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Energy Body & Chakra System

How to heal, balance and recharge

Figure 1

Your energy system is primary. That’s why we talk about feeling energised or ‘psyched’ or
‘pumped’ or feeling low or ‘depleted’.

Day to day stresses impact the human body – and more importantly your energy field.

Every thought you think, and every emotion you feel, matters! Thoughts and emotions
either energise you, or they scatter and deplete you.

The more heavily charged emotions (anger, worry, fear etc) eventually take their toll on us if
we keep indulging them. For example, most people take headache pills when life gets ‘too


much’ leading to an energy blockage in the crown chakra, but the headaches reappear later
because the situation and energy block has not been dealt with.

The body’s wisdom and ‘energetic communication’ cannot be suppressed by pharma drugs.
These ‘low energy’ approaches to health only give the appearance of a solution by
mitigating the symptoms. If energy disturbances are not dealt with, and continually
suppressed or ignored, they can become worse over time. Stressful life situations can add
years to a person’s biology, if not healed at the energetic level.

Stresses and Ill health

Did you know that stresses and ill health first shows up as vibrational disturbances in your
energy field (Figure 2).

Figure 2

This field is made up of rivers, or currents, of energy that flow through the subtle body and
come together at particular places to form powerful vortices… these have been called
“chakras” by the ancient yogis and seers. (See Figure 1).

Luckily, you already have the sensory awareness you need to notice this…


Your palms have psychic receptors

Figure 3

Your palms of the hands have highly tuned psychic receptors which can read energy
distortions (Figure 3).

By working with your intuitive mind, you can begin to heal and balance your energy
body/subtle body, and this will give you more energy, more clarity, and peace of mind.
Ultimately, you will have an unlimited reservoir of creativity and energy to draw upon.

The rational mind often discards or dismisses anything that does not fit with its frame of
reference. Whilst it can be helpful to screen out all of the information we receive on a daily
basis (information overload anyone?), it also means we have to tune back in if we are to
‘pick up’ on the subtle energies that we are going to discuss here.

In this guide we’ll show you some key steps to begin working with your personal energy
field. We hope this becomes a life-long habit and leads you to explore more deeply!

Truly, when it comes to energy and consciousness, there is no limit!


Key Steps

1. Begin with prayer

Figure 4

The most important thing to do before you start to work with your energy is to tune in. The
famous psychic of the 20th Century, Edgar Cayce, once said, “Prayer is talking to God,
Meditation is listening to God.”

So, the first step is asking the Spirit within to help. (Figure 4).

Some people have called this higher awareness ‘God’ – the name doesn’t matter, it’s just a

Prayer is asking – and it’s non-verbal usually. Words are really the least effective way of
communicating, so don’t feel you have to follow a formal prayer.

Prayer is simply a heartfelt request to the Universe, God or Spirit…

“Feelings are the language of the Soul.” Conversations with God


2. Meditate (this simply means ‘listening’ or ‘receptivity’)

Figure 5

Take a moment to be quiet and take five to ten deep belly breaths, breathing through your
nose. Ideally, you can be outside in nature, but you can do this practically anywhere, even
whilst you take the bus to work! (Figure 5)

Imagine the most beautiful star you can see shining against the backdrop of a velvet night
sky. Now imagine that same star shining brightly where your navel is, and light coming into
the nostrils as you breathe in.

Imagine the light making your “star” shine ever more brightly and then see that light begin
to move from the star throughout the subtle body, filling it with light and energy.

Remember, the subtle body does not have the limitations of the physical body, so light can
travel to any part just by focusing your mind.

Imagine breathing out any tensions or stresses. You might like to visualise this as dark or
grey matter, or you can simply feel the heaviness draining away from you.

Around you, visualise a pale blue energy, blue like the sky without any clouds. This
represents a peaceful, calming energy. Let the stress dissolve in this pale blue bubble of


3. Work with your High Self

Figure 6

You have a conscious mind but you also have a subconscious mind (which is essentially a
computer that records and plays back information – i.e. programmes - all the time), and a
superconscious mind which can be accessed in deeper states of meditation and awareness.
(See figure 6).

The High Self is your direct link to Spirit, and uses the superconscious mind to reprogram the
subconscious mind and clear energy blocks. It is the part of you that does the healing.

To work with your High Self/Spirit, simply affirm, “Spirit and I are one in truth. Nothing else
can interfere.”

All great masters and avatars always affirmed their connection to Spirit/God before doing
any healing. You must do the same!

4. Your Connection matters

If you are feeling peaceful, you can begin to heal yourself.

If you find are ‘running negative energy’ (stress, negative emotions, feeling resentful), you
may be too disturbed to tune in. Try to do the prayer and meditation exercises again at
another time. In the meantime, take a walk in nature, play with your pet (cat or dog) or do
anything that feels harmonising to you.


