IN BRIEF More Than 90% of Patients With Diabetes Have Overweight or

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Treatment of Obesity in Patients With Diabetes

Carolyn T. Bramante,1 Clare J. Lee,2 and Kimberly A. Gudzune1,3


■ IN BRIEF More than 90% of patients with diabetes have overweight or
obesity. Whereas weight gain and obesity worsen insulin resistance, weight loss
slows the progression of diabetes complications. Given the elevated risk for
diabetes complications in patients with obesity, clinicians must understand how
to treat obesity in their patients with diabetes, including providing counseling
and behavioral management, referral to weight loss programs, and medication
management. This article summarizes guidelines for diagnosing and managing
obesity in people with diabetes.

ore than 90% of patients goals, and providing ongoing support
with type 2 diabetes have and encouragement (9–13). Thus, it
a BMI ≥25.0 kg/m 2 (1). is important for clinicians to under-
In 2013, the American Medical stand obesity treatment in patients
Association designated obesity as with diabetes because modest weight
a chronic disease (2), and there is losses of 3–5% of initial body weight
growing appreciation of obesity as a improve glucose intolerance and
complex chronic condition caused A1C, slow complications of diabetes,
by multiple factors, including behav- reduce the need for glucose-lowering
iors, genetics, and the environment. agents, and prevent the progression
Adipose tissue is an endocrine organ, of prediabetes to type 2 diabetes
releasing and responding to hormones (3,14,15). This article will summarize
that contribute to metabolic disease, guidelines for nonsurgical treatment
including diabetes (2). Obesity affects of obesity in patients with diabetes.
all organ systems, causing increased Diagnosing Obesity
rates of cardiovascular and renal dis- Obesity is traditionally diagnosed
ease, certain cancers, arthritis, and by BMI, which is an accurate ap-
sleep apnea (3–6). Given the high proximation of adiposity for most
prevalence of concomitant disease, individuals. Recent guidelines from
Division of General Internal Medicine,
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and most clinicians will have patients with the American Academy of Clinical
Metabolism, and 3The Welch Center for both diabetes and obesity. Endocrinologists (AACE) and
Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Previous studies have shown that
Research, The John Hopkins University, the American Heart Association/
Baltimore, MD a lack of time and training limits American College of Cardiology/The
Corresponding author: Carolyn T. Bramante, clinicians’ desire to engage patients Obesity Society (AHA/ACC/TOS) in weight management discussions recommend that clinicians evaluate
(7,8). However, research shows that metabolic health in addition to BMI
clinicians can successfully provide (2,3). Patients should be screened for
©2017 by the American Diabetes Association.
Readers may use this article as long as the work
behavioral counseling for obesity and obesity with annual calculation of
is properly cited, the use is educational and not also have important roles in referring BMI after measuring both height
for profit, and the work is not altered. See http://
to weight loss programs as needed, and weight (2,3). For patients with a
for details. following up on patients’ weight loss BMI ≥25 kg/m2 (≥23 kg/m2 in those

