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Chemical Engineer& Science, Vol. 40, No. 8, pp. 1321-1354. 1985. ooo9-2x9/85 53.00+0.

Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd.





Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, CA 94305, U.S.A.

(Received 18 June 1984)

Abstract-The immobilization of whole cells involves the retention of catalytically active cells within a
restricted region of a bioreactor. Techniques which have been used to immobilize whole cells include
adsorption, aggregation, confinement and entrapment. These techniques can be applied to essentially all of
the viable or non-viable whole cell systems of potential interest: microorganisms, animal and plant cells. The
fact that immobilized cells may be living leads to unique effects in this form ofheterogeneous catalysis. These
include the impact of immobilization on cell physiology and cell mobility, physical interactions of
immobilized cells with the support, and the creation of a microenvironment. The theory of mass-transfer and
reaction in these types of systems is well understood, but schemes capable of predicting substrate and product
diffusivities and the intrinsic kinetics in the aggregate must still be developed. New experimental approaches
are being used to elucidate the basic mechanisms that determine these physical and metabolic properties of
immobilized cells. Several reactor configurations have been successfully used with immobilized cells, and
many more have been proposed. The choice of a particular design for a given process depends on the
requirements for mass-transfer, the growth behaviour of the cells, and the structural properties of the

1.1. Scope of the review 1322
1.1.1. Previous reviews
1.2. Objectives of whole-cell immobilization 1322
1.3. Definition of whole-cell immobilization 1323
2.1. Cells attached to a surface 1324
2.2. Cells entrapped in a porous matrix 1326
2.2.1. Preformed porous matrices
2.2.2. Porous matrices formed in sirtl
2.3. Cells contained behind a barrier 1327
2.4. Self-aggregating cells 1327
2.5. Ethanol production using immobilized cells: an example 1327
3.1. Effective diffusivity in cell aggregates 1328
3.1.1. Effective diffusivity measurements where the tracer is not consumed
3.1.2. Effective diffusivity measurements where the tracer is consumed
3.1.3. Effective diffusivity measurements in animal tissue
3.1.4. Sources of difFusive resistance in cell aggregates
3.2. Interactions among components in the aggregate 1330
3.2.1. Cell mobility within the aggregate
3.2.2. Chemical interactions between the support and the solution
3.2.3. Direct interactions between the cells and the support
3.3. Physical interactions of the aggregate with the environment 1332
4.1. Cell morphology 1333
4.2. Cell physiology 1333
4.2.1. Effect of surfaces on the growth of cells
4.2.2. Influence of immobilization method on cell viability
4.2.3. Permeabilization of cells
4.2.4. Catalytic stability of immobilized cells
4.2.5. Immobilized resting cells
4.2.6. Techniques for characterizing the metabolic and physical state of immobilized
5.1. Intrinsic kinetics of immobilized cells 1339
5.2. Mass transfer and the observed reaction rate: examples 1339

CES 40:x-* 1321

1322 STEVEN F. KAREL et al.

5.3. Mass transfer and the observed reaction rate: theory 1340
5.3.1. Problem formulation and simplification
53.2. Asymptotic solutions and generalized moduli
5.4. Experimental detection of mass-transfer limitations 1346
6.1. Stationary particle or surface reactors 1347
6.2. Moving surface reactors 1347
6.3. Mixed particle reactors 1347
7. SUMMARY 1347

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1.1. Previous reviews. The review by Birnbaum et

Although the intentional use of immobilized cells by al. [7] is an excellent overall introduction to the field of
man is a recent development, the self-immobilization immobilized cells. The collection of reviews edited by
of cells is a widespread process in nature. The attach- Chibata and Wingard [S] offers a thorough treatment
ment of microorganisms to surfaces plays an import- of methods and applications. The two volumes edited
ant role in microbial ecology and pathogenicity [ 143. by Mattiasson [9] consider a number of sub-topics
“Biofilms” resulting from the growth of cells on surfaces associated with immobilized cells in considerable
are often present in conventional industrial processes depth. Overviews of immobilized cell technology, its
using microorganisms [5]. Interest in enzyme im- history and its future directions from several different
mobilization during the last two decades motivated the perspectives have been given in several reviews
development of new immobilization techniques, many [l&21].
of which are applicable to cells, and provided a new The engineering aspects of immobilized cells have
perspective for examining the conventional processes not been reviewed in as much detail. A number of
which involve surface-attached cells. New techniques recent publications have addressed specific engineering
to genetically manipulate industrially important problems associated with immobilized enzyme systems
microorganisms have provided additional incentive [22-241, and Vieth and Venkatasubramanian give a
for the development of novel techniques for the framework for discussion of some of the reactor
microbial production of biochemicals, and immobi- engineering concerns which apply to immobilized cells
lized cells may play a significant role in this regard. [25]. Other reviews are concerned more specifically
with the interaction between kinetics and mass transfer
1.1. Scope of the review in biological systems [26-281. This subject will be
Although a wide variety of natural as well as discussed in more detail in Section 5.3.
artificial systems are characterized by the retention of A number of topics that might be considered within
cells at a surface or within a particle, we will focus our the realm of immobilized cell technology have also
attention on systems which may be of technological been the subject of recent reviews:
interest, and exclude from consideration the ecological -use of surface-attached films in wastewater treat-
and pathogenic roles of microbial attachment [Z, 63. ment [S, 29-321;
The state-of-the-art in immobilized cell technology -formation of pellets or floes in suspension culture
has developed to the point that methods for im-
c33, 341;
mobilizing any given cell type are considered routine. -use of immobilized cells in biosensors [35, 361;
Microbial processes in which immobilized cells have -immobilization of plant cells in culture [37-391;
the potential to be applied far outnumber those where. -growth of surface-attached animal cells in culture
they are not applicable. Methods and applications [4042 ]_
have already been reviewed in some detail (see below).
On the other hand, two important issues which have
not been adequately reviewed are: 1.2. Objectives of whole-cell immobilization
In most technological applications of immobilized
(1) to evaluate whether immobilized cell systems can cells, the objective is to increase the extent of reaction.
be successfully adapted to an industrial scale and Specifically, one might desire to:
(2) to elucidate the physical and biochemical prin-
ciples underlying whole-cell immobilization. -increase the volumetric productivity;
-increase the product concentration in the outlet
The former topic addresses the question of process
design and will not be considered here. As for the latter,
-decrease the substrate concentration in the outlet
we will give an overview of previous fundamental
studies on those aspects of whole-cell immobilization
which are important in understanding the behaviour of Immobilizing cells may simplify process design in
immobilized cell catalysts, and particularly on studies two ways. Confinement of the cells to large particles or
focusing on events occurring on a microscopic scale, to surfaces facilitates the separation of cells from
that is, at the level of a cell aggregate. products in solution, and may permit the use of
Immobilization of whole cells I323

continuous reactors while avoiding washout. It may which the cells are immobilized. Within the aggregate
also allow reactors to contain more cells and therefore three components can be distinguished, as shown in
presumably to have higher volumetric reaction rates. Fig. 1. These are the cells; the support, which may be a
In certain immobilized cell applications, however, solid or a gel; and the solution that fills the remainder
the extent of reaction is not of primary interest in of the space in the aggregate. The chemical properties
design. For example, immobilized cells have been of the solution in the aggregate may be quite different
considered for use as a hybrid artificial pancreas from those in the bulk solution. This phenomenon has
[4346]. Here, the objective is to mimic the dynamics been referred to in the literature as the establishment of
of insulin secretion by the pancreatic islet cells in a a “microenvironment”. In spite of this complex struc-
healthy individual. In another application, immobi- ture, for engineering purposes the aggregate is usually
lized cells have been coupled to analytical devices for thought of as a homogeneous phase in a simple
use as biosensors [35,36]. In this instance a linear and geometry (e.g. a sphere or a thin film).
rapid response of the output signal to changes in the The second issue pertains to the extent of the
concentration of the detected species is generally the retention of catalytic activity. A wide variety of
design objective. catalytic activities are associated with a living cell. If
Immobilized cell systems may be viewed as an loss of viability accompanies immobilization, the cells
alternative either to the use of immobilized enzymes or ought at least to retain the enzymatic activity as-
to free cells. Two primary considerations in the choice sociated with the desired application. The degree of
of a biological catalyst are the difficulty of producing retention of each particular activity normally present
the catalyst, and the ability to maintain the desired in free cells will depend on the immobilization tech-
activity and specificity of the catalyst under reaction nique and on the reaction conditions. If the desired
conditions. In the former case, the more difficult it is to activity consists only of a single enzymatic step, the
produce the catalyst, the longer is the lifetime required elimination of competing activities may be advan-
for a feasible process. In general, immobilized cells tageous. On the other hand, if the continued growth of
must have a considerably longer working lifetime than cells is desired, the bulk of the enzymatic complement
free cells in order to be a reasonable alternative. In the should be retained. In Table 1 a number of processes to
latter case, immobilized enzymes may have better which immobilized cells have been applied are ar-
specificity and higher activity than immobilized cells or ranged by the complexity of the reaction pathway
free cells. Reduction of the observed reaction rate due involved. The use of immobilized cells as ligands in
to mass transport limitations in substrate supply and afinity chromatography [Sl] is a special case in which
product removal must be considered in all of these no retention of enzymatic activity in the cells is
cases. In considering the use of immobilized cells, we required.
will therefore be concerned with activity, specificity, The third issue implicit in the definition is that of
and longevity. catalyst stability. To be useful, an immobilized cell
preparation should have an operating lifetime ranging
1.3. De$nition of whole-cell immobilization
Whole-cell immobilization may be defined as the
physical confinement or localization of intact cells to a
certain defined region of space with the preservation of
some desired catalytic activity. This definition is
similar to those given in other reviews [47,48], which in
turn are extensions of a widely accepted definition
applied to immobilized enzymes [49]. Three issues are
implicit in this definition: the extent of the region of
confinement, the catalytic activity and the longevity of
the catalyst.
The first issue concerns the size of the region of space
in which the cells or enzymes are immobilized. For
example, certain reviewers have considered cells sus-
pended in bulk fluid in a cell recycle reactor to be (b)

immobilized [l 1, 501. On the other hand, there is the

question of how large a cell aggregate must be for the
cells contained in it to be considered immobilized. For
the purposes of this paper, this question is resolved by
considering only those systems where cells are local-
ized within a region of space within which diffusion is
the dominant mass transfer mechanism, that is, where
no appreciable convective mixing takes place.
In the remainder of this paper we will refer to the Fig. 1. (a) The three phases that comprise many immobi-
region in which the cells are localized as the im- lized cell systems: cells, cell support, interstitial fluid. (b) An
mobilized ceil “aggregate”, regardless of the method by engineering representation of an immobilized cell system.
Table 1. Typical biochemical processes performed by immobilized cells (arranged in order of
increasing enzymatic complexity)

Isomerization of glucose to fructose [55] Single-step catalysis

Production of aspartic acid from fumaric acid [56]
Transformation of steroids [57]
Oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid [SS]
Regeneration of ATP [59] I
Fermentation of glucose to ethanol [52] Multiple-step catalysis
Oxidation of caffeine [60]
Synthesis of glutamic acid [61]
Synthesis of proinsulin [62]
Growth on dilute organics (wastewater treatment) I
C631 Growth of celts

from weeks to months. Prospects for long operating immobilized cell systems is presented in Section 5. The
lifetimes are extremely good because viable cells will review concludes in Section 6 with a brief overview of
replicate under conditions permitting growth, so that immobilized cell reactor design.
the catalysts can be “regenerated”. This regeneration
by growth may be continuous [52] or periodic [53]. It 2. CLASSIFICATION OF IMMOBLLlZED CELL SYSTEMS
is therefore important in considering literature reports A multitude of whole cell immobilization methods
of catalytic lifetime to consider whether cell growth exist. These can be divided into four major categories
could have been taking place during the experiment. A based on the physical mechanism causing im-
comparison of catalytic lifetime between viable and mobilization:
non-viable immobilized cells is valuable only in the
sense of a practical assessment of processes, as the (1) attachment to a surface;
underlying causes of deactivation in the two cases are (2) entrapment within a porous matrix;
distinct. With immobilized non-viable cells, the factors (3) containment behind a barrier and
affecting catalytic lifetime will be similar to those that (4) self aggregation.
apply to immobilized enzymes, and which have been A schematic showing the different methods of
examined in some depth [54]. With viable cells, the immobilization, and their interrelationship is shown in
presence of environmental constraints that may limit Fig. 2. Examples of the various types of immobiliz-
the ability of the cells to continue to grow will ation are sketched in Fig. 3.
determine the useful lifetime of the system.
In Section 2 of this review, the diverse forms of cell 2.1. Cells attached to a surface
immobilization are classified and discussed with exam- Any immobilization method in which cells are
ples. Sections 3 and 4 treat the physical and bio- bound to a surface, regardless of the type of binding,
chemical properties of immobilized cell preparations. can be classified as a surface-attached process. The
The application of the mathematical theory of reaction thickness of the cell layer may range from less than a
and diffusion in permeable media as this applies to monolayer of cells to a film one millimeter or more in

Fig. 2. Immobilizaticn methods and their classification in terms of the physical mechanism of localization.
Immobilization of whole cells I325

(a) cells attached to a surface (b) cells entrapped I,, a porous n,atr,x

biofilm support


Fig. 3. The four classes of immobilization of whole cells.

