Irvine y Baragar, 1971

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A Guide to the Chemical Classification of the Common Volcanic Rocks

Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
Received October 22, 1970
Revision accepted for publication February 8, 1971
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A system is presented whereby volcanic rocks may be classified chemically as follows:

I. Subalkaline Rocks:
A. Tholeiitic basalt series:
Tholeiitic picrite-basalt; tholeiite; tholeiitic andesite.
B. Calc-alkali series:
High-alumina basalt; andesite; dacite; rhyolite.
11. Alkaline Rocks:
A. Alkali olivine basalt series:
( 1 ) Alkalic picrite-basalt; ankararnite; alkali basalt; hawaiite; mugearite; ben-
morite; trachyte.
(2) Alkalic picrite-basalt; ankaramite; alkali basalt; trachybasalt; tristanite;
B. Nephelinic, leucitic, and analcitic rocks.
111. Peralkaline Rocks:
pantellerite, commendite, etc.
For personal use only.

Introduction ent paper constitutes their final report. It has

been formally accepted by the Volcanological
In 1966, at the request of the Volcanological
Subcommittee,' which hopes, by its publica-
Subcommittee of the Associate Committee on
tion, to establish an acceptable and useful
Geodesy and Geophysics of the National Re-
classification of volcanic rocks in Canada.
search Council of Canada, the authors together
with Professor W. W. Moorehouse undertook
to prepare a classification of volcanic rocks Scope and Approach
which might be recommended by the subcom- The term "common volcanic rocks" is in-
mittee for general use in Canada. It was felt tended to cover those compositional types most
that such a classification was needed because frequently encountered, whether unaltered or
(a) several institutions in Canada had begun metamorphosed. Only primary rock names are
to produce large numbers of chemical analyses used here, but modifiers such as a "meta-"
of volcanic rocks with the consequent need for prefix may be added if appropriate. The pro-
meaningful comparisons of these data by means posed classification scheme (Fig. 1) has two
of a consistent nomenclature; ( b ) many of the major divisions, the subalkaline and alkaline
rocks being analyzed were metamorphosed to rocks, and a third, minor category, the peralka-
a degree that precluded classification by con- line rocks. However, most of the common vol-
ventional mineralogical systems; and ( c ) there canic rocks fall into three series within the
was no existing classification that related in a first two divisions-the tholeiitic basalt series,
concise quantitative way long-standing terms the alkali olivine basalt series, and the calc-
such as basalt, andesite, and dacite with newer alkali series-and it is on these that we shall
names such as high-alumina basalt and concentrate. The peralkaline rocks and the
hawaiite, which were becoming popular in other rocks mentioned in Fig. 1 (the nephelin-
petrological literature. With Professor Moore- ites, leucitites, and analcitites) are given only
house's untimely death in 1969, the authors brief attention, partly because they appear to
continued the project. be rare in Canada, but mostly because they
A preliminary draft of their report was dis- are complex groups outside our experience and
tributed to interested parties for criticism and
comment in the period 1967-1969. The pres- 'Chaired by Dr. A. M. Goodwin.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8, 523 (1971)
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and A N A L C l T l C ROCKS
picrite- basalt
Nephel I nit e
CALC-ALKALI SERIES Melilite nephelinlte
olivine basalt

Nepheline hawaiite Trac hybasalt
\ LeUCitlte
1 Leucite trachybasatt Wyomingite
Nepheline mugearlte
Leucite tristanite
Nephellne benmorite
K-rich trachyte
Leucite phonolite

FIG. 1. General classification scheme for the common volcanic rocks. The lines joining boxes serve to outline common associations. The rocks
indicated by small print within the boxes are variants of the main rock.

any comments we might make might be more The control data are from the references

i misleading than helpful. For these same reasons

we have avoided the spi1ites.l
The essential aim of the classification is to
cited in Appendix I. They embody about 2500
analyses of rocks from several dozen different
localities or environments, but are limited in
give chemical definition to conventional rock time in that they come from rocks of either
names, these generally having been originally Precambrian or Cenozoic age.
defined on a mineralogical basis. However, a Many plots of data points are presented to
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 04/24/13

few petrographic notes are included, and we illustrate the basis on which boundaries and
have tried to accommodate mineralogical fac- divisions are selected and to give an indication
" the use of the CIPW norm. The
tors through of how well the choices agree with current
I norm generally gives a fair approximation of usage. The plots were originally prepared by
the mineralogical and modal composition of computer by means of a line printer and are
the common volcanic rocks as crystallized at accurate to one-tenth of a graduated division
law pressures under relatively anhjdrous con- horizontally and one-fifth of a division ver-
ditions. tically, the spacings of the printer. The sources
The approach has been to try to find or of the data shown on each diagram are listed
devise simple graphical plots whereby the dif- in Appendix I. Appendix I1 gives a typical
ferent rocks can be distinguished and named analysis of each of the rocks mentioned in
according to compositional fields that are Fig. 1, and will serve as a comparative guide
reasonably consistent with current usage. The either for a quick preliminary classification or
method has limitations because of the difficul- for checking final results. Appendix 111 gives
ties of representing chemically complex systems the equations of the proposed dividing lines;
For personal use only.

on graphs, and because many of the better- these can be used to make the classification by
known, long-standing rock names have not computer.
been used in a consistent way over the years
(Chayes 1970). However, the diagrams should Preparation of Chemical Data Prior to
not lead the user far astray, and if used Classification
with a certain amount of discretion, will gener-
ally give satisfactory classifications. Distinctions Adjustments for Alteration
between the major series are based on suites As it is intended that the proposed classifica-
of rocks more than on individual analyses so tion shall apply to metamorphosed as well as
unaltered volcanic rocks, some comment on
I that. to the extent that the control data are
the possibility of chemical changes due to
representative and the diagrams discriminating,
the dividing lines are fairly "natural bound- metamorphism or hydrothermal alteration, and
aries". Subdivisions of series are necessarily on ways of adjusting for these, is in order. This
more arbitrary, since continuums of composi- is a complex problem much beyond the scope
tions are generally involved, and the proposed of this study. However, opinion expressed in
boundaries tend to be a compromise between the literature (e.g. Miyashiro 1968), and our
usage in the literature and geometric con- own experience, indicates that the only con-
venience. stituents for which realistic adjustments can be
made, at least in general studies, are the vola-
T h e spilite problem was recently reviewed by tiles H20, C o n , and On. The other constituents
Amstutz (1968), who concluded that spilites are most likely to have been changed are the
chemically different from basalts only through the alkalies. Assuming that data for severely altered
phase separation (mineralogical differentiation) that rocks have been avoided or r e j e ~ t e d the
, ~ fol-
accompanies the development of their characteristic
mineral assemblages, which, he stated, commonly in- lowing two adjustments of the analytical data
clude abundant monomineralic portions of albite, are recommended for consideration:
chlorite, epidote, calcite, and amphibole. In the pres-
ent context, the highly differentiated rocks at least 3The discrimination here fnay be based on any of
would have to be considered "severely altered" and field, petrographic, or chemical criteria; however, the
could not be classified on a magmatic basis. The possibilities appear so varied that we feel that the
spilite problem has also been discussed extensively by judgment as to where a cut-off should be made must
Vallance (1960, 1965). rest with the user.