VO LU M E 3 0 , N U M B ER 4 , FA L L 2 017 237

TABLE 1. Weight-Related Complications Caused/Exacerbated

whether clinicians will provide weight
by Excess Adiposity (2) loss support in their practice or will
be referring patients to a weight loss
• Elevated blood pressure • Reactive airway disease
• Hypertriglyceridemia • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Weight Loss Goals
• Hypercholesterolemia • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Weight loss of 5–10% of baseline
• Decreased HDL cholesterol • Male hypogonadism body weight is recommended as an
• Osteoarthritis • Female infertility initial goal of treatment, and this
• Depression • Polycystic ovary disease amount of weight loss is associated
• Sleep apnea • Stress urinary incontinence with a 0.6–1.0% reduction in A1C
and numerous other health improve-
TABLE 2. The 5 A’s Model for Behavior Change and Its Use for
ments (3). However, weight loss of
Weight Management in Practice (22) as little as 2–5% produces a clini-
cally meaningful reduction in fast-
1. Assess • Assess patients for obesity or overweight with metabolic
risk factors
ing blood glucose (20 mg/dL) (3).
The American Diabetes Association
• Assess for patients’ readiness and ability to make change (ADA) recommends that patients
at this time
with prediabetes lose 7% of baseline
2. Advise • Advise patients about the increased risks of cardiovascular body weight to avoid developing di-
disease with excess adiposity
abetes (23).
• Advise patients of the health benefits of weight loss and In adult patients with type 2 dia-
lifestyle change
betes, cohort studies have shown that
3. Agree • Agree with patients on a quantifiable and achievable individuals who lost 9–13 kg had a
weight loss goal that will lead to health benefits (i.e.,
a goal of losing 5% of initial body weight in 6 months) 25% reduction in all-cause mortality
compared to weight-neutral patients
4. Assist • Assist patients in defining a weight management strategy
(i.e., practice-based weight loss counseling vs. referral to a
(3). In the Look AHEAD (Action
weight loss program) for Health in Diabetes) trial, adults
5. Arrange • Arrange follow-up to create a structure for accountability
with type 2 diabetes and overweight/
and feedback on progress obesity who were randomized to
an intensive lifestyle intervention
of Asian ethnicities), clinicians should screened for, at minimum, the comor- for weight loss had a 6.0% weight
assess for excess adiposity by taking bidities listed in Table 1, which are loss at 9 years compared to a 3.5%
into account muscularity, hydration associated with increased adiposity (2). weight loss in the control group.
status, edema, and sarcopenia (2). For Although the intervention group did
Approaching the Weight Loss
patients with a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 but not achieve a significant reduction in
<35 kg/m 2, clinicians should assess cardiovascular events compared to
waist circumference to further stratify Clinicians should be sensitive when the control group, numerous other
patients by risk. In the United States, discussing the diagnosis of obesity health improvements occurred,
a waist circumference ≥88 cm (35 with patients. Several studies have including reduced sleep apnea, lower
inches) in women and ≥102 cm (40 shown that patients with obesity are A1C, reduced need for diabetes
inches) in men indicates abdominal regarded with less respect than nor- medications, improved mobility and
adiposity and increased risk for car- mal-weight patients (16); experienc- quality of life, fewer hospitalizations,
diometabolic disease (2). In Southeast ing such biased interactions has been and reduced health care costs (24,25).
Asian and East Asian populations, shown to negatively affect weight-re- Moreover, a secondary analysis
a waist circumference ≥80 cm (31 lated behaviors such as binge-eating, of participants who lost and sus-
inches) for women and ≥85 cm (33 weight trajectory, and health out- tained ≥10% of their body weight,
inches) for men indicate higher risk comes (17). Approaching discus- which included >25% of interven-
(2). Staging obesity via associated co- sions about weight loss with the 5 A’s tion subjects, did show significant
morbid conditions and weight-related model for behavior change has been improvements in cardiovascular
health and functional limitations has shown to increase patients’ motiva- morbidity and mortality (26–29). A
been recommended but is not yet tion to lose weight and improve their sustained 7% weight loss improves
codified in most published guidelines. success at weight loss (18–21). The many other outcomes in patients
Patients who are diagnosed with 5 A’s, described in Table 2 (22), are with diabetes and overweight/
overweight or obesity should also be an important framework regardless of obesity, including fitness, waist cir-

bramante et al.

TABLE 3. Common Commercial Weight Loss Programs’ Weight Loss and Glycemic
Outcomes In RCTs
Time Point Mean Weight RCTs Conducted A1C Change at Patients Who
Loss at Time in Patients With Time Point (%) Reduced
Point (kg) Diabetes? Diabetes
Medications at
Time Point (%)
Weight Watchers 12 Months –3.0 to – 9.1 No — —
Jenny Craig 12 Months –6.6 to –10.1 Yes –0.3 to –0.7 30–39 (oral);
63–90 (insulin)
Nutrisystem 6 Months –7.3 to –10.8 Yes –0.7 28 (all

cumference, blood pressure, sexual clinicians having enough time to documenting their long-term weight


