Strategy-Chemistry: General Objectives of Learning Chemistry

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Strategy- Chemistry

General objectives of learning chemistry

Pre planning

View the “Scheme of Study” to note down Topic/Unit to teach

Note down the requirements such as

 Learning outcomes
 Background knowledge required by the student
 List of resources to be used
 Duration require to teach


Resource management:

o Check for the availability of the required resources

o In case of issue, report the respective coordinator
o Arrange the resources
o putting demand for the lab period

Front page of planner

o Make a summary of the whole week’s lesson plans on the Planner’s front page

Detailed planning

o Map the learning outcomes to your lesson’s objectives

o Write down if it is an introductory lesson or practice class ( guided and independent )
o For AV/ Aids and introductory classes, attach the prompt sheets, and worksheets
o Plan the steps of teaching
o Write down all the steps in the planner
o Make a numbered list of all the key points
o Write down all the Teacher questions and their answers
o For text book exercises, give the question No. reference and write the answers
o Similarly for past paper questions give the complete reference and write the answers
o Attach any worksheets required
o Attach assessment question paper and key paper
o Attach steps of performance for the practical activity
o give reference of the ATP sheets to be solved afterwards
Teaching/ Instructional task

Preparation -Before going to class make sure you have in hand

o Planner
o Your own text book( Borrowing Books from the students is STRICTLY prohibited)
o Required resources


o Greet the students

o Collect any previous assignment/ Home works
o Talk about previous day’s lesson
o Conduct a little warm up activity. That can b posing a simple question and letting students
o Introduce them with the new topics
o Give dictionary meaning, literal meanings, and subject related meaning of the term.
o Carry out the required teaching activity


o Consult your lesson plan and elaborate the points in a clear sequence
o Relate the information with the background knowledge
o Make use of the white board effectively
o Ask students to keep on noting the points
o Make your own list of points on the board
o Revise all the points collectively.


For practice you should have a set of related teacher questions, exercise questions and past paper
questions related to the topic.

o After the main points have been clearly understood, present the questions
o Start with easiest questions and let them answer collectively
o Gradually move on to difficult questions and ask them to try to attempt individually and seek
help if required
o At least 3-4 questions should be done with guidance
o Provide next set of related questions to be solved independently
o For those who successfully attempt the questions, provide next set of questions
o For those who fail to attempt the task, provide further assistance
o Provide next set of related questions as home assignment
For practical activity
o See the practical activity given in the scheme of study
o See the list of material required and check for the availability
o If he material is not available, arrange a dry lab; i.e show a video demonstration of the activity
o For the available material,
1. Demonstrate the activity
2. Introduce them with the rubrics of the practical activity
3. make a display of steps of activity performance
4. make a display of rubrics of practical activity
5. Let the students do it collectively; keeping the rubrics in mind
6. Let the students perform the activity in pairs
7. After pair work, assign independent task to the students
8. Grade the students works, according to rubrics
9. After completion of the activity, solve the related exercise from the ATP work book
10. Make sure to complete 2-3 guided practices , and then move on to get the ATP questions
solved independently by the students
11. Independent ATP solutions are to be graded and recorded in the workbook.

Home work

12. Tasks for the homework should be well defined and specific
13. There is a specific homework day for each subject
14. Note down your day and follow it
15. You may assign a 10-20 mint assignment daily ( on days other than Homework day)
16. For homework day you can have an extended assignment of 45-50 mints.
17. Make your students write down the diaries and get them signed by you.

Weekend assignment

In your summary page of the planner, you MUST specify the weekend assignment

It should be an extensive exercise comprising of

 Topics read in the current week

 Exercises for the revisions of one or more of the previously done topics
 Assignment worksheets are to be attached with the planner
 Assignments should be graded and results recorded to the note book


For each set of skill learnt, students should be able to either;

 Solve the related questions independently

 Participate in an online quiz competition
 May take part and solve questions in a school level quiz competition
 Grade the student’s work and give certificates to those who perform well.