(1) Adjust the ratio Fe203/Fe0 if it appears by the results, but it should always be made
to have been changed. This ratio can appre- with caution. Other adjustments probably
ciably affect the norm (e.g. Coombs 1963) should not be attempted without specific in-
and so may be critical in classification of the formation on the nature and extent of the
rock. The aim in making this adjustment should changes that might have occurred. As a rule,
be to come as close as possible to the primary it is easier to detect a change than to correct
composition of the rock. In most cases the for one, and if the problem appears untenable
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adjustment will necessarily be somewhat arbi- then the data should be rejected without at-
trary, but it may be guided by (i) petrographic tempting classification. We will not venture
features such as the development of secondary specific suggestions as to how alterations might
magnetite, or the extent of ilmenite "exsolu- be detected, except to note that they may be
tion" in magnetite, (ii) comparisons with data indicated by departures from normal patterns
from less altered rocks in. the same suite; and of variation in diagrams such as those presented
(iii) comparisons with data from fresh rocks of below.
similar gross composition from other parts of
the world. In general, oxidation is more com- Adjustments for Phenocrysts and Xenocrysts
mon than reduction, so a smaller or limiting In dealing with highly porphyritic rocks it
value for Fe20s is usually required. Coombs may be desirable to estimate the percentage
(1963, p. 2331, for example, chose 1.5% and composition of phenocrysts or xenocrysts
Fez03as an upper limit for basalts, and Chayes and calculate them out of the analyses before
(1966) rejected analyses with Fe203/Fe0 attempting classification. However, it appears
ratios greater than 0.6. In the present work an that this is not commonly a problem of major
For personal use only.

upper limit on Fez03 is set according to the concern (e.g. see Fig. 6 ) .
following equation (based on the observation Norm Calculations
that Fe203 and Ti02 generally have similar Norms are now generally calculated by com-
trends of variation in unaltered volcanic puter, so their use is quite routine, and the
series) : CIPW conventions have been so widely used
as to be preferable for general purposes. How-
ever, there is room for choice as to whether
If the analysis value is less than this, no change the results should be expressed in wt % as in
is made; if it is greater, the "excess" is con- the classical CIPW procedure, or in "percent
verted to FeO. The adjustment yields a more cation equivalents" as in the so-called "molec-
undersaturated norm. ular norm" or "Barth-Niggli katanorm"
(2) Recalculate the analysis to 100% without (Chayes and Metais 1964) (here referred to
H 2 0 or C02. This adjustment simply places all as the "cation norm7'). Results derived from
comparisons on the same basis. H 2 0 and C 0 2 the two systems are generally similar, except
as measured in a rock analysis are not generally that the ore-mineral values are only about two-
of interest in respect to magmatic composition thirds as large in the cation norm. Our com-
(especially if the rock is metamorphosed), but puter program calculates both types, but we
if they amount to more than 2 or 3 -36 they may prefer the cation norm because it is better
significantly affect the values for other con- suited to graphical projection and easier to
stituents simply through "dilution". However, recast if one wishes to use alternative comb-
this does not mean that the H 2 0 and C 0 2 data ing rules for specialized purposes: Also, the
should be forgotten-they are still significant ore mineral values, in being smaller, are more
chemical indicators of the state of alteration of like volume percentages and so relate some-
the rock. what better to modal data.
The above adjustments assume, in effect, The norm notation used here is listed in
that the rock was "open" only to volatiles Table 1. Note that in expressing normative
during metamorphism or alteration, rather than feldspar compositions, Ne is recast as Ab. In
to a more complex addition or removal of, say, this way the ratio of total A b to Or is a true
magnetite, zeolites, or carbonate material. In measure of the atomic ratio of sodium to
general this assumption appears to be justified potassium.

1. Norm symbols used in the text

Q - quartz, SiOz
Or - orthoclase, KAlSi308
Ab - albite, NaAlSi30s
An - anorthite. CaAl?Si,O.
Ne - nepheline, ~ a ~ i- ~ i 6 ~
LC - leucite, KA1Si2O6
01 - olivine, = Fo Fa = Mg2Si04 Fe2Si04 +
+ +
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Opx- hypersthene, = En Fs = MgSi03 FeSiO,

Cpx - clinopyroxene (augite) = Di He 2 CaMgSi206 CaFeSi206 +
Ac - acmite. NaFe+3Si206- -
Mt - magnetite, Fe304
11 - ilmenite, FeTi03
Hm -hematite, Fe203
Ab' - Ab 513 Ne (see note)
+ +
Normative plagioclase composition = 100 An/(An Ab 5/3Ne)
= 100 An/(An Ab') +
Normative color index = 01 Opx + +
Cpx Mt + + +
11 Hm
NOTE:This equation converts Ne to Ab based on the relations:

NaAISiO* 2Si0, = NaAISisOs
2Q = 5Ab
Thus each unit of Ne gives 513 units of Ab.

Primary Division of the Major Series clature by substituting "alkali olivine basalt"
Historical Review and Some Basic Features o f for "olivine basalt", and he pointed out that
the Present Classification Scheme the tholeiitic basalt series is distinctive from the
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The term "calc-alkali" was originally applied calc-alkali series in that the associated andesite
to igneous rocks in which the proportions of is generally only a minor rock relatively rich
lime and alkalies (in relation to other con- in iron, whereas in calc-alkali suites of (Ceno-
stituents) are such that the dominant minerals zoic) orogenic belts, andesite is the dominant
are feldspars, hornblende, and (or) augite, with rock and usually has more A1203 and lower
alkali-rich minerals such as feldspathoids and Fe/Mg ratios than its tholeiitic counterpart.
sodic pyroxenes and amphiboles being specifi- However, like Kennedy, Tilley considered the
cally absent (Holmes 1920). It served to con- calc-alkali series to be a tholeiitic derivative.
trast these rocks-principally gabbros, diorites, KunO postulated that there was a
and granodiorites, and their volcanic equiva- third primary magma, which he ''high-
lents--from Peacock ( 1931) alumina basalt", and he chose to define a high-
proposed a more specific chemical definition alumina basalt series comprising andesite,
whereby calc-alkali series are those in which dacite, and rhyolite, distinct from either the
( 0 0 ) CaO at SiOz values
~ + ~~ ~ ~exceeds tholeiitic basalt or calc-alkali series (see also
between 55 and 61%. However, the more re- Kuno 1968). Yoder and Tilley (1962, p. 335)
cent tendency, originating with Wager and disagreed, being of the opinion that high-
Doer's alumina basalts occurred as variants of both
work On the Skaergaard intru- tholeiitic and alkali divine basalts. Wilkinson
sion, has been to identify the series by its trend
of variation in the AFM diagram of igneous ( 1 9 6 8 ~ )took still another view and treated
petrology (see Fig. 2, E and F). high-alumina basalt as the principal basalt of
The basic framework of present day classifi- the calc-alkali ~ e r i e s During
.~ the same period,
cations was set by Kennedy (1933) and Tilley Chayes (1965) reviewed the history of the
(1950). Kennedy presented evidence for two term "tholeiite" and argued that it should be
primary basalt magmas: an "olivine basalt abandoned, recommending as an alternative
magma type" parental to an alkaline line of "subalkaline basalt". However, Tilley and Muir
magmatic descent ending with trachyte and ( 1967) defended its use, and judging from its
phonolite; and a "tholeiitic magma type" lead-
'Wilkinson's view is consistent with earlier work
ing to a more siliceous association, ending with by Nockolds and Allen ( 1953 ), who ten
rhyolite, that he equated with the talc-alkali analyses of "parental magmas" of calc-alkali series,
series. Tilley removed an ambiguity in nomen- all of which are high-alumina basalts.