functioning, and reported peripheral take in-depth histories of patients’ loss efficacy, and Jenny Craig has
neuropathy symptoms (15,26,27,30). daily routines and eating behaviors demonstrated long-term glycemic
(22). The AACE/ACE guidelines benefits among patients with diabe-
Clinician-Managed Weight Loss
recommend that a weight loss inter- tes (3,42–44).
Support Versus Referral to a
vention involve behavioral therapy Another community referral option
Weight Loss Program
focusing on goal-setting, education, self- is the Centers for Disease Control and
When patients are ready to discuss monitoring, problem-solving strat- Prevention (CDC) National Diabetes
weight loss strategies, clinicians egies, stimulus control, behavioral Prevention Program (DPP), which is
should determine whether they are contracting, stress reduction, psy- based on the Diabetes Prevention
able to provide intensive counsel- chological evaluation (with treatment Program RCT, in which an inten-
ing and follow-up for weight loss in if indicated), cognitive restructur- sive behavioral program delayed the
their clinical practice or whether they ing, motivational interviewing, and development of type 2 diabetes and
should instead refer patients to an out- mobilization of social support struc- showed a 58% reduced progression to
side weight loss program. The 2016 tures (2,32). Medicare covers obesity diabetes compared to a control group
ADA guidelines and the 2013 AHA/ screening and intensive counseling in (45,46). Patients with prediabetes
ACC/TOS guidelines recommend the primary care setting, which may can be referred to a clinical center or
that clinicians refer patients with obe- encourage clinicians to provide these YMCA that has a certified National
sity and type 2 diabetes to high-in- services (33,34). DPP program. Beginning in January
tensity programs (3,23,31). Per these Given the intensity of follow-up 2018, National DPP interventions
guidelines, high-intensity programs required, many clinicians may prefer will be covered by Medicare, which
involve at least 14–16 visits over 6 to refer patients to evidence-based is a significant benefit for Medicare
months. In-person programs result weight loss programs in their commu- patients with prediabetes (47).
in more weight loss than electronical- nity. However, these clinicians need
ly delivered interventions, but both to be aware that guideline-adherent Behavioral Components of
produce more weight loss than no community weight loss programs Weight Loss and Weight Loss
program (3). Whether clinicians pro- may be difficult to find (35). Popular Maintenance
vide intensive support for weight loss commercial weight loss programs are The goal of weight-related behavioral
or refer patients to a high-intensity available in many communities, and changes and programs should be to
program, they should see patients at guidelines suggest that referral to an achieve a caloric deficit of 500–750
least every 3 months to monitor their evidence-based commercial weight kcal/day (3,23). Dietary approaches
blood glucose control because pa- loss program that has documented that selectively restrict fat or carbohy-
tients may require decreased doses of efficacy via rigorous scientific studies drates or selectively increase protein or
glucose-lowering medications as they is an acceptable strategy (3). fiber are equally effective in producing
lose weight (23). Table 3 summarizes outcomes weight loss if they meet the targeted
Clinicians can consider man- with Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, reduction in calories (Table 4) (3,23).
aging weight loss in their patients and Nutrisystem, which typically Each of these dietary approaches is
if they are able to provide the high comprise the majority market share considered safe for patients with dia-
frequency of visits, as well as the in the commercial weight loss betes, and each is effective if patients
necessary behavioral and nutritional industry (31,36–41). Both Weight are able to adhere to the caloric restric-
support. Individualized weight Watchers and Jenny Craig have had tions (2,23). Patients may believe that
loss support is also contingent on randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) they will have a higher likelihood of