depth. Adsorbed cells are ubiquitous in nature (e.g. mobilized systems. Much of this data can be gener-
dental plaque) as well as in biotechnological processes. alized and applied to many of the other immobilized
The adsorption of microorganisms is a major factor in cell systems currently under investigation, although
the fouling of heat transfer equipment and other they by no means solve or address all the relevant
surfaces [64]. One of the earliest immobilized cell engineering questions in this field.
processes used cells adsorbed to woodchips in a packed Another type of adsorbed cell system is mammalian
bed reactor to produce acetic acid (vinegar) [65]. cell culture. As a general rule, the only mammalian cells
Schematics of some surface-attached systems are that do not require a solid support for growth are so-
shown in Fig. 3(a). called transformed cells which are often tumorigenic
Systems in which cells are immobilized by adsorp- [68]. In addition, mammalian cells consume oxygen.
tion are popular due to the ease of this type of and produce carbon dioxide and the concentrations of
immobilization. The strength with which the cells are these two gases must be controlled over a narrow range
bonded to the support varies with cell type and support [42]. The requirements for the the accurate control of
type [66,67], thus the system is more useful for some oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations and the
cell strains than for others. As there is no barrier need for surface attachment make large scale pro-
between the cells and the solution in this system, this duction with mammalian cells difficult using standard
method cannot be used where a cell-free efRuent submerged culture technologies.
is desired. The depth of the biofilm often varies, The majority of industrial mammalian cell culture
especially with feed flow rate and is not readily takes place in roller bottles [68]. These are semi-batch
determined. Thus, it is often difficult to accurately cultures in which cells adhere to the inside of bottles
control biofilm processes, such as those used in sewage rotating around their axes of symmetry. The bottles
treatment [S]. Even with these drawbacks this type of are approximately one-third full of medium. This
immobilization has been widely employed in industry. allows the cells access to both liquid nutrients and
The industrial use of surface-attached cell systems oxygen from the air. Because the medium must be
(biofilms) has been extensively examined in the field of changed periodically to introduce fresh nutrients and
wastewater treatment [32]. These biofilms are often discard waste products, this is a very labour intensive
comprised of an uncharacterized mixed culture of cells approach to large scale cell culture. Techniques which
growing in a film on sand or rocks. There is a wealth of offer both surface attachment and high gas contacting
engineering data and models for these kind of im- rates have been reviewed [69]. One such method is the
i 326 STEVEN F. KAREL et al.

use of microcarriers as a support for the adsorption The use of porous matrices with very large pores
of cells. These are small porous beads (lOC-200 p in (100 p and greater) represents a form of immobiliz-
diameter) to which the cells adhere [70, 711. After ation which lies between self-flocculation and entrap-
initial seeding, the cell laden microcarriers are placed in ment. These supports encourage the growth and
a packed bed reactor or continuous stirred tank aggregation of cells in the quiescent zones formed by
reactor (CSTR). the large pores. Surface-attached cells play a minor role
Cells can be chemically bound to a surface by a in this system as a result of the small surface area for
variety of methods which include crosslinking by attachment. Cell growth is controlled by the continu-
glutaraldehyde, silanization to a silica support and ous flow of fluid past the particles, since cells beyond
chelation to metal oxides [72,73). From an engineer- the boundary defined by the flow field around the
ing viewpoint, covalently bonded cells are similar to particle are swept into the eflluent [77,78].
cells that are immobilized by adsorption. Because of
the relative size of the cell (major axis ca. 1 p) to the 2.2.2. Porous matrices formed in situ. Most of the
covalent bonds, the strength of the covalent bond to current research in the general area of immobilized
the surface is similar to the strength of the hydrogen cells involves porous supports that are formed around
bonds or electrostatic attractions characteristic of ceeils. A variety of compounds can be gelled into
simple adsorption. They will be considered as one hydrophilic porous matrices under conditions mild
category for the purposes of this review. enough to allow cell entrapment with a minimal loss of
viability [79]. The polymer-cell mixture is either gelled
2.2. Cells entrapped in a porous matrix immediately into the final desired shape and size, or
The second major category of cell immobiij~tion is gelled in sheets and then cut into particles of the correct
entrapment within a porous matrix. Two methods of dimensions. The most common forms are small beads,
entrapment are possible. In the first, cells are allowed about l-5 mm in diameter, although gels have been
to diffuse into a preformed porous matrix. After the cast into membrane form. The gel beads can be used as
cells begin to grow, their mobility is hindered by the catalyst particles in a packed bed or fluidized bed
presence of other cells and the matrix and they are thus reactor. Methods for gel entrapment have been
effectively entrapped. In the second method, the thoroughly discussed elsewhere [7,48,80].
porous matrix is synthesized in situ around the cells to The first demonstration of whole cell immobiliz-
be immobilized. Both these types of methods are fertile ation in porous gels was the use of polyacrylamide gel
ground for research and will be discussed in more to immobilize the lichen Unbilicaria pustuiata [Sl].
detail below. A schematic of this type of immobiliz- Since then, a variety of polymer matrices have been
ation is shown as Fig. 3(b). used to immobilize whole cells, including K-
carrageenan, agar and alginate gels [7]. There are
2.2.1. Preformed porous matrices. Whole cell en- many examples of the use of gel entrapment in the
trapment within a porous matrix is rapidly coming into literature, including industrial processes for the pro-
widespread use as an immobilization method [7]. The duction of amino acids [ 133. Some of the immobilizing
cells are entrapped in a matrix which protects them matrices are highly hydrated, allowing almost un-
from the shear field outside the particles. The distri- hindered diffusion for low molecular weight ( < 10,000
bution of microorganisms is easily measured by Daltons) products and substrates [SZ]. The retention
examining particles removed from the reactor. As with of cellular viability permits the catalyst to be used for
the adsorption method, cells are not completely sep- multi-step reactions and reactions which require cofac-
arated from the efAuent in these systems. A high degree tors and allows growth in the gel after immobilization.
of cell viability is retained in most entrapment It has been proposed that inoculation of gels with a
methods. These systems are therefore useful for a small number of cells and subsequent growth improves
variety of growth-related processes. the quality of the catalyst [52]. Gel entrapment is a
Many types of porous matrices have been used to relatively straightforward immobilization technique
entrap cells. These include cordierite, bricks, kieseiguhr, and can be used with a variety of systems.
volcanic rock and various types of ceramics [74-761. Catalytic ultrafiltration membranes consisting of gel
Messing [63] used controlled pore glass to immobilize entrapped microorganisms have also been investigated
cells for the production of methane from waste [83---851. Membranes of different polymeric com-
products. The preformed supports have two main positions were used to entrap the thermophilic micro-
advantages over the in situ formation of matrices organism Caldarieikz acidophiln. The use of this heat
around cells. First, the preformed support particles are resistant culture was necessitated by the high tempera-
more resistant to the compression and disintegration tures encountered in the membrane casting procedure.
that can occur in packed beds and stirred vessels. Reactant was ultrafiltered through the 50 p thick
Second, adsorption of cells to the preformed supports membranes and high activities were reported in all
can take place under conditions which are not harmful cases. A rapid decay in activity was noted for cells
to the cells. A disadvantage of entrapment within immobilized in a polysulfone membrane formed by a
preformed porous matrices is that the high cell volu- phase inversion process. The same cells demonstrated
metric Racking densities associated with other im- long-range stability (> 140 h) when immobilized in a
mobilization methods are difficult to achieve. glutaraldehyde cross-linked albumin membrane.
Immobilization of whole cells 1327

2.3. Cells contained behind a barrier 2.4. Self-aggregating cells

The third major category of cell immobilization is Cells that naturally aggregate or flocculate can also
containment behind a barrier. Again, this barrier can be considered immobilized within the scope of the
be preformed, or formed around the cells to be definition of immobilization presented earlier. The
immobilized. Schematics of this type of immobiliz- large size of the aggregates makes their use possible in
ation are shown in Fig. 3(c). reactors designed for immobilized cells, such as packed
This kind of cell immobilization is ideal for several bed reactors, fluidized beds and CSTR’s. Cell types
specialized systems. When cell separation from the that belong in this category include molds which
ef8uent is required, or when some high molecular naturally form pellets and plant cells in culture.
weight product needs to be separated from the effluent, Artificial flocculating agents or cross-linkers may be
these systems are highly useful [86]. These advantages added to enhance the process of aggregation for cells
are countered by the fact that it is often difficult to that do not naturally flocculate. It has been shown that
sample cells immobilized behind a barrier and the similar mechanisms govern both artificially and nat-
uniform supply of sparingly soluble nutrients to the urally induced flocculation [lOI]_ Aspects of microbial
cell mass is often problematic [87]. flocculation have been reviewed elsewhere [33]. This
The barrier which immobilizes cells can be as simple approach to cell immobilization is shown sche-
as the liquid/liquid phase interface between two matically in Fig. 3(d).
immiscible fluids. Mohan and Li [SS] immobilized the
denitrifying bacteria, Micrococcus denitrificans, by 2.5. Ethanol production using immobilized cells:
emulsifying the cell suspension with a surfactant into an example
an hydrocarbon solvent. The surfactant-enclosed As a possible application of immobilized cells we
aqueous droplets were then resuspended in the consider the production of ethanol from simple sugars.
aqueous phase containing the substrate. The authors This process, carried out by yeast or certain bacteria,
report that cells did not leak from the aqueous phase has been extensively studied from a technological
through the organic phase to the cell-free aqueous point of view. Novel continuous processes proposed
phase surrounding the droplets. The liquid boundary for this fermentation include tower fermentors, ex-
could also be in the geometry of a planar liquid tractive or vacuum fermentation and cell recycle
membrane [89]. reactors [102, 1031. More recently effort has focused
Microencapsulation has been recently applied as a on the development of continuous processes using
method for whole cell immobilization. This technique immobilized living cells. This particular application is a
was first used in biotechnology for the immobilization good example of the interchangeability of immo-
of enzymes [90]. Recently, mammalian cells have been bilization techniques, since, as detailed in Table 2,
successfully grown in polylysine enclosed droplets essentially all of the techniques mentioned in
suspended in culture broth [86]. The semipermeable Sections 2.1-2.4 have been used with some success.
membrane allows nutrients to diffuse to the cells, but This table lists a number of particular examples of the
retains the cells and some of the higher molecular use of immobilized cells for ethanol production, an
weight products produced by the cells. It has been exhaustive compilation of which can be found in other
reported that bacterial cells have been similarly im- reviews [104, 1051.
mobilized [91]_ Future efforts need to be focused on the develop-
The growth of cells behind a preformed semi- ments of principles to guide the selection of an
permeable membrane is the third major area within the immobilization technique for a given application and
classification of whole cell immobilization behind a its particular requirements. Goals in the design of a
barrier. This technique was also pioneered with the commercial ethanol fermentation often include a long
immobilization of enzymes [92,93]. Since the cells are operating lifetime for the reactor, a high ethanol
retained behind a semi-permeable wall or membrane, concentration in the outlet stream and a high volu-
this type of system is very similar to microencapsu- metric productivity. The ability to use inexpensive but
lation in an engineering sense. Nutrients are supplied ill-defined substrates (e.g. whey) is also important. In
to, and products are removed from, the cell mass by certain ethanol processes, subjective criteria such as the
diffusion. In addition, the geometry used in these taste of the final product are important.
reactors could conceivably be manipulated to allow The prediction of the rate of ethanol production by
nutrient supply by convection across the semi- immobilized cells is a difficult problem. Under the low
permeable membrane. Immobilized cell systems have growth conditions prevalent in immobilized cell pro-
been demonstrated using microbes in both the non- cesses, the regulation of glycolysis with respect to the
growing [94] and the growing state [95-973 for a production and destruction of biomass is not well
variety of microbial species and membrane types. Plant understood. In addition, substrate inhibition and
cells [98] and mammalian cells [99] have been grown especially product inhibition may have a significant
in this configuration. This type of system has also been effect on both the rates of growth and ethanol
demonstrated successfully for the large scale growth of production. Mass transfer within the reactor and
mammalian cells [100] and for use as an artificial within the immobilized cell aggregate is also likely to
pancreas [4345]. Both ultrafiltration and microfil- play an important role in all of the proposed processes.
tration membranes have been used for this purpose. We therefore suggest that a fundamental description
I328 STEVEN F. KAREL et al.
Table 2. Immobilized cells for ethanol production

Immobilization method Medium Oreanism Ref.

