Activity Design - ADAC Strengthening

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Municipality of ________________

Province of Iloilo

Barangay _______________

ADAC Strengthening Training

Activity Design

I. General Activity Information:

Program Title: Anti-Drug Abuse Council Strengthening
Prerequisite Programs: Establishment of BADAC
Duration: 3 days
Management Level of Training and Workshop: Masters in Behavioral Psychology

Delivery Mode: Seminar- Workshop Presentation and

Discussion Demonstration
Frequent use of small groups
Partner-to partner exercise
Role Plays
Reflective Writing Exercise
Target Personnel: Barangay Officials and Personnel
II. Rationale:

Per DILG-DDB Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2018-01 dated May 21, 2018, the Local Anti-
Drug Abuse Councils (ADACs) have a critical role in the coordination and proper monitoring
of drug-related incidents. This entails cohesion of policies for the inter-local government
roles which can provide an enabling environment for functional and effective ADACs. This
further requires structural consistency and a comprehensive monitoring and reporting
system. Hence, the Program on ADAC Strengthening was established in order to address
such concerns.

The ADAC Strengthening Program contributes to the preservation of peace and order in the
locality in terms of prevention on the proliferation of illegal drugs which is one of the
criminality issues tackled in the Carles, Iloilo roadmap for Peace. This criminality issue is one
of the concerns that need to be addressed in the Peace and Development Zones.

Objective: To be able to train the Barangays in Carles and provide them the necessary tools
for a functioning BADAC.

Goal: All BADACs in Carles, Iloilo may receive adequate training to enhance their
performance and improve quality of service.
Mission: To reach out to Barangay Officials and personnel and to make information on
BADAC functionality accessible.

Training and Curriculum Description:

Republic Act 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 provides guidelines
to safeguard the citizenry from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs and to defend the
same against acts or omissions detrimental to their development and preservation through
the pursuit of an intensive and unrelenting campaign against the trafficking and use of
dangerous drugs and other similar substances.

In support of the said law and to accelerate the campaign against illegal drugs in the
communities the DILG has issued Memorandum Circular 98-227 as amended providing for
the creation of Local Anti-Drug Abuse Councils in the provincial, municipal, and barangay
level and a series of related policies reiterating such creation and stating their roles and

III. Program Content Focus:

Content Matrix:
Day 1: Anti-Drug Abuse Councils
Module 1 Roles of the Barangay in the Philippine Anti-Drug Strategy
Day 2: Community Drug Coalition
Module 2 Roles of the Community in the Philippine Anti-Drug Strategy
Day 3: Barangay SGLG
Module 3 Barangay Audit Guidelines and Requirements
IV. Course Expectations
Objectives and Content
Knowledge: Strategies for a successful Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council to
establish a strong working relationship quickly thorough knowledge of
the system and processes learned in the training. Establish skill in
structuring sessions and homework material to address all problems.

Skills: Compliance
Organizational and Community

Attitudes: Collaborative

Activity Schedule: A. Pre-Assessment

B. Lectures
C. Actual Interviews
D. Homework
A. Equipments
1. Sound System
2. LCD
3. White Boards

A. Materials
1. Notebooks
2. Pens
3. Manuals
4. Manila Paper
5. Markers

Monitoring and Evaluation:

The participants of the training/seminar will be monitored and evaluated according to the
following criteria:
1. Class Participation
2. Homework
3. Role Play Performance
4. Actual Workshop with output
5. Attendance

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