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Parts of a Feasibility Study

I Title Page

II Approval Sheet

III Acknowledgement

IV Dedication

V. Table of Content

Part I:


The need

Executive Summary

Objective of the Project

Significance of the Project

Scope and Delimitation

Part II

Project Proponents

Proposal name of the Business

Type of Business Organization

Project Location

III Market and Management Study

A. Market Study

A.1 Market Description

A.2 Demand Situation

A.3 Supply Situation

A.4 Demand and Supply Analysis

A.5 Market Program

A.5.1 Target Market

A.5.2 Pricing strategy

A.5.3 Channel of Distribution Strategy

A.5.4 Transportation and Delivery Strategy

A.5.5 Branding and packaging Strategy

A.5.6 Advertising and Promotion Strategy

A.5.7 Storage and warehousing Strategy

B. Management Study

B.1 Organization Chart

B.2 Job Description

B.3 Hiring of Personnel

B.4 Significance of the Project

B.5 Wage and Salary of Administration

B.6 Orientation and training

B.7 Gantt chart

III Technical and Financial Study

A. Technical aspect

A.1 The Product

A.2 Plant size and production schedule

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