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Assignment II, GIS - Basics

Deadline: 6th June, 2019

1. Define GIS. Identify and describe the functional elements of a GIS. [5]

2. Explain briefly the stages of GIS Workflow. [5]

3. Differential between Spatial data and non-spatial data. [5]

4. Explain briefly the applications of GIS. [5]

5. Explain the limitations of using GIS? [5]

6. What is vector data model? Write down its advantages and disadvantages. [2+3+3]

7. What is raster data model? Write down it advantages and disadvantages. [2+3+3}

8. Differentiate between vector and raster data model? [5]

9. Which geometry type of vector data is used to visualize the following objects in a map: [1*6]
i. Agriculture Area: ………………………
ii. Spot Height: ………………………………
iii. NBPI Admin Building in map of NBPI: ……………………….
iv. NBPI Admin building in map of Nepal: ……………………………
iv. River in map of Nepal: ………………………………
v. NBPI in small scale map: …………………………….
vi. NBPI in large scale map: ………………………….

10. Write short notes on TIN. Explain its advantages and disadvantages [1+4]

11. Explain the principal of TIN. Why is TIN considered to be vector model? [3+2]

12. What are the sources of Spatial data in GIS. Explain each source with appropriate example. [5]

13. What is the process involved in preparation of GIS data. Explain each step-in detail. [5]

14. Define Digitization. Explain the difference between on-screen and on-tablet digitization. If a paper
map was scanned with 1 dot (pixel) size equals 0.01mm, calculate dpi. [1+2+2]

15. What is georeferencing and map projection. Why is it important in GIS? [5]

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