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Lời Nói Đầu

Thật sự mình rất biết ơn những người bạn, những thành viên của group “Toeic
Practice Club” đã hưởng ứng kế hoạch làm sách của mình. Mình xin chân thành cảm ơn
tất cả mọi người có tên trong quyển sách này. Không có các bạn, quyển sách này sẽ không
bao giờ được hoàn thành.

Như các bạn đã biết, Part 7 là một trong những phần khó của Toeic, đòi hỏi kỹ năng
đọc hiểu khá cao nên dù một số bạn đạt điểm 800+ chưa chắc có thể giải thích và dịch
tường tận như những bạn đã làm nên quyển sách này. Vì để chọn được đáp án đúng thì rất
nhanh, nhưng để dịch như thế này quả thật rất khó, vì có những câu cần kiến thức chuyên
ngành hay chỉ cần trực giác là đã chọn đúng rồi…Nên mình mong mọi người hãy trân trọng
nó dù nó còn nhiều thiếu sót cần được chỉnh sữa liên tục theo thời gian nhưng quyển sách
này là tất cả những gì các bạn đã dành công sức 2 tháng qua để soạn nên nó. Dù mình mang
tiếng là người chỉnh sửa cuối cùng nhưng thật ra mình chỉ tổng hợp rồi định dạng thôi,
phần nội dung dường như mình không chỉnh sửa nhiều, không phải vì mình lười mà vì
những bạn soạn cuốn sách này trình độ đều hơn hoặc may mắn là bằng mình nên các bạn
đó sai thì kiến thức của mình hiện tại cũng không thể chỉnh sửa được. Nên mong các bạn
hiểu điều này để trong quá trình đọc sách có nhiều chỗ dịch không đúng văn phong, nếu
bạn biết và có lời dịch hay hơn hãy gửi lời dịch của bạn theo địa chỉ mail bên dưới. Như
thế quyển sách mới có thể hoàn thiện được.

Chúc mọi người sẽ đạt được số điểm Toeic mà các bạn mong muốn nhé !

Nick facebook:Voi Xổng Chuồng
Do thiếu nhân lực nên Group không làm trọn vẹn 30 test của economy 1,2,4 được.
Nhưng mình nghĩ với số lượng test hiện tại có thể giúp các bạn đạt được mục tiêu 700+
Mình tiếp xúc với nhiều bạn điểm cao, và mình cũng nhận ra một điều các bạn điểm
cao phần RC chưa hẳn đã dịch tốt nhưng các bạn dịch tốt luôn đạt điểm cao phần RC,
thường đều hơn 400 phần RC cả.
Part 7 quan trọng nhất là từ vựng, bạn phải nắm vững 3000 từ thường gặp nhất và
600 từ thông dụng trong Toeic thì Part 7 cũng không quá khó. Quan trọng là chúng ta phải
dịch nhiều, dịch những chủ đề mà bạn thích vì Toeic bao quát rất nhiều chủ đề. Sau khi có
được kha khá lượng từ vựng thì bạn hãy tính đến việc luyện kỹ năng. Thầy cô ở các trung
tâm có thể dạy bạn rất nhiều mẹo làm bài nhưng những mẹo đó chỉ có thể áp dụng khi bạn
có kỹ năng dịch tốt thôi.
Trong quá trình làm Part 7 các bạn nên tập cho mình cách nhìn từ khóa hay còn gọi
là kỹ năng Scan & Skim để suy ra câu trả lời thật nhanh nhưng kỹ năng này chỉ có sau một
quá trình bạn tập dịch cơ bản, dịch trọn vẹn bài thì mới có được. Nên các bạn hãy tập đọc
hiểu các bài cơ bản trước, học cách tra từ điển để tìm ra nghĩa phù hợp của một từ trong
ngữ cảnh đó. Cứ thế, bạn sẽ dần hình thành tư duy dịch. Khi đó, dù bạn làm bài gặp phải
những từ không biết đi chăng nữa bạn vẫn có thể đoán được nghĩa dựa vào kỹ năng tích
lũy và những từ đã biết, đây là khác biệt giữa người luyện dịch nhiều và người không luyện
Ở đây có link download tầm 150 bài bào song ngữ Anh – Việt trên VOA và CNN,
những bài này tuy không phải PART 7 nhưng lượng từ vựng nó gần như của Part 7 và khó
hơn part 7, nên bạn hãy luyện dịch dần, điều đó sẽ giúp ít cho các bạn.
p=drive_web . Nếu không truy cập link được các bạn hãy vào Group “ Toeic Practice Club”
để yêu cầu tài liệu nhé.
Questions 151-154 refer to the following fax.
Attn: Mike Bradshaw
Dear Mike,
Thank you for your interest in the sales position at Topfield Electronics. We enjoyed
speaking with you in the interview last Thursday. The executives have reviewed your
resume and were vety impressed. We have decided to hire you for the position. As you

will notice, I have sent the contract along with this fax. Please read it thoroughly, sign
it, and fax it back to our office by Ftiday at 6:00p.m. If possible, we would like you to

begin working for us as early as May 23rd, approximately two weeks from now. If you
have any questions about the contract or the position, please call me at 895-368-6457.

Congratulations. We look forward to working with you.
Samuel Stone

Can cu trong (}o~n
cau hoi van(}~ tim ra (}aJl
153. What does As you will notice, I
tic Dich nghia va giai thich

153. Samuel Stone gm gi kern

Tir moo
Contract (n)=
Samuel Stone have sent the theo b{m fax? Agreement(n):
include in the contract along with A. Mot ban lich trinh cong vi~c Hop dbng
fax? this fax. C\1 thg Include (n):
A. A detailed B. Mot bo h6 so xin vi~c Gbm, dinh kern

work schedule C. Mot ban hop dbng cong vi~c ~ Along with:

B. A JO D. Mot buc thu tir nhfrng nguoi Kern voi

application di@u hanh Executive (n):
C. A work Tir include tuang duong voi Ngum di@u

agreement send along with, con trong dap hanh

D. A letter from an c6 tir agreement tuang duang

the executives v6i contract trong do~n van can

cu ~ chQn dap an c

154. What should Please read it 154. Mike Brandshaw nen lam Schedule (n.v):
Mike Brandshaw thoroughly, sign it, gi truoc 6 gio t6i? Lich ttinh, len
do by Friday at andfax it back to our A. Phong v~n vien lich trinh
6:00pm? office by Friday at B. Tra loi ban fax
A. Interview the 6:00 pm. C. Len lich trinh cho mot cuoc
employee h~n
B. Reply to the D. GQi Samuel Stone
fa~ voi nhfrng cau c6 m6c thai gian
C. Schedule an nhu "6: OOpm" thi cu tim theo

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
D. Call Samuel moe do trong bai la se thay dap
Stone an.
Hanh dong dQc, k)r va fax lc;ti
chinh la tra loi -reply to the fax

Questions 155-156 refer to the following email.

From: Helen Mrutin

To: All advertising associates
Subject: Employee Lllllch
Hello eve1yone,

I just wanted to remind you all that the annual employee luncheon will be held this
Friday, Mru·ch 16th. It will be held at 1 p.m. at the Emerald Collllhy Club. Lllllch will
be provided, but we would like each associate to bring one desse1t. There is a sign-up

sheet in the break room next to the water cooler. Also, this year we will be celebrating
the achievements of Bob Hopey, the Director of Adve1tising, who will be reti1ing at the
end of March. Mr. Hopey has worked for Best Advertising for thirty years, and was
responsible for the successful merger with McKinley Advertising in 2004. He will be
missed greatly, and we ru·e asking each associate to contribute $25 for a goodbye gift.
The gift will be handed to him at the luncheon. Please give the money to Barbara Whales
in Human Resources by Thursday, March 15th.
Helen Martin

Can cu trong do()n van

Cauh6i Dich nghla va giai thich Tirmoi
d@ tim ra dap an
155. What "Subject: Employee 155. Thong tin gi duQ'c trao Merger(n): S\l
infonnation is Lunch" d&i 6 trong buc thu? sap nhap 2 thanh

discussed in the "I just want to remind A. Mot S\l sap nhap co kha 1, thuong noi vg 2
email? you .... Emald Countly nang dien ra voi mot cong cong ty

A A possible Club... . bring one ty khac

merger with desse1t" B. Mot kg hoc;tch thue mot

another company giam doc m6i

B. A plan to hire a C. Mot lich hinh cho mot
new director S\l ki~n s~p t6i
C. A schedule D. Mot yeud.u s~p xgp lich
for an upcoming trinh l()i cho mot bu&i hQp.
event Trong tieu dg da cho thiy
D. A request to email noi vg 1 S\l ki~n cho
reschedule a nhan vien cua cong ty, vay
meeting lo<;li cac dap an A, B. Sau
khi dQC xong nhiing cau

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
trong do(),n van can cu, ta
thl.y dap an c la dap an
dimg nhlt, vi khong c6 yeu
c~u thay d&i nao vg lich
trinh ( dap anD) trong email

156. What will "I just want to remind 156. Bob Hopey se duqc Retirement(n):

Bob Hopey most you all that the annual trao t~ng cai gi vao ngay S\1' huu tri
likely receive on employee luncheon March 16th? Proposal (n): Ban
March 161h? will be held this A. Mot S\1' thang chuc dg xuM

A. A promotion Friday." B. Mot m6n qua nghl huu Carnpaign(n):
B. A retirement "Also, this year we will C. Nhfrng phuc 1<;1i huu tii Chign dich
gift be celebrating the D. Btm dg xukt cho chign Promotion (n):

C. Retirement achievements of Bob dich S\1' thiing tign
benefits Hop_ey...., the Director of Nhfrng tir in nghieng vain Associate(n):
D. A campaign
this month"
Adve1tising, who will
be retiring at the end of
d~m trong do(),n van can cu
chinh la ca so dg tim ra dap
an nay.
Cong S\1'
Bfra tma
"we are asking each
associate to contlibute
$25 for a goodbye gift.
The gift will be handed

to him at the luncheon"

Questions 157-160 refer to the following letter.

Dear Readers,

This July, Horse and Rider will celebrate its 27th anniversruy. Since its first issue was
published in January of 1980, Horse and Rider has continued to bring its readers tasteful

but ente1taining articles cove1ing everything about horses. To celebrate our anniversru·y,
we are offe1ing a special promotion to all our readers: a fi·ee three-month subscription.

Plus, you will receive our special anniversru·y issue, which will be published at the end
of July. This special issue will feature an article about Ma1jmie Clemmons, the Senior
Editor and founder of Horse and Rider.
To be eligible for the special offer, just fill out the request fonn that is enclosed with
this letter, and mail it to us by June 15th. As always, we welcome your questions and
comments, so if you would like to be included in our From the Readers section, please
visit our website and submit your review electronically. We
thank you for your continued suppmt, which has helped us become the most popular
horse magazine in the country.
Katherine Fields Public Relations Advisor
Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ctra group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitrp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia tri ma cac b<:~n da dong

Can cu trong do~n van

cauhoi Dich nghla va giai thich Tumoi
d~ tim ra dap an
157. Why did To celebrate our 157. T~i sao Kathe1ine Fields special offer/
Kathe1ine Fields anruversary, we are l()i vi@t buc thu nay? promotion(n)
write this letter? offering a s ecilll A. ug gim thi~u mot khuy@n khuy@n mai

A. To introduce a romotion to all our mai d~c bi~t d~c bi~t
B. ug nl:lic nho doc gia gia mn

special offer readers: a free three- remind sb to
B. To remind month subscription. cho $t bao dai h()n do st: nh~c
readers to renew Plus, you will receive c. D~ hoi y ki@n doc gia vg S\1' nho ai lam gi

their subscription our special ua thich cua hQ voi vi~c d~t bao renew st: gia
C. To ask anniversary issue, dai h~ h()n, lam moi
customers about which will be D. ug moi doc gia tham d\1' bu6i cai gi

their subscription published at the end of le ky ni~m subscription
preference. July. Trong cau hoi, tU "why" va (n): S\1' $t
D. To
clients to
tic "write this letter" chinh la tU
khoa cua cau hoi, cho thiy cau
hoi vg ml,lc dich vi@t buc thu.
bao/ thue bao
Nhfrng tir in nghieng la tir d~ (n)=
phan bi~t cac dap an. anmversary
Sau khi thiy key cua cau hoi, (n): le kY ni~m
ChUng ta dQC luot trong bai Va

tMy co do~n chua tU "special

promotion" d6ng nghla vm
"special offer" ~ chQn A

158. Who will be This special issue will 158. Ai se duqc mieu ta trong Feature (n,v):
featured in the feature an article about in phl.m ngay kY ni~m? Mo ta, $c

anniversary Majorie Clemmons, A. Mot ky si n&i ti@ng tinh

issue? the Senior Editor and B . Mot nhan vien mm Issue (n): An

A A famous rider founder of Horse and C. NguOi tMng cuoc trong mot phfun
B. A new Rider duang dua Rider (n):
employee D. Mot bien tap vien cao cip Nguoi cuoi
C. The winner of Tu "who" "featured "la key ng\l'a (ky sl)
the race CUa cau hoi nhung tU chi duong Race (n):
D. The Senior d~ tim ra cau tra 1Oi la Duang dua
Editor "anniversary issue", chlm.g ta Senior
se lfin tim trong bai theo tU chi (adj,n):nhan
duang tmoc, sau do tim xem vien cao cap

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
who - ai duqc featured -mota hon, nguoi
trong d6. lem tu&i han
Bien tap vien
159. According to " .. Please visit our 159. Theo nhu buc thu, nhiing Elechically(a
the letter, how can website ngum dQC se dua ra nh~n xet dv): Mot each

reader get their CUa hQ b~ng each nao? lien quan,
thuoc vg di.~n,

comments m and submit your A. Vigt mot buc thu online
published? review electronically." B . Gm di. mot d<inh gia online cac thigt hi
A. By w1iting a C. Lien h~ voi phong PR di.~n

letter online D. GQi Majorie Clemmons Online (adj,
B. By submitting Cwn in nghieng cua do<;tn van adv): Tn,rc
a review online can cu tuong duong voi nghla 6 tuyen

C. By contacting dap an B - electrically tuong
the PR duong v6i online
D. By calling
160. Which of the We thank you for your 160. Y niw sau day n6i ve Popular
following 1s continued support, "Horse and Rider"? ( adj)= known
mentioned about which has helped us A. N6 la to bao duy nl~t trong (adj): n&i

Horse and R ider? become the most llnh vue d6. tieng
A. It is the only popular horse B . N6 da c6hon 30 nam tu&i .
magazine of its maga=ine in the C. N 6 rit thanh cong
kind. country. D. N 6 dang d&i chu.

B. It is over thirty Cac dip an A, B, D khong c6

years old. trong bai ho~c trai voi thong tin

C. It is very trong bai. E>ap an c - very

succesful. successful tuong duong v6i

D. It is changing qun the most popular ... n·ong

owners. do<;tn van can cu.

Questions 161-161 refer to the following article.

The Health Factory will inn·oduce a new line of vitamins, a company spokesman said
yesterday. The vitamins are intended for athletic men and women, who are looking for
a vitamin that will replace vital nutrients lost during strenuous exercise. Unlike regular
vitamins, the Health Factmy Active Essentials 2020 have more iron, calcium, and
potassium. The new vitamins have been tested on professional athletes, such as cyclist
Luke Wilson, and are proven to increase athletic perfonnance by up to 20 percent. Of
course, health products like the Active Essentials vitamins are not cheap. One month's
Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
supply of the new vitamins costs about $200. To promote the new product, however,
the Health Factmy is offe1ing a special 30 percent discount to anyone who purchases
the new vitamins with their Health Factmy card. For more infmmation on the new
product or to apply for a Health Factmy card, call the company's customer service
hotline at 1-800-.326-HEALTH.
Can cu trong do<;~-n

cauhoi Dichnghla Tirmm
van d~ tim ra dap an
161. What can be ''The vitamins are 161. C6 th~ suy ra dieu gi Infer(v): suy

inferred about the new intended for athletic vg lo(li vitamin moi nay? luan, rut ra
vitamins? men and women, A. N6 lad~ dimh cho van To be intended

A. They are intended who are looking for dong vien. for sb: Danh
for athletes. a vitamin that will B. N6 Ia lo(li ph& bign cho, huong toi
B. They are the most replace vital nh~t. ru

popular. nutiients lost during C. N6 r~t de nu6t. Vital(adj): r~t
C. They are easy to su·enuous exercise" D. N6 khong duqc ban 6 quan trQng,
D. They ru·e not sold in
tic cac cua hang. thigt ygu
Cac dap an con 1<;1-i khong Strenuous
xu~t hi~n ho~c nguqc vm (adj): cat hrc,
thong tin dua ra trong bai, lam vi~c khong
con Cl)lll "athletic men ngirng
and women" thi tuong
duong voi "athletes"

162. What IS not "Of course, health 162. Dieu gi khong duqc Mention (v):
mentioned about the products like Active nh~c toi vg lo(li vitamin nhac toi
new vitamins? Essentials vitamins moi nay? Perfmmance
A. They increase are not cheap" A. N6 lam tang hi~u su~t (n): S\1' bi~u

performance. "The new vitrunins ho<;~-t dong. dien, ho<;~-t dong

B. They were tested on have been tested on B. N6 da duqc thu nghi~m To be proven:

athie tes. professional tren cac van dong vien. duqc chl1ng
C. They are che!!J!.en athletes", '"'are C. N6 re hon cac thuong minh

than other brands. proven to increase hi~u khac

D. They have more iron athletic D. N 6 c6 chua nhigu s~t va
and calcium. performance", canxi.
"HF AE 2020 have Cau nay chl1ng ta phai tim
more iron, calcium xem nhfrng tir kh6a cua
and potassium" cac dap an vg d~c tinh c6
trong bai khong, chu y tir
"not" vi n6 mang nghla

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
163. According to the The Health Factory 163. Theo nlm bai dQc, Article (n): Bai
article, how can people is offering a special lam thg nao mQi ngum vigt, san phlm
receive a discount? 30 percent discount dm;rc giam gia? Membership
A. Place an order to anyone who A. D~t mot don hang card The
online. purchases the new online thanh vien
B. for a vitamins with their B. Dang ky mot the thanh Contest (n)

membershit) card. Health Factory card vien Cuoc thi

C. Enter a contest. C. Tham gia mot cuoc thi Purchase (v):
D. Spend a certain D. Chi t6i mot muc nao d6 Mua hang
amount. Tu kh6a dm;rc in nghieng

t:rong cau hoi, nhung tu chi
duong la discount, chi c~n
tim theo tU nay se l~n ngay

ra dm;rc dap an

cau 164-166 tic

11 Blue Bird Drive Newark, NJ 064587 11 May 1007
Paul Thomtree Spotless Cleaner's 145 Market D1ive Newark, NJ
Dear Mr. Thomt:ree,
I recently had three jackets dry cleaned at Spotless Cleaner's. Unfortunately, when I got
home and looked at one of the jackets, I noticed there was a large rip on one of the
sleeves. I immediately returned the item to your building on Market D1ive, but the sales

clerk told me that the company was not responsible for any damages incurred dming
cleaning. I have been doing business with Spotless Cleaner's for three years and have
always received excellent service, but I am quite distressed about this recent incident. I
would like the company to pay for the repair of this item, and to give me a full refund

on the cost of illy cleaning all three items. Please contact me as soon as possible to
discuss this matter. I can be reached Monday to F1iday after 6 p.m., and Satm·day and

Sunday any time. My home number is 632-365-1456. You can also reach me at my
office at 653-362-9876.

Linda Applebee

Can cu t:rong do<;~-n

cauhoi Dichnghla Tum6i
van d~ tim ra dap an
164. What IS the I would like the 164. M\lc dich clia la Purpose (n): Ml)C
J!.U~ ose of the letter? company to pay for thu lagi? dich
A. To complain about the repair of tins A. D~ khigu n<;LI ve Complain (v):
service. item, and to give me dich V\1 Phannan
about this recent

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
B. To apply for a incident. I would B. D~ dang ky tu each Refimd(n): S\f
membership. like the company to hoi vien
C. To discuss a late pay for the repair of C. D~ tranh lu~n v@ S\f
payment. this item, and to givethanh toan ch~m.
D. To order a clothing me a full refund on D. D~ d~t mot san
item. the cost of dry phfun qu5n ao.

cleaning all tluee v 6i cac cau hoi v@

items. ml,lc dich - purpose,
thuong 1a cau tra lm
se 6 do~ &u, co th~

6 tieu d@ thu, ho~c
mot vai cau &u tien.
165. W hat does Mrs. I would like the 165. Ba Applebee yeu Receipt (n): Hoa

Applebee request from company to pay for du gi tir cong ty? don
the company? the repair of this A. Mot hoa don Appology (n): S\f
A. A receipt
B. A refund
C. An appology
item, and to give me B. Mot khoan hoan xin loi
a full refund on the tien
cost of dry cleaning c. Mot loi xin loi
D. A coupon all tluee items. D. Mot phigu coupon
166. What does Mrs. "I have been doing 166. Ba Applebee noi Reputation(n):
Applebee say about business with gi ve Spotless Danh tigng
Spotless Cleaner's? Spotless Cleaner's Cleaner?

A. It has a bad for tluee years and A. No co tigng x~u.

reputation. have always B. No khong sua qu§n
B. It does not repair received excellent ao.
clothing. service" C. No luon cung c~p

C. It usua lly dich Vl,l t6t

good service. D. Nola nha cung c~p

D. It is the only dry duy nh~t trong thi tr~n

cleaner's in town DQc qua bai dQc, tim

cac danh gia cua ba

Applebee v@ clia hang
va th~y excellent (~
good) service -7 ch9n

cau 167-168
The Smallville Department ofTranspmtation (SOT) announced that it will begin
constmction on a new bus lane downtown. The constmction is scheduled to begin at the
end of July, a city official said. The new bus lane will provide direct se1vice to the main
Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
financial distlict, and will replace bus lines 3 and 4. Studies have been conducted on
traffic pattems and it is expected that the new service will reduce commuting time by
25 percent. Crane Construction has been contracted to build the new lane.
Unfmtunately, Main St. will be closed fi:om July 22nd to August 30th, while the
construction is taking place. The SDT has asked all commuters who drive to work to
take 122 Avenue instead of Main Street.

Dap Can cu trong do<;~n
cauhoi Dichnghla Tumm
167. What does the SDT A Studies have been 167. SOT n6i gi ve Conduct (v):

say about the new conducted on traffic dich V\1 moi? Tign himh
service? pattern and it is A. N6 se giam thi~u Pattem (n):
A. It will decrease expected that the thOi gian di l<;ti. Mau

travel time. new service will B. N6 se tbn it tign Expect (v) :
B. It will cost less reduce commuting han. Mong doi
C. It will take a year to
time by 25 percent. C. N 6 se mit mot nam
d~ hoan thi~n
D. N6 se giam thi~u o
(v): Di Hun
xa b~ng o to
D. It will reduce nhiem. hay tim di~n
pollution cac dap an khac
khong c6 trong bai
ho~c khac nghla voi

thong tin dua ra, cony

A - decrease travel
time reduce
commuting time

168. What IS NOT C A- The SDT has 168. Digu gi khong Route (n):
mentioned m the asked all the dulJ'c n6i cfen 6 trong tuygn duemg

article? commuters who bai? Commuter

A. Commuters should diives to work to A. Nhiing nguoi di (n): Nguoi

take another route . take 122 Avenue lam xa se phai di di lam bkg
B. Bus lines 3 and 4 will instead of Main duemg khac xe o to ho~c
be closed. Street. B. Bus sb 3 va sb 4 se tau do 6 xa
C. More studies are B- "will replace bus bi ngirng ho<;tt dong. no'i lam vi~c
Jllanned for Julx. lines 3 and 4" C. Nhigu nghien ctiu Contract
D. The SDT hired D Crane se duoc tign hanh vao (n,v): HQp
Crane Constmction. Construction has thtmg 7. dbng, lam
been contracted to D. SOT thue Crane hQp dbng,
build the new land Construction thue/ hQp

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
Cau lo(li tn1 cho cau D
0 ml;lC CaU Can CU
"has been
contracted" nghla la
dm;rc thue th~u ~ ~
hired d6ng nghla voi

D, lo~;~i dap im D.

cau 169- 171
JP Store is proud to announce its new catalogue service, which will begin this

September. Each month all customers with a JP Gold Card will receive a free catalogue.
What's so great about the JP Catalogue? You don't have to go to our store to buy your
clothes. You can simply call the customer service hotline and place your order from the

comfort of your own home. Plus, each month's catalogue will include special discounts
on all our clothing. If you have any questions about this special promotion, contact us
at 1-800-2365-9864. If you are not a cardholder and would like to become one, then
download an application :fi:om our website, All customers who
apply online before August 15th will receive an additional 20 percent off their first

Dap Can cu t:rong do(lfl

cauhoi Dichnghla Tum6i
an van d~ tim ra dap an

169. What kind of C You don't have to go 169. JP Store cung Furnishing(n)
product does JP Store to our store to buy c~p san ph~m gi? : Trang tii nQi
sell? clothes. A. Trang t:ri noi th~t th~t
A. Home fumishings t:rong nha Kitchenware

B. Kitchenware B. D1;1ng c1;1lam bgp (n): D1;1ng c1;1

C. Clothing C. Qu5n ao lam bgp

D. Office supplies D. Thigt bi vanphong

170. What will Gold A Each month all 170. Chu the Gold Card

Card holders receive? customers with a JP Card se duqc nh~ holders(n):

A. Comtllimentary Gold Card will gi? chu the
catalogues recetve a free A. Mot catalogue Complimenta
B. A discount on catalogue mien phi ry(adj): mien
shipping charges B. Giam gia cuoc phi phi, kinh bigu
C. Special coupon for v~n chuy~n (khac
the store C. Mot coupon <$c complement:
D. An online account bi~t t:rong cua hang b6 sung)
D. Mot tai khoan Charge(n):
online Cuoc phi

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
Tu kh6a a day la
Gold Card holders va
receive nlnmg tu chi
duong tim ra dap an
la Gold Card, tim
duqc vi tri do~ van

c6 tlr nay se tim duqc

dap an tren,
complimentary (adj)
~ free

171. How often will card c Each month all 171. Bao lau chu the
holders receive the JP customers with a JP l<;li nhan duqc mot
Catalogue? Gold Card will catalogue JP?

A. Once a week recetve a free A. 1 tufin 1 lin
B. Every two weeks catalogue B. 2 tli5.n Ilk
C. Once a month
D. Once a year
172. How can interested D
tic C. 1 thing 1 lfin
D. 1 narn mot lin
Ifyouarenotacard 172. Lam sao dg
customers apply for a holder and would nhilng khach hang
card? like to become one, quan tam dang ky
A. Get an application then download an the?
:fi:om the store applicationfrom our A. L~y mot dcm dang

B. Call customer se1vice website, kY tlr cua hang

C. Email the company B. GQi dich V\1 khach
D. Submit an online All customers who hang
at)tliication apply online C. Vigt thu cho cong

before ... ty
D. Gm mot dcm dang

kY online

Cau 171-175
Chatity Hospital is looking for an organized, motivated individual to fill the
position of Director of Dining Setvices, statting August 15th.
Responsibilities of the position include planning weekly meals for patients, managing
a staff of thi1ty food service workers, and placing food supplies orders eve1y month.
You may also be asked to organize food for special events, such as hospital benefits.
The successful applicant will have at least five yem·s' expetience working as a manager
in some business field, and a university degree. Specific experience in the hospitality
industly is preferred, but not required.
Interested individuals should pick up an application from the Food Setvice Depa1tment
at Chatity Hospital, which is located on the first floor of the hospital. Please fill out the
Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
application and submit it, along with 2 reference letters and a cover letter, by July 24,
2007. Applications will be available starting June 21,2007.

Can cu trong do~n

cauhoi van d~ tim ra dap Dich nghla Tumoi

173. What kind of " ..motivated 173. Vi td nao dang duqc dang Dining (n):
tuy~n? An u6ng

position IS being individual to fill
advertised? the position of A Trq ly y t@
A Medical assistant Director ofDining B. Le tan

B. Receptionist Services, starting C. Giam d6c b~nh vi~n
C. Hospital director August 15th". D. Giam d6c dich V\1 an u6ng
D. Manager of food Dining Seivice =Food Seivice

174. Which The successful 174. Nang hrc nao la b~t bUQC Qualification
required of
successful candidate?
have at least five
years' experience
will d6i voi ilng vien?
A 5 nam kinh nghi~m
B. Kha nang ngo~i ngfr
(n): Nang hrc
sector (n):
A. Five years'
working as a C. Chilng chi n~u an Llnh Vl,l'C
eXJ)erience manager m some D. Hi~u bi@t vg llnh V\l'C khach khach s~
B. Foreign language business field, and s~n
skill a university

C. Cooking certificate degree. Specific

D. Knowledge of the expenence in the
hospitality sector hospitality
industry IS

prefeued, but not


175. By what date must Please fill out the 175. Thi sinh phfu giri ho sa Reference
an applicant submit an application and xin vi~c tmoc ngay nao? letter (n):

application? submit it, along A June 2 1st Thu gioi

A June 21st with 2 reference B. July 24th thi~u
B. July 14th letters and a cover C. August 151h Cover letter
C. August 15th letter, by July 24, D. August 241h (n): Thu xin
D. August 24th 2007. vi~c

cau 176- 180

McDowell Publishing plans to merge with Ha1vey Media this Januaiy, a
spokesman for McDowell Publishing said. The new company will be called McDowell
and Harvey Media. The decision comes after both companies experienced their third
straight year of losses. Both companies have struggled to compete with the world's
Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
largest publishing company, Watson Media Inc., which accoWlts for about 75 percent
ofthe market. Since Watson Media Inc. was foWlded by Charles Duvet Jr. in 1999, the
company has successfully forced ten other small publishing companies to declare
bankmptcy. According to a spokesman from Hatvey Media, after the merger is
completed, the new company will launch a 3-million-dollar marketing campaign.
Jackson Polkins, the famous children's writer, has already announced he will be leaving

Watson Media Inc. to pursue a contract with the new company.

Can cu trong do~n
cauhoi Dichnghla Tir m6i
van dS tim ra ditp an

176. The word "losses" The decision comes 176. Tir "losses" 6 dong 5 Deficit (n): S\1'
in line 5 is closest in after both gin nghla nh~t v6i: thfun hl)t
meaning to: comparues A. deficits Fmtune (n): van

A. deficits experienced their B. fortunes may, tai san
B. fortunes third straight year of C. properties Property (n): Tai
C. properties
D. resources
losses. tic D. resources
Tir losses mang nghla
thua lo nhu vay se gin
san (thuoc so
hfru cU.a ai d6)
Resource (n):
nghla nh~t v6i tir deficits
Ngu6n l\l'C
- tham hl)t.
177. According to the The decision comes 177. Theo bai vigt, t~i sao Voluntmy
article, why are the two after both hai cong ty l~i tign hanh retirement (n):

companies making the companies nhfrng S\1' thay d6i nay? Huu ni
changes? experienced their A. DS thuc d~y huu ni w nguy~n
A To induce voluntaty third straight year nguy~n Operation cost
retirement of losses. Both B. DS thue them nhan (n): Chi phi van

B. To hire more company have vien hanh

employee struggled to C. DS giarn chi phi van Competitive

C. To reduce operation compete with the hanh (adj): Tinh c~

costs world's largest D. DS duy tri tinh c<;1nh tranh

D. To remain publishing tranh Loss (n): Thua

cornt)etitive company, Watson Nhfrng do~n in nghieng lo
Media Inc. which trong do<;1n van can cu Su·uggle (v):
accounts for about chinh la ly do, vi 2 cong D6i m~t
75 percent of the ty lien tl)c thua lo trong 3 Struggle (v):
mm·ket. nam lign, va hQ d6ng thai Gfuig sue
phfu d6i m~t v6i cong ty Compete (v):
16n nh~t tren thi u·uemg C<;1nh tranh
xu~t ban.

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
178. According to the "Since Watson 178. Theo nhu bai dQc, Go bankrupt (v):
article, what happened Media Inc. was thi chuy~n gi xay ra vao Phi san
in 1999? founded by Charles nam 1999? Campaign(n):
A. Watson Media Inc. Duvet Jr. in 1999" A. Tap doan Watson Chign dich
went bankmpt. Media da pha san. To be founded:
B. Charles Duvet Jr. B. Charles Duver Jr. Dm;rc thimh lap

started a COIDf)any thanh lap mot cong ty.

C. Ha1vey Media C. Ha1vey Media gi6i
introduced a new thi~u mot chign dich m6i.
campaign. D. Jackson Polkins xuit

D. Jackson Polkins ban mot cubn sach.
published a book. Key 6 day Ia what
happended in 1999,

nhung chi cin dl,la vao tir
chi duong la in 1999la se
tic tim ra duqc do~n van can
cu. (st was founded :
duqc sang lap, tuong
duong v6i vi~c ai d6
started st)
179. What can be "the world's largest 179. C6 th~ n1t ra digu gi Considerable
inferred from the publishing tir bai bao? (adj): (Mot

newspaper article? company, Watson A. Cong ty moi se cho rit lu<;1ng) dang k~
A. The new company Media Inc., which nhigu cong nhan nghi Huge (adj):
will lay off many accounts for about vi~c. kh&ng 16
workers. 75 percent of the B. McDowell Publishing

B. McDowell media" se dfiu tu mot lu<;1llg tign

Publishing will invest dang k~

considerable money. c. Tap doan Watson

C. Watson Media Inc. Media la mot cong ty

is a huge comt)any. kh&ng 16.

D. Ha1vey Media will D. Hruvey Media se
change locations. chuyen dia di~m.
Dap an B duqc chQn dl,la
vao do~n van can cu, con
cac dap an khac khong
thly xuit hi~n.
180. What is Jackson JacksonPolkins, the 180. Jackson Po1kins lam Spokesman(n):
Polkins 's occupation? famous children's nghg gi? NguOi d<;ti di~n,
ngum phat ngon

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
A Company writer, has already A Nguai phat ngon cfu
spokesman announced . . . cong ty
B. Financial advisor B. Tu vk tai chinh
C. Children writer c. Nha van cho tre em
D. Publishing assistant D. Tn;r ly xuit b{m

cau 181- 185

Three-Day Forecast
Ftiday March 22: Residents should cany their umbrellas because there is an 85
percent chance ofheavy rain. Morning temperatures will be in the low 70's and are

expected to drop to around 65 in the mid-aftemoon.
Saturday March 23: If you're planning any outdoor activities, then this is the day to
schedule them. Thanks to a wa1m westerly wind, temperatures are forecasted to be in

the high 80's, about five degrees warmer than we might usually expect at this time of
the year. Remember to wear sunscreen and drink lots of water.
Sunday March 24: Make sure you enjoy the sunshine on Saturday, because on Sunday
temperatures will drop to the low 60's. There will be some sun in the morning, but the
aftemoon will be mostly cloudy.
From: Belinda Pushkin To: All sales staff Subject: Company Picnic
Hello, I just wanted to let evetyone know that the Tollins company picnic has been

cancelled because there is a chance of rain on the day we originally chose. As you know,
we wanted to have the picnic outdoors so that employees could participate in a variety
of team-building exercises.
We asked the Humble Counhy Club if we could hold the lunch in their Club House

instead, but unfortunately they told us that Plymouth Autos will be holding a special
banquet to celebrate their 25th anniversary there.

Attached to this email is an Employee Preference Form. I am asking all employees to

list their preferred date for the rescheduled company picnic. I sincerely hope that we

can accommodate evetyone's schedule. Please fill out the form and email it to me by
Thursday, March 2 1st, at 3 p.m.
Belinda Pushkin Human Resources

cau hoi Can cu trong do<;~-n Dich nghla Tumm

van dg tim ra dap an
181. According to tl1e Thanks to a warm 181. Theo nhu d\I bao Weather forecast
weather forecast, what westerly wind, thai tigt, c6 di§u gi bit (n): D\I bao thai tigt
temperatures are

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
IS unusual about forecasted to be in tlmang v6i thm tiet T emperature (n):
Saturday 's weather? the high 80's, about ngay thu 7? Nhi~t do
A Low hmnidity five degree warmer A E>o §m t:J:ilip
B. Strong winds than we might B. Gio rn<;~nh
C. High temt)aratures. usually expect at C. Nhi~t do cao
D. No rain this time of the year. D. Khong cornua

182. When was the "Friday March 22: 182. Bu6i da ngo<;~i
Schedule(n,v): Lich

picnic originally Residents should ban diu duqc chQn tdnh, len lich tiinh
scheduled? cany their vao ngay nao? 0Iiginally (adv):
A March 21st urnberellas because A. March 21st Ban diu

B. March ll"d there is an 85 B. March 22"d Cancel (v): Hoan
C. March 23rd percent chance of C. March 23rd
D. March 24th heavy rain" D. March 24th

"Hello, I just wanted D6i chigu ph~n d\I bao
to let you know that thai tigt va thu thong
the T ollins company
picnic has been
cancelled because
bao, thai gian thay d&i
do co rnua, rna chi co
ngay March 22"d la
there's a chance of duqc d\I bao co rnua
rain on the day we nen chQn dap an B.
originally chose."
183. Why can't the We asked the 183. Taij sao S\f ki~n Reserve (n): Di;it

event be held in the Hmnble Country tren khong duqc t6 cho

Club House? Club if we could chuc 6 Club House? Accommodate (v):
A It is closed for hold the lunch in A. No duqc dong cua Phl)c V\1, chUa
renovations. their Club House dg nang d.p. (duqc bao nhieu

B. It must be reserved in instead, but B. No dn duqc di;it ngum)

advance. unfortunately they cho tmoc. Celebrate (v): T 6

C. It can't told us that C. No khong du cho chuc

accommodate all Plymouth Autos will cho t~t ca cac nhan

employees. be holding a special vien.

D. It is being used by banquet to celebrate D. No dang duqc su
another grout). their 25th d\lllg bm mot nhorn
184. What can be " ... Plymouth Autos 184. Co thg suy ra Achievement (n):
inferred about will be holding a digu gi vg Plymouth Thanh t1,tu
Plymouth Autos from special banquet to Autos tir buc thu tren? Banquet(n): Ti~c
the email? celebrate their 151h A. No se t6 chuc mot
A It will host an event anniversary" S\l ki~n vao ngay 211
on March 2 P . 3.

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
B. It is celebrating an B. N6 dang an
employee's nhiing th~mh tw cua
achievements. nhan vien.
C. It has been in c. N6 da ho<;tt dong
business more than kinh doanh dm;rc han
twenty years. 20 nam.

D. It is located next to Vi phfin in d~m trong

Humble Country Club. do<;tn van can cu Ia n6
s~p t6 chuc le ky ni~m
25 nam ngay th~mh lap

nen d6ng nghla v6i
vi~c n6 da ho<;tt dong
han 20 nam r6i. Cac

dap an khac khong
dm;rc nh~c t6i trong

185. What did Belinda

Pushkin add to her email
Attached to this 186. Belinda Pushkin
an da them gi vao email
Preference (n): Sv
ua thich
cua co ~y?
email? Employee Luncheon (n): Bfra
A. The email addresses Preference Form. A. Dia chi email cua tma
of all employees t~t ca nhan vien Attach (n): Dinh
B. The Em loyee B. Mau hra chQn ua kem add: them

Preference Form thich cua nhan vien vao

C. The list of famous C. Danh sach cac cua
restaurants hang
D. The menu for the D. Thvc don cho bfra

luncheon tma
Attached~ add

cau 186-190

From: Maty Helmsford To: Linda Watercrest Subject: Conference

Dear Linda,
As you requested, I am wtiting to provide you with some more infonnation about the
conference at the end of the month. It will be held at the Gillmor Conference Center in
San Francisco, Califomia, on Saturday, May 14th.
The conference is a great way for New Media Inc. employees to meet other people in
the entertainment industry. The conference schedule is as follows:
8:00-1 0:00 A.M. "Understanding the Customer" presented by market analyst, Richard
10: 15-1 2:00 A.M. "Making an Effective Presentation" presented by CEO of Anderson
Entettainment, Btian Thompson
Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
12:00-1 :00 P.M. Free lunch
1:30-3:30 P.M. "Increasing Productivity" presented by Director of Sales at Phillip
Mortin Media, Bob Ross
3:45-5:45 P.M. "Future Trends in the Entertairunent Indusb.y" presented by Phillip
Trent, author of ''The 10 Most Successful Media Companies"
5:45-6:00 P.M. Closing remarks by Samuel Wright, conference coordinator

Please note that New Media Inc. will pay for the registration fee, accommodation, and
all meals. Employees are expected to pay for u·anspmtation to and from the conference.

I hope you find this information helpful.

Mary Helmsford Director of New Media Inc.


Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
From: Linda Watercrest To: All employees Subject: Conference
Hi, everyone! I am just w1iting to infmm you that there has been a slight schedule
change for the conference on Saturday. You may have already heard it on the news, but
Richard Preyer suffered a heart attack on Thursday night and is recove1ing in Mercy
Hospital. Unfortunately, he will not be able to give his presentation as planned. I have
been informed by the conference coordinator that Michel Tupper, the Director of

Customer Relations at Fleet Media, will be presenting instead. He will talk about his 20
years of expetience dealing with customer complaints under the title of "How to Satisfy

the Customer." Also, if you have any special meal requests for the conference, please
contact Mary Helmsford at 895-326-6547 by May 4th.

Can eli trong do<;111
cauhoi Dich nghla Tu m6i
van d~ tim ra dap an

186. Why did Maty Dear Linda, 186. T~ sao Mary
Helmsford wtite the As you requested, I Helmsford hti vi§t thu
A. To
am writing
provide you with
to nay?
A. D~ cung d.p thong tin
vg S\1' ki~n
the event information about B. D~ thay d6i ngay clia
B . To change the date the conference at the CUOC hQp

of the meeting end of the month. C. D~ thao luan mot vai

C. To discuss a new chinh sach CUa cong ty

company policy. D. D~ gioi thi~u Uch tdnh

D. To introduce a new lam vi~c m6i.
work schedule
187. What does Mary The conference is a 187. Mary Helmsford n6i Industry(n):

Helmsford say about great way for New gi vg hoi nghi nay? Nganh/ Cong
the conference? Media Inc. A. N6 duoc t6 chuc 6 San nghi~p

A. It is held in San employees to meet Francisco hang nam.

Francisco every year. other people in the B. N6 duqc t6 chuc b&i

B. It is organi=ed by entertainment Anderson Entertainment.

Anderson industry. C. N6 danh cho nhfrng
Entertainment. nhan vien u·ong nganh.
C. It is intended for D. N6 la dia di~m ly
new employees in the tu&ng d~ phat tri~n cac
industly. m6i quan M trong cong
to develop busines Great way tuong duong
relationships. voi excellent place,
develop business

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
relationships tuang 1.lng
voi meet other people in
the entertainment
188. What are Employees are 189. Nh.anviendl)'ki.ense Is expected to do
employees expected to expected to pay for phai tra khoan gi? st: Dm;rc dl)'kign,

pay for? transportation to A. Dang ky dl)' tru lam gi d6

A. Registration and from the B. E>i lc;ti
B. Transportation conference. C. Cho an&
C. Accomodation D. D6 an thuc u6ng

D. Food and drink
189. What is TRUE "'Michel Tupper, 189. Dieunaoduoidayla CEO: Chief
about Michel the Director of DUNG ve Michel Executive

Tup1)er? Customer Relations Tu1)1)er? Officer: Giam
A. He is the CEO of at Fleet Media, will A. Ong ta la giam d6c d6c digu himh
New Media Inc.
B. He has written a
presenting digu himh clia tap doan Executive
New Media.
B. Anh ta da vigt mot
Digu hanh
C. He organized the cu6n sach.
conference. C. Anh ta t6 chuc bu6i
D. He is a comP..any hoi nghi.
executive. D. Anh tala mot nha digu

hanh cong ty.

v6i nhiing cau hoi c6 ten
ngum' nen tim tn,rc ti gp
theo ten nguoi d6. d day

sau khi tim th~y do~n van

can cu dl)'a vao ten boi

dam 6 tren,
190. Which seminar "Understanding the 190. Hoi thao chuyen de
Trend (n): Xu

was cancelled at the Customer ... nao da bi hoan 6 hoi huang

conference? Richard Preyer" nghi? Effective (adj):
A. Understanding the "You may have A. Understanding the Hi~u qua
Customer heard it on the news, Customer Seminar (n): Hoi
B. Making an but Richard Preyer B. Making an Effective thao chuyen dg
Effective Presentation suffered a heart Presentation Suffer (v): Chiu
C. Increasing attack on Thursday C. Increasing dl)'ng, trfu qua
Productivity night and I S Productivity Herut attack (n) :
D. Future Trends in the recovering in Mercy D. Future Trends in the B~nh dau tim
Entertainment Indust:Iy Hospital . Ente1taimnent Indust:Iy

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
Unforttmately, he Recover (v):
will not be able to Phl)c h6i
gtve his Unfortnnately(a
presentation" dv): Khong may
Cancel (v): Hoan

cau 191-195

From: Beth Volt <>
To: Chlis Gately <>
Date: November 22
Subject: Details for Conference on December 2 Hi, Chlis!
First, I 'd like to express my excitement that you've agreed to speak at this year's
technology conference. As you know, Runt Corporation has been organizing this event
for the last ten years to promote innovation in the computer industry.
In my previous email, I told you that the conference would start at 8 a.m., but it has

been changed to 9 a.m. because a few of the companies who will be providing exhibits
wanted a little more time to set up their product displays. Now, when you get to the
conference center, you will have to pass through security. Please hand the secmity guard
the fom-digit code that I gave you, and he will issue you a temporary visitor's ID badge.
You will need to wear this badge at all times while you are in the building.

If you need us to provide any equipment, such as a laptop computer, or overhead

projector, please contact the event organizer, Martin Walsh. His email address is
e You can also reach him by phone at 1-520-236-1478.

Please feel free to contact me with any further questions that you might have. I look

forward to meeting you on the day of the conference.

Beth Volt, Public Relations Director

From: Chlis Gately <>

To: Beth Volt <>
Date: November 23
Subject: Update on December 2 Conference Dear Mrs. Volt,
Thank you so much for yom kind email. I am also very excited to speak at your
conference. My company's innovative business strategy has greatly increased our profit

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
margins and I am confident that, if implemented properly, it will help any computer
company improve its total computer sales.
Since the subject I plan to cover is rather technical, I have asked one of my colleagues,
Bill Front, to give a btief PowerPoint presentation to familiarize the audience with a
few new technology terms. Mr. Front is a software designer who has been working for
Spectron Inc. for five years. His innovative product designs have connibuted greatly to

Spechon's success in the last three years.

With regard to equipment, I will need a couple of things for the presentation. I will leave
a list of required items with the event organizer when I visit his office on Wednesday,
November 25. Thanks for all ofyour help.

Chm Qateiy

Can cu n·ong do~n
cauhoi Dichnghla Tir m6i
van d~ tim ra dap an

wti te the email? Conference

A. To outline details December 2
19 1. Why did Beth Volt Subject: Details for 19 1. T~i sao Beth
on Volt vigt thu nay?
A £)~ neu qua vg chi
Outline(n,v): Ban
pbac thao
Inquire(v): Hoi vg
for the conference tigt bu&i hoi nghi cai gi
B. To ask an employee B. D~ yeu c~u mot Postpone (v)
to attend the meeting nhan vien tham gia Hoan
C. To inquire about a CUOC hQp Public

new software program C. D~ hoi vg mot phfin Relation(n) : Quan

D. To postpone a mem m6i h~ cong chlm.g
public relations event D. £)~ hoan mot S\1'
ki ~n quan h~ cong

Day la cau hoi vg m1,1c

dich, va cau tra lm da

duqc neu ro 0 tieu dg

cua buc thu.

192 . What ts Now, when you get to 192. Ong Gately duqc Badge (n): Huy
Mr.Gately required to the conference center, yeu c~u lam gi nu6c hi~u
do before enteting you will have to pass khi vao Runt To be required to
Runt Corporation? through secmity. Corporation? do st: duqc yeu
A Email Beth Volt Please hand the A Vigt email cho c~u lam gi
B. Acquire a security security guard the Beth Volt Fom-digit code:
badge fom- digit code that I B. L~y huy hi~u d{un Ma 4 s6
give you, and he will bao

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
C. Contact the issue you a temporary C. Lien h~ vm nguoi
software designer visitor's ID badge. thigtkgphknmgm
D. Meet with a You will need to wear C. G~p mot nguoi
Spectron Inc. this badge at all times himh cua tap
executive while you are in the doim Spectron

193. When will "Subject: Details for 193. Khi nao ong Volt Look fmward to

Ms.Volt and Mr. Conference on va ong Gately se g~p V-ing: Trong dQi.
Gately meet? December 2" nhau? cai gi d6
A On November 22"d "I look fmward to A On November 22"d

B. On November 23rd meeting you on the B. On November 23rd
C. On November 25 1h day of the C. On November 25 1h
D. On December l"d conference." D. On December 2nd

194. Who IS Bill Mr.Front is a 194. Bill Front la ai?
Front? software designer A Giam d6c quan M
A Public Relation
B. Secmity guard.
who tichas been
working for Spection
Inc. for five years
cong chimg
B. Bao v~
C. Nguoi thigt kg
C. Software Designer phinmgm
D. Event Organizer D. NguOi t6 chuc S\I
195. What does "If you need us to 195. Ong Gately dt,r Pick up st: L~y cai

Mr. Gately plan to do provide any dinh lam gi vao thu 4? gi

on Wednesday? equipment, such as a A L~y don dang ky Pick sb up: Don ai
A Pick up his laptop computer, or cua anh ~y (o san bay,
registration form overhead projector, B. Thigt kg sach tau,v.v)

B. Design the brochure please contact the quang cao nh6 cho Brochure (n):
for the event event organizer, Mr chuang tiinh Sach qufmg cao

C. Leave a document Walsh" C. £)g l<;li mot gi~y to nh6

with Mr. Walsh "I will leave a list of o cho ong Walsh.

D. Meet with Mr.Front required items with D. G~p ong Front vg

about the conference the event organizer chuy~n hoi nghj
when I visit his office
on Wednesday."

cau 196- 200

12 April 2007
Employment Officer Porter Investments 67 Waltham Ave.
Boston, MA
Dear Mr. Wright.

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ctra group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitrp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia tri ma cac b<:~n da dong
I was extremely interested in your recent advertisement for an Assistant Accountant,
which appeared in the March issue of Financial Times. I am confident that my
educational background and work expe1ience make me the ideal candidate for this
I graduated last year with high honors fi·om Georgetown University, where I double
majored in accounting and economics. My thesis, "The Economics of Investing,"

received the highest grade in my class. While at University, I was also president of the

Finance Club, and the Treasurer of the Student Council. In my junior year. I was
responsible for organizing a fundraising event that collected 50 thousand dollars for the
new gymnasium on campus.

Last summer, I was accepted for an intemship position with Harvey Investments, a
famous New York investment finn. Dming my two months at Harvey Investments. I
managed over 20 corporate accounts, and was responsible for approximately 1 million

dollars in investments.
I have enclosed a detailed resume, along with two letters of recommendation, and my
University transcript. 1 hope you will find my personality and work experience a good
match for this position. Please feel fi·ee to contact me at 896-326-5478, if you have any

12 Frosty Rd. Boston, MA


Dear Mr. Bolt,

I am sony to infonn you that the position you applied for has been filled. I want you to
know, however, that I thought your resume and cover letter were extremely interesting.
I think you would be an excellent addition to our team here at Pmter Investments. If

you would like to pursue other employment opportunities with our company, please
contact Mrutin Plaster, the Director of Finances. He might be able to tell you about some

other positions that will be available In the future. He can be reached at 895-654-2315.
Thank you for your interest in our company.

Sincerely, Paul Wright

Can cu trong do<;tn

cauhoi Dichnghla Tumoi
van dS tim ra dap an
196. What will Richard In my junior year, I 196. Richard Bold da Thesis (n): Bai 1uan
Bold achieve while at was responsible for d<;tt duqc digu gi khi 6 Gymnasium (n):
Geogretown University? organi=ing a huang d<;ti hQc Phong tap thS dl)c
A. He used to be an fundraising event Geogretown?
assistant of the University that collected 50 A. Anh iy tUng la thu
Treasurer. thousand dollars for ky cua University
Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
B. He was president of the the new gymnasium B. Anh ay da la chu
Debate Club. on campus. tich clia Debate Club.
C. He wrote a thesis that C. Anh ~y da vigt mot
received an award. bai lu~n d<;tt giai.
D. He raised money for D . Anh ~Y huy dong
new SI)Ort facilities. dUQC tign cho cac fuigt

bi th~ thao m6i.

M \lC in nghieng trong
do~;~n van can cu -

collected 50 thousand

dollars raised
money; gymnasium ~
new spmt facilities

197. What does the letter Last summer, I was 197. Buc thun6i give Well known (adj)=
suggest about Harvey accepted for an Harvey Investment? famous(adj) : n&i
A. It is based in Boston.
B. It pays very well.
internship position

A. N 6 c6 t:r\1 so 6
B. N6 t:ra Iuong r~t t6t.

C. N6 r~t n&i tigng.

C. It is well known. famous New York
D. It is an international investment film. D. N6 la mot hang
firm. qu6c tg.
198. What news does I am sony to inform 198. Ong Wright da Personal intetview:

Mr. Wtight give Richard you that the position thong bao tin gi cho Phong v~n ca
Bolt? you applied for has Richard Bolt? No longer
A. The company does not been fjlled. A. Cong ty khong available: Khong
accept personal ch~p nhan phong v~n con nfra

interviews. ca nhan.
B. The Assistant B. Vi ni n·Q ly kg toan

Accountant osition is da khong con nfra.

no longer available. c. Thong tin trong

C. The information in his bang di~m cua anh ~y

t:ransctipt was incorrect. Ia khong chinh xac.
D. The Employment D . Nguoi ctm bo
Officer has not received tuy~n d\lllg khong
the resume. nh~n duQc so ygu ly
Tu t:rong do~;~n van can
cu ~Has been filled
(da tuy~n duQc) tuong
duong v6i khong con

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong
vi tri d6 nfra (~no

longer available)
199. Why might Mr. Bolt I was extremely 199. T~i sao ong Bolt Ideal (adj): Ly
contact Martin Plaster? interested in your 1~ vigt thu cho Martin tuong
A. To in~uire about a recent Plaster? Extremely(adv):
job advertisement for an A.Dg hoi vg mot cong Cvc ky, cao do

B. To schedule an Assitant vi~c Confident (adj): Tv
Accountant, which B. £)~ len Uch trinh

interview tin
C. To submit a resume appeared m the cho mot bu6i phong Educational
D . To review a contract March Issue of van background (n):

Financial Times. I C. D~ nop mot so ygu Ngn tang giao d\lC
am confident that ly Uch Work experience
my educational D. D~ xem xet mot (n): Kinh nghi~m

background and hop d6ng Hnn vi~c
work experience Candidate (n): Ung
make me the ideal
candiate for this
200. The word I want you to know, 200. Tir "extremely" Relatively (adv):
"extremely'' in line 2 of however, that I trong dong 2 cua la Lk luQt, tuong lffig
the second letter is closest thought your resume thu thu 2 mang nghla
meaning to and cover letter g~n nh~t vOi:

A. intelligent were extremely A. thong minh

interesting. B. mot each de dang
c. cao do, eve ky
D. relatively D . L5n luQt, tuong

Chi c6 highly moi c6

y nghla g~n extremely

nh~t nen chQn c -


Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit ct:1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<:~n nh~m gitlp cac b<:~n co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dung mua ban quyen sach ml:y vi nhu the se lam milt di gia t•i ma cac b<:~n da dong

Questions 153-154 refer to the following email.

From: Hazel Irwin <hirwin@csgrneclia.corn>
To: Lindsey Monotail <lrnonotail@csgrnedia.corn>
Subject: Speech Request Date: May 23
Hi Lindsey,

As you know, Robe1t Hulking will be awarded the CSG Excellence in Sales Ptize
at a special ceremony at the Persian Hotel this Saturday. Mr. Hulking recently informed

me that you were his supervisor when he first carne to CSG five years ago, and that you
and your business advice have greatly contributed to his recent success. To honor both

your work as Senior Sales Supervisor and Mr. Hulking's recent achievement, I would
like to ask you to present the award this Saturday. As part ofthe presentation ceremony,
you will be asked to give a btief speech about Mr. Hulking. It would be a good idea to
include some personal anecdotes as well as professional stories to help highlight Mr.

Hulking's character.
Please contact Sara Benhunt, my secreta1y, before 2 p.m. today and let her know if you
can attend the event. Her extension is 3125. I hope you will join us.
Hazel Irwin
Director of Public Relations
Can cutrong
Cau hoi (fo~m van (f~ tim D'ch nghia va giai thich Tir moo

ra (fat• an
153 . Who is Robert "Rober Hulking 153. Ai la Robert Hulking Associate
Hulking? will be awarded A. Mot tn;dy ban hang (n): Ph1,1 ta,
A The new sales the CSG B. Mot nguOi giarn sat cua phong tr<;rly

associate Excellence", kinh doanh

B. A supervisor m "when he first C. Mot nhan vien duqc nllan giai
the sales depa1trnent carne to CSG five thuemg

C. An employee year ago" D. Giarn d6c quan h~ cong chimg

voi nhfrng cau hoi vg nguOi, chimg

who will receive an

award ta dimg ten nguoi d6 Hun tir chi
D. The Public duong d~ tim ra do~n van can cu.
Relations Director
154. What should Please contact 154. Ong Monotail nen lam gi tmoc Supe1vise
Mr Monotail do Sara Benhunt, my 2h chigu? (v): Gitun sat
before 2 1•.m? secretmy, before A. C6 mot bai phat bi~u A speech:
A. Give a speech 2p.m today and B. Tra lOi mot lOi rnoi Bai n6i
B. RepJy to the let her know if C. Tharn d\I le ky ni~rn
invitation D. Gifun sat mot cuoc hQp

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi emnhiet t lnh nhat cua group " Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong

C. Attend you can attend

ceremony the event.
D. Supervise a

Question 155-156
Do you enjoy working outdoors? Do you tluive in a physically demanding work

environment? Then Gateway Contractors has the perfect job for you!
We're l ooking for young, energetic individuals to work on Gateway's latest construction

project: the Maplewood Gymnasium. Successful candidates will be responsible for
unloading supply tr-ucks and distributing supplies to various key points around the site.
No previous construction expe1ience is necessmy, but applicants must be able to work

well with other people.
Applications are available at . T o schedule an interview,
contact Bmno Mmton, the Construction Site Supervisor, at 245-698-7895. Please, no
calls after 9 p.m.

Can cu trong
Cau hoi •lo~n van d~ nghia va gi3i thich Tir mOi
tim ra •la)l an
155. What kind of We're looking 155. Cong vi~c nao dang duqc dang Constr-uction

job IS being for a young, tuy~n? (n): S\l xay

advertised? energetic A. Cong nhan xay dtm.g d\lflg
A. Construction individuals to B. Giarn sat gili. hang duemg bi~n Supe1v isor(n):
worker work on C. Hufin luy~n vien gym Ngum giam sat

B. Shipping Gateway's D. Lai xe tai Instr·uctor(n):

supervisor latest d day c6 construction project nen Ngum huang
C. Gym instructor construction cong vi~c se lien quan t6i xay d\ffig, dan

D. Truck driver pro ject: the ben qnh d6 cac nhi~m V\1 bao g6m
do thigt bi, v~ chuy~n tuc la cac vi~c

Gyrnnasi urn. thUQC Vg chan tay, nhuvay se la cong
Sucessful ... nhan - worker
supply bucks

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong

156. Why might ''To schedule 156. T()i sao cac lm.g vien canlienh~ Application
the applicants an interview, vm ong Mmton? fonn: Don xin
contact Mr. contact Bruno A £)g xin vg mot don xin vi~c vi~c
Morton? Morton, the B. £)g di;it mot CUOC h~n cho bu6i Appointment
A To ask for an Constmction phong v~n (n): Cuoc h~n

application fonn Supetvisor" c. £)g dinh cho cho van phong chlnh Locate (v):
B. To make an D. D@hoi vg chi tigt cong vi~c Dinh cu, dinh

ap ointment for C\lill schedule an interview trong cho
an interview do<;tn van can cu c6 nghla tuong Inquire (v):

C. To locate the duong voi C\lill make an appointment Hoi
main office trong dap an B Job details(n):
D. To inquire Chi tigt cong
about the job vi~c


Question 157-159
Deloit Industries to O(len Another Factory
Deloit Industlies, a leading producer of construction equipment, plans to open another
factory in 2007. The new factmy will be built in Rayong, Thailand, where a number of
other large-scale manufacturing companies are located.

The company's decision was criticized by many local officials, who claim that Deloit
Indusnies plans to exploit local laborers. In the last decade, many companies have
migrated to Thailand because the counny's average wages are significantly less than
those in Nmth America and Europe. By operating in Thailand, companies are able to

decrease their annual expenditures and increase profitability.

Unfmtunately, these profits do not always benefit the local communities. According to
a company spokesman, however, Deloit Indusnies will implement a couple of strategies

that will benefit the local laborers and their families. Among these "positive plans" are

providing health insurance for employees and their families, and giving academic
scholarships to employees' children.
The company has implemented similar strategies for employees working at its mines in
Soutl1 Aftica, processing plants in the Philippines, and packaging facilities in Brazil. In
each place, the company has attempted to hire local workers and integrate itself into the
local community. In July, the company hosted a charity event in Buenos Aires,
Argentina, to raise money for local schools.

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

Cau hoi Can cu trong Dich nghla va giai Urich Tu m6i
do<;tn van d~
tim ra dap an
157. According to The 157. Theo nhu bai bao, t<;ti sao quyet Exploit (v): Khai
the article, why company's dinh clia Deloit Industlies l<;ti bi chi thac, boc lot

has Deloit decision ~ tlich? Take advantage
Industries 's criticized by A. No co th~ se khai thac boc lot moi of : LQi dt,mg,

decision been many local ngum. boc lot
criticized? officials, B. No khong khuygn khich d~u tu nu6c Local(adj)=

A It will who claim ngoai. Regional (adj):
probably exploit that Deloit C. Nose boc lot sue lao dong cua cong Thuoc dia
the environment. Industries nhan trong vimg. phuong

B. It does not plans to D. Nose lam nhan vien lao dong nhigu C1iticized: Bi chi
encourage exploit local gio han. nich
C. It will take
klborers. ticCau hoi why me la hoi vg ly do, con tu
crirticized va decision chinh la 2 tU chi
du6ng. Cl,lm exploit local laborers co
advantage of nghla tuang duang v6i take advantage
regional of regional workers nen chQn dap an c
D. It makes

employees work
longer hours.
158. What does "Among 158. Deloit Indusnies coke ho<;tch lam Facility(n): Co
Deloit Industlies these gi o co so t<;ti Rayoung? so

tllan to do at the "positive A. Cung dp cho nhan vien nhfrng thigt Medial coverage
facility in plans" are bi an toan han (n)= health
Rayong? providing B. Cung dp cho nhan vien bao hi~m y msmance: Bao

A To provide health tg hi~m y tg


workers better insurance for C. Lo<;ti bo nhfrng phg ph§m doc h<;ti Waste
safety equipment employees D. Gi6i thi~u mot cong ngh~ khai thac product(n): Phg
B. To give and their khoang san m6i phlm
medical coverage families" v 6i cau nay dn dQC ca bai, sau do tim Eliminate (v):
to emtlloyees nhfrng tu khoa o cac dap an xem co xu~t Lo<;ti tru
C. To eliminate hi~ ndau do trong bai dQc khong. C\1111 Mining (n): Khai
harmful waste health insurance co nghla tuang duang thac khoang san
products v6i medical coverage nen chQnB.

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group " Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

D. To introduce a
new mining
159. What IS "its mines in 159. Dau khong phlti 1a mot linh Vl,tC Processing plant
NOT mentioned South Af1ica, kinh doanh khac clia Deloit Industiies? (n): Nha may chg

as another one of processing A. Cac co so khai thac khoang san bign
Deloit Industries' plants in the B. Cac nha may chg bign Packaging

businesses? Philippines, C. Cac nha may dong goi factmy(n): Nha
A Mining and D. San xu~t o to may dong goi

facilities packaging Ba nganh nghg duQ'c in nghieng trong Automobile
B. Processing (acilities m do<;tn van can cu gi6ng v6i trong cau manufacturing
plants Brazil." hoi, chi co dap an D khong th~y xu~t (n): San xu~t o to

C. Packaging
D. Automobile
Question 160-162
Rollins University is looking for an energetic, personable individual to teach a
marketing class for students in the honors program during the fall semester. The class,
Advanced International Marketing 402, will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from

4-6 p.m. This is a pa1t-time position. Rollins University is one of the top business
schools in the world, and has campuses in Los Angeles, Pa1is, Tokyo, and Geneva. This
position will be at the university's campus in Tokyo, Japan, so the successful applicant
will be expected to relocate if necessary. The successful candidate will have some

teaching experience (at least 1-2 years in an academic setting) and have worked
extensively in the marketing industiy. Additionally, individuals without a PhD need not
apply. The incumbent will be required to work dming regular class hours, and spend

two to three hours prepa1ing for each class. A p1ivate office will be provided. Since this
is a short-tenn conn·act, compensation is negotiable and will be dete1mined based on

the candidate's work experience and professional history. For more infonnation, or to
request an application, contact James Stewart at 1-54 1-265-6987.

trong •lo~n
cau hoi van(}~ tim
D~ch nghia va giili thich Tir mOi

ra da)) an
160. What does "a marketing 160. Quang cao noi gi vg khoahoc nay? Semester (n):
the adveliisement class for A. No chi co trong hoc ky mua xuan. Hoc ey

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

suggest about students m B. N6 danh cho sinh vien nam Advanced (adj)
the course honor C. Nola mot ph~n cua chuang tJinh tien = Tien tign
mentioned? program tien. Honor (n ,v):
A It is usually during the D . N6 dm;rc thigt kg d@giup cho sinh Vinh d\1', danh
Only offered fall vien nhiing kign thuc th\l'C tg d\1', lam ve vang

during the spring semester" Cau nay tir honor trong do<;~-n van can cu
semester. c6 nghla tuong ducmg voi advanced

B. It I S for trong cau hoi .
students in their

.first year of
C. It is a art of

D. It is designed
to give students
161. Where will ''This 161 . V ng vien se lam vi~c 6 dau? Candidate (n):
the successful position will
A. Tokyo Vng vien
candidate work? be at the B . Los Angeles

A. Tokyo university'sC. Geneva

B. Los Angeles campus D . Pruis
C. Geneva Tokyo, Cau nay tir miu ch6t la where, khi dQC
D. Paris Japan" cau nay chling ta dQC bai va c6 g~ng tim

ra dap an v6i dinh huang tim thong tin

vg noi ch6n.
162. What IS "so the 163. Dieu nao khong phai la yeu cau doi Relocate (v): tai

NOT a candidate voi vi hi nay? dinh cu

be A. C~n chu§n bi tinh th~n s6ng 6 nuoc

requirement of will Related to: Lien

the position? expected to ngoai quan t6i
A To be prepared relocate if B. E>a tirng lam vi~c trong mot nghanh
to live in a necessaiy" co lien quan toi linh V\l'C nay.
foreign country ''The C. C6 kinh nghi~m gifmg d<;ty
B. To have successful D. C6 th@lam trong su6t cu6i tu5n
worked in a field candidate V 6i nhiing cau c6 NOT thi dn hgt sue
related to the will have chu y, c~n tim duqc 3 y d@l o<;ti 1 y con
subject some l<;ti, va y nay se la dap an.
Relocate - live in a foreign country

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

C. To have some teaching
fonn of teaching experience"
experience "and have
D. To be able to worked
work during the extensively in

weekend the


Question 163-166
TR Exhibition to be held
Tyler Remington, President of Tyler Remington Inc., announced that the company

would be hosting its fifth annual TR Programming Exhibition in July. The event Is held
eve1y year to give professional computer programmers a chance to test new software
developed by TR Inc. The event is also a means for the company to consult with some
of the world's most talented programmers about technology trends.
The event attracts programmers from around the world, and most of the individuals who
attend are self-employed, or own their own web design and consulting company. Since
the exhibition began five years ago, it has become known as the single most important
programming event of the year. In the past, it has been hosted in Seattle, Sydney, Berlin,
and Moscow. This year's event is scheduled to take place in Hyderabad, India, as it is

rapidly becoming the technology capital of the world.

To register, simply fill out the online fmm which can be downloaded from the
company's website at Or, you can request a paper application by
calling 1-800-265-8795. A registration fee of$ 195 must also be paid by June 25 with

the application. Only credit card payments are accepted.

cau hoi Can cu trong Dich nghla va giai thich Tu m6i


do<;lll van dg tim


ra dap an
163. What is the ''to g~ve 164. Ly dot& chuc bu&i tiign lfun la
Software (n):
reason for having professional gi? Phfin mgm
the exhibition? computer A. ug tuygn nhan vien Program(n):
A. To recruit programmers a B. ug kigm tra chucmg tdnh may tinh Chuang tiinh
employees chance to test m6i Display (v):
B. To test new new software C. ug giup do cac doanh nghi~p nh6 Tnmgbay
com1mter developed by thanh cong Prosper(n):
programs TR Inc." D. ug tnmg bay cac thigt bi di~n ph& Thanh cong,
bign tnen vQng

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

C. To help small Software ~ Programs Electronics (n):
business prosper
D. To display

164. Who will "most of the 164. Nhiing nguoi nao c6 kha nang Self
most likely individuals who se tham d\1' nh~t? employed: t.\1'

attend the attend are self~ A Chu doanh nghi~p kinh doanh, lam
exhibition? employed'' B . Nha dku tu tigm nang vi ~c, khong di

A. Business C. NguOi v1ra t6t nghi~p ill;ti hoc lam thue
own ers D. Game thu chuyen nghi~p Investor(n):
B. Potential Tir self- employed d6ng nghla v6i Nha dku tu

investors business owner
C. College
D. Professional
165. Why will 166. T~i sao bu&i trign lam l~i dm;rc
"as it rapidily Consulting
the exhibition be becoming the t6 chuc 6 Hyderabad? firm(n): Cong
held in technology A. Cong ty v1ra m6 mot chi nhtmh tu ty tu vk
Hyderabad? capital of the van 6 vimg nay. Convenient

A. The company world" B. Nhiing nguOi lap trinh da quygt (adj): Tinh
just opened a dinh d6la dia digm thu~n loi nhlt. thuan lQi
consulting firm in C. N6 n&i tigng v6i r~t nhigu cong ty Rapid growth
the area. lap t.Iinh. (n): S\1' tang

B. The D. Ngn cong ngh~ noi nay cho thly tru6ng nhanh
programmers mot t6c do phat tlign nhanh nh~t thg
decided it was the gi6i.

most convenient

C. It is known to
have many
D. Its technology
shows the most
ra id growth in
the world.

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

166. What 1s "To register, 166. Dau khong phai la each d~ du Request (n,v):
NOT a way to be simply fill out digu ki~n tham d\I S\I ki~n nay? Yeu c~u, xin
eligible for the the online form A. Dign vao mot ban dang ky di~n ru Submit(v)
event? which can be B. Lien h~ v6i cong ty d~ xin mot ban Trinh, nop
A. Fill out an downloaded dang ky Check(n) : Sec,

electronic the C. Trinh mau dan tm&c mot ngay C\1 kY phigu
application th~ Check (v)

B. Contact D. Gm sec d~ tra phi dang ky Ki~m tran

C. Submit
form by

specified date with the nhlm Ian.
D. Send a check
to pay for the
application ..
Only credit
card payments
are accepted."
Question 167-168
Waldorf Books is excited to announce it will be offering a new p1int-on- demand

publishing service. The company has created a database of all the major and minor book
titles in the world and developed a program that can access electronic versions of these
books. If a customer is unable to find a book in paperback or hardcover in the store, he
can go to the Print-On- Demand kiosk and with the push of a button p1int a copy of the

book without ever leaving the store! This new technology has a couple of advantages:
customers can choose from a more extensive selection of books, and the final product
is cheaper. The setvice is especially useful for individuals who are most interested in

less popular titles by relatively unknown authors. The print-on-demand setvice will be

available at all Waldorf Books stores starting this September

Cauh6i Can cutrong

do~n van d~ Dich nghla va giai thich Tumm
tim ra dap an
167. What ''it will be 167. Waldorf Books se cung cap dich Express
service will offeting a new V\1 gi? delivety(n):
Waldorf Books print-on- A. Dich V\1 chuy~n phat nhanh Chuy~n phat
offer? demand B. Cac phien ban sach c6 th~ in dUQC nhanh

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

A. Express publishing C. Sach photo bia cling cua cac sach P1intable (adj):
delivery se1vice service." b<'m ch<;ty Co th~ in duqc
B. Printable "the push of a D. Ho tr<;r rnua llling ca nhan Hardcover(n):
versions of books button print a Bia cling
C. Hardcover copv o( the Bestseller(n):Sa

copies of book" ch banch<;ty

D. Personal

168. According to The service is 168. Theo nhu qu{mg cao nay, ai la Pulishing
the especially nguai huCm.g l<;ri nhigu nhi t tir dich V\1 cornpany(n):

advertisement, for nay? Cong ty xuit btm
who will benefit individuals A. Nhiing cong ty xuit ban nh6 dn in Benefit(v): li1rn
the most from the
A. Small
who are most
interested m
less popular
tic nhigu sach han.
B. Nhting tac gia chua co sach xuit ban
rnu6n darn bao mot hqp d6ng.
l<;ri, duqc huCm.g
publishing titles by C. Nhiing nguoi rnu6n dQc sach rna ): chua duqc
companies relatively khong rniy ph&bign . xuit btm
looking to print unknown D. Nhiing nhan vien rna chua quen v6i Secure (V): Darn
more books. authors. cac dfr li~u cua cua hang. bao

B . Unpublished C\llTI tir "especially useful" tuang ling Database(n): Dfr

authors hoping to VOi C\llTI "benefit the most"trong cau li~u
secure a contract. hoi, C\llTI " Books.. aren't ve1y popular"
C. People who 6 dap an c tuang ling v6i "less popular

read books that titles" trong do<;~n van can cu.

aren 't verv

D. Employees

who are not

familiar with the
store's database.

Question 169-171
32 Turtle Rd.
Wilmont, WI 20548
August 23
Dear Mrs. Malloy,

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong

We recently discovered that your subscription to Gounnet Chef Monthly will expire in
September and you have not decided to renew it. To encourage you to reconsider your
decision, we' d like to offer you a special, one-time-only offer: if you choose to renew
your subscription, we will give you a fifty percent discount on each monthly issue from
October to March. According to our database, you were paying $6 per issue; with this

discount you would only have to pay $3.00. This offer is only valid if you apply to
renew your subscription before September 15th. We're offe1ing to cut the cost of your

subsc1iption in half. Can you really ask for a better deal?
To accept our offer, please call us at 1-800-254-9864. Our office is open Monday to

Friday fi·om 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Don't miss out on this wonderful oppmtunity; call one of
our helpful customer se1vice agents today. We look forward to your business.
Wannest Regards,
Ross Cather

Sales Director, Gounnet Chef Monthly

cau hoi
trong (lo~n
tic Djch nghia va giai thich TirmOi
van d~ tim
169. Why did ''Not decided 169. T~i sao Ross Cather l<;~i viet thu Renew(v): Gia
Ross Cather to renew it. nay? ~n

write the letter? To A. D~ hoi vg mot s6 thong tin ca nhan

A To request encourage ... B. D~ thuc diy khach himg gia h~ cijch
some personal , we' d like to V\1 CUa hQ
infonnati on offer you a C. E>~ hoi vg mot h6a dan chua dm;rc

B. To encourage special. one- thanh toan

the customer to im""'e'--___,o~n....l.y
.:;.:t.... D. £)~ gioi thi~u mot cijch V\1 moi 6 CUa
extend her otter" himg

Tu renew trong do~n van can cu d6ng

C. To inquire
about a bill that nghla voi extend trong dap an B.
has not been paid
D. To introduce a
new service at the
170. When will "if you 170. Khi nao thl don di;it bao dai ~n CUa Subsciiption(n):
Ms. Malloy's choose to Ms Malloy hgt h<;~n? Don d~t bao dai
existing :. '--_.y'""o'""'u"-r A. Vao thing 3
-'-'re""n.::.e:.:: w ~n
subscription, B. Vao thang 8

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

subscription we will give C. Vao thang 9 Expire(v): Het
expire? you a fifty D. V ao tilling 10 lu;ln
A In March percent Trong do()n ciin cu, ngu nhu gia h()n Discount(n):
B. In August discount on (renew) thi se duqc giam gia (discount) chigt khi u, gifun
C. In Set)tember each monthly tuthang 10t6i thang3. Nhuvay<Uttbao gia

D. In October issue from hgt lu;ln vao thang 9.Them vao d6, gia
October to h()n tmac 15 thing 9 nen hgt h(ln tmac

March" ngay d6.
"if you renew


17 1. How much
1s Mr. Hopkins
paying 1)er
tic 17 1. Ong Hopkins hi~n nay phai tra bao Issue(n):
nhigu tign 1 thang?
A. $3.00
phim, vin dg

Database (n): Dfr

month now? "According B. $6.00 li~u
A $3.00 to our C. $9.00
B. $6.00 database, you D. $15.00
C. $9.00 were paying Trong do()n ciin cu, comonthly issue nen

D. $15.00 $6 per issue, la moi thang tra gia cua 1 issue, va

with this paying $6 per issue nhu vay c6 nghla
discount you moi thang tra $6
would only

have to pay

Question 172-175

This month, Rockford Sports has expe1ienced an unexpected increase in the sale of
running shoes. Executives feel that this was due in large palt to the new ad campaign
released in Febmary. The campaign was orchestrated by Albeit Sterling, the Director
of Advertising. Mr. Sterling has dedicated twenty years of his life to Rockford Sports;
he started as a shoes salesman and has been steadily working his way up the corporate
ladder ever since. He has held his cunent position for the last five years. Unfmtunately,
Mr. Sterling will be reti1ing in March so the Hiring Committee has spent the past year
trying to find a suitable replacement. Just last week, a candidate was chosen for the
position: Roy Pmtsmouth. For the past ten years, Mr. Portsmouth has been the
Executive Adve1tising Assistant at Famous Feet's corporate headquarters in Milan. Mr.

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong

Portsmouth is respected for his keen marketing sense and strategic planning skills. In
particular, he is famous for introducing ad campaigns that helped increase Famous
Feet's intemational brand power, and boosted its total retail profits by 25 percent.
Clearly, Mr. Pmtsmouth will be a powerful addition to our company, and we hope all
employees make him feel welcome.

cauhoi Can Clr trong Dich nghia va giai Urich Tu moi
do~n van dg

tim ra dap an
172. Where "Mr 172. Thong bao nay c6 thg duqct tim Announcement
might this Poustmouth Hilly o dau? (n):Thong bao
announcement will be a Newsletter(n):

A. Mot catalogue san phim
be found? powerful B. Mot to bao dia phuong Ban tin
A A product
B. A local
addition to
tic C. Mot ban tin cong ty
D. Mot clia himg giay
Khi dQc qua bai thi c6 thg thi sinh se
newspaper and we hope pharr van gifra dap an B va C. Thg
C. A company all nhung trong cau cubi khi c6 xu~t hi~n
newsletter employees tuour company va we hope that all
D. A shoe store make him employees thi ro rang noi dung nay

welcome" thuoc vg noi bo cong ty.

173. Who is Mr. "Mr Sterling 173. Ai la ong Sterling? Retire (v): Nghi
Sterling? will be A. Mot nhan vien cua himg huu

A A depattment retiring m B. Mot nhan vi en s~p nghi huu Committee(n):

store clerk March" C. Tr<;r ly digu hanh quang cao Hoi d6ng
B. A retiring D. Mot thanh vien cua hoi d6ng tuygn

employee d\lll.g

C. The Executive
D. A member of
the Hiring
174. What lS "the new ad 174. E>ieu gi dUn.g ve ong Sterling? Salesman(n):
TRUE about Mr. campa1gn A. Ong ~y da lam vi~c nhu mot nguoi Ngum ban hang
Sterling? realeased m bim hang trong 10 nam. Campaign(n):
Febmaty Chign dich

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi emnhiet tlnh nhat cua group " Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

A. He worked as This B. Ong ay biet ong Portsmouth ngoai Release(v):
a salesman for a camprugn doi Tung ra, tri@n
decade. ~ C. Ong ay da dan ditt mot chi~n dich khai
B. He knows Mr. orchestrated quiing cao To be
Portsmouth by Albeit D . Ong ~y da gim thi~u mot k~ hoc;tch orchestrated =

personally. Sterling" ngan sach thanh cong. to be led: dm;rc
C. He took the Lead ~To be Led= to be orchestrated dan d~t boi ai

lead of a new ad
cam aign .

D. He introduced
a successful
budget plan.
175. According to "helped 175. Theo bai thong bao, ong To

the annoucement, increase Portsmouth n6i ti~ng vi digu gi? promoted:
what action IS Famous A. Thang ti~n r~t nhanh
tic DuQc thang ti~n
Mr. Portsmouth Feet's B. Tang lQi nhu~n clla cong ty
known for? international C. Thi~t k~ mot giay ch<;ty n6i ti~ng
A. Getting brand power, D . Len k~ hoc;tch cho mot S\l ki~n th@
promoted very and boosted
quickly its total retail
B. Increasing the profits by 25

comt)any's percent"
C. Designing a
populru· running

D. Planning an

sporting event

Question 176-180
Jeny Walker has been the head coach for the Chicago Islanders for the last eight years.
On August 23, 2007, Mr. Walker will be inducted into the prestigious Basketball Hall

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong

of Fame. Mr. Walker agreed to sit down with Sports World to discuss his remarkable
Intetviewer: So, what does it take to be a professional coach?
Mr. Walker: Actually, a lot of people ask me that, and I always tell them the same thing:
work, work, and more work. People are always surptised by my answer.

Intetviewer: Most people probably think that your job is pretty easy, am I tight?
Mr. Walker: They see me on TV and get the impression that my life is glamorous. The

reality of being a professional coach, however, is that you have to be able to multi-task
and perform under pressure. I'm like a business manager and athletic trainer, all in one

package. I develop training programs for my athletes, investigate other teams ' training
habits, hire staff, fire staff, schedule practice sessions, consult with injured players, and
negotiate contracts with new players.
Interviewer: That does sound like a lot of work for one man. What does your wife think

of your career?
Mr. Walker: Well, she wants me to teach in a university like she does rather than work
as a coach. She wonies about my health and doesn't like the fact that we can't spend
much time together. I just love to see athletes excel, and to know that I had something
to do with their success. That's what I want the most.
Interviewer: What would you change about your job, if you could?
Mr. Walker: I wish I had more time to coach amateur players, like high school and
college athletes. I think it's impmtant to develop the skills of up-and-corning athletes,

not just ones who sign a contract with us.

Can cu trong
Tu moi
Cauh6i do<;tn van dg Dich nghia va giai Urich

tim ra dap an
176. Why are ''Theyseeme 176. T<;tisaonhieunguoing<;tcnhienve Appear(v): To
many surprised on TV and cong vi~c cua Jeny Walker? ra, cho th~y, xu~t

about Jerry get the A. N6 khong de nhu ve bg ngoai. hi~n


Walker's work? impression B. Thu lao it hon nhigu nguoi tu6ng Disadvantaged(a
A. It is not as easy that my life is tm;mg. dj): C6 hoim
as it a1)1)ears to glamorous. C. N6 khong yeu c~u kinh nghi~m tmoc canh kh6 khan
be. The reality of d6.
B. It pays less than being a D. N6 c6 loi cho cac v~ dong vien c6
most people professional hot'm canh kh6 khan.
expect. coach, Nhiing do<;tn g<;tch chan o do<;tn van dap
C. It doesn't however, l S an cho th~y S\1' khac nhau gifra S\1' tu6ng
require previous that you have tuong ' ~n tuQng (impression) cua mQi
experience. to multi task nguffi va tinh ch~t thl)'C tg cong vi~c CUa

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

D. It benefits and perform Jeny. Tim do~n nay bang each dl,fa vao
disadvantaged under tir chi duemg surprised -- > tim dm;rc
athletes. pressure." do~ phia tren, sau do dQc tigp do~n

177. What is NOT "hire staff, 178. Di§u gi khong phlti la nhi~m V\1 Recruit(v):
one of Mr. fire staff, cua ong Walker? Tuy~n d1,1ng

Walker's schedule A. Tuygn vien moi Negotiate (v):
resJlonsiblities? training B. Dua ra lich t:rinh tap luy~n Dinn phan

A Hiring new sesswns,... C. Tuy~n nhiing van dong vien moi
employees negotitate D . Thmn dl,f cac hoi thlto v§ th~ thao
B. Providing a contracts
t:r·aining schedule with new

C. Recruiting new players"
D. Attending
178. What is Mr. "She wants 178. Ngh§ cua V(J ong Walker? Athletic
Walker's wife's me to teach A. Ba ~y la mot hu~n luy~n vien th~ trainer(n): hu5.n
profession? in a thao. luy~n vien thg

A She IS an university B. Ba iy la mot giiun d6c di§u hanh thao

athletic trainer. like she does C. Ba iy la mot gifmg vien. Executive(n):
B. She 1s an rather than D . Ba iy lamotnguoi tuy~ndl,lflgv§ thg Di§uhanh
executive work as a thao. Recruiter(n):

manager. coach" NguOi tuygn

C. She is a dl,lflg

D. She 1s an

athletic recruiter.
179. What does "I just love to 179. Ong Walker thich nhlt di§u gi v§ Excel(n.v): xu5.t
Mr. Walker like see athletes cong vi~c cua minh? chimg
most about his excel, and to A. Ong iy thich nhiing cuoc thi.
job? know that I B. Ong iy thich giup do nhiing van
A He loves the had dong vien toi thanh cong.
competition. something to C. Ong iy thich dulich cimgvoi doi clia
B. He likes to do with their minh.
help athletes success. D. Ong iy mu6n len TV.
succeed. That's what I

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong

C. He enJoys ..:.:
w~a~n;::...t_ ____:t::.:h~e Tir chi duong la like most, sau d6 thay
travelling with his most" know that I had something to do with
team. their successs, tucmg duang voi help
D. He gets to be on athletes succeed.

180. What would "I to
wish 180. Ong Walker mu6n lam digu gi? Attend(v): Tham
Mr. Walker like to have more A. Lam vi~c v6i cac van dong vien t:re d\1'

be able to do? time to coach han Amateur(n):
A. Work with amateur B. Danh nhigu thai gian han cho doi ciia Khong chuyen,

younger athletes players, like ong ay nghi~pd u
B. Spend more high school C. Tham d\1' it S\1' ki~n t:ruygn thong han
time with his team and college D. Giam nhi~m vt;1 qutm ly

C. Attend fewer athletes." I wish - like to be able to do
media events Work with younger athletes - coach
D. Reduce his
tic amateur player, like high school and
college athletes
Question 181-185
From: Howard Hilton To: Margaret Willow Subject: Defective P1inter
Dear Mrs. Willow,

My company, Pip Imaging, purchased an Easy Jet 1435 p1inter from your company four
weeks ago. Three weeks ago, an employee repmted that the printer turned off eve1y
time she hied to print on both sides. A week after the problem was reported, a repai1man
came to the office to fix the problem. After spending an entire day taking apait the

machine, he detennined that the p1inter was missing an important screw. It is critical
that we have a functioning printer in order to provide our customers with quality
photocopies. Therefore, it is important that we fix this problem as soon as possible. We

will be closing tempora1ily in two weeks from June 23rd to July 2nd, while we change

locations, and we would like to resolve this problem before then.

Howa1·d Hilton Technical Director

To: Howard Hilton From: Margai·et Willow

Dear Mr. Hilton,
First, I would like to apologize for the problem you encountered with your printer. This
is the first defective product that we have ever been made aware of, and we have already
contacted the Director of Production, Glen Milton, to investigate the cunent production
practices for all Easy Jet 1435 p1inters. We certainly want to resolve this problem as

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong

quickly as possible. We are happy to pay for all repair costs, as well as all shipping fees.
Please put the ptinter in its original box and send it to the Product Repair Depattrnent.
The address for this department is provided in the Owner's Instmction Manual that
carne with the ptinter. We will have a specialist take a look at the machine immediately.
You should have a working ptinter within three to four weeks. Please feel free to contact

me at any time, should you have questions or comments.

Margaret Willow
Director, Customer Relations, Easy Jet Office Supplies

cau hoi Can cu trong
do<;lll van dg Dich nghla va giai thich Tu rnoi
tim ra dap an

181. How long 181. Pip Imaging da rnua l<;~i chiec may Purchase (n,v):
ago did

Imaging, tic
in each day bao lau?
purchased an A. One week
Easy Jet B. Two weeks

printer? 1435 printer C. Three weeks

A One week fi·mn your D. One month
B. Two weeks company Tu chi duong P ip Imaging va purchase
C. Three weeks four weeks

D. One month ago."

182. What kind qf "in order to 182. Pip Imaging co kha nang la dang Hardware(n):
business IS Pip provide kinh doanh nganh nghg gi? Phk cilng
Imaging most customers A. Mot cong ty kinh doanh dich V\}copy Is likely: Co kha

likely? with quality B. Mot cua h~mg ph~n cilng nang rang
A. A coJ)xing photocopies" c. Mot phong ch\lp anh
comJ)any D. Mot nha cung c~p phk rngrn

B. A hardware Khi cong ty cung cip cho khach himg

nhfrng b{m pho to ch~t lu<;mg va 0 tren

C. A photography co noi nhigu vg chlt luang, cac v5n dg
studio voi may in nhu vay kha nang cao cong
D. A software ty cung c~p dich V\1 copy.
183. According to "the ptinter 183. Theo nhu email dau tien, khi nao Front and back:
the first email, tmned off thi may in bi t~t? M~t tmoc va sau
when does the everytirne A. Moi khi no kgt thuc mot l~nh in ~ Both sides: Hai
ptinter shut she tried to B. Ngu may khong duqc lau chill rn~t
down? thuong xuyen

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi emnhiet t lnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

A. Every time it print on both C. Khi nhan vien tim each in ca mM
finishes a priting sides." tm6c va m~t sau
task D. Sau khi no duqc su dl,ll1g trong mot
B. If the machine khoang thm gian lllilit dinh
1s not cleaned Print on both sides - Print out on the

regularly front and back
C. When

em(lloyees try to
print out on the

front and back
D. After it has
been used for a
cettain amount of

184. What should
Howard Hilton
do before
"Please put
the printer in
its original
tic 184. Howard Hilton nen lam gi tm6c
khi tra l~i san ph~m nay?
A. Kigm tra hoa dan
Retum (v): Tra
returning the box and send B. Dong goi l~i Dong goi 1~
product? it to the C. Dign vao mau don
A. Check the Product D. GQi cho phong sua chua
receipt Repair Put the printer on its original box -

B. Re()ackage it Department" Repackage it

C. Fill out a fonn
D. Call the Repair

185. Why might "We will be 185. T~i sao Howard Hilton co thg To be satisfied
Howard Hilton closing khong hai long v6i dg nghj cua Magaret with st: H<h long
not be satisfied temporarily Willow? vg chuy~n gi

with Magaret in two weeks A. Ong ta phai tra them phi cho cac bQ Extra: Them

Willow's offer? ... we would phan. Warranty(n):

A. He has to like to B. No t6n nhigu thai gian han ong ta Bao hanh
make an extra resolve this mong muon.
payment for problem C. Ong ta khong mu6n tra phi van
pa1ts. before then" chuygn.
B. It takes "You should D. Bao hanh hgt h~n tru6c khi no co th~
longer than he have a duqc sua chua.
wants. working
printer within

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group " Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong

not three or four

want to pay for weeks"
shipping fees.
D. The wananty
expires before it

can be fixed.

Question 186-190
Job OJlenings at Felton Insurance

Position 1: Assistant Financial Officer
Requirements: A minimmn of five years expe1ience m a managerial position.
Applicants will have extensive knowledge of accounting systems, and significant
experience developing budgets and offering financial advice.

Position 2: Project Manager
Requirements: A minimum of 4 years experience organizing and executing projects. A
strong ability to plan new projects and lead people to complete them. Candidates will
also be required to relocate to our offices in Paris.
Position 3: Media Consultant
Requirements: At least 3 years of expe1ience in a related field. Applicants will have
excellent verbal and Wiitten communication skills. Experience Wiiting press releases
and holding press conferences is preferred.

Position 4: Sales Copy Wtiter

Requirements: A Master 's degree in either Business Communications or Journalism is
a must. Extensive marketing or advertising experience is also required.
To Apply: Send a cover letter, resmne, and at least two letters of reference to the HR

Department at Felton Insurance:

Hmnan Resources Department Felton Insurance 145 Liberty Rd. Seattle, WA 98 101
Qualified candidates will be contacted by phone to schedule an inte1view. Please do not

contact the company directly.


To whom it may concern:

My name is Justin Thimble and I' m writing in response to the Project Manager position
you advertised recently. I feel that my professional background and personality make
me the ideal candidate for the job. I have over six years of experience working with a
small team to plan and cany out new projects. Additionally, I can speak and WI-ite
French fluently, and would be very excited to live abroad. I would greatly appreciate
the opportunity to work for such a prestigious international company. The enclosed
resmne further details why I would make an excellent choice for this position. Thank
you for your time and consideration.

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi emnhiet t lnh nhat cua group " Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong

Justin Thimble

Can cu trong
Cau hoi (lo~n van ,1~ tim Djch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi

ra (la)) an
186. Which job "Position 4: Sales 186. Mieu ta vg cong vi~c niw nh~c Project

description Copy Writer dgn giao d1,1c nhu la mot yeu ciu Manager(n):
mentions A Master's cho vi b.i d6? Giam d6c d\1' an

education as a degree m either A. Project Manager Media
requirement for Business B. Media Consultant Consultant(n):
the position? Communication C. Sales COJ)Y Writer Tu vin b.uygn
A. Project or Journalism is a D. Assistant Financial Officer thong

Manager must" Assistant

C. Sales COJ)Y
tic Financial
Officer(n): Trq
ly tai chinh
D. Assistant
Financial Officer
187. What are Please do not 187. Cac ling vien duqc yeu cau Cover letter:

applicants asked contact the khong lam gi? Thu xin vi~c
NOT to do? company directly A. GQi cho cong ty Reference (n):
A. Call the B. Vigt thu glri thu xin vi~c S\1' tham chigu,
COffi))any C. Cung cip thu gioi thi~u thu gi6i thi~u

B. Mail the cover D. Glri don xin vi~c

C. Provide


D. Send the
188. What is the 188. M1,1c dichcua thuongThimble
purpose of Mr. viet la gi?
Thimble's letter? A. £)~hoi them thong tin vg cong ty
A. To request B. D~ bay to quan tam toi vi hi
more information duqc dang tuy~n
about the C. £)g thay d6i ngay cua CUQC hQp
company. h9id6ng

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi emnhiet tlnh nhat cua group " Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

B. To express D. £)g hoi nhu cau ve dich V\1
interest in the marketing cfu anh ta.
t)osition V6i nhting la thu vigt khi thiy
advertised thong tin dang tuygn thi ml).c tieu
C. To change the luon la dg bay to quan tam toi cong

date of the vi~c, va dg Un.g tuygn cho cong vi~c
committee do

D. To mqmre

about the need for
his marketing

189. What is a "Candidates will 189. Dau la mot trong nhting yeu Extensive (adj):
requirement for also be required d u cua vi ni rna ong Thimble nh~c chuyen sau, sau
the position that
mentions m the
office in Paris"
to relocate to om t6i n·ong thu?
A. Kha nang giao tigp xui t chimg

letter? excited to live kg toim

A Excellent abroad" C. San sang lam vi~c a mot qu6c
written gia khac
communication D . San sang t6 chuc hoi nghi va hoi

skills thao chuyen dS.

B. Extensive
knowledge of

C. Willingness to
work in a

foreign country

D. Ability to
orgaruze press
conferences and
190. What did The enclosed 190. Ong Thimble da dinh kern gi
Mr. Thimble resume further trong buc thu?
include with his details why I A. Mot danh ml).c dl).' an
letter? would make an B. Mot thu gi6i thi~u
A A project excellent choice C. Mot sa ygu li lich
portfolio for this positio D. Mot anh

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong

B. A reference
C. A resume
D. A photograph

Question 191-195

From: Gail Rogers <grogers@scriptors.corn>
To: John Harlow <jharlow@scriptors.corn>

Date: Jrme 21
Subject: Problems with the network Dear Mr. Harlow,
I don't know if you 've received other complaints already this rooming, but at the
moment I'm being denied access to the company's network. I've never experienced

something like this before. My co-'Worker, Jim Stevens, said he was having the same
problem. When I enter my employee ID and password, I receive this message:
Employee ID invalid. I'm positive that I'm entering the correct ID, so I don't know why
I can't access the network. I tried to contact the Computer Technician, but he hasn' t
replied to my ernails. I was hoping that you would be able to help me , since you 're the
Technology Supervisor. I would really appreciate any assistance you can provide at this

From: John Harlow < jharlow@scriptors.corn >

To: Gail Rogers <grogers@sctiptors.corn>

Date: June 21
Subject: Re: Problems with the network Hi Gail,
I'm sony that I did not reply sooner, but one of the computers on the fifth floor

unexpectedly shut down and I had to investigate the cause. Our Computer Technician,

Thomas Benson, has the flu and will not be in the office for the rest of the week. I have
heard from many other employees today, and they all mentioned the same enor
message. I think the problem might be that we updated our computer security system,
but I can't be certain until I do a little more research. I'm not sure why, but we seem to
be having a lot of problems with our computers lately. This is the tenth complaint I've
received this morning. I have scheduled a meeting with the Administrative Supetvisor,
Philip Downs, at 3 p.m. He should be able to tell me how to fix the problem. Usually,
the kind of error message you describe appears when there is something wrong with the
secmity settings. In the meantime, I recommend that you save all of your cunent files

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong

on a hard disk because there is a possibility that we will have to erase your hard chive.
If you have any questions before 5 p.m., you can reach me at ext. # 5498.
John Harlow Technology Supervisor

Can cu trong
cau hoi do~n van ••~ tim D!ch nghia va giai thich Tir moo

ra •laJ) an
191. What I S "I don' t know 19 1. Dieu gi dlm.g v6i van de voi

TRUE about Gail why I can't may tinh cua Gail Roger?
Roger's computer access the A Do khong phai la lk dku tien
problem? network" xay ra v6i co ay.
B. Nhfrng nhan vienkhac khong c6

A It is not the first
time it has kinh nghi~m vm vin dS nay.
happened to her. tic C. N6 xay ra khi co iy luu mot t~p
B. Other tin.
employees have D. Nguyen nhan clia v§n dS chua
not expe1ienced duqc tim ra
the problem.
C. It occurs when
she saves a file.

D. The source of
the J•roblem is
not known.
192. Who did Gail "I hied to contact 192. Gail Roger da lien h~ v6i ai

Roger try to the Computer dku tien?

contactjirst? Techinician, but A John Harlow
A John Harlow he hasn 't replied B. Thomas Benson

B. Thomas my email" C. Jim Stevens


Benson "Our Computer D. Philip Dows

C. Jim Stevens Techinician,
D. Philip Dows Thomas Benson"
193. In the first I'm being denied 193. d buc thu dau tien, tir Prevent(v):
email, the word access to the "denied" 6 dong 2 c6 nghla g~n Ngan ch~n
"denied" in line 2 company's nhi t voi" Provoke(v):
is closest meaning network A. Prevented ChQc rue
to: B. Provoked Prove(v):
A. Prevented C. Proven chilng minh
B. Provoked D. Promoted

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

C. Proven Promote(v):
D. Promoted Thling ti@n, thuc
194. How does "I have scheduled 194. John Harlow d\1' dinh xti' lyvan Resolve(v): giai
John Harlow plan a meeting with dS nhu th@nao? quyet

to resolve the the A. B~ng each thay th~ mot trong s6
problem? Administrative may tinh van phong

A By replacing Supetvisor... He B. B~ng each sua chfra mot s6 day
some of the office should be able to di~n

computers tell me how to fix C. B~ng each cu t6i kY thuat vi en
B. By repamng the problem" may tinh
the elechical wires D. B~ng each n6i chuy~n voi mot
C. By sending a nhan vien tir van phong khac

D. By St)eaking to
a 1)erson from
195. What is Gail "I recommend 195. Gail Roger duqc khuyen lam Inshuction
Roges advised to that you save all gi? manual(n): chi

do? of your current A T~t may tinh ngay dan ky thuat

A Tum off her files on a hard B. Luu cac tap tin CUa co §.y vao
computer disk" mot dia
immediately C. Lien M voi nguoi gitun sat CUa

B. Save her files phong

to a disk D. Tham khao chi dan ky thuat
C. Contact her


D. Consult the
inshuction manual

Question 196- 200

HMG Computer Innovation Conference Lauren Hunt Watson and Rye Media 125
Dobson Ave.
Atlanta, GA 54897
Dear Ms. Hunt,

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group " Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong

I am pleased to inform you that the eighth annual Computer Innovation Conference will
take place fi:om July 22-23 at the Henderson Hotel in Park County, Colorado. This year,
we expect to receive as many participants as in previous years: over 3,000 computer
specialists from all over the world, including some of the most highly respected
individuals in the field. As always, it is our sincerest hope that Watson and Rye Media

will participate in the Publisher's Showcase for displaying your latest electronic
publishing products, including joumals, software, and any other relevant materials.