Understanding the 7 Major Chakras

There are seven major energy centers that float within your subtle body – this energy body
is intertwined with the physical, we just don’t see it using our normal eyesight. We will tell
you about them but you need to start working with them directly. Reading about them is
not the same as having a direct experience!

Root Chakra: ‘Muladhara’ (Fig. 7)

Figure 7

• Function: Survival/Grounding (Meditate on “I am”)

• Location: Base of the spine/genitals (affects the legs, knees, and feet)
• Color: Red
• Precious Stones: Garnet, Ruby, Onyx, Obsidian
• Energies: Grounding, Focusing, Centering

Some of the common feelings and signs of an imbalanced Root Chakra:
• Feeling ungrounded or unsettled (whirly)
• Lower back pain


• Tired
• Overwhelmed by Fear
• Feeling unsupported in life
• Living in the past
• Lack of direction
• Aggressive behaviour
• Recklessness and carelessness
• Shame and guilt

Balancing this chakra gives energy to the physical body, controls fear, increases overall
health and helps in grounding

Sacral Chakra: ‘Svadhishthana’ (Fig. 8)

Figure 8

• Function: Desire, Sexuality, Pleasure (Meditate on “I feel”)

• Location: Below naval/reproductive area (affects the hips)
• Color: Orange
• Precious Stone(s): Coral and Carnelian


• Energies: Fire, Energising, Charging

Balancing this chakra is associated with sexual vitality, physical power and fertility. Energies:
Fire, Energising, Charging.

Some of the common feelings and signs of an imbalanced Sacral Chakra:
• Unable to “go with the flow”
• Feeling unworthy/worthless; not good enough/not enough
• Hormone imbalance
• Mood swings
• Cold and distant behaviour; extreme detachment from others
• Lack of desire; apathy
• Lack of creativity
• Sexual repression or overly sexual
• Overly needy; clingy
• Lack of confidence in relationships

Solar Plexus Chakra: ‘Manipura’ (Fig. 9)

Figure 9


• Function: Will, power (Meditate on “I do”)
• Location: above the naval/below ribs (affects the whole stomach area)
• Color: Yellow
• Precious stone(s): Amber, Topaz, Citrine
• Energies: Fire, Energising, Charging

Balancing this chakra is associated with calming emotions, easing tension and frustration,
and helping to better utilise our intuitive faculty.

Some of the common symptoms/signs of an imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra:
• Low self-esteem
• Lack of personal power/strength, or too much
• Inability to set or maintain boundaries
• Lack of self-control
• Depression/anxiety
• Addictions
• Stomach issues, difficulty gaining or losing weight

Heart Chakra: ‘Anahata’ (Fig. 10)

Figure 10


• Function: Love/Compassion (Meditate on “I love”) Location: Center of chest (effects
breast area and arms as well)
• Color: Green or Pink
• Precious stone(s): Rose Quartz, Malachite, Peridot or any other green/pink stones
• Energies: Water, Calming, Soothes, Relaxes

Balancing this chakra is important for the circulatory system, heart and thymus.

Some of the common feelings and signs of an imbalanced Heart Chakra:
• Childhood trauma
• grief,sadness
• loss
• over-loving to the point of suffocation
• jealousy
• abandonment
• anger, bitterness

Throat Chakra: ‘Vishuddha’ (Fig. 11)

Figure 11


• Function: Communication (Meditate on “I speak”)
• Location: Center of throat (also affects the face, jaw, teeth & neck)
• Color: Blue
• Precious Stones: Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli
• Energies: Water, Calming, Sooths, Relaxes.

Balancing this chakra is important for the speech and communication areas of the brain.

Some of the common feelings/signs of an imbalanced Throat Chakra:
• fear of speaking or not speaking up for yourself
• Inability to express or be in your authentic self
• Inability to express thoughts
• shyness
• inconsistency in speech and actions
• social anxiety
• stubbornness
• detachment

Third Eye Chakra: ‘Ajna’ (Fig. 12)

Figure 12


• Function: Seeing/Intuiting (Meditate on “I see”)
• Location: Center of eyebrows (effects upper and around the head as well)
• Color: Violet or Indigo
• Precious Stones: Lolite
• Energies: Air, Meditative, Intuition, Promotes Thought.

Balancing this chakra helps psychic perception and balances the pineal gland.

Some of the common feelings and signs of an imbalanced Third Eye Chakra:
• Over-thinking
• Volatility
• issues with self-reflection;
• An inability to look at one’s own fears
• Inability to have an open mind
• Day-dream often and live in a world with exaggerated imagination.
• Lack of connection to intuitive knowing

Crown Chakra: ‘Sahasrara’ (Fig. 13)

Figure 13


• Function: Understanding (Meditate on “I understand” when healing this chakra)
• Location: Top of the head
• Color: White/Violet
• Precious Stone(s): Amethyst
• Energies: Air, Meditative, Intuition

Balancing this chakra gives vitality to the cerebrum and affects the development of psychic

Some of the common symptoms/signs of a blocked and an imbalanced Crown Chakra
• lack of spiritual & divine connection
• sleep disturbances or nightmares
• depression
• hallucinations
• memory disorders
• over-intellectualisation
• neglecting physical needs, caught up in dreaming
• mental confusion
• boredom
• disconnection from earthly matters
• frustration


Scanning and healing the chakras with your hands

How ‘energy’ appears to us (diagnostics)

Everyone interprets energy differently but some things seem to be common.

