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Troy Preschool: Schroeder 3’s, 4’s, & 5’s – Weekly Happenings: June 3rd – June 7th

Description KDI’s
Greeting Monday: Approaches to Learning – initiative,
1. Toy Area and Book Area card with photograph of books, Block Area card with photograph of puzzles, Sand and Water Table Area card with engagement, reflection
Time drawing of water and of Velcro board, discussed what would be out for the week
2. Where does your favorite animal live, question mark, photograph of students thinking, students share with one another what their favorite animal is Social/Emotional – sense of competence,
and where it lives community, building relationships
3. It is a new month written, drawing of summer scene, explained how it is now June and not May, discussed how it is now summer
Physical/Health – fine-motor skills, body
Tuesday: awareness
1. Absent written, drawing of Mrs. Chowdhury and of Mrs. Akther, explained how we would be having substitute teachers for the day
2. New letter links written, William’s name, students came up with words that begin with W, students came up with water, whale, and watermelon Language/Literacy/Communication –
3. Eid Al Fitr written, photographs of people celebrating, explained how it is the end of Ramadan comprehension, speaking, vocabulary,
phonological awareness, alphabetic
Wednesday: knowledge, reading, concepts about print,
1. Absent written, drawing of Mrs. Chowdhury and of Mrs. Akther, explained how we would be having substitute teachers for the day book knowledge, writing
2. New letter links written, Ziad’s name, students came up with words that begin with letter Z, students came up with zebra, zoo, and zap
3. Photograph of a turtle, of an elephant, of a train, and of an ear, students sorted the pictures by beginning sounds Mathematics – number words and symbols,
counting, shapes, patterns, data analysis
1. Do you have pets at home written, students completed a chart, students learned 9 people have pets and 4 people don’t, they compared the amounts Creative Arts – N/A
2. What if it rained eyeballs written, photograph of eyeballs, photograph of students thinking, students shared what they would do if it rained eyeballs
3. Patterns written, students came up with a complex shape pattern, students translated the shape pattern to a number pattern Science/Technology – observing, classifying,
drawing conclusions, communicating ideas
1. Happy Birthday to Lerui, Manvikh, and Isaac written, explained how their birthdays are during the summer, stated how we would be celebrating Social Studies – community roles, decision
them today making, geography, history
2. Ms. Radha’s last day written, no symbol with Schroeder Elementary and Ms. Radha, discussed how Ms. Radha would no longer be with us
3. What if you had an elephant nose written, photograph of a child with a trunk, photograph of students thinking, students shared what they would do
if they had an elephant nose

*What did each morning: wrote their names, read/looked at books or did puzzles, sang Time to Put Books Away song, stated day of week, stated the weather,
wrote numbers 28 – 30 on board stating number poems, stated who had jobs each day (identifying those by their letter links, the first letter in their name, and
the beginning sound of their name, and their last name)*
Small  Each student received a tool. He/she stated the name of the tool, explained how the tool works, and demonstrated how it works. Approaches to Learning – initiative,
engagement, use of resources, reflection
 Students played a fishing game. They fished for uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and words. Before placing the fish inside the containers,
Time students identified the letter and/or word. Social/Emotional – community, building
relationships, cooperative play
 Students wrote uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and words with soap. They identified the letter and/or word that they wrote.
Physical/Health – fine-motor skills, body
 Students listed to a subtraction story. The story is about a family of bears in search of food. Students acted the story out using bear counters. awareness
Students subtracted the amount of bears each page stated to until all the bears were gone.
Language/Literacy/Communication –
 Students painted each other’s feet. They made footprints for a Father’s Day gift. comprehension, speaking, vocabulary,
phonological awareness, alphabetic
knowledge, reading, concepts of print, book

