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Question: How does color affect the choices of a green cheek conjure?

Rationale: To know what color Seahawks toy must be (the green cheeked conjure)
What we know from our research: Green Cheeked Conjures can see more colors then us. Green
Cheeked Conjures are very colorful. “They want to be on you and near you, whatever you are doing,”
Peterson said. Thay weigh 60 to 90

Sites we used for research:

Cheeked Conjures personal care Behaviors of a green cheek conjures Green cheeked conjure species What colors do parrots prefer

Our Hypothesis:

AB- Anja I think that Seahawk will like the darker colors more than the brighter colors because
Seahawk doesn’t like orange and orange is a bright color.

AG- AnoopSeahawk will be more comfortable around brighter colors because she is bright colors
so she might feel more comfortable.

JH- Josh Seahawk will run from orange and go to red because Seahawk has liked anooops red shert
and Seahawk has ran frum my orig pompom

AB- Adrienne think that Seahawk will dislike Orange, Red and Pink because they are similar Hot


1. Gray cardstock paper

2. Black cardstock paper

3. pink cardstock paper

4. red cardstock paper

5. lime cardstock paper

6. Green cardstock paper

7. Blue cardstock paper

8. gold cardstock paper

9. purple cardstock paper

10. yellow cardstock paper

11. orange cardstock paper

12. Scissors

13. ruler


Steps of our experiment: (Numbered steps)

1.Cut out shapes

2. test









Our Results:(pictures and graphs)

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

She did nothing! ): She likes the red She likes the purple
button better than the button the best and
red piece of paper played with it a lot

Names of experts we contacted: (researchers in your field of study)


Looking at our results, our original hypothesis was hip-hop would be less neat. One way we know it is
wrong is that Seahawk did not like the paper, but she did play more with the caps. We think this
happened because Seahawk can’t pick up paper and Seahawk also can chew on the caps. Another
interesting that that happened was that Seahawk didn’t really choose anything, but she spent the most
time with the purple cap. I think this was because in conclusion, it turns out that Seahawk dislikes the
color orange and likes the color purple. If I were to do this again, two things I would change would be one
thing we would change would be having more colors, so that Seahawk would have more options. We
would also have a different substance because in this experiment we have paper and a cap maybe next
time we could have paper, caps, and acrylic.

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