,L ), Q Columbia R.
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FIG.2. AFM plots comparing the patterns of variation of suites of generally tholeiitic,
alkaline, and calc-alkaline rocks. A = NazO KzO; F = FeO +0.8998 FesOa; M = MgO,
all in weight percent. The dashed line in Plots A, B, E, and F serves to separate tholeiitic and
calc-alkaline compositions after alkaline compositions have been eliminated (see Figs. 3, 4,
and 5 ) .

! continued frequent appearance in the literature,

the term has won general acceptance. Wilkin-
tholeiitic basalt and calc-alkali series
as being transitional along various alter-
1 son ( 19680) subsequently used "subalkaline" native "avenues" designed to represent
as a more general name for rocks of both the the rock associations observed in vol-
tholeiitic basalt and calc-alkali series (as op- canic suites. Thus in Fig. 1: (i) the
posed to alkaline rocks). tholeiitic basalt series may end with
In the classification presented here (Fig. 1) , rhyolite (as in Thingmuli volcano, Ice-
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which is very like Wilkinson's ( 1 9 6 8 ~ )the ~ land; Carmichael 1964); (ii) tholeiitic
following features should be noted: basalts may be associated with calc-
( 1) The three main series-the tholeiitic alkaline andesites, dacites, and rhyolites
basalt, calc-alkali, and alkali olivine (as in the Yellowknife volcanic suite;
basalt series-are those established by Baragar 1966); (iii) tholeiites may be
Kennedy (1933) and Tilley (1950). closely associated with high-alumina
However, no implications are intended basalts (as in the Noranda volcanic
as to genesis: the series are used simply belt; Baragar 1968); and (iv) high-
because they appear to be natural alumina basalt may "evolve into" an
divisions. iron-enriched magma (as it did in the
(2) "Subalkaline" is used in the man- Skaergaard intrusion).
I ner of Wilkinson ( 1 9 6 8 ~ )to include (4) The alkali olivine basalt series is
both the calc-alkali and the tholeiitic split on the basis of K20/Na20 ratios,
basalt series. Employed in this way it following Tilley and Muir ( 1964), and
is a convenient term to distinguish these others.
For personal use only.

rocks from the alkaline and peralkaline Finally, we re-emphasize that, although the
rocks, and at the same time its mean- associations outlined in Fig. 1 may also repre-
ing is consistent with that intended by sent paths of magmatic differentiation, the
Chayes ( 1966). classification itself is intended to be essentially
( 3 ) The calc-alkali series is defined on non-genetic, For example, the fact that high-
the basis of the AFM diagram, using alumina basalt is shown at the top of the calc-
as typical examples Cenozoic basalt- alkali series carries no implication that it is a
andesite-dacite-rhyolite suites from primary magna, that it is necessarily the
the North American Cordillera (Fig. 2, parent magma of the calc-alkali series, or
E, F). On this basis most high-alumina even that it must always be present in calc-
basalts fall in the calc-alkali series. alkali associations. In the context of this report,
There are a few, such as the Skaergaard a series is distinguished by certain characteris-
magma (Wager and Deer 1939) and tics, not by genesis, and it does not have to be
the Warner basalt in California (Kuno represented by all of its members in order to
1968, Fig. 26) that have differentiated be identified.
along trends of iron-enrichment such
as characterize tholeiitic magmas; and Some General Characteristics of the Major
these may constitute a different type of Divisions
high-alumina basalt (Smith and Car- At the present stage of earth history, the
michael 1968, p. 232). However, the calc-alkali series is most prominent in the
differences are not sufficiently great to Circum-Pacific region where it is typified by
make the distinction practical in a the basalt-andesite-daciterhyolite associations
general classification scheme such as comm6n to the many large "andesitic vol-
this. Also, we have not been able to canoes". However, it is also abundant in the
distinguish consistently between the eugeosynclinal successions of Archean "green-
more siliceous members of the calc- stone" belts, where it is associated with
alkali and tholeiitic basalt series-be- tholeiitic basalt, and it probably has similar
tween the rhyolites especially but, to occurrence in volcanic ,belts of other ages. The
some extent, the dacites as well. The tholeiitic basalt series is the dominant series
approach, therefore, is to treat the of the large plateau basaltic provinces of the

world (e.g. the Columbia River basalts and the curring in subordinate amounts. Alignment of
Drakensburg basalt - Karroo dolerite prov- the plagioclase laths may impart a platy appear-
ince); it forms some of the major oceanic ance. In both series, olivine may show evidence
islands (Hawaii, Iceland); and it apparently of resorption or reaction to a Ca-poor pyrox-
underlies much of the ocean floor. It is also ene; the groundmass commonly contains inter-
the main component of Archean greenstone stitial quartz (or other silica minerals, or silica-
belts. The alkali olivine basalt series most com- rich glass); and pegmatitic facies typically
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monly occurs in small cone volcanoes and is contain quartz and may be granophyric.
especially prominent in this form on the In the alkali olivine basalt series, the pheno-
oceanic islands (where it evidently caps a crystic minerals are plagioclase, augite, and
tholeiitic foundation; MacDonald and Katsura olivine, any of which may predominate, and
1964; Engel et al. 1965) and along the interior the intermediate to acidic rocks commonly
parts of certain island arcs (Kuno 1959, 1966). show a strongly trachytic texture due to planar
On the continents it occurs in minor plateau- alignment of plagioclase laths. The olivine
type flows (e.g. in the Hebrides), as small shows little or no evidence of resorption and
volcanoes within orogenic belts, and in associa- may be abundant in the groundmass together
tion with major block faulting (as in the East with alkali feldspar. Feldspathoids and analcite
African rift valleys). are common in the groundmass and in pegma-
Rocks of the tholeiitic basalt and calc-alkali titic schlieren, whereas silica minerals are rare.
series typically show Opx in the norm and may The peralkaline rocks, as defined by Shand
have Q, whereas most rocks in the alkali olivine ( 1951), have molecular (NazO + KzO) >
basalt series and all the nephelinic and analcitic A1203,which means that they will show Ac in
For personal use only.

rocks have Ne. Most leucitites also show Ne, the norm. Mineralogically, they commonly con-
but there are some leucite-rich volcanic rocks tain sodic pyroxenes (aegerine and aegerine
that show Opx and even Q (e.g. wyomingites; augite) and sodic amphiboles (richterite, bar-
Carmichael 1967). In the AFM diagram, kevikite) , and they may contain other relatively
tholeiitic and alkaline suites commonly show diagnostic minerals such as melanite and
a strong trend of iron-enrichment at low levels eudialyte. Probably the most common peralka-
of (K20 + NazO), and then swing to rapid line rocks are high-silica types of grossly
alkali enrichment (Fig. 2A-2D). Calc-alkaline rhyolitic composition called pantellerite and
suites trend more directly across the diagram commendite. A system of classification for these
with more gradual enrichment in iron (Fig. and associated rocks is given by Noble (1968).
2E, F ) . For more detailed information on the physi-
The distinction of the subalkaline and alka- cal, mineralogical, and petrographic features
line series is most difficult in the basaltic range, of the rocks mentioned above the reader is
and here the pyroxenes are particularly im- referred to papers by Wilkinson ( 1 9 6 8 ~ )and
portant. The typical pyroxenes of tholeiitic and Brown (1968), to the references listed in
calc-alkaline volcanics are Ca-poor types- Appendix I, and to standard text books.
subcalcic augite, hypersthene, and pigeonite-
and in Japan the tholeiitic series has been Alkaline versus Subalkaline Compositions
identified as the "pigeonitic series" and the Various diagrams have been used in the
calc-alkali series as the "hypersthenic series", literature to distinguish alkaline and subalkaline
based on a mineral0 ical contrast that seems volcanics; three are considered here: (1) a wt %
mainly to reflect Fe/ g ratio (Kuno 1968). plot of (Na20 + K 2 0 ) against SiOz; (2) a
Rocks of the alkali olivine basalt series gener- tetrahedral diagram with apices at the com-
ally contain Ca-rich augite, commonly a tita- positional points of 01, Cpx, Ne, and Q; and
niferous variety characterized by lavender ( 3 ) a ternary plot, 01-Cpx-0px (Chayes
colors. Hypersthene and pigeonite are rare. 1966).
Tholeiitic rocks are not generally conspic-
uously porphyritic; the most common pheno- ( 1 ) The Alkalies-Silica Diagram
crysts are olivine and pyroxene. In calc-alkaline This diagram is convenient since it makes
rocks, plagimlase is the dominant phenocryst, direct use of the analytical data. It has been
with olivine, hypersfhene, and hornblende oc- established as an effective means of distinguish-