o For each type of assessment, make sure you have a question paper and key paper ready at
least one day before the assessment day
o Get the question paper photocopied
o For checking and grading the assessment , strictly follow the answer key solutions
o Make sure that class assessments are checked , graded and results shared with the students
in the immediate next class
o Get corrections done by the students , for all the minor/ major mistakes


o Make a list of marks and your feedback remarks about the Students performance
o Assessments should be checked according to key and remarks given according to rubrics.
o Submit the list to the office
o Discuss the failures with the coordinator or branch head , in case of serious issues arrange a re-
teaching and retest for the failures
o Get the assessments signed by the parents
o All tests should be maintained in a separate file. Files should be properly managed by the
subject teachers

Note book management

Student’s notebooks should

 Be properly tagged and covered

 each work should have proper formatting i.e margins drawn dates written etc
 have remarks properly written according to rubrics
 Be checked immediately
 Have assessments marks recorded
 Have competition results added
 Have all lab period, competition, quiz and field trip lab, all recorded in the notebooks

Check yourself before moving on

Before moving on to the next Unit check that you have

 All the text book exercises

 ATP questions from the workbook
 Independent assessments of each of the learnt skill
 Feedback given to the students
 All results recorded to the notebooks
Strategy- Biology
Pre planning

View the “Scheme of Study” to note down Topic/Unit to teach

Note down the requirements such as

 Learning outcomes
 Background knowledge required by the student
 List of resources to be used
 Duration require to teach


Resource management:

o Check for the availability of the required resources

o In case of issue, report the respective coordinator
o Arrange the resources
o putting demand for the lab period

Front page of planner

o Make a summary of the whole week’s lesson plans on the Planner’s front page

Detailed planning

o Map the learning outcomes to your lesson’s objectives

o Write down if it is an introductory lesson or practice class ( guided and independent )
o For AV/ Aids and introductory classes, attach the prompt sheets, and worksheets
o Plan the steps of teaching
o Write down all the steps in the planner
o Make a numbered list of all the key points
o Write down all the Teacher questions and their answers
o For text book exercises, give the question No. reference and write the answers
o Similarly for past paper questions give the complete reference and write the answers
o Attach any worksheets required
o Attach assessment question paper and key paper
o Attach steps of performance for the practical activity
o give reference of the ATP sheets to be solved afterwards
Teaching/ Instructional task

Preparation -Before going to class make sure you have in hand

o Planner
o Your own text book( Borrowing Books from the students is STRICTLY prohibited)
o Required resources


o Greet the students

o Collect any previous assignment/ Home works
o Talk about previous day’s lesson
o Conduct a little warm up activity. That can b posing a simple question and letting students
o Introduce them with the new topics
o Give dictionary meaning, literal meanings, and subject related meaning of the term.
o Carry out the required teaching activity


o Consult your lesson plan and elaborate the points in a clear sequence
o Relate the information with the background knowledge
o Make use of the white board effectively
o Ask students to keep on noting the points
o Make your own list of points on the board
o Revise all the points collectively.


For practice you should have a set of related teacher questions, exercise questions and past paper
questions related to the topic.

o After the main points have been clearly understood, present the questions
o Start with easiest questions and let them answer collectively
o Gradually move on to difficult questions and ask them to try to attempt individually and seek
help if required
o At least 3-4 questions should be done with guidance
o Provide next set of related questions to be solved independently
o For those who successfully attempt the questions, provide next set of questions
o For those who fail to attempt the task, provide further assistance
o Provide next set of related questions as home assignment
For practical activity
o See the practical activity given in the scheme of study
o See the list of material required and check for the availability
o If he material is not available, arrange a dry lab; i.e show a video demonstration of the activity
o For the available material,
18. Demonstrate the activity
19. Introduce them with the rubrics of the practical activity
20. make a display of steps of activity performance
21. make a display of rubrics of practical activity
22. Let the students do it collectively; keeping the rubrics in mind
23. Let the students perform the activity in pairs
24. After pair work, assign independent task to the students
25. Grade the students works, according to rubrics
26. After completion of the activity, solve the related exercise from the ATP work book
27. Make sure to complete 2-3 guided practices , and then move on to get the ATP questions
solved independently by the students
28. Independent ATP solutions are to be graded and recorded in the workbook.

Home work

29. Tasks for the homework should be well defined and specific
30. There is a specific homework day for each subject
31. Note down your day and follow it
32. You may assign a 10-20 mint assignment daily ( on days other than Homework day)
33. For homework day you can have an extended assignment of 45-50 mints.
34. Make your students write down the diaries and get them signed by you.

