Projects & Operations: KE-Nairobi Metropolitan Services

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Procurement Notices - KE-Nairobi Metropolitan Services | The Worl...


Projects & Operations


KE-Nairobi Metropolitan Services






Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project(NaMSIP)
Credit No. 51020-KE.

Contract No. REOI/MoLH&UD/NMED/NaMSIP/CONS-09/2014-2015

nt Title: Consultancy Services for Preparation of Feasibility Studies, Detailed Designs,Tender Documents
and Supervision ofSelected Roads and a Green Mall Street Bus Station in the Nairobi Railway

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Procurement Notices - KE-Nairobi Metropolitan Services | The Worl...

Station and its Surroundings.

Reference No. (As per Procurement Plan): 48

The Government of Kenya has received financing from the World Banktoward the cost of the Nairobi
Metropolitan Services Improvement Project (NaMSIP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds
forconsulting services for feasibility studies and detailed designs.

The Kenya Railways Corporation together with the County of Nairobi and theDirectorate of
NairobiMetropolitan Development, jointly referred to as the sponsors, want tocarry out feasibility studies
& detailed designs, determine project cost estimates anddevelop tender documents for eachof the selected
road corridor and a green-mall bus station in NairobiRailway Station and itssurroundings. Additionally, the
consulting services will encompass carrying out an economic and financial evaluation of allcomponents
of the projects and thereby analyzing alternative funding options. Once the procurement of contractors for
the resultingprojects is done, the consultant shall carry out supervision of the construction works.

Cumulatively,the road corridors are about 15.8 km in length. More detailed description of the
roadcorridors is as follows:

i. Road No. 1:- Begins at Haile SelassieAvenue and cuts through railway yard to end up at Workshop
road. The termination point of the road corridor is at Mombasa road andalignment will follow
Dunga and Mukenia roads from Workshop road. The length of this corridor is approximately 3.2
Km. Preliminarydesign for a section of this road (Haile Selassie Avenue to Workshop/Lusaka road
roundabout) dubbed Railway Toll Bridge had already been carried out by KRC.

ii. Road No. 2:- Begins at Haile SelassieAvenue/Race course road roundabout and proceeds southward
through Nairobi railway yard and workshops to end up at Enterprise road.The scope of works will
require consultant to carry out design of the entire Enterprise road all the way to Mombasa road.
Thelength of this corridor is about 7.0 Km

iii. Road No. 3- Begins at Haile Selassie Avenue at Wakulimamarket and traverses present-day
MuthurwaMarket. The alignment will be parallel to Factory Street and will join the Nairobi-
Makadara railway corridor at Muthurwa. Fromthat point the alignment is expected torun parallel to
the existing railway corridor up to Makongeni area where it is expected topass through built up area
to end up at the Likoni/Lunga lunga Road junction. The length is approximately 3.9Km.

iv. ProposedGreen Mall Street Bus Station: It will be a highcapacity bus station. Its length is
approximately 1.7 Km - This will be part of a multi-use wide-ranging green corridor beginningat Uhuru
highway and ending atproposed Road No. 3 and will be situated on Nairobi Railway station marshalling
These projects are components of proposed Nairobi Railway City and itsSurroundings and their design will
entail close collaboration with all relevant government agencies including: Kenya RailwaysCorporation
(KRC), Nairobi City County, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MoTI) among others.

The consultant's primary tasks will beto:

i. Review paststudies related to the project and determine suitable integration of new, existing
and other planned roads.
ii. Carry out detailed traffic studies atsuitable locations and an analysis of the acquired traffic

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Procurement Notices - KE-Nairobi Metropolitan Services | The Worl...

data to determine expected traffic flows for all the roads

iii. Investigate on thecurrent landownership of parcels of land falling along the route alignment
and also on impediments to project such as servicesutilities.
iv. Determine the best route alignment forthe roads while taking care of geometric constraints,
urban roads safety factors, land use and ownership.
v. Prepare detailed designs takinginto account alternatives of changes in parcels, facades,
volumes, and usage as well as public and green spaces to be obtained anddesigned along the
roadsand the Green Mall Street Bus Station, covering vertical and horizontal alignment of the
roads, storm waterdrainage, intersections, structures, street lighting, NMT facilities
(footbridges, sidewalks, cycle paths and pedestriancrossings), landscaping, horizontal and
vertical signage, bus stops, road safety facilities and bus station at Mall and trafficmanagement
/ traffic calming measures as appropriate. This task will also entail the preparation of all
technical specificationsandBills of quantities for the works.
vi. Carry cost estimates for each of theproject's component including relocation costs and
develop a preliminary implementationschedule

Carry out anEconomic and financial analysis for each of the componentand recommend appropriate
funding mechanism

The duration of the consultancyservices will be twelve (12) months.

The Consultant shortlisting criteria are:

i) CompanyProfile(s) of the firm(s).Where the EOI is submitted by a consortium, each firm in the
consortium shall provide company profileincluding namesand addresses;

ii) Constitutional/Registration documentsfor the Lead Firm and each member of the consortium from
the country(ies) of registration. The registration documents shall be in English and shall be
notarised by a Notary Public.

iii) The Lead Firm shall provide Auditedaccounts for each of the last five (5) consecutive years.

iv) The Lead Firm shall provide evidence of a minimum turnover of USD One (2.5) million for
eachof the last five (5) years. The evidenceshall be notarised by a Notary Public.

v) The Lead Firm shall provide evidence ofat least 3 (three) studies for 'Similar Projects' in the
last 10 years, of which atleast one of the studies shall have been undertaken in the last five (5)
years. Details of the assignment, name and contact addressof the client, value of assignment and
period covered to undertake assignment shall be given.

Bidding will be conducted through theInternational Competitive Bidding procedures as specified in the
World Bank'sGuidelines Guidelines: Selectionand Employment of Consultants [under IBRD Loans and
IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrowers January2011("ConsultantGuidelines") and is open to all
eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines. The attention ofinterested Consultants is drawn to
paragraph 1.9 of the guidelines setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest.

Consultants may associate withother firmsin the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance

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Procurement Notices - KE-Nairobi Metropolitan Services | The Worl...

their qualifications.

A Consultant will be selected in accordancewith the Quality Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set
out in the ConsultantGuidelines.

Further information can be obtained at theaddress below during office hours from 0800 to 1700 hours, East
Africantime from Monday to Friday excluding lunch hour (1300 to 1400hours) and public holidays.

Expression of interest must be delivered in person or by registeredmail in a written form to the address
below by 12th September 2014 at 1200 hoursEast African time. The package should be clearly marked
Contract No.: REOI/MoLH&UD/NMED/NaMSIP/CONS-09/2014-2015 for Consultancy Services
(CS) for Preparation of Feasibility Studies, Detailed Designs, Tender Documents and Supervisionof
Selected Roads and a Green Mall Street Bus Station in the Nairobi RailwayStation and its

Principal Secretary
Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development
Directorate of Nairobi Metropolitan Development
University Way,
Ambank House, 20th Floor
P. O. Box 30130 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya.

Email: or

Tel: 254-20-317224/35
Fax: 254-20-317226

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