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“Watercolour Inspirations in Cadaqués”

1 – 7 October 2010

The Costa Brava forms the most northerly stretch of the coast of Catalonia
and one of the most beautiful in Spain. Right in the heart of Cap de Creus is
Cadaqués, an area set in the unusual natural landscape of the steep hills
that cut across the county of Alt Empordà before falling into the sea in the
form of cliffs. This lovely village with
seagoing routes has excellent beaches
and tranquil coves with clear water.

Facing the Mediterranean Sea at the head of a crystal

clear bay, Cadaqués was a favourite of both Picasso
and Salvador Dalí who were drawn to the area's incredible
light and sea breezes. Cadaqués remains a favourite spot for
artists and is popular with weekenders from Barcelona and
visitors from farther afield. The town has been developed
carefully over the years and retains its charm. Most who
discover it return for seconds.

A former fishing village that was once only accessible by sea,

Cadaqués sits on the far North-East of Spain, in Catalonia. It
is right on the edge of the Cap de Creus Peninsula, where
the Pyrenees mountains meet the sea, just south of the
French border.



Fri Oct 1 18.30 Welcome drinks and meeting at hotel.
20.00 Welcome dinner at Al Gianni’s
Sat to Oct 2 to 09.00 – 16.30 Sketching & painting in Cadaqués, morning and afternoon.
Oct 6
Wed Critiques.
20.00 Dinner
Wed Oct 6 18.00 Informal exhibition, farewell meeting and dinner

Thu Oct 7 By 11.00 Departure before 11.00


Salvador Dalí once said in 1920: "I have spent a delightful summer, as always, in the perfect
and dreamy town of Cadaqués. There, alongside the Latin sea, I have been quenched by light
and colour".

Cadaqués' worldwide fame

began with Salvador Dali, who
moved to a house in Port Lligat
and said that this was the most
beautiful town in the world. Dali's
stay in Cadaqués attracted the
attention of many artists, such
as Pablo Picasso, Andre Breton,
Paul Eluard, Man Ray, Max
Ernst, Marcel Duchamp,
Federico Garcia Lorca, Luis
Bunuel, and many others.

At the head of Cadaqués bay

rises the network of narrow
cobbled streets and white
houses making up the old town.
Above the outline of the town,
the image of the church of Santa
María, a carefully restored church with a white façade, stands out. Modernist architecture, for its part,
has left its distinctive imprint on some of the most notable buildings in the town, like the Casa

During the first

decades of the 20th
century, the town
became an important
European cultural
centre. Many leading
artists, like Picasso,
Chagall and Klein,
found their particular
source of inspiration in
this beautiful corner of
the province of
However, it was Salvador Dalí who gave
Cadaqués international fame. The artistic
genius spent long periods here during his
childhood as well as establishing his home
there. His house-museum, beside Port Lligat
bay, to the north of the town, enables you to
get to know part of the extensive work of this
master of Surrealism.

The wide cultural offer of Cadaqués ranges

from its many museums and art galleries, like

the Municipal Art Museum, which

exhibits works by artists who
maintained close links with
Cadaqués, or the Perrot-Moore
Museum, which brings together
works of European graphic art,
without forgetting the now
traditional International Music
Festival, which is held annually in
the church of Santa María.


Friday 1th October

Pick up from Girona airport or city, arrival and

check in at hotel. Hopefully some time to relax.

Welcome drinks and meeting at Hotel Llané
Petit, platja Llané Petit, s/n – 17488 Cadaqués, tel. +34 972 251 020

For further travel information please check the hotel website:

Dinner at Al Gianni’s, excellent quality food and very friendly atmosphere.
Saturday 2nd October to Wednesday 6th October

9.00 – 16.30

Each day we meet at the hotel lobby at

9.00 and follow Joseph in his choices of
endless places to paint in Cadaqués: either
in the old town or any of the beautiful sea
views. The workshop will be a combination
of some studio work and plein air painting
according to Joseph’s criteria for the

benefit of the whole group.

Normally the day will start with one of Joseph’s lessons,

then he will demonstrate. After that, each painter will do his
own painting under Joseph’s expert guidance.

We’ll have a short lunch break and Joseph will

demonstrate again in the afternoon and explain with simple
instructions how to achieve a good design and plan our
watercolours to produce a beautiful well-balanced painting.
Joseph may finish the day with a critique session to
enlighten our artist minds.

After that, a well deserved free time to relax, have a swim,

a walk or explore further before meeting for drinks and dinner. Dinner will usually be at 8.00 pm.