Weekend assignment

In your summary page of the planner, you MUST specify the weekend assignment

It should be an extensive exercise comprising of

 Topics read in the current week

 Exercises for the revisions of one or more of the previously done topics
 Assignment worksheets are to be attached with the planner
 Assignments should be graded and results recorded to the note book


For each set of skill learnt, students should be able to either;

 Solve the related questions independently

 Participate in an online quiz competition
 May take part and solve questions in a school level quiz competition
 Grade the student’s work and give certificates to those who perform well.


o For each type of assessment, make sure you have a question paper and key paper ready at
least one day before the assessment day
o Get the question paper photocopied
o For checking and grading the assessment , strictly follow the answer key solutions
o Make sure that class assessments are checked , graded and results shared with the students
in the immediate next class
o Get corrections done by the students , for all the minor/ major mistakes


o Make a list of marks and your feedback remarks about the Students performance
o Assessments should be checked according to key and remarks given according to rubrics.
o Submit the list to the office
o Discuss the failures with the coordinator or branch head , in case of serious issues arrange a re-
teaching and retest for the failures
o Get the assessments signed by the parents
o All tests should be maintained in a separate file. Files should be properly managed by the
subject teachers

Note book management

Student’s notebooks should

 Be properly tagged and covered

 each work should have proper formatting i.e margins drawn dates written etc
 have remarks properly written according to rubrics
 Be checked immediately
 Have assessments marks recorded
 Have competition results added
 Have all lab period, competition, quiz and field trip lab, all recorded in the notebooks

Check yourself before moving on

Before moving on to the next Unit check that you have

 All the text book exercises

 Past paper questions ( given in the scheme of study)
 Related practical activity
 ATP questions from the workbook
 Independent assessments of each of the learnt skill
 Feedback given to the students
 All results recorded to the notebooks
Strategy- Physics

Pre planning

View the “Scheme of Study” to note down Topic/Unit to teach

Note down the requirements such as

 Learning outcomes
 Background knowledge required by the student
 List of resources to be used
 Duration require to teach


Resource management:

o Check for the availability of the required resources

o In case of issue, report the respective coordinator
o Arrange the resources
o putting demand for the lab period

Front page of planner

o Make a summary of the whole week’s lesson plans on the Planner’s front page

Detailed planning

o Map the learning outcomes to your lesson’s objectives

o Write down if it is an introductory lesson or practice class ( guided and independent )
o For AV/ Aids and introductory classes, attach the prompt sheets, and worksheets
o Plan the steps of teaching
o Write down all the steps in the planner
o Make a numbered list of all the key points
o Write down all the Teacher questions and their answers
o For text book exercises, give the question No. reference and write the answers
o Similarly for past paper questions give the complete reference and write the answers
o Attach any worksheets required
o Attach assessment question paper and key paper
o Attach steps of performance for the practical activity
o give reference of the ATP sheets to be solved afterwards

Teaching/ Instructional task

Preparation -Before going to class make sure you have in hand

o Planner
o Your own text book( Borrowing Books from the students is STRICTLY prohibited)
o Required resources


o Greet the students

o Collect any previous assignment/ Home works
o Talk about previous day’s lesson
o Conduct a little warm up activity. That can b posing a simple question and letting students
o Introduce them with the new topics
o Give dictionary meaning, literal meanings, and subject related meaning of the term.
o Carry out the required teaching activity

o Consult your lesson plan and elaborate the points in a clear sequence
o Relate the information with the background knowledge
o Make use of the white board effectively
o Ask students to keep on noting the points
o Make your own list of points on the board
o Revise all the points collectively.