VO LU M E 3 0 , N U M B ER 4 , FA L L 2 017 239

TABLE 4. Eating Patterns With Equivalent Effects on Weight

discussion on pharmacotherapy for
Loss (2) obesity in patients with diabetes
is covered elsewhere in this issue
• Low glycemic index/load • Low carbohydrate (p. 250).
• High protein • Moderate carbohydrate– In addition to avoiding diabe-
moderate protein tes medications that are associated
• Low fat
• Mediterranean style with weight gain (e.g., sulfonylureas,
thiazolidinediones, and insulin), cli-
success if they use a meal-replacement ommend monitoring physical activity nicians should also assess for other
option, and this option may be par- and food intake (3,53). medications that are associated with
ticularly helpful to patients who have For maintaining weight loss, the weight gain. When possible, clini-
limited time or ability to prepare ADA guidelines recommend that cians should attempt to reduce or find
food. As patients achieve caloric re- patients with diabetes be referred to alternatives to common medications
duction, they may need to monitor a long-term (at least 1 year) weight that can increase appetite and pro-
their blood glucose more often de- maintenance program that involves at mote weight gain, including sedating
pending on which glucose-lowering least monthly visits, at least weekly antihistamines, steroids, some selec-
medications(s) they take. weight measurements, and at least tive serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
It is important to understand 200–300 min/week of physical activ- beta-blockers, and most antipsychotic
that reducing caloric intake is more ity (23). agents (62).
effective at achieving initial weight The AACE/ACE guidelines rec-
Medication Management
loss than only increasing exercise ommend that patients with diabetes
In addition to promoting patients’
(48,49). Patients who made dietary and a BMI ≥27 kg/m2 be prescribed
healthy lifestyle changes, managing weight loss medications (53). Treat-
changes alone lost 7 kg more at the medications is an important role for
6-month follow-up than patients who ment of obesity through pharmaco-
clinicians in treating patients with therapy, in conjunction with a healthy
added physical activity alone (49). type 2 diabetes and obesity. Clinicians
Physical activity remains import- lifestyle, directly improves glycemic
should consider altering the diabetes control (63,64). Five medications
ant for maintaining weight loss but medication regimen and using weight
should not be the primary focus of are now approved by the U.S. Food
loss medications for these patients. and Drug Administration (FDA) for
behavioral change for weight loss. First, clinicians should consider
Patients on insulin should increase long-term use for weight loss. Table 5
using the following glucose-lowering provides an overview of their weight
glucose monitoring when starting a medications that are weight neutral
new exercise regimen to avoid hypo- loss and A1C outcomes and their side
or may promote weight loss: met- effects (62,65–69). Additionally, sym-
glycemia during or after exercise. formin, pramlintide, glucagon-like pathomimetic appetite suppressant
The CDC does recommend that all peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, medications are approved for short-
adults, regardless of their weight or dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) term use (up to 12 weeks). To avoid
diabetes status, get 150 min/week of inhibitors, and sodium–glucose weight regain, the ADA recommends
moderate aerobic activity and per- cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. long-term use of weight loss medica-
form resistance exercise twice per Metformin has been associated with tion for patients who successfully lose
week (32). Achieving this amount of a 3-kg weight loss (23,54–56). In weight on the medication. Therefore,
physical activity, as well as avoiding addition to being associated with a this article will focus only on med-
long periods of inactivity, are good 3.7-kg weight loss, pramlintide can ications approved for long-term use
initial goals for patients who are not also lower daily insulin requirements (70). For patients whose weight loss
physically active (2). in patients with diabetes on insulin is <5% of initial body weight after
Self-monitoring is another impor- therapy (57). GLP-1 receptor agonists the initial treatment period on a given
tant tool in weight loss and weight have been associated with a 5.3-kg medication (various medications have
maintenance efforts (50). Daily weight loss (58). DPP-4 inhibitors different initial treatment periods),
self-weighing has been shown to are generally weight neutral (59,60). the medication should be discontin-
improve individuals’ ability to Finally, SGLT2 inhibitors can pro- ued and an alternative medication or
refrain from excess caloric intake mote a 2.4-kg weight loss and lower approach should be tried (23). The
(51) and thus promotes weight loss insulin requirements (61). Of note, AACE/ACE guidelines recommend
(52). Breaks in daily weighing are there is generally no benefit to using monitoring patients who are on insu-
associated with weight regain (52). DPP-4 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor lin or sulfonylureas for hypoglycemia
Additionally, both the AHA/ACC/ agonists simultaneously because they after starting any weight loss medica-
TOS and AACE/ACE guidelines rec- work on the same pathway. Further tion (2,53). When considering these