The exquisite Boulder Room, which will be set up with tables, shelves, electronic
equipment and Internet access, will be available for you to display multi-media

products. The adjoining Silver Springs Room will be reserved for showcasing p1inted
media, like books and magazines.
If you would like to rese1ve a space to set up a display, please fill out the registration
fonn enclosed with this letter. Please remember to indicate which room you would like

to reserve , and the times that you would like to rese1ve it for. Also, I should infmm you
that, due to problems we had last year, all fees must be paid at the time of registration.
You should submit eve1ything by June 15th. If you have any questions, please feel free
to call me at 514-698-9874, or email me at
Thomas Orson Conference Organizer

From: Lauren Hunt <>

To: Thomas Orson <>
Date: Tuesday, June 8
Subject: Exhibits for HM G Conference

Dear Mr. Orson,

I was very excited to receive your invitation to attend the HMG Computer Innovation
Conference. Before I submit the application and fee, however, I would like to ask you

an important question about the rules for setting up an exhibit. Since our company

handles both electronic and print media products, we would prefer to display our
product lines together. Is there any possibility that we would be able to set up both of
our exhibits in the Boulder Room?
Thank you so much for your time. I look forward to healing from you soon.
Lauren Hunt

trong (lo~n
cau hoi D'ch nghia va giai thich TirmOi
van (f~ tim
ra (lap an

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi emnhiet tlnh nhat cua group " Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

196. Why did Mr. "... the 196. T()i sao ong Orson viet thu cho ba Advance(n): S\1'
Orson write the annual Hunt? ti@n bo
letter to Mrs. Computer A. D~ gi6i thi~u mot cijch V\1 khach S(~Jl
Hunt? Innovation B. De gi6i thi~u chi ti@t v@ mot hoi nghi
A To introduce Conference C. D~ thao lu~n v@ cac ti@ n bo cong

new hotel will take ngM
seivices place fi:om D. D~ yeu ciu v@ thay d&i trong lich

B. To ))rovide July 22-23 at tiinh
details about a the D~ tra lffi cho cau hoi nay, dQC lu6t toan

conference Henderson bo bai, th~y nhfrng thong tin dua ra lien
C. To discuss Hotel in Park quan v@ thOi gian, dia di~m t6 chuc,
technological County... thanh pMn tham d\1', thong tin v@ CC1 sa
advances participants vat ch~t cung c~p t:rong hQi nghi

D. To mqmre ...
about schedule
set up with
shelves, ... "
197. In the letter, «The 197. Trong buc thu, tir "exquisite" a
Exquisite (adj) :
the word exquisite do<;tn 2, dong 1 c6 nghla gin nh~t v6i: tinh t@
"exquisite" m Boulder A. Expensive Exclusive (adj) :

paragraph 2, line Room » B. Exclusive doc quy@n

1 is closest C. Exte1ior Exte1ior(adj): a
meaning to D. Elegant benngoai
A Expensive Elegant(adj):

B. Exclusive tinh t@
C. Exterior
D. Elega_m

198. How is the "due to 198. Quy t:rinh rumg eynamnay khac gi Process(n): Quy

registration problems we so voi nhU:ng nam tmoc? tdnh

process this year had last year, A. Tbi da 3 nhan vien ti.r moi cong ty Along with:
d~fferent from all fees must dm;rc tham d\1'. Cimg v6i
previous year? be paid at the B. Dan dang ky khong th~ tai v@ tir
A A maXImum time of website du<;rc nfra.
of three registration. C. T~t ca cac thi@t k@tnmg bay d@u la
employees from You should b~t buoc v6i don dang k)r.
each company submit D. T~t ca cac van ban cin duqc nop di
can attend. everything cimg hie v6i vi~c thanh toim.
by June 15th"

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
A .. , , .., A

B. Applications Along with -At the time of
can no longer be
downloaded from
the website.
C. A display

design is required
along with the

D. All

documents must
be submitted
with the

199. What does "Is there any 199. Ba Hunt thong bao dieu gi trong Indicate(v):
Ms Hunt indicate possibility tic thu cua ba ~y gm cho ong Orson? Thong bao, chi
in her email to that we A. Ba ~Y khong len kg hoc;tch vg vi~c di ra, chi dan
Mr. Orson? would be tm hoi nghi narn nay. Reserve(v): D~t
A She does not able to set up B. Ba ~Y thich vi~c d~t 1 cho 6 phong cho, d~t phong
plan to go to the both of our Silver Sptings. Mutli-rnedia: Da
conference this exhibits m C. Ba ~Y rnu6n t6 chuc ca hai bu&i tnmg phuong ti~n
year. the Boulder bay cua rninh 6 phong da phuong ti~n.

B. She prefers to Room?" D. Ba ~Y chllen kg hoc;tch d~ d~t du cho

resetve a space m cho cac san pMrn in.
the Silver Springs Display- Exhibit

C. She wants to
set Ul) both of
her diSI)Iays in

the multi-media

D. She only plans
to reserve enough
space for her
ptinted products
200. What can be From: 200. C6 th~ gia dinh gi ve ba Hunt?
assumed about Laurent A. Ba ~y la mot nhan vien cua Watson
Ms.Hunt? Hunt<lhunt and Rye Media.
A. She is an @watsonand B. Ba ~y giup t6 chuc hoi nghi.
employee of tye. corn>

Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em

nhiet tlnh nhat cua group " Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong

Watson and Rye C. Ba ay thich tmyen thong in an han

Media. tmy§n thong di~n tu.
B. She is helping D. Ba iy se n6i chuy~n voi cip tren v§
to organize the hoi nghi.
conference. D\l'a vao dia chi email cua ba Hunt rna

C. She prefers ta thiy c6 duoi nhu ten cua Watson and
ptint media to Rye nen c6 thg phong doan ba Hunt la

electronic media. nhan vien cong ty nay.
D. She will talk to

her supetv tsor
about the


Quyen sach nay do nh!ing thanh vi em nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so;;~n nham giup cac b;;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi nglfai d Lmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b;;~n da dong
Part 7
Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for

each question and mark the letter (A}, (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the tollowi ng article .


Telcorp in Trouble
The CEO of Telcorp, Howard Ballantine, has been accused of using company money
to invest in personal real estate deals. A private committee was hired to investigate
Mr. Ballantine's financia l activity after Walter Scott, the senior accountant at Telcorp,
noticed nearly 2 million dollars was missing from the company's primary investment
account. Mr. Scott discovered the problem three months ago and reported it to
Richard Flint, Telcorp's chief financial advisor. Howard Ballantine denies any
wrongdoing, and is hiring his own team of financial officers to investigate the matter, a

close friend of Ballantine's said. Telcorp was the nation's leading producer of cell
phones until Softphone Inc. opened a factory in China six months ago, which enabled
it to save nearly 10 million dollars in production costs . Mr. Ballantine's alleged actions
suggest that the company will face more trouble in the future. fl




153. According to the article, what mistake did the 154. How did Softphone Inc. decrease operation

CEO ofTelcorp make? costs drastically?

(A) He introduced less attractive products. (A) By reducing its workforce
(B) He used company funds inappropriately. (B) By improving technology
(C) He fired an employee without a reason. (C) By opening a new plant
(D) He refused to invest in new technology. (D) By outsourcing its projects
Questions 155-156 refer to the following letter.

18 Pine Hill Rd.
Mulberry, MI


22 October 2007

Dear Mr. Johnson, -a
We received your request to change the dates of your reservation at the Glenwood

Resort from April 15-22 to June 20-28. Unfortunately, I have checked the database and
there are no rooms available for those dates. I sincerely apologize that we can not
accommodate your request; unfortunately June, July, and August are our busiest months
because we offer special summer discounts. I understand that your company is
relocating you to London in July and therefore you can't make a reservation for any
other date. I would like to mention, however, that Phillip D. Humboldt, the owner of
Glenwood Resort, recently opened another luxury resort, Woodshire Retreat, just thirty
minutes outside of Mulberry. If you would like to make a reservation at this resort, the
number is 1-800-238-9648. Or you can make a reservation online at www.


Richard Kent
Customer Services

-- - ~ · -'-

155. What is the purpose of this letter? 156. What did Mr. Humboldt achieve recently?
(A) To promote seasonal discounts (A) He expanded his business.
(B) To suggest an alternative to the (B) He was re located to London.
customer (C) He won a luxury vacation.
(C) To discuss plans to build a new hotel (D) He recruited a new client.
(D) To provide directions to a resort

Actual Test 03 69
Questions 157-159 refer to the following advertisement.

Sim's Super Sale!

To commemorate ten years of business, Sim's is having a giant sale. The sa le starts
at 8:ooa.m. on Saturday, July 9th, and ends at midnight on Sunday, July 1oth. All
sports equipment is 20 percent off:'· All men's and women's sports apparel is 15

percent off, including the exclusive Swish brand running shoes and shorts .
Customers who have a Sim's Super Savings Card will receive an additional 10
percent off their entire purchase. (If you want to become a Sim's member, please

fill out the application on our website at Also, please
bring your children: Ron Barkley, the lead scorer for the L.A. Rockets, will be
giving a special demonstration on how to dribble a basketball. All children over the
age of 8 are welcome. Entrance is free, but all children must wear sneakers and
bring their own basketball.
·:·offer does not apply to bikes, treadmills, or golf clubs.

157. Why did Sim's decide to have a sale this 159. What can be inferred about Ron Barkley
weekend? from the advertisement?
(A) To get rid of old merchandise (A) He wants to open a sports store.

(B) To promote a new product (B) He is a successful athlete.

(C) To celebrate an anniversary (C) He works for Swish shoes.

(D) To advertise an upcoming race (D) He wants to be a college professor.


158. Which of the following is NOT true about the

(A) A famous person will be present.
(B) Brand name products are on sale.
(C) Men's clothing is 15 percent off.
(D) Golf equipment is 20 percent off.
Questions 160-162 refer to the following notice.

Attention All Employees!

The executives at Juniper Insurance have decided to purchase mobile phones for all
employees. They are hoping that the new phones will improve communication between

members of different departments. The company will be purchasing forty-seven TM-161
cell phones from Globalphone Inc. at the end of July. You will receive your new phone -([

during the first week of August. Each employee will be given 200 minutes free each f

month. If you use more than your monthly limit, you will be charged an additional $25
each month. We understand that this is a new policy that may potentially be
problematic, so we welcome any comments or suggestions you may have. To monitor
the new phone system's effectiveness, we will be asking employees to fill out a survey.
The date for this survey has not been chosen yet. However, it will most likely take place
during the third week of August. Also, employees with other suggestions about how to
help employees communicate better should fill out an Employee Comments Form,

which can be obtained from Betty Gill in the Human Resources Department.

160. What does the company plan to do in July? 162. Why would someone contact Betty Gill?
(A) Implement an overtime policy (A) To get her e-mail address

(B) Hire more office workers (B) To transfer to Human Resources

(C) Change insurance companies (C) To obtain the proper form
(D) Buy phones for better communication (D) To write a memo

161. How will the company evaluate the

effectiveness of the strategy?
(A) By conducting a poll
(B) By interviewing employees
(C) By calling the customers
(D) By testing the product

Actual Test 03 71
Questions 163-166 refer to the fo llowing memo.

Attn: All advertising associates

The meeting with Gilman Electronics was rescheduled from Friday, April 22, to

Monday, May 25. I received an e-mail from their CEO, Robert Towney, informing
me that Gilman Electronics is not ready to introduce the new computers due to

production delays. Apparently, technicians discovered a serious defect in one of
the microchips and consequently all of the computers have to be re-evaluated.
Therefore, we have about a month to work on the advertising campaign. I
recommend that we meet early next week - perhaps Monday or Wednesday - to

discuss the current ad campaign and determine whether or not we want to change
it now that we have some extra time. Please e-mail me by 4 p.m. today with your
comments or suggestions about the Gilman account. As you know, Gilman is our
biggest client so it is critical that we provide the best service possible.


Mark Johnson

Director of Advertising

163. What information does the memo provide? 165. Why will the advertising associates meet
(A) Suggestions for an ad campaign early next week?

(B) A new proposal for a client (A) To have a company dinner for an
(C) Plans to purchase computers anniversary
(D) Changes to the dates of a meeting (B) To think about the current proposal

(C) To promote new products to the

164. What is the reason for the production customers
delays? (D) To make a plan for the company
(A) Some production machinery failed. expansion
(B) The company lacks financial resources.
(C) Certain parts of the product are faulty. 166. What does Mark Johnson mention about
(D) A project manager miscalculated the Gilman Electronics?
time. (A) It is the biggest electronic company.
(B) It is the agency's most important client.
(C) It wants to make changes to the
(D) It plans to open a facto ry overseas.
Questions 167-170 refer to the fo llowing schedule .

Opening Ceremony for New Research Wing

Countydale Hospital is proud to announce that construction on the new 20 million dollar

research wing has been completed. To celebrate the occasion, the hospital has decided to
hold a special ceremony on Saturday, May 14, at 4 p.m. All hospital staff, patients, and city RC.

residents are welcome to attend. Below is a basic overview of the schedule of events:

4:00 p.m. - James Rosenthal, Director of Countydale Hospital, will give an introductory
speech. 0

s:oo p.m. - Dr. Merriam Way will discuss the research work that will take place in the new
6:oo p.m. - Gary Paulson Jr., President of Wilson Pharmaceuticals, will talk about his 15
million-dollar contribution to the new wing.

7:00p.m. -The children of City Elementary School will sing a few songs.

7=30 p.m.- Dr. Steven Fellows, Countydale Chief of Surgery, v.rill cut the ribbon and open the


8:oo p.m. - Patients and staff will be invited to enjoy cake and refreshments in the reception
area of the new Paulson Research Wing.

167. What happened to Countydale Hospital 169. What can be learned about Gary Paulson Jr.
recently? from the schedule?
(A) It was closed temporarily. (A) He discovered a new med icine.

(B) More doctors were hired. (B) He donated money to a hospital.

(C) The number of patients increased. (C) He recovered from a severe illness.
(D) The new section was added. (D) He received a position at the hospital.

168. Which is NOT true about the ceremony? 170. Who will conduct the ribbon cutting
(A) City residents can attend the event. ceremony?
(B) The ceremony will be held in the (A) James Rosenthal
afternoon. (B) Dr. Merriam Way
(C) Chi ldren of the local school will perform (C) Dr. Steven Fellows
a concert. (D) Gary Paulson Jr.
(D) Participants must bring their own food.

Actual Test 03 73
Questions 171-173 refer to the following e-mail.

·-- - ~- - -

To: John Miller <>

From: Linda Tillman <>

Subject: Photos

Dear Mr. Miller,

Your customer record stated that you preferred to be contacted by e-mail, so I am e-mailing you

to say that your photographs will not be ready for Saturday at 3 p.m. as discussed. One of our
processing machines broke down yesterday. The repairman said the new part has to be
specially ordered, and probably won 't arrive for another four to five days. This means that the

Belltown branch of Ace Photos only has one machine to process nearly 150 different orders. I
noticed that you marked your order as "URGENT' on the processing request form; however,
due to the circumstances our 24 hour service is no longer available. Your photos will probably
be ready by Tuesday morning at the earliest. If you would rather have your photos processed at
another Ace Photos location, we would be happy to mail them for you. We will cover a-ll the
delivery charges, and have the photos mailed directly to you when they are finished. Also, we
would like to offer you $15 off the total order cost to compensate for any inconvenience this
problem may have caused. Please call me at 1-800-652-3156 to discuss this matter further.


Linda Tillman
Director Customer Relations

171. Why will the problem take a long time to 173. What does the company offer to do?

resolve? (A) Mail the application

(A) The repair company is busy. (B) Cover all service fees
(B) A part is difficult to obtain. (C) Accept the coupon

(C) There was a shipping delay. (D) Pay for shipping

(D) The office is closed briefly.

172. According to the e-mail, which service did

Mr. Miller probably request?
(A) One day processing
(B) Buy one get one free
(C) Poster-sized development
(D) Photo editing
Questions 174-178 refer to the following article.

.. -.-----------.-

The Grant Corporation plans to open a new factory by the end of 2008, a

company spokesman said. The new factory is scheduled to be built in
Dobson County and will create approximately 1,000 new jobs for the local

community. The mayor of Dobson County, Frank Ploy, said the new factory
will be a positive addition to the town, and that the town will support all
efforts to construct the factory as planned. The Grant Corporation is the

world's largest producer of airplane parts, and is renowned for its strict
environmental policies. In 2007, the company received the prestigious
Better Business Award for implementing a new waste management
program that decreased the amount of industrial waste it produced by
nearly 25 percent. Currently, the company owns four other factories, and
has been very successful at securing the support of all the communities it
I affects. Just last March, the factory in Trenton, New Jersey, sponsored a

I charity event that raised 2 million dollars for a local elementary school. The
il l
residents of Dobson County hope to receive the same benefits from the
I' new factory. The Grant Corporation plans to build the new facility on the
grounds of the old Milner Factory. Milner Automobiles abandoned the

factory last year after it built a bigger factory in Michelan, a city about thirty-

five miles north of Dobson County. According to a company spokesman, the

old factory will be demolished before construction on the new facility begins.

- -=: ::::::::::.--=- =::::. ~ _--=- - - = =.:=.--=: :=-
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Actual Test 03 75
174. What will probably happen in Dobson 177. How did The Grant Corporation help Trenton
County by the end of 2008? residents?
(A) An elementary school will be built. (A) It opened a new factory.

(B) More jobs will be generated. (B) It held an educational seminar.
(C) A tax cut will be introduced. (C) It bought local products.
(D) A mayoral election will be held. (D) It sponsored a fundraiser.

175. The word "renowned" in line 7, is closest in 178. Why did the Milner Factory most probably
meaning to close?

(A) obscure (A) The company went out of business.
(B) eminent (B) The facility did not meet environmental
(C) anonymous standards.
(D) complicated (C) The company moved to a different

176. According to the article, what was one (D) The factory had to be renovated.
benefit of the company's award-winning
(A) It increased production capacity.
(B) It created more industrial facilities.
(C) It reduced environmental damage.
(D) It decreased operation costs .
Question 179-180 refer to the following job post.

People with a flexible schedule are needed to work at a local hotel . In order to
keep up with the increase in customers we receive during the summer holidays,

Spartan Hotel is looking for individuals who can work in a variety of positions,
including cleaning services, restaurant staff, and hotel reception. All candidates
must be available to work seven days a week. No experience in the hospitality

business is required, but a college degree and at least 2 years' work experience in
the customer service industry is preferred. Interested individuals should fax a
copy of their resume, along with a cover letter and one le tter of c.>

recommendation, to our main offices. The fax numbe r is 1-555-3269. Successful
applicants will be contacted by telephone to schedule a personal interview .
. Compensation depends on the candidate's work experience and interv iew

179. Why does the hotel require more staff? 180. What is the requirement of the job?

(A) It has decided to expand its facilities. (A) Availability to work all week
(B) It wants to improve its customer service. (B) 2 years' experience in the hospitality
(C) It receives more business at a certain business
time of year. (C) Bilingual ability in Spanish and French
(D) It had to fire some of its employees. (D) Excellent computer skills

Actual Test 03 77
Questions 181-185 refer to the following article and letter.

New Conference Center

Limited Properties (LP) is proud to announce that it has completed construction on its second

conference center in Springfield, Ohio, a spokesman for the company said. The first
conference center is located next to the Upton Insurance building downtown, and is famous for
its golden windows. For three years in a row, this conference building has been the venue for

important international seminars and meetings between oil companies. The second
conference center is even larger than its predecessor; it has ten more floors and is roughly
three times wider. Construction on the second conference center began on March 2, 2004,
and was not completed until July 29, 2007. To commemorate its opening, CEO of LP, Robert

Henley, is planning a huge dinner, which will take place on August 15. Prominent members of
the business community and city officials will attend the event, which will include a five course
meal and live music from the Springfield Harmonic Symphony.

~- ~- - ~-· -"-"-*'-· =--=--=--~-- - ---· ---
43 Princeton Rd.
Springfield, OH

August 5, 2007

Mr. Todd Poll, Public Relations Division II

Limited Properties
124 Hunting Lane

Springfield, OH

Dear Mr. Poll,

I was honored to receive an invitation to the commemoration dinner at the new conference center in

Springfield, and I would be delighted to attend. I was in Milan on a business trip when the conference
center was completed and I could not wait to get back and see how it looked. I agree with the general
consensus that Limited Properties has created a place that is even better than the first conference center.
In fact, I would like to host the 4th Annual Business Development Conference at the new facility in
September. This year, representatives from Chile, Korea, China, Japan, and Australia will attend the
event, and I am confident they would be impressed with the LP Grand Conference Center. Perhaps we
could meet at the dinner and discuss this matter further. I look forward to seeing you there.


Charles Gates
I CEO, GMA Oil Corp.

IL ---
~ - =-
181. What does the article mention about the first 184. What can be inferred about the Business
conference center? Development Conference?
(A) It is located in the Upton Insurance (A) It takes place in South America.

building . (B) It is held once a month.
(B) It is much bigger than the second (C) It is an international event.

conference center. (D) It funds domestic businesses.
(C) It moved closer to downtown.
(D) It has been a suitable site for 185. Why does Mr. Gates want to meet with Todd c.

international events. Poll?
(A) To confirm the trip itinerary
182. What is expected on August 15th? (B) To go over the conference notes
(A) City officials will sign the contract. (C) To plan a business event

(B) The company will be granted a franchise . (D) To discuss the survey
(C) Local businessmen will go to a dinner.
The CEO will change insurance policies.

183. When was Mr. Gates in Milan?

(A) March
(B) July
(C) August
(D) September

Actual Test 03 79
Questions 186-190 refer to the following letters .

Advanced Financial
244 Harbor Rd.

Portland, ME

June 22, 2007

Dear Mr. Benson,
I have written to you several times over the past two months requesting an explanation on why you have fai led to

bring your account with us up-to-date.
By ignoring these requests, you are damaging the excellent credit record you had previously maintained with our
company. In addition, every month that you fail to pay your account, you receive a $25 late payment fee. As of
the date of this letter, your account balance is $235.04.

Unless I hear from you within ten days, I will have no other cho ice but to turn your account over to a debt
collection agency. I am sorry that we must take such drastic action but I am afraid you leave us no choice. You
can preserve your cred it rating by sending us a check for the amount stated above.


Ross Gunter
Director of Accounting
Advanced Financial


Advanced Financial
244 Harbor Rd.
Portland, ME

July 8, 2007

Dear Mr. Benson


Thank you for your letter. You deserve an explanation for what went wrong in our accounting department, and I hope
that this letter will help resolve our recent error. It has taken a lot of time to find our what happened, so please accept our
apologies for the delay in this response.

A thoroug h look at our records revealed that we did receive your April payment on time, as you stated in your tercer of
June 25. However, it was credited to an account which bears a similar name to yours. Therefore, we began sending you
our standard notices requesting payment, in keeping with our routine policy.

I am sorry for all the distress we have caused you. You have been a valued customer of ours for a long time and we
appreciate your understanding. To express our incerest apologies, we would like to send you a $175 gift certificate to
The Wilson Spa and Massage Center.


Ross Gunter
Director of Accounting,
Advanced Financial
186. What is the purpose of the first letter? 189. How does the company apologize for their
(A) To demand an explanation for the mistakes?
recipient's actions (A) By firing the employee at fau lt

(B) To discuss a new interest rate policy (B) By cutting down on investments
(C) To notify the department about a new (C) By offering a special coupon

schedule (D) By changing its current policy
(D) To request a report from a suppl ier
190. What can be inferred about Mr. Benson?
187. In the first letter the word "drastic" in (A) He will send a check to the Director of

paragraph 3, line 2, is closest in meaning to Accounting.
(A) modest (B) He sent his letter to the auditor.
(B) proper (C) He paid $235.04 on June 25th.
(C) severe (D) He won't pay the $25 late payment fee.

(D) prudent
188. What problem did the accounting
department discover?
(A) The calculations were incorrect.
(B) The name of the client was confused.
(C) The bill was misplaced.
(D) The budget was underestimated.

Actual Test 03 81
Questions 191-195 refer to the following e-maiI and letter.
- · .,......

To: Meghan Michaels <>

From: Patty Gore <>
Subject: Salary Inquiry

I received your e-mail about your request for an increase in your salary, which you submitted to
the Human Resources Department on February 22. We certa inly appreciate the demands that
th is pos ition places on you, and understand that other companies pay more for the same

amount of work.

As you know, however, Dataware is a small domestic company that just began operating in

New York a year ago. Therefore, we do not have a large enough budget to comply with your
request. As we discussed in our initial interview, there is a possibility that you will receive a
promotion and a ten percent salary increase at the end of this year. Unfortunately, we can not
offer you anything at this point. In fact, I was quite surprised that you were requesting a salary
increase less than two months after the date you signed the contract.
I understand that you are currently looking for other work. If you do not find this response
acceptable, then I regretfully accept your resignation .


Patty Gore

Data Processors
67 Fleet Street

London SW1 9AB

March 17, 2007

Dear Mr. Humphrey,

I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your employment offer of March 15 and to inform you how
excited I am to be joining Data Processors in London. Software engineering is exactly what I went to
school for and I feel confident that I will make a significant contribution to the corporation. I am
thankful for the opportunity you have given me.
As we talked about on the phone, I will report to work at 9:00 a.m. on March 22 and will have
completed the medical examination and drug testing by the start date. Also, I will complete all the
employment and insurance forms for the new employee orientation on March 24.
I look forward to meeting everyone and am grateful for your generous offer.
Meghan Michaels
191. What did Ms. Michaels present to the 194. What will happen at Data Processors on
Human Resources Department? March 24?
(A) An application to attend a seminar (A) An investor's report will be given.

(B) A demand for a pay raise (B) A new contract will be made.
{C) A summary for the annual meeting (C) A training session will be held.

(D) A report for the recent interview (D) A new executive will be hired.

192. What can be known from Patty Gore's 195. Which of the following does the new position
letter? require of Ms. Michaels?

(A) The company doesn't have enough (A) She has to submit a reference letter.
money. (B) She has to pass an entrance exam .
(B) Ms. Michaels received a low grade on (C) She has to move to another country.

the evaluation . (D) She has to buy a new computer.
(C) Patty Gore wants to accept Ms.
Michaels' request.
(D) Ms. Michaels failed to secure clients for
two months.

193. Why did Meghan Michaels write the letter to

Mr. Humphrey?
(A) To inquire about a position
(B) To ask for a raise
(C) To discuss the contract

(D) To accept the offer


Actual Test 03 83
Questions 196-200 refer to the following letter and memorandum.

25 Gunter Rd.
Philadelphia, PA


May 22,2007

Mr. Daniel Gorman, Office Manager

TSC Investments
76 Washington Rd.
Philadelphia, PA

Dear Mr. Gorman,


This letter is to advise you that, for a limited period of time, Budget Office Supplies (BOS) is
reducing prices on certain items in our catalog. Take a moment to review the enclosed

catalog. I have circled in red ink the items that are temporarily reduced. You should really
take advantage of these prices.

If you wish to order large quantities or make special shipping arrangements, please give me

a call and we will try to work out mutually acceptable terms and conditions. Did you know
that Budget Office Supplies also offers an express delivery service, which means that you can

order an item from the catalogue and receive it in less than two days? This service is free for
all orders of $200 or more. Plus, you can feel safe placing an order with our company: we

have never received a customer complaint.

In any event, get your order in now, as these prices are only in effect until June 23. I hope
you can benefit from these discounts.

Scott Tuttle
Sales Director
Attn: All BOS employees

On June 15 we received a negative letter from one of our most valued customers,
GMS Printers. The company ordered two new SP Laser jet printers from our
catalogue on May 29 and requested the free express delivery service.

Unfortunately, the printers did not arrive until June 6. Due to the shipping delay,
the company lost a deal with a key client because it was unable to produce a
report on time. As you can imagine, GMS Printers is not very happy with our
service. It has returned the printers and asked for a full refund. The managers

have investigated the shipping delay and discovered that an employee failed to
enter the order into our database correctly. To prevent this problem from
happening in the future, the managers have decided to implement a system of
double-checking orders. Starting immediately all orders must be entered into the
database and then confirmed by a supervisor before they are sent. Let's make
sure our work is as efficient and reliable as it can be.

196. What is included with the letter? 199. What happened as a result of the delay?
(A) A product list (A) The employee was asked to leave.
(B) An invoice (B) The customer did not receive the
(C) An order form discount.

(D) A work contract (C) The new printers needed to be

reproduced .

197. How could someone arrange for special (D) GMS Printers didn't get the contract.
orders to be shipped?
(A) By checking the special box 200. Why did Best Office Supplies decide to

(B) By calling the Sales Director introduce the new system?

(C) By placing the order in advance (A) To ensure correct shipping
(D) By paying the extra fee (B) To improve product quality
(C) To increase production capacity
198. Which of the following is TRUE about the (D) To promote a new product
order discussed in the memo?
(A) It was shipped using regular service.
(B) It was paid for by credit card .
(C) It was placed during the sale.
(D) It was processed by a new employee.

Actual Test 03 85
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao


Cau 153-154
trong do~n
Ca u hoi Djch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi
van d~ tim
ra dap an

153. According to the "has been 153. Theo nhu bai bao, CEO cua Attractive(adj): Hap
TelCorp da m~c 16i gi?

article, what mistake acccused of dfui
did the CE O of usmg A. Anh ta da gioi thi~u nhiing san Inappropriately(adv ):
TelCorp make? company ph§m kern h~p cffin han. Khong hqp ly

A. He introduced less money to B. Anh ta sir d~:~ng qui cua cong Fire(v): Du6i vi~c
attractive products. invest in ty m{)t each khong hf!P. If .
B. He used com personal real C. Anh ta du6i vi~c m9t nhan vien

funds estate deals." rna khong co ly do.
inappropriately. D . Anh ta tu ch6i & u tu vao m9t
C. He fired an cong ngh~ mo i.
employee without a
D. He refused to invest
in new technology.
154. How did "until 154. Softphone Inc. da gifun chi Decrease(v ): Giam

Softphone Inc. Softphone phi v~n hanh r~t nhiSu b~ng each Drastically(adv ):
decrease operation Inc. opened nao? M~ me, quySt li~t
costs drastically? a factory in A. B~ng each giam nhan h,rc. Outsomce(v ): Thue
A. By reducing its China six B. B~ng each cai tiSn cong ngh~. ngoai

workforce months ago, C.Bilng each rna m{)t nha rna~

B. By improving which mOi.

technology enabled it to D . B~ng each thue ngoai cac dv

C. By opening a new save nearly an.

plan 10 million
D. By outsourcing its dollars in
projects production

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dCmg mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

Can cu tr ong
do~n van d~
Cau hoi D!ch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi
tim r a da p
155. What is the "I sincerely 155. Ml,lC dich cua hi thu la gi? Purpose(n): M1,1c dich
purpose of this letter? apologize that A. DS khuySn khich khuySn mai Promote (v): KhuySn

A. To promote we cannot theo ml1a. khich, thuc d~y
B. D~ gf!i y m()t p huong an t hay

seasonal discounts accommodate Alte1native(n): Thay
B. To suggest a n your request", th~ cho khach ha ng. ths
a lternative to the "Phillip D . C. DS thao lu~ vS dtc kS ho~ch Direction(n): Chi d§n

customer Humboldt, xay dt,mg m9t khach s~n moi.
C. To discuss plans to the owner of D . DS cung c~p chi d§n toi m9t
build a new hotel Glenwood khu nghi duong.

D . To provide Resort,
directions to a resmt recently tic
resmt, ... if
you like to
make a

156. What did Mr. "recently 156. Ong Humbodt da d~t duqc Expand(v) : Ma r9ng
Humbodt achieve opened cai gi g§n day? Relocate(v) : T ai dinh

recently? another A. Ong ta rna r9ng kinh doanh. cu, chuysn ch6 a
A. He expanded his luxury resort" B. Ong ta duqc chuySn toi Luxruy(adj,n) : Sang

b usiness. London. u·9ng

B. He was relocated to C. Ong ta bUng m9t k)r nghi h~ng

London. sang.
C. He won a luxruy D . Ong ta tuySn dl,lllg m9t khach
vacation. hang moi.
D . He recruited a new Expand ~ Open another luxruy
client resmt

Cau hoi Can cu n·ong Dich nghla va giai thich Tumoi

do~ vands
tim ra dap an

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

157. Why did Sim's "To 157. T~i sao Sim's l~i quySt Qinh Commennorate (v):
decide to have a sale commemorat co m9t bu6i giam gia vao cu6i tufm lam ISkY ni~m
this weekend? e ten years of nay? Celebrate(v): T6
A. Togetridofold business, A. BS lo~i bo nhfrng hang hoa cii chuc, kY ni~m
merchandise Sim's is B. BS quang cao san phfun moi
B. To promote anew having a C. D~ t~ chlfc m()t bu~i I~ ky

giant sale."
... .
product m~m

C. To celebrate an D. BS quang cao m9t vong dua
anniversary moi.
D . To advettise an Commemorate ten years of

upcomtng race business ~ celebrate an anniversmy

158. Which of the "Offer does 158. Bieu gi la khong dung voi dqt Brand name: Ten
following is NOT true not apply to gi~im gia nay? thuong hi~u

about the sale? bikes, A. M9t nguoi n6i tiSng se xuftt hi~n Treadmills(n): May
A. A famous person treadmills, or B. Nhfrng thuang hi~u n6i tiSng se t~p ch~y b 9
will be present.
B. Brand name
goft clubs."
duqc g ifun g ia.
C. M~t hang d6 nam se duqc giam
products are on sales. gia 15%.
C. Men's clothing is 15 D. Cac thi~t bj goft se duqc giam
percent off. gia 20%
D. Goft equipment is

0 percent off.
159. What can be "Ron 159. Co the rut ra dieu give Ron Infer(v ): Suy lu~n
inferred about Ron Barkley, the Bm·kley tir quang cao tren? Scorer(n): Vua pha
Barkley from the lead scorer A. Anh ta mu6n mo m9t cua hang luoi.

adve1tisement? for the LA thS thao.

A. He wants to open a Rockets, will B. Anh ta la m9t v~ d9ng vien

sports store. be giving a thanhcong .

B. He is a successful special C. Anh ta lam vi~c cho giay Swish.

a thlete. demonstratio D. Anh ta mu6n tro thanh m9t

C. He works for Swish n .. " giang vien d~i h9c.
shoes. Lead scorer ~ Successful athlete
D . He wants to be a
college professor.

Can cu trong
Cauhoi do~ van dS Dich nghia va giai thich Tumoi
tim ra dap an

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao
160. What does the ((improve 160. Cong ty co dv Qinh lam gi vao Overtime(n,v ): lam
company plan to do in communicati thang 7? ngoai gio
Jul ? on" A. TiSn hanh m<?t chinh sach lam Implement(v): Thvc
A. Implement an "The ngoai gio thi, tiSn hanh
ovettime policy company B. TuySn them cong nhan Pmchase(v ): Mua
B. Hire more office will be c. B6i cong ty bao hiSm sam

worker purchasing D. Mua di~n tho~i d~ cai thi~n

C. Change insurance forty-seven tinh hinh lien l~c
compames TM -161 Tu khoa "in July" trong dlu hoi
D. Buy phones for cell phones chinh la tu chi duong dS tim duqc

better communication from dap an. v oi nhfrng dlu d~ nay'
Globalphone skimming toan b9 bai va tim duqc
Inc. at the do~ van co chua tir chi duang se

end of July" tim duqc dap an.
161. How will "To monitor 161. Cong ty se danh gia tinh hi~u Evaluate(v ): Banh
company evaluate the
effectiveness of the
the new
ticqua CUa chiSn luqc nay b~ng each
g ta
Monitor(v ): KiSm
strategy? system's A. Ti~n himh m()t cu()c di~u tra tra, giam sat
A. B! conducting a effectiveness B. Phong v§n nhan vien Effectiveness(n): Sl,I
poll , we will be C. G9i di~n cho khach hang hi~u qua
B. By interviewing asking D. KiSm tra s{m ph~m Smvey(n): Cu<?c

employees employees to Tu "survey" co nghia tuang duang diSu tra

C. By calling the fill out a voi "a poll" ' "evaluate" tuang Poll(n): La phiSu,
customers survey" duang "monitor" diSu tra
D . By testing the

162. Why should "fill out an 162. T ~i sao rna m9i nguoi dn lien Transfer(v): ChuySn

someone contact Betty Employee h~ voiBetty Gill? Profer(adj): dling,

Gill? Comment A. BS co Qia chi thu email cilil co phuhqp

A. To get her e-mail Fmm, which ay Memo(n): Thong

address can be B. BS chuySn toi phong nhan sv bao
B. To transfer to obtained C. D~ nh~n m()t miu don hf!P I~
Human Resources from Betty D. BS viSt m<?t thong bao
C. To obtain the Gill"
profer form
D . To write a memo

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

Can eD-
trong do~n
Cau hoi D!ch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi
van d~ tim
r a dap a n
163. What information "The 163. Thong bao crmg dlp thong tin Ad campaign: chien
does the memo meeting ... gi? dich quang cao

provide? was A. Nhfrng dS xuftt cho m9t chiSn Proposal(n): DS xu~t

A. Suggestions for an r escheduled dich quang cao Reschedule(v): Len
ad campaign from Friday, B. M9t ban dS xu~t moi cho m9t l~i lich 1Tinh
B. A new proposal for April 22, to khachhang

a client Monday, C. Nhiing kS ho~ch cho mua s~m
C. Plans for pmchase May 25." may tinh
computers D. Nhfrng t hay d~i v~ nga:y t~

D. C hanges to the chuc m()t cu()c h«]p
dates of a meeting) tic
164. What is the "technicians 164. Ly do ctia sv ch~m he trong Production(n): sv
r eason for the discovered a san xu~t la? san xu~t
p roduction delays? senous A. M9t vai may san xuftt bi 16i. Delay(n): sv ch~m
A. Some production defect in one B. Cong ty thiSu ngu6n tai chinh. u-s, n-i hoan
machine1y failed. of the C. M()t vai b() P.h~n cua san P.hi m
Machine1y(n): May
B. The company lacks microchips co l~i. moe

financial resources. and D. M9t giam d6c dv an da tinh toan Financial(adj): thu9c
C. Certa in P.arts of consequently sai vS tha i gian. vS tai chinh
t he P.roducts a re all of the Tu "faulty" tuong duang voi Resource(n): Ngu6n
fa ulty. computers "defect" lvc, tai nguyen

D. A project manager have to be "to be re - evaluated" nghla la Miscalculate(v):

miscalculated the time. re- duqc danh gia l~i, d6ng nghia v oi Tinh toan sai

evaluated." v i~c ch~m trs trong san xu~t.

165. Why will the "we meet 165. T ~i sao nhfrng nguoi nhan Associate(n): trq ly,

advertising associates early next vien quang cao l~i c§n g~p nhau nguoi d6ng hanh,
meet early next week? week ... to sam vao tuk sau? nhan vien
A. To have a company discuss the A. DS co bua an t6i cong ty nhan Cunent(adj): hi~n ~i
dinner for an current ad m9t dip kY ni~m Proposal(n): DS xu~t
anruversmy campaign" B. D~ nghi v~ m()t d~ xuit hi~n Promote(v ): Thuc
B. To t hink about the t~i d~y
current proposa l c. DS thuc d~y nhfrng san ph~m Expansion(n): Sv
moi dSn tay nguoi tieu dtmg mo r9ng

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Pract ice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on t hi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia t ri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao
C. To promote new D. BS t~o ra rn9t kS ho~ch cho vi~c
products to the rna r9ng cong ty.
customers "think" tuang duang "discuss",
D . To make a plan for cunent proposal" tuang duang voi
the company expansion "cunent ad campaign"
166. What does Mark "Gilman is 166. Mark Johnson nh~c toi diSu gi Critical (adj) ~ vety

Johnson mention about our biggest vS Gilman Electronics? irnpottant: rat quan
A. Bo la cong ty di~n ru Ion nh~t.

Gilman Electronics? client so it is tr9ng
A. It is the biggest critical that B. Do h1 khach hang Huan trc~mg
electronic company ... " nhit cua cong !I·

B. It is the agency's C. No rnu6n ~ora rn9t s6 thay d6i
most important trong chiSn dich nay.
client. D. No kS ho~ch rna rn9t nha may a

C. It wants to make nuoc ngoai.
changes to the "biggest client" tuang duong voi
D . It plans to open a
vi~c do se la khach hang quan tt·9ng
nh~t cua cong ty.
factmy overseas.
Can elf
trong do~n

Cau hoi Dfch nghia va giai thich Tir m&i

van d~ tim
ra dap an
167. What happened "the 167. Chuy~n gi da xay ra g§n day a T ernporm·ily(adv ):
to Countydale Hospital constluction Countydale Hospital? t~m thai

recently? of the new A. No da dong cua ~m thai. Constmction(n): vi~c

A. It was closed 20 million B. NhiSu bac sy duqc tuySn. xay dl,U1g

tern porarily. dollar c. Luqng b~nh nhan tang len.

B. More doctors were research D. M{)t b{) ph~n moo vira duqc

hired. wing has them vao.

C. The number of been "new section" tuang duang "new
patients increased. completed." reseach wing", "was added" tuang
D. The new section duang "has been completed"
was added.
168. Which is NOT "Patients and 168. BiSu nao khong dung vS le kY Resident(n): cu dan
true about the staff will be ni~m? Ceremony(n): Bu6i
ceremony? invited to A. Nhfrng cu dan thanh ph6 co thS lS kY ni~rn
enjoy the toi tham dl,I S\f ki~n.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao
A. City residents can cake and B . Le k)r ni~m se dien ra vao bu6i Pm·ticipant(n): Nguoi
attend the event. resfreshment chiSu. thamdv
B . The ceremony will in the C. Tre em cl1a ngoi huang u·ong Refreshment(n): d6
be held in the reception khu vvc se thS hi~n m9t bu6i hoa an nhy va d6 u6ng
aftetnoon. area" nh~c .
C. Children of the local D. Nhfrng ngU'Oi tham dl]' se phai

school will perfmm a tl]' mang d~ an di.

concert. "Patients and staff' chinh la
D. Participants must "participants" con "cake and
bring their own food. refreshments" chinh Ia food.

169. What can be "Gmy 169. Co thS biSt duqc diSu gi vS Discover(v): Kham
lemned about Gary Paulson, ... Gaty Paulson tu lich trinh tren? pha ra, tim ra
Paulson Jr. from the will talk A. Ong ta da kham pha ra lo~i Donate(v): Dong

schedule? about his 15 thu6c moi. gop, tir thi~n
A. He discovered a million- B. Ong ta da tir thi~n ti~n cho Recover(v): Phl,lc h6i
new medicine. dollar
m()t b~nh vi~n.
B. He donated money contribution c. 6ng ta da h6i ph\lc tu nhiing
Severe(adj): Tr~m
tr9ng, nghiem khlc,
to a hospital. to the new b~nh u·~m u·9ng. manh li~t
C. He recovered from a wing." D. Ong fly da nh~ duqc m9t vi tr·i Illness(n): b~nh tftt
severe illness. a trong b~nh v i~n.
D . He received a "Donate" (V) co nghia tuang

position at the hospital. duang voi tu "contr·ibution" (n),

dSu la t~ng, cho, c6ng hiSn
170. Who will conduct "Dr. Steven 170. Ai se tiSn hanh c~t bang khanh Ribbon cutting (n):
the ribbon cutting Fellows, thanh a IS kY ni~m? vi~c c~t bang khanh

ceremony? Countydale A. Jmn es Rosenthal thanh

A. James Rosenthal Chief of B . Dr. Meniam Way

B . Dr. Meniam Way Surgety, will C. Dr. Steven Fellows

C. Dr. Steven Fellows cut the D. Gmy Paulson Jr.

D . Gmy Paulson Jr. ribbon and

open the

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao
Can eD-
trong do~n
Cau hoi D!ch nghia va gh1i thich Tir mOi
van d~ tim
ra dap an
171. Why will the "The 171. T ~i sao van de nay l~i din Resolve(v ): giai
problem take a long repamnan nhiSu tha i gian dS xu ly? quyet

time to resolve? said that the A. Cong ty sua chua b~n. Obtain(v): Don

A. The repair company new part has B. M{)t b{) ph~n kho co duqc. nh~ nh~duqc
is busy. to be C. Co m9t sv ch~ trS trong gui Briefly(adv ): M9t
B. A part is difficult specially hang. thai gian ng~n, ngfu

to obtain. ordered, and D. Van phong dang dong cfra trong g9n
C. There was a probably m9t tha i gian ng~n.
shipping delay. won't arrive "to be specially ordered" , "won 't

D. The office is closed for another anive .. " tuang duang voi "difficult
briefly. four to five to obtain"

172. Accord ing to the

"our 24 hour
tic172. Theo nhu buc thu, Mr Miller Probably (adv): Co
email, which service service IS no CO kha nang da yeu C~U dich Vl,l nao? kha nang, co le
did 1vfr.Miller probably longer A. X if ly trong 1 nga:y
request? available" B. Mua 1 t~ng 1
A. One day C. Phat triSn theo co poster

processing D. Xu ly anh
B. Buy one get one
C. Poster - sized

D. Photo editing

173. What does the "we will 173. Cong ty de nghi dieu gi? Fee(n): Phi
company offer to do? cover all the A. GUi thu cho l1ng vien Charge(n): Cuac,

A. Mail the applicant delivery B. Bao dam toan b9 phi dich vv phi
B. Cover all serv ice charges" C. Ch~p ~n coupon
fees D. Tra toan b{) ti~n v~n chuy~n
C. Accept the coupon "all the delive1y charges" co nghia
D. Pay for the bao ham chi phi v S v~n chuySn chu
shipping khong phai toan b9 phi dich vv

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Pract ice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on t hi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia t ri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao
Can elf
tt·ong do~n
Cau hoi Dfch nghia va gh1i thich Tir mOi
van d~ tim
ra dap an
174. What will "by the end 17 4. Bieu gi se xay ra aDobson Elementmy
probably happen in of2008, .. County vao cu6i nam 2008? school(n): huang

Dobson County by create A. M9t t.tuong c~p 1 se dm;1c xay c~p 1

the end of 2008? approximate[ dl,lllg. Mayoral: thi
A. An elementmy y 1,000 new B. Nhi~u vi~c lam bon se duqc t~o huang
school will be built. jobs for the ra. Approximately(ad

B.More jobs will be local C. Se co S\I c~t giam vS thuS. v ): Khoang, x~p xi
generated. community" D. Se diSn ra m9t cu9c b~u cu thi
C. A tax cut will be huang.

introduced. "By the end of 2008" se la tir chi
D. A mayoral duang. Dl,Ia vao do ta tim th~y do~n
election will be held. can cu, vatu "approximately 1000 new
jobs .. " tuang duang voi "more jobs
will be generated."
175. The word 175. Tu "renowned" a dong s6 7, co Renowned(adj):
"renowned" in line nghia g~n nh~t voi tu: Tn'r danh ~
7, is closest in A. Obscme Eminent(adj): uu

meaning to B. Eminent vi~t

A. Obscure C. Anonymous Obscme(adj): Che
B. Eminent D. Complicated kh~t
C. Anonymous

D. Complicated
176. According to the "In 2007, the 176. Theo nhu bai bao, m9t hong Benefit(n): lqi ich

article, what was one company nhiing lqi ich cua giai thuang cho Capacity(n): Kha
benefit of the received the chuang hinh cua cong ty do la? nang, nang ll,Ic

company's award - prestigious A. No tang kha nang sanx~t. Reduce(v)~

winning program? Better B.No t~o ra nhiSu co so cho san xu~t. Decrease(v):
A. It increased Business c. No lam gh1m Sl! t~n h~i moi Giffin, it di
production capacity. Award for truimg. Prestigious(adj):
B. It created more implementin D. No lam giam chi phi san xu~t. danhgia
indust.t·ial facilities . g anew Tl:r "reduced" tuong duang Industrial waste(n):
C. It reduced waste "decreased", "enviromnental damage" CMt thai cong
environmental program that tuang duang "indushial waste" nghi~p
damage. decreased

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

D . It decreased the amount

operation cost. of industrial
waste .. "
1 77. How did The 'sponsored 177. Grant Cmporation giup Trentron Sponsor(n,v): tai
Grant Corporation a charity Resident nhu thS nao? trq
help Trenton event that A. N6 rna m9t nha may moi. Charity(n): Tu

Resident? raised 2 B . N6 t6 chu m9t chuang trinh giao thi~n

A. It opened a new million dt,lC. Fundraiser(n):
factmy. dollars for a C. N6 mua m9t san ph§m dia phuang. Nguoi gay quy,
B. It held an local D. No tiai trq cho m()t ch uong trinh chuang trinh gay

educational program. elementmy gay quy. quy
C. It bought a local school."

D. It sponsored a
fund raiser.
178. Why didMilner
Factory most
178. Milner Factmy bi dong cua kha
nang la t~i sao?
Renovate(v): Cai
' '
tien, nang cap
probably close? abandoned A. Cong ty pha san.
A. The company the factory B . Co so vftt chltt khong dap ling tieu
went out of business. last year chub moi truemg.
B. The facility did not after it built C. Cong ty chuy~n tOi m()t dja di~m

meet environment a bigger khac.

standard. factory in D. Nha may dn phai duqc cai tiSn l~i.
C. The company Michelan"
moved to a different

D . The factmy had to

be renovated.

Can elf
tt·ong do~n
Cau hoi Djch nghia va gh1i thich Tir mOi
van d~ tim
ra dap an
179. Why does the "In order to 179. T~i sao khach s~n nay can tuyen Fire(v ): sa thai,
hotel require more keep up with them nhan vien? du6i vi~c
staff? the increase A. N6 da quySt dinh rna r9ng co so. Keep up with :
A. It has decided to in customers B . N 6 mu6n cai tiSn dich V\} khach theo kip voi
expand its facilities. we recetve hang.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao
B. It wants to dming C. No nhan them nhi~u giao djch A variety of: M9t
improve its customer summer bon trong m{)t khoang thOi gian m1o lu<;m.g Ion gi do
service. holidays, do.
C. It receives more Spartan D. No c§n sa thai m9t s6 nhlm vien.
business at a certain Hotel is "the increase in customers" tuang
time of year. looking for duang voi "more business", "during

D. It had to fire some individuals summer holiday" hrang duang "at a

of its employees. who can certain time of year"
work in a
variety of

positions .. "
180. What is the "must be 180. Yeu cfm cua cong vi~c la? Requirement(n):
requirement of the available to A. Kha nang him vi~c ca tui n. yeu cau

job? work seven B . Hai nfun kinh nghi~m trong linh vvc Hospitality(n):
A. Availability to days a week" khach s~n
tic Nganh khach s~n,
work all week. C. Song ngfr Tay Ban Nha- Phap khoan dai
B. 2 year's D. Ky nang may tinh xuftt s~c Bilingual(adj): noi/
experience in the viSt hai thu tiSng
hospitality business.
C. Bilingual ability in
Spanish and French.

D. Excellent
computer skills.

Can cO: trong


Cau hoi do~n van d~ Djch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi
tim ra dap an

181 . What does the "has been the 181. Bai bao noi give trung tam h9i Conference(n):
ruticle mention about venue of nghi dftu tien? h9i nghi

the first conference important A. No n~m a toa nha bao hiSm Suitable(adj):
center? international Uptown. Thichhqp
A. It is located in the seminars and B.Nolanhanr~t nhiSu so voi trung
Upton Insmance meeting tam h9i nghi thu hai.
building. between oil c. Nodi chuySn vao g§nkhu hung
B. It is much bigger companies." tam han.
than the second D. No Ia m{)t dja di~m thich h«fP cho
conference center. nhi~u Sl! ki~n qu~c t~.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

C. It moved closer to Tir "venue" tuang duong voi "site", tir

downtown. international seminars" tuang duang
D. It has been a voi "intetnational events"
suitable site for
international events.
182. What is expected "a huge 182. BiSu gi se xay ra vao ngay 15 Expect(v): hi

on August Jsdr? dinner, which trumg 8? V9ng
A. Cac quan chuc se kY hqp d6ng.

A. City officials will will take place Granted(adj ):
sign the contract. on August 15. B. Cong ty se duqc c~p m9t nhuqng duqc c~p, duqc
B . The company will Prominent quySn thuang m~i. thua nh~n

be granted a members of C. Cac doanh nghi~p, t~ chlfc Business(n):
franchise . the business thuong m ~i trong vimg se tham d'! Cong ty, t6 chuc
C. Local businesses community m{)t bfra t~i. thuang m~i

will go to a dinner. and city D . N guoi giam d6c diSu hanh se d6i Insurance(n): T6
D . The CEO will officials will
change insurance
attend the
tic van phong bao hiSm. chuc bao hiSm
place(ph.V): diSn
Community (n):
C9ng d6ng
183. When was "constiuction 183. Ong Gates da toi Milan khi nao? Constiuction (n):

Mr. Gates in Milan? ... the second A. March v i~c xay dl,II1g
A. March conference ... B. July
B. July was not C. August
C. August completed D . September

D . September until July, 29,

2007 ", "I was

in Milan...
when the

center was
184. What can be "4th Annual 184. Co thS suy ra diSu gi vS H 9i nghi Infer(v ): suy ra
inferred about the Business phat triSn kinh tS? To be held: duqc
Business Development A. No diSn ra aNam Phi. t6 chuc
Development Conference ... B . No duqc t6 chuc m9t l~n m9t thang. Fund(n,v ): c~p
Conference? representative C. No h1 m{)t chuong trinh qu~c t~. von,qiiy
s from Chile,

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

A. It takes place in Korea, China, D . No cftp v6n cho m<?t cong ty n9i Annual(adj):
South America. Japan and dia. hang nam
B. It is held once a AustTalia will Representative(n
month. attend the ): ~i di~n
C. It is an event"
international event.

D . It funds domestic

185. Why does "I would like 185. T~i sao Mr. Gates l~i mu6n g~p Confinn(v): xac
Gates want to meet to host the 4 th Todd Poll? ~n

with Todd Poll? Annual A. BS xac ~ lich trinh chuySn di. Initerary(n): Lich
A. To confi1m the hip Business B. BS di qua cac ghi chu cua h<?i nghi. trinh
itineraty. Development C. D~ len k~ ho~ch cho m()t Sl! ki~n

B. To go over the Conference at v~ kinh t~.
the new D. BS thao l~n vS ban diSu tra.
conference notes.
C. To pla n a
business event.
facility in
September. ..
tic Cl,illl tir "discuss the matter fmther"
tuang duang voi "plan", con "host a
D . To discuss the Perhaps we conference" chinh la "a business
survey. could meet at event"
the dinner and
discuss this



trong do~n
Cau hoi Dfch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi
van d~ tim

ra dap an
186. What is the "I have 186. Ml,lC dich cua buc thu dftu tien la Explanation(n): sv

purpose of the first written to gi? giai thich

letter? you several A. D~ yeu ciu m()t IOi giai thich cho Recipient(n):
A. To demand an times over m()t hanh d()ng cua nguOi nh~n. Nguoinh~n
exP.Ianation for the the past two B . BS thao lu~n m<?t chinh sach vS Hii
recipient's actions months suatmoi
B. To discuss a new requesting. C. BS thong bao cho phong ban vS m<?t
interest rate policy an lich trinh moi
explanation D. BS yeu cftu m<?t bao cao tir m<?t
on why you khachhang

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao
C. To notify the have failed "requesting" tuang duang "demand",
department about a to bring your "have failed to bring ... " chinh la hanh
new schedule account with d9ng "action"
D. To request a repmt us up to
from a supplier date"
187. In the first letter 187. Trong hi thu dftu tien, tir "drastic" Drastic(adj): m~nh

the word "d;.astic" in akh6 3, dong 2, co nghia g§n nhftt voi: me, quySt li~t

paragraph 3, line 2, is A. Modest Modest(adj):
closest in meaning to B . Proper Khiem t6n, khiem
A. Modest C. Severe nhuong

B. Proper D. Ptudent Severe(adj):
C. Severe Nghiem kh~c, kh6c
D. Ptudent li~t

Ptudent(adj): th~n
tic tr9ng, khon ngoan

188. What P.roblem "However, it 188. Phong kS toan da tim ra v~n dS Confused(adj): r6i
did the accounting was credited gi? boi, 19n x9n
deprutment discover? to an account A. NhGng tinh toan la khong chinh Budget(n): Ngan
A. The calculations which bears xac. sach
were inconect. a similar B. Ten ciia khach hang b! l{)n x{)n. Underestimate(v):

B. The name of the name to C. Hoa dan dS l§m ch6. Banh gia th~p
client was confused. yours." D. Ngan sach da bi dv tn1 thiSu. Misplace(v): BS
C. The bill was l§m ch6

D. The budget was


189. How does the "To express 189. Cong ty nay da the hi~n xin loi Apologize(v): Xin
company appologize our sincerest cho sai SOt CUa h9 b~ng each nao? 16i

for their mistakes? apologies, A. Bu6i vi~c nhan vien gay ra sai sot Cut down: C~t
• ?

A. By firing the we would do gtam

employee at fault like to send B . C~t giam dftu tu Policy(n): chinh
B. By cutting down you a $1 75 C. Dua ra m{)t s~ uu dai d~c bi~t sach
on investments gift D. Thay d6i chinh sach hi~n ~i Sicere(adj): chan
C. B! offering a certificate to "$175 gift certificate " chinh la thanh, than ai
special coupon the Wilson "special coupon"
D. By changing its Spa and
cunent policy

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao
Center. "
1 90. What can be "evety 190. Co thS suy ra diSu gi vS Mr.
inferred about Mr. month that Benson?
Benson? you fail to A. Ong ta se gui sec cho quan ly b9
A. He will send a pay your ph~n kS toan.

check to the Director account, you B . Ong ta da gui m9t la thu toi cho

of Accounting. receive a $25 nguo i kiSm toan.
B . He sent his letter late payment c. 6 ng ta eta tni $35.04 vao ngay 25
to the auditor. fee." thang 6

C. He paid $35.04 on "
D. Ong ta se khong phai tra khm1n
June 25th. P.hi ph~t ch~m thanh tm1n $25.
D. He won't pay the Vi a tren buc thu dftu tien, ong Benson

$25 late payment nh~ duqc thong bao vS khoan phi
ch~m n9p nhrmg a buc thu hai, cong ty
da xac nh~n ong khong n9p ch~m va vi
ths ong khong phai tra khoan nay.
Cau ho i Can cu trong Dich nghia va giai thich Tumai
do~ vandS
tim radap an

191 . What did Ms. "I received 191. Ms. Michaels da trinh gi cho Present(v ): trinh,
Michaels present to your email phong nhan sl,I? gioi thi~u
the Human Resources about your A. M9t dan dang k)r tham dl,I h9 i thao Pay rise(n): Tang
Department? requestfor B. M{)t yeu ciu tang luO'ng luang

A. An application toan increase C. M9t ban tom titt cho bu6i h9p Summmy(n): Ban
attend a seminar in your thuong nien tom t~t

B. A demand for a salary, D . M 9t bao cao cho m9t cu9c phong Submit(v): Trinh
pay rise which you v~ng§nday Request(n, v ): yeu

C. A summmy for the submitted to Tu "request" tuang duang voi c~u~ demand(n,v):
annual meeting the Human " demand" yeu c~u, nhu c~u
D . A repmt for the Resources "an increase in yom salmy" tuang
recent interview Depmtment" duang voi "a pay rise"
192. What can be "We do not 192. Co the biet duqc dieu gi tir buc Budget(n): Ngan
known from P atty have a large thu cua Patty Gore? sach
Gore's letter? enough A. Cong ty khong co dii ti~n.
budget to B . Ms. Michaels co diSm s6 th~p trong
comply with cu9c danh gia.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao
t\. The your C. Patty Gore mu6n ch~p nh~n loi yeu
doesn't have enough request." c~u cuaMs. Michaels.
money. D. Ms. Michaels da khong dam bao
B . Ms. Michael khach rumg trong hai thang.
received a low grade Tir "budget" - ngan sach tuang ling
on the evaluation. voi tU "money"

C. Patty Gore wants

to accept Ms.
Michaels ' request.
D . Ms. Michael failed

to secure clients for
two months.
193. Why did "I am writing 193. T~i sao MeghanMichaels v iet thu Inquire(v ): Hoi, de

Meghan Michaels to confirm cho Mr. Humphrey? nghi
write the letter to Mr. my A. BS hoi vS m9t vi tTi
A. To inquire about a
of your
B . BS hoi vS m9t sv tang luang
C. BS thao lu~n vS m9t ban hqp d6ng
position employment D . BS ch~p nh~n m9t loi moi
B . To ask for a raise offer of
C. To discuss the March 15"

D. To accept the
194. What will "for the new 194. BiSu gi se xay ra aData Investor(n): Nha
happen at Data employemen Processor vao ngay 24 thcmg 3? d~utu

Processors on March t orientation A. M9t bao cao CUa nha d~u tu se duqc Executive(n):
24? on March duara. N guoi diSu hanh

A. An investor's 24." B . M9t ban hqp d6ng moi se duqc Orientation(n): Sv

repott will be given. so~n. dinhhuang

B . A new contract C. M{)t bu~i dao t~o se duqc t~ chlfc.

will be made. D . M9t nguoi diSu hanh moi se duqc
C. A training session tuySn.
will be held.
D . A new executive
will be hired.
195. Which of the "Dataware is 195. Cong v i~c moi yeu dluMs. Reference letter(n):
following does the a small Michaels diSu gi trong nhfrng diSu Thu gioi thi~u
domestic sau?

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao
new P.Osition require company A. Co ~Y phai n9p m9t thu gioi thi~u. Entrance exam(n):
ofMs. Michaels? that just B. Co ~y phai vuqt qua m9t cu9c thi Thi d~u vito
A. She has to submit began sat h~ch d~u vao.
a reference letter. operating in C. Co iY. phai chuy~n tOi m{)t nu&c
B. She has to pass an New Yorka khac.
entrance exam. year ago." D. Co ~y phai mua m9t may tinh moi.

C. She has to move "how excited

to another count I am to be
D . She has to buy a joining Data
new computer. Processors

in London."

Can cu trong

Cauhoi do~n van ds Dich nghla va giai thich Tumoi
tim ra dap an tic
196. What is included "Take a 196. Cai gi duqc gui kern voi buc Order fmm(n):
with the letter? moment to thu? M~u dan d~t hang
A. A product list review the A. M{)t danh sach san phi m Enclose(v ): Binh
B. An invoice enclosed B. M9t h6a dan kern
C. An order fmm catalog." C. M9t m~u dan d~t hang Catalog(n): Bang
D . A work contract D. M9t hqp d6ng liun v i~c danh ffil,lC san

197. How could "If you wish 197. Lam sao de sap xep vi~c giao In advance: lrun
someone anange for to order large hang cho cac dan hang ~c bi~t? truoc (vi d1,1: tr·a
special orders to be quantities or A. B~ng vi~c kiSm tr·a cac h9p d~c tiSn b.uoc, d~t

s hipped? make special bi~t uuoc)

A. By checking the shipping B. Bi ng each g9i cho Sales Director

special box anangements, C. B~ng each ~t cac dan hang tu

B. By calling the please give truoc

Sales Director me a call" D. B~ng each tl'a them phi

C. By p lacing the "Sincerely,
order in advance Scott Tuttle
D . By paying the Sales
extra fee Director"
198. Which of the "May 22, 198. BiSu gi dung vi don d(lt hcmg Memo(n): Bien
following is TRUE 2007" aU</C ai ctJ,p tai tJ.·ong bien ban ghi banghinho,
about the order "these prices '?
nha. thuang u·ao d6i
are only in

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

discussed in the effect rmtil A. No duqc giao hang b~ng dich V\1 tJ:ong n9i b9 cong
memo? Jrme 23" thong thuemg. ty
A. It was shipped "ordered two B. No duqc thanh toan b~ng the tin Place an order: D~t
using regular service. new SP Laser d\lllg. hang
B. It was paid for by Jet. .. on May C. No duqc d~t trong dqt giam gia. Process(v,v): Xu
credit card. 29" D. No duqc xu ly boi m9t nhan vien ly' quy trinh

C. It was placed moi. In effect Co hi~u
D6i chi~u cac khoang thai gian: vi~t

during the sale. h,rc
D. It was processed thu, thai gian cho dqt gifun gia, thai
by a new employee. gian cua do d~t hang, ta thfty thai gian

~t hang nk trong thai gian dqt gifun
199. VVhathappened Due to the 199. Ket qua ella S\1' ch~m tre tren la

as a result of the shipping gi?
delay? delay, the ticA. Nhan vien do bi du6i vi~c.
A. The employee was company Losi B. Khach hang khong nh~n duqc gifun
asked to leave. a deal with a gia.
B. The customer did key client C. May in moi dn duqc san xuftt l~i.
not receive the because it D. GMS khong ti x duqc hqp d~ng.
discormt. was unable to
C. The new printers produce a

needed to be repmt on
reproduced. time.
D. GMS Printer
didn't get the

200. Why did Best ''failed to 200. T ~i sao Best Office Supplies da Capacity(n): Kha

Office Supplies enter the quy~t dinh ch~y h~ th6ng moi? nang, nang ll,l'c,
decide to introduce order into our A. D~ bao da m sl! gifi himg dung nang suftt

the new system? database B. DS nang cao chftt luqng hang hoa. Database(n): Dfr
A. To ensure correct correctly." C. DS tang kha nang san xuftt li~u
shipping "To prevent D. DS thuc ruly m9t san ph§m
B. To improve this problem
product quality from
C. To increase happening in
production capacity the future, the
D . To promote anew managers
product have decided

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLJ' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao
to implement
a system of
orders. "

e ic

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;:~n nham giup cac bc;:~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bc;:~n da dong gop.
Part 7
Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions . Select the best answer for
each question and mark the letter (A) , (B), (C) , or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following e-mail.

Date: April 22

To: All managers
From: Alan Turing
Re : Company Tenn is Tournament
Please distribute th is notice to all fu ll-time employees .
It's that time of the year again - time to dust off your racket for our annual company

tennis tournament! We were so pleased with the exceptional turn-out last year, and
we're hoping to see all of you again for more fun! We'll be holding the tournament at the
same location as last year, the Lanark Country Club, on Sunday, May 26. The matches

start at 1:30, followed by our usual patio party and gourmet barbeque at 6:30. The price
has gone up slightly to $40 because our caterer is charging more. But we're also offering
some more valuable prizes th is year, including a 62-inch LCD TV for the winner and
laptop computers for second and third place. So, we're hoping to see some competitive

spirit! Space is limited to 48; so, hurry and sign up. You can sign up with Ashley Briggs
in Accounting. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

153. What is different about this year's tennis 154. What reason is given for the slight price
tournament? increase?
(A) It wi ll be held at the Lanark Country Club. (A) Tennis fees have gone up at the Lanark
(B) It will be a little less expensive. Country Club.
(C) Better awards will be provided . (B) The company providing food has raised
(D) There will be a party afterwards. their prices.
(C) The prizes are more expensive th is year.
(D) Only 48 people are able to attend .
Questions 155-156 refer to the fo llowing notice.

Clarendon Hotels and Resorts - Franchise Development

Clarendon is focused on moving forward. We keep our brand consistent and
strong by managing a standard of quality product and service that is second to

none, making Clarendon a name that customers can trust. Our expansion strategy
covers all of the key areas of support for a successful hotel business. We take our
relationships with franchisees seriously and offer lucrative financial packages. <..

Summary of Fees

0 INITIAL FEE: $75,000 (USD)
0 ROYALTY FEE: 5% of Gross Room Revenue annually
0 MARKETING CONTRIBUTION: 2% of Gross Room Revenue annually

This applies to the U.S. and Canada only. The information provided here is a
summary and does not include all fees and costs. For complete information about

fees, services, and licensing requirements, please request a copy of the Clarendon
Franchise Information Package from our head offices in Philadelphia.

155. Who is this information intended for? 156. How much could a franchisee make in the

(A) Guests of the hotel first year?

(B) Potential employees (A) $75 ,000 (USD)
(C) Upper management in the company (B) $75,000 (USD) and 2% of the revenue
(D) Those considering opening a branch (C) $75,000 (USD) and 3% of the revenue

(D) The initial fee plus 7% of the revenue

Actual Test 04 95
Questions 157-159 refer to the following notice.

Caldera Junior Bicycle Hitch Recall

Northwind Cycle is recalling the Caldera Junior bicycle accessory for repa ir. If you
think you may have an affected Caldera Junior, stop using it immediately! The hitch
connecting it to the bicycle can fail , causing the Caldera Junior to become unstable,

which may result in injury. The Caldera Junior "tandem bicycle accessory" consists of
a frame, wheel , seat, pedals, and handlebars. It attaches to the back of a standard
bicycle by a hitch. Bicycle stores and retailers nationwide sold the Caldera Junior from
March 2000 through July 2001. Caldera Juniors were also sold under the name

"Caldera Mongoose," with a "Mongoose" logo appearing on the frame. The recalled
Caldera Junior has the model number AC 100, AC 200 , or AC 300, on the top tube .
Also, recalled Caldera Juniors have an aluminum sleeve on the hitch between the
bicycle and the Caldera Junior. Caldera Juniors with nylon or plastic sleeves on the
hitch are not included in this recall . Contact us or the retailer from whom you
purchased your bike to get a new hitch. Northwind Cycle can be reached at 800-626-
2811 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday, for a free
replacement hitch and instructions.

157. What is a Caldera Junior according to the 159. What reason is given for the recall?
notice? (A) The logo violates a copyright law.

(A) An attachment for bicycles (B) The hitch has a dangerous flaw.
(B) A special kind of bicycle (C) The accessory does not attach properly.

(C) A metal sleeve (D) The nylon and plastic can break.
(D) A bike helmet

158. Which models of the Caldera Junior are not

being recalled?
(A) Those with a "Mongoose" logo
(B) Model numbers AC 100, 200, and 300
(C) Those with hitches with nylon or plastic
(D) Models that attach to a standard bicycle
Questions 160-162 refer to the following advertisement.

Patak - Isn't your home worth it?
In business for four generations, Patak is renowned for its high quality, its vast

knowledge of hand-knotted carpets, and its excellent customer relations. We deal only
in genuine oriental and Persian carpets and rugs of the highest quality, with detail,

workmanship, value, and hand-made beauty that machine-made imitations simply
cannot match. All of our carpets are 100% handmade and take months or years to
complete because the knots are hand-tied to a density of 400 per square inch! Our
collection consists of the finest quality rugs made by Pakistani master weavers who

have passed down the skill from generation to generation for centuries. They are
made of the highest-quality materials: 100% New Zealand wool with highlights of
silk. Isn't your home worth that kind of quality? Shop conveniently online at our
website and search through a huge selection of hand-picked oriental carpets and rugs
we have in stock! With this much selection, we're confident you will find the carpet

that's right for your home. All prices include international door-to-door delivery,
which can take as little as three days! Stop by and browse. You ' ll be glad you did.

160. What products does this company offer? 162. Why do these rugs and carpets take so long
(A) Machine-made Persian rugs and carpets to make according to the ad?

(B) New Zealand wool pile (A) The materials are imported from New
(C) Handmade rugs and carpets Zealand .

(D) Weaving machines (B) The carpets are sent from Pakistan.
(C) The process involves a high degree of
161. How can potential customers view their detail.

products? (D) There are only a few skilled craftsmen

(A) At their showroom in Pakistan who work on them.
(B) On the Internet
(C) At their workshops in New Zealand
(D) In their mail-order catalog

Actual Test 04 97
Questions 163-164 refer to the news article.

NEW YORK - Synchia Enterprises, Inc. announced Monday that it has named
Gary Myers as its new chief financial officer. Myers, formerly executive vice

president and CFO at LoveJoy Co ., will begin his new position June 12th. He
will report directly to the Synchia Chairman and chief executive, Michael


Myers, 52, replaces Cathy Fines, who is moving over to run Synchia's
fledgling on-line music sales operation. There had been talk of moving Fines

out of the CFO position for weeks, as Synchia's earnings came in below
target and the company's stock faltered.
"Gary has a track record of helping companies to generate greater value, and
his expertise in financial management, in addition to his significant
experience in the consumer business, will boost our growth across the
company," Spooner said in a written statement.

163. What is happening at Synchia Enterprises? 164. According to the article, why is this change
(A) They are replacing their chairman , Mr. being made?
Spooner. (A) Myers was let go by LoveJoy.
(B) Ms. Fines will be replaced by Mr. Myers (B) Synchia made Myers a better offer.

as CFO. (C) The company had not been doing well

(C) Ms. Fines is leaving the company due to under Fines .

poor performance. (D) Synchia has started a new on-line music

(D) Mr. Myers is leaving to join LoveJoy Co. operation.
Questions 165-166 refer to the following memorandum.

Date: Tuesday, Oct . 15

To: All employees
Re: Painting

This weekend, the office will be closed for painting, and no employees will be allowed in the

building. Although official company policy discourages employees from working overtime
hours from home, an exception will be made in this case. However, you should be sure to get
prior approval for your overtime from your manager. Also, log on to the system from home

when you start work, and remember to log off when you are finished. The painters will be here
on Saturday morning, and they have requested that all office furniture be moved into the
hallway. So, you are asked to leave work at 5:00 on Friday to give the maintenance staff a -ct
chance to rearrange the furniture. Your cooperation is appreciated . c
Thank you.

165. What is happening at the office? 166. What do staff members need to do in order
(A) They are giving the employees the to work overtime?
weekend off. (A) Come to the office on Sunday
(B) They are starting a new work-from-home (B) Get permission to work from home
program. (C) Rearrange their working hours

(C) They are rearranging the furniture on the (D) Write down their hours in the logbook

(D) The office is being repainted Saturday

and Sunday.

Actual Test 04 99
Questions 167-170 refer to the following e-mail.

Received: Monday, June 4th, at 8:32 p.m.

From :
Re: Appointment Cancellation

Mr. Walker,
I apologize for having to cancel our appointment last Friday at the last minute. There

was some urgent business at another job site, and I had to attend to it personally. I hope
that we can reschedule for sometime next week.
Also, in your last e-mail you asked for some different options with regard to materials

and our turn-around time. The sample books I couriered to you last week are the
standard wallpapers that we use - 1.75 meter-wide, printed. But we have also started
using a new process with large, floor-to-ceiling rolls that produces a papered wall without
seams. The papers are the highest grade, and most have silk highlights. As your project
is a luxu ry apartment complex, these products may better suit your needs. This is a
specialty process, requiring special equipment, and so there would be additional
charges on top of our usual labor costs. Since you would be doing so many units in your
building, perhaps we could offer you a discounted rate on the labor. I will discuss this
possibility with our sales manager and let you know when we meet.

With regard to our turn-around time, using standard-process papers we would be able to
complete the 15 units in one week. The seamless wallpaper application process makes
use of a large roller mechanism; so, potentially, we could complete the work in 3 days.
Again, I am sorry to cancel our appointment. Please let me know at your earliest

convenience when you would like to reschedule. Thank you.



Peter Lasco
Sales Rep,
All Walls, Inc.
167. Why was the appointment with Mr. Walker 169. What did Mr. Lasco do for Mr. Walker the
cancelled? previous week?
(A) Mr. Lasco was not able to bring the (A) Sent him a book of samples

samples to the job site. (B) Visited his construction site
(B) Mr. Lasco had to attend to another client. (C) Called him about the turn-around time

(C) Mr. Lasco had to pick up a new roller (D) Showed him a new papering process
mechanism .
(D) Mr. Lasco was on a business trip. 170. How long does Mr. Lasco estimate the job

will take?
168. What kind of service does this company (A) More than 15 days
offer? (B) Until some time next week
{A) Building construction (C) Three days with the new process

(B) Wallpaper manufacturing (D) Three days with traditional techniques
(C) Large-scale redecoration
(D) Labor recruitment

Actual Test 04 101

Questions 171-173 refer to the following advertisement.

Come to the Briars Resort to experience a unique conference center, with
everything to make your business meetings or conferences productive in a beautiful

lakeshore and woodland setting. Our facility offers a highly-trained convention staff
and well-appointed rooms, with all of the equipment you'd expect from a state-of-

the-art convention center. But our location in the Gatineau Hills north of the nation's
capital also offers a beautiful and tranquil natural setting. Within driving distance of
Ottawa and Montreal, with easy access to Ottawa International Airport, our 230
acres .of golf, marina, lakefront, restaurants, shops, 240 guest rooms and convention

facilities are within a few hours drive or flight to Toronto, Ontario's financial hub.
The Briars Staff has years of expertise in planning meetings, conventions, retreats
and special events, enabling us to handle the decisions, details and timing involved
in all manner of business conferences. Thus, we are confident that your group will
experience a memorable and successful meeting. Our newly-constructed Thompson
Hall adds another 15,500 square feet of meeting and convention space to over
35,000 sq . ft. of flexible, functional meeting/conference space, meaning we can
accommodate 20 to 2,000 attendees.

The Briars is the perfect destination for productive conferences , meetings, trade
shows, and incentive stays. Call us at 1-800-2-BRIARS to discuss your particular ,,
needs, or visit our website, , to find out more and to see a video
tour of our grounds and buildings.


• Thompson Hall offers 15,500 sq. ft.

• Seating for up to 2,000 guests
• 1,000 sq. ft. of exhibition space

• Seating for 500 for meals I

• Conference planning services I
• Full-service banquet and dining facilities
• Corporate training & meeting rooms
• Executive board room
• Multimedia presentation capabilities
• On-site audio/visual technicians
• High-speed computer compatibility
~--·· --··
~ ---~~-.---
171. What is unique about the Briars Resort, 173. What information is NOT discussed in the
according to the advertisement? advertisement?
(A) They have space to accommodate 3,000 (A) The convenient location

attendees. (B) The number of attendees that can be
(B) They can hold banquets for up to 1 ,000 accommodated

at a time. (C) The competitive rates and special
(C) They offer a shuttle service to Ottawa package deals
and Montreal. (D) The range of services provided by the

(D) They provide modern facilities in a staff
natural environment.

172. What did The Briars recently add?

(A) A large new conference room
(B) Multimedia presentation equipment
(C) Conference planning services
(D) A new banquet facility

· 1

;,.._ ...
~ -~·

Actual Test 04 103

Questions 174-177 refer to the fo llowing information .

INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL EXPO - Shipping Instructions for US Exhibitors

Fastex has been designated the official transportation coordinator of equipment and
display materials for all exhibitors participating in the International Travel Expo. The
following information includes shipping dates, consolidation points, and documentation

requirements for the transportation into France of all your material for the exposition. The
following air freight cut-off dates have been selected to allow as much time as possible to
prepare your exhibition materials prior to shipment:

Door-to-door delivery No later than June 15th
Drop off at consolidation point No later than June 21st
Fastex is able to pick up your cargo from your facility and arrange delivery to one of our
domestic consolidation points: Oakland, Denver, New York, Los Angeles, or Houston.
Simply call us to schedule the pickup. If you choose, you may send your goods directly to
the consolidation point, prepaid. Please notify us of your freight's impending arrival at the
consolidation point. Include the Carrier's Bill of Landing/ Airway Bill information, the
gross weight, total number of pieces sent, and copies of the commercial invoices for the
goods sent. Whether we pick up your freight or it is delivered, we urge exhibitors to use

strong, wooden cases that offer protection from the weather for the transportation of
exhibition materials. In the event that your cases are secured with a lock or combination,
please don't forget to provide the key or combination number to us for customs

174. Who is this information intended for? 176. If shipments are sent to one of the
(A) Potential customers of Fastex consolidation points, what must be done?

(B) People who will be attending the Expo (A) Include only one label for all items
(C) Exhib itors traveling from the US (B) Make sure the cases are securely locked
(D) Customs officials (C) Ensure it arrives there before June 15th
(D) Phone to tell them when it will be arriving
175. Where is the International Travel Expo being
held? 177. How does Fastex recommend that items be
(A) France packed?
(B) Denver (A) In weather-proof metal boxes
(C) New York (B) In hefty wooden crates
(D) Hong Kong (C) Loosely shrink-wrapped
(D) On individual skids
Questions 178-180 refer to the following letter.

May 19

Customer Services Office
WorldTravel Limited

25 Cramden Road

To Whom It May Concern:

I spent most of the last two days calling your customer service liqes in an effort to resolve this situation
(see my customer reference number, A802234-202), but I have gotten nowhere.
So, I'm writing in the hopes that this letter will get into the hands of a more effective person. I'm really
hoping you can help me.

On Monday, May 16th, I was in the airport checking my baggage for a flight to Amsterdam, and the young
man who was helping me - James Strathcona was his name - tore the handle off my suitcase when he was
lifting it onto the conveyor belt. I have since inquired as to how much it would cost to fix and was told it
would be at least US$45.00. I have enclosed a photocopy of the quote from the repairman.
On principle, I really feel these repairs ought to be paid by WorldTravel, as the damage was done while
one of your people was handling my luggage. However, I am being given the run-around by your customer
service staff whenever I call. One young man was even so bold as to suggest that the suitcase was probably

worn out and ready to break anyway. I assure you that this is not true: I only recently bought the set, and
the only reason it was broken was that it was handled with excessive force.
In all other dealings I've had with your company, I have had very positive experiences and I have no wish
to fly with another airline.

I look forward to hearing from you soon, and I very much appreciate yow· help.

Yours faithfully,

Edith Smallwood

178. What is the purpose of the letter? 180. Why did Ms. Smallwood go to see a
(A) To report a lost suitcase repairman?
(B) To claim repair expenses (A) To buy a suitcase

(C) To complain about a flight (B) To ask for a refund

(D) To request a copy of a quote (C) To find out about repair costs
(D) To pay an outstanding bill
179. What was the Customer Service
department's response to Ms. Smallwood's
(A) They will reimburse her for the repairs.
(B) They think she probably broke the
handle herself.
(C) They said they are not responsible.
(D) They said Mr. Strathcona should pay the

Actual Test 04 105

Questions 181-185 refer to the following manual and e-mail.

E-Klavier Digital Piano- User's Manual

Thank you for purchasing an E-Klavier Digital Piano by SoundDesign! Please carefully read the user's

manual prior to operating your digital piano. Not only will it enhance your experience, it wm also extend the
life of your machine. Your E-Klavier Digital Piano is manufactured to the most exacting specifications using
the best materials available. By following the instructions contained in this manual, it will provide you with

a lifetime enjoyment. In addition to this manual, there is more information on the SoundDesign website.

Important Warning
The surface of your new E-Klavier Digital Piano by SoundDesign is coated with our patented high-gloss

enamel to mimic the finish of the highest-quality grand pianos. It is susceptible to scratching. Should it
require cleaning, you should wipe it with a lightly-dampened cloth. Under no circumst~mces should you use
detergents or abrasives to clean any part of the surface, as scratching or discoloration may result.
Should you have any problems with your digital piano that are not covered by the material in this manual,
first check the FAQ and troubleshooting sections of our website at If you still
cannot find a solution to your problem, call our service representatives at the number on the back cover of
the manual, or e-mail them at

-- --

To: service@sounddesign .com


To Whom It May Concern :

I recently purchased a T-201 E-Kiavier, and have been very satisfied. It has so many useful

functions! If anyth ing, it has too many. (It took me a whole afternoon to figure out how to use it
properly; but, then again, I'm not exactly skil led with electronic gadgets.) It really lives up to the
promises in your literature. The sound is excellent. My son-in-law, who is a concert pianist, was

impressed, so that says a lot.

Anyway, the main reason I'm writing is that my little granddaughter spilled her grape juice all
over the top of the keyboard. I mopped most of it up at the time, but some got under the lid and
now it's a sticky mess in there. I tried using a damp cloth as the user manual recommends, but
it's just not coming off. I looked through all of the material on the website, too, but I think this
problem is rather unique . I'm worried about ruining the finish, so I'm asking if there are any
soaps or detergents that I could safely use.

Thanks a lot,
Randy Wilson

181. What are owners of the T-201 E-Kiavier 184. What is the purpose of the e-mail?
instructed to do? (A) To complain about a problem with the
(A) Read all of the information on the keyboard

website (B) To ask for technical assistance in
(B) Send in their warranty card operating the keyboard

(C) Go over all of the information in the (C) To commend the company on an
manual excellent product
(D) Clean the keyboard surface thoroughly (D) To ask the service department for advice

182. What are consumers told to do if there is a 185. What has Mr. Wilson already tried?
problem with their E-Kiavier? (A) He followed the advice in the manual and
(A) Call or e-mail a technician after checking searched the website .

the website (B) He tried some soaps and detergents but
(B) Call a repairman after reading the they didn't work.
manual (C) He asked his son-in-law about how to
(C) Try to fix the problem before calling the solve the problem.
company (D) He called the service department but
(D) Submit a message on the FAQ section they were unable to help.
of the company's website

183. What should be used to clean the surface of

the keyboard?
(A) A non-abrasive soap

(B) A dry towel

(C) A moistened cloth
(D) A wet sponge

Actual Test 04 107

Questions 186-190 refer to the following itinerary and note.

Small Business Association Conference- Thursday, August 18th

Seminar - Itinerary

7:30a.m. Registration Opens
8:00a.m. - 8:20a.m. Opening Ceremony

8:20a.m. - 10:20 a.m. Session I
"Seven Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth," Part I, with
Michael Bornstein
10:30 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. Session II

1. "Creating a Winning Culture of Innovation" with Bill Ripley
2. "21st Century E-marketing," with Richard Grant
Noon Luncheon
1:00 p.m. - 6:00p.m. Workshops held in Marchand Hall
6:00p.m . - 7:00p.m. Break
7:00p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Awards Dinner & Reception

Date: Wednesday, August 17th

Mike just called from the airport in Toronto, and it looks like he's going to be arriving late. There was

some mix-up with his flight, I guess. Apparently, he told his secretary that he was expecting to be
leaving tonight, but for some strange reason she booked the flight for tomorrow morning. That
means that he won't be able to be here for his presentation. Anyway, he sounded really worried about

it, and I didn't really know what else to do, so I said we'd rearrange the schedule. He won't be here
untilu o'clock at the earliest, so I'll have to put you and Richard first in Session I. I know you were
only scheduled to speak for about 30 minutes, but I'd really appreciate it if you could stretch your
presentation out a bit - maybe have a question-and-answer session or something. You need to fill
about an hour. I know it's last minute, but these things happen. Whenever he gets in, we can start his
session, and it won't be too bad. I figure, at worst, we'll be running about half an hour late. Oh, and
could you please let everyone know about the changes when you give your presentation tomorrow
Thanks a lot for understanding.
See you tomorrow,
James Ransom
186. When was Michael Bornstein originally 189. When was the e-mail sent?
supposed to deliver his presentation? (A) Just before the conference opened
(A) 8:20a.m. (B) A few minutes before session I started

(B) Noon (C) The night before the conference
(C) 10:30 a.m . (D) A few days before the conference
(D) 6:00 p.m .

190. Who will inform the people attending the
187. Who is the note for? conference of the schedule changes?
(A) A member of the Association (A) James Ransom

(B) Someone giving a presentation (B) Michael Bornstein
(C) An organizer of the conference (C) Bill Ripley
(D) The president of the association (D) Richard Grant

188. Why can Mr. Bornstein not give his
presentation at 8:20a.m.?
(A) His flight was not booked according to
his instructions.
(B) His flight was canceled at the last
(C) He was late arriving at the airport and
missed his fl ight.
(D) He has decided not to attend the

Actual Test 04 109

Questions 191-195 refer to the following contract and letter.

Hours of Work

All employees are expected to be present and on time for every working day. When
circumstances prevent you from reporting to work, or when you know in advance that you will

be late, you are expected to notify your manager prior to your normal start time.

If you are absent from work for three consecutive working days for reasons of illness, a

doctor's statement regarding the nature of your illness and verifying consultation time and
date may be required. Failure to provide doctor's verification of illness upon request may result
in the time off being classified as an unexcused absence and your pay may be adjusted.

If you are absent from work without notification, it may be assumed that you are not

returning, and we reserve the right to immed iately terminate your employment and include a
note in your record stating "voluntarily quit without notice."

March 11th, 2005

Dear Mr. Witherspoon,


I'm writing to you in the hopes that you will understand my situation. I trust that by now you will have heard
about my situation from my manager. I hope that I can at least be given the chance to explain my side of the
story. As for my manager, she is only doing her job, but I do think she has been rorally unreasonable in
following company policy to the letter and not giving the least bit of cons iderat ion to normal human error.

I was very ill from February 20th to 24th, and I took those days off work co recover. I did not go to the doctor

as it was just a case of food poisoning, and all I really needed was bed rest. I did, however, call each day to tell
my manager. When I returned co work, she asked me for a doctor's note, and I cold her I couldn't produce one.
That was the last I heard about it until payday when I noticed that my pay was short. I asked my manager

about it , and she cold me that I wasn't being paid for the days I was home sick from work . That's when she cold
me about the policy. And when I complained, she insisted I bring it up with you.

Needless to say, I'm very upset that this money was withheld from my pay. It was my understanding that I was
allowed co take paid sick days from work, and I'm sorry co say that I had no idea about thi policy about having
to hand in a doctor's note. I really need that money as I have a very tight budget this month. It was a m istake,
and, had I known, I certain ly would have gone to the doctor about my condition. I hope you can understand my

Yours sincerely,
Brenda Wilson

191. According to the contract, what must be 194. What was the reason that Ms. Wilson did not
submitted if an employee is absent from get a doctor's note?
work for three or more days? (A) She forgot to ask the doctor to write her

(A) A good excuse a note.
(B) Permission from a doctor (B) She was too ill to go to the doctor.

(C) A doctor's note (C) She was not aware of the company's
(D) An explanation in writing policy.
(D) She thought her manager would have
192. What could have happened it Ms. Wilson told her.

had not called her manager?
(A) She would have had to pay 195. Who is Mr. Witherspoon most likely?
compensation . (A) Ms. Wilson 's coworker @_ .

(B) She would have had to work extra hours. (B) The company accountant
(C) She would have been reported to the (C) Ms. Wilson's lawyer
boss. (D) A senior manager
(D) She could have immediately lost her job .

193. Why did Ms. Wilson write to Mr.

(A) To ask him to reconsider his decision to
tire her
(B) To inform him of her medical expenses
(C) To ask him to pay her for the days she

took off work

(D) To tell him about her manager's poor job

Actual Test 04 111

Questions 196-200 refer to the following job posting and e-mail.

r --

Department: Human Resources

Reports to: Human Resources Director

The Human Resources department is moving from its former location at our Wilmington location to our
new facility in Arkansas. This will enable us to expand, necessitating the hiring of additional staff. In order

to oversee the training of these new staff and the successful transition to our new location, we are
seeking a highly organized , energetic individual to lead part of the expanded Human Resources team.
We feel it is important to hire someone with connections and experience in the company , so we are
initially only accepting applications from current staff, regardless of department.

Minimum Qualifications:
Education and Training : A master's degree in information management or business administration.
Work Experience:
· Ten years of experience in the field (at least two years with our company)
• Proven track-record of management and budgetary responsibilities
• Effective supervision of staff

Skills and Abilities:

• Proven record of accomplishment of outstand ing management and supervisory skills , including the
ability to train , direct, and motivate staff

Salary: Commensurate with experience

Application Deadline: Open until filled
·-- ·- · -


From :
Re: HR Manager Position
Attachments: Christina_Appleby_resume2007 .doc

Dear Mr. Blake,

I'm not sure if you remember me. We met at the company Christmas party last year. My name is Christina Appleby,
and I work in the information systems department. My manager, Chris Knowles , recently informed me of a position
that is opening in the Human Resources department for an HR manager and suggested that I apply for it.

I have attached my resume for you to look at, and I think you will find that my background is what you are looking
for. As you will see, I've been working in this industry for more than twelve years, the past five of which I've been
with this company. I hold an MBA from Sloan MIT. The team that I've been in charge of has consistently produced
results on schedule , and I feel this demonstrates my ability to manage and motivate others.

I understand that the position would involve relocating , but this would be fine . My husband is actually considering
a job in the same area as it so happens.

I'd be very pleased to meet with you to discuss my suitability for th is position. Thank you for your consideration .

196. Where would this job posting most likely be 199. How long has Ms. Appleby worked for this
seen? company?
(A) In a local newspaper (A) 10 years

(B) On a company's intranet (B) 12 years
(C) On a community bulletin board (C) 5 years

(D) On a website for jobseekers (D) 7 years

197. Why is the HR department hiring a new 200. Why does Ms. Appleby say she would like to

manager? relocate?
(A) The previous manager has recently (A) She has been unhappy in her current
retired. department.
(B) They are expanding their current (B) She doesn't want to work in Wilmington

location. anymore.
(C) They are moving to a larger facility. (C) She lived in Arkansas before moving to
(D) They have been allocated a larger
tic Wilmington.
budget. (D) Her husband is considering moving to
the same location .
198. How did Ms. Appleby find out about the job
(A) The Information Systems manager
pointed it out to her.
(B) She was browsing the company's

(C) She was told about it by the HR director.

(D) She read about it in the company

Actual Test 04 113

Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao


Cau 153-1~
Can cu n·ong
Cauhoi do~ vandS Dich nghia va giai thich Tumai
tim ra dap an

153. What is different "But we are 153. DiSu g i khac bi?t cua giai tennis Toumament(n):
about this year's tennis also offering nam nay? Cu9c dua, giai & u

tournament? some more A. No se duqc t6 chuc a cau l~c b9 Valuable(adj ) : co
A. It will be held at the valuable Lanark Counhy. gia tri

Lanark CountJ.y Club. rizes this B. Nose re han. Aftetward Sau
B. It will be a little less year " C. Nhfrng giai thu011g co gh1 tr! cao do
expensive. hon se duqc trao.

C. Better award will D. Se co m9t biia ti~c sau do.
be provided.
D. There will be a
party aftetwards.
154. What reason IS
"because our 154. Ly do clia v i~c tang gia nhy? Caterer(n): Nguoi
given for the slight caterer is A. Phi tennis a Lanark Counhy Club cung d .p d6 an
price increase? charging tang len. Go up: Tang len
A. Tennis fees have more" B. Cong ty cung cip thuc an tang gh1

gone up at the Lanark d!ch v~;~.

Counhy Club. C. Giai thua ng nfun nay co g ia cao han.
B. The company D. Chi co 48 nguoi duqc tham dt,r.
providing food has

raised their prices.

C. The prizes are more
expensive this year.

D. Only 48 people are


able to attend.
Cau 155-156
trong do~n
Cau hoi Djch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi
van d~ tim
ra dap an
155. Who I S this "Franchise 15 5. Thong tin nay huang toi ai? To be intended for:
infmmation intended Development A. Khach cua khach s~n Huang toi ai
for? " B. Nhan vien tiSm nang.
A. Guests for the hotel C. Quan ly c~p cao trong cong ty.

Quyen sach nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngLYoi mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLY these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

B. Potential "We take our D. Nhfrng nguOi quan ly trong cong Franchise(n): Vi~c
employees relationships ty rna dang din nhic vi~c rna m{)t chi nhuqng quysn l~i 1
c. Upper with nhanh. thuong hi~u
management m the franchisees Trong tieu dS da nhltc toi vi~c mo r9ng Franchisee(n): Ben
company seriously and h~ th6ng nhuqng quySn thuang m~i - nh~n/ mua nhuqng

D. Those offer " franchise development" (VD: chu6i quyen
management in the lucrative nha hang nhu KFC, Lotteria,v.v) va

company financial trong n9i dung co nh~c tai vi~c mo
considering opening) packages." r9ng, th~t ch~t quan h~ v oi cac nha m ua

a branch nhuqng quySn- franchisees
156. How much "Summruy of 156. Ben nh~n nhuqng quySn co thS Revenue(n): Doanh
could a franchisee Fee .... phai chi bao nhieu trong nam dftu tien? thu

make in the first year? $75,000 ... A. $75,000 (USD) Initial fee(n): Phi
A. $75,000 (USD) 5% B. $75,000 (USD) va 2% doanh thu ban dftu
B. $75,000 (USD) and of..annualy
2% of the revenue ... 2% of...
C. $75,000 (USD) and annually
C. $75,000 (USD) va 3% doanh thu
D. Phi ban diu va 7% doanh thu
Sau khi c9ng l~i cac khoan phi dS cftp
Annually(adv ):
Hang nam
3% of the revenue dSn, taco aap an. Vi m1,1c sau (2%, 5%)
D. The initial fee la tra theo nam nen se phai hi them 7%
plus 7% of the a nfun dftu tien.

Cau 157-159
tt·ong do~n
Cau hoi Djch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi
van d~ tim

ra dap an
157. What is a "Northwind 157. Theo nhu thong bao, thi Caldera Attachement(n):

Caldera }union Cycle 1s Junior la gi? Phftn dinh kem, ph1,1


according to the recalling the A. M{)t b{) ph~n P.hl} tung cua xe d~p tUng
notice? Caldera B . M9t lo~i xe ~p ~c bi~t Recall(n, v) : Tri~u
A. An attachment Junior C. M9t tay ao kim lo~i h6i, h6i tuang
for bic des bicycle D . M9t mii bao hiSm xe Accessmy(n) : Ph1,1
B. A special kind of accessory for tUng
bicycle repair. "
C. A metal sleeve
D . A bike helmet

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

158. Which models of "Caldera 158.KiJu mdu Caldera Jnnior nao

the Caldera Jnnior are Juniors with khong bf thu hBi?
not being recalled? nylon or A. Nhting cai co logo "Mongoose"
A. Those with a plastic B. Nhfrng phien ban s6 AC 100, 200,
"Mongoose" logo sleeves on 300

B . Model number AC the hitch are c. Nhfrng cai co miu n~i co n).:IOn
1 00,200 and 300 not included ho~c nhl!a phil ngoai.

C, Those with in this D . Nhting cai di kern voi m9t xe ~p
hitches with nylon o recall." tieu chtilln.

plastic covering
D . Models that attach
to a standard bicycle
159. Ly do cua vi~c thuhoi?

159. What reason is ' The hitch Violate(v): Vi
given for the recall? connecting it A. Logo vi ph~ luftt ban quySn. ph~
A. The logo violates a to the bicycle
copyright law. can
B. The hitch has a causmg the
B. Miu n~i co m{)t l~i rit nguy hi~m.
C.Ph1,1 tting khong duqc l~p ghep vao
m9t each dling dfu.
dangerous flaw. Caldera D . Nylon va nht,ra co thS hu hong, vo. Bling, rieng bi~t
C. The accessmy does Junior to Unstable(adj):
not attach properly. become Khong vting vang

D . The nylon and unstable,

plastic can break. which may
result in

Cau 160-162

Can elf

trong do~n
Cau hoi D!ch nghia va gh1i thich Tir mOi

van d~ tim
ra dap an
160. What product "We deal 160. Cong ty nay cnng dlp san pham gi? Genuine(adj):
does this company only m A. May san x~t tham Persian Chinh hang, thu§n
offer? genume B . Len cu9n cua New Zealand chling
A. Machine - made oriental and C. Tham lam b~ng tay Oriental(adj):
Persian mgs and Persian D. May d~t phuang B ong
carpets. crupets and Catpet, mg (n):
B . New Zealand wool rugs of the tham

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

C. Handmade rugs highest

and carpets quality"
D . Weaving machines "All of om
crupet IS


161 . How can "Shop 161 . Nhfrng khach hang tiem nang co Workshop(n):

potential customers conveniently thS xem san phfun bfug each ni10? Xuemg/ H9i thao
view their products? online at om A. 0 cac phong bung bay san phfun ~i chuyen dS

A. At their showroom website and Pakistan.
in Pakistan seru·ch B. Tren m~ng internet
B. On the Internet through a C. 0 cac xuong aNew Zealand
D. 0 catalog t~i mail ~t hang.