ing alkalic and tholeiitic rock from Hawaii, as tending to the point Ne47Q53on the opposite
illustrated by the Hawaiian data and Mac- edge.5
Donald's ( 1968) dividing line in Fig. 3A (see As with the alkalies-silica diagram, an at-
also Tilley 1950; MacDonald and Katsura tempt has been made to establish a natural
1964), and it has been widely used by other division based on data from suites of volcanic
authors (e.g. Kuno 1968). rocks. For plotting purposes, Poldervaart's
The diagram has been tested further in this lead is followed and the contents of the tetra-
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study using data from other volcanic suites, hedron are projected from Cpx onto the basal
some of which are illustrated in Fig. 3B-3E. triangle Ol'-Ne'-Q'.B This view is especially
Results indicate that the curved line shown in useful because it separates rocks with Ne,
these plots should give somewhat better separa- + +
(Opx Ol), and (Opx Q) in the norm (i.e.
tion of alkaline and subalkaline compositions the "critically undersaturated", "undersatu-
for general studies than the Hawaiian line. By rated" and "oversaturated" rocks), and because
means of this curve about 90% of the analyses the dividing planes proposed by Yoder and
in our control data are classified satisfactorily, Tilley ( 1962) and by Poldervaart ( 1964) are
and most suites are placed correctly on a statis- both reduced to lines (Fig. 4). Several of the
tical basis. However, there are important ex- plots investigated and the line chosen as an
ceptions. The Coppermine River lavas, for effective divider are shown in Fig. 4. The line
example, generally have Opx in the norm, and follows the 01'-Ab join along part of its length
commonly Q, and certainly are broadly tholeiitic and then bends into the Opx-normative region
in their overall characteristics; yet more than and extends to Q-normative compositions in
half of the available analyses fall in the alkaline order to accommodate certain trachytic rocks.
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field (Fig. 3F). It appears therefore that the The discrimination it gives is generally good.
diagram has definite limitations and should be A few of the Coppermine River lavas still fall
used with care. The norm plots appear some- in the alkaline field (presumably because they
what more dependable, presumably because are truly alkalic), but the worst offenders are
they reflect the interrelation of more con- the Hawaiian alkaline rocks and this is due at
stituents. least partly to the following rather special
(2) The Cpx-01-Ne-Q Tetrahedron circumstances:
This diagram was introduced by Yoder and (1) The Hawaiian alkaline rocks are
Tilley ( 1962) as a means of classifying basaltic uncommonly high in both Fe203 and
rocks because of its similarity to simplified TiOa; hence our adjustment limit for
basalt systems studied in the laboratory. They
pointed out that the intermediate plane Cpx- 'Poldervaart (1964, p. 233) originally defined the
surface in wt %, and the coordinate given here has
01-Ab, which they termed "the critical plane been recalculated for the cation norm.
of silica undersaturation", is very nearly coinci- 'Using the cation norm the position of Ab on the
dent with a low-pressure liquidus thermal divide Ne-Q join is determined by the equation
that effectively separates the differentiation
trends of tholeiitic and alkaline magmas. Since
this plane separates compositions with Ne in which in cation equivalents is written
the norm from those with Opx, they considered
this distinction a practical criterion for classifi- Thus A b plots at Ne3Q2,or NemQ40.Similarly, hypers-
cation. However, Poldervaart ( 1962, 1964) thene is located by the equation
contended that the thermal divide was signifi-
cantly on the Opx-normative side; and this (Mg, Fe)sSi04 + SiOz = 2(Mg, Fe)Si03
appears to be substantiated in that several or, 301 + lQ = 4 Opx, and so plots at OlaQl, or
major alkali olivine basalt suites trend along OIVSQZS.
the 01-Cpx-Ab plane partly in the Opx-nor- To lot the basal ~roiectionof the tetrahedron.
Ab anh Opx are recaiculited according to the same
mative region, whereas rocks of tholeiitic basalt equations, and the coordinates of the ternary diagram
and calc-alkali suites only rarely show Ne. (before normalization to 100%) become:
Poldervaart ( 1964) suggested that' a better +
N e t = Ne % A b
separation would be given by a plane hinged +
Q' = Q a ~b ++ O ~ X
from the Cpx-01 edge of the tetrahedron, ex- +
or = 01 p opx

20 I I I I I ~ I I I I 1


I ++ Nephelinic
- / 8 St Helena
I% Alkalic
I ++Tr~stan -
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- -

- line - this paper -

- -

For personal use only.

1 I I " l -

/ % P a r ~ c u t ~region
I ++ A l e u t ~ a n s
- 1 :. Cascades (general)-
I @Mount Hood
L - - - - - - - - -
- -

- -
- -

- -

SiO, -+

FIG. 3. Alkalies-silica plots comparing suites of predominantly tholeiitic, alkaline and

calc-alkaline volcanic rocks. The dashed line is MacDonald's (1968) dividing line for Hawaiian
tholeiitic and alkaline rocks (Plot A ) ; the solid curve is the line chosen in the present investi-
gation for making a general distinction between alkaline and subalkaline compositions (Plot B).
The classification of each Hawaiian rock in A is that of the original author. Plots in
wt %.

BYel low knife

Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 04/24/13

For personal use only.

Divider proposed


FIG.4. 01'-Net-Q' projections of suites of predominantly tholeiitic, alkaline and calc-

alkaline volcanic rocks. Note the traces of Yoder and Tilley's (1962) "critical plane of silica
saturation" (Plot B) and Poldervaart's (1964) dividing plane for separating tholeiitic and
alkaline rocks (Plot C). The heavy solid line is the dividing line for alkaline and subalkaline
rocks proposed in this paper (Plot D). Plots in % cation equivalents based on the cation norm.

