ’0; // set all bits of y1 to V_ss ( ground )

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