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Te c h n o l o g y - H i g h l i g h t s a n d R & D A c t i v i t i e s a t F E V

Issue 14 / April 2000

Engine Mechanics
and Engine
In recent years, FEV has extended its
services into full range engine de-
velopment starting from concept
through to SOP. Traditional mechanical
development remains as one of FEV’s
core disciplines. Operating alongside
this is the classical Trouble Shooting
where detailed problems, both from
before and after start of production, it o
21. sta
are examined and resolved with nd
M W i
the application of specialized measuring technology or rapid CAE tools. oto ene
By building its own endurance testing capability and the development sym ren r
pos -
of test benches as well as a methodically structured test catalogue, Ma
FEV has grown into a recognized partner in this field. Engine .- 5
development is supplemented by tried and tested prototyping and
engine assembly which comprises a specially equipped assembly shop, a
component store as well as state of the art measuring technology and rig testing.

4 FEV Transient
Test Bench for o ensure quality components for 1997/98. A further enhancement will
Automatic T all the needs for the build of de- take place this year (after completion
velopment and prototype engines, FEV of the current construction program)
Transmission has established a procurement service, with a move to brand new premises,
which has developed a large network containing state of the art equipment,
of local and international suppliers. at the Neuenhofstraße site. To support
These suppliers have proven supply the benefits of the new build, the parts
5 3D-Optimization status to FEV through their long- storage capacity and control has been
of Exhaust Flow standing cooperation and ability to meet expanded.
the most demanding challenges.
With the current capacity, FEV can as-
To ensure the highest quality for engine semble, to a high standard, special
6 Plant Expansion assembly, the capacities for both testing controlled engine builds, prototypes as
and assembly were expanded during well as mini series runs. The storage ➧

Please visit our website now at
➧ and parts control system is structured Assembly Shop
so that several engine variants can be
built simultaneously. The assembly shop has a build capacity Preface
of 250 engines per year which through
flexible shift-work could be increased
Measuring Department
to more than 500 engines per year. It
Prior to assembling test or mini series is structured to deal with different en-
engines all components are fully in- gine programs simultaneously. Con-
spected. The test results are recorded struction precautions guarantee strict
according to ISO 9000 procedures to confidentiality between the different
ensure traceability for every individual development programs.
During engine assembly, the compon-
In addition to the coordinate measuring ents are not only carefully marked and Dear Readers,
machine, a number of other metrology recorded, but also all characteristic
instruments are available to measure assembly data, such as tightening tor- due to increased requirements
geometry, surface texture, hardness, que or bearing clearances, are recorded coupled with shorter development
etc. FEV has developed its own special- in detail. The continuity of the recording times, development procedures,
ist instruments for specific measure- makes every assembly step comprehen- methods and tools play an increas-
ment tasks in engine technology, for sible and immensely facilitates (with ingly important role in engine and
example, the measurement of cam pro- respect to quality assurance) fault vehicle engineering. In this Spec-
file, absolute valve lift or bore distor- tracking in case of future problems. trum issue, we will show you
tion. Endoscopes facilitate the investi- examples of how FEV manages to
gation of the most delicate casting To ensure reproduction ability of the meet these challenges. Optimized
structures. Specialized companies, at assembly procedure, accurate recording development procedures are a sig-
short notice, conduct further special of all assembly stages is carried out nificant factor for success in the
measuring tasks, such as X-ray analysis taking the form of a “Build Manual”. quickly changing environment of
of cylinder heads. Through close cooperation between the engine and vehicle engineering.
responsible engineers and mechanics,
optimized assembling procedures are An impressive demonstration of
developed that are constantly improved the current dynamism in the inter-
by, for instance, parallel assembly tests. national engine and vehicle de-
velopment scene was the 8th
The expert storage of all engine com- Aachen Colloquium for Automobile
ponents is as natural as the efficient and Engine Technology in October
coordination of assembly data and is 1999: with 1400 participants, 83
undertaken by highly qualified person- technical contributions and 58
nel adhering to a schedule. Continuous exhibitors, it has evolved into the
training of all responsible employees biggest event of its kind in Europe.
enables FEV to meet the ever-changing The 9th Aachen Colloquium takes
specific demands of engine develop- place from October 4 - 6, 2000,
Coordinate Measuring Maschine ment. ➧ focusing on topics such as pres-
entation of new engines, Otto en-
gine direct injection, fully variable
valve train control, exhaust gas
aftertreatment technologies, CAE
and NVH.