FepOs may not be sufficiently stringent

SCIENCES. VOL. 8, 1971

for them.
(2) There is a closer physical and
stratigraphic association of alkaline and
tholeiitic rocks at Hawaii than in most
volcanic centers, with the apparent
effect that there are more "transitional
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 04/24/13

rocks", most of which have been classed

as alkaline. Also, the Hawaiian tholei-
ites are rather exceptionally high in
Opx, and consequently the transitional
rocks tend also to be high in this
( 3 ) The Cpx-01-0px Ternary
This diagram is also a projection of the
Cpx-01-Ne-Q tetrahedron, but of only a part.
In suggesting its use, Chayes (1965, 1966)
noted that basic volcanics with Ne in the norm FIG.5. Cpx-01-0px ternary showing the discrimi-
are almost invariably alkaline, and those with nant functions determined by Chayes (1965, 1966)
Q, subalkaline; the problematical ones are the for separating alkaline and subalkaline basic volcan-
Opx-normative types with (Ne Q) = 0, and i c ~ Plots
. in wt %. See text for explanation.
For personal use only.

these plot exclusively in the Cpx-01-0px

ternary. Chayes chose to make the alkaline- Q) = 0, so that when an overall sample was
subalkaline distinction on a purely empirical considered, the efficiency was about 96%.
basis. He divided his sample of Cenozoic basic We are a little doubtful that the Cpx-Ol-
volcanics with (Ne Q ) = 0 into two groups, Opx projection is the best one in which to make
an alkaline-subalkaline distinction, even though
depending on whether they were more inti-
mately associated with Ne-normative or with it excludes all but the most critical rocks, but
Q-normative rocks. After rejecting analyses of Chayes' study of the problem is the most
rocks he considered to be excessively altered, detailed (and most elegant) that has been
he determined lines that gave the best statistical attempted and on that basis may be the best
separation using discriminant functions. The to use in the final analysis. The main problem
two lines he derived are shown in Fig. 5. The area appears to be with basalts from the ocean
straight one is for the linear discriminant func- floor. Many of these that are now called
tion; the curve, for the linear plus quadratic tholeiites would be classed as alkaline using
function. Their equations, respectively, are: Chayes' discriminants. From a practical view-
point, one should note that the dividing lines
Xopx 0.134x0, = 26.942 are derived for, and therefore should be applied
and only to, basic volcanics; they do not pertain to
the more acidic (siliceous) rocks.
The Calc-alkali Series versus the Tholeiitic
Basalt Series
where XOPxand Xol are the proportions of Opx The Calc-alkali series generally comprises
and 0 1 in a wt % ternary plot. If, for a par- a large proportion of andesite, dacite, and
ticular analysis, the left-hand side of the equa- rhyolite. Chemically, it is most commonly iden-
tion under consideration is less than the right, tified by its trend or position in the AFM
the rock is alkaline; if greater, it is subalkaline. diagram,. where it is separated from the
Chayes estimated that the efficiency of the tholeiitic rocks by a dividing line such as the
curved line (which gave the best discrimina- one shown in Fig. 2.
tion) was only about 78% within the ternary However, the most prominent chemical dif-
diagram, but he noted that only a small pro- ference between the more basic members of
portion of all basic volcanics have (Ne + typical calc-alkali and tholeiitic series of Ceno-

zoic age is in their alumina content. The calc- fication of the nephelinites, leucitites, and anal-
alkaline basalts and andesites are generally citites is not attempted. The reader is referred
high-alumina types containing 16 to 20% to standard textbooks and to a few recent
Al2o3, whereas their tholeiitic counterparts papers (e.g. MacDonald and Katsura 1964;
have only 12 to 16%. This difference is espe- MacDonald 1968; Carmichael 1967; and
cially well illustrated by the plots of A1203 Wilkinson 1968b).
versus normative plagioclase composition in
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 04/24/13

Fig. 6, where a convenient dividing line is Subdivision of the Main Series

drawn from very calcic plagioclase composi-
tions down to about An35 (i.e. to somewhere Tholeiitic Basalt Series
in the andesite range; see Fig. 7). Within this Petrographically, this series is commonly
range this type of diagram appears to provide divided into the following rock types: tholeiitic
a more significant separation of the two series picrite-basalt; olivine tholeiite; tholeiite; quartz
than the AFM plot. It is on the basis of Fig. 6 tholeiite; and tholeiitic andesite. However, the
that high-alumina basalt and high-alumina three kinds of tholeiite cannot be distinguished
andesite are assigned to the calc-alkali series chemically because (a) many olivine tholeiites
(Fig. are Q-normative; and (b) the presence of small
For the more acidic compositions, extending mounts of 01 in the norm is no guarantee that
into the dacite range, iron-enrichment is the olivine is (or was) present modally. Without
dominant feature of contrast and the AFM some petrographic control one can probably
diagram gives the better separation. However, only distinguish "undersaturated" and "over-
neither plot successfully separates the rhyolites saturated" tholeiites, based on the presence of
For personal use only.

associated with the two series, and therefore 0 1 or Q in the norm.

all rhyolites are placed in the calc-alkali series A picrite-basalt by definition carries a large
(Fig. 1) . proportion of phenocrystic olivine, a feature
that should generally show in the amount of
Nephelinic, Leucitic, and Analcitic Rocks 0 1 in the norm. Inspection of the literature
versus the Alkali Olivine Basalt Series suggests that 25% 01 is a practical minimum,
One supposes that leucitites and analcitites and MacDonald and Katsura (1964, p. 88)
can generally be identified petrographically. specified that feldspar content (in this case, the
Nephelinites may present more problems, but sum of Ab, An, and Or) should be less than
judging from the little data we have been able 30%. The name oceanite was used in place of
to compile, they fall in reasonably distinctive tholeiitic picrite-basalt by MacDonald and Kat-
areas in the alkalies-silica diagram (Fig. 3A), sura (1964, p. 88), but Wilkinson (1968a,
the 01'-Ne'-Q' projection (Fig. 4C) and in a p. 201) considered oceanites to be alkaline
plot of normative color index versus normative rocks.
plagioclase composition (Fig. 10). In general, Andesite is defined in this paper on the basis
they are characterized by Si02 content less than of Fig. 7 (which is discussed in detail in the
45% and normative coior indices greater than next section) with the one additional stipula-
50; they have large Ne/Ab ratios, and in some tion that it should generally contain at least
cases they have LC in the norm. Combinations 5-10% Q (Chayes 1965, 1969). We have in
of these features should readily distinguish effect taken Thingmuli volcano, Iceland as the
them from the typical rocks of the alkali olivine type locality of tholeiitic andesite; and the term
basalt series. is used to cover both the "basaltic andesites"
As mentioned .previously,
. the detailed classi- and the "icelandites" of Carmichael (1964, pp.
440-442). The rock is distinguished from calc-
'It is perhaps worth emphasizing that an AI20r
content of 16% or greater is not in itself sufficient alkaline andesites in that it shows more iron-
to categorize a basic volcanic rock as a high-alumina enrichment in the AFM diagram (Fig. 2), and
basalt or andesite. As it is defined here, which in it tends to have more sodic plagioclase at the
essence is the way it was originally defined by Kuno equivalent color index (Fig. 7).
(1960), a high-alumina basalt is a subalkaline rock.
There are many trachybasalts, tristanites, hawaiites, Icelandite is a very iron-rich variant of an-
and mugearites that also contain more than 16% desite or dacite. At Thingmuli it contains
AI2O3(Appendix 11), but they are alkaline. 59-65% Si02 and 15-25% Q; the ratio
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 04/24/13
For personal use only.