adsorption to wood chips glucose + nutrients Sacchoromyces CJW

glucose + buffer cereuisiae
adsorption to ion exchange resins glucose + nutrients S. cerevisiae Cl071
adsorption to glass fiber filters glucose + nutrients Zymomonas Cl@31
adsorption to gelatin-coated sup- glucose + nutrients S. cereuisine CJW
entrapment in polyurethane foam glucose + nutrients S. cerevisiae C78f
or in stainless steel mesh S. uvarum
entrapment in rc-carrageenan glucose + nutrients S. cerevisiae
coentrapment in Ca alginate with glucose buffer + S. cereuisiae [::]
magnetite periodic nutrient
coentrapment in Ca alginate with cellobiose + nutrients Z. mobilis ClJOl
entrapment in polyacrylamide glucose + salts S. formosensis ClJll
glucose + nutrients
entrapment in Na alginate inulin sugars Kluveromyces IJ 121
+ nutrients marxianus
entrapmentin polyacrylamideor in whey KI. fragi CJ 131
entrapment in pectin glucose + nutrients S. cerevisiae
containment by hollow fiber mem- glucose + salts S. cerevisiae
branes giucose + nutrients
containment of cells with cellulase cellulose S. cerevisiae CJJSI
and cellobiase by means of a
liquid-liquid phase boundary
flocculation of yeast glucose + nutrients Schizosaccharomyces CJJ61
flocculation of yeast with albu- glucose + nutrients S. cerevisiae CJJ71
min/phosphatidyl choline com-

of an immobilized living cell system is not possible with configuration of three types of systems discussed
the information available at the present time. Many of earlier. Substrates must diffuse through the dense cell
the physical and biochemical parameters that are mass and often through a catalyst support to reach
required to describe the system are, at best, only known individual cells. Information concerning the effective
to within an order of magnitude. A description of, and diffusivity of some chemical species in various sup-
means for estimating, these parameters is presented in ports is available [82, 118, 1191. In general, the ac-
Sections 3 and 4. quisition of this type of data is straightforward.
On the other hand, little is known about the
3. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF diffusivity of solutes, specifically nutrients and fermen-
IMMOBILIZED CELL AGGREGATES tation products, in dense cell masses. The volume
To understand the effects of immobilization on cells, fraction of cells in the aggregate (cell packing) may
one must first understand the physical and chemical affect the diffusivity of solutes in the cell mass. Very
properties of the aggregate composed of the cells and little work has been done to correlate the diffusive
the support. The diffusive transport and distribution properties of a microbial mass with cell packing or
of substrates and products are of the utmost import- other cell properties. Measurements of diffusivities of
ance. In addition, one requires an understanding of the various substances in different types of cell masses are
mechanism by which the cells are retained within the summarized in Table 3 and their significance is dis-
aggregate. The durability of the aggregate will depend cussed below.
on its hydrodynamic interactions with the en- In general, effective diffusivity measurements are
vironment. made by imposing a known concentration of a tracer
on one boundary of a cell aggregate, and measuring
3.1. Eflective dljiisivity in cell aggregates either the steady-state flux through the aggregate or
The physical most relevant to the study of
property the transient rate of effusion into or out of the
immobilized cells is the effective diffusivity of solutes in aggregate. In either case a model that incorporates
the aggregate. Knowledge of the diffusivity of both certain assumptions about the diffusion process is
substrates and products of cellular reactions is re- required. The diffusion process is generally assumed to
quired for the accurate prediction of overall reaction be Fickian in nature, and dependent only on the
rates. Cells comprise some of the diffusive resistance in concentration gradient and effective diffusivity of the
almost all immobilized cell systems. Figure 3 shows the substrate in the aggregate. Convective transport within
Immobilization of whole cells I329

Table 3. Values of diffusivities of- substances in cell masses

Type of diffusivity+ Temperature Measurement Is tracer
cell mass Tracer ( 70,) (“Cl technique consumed? Ref.

Nitrosomona.s oxygen 85
biofilm nitrite 85 20 transient flux no c1201
nitrare 93-100
waste treatment oxygen Z&80 20 transient flux no c1211
biofilm glucose 3C50
waste treatment oxygen 110 20 steady-state flux no c1221
biofilm glucose 110
dental plaque sucrose 2&100 37 concentration unclear cl231
inulin i I%90 profile
tritiated water 25-35
dental plaque sucrose 2&2.5 35 transient flux no cl241
glucose 25-30
helium 62
hydrogen 49
rat muscle ethylene 52 37 transient flux no Cl331
nitrous oxide 59
mammalian tissue dextran 140 37 transient flux no cl321
tumor cells dextran 1O-90
tumor cells glucose 25-50 37 transient flux no Cl311
ramigera floe oxygen 1+1.5 30 transient flux yes Cl281
mycelial pellet oxygen 25-104 20 transient flux yes cl251
fungal pellet oxygen US100 20 transient flux yes Cl381
microbial biofilm oxygen 20 27 transient flux yes cl291
’ Relative diffusivity = effective diffusivity of tracer in cell aggregate/diffusivityof tracerin water.

the aggregate is assumed to be negligible. Two exper- Matson and Characklis [121] measured the diffus-
imental approaches are generally used. In one, care is ivity of glucose and oxygen through a layer of waste
taken to ensure that consumption of the tracer does treatment biofilm which was scraped onto a supported
not affect the results. In the other, both diffusive filter mesh. The microbes were deactivated by mercuric
transport and consumption of the substance are chloride and ultraviolet light to prevent consumption
considered. Some assumptions must be made about of the tracers in the system. Transient concentration
the form of the kinetic expression governing the tracer measurements were made to determine the diffusivity
consumption. These are incorporated into a model through the cell mass. A similar method was used to
that calculates the effective diffusivity from the exper- measure the effective diffusivity of glucose, oxygen and
imental data. The method that considers only diffusion ions through a layer of cells by Onuma and Omura
is more desirable, as fewer assumptions are required to [122].
calculate the transport properties. Dental plaque, a naturally occurring biofilm, is a
mixture of oral microbes and extracellular products.
Tatevossian [123] measured the diffusivities of sugars
3.1.1. Efective d@utsivity measurements where the in this type of microbial mass using a plaque-filled
tracer is not consumed. The effective diffusivities of a tube, one end of which was placed in a radiolabeled
variety of substances in microbial biofilms isolated solution for a specified period. The tube was sectioned
from waste treatment facilities have been studied by and each piece was assayed for radioactivity. The
several groups. Williamson and McCarty [120] diffusivity through the plaque was calculated using a
measured the diffusivity of oxygen and of various ions one-dimensional infinite slab diffusion model. Non-
through a layer of Nirrosomonas cells and debris filtered reactivity appears to have been assumed. The large
onto a membrane. To insure that no consumption of standard deviation in the measurements is probably
substrates occurred during the measurements, the due to the uncharacterized nature of dental plaque.
diffusivity of each substrate was determined in the Another measure of diffusivity through dental plaques
absence of other substrates needed by the microbes for yielded values in the same range 11241. The plaque was
reaction. The values of the diffusivites for each of the heat-killed before being placed in a two-cell diffusion
substances measured had a large standard deviation, apparatus. Radiolabeled tracers were used to measure
probably due in part to the unevenness of the bacterial the diffusivity through the plaques. There was no
film and the varying cell densities used in the measure of cell density reported in this study and no
experiments. attempt was made to characterize the plaques.
1330 STEVEN F. KAREL~~ al.

3.1.2. Efective d@iusivity measurements where the only correlation of density with diffusive resistance in a
tracer is consumed. A number of studies have been cell mass is presented by Yano et al. [125]. This shows
performed to estimate the effective diffusivity under a weak increase of diffusive resistance with increasing
conditions where reactions and diffusion occur simul- cell density. The data of Williamson and McCarty
taneously. The assumptions made about the kinetic [120] revealed no correlation between dry cell weight
expression describing the reaction rate in each case are and diffusivity. Although Matson and Characklis
discussed along with the experimental results in this [121] measured the dry weight of the cells in each
section. The application of theory to combined experiment, no correlation between this and diffusivity
reaction-diffusion will bc discussed in Section 5. was reported. In one of the dental plaque studies,
Oxygen transfer is an important problem in the plaques of varying cell densities were used. Higher
growth of mold in the form of pellets. In an early study, diffusive resistances were measured in the denser
consumption and diffusion parameters were estimated plaques. Unfortunately, the density data were pre-
by assuming zero-order oxygen uptake and homo- sented in terms of centrifugation speed used to sep-
geneous cell distribution in a spherical mold pellet arate the plaque from the plaque fluid (the packing
[125]. The zero-order uptake assumption was later density of the cells in the sample increases with
questioned and the data reinterpreted according to increasing ccntrifugation speed) and not density or dry
Monod-type kinetics [126]. In an extension to this cell weight [123].
model, the age and, therefore, reaction rate of the mold Using a different approach, Matsunaga et al. [135]
mycelia was permitted to vary with location. The measured the diffusive resistance in a membrane
experimental data showed good agreement with the consisting of gel-entrapped Clostridium butyricum at
three parameter representation that was used [ 1271. various microbial volumetric packing densities. They
Mueller et al. [ 1281 employed an anoxic centre model found that the diffusivity of glucose through the
to describe diffusion in a Zoogloea ramigera floe. A two composite membrane decreased with increasing cell
parameter model was used with the data to calculate packing. The diffusivity of hydrogen through a densely
the values of effective diffusivity and the kinetic packed cell/gel membrane was about two-thirds of its
constant. A similar procedure has been used to es- value through the empty gel.
timate the effective difiusivity through a bacterial film Klein and Schara [136] have measured the diffus-
modeled as an infinite slab [129, 1303. ivity of phenol in polyacrylamide discs containing
entrapped cells over a range of polymer volume
fractions and cell loadings. They suggested an em-
3.1.3. Ejkctive dl@usivity measurements in animal pirical correlation of the form:
tissue. Measurements of diffusivity of gases in mam-
malian muscle have also been made. Aside from the ~ = (1 -vv,)Zexp(-qv,)
lack of cell wall, mammalian tissue is structurally a’*
similar to a dense bacterial mass. In a study to where 2 is the effective diffusivity of the tracer, B*
determine the effective diffusivity of several gases in rat is the diffusivity of the tracer in free solution, vX is the
muscle it was determined that the effective diffusivity is volume fraction of cells, vp is the volume fraction of the
similar to that in dense bacterial cells [ 1311. Other polymer and q is a parameter characterizing
investigations have been performed to measure the the molecular size of the tracer. For small molecules,
rate of dextran, fluorescein, oxygen and glucose diffu- the parameter q was assumed to be equal to 4. Klein
sion in normal and tumor tissue [131--1331, and the and Manecke [118] later proposed an alternate ex-
rate of oxygen diffusion in salamander muscle [134]. pression of the form:

- = exp ( - q(v, + up)).

3.1.4. Sources of d@iisive resistance in cell ag- 9*
gregates. Although many studies have been conducted A theoretical model describing oxygen transport in
to determine the diffusivity of various substances tissues as transport though a heterogeneous material
through cell masses, very little is understood about the has been proposed by Tai and Chang [137].
source of the diffusive resistances. It has been ac- Information to correlate diffusive resistances with
knowledged [121] that the type of cell and the cell packing and microorganism type is necessary to
structure of the ccl1 mass might have an impact on the allow prediction of the diffusivity of substances
diffusivity, but a fundamental understanding of this (specifically pro&cts and substrates) through the
problem has not yet been achieved. Another parameter dense cell masses found in immobilized whole-cell
affecting the diffusive resistance in a cell mass is the reactors. The effect of extracellular products on the
production and excretion of extracellular. substances. effective diffusivity in a cell mass also needs to be
Many cells produce extracellular polysaccharides, investigated.
some of which can act to promote the cohesion of a
biofihn. These substances might be important de- 3.2. Interactions among components in the aggregate
terminants of the diffusive resistance in these films. Among the other physical or chemical influ-
The density of the cell mass was measured in some of ences acting on immobilized cells, we are especially
the studies mentioned above [120, 121, 1291, but the interested in those responsible for the immobilization.
Immobilization of whole cells 1331

In the case of entrapped or contained cells, the impetus nutrient source. One example of this effect observed in
for immobilization is a restriction of the mobility of the absence of any physical support is the formation of
the cells within the porous matrix or across the mycelial pellets with hollow cores surrounded by a
confining barrier. In cases where cells are attached to a dense layer of growing cells under conditions of
surface or to each other, the immobilizing force is a diffusion-limited growth [34, 1441. The growth of cells
physical or chemical interaction among cells or be- in large numbers in a thin layer near the surface of the
tween the cells and the support. gel while the interior contains very few cells also attests
to the relative immobility of cells in gel particles [145].
3.2.1. Cell mobility within the aggregate. The degree In gels containing living microbes, the most import-
to which the restriction of cell mobility in the aggregate ant aspect of mobility is the rate of cell effusion from
is desirable depends on the particular process. With the gel. A number of investigators have reported the
non-viable cells, the major problem may be the leakage rate of appearance of cells in the medium in exper-
of desired enzymes from the immobilizing material; it iments using gel-entrapped cells [52, 113, 1461. The
is therefore useful to make the confinement barrier rate of leakage generally is associated with the growth
impermeable to high molecular weight species. On the of the organisms. It can be reduced significantly either
other hand, if living immobilized cells are used, a by slowing the growth rate of the organism [108, 1471
greater degree of mobility may be desired to allow or by altering the gelation procedure to engender a
waste products and dead cells to be removed from the tighter matrix [146, 1481. The appearance of “micro-
aggregate as the cells grow. A steady-state may thus be interstices” on the surface of a gel particle may indicate
achieved in which the rate of synthesis of new cellular that cell division expands and fractures the gel [149].
material is balanced by the rate of loss of cell material Expansion of the cell-containing pockets in the gels has
in the effluent of a continuous reactor. In this sense, the also been observed [ 150, 1513. Since cell leakage is
role of immobilization is to increase the cell hold-up in associated with growth, it probably is not a major
a continuous reactor as compared to a case where free cause of deactivation of the catalyst. The growth of
cells are used [25]. cells exterior to gels may, however, lead to obstruction
A number, of different mechanisms mediate cell of flow within the reactor [96, 108, 1523.
transport within the aggregate. Cells may diffuse In preformed porous matrices, mobility is important
passively as a result of Brownian motion. In addition, in allowing the support to be inoculated as well as
certain strains exhibit motility and chemotaxis [139]. preventing leakage after inoculation. Messing and co-
The volume expansion caused by the synthesis of new workers [153, 1541 have examined the effect of pore
cell material is itself a form of transport. The large size size on cell immobilization using controlled pore glass.
and consequent low diffusion coefficient of the cells The optimal pore size is determined by a balance
make the presence of even a small degree of convection between two effects: the pores must be large enough to
within the aggregate a significant factor in facilitating allow penetration and growth of cells within the
the transport of cells. matrix, yet they must be small enough to hinder
Very little has been done to directly measure the leakage of the growing cells. The optimal pore size for
mobility of cells under any of the conditions typical of bacteria or yeast was determined to be between one to
immobilized cells. In the case of biofilms, it is often four times the major dimension of the cells. When
assumed that a steady-state is achieved with a spatially mycelial organisms were grown after entrapment of
uniform population of cells [14O, 1411. In this steady- spores, the optimal size range was somewhat larger.
state, the growth rate of the cells is matched by the This does not preclude the use of porous materials with
combined rates of cell death and the physical removal a larger pore size, which has been shown to be useful in
of cells. The relative importance of these two rates may certain situations [78, 1551.
vary from system to system [142, 1431. The transport Systems using preformed membranes for cell en-
of cells also occurs as a result of sloughing, the trapment offer the possibility of obtaining a sterile
occasional detachment of large sections of the biofilm. product stream from an immobilized cell reactor by
Sloughing is thought in some instances to be a result of ensuring that absolutely no cells cross the confining
the formation of an anaerobic or otherwise nutrient- membrane. Growing cells have, however, shown an
limited zone within the film owing to mass transfer amazing ability to penetrate membranes with pore
limitations. The formation of bubbles due to anaerobic sizes smaller than the cells. The ultrathin retentive wall
metabolism may also lead to sloughing [S]. The fact characteristic of certain asymmetric hollow fiber ultra-
that there is little resistance to expansion and contrac- filtration membranes apparently does not have the
tion of the film also helps to provide an even distri- mechanical stability to resist the pressure of growing
bution of cells within the film. cells [96]. The stress caused by cell growth may induce
One indirect method of assessing the degree of fissures in the membrane, allowing cells to proliferate
immobility of immobilized cells is to examine the throughout the reactor. Other investigators have also
pattern of growth under diffusional limitations. If the noticed that growing cells can penetrate and eventually
cells appear to form a uniform layer, then the rate at pass through membranes with pore structures signifi-
which cells move about within the aggregate is rela- cantly smaller than the ceils themselves [ 1X%158]. The
tively rapid; on the other hand, if the cells are less mechanism for this passage is unclear. In our own
mobile, a dense layer of cells may form near the experience, some types of hollow microporous iso-
1332 STEVEN F. KAREL~I al.