C. At their workshops huge
inNew Zealand selection.. "
D . In their mail-order
162. Why do these "take months
162. Theo bai quang cao, t~i sao moi Density(n): D9 day
tugs and crupets take or years to chiSc tham l~i t6n nhiSu thai gian lam ~c, mftt d9
so long to make complete nhu vfty?
according to the ad? because the A. Vi nguyen li~u duqc nhftp kh~u tir

A. The materials ru·e knots are New Zealand.

impmted from New hand-tied to B. Vi tham duqc gui di tir Pakistan.
Zealand. a density of C. Vi qua trinh bao g~m d{) chi ti~t
B. The catpets are 400 .p_e1J rit cao.

sent from Pakistan. quare D. Vi chi co m9t vai ngh~ nhan lanh
C. The process inch!" nghs lam v i~c v oi chling.
involves a high Nhiing m~u n6i co d9 day ~c toi 400

degree of detail. n·en 1 inch vuong, ths hi~n d9 chi tist


D . The are only a few r~t cao (high degree of detail)

skilled craftsmen who
work on them.
Cau 163-164
Can clf
trong do~n
Cau hoi Dfch nghia va giai thich Tir moo
van d~ tim
ra dap an

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng t hanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' t hese lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

163. What 1s "it has named 163. Chuy~n gi dang xay ra a Synchia
CFO: Chief
happening at Synchia Gaty Myers Enterprises? Financial Officer:
Enterprises? as its new A. H9 dang thay thS chu tich, ong Gaim d6c tai
A. They are replacing chief Spooner. chinh
their chaitman, Mr. financial B. Ong Finesse duqc thay th~ bOi ong

Spooner. officer. " a vj tri CFO.
B. Ms.Fines will be " Myers, 52, c. Ong Fines roi cong ty do nang su~t

replaced by Mr. replaces hun vi~c kem.
Myers as CFO. Cathy Fines, D . Ong Myers roi cong ty dS tham gia

C. Ms.Fines is leaving who 1s LoveJoy Co.
the company due to movtng ... "
poor perfmmance.

D . Mr. Myers 1s
leaving to J Oin

LoveJoy Co.
164. According to the
article, twhy is this
"There had
been talk of
164. Theo nhubai viSt, thi 4ti sao l~i co Falter(v):
thay d6i nay? ngtmg,
change being made? moving Fines A. Myers bi LoveJoy cho thoi vi~c chan, uu¢ gia

A. Myers was let go out of the B . Synchia lam cho Myers tiSn b9 han. Stock (n): co
by LoveJoy. CFO position C. Cong ty m1y khong ho~t d{)ng tOi phiSu

B. Synchia made for weeks, as trong thOi gian h1m vi~c ciia Fines
Myers a better one. Synchia's D. Synchia da mora m9t co so vS ~c
C. The company had earnings tn,rc tuySn.
not been doing well came in

under Fines. below target

D. Synchia has sta1ted and the
a new on-line mus1c company's

operation stock

Cau 165-166
trong do~n
Cau hoi Dfch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi
van d~ tim
ra dap an
165. What IS "This 165. Chuy~n gi dang diSn ra a cong ty?
happening at the weekend, the A. H9 cho nhan vien nghi m9t tu§n.
office? office will be B . H9 khoi d9ng m9t chuang hinh lllin
vi~c t~i nha.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

A. They are giving the closed for C. H9 s~p xSp d6 n9i th~t vao cu6i tufui.
employees at the painting" D. Van phong se duqc son l~i vao thu
weekend off. 7 va chu nh~t.
B.They are struting a
new work-from-home

C. They are

reanangmg the
furniture on the

D. The office is being.
repainted Saturda)j

and Sunda!
166. What do staff "from 166. Nhan vien phai lam gi dS dm;Yc lam Petmission (n): Sl,I
members need to do in
to work
from your
ngoai gio?
A. Toi van phong vao ngay chu nhftt
B . Co duqc S\I cho phep lam vi~c tir nha
cho phep
Reanange(v): S~p
xSp l~i
A. Come to the office home" c. S~p xSp l~i thai gian lam vi~c Logbook(n): s6 19
on Sunday "However, D . ViStra nhiing gio gi~c vao s6 19 trinh trinh
B. Get permission to you should "Petmission" tuang duong voi Approval(n): Sl,I

work from home be sure to get "Approval" thong qua

C. ReruTange working pnor Prior: Ttuoc
hours approval to
D . Write down their your

hours in the logbook ovettime

from your

Cau 167-170

tt·ong do~n
Cau hoi Djch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi
van d~ tim
ra dap an
167. Why was the "I appologize 167. T~i sao CUQC hyn voi ong Walker Appointment(n):
appointment with :Mr. for having to l~i bi hoan? cu9c hyn
Walker cancelled? cancel our A.Ong Lasco khong thS mang mftu toi Job site(n): Cong
A. Mr. Lasco was not appointment cong truong duqc. nuang
able to bring the last Friday at B. Ong Lasco phai tOi g~p khach
the last hang khac.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

samples to the job minute. C. Ong Lasco dn phai mang m9t may
sites. There was tn,lC Ian moi.
B. Mr. Lasco had to some urgent D. Ong Lasco eta di cong tac.
attend to another. business at
client. another job

C. J\1r. Lasco had to site, ...
pick up a new roller attend to it

merchanism. personally."
D . Mr. Lasco was on a

business trip.
168. What kind of "But we also 168. Cong ty nay cung cftp cijch v1,1 gi?
service does the started using A. Xay dl,l11g nha

company offer? a new B. San xuftt gifty dan tuang
A. Building process with C. Trang tri quy mo 1011
B. Wallpaper
large, floor-
rolls that
D. TuySn d1,1ng lao d9ng
C. Large-scale produces a
redecoration papered wall
D . Labor recmitment without

169. What did Mr. "The sample 169. Ong Lasco da lam gi cho ong Twn-around time:
L asco do for J\.1r. books I Walker vao tufui tluoc? thai gtan quay
Walker the Jlrevious couriered to A. Gifi cho ong iy m{)t cu~n s~ co cac vong

week? youlastweek miu Comier(v):gui

tA. Sent him a book are the B. Toi thfun cong huang xay dl,l11g CUa Papering(n): vi~c
of samples standard ong ay dim gifty len tuang

B. Visited his wallpapers C. G9i dS thong bao vS thai gian quay


conshuction site that we use" vong

C. Called him about D. Cho ong fly xem m9t quy tt·inh illm
the tum-around time giay
D . Showed him a new Tu " last week dong vai tl'o nhu m9t tir
papenng process chi duang, dl,l'a vao tu nay se tim duqc
do~n van can cu, tu "couriered" tuang
duan voi "sent"
170. How long does
Mr. Lasco estimate
the job will take?

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

A. More than 15 days.

B. Until some time
next week
C. Three days with
the new process

D . Three days with
traditional techiniques

Cau 171-173

trong do~n
Cau hoi Dfch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi
van d~ tim
ra dap an

171. What is unique "eve1ything 171. Theo nhu bai quang dto, diSu gi la Accommodate(v ):
about Briars Resort, to make your d9c nh~t aBriars Resmt? Chua, ph1,1c v1,1
according to

A. They have space to

meetings or
A. H9 co khong gian dS ph1,1c v1,1 toi (duqc bao nhieu
3000 nguoi tham dl,I.
B. H9 co thS lam ti~c cho toi 1.000
Banquet(n): Ti~c
accommodate 3,000 productive in nguo i cUn.g m9t h1c. Shuttle(n): Xe dua
attendees. a beautiful C. H9 cung c~p dich v1,1 xe dua don tir don di lien tl,lc tir
B. They can hold lakeshore Ottawa toi Montreal. diSm nay toi diSm
D. H9 cung cip cO' sa v~t chit hi~n d~i

banquets for up to and kia.

1,000 at a time. woodland trong moi truimg thien nhien. Productive(adj):
C. They offer a shuttle setting." Hi~uqua
service to Ottawa and "well Lakeshore(n): Bo

Montreal. appointed h6
D. They provide room, . . . "a
modern facilities in a state of the

natural art

environment. convention
172. What did The "Our newly 172. The Briars gan day da them gi?
Briars recently add? constmcted A. M{)t phong h{)i nghf mOi rong
A. A large new Thompson B . ThiSt bi thuySt trinh da phuang ti~n
conference room Hall adds moi
B. Multimedia another C. Cac dich V l,l kS ho~ch h9i nghi moi
presentation 15,500 D . Cac thiSt bi cho bu6i ti~c
equipement square feet of
meeting and

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

C. Conference convention
planning services space"
D. A new banquet
173. What "easy access 173. Nhfrng thong tin gi khong duqc Attendee(n): Nguoi

information IS NOT to Ottawa thao lu~n trong bai quang cao? tham dl,l
discussed m the Intetnational A. Vi tri thu~n lqi

advettisement? Airpmt, our B . S6 luqng nguoi tham dl,l rna tlung
A. The convenient 230 acres of tam co thS ph1,1c V\1

location golf, marina, C. Mlfc phi c~nh tranh va cac goi d~c
B . The number of lakefront, bi~t
attendees that can be restaurants, D . Tftp hqp dich V\1 duqc cung c~p

accomodated shops .. ",
C. The competitive "we can
rates and special
package deals
D. The range of
e 20 to 2,000
services provided by "Full service
the staff banquet and

facilities ....
Cau 174-177

trong do~n
Cau hoi Djch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi
van d~ tim

ra dap an

174. Who IS this "Intemationa 174. Thong tin nay huang toi ai?
information intended! 1Travel Expo A. Khach hang tiSm nang CUa Fastex.
for? - Shipping B . Nhfrng nguo i se tham dv Expo
A. Potential Instluctions C. Nhfrng nguOi chung bay d~n tir
customers of Fastex for US My.
B. People who will be Exhibitors" D. Cac quan chuc hai quan.
attending the Expo
C. Exhibitors
travelling from the
Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

D. Customs officials
175. Where ts the "The 175. Intetnational Travel Expose duqc
Intetnational Travel following t6 chuc a dau?
Expo being held? infonnation A. France
A. France includes B. Denver

B. Denver shipping C. New York
C. New York dates, ... for D. Hong Kong

D. Hong Kong the

n into France
of all your
material for

176. If shipments are
sent to one of the
consolidation points,
able to pick

176. Neu cac 16 hang duqc chuyen toi
m9t trong cac dia diSm gom hang sau,
se phai lam gi?
what must be done? cargo from A. Bao g6m m9t trong s6 cac nhan hang
A. Include only one your facility cho tftt ca cac m~t hang.
label for all items and arrange B . Ch~c cMn r~ng cac bao bi da duqc
dong dn th~n

B. Make sure the delivery to

cases are securely one of our C. Bam bao se toi do nuoc 15 thang 6
locked domestic D. G9i di~n d~ thong bao cho h9 khi
C. Ensure it antves consolidatio m1o se tOi.

there befor June 151h n points: ...

D. Phone to tell them Simply call
when it will be us to

arriving schedule the


177. How does Fastex "Whether we 177. Fastex khuyen dng cac 16 hang Hefty (adj):
recommend that items pick up your nen duqc dong goi nhu thS nao? r9ng&vfrng ch~c,
be packed? freight or it is A. Trong cac h9p kim lo~i kh6ng thfun bSn
A. In water - proof delivered, we nuoc Water-proof(adj):
metal boxes urge B. Trong cac th ung g~ vfrng ch~c kh6ng th§m nuoc
B. In hefty wooden exhibitors to C. Bao goi long leo va co l~i Loose(adj): long
crates use strong, D. Tren cac tfun dS g6 rieng bi~t leo
C. Loosely shrink- wooden Shrink(adj): co l~i
wrapped cases"

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

D. On individual Skid(n): Tfun dS lot

skids go
Frieght(n): Lo hang
Crate (n)~Case(n):
H9p g6, vo

Cau 178 -180

Can clf
trong do~n
Cau hoi Djch nghia va gh1i thich Tir moo

van d~ tim
ra dap an
178. What IS the "I... was told 178. dich cua la thu la gi?
Ml,IC Quote(n): Bao gia
A. Bao cao m9t harm ly bi th~t l~c

p_u_rp_ose of the letter? it would be at
A. To repmt a lost least B. Yeu ciu v~ chi P.hi sifa chfra
B. To claim repair.
US$45,00 .. "
principle, I
C. Phan nan vS m9t chuySn bay
D . Yeu c~u ban sao clia bao gia
C. To complain about really feel
a flight these repairs
D . To request a copy ought to be

of a quote paid by
Travel, as the
damage was

done while
one of your
people was

handling my

179. What IS the "suggest that 179. Phan h6i cua phong dich Vl,l khach Reimburse(v):
Customer Service the suitcase hang voi yeu c~u CUa ba Smallwood la? hoan tJ:a, hoan tiSn
depmtment' s was probably A. H9 se hoan l~i tiSn cho vi~c sua To be
response to wmn out and chfra. responsible(adj):
Ms. Smallwood's ready to B. H9 nghi ba ~Y co le eta tl,l' lam hu co trach nhi~m vS
claim? break away." hong quai vali. vi~c gi
A. They will C. H9 noi h9 khong co trach nhi~m v~ The handle(n): quai
reimburse for the va li

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

B. They think she D. H9 n6i r~ng ong Strathcona se tni chi

probably broke the phi nay.
handle herself.
C. They said they are
not responsible.

D . They said Mr.
Strathcona should pay

the cost.
180. Why did Ms. "I haven 180. Taij sao baf Smallwood l~i toi g~p Inquire(v): hoi, yeu

Smallwood go to see a smce m9t nguoi thq sua chua? cau
repairman? inquired ho A. BS mua vali At least: it nhftt
A. To buy a suitcase much it B . BS hoi hoan l~i tiSn Refund(n): Sv hoan

B. To ask for a refund would cost to C. BS tim hiSu vS chi phi sua chua tien
C. To find out about fix and was D. BS b:a m9t h6a dan vuqt muc. Outstanding (adj):
repair cost
D. To pay an
outstanding bill
told it would
be at least US
$45.... from
tic vu<;Yt qua, vu<;Yt
muc, xuftt chtmg
Cau 181-185

Can elf
trong do~n
Cau hoi D!ch nghia va gh1i thich Tir mOi
van d~ tim
ra dap an

181. What are owners "By 181. Nhfrng nguoi dting T-201 E- Keyboard(n): M~t
of the T-201 E- following the Klavier duqc huang d§n lam gi? duang cfun

Klavier. instructed to instructions A. B9c toan b9 thong tin tren website

do? contained m B . Gili cac the bao hanh

A. Read all of the this manual, C. D9c cac thong tin trong sach
information on the it will huang din
website provide you D. v~ sinh toan b9 bS m~t cua duang
B. Send m their with a cam
wananty card lifetime
C. Go over all of the enjoyment. "
information in the
D. Clean the keyboard
surface thoroughly

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

182. What are Should you 182. Khach hang duqc khuyen lam gi Representative(n):
consumers told to do have any nSu nhu co v~n dS voi E-Klavier? d~i di~n
if there is a problem problems A. G9i di~n tho~i ho~c email cho m{)t F AQ: frequently -
with their E-Klavier? with your nhan vien ky thu~t sau khi ki~m tra asked questions
A. Call or email a digital piano, website.

technician after. ... if you still B . G9i cho thq sua chfra sau khi d9c
checking the website cannot find a huang cllin ky th~t

B . Call the repai..tman solution.. C. c6 g~ng xu ly v~n dS uuoc khi g9i
after reading the check cho cong ty

mannual FAQ .. at our D . Gui di m9t thong di~p u·ong m1,1c
C. Tty to fix the website .. call F AG cua trang web cong ty.
problem before our service

calling the company representativ
D . Submit a message es .. or email
on the F AQ section of
them" tic
183. What should be Should it 1 83.Nen laubem~tcuam~tduongcam Abrasive(adj): mai
used to clean the reqmre b~ng gi? mon
surface of the cleaning, you A. Xa phong khong mai mon Moistened (adj):

keyboard? should w 1pe B . Khankho

A. A non - abrasive it with a C. Khan lau im Lightly
soap. lightly - D. M<?t miSng b9t biSn §m dampened:b
B . A illy towel damJ!.ened Sponge(n): b9t biSn

C. A moistened cloth cloth."

D . A wet sponge
184. What lS the "The mam 184. M1,1C dich cua hue thu la gi? Commend(v ):

purpose of the email? reason why A. BS phan nan vS m9t vk dS voi m~t Khen ngqi

A. To complain about I'm writing is duang c§m

a problem with the that my little B . BS hoi vS trq giup ky thuftt trong vi~c
keyboard granddaught su d1,1ng m~t duang dm
B. To ask for er spilled her C. BS khen ngqi cong ty vS m9t san
technical assistance in grape JUICe ph§m xu~t s~c.
operating the over the top D. D~ xin Sl]' tu vin tir phong djch VI]
keyboard of the
C. To commend the keyboard ... I
company on an look through
excellent product all of the

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

D. To ask the service material on

department for. the website,
advice too, but I
think this
problem 1s


185. What has Mr. "I tried using 185. Ong Wilson da thu hun nhfrng gi? Damp (adj ): Am
Wilson already tried? a damp cloth A. Ong iy him theo nhfrng chi din uot
trong sach huang din va tim ki~m

A. He followed the as the user Detergent(n): chftt
advice in the manual tren website. illy n!a
mannual and recommends B. Ong fty thu m9t s6 xa phong va chftt
illy nhung khong hi~u qua.

searched the "
website. "I looked C. Ong fty hoi con rS v~ vi~c lam sao xu
B. He tried some

but they didn't work. on

tlu·ough all of tic
ly v§n d~ nay.
soaps and detergents the material D. Ong fty hoi phong dich V\1 nhung h9
the khong thS giup do,
C. He asked his son- website."
in-law about how to
solve the problem.

D . He called the
servtce department
but they were unable
to help.

Cau 186-190
Can elf trong
Cau hoi do~n van d~ tim D!ch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi

ra dap an

186. When was "8:20am- 10:20 186.Ban d~u Micheal Bmn stein Inefutable(adj ):
Micheal Bornstein am: Session I: duqc dv kiSn se co bai thuySt trinh khong thS ch6i cai
originally supposed to Seven Inefutable vao khi nao?
deliver his Rules of Small A. 8:20a.m
presentation? Business B. Noon
A. 8:20a.m Growth," P mt 1 C. 10:30 a.m
B. Noon with Micheal D . 6:00 p.m
C. 10:30 a.m Bomstein"
D . 6:00 p.m

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

187. Who was the note "so I'll have to 187. Ban ghi chu nay la cho ai?
for? put you and A. M 9t thanh v ien ctia hi~p h9i
A. A member of the Richard first m B. M()t nguOi se co bai thuy~t
Association Sesion I. I lmow trinh
B. Someone giving a you were only C. M9t nguoi t6 chuc cua h9i nghi

presentation scheduled to D . M9t chu tich ctia hi~p h9i
C. An organizer of the speak for about

conference 30 minutes."
D . The president of

the association
188. Why can Mr. Apparently, he 188. T ~i sao ong Bmnstein khong Apparently(adv ):
Bornstein not give his told his secretary thS co bai phat biSu luc 8:20 sang? Ro rang r~
A. Chu ~n ba:r cua ong iy da

presentation at 8:20 that he was
a.m? expecting to be khong duqc d~t theo nhu chi din.
A. His flight was not
booked according to
his instructions.
leaving tonight,
but for some
strange reason
tic B. ChuySn bay cua ong ~y da bi huy
vao phut cu6i.
c. 6 ng ~y aa tai san bay mu9n va
B. His flights was she booked the 10 chuySn bay.
cancelled at the last flight for tomrrow D . Ong ~y da quySt dinh khong
minute. morning. That tham dv h9i nghi nfra.

C. He was late means that he

aniving at the ai1p01t won't be able to
and missed his flight. be here for his
D . He has decided not presentation.

to attend the
189. When was the "Small Business 189. Buc thu duqc gm di khi nao?

email sent? Association A. Ngay truoc khi khai m~c h9i


A. Just before the Conference - nghi

conference opened Thursday, August B. M 9t vai phut tluoc khi ph~ni b~t
B. A few minutes d~u.
before session I "Date: C. M()t dem tru&c ngay h()i ngh!
struted Wednesday, D . M9t vai ngay ttuoc ngay h9i
C. The night before August 17th" nghi
the conference B 6i chiSu ngay trong thong tin h9i
D . A few days before nghi va ngay duqc gui di.
the conference

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

190. Who will inform Oh, and could 190. Ai se thong bao voi nhfrng
the people attending you please let nguo i tham dl,I vS S\f thay d6i trong
the conference of the evetyone !mow lich trinh?
schedule changes? about the changes A. James Ranson
A. James Ranson when you gtve B. Micheal Bmnstein

B. Micheal Bmnstein your presentation C. Bill Riple)_j
C. Bill Ripley tomorrow D . Richard Grant

D . Richard Grant mmning? Vi nguoi nh~n thu nay chinh la
b.ripley (xem trong email nguoi
nh~), nen ch9n dap an c.

Cau 191-195
Can cutrong
do~n van d~ tim

Cau hoi Djch nghia va ghii thich Tir mOi
ra dap an
191 . According to the
contract, what must
be submitted ijj an
"If you are absent
from work for three
tic 191 . Theo nhu ban hqp dong, m9t Statement(n):
nhan vien c§n trinhgi lennSunhu
anh ta nghi vi~c 3 ngay hay nhiSu
tuyen b6, khfug
employee 1s absent working days for han? Consultation(n):
from workfor three or reasons of illness, a A. M9t ly do hqp ly Sl,I tu v§n
more days? doctor's statement B. Sl,I cho phep tir bac sy

A. A good excuse regarding nature of C. M{)t ghi chu cua bac sy

B. Pe1mission from a your illness and D . M9t S\f giai thich duqc viSt ra
doctor verifying "Three consecutive day"- 3 ngay
C. A doctor's note consultation time nghi lien tiSp

D . An explanation in and date may be "Statement" tuang duang voi

writing required." "note"
"may be required" tuang duang

"must be submitted"

192. What could have "If you are absent 192. BiSu gi se xay ra nSu nhu co Compensation(n):
happened if Ms. from work without Wilson da khong g9i cho gifun Sl,I b6i thuang
Wilson had not called notification, it may d6c cua co ~y? Notification(n):
her manager? be assumed that A. Co ~y se phai tra tiSn b6i thong bao
A. She would have you are not thuang. Assume(n): Gia
had to pay retuming, and we B. Co ~y se phai hun them gio. dinh
compensation. reserve the right to C. C6 ~y se phai bao cao toi ong Reserve the right to
B. She would have to terminate your chu cua minh. do st: Co quySn lam
work extra hours. emp) oyment." D. Co iy co th~ se bj du~i vi~c gi
!!_g! y ·~p rue.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

C. She would have "not call her manager" tuang Tenninate(v): kSt
been repmted to the duong "without notification" thuc
boss. "Lost her job" tuang duong
D. She could have "Tetminate yow· employment"
been immediatel

lost her job.
193. What did Ms. "you will 193. Co Wilson da viet gi cho ong "reconsider(v ): can

Wilson write to Mr. understand my Witherspoon? nh~c l~i
Witherspoon? situation" A. BS hoi ong ~y din nh~c l~i "tight budget":
quySt dinh du6i vi~c co ~y.

A. To ask him to "from Feb 20th to ngan sach eo hyp
reconsider his 24th, I took those B . BS thong bao cho ong ~y v~ chi
decision to fire her days off work to phi kharn b~nh ctia co ~Y.
c. BS d~ nghi ong ~y tni ti~n cho

B . To infonn him of recover"
her medical expenses "I am vety upset nhiing ngay co ~y nghl vi~c.
c. To ask him to pay
her for the da s she
took off work
that this money was
withheld from my
tic D. BS noi voi ong ~y v~ S\f lam
vi~c thiSu hi~u qua ctia giarn d6c
co ay.
D. To tell him about "I really need that
her manager's poor money as I have a
job perfonnance vety tight budget

this month"
194. What was the "I am sony to say 194. Ly do rna co Wilson khong
reason that Ms. that I had no idea co ghi chu ctia bac sy?
Wilson did not get a about this policy A. Co ~y da quen nho bac sy ghi

doctor's note? about having to cho rn9t to ghi chu.

A. She forgot to ask hand in a doctor's B . Co ~y qua 6rn dS di g~p bac sy.
the doctor to write her note" C. Co iy khong bi~t gi v~ chinh

a note sach nay cua cong ty.


B . She was too ill to D. Co ~y nghi gifun d6c cua co ~y

go to the doctor. co le se noi voi co ~y.
C. She was not
aware of the
company's policy.
D. She thought her
manager would have
told her.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

195. Who IS J\.l[r. "And when I 195. Ong Witherspoon khlt nang Senior(adj,n): Cao
Witherspoon most complained, she se la ai? cftp, Ion tu6i han
likely? insisted that I bring A. B 6ng nghi~p cilil co Wilson
A. Ms. Wilson's it up with you" B . KS tmin CUa cong ty
coworker C. Lu~t su cua co Wilson

B. The company D . Giffin d6c cftp cao
accountant B~t vao tinh hu6ng khi mot nhan

C. Ms. Wilson's vien thltc m~c voi giam d6c va l~i
lawyer dua th~c m~c d6 len voi 1 nguoi

D. A senior manager nfra thi kha nang cao d6 la nguoi
giam d6c cftp cao han.

Cau 196-200
Can elf
trong do~n
Cau hoi Djch nghia va gh1i thich Tir moo
van d~ tim
ra dap an

196. Where would "lnterde art 196. Thong bao tuySn dl,lllg nay kha Interdepartment(n)
this job posting most ment job nang cao nhftt la se duqc nhin thfty a : gifra cac phong
likely be seen? P.,OSting" dau? Initially(adv): ban
A. In a local "we feel it is A. M9t to bao dia phuang d~u

newspaper important to B. Trong m~ng n{)i b{) cua cong ty

B. On a comP.any: s hire someone C. Trong m9t bang tin cilil c9ng d6ng
intranet with D. Tren m9t website cho nguoi tim vi~c

C. On an community connections

bulletin board and

D. On a website for expenence m
jobseekers the company,
so we are
initially only
from current

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

regardless of
197. Why is the HR. "The Human 197. T ~i sao phong nhan sv l~i
din Allocate(v ): Phan
depatment hiring a Resource tuySn giam d6c moi? b6
new manager? department is A. Vi giam d6c tluoc do da nghi huu.

A. The preVIOUS moving from B . H9 dang mo r9ng vi tri hi~n ~i.
manger has recently its former C. H9 dang chuySn toi m9t co so moi.

retired. location at D. H9 da phan b6 m9t ngan sach Ian
B. They m·e our han.

expanding their Wihnington
cunent location. location to
C. They are moving our facility in

to a larger facility..= Arkansas ....
D. They have been We are
allocated a larger
seeking for

198. How did Ms. "My 198. Co Appleby da biet toi cong vi~c Browse(v ): luat
Appleby find out manager, bfuig each nao? qua, xem qua
about the job posting? Chris A. Giam d~c h~ th~ng thong tin da Newsletter(n) : thu
noi cho co iy bi~t di~u m1y.

A. The information Knowles, n9i b9 cong ty

S:ystems manage recently B . Co ~y da xem u·en website cua cong
pointed it out to her. informed me ty.
B. She was browsing of a position C. Co ~y da duqc giam d6c nhan sv n6i

he company's and that 1s cho biSt.

website. operung m D. c6 ~y d9c thong tin nay tren thun9i
C. She was told about the Human b9 cong ty.

it by the HR. director. Resources


D. She read about it in department

the company for an HR
newsletter. manager and
that I apply
for it."
199. How long has "I've been 199. Co Appleby da lam vi~c cho cong
Ms. Appleby worked working m ty nay bao Hlu?
for this company? this indus by A. 10 nfun
A. 10 years for more than B. 12 nam

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Co Thanh Hang- Toeic TLI' Can Ban £>en Nang Cao

B. 12 years twelve years, c. 5 nam

C. 5 years the past five D. 7 niim
D. 7 years of which I've
been with

200. Why does Ms. "I understand 200. T ~i sao co Appleby n6i co ay thich Relocate(v): Tai

Appleby say she that the di chuySn ch6 lam? Qinh cu, chuySn
would like to position A. Co fly da khong hai long voi phong ch6 a

relocate? would banhi~n ~i.
A. She has been involve B . Co fly khong mu6n lam vi~c a
unhappy m her relocating Wilmington them nfra.
C. Co fly da s6ng a Arkansas uuoc khi

cunent department. but this
B . She doesn' t want to would be chuySn toi Wilmington.
work in Wilmington
C. She lived m
husband is
My tic
D. Ch~ng co iy cling dang din nh~c
chuy~n tOi cimg noi do.
Arkansas before considering
mov1ng to a job in the
Wilmington. same area as

D. Her husband is it so
considering moving happens."
to the same location.
e ic

Quyen s<kh nay do nhCi'ng thanh viE'm nhi~t tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soG~n nham giup cac bG~n c6 tai li~u
on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngll'ai dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these lam mat di gia tri ma cac bG~n da dong g6p.
Part 7
Directions: In th is part, you wi ll read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is fol lowed by several questions. Select the best answer for
each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following newspaper article.

Airport Expansion in the Works
FORT REGINALD - The Fort Reginald Ministry of Transportation is currently
final izing plans to expand Mirabe l International Airport. According to sources, a
m inimum of 142 mill ion Euro, more than half coming from overseas investment,
is to be earmarked for the project. The Ministry cites the steady increase in air
traffic and the deregu lation of air transport as the major factors that have led to
the elaboration of a project for the expansion and modernization of the current

The main feature of the project will be a major new addition to the terminal, to
be designed by the architect Santiago Cervantes. This will expand the total size
of the air terminal to cover an area of 25,000 square meters, including five
additional gates, and experts estimate it will be capable to handle 2.5 million

passengers per year. The groundbreaking ceremony is slated for early this
September, and construction is expected to be completed in about 18 months.

153. Where wil l the largest portion of the funding 154. What is NOT part of the proposed plan for
for the expansion come from? the airport?
(A) Mi rabel International Airport Authority (A) The demolition of the existing terminal
(B) Fort Reg inald Ministry of Transportation (B) An investment of more than 142 million
(C) Passengers Euros
(D) Foreign investors (C) Building more gates to handle more
(D) A new addition designed by a famous
Questions 155-156 refer to the following notice.


Please be advised that, effective immediately, personal data storage devices, such as key
drives and portable hard drives, will not be allowed on company premises. Because they
pose too much of a security risk, personnel are asked to refra in from bringing such devices

to the office . Employees who require a means of mass storage for bringing work home
with them are asked to fill out a requisition form and submit it to their manager for
approval. Those w ith appropriate security clearance will be issued a special company

portable hard drive. This w ill be checked by security and scanned for sensitive data or
potential security risks (viruses or other ma licious software) upon entering and leaving the
bui lding. Your cooperation in this important new procedure is very much appreciated.

155. Where would this notice most likely be 156. What are employees asked to do if they 0
posted? need to bring work home with them?

(A) In a doctor's office (A) Use their own mass storage devices
(B) Next to a photocopier (B) Get permission to use a key drive
(C) On a public-interest bulletin board (C) Make a request with their supervisor
(D) At a front-entrance security desk (D) Check their personal hard drive with

Actual Test 05 123

Questions 157-159 refer to the following letter.

Kratschen Pharmaceutical Canada, Inc.

100 Wellington Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ms. Julia Kruger,
Kratschen Pharmaceutical Group, Inc.
Kratschen Plaza

175 Rubens Strasse
Berlin, Germany

Dear Ms. Kruger,

It will be our pleasure to welcome you to our offices for the strategic planning meeting.
Heinrich Nasse informs me that you will be arriving in Toronto on lufthansa flight LA843 on Monday,
January 15 at 6:30a.m. I have made arrangements to have my ass istant, Ms. Cathy Somerset, meet you at the
airport and drive you to our offices. I have also instructed her to make sure that everything is to your
satisfaction for the duration of your stay, so if there is anything you need, please feel free to ask her. We have
made a desk and computer available for you to use to prepare your presentation materials for the meeting on
Wednesday. If you have any other special requirements, please give me a call, and I will make the necessary
A room has been booked for you at the InterContinental Hotel, which is a short taxi ride from our offices.
They have an excellent restaurant where you can have your breakfast. Otherwise, I can certainly let you know
of many other restaurants in the area. You may feel free to have your lunches in the staff cafeteria here at the

office. I'm sure you will find it surprisingly good. Ms. Somerset will help you with your transportation while
you are here with us.
I look forward to meeting with you in person in a few days .


John Mitchell

President, Kratschen Pharmaceutical Canada, Inc.


157. Why is Ms. Kruger going to Toronto? 159. Where does Mr. Mitchell say Ms. Kruger
(A) To inspect the facility should have her lunch?
(B) To install a new computerized system (A) At the InterContinental Hotel
(C) To give a presentation at a meeting (B) At a restaurant in the area
(D) To attend a conference (C) At the Kratschen Pharmaceutical offices
(D) At his favorite restaurant
158. Why might Ms. Kruger need to contact Mr.
Mitchell before she arrives?
(A) To request a hotel reservation
(B) To ask to use a computer
(C) To let him know what flight she will be on
(D) To find out if she can use a digital
Questions 160-162 refer to the following memorandum.

In response to the numerous requests we've received , the Fitness Center will be

starting up yoga classes this September. We have hired a new instructor with eight
years of experience instructing classes in Hatha yoga. The classes will be held on

Monday and Wednesday mornings at 7:45 a.m. in the Fitness Center aerobics hall,
but if there is enough demand, we will be opening another class starting at 6:45 a.m.
As always, there is no charge for employees, and members of the general public who

wish to join can do so for $25 for the eight-week session, or $3 per class. I
recommend that you register early, as space is limited. "'~.r
In order to ensure the health and welfare of our staff, we require that those wishing to

participate in the yoga course have their family physician fill out a health history form.
You can pick up the forms prior to the start of September at the front desk in the ""'
Fitness Center. Please return the completed form , signed by your doctor, when
registering for the class.
No special equipment or footwear is needed, but we recommend stretchable, loose-
fitting clothing . In addition, for those of you wanting to get extra practice at home,

special mats will be available for purchase for a nominal charge starting in September.

Jessica Bale, Fitness Center Coordinator



160. What is the purpose of this memo? 162. What is mentioned about equipment

(A) To advertise the start of a new fitness employees are required to bring?
course (A) They need to buy a mat.

(B) To introduce the new fitness center (B) They must wear loose yoga pants.
(C) To announce the hiring of a new staff (C) They are not allowed to use footwear.
member (D) They don't need any special equipment.

(D) To remind staff about their health check-


161. What are employees asked to do before

registering for the class?
(A) Buy a special mat so they can practice at
(B) Pay $25 for the eight-week course
(C) Get a special form filled out by their
(D) Attend an information session at the
fitness center

Actual Test 05 125
Questions 163-164 refer to the fo llowing notice.


All employees of Roger's Cable are no longer allowed to park on the side
streets on the opposite side of Manordale Avenue. We have received
complaints from the residents of the neighborhood and the by-law

enforcement about employee vehicles. Effective immediately, all staff are
required to purchase a parking pass for the underground parking beneath

the building for $35 per month. Ask your manager to have the parking fees
withheld from your monthly pay deposit. Thank you for your cooperation.

163. Who issued th is notice? 164. What are employees asked to do?
(A) The Manordale Residents' Association (A) Ask their manager for a permit to park on
(B) The employees of Rogers Cable the side streets
(C) A by-law enforcement officer (B) Ask the residents for perm ission to park

(D) A manager at the company near Manordale Avenue

(C) Pay to park in the underground parking
(D) Buy a parking permit for one of the city
parking lots
Questions 165-166 refer to the following notice.

Towel Policy

Thank you for choosing the Wellington Hotel - your home away from home in the heart of
Chicago! We care about the local environment, and in an effort to reduce our water
consumption and the amount of harmful detergents we use, we have put the following policy into


We ask all guests to please hang up the towels that do not require changing on the towel racks.
Place all used towels in the bathtub, and they will be exchanged for fresh towels. Should you

require any additional towels, please feel free to contact the front desk staff.
Thank you for doing your part to protect the environment.

165. Where would this notice likely be found? 166. What are guests asked to do if they require
(A) In the laundry room clean towels? U1

(B) At the reception desk (A) Leave them in the bath


(C) In the guest's bathroom (B) Make a request at the front desk
(D) In the hotel's public restrooms (C) Ask the housekeeper
(D) Put them on the floor

Actual Test OS 127

Questions 167-170 refer to the following letter.

Sylvie Depardieu,

Small Business Association of Windover,
P.O. Box 7465, I

Windover, VT

Dave Mitchell
Manager, Sunrise Health Foods
154 Beecham Avenue, Unit 3A \I
I' Windover, VT

d Dear Mr. Mitchell,

e II
I As a long-time member of the Small Business Association, I'm sure you're as upset as the rest of us
about the recent hydro rate increase of 29 percent which took effect in October. The difference in
our monthly electricity bills is considerable, and for small businesses such as ours that are
struggling to make ends meet, I'm sure I don 't need to tell you what the increase could mean in
the long term.
I wanted to let you know that, as President of the Small Business Association of Windover, I have
taken the initiative to contact the State Corporation Commission on behalf of the Association to

voice the concerns of small business owners in the area and to register our opposition to this rate
In doing so, I was informed that final approval for this increase has not yet been given to Vermont
Hydro by the Commission. Commissioners will decide in the near future whether to approve all, 111

some, or none of the requested 29 percent increase. If the full 29 percent increase is not approved,
custOmers will receive a refund for any overcharges (so save your monthly statements).

This pending decision g ives us an opportunity to prevent the increase. That is why I am writing to
all of the members of the Association to ask for your support. As customers of Vermont Hydro, we II
can all contact the Commission and register our opposition ro this rate increase. Now, it is your

turn to be proactive. Call to register your opposition and pass the word along to businesses in !II
other areas served by Vermont Hydro; even your friends and family could call - every little bit
You can call the State Corporation Commission at (800) 553-7845 between 8:1 5a.m. and 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday. You will be directed to leave your name, address, telephone number and a
statement of opposition. The call takes only 2 to 3 minutes. Every call is tabulated and will I
hopefully make a difference in the final decision made by the commissioners.
II Sylvie Depardieu
167. What is the current position of the sender? 169. What information is NOT included in the
{A) She is a member of the State letter?
Corporation Commission. (A) The phone number of the State

(B) She is the mayor of Windover. Corporation Commission
(C) She is an employee of Vermont Hydro. (B) The hours during which the Commission

(D) She is the president of the Small receives calls
Business Association. (C) The average increase in user's monthly

168. What is the main purpose of this letter? (D) The amount of the Vermont Hydro rate
(A) To inform residents of the increase in increase
their electricity service rates
(B) To ask for help from the members of the 170. Who should be contacted about the matter?

association (A) Vermont Hydro
(C) To complain to Vermont Hydro about (B) The State Corporation Commission ..
their new rates (C) Sylvie Depardieu
(D) To tell business owners where they can (D) The Windover Small Business
get more information Association


Actual Test 05 129

Questions 171-173 refer to the fo llowing advertisement.

Burnett & Sons, Professional Reupholsters
Enhance the Value and Beauty of Your Furniture!

Provided that a sofa or chair is in good shape on the inside and only needs new fabric on the outside, all that's
needed is 'recovering. ' When a piece needs work on the inside, including new webbing, re-tied springs, new

fillings, andre-cushioning, then a full-scale reupholstering is called for. Either of these jobs requires the skills
of a professional upholsterer, and that's why you should choose Burnett & Sons. We are specialists in this
field, and have been in the upholstery trade for 18 years. Call us now at (020) 7622-9347.
1f your old piece has a good frame, there's some significant savings to be had. Remember, good frames don't

wear out! If your old sofa frame has lasted ten years or more, it's probably good quality. Reupholstering that
sofa instead of buying a new one can mean significant savings. The price of a good wooden frame has jumped
by more than 100% in recent years. And they don't make them like they used to!
The professionals at Burnett & Sons use only the highest-quality modem materials and time-tested traditional
skills, providing you with results that are even better than the original. You'll get a full measure of value for
your money, with quality that's hard to match. Stop by our workshops, conveniently located in central
London, or stop by our website at to see our impressive gallery of before-and-
after photos. We offer convenient door-to-door pick-up and delivery service and are available to visit your
home for a quotation.

171. Who would be interested in this 173. What is available on the company's
advertisement? website?

(A) Someone who is interested in buying (A) Pictures of work they have done for their
new furniture customers

(B) Someone who wants to learn how to (B) Directions to their other workshop
reupholster location
(C) Someone who will recover or fix a sofa (C) Pieces of the fabrics they have available

or armchair (D) A discount coupon

(D) Someone who needs a new frame built

172. What is NOT mentioned as an advantage of

hiring Burnett & Sons?
(A) You can have them give you a price at
your house.
(B) You can have your sofa's frame rebuilt.
(C) You can make use of modern materials
and traditional skills.
(D) You can have your piece picked up and
dropped off.
Questions 174-177 refer to the following letter.

Dalton, Fitch, and Cope Attorneys
143 W. 23'dSt., Unit 130B, Chalmers Building, 13'hfloor, New York, NY

August 27th

Reginald Mercer, Attorney at Law

19 Market Close,
Newport, MD 55055

Dear Mr. Mercer:
This confirms that we have received your August 18th letter and the draft of the
distribution contract you enclosed. I have read the draft thoroughly and discussed it with
my client, Mr. Fukazawa. The following initial points will need to be resolved before we
can move ahead with negotiating the finer points of the contract:
• Term. The term would need to be at least ten years before my client could seriously
consider entering into the contract.
• Unit Price. The unit price would need to be at least $140.50 before my client could

consider the contract financially feasible.

• Controlling Law. My client does business only in the State of New York and does not

desire to engage a lawyer in Maine, so the contract will need to provide that New York
law controls.
• Publicity. My client requests that the last sentence of paragraph 3 on page 2 of the

contract be changed to read as follows: "Publicity given to the program or services


provided herein, including, but not limited to, notices, information, pamphlets, press
releases, research, reports, signs, and similar public notices prepared by or for the
Licensor, shall identify the Agency as the sponsoring agency and will not be released

without prior written approval from the Agency."

Please discuss these points with your client at your earliest convenience and let me know
if your client is willing to pursue negotiation of a contract along these lines.

Yours truly,
Adrian Cope,

cc: T. Fukazawa

Actual Test 05 131

174. Who sent this e-mail? 176. What is NOT mentioned as a proposed
(A) Mr. Fukazawa change to the contract?
(B) Reginald Mercer (A) Extending the duration of the agreement

(C) Mr. Fukazawa's lawyer (B) The unit cost of the product
(D) Mr. Mercer's lawyer (C) Control of the marketing of the product
(D) The cost of shipping the product

175. What did Mr. Mercer previously send to the
writer of this letter? 177. What is the recipient asked to do?
(A) A draft of a legal document (A) Make the changes to the contract

(B) A letter asking for some changes (B) Talk to his client about the requirements
(C) A request for distribution rights (C) Ask his client not to continue the
(D) The final version of a contract negotiations
(D) Sign the contract once the changes are

Questions 178-180 refer to the following information.

Athena Airlines Passenger Briefing

This passenger briefing contains information about our flight itinerary to Phoenix and Salt Lake City.

Please ask a customer service representative if you need further assistance.

Thursday 12/23/2007

Flight Time 00:53 Time Change: Add 1 Hour(s)
Catering Info: Light breakfast including danish, fruit and fresh orange juice

Thursday 12/23/2007
tic SALT LAKE CITY INTL 12:06 p.m.
Flight Time 01 :21 No Time Change
Special Notes: Transportation from Salt Lake Airport to your meeting will be provided by K
& R Limo. Service - 602-555-1234

Friday 12/24/2007

Flight Time 01:15 No Time Change

Catering Info: Sandwich tray, fresh fruit and light dessert
Friday 12/24/2007

Flight Time 00:55 Time Change: Lose 1 Hour(s)


178. What is this information related to? 180. How much time will be spent flying on the

(A) A traveler's itinerary return trip?

(B) A train schedule (A) 1 hour and 15 minutes
(C) A fl ight plan (B) 55 minutes
(D) A pilot's directions (C) 1 hour and 10 minutes
(D) 2 hours and 10 minutes
179. What is this passenger's final destination on
(A) San Diego
(B) Phoenix
(C) Salt Lake City
(D) Brown Field

Actual Test 05 133

Questions 181-185 refer to the following memorandum and e-mail.

To: All Premiere Life staff

From: William Fortright, CEO
Re: Annual charitable contributions

Seasons greetings to everyone in our Premiere Life family! We wish you the very best!
It is at this time of the year that we make a special effort to think of those who are less fortunate. We I
have made a tradition at Premiere Life of choosing one charity each year to make a charitable

donation to as an organization, and this year, we have chosen WorldSight.
For those of you unfamiliar with the good work this organization is doing, WorldSight provides I
medical assistance and food aid to people who are experiencing crises in areas of the world ravaged
by famine and war. They are a non-governmental, non-profit organization, and they rely entirely on

private charity.
We were very pleased with your generosity last year in response to our pledge to donate to the

United Way. We had promised them $25,000, but as a result of your generosity, we were able to
give $40,000 - and no doubt made a difference in the lives of many, many people. Th is year, we're
hoping to get even more staff members involved and raise even more for WorldSight.
Alison McGee, the Human Resource manager, will be organizing the campaign this year. She will be
passing out a form which you can use to pledge a certain amount of your January pay deposit, and
we will pool all of your contributions and make one donation to WorldSight on behalf of all of you. If
you would like to be involved, please fi ll out and return the signed form to her before you leave for
your holidays on December 20th.
Let's all give this holiday season and make a difference in the lives of those who are not as

privileged as we all are.


To: McGee, Alison <>


From: Allen, Jay .gallen>

Date: December 21
Re: Forgot the form!

Hi, Alison! It's Jay from Accounting. I'm really sorry to bother you over the holidays, but I wanted to find
out if there was any way I could get my contribution form to you. I had it all filled out on Thursday, but I
guess I was in a big hurry to go on Friday and I totally forgot to drop it off with you. The ridiculous thing is
that I had it in my hand. Sorry about that. I'm really interested in contributing, though. And if there's
anyway I could get this to you, please let me know. Perhaps I could courier it to you. As far as I know,
they're usually open right up until the 23rd for all those people who forgot to mail their Christmas presents!
Let me know. I'll look forward to your e-mail.

Take care,
Jay Allen

'-- -
181. What is this memo about? 184. Who wrote the e-mail?
(A) A special company holiday (A) An employee of the United Way
(B) An annual campaign for charity (B) An employee of WorldSight

(C) Some charitable organizations (C) A person who works with Alison McGee
(D) An increase in pay (D) Someone who handed in the form

182. What does Mr. Fortright hope to do this 185. What mistake did Mr. Allen make?
year? (A) He left his form at the office.

(A) Get more staff to donate to charities this (B) He did not fill out his form properly.
year (C) He couriered his form to Ms. McGee.
(B) Make donations to both the United Way (D) He forgot to drop off his form.
and WorldSight

(C) Raise more for WorldSight than they
donated to the United Way
(D) Contribute more money to the United
Way than to WorldSight

183. What are the staff asked to do?

(A) Contact Alison McGee as soon as

(B) Contribute some money to Ms. McGee 0
(C) Fill out a form to have part of their pay

(D) Give a donation to the United Way


Actual Test 05 135

Questions 186-190 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.


Company: SuperCAD International

Location: Portland, ME 04101
Job Type: Temporary
Classification: Full Time

Salary Range: $25,000 - 30,000

We currently have an opening for a JUNIOR-LEVEL CIVIL ENGINEER. Suitable candidates

should have a bachelor's degree in Civil/Structural Engineering and experience with structural

steel. Starting with a six-month contract, leading to permanent, full-time position. Experience is a
plus, but not a must. Apply for this job at Call
SuperCAD HR Manager Chris Galliano at 800-542-8347 x205 for location and details.


Re: Job Posting A9872

Attachment: pauldafoeresume.doc (43 KB)

Dear Mr. Galliano,

J am writing in response to the job posting on, regarding an available position at your

firm as a junior civil engineer. I am interested in being considered for this position, as it is very much in
line with my present career objectives. f also feel that I have sufficient credentials to warrant your serious

As you will be able to judge for yourself by referring to the attached copy of my resume, I have ample
experience in the engineering industry to meet the requirements of the job and to enable me to succeed as a

member of your team. Please allow me to highlight the following:

M.S . Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics, University of California, Berkeley
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of California, Davis (Highest Honors)

1998-2004 Junior Civil Engineer with Karl Kennedy & Associates, Inc.
Provided civil engineering, structural engineering, consulting, failure analysis, forensic engineering, and
related expertise to a wide variety of clients.
If it appears that my qualifications meet your current needs, I would welcome the opportunity to meet with
you to discuss employment possibilities in more detail.
Should you require any additional information, or if you would like to meet with me for an interview,
please do not hesitate to contact me at (426) 630-4483.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Paul Dafoe

186. What type of job is being advertised? 189. What is Mr. Dafoe's purpose in writing this e- ..
(A) A part-time, permanent position mail?

(B) A full-time, permanent position (A) To find out more information about the
(C) A part-time, contract-based position position
(D) A full-time, contract-based position
tic (B) To ask about the company's history
(C) To request a meeting with HR
187. What are applicants asked to do? (D) To see if they would like to see his
(A) Post their resume on the jobseekers site resume
(B) Visit the SuperCAD International website
(C) Phone for more details 190. What qualifications for this job does Paul
(D) Send their resume directly to Chris Dafoe NOT have?
Galliano (A) Civil Engineering background
(B) Experience with structural steel

188. How much experience is required to apply (C) A bachelor's degree

for this job? (D) Some work experience
(A) None
(B) Six months
(C) One year

(D) Four years


Actual Test os 137

Questions 191-195 refer to the following e-mail and notice.

To: Helen Blithe <lovelybunny>

Date: August 18th at 16:45

Re: RE: Extremely dissatisfied!
Attachment: electroland_refundpolicy .doc

Dear Ms. Blithe,
Thank you for yam e-mail of August 17th. We have investigated your complaint with the staff members of
Electro-Land in Torrance (Redondo Blvd. branch). Unfortunately, we are unable to comply with your request
for a refund and must uphold the decision made by the sales clerk that you dealt with at the store. She was

following company policy.
I have attached a copy of our refund policy for your review. This would also have been printed on the back of
your receipt. As you can see in point 4, we are not able to offer refunds on software that has been opened if you
do not have the original receipt. I hope you can appreciate that, once the product is opened, it cannot be resold,
and is therefore valueless to us.
In addition, I understand from your e-mail that your computer did not have the minimum requirements to run
the software, so you could not use it. However, the minimum system requirements are listed by the
manufacturer on the outside of the box the software came in. So, you did not have to open the box to find this
We regret the situation and hope ro continue to serve you in the future.


Electro-Land Refund Policy for Electronic Games and Computer Software


I. If you have your receipt and the package has not been opened (the security seal is unbroken), we will
offer you your choice of a refund or an exchange coupon.
2. If you do not have a receipt and the merchandise has not been opened (the security seal is unbroken),

you will be offered an exchange coupon. Cash refunds are not available in this case.
3. If the package has been opened (the security seal is broken) and you have a receipt, you will be offered
a refund or exchange only if the item is defective or unfit for the intended purpose.
4. If you do not have a receipt and the merchandise has been opened (the secmity seal is broken), no
refund or exchange is permitted.
An Exchange Coupon can be redeemed at any Electro-Land store for any purchase or (where applicable)
a repair of the item. This coupon can be used to replace the returned merchandise with either the same
item or an alternative of your choice. The value of the exchange coupon will be the system price of the
returned merchandise on the day of the return. You will be requested to produce suitable identification,
such as a Driver's License, or any other form of identification that contains your name, address, signature
and photo will also be accepted.

191. Who sent the e-mail? 194. Why is the store unable to give a refund or
(A) A customer exchange coupon to Ms. Blithe?
(B) A salesperson (A) She did not have her receipt and the box

(C) An employee was not opened.
(D) A manufacturer (B) She did not have her receipt and the box

was opened.
192. What is included with the e-mail? (C) She had her receipt and the box was
(A) The original sales receipt opened.

(B) A copy of the store's policy (D) She had her receipt and the box was
(C) The manufacturer's instructions unopened.
(D) The opened box ,,
195. What would have happened if Ms. Blithe had I.I

193. Why did Ms. Blithe want to return the had her receipt but the box had been I!
product? opened?
(A) She would not have got a refund or an
(A) It was defective.
(B) The box was already opened. exchange.
(C) It did not work on her computer. (B) She would have got a full refund or an
(D) She did not like the software. exchange coupon.
(C) She would have got a replacement
(D) She would have got her product 0

Actual Test os 139

Questions 196-200 refer to the following notice and e-mail.

To: All members of Reinholdt Street bridge team

From: Michael Smith, manager, information services dept.
Re: Video Conference - Friday, August 21st at 6:45 a.m.

You are advised that there will be a video conference with head office this coming Friday.
Everyone who has been involved in the planning and implementation of that project is

expected to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to update Mr. Bill Sanderson, who is
replacing Jim Watson in overseeing all government contracts, about the progress that has been
made and what still needs to be done. This project is presently behind schedule, and Mr.
Sanderson would like to get some idea of how far back the deadline needs to be pushed before

he calls the city. Please send Mr. Sanderson a brief summary of your role in the project and any
other information that you think might be pertinent so that he can have a chance to prepare for
the meeting. Mr. Sanderson will also be asking you for your ideas about streamlining our
work-flow, so please give that some thought and offer your suggestions.
The conference is scheduled to start at head office at 9:00 a.m. EST, and the time difference
means that we will have to start at 6:45a.m. Of course, we are aware that this falls outside of

your regular work schedule. You will be compensated for your time at the overtime rate. The
meeting should last about 2 hours, so you will be able to start your regular workday on time.
This is the first such conference that we have conducted, and if it is successful, we hope to hold
all meeting between our San Diego branch and head office via video conference. So, your

participation in making it successful is very much appreciated.

..;;;... -

To: Bill Sanderson, billsanderson@avidconstruction_hq .com

From: Aaron Rothschild , I

Re: Video Conference

Dear Mr. Sanderson,

My name is Aaron Rothschild, and I am the senior engineer on the Reinholdt Street bridge
project. I was asked by Michael Smith to e-mail you with some information with regard to the

I project schedule.
As I'm sure you are aware , the project has fallen behind schedule. We were originally slated to
begin construction at the beginning of May, but there were numerous problems. The most I
significant of these was that we were unable to find a local firm that could handle the kind of
blasting that the project required. The bridge called for blasting for the underpass for James
Street, and this was very close to a residential area, requiring a very specialized excavation blast.
None of the firms in the San Diego area had the necessary expertise . We were able to locate a
company in LA that could do it, but this put us two weeks behind schedule.
II At the video conference on Friday morning, I think one issue that would be important to address
is why this oversight happened. We were under the impression that the blasting company that we

·1 usually hire would be able to do the job, but this is because we were not given a clear idea of the
exact nature of the site until it was too late. I think this was a simple case of communication

breakdown , but it would be useful to discuss it to ensure it doesn't happen again.
Yours truly,

Aaron Rothschild

196. Who wrote the notice? 199. What is the main purpose of the e-mail?
(A) Micheal Smith (A) To introduce the members of the team
(B) Aaron Rothschild
tic (B) To explain the situation and suggest
(C) Bill Sanderson areas for improvement
(D) Jim Watson (C) To apologize for being behind schedule
(D) To ask Mr. Sanderson for advice on the
197. According to the notice, what will happen on project
Friday morning?
(A) They need to arrive early to finish a 200. What is the main cause of the delay in the (11

project. project, according to Mr. Rothschild?


(B) There will be a conference in the (A) The blasting company that they hired
boardroom. made a mistake.
(C) They will all have a video meeting with (B) The excavation blasting took longer than
head office. they had expected.
(D) There will be a visit from Mr. Sanderson . (C) The company that they usually hire was

not available.
198. What are the readers of the notice asked to (D) They were not told they needed to hire a

do? specialized blasting company.

(A) Improve their workflow
(B) Get the project back on schedule

(C) Stay at work late on Friday night

(D) Send an e-mail to Bill Sanderson

Actual Test 05 141

Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao


cau 153-154

Can cu
cau hoi trong 'to~m
Djch nghia va giili thich Tir moo
van (1~ tim

ra daJl an

153. Where will the "a minimmn 153. Phfullon tien von dau tu cho Sl,f mo
largest portion of the of 142 rong nay Ia tir dau?
funding for the million Emo, A. Co quan quan ly san bay qu6c t@

expansion come from? more than Mirabel
A Mirabel half conung B. Bo giao thong van tai Fmt Reginald
International Airpmt :fi:om oversea C. Hanh khach

Authority investment" D. Nhfrng nha di u ttr nmrc ngoai
B. Fort Reginald "oversea investment" tuong duong v6i
C. Passengers
of tic "foreign investors"
D. Foreign investors
154. What 1s NOT "a mimimum 154. Daukhong phai la mot phan cua ke Demolition(n):
••art of the proposed of 142 ho~ch dS xu~t cho san bay? Sl,f phil. huy
s., Jlha htiy ctia nhfrng nha ga hi~n Tetminal (n):

plan for the airport? million A.

'A. The demolition of Euro" t~i Nha ga san bay
the existing termina l "Including B. Sl,f d~u te hon 142 tri~u em o
B. An investment of five c. Xay nhiSu c&ng han d~ don them
more than 142 million additional nhiSu himh khach hon.

Euros gates" D. Mot phk them vao thi@t k@boi mot

C. Building more gates "a major new ki@n true su c6 ten tu&i.

to handle more addition to

passengers the terminal,

D. A new addition to be
designed by a famous designed by
architect the architect
cau 155-156

Can cu
trong 'to~n
cau hoi Djch nghia va giai thich Tir moo
van d~ tim
ra (laJl an

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

155. Where would ''will not be 155. Thong bao nay kha nang se duqc Public-interest:
this notice most likely allowed on nhin th~y o dau? cong ich
be posted? company A. d van phong bac sy Security
A. In a doctor's office premises" B . 0 g~n mot may photo clearance: kigrn
B. Next to a "This will be C. 0 bang tin cong ich tra anninh
checked by D. 0 ban an ninh truac tai vao

photocopier Sensitive(adj):
C. On a public - security Nhfrng ti.r kh6a nhu "checked", Nh(ly cam

interest bulletin board clearance "secmity clearance", "scanned" thg Potential(n,
D. At a front - and scanned hi~n r~ng nhfrng noi dllilg trong bai dQC adj): kha nang,
entrance security for sensitive thuoc vg kigrn tra va an ninh. tigrn h,rc

d~k ~w m


156. What are

employees asked to do
if they need to bring
who require a
means of
tic 156. Nhfrng nhan vien rnang vi~c vg
lam duqc yeu c~u phai lam gi?
A. Sir d\lll.g thigt bi luu trfr clia chinh hQ
Mass storage
device(n): thigt
bi luu trfr
work horne with mass storage B . C6 duqc sir d6ng ysir d\lll.g mot 6 dia (thong tin)
them? for bringing chinh Requisition(n):
A. Use their own mass work home C. Dua ra (}~ nghj voo ngtriri giam sat Loi yeu c~u
storage devices with them are ctia hq

B . Get petmission to asked to jill D . Kigrn tra an ninh 6 dia clhlg cua hQ
use a key diive out a " Requisition" submit... for approval"
C. Make a re~uest requisition tuong duong vm "make a request from
with their SUf)ervisor fonn and their supervisor"

D. Check their submit it to

personal hard diive their

with secmity manager for


cau 157-159

Can clf
trong (lo~n
cauhoi Djch nghia va giai thich Tir moo
van(}~ tim
ra (lat) an
157. Why IS Ms. "you will be 157. T~i sao ba Kmger l~i tm Toronto?
Kluger going arnvmg in A. £)g kigrn tra co so vat ch~t
Toronto? Toronto on B. £)g cai d~t h~ thbng may tinh rnm
A. To inspect the Lufthansa C. D~ co mqt bai thuy~t trinh trong

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

B. To install a new flight D. D~ tharn dv mot hoi nghi

cornpute1i zed system LA843"
C. To give a ''we have
presentation at a made a desk
meeting and
D. To attend

a computer
conference available for

you to use to
prepare your

materials for
the meeting"
158. Why might Ms. "If you have 158.Ba Kruger c6 th~ lien h~ tmoc voi

Kruger need to any other ong Mitchell truoc khi ba ~y d@n nai vi
contact Mr. Mitchell special ly do gi?
before she arrives?
A. To request a hotel
please give
me a call,
tic A. D~ yeu d.u di;it cho truoc trong khach

B. D~ dg nghi dimg mot may tinh.

B. To ask to use a and I will C. D~ thong bao cho ong ~y bi@t ba ~y
computer make the se bay tren chuy@n bay nao
C. To let him know necessa1y D. D~ tim hi~u xem li~u ba ~Y co c~n
what flight she will be an angernents sif d~;~ng mqt may chi~u kY thu~t sa

on " khong.
D. To find out if she May chi@u kY thuat s6 la mot thi@t bi rna
can use a digital chua duqc neu ten ra trong phkn rna da
()rojector duqc chu§n bi cho ba Kruger. Chinh vi

vay rna n6 du<;rc li~t vao d()Ilg yeu c~u

di;ic bi~t va se la "please give me a call"

159. Where does Mr. "Krarschen 159. Ong Mitchell n6i ding ba Km ger
Mitchell say Ms. Phrum aceuti c6 th~ dimg bua trua 6 dau?

Kruger should have cal Canada, A. T(;li khach S()Il InterContinental

her lunch? Inc" B. T ~i mot khach s~n trong vimg
A. At the "You may C. T~i van phong Kratschen
InterContinental feel free to Pharmaceutical
Hotel have your D. T~i nha himg yeu thich cua ong ~y.
B. At a restaurant in lunches in
the area the staff
C. At the Kratschen cafeteria
Pharmaceutical here at the
offices office."

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

D. At his favorite I
cau 160-162
trong do~n
cau hoi Tir moo

D~ch nghia va giili thich
van .t~ tim
ra da)) an

160. What I S the "In response
160. M\lC dich cua btm ghi chu nay la
purpose of this to gi? the

memo? A. D~ quang cao mqt khoa hqc th~
lA. To advertise the d~;~c mOil
start of a new fitness we've B. D~ gioi thi~u trung tam th~ dl)c th~

received, the
hlnh rn6i
B. To introduce the C. D~ thong bao vi~c tuy~n d\lllg mot
new fitness center
C. To announce the be
hiiing of a new staff up
Center will tic
nhan vien moi
starting D. £)~ nh~c nh6 nhan vi en vg vi~c ki~rn
yoga tra sue khoe cua hQ.
rnenrnber classe. this
D. To remind staff September."
about their health

161. What are "Please 16 1. Nhan vien dm;rc yeu cau lam gi
employees asked to do return the tmoc khi dang ky kh6a hQc?
before registering completed A. Mua mot chi@c d~c bi~t nhu vay hQ
for the class? form, signed se c6 th~ tap 6 nha

A. Buy a special mat by your B. Tra 25 do la cho kh6a hQc 8 tufin

so they can practice at doctor, when C. C6 mau don d~c bi~t dUQ'C bac sy
horne registering dign vao

B. Pay $25 for the for the class" D. Tharn d\1' mot bu6i thong tin 6 tnmg
tarn th~ d\lc th~ hlnh.

eight-week course
C. Get a SJlecial form
filled by out by their
D. Attend an
infonnation session at
the fitness center
162. What
mentioned about equipment or nhan vien duQ'c yeu c~u phai rnang di?
t!_Qf,lip_ment employees footwear I S A. HQ c~n rnang mot chl@c chl@ u.
are required to bring? needed"

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

A They need to buy a B. HQ phlti mang quan tap yoga thoai

mat. rnai
B. They must wear c. H Qkhong dm;rc sir dt,m.g giay.
loose yoga pants. D. Hq khong c~n mang thi~t bj (}~c
C. They are not bi~t nao ca.

allowed to use
footwear .

D. They don't need
any special

cau 163-164
Can cu trong
do<;~n van dg

Cau hoi Dich nghla va giai thich Tu rnoi
tim ra dap an
163. Who issued this "!All
A The Manorda1e Roger 's
tic 163. Ai da dua ra thong bao nay?
emalloyees of A Hi~p hoi cu dan Manordale
B. Nhfmg nhiin vien cua Roger Cable
): s v thvc thi

Residents' Cable are no C. Mot ctm bo thi thimh luat

Association longer D. Mqt giam dac cua cong ty
B. The employees of allowed to Khi rna thong bao duqc giri dSn d6i
Rogers Cable park on the tu<;rng la nhiin vien, thi nguoi glri di

C. A by- law side streets thong bao khlt nang cao se la giam d6c
enforcement officer on the ... " trong cong ty, chu khong phlti hi ~p hoi,
D. A manager at the nhfmg nhiin vien khac hay mot can bo
coma~v thi hanh luat.

164. What are "a parking 164. Nhfmg nhiin viendu<;rcyeu caularn Underground:
employees asked to pass for the gi? dum h5m
do? underground A Xin phep giarn d6c clia hQ du<;rc do

A Ask their manager parking xe ben duang.


for a pe1mit to park on beneath the B. Xin phep nhfmg ngu m diin dg do xe
the side street building for gin Manor dale Avenue
B. Ask the residents $35 per c. Tra ti~n cho vi~c (ta xe duOi h~m
for pennission to park month" D. Mua giiy phep do xe a 1 trong cac
near Manordale bai do xe trong thanh ph6
C. Pay to park in the
~)arl!i!!_g lot

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet t inh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

D. Buy an parking
pennit for one of the
city parking lots
cau 165-166


trong (}o~n
cauhoi Djch nghia va giai thich Tir moo
van(}~ tim

ra (}at• an
165. Where would 165. Thong bao nay co th@dm;rc tim

this notice likely be t1my
t..~ • ~~ ?
0 uau.
found? A. Trong phong gi~t
A. In the lmmdry B. Ban tigp tan
C. Phimg t~m cua khach

B. At the reception D. Nha v~ sinh cong cong cua khach
C. In the guest's
tic s(tn.

D. In the hotel 's

public restroom
166. What are guests "Place all 166. Nhfrng nguoi khach dm;rc yeu cau Front desk(n):
asked to do if they used towels lam gi ngu nhu hQ mu6n khan s(tch? Qu~y le tan

require clean towels? in bathtub, A. D~ chong a ban tQ Towel (n)

lA. Leave them in the and they will B. Dua ra yeu du a qu~y le tan Khan t~m
bath be C. Hoi nguOi qillm gia
B. Make a request at exchanged a du6i san

the front desk for fresh

C. Ask the towels."

D. Put them on the


cau 167-170

Can cu trong (}o~n

cau hoi
van d~ tim ra (}at• Djch nghia va giai thich Tir moo
167. What l S the "I wanted to let you 167. Vi tli hi~ n t<:~i clia nguoi Mayor(n): thi
current position of the know, as P resident vigt thu? tmang
sender? of the Small Business A. Co §.y la mot thanh vien clia President(n):
Association of State Corporation. chu tich

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

A. She is a member of Windover, I have B. Co ay la thj b.uong ciia Association(n):

the State Corporation taken.. " Windover. Hi~ p hoi
Commision. C. Co iy la mot nhan vien ciia
B. She is the mayor of Vermont Hydro.
Windover. D. Co ~I Ia chti tjch ctia hi~t)
hqi doanh nghi~t) nho

C. She is an employee
of Vermont Hydro.

D. She is the
president of the
Small Business

168. What is the main "That is why I am 168. M1;1c dich chinh cua buc
purpose of this letter? writing to all of the thu la?

A. To inform members of the A. ug thong ba.o cac cu dan vg
residents of the Association to ask for S\1' tang ciia cuoc clich V\1 di~ n
m their your support. "
setv iCe
tic B. D~ nhir gitlt) (}ii' tir cac
thanh vien trong hi~t) hqi
C. ug phan nan tm Vetmont
B. To ask for belt) Hydro vg muc cuoc mm
from the members of D. ugn6i cac chu doanh nghi~p
the association khi nao hQ c~n them thong tin.
C. To complain to

Vetmont Hydro about

their new rates
D. To tell business
owners where they

can get more

infonnati on

169. What"call the State 169. Thong tin gi khong dm;rc

infmmation 1s NOT Commission at (800) nh~c toi b."ong thu?

included in the letter?

553 - 7845" A. s6di~n tho~i CUa State
A. The phone number "between 8: 15 am Corporation Commission
of the State
and 5 p.m " B. Thai gian rna Commission
Corporation "the recent hydro nhan cuoc gQi
Commission mcrease of 29 C. Luqng tang trung binh
B. The hours during percent" trong hoa (ton hang thang ctia
which the Commision nguoo dung
receives calls D. Luong tang cuoc ciia
Vermont Hydro

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

C. The average Doi voi phan c6 "NOT

increase in user's included", ta tim duqc 3
monthly bills phuong an trong bai, va 1
D. The amount of the phuong an khong th~y se 1a dap
Vennont Hydro rate an.

170. Who should be "final approval for 170. Can lien M voi ai ve van

contacted about the this increase has not d~ nay?
matter? yet been g~ve n to A. Veimont Hydro
A. Vermont Hydro Vermont Hydro by B. The State Cora)oration

B. The State the Commission" Commission
Cora)oration "You can call the C. Sylvie Depardieu
Commission State Corporation D. Hi~p hoi doanh nghi~p nh6

C. Sylvie Depardieu Commission at (800) Windover.
D. The Windover 553-7845... You will
Business tic
be directed to leave ..
and a statement of
cau 171-173
trong (}o~n
cau hoi Tir moo

D'ch nghia va giai thich

van(}~ tim
ra (}tll) an
171. Who would be "Provided 172. Ai c6 th~ se quan tam t6i qutmg
interested In this that a sofa or cao nay?

adveitisement? chair IS In A. Ai d6 quan tarn t6i vi~c rnua d6 noi

A. Someone who IS good shape thlt rn6i
interested m buying on the inside B. Ai d6 rnu6n hQc thay v6 cho d6 noi

some new fumiture and only thlt

C. Ai (}o mu&n t)h~;~c hai ho~c sifa

B. Someone who needs new

wants to leam how to fabric on the chfra sofa ho~c gh~ banh
reupholster outside, all D. Ai d6 rnu6n mot mot khung rn6i
C. Someone who will that's needed Do~n van ciin cu n6i v~ vi~c sua chua,
recover of nx a sofa is chu khong phfu rnua rn6i hay lam khung
or armchair recovering. " rnoi, hQC thay VO cho d6 noi tl-ilit.
D. Someone who
needs a new frame
172. What Is NOT A."available 172. Dieu gi khong duqc nhac t6i nhu Pick up: Nhi;it
mentioned as an to visit your la mot lqi thg cua Burnett$ Sons? len, l~y di

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

advantage of hiting home for a A. B<;~n c6 th~ de nghi hQ bao gia ngay Drop off: Tra
Brunett & Sons? quotation" t<;~-i nha clia b(ln. vg, tllit xu6ng
A. You can have them C. ''use only B. B~n co th~ lam khung cho sofa ctia
give you a price at the highest b~n.
yomhouse. quality C. B<;~-n c6 th~ t~n d\lllg nguyen li~u hi~n
modern d<;ti va ky thuat tmygn th6ng.

B. You can have
your sofa's frame material and D. B<;~-n c6 th~ yeu c~u hQ t6i l~y d6 clia

built. time-tested b(ln va tra d6 tan nha.
C. You can make use traditional V6i nhfrng cau NOT mentioned thi phai
of modern matetials skills" li~t ke 3 phuang an dm;rc nhttc t6i va

and traditional skills. D. ''we offer phuang an khong dm;rc nhttc t6i se la k@t
D. You can have yom convenient qua.
piece picked up and door-to-door

dropped off. pick-up and

173. What is available

on the company's
"Stop by om
website at. ..
tic 173. Cai gi c6 san tren website cong ty? Fabric(n): vai
A. Nhfrng blfc tranh ctia cac san
website? to see our 11)h~m hq (}a lam cho khach hang.
lA. Pictures of work impressive B. Chi dan t6i cac xuong khac
they have done for gallery of C. Nhfrng mau vfu hi~n c6
their customers before and D. Mot phi@u giam gia

B. Directions to their after

other workshop hotos."
C. Pieces of the

fabrics they have


D. A discount coupon
cau 174-177

trong (}o~n
cau hoi Djch nghia va giai thich Tir moo
van d~ tim
ra (}al) an
174. Who sent this "Dalton, 174. Ai giri buc thu nay? Attorney(n)=
email? Fitch and A. Ong Fukazawa lawyer(n): luat
A. Mr. Fukazawa Cope B. Reginald Mercer su
B. Reginald Mercer Attomeys" C. Lu~t SU' ctia ong Fukazawa.
C. Mr. Fukazawa's "I have read D. Luat su cua ong Mercer.
lawyer the draft

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

D. Mr. Mercer 's thoroughly Dong dia chi dau tien la cua nguoi glri,
lawyer and do la cua I van phong Iuat su. 6 ng
discussed it Fukazawa la kh.ach hang cua ngu m glri
with my vay ngu m vigt chinh la Iuat su cua ong
client, Mr Fukazawa, chQn dap an C.

175. What did Mr. "This 175. Ong Mercer tmoc do da gili gi cho Legal(adj):

Mercer previously confirm that ngum vigt thu? thuoc ve Iuat
send to the writer of we have A. Ban l)hac thao ctia mqt van ban phap
this letter? received lu~t

~. A draft of a legal your B. Mot buc thu hoi vg mot vai thay d6i
document Augustl 8th C. Mot yeu c~u vg quygn phan ph6i
B. A letter asking for letter and the D. Mot btm cu6i cimg cua mot hop d6ng

some changes draft of the "draft of the distlibution contract"
C. A request for distribution tua ng duong voi "draft of a legal
distJ.ibution tights contract you
D. The final versions enclosed."
of a contract
tic document"
176. What Is not A "The tenn 176. Dieu gi khong duoc nhac tOi nhu Duration(n):
mentioned as a could be at la mot thay d6i CUa hQp d6ng? thffi h<;~n, thffi
proposed change to least ten A. Gia h()n thm gian cua hop d6ng Iuong
the contract? years" B. Dan gia cua s{m ph§m

A Extending the B. "The unit C. S\1' qllim ly vi~c marketing cua san
duration of the pnce would phfun
agreement need to be at D. Gia ctia chi 1)hi v~n chuy~n hang
B. The unit cost of the least

product $140.50"
C. Control of the C. "be

marketing of the changed to

product read as

D. The cost of follows:

shil)l)ing the 1)roduct "Publicity
given to the
program or
provided ... "
177. What Is the "Please 177. Nguoi nh~n duoc de nghi linn gi?
recipient asked to do? discuss these A. T<;to ra nhfrng thay d6i voi ban hop
A Make the changes points with d6ng
to the contJ.·act your client at

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet t inh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

B. Ta lk to his client your earliest B. Noi vOi khach ha ng cua hq ve

about the convemence nhfrng yeu du
requirement " C. Hoi kluich hang cua anh ta vg nhfrng
C. Ask his client thay d&i
about the D. Ky hop dbng sau khi nhfrng thay d&i
requirements duoc t~o ra.

D. Sign the contract o:l

once the changes are
cau 178 -180

Can c.r ur.Ll

trong (l0:;1n ~
cau hoi
van d~ tim
Djch nghia va giai thich Tir moo u

178. What I S this
ra (}at• an
"This tic 178. Nhfrng thong tin sau lien quan toi
information related passenger digu gi? u
to? briefing A. Hanh trinh cua mqt ha nh khach
lA. A traveler's contains B. Mot lich tdnh tim 0
itinerary information C. Mot lich tdnh chuygn bay ~
B. A train schedule about our D. Chi dan cua phi cong
C. A flight plan flight

D. A pilot's directions itinerarY. to
Phoenix and
Salt Lake 0

179. What I S the ''Thursday 179. Di~m cuoi cua hlmhkhachnayvao

passenger's .final 12/23/2007 ngay thu 5 la?
destination on Depart.. A. San Diego

Thursday? Anive: B. Phoenix


A. San Diego Salt Lake C. Salt Lake City

B. Phoenix City, UT. . D. Brown Field
C. Salt Lake City Sat Lake City
D. Brown Field INTL"
180. How much time Fiiday 180. T6ng tha i gian bay cl.ia chuyen
will be spent on flying 12/24/2007 quay vg la bao lau?
on the return trip? Flight time: A. 1 gio va 15 phut
A. 1 hours and 15 01:1 5 B. 55 phut
minutes Flight time: c. 1 gio 10 phut
B. 55 minutes 00:55 D. 2 giir va 10 t•hut

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

C. 1 hours and 10 Trong khi trove vao ngay thu 6, nguoi

minutes nay phai di 2 chuy~n, ta dem cong t6ng
D. 2 hours and 10 thai gian hti la tim ra dap an.
cau 181- 185

CaneD- trong
cau hoi (fO~lD van (f~ tim Djch nghia va giai thich Tir mOi

ra daJl an
181. What 1s this "Re: Annual 18 1. Thong bao nay n6i ve dieu Campaign(n):

memo about? charitable gi? t6 chuc
A A special company contributions" A. Mot kY nghl ~c bi~ t clia cong Chruitab1e(adj):
holiday " It is at this time of ty vi ~c tir thi~n
B. Mqt chi~n djch thuimg nien Fmtunate(adj):

B. An annual the year that we
camJlaign for make a special cho tir thi~n May mim
charity effmt to think of
C. Some chatitable those who are less
organizations fortunate", "make
tic C. Mot s6 t6 chuc tir thi~n
D. Mot sv tang luang

D. An increase in pay a charitable

donation to as an
182. What does Mr. "We were pleased 182. Ong Fmttight hi vQng lam

Fortright hope to do with your dm;rc digu gi nam nay?

this year? generosity last A. C6 nhigu nhan vi en thrun gia tir
A Get more staff to year in response to thi~n han vao nam nay.
donate to chatities this our pledge to B. Lam tir thi~ n cho ca United

yeru· donate to the Way va WorldSight

B. Make donations to United Way. We C. Huy 'lqng (lU'C;rc nhi~u tien cho
both the United Way had promised W orldSight bon hq buy 'lqng

and WorldSight them $25,000 but cho United Way.

C. Raise more for as a result of your D. Dong g6p nhigu tign han cho
M'orldSight than generosity, we United Way han la cho
they donated to the were able to give WorldSight
United Way. $40,000"
D. Connibute more ''This year, we're
money to the United hoping to get even
Way than to more staff
WorldSight members involved
and raised even
more for

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

183. What are the staff "Please .fill out and 183. Nhan vien duqc yeu cau lam
asked to do? return the signed gi?
A. Contact Alison form to her before A. Lienh~ voi Alison McGee cimg
McGee as soon as you leave for your sam cang tot
possible holidays on B . Dong gop nhigu han cho ba

B. Contribute some December 20 h" McGee
money to Ms. McGee C. Di~n vao mqt m~u dan xac
nh~n 1)hin hq gifr l~i

C. Fill out a form to
have 1)art of their D. Lam tu thi~n cho United Way

D. Give a donation to
the United Way
184. Who wrote the "Hi, Alison . It's 184. Ai la nguoi viet thu?

email? Jay from A. Mot nhan vien cua United Way
A. An employee of Accounting" B . Mot nhan vien cua WorldSight
the United Way
B . An employee of
C. Mqt ngtrOi lam vi~c vOi Alison
D. Mot ngum da nop mau don
C. A 1)erson who Nhin vao each vi§t thu, noi dung 6
works with Alison do<;m van can cu chi co thg la glri
McGee tir d6ng nghi~p cimg co quan .
D. Someone who

handed in the fonn

185. What mistake did "I had it all filled 185. Ong Allen da co sai sot gi?
Mr. Allen make? out on Thursday, A. Ong ta dg lc;~i to don 6 van
A. He left his fmm at but I guess I was in phong.

the office. a big hru.1y to go B. Ong ta da khong dign vao to

B. He did not fill out on F1iday and I don dUn.g each .

his form properly. totally forgot to C. Ong ta da glri mau don qua
C. He coru.iered his drop it off with duang buu di ~n cho ba McGee

form to Ms. McGee you." D. Ong ta guen (}~ l~i m~u dO'D
D. He forgot to dro1)
his form
cau 186- 190
trong (lo~n
cau hoi
van(}~ tim
D'ch nghia va giai thich Tir moo
ra (lap an
186. What type of job "Job Type: 186. Cong vi ~c duqc dang quang cao Permanent(adj)
is being advertised? Tempora1y thuoc di~n gi? : Lau dai

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

A A pa1t-tirne, Classificatio A. Cong vi~c lau dai, ban thai gian T ernporaty(adj)
petmanent job n: Full Time" B. Cong vi~c lau d<h, toan thai gian : t~rn thai
B. A full-time, C. Cong vi~c ban thai gian,lrun theo Contract -
petmanent job hop d6ng based: D\l'a tren
C. A pa1t-tirne, D. Cong vi~c toan thiri gian, lam theo hop d6ng
contract-based hen) ,t&ng

position Vi la lo~ cong vi~c T ernporary (lam

D. A full-time, theo thai h~) nen lam se tinh theo timg
contract-based hop d6ng

187. What are "Apply for 187. Vng vien duoc khuyen Irun gi?
applicants a:sked to this job at A. Tai sO' y~u li ljch ctia hq len
do? www.jobsee jobseeker,

'A. Post their resume ker.corn/ B. Xern SuperCAD Intemational
on the jobseekers posting_A98 website
Visit the
72/ apply" ticC. GQi toi jobseeker.corn dg bi@t them
chi ti@t
D. Gm sa y@u li lich hl)'c ti@
p tm Chris
International website Galliano
C. Phone
jobseeker. corn for
more details

D. Send their resume

directly to Cruis
188. How much "Experience 188. Kinh nghi~rn duoc yeu cau bao

experience is required is a plus, but nhieu khi Un.g tuygn cho cong vi~c nay?
to apply for this job? not a must" A. Khong dn

'A. None B. 6 thtmg

B. Six months C. 1 nfun

C. One year D. 4 narn

D. Four years
189. What IS Mr. "If it appears 189. Ml)C dich viet thu cua ong Dafoe
Dafoe's purpose m that my la gi?
wtiting this e-mail? qualification A. u g tim higu them thong tin vg vi tri
A To find out more s meet your nay
infonnation about the cunent B. u g hoi vg lich Slr cong ty
position needs, I C. D~ 't~ nghj mqt cuqc h~n g~p vai
B. To ask about tl1e would nhan Sl!
company's history wei come the

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

C. To request a opportl.mity D. £)@ xern li~u rang hQ c6 th@ xern so

meeting with HR to meet with ygu li lich nay khong
D. To see if they you to
would like to see this discuss
resume employment

m more

190. What A"B.S Civil 190. Yeu d .u nao cua cong vi~c rna ong Civil
qual~fications for this Engineering" Dafoe khong c6? Engineering:

job does Paul Dafoe C."B.S" A. N§n tang hQc hanh v§ xay d\ffig dan Xay d\ffig dan
NOT have? D. 1998- d\illg d\illg
A Civil Enginee1ing 2004 Junior B. Kinh nghi~m vOi thep k~t cau

background Civil C. Mot b~ng d()i hQc
B. Ex1)erience with Engineer D. Mot s6 kinh nghi~rn lam vi~c
structural steel
A bachelor's
tic B. S - Bachelor of Science
M.S - Master of Science
D. Some work

cau 191- 195

Can cu trong (}o~n
Cau hoi van ,1~ tim ra (laJ) Dich nghia va giai thich Tir moo

191. Who sent the "We have 191 . Ai da gili. buc thu?
email? investigated your A Mot khach hang

A A customer complaint with the B. Mot nhan vien bim hang

B. A salesperson staff members of C. M()t nhan vien

C. An em1)loyee Electro-Land m D. Mot nha san xu~t

D. A manufacturer Torrance ... by the Qua do()n van can cu, thi nguoi
sales clerk that you vigt c6 kha nang cao nMt la
dealt withatthe stor. nguoi lam dich Vl)khachhang Va
She was following giai quygt khigu fl()i tir khach
company policy" hang han la khach hang, ngum
bim hang hay nha san xuk
192.What is included "I have attached a 192. Cai gi duqc kern trong thu?
with the email? copy of our refund A H6a don ban hang g6c

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

A The miginal sales policy for your B. Ban sao cua chinh sach cua
receipt review." cifa hang
B. A COI)Y of the c. Huang dan tir nha sim xu~t
store's I)Oiicy D. Chigc hop duqc mo
C. The


D. The openned box
193. Why did Ms. "I understand from 193. T<;ti sao ba Blithe mu6n ha
Blithe want to return your email that your l<;ti san ph§m?

the product? computer did not A N6 bi khigm khuygt.
A It was defective. have the minimum B. Chigc hop da duqc mo.
B. The box was requirements to mn C. N 6 khong lam vi~c duqc voi

already openned. the software, so you may tinh CUa ba ~y.
C. It did not work on could not use it." D. Ba ~Y khong thich phfin mgm
her comtmter.
D. She didnotlike the
tic d6.
194. Why is the store ''we are not able to 194. T<;ti sao cua hang khong th~
unable to give a offer refunds on hoan tign hay coupon trao d6i
refund or exchange software that has cho co Blithe?
coupon to Ms. Blithe? been opened if you A Ba ~y khong c6 h6a dan va

A She did not have do not have the chigc hop chua bi mo.
her receipt and the original receipt" B. Ba ay khong co boa (ton va
box was not opened. "4. If you do not chi~c h9p (}a bj ma.
B. She did not have have a receipt and C. Ba ~Y c6 h6a don va chigc hop

have her receit)t and the merchandise has da bi mo.

the box was Ot)ened. been opened .. , no D. Ba ~Y c6 h6a dan va chiec hop

C. She had her receipt refund or exchange chua bi mo.

and the box was is permitted."

D. She had her receipt
and the box was
195. What would have "If the package has 195. Digu gi c6 th~ se xay ra ngu
happened if Ms. been opened (the nhu ba Blithe c6 h6a dan nhung
Blithe had had her secmity seal 1s hop da bi mo?
receipt but the box broken) and you A. Ba ~Y se khong co boa (}on
had been openecf? have a receipt, you hay m9t Sl! (tAi hang nao.
will be offer a

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet t inh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat d i gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

!& She would not refund or exchange B. Ba ay se duqc hoim tien toan
have got a refund or only if the item is bo ho~c mot coupon trao d&i.
an exchange. defective" C. Ba ~y se khong co duqc mot
B. She would have got san ph§m thay thg.
a full refund or an D. Ba ~y se duqc sua chfra san

exchange coupon. pMm do.
C. She would have got

a replacement
D. She would have

got her product

cau 196- 200

cau hoi
Can cu
trong do~n
van (}~ tim ra (la1)
Djch nghia va giili thich Tir mOi
196. Who wrote this ''To: All members.. 196. Ai viet thong btw nay?
notice? From: Michael A. Micheal Smith
lA. Micheal Smith: Smith" B. Aaron Rothschild

B. Aaron Rothschild C. Bill Sanderson

C. Bill Sanderson D. Jim Watson
D. Jim Watson
197. According to the ''To: All members of 197. Theo nhu thong bao, dieu
notice, what will Reinholdt Street gi se xay ra vao sang thu 6?

happen on Fridny bridge team" A. HQ d n dgn sam d~ hoim

morning? "You ar e advised that thanh mot Sl;f an.

A. They need to there will be a video B. Se co mot hoi nghi 6 phong
early to finish a conference with head hQp.

project? offi ce this commg C. T~t ca hQse co mot cuoc hQp

B. There will be a" qua video v6i tn,1 so chinh.
conference m the D. Se co mot chuygn thfun tir
boardroom. ong Sanderson.
C. They will all have
a video meeting with
head office.
D. There will be a
visit from Mr.

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

198. What are the "Please send Mr. 198. Nhfrng ngum dQc thong
reader of the notice Sanderson a brief bao duqc yeu ciu lam gi?
asked to do? summary ofyour role A. Cfu thi~n quy trinh lam vi~c
A. Improve their in the project and any B. Lam cho d\I an tr·& l<;~i dimg
workflow other infonnation lich hinh
C. Lam vi~c muon vao dem thu

B. Get the project that you think might
back on schedule be pertinent so that sau.

C. Stay at work late on he can have a chance D. Gifi mqt email cho Bill
F1iday night to prepare for the Sanderson.
D. Send an e-mail to meeting."

Bill Sanderson
199. What is the main "As I 'm sure you are 199. Mt,Ic dich chinh cua thu la
purpose of the email? aware , the project gi?

A. To intr-oduce the has fallen behind A. D~ gioi thi~u cac thanh vien
members of the team schedule." hong d()i
B. To eN)Iain the
situation and suggest
areas for
"We were under the
impression that the
blasting company
B. D~ giai thich tinh hinh va
gqi y giai f) hat) (}~ cai thi~n
C. D~ xin loi vi vi~c cMm h e so
improvement that we usually hire voi lich hinh
C. To appologize for would be able to do D. D~ hoi ong Sanderson vg loi
being behind schedule the job... I think it khuyen cho d\I an.
D. To ask Mr. was a simple case of

Sanderson for advice communication

on the project breakdown, but it
would be useful to
discuss it to ensure

that it doesn' t happen


200. What is the main "The most 200.Theo ong Rothschild,

cause of the delay in significant of these nguyen nhan chinh clia S\I chfun

the project, according was that we were h e clia d1,t an la gi?

to Mr. Rothschild? unable to find a local A. Cong ty n& min ma hQ thue
A. The blasting firm that could da m~c loi.
company that they handle the kind of B. S\I khai quat b~ng chon& da
hired made a mistake. blasting that the mit nhigu thai gian han d1,t
B. The excavation project required." kign.
blasting took longer C. Cong ty nay da luon thue da
than they had khong san sang cung cip dich
expected. V\1.

Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Co Thanh H~ng- Toeic TlJ' Can Ban Den Nang Cao

C. The company that D. Hq khong (}U'Q'C noi rang

they usually hire was dn thue mqt cong ty chuyen
not available. v~ lam na.
D. They were not
told the! needed to

hire a sa)ecialized
blasting coma)any.


Quyen Sckh nay do nhiing thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SOi,ln nham giup cac b<;~n c6 tai
lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLtoi dl.rng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

Questions 153-154 refer to the following advertisement.

The exclusive Montgome~y Cafe, located on the first floor of the Gold Star Hotel,
is the highest rated cafe in Deville City. The cafe offers only the finest coffee, which is
impmted once a month from Italy. You can choose from thitty different flavors of coffee,

including French Vanilla, Mocha, Raspbeny, and Hazelnut. At Montgome1y Cafe, we
believe that making coffee is an att. All of our new staff members are required to attend an

intensive program where they leatn how to prepare gourmet coffee. In addition to coffee,
the Montgome~y Cafe offers the following services:

• A daily selection of gommet baked goods
• Free Intemet access (must spend a minimum of$5.00 at the cafe)
• Fresh ground coffee to take home

• A range of coffee machines and accessories
• Coffee-making classes (applications available at the register)
153. According to the adve~tisement, tic
what must the cafe's new employees do?
154. What is NOT being offered in the
(A) Watch an introduction video (A) Intemet access
(B) Go to special classes (B) Related equipment
(C) Sample the product (C) Membership discounts
(D) Pmchase the unifmm (D) Useful courses

153. Theo do~n quang cao, nhiing nhan vien moi cua quan ca phe phai lam vi~c gi?
BS tra loi dlu hoi nay ta phai tim ngay cfm co Key word la "new staff members" vi no
d6ng nghia voi "new employees". Ta th~y "H9 duqc yeu c~u phai tham gia m9t chuang
trinh chuyen sau dS h9 co thS h9c duqc each chtilin bi m9t mon ca phe co ch~t luqng cao''.

A) Xem 1 video gioi thi~u

B) Tham gia nhfrng lap h9c d~c bi~t
C) Lam m~u m9t san ph§m

D) B~tmua d6ng ph1,1c


Vfty dS dang ch9n duqc dap an B .

154. Cai gi KHONG duqc ban a trong ti~m ca phe?
BS tra loi cau nay ta luat nhanh qua ph~n cac "services" duqc li~t ke trong do~n van va so
sanh cac dap an duqc dua ra voi nhting thong tin dua ra.
A) Dich Vl,l Inte1net
B) Cac thiSt bi lien quan
C) Gh1m gh1 cho the thanh vien
D) Nhiing lop h9c b6 ich

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

Trong ph§n thong tin services g6m co:

• Cac san ph§m banh nuong ng on rumg ngay
• Inte1net miSn phi
• Ca phe b9t thien nhien dS mang vS nha

• Cac lo~i may pha ca phe va d6 ph1,1 tUng
• Cac lop h9C pha ca phe

V~y dS dang ch9n C vi khong co m9t thong tin nao vS membership hay discormt

Exclusive: d9c quySn Flavor: huang vi
Be located on: t9a l~c Intensive: chuyen sau
Be imported from: nh~p kh~u tu

Gounnet (adj): ch~t lu<;m.g cao/ (n): nguoi sanh an, sanh IU9U
Questions 155-156 refer to the following letter.
July 15, 2007 tic
Jason Holden 26 Hum bolt Lane LA Prope1ties Los Angeles, CA 035846
Dear Mr. Holden,
The investment committee ofTA Investors has reviewed your company's proposal
and agreed with your statement that L.A.'s 122nd Avenue has become more popular among
tourists since the Flash Mall was built on the street last year. The committee also agrees

that the street needs a first-class hotel to service the wealthy tourists who shop at the mall.
Therefore, the committee decided to accept your business proposal to open a new hotel on
122nd Avenue by Janumy 2008, and is prepared to invest a total of 1.5 million dollars in
the project. Please call me as soon as possible, so that we can schedule a meeting with the

committee to discuss the details of this investment deal.


Brian Wilson T A Investors

155. What will most likely happen in 156. What is Mr. Holden asked to do?

Janumy 2008? (A) Fax Mr. Wilson a detailed document

(A) Flash Mall will open new stores. (B) Make a budget for a project
(B) The city will change tourism policies. (C) Make an appointment by phone
(C) Brian Wilson will buy a prope1ty. (D) Examine the conected proposal
(D) LA Prope1ties will open a hotel.
155. Vi~c gi g§n nhu ch~c cMn se diSn ra vao thang 1/2008
Ta d9c ngay l~i do~n van co nh~c dSn khoang thai gian thang 1/2008, ta th~y "h9i
d6ng da quySt dinh chlp nh~n dS an kinh doanh cua ong (a day nguoi gili la J\1r Brian cua

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

TA Investors va nguoi nh~ la Mr Holden c"Ua LA Propetties, nen "your" la chi ong
Holden) dS ma m9t khach s~n moi ~i dia chi ... ttuoc thcing 112008"
T a xem cac dap an:
A) Flash Mall se ma cac Clra hang moi

B) Thanh ph6 se thay d6i chinh sach du lich
C) Brian se mua 1 tai san moi

D) LA Properties se ma 1 khach s~n mOi
Vfty ta ch9n duqc dap anD theo thong tin tt·en, con cac dap an A, B, C dSu khong duqc
nh~c dSn trong la thu.

156. Ong Holden duqc yeu c~u phai lam gi?
Nhiing loi yeu c~u thuang duqc nh~c dSn a cu6i m9t la thu va thuang b~t ~u b~ng
"please", ho~c m9t cfm hoi, m9t cfm dS nghi. Vi vfty ta xem xet thong tin a do~n cu6i, co

thfty "Lam an g9i t6i ngay khi co thS dS chting t6i s~p xSp m9t cu9c h9p voi ily bandS thao
luftn chi tist vs dl,I an d~u tu nay"tic
A) Gili tai li~u chi tiSt cho ong Brian Wilson qua fax
B) Lam m9t d\I thao ngan sach vS d\I an moi
C) D~t 1 cu{)c h~n qua di~n tho~i
D) Nghien CUu dS an da duqc diSu chinh
Bap an C

Schedule (v ): len lich

Deal (n): S\I thoa thu~n, giao dich
Questions 157-159 refer to the following notice.

Volunteers Wanted!
CBG Steel is sponsoring the third annual Race for the Children, a ten-kilometer run
that raises money for Mercy Children's Hospital, located near the company's main

building. The race will be held on Saturday, November 23, at 3:00p.m. at the Headman

Pavilion. The Planning Committee is looking for volunteers (who are NOT running in the
race) to work at the drinking stations. The job is vety easy, and only requires two to three
homs of yow· time. You should anive around 1:00 p.m. to set up the drinking station for
the race, which involves organizing cups, water, juice, and snacks for the turmers. Then,
you will be responsible for handing out beverages and snacks to racers as they tun by. After
the race finishes, there will be an awards ceremony and a brief speech by CBG president,
Walter Headman, followed by a small celebratmy dinner for evetyone. All volunteers will
receive a free meal pass. For anyone interested in volunteering, there will be a brief meeting

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

on Friday, November 15, at 12:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in Room #203. Lrmch
will be provided.
157. Why is CBG Steel organizing the 158. What will volrmteers most likely
event? do at 1 p.m.?

(A) Jo collect money for a local facility (A) Attend a brief meeting for a race
(B) To promote their new products (B) Gather at Headman Pavilion

(C) To introduce a new staff member (C) Organize Room #203
(D) To support potential athletes (D) Meet a member of the Planning

159. What is planned for after the president's speech?
(A) An awards ceremony

A ten-kilometer turming race
(C) A meal for all participants
(D) A meeting for volrmteers tic
157. T~i sao CBG Steel s~p t6 chuc sv ki~n nay?
Ta nhin luot qua 4 dap an dSu th~y b~t &u b~ "to+inf', co nghia diu hoi nay dang mu6n
noi toi ml,lC dich CUa vi~c t6 chuc. Nhiing dlu hoi chi ml,lC dich thuemg CO dap an ~m a
phk d~u ho~c cu6i do~n van. Ta nhin dlu dftu th~y ngay "cu9c ch~y dua 10km nay ladS
quyen gop tiSn cho b~nh vi~n tre em Mercy"
A) D~ quxen gop ti~n cho m{)t t~ chlfc cua dja phU'ong

B) E>S qllimg cao san ph§m moi

C) E>S gioi thi~u m9t thanh vien moi
D) E>S h6 trq cac v~n d9ng vien co tiSm nang

E>ap anA
158. Nhfrng tinh nguy~n vien se lam gi hie 1 gio chiSu?
Key words la "volrmteers" va "1 pm", ta nhin luot qua tim duqc ngay a dong s6 6,

"b~ nen dsn khoang 1 pm", nhung phia sau l~i la li~t ke cac ho~t d9ng rna cac tinh nguy~n
vien phai lam nhu: "thiSt lftp khu Vl,l'C u6ng nuoc cho cu9c dua, cac cong vi~c bao g6m s~p

xSp ly tach, nuoc, nuoc trai dly, banh snack cho cac vftn d9ng vien". Vfty thong tin phia
sau dlu do khong khap voi dap an thi ta phai tim them cac thong tin khac kst hqp voi
cac key word co trong 4 dap an nhu "brief meeting", "headman pavilion", "room 203",
"planning committee"
A) Tham dv m9t cu9c h9p nhanh dS chuk bi cho cu9c dua. (dong 11 : cu9c h9p nhanh
se duqc t6 chuc hie 12pm)

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

B) T~p trung 6' Headman Pavilion (l~u chi huy) (dong 3: cu{)c dua set~ chlfc vao
thlf 7 hie 3pm 6' Headman Pavilion)
C) T6 chuc phong s6 203 (dong cu6i: cu9c h9p t6 chuc a phong 203, vfty lo~i dap an
nay vi cac tinh nguy~n vien tham dl,I cu9c h9p chu khong t6 chuc cu9c h9p)
D) G~p m9t thanh vien ctia bankS ho~ch (dong 3,4: BankS ho~ch dang tim kiSm cac

tinh nguy~n vien, lo~i dap an nay vi khong hs co thong tin nao vs thanh vien moi)

Con l~i dap an A, B ta se ck phai c6 m9t chut suy luftn. 0 dap an A: thai gian diSn
ra cu9c h9p la 12pm, khong c6 gi ch~c ch~n la n6 se keo dai dSn 1pm. Dap an B: cu9c dua
diSn ra luc 3pm, va b~n nen dSn luc 1pm dS chuk bi, dia diSm la Headman Pavilion. Vfty

B la phuang an dling nh~t.
159. Vi~c gi da duqc len kS ho~ch sau bai diSn van cua ngai chu tich?
Key word la "after the president's speech", ta luot qua th~y a dong s6 9 c6 thong tin "c6

m9t bu6i lS trao giai thuang va m9t bai diSn van ngfu cua ngai chu tich, sau d6 la m9t bfra
an t6i nho cho t~t ca m9i nguoi"
A) M9t bu6i trao giai thuang
B) M9t cu9c c~y dua 1Okrn
C) M{)t bfra an cho tit ca nguOi tham gia
D) M9t cu9c h9p cho tinh nguy~n v ien

Sponsor: tai trq Hand out: phan phat

Questions 160-163 refer to the following article.
Ready Air Introduces New In-flight Services

Ready Air has expanded its in-flight services for their new fleet of planes, which
will statt flying inFebruaty 2008, a spokesman for the company said. Ready Air is the only
airline in the world to offer strictly economy class planes. The planes offer first class

service for economy class passengers, the spokesman said. Each seat is equipped with its

own TV screen, and passengers can choose from 30 different movies in 20 different
languages. At any rime during the flight, passengers can enjoy real espresso coffee from
Magic Beans Inc., Seattle's most famous brand of coffee. On intemational flights , evety
passenger will receive a complimentaty travel kit, which includes toothbmsh and
toothpaste, shampoo, mouthwash, comb, socks, and sleeping mask. Passengers who have
a Ready Air Frequent Flier card will also have unlimited access to Ready Air's in-flight
libraty, which includes an extensive selection of books, newspapers, and magazines. The

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

CEO ofReady Air, Scott Plow, said the fleet's new services "will change the way people
in economy class fly."
160. Why is Ready Air different from other airlines?
(A) It has the highest number of planes.