Mathematics – number words and symbols,

counting, part-whole relationships

Creative Arts – art

Science/Technology – observing, drawing

conclusions, communicating ideas

Social Studies – decision making

Large Monday: Approaches to Learning – initiative,
Group  Easy to Join Activity – sang Come on Over and Sit Right Down song engagement
 Learned songs for the end of the year party, discussed how we will be singing for our parents, learned the songs Skidamarink, My Mother, and
Time Happy Father’s Day Social/Emotional – community, building
relationships, cooperative play
 Easy to Join Activity – sang Come on Over and Sit Right Down song Physical/Health – body awareness
 Reviewed songs for the end of the year party, discussed how we will be singing for our parents, learned the songs Skidamarink, My Mother, and
Happy Father’s Day Language/Literacy/Communication –
comprehension, speaking, vocabulary,
Wednesday: phonological awareness
 Easy to Join Activity – sang Come on Over and Sit Right Down song
 Reviewed songs for the end of the year party, discussed how we will be singing for our parents, learned the songs Skidamarink, My Mother, and Mathematics – N/A
Happy Father’s Day
Creative Arts – music, movement, pretend
Thursday: play
 Easy to Join Activity – sang Come on Over and Sit Right Down song
Science/Technology – observing, drawing
 Reviewed songs for the end of the year party, discussed how we will be singing for our parents, learned the songs Skidamarink, My Mother, and
conclusions, communicating ideas
Happy Father’s Day
Social Studies – decision making
 Easy to Join Activity – sang Come on Over and Sit Right Down song
 Song book taken out, sang Happy Birthday to Isaac, Manvikh, and Lerui, sang Here We Go Around the Birthday Boys as we walked in a circle
around them, and sang Make a Wish and Blow Us Out as we pretended to be candles and as they pretended to blow us out, students pretended to
bake a cake, they pretended to eat the cake
Planning Mornings: Approaches to Learning – initiative, planning,
 Laid out area card chart, took turns using pointer stick to point to and state the areas where wanted to go play engagement
Time  Used binoculars for pretend, looked for areas where wanted to go play
 Used paper towel tube, pretended it was a telescope, looked for areas where wanted to go play Social/Emotional – building relationships
 Laid out area card chart, placed paper towel tube over areas, placed letter die down tube on areas where wanted to go play
 Each received a shape puzzle piece and hid it in hands, when shape named, placed onto puzzle and stated where wanted to go play Physical/Health – N/A

Afternoons: Language/Literacy/Communication –
 Planning chart on back of door everyday, place area cards where want to go play behind own letter link comprehension, speaking, vocabulary,
phonological awareness, alphabetic knowledge
concepts about print

Mathematics – shapes, spatial awareness

Creative Arts – pretend play

Science/Technology – communicating ideas

Social Studies – decision making, geography

Recall Mornings: Approaches to Learning –engagement, reflection
 Area card chart laid out, took turns using pointer stick to point to and state the areas where went and played
Time  Laid out area card chart, used tweezers to pick up animal counters and placed onto areas where went and played Social/Emotional – building relationships
 Used phones, dialed number and stated areas where went and played
 Laid out area card chart, drove/flew vehicles to areas where went and played Physical/Health – gross-motor skills, fine-motor
 Each received a number puzzle piece and hid it in hands, when number stated, placed onto puzzle and stated areas where went and played skills

Afternoons: Language/Literacy/Communication –
 Rolled die, stated number rolled on, did that number of movements, stated areas where went and played comprehension, speaking, vocabulary
 Used puppets for pretend, changed voice to state areas where went and played
Mathematics – number words and symbols,
 Held onto bucket, took turns tossing ball into bucket and stated where went and played
counting, spatial awareness
 Laid out area chard chart, used clothespins to pick up cotton balls and placed onto areas where went and played
 Each received a transportation puzzle piece and hid it in hands, when number stated, placed onto puzzle and stated areas where went and played Creative Arts – pretend play

Science/Technology – drawing conclusions,

communicating ideas
Social Studies – geography, history
Other Literature: Approaches to Learning – initiative,
 Students spent time looking at books. They did this at greeting time, snack time, work time, rest time, outside time, afternoon snack time, and engagement, use of resources
afternoon work time.
Social/Emotional – sense of competence,
Sensory Table: community, building relationships,
 Inside the sensory table was water. cooperative play, moral development, conflict
 While outside, students observed and explored the world. Students played on the swings, on the jungle gyms, on the slides, on the merry-go-round, Physical/Health – gross-motor skills, fine-
and in the sandbox. Some students played chase and catch. Some played hide and seek. Students are pretending to be villains and superheroes and motor skills, body awareness
are catching one another. Teachers are helping students to learn to swing by themselves by pumping their legs. Teachers are modeling how to do
this. Also, teachers are helping students go across the monkey bars. Language/Literacy/Communication –
 Students had to go to the gym due to the weather. While in the gym students played with hockey sticks, balls, jump ropes, and hula hoops. Also, a comprehension, speaking, vocabulary,
mat was set out for students to do tricks across. phonological awareness, alphabetic
knowledge, reading, concepts about print,
Work Time: book knowledge
 Students are deciding who they want to play with and what they want to play with, with more detail.
 Students are problem solving on their own. Mathematics – N/A
 Students are independent during their play and ask teachers to participate in their play with them.
Creative Arts – art, pretend play
 Students are engaging in a lot of pretend play scenarios. Many are playing house and pretending to go camping, to be teachers, etc.
 Students are respecting one another by listening to each other’s thoughts and ideas.
Science/Technology – observing, drawing
conclusions, communicating ideas, natural and
physical world

Social Studies – community roles, decision

making, geography

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