For practice you should have a set of related teacher questions, exercise questions and past paper
questions related to the topic.

o After the main points have been clearly understood, present the questions
o Start with easiest questions and let them answer collectively
o Gradually move on to difficult questions and ask them to try to attempt individually and seek
help if required
o At least 3-4 questions should be done with guidance
o Provide next set of related questions to be solved independently
o For those who successfully attempt the questions, provide next set of questions
o For those who fail to attempt the task, provide further assistance
o Provide next set of related questions as home assignment
For practical activity
o See the practical activity given in the scheme of study
o See the list of material required and check for the availability
o If he material is not available, arrange a dry lab; i.e show a video demonstration of the activity
o For the available material,
35. Demonstrate the activity
36. Introduce them with the rubrics of the practical activity
37. make a display of steps of activity performance
38. make a display of rubrics of practical activity
39. Let the students do it collectively; keeping the rubrics in mind
40. Let the students perform the activity in pairs
41. After pair work, assign independent task to the students
42. Grade the students works, according to rubrics
43. After completion of the activity, solve the related exercise from the ATP work book
44. Make sure to complete 2-3 guided practices , and then move on to get the ATP questions
solved independently by the students
45. Independent ATP solutions are to be graded and recorded in the workbook.
Home work

46. Tasks for the homework should be well defined and specific
47. There is a specific homework day for each subject
48. Note down your day and follow it
49. You may assign a 10-20 mint assignment daily ( on days other than Homework day)
50. For homework day you can have an extended assignment of 45-50 mints.
51. Make your students write down the diaries and get them signed by you.

Weekend assignment

In your summary page of the planner, you MUST specify the weekend assignment

It should be an extensive exercise comprising of

 Topics read in the current week

 Exercises for the revisions of one or more of the previously done topics
 Assignment worksheets are to be attached with the planner
 Assignments should be graded and results recorded to the note book


For each set of skill learnt, students should be able to either;

 Solve the related questions independently

 Participate in an online quiz competition
 May take part and solve questions in a school level quiz competition
 Grade the student’s work and give certificates to those who perform well.


o For each type of assessment, make sure you have a question paper and key paper ready at
least one day before the assessment day
o Get the question paper photocopied
o For checking and grading the assessment , strictly follow the answer key solutions
o Make sure that class assessments are checked , graded and results shared with the students
in the immediate next class
o Get corrections done by the students , for all the minor/ major mistakes


o Make a list of marks and your feedback remarks about the Students performance
o Assessments should be checked according to key and remarks given according to rubrics.
o Submit the list to the office
o Discuss the failures with the coordinator or branch head , in case of serious issues arrange a re-
teaching and retest for the failures
o Get the assessments signed by the parents
o All tests should be maintained in a separate file. Files should be properly managed by the
subject teachers

Note book management

Student’s notebooks should

 Be properly tagged and covered

 each work should have proper formatting i.e margins drawn dates written etc
 have remarks properly written according to rubrics
 Be checked immediately
 Have assessments marks recorded
 Have competition results added
 Have all lab period, competition, quiz and field trip lab, all recorded in the notebooks

Check yourself before moving on

Before moving on to the next Unit check that you have

 All the text book exercises

 Past paper questions ( given in the scheme of study)
 Related practical activity
 ATP questions from the workbook
 Independent assessments of each of the learnt skill
 Feedback given to the students
 All results recorded to the notebooks
Strategy – Computer Science

Pre planning

View the “Scheme of Study” to note down Topic/Unit to teach

Note down the requirements such as

 Learning outcomes
 Background knowledge required by the student
 List of resources to be used
 Duration require to teach


Resource management:

o Check for the availability of the required resources

o In case of issue, report the respective coordinator
o Arrange the resources
o putting demand for the lab period

Front page of planner

o Make a summary of the whole week’s lesson plans on the Planner’s front page

Detailed planning

o Map the learning outcomes to your lesson’s objectives

o Write down if it is an introductory lesson or practice class ( guided and independent )
o For AV/ Aids and introductory classes, attach the prompt sheets, and worksheets
o Plan the steps of teaching
o Write down all the steps in the planner
o Make a numbered list of all the key points
o Write down all the Teacher questions and their answers
o For text book exercises, give the question No. reference and write the answers
o Similarly for past paper questions give the complete reference and write the answers
o Attach any worksheets required
o Attach assessment question paper and key paper
o Attach steps of performance for the practical activity
o give reference of the ATP sheets to be solved afterwards

Teaching/ Instructional task

Preparation -Before going to class make sure you have in hand

o Planner
o Your own text book( Borrowing Books from the students is STRICTLY prohibited)
o Required resources


o Greet the students

o Collect any previous assignment/ Home works
o Talk about previous day’s lesson
o Conduct a little warm up activity. That can b posing a simple question and letting students
o Introduce them with the new topics
o Give dictionary meaning, literal meanings, and subject related meaning of the term.
o Carry out the required teaching activity


o Consult your lesson plan and elaborate the points in a clear sequence
o Relate the information with the background knowledge
o Make use of the white board effectively
o Ask students to keep on noting the points
o Make your own list of points on the board
o Revise all the points collectively.