(B) It offers the cheapest economy tickets.
(C) It doesn't have a first class section.

(D) It has the greatest variety of routes worldwide.
161. What can be infened from the article?

(A) Frequent fliers get prefened seating.
(B) Ready Air is an award-winning company.
(C) Scott Plow is the founder of Ready Air.
(D) Magic Beans Inc. is based in Seattle.

162. Who is eligible to receive the travel kit?

(A) Passengers traveling to another countJ.y
(B) Passengers with a prefened customer card
Passengers who have small children
(D) Passengers with connecting flights
163. Which of the following is available to Frequent Flier cardholders?
(A) Unlimited access to airpmt lounges
(B) Extensive access to reading materials

(C) Complimentruy accommodation at ai1pmt hotels

(D) Double mileage on intemational flights
160. T~i sao Ready Air khac voi nhfrng hang hang khong khac?
Cau nay la m9t cau hoi dn loi giai thich nen yeu c~u ta phai d9c hSt g~ nhu toim b9 n9i

dung cua do~ van. Vase chu y dSn cac key word tJ.·ong dap an: "number of planes",
"cheapest economy ticket", "first class section", "routes worldwide"

A) No co s6 luqng may bay nhiSu nh~t (khong co thong tin s6 luQng)

B) No ban ve h~ng ph6 thong re nhlt (khong co thong tingia ca)

C) No khong co khoang h~ng nhit (dong 3: ph1,1c v1,1 dich v1,1 h~ nh~t cho nhfrng
hanh khach h~ ph6 thong, d6ng nghia voi vi~c la khong CO S\l' phan bi~t gifra
khoang ~ng thuang gia va h~ng ph6 thong)
D) No co sv da d~ng duang bay tren kh~p thS gioi nhiSu nh~t (khong co thong tin vS
sv da d~ng duang bay qu6c tS)
Bap an C
161. BiSu gi duqc rut ra tu bai bao?

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

Cau nay ta dn 09C ki tUng dap an, chu y cac thong tin co chtra key word: "frequent flier",
"award-winning", "Scott Plow-founder", "Magic Bean".
A) Nhfrng nguoi bay thuemg xuyen co ch6 ng6i thich han (dong 9: "Nhfrng hanh khach
co the bay thuemg xuyen se duqc huy cftp khong gioi ~ vao thu vi~n may

bay cua Ready Air", khong co thong tin vS ch6 ng6i)
B) Ready Air la m9t cong ty VUa moi th~ng giai thuemg (khong co thong tin vS giai

C) Scott Plow la nha sang lftp Ready Air (dong 11 : Scott Plow la giam d6c diSu hanh

cua Ready Air, khong phai la nha sang lftp)
D) Magic Bean Inc. thu{)c Seattle (dong 6: "khach hang co thS thuemg thuc ca phe
espresso ru Magic Bean Inc., m9t nhan hang ca phe n6i tiSng nh~t cua Seattle)
Dap anD

162. Ai la du diSu ki~n dS ~n duqc b9 san ph§m du lich?
Tim cau co key word "travel kit", ta th~y dong 7,8: "tren cac chuySn bay qu6c tS, m6i hanh
khach se nh~n duqc b9 t~ng ph§m du lich"
A) Hanh khach du ljch nu&c ngoai
B) Hanh khach co the khach hang thich han
C) Hanh khach co con nho
D) Hanh khach co bay chuySn tiSp
Dap anA

163. DiSu nao duoi day la co sfu d6i voi nhfrng nguoi co the bay thuemg xuyen?
A) Ra vao khong gioi h~ a cac phong cho CUa san bay
B) Troy C~P. r{)ng rai vao tai li~u de]C
C) Ch6 amiSn phi akhach s~n san bay

D) Cuoc phi g~p doi tren cac chuySn bay qu6c tS

Thong tin nay da duqc ta tim hiSu a cau 161, nen dS dang tim duqc dap an B.

• In-fight service: dich V\1 tren chuySn bay

• Complimentmy (adj): t~ng, biSu
Questions 164-165 refer to the following advertisement.
Apartments for Rent
Come and live in the city's newest apartment complex, Dayville Suites.
Located just two blocks from the financial district, these apartments are perfect for
businessmen and young professionals. The building is twenty-five stories high and
has 200 apartments. Anyone who lives in the apartments has unrestricted access to

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

the rooftop pool and the fitness center on the first floor. There is also a restaurant
on the first floor, and a supennarket in the basement that is open seven days a week.
Three different apartment styles are available. The monthly rent for each style is as

1 Bedroom 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms
$1 ,000 $2,000 $3,000

NOTE: All apartments have air conditioning and floor heating. Anyone who
provides the first six months ' rent up front will receive a ten percent discount.

164. What is TRUE about the facilities at 165. How can someone reduce the cost of
Dayville Suites? their monthly rent?
(A) The restaurant offers 24-hour-a-day (A) Make six consecutive payments on

(B) The pool is located in the basement. (B) Pay for the first six months in advance
(C) The supetmarket is closed on
(D) The gym offers unlimited access to all
(C) Choose an unfmnished apartment
(D) Use cash to pay for the rent

164. E>iSu gila BUNG vS cac diSu ki~n th~n lqi aDayville Suites?
Trong diu hoi nay ta khong co key word dS tim dlu tra loi tn,rc tiSp nen phai chu y Key

word trong 4 dap an: " restaurant", "pool", "supennarket", "gym-all tenants"
A) Nha hang phl,IC Vl,l24/24 (dong 5: "co 1 nha hang a tkg 1' va 1 sieu thi a tfuJg h~m
dUQC rna Clra 7 ngay trong tu~n", chu y d9ng tlr "is open" dUQC chia a s6 it nen no
la d9ng tu cua chu tu la "sieu thi" chu khong phai cho ca sieu thi va nha hang, vfty

lo~i dap an khong CO thong tin thai gian phl,IC Vl,l CUa nha hang)
B) H6 boi a t~ng hk (dong 4: "b~t cu ai s6ng trong dill h9 se duqc ra vao tt,r do h6

boi a tfu,g mai va tnmg tam ths thao at~ng 1", lo~i dap an nay vi sai thong tin)
C) Sieu thi dong Clra vao cac ngay chu nhftt (nhu da phan tich a dap an A, sieu thi nay

rna cua 7 ngay nen dap an nay sai)

D) Phong t~p gym ph~]c V1:1 ra vao khong giOi h~n cho tit ca cac nguOi thue din h{)
(nhu da phan tich a dap an B)
E>ap anD
165. Lam thS nao dS co thS giam gia tiSn thue nha hang thang ?
Ta th~y "reduce the cost" d6ng nghia voi "discount", nen ta d9C thong tin a dong cu6i
ctmg: "B~t cu ai tra uuoc tiSn thue nha 6 thang &use duqc giam gia 10%"

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

A) Ira tiSn 6 thang lien tl,lc dUn.g h~n

B) Tra trU'O'c 6 thang diu
C) Ch9n m9t can h9 khong c6 n9i thftt
D) Su dl,lllg tiSn m~t dS tra

Ta ch9n dap an B, c6 C\lffi "front" d6ng nghia voi "in advance", con cac dap ankhac khong
duqc nh~c dsn trong do~n van.

Complex (n): khu lienhqp/ (adj): phuc ~p block: 16 dftt, con ph6

Stmy (AE) = storey (BE): t§ng nha
Questions 166-170 refer to the following article.
Local Company Builds Gym
Ask any health professional and they will tell you that the key to good physical and

mental health is to eat a balanced diet, get plenty of rest, and exercise regularly.
Alanningly, a recent study conducted by the Institute of Balanced Living (IBL) revealed
that the average person consumes some fotm of fast food at least twice a week, sleeps less
than 6 homs a night, and exercises less than once a week. IBL said this is quite a dangerous
situation for the nation's health.
In order to teach its employees to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, the popular software
company, MegaWare, has built a gym in its office building, and is hoping all employees
will use the facilities at least three times a week. To encourage the employees to take

advantage of the gym, the company is offering a $200 monthly bonus to evety employee
that uses the gym more than three times a week.
The company even developed a special program to keep track of the number of

times each employee uses the gym. Last month evety staff member was issued a special
ID card, which the employees must use to enter and exit the gym. Each time the card is
used, the session is recorded in the main database. The company also hopes to open an

organic cafeteria in June 2008.


166. According to the ruticle, what did the (D) Fitness trainers ru·e increasing their
IBL conclude? consultation fees.
(A) People are spending more money on 167. What change recently occUlTed at
health products. MegaWare?
(B) People are not leading healthy (A) A new health insmance plan was
lifestyles. adopted.
(C) Companies are struting to offer (B) A longer lunch break was
more training progrruns. implemented.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

(C) A fitness center was opened in the (D) A staff psychologist was hired.
168. The word "encourage" in paragraph 2, line 4 is closest in meaning to
(A) Inspire

(B) Demonstrate
(C) Organize

(D) Prevent
169. Why did MegaWare give employees a special card?

(A) To substitute for a company card
(B) To reduce health insurance payments
(C) To improve their security system
(D) To monitor how many times people used the gym

Offer more vacation time
Provide better food
What does MegaWare wish to do in 2008?
(C) Open a health clinic
(D) Build an outdoor track
166. Theo bai bao, IBL da kSt lu~n gi?
Cau nay doi hoi phai nfun duqc n9i dung do~ van, va thuong nhiing cau hoi "conclude"

hay "infer" ta se l~un cu6i ctmg. Chu y d9C ki n9i dung cua 4 dap an, key words: "send
more money", "not healthy lifestyle", "company offer more program", "trainer increase
consultation fee".
A) Con nguoi nen dtmg nhiSu tiSn han cho cac san ph§m vS sue khoe. (dong 12 co

thong tin vs tisn nhung l~i la "cong ty se ~ng them 200$ m6i thang", lo~i dap an

B) Con nguOi khong co phong each s~ng khoe m~nh (nSu da lo~i duqc cac aap an

kia ta co thS dS dang ch9n dap an nay, tuy nhien nhiing ai hiSu ro bai d9c co thS tim
thfty thong tin nay a dong 6- cau kSt 1~ CUa cac d§n chtrng trong do~n 1: "day la
m9t ho~m canh kha nguy hiSm cho sue khoe cua qu6c gia")
C) Nhiing cong ty Qinh dua ra them nhiing chuang trinh hu§n luy~n (dong 14 co thong
tin vS m9t chuang trinh ~c bi~t, nhung do la "chuang trinh theo doi s6 luqng l~n
nhan vien su d\illg phong t~p gym", lo~i dap an nay)
D) Nhiing hu§n luy~n vien thS d1,1c dang tang d§n muc phi tu vftn. (khong co thong tin)
167. Co thay d6i gi da xay ra g§n day aMegaWare?

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

Vi cfm hoi khong hS cho m9t key word nao dS taco thS tim thong tin, nen ta chu y cac key
word trong dap an nhe, "new insurance plan", "longer lunch break", "fitness center open",
psychologist hired". Cau nay hoi vS Megaware nen ta chi c§n xem ki a 2 do~n sau thoi.
A) M9t d\f an bao hiSm sue khoe moi da duqc ch~p nh~ (khong co thong tin)
B) Thai gian nghi bu6i uua dai han da duqc thl,Ic hi~n (khong co thong tin)

C) Trung tam th~ thao duqc m& trong toa nha

D) M9t chuyen gia tam ly da duqc thue (khong co thong tin)
Bap an c
168. Tu "encourage" hong do~n 2, dong 4 g~n nghia voi:

A) Tru:y~n cam h lfng
B) Chtrng minh, bay to
C) T6 chuc

D) Tranh khoi
Bap an A (encomage: khuySn khich) tic
169. T~i sao MegaWare cho cac nhan vien m9t the d~c bi~t?
Key words "special card", ta th~y dong 16 "m6i nhan van duqc phat cho m9t the ID ~c
bi~t rna h9 phai dling ds vao va ra khoi phong tftp gym"
A) BS thay cho the CUa cong ty
B) BS giarn phi bao hiSm sue khoe
C) BS tang cuang h~ th6ng bao v ~

D) D~ quan ly m{)t nguiri sif d~;~ng phong t~p gym bao nhieu li n
Bap anD
170. MegaWare mong mu6n diSu gi trong nfun 2008?
Chi co m9t keyword do la diSm thai gian 2008, ta th~y a dong cu6i "cong ty ding rnong

mu6n rna m9t quan an tl,I phl,lC Vl,l ~i CO quan VaO thang 6/2008.
A) BS x~t thai gian nghi vi~c nhiSu han (khong co thong tin)

B) Cung cip thl!c phim t~t hon (Nhfrng b~n biSt duqc tir "cafeteria" la "quan an tv

phl,lC Vl,l" thi co thS suy doan dS ch9n ngay dap an nay.)
C) Ma 1 phong kham (khong co thong tin)
D) Xay dl,lllg 1 duang c~y ngoai trai (chu y day la dap an co b~y vi cac b~n se th~y
dong 14 co nh~c dSn "track".NSu cac b~n khong biSt Cl,lffi tu "keep track of' co
nghia la "theo doi ailcai gi" va "track" ding dling dS chi "duang dua danh cho nguai
ho~c xe hoi" u·ong llnh V\l'C thS thao, thi r~t co thS se v9i vang ch9n dap an nay.)
Bap anB

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

• Balanced diet: chS d9 an din b~ng

• Alatmingly: dang lo ng;;ti!lo l~ng la
• Conduct a study: tht,rc hi~n 1 nghien cilu

• Take advantage of: t~n dl,ll1g, lqi dl,ll1g
• Session: khoang thai gian duqc dimg cho m9t ho;;tt d9ng ~c hung clia m9t nh6m

Questions 171-173 refer to the following notice.

Attention all Club Members
The Highland Counhy Club regretfully infonns all members that our pool will be
closed from July 15 to August /\5. While fixing a broken pipe, maintenance workers found

a major problem with the filtration system. Unfmtunately, this problem is quite complex
and requires the work of a plumbing specialist. Because its plumbers m·e unexpectedly busy
at the moment, QuickFix Plumbers, the only company that offers the service we need, will
not be able to help us for another two weeks. We are tenibly sony for the inconvenience,
and are willing to refund the cost of one month's club membership to all individuals who
paid for the 3- month Summer Membership.
Because we akeady offer a twenty percent discount to all members who sign up for
the 1-year membership, we will not be offering these individuals a refund. Anyone who

has questions or comments about the change should contact Melvin Woods at 869-654-
171. What is the notice mainly about?
(A) The recent opening of a club building

(B) The temporaty closing of a facility

(C) The changes to membership packages

(D) The schedule of a special competition

172. What does the notice mention 173. What is TRUE about members

about QuickFix Plumbers? with 1-year memberships?

(A) They are unusually busy. (A) They will receive one month free.
(B) They offer special discounts. (B) They can access the day spa.
(C) They have the best service. (C) They can use a private pool.
(D) They use a new technology. (D) They won't get a refund.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

171. Ychinh CUa thong bao nay }a gi?

Nhiing cfm hoi vS y chinh, y toan b9 bai thi nen chu y dSn dlu mo &tu ho~c dlu kSt
thuc do~ dong 1 ta da thfty ngay "Highland Counuy Club rftt tiSc phai thong bao cho tftt
ca cac thanh vien rfug bS boi CUa chling tOi se dong cua ti.r 1517 dSn 25/8"

A) Vi:ra moi khai huang m9t toa nha cho dlu l~c b9
B) Dong cifa t~m thOi m{)t ti~n ich djch VI]

C) ChuySn d6i thanh goi h9i vien
D) Thai gian biSu cua m9t cu9c thi d~c bi~t

Dap anB
172. Thong bao dS cftp dSn cai gi cua QuickFix Plumbers?
Key words: "unusually busy", "special discount", "best service", "new technology"
A) He] b~n bit thD"img (chu y cl;lln "unusually busy", day la m9t cai b~y cl,l'c Ian vi

thong thuang ta da quen nghia CUa Ur usually }a thuang xuyen vase suy ra nghia
ngU<;YC l~i CUa unusually, ma quen mftt m9t ngrua khac CUa no }a "khong binh
thuang". Va voi nghia nay thi "unusually busy" se d6ng nghla voi "unexpectedly
busy", adong 5 " boi vi nhiing nguoi thq sua 6ng nuoc CUa QF Plwnbers - cong ty
duy nhftt cung cftp dich V\1 chling t6i dn, dang b~ d9t xuftt luc nay, nen h9 se khong
thS giup chling t6i trong 2 tu§n nfra")
B) H9 dang co giarn gia ~c bi~t (dong 10: "chling t6i da giarn gia 20% cho tftt ca cac
thanh vien dang ki 1 narn", tuy nhien day l~i la loi noi cua nguoi ra thong bao tuc

la Highland Countly Club chu khong phai cilit QF Plwnbers, lo~i dap an nay)
C) H9 co dich V\1 t6t nhftt (dong 5 co thong tin h9 la cong ty duy nhftt cung cftp dich V\1
chu khong co thong tin vS chftt luqng dich V\1, lo~i dap an nay)
D) H9 su d\lllg m9t cong ngh~ moi (khong co thong tin)

Cau nay tuy co b~y nhung ta v~n co thS dling phuang phap lo~i suy dS ch9n duqc dap an

173. DiSu gi la DUNG voi cac thanh vien co the h9i vien 1 nfun?
A) H9 se nh~n duqc 1 thang miSn phi (dong 1 0: h9 duqc giarn gia 20% chu khong duqc

dtmg 1 thang miSn phi, lo~i dap an nay)

B) H9 co thS su d\lllg spa ban ngay (khong co thong tin)
C) H9 co thS su d\lllg h6 boi cho ca nhan (khong co thong tin)
D) H9 se khong nh~n dU"qc ti~n b~i thD"img (dong 11 : "chling toi se khong u·a l~i tiSn
b6i thuong cho cac thanh vien nay" boi vi h9 da duqc giarn gia)
Dap anD

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

• Filtration system: h~ th6ng l9c

• Specialist: chuyen gia
• Plumber: thq sua 6ng nuoc

Questions 174-177 refer to the following email.
To: Katluyn Hale <>

From: Stacy Mott <>
Subject: Budget proposal

Dear Ms. Hale,
After reviewing last year's budget figures, I would like to propose a few changes to
this year's budget plan. If these changes are accepted, I predict that the company will

reduce its operation costs by approximately 40 percent. First, I noticed that the company
allocated one fourth of its total budget to purchasing office supplies. Of the office supplies
that we purchase each year, paper is by far the most expensive. I think that requiring all
employees to print documents on both sides of the paper will significantly cut down on
costs. Second, the company cunently employs 200 people; however, only about 150 people
are needed for the company to function properly. Therefore, I propose the company reduces
its workforce by 50 people before the strut of the next fiscal yeru·. I realize that this second
proposal may seem drastic, but according to my estimates, if the company does not

significantly cut costs by the end of December 2008, it will be forced to file for banhuptcy.
Stacy Mott Financial Advisor

174. What is the pt.Upose of this e-mail? (B) It spends too much money on
(A) To ask for modifications to a office supplies.
financial plan (C) It failed to meet certain operational

(B) To propose a schedule change standards.


(C) To introduce an advettising (D) It should invest more time in

campaign strategic planning.
(D) To request more office supplies 176. How many people work for the
175. What does Stacy Mott point out company right now?
about the company? (A) 40
(A) It must hire more employees in (B) 50
order to grow. (C) 150
(D) 200

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

177. According to the e-mail, what (B) They will forfeit their maJor
might happen if the recommended contract.
changes are not made? (C) The company will have to close.
(A) Employees will lose cettain (D) The plan for expansion will be

benefits. rejected.
174. Ml,lC dich cua email nay la gi?

Cau hoi m1,1c dich ta l~i tim thong tin a cau d~u ho~c cu6i, ta th~y dong 1 : "t6i mu6n dS
x~t m9t vai thay d6i cho dl,l' an ngan sach nam nay"
A) D~ yeu ciu nhfrng thay d~i cho 1 dl! an tai chinh

B) BS dS xu~t m9t S\l' thay d6i trong lich trinh
C) BS gioi thi~u m9t chiSn dich quang cao
D) DS yeu c~u nhiSu trq c~p cho van phong han

Bap anA
175. Stacy Mott chi ra diSu gi vS cong ty?
6 cau nay ck n~m cac key word trong dap an: "hire more employees", "too much money
office supplies", "failed operational standards", "more time strategic plan"
A) No phai thue nhiSu nhan vien han dS tang uuang (dong 8 co thong tin "reduce its
workforce", vfty lo~i dap an nay)
B) No diu tu qua nhi~u ti~n cho kh~i van phong (dong 4: "cong ty da dling 114 t6ng
ngan sach ds mua cac van phong ph§m"

C) No da thlt b~i u·ong vi~c dap ln1g nhiing tieu chu§n diSu hanh nao do (khong co
nh~c dsn tieu chu§n nao ca)
D) No nen d~u tu nhiSu thai gian han cho cac kS ho~ch chiSn luqc (khong co thong

Bap anB
176. Hi~n ~i co bao nhieu nguoi lam vi~c cho cong ty?

B6i voi nhfrng cau co s6 li~u ta se dS dang tim duqc thong tin a u·ong do~n van,
nhung nhfrng cau nay la nhfrng cau ds b~y nh~t, vi s6 li~u co u·ong do~n chua h~n la dap

an dling, ta con c~n phai tim hiSu thong tin cua s6li~u do. Dong 7: "cong ty hi~n t~i dang
thue 200 nguoi, tuy nhien chi khoang 150 nguoi la c~n cho cong ty dS ho~t d9ng m9t each
hqp 1}"'. Dong 8: "Toi dS nghi cong ty giam bat ll,l'c luqng lao d9ng xu6ng 50 nguoi"
A) 40
B) 50
C) 150
D) 200

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

Cau hoi s6 luqng cong nhan hi~n t~i nen dap an dln1g laD
177. Theo buc email, diSu gi co thS xay ra nSu nhiing thay d6i da duqc dS xuftt khong duqc
thl,l'c hi~n?
Chu y cac key word: "employee lose benefit", "forfeit contract", "company

close", "expansion rejected"
A) Nhiing nhan vien se bi m~t nhiing quySn lqi nao do (khong co thong tin)

B) H9 se bi m~t hqp d6ng chinh cilit h9 (khong co thong tin)
C) Cong ty se phai dong cifa (dong cu6i co cau: "nSu cong ty khong chu y c~t giam
cac chi phi truoc khi kst thuc tbang 1212oos, thi no se bi bu9c phai dua dan pha

D) D\l' an rna r9ng se bi tu ch6i (khong co thong tin)
Dap an C


• Banla:uptcy : S\}' pha san
• Fiscal year: nam tai chinh
Cut down on something : c~t giam cai gi
• Function (n): chuc nang/ (v): ho~t d9ng, thl,l'c hi~n chuc nang
Questions 178-180 refer to the following letter.
June 15, 2007

Charles Masters 15 Billows Rd. Forest wood, CA

Dear Mr. Masters,
After conducting an extensive perfmmance review of all the employees in the
Advertising Department here at Dunn and Dunn Inc., we have decided to promote you to

Cmporate Accounts Manager. Since you stmted working for us five years ago, you have
consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and the ability to produce quality work. The

executives feel strongly that your proposal to implement new adve1tising techniques helped
the company to secure 20 new clients in 2004-2005. Additionally, in 2006 you voluntarily

created an Office Policy Manual for new employees, which demonstrates your dedication
to the company and desire to make the office environment as efficient and friendly as
possible. Your responsibilities as Cmporate Accounts Manager will include delegating
work to subordinates, researching potential adve1tising campaigns, organizing meetings
with clients, and detennining the annual depmtment budget. In rehnn for your extra work,
you will receive a 25 percent increase in yow· cwTent salmy, seven additional vacation
days, and a $5,000 bonus.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

John Milestone Director of Adve~tising

178. What is the pmpose of this letter?
(A) To introduce an advertising proposal
(B) To describe an investment oppmtunity

(C) To offer an employee a title change
(D) To respond to a client's request

179. How did Charles Masters improve the office in 2006?
(A) By recruiting the most clients

(B) By cutting down operational costs
(C) By proposing a modest annual budget
(D) By writing important guidelines

180. Which of the following is NOT the responsibility of the Cmporate Accounts
Manager? tic
(A) Detennining the vacation schedule for employees
(B) Assigning work to employees in the depattment
(C) Creating a financial plan for the company
(D) Organizing meetings with customers
178. Ml,lC dich cua la thu miy la gi?
Cau hoi ml,lC dich thi ta xem xet cau d~u do~n van co thfty: "Sau khi thl,l'C hi~n m9t

cu9c t6ng xem xet vS vi~c thS hi~n cua tftt ca cac nhan vien thu9c phong quang cao clia
cong ty Duun & Duun Inc. ' chUn.g tOi da quySt dinh dS b~t ong vao vi tri KS toim truemg
cua b9 ph~n"
A) E>S gioi thi~u m9t dl,l' an quang cao

B) E>S mieu ta m9t co h9i d~u tu

C) Trao cho 1 nhan vien 1 S'! tha d~i chlfc VI}

D) E>S tra loi 1 yeu c~u cua khach hang

E>ap an c

179. Charles Masters da cai thi~n co quan cua minh nhu thS nao vao nam 2006?
Key word la nam 2006. Dong 5: "vao nam 2006, ong da tinh nguy~n lam m9t cu6n huang
dk vs chinh sach cua co quan cho nhfrng nhan vien moi"
A) B~ng each tim them nhfrng khach hang t6t nhftt (dong 5: " ... da giup cong ty tim
them duqc 20 khach hang moi" nhung la vao nfun 2004,2005, va la "new clients"
chu khong phai "most clients")
B) B~ng each c~t giam chi phi diSu hanh (khong co thong tin)

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

C) B~ng each dS xuftt 1 d\1' thao ngan sach hang nam phu hqp
D) B~ng each vi~t nhfrng huang d~n quan tr(~mg (taco tu guideline d6ng nghia voi
Bap anD
180. BiSu nao duoi day KHONG phai la trachnhi~m CUa kS toan truong cua b9 ph~n:

Key word: " responsibility", dong 8-11 coli~t ke nhiing trach nhi~m cua m9t kS toan huang

bao g6m: "giao pho cong vi~c cho cftp duoi", "nghien Clru cac chiSn dich quang cao tiSm
nang", "t6 chuc h9p voi khach hang", "quyst dinh ngan sach hang nam cho b9 pmn"
A) Quy~t djnh ljch nghi ciia nhan vien

B) Phan cong cong v i~c dSn cho cac nhan vien a u·ong b9 ph~n (taco delegate d6ng
nghia voi assign)
C) Lam kS ho~ch tai chinh cho don vi

D) T6 chuc h9p v oi khach hang
Bap anA tic
Questions 181-185 refer to the following advertisement and letter.
Al's Autos Super Saturday Sale
Al's Autos, the number one used car dealership in Florida, is having a mega-sale
Saturday, August 25, 2007, from noon until 4 p.m. to celebrate our twenty years of
operation. All two-door vehicles with pink stickers are 10 percent off the ticketed price.
All tlucks with blue stickers are 15 percent off the ticketed price. All vans are 20 percent

off the ticketed price. Plus, if you pay in cash, we'll reduce the price by another $300. As
always, all pmchases come with a 2-year Al's Autos Guarantee, which covers the cost of
labor and replacement of parts if yom car experiences mechanical problems. So if you're

in the market for a used car, then come on down to Al's Autos this Saturday.
*Cars must be serviced by one of the following Al's Autos affiliates: Mike's Mufflers, Ace
Mechanics, or Carl's Car Patts.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on t hi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

17 Washington Rd.
Tampa, FL
September 26, 2007
Allen Hanks Al's Autos

56 Wheelbanow Rd.
Tampa, FL

Dear Mr. Hanks,
Last month I purchased a used Capri 1025 from you. At first, the car seemed like a great

deal, especially with the $300 dollar discount I received. I bought the car because I have to
travel a long distance to work each day, and with gas being so expensive these days I
needed a car that was more fuel-efficient. You were right; the smaller car did save me about
$30 in gas each week. Unfmtunately, after about two weeks, the car started making a

clanking noise if I went faster than 50 kilometers per how·. I took it to my mechanic,
Smooth Rides, and had them evaluate the problem. They detetmined that the entire engine
would need to be replaced, due to a crackdown in the middle of it. In total, the labor and
engine pruts will cost about $1 ,000. I assume that since I only pw·chased the cru· a month
ago, I am well within the 2-yeru· limit to the guarantee and Al's Autos will cover the cost
ofthe repairs. Please contact me at 852-321-6547 ifyouhave any questions.
Floyd Baker

181. According to the advettisement, what will happen on Satmday, August 25?
(A) A retirement pruty for an employee
(B) A special discount on cettain cars

(C) A big sale at a new car dealership

(D) An increase in the price of gas
182. How can a customer save more money?

(A) By making their pw·chase in cash


(B) By using their prefened customer cru·d

(C) By applying for a drawing event
(D) By obtaining a coupon from the newspaper
183. What can be infened about the Capri 1025 from the letter?
(A) It has two doors.
(B) It was twenty percent off.
(C) It is energy-efficient.
(D) It is better for short distances.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

184. Why will Al's Autos probably reject Floyd Baker's request?
(A) He used a credit card to buy the car.
(B) He purchased the vehicle after the sale.
(C) He did not take his car to the right mechanic.

(D) He failed to sign and rehnn the contract.

185. What does Floyd Baker's car need?
(A) New tires

(B) A bumper replacement
(C) An engine change
(D) Car door painting
Cau 181-185:

B6i v oi nhiing ph§n co toi 2 ho~c 3 do~ van hoim toan klillc nhau nhung l<;ti mieu
ta m9t vi~c lien quan dSn nhau, uuoc khi lam bai ta cfm phai xem xet m6i do~ la thS lo<;ti
van phong gi. Vd: quang cao, thong bao, th6ng ke, thu v ... v. Vi~c phfm bi~t duqc lo<;ti hinh
cua do~n van se giup ta hinh thanh duqc m9t svlien kst nh~t dinh giua cac thong tin trong
cac do~n voi nhau. Vd: do~n 1 la quang cao, do~n 2la la thu, taco thS suy ra duqc la thu
ch~c h~n se noi dSn nhfrng thong tin co trong do~n quang cao, co thS la phan nan, th~c m~c,
yeu cftu v ... v. TiSp theo ta dtmg ki nang d9c luat dS ghi nho cac tir khoa nh~m m1,1c dich
so sanh cac thong tin co trong tUng do~n. Vi~c nay se giup taco cai nhin ro han vS nhfrng

thong tin nao co lien quan dSn nhau hay khong. KI nang d9c luat va ghi nho duqc nhiSu
thong tin thi dn phai luy~n Hlp thftt nhiSu nhe.
181. Theo to quang cao, diSu gi se xay ra vao thu 7' ngay 25/8?
Key word la m6c thai gian thu 7, 25/8, ta th~y dong 1 "Al's Auto, d<;ti ly xe hoi cil s6 1 a

Florida, dang co m9t bu6i giam gia Cl,IC Ian vao thu 7' 25/8/2007 dS ki ni~m 20 nam ho<;tt
d9ng cua chilng t6i".

A) M9t bfra ti~c vS huu cho 1 nhan vien (lo<;ti dap an nay vi quang cao la danh cho cac
sv ki~n clia cong ty chu khong thS danh cho 1 nhan vien)

B) Gh1rn gia d~c bi~t cho cac chi~c xe hoi mio do. (taco them thong tin a dong cu6i
cua do~ quang cao li~t ke cac lo<;ti xe duqc giam gia)
C) Giffin gia khling a m9t d<;ti ly xe hoi moi (lo<;ti dap an nay vi theo thong tin a tren
day khong phai la m9t d<:ti ly moi, tuy nhien aay la dap an ds nh§m l~n nh~t nsu ta
khong chu y d9c ki)
D) Vi~c tang gia cua xang (khong co thong tin trong do~n quang cao)

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

Bap an B . Trong truemg hqp cac em khong biSt "mega" duqc dUn.g lam tiSn t6 voi nghia
"c1,tc ki", "r~t khling", a day d6ng nghia voi "big" thi ciing co thS dUn.g phuang phap lo~i
tru ds co &p an dtmg.
182. Lam thS nao 1 khach hang co thS tiSt ki~m duqc nhiSu tiSn han?
o cau nay ta th~y khong co key word trong cau hoi ds ta co ths d1,ta vao tim thi ta y

dn chu y d9c ki cac key word tr·ong dap an: "pmchase in cash", " prefened customer card",

"drawing event", "coupon from magazine"
A) B~ng each mua hang b~ng ti~n m~t (dong 4: "nSu b~n tr·a b~ng tiSn m~t, chilng

toi se giam gia them 300$ nfra")
B) B~ng each su dl,ll1g the khach hang yeu thich CUa h9 (khong co thong tin)
C) B~ng each xin vao tham gia S\f ki~n ve tranh (khong co thong tin)
D) B~ng each gianh duqc m9t coupon tr·en to ~P chi (khong co thong tin)

Bap anA
183. Di~u gi duc;rc suy ra v~ xe Carpi 1025 trong Ia thu?
Chu y cac key words: "two-door", "20% off', "energy efficient", "better short distance"
A) No co 2 CUa (ta chi co thong tin tr·ong do~n quang cao a dong 3: "t~t ca cac lo~i xe
2 CUa duqc dan nhan mau h6ng se duqc giam 10% so voi gia niem ySt". Tuy nhien
trong la thu mieu ta l~i khong hs nh~c dsn thong tin nay, rna chi co thong tin duqc
giam gia 300$, vfty ta co thS kSt lu~n chiSc xe nay khong thu9c lo~i xe 2 cfra. Lo~i
dap an nay.)

B) No da duqc gifun gia 20% (dong 2 co "chiSc xe duemg nhu la m9t cu9c mua ban t6t,
d~c bi~t voi 300$ duqc giam gia", lo~i dap an nay)
C) o sir d~;~ng nang luc;rng hi~u qua (ta th~y co cl,lln lien quan dSn la "fuel efficient"
a dong 4: "tei c~n m9t chisc xe tist ki~m nang luqng" va "xe nho han da tist ki~m

cho t6i 30$ xang m6i t~n")

D) No dUn.g t6t han khi di chuySn nhfrng do~ duemg ngfu (ta khong tim th~y dong co

key word la "short distance", tuy nhien l~i co m9t key word lien quan la " long
distance" a dong 2,3: "t6i mua chiSc xe nay bai vi t6i phai di chuySn m9t do~n

duong dai dS di lam m6i ngay", nhu vfty chiSc xe duqc l1,ta ch9n vi no t6t khi dUn.g
ds di duong dai, lo~i &pan nay)
Bap an C
184. T~i sao Al's Autos co thS se tu ch6i yeu c~u cua Floyd Baker?
Bay la cau hoi kho nh~t do~ bai vi ta khong thS tim th~y ch6 nao, hay key word nao da
chi ra nhfrng diSu ki~n khiSn Al's Autos co thS tir ch6i yeu c~u cua ong Floyd Baker. Vi

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

vfty ta dn d9c thftt ki cac key word co trong dap an va nhfrng thong tin co thS lien quan.
"credit card", "purchase after the sale", "not right mechanic", "sign and retrnn contract"
A) Anh ta su d1;1ng the ghi nq dS mua xe hoi. (taco thong tin tJ:a b~ng tiSn m~t se duqc
giam gia chu khong co thong tin dUn.g the ghi nq thi se khong duqc mua xe hoi hay

khong duqc bao hanh, lo~i dap an nay)
B) Anh fly da mua xe sau khi giam gia (dap an nay ding sai bai vi ding khong hS co

thong tin nao noi rfug hang sau khi mua gifun gia se nhu thS nao)
C) nh iy da khong mang xe d~n dung thq sifa chfra (Trong do~ quang cao ta thfty
co a dong 6, 7: "cit ca nhfrng dan hang se di kem vai phisu bao hanh 2 nam cua

Al's Autos ma se bao g6m tiSn cong va vi~c thay thS phl,l tling nSu xe cua b~n g~p
phai nhfrng vftn dS vS may moe". Tuy nhien trong la thu ong Floyd l~i noi a dong
6: "t6i aa mang no dSn thq may cua t6i, ong Smooth Rices, va aa danh gia duqc vftn

dS cua no". Nhu vfty ong Floyd da khong mang xe dSn cua hang ngay khi co vftn dS
ma l~i dem dSn cho m<?t nguoi thq a ben ngoai, &su nay co ths khiSn ong khong
nh~n duqc sv bao hanh nhu da yeu c~u u·ong thu.)
D) Anh ta da sai trong vi~c kiva tJ:a l~i hqp d6ng (khong co thong tin)
185. Xe clia Floyd Baker ck gi?
Chu y key words: "new tires", "bumper replacement", "engine change", "door painting"
A) Nhfrng cai 16p moi
B) Thay cai ham xung cua xe

C) Thay ma (dong 7: "toan b9 may nen dn duqc thay thS bai vi co m9t vSt r~n a
duoi than gifra CUa no")
D) San em xe

Dap an C.
Questions 186-190 refer to the following invoice and e-mail.

Finance Department Office #402 26 Mountain Dr.


Sharonville, SC
Brooks Brothers Marketing 356 Brewster Rd.
Applewood, TN
Att'n: Paul O'Reilly
I desktop computer $590.75
I laser jet printer $I95.95
2 cmtons g lossy 8 XII inch copy paper $54.25 I 00 blue Shic pens $I 03.96

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

GST (Goods and Services Tax) $62.03

Customer Registration No. 878-96854-632
Invoice No. 856

Date ofinvoice: July 15, 2007
To be paid within 30 days of invoice date. Should customers fail to pay within 30 days, a

charge of $50 will be added to the account each month that payment is overdue. Note:
NanoMac Inc. is hying to improve its customer service. Since your company has been a

loyal customer of ours, we invite you to fill out an online survey to assess our customer
service. Fill out the survey at and you can enter to win a $500 coupon.
*If you have any questions about the invoice, please contact our department by e-mail or

To: Michael Shoe <mike@kmail. com> tic
From: Paul O'Reilly <>
Subject: Smcharge Date: September 25, 2007
Hi Michael.
I recently received an invoice for the products we pmchased from yom company in July. I
noticed that we were charged an additional SIOO dollars because om payment was two
months overdue. I would like to explain why we failed to make these payments, and hope

that you will reverse the charges immediately.

At the end of July, our depmtment undetwent reshucturing and Brian Davies, ow· Finance
Manager, was asked to leave. Unfortunately, in the process of changing managers a few

files were misplaced, including the one containing all of om office supplies invoices. I hope
you will accept my request so that we continue doing business with your company in the


Paul O'Reilly
186. What kind of service does NanoMac Technology provide?
(A) It develops computer softwm·e.
(B) It distt·ibutes office supplies.
(C) It repairs electronic devices.
(D) It provides financial advice.
187. Which of the following is TRUE about Brooks Brothers Marketing?
(A) It has offices in Sharonville.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

(B) It is an electronics store.

(C) It works with NanoMac frequently.
(D) It is an established company

188. What is the pmpose of the e-mail?
(A) To increase the volume of the order

(B) To inquire about an upcoming sale
(C) To request an address change

(D) To respond to a service charge
189. What happened at Brooks Brothers Marketing in July?
(A) It merged with another marketing fitm.
(B) The management stmcture was changed.

(C) A new marketing campaign was introduced.

(D) It relocated its headquatters to a different city.

What can be infened about Michael Shoe?

(A) He works in the Finance Department atNanoMac.
(B) He usually delivers the orders himself.
(C) He was recently hired from Brooks Brothers Marketing.
(D) He was in charge of renovating the building.

186. Nano Mac Techonology cung c~p lo~i dich V\1 nao?
Bo~n dftu tien la m9t "invoice" nghia la "dan hang", vi vfty taco thS nhin vao danh m\}c
hang hoa dS biSt duqc NanoMac dang ban cai gi. Ta th~y danh m\}c hang gm g6m co: 1
man hinh may tinh, 1 may in laze, 2 gi~y in, 100 but bi xanh.

A) No phat triSn ph§n mSm may tinh

B) No P.han ph~i cac van P.hon phim

C) N 0 SUa chfra cac thiSt bi di~n tlr

D) No cung c~p loi khuyen v S tai chinh

Bap anB
187. BiSu gi sau day la BUNG vS Brooks Brothers Marketing?
BS co thong tin vS BBM, ta xem la thu ado~n 2. Cau hoi nay c§n nfun cac key words trong
dap an: "offices Sharonville", "electronics store", "work with NanoMac frequently",
"established company"
A) No co nhiSu van phong a Sharonville (ta dn biSt trong van phong viSt dan hang
cua tiSng Anh la dia chi chi tiSt cua cong ty gui hang se a &u tien, sau do moi l~n

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

lm;1t asn cac thong tin khac nhu la Qia chi nguoi ~n, thong tin aan hang, gia ca,
h~n thanh toan v ... v. Vi vfty do~n 1 co noi dia chi a Sharonville a day chinh la cua
van phong tai chinh cua NanoMac chu khong phai Qia chi cua BBM, lo~i aap an
B) Nola m9t cua hang di~n may (khong co thong tin kha di dS chl1ng minh nola cua

hang di~nmay)

C) No hf!P bic vOi NanoMac thu<mg xuyen (trong la thu diu cu6i co noi dSn "chting
toi tiSp b,lc hqp tac v ai cong ty b~ trong tuang lai ")

D) Nola m9t cong ty duqc thanh lftp (khong co thong tin)
Bap an C
188. Ml,IC dich cua buc email?
Ta l~i chu y dSn cac cau &u va cu6i cua la thu va xem xet cac dap an: "increase order",

"upcoming sale", "address change", "service charge". 0 cau cu6i cila la thu co noi r~ng
"t6i hy V9ng ong se ch~p nh~n yeu c~u cua t6i". Bay la m9t cau noi khong ro thong tin va
ta bu9c long phai d9c toan b9 n9i dung la thudS co duqc dap an chinh xac cho cau nay.
A) BS Hing kh6i luqng d~t hang (khong co thong tin)
B) BS yeu c~u vS dqt gifun gia s~p dSn (khong co thong tin)
C) BS yeu c~u thay a6i dia chi (khong co thong tin)
D) D~ h~i dap m{)t chi phi d!ch V1;l (dong 2,3: "chling t6i thong bao r~ng chling t6i da
bi aanh them phi 100$ vi vi~c qua h~n thanh toan 2 thang. Toi mu6n giai thich ~i

SaO ChUng toi l~i khong hoan thanh nhfrng thanh toan nay, Va hy V9ng r~ng ong Se
thay a6i cac chi phi tren ngay lftp tuc")
Bap anD
189. BiSu gi da xay ra aBrooks Brothers Marketing vao thang 7?

Key word la "July", dong 4: "vao cu6i thang 7, b9 ph~n cua chling t6i da trai qua
m9t cu9c tai co c~u, va ong Brian Davies, Giam a6c tai chinh cua chling t6i da bi yeu c~u

roi khoi"
A) No da hqp nh~t voi m9t cong ty marketing khac

B) Ca c~u quan ly da thay a6i (ta co thS doan duqc aap an dling nay qua cac tu cling
huang nghla nhu "structure, change voi reshucture, manager va management" kS
ca khi khong hisu nghia cua tu)
C) M9t chiSn dich quang cao moi da duqc rung ra
D) No da chuySn tr1,1 so chinh toi m9t thanh ph6 khac

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

190. Di~u gi co thS suy ra v~ Micheal Shoe?

Micheal Shoe chinh la nguoi nh~ hi thu, ciing co nghia la nguoi ctia NanoMac vi
day la hi thu h6i clap cho dan hang phia n.·en. Key words: "finance department", "deliver
order", "hired from BBM", "renovate building"
A) nh iy lam vi~c a b{) ph~n Tai chinh cua NanoMac (thong tin v~ b9 ph~n tai

chinh co aph§n d~u CUa dan hang gui, chinh la dia chi cua noi gui, vfty ong Micheal

Shoe chinh la nguoi CUa b9 phan nay)
B) Anh ~y thuang tl,r minh di phat cac dan hang (khong co thong tin)
C) Anh ~y da duqc thue boi Brooks Brothers Marketing (khong co thong tin)

D) Anh ~Y co trach nhi~m khoi ph1,1c l~i toa nha (khong co thong tin)

Invoice: dan hang gui overdue: qua h~

Loyal: hung thanh undergo: chiu, trai qua
Resb.ucture: tai co c~u tic
Questions 191-195 refer to the following e-mails.
To: Fran Monis <>
reverse: thay d6i hoan toan
From: Jeny Sprigs <>
Subject: Delivety Request
Dear Ms. Monis,
I am writing to infonn you that the McGuiness Women's Foundation Luncheon, which

was scheduled to take place this Saturday at 3 p.m ., has been postponed to Sunday at 2
p.m., due to predictions of showers. Therefore, I would like to change the delivety time for
the flower anangements we ordered. Would you be able to deliver the flowers either

Saturday mmning, or between 2:00p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon? Also, if you
choose to deliver the flowers on Saturday aftemoon, please do not take the flowers to the
Club House; we will be hosting a charity lunch for the Rotaty Club at that time, and the

area will be full of people. Instead, could you please bring the flowers to the Maintenance

building next to the botanical gru·dens? If you can bring the flowers in the moming, just
take them directly to the Club House as we originally discussed. Please e-mail me
immediately to confinn these changes.
Jeny Sprigs
Manager, Irving Counb.y Club

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

To: Jeny Sprigs <>

From: Fran Monis <fran@friendlyflowers. com>
Subject: RE: Delivety Request
Dear Mr. Sprigs,

I received your request to change the date and time we deliver your flowers. Unfmtunately,
we are completely booked in the aftemoon on Saturday and will not be able to deliver the

flowers at the time you requested. We would be happy to deliver the flowers between 10:00
a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. Also, I should inform you that Friendly Flowers charges

$25 for any changes that are made to orders on such shmt notice. I apologize for this
inconvenience, but it helps us provide the most reliable service possible. I will be out of
the office this aftetnoon, so please call me on my cell phone at 369-654-9876.

Owner, Friendly Flowers
191. Why does Jeny Sprigs want to
change the delivety time?
tic 192. What is TRUE about the Irving
Countty Club?
(A) The planned event was delayed. (A) It is a popular place for weddings.
(B) The Club House is closed. (B) It will host a fundraising event.
(C) The members requested it. (C) It has intetnational golf
(D) The event statts earlier. tomnaments.

(D) It is famous for its botanical

193. What should Mr. Sprigs do to change an order?

(A) Provide at least 24 hours' notice

(B) Fill out an electt·onic fonn
(C) Submit a written request

(D) Pay a small fee


194. In the second e-mail, the word "reliable" in line 6 is closest in meaning to
(A) Arguable
(B) Transferable
(C) Questionable
(D) Dependable
195. How will Fran Monis most likely deliver the flowers?
(A) By meeting Jeny Sprigs at the office
(B) By going to the Rotaty Club

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

(C) By dropping them off at the Club House

(D) By driving to the Maintenance building
Cau 191-195: E>6i voi do~n van co 2 buc thu nhu thS nay ta dn nhin so qua tieu dS CUa
thudS biSt nhfrng la thu dang mu6n noi dSn diSu gi. Nhin qua ca ten nguoi gui va nl$1 dS
ti~n cho vi~c phan lo~i dlu hoi dS giup cho vi~c tim kiSm thong tin nhanh han.

191. T~i sao Jeny Sprigs mu6n thay d6i thai gian giao hang?

Cau nay se co thong tin trong la thu thu 1 - thu yeu c~u giao hang, key words trong dap
an: "event delayed", "club house closed", "member request", "event earlier"
A) 1 Sl! ki~n theo k~ ho~ch da b! hoan l~i (dong 2: " ... theo kS ho~ch diSn ra vao thu

7 luc 3pm, Vlra moi hoan dSn CN luc 2pm". Taco thS doan duqc dap an nay khi
th~y "planned" d6ng nghia voi "scheduled", "postponed" d6ng nghia voi "delayed"
va SlJ thay d6i thu ngay tu t7 qua CN)

B) Club House dong cua (dong 6: "dirng mang hoa dSn Club House", lo~i dap an nay)
C) Cac thanh vien yeu c~u diSu nay
D) Sv ki~n b~t &u sam han
192. E>iSu gi la BUNG vS Irving Counb.y Club?
Key words: "place wedding", "host fundraising event", "inte~national golf tmnnaments",
"botanical garden"
A) No la noi cong c9ng dS t6 chuc ti~c cuoi (khong co thong tin)
B) o set~ chlfc m{)t sl! ki~n quyen gop (dong 6: "Chling toi se t6 chuc 1 bfra nua tir

thi~n cho cau l~c b9 Rotruy cling luc do")

C) No co nhfrng n·~n &u gon qu6c tS (khong co thong tin)
D) No n6i tiSng vi cac khu vuan bach thao (dong 8: "B~n co thS mang hoa dSn nha bao
duong ben c~nh vuon bach thao khong?" ' lo~i dap an nay)

193. Ong Sprigs nen lam gi dS thay d6i don hang?

Thong tin nay se a la thu thu 2 - h6i dap l~i yeu c~u. Key words: "24 hom notice",

"electJ.·onic fonn", "written request", "small fee"


A) E>ua ra thong bao it nhlt 24 gio (khong co thong tin)

B) E>iSn vao cai don di~n tu (khong co thong tin)
C) E>ua m9t yeu c~u viSt tay (khong co thong tin)
D) Tra m{)t chi phi nho (dong 4: "t6i bao voi b~n r~ng phi cua Friendly Flowers cho
b~t Clr thay d6i nao rna da duqc d~t hang tlUOC do tJ.·ong 1 thong bao g~p nhu v~y la
E>ap anD

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

194. Trong la tlm thu 2, tu "reliable" a dong 6 gfui nghia nh~t voi tu nao?
A) Co thS duqc xac minh, co thS tranh lu~
B) Co thS chuySn d6i
c) Dang nga

D) Dang tin c~:r
Dap an D. Taco thS dl,I doan duqc dap an nay khi th~y co S\I d6ng nghia gifra rely va

depend, nen suy ra duqc tinh tutu cac d<?ng tlr g6c nay la reliable va dependable ciing d6ng
195. Frann Moris ch~c ch~n se phat hoa b~ng each nao?

Dong 2, 3: "Khong may, chUn.g t6i da duqc ~t lich truoc toan b<? vao chiSu t7 vase
khong thS giao hoa vao thai gian ong yeu c~u. ChUn.g t6i se r~t vui long nSu giao hoa vao
khoang 1Oam dSn 12pm CUa t7". Nhu vfty thai gian giao hoa la sang t7 va trong thu khong

hS noi dSn phuong thuc giao hoa, co nghia rfug h9 d6ng y giao hoa theo each CUa ong
Sprigs da noi abuc thu tren. Gia ta xem xet th~y abuc thu tren dong 4 "ong se co thS giao
hoa vao sang t7 hay khoang 2-4pm chiSu t7 ?". TiSp theo sau dola huang d~n giao hoa nSu
di vao bu6i chiSu, ta bo qua do~n nay va tim dSn cfm co noi dSn sang t7, dong 9: "NSu ong
giao hoa vao sang t7' hay mang no tn,rc tiSp dSn Club house nhu chUn.g ta da thao l~n
truoc do"
A) B~ng each g~p J eny Sprigs avan phong
B) B~ng each dSn cfm l~c b<? Rotmy

C) B~ng each d~ no aClub House

D) B~ng each lai xe dSn nha bao duong

Luncheon: ti~c hua take place: diSn ra

Postpone: tri hoan shower: trftn mua

Charity: tlr thi~n


Questions 195-200 refer to the following letters.

Dear Mr. Hipster,
My name is Dr. Ivan Rigby, and 1 mn a professor of Molecular Biology at Illinois
State University (ISU). I mn writing on behalf of Melvin Tobin, who I believe would make
an excellent candidate for the Research Aide position your company is offering this
Melvin is a junior at ISU, and for the last three years he has consistently received
the highest grades in his class. Last year, he submitted a research paper, "Mapping the

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

Human Genome." which was published in The Scientist, one of the most prestigious
science journals in the counhy. Recently, Melvin was awarded the Scientific Research
Award for his outstanding work in the field of molecular research.
Despite his busy academic schedule, Melvin manages to find time to volunteer at

the local elernentmy school (teaching science of course!), and write for the campus
newspaper, ISU News. He is friendly, compassionate, and hardworking, and he is destined

for great things. I feel strongly that this young man would be a great addition to your


August 20 Dr. Ivan Rigby

Department ofMoleculm· Biology Dear Professor Rigby,
I would like to express my gratitude for the recommendation letter you wrote to
Epson Phannaceuticals and I apologize for the lateness of this letter conveying my thanks.
I have lemned more in my brief role as an Assistant Laboratmy Technician than I have in
all three years at ISU. As you may have noticed, the company was unable to hire me for
the position that you recommended because it had ah·eady been filled, but I have really
enjoyed working as an assistant technician instead. I only have three more weeks before I
retllln to ISU, but the company has ah·eady asked that I join their team after I graduate!

They are offering me the position of Laboratmy Technician and assigning me to work in
the division that resem·ches medication for patients recovering from hemt surgety. In
addition to an excellent salmy, they are also offering me free housing on the Epson

Campus, which is located just three miles from Lake Michigan.

Despite recent allegations that the cornpany is producing dmgs that do not meet
federal standards, I feel this is a great oppmtunity to work for the largest phatmaceutical

company in the counhy. Thank you once again for helping me get this wonderful

oppmtunity. I look fmwm·d to attending yom classes next semester.

Melvin Tobin
196. Why is Dr. Ivan Rigby sending the letter to Bill Hipster?
(A) To recommend a student for a position
(B) To suggest a student for a scholm·ship
(C) To propose an mticle for a jorunal
(D) To announce an awards ceremony

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

197. Which of the following was NOT mentioned about Melvin Tobin in the first letter?
(A) He received an award for his research work.
(B) He teaches children at a local school.

(C) He worked as a Research Aide before.

(D) He received the best grades in his courses.

198. What will Melvin recetve if he 199. What happened to Epson
accepts the full-time job offer? Phannaceuticals recently?
(A) A research grant (A) It was accused of wrongdoing.

(B) Free accommodation (B) It discovered a new dmg.
(C) A pay raise
(D) Medical insurance
tic (C) It appointed a new CEO.
(D) It increased the price of drugs.
200. What can be infened about Melvin's position at Epson Pharmaceuticals?
(A) It did not teach him anything new.
(B) It offered ve1y little compensation.
(C) It involved researching human genomes.
(D) It was not the original position he applied for.

196. T~i sao bac si Ivan Rigby l~i dinh gui thu cho ong Bill Hipster?
Trong la thu dftu tien, dong 2,3: "Toi viSt buc thunay dS thay m~t cho Melvin tobin,
nguoi rna tOi tin r~ se }a trng CU vien tuy~t voi cho vi tri ph\1 ta nghien Ctru rna cong ty

ong dang tim vao ffiUa he nay"

A) D~ ti~n cif 1 sinh vien cho vi tri lam vi~c
B) BS dS nghi trao cho 1 sinh vien h9c b6ng

C) BS dS xuflt 1 bai bao cho 1 t~p chi

D) BS thong bao vS m9t IS trao thuOn.g

Bap anA
197. BiSu nao sau day thi KHONG duqc dS cftp vS Melvin Tobin ala thu dftu tien?
Ta cftn d9c ki cac key words nhe, "received award", "teach children", "Research Aide
before", "received best grades"
A) Anh ta da nhftn duoc giai thuOn.g cho cong trinh nghien ctru cilil anh fly (dong 6:
"Gftn day, Melvin da duqc nh~n giai thuOn.g Nghien Ctru khoa h9C cho cong trinh
dang chu y cilil anh fly trong llnh vvc nghien ctru phan tu")

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

B) Anh ta dang d~y h9c am9t huang dia phuong (dong 9: "Anh ~y danh thai gian dS
ho~t d9ng tinh nguy~n a m9t huang c~p 2 dia phuong- d~y lop khoa h9c")
C) TrU'O'c day anh ta tirng lam vi~c nhU' m{)t Ph~;~ ta nghien clfu (nhu da phan tich a
dlu 196, day la vi tri anh ta duqc tiSn cu chu khong phai vi h·i anh ta da timg lam,

vfty day la thong tin sai nen nola dap an dtmg)
D) Anh ta da d~t duqc nhfrng diSm s6 cao nh~t a cac lop h9c cua anh ~y (dong 4:

" ... trong 3 nam vua qua, anh ~y eta nh~n duqc nhfrng dism s6 cao nh~t a lap cua
anh ~y")
198. Melvin se nh~n duqc diSu gi nSu anh ta nh~n loi vao lam vi~c chinh thuc?

La thu dftu tien la thu ong Rigby gui cho ong Hipster dS tiSn cu Melvin, con la thu
thu 2 la la thu Melvin gui l~i cho ong Rigby. Vi vfty thong tin nay co thS tim duqc a la thu
thu 2. Ta chu y cac key words: "research grant", "free accommodation", "pay raise",

"medical insurance"

A) Sv nhuqng quySn nghien ctru (khong co thong tin)
B) Ch~ an mi~n phi (dong 11 : taco accommodation d6ng nghia voi housing, "h9
cling dS nghi cho t6i m9t ch6 a akhuon vien Epson")
C) Tang luang (dong 10: "them vao dolam9tmuc luang tuy~t voi", khong co noi dSn
tang luang)
D) Bao hiSm y tS (khong co thong tin)
Bap anB

199. BiSu gi da xay ra g§n day d6i voi cong ty Duqc Espon?
Key words: "wrongdoing", "new chug", "new CEO", "increase price of chug"
A) o da b! cao bu{)c lam vi~c ph~m pha p (dong 13: "m~c du nhiing l~n di~u g§n
day cho r~ng cong ty dang san X~t nhfrng san ph~m khong ~t tieu chu~n CUa lien

bang, nhung t6i v~n cfun th~y day la co h9i t6t dS lam vi~c cho m9t cong ty duqc
Ian nh~t qu6c gia")

B) No dakham pha ra m9t lo~i thu6c moi (khong co thong tin)

C) No da b6 nhi~m giam d6c diSu hanh moi (khong co thong tin)

D) No da tang gia cac lo~i thu6c (khong co thong tin)

Bap anA
200. BiSu gi co thS rut ra vS vi h·i cua Melvin h·ong cong ty Duqc Espon?
A) No khong d~y cho anh ta b~t cu diSu gi moi (khong co thong tin)
B) No eta dS nghi b6i thuang r~t it (khong co thong tin)
C) No doi hoi m9t b9 tai li~u dfty du vS gen con nguoi dang duqc nghien ctru (khong
co thong tin)

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.
Bien So~n: Nguy~n f>inh Quynh Tien

D) No khong phai hi vi tri ban diu anh ta da xin vao (dong 9: Melvin co noi ro "h9
dang dS nghi cho toi m9t vi t:ri lam ki th~t vien phong thi nghi~m", t:rong khi do vi
tri ban d~u CUa anh ~y duqc tiSn cu la phl,l ta nghien CUu. Them vao do do~n &u
thu, dong 4,5 cimg co thong tin: " ... cong ty khong ths thue toi cho vi tri rna giao

su dads nghi boi vi no da &y")
Dap anD

on behalf of sb: thay m~t cho ai

Junior: sinh vien nfun 3 prestigious: uy tin
Outstanding: n6i tiSng, dang chu y compassionate: &y long tr~c §n
Be destined for: danh rieng cho convey: b:uySn d~t
Express sb's gratitude forst to sb: to long biSt an vS cai gi voi ai

Surgegy: cu<?c ph~u thuftt allegation: vi~n co, lu~ di~u
Federal: lien bang tic

Quyen s;kh nay do nhU'ng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b;;~n tai lieu on t hi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b;;~n da dong gop.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following Cau hoi 153-154 (le c~p (len quang cao
advertisement. sau (fay.
Green Forest... we care about your lawn Green Forest (Rirng Xanh) ... chung toi
Green Forest specializes in friendly setvice chan soc co
at an affordable rate. Our services include Green Forest chuyen vg dich Vl). ti~n l<;Yi vm

basic lawn mowing, custom landscaping, gia ca phai chang. Dich Vl). cua chimg t6i bao
garden design, and general maintenance. g6m c~t co co bfm, chinh sua dmh quan,

Here are just a few of the jobs we can do for thigt kg san vuem, va bao hi chtmg. Day chi
you: la mot vai hong s6 nhiing cong vi~c chimg

• Monthly Mowing: Organize toi c6 thg lam cho cac b<;m:
someone from Green Forest to mow yom - C~t co himg thing: s~p xgp mot nguoi tir
lawn once a month. Green Forest c~t co moi thtmg 1lin.
-Custom Landscapes: For anyone who Chlnh sua canh quang: danh. cho b~t cu

needs a little help designing their dream ai dn S\1' ho h<;r thigt kg canh quang nhu

can help you choose which flowers and

n·ees to buy, and where to plant them.
landscape. Our 1)rofessional staff (154) hong mo cua minh. Dqi ngii nhan vien
chuyen nghi~l) clia chimg toi c6 thg
giup b<;tn chQn hoa va cay dg mua, va noi
-Garden Design: For expetienced gardeners dg n·6ng thich h<;rp.
who want to learn more about the science - Thigt kg vuon: danh cho nhiing ngum
of creating a successful garden. lam vuon c6 kinh nghi~m mu6n tim
- General Maintenance: For people who higu them Vg khoa hQC CUa vi~c t<;l-O ra

already have a garden, or landscape design, mQt khu vuon thanh. cong.
but who need a little help maintaining it. - Bao duong chtmg: danh cho nhfrng
Green Forest is a small family-run (154) nguoi da c6 mot khu vuon, hay thigt kg
business with over fifteen years of canh quan, nhung nhiing nguoi cin mot

experience. In addition to providing great chut giup do duy hi n6.

setvice, Green Forest also uses only the Forest Green la mqt hq kinh doanh dinh
best tools, (154) so you can be sme that nho voi hon muoi lfun nam kinh nghi~m .

yom lawn is in safe hands with us. Call Ngoai vi~c ctmg c~p dich V\1 t6t nh~t,

today and recetve a free lawn care Green Forest cGng chi su dl).flg nhfrng
consultation. cong CI;J tat nh~t, vi vay b<;tn c6 thg cMc
chk rfuig bai co cua b(ln an toan hong tay
chimg toi. GQi ngay hom nay va nhan du<;rc
tu vfin cham soc co mien phi
153. What kind of service is being offered? 153. Nhiing lo<;ti dich V\1 dang du<;rc ctmg
(A) Home cleaning c~p?
(B) Real estate consultations (A) v~ sinh nh.a
(C) Home appliance repairs (B) Tu vk b~t dong s{m

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

(D) Lawn care (C) Slia chua thiet bi gia dinh

154. Which 1s NOT one of the (D) Cham soc co
characteristics mentioned? 154. D~c digm nao la mot trong nhting <Ute
(A) Family-operated business digm da khong duqc d@cap d@n?
(B) Excellent equipment (A) Kinh doanh ¢ing gia dinh

(C) Professional crew (B) Tlu@t bi tuy~t vm
(D) Fast service (C) Doi ngii chuyen nghi~p

(D) D'ch v~;~ nhanh chong
Questions 155-156 refer to the following Cau hoi 155-156 (le c~1• (len (lang tuyen

job 1•osting. sau
Join the ITS Environmental Research Tham gia vao nhom nghien ctlu moi
T earn truimg ITS
Duties: Are you interested in research on Nhi~m v1;1: B<;~-n c6 mu6n nghien cl:ru v@ tac

the impact of carbon emissions on the dong cua lu<;rng khi thfu carbon vao moi

opportunity for you. Re1lorting to the

Environmental Section Director (1 55),
environment? If so, we have a challenging truong? N@u vay, chimg ta c6 mot co hoi thu
thach cho b<;tn. Bao cao vOi Giam dac llhl;l
trach moi truimg, b<;tn se lap k@ho<;~-ch va
you will plan and implement Regional tlwc lu~n cac d\1' an Danh gia moi tmong
Environmental Assessment Projects with a khu V\l'C voi S\1' nhln m<;lnh <Ute bi~t v@ danh
particular emphasis on evaluating the gia tac dong cua luqng khi thai carbon toim
impact of current global carbon emissions ciu hi~n nay tren cac M sinh thai . B~n cling

on ecosystems. You will also 1•rovide se cung cill cac ttr vin khoa hqc cho cac
scientific advice to engineers, biologists, kY SU', cac nha sinh hqc, va ky thu~t vien
and technicians on Environmental tren Giiy 1•he1• quan ly moi truimg.( 155)
Management Permits.(! 55) Tdnh do chuyen mon: kY nang phan tich va

Qualifications: Strong analytical and ki nang giao ti@p s~c sao. Vng vien du di@u
interpersonal skills. Qualified applicants ki~n phai c6 b~ng cu nhan v@ sinh hQc, khoa
will have a Bachelor's degree in biology or hQC moi truong va hai nam kinh nghi ~m .

environmental SCiences and two years' Xin vui long gm h6 SO xi.n vi~c Va thu xi.n
vi~c d@n bo phan quan ly nhiin S\1' cua chimg

related expen ence. Please send your

resume and cover letter to our Personnel toi, Sharon Risby, t<;li .
Manager, Sharon Risby, at N~u b~n muan tim hi~u them ve v' tri, vui If you want to learn long truy c~1• trang web ctia chong toi t~i
more about the position, 1llease visit our
website at 156)
155. What is one of the duties of this 155. Mot trong nhfrng nhi ~m V\1 cua vi td
position? nay la gi?

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on th i hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

(A) To advise t)rofessionals in other (A) Tham mU'u cho cac chuyen gia trong
industries nganh cong nghi~l) khac
(B) To conduct research on fuel- (B) D~ tign himh nghien cliu t:ren nhfrng
efficient cars chigc xe tigt ki~rn nhien li~u
(C) To devise waste management (C) D~ dua ra cac chign luqc qmin ly ch~t

strategies thai
(D) To write reports about endangered (D) D~ vigt bao cao vg cac loai bide dQa

spectes 156. Lam thg nao mot ngum co th~ tim hi~u
156. How can someone find out more them vg vi tri?

about the position? (A) GQi Sharon Risby
(A) Call Sharon Risby (B) Ki~m tra cac trang web
(B) Check the website (C) E-mail nguoi quan ly klm V\IC
(C) E-mail the regional manager (D) Lien h~ v6i Giarn d6c rn1,1c

(D) Contact the Section Director

To: Barbara
Questions 157-159 refer to the following Cau hoi 157-159 •le c~1) •len email sau.
Barbara Clemons
<babs2 7 @funrnail. corn>
<babs27@funrnail.corn> Tu: Susan Poletti
From: Susan Poletti <spoletti@fineclothes.corn>
<spoletti@fineclothes. corn> Ngay: 16 Thtmg 1
Date: Janumy 16 Chu dg: E-mail nllan vien

Subject: Employee E-mail Thua ba Clemons,

Dem· Ms. Clemons, Cam on e-mail CUa ba vg cac dich V\1 rna ba
Thank you for your kind e-mail regarding duqc tu mot trong nhti:ng nhan vien cua
the setvice you received from one of our chUn.g t6i. Mot ban sao cua e-mail cua b<;~n

employees. A copy of your e-mail has been da duqc chuy~n cho Phong Nhan S\I va se
fmwarded to the Personnel Department and duqc kern trong h6 so cua ngum lao dong.
will be included in the employee's file. Higrn khi rna mot khach hang co thai gian

It is SO rare that a CUStomer takes the time d~ bay to S\I dcinh gia Vg cac djch Vl,l CUa

to express her appreciation of our setvice. chUn.g toi. Trong th\Ic tg, toi da rM xuc dong
In fact, I was so touched by your action that bm hanh dong cua ba rna toi cam thly rnu6n
I feel inclined to rewm·d you. thuCm.g cho ba.
Please accept the enclosed vouch~ (I 58) Hay nh~ chlfng tir kern theo, khi co chilng
which, when presented, will entitle the nh~n nay ba se duqc giam gia rnuoi phfui
bearer to a ten percent discount on any tram tren b~t k)r hang hoa trong clia hang
merchandise in our store. cua chUn.g toi .
This is but a small token of our Day chi Ia bi~u hi~n nho Sl! cam kich cua
a1)1neciation of customers like you. (157) chong toi vOi khach hang nhU' ba. Thanh

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

Om company's success depends on yow- cong cua cong ty chimg toi phl,l thuoc vito S\I
satisfaction, and with yom supp01t We will hai long CUa ba, Va vffi S\I ho tr<;Y CUa ba,
continue to grow and prosper m this chling toi se tigp tl,lc phat tri~n va thinh
competitive marketplace. vuqng trong thi tmemg c<;~-nh tranh nay.
Again, on behalf of eve1yone at Fine Mot l~n nfra, thay m~t cho t~t ca mQi nguoi

Clothes, thank you for your praise. t(li Fine Clothes, cam an b<;tn da khen ngqi.
Susan Poletti Susan Poletti

Director, Customer Services (159) Giam d6c, Dich V\1 khach hang
157. What is the pmpose of the e-mail? 157. M1,1c dich cua e-mailla gi?

(A) To ex1)ress gratitude to the customer (A) D~ bay to long tri an •l~n khach hang
(B) To answer the customer 's question (B) D~ tra lm cau hoi cua khach hang
(C) To praise the employee for his se1v ice (C) D~ ca ngqi cac nhan vien ph1,1c v1,1
(D) To request a file fi:om an employee (D) Yeu c~u mot tap tin tir mot nhan vien

158. What is included in the e-mail? 158. Nhfrng gi trong cac e-mail?
(A) A letter of recommendation
(B) A gift certificate to the store
(C) An invoice for the service charge
tic (A) Mot la thu gioi thi~u
(B) Phi~u t~ng qua ctia cfra hang
(C) Mot h6a don cho cac phi dich V\1
(D) A copy of the order form (D) Mot ban sao cua mau dan d~t himg
159. What can be infen ed about Susan 159. Nhfrng gi c6 th~ duqc suy ra v~ Susan
Poletti? Poletti?
(A) She has met with Barbara Clemons (A) Co da g~p Barbara Clemons tmoc.

before. (B) Co lam vi~c trong bQ 1)h~n Djch v~:~

(B) She works in the Customer Services khach hang.
de1)artment. (C) Co duqc thue g~n day.
(C) She was hired recently. (D) Co da di tren mot chuygn di kinh doanh

(D) She went on a business hip last week. tu~n huoc

Questions 160-162 refer to the following information.

Time Day One Day Two

8:15- Starting an E-Business
10:00 (also available online) Designing
a Functional Website Mastering Internet Technology
Choosing an Internet Provider
Understanding Search

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on th i hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach nay vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

10:30- Online Advertising Outsourcing Online

12:00 (also available online) The Advantages of Hiring
Writing Sales COI)Y for theWeb Freelancers How to Find a
Marketing your Product Online Freelancer

12:00- Lunch
1:15-2:45 Shi1)1ling Products (also

availa ble online) (161) How to
Kee1)ing Track of Finances Create a Sim1lle Online Order
Basic Rules of Accounting Form How to Minimize

Im1)ortant Tax Laws Shil)l)ing Problems
2:45-3:15 Coffee Break

business Owners
3:15-4:45 A dvice from Successful E-Conclusion
This I)Ortion of the seminar
Mark Henrich, President of IPhas not been determined.
Media Online Contact Brent S1nites, Event
Linda Orlick, co-founder ot Coordinator, for more
Intelligent Designs, an online information.

web design company George

Tulane, author of "E-Busines~
andY ou"(162)

Notes: dQc noi dung se thay cite tir: online, E. business va Web= lntemet chu yeu duqc
neu trong bu&i hoi thao nen du co so dg chQn 160 c

160. What subject will mainly be covered 160. Chu d§ gi se chu ygu duqc neu trong
in the seminar? bu&i hoi thao?
(A) W1iting effective advertisements (A) Vigt quang cao ~n tuqng
(B) Creating a strong marketing (B) T;;to ra mot chign dich tigp thi m:;~nh me
campa1gn (C) Phat tri~n mqt doanh nghi~l) sir th,mg
(C) DeveiOI)ing a business using the Internet
Internet (D) Nang cao chign luqc quan h~ khach
(D) Improving customer relation himg

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

16 1. What is TRUE about the Shipping 161. Cai gi DUNG ve hoi thao San ph~m
Products seminar? van chuygn?
(A) It explains how to create a product (A) N 6 giai thich lam thg nao dg t<;to ra mot
database. CCJ SO dfr li~u san ph~m.
(B) It ts also offered through the (B) No ciing (lU'Q'C cung ciJl thong qua

Internet. Internet.
(C) It is organized by Brent Sptites. (C) Du<;rc t6 chuc boi Brent Sptites.

(D) It takes place after the coffee break (D) N6 dien ra sau khi nghl giai lao
162. Who is George Tulane? 162. George Tulane la ai?

(A) A Jmblished writer (A) M~t nha van da xui t bim
(B) The founder of IP Media Online (B) Cac sang lap Truygn thong tnrc tuygn IP
(C) A successful e-business accountant (C) Mot kg toan thuang m<;ti di~n tu thanh
(D) The Event Coordinator cong

(D) Digu ph6i vi en t6 chu c sv ki~n

Dear Mr. Jorgensen,
Questions 163-164 refer to the following Cau hoi 163-164 'te c~ll 'ten trong thU' sau.
Thua ong Jorgensen,
Chimg toi d.t xin loi khi bigt r~ng ong da gi;ip
We are son y to hear that you have been vk dg voi may tinh dg bim Okawa moi.
expen encmg problems with your new Trong khi chim.g toi thuemg yeu c~u khach
Okawa desktop computer. While we hang cua chim.g toi lien h~ voi nha cung d p
usually require our customers to contact clich Vl,l Okawa trong tmong hqp c6 v~n dg,

their Okawa setv ice provider in the event of chim.g toi nhan ra r~ng, trong tmemg h<;rp cua
a problem , we recognize that, in your case, ong, digu nay la khong thg, vi ong dang s6ng
this would be impossible, since you are 6 nuoc ngoai. Vi vay, ngu ong d n than se
currently living abroad (1 63). Therefore, g6i trong thimg Catton ban d~u cua n6 va glri

if you will carefully package the unit in its cho chimg toi, cac chuyen gia Okawa se
miginal catton and send it to us, our Okawa kigm tra n6 kY luang dg xac dinh ngu6n g6c
experts will examme it thoroughly to cua v~n dg.

detetmine the source of the problem . Ngu x~t hi~n cac v~n dg doi hoi mot vai
digu chlnh nho, chimg toi se thvc hi~n cac

If it tmns out that the problem requires a

few minor adjustments, we will make the sua chua d n thigt va dua dgn cho ong trong
necessru·y repairs and retmn the computer vong ba muai ngay. Ngu chUn.g toi xac dinh
to you within thitty days. If we determine r~ng cac ph\1 timg c6 lm hong, chimg toi se
that the unit is defective, we will send you glri d6 thay thg cho ong ngay lap me. Hay
an immediate replacement. Please nha IU'u trfr tit ca cac t~Jl tin ~uan trqng
remember to remove all imllortant files tir A,r.a clfng cua b~n d~ 'tam bao r~ng
from your hard drive to ensure that you b~n khong bj mit chong trong trU'img
hQ'Il sifa chfra (lU'Q'C thl!c hi~n.

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on th i hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

do not lose them in the event that re1)airs Mot Ian nfra, toi xin loi vi ong da chj.u bat
are made.(164) ti~ n
nay va dun on ong da mua may tinh
Again, I am sony that you expe1ienced this Okawa.
inconvenience and thank you for Tran trong,
purchasing an Okawa computer. Bo ph~ djch V\1 Harold Plume

Harold Plume Service Department

163. Why didn' t Mr. Jorgensen take the 163. T<;ti sao ong Jorgensen khong dua may
computer to a service center? tinh dgn mot hung tam djch Vl)?

(A) He works during its operating hours. (A) Ong lam vi~c trong gio hanh chinh.
(B) He is unsure of the center's location. (B) Ong la khong chlc ch~n vg vi tri cua
(C) He is living outside the country trung tam.
now. (C) Ong (fang sang ir nucrc ngoai.

(D) He prefers to deal with the head (D) Anh ~y mubn giai quygt tll)'c tigp vm t11,1
office directly. tic
164. What is NOT one of the actions the
company offers to take?
so chinh han.
164. Gi KHONG la mot trong nhfrng hanh
dong rna cong ty phai lam?
(A) Repair the computer (A) Sua chfra may tinh
(B) Replace the unit (B) Thay thg thigt bi
(C) Retum the item in a month (C) Tra l<;ti hang u·ong mot thang
(D) Restore lost com1mter files (D) Khoi l)ht;~c cac t~1) tin may tinh bj m~t

~: t~1) tin khong th~ khoi l)ht;~c khi

ti~n hanh sfra sfra, nen l)hai IU'U trti ben
ngoai may tinh.
Questions 165-168 refer to the following Cau hoi 165-168 'te c~1) trong thong bao

notice. sau.

The National Wildlife Se1vice at Mt. Dich V\1 dong vat hoang da qubc gia t<;ti Mt.

Andover National Wildlife Refuge Andover National Wildlife Refuge thong


announces the op1)0rtunity for a bao cO' hqi cho mqt hc;rp 'tong kinh doanh
recreational business contract (165) for giai tri cho cac co so Snake Creek. Mot co
the Snake Creek facility. An oppmtunity hoi nhu thg nay khong dgn thuong xuyen, va
like this doesn't come often, and it is no hoan hao cho b~t cu ai quan tam dgn vi~c
perfect for anyone who is interested in mo mQt doanh nghi~p gifu tii va dong gop
operung a recreational business and tich C\IC dbi voi moi tiuong w
nhien. HQp
contributing positively to the natural d6ng nay lien quan dgn vi~c cho thue tau,
environment. This conu·act involves boat cho thue xe d<;tp, cho thue ca no, cho thue dia
digm dm tr<;ti, va btm hang thigt bi.

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

rentals, bike rentals, canoe rentals, H().n ch6t cho vi~c nop don cho cac hop dong
campsite rentals, and equipment sales. kinh doanh la thu 5 ngay 16 thing 3, h.1c
The closing date for the submission of 5:00 chigu. Cac ben quan tam co th~ tham
applications for the business contract is gia mQt tour du ljch hucmg din mQt l~n
Thursday, March 16, at 5:00 p.m. va tham dl;l' mQt buAi hoi-dal) v~ cac CO' sa

Interested 1)arties can take a one-time vui chO'i giai tri vao thlf tU' 23 thang 2. ug
guided tour (166) and attend a question- lam cho cuoc hQp dien ra hi~u qua han,

and-answer session about the chimg toi khuyen b().n nen xern l().i thong tin
recreational facility on Wednesday, ca nhan n·en trang web clia chimg toi

February 23. To make the meeting tun (www.rntandover.corn) va vigt ra mot danh
more efficiently, we recommend that you sach cac cau hoi rna b().n c6 th~ rnu6n hoi t().i
personally review the infonnation on our phien hQp. Xin vui long e-mail cac cau hoi
website (www. rntandover.corn) and wtite rna b().ll vigt cho Qutm ly cong vien, Joe

down a list of questions that you might Yosemite, tc;~i jyosernite@rntandover.corn.

questions that you wtite down to the

Refuge Manager, Joe Yosemite, at
want to ask at the session. Please e-mail the Cac cau hoi duc;rc nh~n truac ngay 10
thang 2, do (to, mQt bang cac cau hoi va
cau tra liri co th~ (}U'q'C cung d1) cho t~t
jyosernite@rntandover.corn. Questions ca cac ben. B~n se nh~n (hfq'C bang nay
must be received by February 10, so that vao hie b~~u 1)hien hoi-dal)·
a transcri1)t ofthe questions and answers Ngoai ra, vi thai tigt trong cong vi en khong
can be made available to all1)arties. You thg doan b.uoc va chimg ta c6 th~ di bo qua

will receive this transcript at the start of mot s6 dia hinh kha higrn tr&, nhfrng nguoi
the question-and-answer session (167) tharn gia da dUQC yeu du mang ung leo nui
Also, since the weather in the park is va quan ao ~m cho cac tour du lich, se b~t
unpredictable and we may be walking over d~u vao khoang 3 gio chigu va keo dai

some pretty rocky teu ain, participants ate khoang hai gio. ug bigt them thong tin vg co
asked to wear hiking boots and warm hoi nay, xin vui long lien h~ vm Michelle
clothing (168) for the tour, which will start Vance, Qmin ly vuon dong vat hoang da

at approximately 3 p.m. and last about two qu6c gia, tc;~i s6 1-236-547-9875.

hours. For futt her infmm ation regarding

this oppmtunity, please contact Michelle
Vance, Manager of the National Wildlife
Setvice, at 1-236-547-9875.
165. What is the purpose of the notice? 165. Ml;lC dich cua thong bao la gi?
(A) To announce the operung of a (A) D~ thong bao vi~c rna mot cong vien
national park quoc gia
(B) To advett ise an opening for a guide
in the National Wildlife Service

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach nay vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

(C) To inform 1)e01de about a business (B) £)g qu{mg cao mim khai m(;tc cho mot
OI)I)Ortunity at Mt. Andover huang dan vien t:rong Dich V\1 donh vat
(D) To recnrit maintenance workers for hoang da Qu6c gia
the Snake Creek facility (C) D~ thong bao cho mc;»i ngU"iri v~ mQt
166. What will some people probably do CO' hQi kinh doanh t~i Mt. Andover

on February 23? (D) Tuygn d\lflg nhan vien bao t:ri cho cac co
(A) Tour the park so r~n Creek

(B) Submit a proposal 166. Digu gi mot s6 nguoi c6 thg lam vao
(C) Meet with the Manager ngay 23?

(D) Sign the contract (A) Tham quan cong vien
167. According to the notice, what will (B) Gm mot dg nghi
participants most likely recetve at the (C) G~p go voi Qu{m ly
meeting? (D) Ky hQp d6ng

(A) Free hiking equipment 167. Theo thong bao, nhilng nguoi tham
A summaty of the questions and

Advice on safety procedures

tic gia se nh~n duqc gi t()i cuoc hQp?
(A) thigt hi leo nUi mien phi
(B) MQt ban tom t~t cac cau hoi va cau tra
(D) A free pass to enter the park liri
168. What should participants remember (C) Tu vilil vg thu tl)c an toim
to bring to the meeting? (D) Vao cong vien mien phi
(A) A list of their most recent 168. Nhilng nguoi tham gia nen nh6 dg

accomplishments mang dgn cho cuoc hQp?

(B) Some examples of their best work (A) Mot danh sach cac thanh t1,m g~n day
(C) The appropriate clothes for the 11lillt CUa hQ
weather (B) Mot s6 vi d\1 vg cong vi~c t6t 11lillt cua

(D) The matetials to complete the hQ

project (C) Cac quin ao thich hf!l) vOi thiri ti~t
(D) Cac vat li~u dg hoim thanh d\I an

Questions 169-172 refer to the following Cau hoi 169-1 72duqc de cap trong thu sau.

Dear Mr. Ritter, Thua ong Ritter,
Your account with The Professional's T ai khoan cua ong vOi Professional's
Closet has been a1)proved for credit. Closet (ta (tuc;rc ch~l) thu~n b~ng tin d~;~ng.
(169) We would like to infmm you that Chling toi mu6n thong bao cho ong r~ng s6
your account number is 987-6589-9874. tai khoan cua b(;tn la 987-6589-9874. Hay
Please inform your personnel to be sure to thong bao cho nhan vien cua ong dg ch~c
include this account number on any cMn bao g6m s6 tai khoan nay t:rong bit kY
documents and conespondence directed to tai li~u va thu tir tn,rc tigp dgn Professional's

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

The Professional's Closet. We welcome Closet. Chimg toi chao don khach himg va
you to Our family of customers and hope hy VQng rfug b<;tn Se hai long Vffi dich Vl) <$c
that you will be satisfied with our bi~t cua cong ty chUn.g toi.
company's exceptional se1vice. Nhu each chimg ta n6i dun on ong vg vi~c
As our way of saying thank you for opening rno tai khoan rnm, chUn.g toi dang cung c~p

your new account with us, we are offeiing giarn gia mum phfin tram tren t~t ca cac
you a ten percent discount on all CO()Y lo~i gi~y ()hO to va t~() (}~t hang trong

()a()er and notebooks (170) ordered in the thang bay. Nhu da neu trong cac digu khoan
month of July. As stated in the te1ms and va digu ki~n tai khoan v&i Professional's

conditions of your account with The Closet, b~n se tim th~y trong cac thoa thu~
Professional's Closet, which you will find hQp d6ng kern theo, b~n ciing (}U'C!C giam
in the enclosed contract agreement, you are gia hai mU'oi ()h~n tram tren don hang
also entitled to a twenty ()ercent discount (}~u tien cua b~n la $ 500 ho~c han.

on your first order (171) of$500 or more. Ngu b~n c6 b~t kY cau hoi lien quan dgn
If you have any questions regarding our
credit policy, please contact Jill Bunt, our
Credit Manager, who will be more than
chinh sach tin d\lfig clia chimg toi, xin vui
long lien M v&i Jill Bunt, quan ly tin dl)ng
cua chimg toi, ong ~y se han h~nh thao lu~
happy to discuss your account with you. vg tai khoan vm b<;~-n. Ngoai ra, ngu b~n
Additionally, if you would like to take moan t~n d~;~ng lc;ri th~ cua h~ thang 0,
advantage of our automatic monthly (}qng d~t hang hang thang cua chong toi,
order system (172), please call Howard xin vui long gQi Howard Hale, Giarn sat ban

Hale, the Sales Supe1visor. hang.

We will be looking forward to your orders Chimg toi se rnong dqi cac don d~t hang cua
and to the opportunity of serving you. b~n dg c6 co hoi ph\lc V\1 b<;~-n.
Sincerely, Tran trQng,

Jermifer Teller Jermifer Teller

Director, The Professional's Closet Giarn d6c, Professional's Closet
169. Why did Jennifer Teller w1ite this 169. T <;li sao Jennifer Teller viet thu nay?

letter? (A) £)g tim higu vg rnQt tai khoan qua h<;Ln
(B) u g quang cao ban 1 kho <$c bi~t

(A) To mquue about a delinquent

account (C) D~ ch~p nh~n mqt giao djch kinh
(B) To adve1tise a special storewide sale doanh
(C) To acce()t a business transaction (D) ug n6i vg mot chinh sach giao hang
(D) To talk about a delivery policy 170. Lo<;~-i sanphfun Closet's Professional c6
170. What type of product does The thg ban?
Professional's Closet probably sell? (A) qufin ao chuyen d\lfig
(A) Professional clothing (B) Van ()h(mg ()him
(B) Office SU()plies (C) Ph~n rngrn may tinh

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

(C) Computer software (D) Tu van dau tu

(D) Investment advice 17 1Mot m~nh d@ ghi trong cac di@u khoan
17 1. What is one clause Wlitten in the va di@u ki~n CUa Professional's Closet la gi?
tetms and conditions of Professional's (A) Ong Ritter co th~ (lU'f!C ghim gia a
Closet? chuy~n hang (t~u tien.

(A) Mr. Ritter can get a discount on (B) Cac khach hang phfu tra tit cii cac chi
the first 1mrchase. phi giao himg.

(B) The customer must pay all delivety (C) Ti t ca cac san phlm c6 bao hanh mot
fees. nam.

(C) All products have a one-year (D) Cac kho{m thanh toan vao cu6i thang.
wananty. 172. T <;~i sao ong Ritter lien M v61 Howard
(D) Payments are due at the end of the Hale?
month. (A) Yeu d.u thong tin v@ hop d6ng

172. Why would Mr. Ritter contact (B) £)g thay d6i cac phuong thuc thanh to an
Howard Hale? tic (C) u g thao lu~n v@ cac chi tigt cua d\I an
(A) To request infonnation about the (D) TA chuc cac chuy~n hang thU'ang
contract xuyen
(B) To change the method of payment
(C) To discuss the details of the project
(D) To organize regular ~1)ments
Questions 173-175 refer to the following Cau hoi 173-175 (lU'c;rc (te c~p trong (l00;1n

excer1)t from an article. trich sau (fay tir mQt bai bao.
Think Like a Cham1lion Hay suy nghi nhU' mQt nha vo (t,ch
By Dennis Flatmeyer Bm Dennis Flatmeyer
What secret power do professional athletes C6 sue m<;~nh bi mat gi ma van dong vien

and 0 1ympians possess that enables them to chuyen nghi~p va v~n dong vien 0 1ympic c6
perform under pressure? Well, the answer, duoc cho phep hQ tdnh dien dum ap llJc?
according to psychologists and athletic Vang, cau tra lm, theo cac nha tam ly va

trainers, is in the brain. hu5.n luy~n vien thg thao, la trong nao.
Trong nhi@u nam qua, cac v~n dong vien va

For years, athletes and coaches alike

believed that athletic skill and physical hu5.n luy~n vi en tin r5ng ky nang thg thao va
training were the two most important hu5.n luy~n thg chi t la hai ygu t6 quan trQng
factors detennining competitive success. nhlt quygt dinh S\I thanh cong mang tinh
Recent evidence, however, suggests that c<;~-nh tranh.
mental training is actually more critical Tuy nhien b~ng chung gan day, cho rang
than athletic abilicy. (1 73) Thus, while hu~n luy~n tinh th~n thl!c s., Ia quan
you may not have been bom a champion trqng bon so vai na ng khi~u th~ thao. Nhu
golfer, you can certainly train yourself to vay, b<;tn CO thg khong dUQC sinh ra lam mot

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

become one by employing the proper tay golf vo dich, bl;ln c6 thg chac chan tv
mental training. hukn luy~n dg tro thanh mot bkg each su
Take for example, the four-time Olympic d1;111g cac huk 1uy~n tinh thln dimg d~n.
gold medal winner in the 200-rneter dash,L~y vi d1,1, b6n lk dol;lt huy chucmg vang
Paul Fisher. Paul was born with a rare Olympic cuoc dua 200m, Paul Fisher. Paul

neuromuscular disease that prevented him da dm;rc sinh ra v6i mot can b~nh thk kinh
co hi@rn hoi ngan can anh phat trign binh
from growing normally. Fie spent the first

thuemg. Fie trai qua niirn niirn d~u tien cua
five years of his life in a hospital bed, and
doctors told his par ents that he would cuoc d6i rninh tren chi@c giuemg b~nh vi~n,

probably have to use a wheelchair all hisva cac bac si bao cha rn~ anh r~ng anh c6 thg
life. Then, in 1988, while watching the se phfu su d1;111g xe liin su6t doi. Sau d6, vao
Seoul Olymt)ics from his host)ital bed, nam 1988, trong khi xem Olymt)ic Seoul
(1 74) Paul decided that he would one daytir giuirng b~nh ctia minh, Paul da quy@t

be an Olympic nmner. dinh r~ng se c6 mot ngay la rnQt v~n dong

was standing on the Olympic podium,

wearing a gold medal around his neck.
Twelve years later, in Sydney, Paul Fisher
vien chl;ly dua Olympic.
Muoi hai niirn sau, tl;li Sydney, Paul Fisher
dling tren b1,1c Olympic, deo chi@c huy
When asked about his incredible victory, chucmg vang quanh c6. Khi dm;rc hoi vg
chi@n th~ng dang kinh ngl;lc cua rninh, Paul
Paul said, " It was easy, once I made up my
mind to do it. " n6i, "That la de dang, mot khi t6i da quy@t
At Haverford University, f)sychologists tarn dg lam digu d6."

monitored ten athletes who were each T~i D~i hqc Haverford, nha tam ly hqc
given the exact same physical training theo doi muiri v~n dqng vien da tirng (}U'a
schedule.(l75) However, five athletes ra ljch trinh (tao t~o v~t ly chinh xac. Tuy
nhien, niirn v~n dong vien cfing da dm;rc dua
were also given a mental training schedule,

where they practiced meditating and usingra mot lich trinh hufin luy~n tinh th5n, noi hQ
thvc hanh thign dinh va su d1;111g cac kY thuat
positive thinking techniques. What did the
University discover? The five athletes who
tu duy tich eve. Dl;li hQc da kharn pha ra

prepared mentally and nhiing gi? Nam v~n dong vien chuful bi tinh
thk va thg ch~t thvc hi~n t6t hon gk bay

performed nearly seventy percent better

than the other five athletes! rnuoi ph5n tram so v6i narn v~n dong vien
173. What does the article mention about 173. Bai bao de cap dieugi ve thanh tich thg
athletic performance? thao?
(A) It is most influenced by physical (A) N6 chiu anh huang nhigu nh~t bm dao
training. tl;LO vatly.
(B) It is greatly affected by mental (B) No bj anh huang rit nhi~u boo st;r
t)ret)aration. chuin bj tinh thin.

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on th i hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

(C) It teaches people the value of (C) N6 d<;ty con ngum gia tri clia kha nang
competitiveness. c<;tnh tranh.
(D) It lS a new field of study m (D) Day la mot linh VlJC moi CUa nghien CUu
psychology. vg tam ly hQc.
174. What is NOT hue about Paul Fisher? 174. Gi vg Paul Fisher khong dimg sv that?

(A) He is an Olympic athlete. (A) Anh iy la mot van dong vien Olympic.
(B) He suffered from a rare disease. (B) Anh da hi mot ciin b~nh hi@m g~p.

(C) He participated in the 1988 Seoul (C) Anh tham gia Th~ v~n h~i Seoul1988.
Olymt)ics. (D) Anh da gianh mot huy chuang v~mg t<;ti

(D) He won a gold medal in Sydney Sydney
175. What did Haverford University do for 175. D<;ti hQc Haverford da lam gi cho
their research? nghien cliu cua hQ?
(A) They evaluated the t)erformance (A) He:- (tanh gia hi~u suit cua cac v~n

of different athletes. (l~ng vien khac nhau.
(B) They inte1viewed cunent Olympic
They studied impmtant historical
(B) HQ ph6ng vin cac van dong vien
Olympic hi~n t~i .
(C) HQ da nghien CUu nhan vat lich sir quan
figures. trQng.
(D) They conducted online surveys of (D) HQ da ti@n hanh cac cuoc khao sat tn,rc
intemational athletes. tuy@n cua cac v~n dong vien qu6c t@.
Questions 176-180 refer to the following Cau hoi 176-180 tham khao cac (l00;1n

excert)t from a magazine. trich sau (lay tir m~t t0;11) chi.
With winter quickly approaching, I thought Miia dong dang d@n g~n, toi nghl r~ng n6 se
it would be approp1iate to devote a pmtion thich hQp dg danh mot ph~n s6 bao thtmg 11
of November 's issue to discussing how d~ thao lu~n v~ anh hucmg (l~n tam tri va

winter affects our minds and bodies, and cO' th~ chong ta nhu th~ nao, va lam th~
how we can cot)e with the shorter, colder, nao chong ta co th~ (tai t)ho vOi nhfrng
and darker days. (1 76) ngay tai, IO;lnh va ng~n hon.

An article published in the Joumal of Mot bai bao duqc cong b6 u·en t<;tp chi

Medicine revealed that 3 out of every 5 Journal of Medicine cho thiy 3 tren 5 ngum
people in the country are affected by dan u·ong nuoc dang hi anh huang hOi mila
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Affective Disorder (SAD). T1i ~u chUn.g
Common symptoms include lack of thuemg g~p bao g6m thi~u nang luc;mg, gia
energy, increased need for sleet), mood tang nhu c~u ngii, thay d&i tam tr0;1ng, va
swing~ and det)ression. (177) tram cam.
This winter is going to be the coldest in ten Mila dong nay se l~nh nhlt trong muoi nam
years. The good news is that a number of nay. Bang thai S\1' dang tin cho bi@t mot s6
scientists and psychologists have nha khoa hQC va tam ly hQC da phat Uign cac

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

developed interesting and effective bi~n phap thu vi va hi~u qua d~ giup do
remedies to help those affected by SAD nhfrng nguci bi anh huCm.g boi SAD thoat
escape (1 78) the ailment that leaves them can b~nh rna lam cho hQ mu6n bo len
wanting to crawl into bed, bmy themselves giuemg, vUi minh trong chan, va ngU. dong
under the blankets, and hibernate until dgn mua xuan. Trong v~n dg nay, chling toi

spting. In this issue, we have included three da dang ba bai bao khac nhau dg thao lu~n
different atticles which discuss SAD and vg SAD va cung c~p cac gifu phap hfru ich

provide helpful solutions for preventing it. dg ngan c~n n6.
On page 13, in an ru·ticle entitled "Staying Tren trang 13, trong mot bai bao c6 tl,ra dg

Creative and Productive this Winter," Dr. "Duy tri va sang t(),o ra san ph§rn mua dong
Leonru·d O'Reilly, a 1)sychologist who has nay," Tign si Leonard O'Reilly, mqt nha
been studying SAD for the last ten years, tam ly hqc da nghien clfu SAD trong
(1 79) discusses how high-intensity muiri nam qua, thao l~n lam th~ nao

artificial light, (180) which simulates the nang cao CU'Ong (fQ anh sang nhan t~O , mo
longer days of summer, can help peopletic phong nhfrng ngay dai cua mua he, c6 th~
reduce the effects of SAD this winter. Dr. giup nguoi dan giam bot nhfrng anh huang
0' Reilly even designed a lamp that you cua SAD trong mua dong nay. Tign si 0
can put beside yom bed. 'Reilly ~m chi thigt kg mot chigc den rna
You' ll find a second remedy to SAD on b~;~n c6 th~ d~t ben c~;~nh giuemg.
page 23, in an atticle called "Sleeping B~;~n se tim thly mot phuong thu6c thu hai
through SAD." The atticle featmes a cho SAD tren trang 23, trong mot bai vigt

discussion about SAD with Dr. Lamen gQi la "ngu qua SAD." Bai bao c6 cuoc thao
Scott, a researcher at Hedtick University in 1u~n vg SAD voi Tign si Lamen Scott, mot
Getmany. Finally, on page 34, you'll leam nha nghien ctiu t(),i D().i hQc Hedtick 6 Due.
how Dr. Livingston and Dr. Sue Tao of the Cu6i cling, 6 trang 34, b().ll se hQc each Tign

National Psychiatric Institute discovered si Livingston va Tign si Sue Tao cua Vi~n
that cognitive behavioral therapy, a fmm of Tfun thfin Qu6c gia da phat hi~n ra rfug li~u
psychological therapy, can stimulate brain phap hanh vi nmn thuc, mot hinh thuc tri

activity and increase energy levels. li~u tam ly, c6 thg kich thich ho().t dong cua

nao va tang muc nang luQng.

176. What will November 's ISSUe be 176. S6 bao thang mum mot chu ygu lit Vg
mainly about? vfin dg gi?
(A) How to stay healthy during winter (A) Lam th~ nao d~ gifr me khoe trong
(B) How to improve your diet mila (tong
(C) How to change yom sleep habits (B) Lam thg nao d~ cai thi~n chg do an u6ng
(D) How to recover fi:om insomnia cua b(),n
(C) Lam thg nao dg thay d6i th6i quen ngU.
cua b(),n

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

177. What is NOT a conunon symptom (D) Uun the niw dS ph\lc hoi tir chUn.g mat
of SAD? ngli
(A) Lack of energy 177. Mot ni~u chUn.g KHONG ph& bign cua
(B) Increased sleep SAD la gi?
(C) Decreased a))))etite (A) Thigu nang Iuong

(D) Feeling depressed (B) Ngli nhigu
178. The word "escape" in paragraph 3, (C) Giam S1:f them an

line 3, is closest in meaning to (D) Cam giac chan rum
(A) make 178. Tir "escape" t<;~i do(tn 3, dong 3, y nghla

(B) follow g§n nh~t voi
(C) ren·eat (A) lam
(D) avoid (B) theo
179. What can be inferred about Dr. (C) rut lui

0 'Reilly from the article? (D) tranh
He works at Hechick University.
He specializes in cognitive therapy.
He has interest in brain activity.
179. Nhfrng gi c6 thS duoc suy ra vg Tign si
O'Reilly tir cac bai bao?
(A) Ong lam vi~c t<;~i D<;~i hQc Hech-ick.
(D) He has studied SAD for a decade. (B) Ong la chuyen gia li~u phap nh~n thuc.
180. Which of the following is a remedy (C) Ong c6 quan Him dgn ho(tt dong cua nao.
for SAD mentioned in the article? (D) Ong 'ta nghien cuu SAD trong m~t
(A) Spending the winter in a wa1mer th~)) kj.

climate 180. £)igu nao sau day Ia mot phuong thu6c

(B) Eating certain foods that stimulate cho SAD da dg cap n·ong bai vigt?
metabolism (A) Danh mila dong 6 vilng khi hau ~m hon
(C) Using artificial light in your home (B) An cac lo<;~i th\l'c phim nh~t dinh c6 thS

(D) Speaking to a psychologist regularly kich thich S\1' hao d&i ch~t
(C) Sfr dt:~ng anh sang nhan t~o trong nha
cua b~n

(D) N 6i chuy~n v6i mot nha Him ly hQc


thuemg xuyen

Questions 181-185 refer to the following Cau hoi 181-1851ien quan 't~n quang cao
advertisement and letter. va thu sau.
Administrative Assistant Needed Cin Trq- ly hanh chinh
John Leon Disability Care Inc. requires an Oy ban bao n-o ngum tan tat John Leon yeu
adminisn·ative assistant to work m its ciu n·o ly hanh chinh lam vi~c t(ti van phong
cenhal Los Angeles office. The h\1 so chinh 6 Los Angeles. T& chuc chuyen
organization specializes in the field of vg IInh V\l'C cijch V\1 cham soc thuong tat cho

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

disability care services for elderly people. nguoi gift. Nguoi t:rimg tuygn se lam vi~c
The successful candidate will enJoy trong vai tro cua nhom chuyen mo!!> dm;rc
working as part of a dedicated team giao nhi~m V\1 quan tam va ho trq nguoi tim
(182), and be committed to the care and tat.
support of disabled people. Cong vi~c lien quan d~n nhi~u nhi~m v~;~

The job involves a variety of hanh chinti. Chimg se bao g6m vi~c hoan
administrative duties.(l8 1) These will chlnh h6 so, vigt thu, phan ph6i thu, Map dfr

include filing, letter writing, distributing li~u vao may tinh, pho-to va luu giir h6 so.
mail, enteting data into a computer, Ngu dn nguOi lam cong vi~c nay se duqc

photocopying and maintaining records. dao t<;to dg t<;to dg c6 thg sir d\lllg h~ th6ng
Training will be provided, if necessaty, to may tinh cua cong ty. Ung vien l)hai co
enable the job-holder to use the b~ng (t~i hqc va mqt sa kinh nghi~m trong
organization's computer system. quan li.

