Inteview Fbla Notes

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Interview - FBLA #2

Interview Questions
Introduction question:
● Please tell us about yourself, particularly focusing on what professional experiences make you
an excellent candidate for the position.

Core Values:
● Collaboration
○ Tell me about a time where you collaborated with others to accomplish a goal.
● Engagement
○ Describe a time where you were unsuccessful in trying to motivate a student. Why were
you unsuccessful and how did you respond?
○ Tell me about a time where you were involved in a new initiative?
○ How would you respond to a new initiative that you didn’t agree with or believe in?
● Innovation
○ Tell me about a time where you tried something new in a classroom. Describe how you
came about the idea and how well it worked for you.
○ Describe a time where a school or other organization implemented something new and
how you dealt with it.
● Leadership
○ Give two examples of things you have done in previous jobs that demonstrate your
ability to lead by example.
○ If I were to ask colleagues of yours what your two greatest strengths are, what would
they say? What would they say is an area that you are still growing in?
● Relationships
○ Describe a time where a parent was upset with something you’ve done in your
classroom, how did you respond?
○ How do you want your students to see you as a teacher? How do you want your peers
to see you as a member in the building.
○ What is an acceptable number of failures for your class?

1 question on Classroom Management to be spoken in language they are teaching.

● With respect to classroom management, describe the characteristics of an effective teacher.

1 question on Teaching Philosophy to be written on one page of blank paper in the language they are

● Why do you want to become a foreign language teacher?

Have teachers give a 15 minute lesson teaching us a beginning lesson in their language.
Considering our district mission, vision and Considering our district mission, vision and
values, identify driving forces that would values, identify preventing forces that would
indicate this person as a strong candidate. indicate this person is not a strong candidate.
3 2 1

Collaboration Sees collaboration as Complies with the Does not believe in

an opportunity to grow concept but needs to collaboration as a
as a professional. realize the purpose. value.

Engagement Is willing to participate Is hesitant to Is not interested in

in school initiatives participate with school participating in school
and use engaging initiatives and/or using initiatives and using
practices in the practices to create practices to increase
classroom. classroom engagement classroom
activities. engagement.

Innovation Is able to innovate in Is willing to look at Lacks in innovative

the classroom and is other innovative practices in the
energetic toward new practices to use in the classroom and is
ideas in the school. classroom and will against new ideas in
comply with new ideas the school.
in the school.

Leadership Leads by example in Sometimes leads by Does not lead by

and out of the example in and out of example in and out of
classroom and helps the classroom and the classroom and is
lead initiatives by the complies with against initiatives in
school. initiatives in the the school.

Relationships Builds positive Builds positive Doesn’t build

relationships with all relationships with relationships with all
stakeholders. some stakeholders. stakeholders.
Email Template
Thank you for your interest in the High School teaching position at Drake High School! Wade Grinhaug,
Kali Gray and I have worked collaboratively to create an interview process for you on Saturday morning
December 8th. Please note that your interview is scheduled for one hour starting at **9:00 AM**. We
will meet on the third floor of the Collier-Scripps building in room 335.

The format of the interview process will begin with questions related to our district’s core values for
teachers: Collaboration, Engagement, Innovation, Leadership, and Relationships. During this process you
will be asked to provide one oral answer to a question using the foreign language you plan to teach.
Then, you will be given 15 minutes to teach the three of us a lesson on your foreign language, as you
would to a first year student in the high school. At the end you will be asked to complete a written
answer to a question in one page or less again using the foreign language you plan to teach. Attached is
the job posting for your reference.

Please do not hesitate to contact either Wade, Kali, or I if you have any questions. We look forward to
meeting with you Saturday the 8th!

Andy Eckert

World Language Position Posting

Position Type: High School Teaching/Foreign Language

Date Posted: 11/1/2018

Date Closed: 11/17/2018

Location: Drake High School

District: Drake Community School District

Required Qualifications:

· Iowa Teaching License in High School Foreign Language

· Meet certification requirements by the department of Education of Iowa

· Based on a 190 day teacher contract: 7:45am- 4:00pm

· Strong content and language knowledge

· Student centered that builds positive relationships

· Able to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of students

· Provide learning experiences to students that extend beyond the classroom

· Willing to collaborate in department PLC

· Strong communication skills with all stakeholders

· Demonstrates competence in: planning, curriculum teaching, and classroom management

· Perform other duties as assigned

Preferred Qualifications:

· Knowledgeable about standards-based grading practices

· Participate in extra-curricular activities

· Recent classroom experience

· Proven project management skills within project-based experiences

· An understanding of authentic learning and engagement

· Knowledge of Iowa Core 21st century and employability skills

Qualified applicants should upload the following materials: Cover letter, updated resume, minimum of
three references, college transcripts and copy of license. Apply and upload materials to

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