For practice you should have a set of related teacher questions, exercise questions and past paper
questions related to the topic.

o After the main points have been clearly understood, present the questions
o Start with easiest questions and let them answer collectively
o Gradually move on to difficult questions and ask them to try to attempt individually and seek
help if required
o At least 3-4 questions should be done with guidance
o Provide next set of related questions to be solved independently
o For those who successfully attempt the questions, provide next set of questions
o For those who fail to attempt the task, provide further assistance
o Provide next set of related questions as home assignment
For practical activity
o See the practical activity given in the scheme of study
o See the list of material required and check for the availability
o If he material is not available, arrange a dry lab; i.e show a video demonstration of the activity
o For the available material,
1. the activity
2. Introduce them with the rubrics of the practical activity
3. make a display of steps of activity performance
4. make a display of rubrics of practical activity
5. Let the students do it collectively; keeping the rubrics in mind
6. Let the students perform the activity in pairs
7. After pair work, assign independent task to the students
8. Grade the students works, according to rubrics
9. After completion of the activity, solve the related exercise from the ATP work book
10. Make sure to complete 2-3 guided practices , and then move on to get the ATP questions
solved independently by the students
11. Independent ATP solutions are to be graded and recorded in the workbook.

Home work

1. Tasks for the homework should be well defined and specific

2. There is a specific homework day for each subject
3. Note down your day and follow it
4. You may assign a 10-20 mint assignment daily ( on days other than Homework day)
5. For homework day you can have an extended assignment of 45-50 mints.
6. Make your students write down the diaries and get them signed by you.
Weekend assignment

In your summary page of the planner, you MUST specify the weekend assignment

It should be an extensive exercise comprising of

 Topics read in the current week

 Exercises for the revisions of one or more of the previously done topics
 Assignment worksheets are to be attached with the planner
 Assignments should be graded and results recorded to the note book


For each set of skill learnt, students should be able to either;

 Solve the related questions independently

 Participate in an online quiz competition
 May take part and solve questions in a school level quiz competition
 Grade the student’s work and give certificates to those who perform well.


o For each type of assessment, make sure you have a question paper and key paper ready at
least one day before the assessment day
o Get the question paper photocopied
o For checking and grading the assessment , strictly follow the answer key solutions
o Make sure that class assessments are checked , graded and results shared with the students
in the immediate next class
o Get corrections done by the students , for all the minor/ major mistakes


o Make a list of marks and your feedback remarks about the Students performance
o Assessments should be checked according to key and remarks given according to rubrics.
o Submit the list to the office
o Discuss the failures with the coordinator or branch head , in case of serious issues arrange a re-
teaching and retest for the failures
o Get the assessments signed by the parents
o All tests should be maintained in a separate file. Files should be properly managed by the
subject teachers
Note book management

Student’s notebooks should

 Be properly tagged and covered

 each work should have proper formatting i.e margins drawn dates written etc
 have remarks properly written according to rubrics
 Be checked immediately
 Have assessments marks recorded
 Have competition results added
 Have all lab period, competition, quiz and field trip lab, all recorded in the notebooks

Check yourself before moving on

Before moving on to the next Unit check that you have

 All the text book exercises

 Past paper questions ( given in the scheme of study)
 Related practical activity
 ATP questions from the workbook
 Independent assessments of each of the learnt skill
 Feedback given to the students
 All results recorded to the notebooks
Strategy Maths

Pre planning

View the “Scheme of Study” to note down Topic/Unit to teach

Note down the requirements such as

 Learning outcomes
 Background knowledge required by the student
 List of resources to be used
 Duration require to teach


Resource management:

o Check for the availability of the required resources

o In case of issue, report the respective coordinator
o Arrange the resources
o putting demand for the lab period