Al)l)licants are required to have a
university degree (182) and some
eXJ)erience in administration.
Salary will statt at $25,000, and the
tic Luong se c6 gia khm digm la 25,000 do-la
My, va nguoi duong nhi~m duqc phep nghl
incumbent is entitled to 15 paid-vacation 15 ngay moi nam.
days per year. Xin vui long dign vao h6 so dang ky, c6 thg
Please fill out the application fmm, which tfu. xu6ng tir trang web cua chimg toi, va gm
can be downloaded fi·om our website, and n6 dgn : Angie Gamer

mail it to: Angie Gamer Giam d6c, phong nhan S\1'

Director, Personnel Depattment B9 pMn gifu. quygt vi~c lam
Job Applications Oy ban bao trq nguoi tan tat John Leon Bac
John Leon Disability Care Inc. si San Antonio

San Antonio Dr. Los Angeles, Tigu bang Califomia

Los Angeles, CA u g bigt them thong tin, lien l<;tc 1)h1;1 ta nhan
For finther information, contact our Sl! cua chong toi, Adam Rye, s6 214-845-

l)ersonnel assistant, Adam Rye, (185) at 6598. Ung vien khong nop h6 so nhu yeu
c~u se khong duqc xem xet. Ngay b~t d~u

214-845-6598. Applications that are not

submitted in the form requested will not be Man h6 so: N gay lap rue Ngay hgt h~n nh~n
considered for review. Statting date for h6 so: ngay 27 thang hai
applications: Immediately Closing date for
applications: Februaty 27
124 Rodeo Ave. 124 Rodeo Ave.
Atlanta, GA 25874 404-587-3265 Atlanta, GA 25874 404-587-3265
Personnel Depattment John Leon Phong nhan S\1' Oy ban bao trq nguoi tan tat
Disability Care Inc. John Leon

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach nay vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

San Antonio Dr. Bac si San Antonio

Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, Tigu bang Califomia
Februaty Thang hai
To whom it may concern: Gmdgn nhfrng nguoi c6 lien quan :
I was extremely interested in your T oi CI;I'C kY quan tam d~n guang cao ctia

advertisement for the Administrative ong cho vj tri trc;r ly hanh chinh, xu~t ban
Assistant 110sition, which aa)t)eared in the tren tir bao Atlanta Herald.

Atlanta Herald.(183)
I am presently affiliated with a highly Toi hi~ n dang hQp tac cho mot cong ty vat

regarded ptivate medical supplies tu y tg tu nhan uy tin, va T oi djnh se nhir
company, and I allan to ask my coma)any' s Pho Chti tjch ctia cong ty, Danny
vice t)resident, Danny Bartholomew, to Bartholomew, vi~t giOi thi~u cho toi. Hon
write a reference. Furthermore. I am nfra. T oi tin tucmg r~ng anh ~y se cho ong

a)ositive that he will give you a good mqt loo ti~n eli tat 't~p.
reference.(184) tic
I have one problem though. I visited yom
organization 's website to download the
Tuy nhien Toi c6 mot vfin dg. Toi da truy
nhap vao website CUa cong ty d~ tai h6 SC1
application fmm, but for some reason, I dang k)r, nhlffig vi mot ly do nao d6, Toi
could not access the application fmm with khong thg truy cap h6 SC1 dang ky bkg may
my computer. I called yom personnel tinh cua toi. Toi gQi nhan vien cua cong ty
assistant several times yesterday and today, ho tr<;r rniy lfin tir horn qua dgn nay, nhl.ffig

but the line always seems to be busy. Let rn<;mg luon c6 ve dang ban. Vui long cho toi
me know what I should do about this bigt trong tinh hu6ng nay toi nen lam gi.
situation, please. Chan thanh bigt on ong vida danh thai gian
Thank you most sincerely for your time and xern xet.

consideration. Than ai,

Cordially, Eleanor Montgomery
Eleanor Montgorne1y

181. What position is advertised? 181. Vi tli nao duqc quang cao?
(A) Office associate (A) Nhan vien Van t)himg
(B) Medical assistant (B) N guoi ph\! ta Y tg
(C) Computer programmer (C) Lap tli nh vien may tinh
(D) Physical therapist (D) Nha vat ly tri li~u
182. What 1s NOT one of the 182. Yeu d u nao khong phai la mot trong
requirements of the job? nhUn.g yeu c~u cua cong vi~c?
(A) A bachelor's degree (A) B~ng cu nhan
(B) Comamter skills (B) Ky nang may tinh

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

(C) Relevant expe1ience (C) Kinh nghi~m co lien quan

(D) Desire to work on a team (D) Mu6n lam vi~c trong mot nh6m
183. How did Ms. Montgomery find out 183. Cach co Montgomery tim hi~u vg vi hi
about the position? cong vi~c?
(A) By looking in a newsa)at)er (A) B~ng each dqc bao

(B) By contacting the company directly (B) Bkg each lien l<;tc tnrc ti§p vm cong ty
(C) By attending the job fair (C) B~ng each tham d\l' hoi chq vi~c lam

(D) By researching on the Intem et (D) Bkg each nghien cliu tren Intemet
184. What can be implied about Mr. 184. Digu gi duqc dg cap ve ong

Bartholomew? Bartholomew?
(A) He introduced Disability Care Inc. (A) Ong iy gim thi~u Oy ban bao trq ngum
to Ms. Montgome1y. tan tat cho Ba Montgome1y.
(B) He is the Director of a medical care (B) Ong iy la giam d6c cong ty vat tu y t§.

facility. (C) Ong iy dao t<;to mQi nguoi thanh nha vat
(D) He might write a letter for Ms.
He trains people to be physical ly tri li~ u.
(D) Ong ~Y co th~ vi~t thu ti~n eli cho Ba
Montgomery's job aa)t)lication. 185. Ba Montgomery gQi ai hom qua?
185. Who did Ms. Montgomery call (A) John Leon
yesterday? (B) Angie Grun er
(A) John Leon (C) Adam Rye

(B) Angie Garner (D) Danny Bartholomew

(C) Adam Rye
(D) Danny Bartholomew
Questions 186-190 refer to the following Cau hoi 186-190 lien quan •len email va

email and itinerary. ljch trinh sau.

Dear Ms. Knight, Kinh goi ba Knight,
Thank you for giving Vacation Planners the Cam on vg vi~c da cho co hoi chimg toi len

opportunity to make your travel lich trinh chuy§n du lich cua ba toi Y. Chimg
toi tin ch~c la ba se ri t hai long vg nhiing dia

anangements for your nip to Italy. We are

confident that you will be very pleased with danh se d§n va cho an 6 chimg toi chQn cho
the destinations and accommodations we b<l.
chose for you.
Since you mentioned m your initial Vi ba dg cap trong cuoc di~n tho~i lfin d~u la
telephone call that your family (186) was gia •linh ctia ba quan tarn d§n each ni u an
interested in Italian cooking, for your stay clia Y, cho ky nghl clia ba a Rome, chong
in Rome (189), we booked a sa)ecial tour toi d~t trucrc mqt chuy~n du ljch nha hang
of an authentic Italian restaurant, where Y uy tin, nai ma mqt bft}truang nguiri Y

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

an Italian chef will teach you how to se huang dan ba chuan bj nam bU'cYC
1)re1)are a traditional five-course Italian trong bfra an truy~n thang Y. NhU' (}a
meal. As promised, we did not charge hlfa, chong toi khong tinh phi cho ho~
you for this activity. (1 87). (}Qng nay.
We recommend that you rev1ew the ChUn.g toi dg nghi ba xem xet hanh trinh

enclosed itinera1y and e-mail us kern theo va e - mail cho chUn.g toi ngay lap
inunediately, if you have any questions or t.Uc, ngu ba c6 th~c m~c gi ho~c mu6n thay

would like to make any changes. Note: a d6i lich. Luu y: L~ phi Ia $50 cho moi 15n
$50 fee will be applied to any changes you thvc hi~n thay d6i.

We look fmward to hea1ing :fi:om you and ChUn.g toi mong duqc nhan duqc tin ba va
hope that you will afford us the oppmtunity hi vQng r~ng ba se t:;to cho chim.g toi ca hQi
to help you plan your next vacation or giup ba lap kg ho:;tch sau ky nghl ho~c

business trip. And don ' t forget to take a chuygn di cong tac. v a dimg quen nhin vao
look at the enclosed brochure, which tic tai li~u qllimg cao kern theo, nh5n m:;tnh t~t
highlights all the special deals we '11 be ca thoa thu~n ~c bi~t chUn.g toi se dua ra he
offe1ing this summer. Thank you. nay. Cam an ba.
Sincerely , Chan thanh,
Panick Anderson Panick Anderson
Travel Associate Vacation Planners Ngum len kg ho:;tch du lich nghl mat
Destination Accommodation

Rome (3 days) Rosa Hotel Rome (3 ngay) Rosa Hotel

Venice (2 days) Green Hotel Venice (2 ngay) Green Hotel
Florence (1 day) International Hotel Florence (1 ngay) International Hotel
Tuscany (3 days) Regency Bed and Tuscany (3 ngay) Regency Bed va Bfra

(1 89) Breakfast sang

Italian Riviera (2 Hotel Italiano Riviera Y(2 ngay) Khach s:;tn Italiano

• For more information on traveling to Italy, ug biet them thong tin ve vi~c du lich sang

visit our new website at buy cap vao u·ang web mm t<;ti
186. What is most likely Ms. Knight 's 186. Ly do thich hqp nh~t Ba Knight vigng
reason for visiting Italy? tham Yla gi?
(A) Family vacation (A) kjr nghi Gia 'tinh
(B) Honeymoon (B) Tuk n·ang mat
(C) Business nip (C) Chuygn di cong tac
(D) Exchange program (D) Chuang ninh Trao d6i

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on th i hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

187. What is mentioned about Vacation 187. Dieu gi dUQ'C de cap trong ke ho<;~,ch ki
Planners? nghl?
(A) It includes a travel guide with each (A) N6 bao g6m huang dan du lich voi moi
itinerary. himh t:rinh.
(B) It offers a comJ)IimentarY activity (B) Khuy~n mai mqt ho~t dqng truy~n

in Rome. thang a Rome.
(C) It lets Ms. Knight change an (C) N6 d~ cho Ba Knight thay d6i himh t:rinh

itinerary fi:ee of charge. mien phi.
(D) It arranges special language classes. (D) n6 b6 C\lC lop ngon ngfr di;ic bi~t.

188. What can be found in the company's 188. Nhfrng gi c6 th~ duqc tim tliliy t:rong tai
brochure? li~u quang cao cua cong ty?
(A) The company's histmy (A) lich sir cua cong ty
(B) The refund policy (B) chinh sach hoan ti@n lA<;li

(C) UJ)Coming holiday specials (C) S~J) too cac mon d~c san ngay I~
(D) The new booking fonn
189. Where will Ms. Knight be staying
while she learns about Italian cooking?
(D) d<;Lng di;it cho tmoc m6i
189. N oi se Ba Knight duqc 6 l<;ti d~ tim hi~u
v@ mon an cua Y?
(A) Rosa Hotel (A) Khach s~n Rosa
(B) Green Hotel (B) Khach s<;~,n Green
(C) International Hotel (C) khach s<;tn qubc tg
(D) Hotel Italiano (D) Khach s<;tn Italiano

Kev words: kh.ach s<;tn Rosa 6 Rome, t<;ti

day ba Knight duqc tim hi~u m6n an tmy@n
thbng cua y.
190. How long will Ms. Knight stay in 190. Bao lau se Ba Knight 6 l<;ti 6 Tuscany?

Tuscany? (A) 1 ngay

(A) 1 day (B) 2 ngay
(B) 2 days (C) 3 ngay

(C) 3 days (D) 4 ngay


(D) 4 days
Questions 191-195 refer to the following Cau hoi 191-195 noi ve email va ke ho~ch
email and schedule. sau.
To: Rob Gordon ugn : Rob Gordon
From: Human Resources Tu: Phong nhan su <HRM@eltoninsurance.
<> com >
Subject: Employment D@ tai: Vi~c lam
Date: June 17 Ngay: 17 th.ang sau
Dear Mr. Gordon, Kinh g6i Anh Gordon,

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

Thank you for your recent application for Cam an ve don xin 1<1m vi~c voi cong ty bao
employment with Elton Insurance. An higm Elton gin day cua anh. Cuqc l)hong
interview has been scheduled for you on van ctia anh dU'Q'C X~l) ljch vao ngay thlf
Monday, June 23, at 10:00, (1 95) with hai, 23/6, hie lOb v6i ong Alex Meadow,
Mr. Alex Meadow, Head of Human truemg phong Nhan S\1'. Lich nay c6 th~ thay

Resources. This schedule may be changed d6i va Toi se lien l<;tc v6i anh ngu d6
and I will contact you again if that occurs. xay ra. Phong clia ong Meadow n~m tren

Mr. Meadow's office is located on the l Oth ti ng 10, Phong 1009. Theo toi duc;rc bi~t,
floor, Room 1009. I have been informed Ong iy rit thich tho khi g~l) anh, vi ong

that he is verY excited to meet with ou, iy Ia b~n cimg tat nghi~l) Truimg d~i hqc
as he is a fellow graduate of Ohio State bang Ohio vOi anh.
University. ( 193) Mot bai thi b6n muoi Him phut se dm;rc b<;~-n
A forty-five-minute exam will be tign lillnh ngay sau cuoc phong v5n, n6 se

administered to you immediately following m~t chling mot gia. D~ dU'Q'C dam nh~n
your inte1v iew, which will take cong vi~c nay, b~n l)hai d~t dU'Q'C sa (ti~m
approximately one hour. To be eligible for 75 1)h~n tram hay cao bon trong ky thi.
the I)Osition, you must receive a score of Ngu b<;tnkhong thg th\l'C hi~n dm;rc cuoc h~n
75 l)ercent or higher on the exam. ( 192 ) nay ho~c ngu b<;tn c6 b~t cu thic m~c nao,
If you are unable to keep this appointment vui long gQi cho toi (8 13) 555-4000.
or if you have any questions, please call me Paul Newton
at (8 13) 555-4000. Phong nhan S\1'

Paul Newton
Human Resources
June 23rd Interview Schedule for Associate Accountant Position
(confirmed as of June 19)

linda Reid 8:00a.m. 1008 Chartes Orson Applicant graduated from the Universrty of Illinois
wrth a degree rn Business Fmance.

KeVIn 8:30a.m. 1007 Bethany Lumley Applicant holds a master's degree in accounting
from Tulane Univef'Sity.
Rob Gordon 9.00a.m 1009 Alex Meadow Applicant held assocrate accountant posrtron for two
years at Tuttle Capltallnc.
Sara Overlay 9 30 am. 1010 Garl Devonshire Applicant received 2006 Performance Award from
Warton Business Institute.

Quyen sach m1y do nh!h1g thanh vien nhi~ tinh nh§t ctia group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so()Il nh~m giup cac
b;:~n co tai liett on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguai dt)ng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhu the se lam m§t di gia tri rna
cac b;:~n da dong gop.

19 1. What is the purpose of the e-mail? 191. Ml)c dich cfu e -mail !a gi?
(A) To announce an employment (A) £)g thong bao co hoi vi~c lam.
opportunity (B) u g dS nghi vi ni U11g cu vi en .
(B) To offer the applicant a position (C) D~ thong bao cho lfng vien cua cuqc

(C) To inform the apt)licant of an I) hong vin
interview (D) £)g yeu d.u Ung vien nop don

(D) To ask the applicant to submit a 192. Nhfrng yeu d.u gi Ong Gordon phfu
fmm thl,tc hi~n dg thich hop cho cong vi~c?

192. What requirement must Mr. Gordon (A) Anh iy t)hai thi (t~u.
fulfill to be eligible for the position? (B) Anh ~y phai c6 kigm tra sue khoe.
(A) He must 1)ass a test. (C) Anh ~y phai nop thoa thu~n hQp d6ng.
(B) He must have a medical exam. (D) Anh ~Y phai tham d1,t bu&i dao t<;to.

(C) He must submit a contract 193. T<;ti sao Ong Meadow ph§n khich dg
(D) He must attend a training session.
193. Why is Mr. Meadow excited to meet
tic g~p Rob Gordon?
(A) Anh ~y nghl Ong Gordon c6 m<;~nh nh~t
trinh do hQC V~n.
Rob Gordon? (B) Anh ay t&t nghi~l) tir cimg truimg d~i
(A) He thinks Mr. Gordon has the hqc.
strongest educational background. (C) Anh ~y lam vi~c voi anh ~y trong bac si
(B) He graduated from the same th1,tc tap cua anh ~y.

university. (D) Anh ~Y nghe nhfrng diSu t6t d~p vS cong

(C) He worked with him dming his vi~c cua ong Gordon t<;ti Tuttle Thu do Inc.

intem ship. 194. Vng cu vien nao co bk g th<:tc si?

(D) He heard good things about Mr. (A) Linda Reid

Gordon 's work at Tuttle Capital Inc. (B) Kevin St)ade

194. Which candidate has a master's (C) Rob Gordon
degree? (D) Sara Khan n·fu bim

(A) Linda Reid 195. Nhfrng gi c6 thg suy ra vS cuoc phong


(B) Kevin St)ade v5n CUa ong Gordon?

(C) Rob Gordon (A) N6 se dien ra vao Thu ba thay vi Thu
(D) Sar a Overlay hai.
Kev word: DQC ban lich phong vk se tim (B) N6 se dUQC t6 chuc tren t5ng mot.
thly ten Kevin Spade d<;tt a master 's degree (C) N6 se xay ra sau khi ky thi v5n dap.
195. What can be infen ed about Mr. (D) Nose (tuc;rc tA chlfc s6m bon mqtti~ng
Gordon's interview? (}ong ha so vOi k~ ho~ch.
(A) It will take place on Tuesday instead Notes: so sinh 2 chi ti§t trong bang thong
of Monday. bao ghi 9: 00 am, con trong email ghi 10: 00

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on th i hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

(B) It will be held on the first floor. am. Suy ra cuoc phong van dien ra sam han
(C) It will occur after the oral mot tigng d6ng h6 so voi kg ho;;tch.
(D) It will be held an hour earlier than

Questions 195-200 refer to the following

Dear Mr. Pompeii, Kinh goi ong Pompeii,

On behalf of FRT Electronics, I'd like to Thay rn~t cho cong ty di~n FRT, Toi
thank you for your interest in submitting to rnubn cam On S\1' quan tam CUa ong trong
US a product proposal relative to the FRT vi~c dua ra kign nghi cho chimg toi mot san
Digital Cell Phone.(l98) We always phfun lien quan dgn dgn (}i~n tho~i di (}qng

appreciate receiving ideas from FRT. Chimg toi luon ca.rn kich khi nh~
independent inventors. tic
Om firm receives many ideas, suggestions
and proposals, and has many of its own
duQc y kign tir nhfrng nha phat rninh doc lap.
Hang clia toi nhan nhigu y tuong, g<;li
y va dg XU~t, va CO nhigu d\1' an CUa chinh
projects under development. Nevertheless, chimg toi dang hi~n khai . Tuy vay, chimg
we would be pleased to accept yow- toi se vui rnimg cMp nhan g<;li y clia ong d~
proposal for reVIeW, provided it lS ki~rn ha l;;ti, VOi digu ki~n kern theo thu xac
accompanied by an acknowledgement nhan kY ten va dg ngay thtmg. Cimg v6i buc

letter signed and dated by you. Enclosed thu nay, ong se tMy gia tign va digu ki~n CI;J
with this letter, you will find the Sf)ecific th~ (C & T) clia vi~c dua ra kign nghi cho
(197) tenus and conditions (f&C) of cong ty di~n tu FRT. N~u (ti~u khoan nay
submitting a proposal to FRT Elechonics. ong chit) nh~n (lm;rc, vui long kj van ban

If these terms are acceptable to you, xac djnh noi can sifa va tra ·~i no cimg vOi
t)lease sign the document where y ttrcmg ho~c (}~ xuit cua ong.
indicated and return it together with Xin luu y: cong ty di~n tu FRT se chi ch~p

your idea or t)rOf)Osal.( 196) nhan b<in gbc clia tai li~u T & C.
Mot l~n ni:i'a, cfun on ong da danh thm gian

Please note: FRT Elecn·onics will only

accept the miginal copy of the T &c va S\1' quan tam cong ty di~n mFRT .
document. toi rnong dUQC nhan dUQC tin ong hong
Again, thank you for your time and interest tuang lai.
in FRT Elechonics. We look fmward to Chan thanh,
heating fi·om you in the futme. Bob Appleby
Vety huly, Quan ly d\1' an
Bob Appleby
Project Manager

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m git'lp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

Dear Mr. Appleby, Kinh goi ong Appleby,

I have reviewed the terms and conditions T oi da xem xet cac khoan va digu ki~n dm;rc
that were sent to me in a letter dated June gm dSn t6i trong la thu c6 ghi ngay 23/06/
23, 2007. Unfortunately, I Sf)illed coffee 2007. Th~t (fang ti~c, Toi (tA ca f)he len
on the original document and therefore chung tir gac do do toi da sao chet) kifrl'

have COf)ied the terms and conditions for nghj va d~ xu~t dl;l' an (ti~n Til FRT ben
submitting a t)roject t)rOf)Osal to FRT dmri:

Electronics below: (200)
understand that: Higu digu d6 nhu sau:

1. Samples or other submissions will 1. Mau ho~c dg nghj khac se duqc tra 1~ cho
be retumed to the submitter only if retum nguoi nop chi khi tra buu phi ho~c v~n
postage or freight is prepaid. chuygn duqc tra truoc.
2. The company accepts no 2. Cong ty khong chju trach nhi~m vg m~t

responsibility for loss of samples in its mau ben trong
3. The company shall
compensation only in the event it,
pay 3. Cong ty se b6i thuong chi trong huang
a) accepts the idea, a) ch~p nh~n y tu6ng,
and b) reaches an agreement with the va b) dl;tt duqc mot thoa th~n vOi ngum nop
submitter about intellectual propelty lights vg quygn so hfru hi tu~ va b6i thuong tuong
and commensurate compensation. xling.

Note: contracts are drafted on an Luu y: hen) (tong (tuc;rc dl! thao rieng bi~t
individual basis (199) and will Valy va se thay d6i theo gia tri uoc tinh cua san
according to the estimated value of the phfun d\I kiSn ho~c y tu6ng.
proposed product or idea.

The foregoing te1ms and conditions are Digu khoi'm va digu ki~n da n6i 6 tren duqc
understood and acknowledged: higu va thl.ra ~n :
Charles Pompeii June 25, 2007 Charles Pompeii ngay 25/06/ 2007

1 have also included the project proposal Toi ciing da bao g6m dg x~t d\I an cho ra
soat cua b<;tn. Cam on lin nfra co hoi tuy~t

for your review. Thank you again for this

great opportunity. I look forward to hea1ing vm nay. Toi mong duqc nh~n duqc tin b<;tn.
from you. Chan thanh,
Sincerely, Charles Pompeii
Charles Pompeii
196. Why did Mr. Appleby send the 196. T~ sao Ong Appleby gm thu?
letter? (A) ug thao lu~n digu khoan dua ray tu6ng
(A) To discuss the terms of submitting (B) ug cMp nh~ hqp d6ng cua khach hang
an idea cho dl,t an

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach nay vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.

(B) To accept the client's contract for a (C) Dg ca ngoi nhan vi en vi de nghi hfru ich
project (D) Dg yeu d.u y kign clia luat su
(C) To praise an employee for the
helpful suggestion
(D) To request the lawyer's opinion

197. In the firstletter, the word "specific" 197. Trong phlndiula thu, tu" C\1 thg" trong
in paragraph 2, line 4, is closest in meaning do(;ln van 2, dong 4, c6 nghla sat nh~t vm

to (A)rong
(A) broad (B) dt,rthao

(B) draft (C) mieu ta chi ti~t
(C) detailed (D) chung
(D) common 198. Ong Pompeii dinh se cai thi~n san
198. Which product does Mr. Pompeii phlm nao?

intend to improve? (A) May tinh
tic (B) di~n tho~ i di dqng
(C) May tinh
(D) may nghe dia CD
(D) CD player
199. What is mentioned m the T &C 199. Nhiing gi duQc dg cap dgn t:rong tai li~u
document? C & T?
(A) The company accepts full (A) Cong ty hoim toan chiu trach nhi~m vg

responsibility for all items. t~t ca m6n db.

(B) The company will rehun all items (B) Cong ty se t:ra l<;ti t~t ca m6n db mien phi.
free of charge. (C) N guoi nop c6 quygn so hfru t:ri tu~.
(C) The submitter has intellectual (D) Cong thuong luqng mai hen) (tong

property 1ights. mqt each rieng bi~t.

(D) The com1)any negotiates each
contract individually.

200. What could be the problem with Mr. 200. S\I c6 vm hb sa cua ong Pompeii c6 thg

Pompeii's T &C form? la gi?

(A) It is not signed. (A) N6 khong duQc ky ten.
(B) It is not dated properly. (B) N 6 khong duoc c6 ghi ngay thing dlm.g.
(C) It is not the original. (C) No khong phai Ia ban gac.
(D) It is not sent on time. (D) N6 khong duQc glri di dlm.g gio.

Quy€n sach nay do nhOng thanh vien nhiet tinh nh~t ci1a group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m gitlp cac
bt;tn c6 tai lieu on thi hiet• qua. Mong mQi nguoi dt)ng mua ban quy€n sach m\y vi nhu thS se lam m§t di gia tli ma
cac bt;tn da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

Questions 153-154 refer to the following brochure.

Trentwood Casino Grand 01•ening
The Atlantic City branch of the Trentwood Casino is a superb piece of
architecture featming twenty floors and an underground shopping mall. It is located

near the center of Boardwalk Avenue, the fastest growing entertairunent district in
Atlantic City.

Atlantic City's Boardwalk Avenue has expe1ienced rapid growth in the last six
years, due to increased foreign investment. The Trentwood Casino is particularly proud

of its luxmious setting and world-renowned hospitality. To showcase its facilities, it
will be hosting a Grand Opening Fiesta on July 8, 2008.
The casino has many features, including a 5-star hotel , pampered spa, shopping mall,
multi-cinema, Atlantis aquarimn and children's game room. You will also find world-

class restaurants like Belioli' s and Santa Antonia steak house.

o B2- Customer Parking

o B3 - Employee-Only Parking

o B 1 - Customer Se1vices, Lost and Found, Baby Changing Area

o IF- Snack Bars and Cafes '

o 2F - Shopping mall

o 3F- Multi-Cinema

o 4F- Aquarium (Saturday and Sunday only)


o SF - Game Room (adult supervision required for children under 10)

o 6F- Casino

o 7F- World-Class Restaurants (open 24 hours a day)

o 8F-19F- Trentwood Hotel


o 20F- Pampered Spa

o Tomist infonnation se1vices available on the first floor.

153. What is the reason for Boardwalk A venue's quick growth?


(A) The city has increased taxes to renovate the entire area.

(B) Local contractors have invested more money in building new hotels.
(C) Foreign businessmen have become more interested in the area.
(D) The new amusement park has attracted more tourists.
154. Where should someone go if they lose a 1•ersonal item?
(A) B2
(B) Bl
(C) 7F
(D) 8F

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

Liri d!ch va giai thich cau 153-154

L~ khai truong song b~c Trentwood
Chi nhanh cua song b<;tc Trentwood t()i thimh ph6 Atlantic la mot phfui tuy~t voi clia

kign true g6m hai muai tfing va mot trung tfun mua s~m ng~m. No n~m gfui trung tfun
clia d<;ti lo Boardwalk, khu V\l'C gifu td phat hign nhanh nhit 6 thanh ph6 Atlantic.

D<;ti lo Boardwalk 6 thanh ph6 Atlantic da trfu qua S\1' tang tru6ng nhanh chong trong
situ nam qua, do S\1' gia tang d~u tu nuoc ngoai. D~c bi~t song b<;tc Trentwood 1:\1' hao voi

khong gian sang trQng va long }rigu khach n6i tigng thg gioi. u g gim thi~u cac ti~n nghi
CUa no, nose t6 chuc mot le khai huang Fiesta vao ngay 8 thang 7 nam 2008.
Cac song b<;tc co nhigu tinh nang, bao g6m mot khach S<;tn 5 sao, dich V\1 cham soc sue
khoe va lam d~p, hung tam mua S~m, nhigu r<;tp chigu phim, vi~n hlti duong hQC va

phong choi cho tre em. B<;tn ciing se tim thiy nhfrng nha hang d~ng cip thg gim nhu

D B3 - Klm do xe cua nhan vien

D B2 - Klm do xe CUa khach hang

Belioli hay thit nuong Santa Antonia.

o B 1 - Dich V\1 khach hang, khu V\l'C mi t d6 va tim thiy, baby changing area (khu V\l'C
co thg t~m nra ho~c cho t:re an, tre bu...)
o IF- Ca phe va d6 an nh~
o 2F - T1ung tam mua s~m

o 3F- R<;tp chigu phim

o 4F- Vi~n hfu duong hQc (thu Bay va Chu Nhat)
o 5F- Phong choi tre em (u·e em duoi 1o dn co ngum lan giam sat)
o 6F- Song b<;tc

D 7F- Nha hang d~ng cip thg gioi (m6 cua 24 gio mot ngay)

o 8F-19F- Khach s<;tn Trentwood

D 20F - Khu cham soc sue khoe va lam d~p (spa)

D Thong tin Vg dich V\1 danh cho du khach luon co san 6 t~ng d~u tien.

DaJl an: 153C 154B

Cau 153: Ly do nao 't~i I~ Boardwalk Jlhat tri~n nhanh chong?
A. Thanh Jlha tang thu~ (f~ nang dll khu Vl!C di vao.
B . Cac nha thlu dia phucmg d~u tu nhigu tign hem trong vi~c xay d\lllg cac khach
S()n mffi.
C. Cac doanh nhan nuoc ngoai quan tam han dgn khu V\l'C nay.
D. Cong vien giai tri mm thu hut dm;rc nhigu khach du hch hem.
Phuong an dling la A. Diu hi~u nhan bigt 1a "Atlantic City's Boardwalk Avenue has

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn
nhfun giup cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

experienced rapid growth in the last six years, due to increased foreign investment."
(D~i 19 Boardwalk cua thanh ph6 Atlantic da phat hign nhanh chong hong 6 nam qua
nho CO S\1' gia tang dfiu tu nUOC ngoai)
Cau 154: N~u b~n mit mqt mon (ta ca nhan thi b~n nen (ti (tau tim?
A. B2

B. 81
C. 7F

D. 8F
Phuong an dlm.g la B vi:

B2la Bai do xe cua khach
B 1 la Kim cijch V\1 khach hang, khu V\l'C m~t d6 va tim th~y, baby changing area (khu
V\l'C CO thg t~m rua ho~C cho tl'e an, tl'e bu...)
7F Ia Nha hang dfulg c~p thg gim

8F la Khach s~n Trentwood
Questions 15~ 156 refer to the following notice.
SJleakers for 15th SBSA Meeting Wanted

Date: June 22nd, 2007 (Saturday) - June 23rd, 2007 (Sunday)

Place: Watson Conference Center, Sacramento, California
The Small Business Suppmt Association (SBSA) invites guest speakers to conh'ibute to
tlus year's meeting, which will discuss the cunent regulations for starting a small

We need five qualified individuals to attend the meeting as guest speakers. Candidates
must mn their own small business, and be recognized leaders in the business world.
Advanced degrees are not necessary. Interested applicants are asked to provide a cover

letter, a cunent resume, and two letters of recommendation. In the cover letter, please
be sme to include your educational background and any awards you have received.
Documents should be sent to om offices no later than May 15, 2007. Successful

applicants will be notified by telephone.


If you are interested in attending the event as a spectator, please remember to register
for the event by June 15, 2007. The $75 enn·ance fee can be paid by cash or check.
Payment must be received by June 19th. ('Guest speakers do not need to pay the fee.)

155. What is the main tmrJlose of the notice?

(A) To request sponsors for a charity event
(B) To ask for speakers for the upcoming business function
(C) To notify employees about a mandatmy conference

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

(D) To inform residents of the annual town meeting

156. What is required of Jleotlle interested in being a guest SJleaker?
(A) Speech sc1ipts must be submitted for review.
(B) The required paperwork must be submitted by May 15th.
(C) The registration fee must be paid by June 19th.

(D)Reference letters must be handed in by June 15th.
LOi djch va giai thich cau 155-156

Di~n gia cho h~i nghj lin thu 15 ctia SBSA
Ngay 22 thimg 6 narn 2007 (Thu bay)- ngay 23 thang 6 narn 2007 (Chu nhat)

Dia di@rn: T1ung tfun hoi nghi Watson, Sacramento, California
Hi~p hoi ho trq doanh nghi~p nh6 (SBSA) rnOi khach rnoi dgn dong gop cho hQi nghi
nfun nay' nai se thao luan v~ cac quy dinh hi~n hanh d@ b~t diu mot doanh nghi~p nh6.
Chimg toi cfin 5 ca nhan du di~u ki~n d@ tharn d\1' CUOC hQp v6i tu each khach

rnOi . Cac U:ng cu vien phai co ho~t dong kinh doanh nh6 cua Iieng rninh, va duqc cong
nhan nhu nha Hinh d~o trong gi6i kinh doanh. B~ng c~p la khong cin thigt. Cac ilng
vien quan tarn duqc yeu ciu cung c~p mot thu xin vi~c, sa ygu ly lich hi~n t~i, va hai
thu gioi thi~u. Trong thu xin vi~c, xin vui long ch~c ch~n bao g6rn n~n tang giao dt)c
clia b~n va b~t ky giai thuong b~ da fihan duqc . Cac van ban tren ck duqc gUi dgn van
phong cua chimg toi khong muon han ngay 15 thang 5 nam 2007. ung vien uimg tuy@n
se duqc nhan thong bao qua di~n tho~ .
Ngu b~n quan tarn dgn tharn d\1' S\1' ki~n nay nhu mot khan gia, hay nho dang ky

tham gia S\1' ki~n vao ngay 15 thimg 6 narn 2007. Phi vao c&ng 75 $co th@ duqc thanh
toan bkg ti~n rni;it hoi;ic sec. Thanh toan phai duqc ch~p nhan vao ngay 19 thang 6.
(Khach rnoi khong ck phai tra 1~ phi.)
Da11 an: 155B 156B

Cau 155: M1;1c (tich chinh ctia thong bao Ia gi?

A. Yeu ciu nha tai trq cho mot chuang trinh tir thi~n
B. Yeu ciu khach mOi cho cu~c hQJl CO' kinh doanh S~Jl ten

B (lung. D~u hi~u la: ngay tieu d~ va 2 cau "invites guest speakers to contribute to this

year's meeting, which will discuss the cunent regulations for starting a small business.
We need five qualified individuals to attend the meeting as guest speakers" (rnOi cac
khach rnoi d@ dong gop cho hoi nghi nam nay, trong dose thao luan v~ cac quy dinh
hi~n hanh d@ rno mot doanh nghi~p nh6. Chimg toi ck nam ca nhan du di~u ki~n d@
tharn d\1' CUOC hQp nhu khach rnoi)
C. Thong bao cho nhan vien v~ mot hoi nghi b~t buoc
D. Thong bao cho nguoi dan v~ cuoc hQp thuong nien cua thi trfin
Cau 156: Yeu du (lU'Q'C (l~t ra (tai vOi cac ung cfr vien quan tam va muan tra

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

thanh khach miri Ia gi?

A .Kich ban bu6i n6i chuy~n phfu duqc nop dg xem xet
A sai vi trong bai khong dg cap t6i kich ban bu6i n6i chuy~n.
B. Gi~y tir yeu cau l)hai nq1) truac ngay 15 thang S
B •lung. Diu hi~u ". Documents should be sent to our offices no later than May

c. Phi dang ky phili tra tmoc 19 thtmg 6

C sai vi khach mOi khong phai nop phi "Guest speakers do not need to pay the

D. Thu gioi thi~u phai duqc vigt tay va gUi huoc 15 thang 6
D sai vi tit ca tai li~u khong duqc nop muon han ngay 15 thang 5.

Questions 157-160 refer to the following advertisement.

Barker Realty presents the hottest a1)artments in Dalesville:
Barker Realty is the most successful real estate company in the area and this year
it is proud to announce the opening of its very own apartment complexes: Barker Suites.
In conjunction with Unlimited Constmction, Barker Realty is constructing ten new
housing communities in Dalesville. Here 's a list of just a few of the features you will
find in these state-of-the-art suites:
Free Unlimited Parking
Don't pay extra to park in your own building! As part of your lease agreement

with Barker Suites, you will receive two free parking spaces and 24-hour valet parking.
LUXUiy Fitness Center, Spa, and Swimming Pool*
We bting the best in hotel service directly to your doorstep. You won't want to
leave on vacation, thanks to the Massage Center and Swimming Pool on the top floor.

Weekly Cleaning
While living in Barker Suites, you'll never have to wony about cleaning. We
provide a free maid setvice once a week, according to your convenience!

All apartments will also come with modern bathrooms, fully equipped kitchens,

and Wireless Internet service. Come to the first Barker Suites Open House on May 22nd
and check out the future in community living. If you like what you see, contact our
corporate office at 1-800-Suites and reserve a spot.
*(Residents: $1 0/visit, non-residents: $50)

157. Where might this advertisement be found?

(A) Real estate magazine
(B) Travel agency

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

(C) Hotel reception

(D) Building supply store
158. Which free service is NOT included in the lease agreement?
(A) Internet
(B) Valet parking

(C) Cleaning service
(D) Gym membership

159. What is TRUE about all a1•artments?

(A) It took more than a decade to complete them.
(B) Barker Suites are for business people only.
(C) The residents can get free cleaning setvice every two days.
(D) Non-residents of the apartments can use the gym facility.

160. What should someone who is interested in the suites do?
(A) Attend the auction tic
(B) Transfer the deposit money
(C) Call the company
(D) Complete the membership form
Liri d!ch va giai thich cau 157-160
Barker Realty gi6i thi~u cac din ho rn6i nh~t nh~t 6 Dalesville
Barker Realty la cong ty b~t dong san thanh cong nl~t trong khu V\l'C va narn nay n6 t\t

hao thong bao vi~c rn6 cac khu phuc hop can ho r~t tieng CUa rninh: Barker Suites. Cimg
v6i xay d\lllg khong gi6i mn, Barker Realty dang xay d\lllg mum nha 6 khu do thj rn6i
6 Dalesville. Du6i day la danh sach mot vai trong s6 cac tinhnang b()ll se tim thly trong
cac can nha hi~n &;ti nh~t nay:

Mien phi khong gi6i h()ll xe

Khong phai tra them phi do xe t<;ti toa nha CUa b(ln! La mot phfin CUa hQp d6ng thue v6i
Barker Suites, b()ll se nhan dUQC hai cho do xe mien phi va phl)C V\1 cho do xe 24 gio.

Phong tap th~ hinh sang trQng, spa va b~ bcri * toi rnang dich V\1 khach s(ln t6t nh~t nl,l'c tigp dgn nu6c cua nha clia b()ll. B<;tn se

khong rnu6n roi ky nghl nho trung tarn Massage va b~ bcri n·en tfing cao nhk
DQn d~p hang tufin
Khi s6ng 6 Barker Suites, b(ln se khong bao gio phai lo l~ng vg dQn d~p. Chimg toi cung
C~p cJich V\1 giup Vi~c mien phi mot lfin mot tu~n, theo S\1' thuan ti~n CUa b<;tn!
T~t ca cac can ho cGng se di kern v6i phong ilirn hi~n d(li, nha bgp d~y du ti~n nghi va
dich V\1 Intemet khong day. Hay dgn v6i le khai huang Barker Suites vao ngay 22 thing
5 va ki~rn n·a tuong lai trong cuoc s6ng 6 khu do thj. Ngu b<;tn thich nhfrng gi b(ln nhin

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

thiy, hay lien M vm van phong cong ty cua chllilg toi t~i s6 1-800-Suites va CULt cho.
* ( Nguoi cu uu: 10$/lk, ngum khong cu hu: 50$/lin)
DaJl an: 157A 158D 159D 160C
Cau 157. Quang do nay co th~ (tU'c;rc tim thiy a (tau?
A. T~p chi bit (tqng san

B. Van phong du lich
C. Quiy le tan khach s~n

D. Cua himg cung cip vat tu xay d\ffig
ChQn A vi ngay tieu dS bai qu{mg cao da cho thiy ml,lC dich CUa bai qu{mg cao Ia

mot cong ty bit dong san rao ban cac can ho moi flhit cua minh. Do d6 c6 th~ tim
thly quang cao nay 6 t(lp chi bit dong s{m.
Cau 158. Dfch Vl;l nao khong (tU'C!C bao gAm trong hf!ll (tAng thue?
A. Intemet

B. Cho doxe
C. Dich V\1 dQn d~p tic
D. Thanh vien P.hong t~P. th~ hinh
ChQn D vi phong tap th~ hinh la mot hong nhfrng noi mit phi (nguOi cu tlu: 10$/lk,
nguoi khong cu hu: 50$/lk). Dan chigu hong bai la "Luxmy Fitness Center, Spa, and
Swimming Pool* & *(Residents: $1 0/visit, non-residents: $50)"
Cac phucmg an A, B, c dSu dllilg vi day dSu la cac dich V\1 mien phi va nfun trong hop
d6ng thue. Dan chigu hong bai la

Intemet-> "All apart:Inents will also come with modem batluooms, fully equipped
kitchens, and Wireless Internet service"
Cho do xe "Free Unlimited Parking"
Dich V\1 dQn d~p "We provide a free maid service"

Cau 159. Cai nao Ia (tung (tai vOi tit ca de can hq?
A. Mit han mot iliap kY dS hoan thanh chilng
B. Barker Suites chi la nhfrng nguOi kinh doanh

c. NguOi cu hu c6 th~ duqc nh~n mien phi dich V\1 dQn d~p 2 ngay 1 lk

D. Ngu-ili khong CU' tru if trong cac ciin hp co thi sil' thj,ng phimg t@ thi hinh
ChQn D vi nhu cau 158 da dS cap, ca nguOi cu tlu va nguOi khong cu tlu dSu c6 th~ su
d\lng phong tap, tuy nhien ngum khong cu hu thi mit phi nhiSu han nguoi cu uu.
A sai vi khong c6 dfr ki~n duqc neu ra hong bai
B sai vi Barker Suites la mot cong ty BDS 16n va thanh cong, khong phai chi la nhfrng
nguoi kinh doanh
C sai vi dich V\1 dQn d~p mien phi chi duqc cung cip mot lfin mot tufin "We provide a
free maid se1vice once a week"

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se h'lm mftt di gia t:Ii rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

Cau 160. Nhii'ng ngtriri quan tam tOi cac can h9 nay dn lam gi?
A Tham gia vao bu6i diu gia
B. Chuy~n tign di;it CQC
C. Gqi (ti~n tai cong ty
D. Hoim thanh mau thanh vien

ChQn C, dan chigu dm;rc neu ra trong bai "If you like what you see, contact our corporate
office at 1-800- Suites and rese1ve a spot"

Questions 161-163 refer to the following letter.
At Melvin's Depmtment Store, we p1ide ourselves on customer service and

quality products. Because you have recently passed our $2,500 yearly se1vice bill
requirement, you are now a prefened customer eligible to apply for our Platinum
Membership Card. With this card, you will receive the following great benefits:
- You will be provided with a Personal Se1vice Assistant who can help you with any

problem whenever it might occur. Our assistants m·e eight-year veterans of the company
and are extremely knowledgeable and fr-iendly.
- You will receive Platinum Member discounts at hotels, restaurants, select stores, and
travel agencies nationwide.
- You will be able to apply for an annual 10 percent discount on all purchases made
with your Platinum Card.* These benefits and more m·e available to you as long as you
fill the following requirements:
-Your annual purchases equal or exceed $1 ,000.

- Your monthly payments are made on time.

- Your credit histmy meets the tenns and conditions of Melvin's Depmtment Store.
*Customer must apply for the discount by submitting an online application fonn.
If you m·e interested in applying for this cm·d, please fill out the enclosed application

form and mail it to our corporate offices no later than September 1, 2007.
161. Who is eligible to alllliY for the Platinum Membershill Card?
(A) Customers who spend more than $1 ,000 on a single purchase

(B) Customers who have shopped at the store for more than two years

(C) Customers who have paid their se1vice bills on time for one year
(D) Customers whose total annual purchases exceed a certain amount
162. According to the letter, which ofthe following is a benefit of having a Platinum
Membership Card?
(A) Free subscription to the store catalogue
(B) Ability to access accounts and pay bills online
(C) Discounts on travel services around the countiy
(D) Advance notice of upcoming sales and promotions

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se h'lm mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

163. How could a customer receive a discount on yearly purchases?

(A) By contacting a Personal Se1vice Assistant
(B) By filling out an electronic form
(C) By printing out the voucher fi:orn the website
(D) By making a purchase once a week for a month

Liri dfch va giai thich cau 161- 163
T~ CUa hang bach h6a Melvin, chimg toi tlJ hito vg dich Vl,l khach hang va chl.t

luQng san ph~rn. Do h6a dan trong ni'un CUa b<;Ul da vira vuQt qua$ 2,500, hi~n t(li b<;tn
c6 mot uu dai khach himg la du digu ki~n dg ap dl,lng the thimh vien b<;tch kim cua

ch(mg toi. Vm the nay, b<;tn se nh~n dUQC nhfrng lQi ich tuy~t vm sau day:
- B<;Ul se dUQC cung d.p voi mot nguoi trQ ly dich Vl,l ca nlllin, nguoi c6 thg giup b(ln
vm b~t k)r v5n dg nao b~t cu khi nao n6 xay ra. TrQ ly cua chling toi la nhfrng nhan
vien k)r Cl,lU VOi tarn narn h}rn vi~c trong cong ty, r~t higu bigt va than thi~n.

- B(ln se nh~n dUQC gic'un gia cho thanh vi en b<;tch kim t<;ti cac khach S(ln, nha hang,
mot sfJ CUa hang, Va cac d(li ly du lich tren toan qufJc.
- B<;Ul se dUQC chigt khl.u 10 phk tram tren t~t ca cac don hang rnua hang narn dUQC
thvc hi~n vm the b<;tch kim CUa b(ln * Nhfrng lQi ich tren va han thg nua luon san sang
danh cho b<;Ul mien la b<;tn hoan thanh du cac yeu c~u sau day:
- Gia tri rnua hang hang nam clia b<;Ul b~ng ho~c vuot qua$ 1,ooo.
-Thanh toan hang thang duoc thl,l'c hi~n dimg thai h<;Ul.
- Lich sir tin dl,lng cua b<;tn dap irng dUQC cac digu khoan va digu ki~n cua CUa hang

bach h6a Melvin.

* Khach hang ap d1,1ng vi~c giam gia b~ng each nop mot rnau dan Ul)'C tuygn.
Ngu b<;Ul quan tarn vg vi~c sir d1,1ng cac the nay, xin vui long dign vao rnau don kern
theo va gili n6 dgn van phong cong ty CUa chling toi khong muon hon ngay 1 Thang 9

nfun 2007.
Da1• an: 161D 162C 1638
Cau 161. Ai Ia ngtriri (}u (ti~u ki~n ap d~;~ng the thanh vien b~ch kim?

A. Khach hang tieu nhigu han 1000$ cho 1 15n rnua hang
B. Khach hang da rnua s~rn t~ cira hang nhigu han 2 narn

C. Khach hang da tra h6a don dich Vl,l cua hQ dling h<;tn trong 1 narn
D. Khach hang co gia trf mua hang hang nam VU'q1 qua 1 sa ti~n nh~t (lfnh
ChQn D vi theo la thu thi khach hang c6 gia tri rnua hang hang nam bkg ho~c vuQt qua
$1 000 rnoi du digu ki~n ap d1,1ng the thanh vien "Your annual purchases equal or exceed
$1 ,000".
A sai vi 1000$ la gia tri rnua hang hang nam khong phai la gia tri rnua hang 1 15n
B sai vi khong c6 du ki~n u·ong bai

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b<;t~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

c sai vi thanh toan hlmg thang dm;rc th\l'c hi~n dimg thm h(ln, khong phfu la tra dimg
trong 1 nam "Your monthly payments are made on time"
Cau 162. Theo Ia thU', cai nao sau (lay Ia mQt lqi ich ctia the thanh vien b~ch kim?
A. Dm;rc nh~n mien phi quygn quang cao tir cua hang
B. Co thg huy cap vao tai kho:in va thanh toan h6a dan,fc tuygn

C. Giam gia dJch v~;~ du IJch trong nU'Crc.
D. Dm;rc thong bao t.tuoc vg cac dQt giam gia va khuygn mai

ChQn C. Dan chigu "You will receive Platinum Member discounts at hotels, restaurants,
select stores, and t.t·avel agencies nationwide"
Cau 163. Lam th~ nao (f~ mQt khach hang (lU'C!C nh~n giam gia tren gia trJ mua

hang hang nam?
A. Bkg each lien h~ vm ngum ho trq dich V\1 ca nhan
B. B~ng each (ti~n dti vao m~u (ti~n til

C. B~ng each in ra phigu giam gia tir trang web
D. Bkg each th\l'C hi~n mua himg mot tufin mQt lfin trong mot thing.
ChQn C. Dan chigu "Customer must apply for the discount by submitting an online
application form"
Questions 164-166 refer to the following article.
UUTS Announces Major Changes
The Urban Underground Transpmtation System (UUTS) is the most popular
form oftransportationin Divine City. Nearly 2.3 million citizens use the subway system

to conunute to work eve1y day.

After repeated complaints by an overwhelming number of commuters from the
Applewood District, UUTS executives declared that they would be building a new
subway line that will directly link Applewood to the main financial and business

districts in Divine. The decision was made dming a board meeting held on September
Construction will begin inN ovember 2007 and is expected to finish in March

2008. The new subway line will feature an express train that 1uns eve1y 2 minutes, as

well as a regular se1vice that makes more stops but only 1uns eve1y 10 minutes.
The new line will be the fastest, most technologically advanced, and most comfmtable
UUTS se1vice to date. To help raise money for const.tuction costs, however, the
company will be increasing the p1ice of tickets for this route.
164. According to the article, what is UUTS?
(A) A steel company
(B) A famous business dishict
(C) A computer

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

(D) A public transit setvice

165. What will haJlJlen inN ovember 2007?
(A) A company will change locations.
(B) An office tower will be demolished.
(C) An additional subway route will be built.

(D) A park will open in the financial district.
166. What is NOT true about the new UUTS service?

(A) It is cheaper.
(B) It is extremely efficient.

(C) It is comfortable.
(D) It is vety modern.
LOi d'ch va giai thich diu 164- 166
UUTS thong bao nhung thay (tAi chinh

H~ th6ng giao thong van tai ngfim do thi (UUTS) la hinh thuc giao thong ph6
bign nllit trong thanh ph6 Divine. Gfin 2,3 tri~u ngum dan su d\lll.g cac h~ th6ng xe di~n
ngfim d~ di lam moi ngay.
Sau khi mQt Iuong lem nguoi di lam tir qu~n Applewood khigu n<;~i nhigu l~n,
gitun d6c digu hanh UUTS tuyen b6 r~ng hQ se xay d\fllg mot duong xe di~n ng~m moi
tn,rc tigp lienkgt Applewood dgnkhu tai chinh vakinh doanh chinh trong Divine. Quygt
dinh nay dUQC dua ra trong mot CUOC hQp hoi d6ng quan tri t6 chuc vao ngay 20 thang

Vi~c xay d\ffig se b~t d~u vao thtmg 11 nam 2007 va dl,f kign hoan thanh vao
thang 3 nam 2008. Duong tau di~n ngk moi se c6 mot chuygn xe Ilia t6c hanh ch(ly
each nhau 2 phut, va c6 mot chuygn thuong xuyen c6 nhigu di~m dim.g nhung ch(ly each
nhau 1o phut.

Tuygn duong m6i se lanhanhnh~t, cong ngh~ tien tignnh~t, thoai mai nh~t trong
s6 cac cijch V\1 cua UUTS tir tmoc dgn nay. Tuy nhien d~ gop tign cho chi phi xay dl;fng,
cong ty se tang gia ve cac tuygn duang nay.

DaJl an: 164D 165C 166A


Cau 164. Theo bai bao, UUTS Ia cai gi?

A. Mot cong ty thep
B . Mot khu vl,fc kinh doanh n6i tigng
C. Mot may tinh
D. Mqt d'ch V1;1 giao thong cong cqng
ChQn D vi ngay cau ffiu tien clia bai bao da gifu thich UUTS la M th6ng giao thong
van taj ngfun do thi "The Urban Underground Transportation System"
Cau 165. Di~u gi se xay ra vao thang 11 nam 2007?

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien SO()ll
nhfun giup cac b<;111 co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

A. Mot cong ty se thay d&i dia di~m

B. Mot toa nha van phong se bi pha huy
c. Mqt tuy~n xe (ti~n ng~m (}U'q'C xay dl!ng
D. Mot cong vien se duqc mo cua trong klm tai chinh
ChQn C. Dan chi@u "UUTS executives declared that they would be building a new

subway line & Constmction will begin in November 2007"
Cau 166. Di~u gi khong 'tung v~ dfch Vl:f UUTS moo?

A. No re bon
B. No C\IC ky hi~u qua

C. No thofu mai
D. No r~t hi~n ~i
B, C, D dim.g v~ dich V\1 UUTS moi vi ''The new line will be the fastest, most
technologically advanced, and most comfortable UUTS setvice to date"

D khong dim.g v~ UUTS m6i vi hQ se tang gia ve d~ bu d~p chi phi xay dl,fng "To help
raise money for construction costs, however, the company will be increasing the p1ice
of tickets for this route".
Questions 167-169 refer to the following advertisement.
Mega Mart Going out of Business Sale!
Get down to Mega Matt before it's too late! On March 28, the store will be moving

to a bigger location and we want to celebrate our success. That's why we've decided to
hold the biggest sale in Mega Malt histmy. From March 15th to Mat·ch 25th we're
slashing our prices.
EVERYTHING in the store will be discounted: electronics, home furnishings,

clothes, children's toys, automotive supplies and more!

The Mega Matt Guarantee promises a greater vatiety of products at lower prices than
any other store in the at·ea, and for one week only we'll be offeting prices that are even

lower than normal.


No matter what you buy, you'll still receive the Mega Mart Money Back
Guarantee. If you're not satisfied with your purchase, you'll have 6 months to bting it
back to the store for a full refund, if we decide it's justifiable.
Discounts may vary. All items less than a year old will only be discounted a maximum
of 20 percent. The Mega Matt Club Card 10 percent discount off total purchase cost
will not apply to sale items.
167. What is planned for March 1sth to March 25th ?
A. Sales event

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se h'lm mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

B. Store renovation
C. Advertising campaign
D. Management change
168. Which of the following is llart ofthe Mega Mart Guarantee?
A. Supply only the highest quality products

B. Notify customers of faulty electronic equipment
c. Offer a lot of different items at lower than average cost

D. Provide :fi:ee shipping and handling on all orders
169. How long do lleople have to return any defective llroducts?

A 5 months
B. 6 months
C. 9 months
D. 10 months

Liri d!ch va giai thich cau 167- 169
Mega Mart s~ll h~t giam gia!
Di tCri Mega Mart tmoc khi qua muon! Ngay 28 thimg 3, clia himg se duqc
chuygn dgn mot vi t:ti lan hem va chlm.g toi mu6n an mlm.g S\.f th~mh cong nay. Dola ly
do t(U sao chlm.g toi da quygt dinh dg t6 chuc dqt giam gia lon nh~t trong lich su cua
Mart Mega. Tir 15 thang 3 - 25 thang 3, chUn.g t6i se th\.fc hi~n gifun gia.
T~t ca mQi thu trong Clra himg se duqc giam gia: d6 di~n tu, d6 dl;tC trong nha,
qu5n ao, d6 choi tre em, himg cung c~p 6 to va nlugu hem nfra!

Mega Mart dam bao hua h~n co nhigu san ph§m voi gia th~p hem so voi b~t ey
Clra hang khac trong khu V\.fC, Va trong mot tu~n ChUng toi Se dua ra mot ll1UC gia rna
th~m chi con th~p han so vm binh thuemg.
Du b~n mua b~t Clr thu gi, bl;tn van se nh~n duqc chinh sach hoan tign cua

Mega Mart. Ngu bl;tn khong hai long vm vi~c mua hang cua minh, bl;tn se co 6 thang
dg dua san phim tr6 l(li cua hang va nh~ hoan tra tign d~y du, ngu chUn.g toi quygt
dinh no la chinh dang.

Giam gia co nhigu lo(li. T~t ca cac mi;it hang it han mot nam tu6i se chi duqc

giam gia t6i da la 20 ph§n trfun. The cau ll;tc bo Mega Matt giam gia 10 phk tram tren
t:&ng chi phi mua hang se khong duqc ap d\lng d6i voi cac mi;it hang giam gia.
Dall an: 167A 168C 169B
Cau 167. Cai gi dt.r d!nh lam tir 15 thang 3 (t~n 25 thang 3?
A. St.r ki~n giam gia
B. Sua chfra nang c~p cua hang
C. Chign dich quang cao
D . Thay d&i quanly

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien SOl;tll
nhfun giup cac bl;tll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

Chon A Dan chigu "From March 15th to March 25th we're slashing our prices."
Cau 168. Cai nao sau (lay Ia mQt t•hin cua ch~ (lQ bao hanh cua Mega Mart?
A Chi cung c~p s{m pMm ch~t luQll.g cao nh~t
B . Thong bao cho khach hang loi clla thigt bi di~n tu
C. Dua ra nhi~u lo~i khac nhau vOi gia th~t• hon trung binh

D. Cung c~p mien phi phi van chuygn va lftp d~t cho t~t ca cac dan hang.
Chon C. Dan chigu ''The Mega Ma1t Guarantee promises a greater variety of products

at lower prices than any other store in the area, and for one week only we'll be offering
p1ices that are even lower than normal"
Cau 169. MQi nguiri co th~ tra san t•h~m tai trong thiri gian bao lau?

A. 5 thtmg
B. 6 thang
C. 9 thimg

D. 10 thimg
Chon B. Dan chigu "If you're not satisfied with your purchase, you'll have 6 months to
b1ing it back to the store for a full refund, if we decide it's justifiable"
Questions 170-172 refer to the following letter.
Hooper Publishers
1257 Booking D1ive
San Francisco, CA 69878

Mr.Ian Ross
52 Willow Ave.
New York, NY

Dear, Mr.Ross,
Congratulations! Your book, " 10 Ways to Save Money," was one often documents
chosen to be published in hardcover form this year.

In order for the book to be published, however, you must fill out the enclosed Writer's

Guidelines Fmm, which desc1ibes the tenus and conditions of publishing a book with
our company, and sign the contract agreement form. We ask that you submit both of
these items to the Publishing Department no later than July 23rd. The book is scheduled
to be published by September and Book Buyer's Bookstore has offered to purchase 1
million copies to disnibute at chains around the country.
At Hooper Publishers, we have a ve1y strict compensation policy that we offer all of our
authors. For eve1y book that we publish, you will receive 65 percent of the eamings,
before tax. This means that the profit you make on each book will not be affected by

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se h'lm mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

differences in sales tax fi:om one state to another. However, Hooper Publishers does not
provide a set price for any book it publishes, which gives bookstores more freedom to
detennine their own individual ptices. We also don't have any control over consumer
tastes, but it does look like self-help guides to making more money are selling 10
percent more copies per month than other titles.

Again, we congratulate you on your success. If you have any questions or would like to
meet with someone personally, please contact our Author Communication Department

at 1-880-958-9874.

Kevin Spark
Director Hooper Publishing

170. What is the rmrr•ose of the letter?

(B) To cancel a contract

(A) To renew the publication

(C) To ask for the unpaid payment

(D) To process the publishing agreement
171. What did Book Buyer's Jlropose to do?
(A) Open a new store in the city
(B) Donate unsold books to charity

(C) Purchase a certain number of new books

(D) Reduce the cost of hardcover books

172. What factor does NOT affect how much money authors make selling books?

(A) The tax rates in different locations

(B) The price at which a bookstore chooses to sell the book
(C) The percentage of the earnings taken by the publishing company

(D) The cunent market conditions and what consumers are buying
LOi d'ch va giai thich diu 170 - 172

Nh.a xu~t b{m Hooper

1257 Booking Dtive
San Francisco, CA 69878

Mr.Ian Ross
52 Willow Ave.
New York, NY

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se h'lm mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

Thua ngai Ross,

Xin chuc rnlm.g! Cu6n sach "1 0 each d~ ti§t ki~rn tign" clia ngai , la mot trong rnuoi tai
li~u dm;rc hra chQn xukt btm a d<;mg bia cling t:rong narn nay.
Tuy nhien d~ cu6n sach dm;rc xuit btm, ngai ph:ii dign vao rnau huang dan cho nguoi

vi§t kern theo, dti rna rno ta cac digu kho[m va digu ki~n cua vi~c xuit b{m mot cu6n
sach vm cong ty chling toi, va kyvao rnau hop d6ng th6a thu~. Chling toi yeu d.u ngai

gm cac giiy to nay cho phong xukt ban khong muon han ngay 23 thang 7. Cu6n sach
d1,t k:i§n se duoc xuit b{m vao thimg 9 va Nha sach Book Buyer da dg nghi rnua 1 tri~u

b{m d~ phan ph6i t<;ti cac chuoi t:ren kh~p dit nuoc.
T<;ti nha xukt b{m Hooper, chling toi c6 mot chinh sach dgn bu rit nghiern rue d6i vm tit
ca cac tac gia clia chling toi. £>6i voi rnoi cu6n sach rna chling toi xuit b[m, ngai se nh~
dUOC 65 phfu! tram thu nhap, t:rUOC thu§. £>igu nay CO ngrua r~ng loi nhuan tren rnoi

cu6n sach CUa ngai se khong bi anh huang bai Sl,t khac bi~t Vg thu§ tir ti~U bang nay d§n
ti~u bang khac. Tuy nhien, nha xukt ban Hooper khong cung cip mot rnuc gia c6 dinh
d6i VOi bit ky cu6n sach nao dUOC xukt ban, trong do cac Clra hang sach dUOC tl,f do xac
dinh gia cua Iieng ca nhan cua hQ. Chling toi ciing khong c6 bit ky ki~rn soat nao vg thi
hi§u ngum tieu dling, nhung n6 gi6ng nhu w giup do d~ lam ra nhigu tign han la bim
nhigu han 10 ph5n tram s6 b{m rnoi thang so voi cac tl,ta sach khac.
MQt lk nfra, chling toi xin chuc rnlm.g ngai vg s1,t thanh cong cua rninh. N§u ngai c6 bit
ky th~c rn~c ho~c rnu6n g~p ca nhan ai d6, xin vui long lien h~ voi phong tmygn thong

tac gia cua chling toi t<;ti 1-880-958-9874.

Tran trQng,
Giarn d6c nha xuit ban Hooper
Kevin Spark

Da1• an: 170D 171C 172A

Cau 170. M~;~c (tich ctia Ia thu Ia gi?
A. £>~ sua d6i vi~c xuit ban

B . £>~ huy b6 hop d6ng

C. £>~ yeu c~u thanh toim cac khoan chua t:ra

D. Bi tiJn himh h!fP d6ng xudt bdn

ChQn D vi ph~n d~u cua la thu c6 cu6n sach "1 0 each d~ ti§t ki~rn tign" la mot t:rong
mum tai li~u duoc l1,ta chQn xuit b{m a d<;mg bia cling t:rong narn nay. Va yeu du tac
gia ky vao rnau hQp d6ng th6a thuan.
Dan chi§u: " 10 Ways to Save Money,"was one often documents chosen to be published
in hardcover fmm this year", "sign the contract agreement fmm"
Cau 171. Book Buyer(}~ ngh' cai gi?

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

A. Mo mot cli'a himg rn6i trong thimh ph6

B. Quyen gop sach khong ban duqc dg lam tir thi~n
C. Mua mqt sa IU"C;mg nh~t 'tjnh sa sach mai
D. Giarn chi phi sach bia cling
ChQn C, vi trong la thu c6 chi ro nha sach Book Buyer da dg nghi rnua 1 tri~u ban dg

phan ph6i t(li cac chuoi tren khlp <ffit nu&c "Book Buyer's Bookstore has offered to
purchase 1 million copies to distlibute at chains around the countly."

Cau 172. Nhan ta nao khong anh hU'ang too ID"c;mg ti~n tac gia thu (}U'Q"C khi ban
A. Ty ·~ thu~ a cac (}ja f)hU'O'ng khac nhau

B. Gia rna cac cua hang sach chQn dg ban sach
C. Ph5n trfun lqi nh~n thu duqc tir cong ty xu~t b{m
D. Digu ki~n thi n·uCm.g hi~n t(li va thi higu cua khach hang.

ChQn A vi d6i v&i rnoi cu6n sach thi tac gia se nh~n duqc 65 phin tram thu nhap tlu&c
thug, ngrua la lqi nhu~n n·en rnoi cu6n sach khong bj anh huang bffi S\1' khac bi~t Vg
thug. Dan chigu: "you will receive 65 percent of the earnings, before tax. This means
that the profit you make on each book will not be affected by differences in sales tax
from one state to another"
Questions 173-177 refer to the following notice.
As a leader in the business community, Intelligent Consulting feels it is always
irnpmtant to present a professional image. We spend most of our day meeting with CEOs

of large companies that trust us to manage their most important financial matters. If we
can't maintain our personal hygiene, then how can we expect our clients to seek our
setvices? The following guidelines will help both male and female workers dress
approptiately for all business occasions. Please notice the amendments made to the last

- All employees are expected to keep a tidy appearance: no unusual hairstyles or obvious
body piercings are petmitted. Tattoos must be covered at all times.

- If employees choose to use the company gym on their lunch break, they are required to

shower before they retum to work.

-The dress code will be stlictly enforced during all work hours.
To help raise money for the new children's ward at St. Andrew's Hospital, we
have introduced Casual Friday. Employees can pay $5 and choose to wear jeans.
Employees should contact Tticia Rowen in HR by Thursday of every week to make their
contributions and receive their 'I Helped!'
button. Buttons are mandatory.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

173. What is the to1•ic of this notice?

(A) To explain company policies
(B) To inform employees about a meeting
(C) To give directions to a conference
(D) To introduce a new fashion trend

174. Who might seek the services of Intelligent Consulting?
(A) Government workers

(B) Graduate students
(C) Corporate executives

(D) Fashion professionals
175. The word "allllrOIUiately" in 1•aragra1•h 1, line 5 is closest in meaning to
(A) unsuitably
(B) properly

(C) hesitantly
(D) longingly tic
176. Which of the following is TRUE about the com1•any?
(A) It has offices around the world.
(B) It pays its employees well.
(C) It has a fitness center.
(D) It is the biggest in the city.
177. How will the money raised by Intelligent Consulting be used to hell• St.

Andrew's Hos1•ital?
(A) By subsidizing the cost of medical care for its patients
(B) By increasing the number of staff in the hospital
(C) By expanding the food setvices area

(D) By adding a section to the hospital

Liri d!ch va giai thich cau 173-177
Nhu mot nha lanh &;to trong cong d6ng doanh nghi~p, Tu v~n thong minh cam

th~y vi~c thg hi~n mot hinh anh chuyen nghi~p luon luon quan trQng. Chimg ta danh

ph5n 16n cac ngay hQp cua ta v6i giinn dbc cua cac cong ty 16n nhfrng nguoi tin
tuong ta trong vi~c quan ly cac vk dg tai chinh quan trQng cua hQ. Ngu
ta khong thg duy tri "v~ sinh ca nhan" cua ta, thi lam thg nao chimg ta c6 thg
mong dQi cac khach hang tim kigm cac dich V\1 cua ta? Cac huang dan sau day
se giup ca nhan vien nam va nfr an m~c phu hQp cho t~t ca cac tinh hubng kinh doanh.
Xin hay luu y cac sua d6i trong chinh sach cubi cling.
- T~t ca cac nhan vien dUQC mong cho v6i ve gQn gang: khong c6 kigu toe b~t thuang
ho~c lo thling tren co thg duoc phep. Hinh xiirn phai luon duoc che phu.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

- Ngu nhan vi en hra chQn su d\lllg phong tap thg hinh cua cong ty trong nghi uua cua
hQ, hQ duqc yeu du phlti t~m uuoc khi tro l<:~i lam vi~c.
-Trang phl)C se duqc thvc hi~n nghiem tUc trong tit ca d tc gio lam vi~c. *
* ug gay quy cho cac u·e em m6 coi mm t<;~i B~nh vi~n St. Andrew, chUn.g ta da gioi
thi~u ngay thu 6 tinh co. Nhan vien co thg tra $ 5 va chQn m~c quk jean. Cac nhan

vien ck lien h~ voi Tricia Rowen phong nhan S\1' vao thu nam moi tu5n dg ghi nhan
nhfrng dong gop va nhan duqc nut "Toi da giup! ". Nut Ia b~t bu<?c.

Dall an: 173A 174C 1758 176C
Cau 173. Chu •1~ cua bai thong bao Ia gi?

A. Giai thich chinh sach cua cong !Y
B. Thong bao cho nhan vien vg mot CUQC hQp
c. Dua huang dan tm phong hQp

D. Gioi thi~u xu huang thm trang moi
ChQn A vi bai thong bao dang giai thich chinh sach an m~c phu hqp voi cac CUQC kinh
doanh, lo<;~i B, C, D vi khong phu hqp va khong co dfr ki~n lien quan duqc nh~c toi
trong bai.
Dan chigu: ''The following guidelines will help both male and female workers dress
appropriately for all business occasions"
Cau 174. Ai Ia ngtriri co th~ tim ki~m d'ch "1:1 TU' v~n thong minh?
A. Cac nhan vien chinh phu

B. Cac hQc sinh t6t nghi~p

c. Cac ~am •lac doanh nghi~ll
D. Cac chuyen gia thai u·ang
Nhfrng nguoi su d\lllg cijch V\1 Tu vin thong minh la cac giam d6c doanh nghi~p. Dan

chigu "We spend most of our day meeting with CEOs oflarge companies that trust us
to manage their most important financial matters. If we can't maintain our personal
hygiene, then how can we expect our clients to seek our services"

Cau 175. Tir "allllrOilriately" trong dong 5 •lo~n 1 co nghia gin nh~t vOi tir nao?

A. Unsuitably - nghia la khong phil hqp

B. Pro1lerly - nghia Ia llhil h9'Jl
c. hesitantly - nghla la do dv, ngap ngilng
D. longingly - nghia la khat khao, thigt tha
ChQn B vi tir "appropriately" trong dong 5 do;;tn 1 co nghla Ia phu hqp.
Cau 176. Cai nao sau •lay Ia •lung v~ cong ty?
A. No co van phong u·en kMp thg gioi
B . No u·a luang cho nhan vien rit t6t

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien SO()ll
nhfun giup cac b()ll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b()Il da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

c. No co trung tam th~ hinh

D. N 6 Ia Ion nhit trong thanh ph6
ChQn C vi trong bai c6 nh~c t6i ngu nhan vien h.ra chQn su d\lllg phong tap th~ hlnh
CUa cong ty trong nghi tn.ra CUa hQ, hQ dUQC yeu d.u phai t~m trUOC khi tro l<;~i lam
vi~c nrc la trong cong ty ch~c ch~ c6 phong tap. Lo<;li A, B, D vi khong c6 dfr ki~n

trong bai.
Dan chUn.g: "If employees choose to use the company gym on their hmch break, they

are required to shower before they retum to work"
Cau 177. Lam th~ nao (1~ ti~n ki~m (1U'C!C tir Tu v~n thong minh co th~ (1~ sti

dt,mg gitltl (JO' b~nh vi~n St. Andrew?
A Bkg each trQ cip thu6c d~ cham soc b~nh nhiin 6 d6
B . B~ng each tang s6 nhiin vien trong b~nh vi~n
C. B~ng each mo rong khu vvc ph\lC V\1 d6 an

D. Them mqt llhan d~n b~nh vi~n
ChQn D vi lo;;ti A, B, C khong c6 dfr ki~n trong bai. Cong ty sau khi gay quy se tn,rc
tigp gUi phln tign d6 toi b~nh vi~n d~ ho trQ b~nh vi~n, khong thl)'c hi~n cac phuong
Questions 178-180 refer to the following invitation.
We cordially invite you to attend the 3rd annul BentCey Art Museum Auction.
Date: Ap1il 16. 2007
Time: 7 p.m.-ll p.m.

Location: 12 Duval Ave., Chicago, Illinois

Dress: Fonnal
For nearly fifty years, the Bentley A1t Museum has been devoted to the world of modem
a1t. From exhibits featuring the work oflocal artists such as Charles Rowling to monthly

seminars on popular a1t and society, we have tried to b1ing a little culture to the local
Three years ago, Bob Sweeny, Curator of the Museum, suggested we find a way to raise

money to fund art programs in Chicago public schools, and the idea for the Bentley Alt

Museum Auction was born. In 2006, proceeds from the auction went towards buying
new mt supplies for the children of Dunbar Elementary School. This year we hope to
raise enough money to provide scholarships for local public school students to study at
the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) .
The auction will feature the works of a1t fi:om around the world.
We sincerely hope that you will attend the event this year, as you are one of the largest
p1ivate contributors to our Museum. We are open Mondav-Friday fi·om 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Warmest Wishes,

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien SO<;Ill
nhfun giup cac b<;111 co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b<;lll da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

Andrew McDougal Museum Director

178. What can be inferred about the Bentley Art Museum?

(A) Charles Rowling is the curator of Bentley Art Museum.
(B) It tries to promote the works of local artists.

(C) It is funded by a local university.
(D) It is open on the weekends.

179. What did Bob Sweeny recommend?
(A) Organizing a fundraiser for public schools

(B) Hosting a monthly seminar on modem a1t
(C) Featuring pieces by unknown artists
(D) Opening a new wing for photography
180. Who received the benefits from the auction last year?

(A) An art supply store
(B) An elementa1y school
(C) An art exhibition
Liri djch va giai thich cau 178- 180
Chung toi chan thimh m&i cac b(m cfen tham d~r buJi ctau gia bao timg ngh? thuQ,t

Ngay 16 thimg 4 nam 2007

Thai gian: 7 gio tbi dgn 11 gio tbi
Dia di§m: 12 D~ lo Duval, Chicago, Illinois
Trang phl)c: Trang trQng

Trong g§n nam muoi nam, bao tang ngM thuat Bentley da cbng hign cho tl1g gioi
ngM thuat hi~n C4ti. Tl.r cuoc tri§n lam g6m cite tac ph§m clia cac ngM si dia phuong
nhu Charles Rowling dgn hoi thao hang thing vg ngM thuat binh dan va xa hQi, chimg

toi da c6 gfug dg mang l<;ti mot chut van h6a cho cong d6ng dia phuong.

Ba nam truoc day, Bob Sweeny, ngum ph\1 trach bao tang, dg nghi chling toi tim each
d§ kigm tign tai trq cho cac chuang tdnh ngh~ tlluat trong cac tmang cong lap 6
Chicago, va y tuong cho dku gia bao tang ngh~ thuat Bentley ra doi. Nam 2006, tign
thu duqc tl.r vi~c bim dku gia da huang vg vi~c mua cac ngu6n cung c~p ngh~ thuat moi
cho tre em truong tigu hQc Dunbar. Nam nay chling toi hy vQng se kigm du tign dg tai
trq hQC b6ng cho hQC sinh tmang cong lap dia phuong th\IC hi~n nghien CUu t~i Rhode
Island School of Design (RISD).
Cuoc d~u gia se co nhfrng tac ph§m ngM thuat tu kh~p noi tren thg gim.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien SO<;lfi
nhfun giup cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

ChUng toi chan thanh hy VQng r~ng nam nay b~n se tham d\1' S\1' ki~n nay, b6i vi
b~ la mot t:rong nhfrng nguoi CO dong gop ca nhan l(m nhit cho bao tang CUa ChUng
toi. Chimg toi mo cua tir thu 2 dgn thu 6, tir 9 gio sang dgn 6 gio t6i.
Tran t:rQng,
Giarn d6c bao timg

Andrew McDougal
Da1• an: 178B 179A 180B

Cau 178. Cai nao co th~ suy lu~n v~ bao tang ngh~ thu~n Bentley?
A. Charles Rowling la nguoi ph\1 t:rach bao tang ngh~ thuat Bentley
B. No ca g~ng d~ thuc 't~y vi~c lam cho cac ngh~ si 'lja llhU'ang

C. No duqc thanh lap boi mot t:ruang ~i hQc dia phuong
D. No mo cua vao nhfrng ngay cu6i tuk
ChQn D vi bao tang co cac cuoc tli~n lam g6m cac tac ph~m cua cac ngM si dia

phuong nen co th~ giup cac ngh~ si dia phuong co vi~c lam. Dan chilng "From
exhibits featuring the work oflocal artists such as Charles Rowling to monthly
seminars on popular alt and society, we have tried to bring a little culture to the local
A sai vi nguoi ph\1 t:rach bao tang la Bob Sweeny
C sai vi khong co dfr ki~n duqc nhttc t6i t:rong bai
D sai vi no chi mo cua tir thu 2 t6i thu 6, khong mo cua cac ngay cu6i tukn.
Cau 179. Bob Sweeny 't~ nghj gi?

A. T chlfc mqt bu&i gan quy cho cac truimg cong l~ll
B. T6 chuc hoi thao hang thang vg ngh~ thuat hi~n d~
c. Lam n6i bat cac pMn cua cac ngh~ si vo danh
D. Mora mot doi canh m6i cho ngh~ thuat nhigp anh

ChQn A. Dan chilng la "Tluee years ago, Bob Sweeny, Curator of the Museum,
suggested we find a way to raise money to fund art programs in Chicago public

Cau 180. Ai (lU'c;rc nh~n lc;ri ich tir cuqc ,t:iu gia nam ngoai?
A. Cua hang cung cip ngh~ thuat

B. Truimg ti~u hqc

c. Tli~n Him ngh~ thuat
ChQn B. Dan chilng la "In 2006, proceeds fi:om the auction went towards buying new
a1t supplies for the children of Dunbar Elementaty School"

Questions 181-185 refer to the following memorandum and article.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

Dear Research and Development Team,

As palt of our seminar seties this month, we have invited a few lecturers to come and
speak at our company. The seminars will take place on Friday, Jillle 23, and include the
following individuals, all of which are experts in their field and have been published

numerous times in professional journals like "Science Weekly" and "Technology
Now." It is my hope that these lectures will improve our team 's productivity as we look

to develop Verion Communications ' latest SD 20 cell phone line. I have also included
each expett's most recently published atticle.

Robert Kurt 'Creating New Technology'- The Joumal of Ametican Science
1ang Lee 'A Cellular W odd: The hottest phones in Asia' - Gadget W odd Monthly
Francois Levine ' Maintaining Efficiency When Developing New Products' - Smart
Technology Times

If he can make it, Bob Winner fi·om SS Tech will also speak. I must also remind
evetyone that the lectures statt at 8 a.m. sharp. An employee breakfast will be held
beforehand in the company cafetetia. Lllllch and dinner will be provided by Hanson's
Deli. Your HR coordinators will be passing aroillld an order sheet for sandwich and
main meal preferences.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Denis Muller
Project Manager

Research and Development, Vetion Communications

According to our market research, the latest trend in cellular phones is without
a doubt the built-in video game. Tatsuaki Electronics has surpassed its competition by

introducing another advance in hand-held gadgets: the option to download video

games fi:om the internet directly onto your phone. The VG 204 Cell Phone was
introduced six months after the Tatsuaki's television phones began losing sales. The

new product boosted the company's quatterly eamings by 20 percent. This increase

demonstrates how quickly customers lose interest in new products, and, therefore ,
how impmtant it is for technology companies to stay ahead of the game when it comes
to product development. On Jillle 15th, Tatsuaki also annoilllced that it was working
on an even more advanced prototype; technology fans in Japan are waiting patiently to
see what's in store for them next. Even though Tatsuaki has been successful in the
hand-held electronics market, other companies can still excel and reach the top by
introducing innovative products to the technology sector. Vetion Communications is a
strong competitor in the cell phone industty, while New Media Inc. shows promise in

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

the computer and television sectors

181. What is the purpose of the memorandum?

(A) To recommend resources for future study
(B) To introduce speakers for a lecture series

(C) To introduce a new teclmology perspective
(D) To organize a brainstorming session for new employees

182. What is Verion Communications?
(A) A publishing company

(B) A computer company
(C) A cell phone company
(D) A video game company
183. What can be inferred from the article?

(A) Companies should constantly change products to maintain customers 'interest.

(B) Companies should create new technology without sac1ificing productivity.
(C) Companies should choose a specific audience to advertise new products to.
(D) Companies should invest more money in development research than market
184. In the article, the word "boosted" in line 5 is closest in meaning to
(A) eliminated
(B) prevented

(C) increased
(D) undermined
185. Which lecturer might discuss Tatsuaki Electronics' new 1uoduct in their

(A) Bob Winner

(B) Robert Krut
(C) Jang Lee

(D) Francois Levine

LOi dfch va giai thich cau 181-185

Doi nghien cliu va phat hi~n than m~n,

La mot ph§n clia chuoi hoi thao cua chimg ta trong thang nay, chimg ta da mai
mot s6 giang vien d~n va n6i chuy~n t<;ti cong ty chimg ta. Cac bu6i hoi thao se dien ra
vao thu 6 ngay 23 thang 6, va bao g6m cac ca nhan sau day, tit ca cac chuyen gia trong
llnh V\l'C CUa hQ Va da dU<;YC nh~c d~n nhigu lin trong cac t<;tp chi chuyen nghi~p nhu
"khoa hQC hang tuilil" va "Cong ngh~ hi~n d<;ti." Toi hy VQng r~ng cac bai giang nay se
cai thi~n nang suit lam vi~c cua nh6m ta khi chimg ta phat tri~n dong di~n tho<;ti

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

di dong rn6i nJ:ilit SD 20 clia Vetion Communications. Toi ciing dinh kern cac bai vigt
dm;rc xukt b{m gk day nh~t cua timg chuyen gia.
Robert Kurt 'Sang t<;to cong ngM rn6i' - T<;tp chi Khoa hQc My
Jang Lee 'Mot thg gi6i di dong: Cac di~n tho<;ti rn6i nh~t 6 chau A·- Ung d\lll.g
thg gi6i hang thing.

Francois Levine 'Duy tri hi~u qua khi phat hign san ph~rn rn6i' -Thai d~i cong
ngM thong rninh

Ngu c6 th~ Bob Winner tir SS Tech ciing se n6i chuy~n. Toi ciing phai nh~c nho
rnQi ngum r~ng cac bai giang b~t d~u chinh xac vao hie 8 gio sang. Mot bfra an sang

CUa nhan vien se dU<;tC t6 chuc tiUOC do trong cong ty an. J\n tma va an t6i se dU<;tC cung
c~p boi Deli Hanson. Digu ph6i vien nhan SlJ clia b<;tn se phan phat bang di;it banh
sandwich va bfra an chinh theo so thich.
Toi rnong duqc gi;ip t~t ca cac b<;tn 6 d6.

Quan ly dl,f an Nghien CUu va Phat tri~n cong ty Vetion Communications
Denis Muller tic
Theo nghien CUu thi tmong cua chling toi, cac xu huang rn6i nl:ilit trong di~n
tho~i di dong khong nghi ngo gi nfra chinh la cac tro choi video du<;rc xay dl,fng ben
trong d6. Tatsuaki Electronics da vu<;rt qua d6i thu C<;tnh tranh b~ng each gi6i thi~u mot
bu6c tign trong cac ti~n ich c~rn tay la c6 thg ll,fa chQn tai tro choi video tir intemet trl,fc
tigp vao di~n tho~i clia b<;tn. Di~n tho<;ti di dong VG 204 da duqc gi6i thi~u sau thang

sau khi di~n tho~i tmygn hlnh cua Tatsuaki b~t d~u giarn doanh s6. Cac san ph~rn rn6i
lam tang thu nhap hang quy clia cong ty len 20 ph§n tram. Sl,f gia tang nay thg hi~n
khach hang rn~t quan tarn dgn cac san ph~rn rn6i nhanh nhu thg nao, va, do d6, ta th~y
t~rn quan trQng cua cac cong ty cong ngM di tmoc don d~u cac tro choi khi phat trign

san ph~rn. Ngay 15 thing 6, Tatsuaki ciing thong bao r~ng n6 du<;rc ho<;tt dong tren mot
nguyen rnau cao c~p han; ngum hfun rno cong ngh~ t<;ti Nhat Ban dang kien nhan cho
d<;ri d~ xern nhfrng gi cua hang cho hQ th~y tigp theo. Mi;ic du Tatsuaki da thanh cong

tren thi truong thigt bi di~n tU drn tay, cac cong ty khac van c6 th~ vu<;rt troi va d<;tt dgn
dinh cao b~ng each gi6i thi~u cac san ph~rn sang t<;to trong linh VlJC cong ngh~. Vetion

Communications la mot d6i thu c<;tnh tranh rn<;tnh trong nganh cong nghi~p di~n tho<;ti
di dong, trong khi New Media Inc cho thly &y htia h~n trong linh VlJC may tinh va
truygn hlnh.
Da11 an: 181B 182C 183A 184C
Cau 181: Mt;~c •lich ctia bai ghi chu Ia gi?
A. D~ dg nghi cac ngu6n tai li~u cho vi~c nghien cilu trong tuong lai.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

B. D~ giOi thi~u cac di~n gia cho chuai bai giang.

C. ug gi6i thi~u mot quan digm cong ngh~ m6i.
D. ug t& chuc mot hoi thao dong nao cho nhan vien moi.
ChQn B. Dan chilng: "As pait of our semina1· series this month, we have invited a few
lecturers to come and speak at our company .... .I have also included each expert's

most recently published aiticle"
Cau 182: Verion Communications Ia cai gi?

A. Mot cong ty xu~t b{m.
B. Mot cong ty may tinh.

C. Mqt cong ty di~n tho~i di dqng
D. Mot cong ty t:ro chai video.
ChQn C vi cong ty ch~n bi phat t:rign dong di~n tho~i di dong moi nh~t SD20 "we
look to develop Vetion Communications' latest SD 20 cell phone line"

Cau 183: Cai gi co th~ suy lu~n ra tir bai bao?
A. Cong ty nen lien ti;Jc thay dAi san l)h~m d~ duy tri S1! quan tam cua khach
B. Cong ty nen t~o ra cong ngM m6i ma khong lam giam nang suk
C. Cong ty nen chQn mot nh6m khach hang d~c bi~t dg quang cao san phim moi.
D. Cong ty nen dku tu nhigu tign han vao vi~c nghien cilu phat t:rign han la nghien
cilu thi truemg.
ChQn A, vi khach hang nhanh chong hgt quan tam voi san ph~m moi, do vay phai lien

tl,lc thay d&i san phfun nhfun thu hut S\1' quan tam cua khach hang. Dan chilng ''This
increase demonstrates how quickly customers lose interest in new products, and,
therefore, how important it is for technology companies to stay ahead of the game
when it comes to product development"

Cau 184. Trong bai bao, tir "boosted" a dong 5 co nghia gin nhit vai:
A Eliminated - nghla la lo~i tnx
B. Prevented- nghla la ngan ngira

C. Increased- nghia Ia tang

D. Undetmined- nghla la lam suy ygu, huy ho~i

ChQn c, vi tir "boosted" 6 dong 5 c6 nghla la tang len, thuc diy.

Cau 185. Giang vien nao co th~ thao lu~n v~ san J)h~m mOi cua cong ty •li~n m
Tatsuaki trong bai giang cua hq?
A. Bob Winner
B. Robett Kmt
C. Jang Lee
D. Francois Levine

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

Chon c vi Jang Lee n6i vg cac di~n tho<;ri m6i nh~t 6 Chau A do vay c6 thg n6i vg san
ph§m m6i nh~t cua Tatsuaki (dong di~n tho<;ri m6i nh~t SD20). Dan chUn.g "Jang Lee
' A Cellular World: The hottest phones in Asia' - Gadget World Monthly"
Questions 18~190 refer to the following letter and information.
To all customers of Efficient Office Suppliers,

For twenty years, we have been bringing customers the best office
supplies products at wholesale costs. Our company's mission has always been to

keep the customer happy by offering excellent and unbeatable setvice.
To keep up with new technology standards and offer our customers the latest

office products, we have recently upgraded some of our products. We have also
discontinued a few of our products, since they no longer enhance the efficiency
of office environments. Also, to promote our new paper products, we will offer
an automatic to percent discount on the total purchase.

If you require post-purchase service for items that are no longer in
production, please bring the item to any of our branch offices and we will cover
too percent of the repair costs. If the product' s postpurchase petiod (P/P) has
expired, the customer will be responsible for paying 50 percent of the repair cost,
including reimbursement for new patts.
Please read the enclosed information thoroughly and contact our
Customer Relations Department at 1-800-985-6235 with any questions.

John Momoe
Director, Efficient Office Suppliers

Production Replacement Repair Expiration of PIP


Tetminated Product Cost Agreement

Peson 53 printer Peson 54-1 printer $50 Dec. 21, 2008
T6 calculator T8-2 calculator $10 Jan. 15, 2009

SF-420 copier SF-520 copier $60 Jan. 20, 2009


TX-H4 TV TX-H8TV $100 March 1,2009

.T6 and T8-2 are the same size, but have different storage capacities .
• SF-520 is $175 more than SF-420, but operates at twice the speed.
• TX-H8 will be introduced in January 2009, increasing the pixel ratio of the TX-H4 .
• P6 Ptinter Friendly paper color #32-1 will be replaced by P6 Printer Ftiendly paper
color #42-2, and will be sold at $2 more per carton.
• Easy Roll pens will now be offered in purple, orange, green, pink, and yellow. A new

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se h'lm mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

All-Color 12 Pack will replace the Black and Blue 12 Pack, at $1 less per package of

186. Why did John Monroe write the letter?

(A) To encourage customers to place orders early

(B) To introduce changes to ce1tain product lines
(C) To outline a policy regarding overdue payment

(D) To announce a new sales Campaign to clients
187. In the letter, the word "unbeatable" in ))aragra))h 1, line 3 is closest in

meaning to
(A) unavailable
(B) underrated
(C) unsurpassable

(D) understandable

188. What benefit does the customer get by buying new l)a))er Jnoducts?
(A) They can receive a p1ice reduction.
(B) They can get a fi:ee gift.
(C) They can use a 50% coupon.
(D) They can apply for the store drawing.
189. How much does the customer have to 1)ay to ret)air the SF-520 cotlier after
Jan. 20,2009?

A $10
B. $30
C. $50
D. $100

190. What alteration was made to the T6 calculator?

(A) Size
(B) Storage capacity

(C) Color

(D) Repair cost

Liri djch va giai thich diu 186- 190
Gm toi tit ca cac khach himg cua Efficient Office Suppliers,
Trong hai muoi nam qua, chUn.g toi da dua dSn khach himg cac van phong ph§m
t6t nhit v6i gia ban buon. Su m~nh clia cong ty chimg toi la luon luon dg khach ht'm g
hai long bfug each cung c§.p dich V\1 tuy~t VOi Vel t6t nMt.
£)~ theo kip cac tieu chu§n cong ngh~ m6i va cung cip cho khach hang nhfrng
s{m ph§m van phong m6i nhit, gin day toi da nang cip mot s6 s{m ph§m cua

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

rninh. ChUng toi ciing da t(lrn dimg mot V<h san ph~rn boi vi ch(mg khong con giup nang
cao hi~u qua cua rnoi tluong van phong. Ngotii ra, d~ quang ba lo(ti gi~y rnm CUa ch(mg
toi, chling toi se dong chigt khlu ph~n ham tren t&ng s6 ti§n rnua.
Ngu b(tn dn dich V\1 bao hanh cac san phlrn khong con trong san x~t, vui long
rnang chling dgn cac van phong chi nhanh cua ch(mg toi va chling toi se chiu phln tram

chi phi sua chua. Ngu cac san ph~ bao hanh da hgt h(ln, khach hang se phai chiu hach
nhi~m ha 50 phfin ham chi phi sua chua, k~ ca b6i hoan cho cac bo ph~ moi.

Xin vui long dQC ky cac thong tin kern theo va lien M vm phong quan M khach
himg cua chling toi theo s6 may 1-800-985-6235 vm b~t ky cau hoi.

Tran trQng,
Giam d6c Efficient Office Suppliers
John Momoe
San ph~m da hgt San ph~ thay thg Chi phi Thai h(tn hop d6ng bao himh

sua chua
May in Peson 53
Maytinh T6
May photo SF-420
May in Peson 54-1
May tinh T8-2
May photo SF-520
15/ 1/2009
20/ 1/2009
Tivi TX-H4 Tivi TX-H8 $ 100 113/2009
.T6 va T8-2 c6 cimg kich co, nhung c6 kha nang tru khac nhau
. SF-520 d~t hon SF-420 $175, nhung ho(tt dong voi t6c do g~p 2 lk

.TX-H8 se duQc gioi thi~u vao thang 112009, tang do phan dai han so vm TX-H4.
• Gi~y in mau P6lo(ti 32-1 se duQc thay thg boi gi~y in mau P6lo(ti 42-2, vase ban d~t
han 2$ rnoi thimg.
• Hi~n t(li, but Easy Roll c6 cac rnau tim, cam, xanh, h6ng va vimg. Mot till du 12 mau

se thay thg cho till chi g6rn mau den va xanh vm gia it hon 1$ so voi till du 12 rnau.
Da11 an: 186B 187C 188A 189B

Cau 186. Vi sao John Monroe vi~t Ia thu nay?

A. £)~ khuygn khich khach himg di;it cho sam

B. D~ giOi thi~u cac tha (tAi trong mqt sa dong san llhAm nh~t (}jnh
C. D~ dua ra chinh sach v§ vi~c thanh toan qua h(tn
D. D~ thong ban chign dich giam gia mm tm khach hang
ChQn B vi cong ty da nang c~p mot s6 san ph~rn va c6 dinh kern cac thong tin v§ san
ph~ rnm . Dan chUn.g ''To keep up with new technology standards and offer our
customers the latest office products, we have recently upgraded some of our products"
Cau 187. Trong Ia thu, tir "unbeatable" a (lo:;1n 1 dong 3 co nghia g~n nh~t vOi:

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se h'lm mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

A. Unavailable- nghla Ia khong c6 gia tri, khong dimg dm;rc

B. Undenated- nghla la xem thuong, dimh gia th~p (d6i thu)
C. Unsuq)assale- nghia Ia khong th~ trqi bon (tuc;rc
D. Understandable- nghla la c6 thg thong dun dm;rc
ChQn c vi tu ''rmbeatable" o do<;tn 1 dong 3 c6 nghla la: vo dich, khong thg danh b<;ti,

khong thg vm;rt qua tuc la t6t nhlt r6i khong san phfun nao c6 thg t6t han dm;rc.
Cau 188. Lc;ri ich khach hang nh~n (tuc;rc khi mua lo~i giiy mOi Ia gi?

A. u q co th~ (tuc;rc giam gia
B . HQ c6 thg nhful dm;rc mot m6n qua mien phi

c. HQ c6 thg su d\lll.g phigu giam gia 50%
D. HQ c6 thg duqc tham gia b6c tham trfu1g thu&ng t<;ti cua himg
ChQn A. Dan chilng "Also, to promote our new paper products, we will offer an
automatic to percent discount on the total purchase"

Cau 189. Khach hang l)hai tra bao nhieu ti~n (}~ stia may photo SF-520 sau ngay
20 thang 1 nam 2009?
A. 10$
B. 30$
C. 50$
D. 100$
Sau nay bao hanh thi khach hang phai chiu 50% chi phi, do vay khach hang phfu tra
30$ dg sua may photo SF-520. Dan chilng la "If the product's postpurchase petiod

(PIP) has expired, the customer will be responsible for paying 50 percent of the repair
Cau 190. s., thay (tAi cua may tinh T61a gi?
A. K.ich thuoc

B. Kha nang luu trfr dfr li~u

c. Maus~c
D. Chi phi sua chua

. ChQn B. Dan chilng Ia "T6 and T8-2 are the same size, but have different storage

c apaci ties"
Questions 191-195 refer to the following minutes and schedule.
Everville De1)artment of Trans1)ortation (EDT)
Board Meeting Minutes
Saturday, June 21
Everville Town Hall
President Chris Devonshire conducted the meeting. He announced the opening of the

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

new Evetville City Rapid Trolley (ECRT), which will provide direct service to all
major financial and shopping districts downtown. The project will involve closing Bus
lines 7 and 8 from July 15 to September 25. The exact date of initial operations will be
decided in next month's meeting.

Minutes from May 's meeting were approved and will be published in the Sunday
edition of the Everville Times.

Coordination Committee
The proposal outlining alternative routes for commuters on Bus lines 7 and 8 was

submitted by Ross Watts, Coordination Director. The conunittee voted and the
proposal was approved 10 -1 . Accordingly, actions will be taken to notify residents
that Bus lines 5 and 6 will now offer extended service to areas normally covered by
lines 7 and 8. Due to the changes, the frequency of the buses will va1y depending on

the time of day. A new schedule will be produced and distributed by the Public
Relations Department.
Financial Report
EDT 's weekly income is projected to decrease by 25 percent with the proposed
constmction project. However, Trent Kennel, Chief Financial Officer, repmts that the
new ECRT is projected to increase total company sales by 30 percent.
Next Board Meeting
The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 22, at 6 p.m. in the Evetville

Public Libraty.
Meeting Finished: 5:46p.m.
Minutes submitted,
Martha Bates

Martha Bates

New Everville Bus Schedule for Lines 7 and 8


(fhis schedule is valid fi:om July - September)


Line 7 Frequency
7.00-11.00 Every 2 minutes
11.00-15.00 Every 4 minutes
15.00-1 9.00 Every 2 minutes
19.00-23.00 Every 20 minutes

• This line will be setviced by buses fi·om Line 3.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

• This line will not stop at Everville Mall or Everville Disttict Comt

Line 8 Frequency
7.00-11.00 Every 2 minutes
11.00-1 5.00 Every 6 minutes

15.00-1 9.00 Every 2 minutes
19.00-23.00 Every 25 minutes

• This line will be setv iced by buses :fi:om Line 4.
• This line will not stop at Capital Financial or Everville Botanical Gardens.

• Lines 1,2,9, and 10 will setv ice the following additional stops:
Line 1 - > Everville Mall
Line 2 - > Evetv ille Dishict Comt

Line 9 - > Captial Financial
Line 10 - > Everville Botanical Gardens

(A) Ross Watts

(B) Cluis Devonshire
191. Who was res1•onsible for conducting the meeting?
(C) Trent Kennel
(D) Martha Bates
192. What will be 1mblished in the town news1•a1•er?
(A) Minutes from the EDT's May meeting

(B) A schedule for ECRT operations in July

(C) An article on the changing means ofhansportation
(D) A letter from the EDT's Coordination Committee
193. According to the minutes, which of the following is TRUE about ECRT?

(A) It will replace setv ice for Lines 5 and 6.

(B) It will close for repairs from July to September.

(C) It will lay off 20% of its workforce.

(D) It will increase company profits by 30 percent.