- ZT:J 6


-- 0-B-





0 1

r. I





1 0 1




0 -


Fe/(Fe + Mg) ranges from 0.72 to 0.87; cano constitute the main control for classifica-
norm plagioclase, from Anl5 AnBo;and norma- tion in Fig. 7, but the divisions are reasonably
tive color index, from 15 to 25. consistent with classifications employed in the
It is commonly considered important to dis- Aleutian Islands and in the Paricutin region of
tinguish K-rich and K-poor tholeiitic rocks, and Mexico. The proposed basalt-andesite bound-
some approximate guide lines are suggested in ary delimits fairly well the range of most
the An-Abf-Or projections in Fig. 8. tholeiitic basalts. Of particular note is that,
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 04/24/13

because the dividing lines are sloped, both

Calc-alkali Series parameters are necessary to enable classifica-
In the literature, subdivisions of the calc- tion. Previous classifications in which color
alkali series are variously based on color index, index and plagioclase composition have been
plagioclase composition, silica content, quartz used as a basis have tended to be built on either
content, and numerous other petrographic and one or the other. For example, Johannsen
chemical criteria. Consequently any system of ( 1937) made the basalt-andesite division at
classification that attempts to be consistent an average plagioclase composition of An5o,
with previous usage must be a compromise. whereas Shand ( 1951) put it at a color index
The definitions and differences of basalt and of 30. By our system a basalt should be norma-
andesite have received considerable attention tive plagioclase as sodic as Anso if its color
in the recent literature (e.g. Chayes 1969; index is as high as 40, or its color index may
Coats 1968; Wilkinson 1968a), and Chayes be less than 20 if its plagioclase is more calcic
(1970) has given some attention to dacite. than Ane0.
After considerable investigation we have
For personal use only.

The term basaltic andesite has #beenwidely

settled on a plot of normative color index used in the literature, but its definition is very
versus normative plagioclase composition as a obscure. A review by Coats (1968, pp. 692-
reasonably satisfactory, simple, diagram for 693) suggests that it should apply to basic
classifying all subalkaline basalts, andesites, volcanics with phenocrysts of labradorite or
dacites, and rhyolites (Fig. 7). Further divi- bytownite and SiOz in the range 54-58% ; but
sion into K-poor "average", and K-rich types the analyses he compiled (Coats, 1968, Table
can be made by means of an An-Abf-Or pro- 1 and Fig. 4) do not fall in a distinctive field
jection (Fig. 8). The first diagram has the in any plots we have investigated; they simply
important feature that the two parameters straddle potential basalt-andesite boundaries
on which it is based relate fairly closely to along the general trend of the calc-alkali series.
the corresponding petrographic quantities; it It is suggested, therefore, that if the term is to
should therefore be useful for a petrographic- be used, it should be restricted to andesites
mineralogical classification as well as for with relatively calcic normative plagioclase and
chemical classification. Its principal short- low color index; it would then be the approxi-
coming is that normative plagioclase composi- mate antithesis of icelandite (Fig. 7).
tion is strongly dependent on NazO and so may The most arbitrary dividing line in Fig. 7 is
be fairly sensitive to changes imposed by altera- between andesite and dacite-simply because
tion or metamorphism. A plot of color index this distinction is extremely vague in the litera-
versus silica would probably be more reliable ture (cf. Chayes 1970). Also, we have found
in this respect, but does not seem to give as no consistency in the use of the term rhyo-
good discrimination in terms of the way the dacite: the name suggests a rock intermediate
various rock types have been named in the between dacite and rhyolite, and Williams et al.
literature. ( 1954, p. 121) classed the rock as being richer
Data from the Cascades and Thingmuli vol- in alkali feldspar than dacite, but neither of

FIG.6 . Plots of wt % ALOa versus normative plagioclase composition contrasting suites

of predominantly tholeiitic and calc-alkaline volcanic rocks and showing a proposed dividing
line for the more basic members. Plot C shows that the Canadian Archean volcanics are
mainly tholeiitic with some calc-alkaline variants. Note the effect of plagioclase xenocrysts
in some of the lavas from the Mid-Atlantic ridge (data from Aumento 1968)-, and how this
effect is not generally apparent in the other data.



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I 1 I I I I I

- Aleutian Islands, Alaska

For personal use only.


- a * . .

60 -


80 60 40 20 0 60 40

'0. basalts andesites dacites ++ rhyolites

FIG. 7. Plots of normative color index versus normative plagioclase composition for
suites of subalkaline rocks, showing proposed dividing lines for distinguishing basalts, andesites,
dacites, and rhyolites. A provisional field is assigned to tholeiitic andesite. The symbols for
the data points are based on the names assigned by the authors from whom the data were
obtained (see Appendix I). In only a few cases, where an author was obviously badly out of'
step with the others, have the available data not been used. Plots in % cation equivalents.

NE SUITES Cascades
Mt. Hood
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 04/24/13

Ab' Or

$ Mid-Atlantic
For personal use only.


FIG.8. An-Abl-Or projections of suites of subalkaline rocks showing provisional boundaries

for distinguishing K-poor, "common", and K-rich variants. The plot of Superior province
volcanics serves to emphasize the need for such classification. Plots in % cation equivalents.

+St. Helena
Hebrides, etc.
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 04/24/13

Ab' Or Ab' Or
Sodic series Potassic series
FIG.9. An-Abl-Or projections contrasting the two main alkali olivine basalt series, show-
ing a proposed dividing line. The data for the points labelled "Hebrides, etc." are from the
compilation by Muir and Tilley (1961). Plots in % cation equivalents.
For personal use only.

these features is evident in the limited chemical The term "trachyandesite" has commonly
data at hand. On the other hand, the name been applied to the intermediate rocks in the
could usefully be applied to K20-rich dacites trachybasalt-trachyte association, but Tilley
as suggested in the An-Abl-Or plots in Fig. 8F. and Muir (1964) argued strongly against its
Rocks of this composition are common in use and recommended "tristanite" as an alter-
Archean volcanic belts (Fig. 8E) and are very native. We concur on the grounds that the
different from the usual calc-alkali dacite. rocks in question are very different from the
Rhyolite presents less problem than dacite, oversaturated andesites typical of the calc-
the term being generally applied to volcanics alkali and tholeiitic basalt series. The different
with 70-75% SiOz, and normative color index name helps to avoid confu~ion.~
and plagioclase composition as in Fig. 7. Most Three diagrams are used to classify the
obsidians and pitchstones are rhyolites. Distinc- rocks of the alkali olivine basalt series: an
tion of potassic and sodic types in a manner An-Abl-Or plot to separate the two series
such as suggested in Fig. 8 appears worthwhile. (Fig. 9 ) , and individual plots of normative
color index versus normative plagioclase com-
Alkali Olivine Basalt Series position to subdivide these (Figs. 10 and 11) .
Two principal series of rocks are currently The proposed dividing lines are generally con-
recognized in association with alkali olivine sistent with nomenclature used in the reference
basalts: a "sodic series", hawaiite-mugearite- literature, with the notable exception that the
bentnorite-trachyte, common to the Hawaiian intermediate rocks of St. Helena 'Island plot in
Islands (MacDonald and Katsura 1964; Mac- the hawaiite and mugearite fields, whereas
Donald 1968) and Hebrides (Muir and Tilley Baker ( 1969) classified them as trachybasalts
1961) ; and a "potassic series", trachybasalt - and trachyandesites (Fig. 9).
tristanite - trachyte, typical of Tristan da An alkali picrite-basalt, like its tholeiitic
Cunha (Baker et al. 1964) and Gough Islands counterpart, should contain a large amount of
(LeMaitre 1962). Both series have mafic de- modal olivine, and this should show in its norm.
rivatives as well, called alkalic picrite-basalt
and ankaramite, but it is doubtful that they
can T h e prefix "trachy" also is undesirable in a chem-
be distinguished in this part ical classification because of its textural connotation,
their range as the rocks involved are rather but its use in trachybasalt has been accepted by most
low in alkalies. authors, apparently for want of better alternatives.