Front page of planner

o Make a summary of the whole week’s lesson plans on the Planner’s front page

Detailed planning

o Map the learning outcomes to your lesson’s objectives

o Write down if it is an introductory lesson or practice class ( guided and independent )
o For AV/ Aids and introductory classes, attach the prompt sheets, and worksheets
o Plan the steps of teaching
o Write down all the steps in the planner
o Make a numbered list of all the key points
o Write down all the Teacher questions and their answers
o For text book exercises, give the question No. reference and write the answers
o Similarly for past paper questions give the complete reference and write the answers
o Attach any worksheets required
o Attach assessment question paper and key paper

Teaching/ Instructional task

Preparation -Before going to class make sure you have in hand

o Planner
o Your own text book( Borrowing Books from the students is STRICTLY prohibited)
o Required resources


o Greet the students

o Collect any previous assignment/ Home works
o Talk about previous day’s lesson
o Conduct a little warm up activity. That can b posing a simple question and letting students
o Introduce them with the new topics
o Give dictionary meaning, literal meanings, and subject related meaning of the term.
o Carry out the required teaching activity


o Consult your lesson plan and elaborate the points in a clear sequence
o Relate the information with the background knowledge
o Make use of the white board effectively
o Ask students to keep on noting the points
o Make your own list of points on the board
o Revise all the points collectively.


For practice you should have a set of related teacher questions, exercise questions and past paper
questions related to the topic.

o After the main points have been clearly understood, present the questions
o Start with easiest questions and let them answer collectively
o Gradually move on to difficult questions and ask them to try to attempt individually and seek
help if required
o At least 3-4 questions should be done with guidance
o Provide next set of related questions to be solved independently
o For those who successfully attempt the questions, provide next set of questions
o For those who fail to attempt the task, provide further assistance
o Provide next set of related questions as home assignment

Home work

7. Tasks for the homework should be well defined and specific

8. There is a specific homework day for each subject
9. Note down your day and follow it
10. You may assign a 10-20 mint assignment daily ( on days other than Homework day)
11. For homework day you can have an extended assignment of 45-50 mints.
12. Make your students write down the diaries and get them signed by you.

Weekend assignment

In your summary page of the planner, you MUST specify the weekend assignment

It should be an extensive exercise comprising of

 Topics read in the current week

 Exercises for the revisions of one or more of the previously done topics
 Assignment worksheets are to be attached with the planner
 Assignments should be graded and results recorded to the note book


For each set of skill learnt, students should be able to either;

 Solve the related questions independently

 Participate in an online quiz competition
 May take part and solve questions in a school level quiz competition
 Grade the student’s work and give certificates to those who perform well.


o For each type of assessment, make sure you have a question paper and key paper ready at
least one day before the assessment day
o Get the question paper photocopied
o For checking and grading the assessment , strictly follow the answer key solutions
o Make sure that class assessments are checked , graded and results shared with the students
in the immediate next class
o Get corrections done by the students , for all the minor/ major mistakes

o Make a list of marks and your feedback remarks about the Students performance
o Assessments should be checked according to key and remarks given according to rubrics.
o Submit the list to the office
o Discuss the failures with the coordinator or branch head , in case of serious issues arrange a re-
teaching and retest for the failures
o Get the assessments signed by the parents
o All tests should be maintained in a separate file. Files should be properly managed by the
subject teachers

Note book management

Student’s notebooks should

 Be properly tagged and covered

 each work should have proper formatting i.e margins drawn dates written etc
 have remarks properly written according to rubrics
 Be checked immediately
 Have assessments marks recorded
 Have competition results added
 Have all lab period, competition, quiz and field trip lab, all recorded in the notebooks

Check yourself before moving on

Before moving on to the next Unit check that you have

 All the text book exercises

 Past paper questions ( given in the scheme of study)
 Related practical activity
 ATP questions from the workbook
 Independent assessments of each of the learnt skill
 Feedback given to the students
 All results recorded to the notebooks
Strategy- History and Culture of Pakistan

Pre planning

View the “Scheme of Study” to note down Topic/Unit to teach

Note down the requirements such as

 Learning outcomes
 Background knowledge required by the student
 List of resources to be used
 Duration require to teach


Resource management:

o Check for the availability of the required resources

o In case of issue, report the respective coordinator
o Arrange the resources
o putting demand for the lab period