We look forward to your participa-

tion in the colloquium.

Stefan Pischinger
Executive Vice President

Break-in Program

Engine assembly is followed by a break-

in and basic test program. Various en- 1. Cylinder 3. Cylinder
gine data is recorded, analyzed and,
together with the engine, delivered to 2. Cylinder 4. Cylinder
the client.

Engine Analysis
Engine No.: EX 2041
Apart from break-in programs, a wide
range of examination programs are Rating Scale Running Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing
Time Part Part Part Part
conducted on the entire engine as well (Hours) Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder
as on individual components. These 1 2 3 4
examinations can be in the form of Upper Bearing Shell 988 2 1 2 1
engines from the client’s series produc-
Lower Bearing Shell 988 2 2 2 2
tion or from the marketplace being
stripped down and measured. Various Rating 1 Excellent; 2 Acceptable; 3 „Borderline“; 4 Unacceptable
features are recorded, analyzed and
subsequently evaluated by experienced
employees of the mechanics develop- characteristics in field comparisons, development projects from the recent
ment department. The findings can be but the domain of “personnel experi- past. The possibility to realize flexible
analyzed with FEV’s own evaluation ence” can also be visualized. and variant endurance testing on our
schemes (ratings) or within the client’s numerous test benches is only one part
own matrix. of the test catalogue. Not only different
Mechanical Development
standardized mechanical test pro-
The evaluations can be completed or With regard to the practical testing of cedures for endurance testing can be
processed through a critical evaluation an engine’s mechanics, a comprehen- suggested by FEV, but also data per-
of the wide range of possibilities con- sive catalogue (see spectrum no. 11) taining to the full operational output of
tained in FEV’s databases (benchmar- of reliable test procedures is available. an engine is realized and customized
king). Benchmarking facilitates not only The basis is an extensive test program, for specific application profiles.
the allows the comparative evaluation which was compiled as a test catalogue,
of an engine with regard to special built on the experience from numerous The use of modern as well as innovative
working methods and materials ensures
a flexible and timely project manage-
ment fulfilling the highest standards.
The completion of the engines accord-
ing to schedule facilitates, above all, a
precise planning of all cost intensive
test bench investigations. Apart from
24 1000
the technical preconditions, the tried
22 900
20 and tested project management system
completes optimum project realization.
Engine Running Time [h]

700 ◆ Th. Koch
Hours/Day [h]

14 600
12 500
10 400
2 100
0 0 Cycle Running Time/Day
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Running Time in Durability Cycle
Engine Total Running Time

technologies with new catalytic con-
verters as well as new emission con-
FEV Transient cepts, such as electrical heated cata-
lysts or new secondary air strategies
Test Bench for with variable mass flow and different
feed points, can be realized indepen-
Automatic dently from the existing engine concept
by the test bench control
Transmission system. Parallel to all hard-
ware changes, the engine 0,5
Mid-size Passenger Car (SI Engine)

can be tested in any dy- 3500 lbs, Starttemperature 21°C

Because of increasing emission limits namic emission test cycle 0,4 14

Fuel consumption [l/100 km]

worldwide, the need for exhaust gas as well as under stationary 11,6 12

Emissions [g/km]
11,2 10,9
emission development is greater than conditions, for example a 0,3 0,28
0,26 10
ever. Overseas markets, especially the full load measurement, 0,25
US market, demand more and more facilitating a fast compro- 8
sophisticated development goals. Tax mise solution between ef- 6
1,38 0,13
reduction for vehicles which today meet fective emission control and 1,06
0,11 0,11
0,1 4
future emission limits is an incentive minimum loss of power.
for manufacturers of new vehicle con- 2