For example, you can immediately tell if another person’s energy is welcoming or not. You
can usually feel if they are ‘moody’ or ‘cold’ or ‘distant’, or ‘warm’ or ‘bright’ or ‘inviting’ etc

When it comes to touch, you may experience any of the following when working with

• Feel heat or cold
• Feel ‘electric’ tingling, or a throbbing sensation
• Temporary intensification of pain to an injured or unwell part of the body
• Heaviness or lightness in a particular area
• See colours
• Hear things more acutely (e.g. your own heartbeat)

Before you begin:

Lie down somewhere comfortable – e.g. a yoga mat - and make sure the temperature is
comfortable. Not too hot, not too cold. Use a light blanket or cover if you need to.

Figure 14


You can lie down in bed but make sure you don’t drift off and go to sleep. You want to be
able to do complete the exercise with awareness.

If lying down always makes you fall asleep, then try sitting in a chair, with your spine erect
(‘no slouching’) and tuck your chin slightly so that the back of your neck elongates. Keep a
softness in your spine and body, rather than making yourself rigid.

Dim the lights, close the blinds/curtains and light a candle if this helps you create sacred

(continue to next page)


How to scan

You will bring your hands together, hovering approximately one inch over each chakra.
Allow your hands to be slightly cupped so they can ‘reflect’ back to the hands the energy of
the chakra. If your hands get tired holding above the body, you can just place them on the
body. However, holding above is best because you will be more receptive.

There are three main hand positions you can use:

A) Hands held slightly apart (Figure 15)

Figure 15


B) Hands held above and below each other (Figures 16 & 17)

Figure 16

Figure 17


C) Hands held side by side, either with thumbs touching, or in a ‘V’ shape
(Fig 18)

Figure 18

Order of scanning the chakras

Either move from the bottom (1st Chakra) to the top (7th Chakra). Or, move
from the top (7th Chakra) to the bottom (1st Chakra).

Take enough time to really sense what’s going on. Approximately 5 minutes for
EACH chakra.

Set a timer with a gentle sound if you need to wake up to go somewhere just in
case you fall asleep or go really deep.

How to heal each chakra

If/when you sense an imbalance (e.g. you feel a throbbing sensation, or pain in your hand),
simply ask your Higher Self to send energy into the chakra to heal, charge and balance it.
Visualise an intense white light going into the chakra if you need to.


“You” don’t need to do anything other than to observe what is going on – be ‘curious’ about
your body and your energy, that’s all!

Keep it light and fun!

What will happen is that energy (called Ki, Ch’I or Prana) will flow from your Spirit into your
hands and then into the area you are treating.

You will probably feel changes in the area you are working on.

If pain comes up, try to breathe through it. If it intensifies a lot, you can take a break or
move on.

Take 5 minutes to just ‘be’ after scanning

Remember to take time to just be for a while after scanning. Silence is healing also. It is
best not to jump up and straight into activity.

You are your own best guide

It will take some time to get to know yourself energetically – but you are your own best
guide. Resist the temptation to ask others for interpretation of what you are sensing, unless
they are very experienced in energy healing and energy psychology.

Scanning is an intimate process – and the main thing is to start trusting the psychic
impressions that start to come into your awareness. Start a journal and note things down.

Ask yourself, what does this feeling/sensation mean? Then wait… it might come as an
intuitive hunch, or the answer/insight might come to you in a dream, or in a book you read,
or through a chance message you hear…

Don’t heal others – or diagnose!

Don’t go around healing others – and don’t diagnose! This is just an introduction… albeit a
powerful one.

People who work to heal others have often trained for many years and have a lot of
experience in energy healing, energy psychology, counselling and so forth.

Taking it further

Healing the energy body is both an art and a science. There are many ways to progress your
own knowledge, including asking for distant healing to facilitate greater changes in your


You can also learn about energy healing by learning Reiki, for example, or taking a yoga class
that focuses on energy healing as well as ‘asanas’.
At Energy Therapy we offer both.

You can book a session to help clear, heal and balance your personal energy field. Just
follow the links below to understand what a session would cover. We clear the energies
that are blocking your health, life and more!

Healing with Jaime

Healing with Jennifer

You can also study with us:

Learn Reiki with Energy Therapy

Learn Indian Champissage with Energy Therapy

Recommending reading

Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith
Hands of Light by Barbara Ann Brennan


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