A minimum of 25% 0 1 appears again to be a

practical limit. Ankaramites are very rich in X -
phenocrystic augite and generally carry some W n picrite-basalt,
olivine phenocrysts. Most of the available f 60 - onkaram~te
analyses of ankaramites show at least 20% a
Cpx. 0 -

It may be of interest to make further sub- 0

40 -
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 04/24/13

division of the alkali olivine basalt series on

the presence or absence of feldspathoids > - ,' W

(Coombs and Wilkinson 1969). In some cases + ,"

at least this distinction shows in the percentage 2 2 0

of N e in the norm: thus among the rocks [L 0 - /
assigned to the trachybasalt-tristanite-trachyte /'

series, those from Tristan da Cunha are more 0

80 60 40 20 0
commonly feldspathoidal and have more N e
than the Gough Islands suite (Fig. 9). Note
+~ n x 1 0 0 / ( A n + A b + ~ ~ e )
that the feldspathoids tend to reflect the ratio
K20/Na20 and so commonly are different in FIG. 1 1 . Plot of normative color index versus
the two main alkali olivine basalt series (Fig. 1). normative plagioclase composition for trachybasalt -
tristanite - trachyte suites, showing boundaries for
There are a few specialized names that can classification. Data point symbols based on names
be used for the feldspathoidal rocks: a nephe- used by the original authors. Plots in % cation
line-bearing picrite-basalt is an ankaratrite; a equivalents.
For personal use only.

nepheline-bearing trachyte is a phonolite; and

by definitions given by MacDonald and Katsura rocks it seems preferable simply to use the
(1964, p. 88) an alkali basalt with more than feldspathoid names as varietal modifiers (as in
5% N e containing modal nepheline is a basa- nepheline hawaiite, leucite tristanite, or analcite
nite, or if nepheline is not visible, it is a phonolite). The only modifier we have found
basanitoid. However, for most of the other in the literature that might be suitable for
making the distinction on a purely chemical
basis is "critically undersaturated" (Yoder and
Tilley 1962), but this is rather lengthy. A
handier modifier, if acceptable, might be "sub-
Coombs and Wilkinson ( 1969) suggested
that alkali olivine basalt series might also be
split on the basis of MgO - FeO - Fe203
characteristics, but this possibility will not be
pursued here.
A volcanic rock may be classified on the
basis of its'chemical composition according to
the system depicted in Fig. 1 by proceeding as
N O R M A T I V E PLAGIOCLASE COMPOSITION 1. If the rock has Ac in its norm, it is
+ AnxiOO/(An+Ab+ $ Ne) probably peralkaline. Refer to Noble
FIG. 10. Plot of normative color index versus (1968) for a guide to more detailed
normative plagioclase composition for hawaiite - classification. Otherwise, go to Step 2.
mugearite - benmorite - trachyte suites, showing pro- 2. Classify as subalkaline or alkaline ac-
posed boundaries for classifying the rocks. A field for cording to the boundary lines suggested
nephelenites from Hawaii is also shown. The symbols in Figs. 3, 4, and 5. (Fig. 3 is simplest;
for the data points are based on the names used by
the original authors, and the field boundaries are Fig. 4 is considered most reliable for
drawn accordingly. Plots in % cation equivalents. general purposes; and Fig. 5 may be best

for basalts.) If the rock is subalkaline, go house's paper "A Comparative Atlas of Tex-
to Step 3; if alkaline, go to Step 4. tures of Archean and Younger Volcanic
3. (a) Classify as calc-alkaline or tholei- Rocks," recently published by the Geological
itic using the boundary lines in Fig. 2A, Association of Canada (Special Paper No. 8).
B, E, and F, and Fig. 6. (Fig. 2 is con- We express our appreciation to those who
sidered best for andesites and dacites; Fig. reviewed our preliminary report for their com-
6, for basalts.) ments and suggestions, and to Mr. H. Klassen,
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 04/24/13

( b ) If 0 1 is greater than 25 %, the rock Mr. E. Hsu, and Mr. J. Z. Fraser for assistance
is a picrite basalt. Otherwise classify as in the data compilation. Dr. A. M. Goodwin
basalt, andesite, dacite, or rhyolite aocord- and Professor H. D. B. Wilson kindly provided
ing to Fig. 7. More detailed classification copies of unpublished analytical data for use
as basaltic andesite, high-alumina andesite, in testing our results; Dr. R. G . Garrett made
or icelandite may be made if appropriate available a computer plot subroutine.
and desirable. as discussed earlier.
(c) classify as potassium-rich, "aver-
age-, or potassium-poor according to AMSTUTZ,G. C. 1968. Spilites and spilitic rocks. In
Basalts. Vol. 2. H. H. Hess and A. Poldervaart
guidelines such as those "ggested in ( E d i t o r s ) . pp. 737-753. Interscience, John Wiley
Fig. 8. GOto Step 5. and Sons, New York. 862 p.
4.(a) Decide whether the rock is a neph- ANDERSON,C. A. 1933. Volcanic history of Glass
elinite, leucitite, or analcitite on the basis Mountain, Northern California. Amer. J. Sci.
of its petrographic characteristics and the 26'PP.
1941. Volcanoes of the Medicine Lake high-
For personal use only.

chemical criteria mentioned land, California. Univ. Calif. Bull. Dept. Geol.
earlier. If it is one of these refer to the Sci. 25. DD. 347-422.
references cited for direction to more AUMENTO, 'fi: 1968. The Mid-Atlantic ridge near
specific classifications. otherwise continue 45O N. 11. Basalts from the area of Confedera-
tion Peak. Can. J. Earth Sci. 5, pp. 1-21.
below. BAKER,I. 1969. Petrology of the volcanic rocks of
(b) Assign the rock to one of the two Saint Helena Island, South Atlantic. Bull. Geol.
alkali olivine basalt series on the basis of soc. h e r . 80. DD. 1283-1310.
its K20/Na20 ratio, using Fig. 9. Then BAKER,P. E., GAB;, I. G., HARRIS, P. G., and
classify it according to Fig. 10 or Fig. 11, LEMAITRE,R. W. 1964. The volcanological re-
as appropriate.
port of the Royal Society expedition to Tristan
da Cunha, 1962. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond.,
5. Check the result against the analyses Ser. A, 256, pp. 439-578.
listed in Appendix I1 and appropriate BARAGAR, W. R. A. 1966. Geochemistry of the Yellow-
comparative analyses from the literature. knife volcanic rocks. Can. J. Earth Sci. 3, pp.
And most important, check the result 1968. Major-element geochemistry of the
against the rock's petrographic character- Noranda Volcanic Belt, Quebec-Ontario. Can.
istics. If the rock has been significantly J. Earth Sci. 5, pp. 773-790.
altered chemically or has some exceptional 1969. Geochemistry of Coppermine River
composition, this step will help to avoid Basalts. Geol. Surv. Can. Paper 69-44, 43 p.
BARAGAR, W. R. A. and GOODWIN,A. M. 1969.
erroneous classification. Andesites and Archean volcanism of the Cana-
dian Shield. Oreg. Dept. Geol. Miner. Ind., ,
Acknowledgment Bull. 65, pp. 121-141.
BROWN,G. M. 1968. Mineralogy of basaltic rocks.
We would first acknowledge the contribu- In Basalts, Volume 1. H. H. Hess and A. Polder-
tions of Professor Moorehouse. At the time of vaart ( E d i t o r s ) . pp. 103-162. Interscience, John
his death, the report was at a preliminary stage, Wiley and Sons, New York. 482 p.
BYERS,F. M. JR. 1959. Geology of Ummak and
and he is in no way responsible for its short- Bogoslof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. U.S.
comings. However, several major revisions were Geol. Surv. Bull. 1028-L, pp. 267-369.
made that were a consequence, directly or in- CARMICHAEL, I. S. E. 1964. The petrology of Thing-
directly, of his attempts to show a better way, muli, a Tertiary volcano in Eastern Iceland.
J. Petrology, 5, pp. 435-460.
and we are most grateful for his efforts. It is 1967. The mineralogy and petrology of the
perhaps appropriate to take this opportunity volcanic rocks from Leucite Hills, Wyoming.
to recommend to the reader Professor Moore- Contr. Mineral. Petrology, 15, pp. 24-66.

