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Ultimate Vertical Load , V = 100 kN
Ultimate Horizontal Load, T = 10 kN

Total Load = 110 kN

Width of Corbel, av = 450 mm

Determination of corbel Gemometry

fck = 25 N/mm2

fy = 500 N/mm2

Minimum cover = 30 mm

Diametr of Bar = 20 mm

Maximum Bearing Stress = 0.8 x fck

= 20 N/mm2

Length of Bearing Plate = 300 mm

Minimum Bearing width = 100000


= 16.67 mm

Actual width of bearing Plate, lw = 100 mm > 83 mm

hence ok

Length of Corbel = av + lw/2+Length of bend bar + cc+dia of link+cc

= 670 mm say 700 mm

h = 700 mm

d = 660 mm

Maximum allowable Shear Stress = 4

Width = 200 mm

v = 100000

= 0.75757576 < 3.577709 N/mm2

Evaluation of Forces

First trial

Ft = Fc cosß + T = Vav
+ T
x = 264 mm
z = 541 mm

cotß = av 0.61

Sin ß = 0.77

Cos ß = 0.64

Fc = V 129870
Sin ß

x =
0.402 x 25 x 200 x 0.64

= 101.0 mm

Second Trial

x = 101 mm

z = 614 mm

Cos ß = 0.591

Sin ß = 0.806

Fc = V 100000
Sin ß 0.806

Fc = 124069

x = 105 mm

Final Z = 614 mm
Ft = Vav
+ T

Ft = 83390 N

Es = 0.0035 x (d-x)

Es = 0.018 > 0.002

So the Steel will be at the yield stress level

As = Ft 0.5v T
> +
0.87*fy 0.87xfy 0.87 x fy

= 192 > 138 mm2

Therefore provide 2 -20 dia

Check for Shear

pt = Ast x 100

pt = 628 x 100
200 x 660

= 0.52 %

Ʈc = 0.49 N/mm2

Ʈ'c = 2d x Ʈc

= 2 x 660 x 0.49

= 1.44 > 0.758

Therefore Provide 2L - 10 dia @ 200 mm C/C

Minimum Tension Reinforcement

As > 0.004bh = 320 mm2

Therefore Satisfied
Minimum Tension Reinforcement

AS < 0.04bh =

400 < 5600 Not Exceeded.

Check for Bearing Strees inside Bend

Fbt = Ft (As req/

no. of bars As prv)

= 25658.5

= 12829 N

Ultimate Anchorage Bond

fbu = 0.5 Sqrt(fck)

= 2.5 N/mm2

Anchorage bond length required = Fbt

3.14 x Ø x fbu

= 20000

= 127.4 mm

Tension in bar at start of bend = 2 x Fbt


= 2

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