tropic fibers can prevent cell breakthrough, although which enhance adhension cast doubt on the universal
the membrane may collapse under the concerted applicability of these theoretical approaches. Many
pressure of cell growth around the fiber. experiments suggest that cell adhesion is a two-step
process consisting of a reversible weak binding fol-
3.2.2. Chemical interactions between the support ana’ lowed by a time-dependent irreversible attachment
the solution. The chemical properties of the phase in which may be due to the synthesis of extracellular
which the cells are immobilized may exert a direct polymers [29, 1761.
effect on the reactivity by changing the solubilities of The growth of animal cells in culture represents an
substrates and products in the local environment. extreme case of the sensitivity of cells to the chemical
Indirect effects arise from changes in the enzymatic nature of the support. Levine and co-workers Cl773
properties of the cell as a result of the changed found that both adhesion and growth of animal cells
environment. It has been argued that the high polymer on DEAE-dextran microcarriers were strongly de-
concentrations found in gels can alter the activities of pendent on the surface charge of the support. The
metabolic pathways by depressing the water activity ability to alter the strength of adhesion by manipulat-
[163]. In this regard one may note that biofilms can ing the calcium concentration in the medium has been
have high concentrations of extracellular polymers, used to facilitate bead-to-bead transfer of cells [178]. A
especially under conditions of carbon excess [29]. number of investigators are continuing to examine the
The effects of gel composition have been quantified effects of different surface chemistries on the growth of
in terms of a partition coefficient relating the concen- animal cells, including collagen [ 1791, glass [ 1801 and
trations in the aggregate and in the bulk of a given derivatized polyacrylamides [ 181, 1821. The role of
chemical species. Many substrates are relatively in- specific cell surface glycoproteins such as fibronectins
soluble in water, so that organic solvents have been in the adhesion of animal cells has been considered in
used to increase the substrate concentration in im- some depth [183].
mobilized cell processes [159,160]. The work of Fukui
and his associates [160, 1611 on the bioconversion of 3.3. Physical interactions of the aggregate with the
steroids by cells immobilized in hydrophobic gels environment
demonstrates the importance of understanding par- In reactors using immobilized cells, a certain
titioning effects. Polymer mixtures were used to form amount of fluid motion is required to enhance mass
gels having a range of chemical properties. The analysis and heat transfer within the reactor. Hydrodynamic
of such systems is complicated by the possible toxicity interactions between the particles and the environment
of the organic solvents, and by the fact that the cells fall into three categories: (1) structural changes in the
themselves may affect the partitioning behaviour of aggregate caused by hydrodynamic shear stresses and
organic substrates [162]. by inter-particle collisions; (2) changes in the flow
pattern and mixing of fluid and particles within a
3.2.3. Direct interactions between the cells and the reactor and (3) enhancement of mass transfer of
support. An examination of the wide variety of sur- solutes and/or cells to and from the aggregate by
faces onto which cells adhere suggests that no single increasing the relative fluid velocity at the surface. The
mechanism can be responsible for all the effects structural effects include abrasion and compression of
reported. Attachment is observed on surfaces having support particles, which may have detrimental effects
high surface free energies such as glasses or clays as on the stability of the reactor. Detachment ofadsorbed
well as on low energy surfaces such as polyethylene or cells by shear stress or by interparticle collisions may
wood. The accumulation of cells at liquid-liquid or at be detrimental or advantageous, depending on the
gas-liquid interfaces has been exploited as the basis for particular process.
separation processes [164-l 663. The shape and size of immobilized cell particles or
The colonization of surfaces by cells may be as- films is of central importance in modeling hydro-
sociated with an ecological advantage Cl673 due to dynamic interactions. Nevertheless, even these simple
adsorption of nutrients or to the microbial degra- parameters are not always easily characterized. Both
dation of the support to provide nutrients for growth cell growth and physical interactions can change the
[168-1701. Even artificial supports such as PVC may size of the particles. Many gels and ion-exchange resins
be degraded [171]. swell or shrink with varying solute concentrations.
Either hydrophobic or ionic interactions can cause Physical processes leading to the breakdown of the
cell adsorption. Attempts have been made to build a immobilized cell aggregate have been examined pri-
theoretical framework in both cases. Hydrophobic marily in particulate systems and then mostly with gel
interactions have been quantified by measurements of particles. Specifically, attention has been focused on
contact angle [172] and of the liquid-liquid partition- the compression of particles in packed columns, and
ing properties of the cells [173]. Theories have been on the abrasion of particles in agitated systems [22,23,
proposed to treat cells as macroscopic ions to explain 1841. It has been observed that the mechanical prop-
binding of cells to charged surfaces [67, 174, 1751. The erties of the aggregate deteriorate at very high ag-
adsorption of proteins and other organic material on gregate cell concentrations [22, 1481. In a number of
surfaces prior to cell attachment and the possibility cases the treatment of gel particles with cross-linking
that cells produce extracellular or membrane polymers agents such as dialdehydes or diamines results in an
Immobilization of whole cells I333

aggregate with improved mechanical properties ES, of total volume occupied by ceils. The volumetric
185, 1863. fraction of cells in conventional suspension cultures
In certain cases the confinement of cells to large varies between 1 and 30 % [194]. Methods to increase
particles may enhance the overall rate of mass transfer. cell density in suspension cultures such as vacuum
The formation of mycelial pellets rather than the more fermentation to selectively remove growth inhibitors
open hyphal structure usually associated with mycelial and cell recycle systems have been successfully used to
growth dramatically reduces the solution viscosity, increase this fraction to as much as 607;. The cell
thus facilitating agitation and gas-liquid mass transfer packing density in some immobilized cell reactors,
11871. For mycelia immobilized within porous beads, however, approaches 100 “/, of the available volume
Gbewonyo and Wang [188] found that the limitation C961.
to oxygen transfer imposed by internal mass transfer There are several examples in the literature where
resistance within the beads was less severe than the electron microscopy has been used to examine the
limitation to oxygen transfer created by the increased effects of the close cell packing characteristic of some
viscosity of the free cells in solution. immobilization procedures. Scanning electron micro-
Hydrodynamic effects on the cells at the surface graphs of cells isolated from raw sewage adsorbed to
depend on the velocity field exterior to the aggregate. alumina and cordierite shown in Fig. 4 illustrate the
For suspended particles, the relative velocity depends high cell packing that can be achieved with this type of
critically on the density difference between the ag- immobilization [63]. The high volumetric fraction of
gregate and the suspending solution. Thus, the predic- Psetufomunascells immobilized on a Millipore filter as
tion of external mass transfer coefficients for im- well as some of the retained extracellular products
mobilized ceil particles is difficult [ 1891. Other prop- surrounding the cells [29] is shown in Fig. 5. Scanning
erties depending on buoyancy such as fluidization electron microscopy has been used to distinguish the
criteria are also affected [190]. different biofilm morphologies caused by distinct
The velocity field near a surface is also thought to organisms in mixed cultures [ 195, 1961.
have an effect on the transport of cells to and from the Transmission electron micrographs of E. coli and
surface. A number of experimental studies have been S. cerevisiae grown around asymmetric hollow fiber
performed to investigate the effects of surface shear membranes are shown in Figs 6 and 7 187, 961. Fission
stress on the overall rate of adsorption and desorption and budding, each indicative of cellular viability, can
with clean surfaces, but no clear trend has emerged be seen in both micrographs. The microbes are dis-
[143, 191-1933. torted by the pressure of the surrounding organisms,
A complete knowledge of the physical and chemical especially in the case of the individual yeast cells.
properties of immobilized cell aggregates, even if it Similar deformation of cells was also reported [197]
were available, would still be insufficient for an for growing yeast cells entrapped in a polycrylamide
understanding of their behaviour, since cell physiology gel. Laretta-Garde [198] reported that growing
must certainly be considered. The biochemical prop- Rhodopseudomonas capsulata cells exerted sufficient
erties of the cells are determined not only by the pressure to induce deformation of the surrounding
intrinsic attributes of the cells themselves, but also by calcium alginate gel.
the environment in the aggregate, which in turn
depends on physical processes in the aggregate. In the 4.2. Cell physiology
following section, we will consider the current state of The fundamental assumption usually made in mod-
research concerning the biological properties ofcells in eling the behaviour of immobilized cells is that the
the immobihzed state. cellular metabolism depends only on the microen-
vironment. This assumption cannot be correct for the
4. BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF IMMOBILIZED case of mammalian cells, many of which absolutely
CELLS require surface attachment for growth; therefore,
There are many examples in the literature showing physical interactions at the cell surface in some way
that cellular physiology and morphology sometimes regulate the metabolism of the cells. A number of
change upon immobilization. There are a number of reports have also appeared suggesting that certain
possible reasons for this. The immobilization pro- unicellular microorganisms may also exhibit an ac-
cedure can alter the metabolic activity or viability of celeration of their metabolic activities as a result of
the cells. As mentioned earlier, the microenvironment surface attachment. An alarming trend has developed
is often different than that of cells in a suspension in whichanomalous results obtained with immobilized
culture. In addition, the physical stresses that closely cells can be justified by an “enhanced activity” for cells
packed growing cells exert on one another and on the at a surface. It is therefore of some interest to review
support are not present in traditional fermentations. the available evidence for this effect and to consider if
These properties of immobilization often affect the and how it should be incorporated in models that
cells in a variety of ways which will be discussed below. predict the behaviour of immobilized cells.

4.1. Cell morphology 4.2.1. Efect of surfaces on the growrh of cells. The
The most obvious difference between an immobil- evidence for surface enhancement of growth rate falls
ized cell culture and a suspension culture is the fraction into three categories. In the first category, the growth

Fig. 4. (a) Scanning electron micrograph of cells immobilized on alumina. (b) Scanning electron micro-
graph of cells immobilized on cordierite (with permission [63]).

of cells at a surface leads to the periodic release of cells activity of the cells is lower than that of free cells for
into the medium. This effect has been ascribed to similar systems while the growth rate as determined
synchronous growth of the cells with desorption of one from the “generation time” seems to have increased
of the daughter cells following cell division, and the [200, 2051. This discrepancy has yet to be adequately
period has therefore been identified with the gener- explained.
ation time of the cells [199-2041, although this may In the second category, adsorption is observed to
not apply in all cases. In two of these experimental lead to a short-term increase in the respiration rate of
studies, it has been observed that the overall metabolic the cells at the surface [72,206,207]. It is unclear if the
Immobilization of whole cells 1335

Fig. 5. Scanning electronmicrograph of Pseudomonas urruyinosa grown on a Millipore filter. Extracellular

polysaccharide (EPS) filaments bind the microbes together (with permission (291).

increase in substrate utilization leads to an increase in from that of free cells. There is no consistent method
the growth rate of the cells. The third category of for predidting how the behaviour will differ. In a wide
results reflects the importance of surfaces as a selective variety of cases the reaction behaviour of immobilized
factor in microbial ecology. A number of investigators cells is essentially identical to the activity of free cells
have examined the relative contributions to the overall [54, 142, 210-2141. Since the simplest assumption is
metabolic activity in undefined mixed cultures of that the activity does not change on immobilization,
surface attached cells and free cells [208]. This topic the use of activity data obtained in solution to model
has been considered in some depth by Fletcher and the behaviour of immobilized cells is advocated.
Marshall [6], who point out that both increases and
decreases in activity can be observed. 4.2.2. Influence of immobilization method on cell
A number of theories have been advanced to explain t;iability.The method of entrapment or immobiliz-
these observations. There may be a selection of a sub- ation can reduce the culture viability. Some studies
population of cells by the adsorption process [5,209]. show that entrapment in a polyacrylamide gel destroys
Alternatively, it has been proposed that attachment viability in 5&90°/0 of the cells [149, 1971. The toxic
somehow alters the permeability of the cell membrane side effects to cells of polyacrylamide entrapment have
[6,206]. There may also be chemical interactions of the been studied in depth [215]. One investigation, how-
surface with compounds in the solution leading to a ever, indicates the respiration rate of a variety of cells
more favourable environment for the cells at the was unchanged after entrapment in a variety of
surface. It has been argued that surfaces are environ- polymers [SO]. In a study to determine the sensitivity
ments of high nutrient concentration because of the of cells to immobilization during different growth
adsorption of proteins or other organic materials phases, it was found that cells entrapped in a polymer
[5,6]. This argument seems reasonable only when gel while in a lag phase retained a greater fraction of
nutrient solutions are dilute and undefined as in viability compared with those immobilized during the
natural rather than in laboratory conditions, and when exponential growth phase [149]. As long as some of
the number of cells attached to the surface is small. the entrapped cells remain viable, the cells in the gel can
Given the variability of the results reported, the only grow to a desired density after entrapment. The
conclusion to draw is that under certain conditions the retention of viability is dependent both on the
metabolic activity of cells at surfaces will be different microorganism and the gelation conditions [197].
1336 STEVEN F. KAREL et al.