194. Which line should someone take to get to the Botanical Gardens?
(A) Line 1
(B) Line 2
(C) Line 8
(D) Line 10
195. What information in the schedule is different from the minutes?
(A) Buses nm more often dming the day than at night.
(B) Lines 7 and 8 are temporatily out of setv ice.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhMcua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@se h'lm mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

(C) Lines 3 and 4 will mainly cover the closed bus lines.
(D) The changes are effective in July
Liri d'ch va giai thich cau 191 - 195
Everville BQ Giao thong V~n tai (EDT)
Bien ban hQp hoi d6ng thu 7 ngay 21 thtmg 6 toa thj chinh Evetville

Chu tich Chtis Devonshire tign hanh cuoc hQp. Ong da tuyen b6 khai truang h~

th6ng xe di~n nhanh rn6i 6 thanh ph6 Evetville (ECRT), M th6ng se cung cip dich V\1
tn,rc tigp dgn tit ca cac Him t<h chinh va khu rnua s~m Ion. D\I an se bao g6rn

vi~c dong cua duemg xe bu)rt s6 7 va s6 8 tir ngay 15 thimg 7 dgn 25 thang 9. Ngay
ho<;tt dong ban d~U chinh xac se dU<;tC quygt dinh trong CUOC hQp vao thang toi.
Bien ban
Bien b{m CUOC hQp thing 5 da dU<;tC phe duy~t va se cong b6 trong fin ph§m chu

nhat cua to Evetville Times.
iJy ban hf!l• tac tic
ug nghi phic thao tuygn duong thay thg cho tuygn xe bu)rt s6 7 va s6 8 da duqc gm
bm giam d6c hqp tac Ross Watts. Hoi d6ng da bo phigu va dg x~t duqc thong qua
vao ngay 10 thang 1. Theo d6, cac hanh dong se duqc th1,tc hi~n dg thong bao cho
nguoi dan r~ng tuygn xe bu)rt s6 5 Va s6 6 se Il10 rong dich V\1 dgn cac khu V\IC rna
tuygn s6 7 va s6 8 thuemg ho<;tt dong. Do S\I thay d6i tren, tk s6 cua cac xe bu)rt se
thay d6i tuy thuoc vao thai gian trong ngay. Mot lich trinh rnoi se duqc dua ra va phan

ph6i bm phong quan M cong chimg.

Bao cao tai chinh

Thu ump hang tuk cua EDT duqc d1,t bao giarn 25 phk tram so voi cac d1,t an xay

d1,tng duqc dg xuit khac. Tuy nhien, Giarn d6c tai chinh Trent Kennel bao cao r~ng
ECRT rnoi d1,t kign se lam tang t6ng doanh thu clia cong ty len 30 phfin tram.
CuQc hqJ• hQi (tAng quan tr' ti~p theo

Cuoc hQp hoi d6ng quan tri tigp theo se duqc t6 chuc vao thu 3 ngay 22 thing 7,
h1c 6 gio chigu t<;Li thu vi~n cong cong Evetville.

Bu6i hQp da kgt thuc vao 5 gio 46 phut chigu

D~trinh bien bfm,
Martha Bates
Martha Bates

Ljch trinh mOi xe buyt Everville s~ 7 va ~ 8

(Chuang trinh nay c6 hi~u l1,tc kg tir thing 7 dgn thang 9)

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

Tuyenso 7 Tan suat

7.00-11.00 2 phut/chuyen
11 .00-1 5.00 4 phut/chuyen
15.00-1 9.00 2 phut/chuyen
19.00-23.00 20 phut/chuyen

• Tuyen nay se dm;rc phl)C V\1 ben cac xe bu)rt tlr tuygn s6 3
• Tuygn nay khong dimg l(li t(li sieu thi Eve1ville ho~c toa an quful Everville

Tuyenso 8 T an suat
7.00-11.00 2 phut/chuyen

11.00-1 5.00 6 phut/chuyen
15.00-1 9.00 2 phut/chuyen
19.00-23.00 25 phut/chuyen

• Tuyen nay se dm;rc phl,lC V\1 hoi cac xe bu)rt tir tuygn s6 4
• Tuygn nay khong dimg l(li t(li hung tam tai chinh or vuon bach thllo Everville
• tic
Tuygn 1' 2, 9 va 10 se du<;rc phl,lc Vl,l them cac digrn dimg sau:
Tuygn 1 - > Sieu thi Everville
Tuygn 2 - > Toa an quan Eve1ville
Tuygn 9 - > TrWlg tarn tai chinh
Tuygn 10 - > Vuon bach thllo Eve1ville
Da11 an: 191B 192A 193D 194D

Cau 191. Ai Ia ngtriri chju trach nhi~m ti~n hanh cu~c hc;»Jl?
A. Ross Watts
B. Chris Devonshire
C. Trent Kennel

D. Martha Bates
ChQn B vi ngay cau d~u tien do(ln thu nh~t da chi ra chu tich Chris Devonshire tign

hanh cuoc hQp. Dan chl1ng "President Chris Devonshire conducted the meeting"
Cau 192. Cai gi se •lucre cong ba trong tir bao thj tr~n?

A. Bien ban tir cu~c hc;»Jl hai thang 5 cua EDT

B. Kg ho(tch cho vi~c ho(tt dong ECRT hong thang 7
C. Mot bai bao vg S\1' thay df>i cua phuong ti~n giao thong
D. Mot la thu tir uy ban h<;rp tac EDT
ChQn A Dan chling la "Minutes from May's meeting were approved and will be
published in the SWlday edition of the Everville Times"
Cau 193: Theo bien ban, cai nao sau •lay Ia •lung v~ ECRT?
A. N6 se ph1,1c V\1 thay thg cho tuygn s6 5 va s6 6

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien SO(Ill
nhfun giup cac b(lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@se h'lm mftt di gia tri rna cac b(lll da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

B. N 6 se dong cli'a d~ sua chua tir thang 7 dgn thtmg 9

C. N6 se sa thai 20% nhan cong
D. Nose tang lqi nhu~n cua cong ty len 30%
ChQn D. Dan chUn.g la "Chief Financial Officer, reports that the new ECRT is
projected to increase total company sales by 30 percent"

A, B, C dSu khong c6 dfr ki~n dm;rc neu ra trong bai
Cau 194: Tuy~n nao sau (fay se .ti (f~n Vuim bach thao?

A. Tuygn s6 1
B. Tuygns6 2

C. Tuygn s6 8
D. Tuy~n sa 10
ChQn D vi tuygn s6 1, 2 va 10 se dm;rc ph\IC V\1 them cac di~m dim.g sau:
Tuygn 1 - > Sieu thi Everville

Tuygn 2 - > Toa an quan Eve1ville
Tuygn 10 - > Vuon bach Eve1ville
Cau 195: Thong tin nao trong k~ ho~ch khac vOi trong bien ban?
A. Xe bu)rt. ban ngay chc;ty thuang xuyen han ban dem
B . Tuygn s6 7 va s6 8 t(.un thai ngimg ph\lc V\1
c. Tuy~n sa 3 va sa 4 se chinh thlfc f)hi;IC VI;J thay th~ cac duimg xe bujt (fong
D. Nhfrng thay d&i c6 hi~u hrc trong thang 7

ChQn c vi cac xe bu)rt. s6 3 rna rong phl)C V\1 thay cho tuygn s6 7 va xe bu)rt. s6 4 ph\IC
V\1 thay cho tuygn s6 8. Dan chUn.g ''This line will be serviced by buses fi·om Line 3 &
This line will be serviced by buses from Line 4"

Questions 196-200 refer to the following emails.

To: Deven Wilt
From: John Barker <>

RE : Director of Sales position


Dear Mr. Wilt,

I was extremely excited to receive your e-mail regarding the Director of Sales position.
I have worked at Advanced Advertising for 5 years, and in this time have developed
strong c1itical thinking and communication skills. I feel my expe1ience and track record
of excellence make me an ideal candidate for this position.
I am currently the most successful employee in the department, and in the last six
months alone have secured contracts with three major corporations. As captain of the
company baseball team, I have developed strong leadership skills and consistently

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

demonstrated my ability to organize and execute new plans. I have applied these
leadership skills to the office environment by initiating company- sponsored lectures
from experts around the world. I believe education is an impmtant asset to any company
and feel strongly that the 10 percent increase in total adve1tising sales in April was
directly related to the attendance of these talks.

The resume and essay attached to my e-mail fmther outline my skills and personal
qualities. I would welcome an opportunity to inte1view for this position.

John Barker

To: All sales associates
From: Deven Wilt <>

Subject: Director of Sales position
Hi, eve1yone. I'd like to tell you about what the management has decided
conceming the former Director of Sales, Macy Fitz's replacement. The board
members prefer to give it to a qualified staffer with at least 4 years' expe1ience
at Advanced Adve1tising rather than hire a candidate fi·esh off the street. HR will
be conducting inte1views stmting May 22, and all sales associates who have been
with the company for 4 years or more m·e encouraged to apply. Please send me
p1inted copies of your cover letter and resume, along with a b1ief 500-word essay

outlining why you think you m·e ideal for this position, by May 15. Only
applications submitted in this form will be accepted.
Good Luck!

Wilt, HR

196. What is the main tmrtlose of the first e-mail?


(A) To announce the retirement of a company employee

(B) To inform employees of a job opening
(C) To outline a new company policy on corporate sales
(D) To introduce an adve1tising campaign for new products
197. What can be inferred about the board members at Advanced Advertising?
(A) They like to promote people within the company.
(B) They all have at least 4 years of sales expe1ience.
(C) They plan to announce a merger with a larger company.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se h'lm mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

(D) They prefer to communicate with managers tlu·ough e-maiL

198. Which skill is NOT mentioned by John Barker?
(A) Organization
(B) Communication
(C) C1itical thinking

(D) Knowledge of accmmting
199. According to John Barker, how did the comtlany increase sales in Atnil?

(A) Employees worked longer hours.
(B) Employees went to educational seminars.

(C) The company implemented a new incentive policy.
(D) The company hired a business consulting firm.
200. Why might John Barker's atllllication not be accetlted?
(A) He has been working for less than a year.

(B) He didn't follow the requested form of submission.
He didn't major in the related field.
His sales performance is not that good.

Liri d!ch va giai thich cau 196- 200

ugn: Deven Wilt
Tir: John Barker <jbarker@advancedadvertising.corn>
RE: Vi tri gitun d6c bim rumg

Thua ngai Wilt,

T oi da d.t vui rnirng khi nhan duqc e-mail cua ngai lien quan dgn vi ni giiun d6c bim
hang. Toi da lrun vi~c t.(li Advanced Advertising trong 5 nam, va trong thai gian nay da
phat tii~n t6t ey nang tu duy va giao tigp. Toi earn th~y kinh nghi~rn cua rninh CUng h6

sa x~t s~c giup toi u·o thanh mot ling vien ly tuong cho vi tri nay.
T oi hi~n dang la nhan vien thanh cong nh~t trong bo phan, va trong sau thtmg qua mot
rninh toi da dam bao duqc hqp d6ng voi ba tap doan 16n. La doi tm&ng clia doi bong

chay trong cong ty, toi da phat tri~n rn<;mh ky nang lanh d~o va luon chling to kha nang
CUa rninh hong vi~c t& chuc va th\IC hi~n cac kg ho~ch rnoi. T oi da ap d\lll.g cac ky nang

lanh d~o toi rnoi tiuong lam vi~c 6 van phong cong ty dku tien, tir cac bai gitmg duqc
tai trq cua cac chuyen gia tren khlp thg gioi. T oi tin r~ng giao dt,IC la mot ph~n tai san
quan n·Qng d6i vffi b~t k)r cong ty Va cam th~y chlc chln r~ng S\I gia tang 10 phk tram
trong t&ng doanh thu quang cao n·ong thimg 4 co lien quan tr\IC tigp dgn S\I tharn gia CUa
cac CUOC noi chuy~n.
Sa ygu ly lich va bai ti~u lu~n dinh kern voi thu tigp tl)c dua ra cac ey nang va ph§m
chlt ca nhan cua toi . Toi se r~t vui rnirng tigp nhan co hoi phong v~n cho vi hi nay.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se h'lm mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

Tran trQng,
Jolm Barker

ugn: T~t ca cac d6ng nghi~p bim himg

Tir: Deven Wilt <dwilt@advancedadvertising. corn>

Chu dg: Vi hi giarn d6c bim ht'm g
Chao t~t ca rnQi nguoi. Toi rnu6n noi v6i rnQi ngum vg vi~c quan ly da quygt dinh thay

thg Giarn d6c ban hang cii - Macy Fi tz. Cac thanh vien hoi d6ng quiin hi thich thue mot
nhan vien co du chlt lu<;m.g v6i it nh~t 4 narn kinh nghi~rn t~i Advanced Advertising

hem la thue mot ling eli vi en rn6i hoan toim. Phong nhan S\1' se duqc tign hanh cac cuoc
phong v5n b~t d~u tlr ngay 22 thang 5, va t~t ca cac nhan vien kinh doanh- nhiing nguoi
da gk bo v6i cong ty tir 4 narn tr& len thi duqc khuygn khich ling tuy~n. Xin vui long
gm cho toi ban in CUa thu xin vi~c va so ygu ly lich, cimg v6i mot bai luan 500 tlr dua

ra ly do t<;Li sao b<;tn nghl r~ng b~n phu hqp v6i vi tri nay, cham nhlt vao ngay 15 thang
5. Chi nhiing dem ling tuy~n theo rnau nay rn6i duqc chlp nhan.
Chuc may rn~n!
Giarn d6c nhan S\1'
Deven Wilt
Da1) an: 1968 197A 198D 1998
Cau 196. M~;~c dich chinh cua e-mail d~u tien Ia gi?

A. D~ thong bao vi~c nghi huu cua mot nhan vien cong ty
B. D~ thong bao cho nhan vien mqt cO' hqi vi~c lam
C. D~ dua ra chinh sach rn6i cua cong ty vg ho<;tt dong ban hang
D. D~ gi6i thi~u mot chinh sach qu{mg cao cho san phfun rn6i

ChQn B vi trong e-mail d~u tien co nMc t6i vi~c thay thg giarn d6c ban hang cii va cac
nhan vien trong cong ty du tieu chu~n co th~ ling tuy~n vao vi tri nay.
Cau 197. Cai nao co th~ suy lu~n ra v~ thanh vien ban hqi (tAng quan tr! t~i

Advanced Advertising?
A. Hq thich thuc (f~y con ngtriri trong cong ty

B. HQ dgu co it nh~t 4 narn kinh nghi~rn trong ban hang

C. HQ len kg ho<;tch dS thong bao vi~c sat Map v6i mot cong ty 16n
D. HQ thich giao tigp v6i nguoi quan ly thong qua e-mail
ChQn A vi hQ thich tuy~n nguoi da g~n bo v6i cong ty hem la tuy~n nguoi ngoai nen co
th~ suy luan ra Ia hQ thich thuc diy cac nhan vien h·ong cong ty hem. Dan chling ''The
board members prefer to give it to a qualified staffer with at least 4 years' experience at
Advanced Advertising rather than hire a candidate fresh off the street"

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se h'lm mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa

Cau 198: Cai nao sau khong (}U'Q"C (}~ c~1• bOi John Barker?
A. T& chuc
B. Giao tigp
C. Suy nghl tich C\l'C
D. Ki~n thlfc v~ k~ toan

Chon D vi cac ky nang t& chuc, giao tigp hay suy nghl tich C\l'C dSu dUQC John Baker
dS cap t6i t:rong la thu. Dan chilng "I have worked at Advanced Advertising for 5

years, and in this time have developed strong ctitical thinking and communication

"As captain of the company baseball team, I have developed strong leadership skills
and consistently demonstrated my ability to organize and execute new plans"
Cau 199. Theo John Barker, cong ty (}a tang doanh sa trong thang 4 b~ng each

A. Nhan vien Hun vi~c them gio
B. Nhan vien d~n cac bu&i hqi thao (tao t~o
C. Cong ty th\l'c hi~n chinh sach khich 1~ m6i
D. Cong ty thue mot cong ty tu v~n kinh doanh
Chon B. Dan chilng la "I believe education is an important asset to any company and
feel strongly that the 10 percent increase in total advertising sales in Aptil was directly
related to the attendance of these talks"
Cau 200. Vi sao dO'n cua John Barker khong dU'Q'C chit• nh~n?

A. Anh ~Y da lam vi~c it han 1 nam

B. Anh i x khong n9t• theo m~u (}U'Q"Cxeu cau
c. Anh ~Y khong lam trong llnh V\l'C lien quan
D. Vi~c btm hang cua anh ~y khong t6t

Chon B. Dan chilng la "Only applications submitted in this form will be


Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirn.g mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se h'lm mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Lii' Thj Thanh Hoa


Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlu'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhM cua group "'foeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th@ se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~l da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Club Photogr·aphees Cau l~c b{) nhi~p anh

Photography community C{)ng d~ng nhi~p anh
Welcome to Club Photographees, the largest, Chao mUng dSn voi cfm l~c b9 nhiSp {mh, dlu l~c b9
devoted photography discussion site in London with anh lan nh~t aLuan Bon voi han 300000 thanh vien
aLuan Bon va nhiSu vtmg khac tren nuoc Anh.

more than 300,000 members from London and other
parts of England. M9i nguoi duqc khuySn khich chia se kiSn thuc va

Members are encomaged to share know ledge, tlmo lu~n vs nhfrng y tuang, d6ng thai lam quen voi
discuss ideas and build new friendships with others nhiSu nguoi khac co ctmg dam me chl,lp anh. DJ co
who have a similar passion and interest in (155) toan quy~n truy cQ_p vao trang nhiJp iinh, bt;tn phiii

photography. To gain full access to Club iliing ki mQt ttii khoiin miln phi. M9t khi b~ da la
Photographees, you must register for a free thanh vien thi b~n co thS:
account. (154) As a registered member, you will be - Tham gia vao cac dS tai, diSn dan nhiSp anh va

able to: duqc xem han 4.4 tri~u bai.

and browse from over 4.4 million posts.

• Join in more than too photography topic forums ,

• Communicate in public and in private with other

- Co thS tro chuy~n cong khai ho~c rieng tu voi
nhung nguili yeu nhiJp iinh hoijc cdc chuyen gia
- B~n se co dung luqng 1OMB dS luu trfr anh tren
photography lovers and professionals. (1 53AB)
• Keep your own photos on our Gallety server where Gallety hoan toan miSn phi.
evety registered member gets 1O:MB of storage space - Co thS truy c~p dSn cac lo~i trang web thuang m~i
absolutely free . khac dS mua ban va trao it!Ji cdc thiJt bj nhiJp iinh.

• Get access to the classifieds market site to buy, sell - Buqc tham gia cac chuySn di, h9i thao va cac bu6i
and trade photographic equipment (153C) chl,lp anh dS nang cao trinh d9 cua minh.
• Pruticipate in trips, workshops and photo shoots to T~t ca nhfrng diSu nay va th~ chi la nhiSu han nfra
improve your photographic skills. dSu hoan toan miSn phi ngay sau khi b~ da dang ki

All this and much more is absolutely free when you m9t tai khoan cho minh, v~y hay dang ki ngay hom
register for an account, so sign up today. nay.

153. Who would NOT be interested in this club? 153. Ai se khong quan tam dSn dlu l~c b9 nay?
(A) NhiSp anh gia Chuyen nghi~p

(A) Professional photographer

(B) Amateur photographer (B) NhiSp anh gia nghi~p du
(C) Web programmers (C) LQ-p trinh vien web
(D) Camera dealers (D) Thuang gia May anh
154. What is required to join this club? 154. ck gi khi tham gia dlu l~c b9 nay?
(A) A computer access (A) Truy cQ_p may tinh
(B) A camera (B) May quay phim
(C) Paying the registration fee (C) Thanh totm 1~ phi dang k)r
(D) Photographic equipment (D) ThiSt bi ch\lp anh

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

155. What kind of organization is this? 155. Day la lo~i t6 chuc gi?
(A) A debate club (A) Cau l~c b9 tranh lu~n
(B) A professional society (B) Xa h9i chuyen nghi~p
(C) A non-governmental organization (NGO) (C) T 6 chuc phi chinh phu (T6 chuc phi chinh phu)

(D ) A hobby group (D) Nhom siJ thich

From: Pitts Lander Tu: Pitts Lander
Tieu d~: Hanna Kortney

Subject: Hanna Kortney
Please join me in congratulating HannaKortney Toi xin chuc mung Hanna Kortney duqc thang
(156) on her promotion to Subject Matter Expett chuc la chuyen gia chuyen nganh (SME) - Dinh gia
(SME) - Data Pricing in the Collection Management dfr li~u a Van phong qufm ly dfr li~u (CMO) t6 chuc

Office (CMO) Finance organization. Hanna will be tai chinh. Hanna se lam vi~c dS bao giup bao v~ va
working to help protect and maximize our precious
Average Revenue Per Unit (ARPU) by ensuring our
data products are priced attractively and profitably.
t6i da h6a lqi nhu~ tlung binh tren tUng dan vi
(ARPU) b~ng each dam bao cac dfr li~u san ph§m
cua chting ta c6 gia tri va lqi nhu~n. Hanna se b~t
d~u vai n·o moi cua minh vao ngay 17 thang 7.
Hanna's first day in her new role will be July 17th.
Hanna has done a super job suppmting the Industry Hanna da 1<1 chuyen vien cao c~p h6 tr<;Y T6 chuc
Sales Organization led by Cynthia Meams with high- kinh doanh cong nghi~p dfui d~u la Cynthia Meams
quality finance suppmt in a vety "data challenged" voi sv h6 trq tai chinh ch~t luqng cao trong m9t moi

environment, pmticularly for vettical repmting. huang &y tinh c~nh u·anh vS m~t dfr li~u, ~c bi~t
Additionally, she has done an outstanding job over d6i voi vi~c bao cao theo chu6i. Ngoai ra, co tly con
the last few months uncovering the root causes of xuat stic trong vi?c tim hi:u ra nguyen nhan chinh
gay giam m{Ulh ARPU trong m~t viii thang gkz

ARPU declines. That work has helped spur

Business Services to take appropriate corrective ilay. Vi?c ilo ilii giup thuc day ngimh djch Vlf-
actions and understand ARPU trajectories for the thuung m(li co nhung himh il~ng thich h(lp vtz

remainder of 2007(157) quy~t ilinh chi~n luf}'c ARPU cho nhiing ngay con

Thanks, l(li cua niim 2007.

Pitts Lander Cam an,
Business Finance Pitts Lander
Ph1,1 trach tai chanh doanh nghi~p
156. Who would receive this e-mail? 156. Ai se nh~n thu di~n ru nay?
(A) Pitts Lander (A) Pitts Lander
(B) HannaKortney (B) Hanna Kortney
(C) Cynthia Mearns (C) Cynthia Mearns
(D) All the employees (D) T~t ca nhan vien

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
157. What does Pitt Lander fell is the key to the 157. DiSu gi Pitt Lander cam th~y 1<1 then ch6t cua S\I
company's success? trumh cong cho cong ty?
(A) Increasing sales volume (A) tang doanh thu thS tich
(B) Maximizing profit on each item sold (B) T6i da hoa lqi nh~n m6i mon d6 ban
(C) Dua ra san phfun ch~t luqng cao nh~t,

(C) Offering the highest quality product
(D) Uncovering root causes and taking appropriate (D) Khdm phd nguyen nhiin siiu xa va th~c hi?n

corrective actions cong tdc khac ph~;~c thich h(lp
From: Employee News Tu: Ban tin nhan vien

Subject: Don't forget: Get ice cream f1·om yom· Chu dS: dirng quen an kern tir cira hang yeu thich
favorite executive on Thursday cua b~n vao ngay thu nam
The 2007 Buzzbridge March Dimes Campaign is in ChiSn cijch Buzz bridge March Dimes nam 2007

full swing, and to celebrate, your favorite dang disn ra r~m r9 va ds t6 chuc, cac cua hang yeu
executives will be handing out free ice cream at the
March Dimes Kickoff Rally (159). The rally will be
held on the Muiane Park Campus in Town Square
thich cua b~ se phat kem miSn phi ~i cu9c mit tinh
March Dimes Kickoff. Cu9c mit tinh nay se duqc t6
chuc t~i khu cong vi en Mulance a thi tr§n Square
this Thtu·sday, April1 2, from 11: 30 a.m. to 12:30 vao Thu Nam, 12 thang 6, tir 11 :30 sang toi 12:30
p .m . chiSu. Hay ghe qua thuang thuc huang v i ng9t ngao
Stop by to satisfy yom sweet tooth and lemn more va tim hiSu them m1,1c dich t6t dyp nay. s6 tiSn tu t~t
about this great cause. Proceeds of all events will go ca cac S\I ki~n nay se duqc gui toi nguo i ngheo. D~i

to the under privileged. March Dimes representatives di~n March Dimes se co m~t, cho nen day la co h9i
will be on hand, so this is the perfect oppmtunity to tuy~t voidS dang k)r bu6i di b9 Walk America.
sign up for a WalkAmerica walk. va dirng quen ngay 12 va 13 thang 6 la ngay Jeans
And don't forget- April 12 and 13 are Blue Jeans

xanh cho be danh cua il9i ngu nhan vien. M (Ji

for Babies days for participating employees! More thong tin vJ ho{li il9ng VUi th: hi?n Slf: ung h9 CUa
information about this fun way to show your br;m thong qua jeans co th: ilu(J'c tim thay ttJ-i

support through your denim can be found here website:

Cam an va hy V9ng se g~p m9i nguoi a do!

Thanks, and we hope to see you there!
158. What is the main topic of this e-mail? 158. Chu dS chinh cua thu di~n t.U nay la gi?
(A) How to get free ice cream (A) Cach dS co duqc kem miSn phi
(B) A chance to meet company executives (B) Co h9i g~p nhfrng nguoi diSu hanh cong ty
(C) An online clothes-shopping program (C) Chuang trinh mua s~m q~n ao nvc tuySn
(D) Various charity events. (D) Cdc s~;~: ki?n tu thi?n khdc nhau

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Notes: Trong bili co cdc chien djch gay quy tU thi?n

nhu: The 2007 Buzzbridge March Dimes,
WalkAmerica va Blue Jeans for Babies
159. What is indicated about the Kickoff Rally? 159. Di~u gi duqc xac dinh v~ D~i h9i Kickoff?
(A) No du(lc t!J chirc dJ thuc day chi~n djch.

(A) It is held to promote the campaign.
(B) It will raise money for a good cause. (B) Se quyen gop ti~n vi nhan ~o.

(C) You have to pay to take pmt. (C) B~n phai m~t ti~n dS thmn gia.
(D) You must walk to the park. (D) B~ phai di dSn cong vien.
160. B~n co thS h9c hoi duqc di~u gi qua vi~c t~ng

160. How can you lemn about donating your
jeans? d6 jeans?
(A) By attending the rally (A) B~ each tham dl,l' cu9c g~p go voi dong dao
(B) By asking a March of Dimes representative qtilln ch1lng

(C) By contacting a pmticipating employee (B) B~ng each hoi nguoi d~i di~n March of Dimes
(D) By visiting the website tic (C) B~ng lien l~c voinhan vien tham gia
(D ) Bang each truy cQp vao trang Web
(161) The San Pedro Community Art Gallery will Phong triJn liim ngh? thu~t C~ng dang San
be closed from December 1st to January 15th. Pedro si dong tir ngay 1 thdng mu:Oi hai d~n ngay

Dming this time, the galle1y will be undergoing 15 thdng gieng. Trong thai gian nay' phong triSn
renovations to its interior. Over the past few yem·s, lam tranh se tiSn hanh d6i moi n9i th~t. Trong vai
many people have complained that the inside of the nam qua, nhi~u nguoi da than phi~n ben trong phong
triSn lam tranh da b~t d~u ra nat. Buc tuong kh~p toa

gallety has begun to fall apmt. Walls throughout the

building have begun to crack and there have been nha da b~t d~u nUt ne va co nhi~u v§n d~ voi h~
numerous problems with its electrical wiring. To fix th6ng day di~n. DS SUa chfra noi nay, h9i d6ng thanh

this, the city council has given 2 million dollm·s to ph6 da cung c~p 2 - tri~u do m1,1c dich lam moi h~
th6ng day di~n va vftt li~u xay tuang trong toa nha.

install a new wiring system and walling in the

building. This money will also be used to purchase Ti~n nay ciing si du(lc dung dJ mua da d(lc mdi va
neM' furniture and apply a neM' paint job to the chi tra cho cong vi?c SO'n SUa mdi va n~i thflt ben
interior of the facility . (162) trong CUa CO' Sd nay. (J62)
We would like to apologize in advance for Chtmg t6i xin 16i vi nhiing b~t ti~n co thS gay
any inconvenience that the closure may cause, but ra, nhung chtmg toi hi V9ng r~ng CaC b~n Se quay l~i
we hope that you will come by after I anumy 15th to sau ngay 15 th~mg gieng dS chtrng kiSn Sl,l' d6i moi
see the new and improved San Pedro Community va cai tiSn cua phong triSn lam ngh~ thuftt C9ng
A1t Galle1y. We will even be having a special grand d6ng San Pedro. T~m chi chtmg t6i se t6 chuc

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

opening event on the 16th to allow visitors to see krumh thanh d~c bi~t Ian vao ngay 16 cho phep du
the changes to the gallery and to have a chance to khach nhin th~y Sl,l' d6i cua phong triSn Him va co co
meet some famous local artists (163). Thank you for h<?i g~p m<?t s6 ngh~ si n6i tiSng a dia phuong. Cam
your attention and please feel free to call 512-1 900 if an b~ da chu y va xin dtm.g ng~i g9i 512-1 900 nSu
b~n co b~t cu th~c m~c nao vS vi~c ph1,1c h6 i ho~c

you have any questions about the renovations or the
galle1y's reopening. vi~c mo cua l~i phong triSn Him.

161 . What is the pwpose of this announcement? 161. M1,1C dich cua thong bao nay la gi?
(A) To inform about the temporary closing (A) EJJ thong btio vJ vi?c dong cua t{lm thili

(B) To notify of the pe1manent shutdown (B) BS thong bao dong cfra vinh viSn
(C) To attract more tourists to the galle1y (C) BS hut them khach du lich dSn phong triSn Him
(D) To raise some money for the renovation (D) BS kiSm them tiSn cho vi~c nang c~p
162. What will the city council's fund NOT be used 162. Cong quy cua h9 i d6ng thanh ph6 se khong

for? duqc dilng dS lam gi?
(A) Installing the new wiring
(B) Repairing the wall
(C) Buying new artwork
tic (A) Cai ~t h~ th6ng day di~n mai
(B) Sua chua buc tuemg
(C) Mua ttic pham ngh? thu~t mui
(D) KiSm m<?t s6 d6 ~c n9i th~t
(D) Getting some fllniture
163. When can the people see well-known mtists? 163. Khi nao m9i nguoi co thS g~p cac ngh~ si n6i
(A) Janumy 1 tiSng?
(B) Janumy 2 (A) ngay 1 thang gieng

(C) Janumy 15 (B) ngay 2 thang gieng

(D) January 16 (C) ngay 15 thang gieng
(D) ngay 16 thting gieng
e ic

Company: Hotel Chateau Bellevue Cong ty: Khach s~n L au dai Bellevue
Job Title: Assistant Food and Beverage Manager Chuc v1,1 : Trq ly giam d6c fun thl,l'c
Job Location: Quebec City - Quebec - Canada N oi lrun vi~c : Quebec City - Quebec - Ca - na - da
Job Description: Mo ta cong v i~c :

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

A Luxwy Hotel in Quebec is seeking an experienced Khach s~ sang u·9ng a Quebec dang tim kiSm trq
Assistant DiJ:ector of F ood and Beverage. This ly giam d6c ~m thvc c6 kinh nghi~m. Khach s~n
boutique-style hotel centrally located in Quebec has phong each hi~n ~i a uung tam Quebec dn tuysn
an immediate opening for an Assistant Food and ngay m9t tr(J' ly giam dBc phi!- trach am thl!:C. Trach

(165) Beverage Manager. The primmy nhi~m chinh la giam sat ho~t d9ng hang ngay cua
responsibility w ill be to supervise the daily operation
nha hang, cac qufty Va cijch Vl,l phong ding nhu tham

of the restamant, bar and room services as well as gia h6 trq cac bu6i ti~c hoanh u·ang.
assisting in the banquet operation. Nhi~m v1,1 khac :

Other Duties: . H6 u·q xSp lich cho cac nh6m thanh vien duoi sv
• Assists with scheduling team members under direct giam sat tn,rc tiSp vi~c tuySn d\lllg nhan vien thich
supervision at proper staffing levels; watches labor hQp ; xem chi phi nhan cong hang ngay dS dam b<io
cost daily to ensme efficiency in scheduling. hi~u su~t trong kS ho~ch

• Ensmes restamant, bar, room services and banquets .Dam bao nha hang, qufty, dich v1,1 phong va ti~c

adhere to all standards as outlined by brand or hotel ttmg quan tr9ng theo tieu chi da duqc phac thao b~ng
thuang hi~u hay danh tiSng ctia khach s~m.
• Maintains standards offood and beverage quality . Duy tri tieu chuJn thJ!c phJm, thuc uBng va ph11-c
VI!- khach chai fu:(J'ng; giiii quy~t phan nan CUa
and guest services; resolves guest
complaints. (164BC) khach.
• Assists in the development of shmt-tenn financial . H6 trq u·ong vi~c phat triSn tai chinh ng~n h~n va
and operational plans for the restamant, bar and kS ho~ch ho~t d9ng cho nha hang, qufty va cijch Vl,l

room services which suppmt the overall objectives phong h6 trq ml,lC tieu chung CUa nha hang hong
of the restamant and of the hotel. khach s~n.
Promotes programs to increase sales through team 11 Phat triSn chuang u·inh tang doanh thu thong qua
member incentive plans and programs to increase cac thanh vien u·ong nhom thuc d~y ks ho~ch va

customer satisfaction. chuang trinh dS lam cho khach hai long han nfra.
• Fulfills Manager on Duty shifts. (164 A) . ThJ!c hi?n quiin ly cdc ca frJ!c.

Job Requirements: High School diploma or (167) Yeu ciu cong vi~c : BJng tBt nghi?p trung ht)c
hof!-c tudng dudng doi hoi co tt:r ba dsn nam nrun

equivalent and three to five years food and beverage

and/or hospitality related work experience in a kinh nghi~m lam vi~c lien quan dSn ~m thvc va c6
leadership capacity required. nang lvc lanh d~o.
Fom year degree a plus. Experience in full service KhuySn khich c6 b~ng c~p b6n nam. Vu tien kinh
hotel environment preferred. nghi~m ph1,1c v1,1 nganh khach s~
Skills Required: Leadership, Interpersonal, Strong Ky nang Cin thi~t : Kha nang lanh ~o, quan h~ ca
Communication, Planning and Organizational nhan, ki nang giao tiSp, kha nang ho~ch dinh va t6
Language Requirements: English-Ve1y Good chuc

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
Employment Type: Full Time Yeu c~u ngo~i ngu : TiSng Anh t6t- Phap thanh th~o
Yearly Salmy: 80,000 CAD han
Company: Hotel Chateau Bellevue Lo~i vi~c lam : toan tha i g ian
Preferred Method of contact: E-mail via Apply Luang hang nam : 80,000 do la cana da

Online B ox(J 66) Cong ty : Khach s~n Lau aai Bellevue
164. What is NOT a pmt of this job? Cach lien [fie: N~p dun qua E- mail din h~p thu:

(A) Supervising other workers xin vi~c tren mt;Lng.
(B) Dealing with hotel guests 164. BiSu gi khong co trong cong vi~c nay?
(C) Budgeting for food service (A) Giam sat cong nhan khac

(D) Marketing the hotel to customers (B) Giai quySt cac v§n dS voi khach akhach s~n
165. How would you classify this position? (C) Chtilin bi tiSn b~c cho dich Vl,l thuc an
(A) Wage laborer (D ) Tiip thj khach Sfln ain kluich himg

(B) Management 165. B~ se phan lo~i vi t.ri nay nhu thS nao?
(C) Contractor
(D) Hotelier
166. What should you do if you want this job?
tic (A) nguo i lao d9ng Luang
(B) Quiin ly
(C) Nha th~u
(A) Use the website to send an e-mail (D) Chu khach s~n
(B) Contact the manager of the hotel 166. B~n nen lam gi nSu b~n mu6n cong vi~c nay?
(C) Mail yom resume and cover letter a:
(A) Su tl#ng trang web gUi e-mail
(D) Visit the hotel in person (B) Lien l~c huang phong cila khach s~n

167. What education level is required? (C) Gm thu ly lich cua b~n va thu g iai thich
(A) College graduate (D) Bich than dSn thfun khach s~n
(B) High school graduate 167. Phai co n·inh d9 h9c v§n gi?
(C) None (A) Sinh vien moi t6t nghi~p ~i h9c

(D) The ad doesn't specify. (B) Tilt nghi~p trung h(Jc

(C) Khong ck

(D) Quang cao khong noi ro.


Br a nd New for Spring! Hang mOi chao xuan!

In stores, online, and by phone Mua t~i cua hang, nvc tuySn, va qua di~n tho~i
ALL JEANS & PANTS Tit ca cac lo~i Jeans va cac lo~i Quin
B UY ONE, GET ONE Mua m9t, them m9t
HALFOFF(168) ! Giam gia phan nila!
ALL SWIMWEAR ON SALE Tit ca cac lo~i trang pht]C hoi dang ban
STARTING AT $19.50! Co gia khOi di~m Ia 19.50 do-la!
FREE SHIPPING Giao hang mi~n phi
Tijng phii u mua himg $25 vui hoa dun tren $75!

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~ n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
Plus GET $25 Free Coupon on orders over Ma s6 thuS: PTW73
$751(169) Giao hang mi~n phi: B~t hang t6ng c9ng $75 uuoc
Use code: PTW73 thus, tau xe va xu ly. KhuySn mai nay chi ap d1,1ng
FREE SHIPPING: Order must total $75 before cho v~n chuySn trong ph~m vi nuoc My. Khong bao
g6m v~ chuysn t6c hanh. Khuysn mai kSt thuc vao

taxes, shipping and handling. Offer valid on regular
U.S. shipping only. Does not include express 3 I 02 I 08. Chi phi chuySn hang se duqc ap d\lllg.

charges. Offer ends 3102108. Additional handling T~ng phi~u mua hang: phai mua t6ng c9ng $75 sau
charge will be applied. khi chiSt kllfm, tluoc thuS, tau xe va xu ly. Hqp 1~
b~ng ca - ta- 16 va uvc tuySn. Phai mua tluoc ngay

Free Coupon: Purchase must total $75 after
discounts and before taxes and shipping and 4 I 01 I 08. Co gia tri m9t l~n.
handling. Valid by catalog and online. Pmchases
must be made by 4101108. One-time use only. PhiSu mua hang t~ng m9t l~n khong qua $25 co thS

No more than one $25 Free Coupon may be hmin d6i m6i l~n ~t hang $75. Vi~c mua l~i phai
redeemed per each $75 order. Redemption purchase
must total $7 5 after discounts and before taxes and
shipping and handling. Not redeemable for credit or
t6ng c9ng $75 sau khi chiSt kh~u, uuoc thuS, tauxe
va xu ly. Khong hoan d6i ra tin dl,lng hay tiSn m~t u-a
cho dan d~t hang va hang mua uuoc day, bao g6m
tiSn thuong. Khong thS lam l~i nSu bi m~t ho~c bi an
cash on pending orders and previously pmchased
merchandise, including retw.ns. Not replaceable if c~p. Khong thS chuySn nhuqng. Ira l~i va u·ao d6i
lost or stolen. Nontransferable. Retw.ns and phai tuan thu chiSt kh~u mua l~i. Khong duqc tinh
exchanges are subject to discount taken at chung voi cac khuySn mai khac. PhiSu mua hang

redemption. Cannot be combined with other offers. t~ng $25 phai hoan d6i uuoc 5 I 06 I 08. Khong co
$25 Free Coupon must be redeemed by 5106108. Not gia n·i noi l~t nay bi c~m.
valid where prohibited by law. 168. NSu q~n jean dang duqc ban giam gia voi 30
168. If jeans are on sale for $30, how much would it do-la My' phai t6n bao nhieu dS l~y hai cai?

cost to get two pairs? (A) $60

(A) $60 (B) $45

(B) $45 (C) $35


(C) $35 (D) $30

(D) $30
Notes: mua 1: $30, mua them ctii giiim nfra giti: 169. Lqi ich Nhfrng gi b~n co thS duqc nSu b~n mua
$15 mon d6 u·en $7 5?
169. What benefit can you get if you purchase items (A) B~ co thS duqc giao hang miSn phi
over $75? (B) B~ co thS mua mon d6 khong co thuS.
(A) You can get free express delive1y. (C) Bt}n co th: nh/)n ilrr(lc chi~t khau $25.
(B) You can purchase item without tax. (D) B~ co thS nh~ duqc phiSu mua hang nhiSu l~n
(C) You can get a $25 discount. tl,rdo.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(D) You can get the free coupon many times.

We're Eating Too Much Salt Chung ta dang an qua nhi~u mu~i
Most of us are eating too much salt. The average Ph§n Ian chl1ng ta dang an qua nhiSu mu6i. T1ung
American gets double the recommended daily intake binh m9t nguoi My hftp th\11 luqng mu6i gftp doi so
voi khuyen dling. B~ co biSt bao nhieu la nhiSu hay

of salt. Do you know how much or how little that
really is? We should have no more than 1 teaspoon it khong ? Chling ta nen dling t6i da 1 mu6ng canh

total for the day. Most of us have two teaspoons. m6i ngay. Phk Ian m9i nguoi dling dSn 2 mu6ng
What most of us don't take into account is the canh. Nhfrng gi ma ph§n Ion m9i nguoi khong tinh

sensitivity of the mechanism we inhabit, our body. toan thi dsu dt,ra tren khftu vi, thoi quen cua chling ta.
Our body has the capacity to sense the presence or Co thS chtmg ta co kha nang nh~ thfty S\f co m~t
absence of substances in microgram measures - one- hay thisu hl,lt cua cac chttt trong ph~m vi microgram
thousandth of a milligram. To put it into perspective, la m9t ph~n ngan miligam. Tinh ra m9t mu6ng canh

a teaspoon holds 2,400 milligrams. A microgram is chua 2400 miligram. M9t microgram la 1 phk

about reducing on salt through behavior: not

one-thousandth of a single milligram. We've heard

adding any, eating fresh foods, avoiding anything

nghin CUa 1 miligram. Chung ta van du(Yc nghe vJ
vi~c giam mul>i thong qua each an ul>ng: khong
them VQO btlt ky thu gi, iin thJ!:C phJm tuO'i, tranh
CtlC thu dfi qua xU [y VQ Qf)C ky nhfin mac. Nhung
processed and reading labels (170). But do you
really know what you're reading ? b~n CO thl,IC S\f biet ro nhfrng gi b~n dang d9c?

There's more to identifying the sodium content than Co nhiSu each dS xac Qinh ham luQng natri han la

just looking for the word "salt. " vi~c chi tim tir "mu6i"
Watch for the following: Xem nhfrng ml,lc sau:
• Sodium anything - This can encompass sodium • Sodium nao cling co thS bao g6m sodium nitrate,
nitrate, benzoate, phosphate, caseinate and saccharin. benzoate, phosphate, caseinate va saccharin

• MSG- That's monosodium glutamate. It can be • MSG - Do la monosodium glutamate. No co thS

really bad for your health. thl,IC S\f xftu cho SUC khoe CUa b~n

• Reduced sodium - The food's sodium content has • Gi~nn natri - ham luQng natri clia thvc ph§m da
duqc gi~im 7 5 phk tram so voi cac phien b~m

been reduced by 75 percent compared to the

"regular" version. "thuang xuyen".
• And what does that " low sodium" tag on a label • Va "sodium thftp" tren nhan thvc sv nghla la gi?
really mean? Low sodium applies to a specific N atri thftp ap dl,lllg cho m9t s6 C\1 thS. Nhfrng thvc
number. The food can't contain more than 140 mg ph§m khong thS chua nhiSu han 140 mg natri m6i
sodiwn per serving. Remember, it's your khftu ph§n. Hay nho r~ng, do la trach nhi~m cua b~n
responsibility to see how many servings are in a dS xem co bao nhieu ph~n la trong m9t h9p.
container. Xem lu(Yng natri La mQt trong nhiing bi~n phap
phong ngua tat nhtlt tranh khoi bi huy~t tip cao

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Watching sodium intake is one of the best (1 70) va b~nh tim (1 72). B~ co thS nghi rfuJg no khong
preventive measures to ward off developing high thS xay ra voi b~ nhung do la tnich nhi~m CUa b~
blood pressure and heart disease (1 72) . You may tham gia vao qua trinh va lam gi~un cac ysu t6 nguy
think it can't happen to you, but it's yow· co cua b;;tn.

responsibility to pmticipate in the process and lower
yow· risk factors. 170. Thong di~p chinh cua bai bao la gi?

170. What is the main message of this mticle? (A) Nguoi My an mu6i qua nhiSu.
(A) Americans eat too much salt. (B) r~t kho phat hi~n mu6i.
(B) It is very difficult to detect salt. (C) Co nhi~u nhung thir btp~ phai lam d: trdnh

(C) There are many things you must do to avoid muili thing du.
excess salt. (D ) ta c~n nhan thvc phfun t6t han dS bao v~
(D) We need better food labels to protect our health.sue khoe.

171. Cau nao khong phai la each dS gifun lu<;m.g

(A) Eat aU your meals at home

(B) Avoid eating processed food
171. vVhich is NOT a way to reduce yow· salt intake? mu6i h~p thu cfut b;;tn?
(A) iin h;t m(Ji bua II nha
(B) Tninh an thvc phfun chS biSn
(C) Eat as much fresh food as possible (C) An cang nhiSu thvc ph§m tuoi s6ng cang t6t
(D) Check labels for all fonns of salt (D ) K iSm tra nhan dan cho cac lo~i chtra mu6i
Notes: diu miy btp~ si khong thay trong bai ii(Jc 1 72. Ai se quan tam nhlt dSn diSu nay?
172. vVho would be most interested in this? (A) Ai mu6n gi~un din nhanh chong

(A) Someone who wants to lose weight quickly (B) (B) Ngu oi thich thvc ph§m cay va m~
Someone who likes spicy and salty food (C) Ai voi huySt ap r~t th~p
(C) Someone with ve1y low blood pressme (D) Nhung nguO'i trong gia ilinh co van if~ tim
(D) Someone with heart trouble in their family


Subject: Special E m ployee Ticket O ffea·! Chu d~: Khuy~n mai nhan vien ve d~t bi~t

Kansas City is about to get a taste of the Winner 's Thanh ph6 Kansas s~p don nh~n cam giac niSm vui
Circle (17 4). A select nwnber of free tickets have chiSn th~ng. M9t s6 luqng ve miSn phi ch9n l9c
been reserved for FiveFire employees for the duqc danh rieng cho nhan vien cua FiveFie a cu9c
upcoming Indy Racing Series Races: O ' Reilly Auto dua xe Indy s~p toi: cu9c dua 0 'Reilly Auto Pmts
Pmts 250 (March 28) and the Kansas Lotte1y 300 250 (March 28) va the Kansas Lottety 300 (March
(March 29) races at Kansas Speedway. Employees 29) t~i huang dua Kansas. Bay gio nhGng nhan vien
now have the oppmtunity to register to win two co co h9i dang ky dS Lay du(J'c 2 ve cho m8i CUQC
(1 75) tickets for each race. With two separate

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

registration sites, employees can register for one or ilua vui 2 ilia ai:m dang ky rieng bi~t, nhimg
both races.(175) nhan vien CO th: ifiing ky ve 1 hay 2 CUQC ifua
Registration runs March 10-March 19. Winners will V i~c dang ly diSn ra tir 10 toi 19 t.hang 3. N guoi
be selected in a random drawing on March 20 and chiSn th~ng se auqc ch<;>n ng~u nhien vao 20 thang 3
va auqc lien h~ tn,rc tiSp uuoc 21 thang 3 vs vi~c

contacted directly by March 21 about how to obtain
the tickets. Ticket distribution will occur at the Ke1n nh~n ve. Vi~c phat ve se diSn ra ~i khuon vien Kem

campus on March 25. Employees may register only vao 25 thang 3. Nhiing nhan vien chi duqc dang k)' 1
once per race. l§n duy nh~t cho m6i cu9c dua.

O'Reilly Auto Pmts 250 - NASCAR Craftsman 0 'Reilly Auto Pmts 250 - NASCAR Craftsman
Tmck Series Saturday, March 28 Race begins at 5 Tmck Series thl.r 7, 28 thang 3 b~t d~u h1c 5h chiSu.,
p.m. Kansas Speedway Register at duong dua Kansas Bang kY ~i:
:http:/ / login.ser, Choose :http:/ / login.ser, ch<;>n

"Sponsorships" from the drop down menu Kansas "sponsoship" tu menu tha xu6ng

Race begins at 3:30p.m.

173. Who is this message for?
Lottety 300 - Indy Racing League Sunday, March 29 Kansas Lotte1y 300 - Indy Racing League chu ~t
29 th~mg 3 h1c 3h 30 chiSu.
173. Thong di~p nay danh cho ai day?
(A) Residents of Kansas City (A) cu dan Kansas City
(B) Winner's Circle members (B) khu vvc phat thuang thanh vien
(C) Peop_le who work at FiveFire (C) nguili lam vi~c II FiveFire
(D) Kansas Speedway employees (D) nhan vien Kansas Buang cao t6c

174. what is tme about the races ? 174. BiSu gi dling vS chu dS cu9c dua?
(A) Residents of Kansas City (A) cu dan Kansas City
(B) Winner's Circle members (B) Nhiing thanh vien trong niJm vui chi;n thing
(C) People who work at FiveFire (C) Nguoi lam vi~c aFiveFire

(D) Kansas Speedway employees (D) Nhfm vien duang cao t6c Kansas
175. How many tickets may one person win if he or 175. M9tnguoi co thS th~ bao nhieu ve nSu nguoi

she is ve1y lucky? ~y la r~t may m~n?


(A)2 (A) 2
(B) 4 (B) 4
(C) 250 (C) 250
(D) 300 (D) 300
Notes: iliing ki 2 ve ff!-i 2 CUQC ilua la tBi ila thiing 4
$1, 790/2br (178)- Fantastic Location - Great Unit l, 790 ilo/2 phong ngu - d!a diem li tU'Ong - noi
(San Mateo) tuy~tviri (San Mateo)
Reply to: see below Date: 2007-03-03 Reply to: see below Date: 2007 -03-03

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Look No Further. Great Townhouse, fantastic Cha tim dau xa. Great townhouse, m9t noi ly tuang.
location.(l 76) L arge 2-bedroom, 2- stmy unit with V oi 2 t.§ng lftu, 2 phong ngu Ion, va phong tiim 1.5.
1.5 baths. Great closets, open beam ceilings, Tu d6 hi~n d~i, u·~n nha sang thoang. San g6 clln.g
d~t chtilin. Lo suai g6 khong gian lang m~n. Tham

hardwood floors on main level. Romantic wood
bruning fireplace. Wall to wall carpets in both (176) 6p tuong trong ca 2 phong ngu, d6 dUn.g bBp nuc &y

bedrooms, great galley kitchen, granite counter top. dU, voi k~ lat da hoa cuang. Cach vin,h tham quan 1
One block to Bay and biking, restaurants, shopping day ph6 va chi c~n vai buoc chan ds dBn nha hang,
khu mua s~m, va tha sue d~p xe ~o choi. ThQ-t yen

just steps away. Very quiet and desir able (177)
neighborhood l -ear parking in carpmt inside the binh va dang triii nghi~m. 1 - bao g6m bai dftu xe
building included, plenty of off-stTeet free parking. ben trong toa nha, nhiSu noi d6 xe miSn phi ngoai
Additional storage space on prope1ty included at no ph6. NhiSu kho chua d6 khong m~t tiSn. Phuong ti~n

extra charge. On-site laundry facility (coin gi~t ili t~i ch6 (su dt,mg tiSn xu). Pha dBn San

operated). Feny to San 5 minutes away. Sony, NO

Call today at (550) 317-5050 to schedule a p ersonal

Francisco m~t 5 phut. B~t ti~n, d m thu cung.
G9i ngay hom n ay sa (550) 31 7-5050 a: thu x~p
chuy~n du fich ca nhan thich htJp.
tour of the unit and prop erty. Ciin h9 hoa h ang aay n dng, kh6i 307 b. 404 Rose
Sunny Rose Ap artments (178) , Unit 307B. 404 Rose Street, Sausalito, TiSu bang Califomia 94988.
Street, Sausalito, CA 94988. Qua m~ng Id: 38AD616523
Posting ID : 38AD616523

176. Who would probably be interested in this 176. Ai co le se quan tam dBn nha ph6 nay?
townhouse? (A) M9t iloi b{ln co cung sll thich
(A) A professional couple (B) ngu oi me cho
(B) A dog-lover (C) m9t s6 nguoi co kB ho~ch du lich nuoc ngoai

(C) Someone planning to travel overseas (D) g ia dinh voi vai tre em
(D) A family with several children 177. B~n co thS nghi gi vS vUn.g Ian c~n?

177. What can you ass rune about the neighborhood? (A) No la a miSn que.

(A) It is in the countryside. (B) No la khu uung tam phai.

(B) It is right downtown. (C) No II ngo{li o.
(C) It is in a suburb. (D) No la a miSn nui.
(D) It is in the mountains. 178. Nhfrng gi dang duqc dS xu~t?
178. What is being offered? (A) Ciin h9 cho thue
(A) An apartment for rent (B) nha ph6 cho ban
(B) A townhouse for sale (C) xay d\ffig nha moi
(C) Construction of a new home (D) Nang c~p cua nha CUa b~
(D) Remodeling of your house

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

From: Computer Server Hosting Facility Tir : D!ch VI! Internet cung cap tin ttlc mOi nhat
Chu dS: XSp lich cup di~n cho toa nha huang dong

Subject: Upcoming scheduled power outage for East T ~m quan tr9ng : R~t quan tr9ng

Wing BSn: nhan v ien T oa nha huang Bong
Impmtance: High Doanh nghi~p b~t d9ng san se thvc hi~n lich bao tri
va thu nghi~m h~ th6ng di~n trong toa nha s6 6480

To: Building East Wing employees
Enterprise Real Estate will be perfonning routine (huang dong) trong ngay cu6i t~n clia ngay 20-22
preventative maintenance and testing on the thang muoi. Sv ki~n bao tri nay se ch~ng anh huang
electrical system in building 6480 (East Wing) dSn ngu6n di~n khi c~p bach ho~c ngu6n di~n dv

during the weekend of October 20-22 (1 79). This phong IDF, R TSC ho~c tnmg tfun dfr li~u Bao mftt.

or UPS power to the IDF rooms, RTSC or the

Security Command Center.
maintenance event will not affect emergency power
KS ho~ch cup di~n nhu sau :
Biit dau tir 8 giif chiJu, Thir Sau, 20Thdng Muifi,
The power outage schedule is as follows : keo diU cho dJn 8 giif sang vao thir biiy, ngay 21
Beginning at 8 p.m., Friday, Oct., 20 lasting until 8 thang muiri btit dau tir 8 giif chiJu, Thir bay, Thang
a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 21 Beginning at 8 p.m., Muifi, 21 keo dai cho dJn 8 giif sang vao ngay chit
Saturday, Oct, 21 lasting until 8 a.m. on Sunday, nh~t, ngay 22 thang muifi

Oct 22 (180) Ttuac khi di nghi cu6i t~n yeu c~u b~n titt di~n cit
Prior to leaving for the weekend you are asked to ca cac thiSt bi may tinh. Xin vui long tn,rc tiSp lien
power down all desktop computer equipment. Please h~ dSn dich V\1 h6 trq May tinh Kemel ~i s6( 800 )
dn·ect all questions to the Computer Server Hosting

Facility Help Desk at (800) 520-7120. NSu co v§n dS phat sinh vai kS ho~ch ngung cung
Should a schedule conflict arise with this planned c~p di~n nay, vui long lien l~c vai b9 ph~n h6 trq cua

outage, please contact the Computer Server Hosting dich Vl,l may tinh Kemel huac Thu Tu, ngay 11

Facility Help Desk no later than Wednesday, Oct. th~mg muoi, 12:00 hua.
11 , 12:00 noon. Cam an b~ eta c9ng tac.
Thank you for your cooperation. 179. Cong vi~c nay se m~t thai gian t6ng c9ng bao
179. How long will the work take altogether? Hlu?
(A) The whole weekend (A) Toan b9 ngay cu6i tu~n
(B) About 8 hours (B) khoang 8 gio
(C) About 24 hours (C) klwiing 24 giili
(D) 3 days (D) ngay thu 3
180. What is TRUE about the plan? 180. KS ho~ch thftt sv la gi?

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(A) There will be no power in the building (A) se khong co quySn h,rc trong toa nha
(B) Yotu· equipment will be hnned off for you. (B) thiSt bi Cua b~n se bi t~t cho b~n.
(C) The electrical system needs repair. (D) cong VifC Si lam xong trong dent
(D) The work will be done at night.

TO: AGP8X Employees Ben: Nhfm vien AGP8X
FROM: Sylvie Hamm, Director, Htunan Relations
Dear Colleagues,
AGP8X Corporation recognizes the impmtance of
tic Tu: Sylvie Hamm, Giam d6c, Quan li nhan sl,l'
Cac b~n d6ng nghi~p thfm mSn,
Cong ty AGP8X nh~ ra illm quan tr9ng clia vi~c co
having a first-rate employee exercise facility on the phuang ti~n luy~n tftp sue khoe cho nhan vien trong
premises. For the past three years, we have worked khuon vien. Trong ba nam qua, chtmg toi da hSt sue
vety hard to improve the employee exercise facility. c6 g~ng ds cai thi~n thist bi luy~n tftp cho m9i
We ptu·chased new exercise equipment, renovated nguoi. ChUng t6i mua thiSt bi thS thao moi, d6i moi

locker rooms and began offering a new safety phong gui hanh ly va b~t dftu dua ra khoa hu§n hJY~n
training course. an toimmoi.
A month ago, you responded enthusiastically to the Cach day m9t thang, cac b~ da nhi~t tinh tham gia
cu9c khao sat vS bung tam luy~n tftp thS thao. Dlfa

survey about the fitness center. Based on your

recommendations, new changes will be planne theo d~ nghi cua cdc bfln, nhimg thay d!Ji mui si
(181) . They will take effect on January 2. Finally, du:(J'c len k~ hOflCh. ChUng se co hi~u ll,l'c vao ngay 2

the employee fitness center will be open on extra thang gieng. Cuai cung, trung tam thJ di!-C thJ thao
nhan vien si dang mil them ba ti~ng dBng hB Thu

three hours (183) Monday through Thtu·sday. Also,

long-time members will be surely pleased to hear hai dSn Thu nam. Ngoai ra, thanh vien Hlu nam cMc
that the popular personal manager Tony Stumpo will ch~n se hai long khi nghe giam d6c nhfm sl,l' tuyen
be promoted to the manager of the fitness center b8Tony Stumpo du(J'c thiing chuc tru:llng phong
(182) . CUa trung tam thJ di!-C thJ thao .
We encourage more employees to take advantage of Chtmg toi khuySn khich nhiSu nhan vien han tftn
what the center has to offer. Memberships will huang nhiing lqi ich bung tam mang l~i . H9i vien se
continue to be subsidized and remain at $20 per tiSp t1,1c duqc b·q c~p $20 m6i thang. Va chi trong
month. And for a limited time only, we offer a m9t khoang thai gian ng~n, chimg t6i khuySn mai

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

special rate for new members. Members who sign up d~c bi~t chocac thanh vien moi. Thanh vien dang kY
before December 31 will be charged only $15 per uuoc ngay 3 1 thang muoi hai se duqc tinh chi $15
month for their first year. Contact Tony Stumpo to m6i thang cho nfun d~u tien. Lien l~c Tony Stumpo
sign up at this reduced rate. ds dang kY hie duqc khuysn mai.
Trung Him th~ d~c th~ thao d anh cho Nha n vien


Hours of Operation

Operation Monday 6:00A.M.- Monday 12:00-
Monday 6:00A.M.- Monday 12:00- 9:00P.M. l:OOP.M.
9:00P.M. l:OOP.M. Tuesday 6:00A.M.- Tuesday 6:00 -
Tuesday 6:00A.M.- Tuesday 6:00 - 9:00P.M. 7:00 P .M.

9:00P.M. 7:00 P .M. Wednesday 6:00A.M.- Wednesday 12:00-
Wednesday 6:00A.M.-

6:00A.M.- Thursday
Wednesday 12:00-
6:00 -
6:00A.M.- Thmsday
1:00 P .M .
6:00 -
7:00 P .M.
9:00P.M. 7:00 P .M. Friday 6:00A.M.- Friday 7:00- 8:30
Friday 6:00A.M.- Friday 7:00- 8:30 9:00P.M. A.M.
9:00P.M. A.M. Satmday 6:00A.M.- Saturday 9:00 -
Saturday 6:00A.M.- Saturday 9:00 - 9:00P.M. 10:30

9:00P.M. 10:30 Sunday CLOSED Sunday A.M

Nh~c nhcr

Reminders 1. Xin dung si¥ d11-ng thi~t bi hun 30 phut nSu thanh
1. Please do not use equipment for more than vien khac dang cho dS Slr d\]Ilg no.

30 minutes (184) if other members are waiting to 2. Cac thanh vien co thS dua khach dSn tham quan.

use it. Khach duoi 18 nen CUng di theo boi thanh v ien vao
2. Members may bring a guest per visit. Guests m9i thai diSm.
under 18 should be accompanied by a member at all 3. Bang kY khong b~t bu9c nhung kich thuoc phong
times. tftp chi gioi h~ dSn 1 0 nguoi tham dv Xin vui long
3. Registration is not required for class but class dsn sam ds tim duqc ch6. Ao choang va till xach nen
size is limited to 10 participants. Please anive early ds l~i phong gui hanh ly ds cho thoang phong tftp.
to secure a place. Coats and bags should be left in 4. Thanh vien mdi phiii hoim thimh khoa huilng
the locker room so that other participants have huilng truilc khi si¥ d11-ng thi~t bj.
plenty of space.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

4. N ew members are required to complete an Thanh vien phai mang the h9i vien vao m9i tha i
orientation class before they use equipment (185) . dism trong khi h9 a tnmg tam
Members must cany a membership card at all times
while they are in the center 181 . Ml,lC dich cua thong di~p nay la gi?
(A) B S thong bao nhan vien cua vi~c dong cua hung

181. What is the prnpose of this message?
(A) To notify employees ofthe closme of the tam thS d1,1c thS thao

fitness center (B) FJ: thong btio cho nh/ln vien cua thay i/!Ji hi?n
(B) To inform employees of current changes at a t{li cua trung tam th: fh!,c th: thao
(C) B S nghi gqi y vS cac phong ~p hJY~n

fitness center
(C) To ask for suggestions about classes (D ) B S than phiSn vS nguoi hu§n luy~n
(D) To complain about a trainer 182. Sl,l' thftt dl,l'a tren thu nay la gi?
182. What is TRUE based on this e-mail? (A) Tony Stumpo si La qulin ly cua trung tam th:

(A) Tony Stumpo will be manager of the fitness dZJ.c th: thao.
Sylvie Hamm is a new employee of the
tic (B) Sylvie Hamm la nhan v ien moi cua cong ty.
(C) Nhan v ien Cong ty AGP8X da yeu cftu gio ngay
cu6i tu§n cho ho~t d9ng cua hung tfun thS d1,1c thS
(C) AGP8X Corporation employees requested thao.
weekend hours for operation of the fitness center. (D ) Nhan vien Cong ty AGAP8X tham dl,l' lap thS
(D) AGAP8X Cmporation employees attend free hinh tl,l'do.
fitness classes. 183. Nhfrng gi se xay ra tir ngay 2 thang gieng ?

183. What will happen from Janumy 2? (A) Nhan vien co thS tham dl,l' lap thS hinh tl,l' do.
(A) Employees can attend free fitness classes. (B) ThiSt bi mai se duqc chuySn g iao
(B) The new equipment will be delivered. (C) trung tam th: fh!,c th: thao si mil cua them giil.
(C) The fitness center will be open extra hours. (D ) uung tam thS d1,1c thS thao se dong cu a dS tu sua

(D) The fitness center will be closed for mai.

renovations. 184. Ai duqc yeu cftu khong su dl,lllg thiSt bi?

184. Who is asked NOT to use the equipment? (A) Nguili mulm dung no trong m~t giil

(A) People who need it for an hour (B) Ph1,1 nfr

(B) Women (C) Ngu oi du oi 18 tu6i
(C) People under 18 years old (D ) Quan chuc cao c~p
(D) Seniors 185. Nhfrng nguoi moi dSn phai lam gi dS su dl,lllg
phong ~p nay?
185. What must a newcomer do to use this facility? (A) Bi kham bac si
(A) See their doctor (B) Tham gia p_han huung dan truuc tien
(B) Take the orientation session first (C) B ang k i lap thS hinh
(C) Register for fitness classes (D ) I ra tiSn h9i vi en cua m9t nam

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~ n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(D) Pay for one-year membership

Aroma Oil D~u thorn

With growing health care costs and the V oi S\f d~t do CUa chi phi cham SOC SUC khoe va doi
khi v i ch~t lm;1ng clia thu6c thong thuemg, chUn.g t6i

sometimes impersonal quality of conventional
medicine, we have truned to natme to find the da huang vS thien nhien dS tim dlu tni loi cho dlu

answers to om questions. Therapies that were once hoi clia chUn.g t6i. Li~u phap da duqc xem nhu m9t
viewed as altetnative have risen from the shadows, giai phap thay thS da xu~t hi~n, cung c~p b6 sung

providing a complement to conventional medicine. cho thu6c thong thuemg.
We don't even know we 're doing it. When Thftm chi chUn.g ta ciing khong biSt chUn.g ta dang
you bruned that scented candle last week, you were thl,Ic hi~n diSu do. Khi b~ d6t m9t dly trk huang
practicing Aromatherapy. W hen you walk through a t~ nuac, la b~n da thl,Ic hanh Li~u phap xoa bop

fragrant garden, you are doing it again! b~ng &u thorn. Khi b~ di b9 qua vuon thorn, la b~n
Why is Aromatherapy so popular today?

It is easy to practice.
It is readily available.
tic dang lam l~i diSu do!
T~i sao Li~u phap xoa bop b~ d~u thorn r~t n6i
tiSng ngay nay?
• It is effective as a therapy. (187) . DS thl,IC hanh.
The healing properties of Aroma Oils are . No nhanh chong s~n co.
capable of not only treating our physical bodies, . No co hi~u qua nhu m9t li~u phap.
they are renowned for enhancing our state of mind Cdc ilijc tinh chua limh cua Dim thum co khii niing

as well (188) khong chi Vdi CO' th: chung ta, ma COn ciii thi?n
Choose the emotional state you wish to tam trf!-ng chung ta tat hun.
remedy below and be sme to ask which oils are right Ch9n n·~g thai cam xuc b~ mu6n dS kh~c ph1,1c ben
duai va ch~c ch~n b~n se bist d~u nao phu hqp vai

for you.
Anxiety/Depression/Grief/Insecurity (186) b~n.
/Loneliness/ Lo au I n·~m cam I Bau bu6n / bat an I Co don I

Panic Attacks/Poor Memmy/Sadness/Stress Hoang lo~n vo co I tri nha kern I r~u ri I Stress
Li~u phap xoa bop bing diu thorn h1 gi?

What is Aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is the practice of using scents of Li~u phap xoa bop b~ &u thorn la each su d1,1ng
essential oils to improve om health and well-being. mui huang cua tinh &u dS cai thi~n sue khoe CUa
It can be a simple and effective way to manage chUn.g ta va thoai mai. No co thS la each don gian va
stress. Essential oils are concentrated extracts from hi~u qua dS chS ngl,I ding th~ . T inh d~u duqc tftp
the flowers, leaves, bark and roots of plants. trung chiSt xu~t tir hoa, la, vo va ca thl,Ic vftt.
The scents of essential oils cause involuntruy Mui huang cua tinh &u gay ra vo tu tac d9ng len
emotional and physical responses within us. Cettain tinh thk va thS xac chUn.g ta. Mui huang nhlt dinh
lam diu chling ta va giup tftp trung nang lu<;Yng cua

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

scents calm us and help focus our energy. We can chUn.g ta. ChUn.g ta co thS su d1,1I1g dftu li~t ke ben
use the oils listed below for: duoi cho m1,1c dich:
1. Relaxation: chamomile, cedmwood, sage, 1. Thu gian : cue La ma, h6ng ~i, xot thorn, phong
geranitun, jasmine, lavender, orange and rose lfr, hoa lai, hoa oai huang, CalTI va hoa h6ng
2. Tftp trung : hUn.g quS, b~c ha cay va huang thao

2. Focus: basil, peppennint and rosemmy
3. Energy: basil, grapefruit, lemon, orange, 3. Nang lu<;m.g : hUn.g quS, qua buoi, qua chanh, cam,

peppetmint, rosemmy and thyme (189) b~c ha cay' huang thao va rau hUn.g
The pure essences distilled from aromatic plants Chi;t xuat chung cat fir cay thum rat quy gia trong

have been prized for their health-giving qualities vi?c mang lf:li mc khoe himg ngim niim qua. Tinh
for thousands ofyears (190). These potent essences tliy m~ me nay ciing se tiSp t1,1c dong m9t vai tro
will also continue to play a major role in our health chinh trong cham SOC SUC khoe CUa chtmg ta trong
preservation during these times of increasing disease thai ~i b~nh tftt va stress gia tang.

and stress. T~p chi ThS gioi li~u phap xoa bop b~ng d~u thorn,
Aromatherapy World Magazine, May 20
186. What is NOT a benefit of m·omatherapy?
(A) Relaxation
tic ngay 20 thang nam
186. DiSu gi khong phai la lqi ich clia li~u phap xoa
bop b5ng clftu tham?
(B) Insecurity (A) Thu gian
(C) Focus (B) Bat an
(D) Energy (C) Tftp hung
187. Why is Aromatherapy is so popular today? (D) Nang lu<;m.g

(A) It requires hm·d exercise. 187. T~i sao Li~u phap xoa bop b~ng clftu thorn qua
(B) You need a professional therapist to practice ph6 biSn hom nay?
aromatherapy. (A) no doi hoi bai tftp kho.
(C) Essential oils are ineffective for managing (B) B~ c§n nha n·i li~u chuyen nghi~p dS thvc hanh

stress. li~u phap xoa bop b5ng dftu thorn.

(D) It improves mental clarity and body (C) tinh d~u la vo hi~u cho chS ngv cang thlng.

function. (D) No Lam cho tri oc them minh man va Cd thJ


188. What is the subject of the mticle? khoemf!-nh.

(A) How to practice m·omatherapy 188. DS tai vS bai bao la gi?
(B) Safety infmmation (A) Cach thvc hanh li~u phap xoa bop b5ng d~u
(C) The benefits of aromatherapy. tham
(D) Histmy of aromatherapy (B) thong tin An toan
189. What is good for energy? (C) L(li ich cua li?u ph tip xoa bop bdng diLU thum
(A) Chamomile oil (D) lich su li~u phap xoa bop b~ng d~u tham
(B) Thyme oil 189. Nhiing gi t6t cho nang lu<;m.g?
(C) Rose oil (A) D~u hoa cue

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(D) Sage oil (B) Diu x~ huong

190. Which of the fo llowing is hue? (C) D~u hoa h6ng
(A) Aromatherapy has a long history. (D) D~u cay xo thorn
(B) Aromatherapy requires hard exercise. 190. Cai nao duoi day la dling ?
(A) Li?u ph tip xoa bop b&ng dau thum co m~t ljch

(C) Aromatherapy can be fatal.
(D) Aromatherapy does not improve yow· holistic su Lau ilui

health. (B) Li~u phap xoa bop b~ng ~u thorn doi hoi bai tftp
(C) Li~u phap xoa bop b~ ~u thorn co thS chSt

(D) Li~u phap xoa bop b~ng d~u thorn khong cai
thi~n sue khoe t6ng ths cua b~n.

To: Jamie Hotta <> B en : Jamie Hotta < jhotta@jhlaw. com>
From: Lilly Mitchell <>
Re: Job Search
Dear Ms. Jamie,
tic Tu : Lilly Mitchell < mitchell9@corin. edu>
I ra loi : tim vi~c lam
Gai co Jamie,
T oi nghe noi co dang tuyen nhan vien ti~p tan a
I have heard that you have a job opening for a
receptionist (193) in Washington . I am graduating Washington. Toi se tBt nghi?p vao thting chin, d6ng
in (192) September, and also in the same time my tha i ciing ngan hang d~u tu nai toi thvc tftp ciing kSt
investment bank internship ends. I am moving in to thuc. T oi se chuySn dSn nha ba my t6i a Washington,

my parents' house in Washington, and I decided to nen t6i quySt dinh tim vi?c iJ ilo.Toi mu6n nhftn tai
find a job there (191). I would like to receive li~u mo ta cong vi~c C\} thS. Co vui long cho t6i
specific job descriptions. Can you contact me with thong tin c\} thS nhe?
T oi se dSn thfun Washington tu§n tai va mu6n s~p

suitable infonnation?
I will be visiting Washington next week and want to xSp cu9c hyn dS dSn van phong cua co. Co co thS e -
an ange an appointment to visit yow· office. You can mail thong tin lien quan dSn dia chi nay ho~c fax t6i

e-mail relevant infonnation to this address or fax me a365-7121-0347.


at 365-7121-0347. Chan thanh, Lilly


Job Announcement Position : Receptionist Vi u·i Thong bao cong vi~c : Nhan vien tiSp tan
Descriptions: Mota:

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~ n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

JH Law Finn is reCiuiting for an enthusiastic front Cong ty luftt JH dang tuySn dt,mg m9t tiSp tan nhi~t
desk professional. Qualified applicants will be tinh chuyen nghi~p. Bu tieu chu§n ilng vien se c~n
required to answer multi-line phones, greet clients, trii lili di?n thof:li da tuy~n, chao don khach hang,
send and receive fax transmissions (194), process gm va nhqn chuy:n fax, xu li thu di~n tu di va dSn,
disn cac bisu m~u dan va cac cong vi~c van phong

outgoing and incoming mail, filing and other general
office/administrative duties as assigned. Applicants linh tinh nhu nhan vien hanh chinh. Ung vien dn co

will be required to have excellent telephone ngh~ thuftt giao tiSp qua di~n tho~i, chuyen nghi~p
etiquette, be professional in appearance and work va chiu duqc ap h,rc. Bling gio va dang tin cfty la m9t
diSu b~t bu9c. Vu tien co kinh nghi~m vS cong ty

well under pressure. Punctuality and dependability
are a must. Law Finn experience is a plus. Must be luftt. Phai su d\lllg thanh th~o MS Word, Outlook
familiar with MS Word, Outlook and Excel. Great and Excel. Co h9i tuy~t voi dS h9c tftp, phat triSn d6i
oppmtunity to lemn and grow for someone who is v oi nguoi sgn sang lam v i~c cham chi. Muc luang

willing to work hard. Salmy DOE with excellent tuong Xlmg va cac phuc lqi tuy~t voi. Vui long n9p
benefits. Please submit resume and salmy
expectations to
Jamie Hotta Law Finn 250 S. 3rd Street, Suite 107
ban tom t~t va muc luang ds nghi dsn david@jhlaw.
Jamie Hotta
Washington, DC 20009 (202) 344-0000 Law Finn 250 S. 3 Ph6, B9 107 Washington, De
20009 ( 202 ) 344-0000
191. What is Ms. Lilly most concemed about? 191 . Nhfrng gi la Co Lilly quan tam nh~t?
(A) Finding a place to move in (A) Tim noi dS di chuySn dSn

(B) Getting a job (B) Tim duqc vi~c lam

(C) Studying in Washington (C) Nghien Clru a Washington
(D) Getting manied (D)KSthon
192. Why is Ms. Lilly moving? 192. T~i sao Co Lilly di chuySn?

(A) She is getting manied. (A) Co ~y s~p kSt hon.

(B) She is graduating. (B) Co tiy si tilt nghi?p

(C) Her mother passed away. (C) my cila co ~Y qua doi.

(D) Co ~y dang b~t d~u bac si thl,l'c tftp moi.

(D) She is starting a new intetnship.

193. What position is Ms. Lilly interested in? 193. Vi tri nao co Lilly quan tam dSn?
(A) Intetn (A) Bac si
(B) Administrator (B) Nha quan ly
(C) Attomey (C) Luftt su
(D) Reception is (D) Nhan vien ti~p tan
194. Which of the following is NOT the duties of a
(A) Sending fax transmissions

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(B) Answering multi-line phones (A) Gui uuySn fax

(C) SupeMJising investigations (B) n·a lai di~n tho~i da tuySn
(D) Greeting clients (C) Gitim stit di~u tr
195. What is not a method of contacting lli Law (D) Chao don khach hang

Finn? 195. Nhfrng gi khong phai la phuang phap lien l~c
(A) E-mail JH cong ty l~t?

(B) Telephone (A) E-mail
(C) Fax (B) Bi~n tho~i
(D) In person (C)Fax

(D) T\I minh uvc tiSp
Fax: dung chuyJn va gin van ban khfmg phai
phuung ti?n giao ti~p.

D ATE: Monday, May 20 09:34 Thai gian: Thu hai, ngay 20 thang nfun 09:34
From: Save n Joy Warehouse
To: Alissa Cohen <alissa@bestmail. com>
tic From: Save n Joy Wm·ehouse
To: Alissa Cohen <alissa@beshnail. com>
BS tai : Binh 1~ cilil Nguoi mua hang
Subject: Shopper's Comments

Dear Ms. Alissa, Kinh goi ba Alissa,

Thank you for shopping at Save n Joy Warehouse. Cam an da mua sfun ~i Save n Joy Warehouse.

I nust you enjoyed yom shopping and had an T oi tin b~n thich khi mua s~m va co co h9i dS tham
oppmtunity to look around our newly renovated quan CUa hang moi CUa chtmg tOi lTIO r9ng voi qu~y
store with expanded hot bar offerings, including a ph1,1c v1,1 banh nong, bao g6m ga banhpizza mdi.
neM' pizza station. (198) Toi si rat cam kich n~u bf:ln hoan thanh bang diu

I would appreciate if you would complete a brief hoi ngiin dtinh giti cua hang va djch v~ cua chung
(196) questionnaire evaluating our store and toi. BS ti~n cho b~n, bang cau hoi da co u·en m~g

seMJices. For your convenience, the questionnaire is t~i NSu b~n co kho khan

available online at If nao huy cftp bang cau hoi, vui long binh luftn gui
you have any difficulty accessing the questionnaire, uvc tisp cho tei a management@savenjoy. com.
please send comments directly to me at Binh luftn cua b~n se duqc bao mftt va chi duqc dling dS giup chling t6i cai tiSn cijch Vl,l khach hang.
Your comments will remain confidential and will be Than ai
used only to help us improve om customer services. StUait Johnson
Sincerely, Giam d6c
Stumt Johnson

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Thowifgian: Thu Sau, ngay 24 thang niim 19:51

Date: Friday, May 24 19:51 Tu : Alissa Cohen < alissa@bestmail. com>
From: Alissa Cohen <> BS : Save n Joy Warehouse
To: Save n Joy Warehouse <management@savenjoy. com >
BS tai : Tra loi : Binh lu~n cua Nguoi mua hang

Subject: Re: Shopper's Comments Gili Ong Johnson,

Dear MI·. Johnson, v i T oi khong thS tmy cftp tn,rc tuySn bang dlu hoi,
As I was nnable to access the questionnaire online, I nenToi gui binh luftn cua nguoi mua hang nay tn,rc

am sending these shopper's comments directly to tiSp cho Ong.
you. Hftu hSt cac chiSt kh~u cua hang Ong v§n nen din
Like all disconnt warehouses you should still weigh nh~c gia c~ tranh l~i cac nai khac. Chling khong
up the prices against those you can get elsewhere. phai luon re nhlt. B~c bi~t nSu ong mua s~m tn,rc

They are not always the cheapest. Pmticularly if you tuySn, ong co thS nh~n ra co thS mua sach va D VDs

books and DVDs cheaper elsewhere.

Electronics (197) - The price will be ve1y
shop online, you may find you can get some of their re han nai khac.
Hang di~n tu - gia se r~t c~nh tranh. Tuy nhien, Toi
da phai tv mang vS nha vi ong khong co dich Vl,l giao
hang ~n nai. BiSu nay da ngan can t6i mua nhiing
competitive. However, I have to be able to get it
home myself because you don' t offer any delive1y mon d6 Ion a a do.
service at all. This is what has put me off buying
large items from there.

Photo lab (197)- You have an onsite photo lab Phong ch1,1p hinh - Ong co phong ch1,1p hinh ~i ch6
which offers a number of quality and cheap khach hang ma dua ra m9t s6 ch~t luqng va dich v1,1
developing services. phat triSn ngheo nan.
Food/groceries (197)- A lot of it comes in bulk. Thuc an I thl,l'c ph§m - da s6 khong co bao bi. Tru

Unless I want 3 dozens of toilet rolls, it may not be phi t6i mua 3 ta gi~y cu9n dling trong nha v~ sinh,
much use to the average family. nhung tnmg binh m9t gia dinh nhu vfty la qua nhiSu.

Save n Joy offers double guarantee. On merchandise, Save n Joy dua ra bao dam g~p doi. Khi co vi~c tra
I can get a full refund( 198) I even get a refnnd for l~i h~mg , Toi co th: du(J'c nh~ tiJn l{li day du .

my membership fee in full at any time if I am Thftm chi t6i con duqc hoan tiSn l~i dfty du vao b~t
dissatisfied with being a member. It is a fair policy. k)r h1c nao du tOi chua thftt Sl,l' la thanh vien.
Generally, I would say that the benefits of shopping Noi chung, co thS noi lgi ich khi mua s~m t~i Save n
at Save n I oy far outweighed the disadvantages and I oy co gia tri han Sl,l' b~t lgi va noi chung toi thich
that overall I had a pleasant time at Save n Joy. thili gian d% chju t{li Joy n Save.
(200) Chao thfm ai,
Best Regards , Alissa Cohen
Alissa Cohen

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

196. What is the pmpose of the e-mail from Save n 196. NhGng gila m1,1c dich e - mail tu Joy n TiSt
Joy? ki~m?
(A) To ask for shopper's comments (A) FJ: hoi y ki~n cua nguili mua himg
(B) To promote a special offer (B) BSthuc dfty khuySnmai d~c bi~t
(c ) Quang cito san ph~m moi

(C) To advettise anew product
(D) To invite to its re-opening event (D) BSmoi dv khai huang l~i

197. Which section is NOT mentioned in Ms. 197. Ph~n nao Khong duqc dS cftp n·ong Bai binh
Cohen's comments? luftn cilil Cohen?
(A) Electronics (A) d6 di~n ru

(B) Food comt (B) sieu thi thuc an
(C) Clothing (C) Quando
(D) Photo lab (D) phong thi nghi~m T~rn hinh

198. 198.
What is newly added to the food corut?
(A) Apizzastation
(B) A hotdog station
tic Gi rnoi them vao sieu thi thuc an?
(A) bdnh pizza
(B) hotdog
(C) phong thi nghi~rn ilirn hinh
(C) A photo lab
(D) A bake1y (D) hi~u banh mi
199. What does Ms. Cohen like about Save n Joy?
(A) Food comt 199. Co Cohen thich diSu g i vS cila hang Save n

(B) Delive1y Joy?

(C) Full refund (A) sieu thi thuc an
(D) Books and D VDs (B) Giao hang
200. What is most likely hue about Ms. Cohen's (C) hoiut ti~n L(li Bay ilu

Comments? (D) Sach va DVDs

(A) She does not like the photo lab. 199. NhGng gila r~t co kha nang dling vS bai binh

(B) She does not enjoy shopping at Save n Joy. luftn cilil Cohen?
(A) Co ~Y khong thich phong thi nghi~m cirn hinh.

(C) She J!.lans to shoP.. at Save n Joy_ again.

(D) She wants to get a refund for her membership (B) Co ~y khong thich rnua s~rn ~i Joy n Save.
fee. ( C) Co tiy dq iljnh mua stim t(li Save n Joy nua
(D) Co ~y rnu6n duqc hoan tiSn l~i cho h9i phi cua
co ay.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~ n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh


Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following

Interoffice Message

To: Nick Stokes ( 154) D~n: Nick Stokes (154)
Tu: Samantha Fox -Vi~n Nghien CUu sue

From: Samantha Fox- IMI Health
Institute khoe IMI
V~n dS: M9t cu9c di~n tho~i tir Danny

Re: A phone call received from Danny Samah
Samah Chu y: Vui long g9i l~i cho Danny Samah
Note: Please retutn Danny Samah's call tir van phong Detroit ngay khi b~n c6 thS.

from the Detroit office as soon as you can. BiSu nay lien quan dSn Ung dl,ll1g cua b~n
This is regarding ym.u· application for cho kinh phi mllil he t~i IMI. Ong ~y c~n
summer funding at IMI. He needs to
know your lab specifications for the
tic bi~t nhfrng d~c di~m ky thu~t phong
nghien cuu ciia b~n cho d-., an. (153)
project.(153). He would like you to Ong ~y mu6n b~ cung c~p t~t ca nhfrng
include all the data you have collected dl,I li~u b~n c6, bao g6m dl,I li~u da duqc
ah-eady, including the unprocessed data. xu ly va du li~u tho. 6ng ~y mu6n nh~c
He also wanted to remind you of the nho b~n r~ thai h~n chi con m9t vai

deadline that is coming in a few weeks. tu§n nfra. B~n c6 thS g9i toi s6 202-555-
Bill can be reached at 202-555-0407. 0407
Memo author: Chris Stansfield Thu k)r: Chris Stansfield

153. What was Danny Samah calling 153: Danny Samah g9i di~n vS v~ dS gi?
about? A. Mo ta ky thu~t chi ti~t v~ P.hong

(A) Detailed specifications from the thi nghi~m

laboratof1j B. M9t cu9c g~p

(B) A meeting t C. Ngay rna ca 2 ben khai huang

(C) Dates at which both parties are open D. H~n ch6t sam nh~t
(D) The deadline that is coming up soon 154: Ai la nguoi phai g9i l~i ?
154. Who is supposed to retutn the call? A. Chris Stansfield
(A) Clu·is Stansfield B. Danny Samah

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

(B) Danny Samah C. Samantha Fox

(C) Samantha Fox D. Nick Stoke
(D) Nick Stokes

Questions 155-156 refer to the following

Genard Street Maniott Genm·d Street MatTiott
We are sending this as a confirmation of Chung toi gifi email m1y nhilm xac nh~n
your request for the shuttle bus service yeu ciu cua b~n v~ d!ch "'-' xe bus dua

to Cherry Island Ait·port tomorrow don tOi san bay Cherry Island vao sang
morning (155) .The bus is slated to tic
arrive at the front of the hotel at 6:15
A.M (156), and will depatt at 6:30A.M.
mai. (155). Chi~c xe d'! ki~n se tOi phia
tru&c khach s~n luc 6:15A.M (156), va
khoi hanh hie 6:30A.M. ChiSc xe theo Iich trinh se ctsn san bay hie 6: so
The shuttle is scheduled to atTive at 6:50
A.M. If needed, you can cancel this A.M NSu dn, b~n co thS huy bo vi~c ~t
reservation before 4:00 A.M. tomonow ngay nuoc 4 A.M ngay mai rna khong tinh
without a service charge. To contact the phi. Lien h~ voi qu~y IS tan, quay s6 o nSu

front desk, dial 0 for any questions you b~n co b~t k)r cau hoi nao. t6i
might have. 'We would like to remind you mu6n nhltc nho b~n rfug, b~n phai ch~c
to make sure you have all your belongings c~n mang t~t ca nhfrng thu thu9c v S b~n
with you when you check out of the hotel. khi b~n xu~t trinh khi ra khoi khach s~.

Thank you for your patronage and have a Cam an S\I ling h9 cua b~n, chile b~n co
safe and pleasant trip. m9t chuySn di an toan va hai long.

Jamie Fox/ Front Desk Jamie Fox/ Q~y IS tan.


155. What is the purpose of the letter? 155: Ml,lC dich CUa hi thu nay la gi?
(A) To remind a customer of a payment A. Nh~c nho khach hang vS vi~c thanh
(B) To confirm a reservation toan
(C) To promote a city tour B. Xac nh~n vi~c d~t tru&c
(D) To postpone an appointment C. Quang ba du lich thanh ph6

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

156. What time is the bus scheduled to D. Tri hoan 1 cu9c h~n
anive at the hotel? 156: Theo lich n·inh, xe bus se dSn khach
(A) At 4:00A.M . s~n hie nao?
(B) At 6:15A.M. A. 4:00A.M

(C) At 0:30A.M. B. 6:15A.M
(D) At 0:50A.M . C. 6:30A.M

D . 6:50A.M
Questions 157-159 refer to the following

Kiara Beauty Products San ph~m cham soc s~c d~p Kiara
Kiara Beauty's has been a leader in the Kiara Beauty la s{m p~m cong nghi~p
healthcare products indusb.y for the last 15 cham soc sue khoe hang d§u tJ.·ong su6t 15

years. nam qua.
Over that time, we've been able to
launch several brands that have been
well received by our customers,
tic ThOi gian qua, chong toi da ra m~t m{)t
vai nhan hi~u da nh~n duqc phan h~i
tich tir tir phia khach hang, bao g~m
including the famed Chandra OS and nu&c hoa Belle Flower va Chandra
Belle Flower perfumes, and our danh ti~ng, va son Nighshade.(158)
Nightshade lipstick.(158)
To better respond to and anticipate our D~ dap ung t~t hon va dl]' doan nhu ci u

customers' needs, we're mailing cua khach hang, chong toi dang gui
questionnaires to people just like you bang d1u hoi cho nhfrng nguOi yeu thich
(157). This is your oppmtunity to let us san phim nhu b~n(157). B ay la co h9i
lmow what you want in health and beauty dS b~ cho chling t6i biSt nhiing gi b~

products. mu6n vs s{m p~m cham soc sue khoe va

The questionnaire takes less than 10 s~c d~p.

minutes to fill out, and you can return it B~ ch i m~t it han 10 phut dS diSn vao
bang cau hoi nay' va b~n gui l~i cho

to us in the accompanying prepaid

business envelope (159). We hope you chong toi trong phong bi da duqc chuin
will take the time to do so, as it will help bf gui kern tir tru&c (159). Chling toi hi
us better serve you in the future. v9ng b~n se danh chut tha i gian dS lam
Best Regards, vi~c nay' boi no se giup chilng toi mang
Lilly Mendhelson

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

Vice-president dSn nhGng dich V\1 t6t han cho b~ t:rong

Product Development tuang lai.
Kiara Beauty T ran t.r9ng,
Lilly Mendhelson

Ph6 chu tich
Phat triSn san ph§m

Kiara Beauty

157. What is the purpose of the letter? 157: Mvc dich cila hi thu la gi?
(A) To sell products A. B an san ph§m
(B) To get opinions B. Liy y ki~n

(C) To order items c. D~thang
(D) To reply to a request
158. Which accomplishment of Kiara is
tic D . Ira loi m9t yeu c~u
158: Nhiing thanh tvu nao cua Kiara duqc
dS cftp dSn?
A. M9t vai chiSn th~ng t:rong giai
(A) It has won several beauty awards.
(B) Its items are considered popular. thuong chfun soc s~c dyp
(C) It has a greater market share this year B. M{)t vai mat hang duqc coi Ia n~i
than last. ti~ng

(D) Its customers are generally healthier C. Thi ph§n nfun nay Ion ha n nam
than other brands. ngmii
D . Khach hang danh gia san ph§m
lanh m~nh han cac nhan hi~u khac

159. What is enclosed with the letter? 159: La thu duqc dinh kern voi cai gi?

(A) A return envelope A. 1 phong bi tra l~i

B. 1 m~u nuoc hoa

(B) Perfume samples

(C) A receipt C. 1 bien lai
(D) A price list D . 1 danh sach gia ca

Questions 160-163 refer to the following

magazine advertisement

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bie n so~ n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i d Ltng m ua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~ n da dong gop.

Tonawonda welcomes you to a city that Tonawonda chao ffilmg b~n dSn voi 1
has become a shining example of thanh ph6, noi rna eta tt·a thanh m9t minh
intelligent w·ban planning, and which vi d1,1 sang ch6i cua quy ho~;tch do thi
recently won its bid for a world-class thong minh, va gk day da chiSn th~ng
trong m9t SlJ ki~n dftu thftu CO quy ffiO

event. This year the intetnational Trade
and Industry Exposition, an event that toan cftu. Nam nay, TriSn lam Cong

occurs once evety five years, is coming to nghi~p va Thuang m~;ti Qu6c tS diSn ra 5
Tonawonda. This event was originally nam Il§n, se duqc t6 chuc a Tonawonda.
s., ki~n m1y lin diu tien dU'gc t8 chuc 0'

held in Helsinki 20 years ago, and has
been held in Geneva, Lima and London Helsinki 20 nam trU'O'c, sao do lin IU'ot
since then. This is T onawonda' s chance hi Geneva, Lima va London ( 160:
to show its stuff and join a proud group of Khong co Seoul). Day la m9t co h9i dS

organizers in promoting this global event. Tonawonda trinh diSn nhGng cong Cl,l cua
Many of Tonawonda's residents were tic
pleasantly surprised to learn that they
had won the right to host the exposition
minh va tham gia vao m9t nh6m dang tv
hao CUa t6 chtrc nh~m thuc d~y S\1' ki~n
toan cftu nay.
Rit nhi~u cU' dan Tonawonda da ng:;-tc
(163). The bold plans presented for the
event site gave Tonawonda the edge over nhien khi bi~t r~ng h9 da gianh dU'gc
bigger cities with seemingly stronger bids. quy~n dang cai tri~n lam nay(163).
The city's Park of Technology, situated in NhGng kS ho~;tch tao b~;to duqc tt·inh bay

the city's industrial zone - a once cho noi sv ki~n diSn ra da dua Tonawonda
dilapidated area with rundown factories dSn c<;tnh nhGng thanh ph6lan han vai
and an old mine - will be home to the nhGng h6 so dv thftu duemg nhu m<;tnh me
Intetnational Trade and Industty han. Khu cong vien cong ngh~, t9a l~;tc a

Exposition. This six-square mile area has khu cong nghi~p CUa thanh ph6 - m9t khu
been rebuilt over a span of two and a VlJC tlmg d6 nat Voi nhfulg flha may xu6ng

half years (162), and during this time a c~p va m9t khu mo cu ky - se tra thanh
ngoi nha cua TriSn lam Cong nghi~p va

modem complex of well-designed

buildings with amphitheater-like Thuong m~;ti Qu6c tS. Khu vvc r9ng 6
exhibition halls was built. In the future, kilomet vuong nay da dU'gc h1i xay d.,ng
this complex will be used to serve as a trong khoang 2,5 nam (162) va tt·ong
major commercial hub for the city and thai gian nay nhGng thiSt bi hi~n d~;ti cua
the state.(161) toa nha a(i atr9'C thiJl kJ nJi v&i nhfulg

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

Tonawonda, a city looking to the future mai vom - gi6ng nhu phong triSn lrun aa
duqc xay dt,mg. Trong tU'ong lai, cong
trinh phuc t~p miy se dU'9'C dung d~
phw.rc vw.r nhU' hi m9t ti·ung tam thU'ong
m~i 1011 cho thimh ph~ va ti~u bang.


T onawonda, thanh ph6 duqc mong dqi a
tuang lai
160: TriSn lam da khong duqc t6 chuc a

160. Where hasn't the exposition been
held? dau?
(A) Geneva A. Geveva
(B) Seoul B. Seoul

(C) London C. London
(D) Lima tic
161. What will the Park of Technology be
used as after the exposition?
D . Lima
161: Khu cong vien cong ngh~ se duqc su
dt;mg nhu m9t cai gi sau TriSn lam?
lA. M9t trung tam thU'ong m~i qu~c
(A) An international commercial center
(B) A tourist venue t~
(C) A govenunent complex B. M9t Qia diSm du lich
(D) A shopping mall C. Xay d1fn,g chinh quyin

162. How long did it take to rebuild the D . Trung tam mua s~m
event site? 162: Noi t6 chuc S\l' ki~n duqc tai xay
(A) 2 years dl,l'ng trong kho{mg thai gian bao lau?
(B) 2.5 years A. 2nam

(C) 3 years B. 2,5 nam

(D) 4years c. 3 nam

163. What is implied about many D . 4nam

163: R~t nhiSu cu dan Tonawonda da

Tonawonda residents?
(A) They voted to expand an industrial ng~c nhien vS diSu gi?
distTict. A. H9 binh ch9n dS rna r9ng khu cong
(B) They have long been at odds with the nghi~p
mayor. B. H9 tir lau da co mau thufui voi thi
Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

(C) They did not support the plan to build c. H9 khong Un.g h9 cho kS ho~ch xay
anew venue. dl,ffig 1 hung tam moi
(D) The were happY. to win the right to D. H9 da cam thiy rit h~nh phuc
host the event. khi gh1nh duqc quy~n dang cai
tri~n lam m1y.

Questions 164-165 refer to the following
notice. E>Sn: Maty Chong

To: Mmy Chong Tu: Janel Nail
From: Janel Nail Ngay: 9 thang 5
Date: May 9 s6 khisu n~i: 19067
Claim number: 19067 Kinh gui Ms.Chong

Dem· Ms. Chong B9 ph~ Chfun soc Khach hang cua chling
Our Customer Service Department has tic
received the computer you shipped to us
t6i eta ~n duqc chisc may tinh b~
chuySn cho chling t6i dS sUa chfra. PhiSu
for repairs. The customer service fonn you bao himh ma b~n dinh kem da chi ra r~
b~n da mua chisc may tinh nay each ctay 1
enclosed shows that you bought the
computer a month ago-and that the thang, va the m~ng khong day da lam vi~c
wireless network card has not worked khong each kS ru khi bc;m mua zan
properly since you first purchased yow· adu tien chi~c may tinh nay. B9 p~n dich

computer. Our service depmtment repmts V\1 cua chling t6i bao cao r~ng khach hang
that customers seldom have issues with hiSm khi co v§n dS voi the m~ng khong
our wireless netwmk cm·ds, and our day cua chling t6i, va cac ky th~t vien da
technicians have 1un a series" of tests on cho ch~y 1 lo~t bai kiSm n·a tren may tinh,

the, computer, but could not find any va khong thS tim thly b~t ky 16i dang kS
significant defects with it. As a matter of nao. Va 1 thlfC t~ rfmg, chi~c may tinh cua

fact, yow· computer issue to all of our bc:zn la 1 vdn aJ quan tr9ng a8i v&i chung

specifications. toi
Please call us at 800-654-2534, and we Lllin an g9i cho chling t6i vao s6 800-654-
can discuss the problems you have had, 2534, va chting t6i co ths thao lu~n vs v§n
and how they may have resulted. With this dS b~ g~p phai va b~ng each nao do
new infonnation, we plan to isolate the chting t6i co ths dua ra kst lu~n. v oi
nhiing thong tin moi nay' chtmg toi v~ch

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

issue as to why your computer is not ra kS ho~ch dS phan tich v§n dS nh~m giai
functioning conectly. thich ~i sao chiSc may tinh cua b~n khong
I hope that we can solve this problem ho~t d9ng dting chuc nang cua no.
quickly and efficiently so that you can get T oi hy v9ng r~ng chling t6i co thS giai

back to enjoying your computer. quyst v§n cts nay m9t each nhanh nhftt va
I wanted to also add that we provide great co hi~u qua, dS b~ co thS quay tro l~i

deals on upgrades on both RAM and cong vi~c yeu thich tren may tinh CUa
processors. minh.
T oi mu6n noi them r~ chling t6i cung

Janel Nail cftp nhfrng thoa thu~ tuy~t voi vs vi~c
Customer Service Department nang cftp ca RAM va b9 vi xu ly.
Microprocessor Inc. Chan thanh,

Janel Nail
tic B9 ph~n cham soc khach hang
Microprocessor Inc
164. Why is Janel sending this e-mail? 164. T~i sao Janell~i gui buc thu nay?
(A) To submit a claim A. Gui m9t yeu c~u b6i thuong
(B) To talk about a problem B. Noi v~ vin d~ g~p phai
(C) To talk about a company policy c. Noi vS chinh sach cua cong ty

(D) To respond to an e-mail D . Ira loi 1 buc thu

165. What fact about the computer isn't 165. BiSu khong dling vS chiSc may tinh
included in this email ? tTong buc emailla gi?
(A) The damage was done during A. St]' thi~t h~i da xay ra trong qua
ic trinh v~n chu ~n

(B) The computer is relatively new B. ChiSc may tinh tuang d6i moi

(C) The component was tested. c. Cac b9 ph~n CUa may tinh da duqc

(D) The component meets the kiSm tJ:a

specifications of the company. D . Cac b9 ph~ CUa may tinh da duqc
so sanh voi cac thong s6 ky th~t
cua cong ty

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

Questions 166-168 refer to the following

If you had a good experience today, N~u b~n co nhfrng trai nghi~m hom
why not sign up for a membership? nay, t~i sao b~n khong dang ky d~ triY

(166) thanh thanh vien? (166)
As a member of Jersey Shore Botanical Khi la 1 thanh vien cilit Jersey Botanical

Gardens, your money will support new Gardens, s6 tiSn cua b~ duqc dUn.g dS h6
exhibits and educational programs for all tTq cho cac chuang trinh giao dl,lc va triSn

ages, from students in elementaty and Him moi cho cit ca cac lua tu6i, tir h9C
high school to adults. The basic sinh a bftc tiSu h9c va hung h9c dSn nguoi
membership includes unlimited free huang thanh. Cac thanh vien CO' ban se
admission to the gardens, a five percent duqc ra vao t., do trong khu vuim,

rebate on all items in the Green Thumb duqc chi~t kh~u 5% cho t~t ca cac m~t
Gift Shop, a special preview of exclusive
exhibits, a free monthly newsletter, and
discounted prices for our novel classes
hang iY Green Thumb Gift Shop, duqc
din nh~c d~c bi~t d~ duqc xem trong
cac tri~n Him d~c quy~n, 1 thang nh~n
ban tin mi~n phi, va giam gia cho cac
on gardening and flower arrangement (
168 ). To enroll today, fill out an lOp h«]C C~m hoa va d«]C ti~U thuy~t ( 168
enrollment form at the information ) -khong nhltc dSn the thanh vien miSn phi
desk, to the right side of the cho 1 doi vq ch6ng. D~ dang ky ngay

elevators(167).. Get your membership hom nay, di~n vao miu tuy~n sinh iY
today! ban thong tin, iY phia ben phai cua
thang may (167). Hay u·a thanh thanh
vien ngay hom nay !

