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NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NUTRITION (NIN)  The Preclinical Toxicology Centre (PCT) of NIN

carries out short term and long-term

NIN is mainly a research centre. It is a Public health,
toxicological evaluations of candidate
Biotechnology and translational research centre
located at Osmania University in Hyderabad, India.
 NIN generates information on food and
It is one of the oldest and largest research centres in
nutrient intakes, nutritional status,
India. National Institute of nutrition was founded by
micronutrients deficiency disorders etc.
Sir Robert McCarrison in the year 1918 as Beriberi
among rural communities on a continuous
Enquiry Unit, but gained its name as National Institute
of Nutrition 1969 at the time of its golden jubilee. The
Institute has received International recognition. NIN is  Thrust areas of NIN
a WHO collaborating centre for Nutrition and Health
Development in India • Basic research: Food chemistry, nutritional
biochemistry, biophysics, work physiology,
 Objectives stem cell research etc.

 To identify various dietary and nutrition • Clinical research: Maternal and child nutrition,
problems prevalent among different segments bone health, diet and cancer, diet and
of the population in the country. diabetes, pathology and microbiology related
 To monitor diet and nutrition situation of the
country. • Community based operational research:
Nutrition monitoring and surveillance, food
 To evolve effective methods of management and nutrients intakes, infant and child feeding
and prevention of nutritional problems. practices, macro and micronutrient
 To dovetail nutrition research with other malnutrition, policy research etc.
health programmes of the Government. • Human resource development: Conducting
regular post graduate and certificate training
 To develop Human resource in the field of
programmes in various areas of applied
nutrition, and extension and education
 To disseminate nutrition information. activities in nutrition and health

 To advice Governments and other  Conclusion

Organizations on issues relating to nutrition.
The contribution of NIN in the field of nutrition is
 Activities overwhelming. Collaborating with the Indian
Government and other International Agencies like
 The NIN conducts research in the area of food WHO, it has successfully carried out research in
and nutrition. various fields, helped to develop human resource in
the field of nutrition and operate other community
 The Food and Drug Toxicology Research
based research. Its objective is to uplift nutritional
Centre (FDTRC) of the NIN carries out research
status of the Nation, and it is indeed successful in it.It
in the areas of food safety, food toxicology,
is also helping the Government in conducting nutrition
heavy metal contaminants and fluorosis
and health related programmes . It is constantly
 The National Centre of Laboratory Sciences monitoring diet and nutrition situation in the country,
(NCLAS) of NIN develops, breeds and supplies and is helping to provide effective methods of
various animal models and feeds for management, and prevention of nutritional problems
experimental purposes. of the society in all levels

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