Fig. 6. Transmissionelectronmicrographof cross-sectionof E. coli immobilizedin the macropores of an
asymmetric hollow fiber membrane. The lumen fL) and the outer wall (S) are shown [227].

Comparable data on the retention of viability after foxide (DMSO) to allow enhanced release of products
entrapment behind a semipermeable membrane or [216-2181. The subject of cell permeabilization has
adsorption onto a porous matrix shows that the per been recently reviewed by Felix [2 193. Drioli et al. [83]
cent viability retained is very high. This is expected reported that the activity of Calda~~e~~a Qriduphiia
because the conditions of immobilization for both of increased when immobilized within cellulose acetate
these methods are very mild. and polysulfone membranes and hypothesize that this
is a result of the permeabilization of the ceil membrane
4.2.3. Permeabilization of cells. The permeabiiity of during the immobilization process. Intentional per-
the cell membrane can be changed upon immobiliz- meabilization of the cell membrane to increase pro-
ation, either as a side effect of the immobilization duction can succeed, but may also resuit in lower
method or by design. Several investigators have at- stability of the enzymes in the cell, perhaps due to the
tempted, with some success, to increase the per- toss of enzyme from the cells through the membrane
meability of plant cell membranes with dimethylsui- [220-J
Immobilization of whole ceils 1337

Fig. 7. Transmission electron micrograph of cross-section of yeast cells immobilized in the macropores ofan
asymmetric holiow fiber membrane. The lumen (L) of the fiber is designated [227].

Cell lysis is an extreme limit of cell membrane hypothesize that the reason for the increased stability
permeabilization. If cell viability is not important to to the protein denaturing agents is the physical
the desired catalytic activity, a crude enzyme mixture structure of the matrix which may hinder the action of
can be obtained by cell growth to synthesize a desired the denaturing agents. The partitioning effect of the gel
enzyme followed by cell lysis to expose the enzyme to may explain the increased resistance of the immobi-
the solution. Several investigators [221,224] have used lized cells to the organic solvents. Another reason for
this procedure to obtain reactors with high aspartase increased enzyme stability in immobilized cell systems
activity. In both cases, increased activity following lysis is suggested by Klibanov (I543. He notes that in the
indicated that intact cell membranes provided a signifi- event of cell lysis, the catalyst support may stabilize the
cant diffusive resistance. enzymatic activity of the lysate. This stems from the
buffering capacity attributed to some supports and the
42.4. Catalytic stability of immobilized ceils. physical protection that would help prevent the dis-
lmmobili~tion affords whole cells some protection sociation of oligomeric enzymes.
from physical and chemical challenges. Takata et al. One of the main concerns in the use of immobilized
[222,223] showed that the enzymatic activity of whole cell reactors is that of catalytic longevity. Cell protein is
cells immobilized in K-carrageenan gel beads is more constantly degraded and regenerated in whole cells
stable to environmental challenges than either free [224]. Only preliminary work has been performed to
whole cells or native enzymes. These challenges include determine whether protein degradation in immobi-
heat, pH changes, organic solvents or protein denatur- lized cells occurs at the same rate as in free cells in
ing agents. Similar results have been found in other gel- suspension culture [225]. If the cells do not reproduce
entrapped immobilized systems [220]. The authors themselves, and only degrade protein, a constant
1338 STEVEN F. KAREL et al.

decrease in catalytic activity will take place. In in a rc-carrageenan immobilized yeast system [232].
nutrient-limited sections of the reactor, continued cell Cell growth was reduced 50% and the volumetric
activity can take the form of cryptic growth, that is, productivity of ethanol was increased 120 o/0by intro-
proliferation of cells on the nutrients released by ducing successively higher glucose concentrations in
nearby lysed cells. Cryptic growth has been implicated the feed. The initial glucose concentration of 5 y0 (w/v)
in nutrient-limited areas of immobilized cell aggre- was increased in steps of 5% (w/v) until the final
gates [ 197, 2261. concentration of 25 o/0(w/v) was reached.

4.2.5. Immobilized resting ceils. Although some cell 4.2.6. Techniques for characterizing the metabolic
growth is desired in many microbial reactor systems, a and physical state of immobilized cells. There are a
high cell growth rate in an immobilized system can be variety of methods for investigating the metabolic state
deleterious in two ways. The cell growth diverts of immobilized whole cells. These vary from micro-
substrates and nutrients from product formation to scopic investigation of the catalyst particle to on-line
biomass production, and, as noted previously, often measurements of respiration and cellular activity
leads to operational difficulties [87, 1081. [233]. Calorimetric protein assays have been adapted
The disadvantages of continued microbial growth in for use with immobilized cells [234]. Cells that are
immobilized cell systems have led investigators to reversibly immobilized can be removed from their
search for methods of maintaining cell productivity support and then tested for their metabolic rate and
while slowing or stopping cell growth. One method viability. This method presumes that the actual ad-
which has been used is nutrient deprivation, usually of herence or entrapment of the cell does not affect the
nitrogen [146, 226, 227-J. Alternatively, antibiotics cellular metabolism.
which dissociate growth from metabolism or other A number of non-invasive spectroscopic techniques
metabolic inhibitors can be added to the medium [60, may be used to investigate the behaviour of im-
62, 149, 228, 2291. Temperature sensitive organisms mobilized cells. Methods for using nuclear magnetic
which cease to grow but maintain their viability above resonance spectroscopy (NMR) to allow in uivo obser-
a certain temperature may also be useful. vation of immobilized cell metabolism are being
Nutrient deprivation has been the most common developed in our laboratory and elsewhere [235]. The
method used to slow or stop cell growth. Inloes [226] fate of an isotope (e.g. 31P) can be determined by
grew ethanol-producing S. cerevisiae around hollow sequential scans which indicate the relative amounts of
fibers and then attempted to stop growth while phosphorylated intermediates and products. In ad-
sustaining ethanol production by substituting a ni- dition, 31P can yield some information about the pH
trogen deficient medium for the growth medium. distribution in the cell mass. Work on the investigation
Although the cell growth rate sharply decreased, the of free cell metabolism using NMR has been reviewed
production of ethanol dropped to less than loo/, of the [236]. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
rate in the growth medium. Repeated day-long in- (EPR) is a similar technique which has been used in the
fusions of growth medium at intervals of about 5 days investigation of the structure of immobilized enzymes
revived the cells, but increased production was only [237, 2383. Total reflection infrared spectroscopy
apparent while the growth medium perfused the [ 1721 and total reflection fluorescence [239] have been
system. Similar results were seen in other studies used to investigate the chemistry of cell-surface inter-
involving ethanol producing yeast [52,230] and with actions. Flow cytometry, a method recently developed
other microorganisms [147,227,231]. Furusaki ef al. for the investigation of the metabolism of free cells, has
[ill J successfully placed a different type of yeast, been applied to immobilized systems [240].
S. formosensis, into an ethanol-producing resting state Another non-invasive technique which can be used
using nitrogen deprivation. The success of this study to probe cell metabolism in the immobilized state is
may have been related to the fact that unlike the radioisotope labeling. This technique has been used to
L. delbruckii and S. cerevisiae described above, this study protein degradation [225] and the metabolic
yeast is not a fastidious organism and can grow on a activity of immobilized cells [225, 2411.
defined medium. It is clear that immobilization affects cellular metab-
The productivity of a nutrient deprived reactor can olism in at least some instances. The elucidation of the
be superior to that of a reactor operating under full effects of immobilization on the physiological and
growth conditions. Forberg et al. [146] attempted to morphological state of the cell is an important area of
reduce growth and retard the production of unwanted research. The special stresses and environment to
byproducts in a gel entrapped butanol producing which an immobilized cell is subject need to be better
Clostridium acetoburylicum fermentation by perfusing understood so that the variables which affect the cell
the reactor with nitrogen free medium and pulsing the can be manipulated advantageously.
reactor with growth medium for 15 min every 2,4 or 8.
The butanol production increased to 170% of its 5. INTERACHONS BETWEEN REACTION AND
growth phase value during the pulse-feed phase, while DIFFUSION IN IMMOBILIZED CELL SYSTEMS
the cell production dropped to 5 o/0of its value during The most important question which arises in the use
the growth phase. of immobilized cells is that of mass transfer resistance
Substrate inhibition was used to control cell growth either external to or within the immobilized cell
Immobilization of whole cells I339