cepts to design low-emission engines. On a transient test bench, 0,0 0

CO (1/10) HC NOx Verbrauch
the influence of the driver, Correlation in EU II-Test
as it appears on a chassis
dynamometer, is eliminated
s an alternative to the common which leads to a high level of repeata- Pic. 1: FEV Transient Test Bench
A practice of in-vehicle applications, bility, and even the smallest influences Correlation
which are normally performed on a can be reliably detected. On the other with chassis Chassis dyno 1
chassis dynamometer, high dynamic hand, since any driver behavior can be dyno
test benches are an extremely effective modeled by the simulation tool, a good Chassis dyno 2
tool for the fast development of new correlation to vehicle measurements
exhaust gas after treatment concepts. (Pic. 1) can be achieved.

FEV has been using the advantages of In view of future emission limits in the
high dynamic test benches for emission US, the demand for new emission con- Cumulated THC Emissions
development of combustion engines cepts for ULEV and SULEV targets are

with manual transmission for a long increasing.

time. By means of a computer-assisted
simulation tool, the actual engine is The fast realization of new concepts in Cumulated CO Emissions

loaded under realistic conditions, inclu- the US FTP 75 (Pic. 2) test cycle, with

ding all relevant vehicle parameters, regard to SULEV emission limits, espe-
such as vehicle mass and gear ratios. cially requires a high level of test bench 100
Cumulated NOx Emissions
A road load simulation is modeled which flexibility during the development stage 80


takes the drive train into consideration which FEV is able to offer with its tran- 40
in the form of a spring/mass system. sient test benches. 20

Apart from the modal analysis of limited 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

emission components, several cold A particular need for the US market is time [s]

starts are possible within one day through the testing of powertrains with an auto-
using an external cooling system for matic gear box. To satisfy this, FEV has Pic. 2: Baseline Analysis
engine and exhaust line. modified one of its transient test bench- Emission FEV Calibration with optimized
es to meet this requirement. Concept for Secondary Air System
By using a modular design of the test SULEV Vehicle Velocity
bench, engine modification time is re- Picture 3 shows a 4-cylinder SI com- Limits/FTP 75 SULEV Limit (NMOG)
duced to a minimum. New emission bustion engine within the framework ➧ ULEV Limit (NMOG)

➧ of an exhaust gas after treatment
development for the US market. The
engine can be mounted directly from 3D-Optimization of
the vehicle into the test bench using
Exhaust Flow
The computational and experimental
optimization of flow properties during
layout and design of exhaust manifolds
is a highly efficient tool to reduce de-
velopment time and cost and achieve
stable and low exhaust emissions.

Pic. 3: beh. CCC

2 1 3 4
FEV Transient Test Bench for engines ncreasingly restrictive exhaust

Flow Rate
with automatic transmission legislation requires the develop-
ment of more and more sophisticated
the standard automatic gear box. In the exhaust aftertreatment systems. To meet
case of a front-wheel drive vehicle, both low emission limits, the light-off time
half shafts are transmitted to one central of catalysts must be as short as possible. Crank Angle

shaft. This solution involves no inter-

vention from the differential gear, and
the engine can be quickly mounted back
into the vehicle at any time. When test-
ing a rear-wheel drive vehicle,
the test bench configuration is much
simpler, since the cardan shaft can be
directly connected to the load unit.

