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Being in the play, for me, was such an amazing experience.

I got used to the consistency

of the practices, and enjoyed spending the time on it. The entire cast was so amazing to work

with, and they were all so accepting and caring. Even though I officially joined the cast late,

everyone accepted me in as one of them and it was so awesome. I enjoyed doing makeup for

some of the people as well. Learning my lines was a slow process at first, but it was easy once I

really got going.

In all the years that I’ve done plays, this one was definitely, without a doubt, my favorite

of all of them. The play itself was written so well; it was funny and clever. But, not only that, the

cast amped the comedy and drama way up and made the play so entertaining to not only

participate in, but also watch. Everyone that I talked to about the play afterwards thought it was

really funny and well done. My only two main regrets are not auditioning in the first place, and

the fact that we only did one weekend of shows.

I thoroughly enjoyed getting to work on this play and it was so nice to be able to spend

time with the whole cast. On days where I was feeling sick/tired, they were there to cheer me up

or to relate and that was really nice. I’m so proud of how well everyone did during the

performances, especially considering that because of the snow days, we had less practice time

than we normally would have. Everyone worked so hard during the practices and performances

and I really respect that. Overall, the entire experience was amazing and I’m so thankful to have

been a part of it.

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