aggregate. The reduced surface area of ceil aggregates in batch culture during the so-called stationary phase
and the presence of the support comprise additional when little if any growth occurs. Secondary metabohte
barriers to mass transfer relative to free cells in a well- production with immobilized cells has attracted atten-
mixed solution. This tends to lower the overall rate of tion in hope that the stationary phase may be pro-
reaction, as well as creating an environment within the longed [231,2465248]. Most experience shows, how-
aggregate different from the bulk solution. Living cells ever, that non-growing cells are unstable (see Sections
are quite sensitive to such changes in their environ- 4.2.4-4.2.5.).
ment. If thecells are growing within theaggregate, then In each of these cases, the emerging consensus is that
the existence of internal mass transfer limitations may in most cases immobilized living cell processes should
createa spatial distribution of the growth rate and thus be operated so that growth is very slow or intermittent.
redistribute the catalytic activity. The behaviour of Under such conditions, any reasonable model must
living cells is therefore a complex process, which only consider both rates of synthesis and degradation of cel1
in certain simple cases is amenable to the type of material, as well as the regulation of primary and
theoretical treatment which has been successful in secondary metabolism. This means that maintenance
describing immobilized enzyme systems. energy and cell lysis must certainly be taken into
account. Unfortunately, even in suspension cufture the
5.1. Intrinsic kinetics of immobilized cetls available experimental results have not been ad-
To understand the kinetics of immobilized cells, it equately modelled [249]. Considerably more work is
seems appropriate to start with the kinetics of free cells required to elucidate the regulation of the various
exposed to similar solution conditions. The rate of a cellular pathways at low growth rates or during
cellular reaction typically is first-order at vanishing@ starvation [250, 2.51). Cell recycle systems may be
small substrate concentrations and zero-order at useful in determining intrinsic properties of cells under
higher concentrations. The empirical Monod equation physiological conditions similar to those prevailing in
which is often used to describe cell growth is ident- immobilized cell systems.
ical in form to both the first-order Langmuir-
Hinshelwood and Michaelis-Menten equations.
Many other rate expressions nevertheless have the 5.2. Mass transfer and the observed reaction rate:
same asymptotic behaviour and give equally good examples
results when applied to cell systems [242, 2431. Mass transfer limitations are most striking in im-
Because these rate laws are bounded by the zero- and mobilized cell systems when the supply of oxygen to
first-order cases, the solutions of the problems combin- cells and the removal of carbon dioxide is required.
ing diffusion with these two simple rate laws are The transfer of oxygen from the gas phase to the liquid
valuable in that they can be applied as lower or upper phase has long been recognized as the major rate-
bounds to the general problem without requiring limiting step in the aerobic growth of cells in suspen-
detailed knowledge of the rate expression. sion [252). The high volumetric reaction rates
In some cases, more complex rate laws must be used. achieved with immobiiized cells shift the relative
Very high substrate concentrations can inhibit reac- importance of the resistance terms so that mass
tions. Product inhibition is even more likely to be transfer within the aggregate may be rate-limiting. To
observed in a typical immobilized cell process [244]. the extent that oxygen consumption can be modelled
The wide variety of reactions catalyzed by a single cell as a zero-order reaction, experimental and theoretical
means that side products cannot generally be ignored. results can be expressed in terms of the depth of a cell
The product selectivity in immobilized cell processes layer in which the oxygen is consumed. In biofilms, this
has been investigated in a number of studies [SS, 146, “critical distance” has been estimated in a number of
226, 229, 2451. situations as being between 50-100 p [IS]. Using gel-
If the immobilized cells are not growing, and entrapped Bacillus umy~oiiq~efaciens, Shinmyo and co-
especially if the cell membrane is no longer intact, the workers [253] found that cells grew only within 50 g of
reaction rate behaviour may be simple and formally the outer surface. in work with mold pellets, the range
similar to that of immobilized enzymes. If the ceils are of values reported by various observers for the “critical
intact and living, then the reaction rates are often radius” is considerably wider (80-2000 p) [34].
determined by regulatory processes or membrane A variety of methods have been suggested for
transport and therefore depend on the nutritional increasing the rate of oxygen transfer to immobilized
status of the cells. In that case, rate expressions may cells. Increasing the partial pressure of oxygen will
only be applicable over a narrow range of environ- increase the rate of mass transfer, but at the risk of
mental conditions. substrate inhibition [254]. Soluble oxygen carriers
Two important categories of processes using im- such as hemoglobin and perfluorocarbons [256] have
mobilized cells involve the use ofvery low but non-zero been used. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to supply
net growth rates. With primary metabolites, which are oxygen either through the natural catalase activity of
direct products of metabolism, rates of production are the cells or by an enzyme coimmobilized with the cells
highest at high cell growth rates. High growth rates [257,258]. The local generation of oxygen from water
cannot, however, be sustained in immobilized cel1 by photosynthetic or electrolytic means can also be
systems. In contrast, antibiotics are generally produced achieved [259, 2603. Among these methods only
1340 STEVEN F. KAREL er ai.
increasing the partial pressure of oxygen is suitable for 5.3.1. Problem formulation and simplz@cation. The
large-scale use at the present time. complex metabolism of a living cell encompasses many
As we mentions above, high concentrations of reactions with many substrates and products. In
waste products also limit the reaction rate. Mass assembling a framework for the mathematical rep-
transfer of products away from the aggregate is resentation of the mass transfer problem we allow an
therefore important. A common product is carbon arbitrary number of reacting species S with an ar-
dioxide, which can inhibit growth either directly [262] bitrary number of independent reactions N. Since the
or through its effect on the pH in the microenviron- distribution of cells and of cell activity within the
ment. At sufficiently high concentrations, nucleation immobilized region may be extremely non-uniform,
and bubble formation can occur [263, 2641. Bubbles we allow both the intrinsic reactivity R* (k = 1 . . . N)
formed in this manner can have a detrimental effect on and the effective diffusivity aj(j = 1 . . . S) to vary
the physical state of the catalyst [113, 1141. Gas with position r as welI as with the concentrations
removal is often an important aspect of reactor design C(r, t). ft is especially important to consider the effects
in the use of immobilized cells [265, 2661. of non-uniform effective diffusivity in that a number of
There may be compounds that are released and/or observers have reported a decline in total reaction rate
taken up by cells that are apparently unrelated to the with an increase in the number of cells, and have
reaction of practical interest yet play an important role attributed this effect to a decrease in effective diffus-
in determining the metabolic behaviour of the ceils. ivity with increasing cell number in the aggregate
Mass transfer of such compounds in the aggregate may [118, 135).
be important. An example is the role of metabolic To solve the equations governing the transport
intermediates and hormones in plant or animal cell processes and reactions in the aggregate, a number of
culture. Plant cells in culture differentiate preferen- simplifying assumptions are required. These will be
tially in the center of large aggregates [267]. The given below as {A I)-(AlO) in order of decreasing
growth of surface-dependent mammalian cells is de- generality, along with justification for each assumption
pendent on the number of ceils per unit surface area, and an indication of where and how previous workers
declining both at low and high surface coverages f268]. have diverged from these assumptions.
Both of these effects probably reflect the intervention
of some hormone or metabolic intermediate. A second
example involves the scavenging of toxic materials. (Al) The aggregate is isothermal. Unlike the situ-
Strictly anaerobic organisms may be protected from ation with heterogeneous catalysis in the gas phase on
trace quantities of oxygen by immobilization, as a supported metal catalysts, temperature gradients in an
result of the lowering ofthe diffusion rate of oxygen to immobilized cell aggregate will generally be negligible.
the cells while the scavenging activity of the cells is The Prater temperature AT is the maximum possible
maintained [266]. temperature difference between the interior and ex-
terior of a catalyst particle (or cell aggregate), hased on
a balance of the rates of substrate diffusion and heat
5.3. Mass trawfer and the observed reaction rate: conduction [272]:
Given the difficulty of conducting detailed and well-
controlled experiments with immobilized cells or en-
zymes, considerable effort has been exerted in applying where AN is the heat of reaction, C? the bulk substrate
the mathematical theory of reaction and diffusion in concentration, Z@is the effective substrate diffusivity in
porous media to these systems. A vast number of the aggregate, K is the partition coefficient of the
solutions of the differential equations involved using substrate in the aggregate and k is the thermal
various particular geometries and reaction rate ex- conductivity in the aggregate. Microbial processes that
pressions have been reviewed in the literature in the are aerobic have large heats of reaction, but the
context of biochemical reactions [23,26-28,189,269, solubility of oxygen in water (Cb) is quite low, which
270-J. The results of these calculations provide an leads to very small values of AT in essentially all
estimate of the actual reaction rate in an immobilized situations. For anaerobic processes such as the fermen-
system, based on estimates of the intrinsic reactivity tation of glucose to ethanol, the AT’ values may be
and the diffusivity of substrates, intermediates and higher. For the fermentation of glucose to ethanol and
products in the aggregate. carbon dioxide by yeast, AH is approximately
We will present in some detail the solutions most 35 kcal/mol [273]. A calculation using the figures for
generally applicable to immobilized cells with an diffusivity and thermal conductivity from free solution
emphasis on the asymptotic results. The various [274] shows that the maximum AT for the complete
particular solutions are cataloged in Table 4, but a conversion of a 1 M glucose solution is 0.13”G. Such a
minimum of discussion is devoted to them. We will rely small temperature rise will have little effect on the
extensively on the excellent two-volume treatise of Aris reaction rate. A heat balance is therefore not required
[271] in this section and the interested reader is for modelling the reaction behaviour at the level of the
referred to his book for a more detailed mathematical aggregate. On the other hand, heat transfer from the
treatment. particles in the reactor to the environment is an
Immobilization of whole cells 1341

Table 4. Theoretical analyses of reaction-diffusion with immobilized cells and enzymes: literature summary

Authors Year Kinetics+ CommentsS Ref.

Harremoes 1976 0 A, B, F, Z
Shieh et al. 1982 0 A, B, W, Z
Rodrigues et al. 1983 0 B,KZ 323
Goldman and Katchalski
Rovito and Kittrell
Kim and Cooney I976 1 &WV
Gondo 1977 1 J%R,X
Rony 1971 0, 1 E,H,W [;:;I
Matson and Characklis 1975 0. 1 p, w Cl211
Webster and Shuler 1978-1981 0, 1 CE,H,T,X [286, 326, 3271
Atkinson er al. 1968 3 4WP.W [33, 269, 3281
Atkinson et al. 1968 3 .%B,F,V
Engasser and Horvath 1973-1976 3 C,E,X E:? 2821
Fink, Na and Schultz 1973 3 C.&X I3291
Atkinson ef al. 19741976 3 A,B,E,M,W [303, 330,331]
Hamilton er al. 1974 3 A,E,X [:;y, 3321
Maxham and Hickman 1974 3 A,CP,X
Waterland et al. 1974, 1975 3 E,H,F,V [93, 2831
Georgakis ef al. 1975 3 E,G.R,W E:::j 3341
Dahodwala et al. 1976 3 C,E,F,MX
Jennings er al. 1976 3 RXZ C3361
Williamson and McCarty 1976 3 B,W,A 1120, 2971
Rittmann and McCarty 1978-1982 3 AB,S,F,X.Z [140, 142, 210, 300, 3373
Buchholz et al. 1979-1982 3 C,E,F.X.B 5;;g;4. 3 161
Pedersen and Horvath 1981 3 E,Y,Z
Yamane er al. 1981 3 A,C,E,G.X E:~:j 3391
Andrews 1982 3 P,S,W,Z.A
Do er al. 1982 3 A,C,E,N,W [;;T, 34&342]
Ruckenstein and Kalthod 1982 3 E.M,W.C
Benelield and Molz 1983 3 P,M,Z,W
Rittmann and Dovantzis 1983 3 B,M,X [Zj
Moo-Young and Kobayashi 1972, 1973 3,4 C,E,G,P,F.W [ 127,296, 3443
Shuler et al. 1972, 1973 3,4 C,E,Y,C 1278, 2791
Lin 1977-1979 3,4 E,X,Z [345-347)
Atkinson and Rahman 1979, 1982 3.4 A,P.X,Z,D
Engasser and Horvath 1973-1976 4 C,E,Y E::? 3491
Bailey and Chow 1974 4 E, M,W,C c3@51
Ramachandran et al. 1975, 1976 4 E,M,R,X 5:::j35”l
Jin and Wang 1982 5 M,P,R,W
Leypoldt and Gough 1981, 1982 6 A,E,M.G,X
Verhoff and Goldstein 1982 7 D,E,M,W

+O,Zero-order kinetics, R = k, ; 1, first-order kinetics, R = k,C; 3, hyperbolic kinetics (e.g. Michaelis Menten),
R = k,C/(k, +C); 4, substrate and/or product inhibition, R = k,C/(k, +k,C +C’); 5, substrate and product inhibition,
R = k, exp (k2 ~ li,C); 6, “ping-pang” kinetics, R = k,ClC2/(k2CI + k3C2 +CIC2); 7, reversible enzymatic reaction, R
= k, (C, - k,C,)/(k, + kdC2 + C,). Where: R = intrinsic reaction rate; Ci = concentration; ki = rate constant.
*A, Algebraic approximation or asymptotic results; B, biofilms; C, effectiveness factor charts; D, decay of enzymatic activity;
E, immobilized enzymes; F, comparison to experimental data; G, generalized Thiele modulus; H, hollow fiber reactor;
M, multiple substrates or products; N, non-uniform cell distribution; P, mycelial pellets or floes; R, reaction network;
S, calculation of steady-state cell number; T, transient analysis; V, internal mass transfer plus laminar flow in outer region;
W, internal mass transfer only; X, external and internal mass transfer resistance; Y, external mass transfer only; Z, includes
overall reactor performance model; A, “ deep” film; B, “operational” effectiveness factor; C, includes electrostatic potential;
D. particle size distribution.

important consideration in reactors that are poorly own concentration gradient). Other effects such as
mixed (e.g. packed beds) [275]. convective transport within the aggregate [276, 2771
and the transport of ions in the presence of an
(A2) Fick’s law governs the process of diffision in electrostatic potential [278-2811 are also neglected in
the aggregate. In general, the driving force for dif- this treatment.
fusion of a single component depends on the concen-
tration gradients of all the components in the mixture. (A3) The aggregate can be represented as a homo-
This is, however, only important when large absolute geneous phase. The immobilized cell aggregate is
gradients in concentration occur, which is rarely the composed of a number of different materials which
case with immobilized cells. We will assume that the may or may not be homogeneously dispersed.
simplest form of Fick’s law governs the diffusive Nevertheless, it is generally assumed that the aggregate
transport (each component flux depends only on its may be represented as a locally homogeneous phase
1342 STEVEN F. KAREL~~ al.

