Dakota Chapman - Brainstorming Draft Atc Application Essay Assignment - 842120

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Begin working on your essay for the ATC here…

Directions, per the application, are…

Attach an essay describing:

● Why you will be a good fit for the ATC, for each of the three program choices selected.
● Each paragraph should be written about one program and contain a detailed explanation
that relates your experiences, interests and career goals to the program.

My name is Dakota Chapman and I currently attend the entrepreneurship and business
academy at Kempsville high school. I have a huge interest in technology and plan to make it my
career one day. I have started my journey to success small with my word expert and my word
PowerPoint certifications and I am currently taking a computer programming class with ALICE.
My most recent certification is my workplace readiness test. I take my education seriously and
want to set myself up for success in the future. When I graduate from high school I plan to go to
attend ate air force academy and becoming an officer in the United States air force.

#1 Choice: Engineering technology 1

I feel that I would be a great fit for the ATC program Engineering technology because I
have a naturally creative mind and I love to make things in my spare time. I would love to make
my hobby more advanced and possibly have it as a job in the near future. I am a very hands on
person and love to learn by doing and I feel that this program could definitely fit my learning

#2 Choice: Telecommunications 1
I have a natural love for electronics and how they work. I also love being able to help
others. I feel the class telecommunications 1 could help me make a change in the world and stay
on top of what is modern. This class could also help me be more successful in the future and
would help me in my dream job. This program can also help me in building my resume and
becoming a more productive member of society.

#3 Choice: cybersecurity systems technology

I like keeping up with modern times and cybersecurity systems technology could
definitely help me stay up to date. Cyber security is the next form of police in the modern world
and without it there would be a lot of chaos. I want to be a part of this movement and to help
others. I feel I would fit in this class perfectly because of my love tor technology.

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