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Compliance Policies

KFSL Compliance policies primarily cover the following

1.1 Confidential Information and Privacy Promise

One of the most important asses is keeping our customer’s trust. All information related to the customer
which is shared with us should be used only for the reason it has been given to us or if the law requires
us to do so.
We must avoid intentional or unintentional disclosures of sensitive or confidential information about a
customer or supplier.
 Ensure business related paper work is properly secured

 Lock all customer related / potentially sensitive materials in desks or file cabinets

 Control after hour access to office areas that contain sensitive information

 Our customer also have a choice to opt out of our calling list by invoking their Do Not Solicit (DNS)

1.2 Anti Money Laundering

Money Laundering is a process to make illegitimate funds appear legitimate. To deter money laundering
activities, KYC procedures have to be established before entering into any agreement with the

1.2.1 Know Your Customer

KYC procedures enable us to know / understand our customers and their financial dealings better which
in turn help us to manage our risks prudently. The key elements incorporated in the KYC policy for KFSL
 Customer Identification Procedure - Customer identification means identifying the customer and
verifying his/ her identity by using reliable, independent source documents, data or information. A
detailed list of the nature and type of documents or information for customer identification is given
in the policy document.

 Monitoring of Transactions – Customer’s PAN Number has to be taken for any payment received
equivalent to or greater than Rs 50,000 in cash.

The KYC procedures are embedded into the product program and strict adherence to the PP will ensure
compliance to KFSL and RBI KYC norms.

1.3 Gifts Policy

 Do NOT accept gifts (items, services, hospitality, use of vacation homes, etc.) from customers or

 Gifts received should not be in return for services provided

 Gifts impractical to return can be donated or put on display at one’s office

 All gifts (excluding consumables) over Rs 2000/- in value should be handed over to the Compliance

 Value of the gifts given if circumstances warrants e.g. Diwali, New Year etc should be less than Rs
2000/- in value

1.4 Anti Tying Law

Customer should not be required to purchase one product or service as a consideration for another
being made available to them. One cannot condition or ‘tie’ the provision of credit on the customer
purchasing another service from an affiliate.

1.5 Media and Public Appearances

Employees are not authorized to provide any corporate information unless there are specifically
authorized to do so. Publishing, making speeches, giving interviews or making public appearance
connected to business should not be carried out without obtaining an approval from your supervisor.
Media inquiries should be referred to PR.

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