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Thumb through= ojear/echar un vistazo back down= echarse atrás

muscle in on= meterse a la fuerza/ meterse/competir con head off= salir/irse/prevenir

eye up =mirar de cerca algo que interesa knuckle down=ponerse las pilas/esmerarse

face up to= plantar cara a algo/alguien , encarar, enfrentar, confrontar a alguien o algo

hand down= legar/heredar palm off= endorsas/colocar algo a alguien

back up=respaldar/ hacer copia de seguridad

Part 1 - Definitions

1. Underline the phrasal verbs in sentences 1-10, then match them to the definitions below.

1. We headed off any possible problems with good preparation and planning.

2. They eyed each other up all night before someone finally introduced them.

3. Would you stop trying to muscle in on my party. You’ll have your own party when it’s your birthday.

4. My grandmother handed down this recipe to my mother and she handed it down to me.

5. I thumbed through a magazine while I sat in the dentist’s waiting room.

6. You think you can palm me off with any old excuse, but you’re wrong. I want to know the truth.

7. The strikers backed down and returned to work once they realized their demands would not be met.

8. You’re just going to have to face up to the fact that she has left you and isn’t going to return.

9. The police didn’t believe his alibi, but it was backed up by everyone they asked.

10. You’ve done nothing all year. You’d better knuckle down to some series studying if you want to pass the exam.

Definitions Phrasal Verbs Phrasal Verb

a. to turn the pages of a book or magazine to get a general idea of what’s in it ………………………

b. to give or leave knowledge or possessions to someone younger than you ………………………

c. to prevent problems or disaster by taking pre-emptive action ………………………

d. to support someone by agreeing that what they say is true ………………………

e. to change your opinion or position due to pressure from other people ………………………

f. to look at someone with a particular interest or concern ………………………

g. to dismiss someone’s questions with non-committal or untrue answers ………………………

h. to admit something unpleasant or painful to yourself ………………………

i. to get involved in something when it’s not your business ………………………

j. to start working hard ………………………

Discuss your answers to the following questions.
● Do you thumb through the magazines when you are waiting at the doctor’s or dentist’s?

● Do you find it easy to face up to the problems in your life?

● Who do you talk to when you want to get something off your chest?

● Who’s the most gullible person you know? Is it easy to palm them off with silly answers?

● Do you think it’s right to palm children off with poor answers?

● What’s the most valuable thing an older person has ever handed down to you?

● When you’re old what advice would you like to hand down to the next generation?

● Can you knuckle down to hard work when you have to or are you a steady worker?

● Have you ever eyed someone up at a party? How about on the bus or train?

● When you argue with people do you back down to keep the peace or do you stick to your guns?

● Who usually backs down first when there’s an argument in your family?

● When you were a child did your brother or sister back you up when you lied to your parents?

● Is there anyone in your life who tries to muscle in on what you’re doing?

● Have you ever headed off disaster with good planning and preparation?

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