Title: Making or Using Eggshells To Improve Human Calcium (Eggshell Flour

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Title: Making or Using Eggshells to improve

Human Calcium (Eggshell Flour

Gab Oracion

Materials: eggshells, pot, baking sheet, water Purpose and Importance: People often mistaken the
amount of calcium they need in the body. Too much milk cause bones which are way too dense.
With eggshells, calcium is more present and half eggshell is equal to the amount of 1 glass of milk.
Group 2 Title: Watercolor from extract of Bananas, Tomatoes and Lettuce Materials: 5 tbsp. white
vinegar, 6tbsp corn starch, 3 tbsp. corn syrup, 6tbsp baking soda, 2 bananas, 2 tomatoes, lettuce,
juicer, very fine sieve, clean egg carton, mixing bowl Purpose and Importance: To reduce the use of
trees in production of colored and ordinary pencils. And recycle used goods that are not needed in
our house to inhibit wasting. Group 4 Title: Paper Recycled into organic fertilizer Materials: scratch
paper, old newspapers, magazines, crumpled or shredded paper Purpose and Importance: To
prevent the waste of paper and spending money on fertilizer. Find easy ways to replenish plants.
Why we need to recycle paper because many people may need them and others just throw them
away. Instead we can make paper into things like fertilizer. Why do we need fertilizer? It is because
fertilizer is needed in the process of planting. Also it is needed for the plants to become leafier and
helps in the production of oxygen that we all living things need.
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Science Investigatory Project


Using Eggshells to improve Human Calcium (Eggshell Flour)Materials: eggshells, pot, baking sheet,
waterPurpose and Importance: People often mistaken the amount of calcium they need in the body. Too
muchmilk cause bones which are way too dense. With eggshells, calcium is more present and half eggshell isequal
to the amount of 1 glass of milk.
2Title: Watercolor from extract of Bananas, Tomatoes and LettuceMaterials: 5 tbsp. white vinegar, 6tbsp corn
starch, 3 tbsp. corn syrup, 6tbsp baking soda, 2 bananas, 2tomatoes, lettuce, juicer, very fine sieve, clean egg carton,
mixing bowlPurpose and Importance: To reduce the use of trees in production of colored and
ordinary pencils. Andrecycle used goods that are not needed in our house to inhibit wasting.
Group 4Title: Paper Recycled into organic fertilizerMaterials: scratch paper, old newspapers, magazines,
crumpled or shredded paperPurpose and Importance: To prevent the waste of paper and spending money on
fertilizer. Find easy waysto replenish plants.Why we need to recycle paper because many people may need
them and others just throw them away.Instead we can make paper into things like fertilizer. Why do we need
fertilizer? It is because fertilizer isneeded in the process of planting. Also it is needed for the plants to become
leafier and helps in the production of oxygen that we all living things need

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