characterized at any point by a single concentration of species everywhere in the aggregate is required. Full
each chemical species and that these concentrations solutions of eq. (2) are rarely needed in the context of
can be used in the kinetic expressions for the cell immobilized cell processes. The time dependence of
activity. We will assume that transport across cell eq. (2) is, however, of primary importance in traveling
membranes is incorporated in the intrinsic cellular wave solutions of the diffusion equation. One appli-
reaction rate expressions. cation of these solutions has been as models for
The assumption of a homogeneous aggregate is morphogenesis and differentiation in biological sys-
required because of the difficulty of describing both the tems. These models are outside the scope of this review
local structure of, and the interactions of the com- but have been considered in depth elsewhere [271,284,
ponents within, the aggregate. These interactions may 2851.
modify some of the parameters in the rate law. To neglect the time dependence, the characteristic
Unfortunately, the unambiguous determination of time for the establishment of a steady-state concen-
such parameters from experiments with immobilized tration profile (L.‘/g) must be short compared to the
cells is rarely possible because of the very mass transfer time scale over which conditions in the reactor change.
limitations being modelled. The use of rate constants If so, one can set the left-hand side of eq. (2) equal to
determined for free cells in solution in the absence of zero. This assumption is valid in most practical cases,
any mass transfer limitations is therefore advocated. so that it is easier to consider the exceptions case by
Using (Alk(A3), a set of non-linear partial differen- One such exception is the experimental determi-
tial equations can be derived from local mass balances nation of effective diffusivity in immobilized cell
to describe the spatial and temporal variations of the aggregates from the uptake or release of a tracer [ 118,
concentrations Cj(r, t) of the S species based on the N 286). A second example of practical importance is the
independent reaction rates R,(C, r). Each rate is discontinuous use of immobilized cell sensors [3S].
expressed in terms of consumption of a given substrate Equations similar to those that would apply for an
k: immobilized cell sensor have been examined in the
context of dissolved oxygen probes [287].
I=V*G@jVC,- 2 q5*Rk, j=l,2 ,..., S. (2) A second exception arises when there are changes in
at L=, the intrinsic activity of the catalyst. The deactivation of
Here Sj(C, r) is the effective diffusivity of species j and enzymes under conditions of mass transfer limitation
& is a stoichiometric coefficient defined as the number has been considered by a number of authors
of moles of species j consumed per mole of species k [288-2911. The most important result of these investi-
consumed. According to this definition, qj = 1. gations is the suggestion that diffusional artifacts may
be responsible for the apparent longevity of im-
(A4) A partition coeficient and a mass transfer mobilized enzyme or cell preparations. With im-
coeficient define external transport to the particle. The mobilized cells, the possibility of growth under mass
boundary conditions are given by flux matching and transfer limitations leads to additional complications,
the assumption of equilibrium between internal (Cf’) since the evolution in time of the catalyst distribution
and external (Cf’) concentrations at the surface is itself is thus determined at least in part by the ability of
represented by a partition coefficient (Kj): substrates to diffuse in the aggregate.
Oscillatory behaviour might also preclude the
C+ = K .C”’ (2a) steady-state assumption. As we mentioned previously,
I I J.
We assume that the external flux ofeach component to sustained periodic behaviour has been observed for the
the surface ( Jj) depends only on a single mass transfer growth of cells on surfaces [198-2031. The intentional
coefficient (k,)j which characterizes the hydrody- periodic supply of nutrients has also been used with
namics in the bulk, and on the bulk concentration Cg. immobilized cells [147, 2921. It is as yet unclear
Thus the flux per unit area evaluated at the surface in whether mass transfer is important in these situations.
the direction normal to the surface (n) is:
(A6) The efects of non-unijorm cell distribution
Jj = (k&(Cjb -Cf’) = - Sjo-VCj. (2b) can be separated from species concentration eficts. A
In some reactor geometries it is possible to avoid the cell is typically described as being a self-contained unit
use of a mass transfer coefficient by solving both the whose reactive properties depend only on the local
differential equations for convection-diffusion out- environment. The spatial distribution of various en-
side the aggregate and the reaction-diffusion problem zymatic activities within the aggregate is then given
inside the aggregate and coupling the two solutions only by the distribution of active cells. The intrinsic
directly. This works best in well-defined laminar flow reaction rate fk (C) can therefore be separated from the
situations such as those found in certain fixed-film cell distribution X(r):
reactors [282] and hollow-fiber reactors [283].
& (C r) = X (r)X (C). (3)
(A5) The aggregate is at steady-state. If the time- An exception to this assumption would be the case
dependent form of eq. (2) is to be solved, an initial of coimmobilized mixed cultures in which the spatial
condition specifying the concentrations of all the distributions of the species are different. This excep-
Immobilization of whole cells 1343
tion is commonly observed in biofilms in waste /Ij, which is a ratio of rates of external and internal
treatment processes [29, 1951. Differing spatial distri- mass transfer.
butions have been analysed theoretically oniy for the The full solution to the problem posed above is
case of simple competition of two motile species for a given by the set of concentration profiles wj (x). For the
single diffusing substrate [293 J_ Interactions among most part, one is not interested in these detailed
populations are complicated by the heterogeneous profiles. The most useful way to present results is in
environment caused by immobilization, which for terms of an effectiveness factor given by:
example allows the coexistence of competitors with
differing surface affinities [294].
Similarly, one might assume that the diffusivity is
independent of substrate and product concentrations,
4k =
U v.
RI,(C(r), r) d v
I/[s “,
R, (C*,
r) d V

but not necessarily independent of the concentration or, in our case:

of cells. The influence of cell number X(r) is given in 1
this case by a spatial distribution of the effective
‘Ik = b+ l) +‘aCQk (w(x)) dx
diffusivity of a reference component g1 (r). One might s
also assume that the diffusivity of all the species varies
with cell number in the same manner, so that for each (6b)
6, = gj(C, r)/s,(r) = af/g:. (4) As defined here, the effectiveness factor is the ratio of
the actual overall rate of a given reaction to the rate
One possible instance in which this assumption might
which would prevail in the absence of mass transfer
fail arises from the fact that the diffusivity of a gas may
limitations. With this definition, the effectiveness fac-
vary with cell concentration differently than the diffus-
tors ‘I* approach unity when the Thiele moduli &k
ivity of an ion because of the hydrophobicity of the cell
become vanishingly small. Other authors have pre-
membrane. The assumption may also fail if high
ferred to define effectiveness factors with respect to the
molecular weight compounds are involved (see Section
rate evaluated at the bulk concentrations, in which case
a partition coefficient appears in the asymptotic value
of qk for small & [278, 279, 29.51.
(A7) The problem can be reduced to depend on a
single spatial variable.If only the overall reaction rate
of the system is of primary interest, it has been shown (A8) The problem can be reduced to depend only on
that the solutions for essentially all geometries depend a single concentration. Many problems involving sev-
primarily on a single length scale (L) which is given by eral chemical species can be simplified. If the number of
the ratio of aggregate volume (V,) to aggregate surface diffusing species (S) is greater than the assumed
area (A,) [271]. We can therefore express eq. (2) in number of independent reactions (N), then the number
terms of a single spatial component of r normal to the of differential equations to be solved can be reduced by
surface which we will refer to as z. using appropriate combinations of the equations.
As an example, the applicable analysis for the
At this point we prefer to rewrite the simplified important case of two co-diffusing substrates or the
version of eq. (2) incorporating assumptions (Al k(A7) case of a single substrate and a single product of a
in terms of non-dimensional parameters. A parameter single reaction is shown below. For each species
p is used to allow a generalized coordinate system j= 1,2:
(p = 0 Cartesian; p = 1 cylindrical; p = 2 spherical).
Physical properties are non-dimensionalized with re- 0 = 6ixPP&[xPh(x) z)-or,d’a(x)h(l)g(w(x)).
spect to those of the reference compound j = 1.
0 = djx-p& xPh(x)z -,$, ajk+th(l) Combining the two equations to eliminate the rate
> term and integrating:

x a(x)g,(w(x)), j = 1, . . . , S (5)

dwj -0
(5a) x x-~$ xPh(x)$$


x= 1: pj(l-Wj(1)) =
1_X=* . wt(l)-wl(x) = (S,a,/S,a2)(wI(1)-wWI(x)).
Equation (9) gives an algebraic relationship between

Parameter definitions are given in the Nomenclature. the two concentrations which is valid at all points
The two important dimensionless parameters which within the aggregate independent of the form of the
govern the behaviour of the problem are the reaction rate expression. If the external mass transfer
Thiele modulus &, which is a ratio of rates of reaction resistance is negligible, w1(1) = w2( 1) = 1. This ex-
and internal diffusion, and the modified Biot number, pression can be substituted back into the rate term
1344 STEVEN F. KAREL~I al.

g(w,(x), w2(x)) to obtain a new expression g’(w(x)). kinetics under various conditions, as well as deriving
This substitution drastically reduces the parameter the asymptotic expressions for q at large and small 4
space which must be examined when using a numerical for arbitrary kinetics. They found that the effects were
solution technique, as has been shown most effectively relatively small. The assumption of a uniform distri-
by Moo-Young and Kobayashi in their calculations bution has been used to derive a lower bound for the
using Michaelis-Menten kinetics with product in- effectiveness factor for the non-uniform case [320].
hibition [296]. The inability to measure an activity distribution which
When more than one substrate is involved in the prevails in most experimental conditions precludes the
reaction, (e.g. living cells), it is essential to determine use of refined models with an activity distribution. In
which substrate is exhausted first. This influences the the most common case of a non-uniform activity
cell physiology and indirectly the physical properties distribution, that of a thin active layer near the surface
of the aggregate. This problem has been examined for a of the aggregate, results are easily obtained by a
number of immobilized enzyme and cell processes redefinition of the length scale (L) as the ratio of the
[297-3021. The combination of equations given above volume of the active layer to the external surface area.
can be used to derive substrate exhaustion criteria in a This also applies to the common case of a biofilm on an
direct manner [303, 3043. inert support particle [321].
The use of theoretical results to predict the effects of
product inhibition is of special interest because it is Using all of the preceding assumptions (Alk(Al0)
particularly difficult to diagnose product inhibition the form of the equation obtained is that which is most
effects directly from experiments [305]. A formidable often considered: a single reaction at steady-state, with
problem arises from product inhibition caused by the uniform intrinsic activity and constant effective
generation of hydrogen ions. Here the buffering diffusivity.
capacity of the cells and of the medium must be
considered, as well as the highly non-linear dependence X -P_ = d2g'(w(x)) (10)
of reaction rate on the pH. Theoretical treatments have dX

been advanced for certain simplifications of the prob- BC 1: [dw/dx],,, = 0 (104

lem [ 130,306,307].
BC 2: [dw/dx], = 1 = /?(l -w:(l)) (lob)
(A9) There is only a single reaction taking BC 2’: for p $ 4, w(3) .= 1 (lk)
place. Although cells have a number of independent
enzymatic activities which operate simultaneously, we note also that ri = [dw/dx], = i /&2 (1Od)
will assume that only one reaction of importance needs 42 = X,,f (c*)L2/c*Y (1Oe)
to be considered. The ability to model reaction net-
works in immobilized cells is likely to be important, # = k,L/WK. (IOf)
especially with the development of-systems with mul-
If solutions of the reaction-diffusion eq. (10) are to
tiple populations which are coimmobilized, as for
be used to make quantitative predictions of reaction
example in methanogenesis [308]. There is very little
rate, especially in the vicinity of r#~= 1, then numerical
work which relates to this problem specifically with
techniques are required for the solution of the equa-
immobilized cells, although various reaction networks
tion with a particular kinetic expression g’(w). In
have been considered in the context of immobilized
Table 4, a list of solutions which have been generated
enzymes [30!-3 161. This work demonstrates the feasi-
to equations of the general form of eqs (5) and (10) in
bility of solving problems numerically, but also points
the context of immobilized cells and enzymes is given,
out the difficulty of generalizing the results to other
classified by the kinetic expression used. Where general
systems. The effect of diffusion on the selectivity (ratio
solutions are given, these may take the form of a plot of
of reaction rates of two reactions in a network) has
Thiele modulus vs effectiveness factor, or of algebraic
been considered extensively in the chemical engineer-
approximations to the exact solution, as noted in the
ing literature [271,317]. Most of the focus in the
biochemical engineering literature has been on the case
The definition of the Thiele modulus 4 given in eq.
where the end-product of a series of consecutive
(lOe), when applied to MichaelissMenten kinetics,
enzymatic reactions is desired [3 121.
(AlO) There is no spatial dependence of the diffus- C#P = V_L2/(Km +c*)Y. (11)
iviry or the intrinsic activity. As noted previously, the
growth or death of cells can lead to a spatial distri- In addition to this definition [339], previous investi-
bution of the catalytic activity a(x). Using a step- gators have used a number of different definitions for
function rate law for growth, Lauffenburger and co- the Thiele modulus when modeling Michaelis-Menten
workers [3 1S] have predicted steady-state distri- kinetics, including the moduli which apply in the zero-
butions of motile cell populations growing in the order limit [126,346] and the first-order limit [Zl, 241.
presence of nutrient mass transfer limitations. Do and While technically acceptable, the utility is diminished
Bailey [319] have considered the effects of non- as the Thiele modulus no longer reflects the ratio of the
uniform activity distributions on Michaelis-Menten bulk reaction rate to the maximum rate of diffusion,
Immobilization of whole cells 1345

and 4 > 1 can no longer unequivocally serve as a test The results of using the generalized modulus defined
of diffusional intrusions in the kinetics. in (12b) are shown in Fig. 8 for Michaelis-Menten
Situations where the rate of reaction increases with kinetics. The use of this form of the Thiele modulus
extent of conversion (e.g. substrate inhibition) can accounts for almost all of the variation in the effective-
result in the existence of more than one steady-state ness factor except in the vicinity of c$* = 1.
solution for a given value of the external concen- The major objection to this general approach is that
tration. In such cases the effectiveness factor for the this modulus may be difEcuIt to calculate. This objec-
substrate can exceed unity. Qualitative results dictat- tion, however, applies equally well to any approach
ing the existence or absence of multiple solutions can requiring a knowledge of the intrinsic rate parameters.
be obtained by considering an algebraic analogue of One way to circumvent this problem may be the use of
the differential equations describing reaction-diffusion an observable modulus as suggested by Weisz [354]:
[352]. Q, = ?$2 = ROb,L2/C*9. (13)
5.3.2. Asymptotic solutions and generalized moduli. The parameter Q, contains only the observed reaction
The Dirichlet problem applies when external mass rate without any assumption about the form of the rate
transfer resistance is negligible or fl% 4. In this case law. For 4 d 1, r~+ 1 and 0 4 1. For r$ $=-1, r,~-D l/#~
asymptotic solutions for the effectiveness factor q are and @ + 1. This observable parameter can thus serve as
easily obtained for arbitrary kinetics for either 4 % 1 a test for diffusional limitations. The calculated ef-
or + G 1. For I#JB 1, the concentration profile is fectiveness factor can be plotted against this modulus,
homogeneous throughout the aggregate, so that q = 1 as shown in Fig. 9 [354]. On the other hand, for the
by defintion. For C#+ 1, the reaction occurs in a thin case of immobilized cells, the evaluation of this
layer near the outer surface so that one is justified in modulus should not be regarded as an infallible test.
using the equation in Cartesian coordinates [353]: For example, reductions in reaction rate as a result of
d2w/dxZ = d’g’(w). product inhibition coupled with diffusion cannot be
directly assessed in this manner.
Changing variables to u = dw/dx, and integrating:
The solution to the Dirichlet problem suggests that
the overall rate increases proportionally to r# as

u2(x) = 242 2g’(w’) dw’
I V(X= 0) 4 + a\. For finite values of the Biot number p, the

boundary condition given in (lob) indicates that this
and q=+-’ ’ 2g’(w’)dw’ . cannot be the case, and that for 1 4 /3 4 4 the appro-
[S w(I=o) priate expression is:
For very large 4, the substrate concentration dimin-
ishes rapidly within the aggregate so that w(x = 0) - 0. rl = b/92 = kLC*/X,,, / (C*) LK = l/Da (14a)
Thus the asymptotic value of 9 is given by:
112 where Da is a Damkohler number. As before, an

external observable modulus can be defined:
qG4-1 1 2g’(w’) dw’ . (124
U 0 R = qDa = R,b,L/kLCb. (14b)
Traditionally, a generalized Thiele modulus 4’ is

No explicit assumptions about the rate law are required

defined so that q = l/4* when #* + 1, so that
to evaluate the parameter Ll, which indicates external
2g’(w’) dw’
1 . UW
diffusion control as R -+ 1 and kinetic control for
R6 1.

