Name: Jayram G S (USN: 157NSB7016) Title: Attendance Management System

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Name: Jayram G S (USN: 157NSB7016)

Title: Attendance Management System

In every institution, the attendance is taken either in a logbook or a computerized system.
Using the logbook is the traditional way for maintaining the attendance. There are some
computerized systems that are used in place of the logbook, but some drawbacks still exist as
they are time consuming, insecure and they provide inconsistent data.

The project Attendance management system is developed to overcome the above mentioned
constraints. This system keeps track of all the student’s and faculty’s attendance till date. The
system is being made for online purpose so that each student, parent and the faculty can use it
to view the attendance status. Each person will be given a username and password to login
into the system.

The attendance status will be automatically sent to the student and the faculty, to their
respective accounts on a weekly basis. This way the users can check their attendance
regularly. Also the reports will be generated automatically on a monthly basis, that consists of
the attendance status of each student in every subject and this report can also be used to
display the names of the students having less attendance.

 To reduce the overall time consumption
 To provide accurate results
 To provide a secure system

 This system can be used to manage attendance in colleges, schools or also in work
places to manage employee’s attendance.


System requirements:
 Hardware Requirements
o Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or higher
o RAM : 1 GB or higher
o Hard disk : 80GB or higher
o Keyboard : Normal or Multimedia
o Mouse : Compatible mouse
o Monitor: LED
 Software Requirements
o Front End : HTML, CSS, JavaScript
o Back End : MySQL
o Platform : XAMPP
A:Apache server:local server
P:php server side scripting language
o OS : Microsoft Windows 7 or higher

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