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By Scripture Union, Entebbe Christian School

1. And who brings you to our home without invitation?

2. Shameless and proud you. Since when have visitors to homes asked to
produce invitation cards? Listen to me I didn’t need any invitation. Now
that I am in push me out if you can.
3. Push you out! Of course I will, this property belongs to us and us alone.
We shall never entertain strangers like you who bump into people’s
homes like robbers.
4. A moment please!

A- Assessing the rights of a child is our duty today. Open your ears,
listen to the voice of a child, narrating how his rights have been
abused. Appreciate and respect us for we are no more animals but
humans perfectly designed in God’s image. Are you with us or against
Of course with you why not join hands fight and defend what belongs
to us?

Song: Sauti ya Watoto……………………………………………….

B- Bad touches the touching of children’s private parts e.g. breasts,

bums and the “silence”
Question: and the what
What don’t you know after all you even have Eh eh……….
To hell with your filthy hands and may your magnetic fields find
other things to attract other than children.

C- Corporal punishment has been made the order of the day both in schools
and in homes. Children are beaten like they carry the curse of the serpent-
the snake and worst of all……… stop being hesitant and crying without a
reason call a spade a spade and hit the nail on its head.
It is your Christian duty to let the guilty ones feel the pinch.
It is child sacrifice the evil that has befallen many children.

D- Doomed are the shameless defilers, I resent you Oh my God! My temper

raises when I mention them. Authorities why not allow me exercise my
burdizzo on them, how I wish my teeth were also sharp enough I would use
my defensive mechanism and ….. booo what a disgust

E- Exposing of human geographical locations by shameless females. Oh my

poor brothers watching scantly dressed females on the streets. My sisters
mind your dressing for as the wind blows you never know what it carries.
Question: laughs
F– Forced and early marriages
Question: By who?
By parents who only mind about wealth forgetting that a child is a
human being with a choice, emotions, feelings and perfect will. By
the way what do you take us to be? Property that can be sold at any
time you wish?

F- Genuine gifts from friends are no longer heard of. Spare me your cakes,
biscuits and your so called big booms and éclairs with your ugly advancing
smiles you nag me ehrrrrrr.

G- Hollow casts, hollow casts, hollow casts the killing of a very large number of
people especially in fire, we are still haunted of what happened to our sisters
in Buddo a moment of silence in memory of them.
Song: Tukabilla baganda bafe abato…….. may their souls rest in peace.

I- Immoral children all over the world have abused their rights and the
rights of other s by taking drugs and alcohol.

J- Justice for all should be advocated for the poor, the rich, the short
and thin, love them equally with all your hearts just as you love

K- Killing and murdering of children for wealth and revenge makes me

almost run crazy. What kind of heart is that, that kills the most
beloved child just to fix his head in the foundation of a building or
factory. What a pity!
Song: Africa why

L- Lesbianism, an act of sex abuse that has been transferred to many

juveniles which has affected their ability to reason.

M- Mocked and beaten are the children especially those without

parents or malnourished due to denial of adequate needs and
proper balanced diet. Thanks to Entebbe Christian School with the
best meals I have never seen anywhere else.

N- Nakedness commonly found in young women especially on beaches

trying to prove better bodies. So what, what about it, we were all
created in God’s image. Cover, cover, cover up all the skin you are
using to defile, confuse and destroy the minds of our young

O- We all now take the oath and fight for the civil constitution of the
children. The CCC we also round up all the culprits and pocket them.
Question: No, no, no that’s no better pocket for them. Mind your business.
We pocket and suffocate them till they get back to their normal

P- Ponography literature like movies, novels and newspapers like

Onion that are sold over the streets of Uganda, bought and given to
us to read and watch. I warn give them to me again and discover
who I am!
Sergents (Sir yes sir) corporal (Sir yes sir) Generals (Sir yes sir),
Major generals (Sir yes sir) Quarantine declared, the affected are
those with leprosy of the mind surround all those whose zips are
ever open, those whose switches are ever on. Turn off the switches,
zip them up and send them…. Exactly where they belong.

R- Revenge is for the Lord and if it wasn’t I would start now but I
rebuke every spirit of torture, incest, rebellion and every evil spirit
in you repent I warn you for the day of the Lord is near.
S- Sexual harassment by shameless relatives and those whose
appetite can’t be controlled and worst of all if it is from our own
parents. God forbid!

T- The tongue of the wicked is like the arrow of a scorpion the words
he uses on his child are as poisonous as venom. I triumph over
them for the Lord has given me victory over every evil and
wickedness of the world.

U- Uncontrolled affairs between close and distant relatives has led to a

high rate of permissiveness in homes. This has resulted into rape,
incest and defilement the greatest horrors I should never hear
amongst you.

V- Violence in homes this is mostly caused by alcoholism and drug

abuse by irresponsible parents. This has resulted into psychological
torture leading to child displacement.

W- Witchcraft and shrine worship in which we are all involved without

our own will Twakowa abalogo! Why not let us warship our own God.
Wake up all sleepy politicians and leaders worldwide. For there is a
strong wind filled with evil. Blowing away all your successors. The
children of this world

X- Ex-communicate all those who have lost their minds, those who end
up doing nasty things for the future generation is at risk, a threat
and a road to destruction.
Y- Yielding to the devil’s temptations is so dangerous. Take care. Child
abuse may result into animal abuse.
Question: what do you mean?
Spare me your research I am not in for animals today unless you are

Z- Zinc minded poisonous and heartless people what are you who do
you think you are? Keeping us in tears night and day? No no no no
more shading of tears. What then shall we do? We shall without fear
for zygotes of iniquity, immorality and evil are for me done a daily
basis. They dwell in humans, we curse them out Zap them with
prayers and zip. Zip. Zip. Up the open doors of sin.
Forget it all from today, for we are ready to fight till the end. No
retreat no surrender
Song: Heal the World (by Michael Jackson – RIP)

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