Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional Intelligence

• Emotional Intelligence Domains

• Developing Emotional Intelligence

The different types of emotions and how they are expressed.

Identify ways to communicate and manage emotions in a healthy

1. Discuss that understanding the intensity and differentiation
of emotions may help in communicating emotional
2. Explore one's positive and negative emotions and how one
expresses or hides them.
3. Demonstrate and create ways to manage various emotions.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize,
assess, and understand one’s emotions and manage
them accordingly resulting in positive physical and
mental health, excellent work performance, and
healthy interpersonal relationships.

There are five domains of emotional intelligence: self-

awareness, self-management, self-motivation,
empathy, and social relationships.

To develop one’s emotional intelligence means to be

honest and open to self, accepting one’s capacity for
different types of emotions.

Emotional intelligence is important as it directly

1. Physical and mental health- emotional
intelligence equips one with tools in managing
stress; and stress, which usually brings
discomfort and illnesses, can be avoided.
2. Work performance- It helps in understanding
people and situations more objectively.
3. Relationship- Interpersonal relationships are
enhanced because emotions are expressed in a
more positive way, and with empathy, genuine
caring is expressed and shared.

The goal of this
 Draw an emoticon of what you feel right motivational task is
now and explain why? to enable to know
 What was happening when you feel that what the students
kind of emotions? feel at the moment.

They will draw an

emoticon and later
ask by the teacher
what symbolizes of
their drawing.

The students will

interpret their
feeling based on
their drawn
emoticon. They
become aware and
recognize their


Emotional intelligence is important as it directly They can reveal to

affects: us our reactions and
default positions
1. Physical and mental health- emotional when faced with
intelligence equips one with tools in managing change of any kind,
stress; and stress, which usually brings information that is
discomfort and illnesses, can be avoided. mostly hidden from
2. Work performance- It helps in understanding our day-to-day
people and situations more objectively. awareness but plays
3. Relationship- Interpersonal relationships are an enormous role in
enhanced because emotions are expressed in a our day-to-day
more positive way, and with empathy, genuine interactions and
caring is expressed and shared. decisions.

Salovey’s identified five domains of emotional


1. Knowing one’s emotions and being aware of

2. Managing one’s emotions.
3. Motivating oneself
4. Recognizing emotions in others
5. Handling relationships
Ability to Identify Emotion


1. Emotional self-awareness: Reading one’s own Ex 1: Moving on

emotions and recognizing their impact from break-up
2. Accurate self-assessment: knowing one’s Ex 2: Stress that
strengths and limits leads to Depression
3. Self-confidence: a sound sense of one’s self- Ex 3: Self-Esteem
worth and capabilities Ex 4: Empathy
Social Awareness Ex 5: Connect and
relate to other
1. Empathy: Sensing others’ emotions, people.
understanding their perspective and taking
active interest in their concerns
2. Organizational awareness: Reading the The tensions of the
currents, decision creative process and
3. networks, and politics at the organizational this kind of
level interpersonal
interaction are a
Self-Management fast-track to greater
1. Emotional self-control: Keeping disruptive
emotions and impulses under control The process of
2. Transparency: Displaying honesty and developing
integrity; trustworthiness emotional
3. Adaptability: Flexibility in adapting to changing intelligence is
situations or overcoming obstacles exactly the same –
4. Achievement: The drive to improve becoming aware of
performance to meet inner standards of the defenses and
excellence self-protections we
5. Initiative: Readiness to act and seize employ to feel a
opportunities sense of
6. Optimism: Seeing the upside in events psychological
safety and making
Relationship Management conscious choices
about how to
1. Inspirational leadership: Guiding and manage them.
motivating with a compelling vision
2. Influence: Wielding a range of tactics for
3. Developing others: Bolstering others’ abilities
through feedback and guidance 4.Change
catalyst: Initiating, managing, and leading in a
new direction 5.Conflict management:
Resolving disagreements
6. Building bonds: Cultivating and maintaining a
web of relationships
7. Teamwork and collaboration: Cooperation and
team building

Link to the video:


This exercise helps
1. You're on an airplane which suddenly hits delegates explore
extremely bad turbulence and begins rocking the concept of
from side to side. What do you do? temperament,
A. Continue to read your book or magazine, or watch understand what it
the movie, paying little attention to the turbulence. means, how it is
B. Become wary of an emergency, carefully formed and how it
monitoring the flight attendants and reading the can influence their
emergency instructions card. emotional
C. A little of both above. intelligence.
D. I’m not sure; I’ve never noticed.

2. You've taken a group of 4-year-olds to the park,

and one of them starts crying because the others
won't play with her. What do you do?
A. Stay out of it; let the kids deal with it on their own.
B. Talk to her and help her to figure out ways in
which to get the other kids to play with her.
C. Tell her in a kind voice not to cry.
D. Try to distract the crying girl by showing her some
other things she could play with.

3. Assume you had hoped to get an A in one of

your courses, but you have just found out you got
a C– on the midterm. What do you do?
A. Sketch out a specific plan for ways to improve your
grade and resolve to follow through on your plans.
B. Resolve to do better in the future.
C. Tell yourself it really doesn't matter much how you
do in that particular course, and concentrate instead
on other classes where your grades are higher.
D. Go to the professor and try to talk her into giving
you a better grade.


What is the difference of EQ and IQ?

Group discussion about EQ and IQ students discuss:
• Differentiation of EQ and IQ
• Which is more important EQ and IQ

What is the mulitifactor emotional intelligence scale intelligence is the
(MEIS ability to recognize
your emotions,
The MEIS is the result of several years of research. It understand what
is also, we believe, the first and the only ability test of they're telling you,
emotional intelligence on the market. The MEIS, and realize how
your emotions
developed by Dr. Jack Mayer, Dr. Peter Salovey, and
affect people
Dr. David Caruso around you. It also
involves your
These sub-tests are: Identifying Emotions: Faces &
perception of
Stories Understanding Emotions: Blends & others: when you
Progressions & Relativity Managing Emotions: Others understand how
& Self they feel, this allows
you to manage
INTELLIGENCE effectively.

Goleman provided a fun quiz on emotional

intelligence which is available from
the Utne Reader web site. The purpose of this quiz is
to promote discussion on the topic as it is not a
validated test.


1. How well do you manage the difficult This the ability to

conversations and what impact do they have on identify and
your relationships? manage your own
2. You find others are to blame for most of the emotions and the
issues on your team. emotions of others.
3. How do you balance your life? Also the ability to
4. Can you manage your distressing emotions well manage emotions,
-- e.g., recover quickly when you get upset or which includes
stressed? regulating your own
5. Do you keep your focus on your main goals, emotions and
and know the steps it takes to get there? cheering up or
calming down other

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