Thursday 7th October

Departure day, by 11.00

After breakfast we leave our rooms before 11.00 am, but we’re allowed to use the hotel facilities until
it’s time to leave. Sweet memories and new good friends will remain in our hearts. Hope to see you
again in another workshop! We hope you’ve had the time of your life and learned a lot!.


-Your personal painting gear: paints, brushes, paper and the rest of materials suggested by Joseph.
-A good light-weight rucksack or bag with enough space for carrying your things plus easel and chair.
-Clothes: some short and long sleeved T-shirts, shorts, trousers, waterproof jackets, hats, sun block
cream, a thicker jacket for chilly evenings or windy days.
-Money: you’ll only need to think of lunches daily, extra drinks, any excursions on your free time,
shopping or buying a painting from Joseph. You can get money from ATM machines also.
-Your personal health insurance, E111 card for EU citizens.
-Leave passports or extra money in the safe of the hotel, don’t carry it around. You can carry a
photocopy of your passport if you wish.
-There’s some walking involved, some in cobbled streets, so make sure you bring comfortable
shoes. Please travel light.


• Joseph Zbukvic’s workshop starts with a welcome meeting and course briefing at 18.30 on
Friday 1st October at our hotel in Cadaqués followed by a welcome dinner. The actual course
starts on Saturday 2nd, with a general timetable of 9.00 to 4.30 or 5.00 for the week. The
workshop is a combination of Joseph’s lessons in the studio and painting outside or in the
studio. Joseph will mostly paint outside.

• Cadaqués offers an endless range of subject matter to paint seascapes, boats, town scenes,
figures, landscapes…

• Joseph will demonstrate daily and teach various watercolour techniques and tips such as: colour
application, the right use of water, sketching made simple, wet-in-wet techniques, dry
brushstrokes, values, composition, mood and atmosphere. He’ll also run some critique
session after our painting day.

• On the last day there’s an informal exhibition before our farewell meeting and dinner. Your tutor
will hand out signed certificates of attendance. Leaving day is Thursday 7th October.

• There’s the possibility to

organise a visit to Dali’s
Museum in Port Lligat in our
free time.

• EPC offers light weight easels,

boards and chairs for course
participants on request.

• There will be watercolour

paper available for sale, it’s
Saunders Waterford 300 grs
rough, cut in half sheets, at 2€
each half sheet.

• You can also get Joseph’s DVDs or any others from APV films. Please order the ones you wish.


Joseph Zbukvic is a highly skilled artist who has the ability to create
a magical atmosphere and mood in his paintings. Joseph is a strong
believer in the benefits of painting on location. He’s a superb
draftsman and paints with a high speed of execution. These qualities
are quite apparent in all his paintings, balanced, harmonious and full
of mystery and mood. Born in Zagreb, Croatia, J. Zbukvic emigrated
to Australia when he was eighteen and has since won over 200
international awards with over 40 solo exhibitions in Australia, London
and San Antonio.


Cadaqués is about 70 Kms north of Girona, near the border with France. EPC will cover your transfers
from Girona city or airport only, but we’re happy to advise about how to get to Girona by train, coach,
shuttle bus or taxi in case you fly to Barcelona.
Girona airport is about 12 Km from Girona city and
Barcelona airport is 120 Kms south of Girona. Have a look
at Ryanair’s website for cheap flights to Girona: .
EPC will organise transfers from Girona airport and station
to meet all painters. There will be a transport around midday
and another later in the afternoon, around 3.30 pm.
Specific pick up times will be specified in due time, but
please make sure your travel arrangements allow you to be
picked up around 12.00 pm at Girona airport or station or
3.30 pm at the latest. If you’re flying to Barcelona, allow 2h
30 min. to get to Girona please.
Getting to Cadaqués is an extra 1h 15 min. so if you have a
long journey ahead you may wish to stay overnight in
Please let us know about your travel arrangements as soon as you know them. We’ll try and make
your trip to the hotel venue easy and pleasant.


Deposits are non-refundable. Cancellations due to medical reasons between 8 and 4 weeks before
the start of the course, refund of 50% of your final payment. Cancellations less than 4 weeks before
the start of a course, there’s no refund of monies paid. You are strongly advised to take out
cancellation insurance to cover you in the event of cancellations.


EPC takes no responsibility for the loss or damage of personal property.

Whilst every effort will be made by EPC to keep to the programme outlined above, it will, if
circumstances warrant it, be subject to change.


Angela Barbi +34 645 767 403 mobile phone


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