166. Why was this notice posted? 166: T ~i sao thong bao nay duqc dang?
(A) To increase sales to a new exhibit A. DS tang doanh s6 ban hang a u·iSn

(B) To list the attractions at the Gardens Him moi

B. DS li~t ke cac diSm thu hut a

(C) To highlight some items on sale

(D) To promote membership at the Gardens
Gardens C. DS nhfui m~nh dSn nhfrng m~t hang
bay ban
D. D~ gia tang thanh vien cho

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

167. What would be the most logical place 167: N ai hqp ly nhltt chua to qllimg cao
for this advettisement? nay la a dau?
(A) On the Jersey Shore Botanical A. Tren trang web ella. Jersey Shore
Gardens website Botanical Gardens

(B) On a flyer at a gardening store B. Tren m9t to buom qllimg cao ~i
(C) Near the exit of the Jersey Shore cll'a hang trong khu vuan

Botanical Gardens C. C~nh l~i di cua Jersey Shore
(D) In a gardening magazine Botanical Gardens (phia ben phai
ella. thang may, rue la c~nh 16i di)

D . Trong 1 to t~p chi khu vuan
168. Which of these is not a benefit of the 168: Thanh vien khong duqc huang lqi
membership? ich nao sau day?

(A) A free membershiP. for your spouse A. 1 the thanh vien mi~n phi danh
(B) Discounts on instmctional comses
(C) Rebates at the gift shop
(D) Monthly newsletters
tic cho 1 c~p vq ch~ng.
B. Giam gia cac kh6a h9c
c. Giam gia mua qua a CUa hang
D . Nh~n ban tin hang thang
Questions 169-172 refer to the following

Febmmy 10 Ngay 1o thang 2

New Breakfast Cereal Released by Cll'a hang thvc phfun ngii c6c Los Angeles
Spencer Foods Los Angeles - Spencer - Spencer, thu9c quySn so hiiu ella. Baby
Foods Cereal, owned by Baby Bem· Bem· Wholesale Inc, vua thong bao r~ng

Wholesale Inc., has just announced that it cll'a hang nay b~t d~u ban 1 lo~i ngu c6c
will begin to sell a new cereal, Grape Nuts moi, Grape Nuts aBunches, tren toan

in Bunches, nationwide. quoc.

Lo~i ngti c~c mOi nay se co m~t trong

The new cereal will be in stores across

America on March 1 (169), and is cac cira hang ta·en toan nU'cYC My vao
expected to be sold across the rest of the ngay 1 thang 3(169), Va duqc k)r V9ng Se
world in early April. The company will duqc ban tren toan ths gioi vao d~u thang
launch multi- media campaigns in San 4. Cong ty se ra m~t tren chi~n djch da
Diego (170) and Orlando stmting on truy~n thong iY San Diego (170) va

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

Februruy 20th, which will include Orlando khoi d9ng vao ngay 20 thang 2 se
television (170) and radio commercials. g~m ca quang cao tren TV (170) va
These adve1tisements will be followed up Radio. Quang cao nay se duqc theo doi
by print ads in magazines and newspapers boi cac quang cao in tren bao va 4tp chi

nationwide a shmt time after. phat hanh tren toan qu6c vao 1 thai gian
For the decade-old company, this cereal ngfusaudo.

marks the fourth new product it has Trong lich Slr 10 nfun nay cua cong ty'
released in the last year. Previous new thl,l'C plillm ngii c6c nay la san ph~m moi
thu tu trong b9 san ph§m duqc cong b6

cereals also include Ricesnaps, Cinna -
Crisps and Oaty Lumps. vao nam ngoai. TIUOC do, san phb ngii
c6c bao g6m Ricesnaps, Cinna- Crips
Over the last few years the company's and Oaty Lwnps.

oldest and top-selling product, Nuts and Trong vai nam qua, Nuts & Berry
Berry Clusters (172), has seen a 30 tic
percent decline in sales (171). This has
inspired Sergio Montana, the Baby
Clusters (172), Ia san phim lau diri nhit
va ban ch~y nhit cua cong ty' da s~t
giam 30 phin tram doanh s~ ban (171).
Di~u nay cling da truy~n cam hung cho
Bear Wholesale president, to diversify
the company's product line (171).. Sergio Montana, chu tjch Baby Bear
Spencer Foods used three different test Wholesale, ong da da d~ng hoa dong
markets - - Canie, Illinois, Clear Water, san phim nay (171) ..

Florida and Washington D .C. -- all of Spencer Foods da thu nghi~m a 3 thi
which showed it could make a good profit huang khac nhau- Carri, Illiois, Cleru·
on the new cereal. Water, Florida va WashingtonD.C -cit ca
da chi ra rfug no co thS mang l~i 1 ngu6n

lqi nh~n khong 16.

169. When will the cereal be distributed 169: Khi nao thi lo~i ngii c6c nay se duqc

across the United States'? phfm ph6i tren toan nuac My?

(A) Februruy 10 A. Ngay 10 thang 2

(B) Febturuy 20 B. Ngay 20 thang 2
(C) March 1 c. Ngay 1 thang 3
(D) April1 0 D . Ngay 10 thang 4
170. Which of the following mru·kets will 170: Thi huang nao se duqc quang cao
see TV advettisements? b~ng TV?

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

(A) San Diego A. San Diego

(B) Washington D .C. B. Washington D .C
(C) Canie C. Canie
(D) Los Angeles D . Los Angeles
171: T~i sao cong ty l~i quySt dinh phat

171. Why did the company decide to
develop some new products? triSn nhiing san ph§m mo i nay?

(A) The drop of the company's stock A. Sl,I S\}t g iam c6 phiSu CUa cong ty
(B) Severe intetnational competition B. C~nh tranh xuyen qu6c g ia diSn ra
kh6c li~t

(C) Merger with another company
(D) Declining sales for a former top C. Sl,I h<;1p nh~t voi cong ty khac
product D. S'! s~;~t giam doanh s~ ban cua
san phim cii hang di u

172. Which cereal was developed more 172: San phfun nao da phat triSn duqc han
than a year ago?
(A) Grape Nuts in Bunches
(B) Nuts and Berry Clusters
tic 1 nam
Grape Nuts in Bunches
Nuts & Ber11: Clusters
(C) Ricesnaps C. Ricesnaps
(D) Oaty Lwnps D. OatyLump

Questions 173-175 refer to the following



Dear Gem·ail Riders: Kinh gui ngu oi l<li tau Gearal:

A new schedule for the Blue Line, 11ich trinh mOi cho Blue Line, cai ma
which runs daily from Monkton to ch~y hang ngay tir Monkton d~n Clifton

Clifton Hills, has been planned (173).. Hills, da dU'f!c len k~ ho~ch (173). Hi~n
~i, Blue Line ch~y ca 2 huang, tir 4 a.m

CwTently, the Blue Line nms in both

directions, from 4 a.m. to 9 p.m (174),., at d~n 9 p.m(174), m~t 1h quang thai g ian.
half an-hour intervals. The change in Sl,I thay d6i lich trinh nay se co hi~u ll,Ic
schedule will take effect June 1. From vao thang 6. Tir ngay do tra di Blue Line
that day for-ward the Blue Line will run se ch~y tir 3:30a.m d~n 11: 30 p.m
from 3:50a.m (174), to 11 :30 p.m. evety (174), 20 phut se co 1 chuySn . s.,

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bie n so~ n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng m ua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~ n da dong gop.

20 minutes. This change was a result of doi nay Ia k~t qua cua 1 quy~t djnh
a decision made by the Georail Board of duqc thl!c hi~n bOi gh1m d~c cua Georal
Directors after taking a survey of Board sau khi ti~n hanh khao sat nhung
commuters on the Blue Line over the nguOi lai tren Blue Line trong vai thang
qua (175). KSt qua nay duqc b6 sung r~t

last few months (175). These results
added to the many suggestions that have nhiSu gqi y duqc thu th~p trong vai nam

been collected over the past year in dS ra duqc quySt dinh nay. Georal hy V9ng
reaching this decision. Gem·ail hopes that S\f thay d6i nay se lam cho m9i nguo i
th~n ti~n va thoai 1mii han bao gio hSt.

this change will make riding w ith us more
convenient and comfortable than ever NSu b~ co b~t k)r dlu hoi hay v§n dS gi,
before. If you have any problems or hay g9i cho duang day cham soc khach
questions, please call our customer service hang cua chUn.g tOi 555-272-1 267.

hotline at 555-272-1 267. -
Neil Strauss
Public Relations Officer
Gem·ail Co.
173. What is being announced? 173: BiSu gi duqc thong bao?
(A) Consnuction of a new station A. Xay dl,Ing 1 nha ga moi
(B) Release of a new customer satisfaction B. Cong b6 ban khao sat S\f hai long

survey cua khach hang moi

(C) A new schedule C. 11jch trinh mOi
(D) New stops on the Blue Line D. BiSm dirng moi cua Blue Line
174. What is one change in the new 174: M9t S\f thay d6i trong lich n·inh moi

schedule? nay la gi?

(A) Trains will decrease in frequency A. Tau hoa se gi~un titn s6

(B) There will be fewer trains. B. Se co it tau han


(C) Train prices will rise. C. Gia ve tau se tang

(D) Trains will run earlier in the D. Tau se ch~y SOm bon vao bu~i
mornings. sang (Thay vi ch~y vao hie 4am -
9 P.m, tau se ch~y vao 3 am- 11

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~ n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng m ua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~ n da dong gop.

175. What prompted the board of directors 175: DiSu gi da khiSn ban gi~nn a6c thl,l'c
to make this decision? hi~n quyst dinh nay?
(A) Increased number of riders A. Giam s6 nguoi Uti
(B) A new line was built. B. M9t duang ray moi duqc xay dl,ll1g
C. K~t qua cua cu{)c khao sat nguOi

(C) Rider survey results
(D) Staff survey tai

D. Khao sat nhan v ien
Questions 176-180 refer to the following
newsletter article.

Project Hollywood Design Inc (PHD)
(PHD) Project Hollywood Designs Inc. Chung toi rit liy h1m ti~c khi phai
We are writing to sadly announce the thong bao v~ vi~c nghi huu cua Derrick

retirement of Derrick Smith (176), a Smith (176), 1 nha nghien cw c~p cao
senior researcher with Project Hollywood clia PHD. Sau khi duqc vinh danh Denick
Designs. After a distinguished career
Denick will retire on August 31 . After
se nghi huu vao ngay 31 truing 8. Sau khi
nghl huu, Denick mong mu~n duqc di
retiring, Derrick hopes to travel (177). du ljch(177). va danh nhisu thai gian quy
and spend quality time with his family. b~m ben gia dinh cua ong ~y. Tuy nhien,
However, he also plans to have a home ong ~y co ks ho~ch mo van phong ~i nha
office and will be available to consult va CO sin djch Vl.J tU' vin (177).

with (177).. The research division will B9 ph~n nghien cw se t6 chuc lS kY ni~m
celebrate Denick's exceptional career in ~c biet danh cho Denick t.rong m9t thiSt
industrial design by highlighting his ks cong ngh~p I1hfun neu bftt thanh t\fll cua
accomplishments at a September 10 party ong ~y t~i m9t bfra ti~c vao ngay 10 thang

at the West End Hilton Hotel from 5 to 7 9 akhach s~n West End Hilton tu 5 dSn 7
p.m. At the reception there will be gio chiSu. T ~i bu6i ti~c se co bai phat biSu

speeches by vice president Dave Ward CUa pho chu tichDave Ward & giam a6c

and executive manager Joel Truner. diSu hanh Joel Truner.

Denick da co nhGng dong gop dang kS
Denick made significant contributions to cho san xu~t va san phfun cong nghi~p ~i
the production of industrial products at Project Hollywood. Ong duqc bi~t d~n
Project Hollywood. He was best known nhi~u nhit v~ nhfrng ky nang lanh d~o
for his leadership skills while designing khi thi~t k~ him phim may tinh d~ sir

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

easy-to-use computer keyboards that d~ng va ban duqc hang tri~u san pham
went on to sell millions of units (178).. (178). Denick. Ong ~y ciing viSt 20 bai
Denick has also written over 20 articles viSt cho Industrial Design Monthly. Ong
for Industrial Design Monthly. He will ~y se tiSp tl,lC Sl,l' nghi~p viSt lach cua minh
Va hy V9ng se cong b~ 1 CU~n sach moo

continue his writing career and expects to
release a new book next year (177). (177). trong nam toi. Trong thai gian nay,

Dming all of this time, Denick was also a Denick ong ~y ciing la h9i vien cua
fellow for the Design Center at Yale Design Ceter t~i d~i h9c Yale, chu tjch
University, president of the Industrial

cua Industrial Dafting va Design
Drafting and Design Society (179), and Society(179), thanh vien vinh viSn cua
a lifetime member of the Intetnational Ttuang h9c ThiSt kS Qu6c tS.
School of Design. Gfui day, Denick da t_ftp bung vao vi~c

Recently, Denick has been focusing his nghien cilu vS thiSt kS thiSt bi di~n t:Lr khac
research on the design of different tic
electronic devices, but more specifically
on computer components.
nhau, nhung Cl,l thS han vS thanh ph~n cua
may tinh.
X in vui long d~t ch~ cho Sl! ki~n tru&c
ngay 3 thang 9 n~u b~n mu~n tham
Please RSVP for the event before
September 3 if you would like to attend dt!.(180)

176. Why was the ruticle printed? 176: T~i sao bai bao l~i
duqc phat hanh?
(A) To pronounce a retirement A. D~ tu! en b~ vi~c nghi huu
(B) To announce a new publication B. DS thong bao 1 k ph~m moi
(C) To talk about a future career in C. DS n6i vS tuang lai clia nganh thiSt

industrial design ks cong nghi~p

(D) To reward a senior researcher D. DS khen thuang 1 nha nghien cilu

cap cao
177: DiSu gi duoi day khong n6i vS vi~c

177. Which of the following will Denick

not do in his retirement? nghi huu cua Denick?
(A) Publish a book A. Phat hanh 1 cu6n sach
(B) Travel the world B. Du lich n·en thS gioi
(C) Become a store owner C. Ma 1 cifa hang cua chinh minh (
(D) Provide consulting services khong duqc dS cftp dSn n·ong bai,

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

ong ta rna van phong chu khong

rna cilahang)
D . Cung cflp dich V\1 tu v~n

178. What was Denick lmown for most? 178: Denick duqc biSt dSn nhiSu nhflt vS
(A) He made Project Hollywood Designs diSu g i?

the most profitable company in its field. A. Ong fly t~o ta Project Hollywood
(B ) He had the highest amount of sales of Designs mang vS nhiSu lqi nhu~n

any salesman. nhflt trong llnh Vl,l'C nay
(C) He designed poP.ular computer B . Ong fly ban duqc nhiSu nhflt trong
products. s6 nhan vien ban hang
(D) He established a pattnership w ith a c. ong i y thi~t k~ may tinh duqc sil

local university. d~;~ng r{)ng rai

179. How did Denick serve the Industrial
D . Ong fly thiSt l~p quan h~ hop tac
voi 1 ttuong a~i h9c 0 tt·ong nUOC.
179: Denick dong gop cho Industt·ial
Drafting and Design Society? Dafting va Design Society voi vai tt·o nhu
(A) As a lifetime member ths nao?
(B ) As a fellow A. La 1 thanh vien vinh v iSn
(C) As a counselor B. La 1 h9i vien

(D) As president C. La 1c6 vftn

D. La 1 chu tjch
180. What ru·e people who would like to 180: Nhfutg ngu oi mu6n thatn dl,l' phai
attend supposed to do? lam gi?

(A) Fill out a smvey online A. BiSn vao phiSu khao sat ttvc tuySn
(B ) Call the head office B . G9i dSn tn,1 so chinh

(C) Provide personal details c. Cung cflp thong tin ca nhan chi tiSt


Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bie n so~ n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i d Ltng m ua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~ n da dong gop.

Questions 181-185 refer to the following

advertisement and e-mail Trnng tam phl;lC hJi chuc nang tao khoa
Primmy Geriatric Rehabilitation Center can ban
Career Fair Thu 2, ngay 3 thang 9, 10 gio sang - 6 gio

Monday, September 3, 10:00 A.M.- 6:00 chiSu
P.M. Do gin day s~ b~nh nhan nh~p vi~n

Due to the recent increase in patient tang, Trung tam ph~c h~i chuc nang
enrollment, the Primary Geriatric lao khoa can ban ( PGRC), 1 cO' srr
Rehabilitation Center (PGRC), a long- cham soc dai h~n, dang tim ki~m nhiim

term care facility, is looking to hire a thue them nhan vien mOi t~i d!a di~m
few new staff members at our Detroit Detr·oit cua chong toi (181). DS darn bao
location(181).. At our career fair we will Sl,l cong b~ng trong tuySn dl,lllg, chtmg tOi

provide infmmation and face-to-face se cung c~p thong tin va bai phong v§n
interviews for those who are qualified
geriatric cm·e givers: m.u·ses, orderlies,
tn,rc tiSp toi nhfrng nguoi cham soc nguoi
cao tu6i co du cac tieu chufui: y ta, h9 ly, y
registered nurses, and emergency medical ta moi va nhfm vien y tS kh~n c~p. Sv cfm
nh~c d~c bi~t se duqc danh cho nhfrng
staff. Special consideration will be given
to those who possess extensive experience nguoi so hfru nhisu kinh nghi~m va co
and hold an EMS certificate. chl.rng nh~ EMS
At PGRC we offer competitive salaries T~i PGRC chtmg t6i se dua ra muc luang

and a complete benefits package, c~nh tranh va 1 goi trq c~p dfty du, bao
including paid holidays, full dental and g6m k)r nghi miSn phi, kham chiia rang
medical coverage. Potential applicants dinh kY va bao hiSm y tS. Cac l.rng cu vien
who are serious about employment should tiSm nang th~t sv nghiem tuc voi cong

submit an application, including expected vi~c nen n9p h6 so g6m co muc luang
income, employment histmy and a mong mu6n, lich su cong vi~c va ngay b~t

potential starting date. The application dftu lam vi~c tiSm nang. M~u dan va
fmm and further infmmation can be found thong tin b6 sung co thS tim th~y ~i

at Please respond to this Vui long tra loi vao
by September 20. ngay 20 thang 9

DSn: Dave Johnson <>

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

To: Dave Johnson Tu: Maya Sanchez <

<> rnsanchez87 65@pgrcc.corn >
From: Maya Sanchez <rnsanchez8765 Chu dS: PGRC Career Fan·
@pgrcc. corn> Ngay: 1o tillmg 9

Subject: PGRC Career Fair _ Kinh gui Mr. Johnson,
Date: September 10 Dan xin vi~c clia b~n cho vi tri nhan vien

Dear Mr. Johnson, y tS khk c~p da duqc nh~ nhung b~
Your application for an emergency con thiSu 1 vai thu. Toi da nh~ duqc dan
medical staff position has been received, xin vi~c va lich su cong vi~c, nhung ·~i

but you have left out a few things. I khong co muc Iuong mong mu~n (184)
received your employment histmy and va ngay b~t dftu hun vi~c tisrn nang.
application fonn, but you left out your B~n co thS vui long diSn vao don nay

expected income (184) and your potential ngay khi co thS va gui cho toi? D~ toi
starting date. tic
Can you please fill in this infmmation as
soon as possible and send it to me? To
dinh kern theo 1 19 trinh va 1 ban d~
nhilm xac d!nh v! tri. Di~u nay se giup
b~n tim duqc toa nha.(185) NSu b~ co
this e-mail I have attached an itinerary b~t kY cfm hoi nao, dtrng ng~i d~t dlu hoi
for the career fair and a map to the Toi rnong duqc g~p b~n,
location. This will help you find the Maya Sanchez
building.(185). If you have any more Chu tich Career Fan·

questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Trung tfun phl,lC h6i chuc nang lao khoa
I look fmward to meeting you. can ban
Maya Sanchez
Career Fair Chanman

Prirnmy Geriatric Rehabilitation Center


181. What is PGRC's aim with the 181: Quang cao cua PGRC nhllrn rn1,1c

adve1tisernent? dich gi?

(A) To announce the opening of a new A. Thong bao vS vi~c rna them 1 trung
center tarn rnoi
(B) To announce a new website B. Thong bao vS 1 trang web rnoi
(C) To find new potential staff C. Tim nhan vien ti~m nang mOi
D . Sv gia tang nang lvc cong ngh~

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

(D) To increase their teclmological

182. What was not said about PGRC? 182. BiSu gi noi khong dling vS PGRC?
(A) It is moving from Seattle. A. No dang di chuy~n tir Seattle
B. No co r~tnhi.Su trung tam khac

(B) It has many different centers.
(C) The pay it offers is good. nhau

(D) It needs more nmses. C. No dua ra muc luang tuang d6i t6t
D. No cilil nhiSu y ta han
183. In the advettisement, the word 183: Trong qufmg cao, tir "consideration"

"consideration" in paragraph 1, line 5 is do~n 1 dong 5 co nghia gfui nh~t la gi?
closest in meaning to A. Idea - Ytuang
(A) Idea B. N onnality - Binh thuang

(B) Nmmality C. Socialization - Xa h9i hoa
(C) Socialization tic D. Attention - s.,
luu y
(D) Attention
184. What is missing in Mr. Johnson's 184: Trong h6 sa cua Mr. Johnson con
application? thisu cai gi?
(A) Desired pay A. Mlfc Iuong mong mu~n
(B) A contact number B. S6 di~n tho~i
(C) His cover letter C. La thu xin vi~c

(D) His reswne D. Sa ySu H lich

185. Why did Maya send the map'? 185: T~i sao Mays l~i gili kern theo ban
;.. ?
(A) To help Mr. Johnson locate the d 0.
building A. D~ giup Mr.Johnson xac d!nh vi

(B) To recommend a good place to stay tri toa nha

for Mr. Johnson B. BS gioi thi~u nai lam vi~c t6t dS

(C) To help Mr. Johnson schedule nghll~i cho Mr. Johnson


interviews C. BS giup Mr. Johnson biSt lich trinh

(D) To give Mr. Johnson a guide to the phong v~n
subway D. Cung c~p cho M:t·.Johnson huang
cffin di tau di~n ngfun

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bie n so~ n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i d Ltng m ua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~ n da dong gop.

Questions 186-190 refer to the following

news article and review. Hom nay a San Antonio, nhfrng san ph§m
ORGANIC FOOD SHOW moi va cai tiSn da duqc tnmg bay ~i
Today in San Antonio, new and improved chuang trinh thl,l'c ph§m Whole Foods.

products were on display at the Whole Trong cu9c triSn lam la cac san ph§m hfru
Foods food show. On display were a range co (kh6ng su dl,lil.g ch~t hoa h9c) va thih

of innovative health and organic products. bf y t~ t8t cho sire khbe. S\1' gioi thi~u san
The introduction of these products marks ph§m danh &u 1 xu huang moi trong thi

a recent trend in the wholesale food huang bu6n ban thl,l'c phfun: "Thl]'c phim
market: "Organic foods are in high hii'U CO' dang CO nhu ciu cao, V~Y nen
demand, so despite the high price they m~c du gia cao nhung hf! vin dang ban
are still selling quite well, (186), " said kha t~t" (186), Wayne Brady - 1 thanh

Wayne Brady, one of the organizers of the vien u·ong ban t6 chuc phat biSu.
show. tic
Many of the companies that set up kiosks,
such as The Olive Branch and Gardania,
R~t nhiSu c6ng ty da xay dl,l'ng cac ki - 6t,
tieu biSu nhu The Olive Branch &
Gm·dania, da may m~n co co h9i dS ra m~t
were happy to have the chance to launch san ph§m moi CUa h9. Creed Organic, 1
their new products. Creed Organic, a cong ty chuyen v~ san phim tra s~ch,
company that specializes in organic da chlfng minh san phim cua hf! chua
teas, demonstrated their new vitamin B- Vitamin B co trong tra xanh co tenIa

infused green tea beverage called Green Green Wave, da gianh chi~n th~ng
Wave, which won the prize for show's trong I~ trao giai thuang cua chuO'Dg
most novel product. This award was tr·inh danh cho san phim moo I~ nhit.
won last year by Let-Us for its new line Giai thuang nay da duqc trao cho dong

of seasonings.(187) san phim gia vj moo cua Let- Us vao

The show was held at Holly Convention nam ngoai (187).

Center (188), located in the west end of ChuO'Dg trinh nam nay duqc t8 chlfc t~i
Holly Convention Center(188), nfun a

the city, and drew close to 20.000 people.

phia tay cu6i thanh ph6, va no thu hut
khoang 20.000 nguoi tham dl,l'.

Danh gia v~ san phim: Creed Organic


Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

Creed Organic da phat triSn 1 each m~nh

Product Review: Creed Organic Teas me trong 5 nam ho~t d9ng CUa minh. H9
n6i tiSng trong vi~c bim cac san phfun vs
Creed Organic has grown significantly tni, trong do co r~t nhiSu lo~i huang vi,
nhung d~c bi~t han ca la san phfun tni den

over its five years of operations. They are
famous for selling tea, which comes in a Bad Moon Rising cua h9. Hf! da t~o dugc

wide range of flavors, but more diu in tren thj tru<mg vOi Sl}' ll}'a chf!n
specifically for their Bad Moon Rising huong vj sang t~o cua hf! (190).
Toi thftt S\I r~t thich h·a Green Beny Blast

black tea. They have made their mark
on the market with their innovative cua h9, do Ia Sl}' k~t hgp gifra qua mf!ng
flavor selection (190). hoang da va qua mf!ng den va co
I really enjoyed their Green Beny Blast vitamin A & B. Hf! da thanh cong trong

tea, which is a mix of green tea, wild trong vi~c t~o ra m9t Sl}' k~t hgp hoan

with vitamins A and B. They have

managed to make a perfect mix of
berry and black berry, and is infused hao V~ huong vj, Sl}' sang t~o nay rit
tuoi mOi va lam hai long nguOi thuang
thuc. Cong ty ciing noi them r~ng miu
nay bao g~m Sl}' pha tr9n rit nhi~U lo~i
flavors, creating a very refreshing and
satisfying taste. The company adds to tra khac nhau cho san phim cua
this by including a sam pie of many of hf!(190)..
their other tea blends(190).. Creed cling vua moi tung ra 1 thuc u6ng

Creed has also just released a new canned cung c~p nang lu<;m.g dong h9p g 9i la P -
power drink called P-Bomb, a drink Bomb, lo~i d6 u6ng nay duqc thiSt kS dS
designed to compete with the recent trend c~nh fl·anh voi XU huang g§n day CUa cac
of energy drinks that has swept the lo~i thuc u6ng nang lu<;m.g tr~m qua nuoc

counhy. This is a new direction for the nay. Bay la 1 huang di moi cua cong ty,
company, but after hying the drink I think nhung sau khi thu qua t6i nghi r~ng do la

it was the right move. buoc di dUn.g ditn.


186. What was Wayne Brady implying 186: Wayne Brady da am chi diSu gi vS
about the recent h·ends in organic food cac xu huang g§n day cua cac san ph~m
products? thl,Ic phfun hfru co?
(A) They have been the show's sole focus . A. H9 da tftp hung vao chuang h·inh
(B) It is difficult to develop new ones. d9c quySn

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

(C) Their prices have been decreasing. B. No r~t kho khan dS phat triSn
(D) Consumption of them has been high nhting cai moi
C. Gia cua h9 dang g iam xu6ng
D. Mlfc tieu th~;~ san phim rit cao

187. Which company has participated in 187: Cong ty ni10 da tham gia vi10 cac
the show before? chuang u·inh nuoc day?

(A) The Olive Branch A. The Olive Branch
(B) Gardania B. Gardania

(C) Let-Us C. Let-Us
(D) Creed Organic D . Creed Organic
188. Where was the food show held this 188: Chuang trinh thl,Ic ph§m nfun nay
year? duqc t6 chuc a aau ?

(A) Holl! Convention Center A. Holly Convention Center
(B) Anno Hall
(C) Zamsky Hotel
(D) Veneda Place
tic B. Alm o Hall
C. Zamsky Hotel
D . Veneda Place
189. Which of the following is NOT hue 189. DiSu nao sau day khong dUn.g vS
about Creed Organic'? Creed Onganic?
(A) One of its products won an award. A. M9t trong nhiing san phk cua
(B) Its product line includes v itamin- Creed On ganic da gianh duqc giai

Enhanced tea. thuong

(C) It held an organic food show in San B. Cac dong san ph§m tra co b6 sung
Antonio. vitamin
(D) It has recently released a new C. Creed Orrganic da t~ chlfc

energy drink. chU'ong trinh thi!C P.him a San


D . Creed On ganic da tung ra 1 lo~i


thuc u6ng moi

190. What did Creed Organic do to 190: Creed On ganic da lam gi dS thanh
become successful? cong?
(A) It reduced the price of its most A. Giam g ia hftu hSt cho cac san ph~m
popular products. binh dan
(B) It used a creative approach. B. Sif d~;~ng 1 phU'ong thlfc sang t~o

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bie n so~ n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng m ua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~ n da dong gop.

(C) It moved its offices to San Antonio. c. Di chuySn van phong dSn San
(D) It invested a lot of money in Antonio
production. D . D~u tu nhiSu tiSn cho san xu~t

Questions 191-195 refer to the following
notice and review.

The Indian Star Ngoi sao An D9
Shooting of Bear Lake on hold Vi~c ghi hinh aBear Lake bi ~m hoan

Premier delayed Premier delayed

The highly anticipated premier of Bear The highly anticipated premier of Bear

Lake, a film directed by Raj Patal, has Lake, m9t b9 phim cua d~o diSn Raj Patal,

spring. This delay is a result of bad

been delayed from early November to late

weather and location selection (194) .. As

bi tri hoan tir ~u thang muai m9t dSn
cu6i mua xuan. s-., tri hoan m1y do thOi
ti~t x~u va vi~c 1-.,a ch\m dja di~m (194).
D6ng thai, r~t nhiSu canh quay d9ng vftt
well, many of the animal scenes have been
taking longer to shoot than expected. da t6n nhiSu thai gian quay han dl,I kiSn.
These factors , combined with a sagging Nhiing ySu t6 nay kSt hqp voi Sl,I chling
economy, caused the delay. xu6ng cua nSn kinh tS, gay ra S\I ch~m u·S.

Representatives for the film, however, Tuy nhien, nguai d~i di~n cua b9 phim da
have emphatically stated that film will nh§n m~ r~ng b9 phim se tro l~i nhanh
resume soon chong

Movie Review: Bear Lake Danh gia b9 phim: Bear Lake


Mountain Films is proud to announce its Mountain Films u·an t.r9ng thong bao lich
anticipated release of Bear Lake this phat hanh dl,I kiSn clia Bear Lake u·ong
week, after eight months of delay. The Raj tu§n nay, sau 8 thang tri hoan. B9 phim R~
Patal film is an adaptation of the Pulitzer Patal duqc chuySn thS tir Pulitzer Prize -
Prize- winning novel of the same name. cu6n tiSu thuySt ~t giai thuang cling ten.
The novel is an epic love stmy, based in Cu6n tiSu thuySt la m9t cau chuy~n tinh

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

the foothills of northe1n India, with many su thi, ~i chan d6i phia b~c An B9 voi r~t
twists and truns . nhisu duemg vong veo va xo~n 6c.
The adaptation of a prize-winning novel s., thich lfng cua m~t cu~n ti~u thuy~t
to the big screen can be very difficult, tirng d~t gh1i thU'Ong cua man anh r~ng
Ia rit kho khan, hOi vi d~c gia se tU"6ng

because for every reader the characters
and the scenery will have been tU'gng v~ cac nhan v~t va canh quan rit

imagined differently (191). As well, it khac nhau (191). B6ng thai, r~t kho dS
can be difficult to select the proper scenes ch9n duqc nhfrng canh phu hqp ds quay

to shoot and ultimately include in the film. va canh quay sau co trong b9 phim.
But after watching this film I believe Raj Nhung sau khi xem b9 phim nay t6i tin
Patal has done it again! I feel this was r~ng Raj Patal thl,Ic hi~n no r~t nhiSu l~n.
achieved because of the collaboration T oi cfun th~y diSu nay d~t duqc vi Sl,I hqp

between Samir Ranjeet and Patal, who tac gifra Samir Ranjeet & Patal da mang
managed to bring the book to life tic
beautifully. It is n.unored that the pair will
be working together again soon.
sach dSn dS cu9c s6ng t6t dyp han. Co
ngu6n tin cho r~ng c~p doi nay se sam l~i
hqp tac v&i nhau them m9t zAn nua.
Patal da chi ra r~ng r~t nhiSu l§n trong qua
Patal has shown many times in the past
that he is capable of depicting the lives of khu ong ~y co kha nang mo ta cu9c s6ng
eve1yday people and the relationships that CUa nhfrng nguoi dan va m6i quan h~ CUa
they have. Bear Lake is a giant step h9. Bear Lake Ia 1 bU'O'c ti~n l&n d~i vm

forward for Patal's career because of Sl! nghi~p cua Patal hOi Sl! cong khai
the amount of funding and publicity ngu~n kinh phi l&n rna ong da nh~n
that it has received (195). He used this dU'C]'C (195). Ong ~y da su dt,mg kinh phi 1
money wisely, producing breathtaking each khon ng oan, t~o ra nhfrng canh quay

cinematography and moving love scenes. ngo~ ml,lC va nhfrng canh tinh yeu cam
This movie's success was also greatly d9ng. Thanh cong CUa b9 phim nay duqc

enhanced by the perfmmances given by nang cao 1 each dang ks boi nhfrng man

Deepak Shakur and Latanj i Kapur. trinh diSn cua Deepak Shakur & Latanj i
The limited release of Bear Lake opens Kapur.
Friday night and will go into wide release Vi~c phat hanh h~n chS cua Bear Lake
at the end of the month. cong chisu vao t6i thu sau vase duqc
cong chisu r9ng rai vao cu6i thang nay.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~ n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

191. According to the writer, what is 191: Theo nguoi viSt, co nhfrng kho khan
difficult about turning a book into a gi khi chuySn thS 1 cu6n sach thimh 1 b9
movie? phim?
(A) The director and author have different A. D~o diSn va tac gia co cai nhin

VlSlOnS. khacnhau
(B) Details from the book must be left out B. Cac tiSu tiSt cua cu6n sach khong

of the fihn. duqc dua vao b9 phim
(C) Readers have already visualized the C. D{)c gi:.1 da co nhfrng hinh dung
khac nhau v~ cac nhan v~t

(D) There is more dialogue in fihns than D . Cu9c d6i tho~i n·ong phim nhiSu
in books. han n·ong sach

192. What did the writer enjoy about the 192. Nguoi viSt thich diSu gi a b9 phim?
(A) The cinematography
(B) The comic dialogue
tic A. Ky thu~t quay phim
B. Cac cu9c d6i tho~i hai huoc
C. Kha nang diSn xuflt clia Samir
(C) The acting of Samir Ranjeet Ranjeet
(D) The scenes and the weather D . NhU:ng canh quay va thai tiSt

193. What is NOT tlue about Raj Patal? 193: DiSu gi khong dting vS Raj Patal?
(A) People were anxiously waiting to see A. M9i nguoi dang nong long cho dqi
his new movie. dS xem b9 phim CUa ong fly
(8) One of his movies will be shown later B. M9t trong nhU:ng b9 phim cua ong

than originally scheduled. fly se duqc chiSu mu9n han dl,l' kiSn
(C) He depicts the lives of ordinmy people band~u

in his movies. C. Ong fly mo ta cu9c s6ng thuang

nh~t cua con nguoi trong b9 phim

(D) He has published many novels.

D. Ong i da xuit ban cit nhi~u
ti~u thuy~t
194. Why was the release of the fihn 194: T~i sao vi~c cong chiSu b9 phim l~i
delayed? bi tri hoan?
(A) Raj Patal became ill during filming .

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

(B) The script had to be rewritten. A. Raj Patal bi 6m trong khi quay
(C) There was bad weather to contend phim
with. B. Cac kich ban da duqc viSt h;ti
(D) New financing had to be arranged. C. ThOi ti~t xiu gay ra Sl! tra nh

D . Ngu6n tai chinh da bi diSu chinh

195. How is Bear Lake different from Raj 195: Bear Lake da khac nhfrng b9 phim

Patal's previous movies? tluoc CUa Patal nhu thS nao?
(A) It used a lot of special effects. A. No su dl,ll1g r~t nhiSu hi~u Ung d~c
(B) It did not have famous actors. bi~t
(C) It was inexpensive to shoot. B. No khong co nhfrng diSn vien n6i

(D) It received significantly more tieng

Questions 196- 200 refer to the

tic C. N6 rdt re tdn
D. No nh~n duqc ngu~n kinh phi
following e-mail
To: Jason Bates <jbates@becksam.oom> BSn: Jason Bates <jbates@becksam.oom>
From: Sheila Copps <scopps@ Tu: Sheila Copps <scopps @
Ieighmanf. com> Ieighmanf. com>

Date: April 12 Ngay: 12 thang 4

Subject: Next Friday Meeting Chu dS: Cu9c hQp Thu Sau toi
Mr. Bates, AnhBates,
Regarding our merger meeting next Lien quan d~n cu9c h9p v~ vi~c sap

week I will be unable to make it on nh~p cua chong ta vao tuin tOi, toi
Thursday at 3 p.m. (196). I am sony, but khong th~ thl]'c hi~n duqc cu9c g~p vao

something ve1y urgent has come up. I 3 gi<r chi~u ngay thu sau. (196). Toi r~t
l~y lam tiSc, nhung m9i thir khan cap aa

know that you wanted to discuss the

contract between Benjamin Monison and du<;Yc dua ra. T oi biSt anh mu6n u·ao d6i
Becksam Co., so we will definitely have vS hqp d6ng gifra Benjamin Monison and
to reschedule (196). I have been asked Becksam Co., vi v~y toi ch~c ch~n phai
to meet with the president of the s~p x~p l~i ljch trinh. (196)
Cam don Institute, so a group of my

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

coworkers and I will be out of the office Toi da duqc yeu c~u g~p ngai vi~n
on Thursday. We are under pressure to truiYng vi~n Camdon, vi v~y toi va
finish the deal we have brokered with nhom d~ng nghi~p cua toi se riri van
Camdon at that time (197).. Can we phong vao thlf 5. Chung toi dang chfu
please reschedule our meeting for Monday slfc ep d~ hm1n ti t h«!J> d~ng m1y, chong

mmning? Again, I am tenibly sony. I toi da lam trung gian moi giOi cho

greatly appreciate your understanding in Camdon vao thiri di~m do (197).
this situation. Also, I do not have the taco thS s~p xSp l~i lich cu9c h9p vao
sang thu 2 duqc khong ? M9t l~n nua, t6i

proposed contract, so if you could please
send it to me, it would help matters ve~y vo CUng xin 16i. Toi r~t cam kich SlJ thong
much. cam cua anh trong truemg hqp nay. Ngoai
Thanks in advance, ra, t6i khong co hqp d6ng dS xu~t, vi vfty

Sheila Copps nSu anh co thS vui long gui cho t6i, no se
Broker and Consultant
Leighman Financial
tic giup ich cho t6i r~t nhiSu.
Cam an uuoc,
Sheila Copps
Chuyen gia Moi gioi va Tu v~n
Leiglunan Final
To: Sheila Copps
<> BSn: Sheila Copps

From: Jason Bates <scopps@leighmanf. com>

<jbates@becksam. com> Tu: Jason Bates <>
Date: April14 Ngay: 14 Thang 4
Subject: Re: Next Friday Meeting Tieu dS: Cu9c h9p thu sau toi

Attachment: Benjamin Morrison File dinh kern: H«!Jl d~ng Benjamin

Contract (199) Morrison (199)

Hi, Ms. Copps, Chao co Copps,

Cam an co dt nhiSu vi da thong bao cho

Thank you for giving me so much notice. I

really appreciate it. I can't make it t6i. Toi thftt SlJ danh gia cao diSu do. Toi
Monday morning because I have khong th~ thl!C hi~n IOi d~ nghf vao
already scheduled a doctor's sang thlf 2 hOi toi da len lfch h~n hac si
appointment at 10 a.m. and then we vao 10 gi<r sang va sau do toi co 1 cu9c
have a sales meeting when I get back h9p ban hang khi toi tr&v~ (198). Cu9c

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

(198). Is it possible to meet on Tuesday hf!p co the dOi vao Ia thu 3 ho~c thu 4
or Wednesday? (200) duqc khong? (200)
I have attached the contract, but I have a T oi da dinh kem theo hqp d6ng, nhtmg t6i
feeling that you will have some questions co cam giac rfug co se co m9t vai th~c
m~c vS no. NSu c~n lien l~c voi t.Oi co co

about it. If you need to reach me, you can
call me on my cell at 555-1234. I hope ths g9i vao s6 di d9ng cua t.Oi la 555-1234.

eve1ything goes well with Camdon and Toi hy vong r~ng m9i thu se t6t dyp voi
that you have a great weekend. I will see Camdon va co se co 1 ngay nghi cu6i tu~n
tuy~t voi. Toi se g~p co vao t~ toi.

you next week.
Thanks, Cam an,
Jason Bates Jason Bates
Senior Business Analysis Chuyen gia phan tich kinh doanh cftp cao

Becksam Inc Becksam Inc

196. What is the reason for Ms. Copps's 196: Ly do cho e-mail ctia Ms. Copps la
A. S~p xSp l~i cu9c ruun tho~i h9i thao
(A) To schedule a conference call
(B) To send a word file B. Gui m9t file word
(C) To plan and discuss a new project c. Lftp kS ho~ch va thao luftn dl,I an
(D) To change the meeting date and moi

time D. Thay d~i ngay va gier hf!p

197: Theo nhu buc e-mail ctia co ~y, Ms.
197. According to her e-mail, what will Copps phai lllin gi vao thu 5?
Ms. Copps be doing on Thursday A. Lftp kS ho~ch 1 chuySn di

afternoon? B. ViSt 1 bao cao vS vi~n Camdon

(A) Planning a trip C. H9p v oi Mr. Bates

(B) Writing a repmt on the Camdon D. Tham d '! 1 cu{)c hf!p t~i vi~n

Institute Cam don

(C) Meeting with Mr. Bates
(D) Attending a meeting at the Camdon
Institute 198: Ngay hyn bac si CUa Mr.Bates la vao
198. On what day is Mr. Bates' doctor's. ngay nao?
appointment ? A. Thu hJ!i

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.

(A) Monday B. Thutu

(B) Wednesday c. Thunam
(C) Thursday D . Thubay
(D)Friday 199: Mr. Bates dinh kern buc email cai gi?
A. H«fP d~ng sap nh~p Benjamin

199. What did Mr. Bates attach to his e-
mail? Morrison

(A) The Benjamin Morrison merger B. M9t ban bao cao vS Becksam Inc
contract C. Thong tin chi tiSt vS vi~n Cam don
(B) A repmt on Becksam Inc.

D . M9t ban ghi nho vS Chu tich
(C) Company details on the Cam don Becksaminc
(D) A memo about the president of

Becksam Inc.
200. What does Mr. Bates ask Ms. Copps
to do?
(A) Visit the Camdon Institute with him
200: MI·.Bates yeu cfm MI·.Copps linn gi?
A. Ghe tham Vi~n Camdon voi anh ~y
(B) Pass on impmtant infonnation B. T1uySn dicac thong tin quan n·9ng
(C) Call him back C. G9i anh ta tro l~i
(D) Meet him on Tuesda or D. G~p anh i ! vao thlf ba ho~c thlf
Wednesday tU'

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bie n so~ n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. M ong moi ngU'O'i d Ltng m ua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU'the se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~ n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Questions 153-154 refer to the following Cau hoi 153-154 lien quan d~n qming cao
advertisement sau

Diva's Yearly Summer Clearance Sale - Thanh ly hang mua he m6i nfun cua cua hang
Diva- Duy nh~t cu6i t~ nay!

This Weekend Only!
This weekend, summer clothing is 20% off! Vao cu6i tu§n nay, qu§n ao mua he giam gia

Come early to take advantage of our remaining 20%! BSn sam dS huang uu dai nhiing m~c
summer items, including shitts, shorts, and hang he cua chling t6i, bao g6m ao so mi,
sandals. Take an extra 10% off kids ' clothing qu§n so6c, va giay xang - dan. Giam them

and active wear. Beach accessories discounted 10% qu§n ao tre em va d6 thS thao. Ph1,1 ki~n
up to 50%. Visit om Southend, Westmere, and bai biSn chiSt kh~u dSn 50%. BSn thfun cac
Nmthstar locations and save! cua hang cua chling t6i a Southend,

Please be aware: Westmere, va Northstar dS tiStki~m!
•Women's swimwear is not included in
summer clearance sale (154).
•Store hours during the clearance sale will
Xin chu y:
• D& hoi nft khong dugc bao g&m trong dgt
khuy~n mai mila he.
be 7 a.m. -10 p.m (153). • ThOi gian cifa hang ban hang thanh ly
•Discounts do not apply to our Eastwind khuy~n mai se keo dai trong su~t tir 7 sang
location. d~n 10 giir t~i.
Starting Monday, 9/10, we will resume om • KhuySn mai khong ap dl,lllg a Clra hang

nmmal hours (8 a.m. - 6 p.m.). Eastwind clia chling t6i.

153. What is infened from the advertisement? B~t d~u Thu hai, 9 I 10, chilng t6i se tiSp tl,lc
(A) The sale will continue for a week. ma Clra l<;ti binh thuemg (8 gio sang - 6 gio
(B) The sale begins on Thursday. chiSu).

(C) The sale only applies to the N mthstar 153. BiSu gi duqc g qi y tu quang cao?
location. (A) KhuySn mai se tiSp t1,1c trong m9t tu§n.

(D) The sale will take place during (B) KhuySn mai b~t &u vao ngay thu nam.

extended business hours. (C) KhuySn mai chi ap d1,1ng cho dia diSm
154. As stated in the advettisement, which Nmthstar.
item will NOT be on sale this weekend? (D) Khuy~n mai se di~n ra thmii mai trong
(A) Sandals su~t giir lam vi~c.
(B) Women's swimwear 154. Nhu da n6i ro trong quang cao, m\}C se
(C) Shuts khong dang duqc ban giam gia vao cu6i tu§n
(D) Shotts nay?

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

( A ) Giay xang - dan

( B ) D~ boi cua Phi] nfr
(C) Ao somi
( D ) Qtilin so6c
Cau hoi 155-1661ien quan d~n ban ghi nh&

Questions 155-156 refer to the following
memo sau

Memorandum Banghinho
To: Team Members Gui: Cac thanh vien trong nh6m:

From: Administration Tu: Nguoi t6 chuc,
Date: August 3 Ngay : 3 thang 8
Save the date! Nho ngay thang!
In order to continue our long-standing D~ ti~p tt]c truy~n th~ng tir lau cua chung

tradition, The Sun Group will hold a yearly ta, Nhom M~T TROIse t~ chuc hang nam
"Fun in the Sun" day at Patterson Park for
all employees and their immediate family
members (155). Last year's event was a huge
TROI" t~i cong vien Patterson cho tit ca
nhan vien va nhfrng thanh vien gia dinh. S\1'
ki~n nam ngoai la m9t thanh cong IOn, hy
success, and we are looking fmward to an even
better hnnout this year. We hope that you will V9ng S\1' ki~n nam nay t6t han. Chling tOi hy
join US for great food, great company, and V9ng CaC b~n Se tham gia Ctmg VOi ChUng tOi
fantastic entettairunent. cho thuc an them ngon, m9i nguoi vui ve va

Thanks to Connie Rosegarden for organizing cong ty Ian m~nh.

this year's get-together, to be held on Sunday, Nho cong vien Connie Rosegarden dS t6 chuc
August 15. We would also like to thank bu6i g~p m~t nam nay vao chu nhftt ngay 15
thang 8. Chling ta gui loi cam an dSn Charles

Charles Sandpiper for offering to provide

musical ente1tairunent. Charles will be playing Sandpiper da cung c~p am nh~c giai tri.
a variety of woodwind instruments. We hope Charles se la nguoi choi nhfrng nh~c g6. Hi

to see you in the park, or, in the case of bad v9ng g~p cac b~n trong cong vien, ho~c,
trong trD'img hf!P thOi ti~t xiu, se t~ chuc a

weather, in the pavilion immediately next to

the park.(156) nhfrng l~u ben c~nh cong vien.
Volunteers are needed before and after the Nhfmg tirlh nguy~n vien c§n tftp trung tluoc
gathering. Contact John White at 223-.2122 if va sau bu6i g~p m~t. Lien l~c John White s6
you are able to help. Look for more 223-212 nSu b~n dSn ling h9. Tim them thong
infonnation in your mailboxes in the coming tin n·ong h9p thu cua b~n vao tu§n toi.
week. 155 Cai gi se duqc t6 chuc?

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lie u on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

155. What is being organized? (A) M9t bu6i biSn dien

(A) A perfonnance (B) M9t bu6i d<;to t<;to
(B) Training ( C) M9t bu6i thu vi~c
(C) A job fair (D) M9t Sl]' ki~n xa h9i
156. KS ho<; dl,I phong thS mio?

(D) A social event
156. What is the altemate plan? (A) S\f ki~n se bi huy

(A) The event will be cancelled. (B) Sl,I ki~n se duqc t6 chuc avan phong
(B) The event will be held at the office. ( C) St]' ki~n se duqc t~ chuc l~u a
(C) The event will be held in a pavilion. (D) Sl,I kiSn se duqc t6 chuc mu9n han

(D) The event will be held later in the
Questions 157-159 refer to the following Cau hoi 157-159 noi v~ quang cao sau

Bookworms Unite Hi~p h9i nhfrng nguOi yeu sach
212 Main Street, Aliston, CO 8201 1 tic
Do you usually have yom nose in a book?
When you head to the bookstore, is the classics
212 Ph6 chinh, Aliston, CO 82011
B~n co thuemg xuyen chill mili vao m9t quySn
sach? Khi b<;tn di dSn hi~u sach, van h9c c6
diSn lanai d~u tien b<;tnghe qua? ThS thi dimg
section the first place you visit? Stop spending
yom money at expensive chain bookstores! phung phi a nhfrng hi~u sach m~c tiSn! Hi~p
Bookwonns Unite offers its members better h9i nhfrng nguoi yeu sach khuySn mai cho
prices on classic books (157) . We have all of thanh vien cac lo<;ti sach van hf!C C~ di~n.

yom favorite authors m stock, including ChUn.g t6i co to~m b9 sach cua cac tac gia rna
bestsellers by Dickens, Clark, and Rosebud. b~n yeu thich nh~t, bao g6m nhfrng sach bim
Because we specialize in the classics, we can ch<;~.y nh~t nhu cac tac gia Dickens, Clark, va

offer a prime selection! Rosebud.

Members of Bookwmms Unite can take Vi chUn.g toi chuyen vS van h9c c6 diSn,
advantage of the following: (158) chUn.g t6i co thS dua ra ban g6c!

• Discounted prices on all classics. Thanh vien cua Hi~p h9i nhfrng nguoi yeu

• A huge catalog of classics from which sach co thS duqc huang nhfrng thu sau day:
you can select your favorites. • Chi~t khiu gia tren tit ca cac lo1;1i
• Access to our online catalog any time sach van hf!C C~ di~n.
of day or night. • Co quy~n ll]'a ch9n nhfrng quy~n
Besides all of this, members will receive a free sach U'a thich tir danh m~;~c sach
bimonthly Bookwonn news update. Each kh~ng 1~.
edition will highlight member favorites and

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lie u on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

local book clubs. Members are asked to order • Truy c~p vao danh m~;~c tri;I'C tuy~n
a minimum of one book per month. cua chong toi bit ky thOi gian tr·ong
Register now at ngay ho~c dem.! (159) Ngoai nhfrng diSu nay, thanh vien se duqc

t~ng c~p nh~t tin tuc tir Hi~p h9i nhiing nguoi
yeu sach hai thang m9t lfui. M6i ~n ban se gioi

157. What does Bookwmms Unite offer? thi~unhiing quySn sach n6i b~tma thanh vien
(A) Newspapers va cfm l~c b9 sach bao a dia phuang ua thich.
(B) Jownals Thanh vien duqc yeu c~u d~t t6i thiSu m9t

(C) Magazines quysn sach m6i thang.
(D) Novels= classic books Bang ky ngay bay gi<r t~i www.
158. What will members NOT receive? BookwormsUnite. com!

(A) Free book reviews 157. Con m9t sach Unite dua ra gi?
(B) Discounts on books
(C) A news update
(D) A catalog
tic (A) Bao chi
(B) T~p san
(C) T~p chi
159. How can interested persons JOm (D) Ti~u thuy~t= van hQc c~ di~n
Bookwmms Unite? 158. Nhiing gi se thanh vien Khong nh~n?
(A) Send a check to the club (A) Bai phe binh sach mi~n phi
(B) Register online ( B ) ChiSt khlu tren sach

(C) Visit the club office ( C ) C~p nh~t tin rue

(D) Call their toll-free number ( D ) Ca - ta - 16
159. Lam thS nao dS nhiing nguoi quan tam
co thS tham Hi~p h9i nhfrng nguoi yeu sach?

( A ) g oi ngan phiSu cho dlu l~c b9

( B ) dang ky trl!c tuy~n

( C ) Di thlim van phong dlu l~c b9


( D ) G9i s6 miSn phi cilit h9

Questions 160-162 refer to the following email
TO Marketing Staff DSn: T~t ca nhan vien tiSp thi
FROM Todd Snow, Manager Tl.r giam d6c Todd Snow
RE Phone Conference Ngay 9 thang 1
DATEJanumy 9 Nh6m maketing toan c~u
Global Marketing T earn,

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Thank you for your continued hard work Cam an b~ vida tiSp t1,1c cong vi~c kh6 khan
worldwide. In order to facilitate tren toim thS gioi. BS cung c~p viSn thong
communication between our sites, we will be gifra cac khu vvc cua chllilg t6i, chong toi se
conducting a phone conference next ti~n hanh h{)i thao vao thir 2 /12.2 toi bao
g6m nhfm vien a cac khu VlJC khac

Monday, (160) Janumy 12, involving staff in
multiple time zones. We hope that this will nhau.Chling t6i mong r~ng diSu nay se giup

give eve1yone an oppmtunity to stay up to date m9i nguoi co co h9i duy tri du thai gian tiSp
on cunent marketing issues. In the conference, thi cho dSn phut cu6i cUn.g. Trong h9i thao
we will be covering the following items: (161) chllilg ta se n6i vS cac v~n dS sau:

• Sales trends in the past 3 months Xu hU'(mg ban hang cua 3 thang gin
• Ideas for raising awaa·eness of day
products in target market areas y tu&ng cho vi~c nang cao gia trf san

• Locating future markets to enter phin trong ml}c tieu thf truimg khu

project will be asked to join in this

All staff cunently involved with the Globe

teleconference. This includes staff in our

Xac dfnh thf truimg mOi d~ ti~n hanh
T ~t ca nhan v ien ~m trong dv an T oim c~u
se duqc yeu c~u tham gia cu9c h9p qua di~n
Australian, Easte1n European, and South
American offices. Staff in overseas locations tho~i. Bao g6m ca nhan vien aUc, B ong au,
will join the conference call at the following va N am mi.
local times (162) Nhan vien 0' nu&c ngoai se tham d'! h{)i

Sydney 1 :00 p.m. nghf theo cac khung giir sau:

Warsaw 9:00a.m. Sydney 1:00 p.m.
Buenos Aires 11 :00 p.m. Warsaw 9:00a.m.
Thank you in advance for pmticipating in this Buenos Aires 11 :00 p.m.

impmtant conference. Cam an b~n tham dv h9i nghi quan tr9ng

Sincerely, nay

Todd Snow Sincerely,


Todd Snow

160. Why was this e-mail written? 160: T ~i sao thu nay duqc viSt?
(A) To remind staff of an approaching A. BS nh~c nha nhan vien vS h~ cong v i~c
deadline B. BS chao mimg nhan vien moi
(B) To welcome a new staff member C. D~ thong bao nhan vien toan ciu v~
cu{)c g~p s~p tOi

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling t hanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(C) To inform global staff about an D . BS thay d6i thai gian cu9c h9p
upcoming meeting
(D) To change the previously stated
meeting time
161: BiSu gi thimh vien se khong thao l~n?

161. What will members NOT discuss in the
conference? A. Nhiing cai m~u ban hang g§n day

(A) Pattems in sales in recent months B . Thue nhan vien moi
(B) Hiring new staff members globally C. Lam cho nhi~u ngU'Oi hi~u ro hon v~

(C) Making people more aware of products san phim
(D) New market areas D . Thi b.uang moi
162. What does the e-mail indicate about the 162: BiSu nao email khong chi ra trong cu9c
meeting? h9p?

(A) The conference call will be recorded. A. H9i nghi se duqc ghi fun.
The manager will not be attending the

The conference will last an hour.

B . Quan lise khong tham dv
c. H9i nghi se keo dai hong 1 gio
D. Nhan vien tham gia cu9c gf!i se dm;rc
(D) The staff involved in the call will be chia ra cac khu VJ!C th(ri gian khac nhau.
in different time zones
Questions 163-164 refer to the following Cau hoi 163-1 64 noi vS quang cao sau

Winding River Apartments Nhii'ng din h9 thO' m9ng ben song

Sundale Homes would like to announce that IO Cong ty phat u·iSn nha Sundale han ~nh
new apmtments are being built m the thong bao 10 dill h9 moi dang duqc xay dl,lllg
downtown Susseville area. As of right now, the u·ong khu vvc thi u·§n Susseville. Theo thiSt

site has been cleared and the builders are kS da duqc duy~t hi~n gio, noi nay dang duqc
working on the early stages of consb.uction. xay dl,lllg giai do~ &u. KiSn b.uc su cUa.

Our architects are on the scene to make sure chlli1g toi giam sat ch~c che dS bao dam m6i

that each apartment tUins out perfectly. We din h9 thftt la hoan hao. Chlli1g t6i hy v9ng
expect that the apmtments will be completed cac dill h9 se duqc hoan tftt vao &u xuan.
by early spring. N guoi thue nhiing din h9 t§ng duoi CUng se
Tenants on bottom-floor apmtments will enjoy t~n huan.g khong gian s6ng r9ng rai, hai
spacious living areas, two bedrooms, and a phong ngu, va san rao. Nhiing dill h9 hen cao
fenced yard. Upper-level apmtments will have han se co u·~n nha mai vom va ban cong ben
vaulted ceilings and a balcony view. All of our ngoai. T oan b9 kh6i nha duqc thiSt kS chuyen

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling t hanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lie u on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

professionally designed units will include nghi~p bao g6m 10 suoi toa ra ttr san, &su hoa
radiant floor heating, air conditioning, and a khong khi, lo nu&ng mOi tinh, tu l~nh, va
brand-new oven, refrigerator, and may rna chen. M9i nguoi trong din h9 ciing
dishwasher (163). Evetyone in the apartment se co quySn su dl,lng wifi intetnet miSn phi va
dich V\1 gi~t ui. NSu chi phi them m9t chut,

will also have access to free wireless Intemet
connection and laundty facilities. For a small nguoi thue co thS thu~n lqi su dl;tllg bai ~u xe

additional fee, tenants can take advantage of a trong khu nha o.
covered parking area.

Winding River Apartments is within walking
distance of a riverside park. We are also Nhfmgdinh9thom9ngbensongr~tg~ncong
conveniently located near bus lines, a shopping v ien v en song. Chling t:Oi ciing a vi tri thu~n
district, and a reputable hospital. Save lqi la g~n tuySn xe buyt, khu mua s~m, va

commuting time and live in the herut of a b~nh vi~n co uy tin. TiSt ki~m thai gian khi di
downtown oasis! tic
Call us today to find out more about our new
apartment complex.
chuySn va s6ng trong 6c dao CUa khu trung
G9i chling toi hom nay dS tim hiSu them vS
khu can h9 cao c~p moi cua chting toi.
Make an appointment at 123-3432 to view one
of Winding River's model apattments (for S~p xSp lich h~n ~i 123-3432 dS xem m9t
viewing anytime after Januaty 3). trong nhfrng mo hinh dill h9 clia Nhfrng dill
h9 tho m9ng ben song (cho xem b~t cu hie nao

sau ngay 3 thang gieng).

163. What is stated about the apattments? 163. Nhfmg gi duqc noi rove can h9?
(A) The apattments have ah·eady been (A) din h9 da duqc xay dl,ffig.

constructed. (B) din h9 di cimg d~ dung nha b~p .

(B) The apartments come with kitchen ( C ) phong ilim la r9ng rai.

appliances. ( D ) can h9 tr·en cao co ban cong nhin xu6ng


(C) The bathrooms are spacious. song.

(D) The upper-floor balconies overlook the 164. Thong tin gi Khong co trong qllimg cao?
nver. ( A ) Khi can h9 mo hinh s~n sang cho xem
164. What infonnation is NOT included in the (B) s6luqng clia dan vi moi duqc xay dl,ffig
advettisement? ( C ) Gia thue hang thang cua toa nha
(A) When model apartments ru·e available ( D ) t6ng quat vi tri dan vi
for viewing

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(B) The quantity of new units being built Notes: ti·ong tm1n bai chua cho gia cho thue
(C) The monthly cost of the units hang thang cua cac din h{)
(D) The g enerallocation of the units
Questions 165-168 refer to the following

LBA T inh hinh n9i b9 Albany

Local Businesses of Albany 121 d;;ti 19 chinh Albany, New York 120019
121 S. Main St., Albany, NY 12019 Ngay 9/11

November 9 Kinh gili BaLe Chevre
Dear Ms. LeChevre Chimg toi kinh moi ba tham gia sv ki~n s~p
We would like to invite you to pmticipate in toi duqc t6 chuc vao thu 4 ngay 17/11 hie 6
om upcommg meeting, to be held on gio chiSu t;;ti van phong Hilton.

Wednesday, November 17 at 6:00 p.m. at the Trong cu9c h9p chimg ta se len kS ho;;tch cho
Hilton Suites. During this meeting we plan to
hold an election for the next LBA president
(165), who will serve for the coming yem·. Past
vi~c t~ chuc cu{)c biu cu chu t!ch LBA,
nguoi se n~m gifr chuc chu tich cho nam toi.
Chu tich cii se phat biSu dS giai thich illm quan
t.r9ng va c6 vfui cho qua trinh b~u cu. Nam nay
presidents will be present to explain the
importance of the position and to help facilitate chimg ta se co 4lm.g cu vien sang gia cho cu9c
the voting process. This year we have four tTanh cu, lam an d9c qua sO' y~u li l!ch da
members interested m runnmg for this duqc dinh kern theo. Ch~c rfug ba da xem

position; please note that their professional qua chimg nuoc khi toi tham dv cu9c h9p. Se
profiles are attached (167). Make sure to co nhfrng cau hoi va tJ.·a loi voi cac l1ng cu vien
review these profiles prior to the meeting. tJ.uoc khi bu6i b~u cu b~t d~u.

There will be a question-and-answer session

with this yem·'s candidates before voting Chimg t6i danh gia cao s6 luqng cu tri b~u
begins. cu nam nay, va hy V9ng r~ng base co thS tham

We are anticipating a large tw.nout at this dv sv ki~n quan n·9ng nay. N~u ba co li do
chinh dang khong th~ tham d.,, chong toi

year's election, and hope that you will be able

to join us on this impmtant day. If, for some se dua ra nhfrng diu hoi cua ba gui tOi
reason, you are unable to attend, we ask trong mail- va phi~u biu duqc dinh kern.
that you send in your vote using the Ba co th~ gui tOi Local Business of Albany
attached mail-in ballot. You can send the phi~u biu cua ba, t;;ti s6 121 d;;ti 19 Chinh
form to Local Businesses of Albany (166), 12019 New York. Nhftt dinh phiSu b~u cua ba
121 S. Main St. , Albany, NY 12019. Please phai duqc gui toi nuoc ngay 17/ 11 nhe.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

make sme that yom ballot runves by Theo van ban phap luftt cilit bang thi da s6
November 17. nhfmg thanh vien cua LBA's phai biu cu
Om bylaws state that a majority of the LBA's cho cu~c biu cu sip tOi d~ ra mit chu t!ch
members must vote in the upcoming mOi. BOi vi di~u do, chong toi yeu ciu b~n
bo phi~u U'U tien va ho~c Ia b~n trl_I'C ti~p

election in order for us to officially
inaugurate a new president. Because of this, d~n cu~c biu cu ho~c Ia bo phi~u qua thU'.

we ask that you make voting a priority and Iran u·9ng,
either attend the meeting or send in your Davids Smith
ballot by mail (168)

Davids Smith
165. Why is the LBA holding a meeting? 165: T~i sao LBA t6 chuc cu9c g~p nay?

(A) To revise its bylaws A BS chinh sua l~i diSu luftt
To review its voting procedurestic
To encourage new members to join
(D) To choose a new president
B BS xem l~i qua trinh b~u cu
c ds khuysn khich thanh vien moi tham gia
D D~ ll_l'a ch~n chu t!ch mOi
166. If Ms. LeChevre cannot attend the 166: NSu ba Le Chevre khong thS tham dv
meeting, what should she do? cu9c g~p thi nen lam gi?
(A) Complete a mail-in ballot A Hoan thanh phi~u biu bing email
(B) Send an apology letter to the B Gili thu xin 16i toi chu tich

president c Bong gop tai chinh cho LBA

(C) Make a financial contribution to the LBA D V~n d9ng cho Chu tich
(D) Run for president 167: File gi duqc dinh kem voi thu?
167. What is attached to the letter?

A Thong tin chinh sach LBA

(A) LBA's budget infmmation B Lich S\f ki~n CUa nam
(B) A yearly calendar of events C SO' y~u li l!ch irng cu vien cho v! tri chu

(C) Profiles of those running for t!ch


president D Huang cllin kinh doanh

(D) A directmy of small businesses 168: BiSu gi co thS suy ra cho baLe Chever
168. What can be infened about Ms. la dling nhflt
LeChevre? A: Ba fly co thS tro thanh chu tich
(A) She would like to be president. B Ba fly lam vi~c cho chu tich
(B) She works for the president. C Ba fly chiu u·ach nhi~m cho vi~c dSm phiSu

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(C) She ts responsible for counting the D Ba ~y Ia thanh vien cua LBA
(D) She is a member of the LBA.
Questions 169-1 72 refer to the following

Telecommunications Merger Armounced Thong bao sat nh~p cong ty ViSn thong

Los Angeles, Febmruy 2 Los angeles, 2/2
Two of the countty's biggest Hai cong ty viSn thong Ion nh~t vua ki kSt,
hoan thanh vi~c sat nh~p Ian nh~t trong lich

telecommunications companies have signed a
deal, completing the largest merger in histmy. su. Tin rue da duqc thong bao ~i cu~c h«]p
The news was announced at a press bao sang nay.
conference this rnoming. Delmore, Inc. and Cong ty Inc Delmore va ~p doan Lasing se

Lasing, Corp. will come together in March to cling nhau thanh l~p " Del-Lasing" vao thang
create Del-Lasing. The new cmporation is
expected to have combined assets of over $1
3. T~p doan rnoi se co tai san c6 dinh uoc tinh
han 1 ti $.
B~ng S\1' d6i rnoi cong ngh~ CUa cty Delmore
By joining Delmore's technological va chiSn luqc rnaketing cua Lasing, cong ty
innovation and Lasing's marketing strategies, hy V9ng se d~t duqc nhiSu khach hang khong
the company hopes to reach even more nhiing a MI rna con ca nuoc ngoai vOi di~n
customers both in the U.S. and overseas with thol;li di d~ng va djch ~ internet. Del-

their cellular phone and Internet services. Lasing se co rn~t a San Fransico sau khi no
Del- Lasing will be based in San duqc chuySn nhan vien tir hai vi tt·i uuoc d~y
Francisco(l 72) after it u·ansfers employees toi Tn,t so cong ty cii a San Fransico.Van
phong Delmore a Los Angeles se dong

from its two fotmer locations to a historic San

Francisco office building in the herut of the cua, Tmng tarn quan li se dong aDel Rio
business distt·ict. Delmore's offices in Los T6ng giarn d6c cty Delmore -Fred Byers noi

Angeles will close, as will Lasing's cenu·al r~ng khac hang se khong g~p b~t ki gian do~n
nao voi dich Vl,l cua h9. B~t diu tir thang 3,

management headquruters in Del Rio.

Delmore's CEO, Fred Byers, says that khach hang co th~ trl!c ti~p sir dt,mg b~t ki
customers should not expect any distuption to djch ~ mOi nao nhim trf! giup khach hang
their service. Starting in March, customers qua di~n thol;li ban.
can direct any concerns to Del-Lasing's
new online customer service helpdesk.(l 71)

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lie u on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

169. Where would someone most likely find 169: M9i nguai co thS tim th~y thong tin miy
this infmmation? odau
(A) In a business directmy A: m9t chuyen m1,1c kinh doanh

(B) In a newspaper B:bao
(C) In a magazine C: T ~p chi

(D) In a job advettisement D:Qimg cao tim vi~c
170. What infonnation is NOT included about Thong thuimg vi~c sap nh~p cong ty du«!c

Del-Lasing? cong b& r9ng rai tren bao
(A) It will relocate to a newly constructed 170: Thong tin nao khong co vS Del-lasing?
building in San Francisco. A Nose du«!c di chuy~n tOi v! tri mOi iY San
(B) The company will begin operations in Fransico-_day h1 trw.t srr cu cua cong ty

March. B Cong ti se di b~t d~u di vao ho~t d9ng vao
(C) Del-Lasing is a combination of two
(D) It will be a large corporation.
tic truing 4
C:Del-lasing duqc t_ftp hqp tir 2 cong ty
D: no la m9t t_ftp doan r9ng Ian
171: Cong ty Del-lasing se cung c~p dich v1,1
171. What services will Del-Lasing provide?
(A) Computer pmts nao.
(B) Advettising services A: ThiSt bi may tinh.
(C) Business development products B: Dich Vl,l quang cao

(D) Telephone and Internet services C: San phk phat triSn kinh doanh
172. Where will Del-Lasing's offices be D: Di~n tho~i va d!ch Vw.t internet.
located? 172:Vanphong Del-lasing se co tn,1 so odau.?
(A) Los Angeles (A) Los Angeles

(B) DelRio (B) Del Rio

(C) San Francisco (C) San Francisco

(D) Delmore (D) Delmore


Questions 173-1 75 refer to the following letter

11 Calle Cafe Cuenca 22334 Ecuador 11 Calle Cafe Cuenca 22334 Ecuador
Mr. Robett LaTaza Manager Starcoffee, Inc. Mr. Robett LaTaza Manager Stm·coffee, Inc.
23 Lime St. 23 Lime St.
Tallahasee, FL 12121 Tallahasee, FL 12121
June 22 June 22
Dem· Mr. LaTaza: Gili ngai Lataza

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Through years of careful research and Trong su6tnhiSunam nghien cilu va va tu v§n
consultation with centuries-old local coffee vai cac d6n disn ca phe dia phuang co ngu6n
plantations, we have cultivated the perfect g6c nhiSu thS ki. Chlli1g t6i da tr6ng thanh
coffee bean. Shade-grown and cong lo~i ca phe hoan hao. Co thS phat triSn

environmentally-friendly, our new variety of duoi tan cay va than thi~n voi moi huon.g, lo~i
coffee (173) bean has proven to have a more h~t cafe mOi da duqc chln1g minh la co nhiSu

pleasing flavor than anything we have ever huang vi han b~t ki lo~i nao oo phat u·isn a
developed among the local population. Since dia phuang.Tu khi huang vi tuy~t voi CUa h~t
the bean's sublime flavor has proven to be a ca phe duqc chln1g minh, no da thanh cong a

success with taste-testers in Ecuador, we cu9c kiSm tra huang vi aEcuador, va bay gio
would now like to share om secret with you! chlli1g t6i mu6n chia se voi b~n bi m~t nay.!
It is our hope that your customers in the U.S. Ch1lng t6i hy v9ng r~ng nhilng khach hang

will be interested in experiencing the intense cua b~n aMy se dun thly thich thu voi huang
flavor of these beans. The enclosed
complimentary package of coffee (1 74)
should be enough to convince your taste buds
vi ~m da cua lo~i ca phe nay.Ch1lng toi co
dinh kern m9t goi ca phe mong r~ se thuySt
phl,lC b~n voi nhilng huang vi rna no mang l~i
han ca nhGng gi co thS uuoc do. NSu b~n
that these beans are richer and more flavorful
than any previously available. If you wish to mu6n tim hisu nai rna ca phe mai duqc ~ora
see where this new coffee bean originates, nhu thS nao xin hay den tham d6n diSn cl1a
please consider visiting om plantation in chlli1g t6i a Cuenca. Nhan vien cua chlli1g t6i

Cuenca at yom convenience. Om staff will be se r~t vui mtmg dS ph1,1c V\1 b~n m9t chuySn
happy to offer you a free tour and taste testing. tham quan miSn phi.
We look fmward to hearing from you soon! Chlli1g t6i r~t mong nh~n h6i fun cua b~n
Sincerely, sam.

Kobetto- C alcdyasfrcv Than ai,

Robetto Calabaza Cuenca Coffee Ltd Kobetto- C alcdyasfrcv

C Ty trach nhi~m hiiu h~ Roberto Calabaza


173. What is the purpose of the letter? 173: m1,1c dich cl1a la thu la gi?
(A) To request a review of a product A yeu c~u xem xet l~i san ph~m
(B) To send discount coupons B Gm phiSu qua gifun gia
(C) To pa·esent a new product C Trinh bay v~ san phim mOi
(D) To fill an order D DiSn vao don

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

174. What has Mr. Calabaza enclosed with 174: Mr.Calabaza da dinh kem t:rong thu?
the letter? Ah6adan
(A) An invoice B miu san phim mi~n phi
(B) A free sample C m~udan

(C) An order fmm Dvemaybay
(D) A plane ticket to Ecuador

175. What is NOT mentioned in the letter? 175. DiSu gi khong duqc nh~c dSn trong thu?
(A) Cuenca Coffee has developed a new A Cuenca coffe duqc phat triSn la m9t c4mg
h~t cafe moi.

type of coffee bean.
(B) Mr. Calabaza wants to find a market in B Mr. Calabaz mu6n tim kiSm thi truemg a
the United States. U .S
(C) Mr. LaTaza has previously visited C Mr.Lataza da tirng tham quan d8n di~n

Cuenca Coffee. ca phe trucrc kia.
(D) Cuenca Coffee has tested its product on D Cuenca cofe da duqc kiSm tra a nhGng
local coffee drinkers. nguoi u6ng cafe dia phuang
Notes: Cau nay cac b~n d9c l~i h~t Ia thu se
Questions 176-180 refer to the following
letter Tenific Travels
Tenific Travels 27 dai 19 Lexington.

27 Lexington St. New York, NY 12345

New York, NY 12345 N gay 1 thang 6
June 1 Ong Joseph McLelland so nha 34 hem

Mr. Joseph McLelland 34 Nunnety Ln. Nunnety.

Queens, NY 12121 Queens, NY 12 121
Dear }v:fr. McLelland, Ong McLelland than mSn,

Thank you for choosing Tenific Travels to Cam an ong da chQn Tenific Travels dS d~t

book your flightandhotelreservations. Per our ve may bay va d~t phong khach s~m. Theo
telephone conversation yesterday, I am writing cu9c tro chuy~n qua di~n tho~i cua ta
to confiim your new travel details. I would also ngay hom qua, t6i viSt thu nay dS xac nh~ chi
like to apologize once agam for the tiSt hanh trinh moi CUa ong. T oi xin 16i l§n nfra
cancellation of your original flight to vi~c hliy chuy~n bay ban diu cua ong d~n
Kingston (177), Jamaica on July 2. As we Kingston, Jamaica vao ngay 02 Thang 7. Nhu
discussed, you will be receiving a free flight chUn.g ta da thao 1~, ong se nh~n duqc n~ing

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

upgrade on your rescheduled flight to c~p mien phi tren chuySn bay d6i lich dSn
Kingston on Friday, July 5. Your new flight Kingston vao Thu 6 ngay 5 Th<'mg Bay.
(176) will depart on July 5 (178) at 2:00p.m. Chuy~n bay mOi cua ong se khoi hanh vao
and anive in Kingston at 7:32 p.m., with a ngay 5 thang 7luc 2 gio chiSu, voi m9t cl$lg
nghi 3 gio d6ng h6 ~i Tampa, Florida. M9t

three- hour layover in Tampa, Florida. An
agent will greet you at the aitpmt to show you nhan vien se don ong t~i san bay ds huang &In

to your hotel. If you find this new itineraty ong dSn khach s~m. NSu ong d6ng y voi 19
acceptable, you will need to send us trinh moi nay, ong cin phai gifi cho chong
toi IOi xac nh~n trong vong 24 gio toi b~ng

confirmation (179) in the next 24 hours bye-
mail or phone. di~n tho~i hay thu di~n tu.
Provided that this new itineraty is confinned, v oi diSu ki~n 19 trinh moi nay duqc xac nh~n,
we will change your hotel reservation at the chling tOi se thay d6i ~t phong khach s~n cilit

Mango Suites. Although the check-in date will ong a Mango Suites. M~c du ngay nh~n

12 will remain the same, as per your

be moved fmward, the check-out date of July

company's request. you will, as we discussed,

phong se duqc doi l~i sau, nhung ngay tra
phong cua ngay 12 thang 7 se v~n nhu cii, theo
yeu du CUa cong ty ong. Ong se duqc, nhu
chling ta da thao lu~n, xem tluySn hinh cap va
have access to cable television and high-speed
Intetnet. The meeting room that you requested Intemet t6c d9 cao. Cac phong h9p ma ong
will be free for your use on July 7. yeu c~u se duqc miSn phi dS su dl,lllg vao 07
Unfortunately, we have leatned from the hotel thang 7.

that in-room phone service (180) will be T~t khong may, chting tOi da duqc thong bao
unavailable on July 8 due to scheduled yem·ly tu khach s~n do r~ng djch VI] di~n tho~i
maintenance. If this proves to be an trong phong se khong su dl,lllg duqc vao ngay
inconvenience, please let me know and I will 8 Thang 7 do bao tri hang nam. NSu diSu nay

find altemate accommodations for this date. gay b~t ti~n cho ong, xin vui long cho tOi biSt
I look fmward to hearing from you soon dS t6i tim phong thay thS trong ngay hom ~y.

regarding your decision about the above Toi mong mu6n ong sam lien h~ dS quySt
dinh vS lich trinh u·en. M9t l~n nua, chling tOi

itinermy. Again, we apologize for any

inconvenience that this change may have xin ong thong cam vi nhfrng phiSn phuc ma
caused you. Thank you for your business. Sl,I thay d6i nay co thS da gay ra cho ong. Cam

Sincerely, an Sl,I hqp tac CUa ong.

Tcvnya/ VeLowes Iran tr9ng,
Tenific Travels

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Tcvnya/ VeLowes
Tenific Travels

176. What is the purpose of the letter? 176. M1,1c dich cua buc thu la gi?

(A) To infmm Mr. McLelland of a new A) BS thong bao cho ong McLelland v~ m9t
resmt khu du lich mai
(B) D~ cung cip cho m9t 19 trinh mOi

(B) To provide a new itinerary
(C) To cancel hotel accommodations (C) BS hliy vi~c ~t phong khach s~
(D) To make a reservation at a convention (D) BS ~t phong t~i m9t tnmg tam h9i nghi
center 177. Ong McLelland di du lich a dftu?

177. Where is Mr. McLelland travelling? (A) New York
(A) New York
tic (B) Tampa
(C) Queens
(D) Kingston
(D) Kingston 178. Cai gi da duqc dinh vao ngay 5 thang 7?
178. What has been scheduled for July 5? (A) Chuy~n bay cua ong Mr. McLelland
(A) Mr. McLelland's flight (B) M9t cu9c h9p cong ty
(B) A company meeting (C) M9t cu9c hyn qua di~n tho~i

(C) A phone appointment (D) M9t chuySn bay toi Queens

(D) A flight to Queens
179. What does Ms. DeLane need Mr. 179. Ba DeLan mu6n ong McLelland phai

McLelland to do? lam gi?

(A) Contact the hotel (A) Lien h~ khach s~
(B) Confirm the reservation (B) Xac nh~n djch ~ d~t ve

(C) Schedule a flight to another location (C) Lich tTinh chuySn bay toi m9t vi tri khac
(D) Hay d~t ch6

(D) Make seat reservations

180. What will Mr. McLelland NOT be able 180. Cai gi rna Ong McLelland KHONG thS
to use at the hotel for one day? su dl,lllg t~i khach s~n trong m9t ngay?
(A) The Intetnet (A) Intetnet
(B) Cable television (B) Truy~n hinh Cap
(C) The telephone (C) Di~n tho~i
(D) A meeting room (D) M9t phong h9p

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Questions 181-185 refer to the following l>f!C h~t thong bao se thiy tra IOi duc;rc diu
a nnouncement and form. (181)
Best Business Practices Th-.,c ti~n kinh doanh t~t nhi t
Keep your company up-to-date with the latest Gifr cho cong ty cua b~n theo kip voi cac

research in business success! Don' t let your nghien cilu moi nhftt dS kinh doanh thanh
employees fall behind when it comes to cong! Bimg dS nhan vien cila b~n roi l~i phia

networking, product development, technology, sau, da dSn hie kSt n6i m~g, phat triSn san
and marketing. Staying competitive in today' s ph~m, cong ngh~ va marketing. T 6n t~i trong
thi truong c~nh tranh hi~n nay co nghia la cilm

market means staying infonned. Don't miss
this oppmtunity to find out the latest research. nhiSu thong tin. EXmg bo 10 co h9i nay dS tim
BusinessTrain will be conducting (183) hiSu nghien cilu moi nhftt.
interactive and highly-relevant training Business Train se duqc th-.,c hi~n cac bu6i

sessions this summer on all aspects of business dao t~o tuang tac va thich lm.g cao vao mtia
development. To register, visit our site at Fees are per person
and include lunch. Here is just a sampling of
he nay tren tftt ca cac khia c~nh CUa phat triSn
kinh doanh. BS dang Icy, hay truy c~p trang
web cila chling t.Oi t~i www.
L~ phi cho m6i nguoi va bao g6m an uua.
om workshop offerings:
1. Marketing Outward provides workshop Duoi day chi la m9t mftu cua cac dich Vl,l h9i
patticipants with practical ideas on attracting thao cila chUn.g t.Oi:
new clientele. 1. Network Connections cung cftp cho nguoi

Monday,March 7, 8:00-10:00 a.m. Cost $40 tham giah9i thao voinhfrng ytuong thiSt thvc
(184) vao vi~c thu hut khach hang moi.
2. Network Connections encourages Thu 2, ngay 7 thang 3, tir 8 giir d~n 10 sang
pmticipants to utilize their existing business Gia 40$

connections and gives strategies on creating 2. Network Connections khuySn khich nguoi
new contacts. tham gia su dl,lllg cac kSt n6i kinh doanh hi~n

Tuesday, April4, 8:30-11 :00 a.m. Cost $45 t~i va cung cftp cho cac chisn luqc va vi~c t~o
ra cac lien h~ moi.

3. Technology Yes! involves workshop-goers

in a hands-on session that highlights the Thu ba ngay 4 thang 4, 8h 30 dSn 11 h sang
relevance of technology to marketing. Gia 45 $
Monday, May 6, 8:00-1 0:30 a.m. Cost $65 3. Technology Yes! lien quan dSn khan gia
4. Product Ingenuity has made product u·ong bu6i h9p thvc hanh rna lam n6i b~t sv
development more exc111ng than ever! lien quan cua cong ngh~ dS tiSp thi.
Patticipants will use new design templates to

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

lemn how to Impress clients with new Thu 2, ngay 6 thang 5, 8h dSn 1 0: 30 sang Gia
products. 65$
Tuesday, June 9, 8:30-11:00 a.m. Cost $55 4. Vi~c trau chu6t san ph§m lam phat triSn san
ph§m thu vi han bao gio hSt! Nhiing nguoi
tham gia se su dl;lllg cac m~u thist ks mai as

Name: Charles Salaxar tim hisu lam ths nao as gay §n tm;mg v ai

Address: 432 W. Statist., Albany, NY 12123 khach hang voi cac san ph§m moi
Phone No.: (201)928-1921 Thu 3 ngay 9 thang 6, tir 8 gio dSn 11 h sang
Gia 55$

E-mail: ialajLar1
Workshop Number: 1 Date: Janumy 3
Comments: My department would like to send MAU HANG KY
5 of its members to the workshop, on. (184) Ten: Charles Salaxar

March. 7. Are we eligible for a group Bia chi: 432 W. Statist., Albany, NY 12123
discount? (185) tic SBT:
(201 )928-1921
s6 h9i thao: 1 Ngay: 3 thang 1
Binh lu~n: b9 p~n cua t6i mu6n gui 5 thanh
vien CUa minh dS h9i thao vao ngay 7 thang
3. Chung toi co du di~u ki~n d~ duc;rc gh1m
gia nhom khong?

181 . What lS the pmpose of the 181 . Ml,lC dich cua thong bao la gi?
announcement? (A) BS yeu cftu cac y tuang h9i thao moi
(A) To ask for new workshop ideas (B) D~ thuc diy h{H thao s~p tOi

(B) To promote upcoming workshops (C) BS thong bao cho cac chu doanh nghi~p
(C) To infonn business owners of previous cua h9i thao huoc

workshops (D) BS thay a 6i lich trinh h9i thao


(D) To modify the workshop schedule 182. Trong do~ 2 cua thong bao, tu II

182.In the 2nd paragraph of the conducting 11 u·ong dong 1 la nghia tuang tv
announcement, the word "conducting" in line (A) gui
1 is similar in meaning to (B) bo qua
(A) sending (C) giOi thi~u
(B) neglecting (D) di~n khi
(C) presenting = giOi thi~u= ti~n hanh 183. Cai nao KHONG la 1 chu aS h9i thao?

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(D) electrifying (A) Tim kiSm khach hang moi

183. What is NOT a workshop topic? (B) Phat triSn san ph§m
(A) Finding new clients (C) Su dl,lilg cong ngh~
(B) Product development (D) Quan ly cac cu9c h~n g~p

(C) Using technology 184. L~ phi cho cac h9i thao rna Charles
(D) Managing meetings (d~c h~t bai se Salazar co kS ho~ch tham d1,1la bao nhieu?

thiy ko) (A) $ 40
184. What IS the fee for the workshop (B)$ 45
Charles Salazar plans to attend? (C)$ 55

(A) $40 (D)$ 65
(B) $45 185. Nhfrng gi Charles Salazar mu6n biSt?
(C) $55 (A) H9i thao nao se hiiu ich nhftt d6i voi anh

(D) $65 ay
185. What does Charles Salazar want to
(A) Which workshop would be most helpful
(B) Anh iy co th~ duqc giam gia hay khong
(C) Vi tri xuang
(D) Ten cua cac diSn gia
to him
(B) If he can get a discount
(C) Workshop locations
(D) Names of the presenters

Questions 186-190 refer to the following

The Wasniak Herald Dai d'! bao Wasniak

Wednesday; August 14 Thfr 4, ngay 14 thang 8

From WTH Meteorological Center Tir trung tam khi tuqng WTH
Meteorologists have forecasted severe Cac nha khi tm;mg h9c da d1,1 bao can bao

thunders tonus covenng most of Wasniak. nghiem n·9ng bao phu g~n nhu toan b9 vl:mg
Wasnisk. Mua 1011 duqc d'! ki~n se hit d~u

Heavy rain is expected to start early on

Thursday morning (186) and will continue vao sang SOOn thu Nam vase tiSp tl,Ic cho dSn
until Sunday evening. The rain will also be t6i chu nhftt. Mua ciing se duqc di kern boi
accompanied by colder temperatures, hovering nhi~t d9 l;;tnh han, dao d9ng trong khoang 24
around 24 degrees Celsius. And while the d9 C. Va n·ong khi luqng mua duqc d1,1 bao it
predicted amount of rainfall should be less han 10 em, m9t s6 khu v1,1c l~i co thS d~t muc
Iii h,It.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

than 10 centimeters, some areas may see Mua co thS van tfun ta cho dSn uuoc t6i chu
flooding. nhftt, nhung con may se vfln concho dsn
The rain should let up by Sunday night, but sang sam thu ba.
clouds will remain until early on Tuesday. Dai dl! bao Wasniak Thir 3, ngay 19 tha ng

The Wasniak Herald Tuesday, August 19 By 8
Hong Iran hOi Hong Tran

Unpredictable Weather Deals Heavy Blow to Thai tiSt thltt thu(mg gi~m 1 donn~ nS vao
Parks and Recreation Department Khu cong vien giai tri. Khu cong vien giai hi

The Wasniak P&R Department repmts that Wasniak bao cao ring hon 30 chuong trinh
more than 30 outdoor programs and events, ngoai triri va cac Sl}' ki~n, tir doan tl! gia
from family reunions to wedding dinh di dl}' ti~c cuOi, da hi hoy bo vao cu~i
ceremonies, were cancelled last weekend tuin qua.Nhiing S\I ki~n nay da bi hily bo vi

(187). These events were cancelled because of dl,I bao mua kem voi dong t6 dfr d9i da duqc
a severe rain and thunderstonn forecast that
was issued earlier in the week Despite the
grim prediction, however, the weather was not
cong b6 huoc do m9t tu§n. Tuy nhien, b~t
ch~p nhiing dl,I doan fun ~m, thai tiSt khong
t~ nhu thS. Thl,Ic tS, nhfrng can mua khong
keo dai; sau m9t can mua phlin ng~n, m~t trai
that bad. In fact, the rain did not last ve1y long;
after a shmt drizzle, the sun retruned. The u·o l~i. Nhi~t d~ dm;rc nhu dl}' doan, khi m9t
temperature was as predicted (190), as it vai nai khoang 24 d9. Thftt S\I hom ~y hoan
was somewhere ve1y close to 24 degrees. It toim la m9t ngay kha dyp vao ngay thu Bay,

was altogether a pretty nice day on Saturday, vase la m9t ngay th~m chi dyp han cho cit ca
and would have been an even nicer day for m9i nguai da co nhfrng S\I ki~n theo lich u·inh
eve1yone had the scheduled events not been da khong duqc hily bo.
cancelled. Nhfrng huy bo gay ra thi~t h~i dang kS vS

These cancellations caused a significant loss of doanh thu cho Khu cong vien giai tri. "Thu
revenue for the P&R Depmtment. "The nh~p tir cac lo~i Sl}' ki~n cong c~ng chi~m

money from these types of public events m~t s~ luqng r~t 1011 cua doanh thu hang

accounts for a very large amount of our nam cua chong toi, va h6 trq hftu hSt chi phi
yearly revenue (188), and suppmts most of cho vi~c bao tri cong vien u·ong ca nam,"
the funding for the parks maintenance (189) Davie Wong, nguai quan ly tai chinh ~i P&R
for the whole yem·," said Davie Wong, a cho biSt. Ong tiSp tl,IC noi r~ng ong hy V9ng
financial manager at Parks and Recreation. He m9i co thS ch9n ll,Ia duqc thai gian thich hqp
went on to say that he hopes they can find some dS s~p xSp l~i cac S\I ki~n, va cho r~ng h9 co
thS thu h6i ph§n nao chi phi da bi m~t.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

time to reschedule the events, and that they can

partially recover the lost funds.
186. According to the weather forecast in the 186. Theo dl,l' bao thai tiSt trong bai bao dftu
first article, what is tJ.ue? tien, cai nao la chinh xac?
(A) Thanh ph6 se trai qua nhi~t d9 kho dl,l' bao

(A) The city would go through
unprecedented temperatures. tJ.uoc.

(B) The rainstorm would begin on (B) Cac con mua se bit diu vao sang thlf
Thursday morning. nam.

(C) The weather would tUin sunny as soon (C) Trai se chuySn nfug ngay sau khi mua
as the rain stopped. ngln1g.
(D) The ram would last for the whole (D) Mua se keo dai ca thang.
month. 187. Trong bai bao thu 2, vk dS gi rna Khu

187. In the second ruticle, what problem did cong vien giai tJ.·i Wasniak' s da trai qua?
Wasniak's Parks and Recreation
Department experience?
(A) It couldn't get enough funding from the
(A) Khong co du kinh phi tir chinh quySn
thanh ph6.
(B) R~t nhiSu bai dftu xe khu VlJC clia no bi
city govemment. ngftp do mua.
(B) Its regional pru·king lots were flooded (C) No da phai hoy bo tit ca cac S'! ki~n
by rain. theo lfch trinh.
(C) It had to cancel all of its scheduled (D) giam d6c diSu hanh bi giang chuc

(D) Its operations director was demoted.
188. Why is August an important month for the 188. T~i sao thang 8 l~i la thang quan u·9ng

Parks and Recreation Depattment? v oi Khu cong v ien giai tri?

(A) It posts its yearly schedule of events. A) Dang tai kS ho~ch hang nam cua cac S\1'
(B) It postpones and cancels many events ki~n.

during that month. (B) No tJ.·i hoan va hliy bo nhiSu S\1' ki~n tJ.·ong

(C) It generates a good portion of their thang do.

yearly revenue. (C) No t~o ra m9t ph in cua doanh thu hang
(D) It provides the best weather for plant nam cua hf!.
growth. (D) No cung c~p thai tiSt t6t nh~t cho S\1' phat
189. In the second ruticle, the word tJ.·iSn clia thl,l'c vftt.
"maintenance" in pru·agraph 2, line 3 is closest 189. trong bai bao thu 2, tir "maintenance"
in meaning to tJ.·ong do~n 2, dong 3 g~n nghia nh~t voi

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(A) consistency A) nhftt quan

(B) upkeep (B) bao tri
(C) defense (C) phong v~
(D) declaration (D) tuyen b6

1 90. What were the forecasters conect 190. Nguoi dv bao da dling v i~c gi?
about? A) B~u troi u am.

(A) The sky was overcast. (B) Nhi~t d9
(B) The temperature (C)Mua
(C) The rain (D) Giom~nh

(D) The blustery wind
Questions 191-195 refer to the following
letter DSn nguoi co lien quan:

To Whom It May Concem: v ao ngay 13 thang 3, tOi hoim thanh hoa dan
On March 13, I completed an online order for
a set of new hardwood ftuniture. This week I
received the set, and have no complaints about
d~t hang tn,rc tuySn vS 1 b9 n9i thftt g6
mai. Tu§n nay t6i da nh~n duqc b9 nay va
khong co phan nan vS chftt luqng cua cac d6
n9i thftt va phi v~ chuySn.
the quality of the ftunitme or of the shipping.
The instructions enclosed with most pieces Cac huang d§n kem theo vai h~u hSt cac b9
enabled me to put them together easily. ph~n tach roi cho phep t6i ghep chtmg l~i vai
Unfortunately, insttuctions for assembling nhau m9t each dS dang.

(193) the bookshelf (194) were not included in Thftt khong may, huang d§n cho vi~c Hip rap
the shipment, and 1 was unable to put the k~ sach da khong bao g6m tt·ong ki~n hang,
bookshelf together because of this missing va tei khong ths rap k~ sach vao vai nhau vi
thi~u mit thong tin nay. Xin hay biSt r~ng

information (191 ). Please be aware that

customers like myself rely on these nhiing khach hang nhu t6i d\1'3 hen cac huang
insttuctions; it IS nearly impossible to d§n, gk nhu khong thS rap cac d6 n9i thftt l~i

consttuct the ftunitme without them. I would vai nhau ma khong co no. Toi se danhgia cao
nSu b~n co thS gui cho t6i m9t bim sao cua cac

appreciate it if you could mail me a copy of the

insttuctions for the bookshelf (Item #42210) at huang d§n cho gia sach (Ml,lc # 4221 0) theo
yom earliest convemence. Sendinb the each thuftn ti~n nhftt. GUi cac huang d§n b~ng
insttuctions by e-mail would be even better. If e-mail se t6t han. NSu b~n co cac huang d§n
you have the insttuctions available co san hen mail, xm vm long gui cho
electt·onically, please send them to
shardy@mail. com.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Another problem is with the total cost in the M9t v~n dS nfra voi t6ng chi phi tren hoa dan
invoice since I believe the total is 10 dollars vi toi tin r~ng t~ng sa h110 do Ia it bon so
less than the stated amount (195). Could you vOi sa li~u cong ba. B~ co thS kiSm tra nova
check it as well and let me know what went cling nhu cho tOi biSt co v~n dS gi khong?
s6 xac nh~n dan hang CUa toi la AXT921' va

My order confi.nnation number is AXT921, s6 thu tl,I la 442. Kem theo la cac hoa don di

and the order nwnber is 442. Attached is the kem voi thu tl,I cilil t6i. Toi muan co th~ hoan
invoice that came with my order. I would like thanh vi~c lip rap cac k~ sach cua toi cang
s01n cang tat, vase danh gia cao tni loi ph~m

to be able to complete the assembly of my
bookshelf as soon as possible, (192) and h6i cua b~n dSn yeu c~u nay. Vui long lien h~
would appreciate yom prompt reply to this voi toi t~i (901) 840-0982 nSu quy vi co b~t
request. Please contact me at (901) 840-0982 k)r dlu hoi nao.

ifyouhave any questions. Iran tr9ng,
tic SaradHardy
23 Broadmoor St.
23 Broadmoor St. St. Louis, MO 69504
St. Louis, MO 69504 HOADdN


DATE: March 14 Thong tin khach hang
Client Infmmation Ten: Sarah Hardy
Name: Sarah Hardy TEN KRACH HANG: Sarah Hardy

CUSTOMER NAME: Sarah Hardy Duong: 342 Alpine St. # ID KRACH

Street: 342 Alpine St. #2 CUSTOMER ID: HANG:323

323 Thanh ph6: Chicago


City: Chicago Bang: IL

State: IL Qu6c gia: USA
Counny: USA Ma buu chinh: 65422
Zip Code: 65422 San phim da mua
Products Purchased Ph1,1 thu: $ 460
Subtotal: $460 V~n chuySn: $99
Shipping: $99 T6ng c9ng: $569.00

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Total: $569.00
Hangs~ M~c Mota s~ lu«JJlg Don gh1
02302 bim van phong 1 $150 $150
54328 GhS van phong 1 $75 $75

43234 Den san 2 $30 $60
42210 K~ sach 1 $175 $175

Item No. Item Quantity Unit Price Total Price
02302 Office Desk 1 $150 $150
54328 Office Chair 1 $75 $75
43234 tFloor Lamp 2 $30 $60

42210 tBookshelf 1 $175 $175

191. What is the pt.npose of this letter? 191. Ml,lC dich cua la thu la gi?
(A) To ask for a replacement part for the (A) DS yeu c~u m9t ph~n thay thS cho gia sach
bookshelf. (B) Yeu ciu thong tin con thi~u
(B) To ..equest missing infm·mation (C) T6 chuc vi~c v~n chuySn cac m~t hang
(C) To anange for the shipping of more nhiSu han

items (D) DS yeu c~u hoan l~i tiSn

(D) To ask for a refund 192. DiSu gi se Ba Hardy mu6n lam ngay?
192. What would Ms. Hardy like to do soon? (A) Lip ..ap tu sach cua co iy.
(A) Put he.. bookshelf togethe.. (B) Nho v~ chuySn chiSc ghS sofa

(B) Have a sofa delivered (C) Nh~n l~i tiSn qua buu di~n
(C) Receive a refund in the mail (D) Co duqc m9t s6 thu tt,r moi

(D) Get a new order number 193. Tu "assembling" t.rong do~ 2 dong 2
193. The word "assembling" in paragraph 2, u·ong buc thu gk nghla v oi tU nao nhftt

line 2, in the letter is closest in meaning to (A) tftp hqp

(A) gathering (B) h9p
(B) meeting (C) xay d'!ng
(C) building (D) thay d6i
(D) changing 194. Nhiing ml,lc nao rna ba Hardy n6i dSn
u·ong thu?