Front page of planner

o Make a summary of the whole week’s lesson plans on the Planner’s front page
Detailed planning

o Map the learning outcomes to your lesson’s objectives

o Write down if it is an introductory lesson or practice class ( guided and independent )
o For AV/ Aids and introductory classes, attach the prompt sheets, and worksheets
o Plan the steps of teaching
o Write down all the steps in the planner
o Make a numbered list of all the key points
o Write down all the Teacher questions and their answers
o For text book exercises, give the question No. reference and write the answers
o Similarly for past paper questions give the complete reference and write the answers
o Attach any worksheets required
o Attach assessment question paper and key paper

Teaching/ Instructional task

Preparation -Before going to class make sure you have in hand

o Planner
o Your own text book( Borrowing Books from the students is STRICTLY prohibited)
o Required resources


o Greet the students

o Collect any previous assignment/ Home works
o Talk about previous day’s lesson
o Conduct a little warm up activity. That can b posing a simple question and letting students
o Introduce them with the new topics
o Give dictionary meaning, literal meanings, and subject related meaning of the term.
o Carry out the required teaching activity


o Consult your lesson plan and elaborate the points in a clear sequence
o Relate the information with the background knowledge
o Make use of the white board effectively
o Ask students to keep on noting the points
o Make your own list of points on the board
o Revise all the points collectively.

For practice you should have a set of related teacher questions, exercise questions and past paper
questions related to the topic.

o Make sure that all points have been clearly understood by the students
o Present a question related to the topic
o Ask students to encircle the question term
o Ask them to elaborate things they were supposed to be telling while answering the questions
o Label specifically the name of skill being checked by the question ( analysis/evaluation/

How to teach skills

Make sure to teach each and every picture and text source related to each topic

For picture source,

1. Give an introduction to the picture’s back ground

2. Ask the students to share the views about the picture
3. Keep o noting the valid points on the board
4. Refer to the question given with the source
5. Ask the students to write down their points
6. Give feedback and provide corrections

For text source

1. Ask the students to read the text source

2. Encircle the key words ( words that are helpful in guessing the background of the text)
3. Ask the students to share the views about the picture
4. Keep o noting the valid points on the board
5. Refer to the question given with the source
6. Ask the students to write down their points
7. Give feedback and provide corrections

Home work

1. Tasks for the homework should be well defined and specific

2. There is a specific homework day for each subject
3. Note down your day and follow it
4. You may assign a 10-20 mint assignment daily ( on days other than Homework day)
5. For homework day you can have an extended assignment of 45-50 mints.
6. Make your students write down the diaries and get them signed by you.
Weekend assignment

In your summary page of the planner, you MUST specify the weekend assignment

It should be an extensive exercise comprising of

 Topics read in the current week

 Exercises for the revisions of one or more of the previously done topics
 Assignment worksheets are to be attached with the planner
 Assignments should be graded and results recorded to the note book


For each set of skill learnt, students should be able to either;

 Solve the related questions independently

 Participate in an online quiz competition
 May take part and solve questions in a school level quiz competition
 Grade the student’s work and give certificates to those who perform well.


o For each type of assessment, make sure you have a question paper and key paper ready at
least one day before the assessment day
o Get the question paper photocopied
o For checking and grading the assessment , strictly follow the answer key solutions
o Make sure that class assessments are checked , graded and results shared with the students
in the immediate next class
o Get corrections done by the students , for all the minor/ major mistakes


o Make a list of marks and your feedback remarks about the Students performance
o Assessments should be checked according to key and remarks given according to rubrics.
o Submit the list to the office
o Discuss the failures with the coordinator or branch head , in case of serious issues arrange a re-
teaching and retest for the failures
o Get the assessments signed by the parents
o All tests should be maintained in a separate file. Files should be properly managed by the
subject teachers
Note book management

Student’s notebooks should

 Be properly tagged and covered

 each work should have proper formatting i.e margins drawn dates written etc
 have remarks properly written according to rubrics
 Be checked immediately
 Have assessments marks recorded
 Have competition results added
 Have all lab period, competition, quiz and field trip lab, all recorded in the notebooks

Check yourself before moving on

Before moving on to the next Unit check that you have

 All the text book exercises

 Past paper questions ( given in the scheme of study)
 Independent assessments of each of the learnt skill
 Feedback given to the students
 All results recorded to the notebooks

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