CHAYES,F. 1965. Statistical Petrography. Carneg. of the Delarof and Westernmost Andreanof
Inst. Wash. Year Book 64, pp. 153-165. Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. U.S. Geol.
1966. Alkaline and subalkaline basalts. Amer. Surv. Bull. 1028-1, pp. 211-248.
J. Sci. 264, pp. 128-145. GOODWIN, A. M. 1967. Volcanic studies in the Birch-
1969. The chemical composition of Cenozoic Uchi Lakes area of Ontario. Ont. Dept. Mines
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cisco. 406 p. Richter 1961, 1966; Richter et al. 1964;
WILSON, H. D. B., ANDREWS,P., MOXHAM,R. L.,Tilley 1960a, 1960b; Tilley and Scoon 1961.
and RAMLAL,K. 1965. Archean volcanism of
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161-175. Aumento 1968; Muir and Tilley 1964,
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WISE, W. S. 1969. Geology and petrology of the
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140 analyses of extrusive rocks. In Figs. 2,
volcanism. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 80, No. 6,
pp. 969-1006. 3, 4, 6 and 8 the distribution of the data
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"contours": the inner line encloses the main
and synthetic rock systems. J. Petrology, 3, pp.
342-532. cluster of points, generally encompassing
about 90% of the analyses; the outer line
For personal use only.

Appendix I encloses all points, including the more scat-

tered ones. In Fig. 7 , the rocks are classified
Sources of Data for the Various Suites and as in the unpublished appendix to Wise's
Groupings of Rocks Plotted in Figs. 2-12, with
Explanatory Notes Noranda volcanic belt:
Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Baragar 1968.
Byers 1959; Coats 1952, 1953, 1 9 5 6 ~ ~Other Superior Province volcanic belts:
1956b, 1959; Coats et al. 1961; Drewes et Goodwin 1967; Wilson et a1 1965; and un-
al. 1961 ; Fraser and Barnett 1959; Nelson published data supplied by these authors.
1959; Powers et al. 1960; Simmons and Paricutin region, Mexico:
Mathmson 1955; Snyder 1959. Wilcox 1954; Williams 1950.
Cascade Volcanoes, California, Oregon, and Saint Helena Island:
Washington: Baker 1969.
Anderson 1933, 1941 ; Coombs 1939; Fiske Tahiti Island:
et al. 1963; Higgins and Waters 1968; Mc- McBirney and Aoki 1968.
Birney 1968a, 1968b; Smith and Carmichael Thingmuli Volcano, Iceland:
1968; Thayer 1937; Verhoogen 1937; Carmichael 1964.
Williams 1932, 1934, 1935, 1942. Tristan da Cunha:
Columbia River Basalts: Baker et al. 1964.
Swanson 1967; Waters 1961, 1962; Wise Yellowknife volcanic belt:
1969. Baragar 1966.
Coppermine River Basalts: Hawaiite - Mugearite - Benmorite - Trachyte
Baragar 1969. Series:
Gough Island: MacDonald 1949a , 1949b, 1968; Mac-
LeMaitre 1969. Donald and Katsura 1964; Muir and Tilley
Hawaiian Alkalic Rocks: 1961.
MacDonald 1949a, 19496, 1968; Mac- Trachybasalt - Tristanite - Trachyte Series:
Donald and Katsura 1961, 1964; Mac- Baker et al. 1964; LeMaitre 1962.
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 04/24/13
For personal use only.

Appendix 11

Appendix HI
Equations or Inequalities that will Enable Classification of a Volcanic Rock in a Computer Program
S = SiO,, wt % CI = color index, cation norm
A = Na20 K,O, wt % P = 100 An/(An + Ab), cation norm
+ %
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 04/24/13

F = FeO 0.8998 Fe203, wt 0 1 = olivine, cation norm

M = MgO, wt % X = percentage in a ternary plot.
FIG. 2. Tholeiitic vs. calc-alkaline rocks.
The rock is tholeiitic if
xF2 (1.5559 x +
10-'2)xM8 - (7.7142 x 10-10)xM7 (1.5664 x 10-')XM6
- (1.6738 +
x 10-5)xM5 (1.0017 x 10-3)xM4- (3.2552 x 1O-,)xM3
+ (4.7776 x 10-')XM2 - l.1085XM + 30.0
where P < 40
given X, + X, + X, = 100

FIG. 3. Alkaline vs. subalkaline rocks.

The rock is subalkaline if
For personal use only.

FIG. 4. Alkaline vs. subalkaline rocks.

The rock is subalkaline if
X,,, < 1.5XQ., where Xo,, = 40-100

X,,, < 15 + 0.8889 XQ*, where Xo,, = 0-40

given XO,#+ XNet + XQl= 100
FIG. 6. Calc-alkaline vs. tholeiitic rocks.
The rock is calc-alkaline if
A1203 2 12 + 0.08P, where P = 40-100
FIG. 7. Classification of subalkaline rocks.
Examined in the following sequence of tests, a subalkaline rock is
(a) picrite basalt if 0 1 2 25.
(b) basalt if CZ 2 70 - P
(c) andesite if CZ 2 30 - +P
(d) dacite if CZk 20 - P
(e) rhyolite if CZ < 20 - P

FIG. 8. Further classification of subalkaline rocks.

The rock is "K-rich" if

The rock is "K-poor" if


Otherwise it is "average".
X,, + X*, + X*" = 100
FIG. 9. Separation of alkali olivine basalt series.
The rock is in the "sodic" series if
X,,, 2 (1.3162 x lod5)Xo,6 - (1.3525 x Xo: + (5.3479 x x,:
+ 9.2090 Xo: - 28.6217 Xo,
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 04/24/13

- 1.0154 Xo?
given X,, + X,,. + X,,, = 100
FIG. 10. Classification of the sodic alkali olivine basalt series.
Examined on the following sequence of tests, the rock is:
(a) picrite basalt if 01 2 25 %
(b) ankaramite if +
CZ 2 30 2(80 - P)
(c) nephelinite if CZ 2 30 + S P
(4 alkali basalt if CZ 2 80 - P
(e) hawaiite if CZ 2 50 - P
Cf) mugearite if CI 2 30 - P
(g) benmorite if CZ 2 20 - P
(h) sodic trachyte if CZ < 20 - P
FIG. 11. Classification of the potassic alkali olivine basalt series.
For personal use only.

Examined in the following sequence of tests, the rock is:

(a) picrite basalt if 01 >, 25 %
(b) ankaramite if CZ >, 20 + q(80 - P)
(c) alkali basalt if C I 2 70 - P
(d) trachybasalt if CZ 2 40 - P
(e) tristanite if CZ 2 20 - P
y.> trachyte if CZ < 20 - P

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