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Name: _______Amy__Cruz_____________ Date: ____4/2/19_______

Argumentative Quick Write

Prompt: ​Choose an image that represents your topic. Then create a caption for your image that uses one or more of your sources to explain to your
reader the background, historical implications, or implications on today’s society.


There’s people at the United States that have different protectives towards undocumented immigrants. However, I believe that
undocumented immigrants should have the right to stay at this country because they contributed work to our society, tax paying and
hard working. According to Hillary Clinton statement stated on pros and cons "The American people support comprehensive
immigration reform--not just because it is the right thing to do, but because it strengthens families, our economy, and our country.”
This image represents how people are states other people as their race are illegal. People protesting makes a change to people
towards immigrants. Some believe that immigrants are not fair because they have broken the rules. John Boehner statements stated
on pros and cons “There will be no special path to citizenship for individuals who broke our nation’s immigration laws – that would be
unfair to those immigrants who have played by the rules and harmful to promoting the rule of law.” Because of they contributed work
to our society, tax paying and hard working.

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