While running an engine with automatic

transmission, a maximum wheel shaft
torque of 2000 Nm, a maximum engine
power of 200 kW and a vehicle velocity
of up to 200 km/h can be simulated.
Thus, all relevant test cycles for emission
development can be performed. ◆
Rodeland Concurrently, the available volume for this flow optimization supports the de-
the converter is restricted by reduced sign already in its layout phase.
packaging area. Furthermore, the ex-
haust flow needs to sweep the catalyst In cooperation with Volkswagen and
as uniformly as possible to guarantee other manufacturers, as well as sup-
optimum conversion of pollutants. pliers, FEV has developed a standard-
ized method to analyze and optimize
A quick catalyst light-off can be the duct geometry of the exhaust system
achieved in close-coupled arrange- and the flow distribution in the catalytic
ments. However, thermal and fluid converter. This procedure is based on
mechanical stresses of the catalyst tend an integrated computational and experi-
to increase, the closer it is placed to mental approach.
the engine. The optimization of exhaust-
flow minimizes such stresses and The experimental flow analysis is carried
makes the most of the converter vol- out under environmental boundary con-
ume. In an ideal development process, ditions, i.e. in cold air flow. It quickly ➧

➧ reveals the catalyst flow distribution fold geometry is optimized to improve
of prototype manifolds. Validity and the prerequisites for a fast, sufficiently
transferability of the measured results accurate and, if possible, cylinder se- Plant Expansion
to engine operation is ensured by meet- lective AFR control.
ing Reynolds Numbers in both flow At the beginning of the year 2000, the
experiment and engine operation. Moreover, origins of maybe unneces- 3rd plant expansion was completed at
sary pressure losses are FEV’s Neuenhofstraße site. FEV now
detected. A simulation of has three buildings housing test-
the revised design imme- benches at the site at its disposal.
diately verifies the success
of the measures and quan-
tifies their impact on flow uniformity
in the catalyst. This procedure is an he focus of the new test house is
example of a highly efficient interdis- T a state of the art assembly area for
ciplinary cooperation of design, com- all components
putational and experimental analysis marketed by FEV’s
that rapidly leads to an optimum solu- business area, test
tion for the target combination of engine and instrumenta-
and vehicle. tion divisions. The
Exhaust mass fraction at
area contains stand
blow-down, here: cylinder 2
By executing this analysis procedure, alone test benches
developers gather comprehensive ex- – specially built as
perience about the manifold flow be- containers – as
havior that can help to reduce the well as all pertinent
number of design iterations. The better peripheral subsystems, such as differ-
Using the CFD model, flow is simulated understanding of complex flow phe- ent conditioning facilities for oil, water,
at steady-state for each cylinder sepa- nomena through CFD analysis contrib- air and fuel as well as electronic com-
rately or under transient conditions, utes to the continuous improvement of ponents for automated test-benches
i.e. including the pulsation and inter- future stage 1 layouts. and recording measurement data.
action of flow from subsequent cylin-
ders under hot engine operation condi- Computational and In another area of this building will be
tions. experimental a workshop to support the test oper-
exhaust flow ations with facilities to premount en-
The analysis of local flow distribution optimization in gines on test benches and apply the
detects possible unfavorable aspects manifold and instrumentation. In addition there will
of converter admission, e.g. insuffi- converter may at be an engine assembly area which will
cient dwell time due to high velocities be capable of building mini series en-
or overload of the matrix by hot spots. Design gines.
Such an analysis also points to the
causes of these undesired flow patterns, Simulation In total, the new house has a usable
leading to a well planned and calculated floor space of 2.500 m 2 and is fully
redesign of pipe shape, junctions and synchronized with the present infra-
diffusers. structure of the site. ◆ Schütze
first seem to cause additional expenses.
Furthermore, flow can be analyzed at However, in the further course of prod-
the exhaust oxygen sensor position. It uct development, it turns out to be an
shows, if single cylinders will not be excellent investment into a faster and
recognized by the sensor or if they will more cost efficient development proc-
be significantly underrepresented. If ess that leads to a competitive advan-
so, the sensor position and/or the mani- tage. ◆ IMPRESSUM
C. Schernus, M. Breuer
FEV Motorentechnik GmbH
Neuenhofstraße 181
52078 Aachen · Germany
Phone: (+49)-02 41-56 89-0
Fax: (+49)-02 41-56 89-119

6 Editor: A. Wittstamm
Layout: Der Design Pool, Aachen

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