TABLE 5. Medications Approved by the FDA for Long-Term Use for Weight Management
Medication (Trade Mechanism of Action Five Most Common Side Possible Safety Concerns* Mean 1-Year Weight A1C Change in
Names) Effects Loss Compared to Patients With
Placebo (Dose) Diabetes (%)
Decreases absorption
Orlistat Lipase inhibitor Abdominal pain, flatulence, Fat-soluble vitamin 3.4 kg, 4.0% –0.7
fecal urgency, back pain, deficiencies, altered absorption
(Alli, Xenical) (120 mg TID)
and headache of medications, cholelithiasis,
Suppresses appetite
Lorcaserin Serotonin receptor Headache, nausea, Serotonin syndrome, 3.3 kg, 3.6% –1.1†
agonist dizziness, fatigue, and hypertension, edema, avoid in

VO LU M E 3 0 , N U M B ER 4 , FA L L 2 017
(Belviq) (10 mg BID)
nasopharyngitis liver and renal failure
Phentermine/ Norepinephrine Constipation, paresthesia, Birth defects, cognitive 6.7 kg, 6.6% –0.4
Topiramate release, GABA insomnia, nasopharyngitis, impairment, acute angle-closure (7.5/46 mg daily)
(Qsymia) receptor modulation and xerostomia glaucoma, lactic acidosis with
metformin, avoid in renal failure 8.9 kg, 9.0%
(15/92 mg daily)
Naltrexone/ Opiate antagonist, Constipation, nausea, Depression, anxiety, acute 4.1 kg, 5.2% –0.6
Bupropion decreased re-uptake headache, xerostomia, angle-closure glaucoma, avoid
(16/80 mg BID)
(Contrave) of norepinephrine and insomnia in patients with uncontrolled
hypertension and renal failure
Liraglutide GLP-1 receptor Hypoglycemia, Gastroparesis, suicidal ideation, 4.5 kg, 5.6% –0.6 to –1.8
(Saxenda) agonist constipation, nausea, increased heart rate, caution in (3 mg daily)
headache, and indigestion pancreatitis and cholelithiasis
*A comprehensive list of safety concerns can be found in each medication’s package insert, which is available from the manufacturing pharmaceutical company.
†A1C change has only been assessed in patients with prediabetes (66).
BID, twice daily; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; TID, three times daily.

or both.

their patients.

and promoting weight loss.

Obesity Treatment in Type 1

whether that involves selecting diabe-
prevalence of their co-occurrence,
CDC recommendations for physi-

clinicians should be aware of the

loss or are weight neutral, prescribing

exercise is crucial for maintaining
men or caloric reduction will need to
diabetes starting a new exercise regi-
cal activity for all adults—150 min/

monitor closely for hypoglycemia. In

duction of 500–700 kcal/day to lose
or obesity compared to 68% in 2007

tes medications that promote weight

of reducing their insulin requirements
ered for patients with type 1 diabetes.
week of moderate aerobic activity and
with type 1 diabetes had overweight
effects, and medication costs with
medications, clinicians should dis-
bramante et al.

weight loss. Medication management

patients to high-intensity weight loss
guidelines for treating obesity in pa-
Pramlintide may be considered in pa-
adults with type 1 diabetes meet the
cuss typical weight loss results, side

mainstay of weight loss, and increased

tients with type 2 diabetes. The ADA,
for individuals who have both diabe-
Weight loss is particularly important
described above can also be consid-

programs. Caloric reduction is the

tes and obesity. Because of the high
per week (23). Patients with type 1
Obesity is increasingly common

medications approved for weight loss,

addition, the weight loss medications
weight. The ADA recommends that
will need to continue to take their
1988, 25% of 40- to 49-year-olds

is also important for these patients,

two sessions of resistance training
insulin and strive for a caloric re-

guidelines all recommend referring

(71). Patients with type 1 diabetes
in patients with type 1 diabetes; in

tients with type 1 diabetes as a means



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