Fig. 8. Effectiveness factor as a function of the generalized Thiele modulus c#Pfor Michaelis-Menten kinetics
(redrawn from [271]).
I346 STEVEN F. KAREL et al.
1.0 _ , 1 , , , ,,,I


0.1 _=

Fig. 9. Calculated effectiveness factor as a function of the observable modulus Q, (redrawn from [3543).

The mass transfer coefficient kL depends on the depth [269], the cell concentration [ 136,305,355] and
particular reactor configuration. Expressions for the the enzymatic activity ofthe individual cells [290,356].
estimation of k, are available for suspended particles, Modifying the hydrodynamics by manipulating the
for particles in a packed bed, and for flow over surfaces rate of agitation in a vessel or the superficial velocity in
[189, 3241. It is difficult to estimate k, accurately in a fixed bed allows for a test of external mass transfer
many situations, most notably in the case of im- resistance [22,325]. In these direct methods, care must
mobilized cell particles that are almost neutrally be taken that the mechanical properties of the ag-
buoyant. For suspended particles kL is estimated using gregate are not altered.
a correlation for the Sherwood number Sh = k,d,/B * There are also indirect methods to infer the presence
where d, is the aggregate diameter and a* is the of mass transfer resistance. Variation of the reaction
diffusivity in the bulk solution. For a sphere suspended temperature allows the calculation of an apparent
in a stagnant fluid, Sh = 2, while for spheres moving in activation energy. Under mass transfer control, the
a fluid the values of Sh increase somewhat, depending apparent activation energy is depressed [23, 26, 2911.
on the buoyancy [189]. The so-called unstirred or The variation of substrate concentration to determine
“Nernst” layer thickness is a fictitious distance that an apparent rate law may also be an indicator.
reflects the value of (d,/Sh), and thus cannot be Observation of an increased apparent K, is often
measured directly. associated with mass transfer resistance. Although the
Since in general Sh > 1, the Biot number Lineweaver-Burk plot commonly used to determine
p = k,L./zZK is likely to be less than unity only when the parameters for Michaelis-Menten kinetics is non-
reaction is localized near a surface (d, g L). External linear when mass transfer resistances are present, the
mass transfer control in the absence of internal normal scatter in experimental data may obscure this
limitations is therefore expected to be observed pri- effect [26,336].
marily with surface attached cells. Nevertheless, the If information can be obtained about local substrate
presence of external diffusion resistance is an import- concentration or cell distribution within the aggregate,
ant limiting factor at very high reaction rates. these may also serve as a test of the presence of mass
transfer. Microscopic techniques are useful for this
5.4. Experimental detection of mass-transfer purpose, as discussed in Section 4.1. Microprobes have
limitations been used to measure local oxygen concentrations
The detailed experimental verification of a reaction- within immobilized cell aggregates [134, 3571.
diffusion model of immobilized cell metabolism is a As a result of the difficulty of characterizing im-
difficult proposition, owing to experimental uncer- mobilized cell aggregates, a detailed experimental
tainties in assessing the activity of the cells, the effective verification of the theory of combined reaction and
diffusivity and the distribution of cells in the aggregate. diffusion has not been possible to date. The available
Those studies in which some comparison between evidence does, however, suggest that understanding
theory and experiment was attempted are noted in the effects of mass transfer is of the utmost importance
Table 4. in the use of immobilized cells.
A simple and useful technique which can be used is
the variation of experimental conditions over a wide 6. REACTOR CONFIGURATIONS FOR IMMOBILIZED

range of at least one of the parameters making up the CELLS

Thiele modulus. This serves as a test for the presence of The choice of a reactor design for an immobilized
mass transfer limitations. Experimentally accessible cell process is dictated by the nature of the mass
parameters which have been used for this purpose transfer requirements. Such concerns are the supply
include the particle size [125, 127, 136, 3053 or film and removal of gases, the supply and removal of
Immobilization of whole cells 1347
solutes in the liquid phase and possibly the removal of use of gas-permeable tubing as a support has also been
solids (cells) from the reactor. To meet these varied applied to animal cell culture, where the cells adhere to
requirements, a number of different reactor configur- the interior surface while liquid passes through the
ations have been considered for use with immobilized inside [361].
cells. These form three categories, depending on the
location of the cell aggregates: 6.2. Moving surface reactors
In this reactor category, mass transport is enhanced
(1) particles or large surfaces which are fixed in space;
by the movement of large surfaces within the reactor.
(2) large moving surfaces and
Rotating biological contactors (RBCs) contain a
(3) particles suspended and mixed in solution.
number of rotating discs on a shaft in a vessel partially
Reactors can be further subdivided into two classes or completely filled with liquid. Biofilms grow on the
based on the gas transport requirements, and therefore surfaces of the discs. RBCs have been operated in a
whether they contain two (liquid-solid) or three completely submerged mode for the denitrilication of
(gas-liquid-solid) phases in the reactor. The design of wastewater [362,363].
two-phase reactors is considerably simpler than the In the three-phase case, the surface is alternately
design of three-phase reactors. Two-phase reactors are exposed to gas and liquid, and as before gas transport
therefore preferable if bubble formation can be occurs across a thin liquid film. In addition to partially
avoided. Even in fermentations in which all the submerged RBCs [30,364], roller bottles and other
nutrients are liquids, gaseous end-products (CO1, N,, more complex devices used for mammalian cell culture
CH,) must be removed if large amounts are formed, [69] fall into this category. These systems are well-
thus necessitating the design of a three-phase reactor. defined and easily controlled, but it is difficult to
Three-phase reactors are generally required when maintain a reasonable surface area to volume ratio in
gaseous nutrients must be supplied, although in a scale-up.
limited number of applications all the reactants and
products can be transferred directly between solid 6.3. Mixed particle reactors
(cell) and gas phases, so that two-phase gas-solid Reactors in which liquid and solid phases are mixed
reactors can be used [358]. include fluidized beds and stirred tanks. Two-phase
reactors are generally limited to anaerobic operation.
6.1. Stationary particle or surface reactors In microcarrier culture of animal cells, however,
The most common reactor configuration used with sufficient oxygen supply has been achieved by diffusion
immobilized cells is that of a packed bed of particles. through silicone tubing [365]. Nevertheless, oxygen
Packed beds of immobilized cell aggregates have been transfer usually requires the intimate mixing of all
used at the industrial scale [I3 3. The advantages of three phases.
packed beds include simplicity of operation and Three-phase mixed particle reactors are quite widely
reasonably high mass transfer rates. Problems in the used. A well-established example of such systems is the
operation of packed beds include obstruction by use of tower fermentors with flocculant organisms
uncontrolled cell growth [109], compression of the [349, 3661. A variety of fluidized, semi-fluidized or
particles leading to excessive pressure drops [22, 251 expanded bed reactors in which the particles are
and inadvertent formation of gas bubbles [265, 2661. suspended and mixed by the upflow of gas and liquid
For these reasons, simple packed beds are applicable has been envisaged [25, 3663691. The flow pattern,
primarily when nonviable cells are used. and consequently the liquid and gas hold-up which can
There are a number of similar systems in which the be achieved, depends on the particle density and flow
cells are fixed at a surface while the liquid flows past. rates [78, 3691. Particle densities can change with
These include hollow-fiber [96,97] or spiral-wound growth of the biofilm, thus complicating the analysis
[359] membrane cartridges, the “Biological Film [370,196]. The design of two-phase and three-phase
Reactor” [282] and gels coated onto a fixed wire fiuidized bed bioreactors is an area of intense interest,
support [266]. Cell growth and product removal is but as yet there has been little agreement on the correct
more easily controlled in such systems than in packed approach to the design of these systems [141,321,366,
beds. 369-3731.
In the three-phase versions of these reactors, the
flow of liquid and gas alternates over any point on the 7. SUMMARY
support, so that gas transport occurs across a thin film Immobilized cell systems can be prepared using a
wetting the surface. This reactor type is typified by the variety of adsorption, entrapment, containment or
trickle bed [65, 3601, which is the three-phasecorollary aggregation techniques. The methodology is well
of the packed bed. Spiral wound membranes [85] and developed and has been applied to microorganisms,
porous ceramic monoliths [74] with immobilized cells cultured animal and plant cells, and subcellular or-
have also been operated in this fashion. ganelles for a number of applications [9]. Early studies
The use of membrane reactors with two types of have focused primarily on the direct measurement of
membrane, one liquid-permeable and one gas- the catalytic activity and stability of the immobilized
permeable, allows transport across two distinct sur- cell system. These measurements, combined with the
faces, both in close proximity to the cells [99, 1581. The prudent application of the theory of reaction and
1348 STEVENF. KAREL et al.

diffusion in porous catalysts, may be adequate for the 4 aggregate diameter, L

design of systems using non-living cells as enzymatic Da Damkohler number, X,,,f(C*)L./k,C*
catalysts. This information is in general not sufficient T2,(C. r) effective diffusivity of species j in aggregate,
for analysis and design in the emerging technology L2T-’
using immobilized living cells. diffusivity of species j in free solution
In this review we call attention to certain aspects of diffusivity of reference species (j = 1) in free
the behaviour of immobilized cell systems which have solution
an indirect but important influence on the overall X(C) rate expression for reaction k, (mol k) T-l
reactivity. An understanding of the fundamental (cell mass) - ’
properties underlying the behaviour of immobilized c?*(w) =f*(C)/&(C*), dimensionless rate expres-
cells is critical to both the improvement of established sion for reaction k
techniques and the development of novel ones. These g’ (w) pseudo one substrate rate expression (dimen-
properties include: sionless)
h(x) = 9i (.z)/_%?:, dimensionless effective diffus-
dell physiology. The environment and growth rates
ivity distribution
characteristic of immobilized cell processes are quite
different from those in conventional processes, and JI flux of species j to the surface, (mol j)
the behaviour of the cells under these conditions
k thermal conductivity, cal/“C cm s
must be elucidated.
(kL)i mass transfer coefficient for species j to ag-
-cell mobility. The degree to which living cells can
gregate surface, L T - ’
move within and escape from the support is an
K, partition coefficient for species j
important determining factor of the dynamic be-
K, Michaelis constant, mol L- 3
haviour of immobilized cell catalysts.
L characteristic length scale, L
-interactions among the cells, support and
surface normal vector
solution. Physical properties of an immobilized cell
fG number of independent reactions
aggregate depend not only on the support material
P = (0, 1,2), symmetry parameter
but also on the cell loading, and as such complicates
4 characteristic parameter in effective diffus-
any attempts to estimate a priori physical properties
ivity estimation
such as the effective diffusivity of solutes in the
position vector, L
k,CC, r) rate of reaction (consumption) of species k,
With an improved understanding of these physical (molk)L-3T-1 {k=l,...,N}
and biochemical properties, fundamental engineering R ohs overall observed rate, mol L- 3 T-i
techniques and formalisms developed in the chemical S number of chemical species
engineering literature for describing combined reac- Sh (k,),d,@T, Sherwood number
tion and mass transfer could be applied to analyse the t time, T
overall performance of immobilized living-cell sys- f4 dwldx
tems. The ability to predict the behaviour of these “X volume fraction of cells in aggregate
systems is required to facilitate the design and optimiz- “P
volume fraction of polymer in aggregate
ation of immobilized cell reactors and to make them a K aggregate volume, L3
viable alternative to conventional microbial processes. V-
rate constant in Michaelis-Menten equation,
mol L-’ T-i
wJ (x) = C, (z)/CT, dimensionless concentration of
NOTATION species j
Note: subscripts j and k, which refer to diffusing = z/L, dimensionless distance
and reacting components respectively, are omitted in %r, distribution of active cells, (cell mass) Lm3
cases where only one species or one reaction is X BYC catalytic activity per unit volume, (cell mass)
involved. L-3T-1

yield coefficient, (mol j) (mol k)-’

44 = x wx,,,9 dimensionless activity distri-
component of r normal to the surface of the
aggregate surface area, L2 particle or film, L
Bi = (kL)i L/g:. characteristic Biot number
C, tr, t) concentration of species j, (mol j) L- 3 Greek letters
{j = 1,. . . ) S} = qkC$/Cy, stoichiometric coefficient for
C(r, t) concentration vector, {C,, . . . , C,} species j, reaction k
Cp concentration of species j in the bulk = Bi/SjKjh(l), modified Biot number for
C?’ concentration of species j in the fluid layer species j
adjacent to the aggregate surface = 9i*/9:
J concentration of species j at the aggregate effectiveness factor [see eq. (6)]
surface = K,/C*
CT = KjCp, concentration of species j in the (X,,,X (C’) L.‘/h(l) 3: C:) (ek = Thiele
aggregate at equilibrium modulus for reaction k)
Immobilization of whole cells 1349

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