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

194. Which item does Ms. Hardy refer to in the A) Cac ban
letter? (B) Cac ghS
(A) The desk (C) Cac den san
(B) The chair (D)K~ sach

(C) The floor lamp 195. T 6ng chi phi thl,Ic tS Ia bao nhieu?
(D) The bookshelf (A) $10

195. What was the actual total cost? ~) $~0
(A) $10 (C) $559
(B) $450 (D) $569

(C) $559 Notes: Bangle phai tra $569 nhD"ng da tinh
(D) $569 ithon $10
Questions 196-200 refer to the following Cau hoi 196-200 lien quan den tir bU'Om va

flyer and letter. Ia thU'.
Don't Miss This Unique Event! tic
Daniel Metzgert perfmms unplugged at Savoy
Birng bo lfr S'! ki~n d9c dao nay!
Daniel Metzgett biSu diSn nh;;tc khong dling
cac thiSt bi tang am di~n tu at;;ti Savoy Music.
Daniel Metzgett, famous for his hits
Stars over Mississippi and Saving My Love, Daniel Metzgett n6i tiSng b~ng cac ban nh;;tc
will be in town October I 9-20. Metzgert' s an khach tu bai Stars tren song Mississippi va
smooth slide guitar playing and memorable Saving My Love se co m~t a thanh ph6 ru

voice have enraptured audiences for over 15 ngay 19 toi 20 thang 10. KI thu~t ttu<;Yt, vu6t
years. It is Savoy Music's pleasure to host day dieu luy~n cling gi9ng hat di vao long
Daniel Metzgett in a rare acoustic nguai da lam me mk khan gia trong su6t han
performance (198) ofhis most loved tunes. 15 nam qua. Savoy Music han h;;tnh khi mai

Location: Savoy Music (Downtown) dU<;YC Daniel Metzgert ti·ong S'! ki~n am
Dates: Friday (199) and Saturday, October 19- nhl;lc hi~m hoi vOi nhfrng giai di~u tuy~t vai.

20 Dia diSm: Savoy Music (Downtown)


Show Time: 8:30pm Thai gian: Thtl sau va thu bay, ngay 19-20/
Cost: $22 for adults, $I2 for children (12 and 10
under) Thai gian biSu diSn: 08:30
You can mail a check or money order to Savoy Gia: $ 22 cho nguai Ion, $ 12 cho he em (duoi
Music by October 18 if you wish to order 12)
tickets in advance. You can request that tickets B~n co thS gui sec ho~c tiSn toi Savoy Music
be mailed to you or picked up at Will Call. In ttuoc 18 Thang 10, nSu b~n mu6n d~t ve

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on th1 hieu qua. Mong mo1 ngLtO'i dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay v1 nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

addition, you can use om ticket-by-phone uuoc. B~n co thS yeu c~u ve duqc gui qua
service (credit card required) by calling 321 - mail ho~c nh~n ~i Will Call. Ngoai ra, b~n co
213-3243. thS su d\lllg cijch V\1 mua ve qua di~n tho~i cilit
Tickets will also be available the (196) night chUn.g t6i (yeu c~u the tin d\lllg) bfuJg dtch g9i

of the performance starting at 7 p.m. (cash 321 - 213-3243.
will then be the only accepted form (197) of Ve cling se co thS mua duqc trong dem bi~u

payment). Come early to get a good seat! di~n biitdiu hie 7 gi<rt~i (chi dung loai ti~n
For additional infmmation, contact us at 321- m~t d~ thanh tm1n). Hay dSn sam dS co duqc
m9t ch6 ng6i li tuemg!

213-3244 or send an e-mail to om concett
coordinator, Jamie Sevem, at BS biSt them thong tin, hay lien h~ voi chUn.g t6i s6 321-213-3244 ho~c gui e-mail cho di.Su
Jamie Sevem ph6i vien, Jamie Sevem, t~i

Savoy Music 43 Delany St.
Mt. Washington, CO 82312
October 10
Dear Ms. Sevetn:
tic Jamie Sevetn
Savoy Music
Mt. Washington, CO 82312
43 Delany St.
I am thrilled to hear that Daniel Metzge~t will 10 thang 10
be making an appearance at your store this Co Sevetn than mSn:
month. Metzgett has been a favorite of mine Toi suang nm len khi biSt rang Daniel
for years, and I have enjoyed many concerts of Metzgett se co m9t bu6i u·inh diSn t~i san

his at other venues over the years. The show at khlu cua co vao thang nay. Metzgett la m9t
the Savoy will be my first chance to see him ca si t6i yeu thich trong nhiSu nam qua, va tOi
play acoustically. Thank you for bringing him da r~t thich nhfrng bu6i hoa nh~c cilit cua ong
back to Colorado! Please reserve two adult ~y t~i cac dia diSm khac trong nhfrng nam qua.

tickets and one children's ticket in my Chuang u·inh t~i Savoy se la co h9i d~u tien
name. (200) Enclosed is a check for $56. cua t6i dS xem anh ta choi nh~c. Cam an co

Please hold my tickets at Will Call. I will be at da dua anh ~y tro l~i Colorado! Vui long d~t

the Savoy early on the 19th (198) to pick them cho toi hai ve ngum IOn. va m{)t tre em bing
up. ten ciia toi. Kern theo day la m9t chi phiSu $
Thank you. 56. Hay gifr ve cilit t6i ~i Will Call. Toi se &
Janet Peters Savoy sang SOm ngay19 dS l~y ve.
Cam an
Janet Peters

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
N guy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

196. After October 18, how can someone pay 196. Sau ngay 18 th<ing 1 0, liun sao dS m9t
for a ticket? nguai co ths tni tiSn ve?
(A) In cash only (A) Chi bilng ti~n m~t
(B) By credit card (B) B~ng the tin dl,lilg

(C) By personal check (C) Bfug sec ca nhan
(D) By money order (D) B~ l~nh chuySn tiSn

197. On the flyer, what does the word "fonn" 197. Tren to buom, tir "form" t:rong dong 13
in line 13 refer to? nh~c asn ru nao?

(A) credit (A) tin dl,lilg
(B) venue (B) dia diSm
(C) type (C) lo~i
(D)check (D) kiSm tra

198. What does the flyer mention? 198. T a buam dS cftp dSn cai gi?
(A) Tickets are sold out. tic (A) V e duqc ban ra.
(B) The performer will play acoustic music. (B) Ngh~ si se bi~u di~n nh~c acoustic.
(C) There will be a perfmmance on Sunday. (C) Se co m9t bu6i biSu diSn vao ngay Chu
(D) The show will be held next to Savoy Music nhftt.
199. When will Ms. Peters attend the (D) Chuang trinh se duqc t6 chuc ben c~nh
perfmmance? Savoy Music
(A) Thursday 199. Khi co Peters se tham dv bu6i trinh diSn?

(B) Friday (A) Thunam

(C) Saturday (B) Thu Sau
(D) Sunday (C) ThuBay
200. What does the letter indicate about Ms. (D) Chu nhftt

Peters? 200. BiSu gi trong thu xac nhftn vS Co Peters?

(A) This is her first time to see Mr. Metzgett in (A) Bay la l~n &u tien co nhin th~y Ong

conceit. Metzgert trong bu6i hoa nh~c.

(B) Co co kS ho~ch tra cho ve bfug the tin

(B) She plans to pay for the tickets by credit

card. dl,lilg.
(C) She would like the tickets mailed to her. (C) Co mu6n cac ve duqc goi dSn cac co.
(D) She will attend the concert with other (D) Co se tham dt! bu~i boa nh~c vOi vai
people. ngU'Oi khac

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

Questions 153-154 refer to the following notice.

Due to operational increases and the need for ongoing capital investment in our existing
stmctures, the parking rates at the Montclair Public Parking Garage will take effect on
August 01.

All existing two-hour meters will be changed to tluee-hour meters to provide better
customer utilization.


*Saturdays and Sundays - $2 per hour
153. What is tlus notice refening to?

(A) Direction to public parking lots
(B) Public se1vice center locations
(C) Increased parking p1ice tic
(D) Introduction of new parking meters
154. Which of the following is hue about the Montclair Public Parking Garage?
(A) Parking rates are more expensive during business days.
(B) Business hours will change as of Aug 1.
(C) It is open 24 hours a day.
(D) Its parking rates are more expensive than other garages.

Thong Bao:
Thong bao v~ vi~c tang gia gfri xe co hi~u ll;l'c tir mAng 1 thang 8
Do co S\1' gia tang ho<;tt dong va nhu c~u d~u tu them v6n cho cac cong hinh dang ho<;tt
dong CUa chfulg toi do do gia gm xe t(li bai do xe cong cong Montair se co hi~u l\l'C tir

m6ng 1 thang 8
Ti t ca cot bo ti§n dau xe 2 gio se duqc chuy~n thanh cot bo ti§n dau xe 3 gio d~

thu~n ti~n cho vi~c su dl,lllg clia khach hang.

Dia Chi Gio ho<;~-t dong Cuoc phi theo gio

so 257 duang Thong Nhat 7 AM -11 P.M *$3.50

s6 1 duong York 6A.M -1 0P.M $3.50
3800 d(li lo Bmtlms 24 h $4.00
So 70 Vaughn sheet 6A.M - 2A.M *$3.75
*Thu 7 va Chu Nhat 2 Do 1 gio
Dap an: 153. C 154.A
153. Thong bao tren co lien quan 't~n:
A. Huang dan vao bai dau xe
B. Vi hi hung tam di ch V\1 cong cong

Quyen sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m
giup cac b~n co tai li~ u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dllng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

c. Tang gia (t~u xe

D. Gioi thi~u vg d6ng cot b6 tign dau xe moi
154. Di~u nao sau (fay Ia (tung v~ bai (t~u xe Montair
A. Gia daxe thi (f~t hO'n trong nhfrng ngay lam vi~c
B. Gio kinh doanh se thay d6i vao 1 thimg 8

c. Bai ho;;tt dong 24h trong ngay
D. Gia $u xe d~t hem nhiing nai khac

Questions 155-156 refer to the following advertisement
Food for Though

The Elroy Trail Guidebook is the definitive source of information for visitors and locals
to get the most from this beautiful bicycle trail. Where to dine , where to stay, what to
do- even which direction to bike is included in this book that was written by one of
the foremost enthusiasts of the Elroy Trail.

This is a great way to advettise your business. For a small fee we will include detailed
reviews of hotels and restaurants. If you want to include your business in our guidebook,
please contact us and our staff wtiters will visit your business to take photographs and
sample your menu.
Visit our website at or call us at (555) 357-5700 for more
Don't miss this great oppmtunity!
155. For whom is this advettisement wtitten?

(A) Restaurant reviewers

(B) Hotel and restaurant owners
(C) Travel book publishers
(D) Staff wtiters

156. According to the advertisement, what will be included in the reviews?

(A) Photo of the owner
Pictures of the establishment


(C) Ptices

(D) Recipes

Quyen sach nay do nhfrng thfmh vien nhi~t t)nh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so(,3n nh~m
giup cac bi,3n co tai li~ u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dllng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac bi,3n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh


uThimh Ngi¥. food for thought: diJu dang suy nghi."
Stich huilng dJ.n con duilng Elroy la mot ngu6n thong tin dang tin cay cho khach
quan Va nguffi dan dia phuong dg nftm b~t dUQ'C nhfrng canh d~p nhit tlr con du(mg xe
dl;tp nay. Noi dg an u6ng, nai dg 6 hay lam gi tham chi ca huang dl;tp xe trong cu6n sach

nay cfing dUQ'C vigt mot trong nhiing nguoi nang n& bac nhlt 6 duong Elroy.
Day la each tuy~t voi dg quang cao cho cong vi~c kinh doanh cua bl;tn. Chi vm 1 khoan

phi nho chimg tOi se bao g6m ca danh gia chi tigt vg khach Sl;tn va nha himg. Ngu bl;tn
mu6n dua doanh nghi~p CUa bl;tn vao cu6n sach huang dan cua chlm.g toi, xin vui long

lien h~ Vffi chlm.g toi Va phong vien CUa Chlm toi Se tim dgn doanh nghi~p CUa b<;tn dg
Ch\lp anh va liy mau don cua b<;tn.
Vui long buy cap trang web gQi s6 555 357 5700 dg bigt
them chi tigt.

Dimg bow co hoi quy gia nay !
Dap an: 155. B 156.B tic
155. Bai quang cao nay (}U'C!C vi~t cho ai
A. Nhfrng nha phe binh nha hang
B. C hu khach s~n va nha hang.
C. Nha xuit ban sach du lich
D. Ph6ng vien
156. D\fa theo bai quang cao, cai gi se (}U'C!C nh~c (f~n trong ban (tanh gia ?

A Buc anh CUa nguoi chu

B. Blfc anh cua S\f thanh 1~1)
C. Gia ca
D Congthuc

Questions 157-159 refer to the following telet)hone messages.

For: Glenn Hastings While You Were Out:
1 Mr/Mrs: Young Lee,

Of: Morgan, Manufactming Co.


Telephone number: (416)545-0065

Message: Wants to reschedule the meeting to contult on. their marketing strategy for
their new product line from Mar 20 to Mar 23. Please- call.
2. Mr/Mrs: Nora Cmtez
Of Radio shade.
Telephone number: 555-3272
Message: Special item you ordered has anived, but has to be retmned to the factory
because some defects were found, Will call again,
3. Mr/Mrs: Keny OverkoUter
Of: Dr. Walker's office

Quyen sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m
giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dllng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

Telephone number:555-9885
Message: Rewinding you that your dental appointment is at 5:00 tomorrow.
4 Mrllvfs.: Oliver Finctad
Of __________________________
Telephone number: 555-4423

Message: Wants to confi1m if you have received his resume and references for the
marketing intem position. Check your e-mail and reply to him.

Tin nhan tho~i

157. Why did Mr. Finstad call Mr. Hastings? 159. Based on the messages, in what area
(A) To re-schedule a meeting Mr. Hastings assumed to work in?
(B) To give his new address (A) Finance

(C) To acquire information concerning a job(B) Marketing

position (C) Computer

(D) To ask if documents were received

158. What does Mr. Hastings have to do

(D) Medicine
(A) Call Mr. Lee
(B) Go to the store to pick up the item he has
(C) Visit the dentist's office

!Dl Check his e-mail

Gm d@ n : Glenn Hasting
Trong khi ong di v~ng.
1. Ms: Young Lee tir Cong ty san xukt Morgan

s6 di~n tho(li :
Tin nh~n : Mu6n thay d6i lich hQp d~ tham khlto v@ chi@n hr<;rc Marketing cho vi~c tung
ra s{m ph~m m6i tir 20 thang Ba d@n 23 thtmg Ba, linn on hay gQi

2. Ms: : Nora Cmtez


Tu Dai phat thanh Shade

s6 di~n tho(li : 555 - 3272
Tin nh~n: San ph~m d~c bi~t b<;~n ~t da duqc gUi t6i , nhung da duqc gm tra l<;~i nhlt may
do c6 1 s6 loi da duqc phat hi~n ra. T oi se gQi l<;~i cho b<;tn.
3. Mrs. Keny Overto Uter
Tu van phong bac Sl Walker
s6 di~n tho(li : 555- 985
Tin nh~n : toi gQi d~ nh~c b<;tn lich h~n g~p nha si hie 5h ngay mai
4. Mr: Oliver Finctad

Quyen sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m
giup cac b~n co tai li~ u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dllng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

s6 di~n tho(li : 555 - 4423
Tin nh~n : T oi mu6n xac nh~n r~ng ngu b<;tn nh~n dUQC cv va thu gioi thi~u vao vi tii
thl)'c tap Marketing cua a iy. Hay ki~m tra e-mail va tra lm a iy.
DaJl an:

157.0 158.C 159. B
157. T(li sao ong Finctad gQi cho ong Hasting?

A. D~ len kg ho~;tch l~i cho bu6i g~t mM
B. D~ dua ong iy dia chi moi

C . D~ liy them thong tin vg vi ni vi~c lam moi
D. D~ hoi r~ng li~u tai li~u da duc;rc nh~n
158. Ong Hasting phfu linn gi vao ngay mai ?
A. GQi di~n cho ong Lee

B. u gn cua hang d~ liy mot vai m6n db ma ong iy da yeu c~u
C. D~n bac ~ nha khoa tic
D. Ki~m n·a E-mail
159. Dl)'a vao nhfrng tin nMn, ong Hasting c6 th~ lam vi~c hong linh Vl)'C nao
A. Tai Chinh
B. Marketing
c. May vi tinh
D. DuQc phl.m

Workspace Office Furniture FALLSALE!

Discounts extended through October 30

Questions 160-162 refer to the following advertisement


Save 15% on standard components and packages.

* InterActive Desk (Walnut Laminate) $1 ,095 - $930.75

Choose from a vatiety ofheights and widths and save up to 45%!


2-shelf, 42" Metal Bookcase (Black) $640 - $352

i All models of the Tuxedo Chair - Medium Back & Managers Back
Tuxedo Chair (Medium Back) $808 - $484.80
Limited time offer. Exclusions apply. Visit our store for details.
Call us at 1-800-466-41 2
Monday - F1iday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturdays & Sundays 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. *

Quyen sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m
giup cac b~n co tai li~ u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dllng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

952 Industry Dtive Tukwila, WA 98 188

Saturday & Sunday hours extended dming special sale.
Regular hours are 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
160. What does this advertisemen announce?
(A) Fmniture is impmtant for work areas.

(B) All items in the store are offered at special p1ices.
(C) The business is having a liquidation sale.

(D) Free shipping service may not be offered for all orders over $500.
161. What is the discounted p1ice for the metal bookcase?

(A) $640
(B) $352
(C) $808
(D) $484

162. What time does the store usually close on Sundays?
(D) 7:00

Quyen sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m
giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dllng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh


Giam gia mo rong dSn 30 tluing 10
Giam 15 % nqi th~t ttrong tac van I> hong
TiSt ki~m 15% cho nhfrng vat d\lllg nho va buu di~n

• Bim tuong tac (Walnut Liminate) $1 095 - $ 930.75
Ti~t ki~m 45% cho tti sach kim lo~i

• S\1' llJa chQn da d<;~ng tir chigu cao va chigu rong len dSn 45%
• 2 gia sach , tU sach kim lo(li 45 inch ( mau den ) $640 - $352

• T~t ca cac mau ghS Tuxedo - lo(li thuemg va lo(li thuong gia
• GhS Tuxedo lo<;~i thuong : $808 - $484.80

Gi6i h<;~n thai gian dap Ung yeu d.u. Ap dl)ll.g lo(li tn:r. DSn voi cua hang chling toi d@
biSt them chi tiSt
GQi chUn.g toi 180046641 2
Tir thu 2 dSn thu 6 10 a.m dSn 5 p.m
Thu 7 va Chu Nhat 11 a.m dSn 6 p.m
952 Indusuy Drive Tukwila, WA 98 188
Thu 7 va Chu Nhat mo rong gio giam gia <$ic bi~t tir 11 a.m dSn 4 p.m
Da p an: 160. D 161. B 162. A

160. Qua ng cao tren thong bao cho

A. N 9i th~t quan n·Qng cho khu V\l'C linn vi~c
B . T~t ca san phlm cua cua hang dgu duqc d~t hang voi gia d~c bi~t
C. Cong ty dang c6 chuang hinh ban thanh ly

D. Mi~n t>hi vi n chuy~n khong bao gom cac (ton hang tren 500$
161. Gia khuy~n mai cho til sach kim lo~i Ia

A 640 Do
B. 352 Do

c. 808 Do
D. 484 Do
162. Cua hang thll'img (long cua vao luc m~y giir ngay chti nh~t
A. 4:00
B. 5:00
C. 6:00
D. 700
Questions 163-164 refer to the following letter

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u q ua. Mong mQi ngU'ai d ting m ua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

Hartlets Chocolates
Dear Customers,
This letter is to inform you that Hrutlets Chocolates is moving its downtown retail store
to a larger space. We are also expanding the store's product line to include pastJ.ies and
espresso! Our new store, which will be much larger, will be located in the Riverwalk

Center (1 0 Queen Boulevard #0 1-0 1, Singapore 819664), only tlu·ee minutes west of
the current location.

Our cunent location will be open until 6 p.m . on Ftiday, June 10 and closed for the
weekend for relocation. The new store will have its grand opening at 9 a.m. on Monday,

June 13. Our telephone and fax number will change as of June 12 to:
TEL: 6732-7415 FAX: 6732-7425
To celebrate our grand opening, we will give put free coffees to the first 50 customers!
Thank you to all of our loyal clients. We look fmward to setving you at our new

Kitty Y awcy Kitty Yang
Owner, Hru'tiets Chocolates
163. Why did Ms. Yang write this 164. Which is not mentioned about
letter? Hartlets Chocolates?
(A) To announce the new location of (A) It will sell espresso and pastJ.ies.
a store (B) It will be closed on June 11 and

(B) To announce a change m 12.

business hours (C) It will be giving out fi·ee coffees
(C) To promote new chocolates to celebrate their new store.
(D) To express appreciation to loyal (D) It will be operated under a new

customers owner.
Khach himg than mgn !

La thu nay lad~ thong tin dgn cac b~;~n r~ng Hattlet Socolad dang di chuy~n cua ht'm g
ban le 0 thi tJ.i dgn ncri r<?ng rai hon. toi cfing mo r<?ng danh m\}C s{m phlm bao

g6m my y va ca phe! Cua himg moi 16n han se dm;rc di;it t~i hung tarn Riverwalk ( 10
Queen Boulevar) chi 3 phut vg phia tay tir dia di~m h.i~n t~;~i.
Clia hang hi~n t~i se mo cua dgn 6 t6i thu 6 ngay 10 thang 6 va se dong cua hong vong
cuf>i tu5n dg chuy~n dia di~m. Cua hang m6i se chinh thuc mo clia vao 9 gio sang thu
s6 di~n tho~ : 6732 - 7415
2, ngay 13 thang 6. s6 di~n tho~;~i va s6 fax cua toi se chuy~n vao ngay 12 thang

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

S6 Fax : 6732 - 7435

£)g chao mimg ngay khai tmong ChUng toi se Cllllg d_p mien phi ca phe cho 50 khach
hang d~u tien
Xin dun on t6i tit ca khach hang trung thimh clia chimg toi. Chimg toi mong cho dm;rc
phl)C Vl) cac b<;tn t()i CUa himg mffi.

Dap an: 164.A 164.0
163. T~i sao ba Yang l~i vi~tblfc thu nay

A.D~ thong bao v~ (tja (ti~m mOi cua nha hang
B. u g thong bao vg vi~c chuygn gio kinh doanh

C. u g gi6i thi~u lo<;ti Socola m6i
D. £)g cli en ta S\l kinh trQng v6i khach hang hung thanh
164. Di~u gi khong (fuc;rc nh~c (f~n v~ Socola Hartlet
A. Nose ban expresso va my y

B. Nose dong cua vao ngay 11 va 12 thang 6
C. N 0 se Cllllg cip ca phe mien phi dg chao mimg khai t.tuong cua hang m6i
D. Nose (tuc;rc di~u hanh bOi m~t nguiri chu mOi
Questions 165-168 refer to the following brochure.
Tides South Beach Resort
Sllllshine Coast, Queensland
Fine Dining and Cocktails
While Cit.t·onrestaurant does feature modem cuisine, it also offers traditional and unique

selections of meat, poult.ty and seafood. Full breakfast, lllllch and clinner menus are
se1ved at this decadent restaurant.
Citron's dining room offers flexible seating options for up to 80 guests, ideal for
banquets, weddings, special events, corporate meetings, and more. Citron's clining room

features banquette seating along the wall and freestanding tables. In the bar at Citron's
lollllge area, guests can dine at cocktail tables. Full se1vice is also available at the bar.
In addition, there is private dining poolside and the garden pavilions, and Citron's

covered patio, which is also heated, offers the perfect option for Sunshine Coast's sunny

days and balmy nights.

Every moming, you will enjoy a complimentaiy full breakfast buffet composed of hot
and cold breakfast items such as eggs, bacon, French toast, cereal, fresh fmit, and a
va1iety of homemade past.ties, as well as miso soup and 1ice. The lllllch and dinner
menus are superb, offe1ing selections ranging fi·om 32 oz. p1ime rib dinners to filet
mignon, lobster tail, and unique pasta dishes.
HOURS: Breakfast 7 a.m.-11 a.m., Lllllch 11 a.m.- 6 p.m ., Dinner 6 p .m.-10 p.m., 11
p.m. on weekends

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

Room service
Whether it 's a hearty meal, a light snack or a special dietary request, we meet all your
needs with our top-rated room setvice, which is available 24 hours a day. Available
items and pricing is shown in our room setvice menu. To place your order, call
extension 3663.

Ba bign dky ~ling, Queenland

E>6 an ngon va Cocktail
Trong khi cua himg Ciltron phl,lC Vl,l §m th\IC hi~n ill;li, n6 ciing phl,lc Vl,l ca nhfrng m6n

an truygn th6ng va l\Ia chQn duy nh~t tir thit, gia cfun, va h:ii san. Th\IC dcm bfra sang
tma t6i duqc ph1,1c v1,1 d~y du trong 1 nha hang sang trQn.
Phong an Ciltron c6 kha nang cung c~p cho ng6i linh ho<;tt len dgn 80 nguoi, phu hqp
voi ti~c , dfun cuoi, S\I ki~n di;ic bi~t, gi;ip mi;it c6 dong, va nhigu nfra. Phong an Ciltron

ph1,1c bfm ti~c dQC theo tuong Va b,Om dUng t\I do. Q~y bar t(li phong cho khach hfmg CO
thg an t<;ti b<'m cocktail. Luon luon san sang ph1,1c V\1 d~y du t<;ti q~y bar. Them vao d6
c6 vi hi rieng tu ben bg bai va dQC 16i di cua khu vuan va san c6 mai che kin dao Ciltron,
noi rna ciing duqc sum 5m, mang dgn l\Ia chQn hoan hao cho nhfrng ngay n~ng va dem
ngQt ngao 6 bai bign Anh Mi;it Troi.
Moi bu6i sang, b<;tn se nhan duqc mot bfra sang buffe mien phi bao g6m cac m6n n6ng
va nguoi nhu tnmg, thit xong kh6i, banh my Phap, ngii c6c, hoa qua tuoi, va r~t nhigu
lo<;ti banh ngQt handmade them vao d6 la sup miso va com. Tlwc don cho bfra hua va

bfra t6i C\IC ki thuqng h<;tng, mang dgn l\Ia chQn ranging form 32 oz. Bfra t6i ph~n lung
tllit bo dgn tllit bo than, duoi tom hlim va my y di;ic bi~t.
Thm gian: Bfra sang tir 7 a.m dgn 11 a.m, Bfra trua tu 11 a.m dgn 6 p.m , bfra t6i tir 6
p.m dgn 10 p.m va 11 p.m vao cu6i tufin.

Phong ph1,1c v1,1

Cho du la mot bfra sang thjnh so<;tn, mQt bfra an nh~ hay mot yeu c~u an kieng di;ic bi~t,
chling toi ciing se dap ling t~t ca nhu c~u clia b<;tn v6i phong clich V\1 hang dkuluonho<;tt

dong 24 h trong ngay. Cac mi;it hang va gia ca duqc hign thi trong don phl,lc Vl,l t(li

phong. ug di;it hang, dling gQi s6 m6 rong 3663.

DaJl an: 165.C 166.8 167.A 168.C
165. Ai Ia •l~i tu'C!flg dt:r d!nh cua cu~n sach nay?
A. ngum dan 6 bai bign SunShine
B. T~g 16p dku bgp thg gioi
c. Khach hang t~i khu nghi duiing
D. B6i ban t<;ti nha himg Ciltron
166. Dt:ra theo cu~n sach khach hang se nh~n •lU"C;rc •li~u gi vao mai buAi sang

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

A 1 bfra ti~c cocktail t<;ti patio

B. Mqt bfra sang (tiy (}u vOi nhieu mon an
C. Duoi tom hllin va phi le ca h6i
D. Ca nh<;tc tn,rc tigp
167. Dau Ia chinh sach ctia )lhimg d!ch Vt;J

A. Khach hang co th~ d~t hang b~t kjr hie nao n~u gqi vao may rna rqng sa
B . Th1,rc dan gioi h()n trong bfra an nh~ va d6 u6ng

c. chg do an kieng se khong dm;rc dap Un.g/
D. Phong phl,lC Vl,l chi danh cho khach VIP
168. c hlf " meet " a do~n 4 dong 1 ~n dt;~ cho

A. see
B . introduce
C. fulfill

D. avoid
Questions 169-171 refer to the following notice.
The Soutln11est Sentinel is planning to 1un a special feature mticle on the job market on
Monday, September 12 as part of our quarterly special career section. The focus of this
Issue Is cm·eers in health care.
Along with feature articles, there will be inte1views and analysis of the job market, as
well as the short- and long-te1m economic outlook. It will be a great source of
infonnation for students, job seekers, and investors, not to mention those in the health

care indusuy.
The Southwest Sentinel would like to Invite hospitals, clients and schools in the Urbanna
region who are recruiting health care professionals to publish an advertisement for this
special section. Ifyou are Interested, call Zalu·a Belenta at 1- j 800-555-3737 for more

infonnation or to rese1ve space for an ad. You can also send an e-mail to The order must be received before 5 p.m . on ; September 9 to
be published in the September 12 edition.

Don' t miss this great chance to promote your organization's employment oppmtunities

to the widest possible audience!

169. What will be the theme of the newspaper's special section?
(A) Economic outlook for the media industry
(B) Jobs in health care
(C) Seminars for health care professionals
(D) Online courses on advertising
170. What will NOT be included in the special section?
(A) Analysis of the job mm·ket

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

(B) Details about degree 1)rograms in medical and nursing schools

(C) Intetviews with people working in the industry
(D) Advertisements placed by hospitals looking for medical personnel
169. By what date must the advertising space be ordered?
(A) September 3

(B) Se1)tember 9
(C) September 12

(D) September 13

Ngu&i B do V? Tay N am dang len kg ho<;tch dua ra nQi dung clia mot bai bao d~c bi~t vg
thi tmong vi~c lam vao thu 2 12 thing 9 nhu la 1 phk cua S\1' nghi~p cao quy clia chling
toi. TrQng tiim CUa vk dg la S\1' nghi~p cham soc sue kh6e.
Cim.g voi nhfrng noi dung n6i bit, se CO nhfrng CUOC phong vin va phan tich tlr thi truang

vi~c lam, ciin.g nhu trign VQng kinh trong ng~n h()n va dai h<;tn. Nose la mot ngu6n thong
tin tuy~t vm cho sinh vien, nhfrng ngum tim vi~c, cac nha diu tu chua kg dgn nhfrng
ngum trong nganh cong nghi~p cham soc sue kh6e.
N gu&i Bao V? Tay N am mu6n mm nhti:ng b~nh vi~n, cac khach hang va cac tmang hQc
o khu V\l'C Urbanna nhfrng nai dang cin tuygn chuyen gia cham soc sue kh6e dg xuit
ban mot bai quang cao cho ph§n d~c bi~t nay. Ngu b()n quan tarn, hay gQi Zahra Belenta
1 - j 800- 500- 3737 dg bigt them thong tin ho~C dg d~t tiUOC cho cho ml,lC quang cao.
B<;tn ciin.g co thg giri email dgn Cac don hang phai duqc

tmoc 5 gio chigu ngay 9 thang 9 dg cong b6 trong §n ban ngay 12 thimg 9.
Dap an: 169.B 170.B 171.B
169. NQi dung chinh cua 1)h~n •l~c bi~t cua bai bao Ia gi?
A. Vien canh kinh tg cho nganh cong nghi~p truygn thong
B. Cong vi~c trong cham soc me khoe

C. Bu6i gi6i thi~u gianh cho cac chuyen gia cham soc sue kh6e
D. Nhiing khoa hQc online vg quang cao

170. Cai gi se khong (}U'f!C (}~ C~l) .t~n trong l)h~n (}~c bi~t?
A. Phan tich vg thi truang vi~c lam

B. Chi ti~t v~ chU'ong trinh b~ng C~l) trong cac truimg Y va Y ta

C. Ph6ng vin v6i nhfrng ngum lam vi~c trong nganh cong nghi~p
D. quang cao duqc cho nhfrng b~nh vi~n dang tim kigm nhan vien Y duqc.
171. D~n ngay nao m~;~c quang cao l)hai (}U'f!C (}~t hang ?
A. m6ng 3 thing 9
B. mong 9 thang 9
C. 12 thimg 9

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

D. 13 thang 9
Questions 172-175 refer to the following e-mail.
To: Stephanie Boeme <>
From: Jean-Pierre Leduc <> Subject: Order #5324309DX Received
Ms. Boeme,

I am vvriting to confi1m the receipt of our order (#5324309DX) on Monday the 12th of
June. Although we are pleased to have finally received the goods, after waiting a week

more than expected, I am still concemed about the quality of service we will receive
:limn you in the future . I assume the late shipment was due to your being new to this

position of liaison with Sollant, so let me review with you the stipulations in our
contract. We are to receive all of our shipments within fom days of orde1ing, not ten. I
am not sme what your policies are with other companies, but I noticed on the invoice
that this past shipment was not sent air express but rather ground transport. I also noticed

that you yourself signed the invoice. I take this to mean that you made the mistake,
rather than the shipping staff We have never had problems with our shipments before,
and I tmst this will not happen again. I would like to continue doing business with
Powell, but ifthis type ofthing continues, I will be searching for anew supplier. I would
appreciate your prompt attention to this issue.
Thank you.
Jean-Piene Leduc
Receiving Deprutment, Sollant Industiies

172.Who is Ms. Boerne?

A. Mr. Leduc's secretruy
B. A shipping staff member
C. A re1)resentative of Powell

D. Mr. Leduc's customer

173.According to the e-mail, how many times have deliveries been late?
A. Once

B. Twice

C. Fom times
D. Ten times
174.What is the tone of the e-mail?
A. Accessible
B. Accusatory
C. Contrru·y
D. Encouraging
173. What might Mr. Leduc do if he receives another late shi1)ment?

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

A. Call Ms. Boerne's supervisor

B. Ask Powell for a new liaison
C. Visit Ms. Boerne 's office
D. Find a different company

Gm dgn : Stephanie Boeme
Tu: Jean Piene Leduc

Noi dung: Don himg #5324309 da dm;rc nhan
Co Boerne!

Toi vigp thu nay d~ xac nhan nhan ~t hang #5324309 cua ch(mg toi vao thu 2 ngay 12
thing 6. Mi;ic du chimg toi r~t vui rnirng vi cu6i cling da nhan dm;rc hang h6a sau khi
cho d<;ri mot tukn dai hon d\1' kign, toi van con lo ng<;ti v~ ch~t lu<;rn dich V\1 rna chimg
toi nhan du<;rc trong tuong lai. Toi cho rfuig vi~c lo hang dgn muon la do b6i vi t:Ii rn6i

trong lien l<;tc v6i Sollant, hay d~ toi nh~c l<;ti co cac di~u khoan hong h<;rp d6ng cua
chimg ta. Chimg toi cfin phlti nhan du<;rc t~t ca cac lo hang hong vong 4 ngay di;it hang
khong phai 10. T oi khong ch~c ch~n v~ cac chinh sach rna co gianh cho cac cong ty
khac nhung t6i nhan th~y hen h6a don giao hang vira qua da duoc gm b~ng duang hang
khong rna thay vao d6la duang bo. Toi cGng nhan th~y r~ng co t:\1' ki h6a don. Toi chi
ra di~u nay d~ nh~c nh6 co da Hun sai chu khong phai la nhan vien van chuy~n. Chimg
toi chua bao gio co v~n d~ voi cac lo hang cua chimg toi huoc day va toi tin tu&ng di~u
nay se khong xay ra nfra. Toi rnu6n tigp me
kinh doanh voi Powell nhung ngu di~u nay

tigp me, tOi se tim kigrn mot nha cung c~p rnoi. Toi se danh gia cao S\1' quan tarn ti rni
cua co v~ vk d~ nay.
Cam on
Jean Piene Leduc

Phong nhan, Sollant indust:Iies

DaJl an: 172.C 173.A 174.B 175.0
172. Ai Ia co Boerne ?

A. Thu ki clia ngai Leduc

B. Mot nhan vien van chuy~n

C. N gtriri (}~i (lien ctia Powell

D. Khach hang cua ngai Leduc
173. Dl;l'a vao e-mail, (fa bao nhieu l~n hang boa bj chuy~n (}~n muqn?
A. mqt l~n
C. 4lfin
D. 10 Ifill

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

174. Gic;mg (ti~u cua e-mail

A. 6nh6a
B. Cao Buqc
C. Dbi lap
D. Khuygn Khich

175. N gai Leduc se lam gi n~u ong iy ti~l• t1;1c nh~n hang muqn
A. GQi cho qu{m li cua Boeme

B. u g nghi Powell mot nguoi lien htc m6i
C. ugn tham van phong cua Boerne
D. Tim ki~m mqt cong ty khac

Questions 176-180 refer to the following 1ness release
Tiger Tours to 01•en Phuket Office

to Better Serve Local and International Clients
Press Release
For Immediate Release: February 20 tic
Contact: Smakrai LEKKLAR (Media Officer) +66 2 533 6542
Chiang Mai, Thailand- One of Thailand's biggest tour companies is to open a third
office in Phuket on March 15.
Ms. Kulaya Chimklai, CEO of the Chiang Mai-based tour company, announced
yesterday that the strong growth in past years has led to a need for an additional office
in Phuket, where a fourth ofTiger Tours' business takes place. "With this new office,

we will be able to better se1ve our local and international clients, helping them have a
'real Thai experience'," Ms. Chimklai said.
With offices in Chiang Mai, Bangkok and now Phuket, Tiger Tours is ambitiously
planning to expand its client base, offering tours in the northern, central and southern

regions of Thailand. The recent growth of the company has been based on various tour
programs, such as Gounnet Thailand and Thai Massage Tom. Now, in addition to these
popular programs, it is also developing new and unique programs including wildlife

ecotomism and eco-volunteer expe1ience projects to meet the broader needs of its

The new office is strategically located in downtown Phuket, and staffed by three key
employees, each of whom has worked in the Thailand tomism indushy for over 15
years. Tiger Tours expects that the new team will b1ing valuable knowledge and
expe1ience to their jobs, conhibuting to fmther expansion of the company. "We're
inching our way into the top 3," said Ms. Chimklai, expressing optimism about the

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

For more information, contact Surakrai LEKKLAR at 66 2 533 6542

176. Why was the 1ness release 1ne1•ared?
A. To infonn govenunent authorities of new tour programs
B. To announce a new office
C. To brainstorm about ideas for unique eco-volunteer projects

D. To hire more employees
177. What is true about the new office?

A. It will be the company's second office in Thailand.
B. It will Ollen in March.

C. It will be near the capital city of Thailand.
D. It will serve only local clients
178 .What does the 1ness release say about the strength of the new em1lloyees?
A. They will be able to open the fomth office in Thailand.

B. They will offer cheap tour programs.
They will promote unique programs to intemational clients.
They will bring extensive ex1•erience
179. According to the 1ness release, how can readers obtain more information?
A. Call the CEO of Tiger Tours
B. Visit the company's website
C. Call the media officer
D. Visit the head office in Bangkok

180. What does the word "growth" in 1•aragra1•h 2, line 2 imply?

A. development
B. generation
C. nse

D. mcrease

Thong cao bao chi


Phat himh ngay ngay : 20 thing 2.

Lien M : Smakrai LEKKLAR (van phong t:ruygn thong) : +66 2 533 6542
Chiang Mai, Thai Lan- mot t:rong nhfrng cong ty du lich 1em nh~t Thai Lan co dv dinh
mo van phong thu 3 t~i Phuket vao ngay 15 thang 3.
Co Kulaya Chimklai, CEO cua cong ty du lich Chiang Mai, cong b6 ngay hom qua r~ng
S\1' tang tmang m~nh me trong nhfrng nam qua da dan dgn dn them mot Van phong t~i
Phuket, noi 1 ph§n tu cong vi~c cua Tiger Tours dien ra. "V6i van phong nay chimg

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

toi CO th~ ph\lC V\1 t6t han cac khach hang trong nUOC Vel qu6c tg giup hQ CO 1 trai nghi~m
that Thai " co Chimklai noi.
Vm van phong tc;~i Chiang Mai, Bangkok va Phuket, Tiger Tours dang tham vQng len
kg ho<;tch mo rong ca SO khach hang, cung dp cac tour du lich trong khu V\IC phia b~c,
mign tnmg va mign nam Thai Lan. S1,t phat tri~n g~n day CUa cong ty d1,ta tren cac

chuang trinh du lich khac nhau, ch~ng h<;tn nhu Ngum Sanh An Thai Lan va Mat - xa
Thai. Bay gio, ngoai nhfrng chuang ninh ph& bign, cong ty ciing phat tri~n cac chuang

tlinh m&i va doc dao nhu du lich sinh thai dong vat hoang da va cac d1,t an trai nghi~m
sinh thai tinh nguy~n d~ dip ling nhu c~u rong l&n han cua khach hang.

Van phong n~m o vi hi chign luqc tnmg tarn thanh ph6 Phuket va nhan vien la ba ngum
chu ch6t, moi nguoi trong s6 hQ da lam vi~c trong nganh du lich Thai Lan 15 nam. Tiger
Tours hi vQng r~ng dQi ngii m&i se mang lc;~i hi~u bigt va trai nghi~m gia tri cho cong
vi~c cua hQ, gop ph~n diy m<;tng S\I mo rong cua cong ty. Co Chimklai bay to S\I l<;tc

quan vg tuang lai "Chimg toi dang nhlch d~n tren con duang d~ lQt vao top 3".
D~ bigt them chi tigt, vui long lien h~ Surakrai LEKKLAR s6 6625336542
DaJl an: 176.8 177.8 178.0 179.C 180.A
176. T<:li sao thong cao bao chi nay (1U'4!C chu~n bj?
A. £)~ thong bao vm nha c~m quygn vg chuang trinh du lich mm
B. D~ thong bao v~ van I• hong mOi
C. D~ dong nao vg y tuong t:rai nghi~m sinh thai doc nh~t
D. D~ thue them lao dong .

177. Di~u gi Ia dung v~ van J•hong mOi?

A. Nose la van phong thu 2 cua cong ty tc;~i Thai Lan
B. Nose (fU'Q'C khai truong vao thang 3
C. No se duqc d~t g~n thu do clia Thai Lan

D. No chi ph1,1c V\1 cho khach t:rong nu&c

178. Thong cao bao chi da noi gi v~ sire m4:1nh cua (fQi ngii nhan vien mOi ?
A. HQ se co kha nang mo van phong thu 4 t<;ti Thai Lan

B. HQ se cung c~p chuang t:rinh du lich gia re

C. HQ se khuygn khich mot chuang hinh doc nh~t gianh cho du khach qu6c tg

D. Hq se mang d~n trai nghi~m va S1! hi~u bi~t 1011 bon

179. n., vao thong cao bao chi, nguiri (}qc co th~ bi~t them thong tin b~ng each nao
A GQi cho CEO cua Tiger Tour
B. Ghe tharn trang web cua cong ty
C. Gqi cho vang Jlhong truy~n thong
D. Ghe tham h1,1 so t<;ti Bankok

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

180. Tir "growth" trong (}o~m 2, dong 2 ~n d~;~ cho?

A. Phat tri~n
B. Th@ h~
D. Tang tiuCm.g

Questions 181 -185 refer to the following letter and form.
Indian Arts Museum

100 Queen's Park, Toronto, ON M5S 2C6
Ms. Ally Bennett 350 Kipling Ave.

Etobicoke, Ontario M8V3LI
November 3
Dear Ms. Bennett:
Your cunent membership will expire on December 25, and we would like to encourage

you to renew your membership.
By renewing your membership, you will continue to enjoy privileges such as unlimited
admission, a 10% discount at the museum shop, and sneak previews of muse run
exhibitions. If you renew before December 15, you can also take advantage of a special
discount. The membership fees are as follows:
Regular rate before Dec 15
Student $30 $25
Individual $40 $35

Family $60 $50

Sponsor $100 $90

We are preparing a series of creative and inspirational exhibitions for next year. The
first In the series is "Voices from the Mound," featuring work by a1tists from the

Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and from the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. As
a member, you are invited to a preview on Januaty 10.

Your membership makes It possible for the museum to cany out its mission to emich
the lives of those who pass through it. Thank you for your support once again.

H egcwv Lorewgo-
Megan Lorenzo Membership Office
181. Which ofthe following is not a member's benefit mentioned in the letter?
A. Free admission to exhibitions
B. Invitation to sneak previews
C. Quarterly newsletters
D. Reduced rates at the gift shop
Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

182. Why is Ms. Bennett' s suJ•port imJ•ortant to the museum?

(A) It ca n heiJ• the museum to achieve its mission.
(B) It can add more exhibition rooms.
(C) It can offer cheaper goods at the gift shop.
(D) It can m ake the museum m ore famous.

183. What is mentioned a bout the museum?
(A) It features various exhibiti ons tluoughout the year.

(B) It offers early membershiJ• renewal incentive.
(C) It will be closed by the end of December.

(D) It specializes in Hindillndian a1t.
184. What can be inferred about Ms. Bennett?
(A) She is buying a family membership.
(B) She has never been a member before.

(C) She is a native Indian artist.
(D) tic
She extended her membershiJ• before December 15.
185. On what date will Ms. Bennett attend the )Jreview of Voices from theMound?
(A) December 15
(B) December 25
(C) January 10
(D) Februaty 3

100 C ong Vien Nu Hoang, Toronto, ON MSS 2C6

Ba Ally Bennett 350
Kipling Ave
Etobicoke, Ontario

M6ng 3 Thang 11
Ba Bennett than m gn !

The thanh vien cua b~n se hgt h(ln vao ngay 25 thing 12 va chUn.g toi mu6n khuygn
khich b~n hay lrun m oi the thanh vien cua b~n.

B~ng vi~c lam m6i the thanh vien cua b~, b~n se tigp me
duqc hua ng uu dai truy cap
khong gioi h(ln , giam gia 10% t~ CUa hang bao tang, va chigu thu (sneak preview CUQC
chigu thu m Qt cfu gi do d~ liy y kign, gi6ng nhu ch~y chua ng tdnh thu) cac CUQC tri~n
Him bao tang. Ngu b(ln gia ~n truoc ngay 15, b~n cGng c6 th~ nhan duqc lqi ich cua
chua ng ninh giarn gia d~c bi ~t. Phi thanh vi en nhu sau :
Gia thu<m.g Truoc ngay 15
HQc Sinh 30 Do 25 £)0

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u q ua. Mong mQi ngU'ai d ting m ua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

ca Nhan 40 Do 35 Do
Gia Dinh 60 Do so Do
Nha tai tr<~ 100 Do 90 Do

Ch(mg toi dang chui n bi mot lo~t cac trign Him sang t~o va cffiy d un hUn.g cho nhfrng

nam toi. Vi~c dku tien trong chuoi chuang trinh la ''Tigng n6i cua Mound", dUQC thg
hi~n bm cac ngh~ si ti.r Choctaw Nation cua Oklahoma va ti.r cac ban nh~c Mississippi

cua Choctaw An Do. La mot thanh vien, b(ln duQc moi dgn xem truoc vao ngay 10
thing Mot.

Tu each hoi vien cua b~ se giup bao tang tigp we thl,fc hi~n su m~nh lam phong phu
them cuoc s6ng cua nhfrng ngum di qua n6. Mot l~n nfra cam on S\I giup do cua b~n.
Tran Trong

H egcwv Lorewgo-
Van Phong Thanh vien Megan Lorenzo
Ten : Ally Bennett. s6 thanh vien : ABX3051
Dia chl 350 Kipling Ave, Etobicoke, ON M8V3LI
S6 di~n tho~: I- 416 - 229 - 1698
Email :
Muc chi tra: 35 Do
Lam on thg hi~n mot t:rong nhfrng digu sau :
X Yes, Toi se tham gia bu&i xem tmoc ''Tigng n6i clia Mound"_ No, Toi khong tham

gia bu&i xem tmoc.

Da tl an: 181.C 182.A 183.B 184.D 185.C
181. Di~u nao sau •lay khong llhai Ia nhung quy~n lc;ri thanh vien •lU'C!C nhi c d~n
trong buc thU'?

A. Mien phi ve vao trign Him

B. DuQc moi dgn bu&i trinh dien thu
c. Ban tin ~uy gia

D. Giam gia t~i cua hang qua

182. T~i sao S1! giull dO' cua ba Bennet l~i quan trc;m g •l~i vOi bao tang?

A. Di~u •lo co th~ giutl bao tang •l~t •lU'C!C nhi~m V\1 ctia hq.
B. Bao tang c6 thg mo them phong t.Iign Him
C. Digu d6 c6 thg cung d.p hang h6a gia re hon 6 qu~y luu ni~m
D. Digu d6 c6 thg giup bao tang tro nen n&i tigng han
183. Di~u gi dU'c;rc •l~ c~ll •l~n v~ bao tang?
A. Bao tang thl,fc hi~n ri t nhigu trign Him trong su6t ca narn
B. Bao tang cung C~l) khuy~n mai ban dau cho cac thanh vien

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u q ua. Mong mQi ngU'ai d ting m ua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

C. Bao tang se dong cua vao cu6i thtmg 12

D . Bao tang chuyen v§ ngh~ thuat An DO/Hin-di
184. Co th~ suy ra •li~u gi v~ ba Bennet?
A. Ba ~Y mua the thanh vien gia dinh
B. Ba ~y khong phiii thanh vien tmoc day

C. Ba ~y la ngh~ si An Do ban dia
D. Ba iy •la gia h~n the thanh vien truac ngay 15 thang 12

185. V ao ngay nao ba Bennet tham gia buAi xem trU'O'c "Ti~ng noi cua Mound"?
A 15 thing 12

B. 25 thtmg 12
c. 10 thang 1
D. 3 thing 2
Questions 186-190 refer to the following e-mail and information

To: John Reese 1\ From: Stacie Madden Date: May 11
Subject: Request for meeting Dear Mr. Reese,
1 attended the 9th Independent inventors Conference on April 15 at the Patent and
Trademark Office and watched the demonstration of your product. When I told
executives at my company, Techpower, Inc., about It, they expressed an Interest in
purchasing the rights to your innovative product. I would like to request a meeting with
you at the end of this month if possible. I will be away on a business nip to the UK for
two weeks starting next Monday, but you can reach me via e-mail at
Pr anytime. If you let me know when you're available, I will set
up a meeting to discuss your product In detail. I am looking fmward to meeting you at
your earliest convenience.
Stacie Madden

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

(Z T,
@ Patent and Trademark
• 9th lndenendent Inventors
Schedule of Prototy1•e

A1u 15, Barry Hall
Carl Winefordner, Program coordinator co

9:00 Ultra-light keyboard Tania ~
10~00 F.IP.rtrir nnirvriP.-IikP. vP.hiriP. M::.i rhi ~
Real-time mobile trackinQ device .John Reese u

Noon T,unch RrP.ak
1:00 Mini windmill nower Q"enerators H a-.Tin T,ee r..Ll
HearinP device for deaf and hard
Talk to the nresenters (informal) All


Concluding remark

4:00 Carl ©
n 1\tf

Head of Product Development, Techpower, Inc.
186. For whom is the conference mainly?
A. Scientists
B. Safety eXJlerts
C. Electronic inventors
D. Musicians v


187. Who is responsible for coordinating the event?

A. John Reese ~
B. Tania Jorgensen
Ha-Jin Lee
Carl Winefordner

188. Which of the following is hue about the demonstrations?

A. They take place in alphabetical order.

B. They take place for tvvo days.

C. They will select a winner at the end of the conference.

D. They each have a different presenter

189. What is the objective of the e-mail?
A. To report on the conference
B. To set u1• a meeting
C. To invite Mr. Reese to the inventors ' conference
D. To send an out-of-office notice
190. Which product does Techpower, Inc. have an interest in?
A. Ulb.'a-light keyboard
Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nglfai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

B. Hearing device
C. Unicycle-like vehicle
D. Mobile tracking device
Gm: Jolm Reese

Tu : Stacie Madden
Ngay 11 thtmg 5

N oi dllllg : £)g nghi cho bu&i g~p m~t ong Reese than m§n.
Toi da tham gia Hoi Nghi nhfrng nha phat minh doc lap vao ngay 15 thtmg 4 t(li Van

Phong Sang Ch§ va Nhan Hi~u va theo doi man ttinh dien san phfun clia b(ln. Khi toi
n6i vm cac nha digu hanh t(li cong ty CUa toi, Cong ty Techpower, vg san phlm, hQ da
cho th~y S\I quan tfun d§n vi~c ngay lap nrc mua san ph§m dot pha cua ong. Toi mu6n
dg nghi duqc g~p m~t ong vao cu6i thang n§u c6 th~. Toi se di cong tac xa d§n Anh

khoang 2 tufin tu thu 2 tufin sau, nhung ong van c6 th~ lien l(lc voi toi thong qua e -
mail b~t ky hie nao. N§u ong d~ toi bi§t khi nao ong ranh, toi
se s~p x§p mot bu&i g~p m~t d~ bim chi ti§t vg san phfun. T oi mong dqi g~p m~t ong
vao thai gian thofu mai gin nhk
Stacie Madden
Truong phong phat tri~n s{m ph§m, Cong ty T echpower
Van Phong Sang Che va Thuong Hi~u
HQi nghj cac nha khoa hqc (}QC I~)) l~n thu 9

Bim k~ ho~ch trinh di~n nguyen m~u

Ngay 15 thang 4, Toanha Bany
Carl Winefordner, Digu ph6i vien chuang t.tinh
9:00 sang, Ban Phim Sieu Nh~ Tania Jorgensen

10:00 sang, Sieu xe d(lp di~n Mai Chi

11:00 sang, Thi§t bi di~n tho(li buy tim thai gian th\IC Jolm Reese
Bu&i Tma

1:00 chigu, Th§ h~ c6i xay gi6 nang luqng moi Ha- Jin Lee
2:00 chigu, Thi§t bi nghe cho ngum di§c va n~ng tai

Jairarn Ramesh
3:00 chigu, N6i chuy~n voi cac dien gia T~t ca mQi nguoi
4:00 chigu, T&ng K§t Carl Winefordner

Da)) an: 186. B 187. C 188. C 189. B 190. B

186. Tham gia hQi nghj chti y~u Ia ai ?
A Nha khoa hQc
B. Chuyen gia an toan

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

C. Nhl. sang chg di~n m

D. Nh(lc si
187. Ai Ia ngtriri co trach nhi~m 'ti~u ph~i sw, ki~n?
A John Reese
B. Tania Jorgensen

C. Ha - Jin Lee
D. Carl Winefordner

188. Di~u nao sau ,lay Ia ,tung v~ buAi trinh man trinh di~n?
A. Chlm.g dien ra theo thu tv bfmg chfr cai

B. Chimg dien ra trong 2 ngay
c. Hq se chqn ra ngtriri th~ng cuqc vao cuoi buAi hqi nghJ
D. Moi man hinh dien c6 mQt nguoi thuygt trinh
189. Nqi dung ctia e-mail lit gi?

A. £)g bao cao vg hoi nghi
B~ len ljch g~J) m~t tic
C. £)g moi ong Reese dgn hoi nghi nhfrng nhl. sang chg
D. Gm mot thong bao tl,f dong qua thu
(Out of Office la thong bao wdong qua thu, di~n tho<;~i tra loi wdong)
190. San ))him nao rna cong ty T ech))OWer quan tam?
A Bim phim sieu nh~
B. Thiet bj nghe

c. Sieu xe d(lp
D. Thigt bi truy tim cffiu vgt di~n tho(li
Questions 191-195 refer to the following Jeter and form.
Dear Mr. Y an,

Please find enclosed a temporaty itineraty for your hip to Manila. Per your request, the
journey is broken up into two flights. I tried to find a direct flight from London to Manila
that meets your price range and dates you have requested, but couldn't find any.

Therefore, you will have to stop over in Amsterdam and h·ansfer to another plane to

reach Manila. The good news is that you only have to wait for an hour in Amsterdatn.
I know you are hying to avoid an overnight flight as much as possible, but the itineraty
below is the best option.
Fortunately, I can book you on Europa Air 893 instead of Europa Air 890 so that you
can catch an early flight fi:om Amsterdam to Manila. Then, on your retum leg, you will
have an afternoon flight from New Delhi, which will allow you to sleep on the plane on
your way back to London.
You will be staying at Manila's Pearl Manila Hotel, in the heatt of the city's central

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

business distiict ($11 9 for a single room per night). You can catch a free shuttle from
the airpmt to the hotel. The hotel also provides a complimentaty breakfast buffet, fitness
center and free Intemet access for your convenience. This hotel is characterized by a
combination of modem comfort and tiaditional elements of Manila, making it a distinct
place to stay in the Philippines.

If you are all tight with this itineraty , I will go ahead and reserve the flights, then send
you confirmation by e-mail. Please reply to me at your eat-Iiest convenience.

Sincerely yours,

Itinerary for Mr. James Van

Fri July 4 Europa Air 447
Depart: 11:59 A.M. London
Arrive: 4:20P.M.

Fri July 4
tic Amsterdam

Europa Air 893

Depart: 5:15 P.M. Amsterdam
Arrive: 7:40A.M. (+1} Manila
Sun July 13 Europa Air 398
Depart: 8:30 A.M. Manila
Arrive: 11 :30 A.M. New Delhi

Sun July 13 Europa Air 1202

Depart: 2:25P.M . New Delhi
Arrive: 6:46 A.M. London

Total: 603 GBP

• Times displayed on the itinerary are all local times.

19 l .What is the llUrJlose of this letter?

A. To request Mr. Yan's agreement with travel arrangements
B. To promote Europa Air's new flight plan
C. To make a rese1vation at a hotel in London
D.To give petmission for Mr. Yan 's tiavel plan
192.In the letter, what does the llhrase "broken Ull" in llaragrallh 1, line 2 mean?
A Depa1ted
B. Divided
Quyen sach nay do nhCi'ng thanh vien nhiet tinh nhat cua gro up "Toeic Pract ice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m
giup cac b<;~n c6 tai lieu on t hi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngll'ai dl.tng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhll' these
lam mat d i gia tr! rna cac b<;~n da d6ng g6p.
Ca Chua Xanh

C. Shattered
D. Said goodbye
193. What did Mr. Yan want to avoid?
A. An inexpensive flight to New Delhi
B. A twin room at a hotel

C. A daytime flight
D. An overnight flight

194. What is NOT included in the free services Jnovided by the hotel?
A Intemet access

B. Free shuttle
B. Downtown tour
C. Free breakfast
195.How long does It take from Manila to New Delhi by )dane?

A 3 hours
4 hours
5 hours
Cong Ty SJ•eed Travel
Thuong Yan
Xin ong vui long tim bfm lich tiinh d\I kign dinh kern cho chuygn di cua ong dgn Manila.

Theo yeu ciu cua ong, hanh trinh dm;rc chia thanh 2 chuygn bay. Toi da c6 g~ng tim
mot chuygn bay trl,fc tigp tir London dgn Manila dap U:ng ph~rn vi gia ca va ngay rna
ong yeu ciu nhung khong th~ tim thiy chuygn nao. Vi vay, ong se se phai dlm.g l~i t~i
Amsterdam va qua chuy~n sang chuygn bay khac dg dgn Manila. Tin t6t la ong chi phfu

cho 6 Amsterdam 1 gio d6ng h6. T oi bigt ong dang tranh mot chuygn bay phai trai qua
nhigu dern cang t6t, nhung hanh trinh du&i day la llJa chQn t6i uu. May rnk thay, toi
c6 th~ xgp ong vao chuygn Europa Air 893 thay vi Europa Air 890 d~ ong c6 th~ b~t

dm;rc chuygn bay sam tir Amsterdam dgn Manila. Sau d6, lm;rt vg, ong se c6 mot chuygn
bay chigu tir New Delhi rna c6 th~ cho phep ong ngu t:ren may bay t:ren duong t:ro vg

Ong se dm;rc ol~i Manila t~ khach s~n Pearl Manila, t~i khu t:rung tarn kinh doanh cua
tlillnh ph6 ( 119 do cho mot phong rnoi dern ). 6ng co th~ b~t xe dua don mien phi tu
san bay dgn khach s~n. Khach s~n ciing cung cip mot bfra sang buffet mien phi, hung
tfun th~ d\lC va n·uy cap internet mien phi d~ rnang l~i thuan ti~n cho ong. Khach s~
dm;rc kgt boi cac nhan t6 hi~n d~i thofu rnai va b.uygn thfJng cua Manila, lam cho n6 la
mot noi di;ic bi~t d~ ol~i Philipines.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m
giup cck bc;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these
lam mat d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

Ngu ong d6ng yvoi ti t ca h~mh trinh nay, toi se lien M tmoc va d~t nuoc cac chuygn
bay, sau d6 gm xac nhan cho ong bfuig E-mail. Vui long n·a lm cho toi trong thai gian
Tran n·ong
L!ch trinh cho chuy~n (ti cua ong James Yan

Thu 6 ngay 4 thimg 7 Emopa Air 447
Khoi hanh : 11 .59 sang London

H<;t canh : 4.20 chigu Amsterdam
Thu 6 ngay 4 thtmg 7 Emopa Air 893

Khoi hanh : 5. 15 chigu Amsterdam
H<;t canh : 7.40 sang Manila
Chu nhat 13 thtmg 7 Emopa Air 398
Khoi hanh : 8.30 sang Manila

H<;t canh : 11 .30 sang New Delhi
Chu nhat 13 thang 7
Khoi hanh 2.25 chigu
H<;t canh : 6.46 sang
Europa Air 1202
New Delhi
TOng cong 603 GBP
• Thm gian trong lich hinh dgu la thm gian dia phuong
DaJl an: 191.A 192. 8 193. D 194. C 195. A
191. M1.1c (lich chinh cua buc thU' Ia ?

A D~ (fe ngh! ong Yan 'tong y vOi l!ch trinh di chuy~n

B. D~ gi6i thi~u vg kg ho<;tch bay m6i clia Europa Air
c. D~ d~t cho n·uoc t<;ti London
D. D~ chi p thu~n cho kg ho<;tch di chuy~n clia ong Yan

192. Trong buc thU', c1.1m tir " broken UJl " 'to~n 2 dong 1 co nghia Ia ?
A khoihanh
B. Chia

C. Suyygu

D. Chao t<;tm bi~ t

193. Ong Yan mu~n tranh 'ti~u gi?
A Mot chuygn bay ditt tign dgn New Delhi
B. Mot phong doi t<;ti khach s<;tn
C. Mot chuygn bay ca ngay
D. Mqt chuy~n bay qua dem
194. Di~u gi khong co trong d!ch V1.1 mi~n Jlhi cua khach s~n?
A. Truy cap internet

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Pract ice Club" bien so~n nh~m
giup cck b~n co tai li~ u on thi hi~ u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dtrng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhU' these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

B. Xe bu)rt mien phi

C. Du ljch thj tran
D. Bfra stmg mien phi
195. Tir Manila (l~n New Delhi h~t bao lau?

B. 4h
C. 5h

Questions 196-200 refer to the following brochure and &-mail.

To: Nguyen Dac Tuyen <sales@pphc,>
From: Mike Lim <>
Date: March 2
Subject; Request for cost estimation Dear Mr. Tuyen,

I am the vice president of Moh Sim Construction, and we are based in Singapore. Our
company has canied out several construction projects in Vietnam, and recently signed
a contract with the Vietnam Housing Corporation to constmct an apartment building in
Ho Chi Minh City, with a target completion date ofNovember 25. As we need to order
kitchen and batluoom fixtures for our apartment building before the end of Ap1il, I
would like to get some quotes fi:om you, including delive1y cost, for the following items:
150 single-hole faucets 150 metal shelves 150 overhead shower sets 150 China sinks
150 batluoom fans. This is an important project for our company, and we are doing our

best to meet our client's needs in every aspect of the project. I would appreciate it if
you could give us the best possible p1ices
Mike Lim
196. What does this brochure advertise?

(Al A construction company

(B) A hardware center
Recent growth of the construction industry


(D) Construction materials


197. What is not said about Pan Pacific Hardware Center?

(Al The company is based in H o Chi Minh City.
(B) Product catalogs are available upon request.
(C) It has international customers.
(D) First time customers will receive 30% discount on delivery cost.
198. Why does Mr. Lim need to tllace an order by the end of Atnil?
(Al He has to buy the apartment building.
(Bl He has to sign a contract with the Vietnam Housing Corporation.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m
giup cck b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dtrng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhU' these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

(C) He has to finish a construction tnoject by a specific date.

(D) He wants to compare ptices with other hardware companies.
199. What does Mr. Lim want Mr. Tuyen to
(A) Inform him of the costs of certain items

(B) Ship the selected items before the end of November
(C) Contact the head office for more infonnation

(D) Advise him what types of kitchen accessories would be approptiate
200. What items requested by Lim is most likely to be ordered Sf)ecially?

(A) Acrylic bathtubs
(B) China sinks
(C) Metal shelves
Bathroom fans


Gili. dgn : Nguyen D~c Tuyen <>

Tir : Mike Lim
Ngay m6ng 2 thang 3
NQi Dung : Yeu c~u d6i v6i d\I toan chi phi
Toi la ph6 chu tich clia cong ty Xay D\ffig Moh Sim va chlm.g toi dang c6 tn,t so t(;li
Singgapore. Cong ty chlm.g toi da thl,fc hi~n mot s6 d\I an xay dl,fng t(li VietNam va g~n
day da ky mot hop d6ng v6i Cong Ty CfJ Phk Nha Vi~t N am d@xay d\ID.g mot toa nha
chung cu t(li thanh ph6 H6 Chi Minh, vm ngay hoan thanh m1,1c tieu cua chimg toi la

ngay 25 thang 11 . Chimg toi dang ck <Utt hang nha bgp va d6 d(lc phong t~m cho chung
CU dang xay d\ffig tlUOC cu6i thang tu, tOi mu6n CO dUQC tlich cJan tlr ong, bao g6m chi
phi van chuy@n cho cac h(lllg ml,lC sau day
150 voi nu6c don, 150 k~ kim 1o;;ti, 150 voi hoa sen, 150 chau clum Tnmg Qu6c, 150

voi nu6c.
Day la mot d\I an quan h'Qng d6i v6i cong ty chlm.g toi va chlm.g toi dang lrun t6t nhit
c6 th@d@ dap ling nhau du clia khach hang tl'ong mQi m~t clia d\I an. T oi danh gia cao

ngu ong c6 th@cung cip cho chimg toi v6i muc gia c<;tnh tl'anh.

Mike Lim
Dat) an:196.B 197.D 198.C 199.A 200.8
196.Sach quang cao noi v~ cai gi?
A. Cong ty xay d\ffig
B. Trung tam f)h~n clfng
C. S\I tang tluCm.g gk day cua nen cong nghi~p xay d\ffig
D. vat li~u xay d\ffig
197. Di~u gi ko •lU'Q'C noi v~ Pan Pacific Hardware Center?

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tl nh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m
giup cck b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dtrng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhU' these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Ca Chua Xanh

A Cong ty d~t 6 Thanh ph6 HCM

B. Danh In\}C san phfun luon san sang khi c6 yeu c~u
c. Ttung tarn c6 nhigu khach hang qu6c tg
D. Nhfrng khach hang Ian diu tien mua hang se (}c giam gia 30% ))hi v~n chuy~n
198. T ~i sao Ong Lim cin (}~t hang vao cuai thang 4?

A Ong iy phai rnua din h()
B. Ong iy phlli ki ho p d6ng v6i Vietnam Housing Corporation

c. 6ng ~y J)hai hoan thanh d., an xay d.,ng vao t ngay xac djnh
D. Ong iy so stmh gia v6i cac cong ty phln cUn.g khac

199. Ong Lim rnu6n ong Tuyen lam gi?
A . Thong bao vOi ong ay v~ chi phi ctia nhfrng san P.him ca djnh
B. Chuygn cac hang h6a h,ra chQn tmoc cu6i thtmg 11
c. Lien l<;tc v6i van phong tr1,1 so dg bigt them thong tin

D . Khuyen ong iy vg l o<;ti ph\1 ki~n nha bgp thich ho p
200.San ))him ong Lim yeu du (l~c bi~t giang cai nao?
A B6n t~rn h6a hQc
B. Ch~u rua Trung Quae
C. K~ kim lo()i
D. Qu<;tt phong t~rn

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Pract ice Club" bien so~n nh~m
giup cck b~n co tai li~ u on thi hi~ u qua. Mong mQi ngU'ai dtrng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhU' these
lam mat di gia trj ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
Questions 153-154 refer to the following advertisement.

The Gift & Art Shop

Choose from a splendid range of gifts for Hay ch9n trong chu6i qua t~ng cho co ~y
her and for him at an amazingly affordable ho~c anh ~ y a m9t muc gia phai chang dSn

price! tu y~t voi!

We offer: Chung toi cung c~p:
Unique gift ideas Nhfrng y tuong qua t~g d9c dao

Wedding & baby gifts Qua cho ti~c cuoi va cho tre nho
China & crystal B6 su va pha le
Flatware & specialty gift selections Chen dia va cac Sl,I ll,Ia Ch9n khac

Our services include: Dich V\1 ctia chong toi bao g6m:
Free gift wrapping for purchases over $20 G6i qua mi~n phi cho h6a dan tren 20$

Professional gift consultation

delivery D!ch VI] bao dam giao hang trong ngay
tren toan qu~c
Tu v~n qua t~ng chuyen nghi~p
Call our store today: 1-888-552-4200 Hay g9i cho chong toi vao s6: 1-888-552-
4200 ngay hom nay

+ Next day delivery: giao hang ch~m nhit Ia ngay hom sau se d~n g~n tuong dtrong
vOi giao hang trong ngay (trong vong 24g)

153. c

What business is this advertisement Quang cao nay thu9c lo~i hinh kinh

for? doanh nao?


(A) Florist shop (A) Cua hang ban hoa

(B) Art gallery (B) Phong tranh

(C) Gift shop (C) Cila hang qua t~ng

(D) Delivery service (D) Dich V\1 giao hang

154. D
Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
What does the advertisement offer? Quang cao nay cung cip cai gi?

(A) Gift wrapping is free on all orders (A) G6i qua miSn phi cho tftt ca dan hang

(B) Discounts apply to all orders over 20 (B) Giam gia cho t~t ca dan hang tren 20$

(C) Giao hang trong ngay chi ap d1,mg cho
(C) Next-day delivery is for local khach hang Qia phuang

customers only
(D) Hang h6a se d~n trU'crc ngay hom
(D) Items will arrive by the next day sau tren toan qu~c

anywhere in the country.

Questions 155-156 refer to the following notice

We're pleased to announce that all Chung toi rit vui mirng cong b~ ring tit
employees of BMC Corporation now tic ca nhan vien cua t~p dm1n BMC da truy
have access to our online document c~p dU'qc ca quan lU'u trfr thlli~u online.
archive. Our IT team has worked for over B9 phfm kY thuftt cfu chting t6i da hun vi~c
four months to provide this convenient and han 4 thang dS cung c~p h~ th6ng thuftn ti~n
efficient system. This will enable va hi~u qua nay. N6 se cho phep nhan vien
employees to gain access to the archive truy cftp ca quan luu trfr nay b~t cu khi nao,
anytime and anywhere, whether they are b~t cu a aau, du h9 dang lam vi~c a van
working in the office, on the road or at phong, tren duong hay a nha. Tuan theo

home. Follow the directions below to nhfrng hU'&ng din dU'oo day d~ t~n dt;~ng
take advantage of the online document ca quan IU'u trfr online.
archive. 1. Truy cftp vao m1,1c tai li~u tren trang
1. Go to the document section of the web
website. 2. Click vao "archive" dS tim kiSm dfr

2. Click on "archive" to search the li~u

database. 3. BS su dl,lllg co quan luu trfr b~n c~n

3. To use the archive you need to log in: phai dang k)':
a. Enter user name, (employee's e- a. Nhftp ten dang nhftp (Qia chi

mail address) email cua nhan vien)

b. Enter password, (employee b. Nhftp mftt khftu (s6 CMND cfu
identification card number) nhan vien)
4. Use the database research to find the 4. Su d1,1ng nghien cuu dfr li~u dS tim
document you are looking for. tai li~u rna b~n c~n

155. c

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
Who is this announcement for? Cong b~ nay danh cho ai?

(A) College students (A). Sinh vien ~ h9c (cao d~ng)

(B) System analysts (B). Cac nha phan tfch h~ th6ng

(C) BMC employees (C). Nhan vien cua BMC

(D) BMC shareholders (D). C6 dong cua BMC

156. B

What does this announcement Cong b~ nay mo ta di~u gl?
(A). Huang dfui each dang kY m9t dich Vl,l

(A) Directions on how to subscribe to an Internet
Internet service
(B) Information on how to log on to the
online archive
(B). Thong tin v~ lam each nao dang
nh~p cO' quan luu trfr online

(C). Bia diSm cua cac tai li~u c6 s~n

(C) Location of available documents
(D). Thu t1,1c phat triSn co so dfr li~u
(D) Procedure of developing a database

Questions 157-159 refer to the following letter

Dear Ms. Karen Tan Xin chao co Karen Tan

Thank you for choosing Quest Cam an vi eta ch9n Quest Communications

Communications as your mobile phone la nha cung c~p dich v1,1 di~n tho~i eli d9ng
service provider. Quest Communications is CUa b~n. Quest Communications la cong ty
the largest wireless company in the US, cung c~p m~ng Ion nh~t US, voi han 72

with more than 72 million subscribers. You tri~u nguoi dang k)r. B~n se tim th~y m9t
will find enclosed a copy of the customer ban copy hcn> d~ng khach hang du-rc

agreement (157) which explains the terms dinh kern (157), n6 giai thich cac dieu
and conditions of your subscription. Please khoan va diSu ki~n cua vi~c dang kY clia
read the agreement, and return the form to b~n. Hay d9c ky va gli'i n6 vS voi chfr ky
us with your signature by October 2. Since clia b~n nuoc ngay 2/10. Vi ban dang kv
you have signed up for the 2-year giam gia cho hop d~ng 2 nam (159), nen
contract discount (159), there will be an se c6 phi ebb dm sam 80$ n~u b~n buy
early termination fee of US $80 if you djch vt;~ tru&c thOi h~n k~t thuc hf!P
cancel the service before the end date of d~ng. (158)
the contract period.(158)

Quyen s<kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group " Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co ta i lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
voi h9')> d~ng 2 nam, b~n co the t~n
With your 2-year contract, you can enjoy
caller ID display service and 100 text hu0ng dfch V I} hi~n thf ten nguOi g9i Va
messages per month for FREE for the 100 tin nh~n m~i thang mi~n phi trong 5
first 5 months of your contract (159). thang diu tien cua h91> d~ng (159). Cac
Optional services s uch as call-waiting and dich v1,1 ch9n Iva nhu cu9c g9i cho, cu9c

international roaming can be added at any g9i qu6c tS se duqc cung cftp bftt cu khi nao
time at your request. b~n yeu c~u.

Should you have any questions or inquiries
regarding the service agreement, do not NSu b~ c6 bftt cu cau hoi ho~c c~n thong
hesitate to call our customer service tin nao lien quan dSn hqp a6ng dich V\1,

department at 877-553-9812. Once again, dung do dv, hay g9i cho b9 ph~ cham soc
thank you for choosing Quest khach hang cua chung toi s6 877-553-9812.
Communications. M9t l~n nfra, cam an b~n vida ch9n Quest


Nicole Gardener
Customer Service Department
tic Nicole Gardener
B9 ph~ cham soc khach hang

157. c

What did Ms. Tan receive with this Co Tan nh~n dugc gl cimg vOi Ia thu?
(A). PhiSu khuySn mai
(A) A coupon
(B). Mftu san phfun
(B) A product sample
(C). Hw d~ng
(C) A contract
(D). PhiSu bao hanh
(D) A warrant

Quyen s<kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
Tir khoa: enclosed. Khi vi~t thU' ngU'Oi ta thU'img hay dinh kern theo m{)t dii' li~u nao
do, cac tir hay g~p trong Toeic: enclose, include, attach, accompany (by)

158. B

Co Tan phai tra khoan ti~n ph~t 80$

Under what circumstances would Ms.
Tan have to pay an $80 penalty? trong trU'Ong hw nao?

(A) If she renews the contract (A). NSu co ~y gia h~n h<;1p d6ng

(B) If she cancels the service early (B). N~u co iy buy djch vt;~ s6m

(C) If she buys a new mobile telephone (C). NSu co ~y mua di~n tho~i di d9ng
(D) If she does not reply to the letter by

October 2 (D. NSu co ~Y khong tra lai la thu uuoc
tic 2110

Tir khoa: 80$, tim trong do~n van ch~ nao co 80$ sau do djch ca diu.

159. c

What is included in the special plan Ms. Cai gi co trong k~ ho~ch d~c bi~t rna ba

Tan is using? Tan sif dt;~ng?


(A) Free call-waiting (A). Cu9c gqi cho miSn phi

(B) $80 rebate coupon (B). PhiSu giam gia 80$

(C) Free text messages (C). Tin nh~n mi~n phi

(D) 24-hour customer service (D). Dich V\1 khach hang 24h

Tir kh6a: trong cau nay chung ta phai biSt duqc co Tan dang dtmg dich Vl,l gl thl moi biSt
duqc cai gl kern theo dich Vl,l do. Dich Vl,l rna co nay dang dtmg la: 2-year contract.
Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
Questions 160-162 refer to the following newspaper article

The Star, evening edition, Aug. 2 Bao Ngoi Sao, Ban bu&i toi, ngay 2/8
No free meals on Kingfisher Airlines Khong c6 bfra an rniSn phi tren Kingfisher

As of October 1, Kingfisher Airlines will
no longer offer complimentary meal B~t d~u tu ngay 1/10, Kingfisher Airlines
se khong con cung cip djch v~;~ bua an

service for passengers in economy class.
Kingfisher's spokesperson announced mi~n phi cho hanh khach ve h~ng thong
yesterday that the airline has decided to thu<mg. Nguoi phat ngon cilil Kingfisher
da cong b~ ngay hom qua r~ng hang nay

stop the free meal service starting on
October 1. da quy~t djnh ngirng cung cip djch v~;~
nay vao ngay 1110.
Snack boxes, however, will be sold to Tuy nhien thlfc an nh~ se duqc ban cho

passengers for $7. The menu can be found hanh khach vOi gia 7$. Thvc dan duqc
on Kingfisher Airlines' website: breakfast tim th~y tren website cua Kingfisher
will consist of an assortment of gourmet
cheeses and crackers, accompanied by a
fresh seasonal fruit mixture and fresh
Airlines nhu sau: bfra sang g6rn c6 cac lo~i
banh gowmet bo, banh quy gion kern voi
trai dly tuoi theo rnua va sfra chua. vs
yogurt. For lunch and dinner, passengers uua va bfra t6i, hanh kh:kh c6 thS ch9n
can choose from three types of salads with trong 3 lo~ rau tr9n voi 3 lo~ trai cay theo
seasonal mixed fruit or three types of mua, ho~c 3 lo~i sandwich k~p di kern voi
sandwich wraps accompanied with a bag of 1 tui khoai tay chien. Thlfc u~ng nh~, cafe
chips. Soft drinks, coffee and tea will still va tra vin dU"qc cung cip mi~n phi cho

be provided to all passengers at no extra hanh khach.

Recently, an increasing number of G~ day s6luqng cac hang may bay ngirng
airlines have stopped serving free meals cung c~p cac bfra an rniSn phi d6i voi h~ng

in economy class on domestic flights, as ve ph6 thong tren cac chuySn bay n9i dia
they struggle to curb financial losses, ngay cang tang, boi vi h9 phai c6 g~ng h~n
especially from high fuel prices. Even chS thua 16, ~c bi~t la do gia nhien li~u

major airlines such as United Airlines tang. Thftm chi ngay ca hang hang khong
have discontinued free meals in economy chinh nhu United Airlines cling da ngung

on domestic flights, and even some cung c~p dich VI,! nay tren cac chuySn bay
overseas flights. Several European and n9i dia va ngay ca m9t s6 chuySn bay qu6c
Asian airlines are also considering the idea tS. Vai hang hang khong chau Au va chau
of charging for meals, as they, too, struggle A cling dang xern xet vS cac v§n dS vS bfra
with high fuel prices an cling boi vi do gia nhien li~u tang.


Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
What is the topic of the article? Chu d~ cua bhl bao Ia gl ?

(A) Kingfisher Airlines' financial report (A) Bao cao tai chinh ctia Kingfisher
(B) The new meal policy of Kingfisher

Airlines (B) Chinh sach moi ve bfra an cua
Kingfisher Airlines
(C) A list of airlines offering the best food

(C) Danh sach cac hang hang kh6ng cung
(D) Price comparison between various
c~p thuc an t6t nh~t
regional airlines

(D) Gia c~ tranh gifra cac hang hang
Chu d~ cua bhl bao Ia gl? kh6ng khu vt,rc khac nhau

Cau hoi chu d~: Chu y dC]C 4 dap an trU'cYC, tim tir khoa cua m~i dap an, do len bai dC]C
(dC]C do~n diu tien, k~ Ca tieu d~)
-A: financial report: d9c tieu dS, do~n d~u -->chi c6 free meal, complimentary meal

- B: meal policy --> co--> ChC]n

- C: airlines, offer, best food --> kh6ng c6-->lo~

- D: Price comparison --> kh6ng c6 gia c~nh tranh -->lo~


Cau nay d9c dSn hSt starting October 1 la ch9n duqc dap an, da nfun duqc n9i dung, sang
cau hoi tiSp theo do tir day tro vS sau

161. c

What is suggested about Kingfisher (D) It treats all passengers equally

Airlines? regardless of where they are sitting on the

(A) The airline will reduce its airfares

soon. Di~u gi dU'f!C d~ nghj ve Kingfisher

(B) It will elect a new CEO.
(A) Hang nay se giam gia ve may bay sam
(C) It has joined other airlines in
attempting to cut losses. (B) H9 se b~u m9t CEO moi

(C) H9 cimg voo cac hang hang khong

khac n~ ll!c giam thua I~

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
(D) H9 d6i dai voi h~mh khach cong b~ng
b~t ch~p vi trf ng6i tren may bay

Can hoi nay phai lo~i soy

- A: reduce airfare, Do nhanh tir "snack box .... no extra charge" ko c6 giam gia (chi c6
sandwich, breakfast, fruit, drinks, coffee--> n6i vS thuc an), do nhanh do~n cu6i (n6i vS

cac hang khac) --> khong c6 giam gia

- B: dado r6i a diu A--> c6 thS hiSu ngay va lo~ ngay

- C: xem l~i do~ cu6i, khong xem l~i do~n thuc an --> cac hang khac ciing n6 h,rc giam
chi phf

- D : tir kh6a cho cau nay la economy class: lo~i can nay, chi ap dt;tng cho h~ng thong
thuimg, cac h~ng khac vin cung cip --> khong phai d~i dai nhu nhau
162. A

What is NOT included in the snack box Mon gi khong duqc kern theo trong
menu? th1;"C don cac mon an nh~?

(A) Coffee (A) Cafe


(B) Cheese (B) B o


(C) Salad (C) Rau tr9n

(D) Sandwich (D) Banh mi sandwich


Cau hoi nay do~ dm do la do~n thuc an, b~t d~u tir "Snack boxes ... no extra charge"

B~u do~ taco "Snack boxes duqc ban voi gia 7$" cu6i do~n c6 "soft drinks, coffee, tea,
no extra charge"--> nuoc u6ng khong nk trong snack box--> nhin 4 dap an--> ch9n A

Questions 163-164 refer to the following e-mail.

I Date: June 17 I Ngay: 17/6

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
From: Rachel_Green@ troj uk Tu: Rachel_Green@troj
To: BSn:
Subject: Special Promotion Tieu dS: KhuySn mai d~c bi~t

Dear Customers: Kinh gtri quy khach hang:

Trojan Hill is offering a special Trojan Hill dang cung cip m9t chuong
promotion on our X-723 optical mouse- trinh khuy~n mai d~c bi~t d~i vOi chu9t

20% off for customers who order 10 or quang X- 723 gh1m 20% cho khach hfmg
more between June 20-22! Featuring the mua tir 10 con triY len trong vong 20-
highly sensitive lOOODPI function and an 22/6! Voi chi s6 DPI: 1000 giup n6 c6 tfnh

ergonomic design, the X-723 is ideal for nh~y cao, duqc truSt kS tinh ts, thoru mai va
both desktop users and laptop owners. ti~n lqi, X-723 la Iva ch9n ly tuong cho ca
nguoi dung may ban va nguoi dung laptop.
For more information, please contact

Rachel Green BS biSt them thong tin, vui long lien h~
(Rachel_Green@troj or call us Rachel (Rachel_Green uk)
at 330-9999. Thank you.

Best regards,
tic ho~c g9i cho chung toi s6: 330-9999. Cam
Tran tr9ng
Rachel Green Customer representative Rachel Green - £)~ di~n b9 ph~ khach


How can Trojan Hill best be described? Trojan Hill co th~ duqc mo ta nhu th~
(A) It is an electronic equipment seller.

(A) La nha cung cip thi~t bf di~n

(B) Rachel Green is its media
(B) Rachel Green la d~i di~n truySn thong


(C) It has moved to a new location. (C) No da chuySn dSn dia diSm moi

(D) It sells music CDs. (D) No ban ilia CD nh~c

164. B

What is the nature of the special (B) Special price on an item

promotion included in this e-mail?
(C) Discount coupon for new computer
(A) Free mobile phone purchase

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
(D) Two-for-one deal on optical mouse (B). Gh1 d~c bi~t cua m9t mon hang
(C). PhiSu khuySn mai cho vi~c mua may
Ban chit cua khuy~n mai d~c bi~t kern tinh moi
theo email nay Ia gi?
(D). San ph~m chu9t quang mua m9t t~ng

(A). Di~n tho~i di d9ng miSn phi hai

Questions 165-168 refer to the following announcement

New York City Thanh pho New York

Council Approves H9i d6ng xac nhfm
Purple Trees Project D\l an Purple Trees

November 25 -New York's City Council Ngay 25111 - H9i d6ng thanh ph6 New
finally gave the green light to Voice York cu6i cling da cho phep dt,r an Voice
Classics xay dl,lng m9t khu nha axa h9i c6
Classics' project to build a residential
community called Purple Trees in New ten la Purple Trees a thanh ph6 New York.
York City. The community is to be Khu nha m1y du9'c thanh l~p t~i dja di~m
established on the former site of the cu cua nha nghi Rosent tren xa 19 s~ 7,
Rosent Motel on Highway 7, within trong ph~m vi trung tam thanh ph~.
walking distance of the city center. (165) (165)

Although this is great news for Voice


Classics, the project must also be M~c du day la tin t6t lanh cho Voice
reviewed by the state's Department of Classics, nhung d':f an cung phai dU'9'C
Environment (DOE) before construction xem l~i bOi Uy ban Moi Truimg (DOE)
can officially begin (166). The tr,u&c khi vi~c xay d':fng chinh thirc bit
community's layout features 27 dan (166). Khu nha a nay c6 27 khu chung

condominium units divided between two 5- cu duqc phan chia thanh 2 toa nha 5 ting
story buildings (167). Each condominium (167). M6i chrmg cu se c6 3 phong ngU, 2

will have three bedrooms, two bathrooms, phong titm, va ban cong r9ng rai. Khu nha
and a spacious balcony. The residential a xa h9i nay ~c bi~t c6 h~ hoi (167) va
community will also boast a swimming ch~ d~ xe dum ting him. (167)

pool (167) and underground parking lot.

Pricing will be determined after final DOE Gia ca se duqc quySt dinh sau khi nhfm
approval is received. Voice Classics was duqc quySt dinh chftp thufm cua DOE.
founded by William Dawe 30 years ago Voice Classics du9'C sang l~p bOi ~ilia_!ll
(168) and is still run by him, with his Dawe 30 nam tru&c (168), va ong ay van
daughter, Emma, serving as vice president. diSu hanh cung voi con gai Emma - dong
Mayor Heather Steinz has said the vai tro ph6 chu tich. Thi hua ng Heather

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
company has handled the project extremely Steinz da noi voi c6ng ty r~ng hay xu ly dv
professionally to date. an nay ~c bi~t chuyen nghi~p cho dsn nay.
- Give the green light: b~t den xanh, cho phep ai lam gl
- 5-story building: toa nha 5 ting

165. A

What is true about the Rosent Motel?

tic Di~u mlo sau day dung v~ nha nghi
(A) It does not exist any longer.
(A). N6 khong con t~n t~i nfra
(B) It is being built over a period of three
years. (B). No duqc xay dvng trong khoang tren

(C) It is across the street from
PurpleTrees. (C). N6 each m9t con duong tir
(D) It was constructed by Voice Classics

(D). No duqc xay dvng boi Voice


Tir kh6a: Rosent Motel. D6i voi cac cau hoi c6 ten rieng ~ do ten rieng trong bai r6i



When will construction commence? (B) When the New York City Council
approves the project
(A) When the architectural plans have
been finalized by the company (C) When the Rosent Motel has been shut

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
(D) When the DOE finishes its review (B). Khi h9i d6ng th~mh ph6 chftp thuftn
d\1' an
Khi nao vi~c xay d'!ng Se dU'f!C b~t d~U?
(C). Khi nha nghi Rosent ngung ho~t
(A). Khi c6ng ty ho~m th~mh kS ho~ch kiSn

(D). Khi DOE hoan t~t vi~c xem xet l~i

Tir khoa: construction.

167. c

Which is NOT a feature of the

tic Khu nha akhong co cai m1o dU'Oi day?
(A). H6 bai
(A). A swimming pool
(B). Hai toa nha dan cu
(B). Two residential buildings
(C). Cac phong an co khong gian r9ng

(C). Spacious dining rooms

(D). Ch6 dS xe duoi tfmg h~m
(D). A parking space below the ground

Tir khoa: D&i vOi can hoi co "NOT" h1 cau hoi l'!a ch\m -7 phai lo~i suy


Who is William Dawe? Wiliam Dawe Ia ai?


(A) The founder of Voice Classics (A). NgU'Oi sang l~p cua Voice Classics

(B) The chair of the DOE (B). Chu tich clia DOE

(C) The owner of the Rosent Motel (C). Chu so hfru clia nha nghi Rosent

(D) The rna yor of New York City (D). Thi huang thanh ph6 New York

Tir khoa: Wiliam Dawe, can hoi co ten rieng -7 tim ten rieng

Questions 169-171 refer to the following notice.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
Rickenbacker International Corporation is T~p doan Rickenbacker International r~t
pleased to announce a three-day event to vui mung S'! ki~n 3 ngay ky ni~m lin thlf
commemorate the 75th anniversary 75 (169) ctia cong ty chung toi va cong ty
(169) of both our company and the electric electric guitar. Sv ki~n nay b~t dftu vao thu
guitar. The event will kick off on Friday 6 ngay 25/8/2009 a khach s~n Doubletree

August 25th, 2009 at the Doubletree Club Club ~i Santa Ana. Sau do tiSp tl,lc t~ vi~n
Hotel in Santa Ana. It will then continue at bao tang Making Music aCarlsbad, va cu6i
cung kSt thuc aHollywood ~i the House of

the Museum of Making Music in Carlsbad,
and finish up in Hollywood at the House of Blues.

The events at the Doubletree will include 8'! ki~n & Doubletree se gom co cac
poster signing events with artists, a chuong trinh ca hat vOi ngh~ si, chuong
showcase of RIC guitars, and an trlnh bi~u di~n cua cac tay ghi ta RIC, va
impromptu jam session. (170) m9t do~n ng~u hung d~c bi~t. (170)

For the grand finale of our three-day Phftn quan tr9ng cu6i cung cua 3 ngay IS,
celebration, a benefit concert will be held bu6i hoa nh~c gay quy se duqc t6 chuc a
at the House of Blues in Hollywood called
"75th Anniversary of the Electric Guitar
Presented by Rickenbacker." This conceit
the House of Blues t~i Hollywood c6 ten
g9i "Ky ni~mlftn thu75 cuaElectric Guitar
bai Rickenbacker". Bu6i hoa nh~c nay se
will feature a full electric performance by co dfty du cac man biSu diSn CUa Jefferson
Jefferson Starship, Chris Squire, and The Starship, Chris Squire, va The
Smithereens. The show will be emceed by Smithereens. NguOi d~n chuong trinh h1
Billy Hinsche (171), founding member of Billy Hinsche (171), thanh vien sang l~p

Dino, Desi & Billy. ctia Dino, Desi & Billy.

Tickets are available at Ve duqc ban t~ trang web: and the House of va van phong the
Blues box office (323-848-5100). House of Blues (323-848-5100).


Why was this notice made? T~i sao thong bao m1y duqc ban hanh?

(A) To promote Rickenbacker's (A). f)~ quang ba Sl]' ki~n ky ni~m cua

anniversary event Rickenbacker

(B) To invite guests to a charity event (B). DS moi khach dSn m9t Sl,l' ki~n tU thi~n
(C) To notify people of the date of an art (C). Thong bao cho m9i nguoi vS ngay ctia
exhibition bu6i triSn Him ngh~ thu~t
(D) To advertise a rock concert (D). Quang cao m9t bu6i hoa nh~c rock

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttO'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
Tir khoa: Bay hi lo~i cau hoi vS m1,1c dich, ly do ~ d9c do~ d~u cua van ban


Which of the followings will not be Di~u m1o sau day khong duqc bao g~m

included in the events at the trong S'! ki~n 0' Doubletree?
(A). Chuang trinh biSu diSn cua cac tay

(A) Showcase of RIC guitars chai ghi ta RIC

(B) Impromptu jam session (B). Bo~n ngftu htmg ~c bi~t

(C) Poster signing events with artists (C). Sv ki~n ca hat voi ngh~ si

(D) Performance by Billy (D). Man bi~u di~n cua Billy

Tir khoa: cau hoi lo~i trir ~ tim tir kh6a trong cac dap an r6i do len bai d9c. Chu y trong
cau hoi c6 danh tir rieng ~ tlm vi tri cua danh tir rieng trong bai d9c r6i moi do cac dap

What is stated about Billy Hinsche? (A). Ong ~y s6ng a Carslbad.

(A) He lives in Carslbad. (B). Ong ~y Ia MC cua chuong trinh


(B) He will emcee the show. (C). Ong ~Y la m9t u·ong nguoi nguoi biSu
diSn cua chuang u·inh
(C) He will be one of the musical
performers at the show. (D). Ong ~y la m9t thanh vien CUa The

(D) He is a member of The Smithereens

Di~u gl noi v~ Billy Hinsche?


Tir khoa: Billy Hinsche.

Questions 172-175 refer to the following e-mail.

Subject: Important Notice for AIS Users Tieu de: Thong bao quan tr9ng cho tat ca
Date: Tuesday, October 12 nguoi dung AIS
From: Richard Snyder Ngay: thu 3 12110
Tir: Richard Snyder
Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
To All Asset Inventory Service (AIS) D~n: Tit ca nguOi dung AIS (172)
Users: (172)
Chung t6i g§n day kh6ng thS bao v~ m9t
We have recently uncovered an isolated v§n dS d9c lftp voi dich Vl,l AIS rna lam cho
issue with the AIS service that was causing h~ th6ng kiSm ke hang h6a PC th~t b~i.

PC inventories to fail. The symptoms were BiSu hi~n la khi khach hang cilil AIS ho~t
that when AIS client ran, it would delete all d9ng, no ffi XOa t~t Ca CaC nhi~m Vl,l ffi

of its associated scheduled tasks, thus duqc len lich, vi thS lam cho khach hang
rendering the client inactive. This issue ngtmg ho~t d9ng. Vin d~ nay anh hucmg
affects all AIS clients that were d~J! tit ca khach hang cua AIS duc;rc

deployed/installed after July 7th, 2008. trien khai/cai d~t sao ngay 7n/2008.
Clients installed prior to July 7th, 2008 Khach hang cai d~t tru&c ngay 7n /2008
are not affected by this issue, and should khong b! anh hucmg hOi vin d~ nay va
continue to operate normally. (175) vin ho~t d{)ng bil}h t~uimg.(175)?

Bi~n phap cho van de nay Ia trien khai
The remedy for this issue is to redeploy I~i cho khach hang ~ao su d~ng sao ngay
any clients that were deployed after July 7n /2008 (174). Bieu nay se t~o l~i cac
7th, 2008 (174). This will recreate the nhi~m Vl,l dU<;YC len ljch, Va CaC khach hang
associated scheduled tasks, and the clients se b~t dftu tai len vi~c kiSm ke hang h6a
will then begin to upload inventory on their tren kho{mg da dinh ttuoc cua h9. Khi vi~c
predetermined intervals. Once your triSn khai l~i duqc hoan cit, dS nghi b~ hay
redeployment is complete, it is suggested su dl,lllg tinh nang "Update Inventmy",
that you use the "Update Inventmy" nfun a phia tren ben phai trang chu AIS, va
feature, which is located on the upper right- lftn l§n luqt lam cho cac may tinh tai vi~c

hand portion of the AIS home page, and kiSm ke cua h9 nhanh nh~t c6 thS.
which will in turn lead PCs to upload their
inventory as quickly as possible. Chting toi rit xin l~i da lam hit ti~n cho
We apologize for any inconvenience this b~n (173). Cam an

may have caused (173). Thanks.

172. B

Who are the people addressed in thee- Email mly hu&ng d~n d~i tuc;rng nguOi
mail? nao?

(A) Employees for an asset management (A). Nhan vien cong ty quan ly tai san
(B). NguOi dung chuong trinh may tinh
(B) Users of a computer program
(C). Nguoi lam vi~c trong b~nh vi~n
(C) Hospital workers
(D). Lftp trinh vien may tinh
(D) Computer programmers

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
Tir khoa: d6i voi email chu y m1,1c "from", "to"

173. c

Why is Mr. Snyder apologizing?

tic T~i sao ong Snyder l~i xin l~i?
(A) He installed some defective programs (A). Ong ~y dii m9t vai chuang trinh 16i
on a few PCs. vao m9t vai may tinh

(B). M9t trong cac khach hang cua 6ng ~Y


(B) One of his clients is responsible for

spreading an infectious disease. chiu trach nhi~m vS svlan truySn b~nh
lay nhiSm
(C) He is concerned this problem may
have caused some inconvenience for (C). Ong iy lo l~ng vin d~ nay lam bit

users. ti~n cho cac ngU'Oi dung ph~m m~m.

(D) He is solely responsible for the failure (D). Ong ~y chi chiu trach nhi~m duy nh~t

of a company. vS th~t b~ clia c6ng ty


Tir khoa: Snyder, apologize. Chu y: Snyder la nguoi gui, tim ti:r kh6a apologize. Trong
viSt thu, cam an hay xin 16i thuong n~m a do~n &tu ho~c do~n cu6i


What can the e-mail recipients do to fix (B) Render the client ineffective
their problem?
(C) Install a new program
(A) Delete all associated files

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
(D) Redeploy any clients that were (B). Tra 1~ khach hang khong hi~ u qua
deployed after a certain date
(C). Cai chua ng trinh m oi
NgU'Oi nh~n email sila cac l~i bing each
(D ). Tri~n khai l~i cac khach hang rna
tri~n khai sao ngay c8 dfnh

(A). X6a cit ca cac file lien kSt

Tir khoa: remedy: giai phap.

175. A

What is true according to the above e- Theo nhU' email tren, di~u mlo sao day hi
mail? dung?
(A). Vi n d~ nay khong anh hU'O'Dg d~n

(A) The issue does not affect all client
computers. toan bo khach hang
(B) Mr. Snyder has recently fixed the issue (B). O~g Snyder gfui day sua cac vfui dS vS
with the AIS service. dich V\1 AIS
(C) The clients deployed after July 7th, (C). Khach hang triSn khai sau ngay
2008 have a computer virus. 717/2008 c6 may tinh bi virus
(D) Mr. Snyder's top client has asked him (D). Cac khach hang rumg d~u CUa 6ng
to resolve the program error Snyder yeu c~u 6ng ta giai quySt 16i
chuang trinh

Tir khoa: diu hoi l'!a ch\m dung sai~ tim tir khoa trong tirng dap an do len bai de]C ۤ

Questions 176-180 refer to the following excerpt from an instruction manual.


QuickScan 8400F Glass Cleaning Guide Hua ng dfm lam s~ch m~t kinh may scan
QuickScan 8400F

The manufacturer strongly recommends Nha cung c~p khuySn cao rfuig ... vi~c thao,
that trained service personnel perform any l~p
and all repairs dealing with the disassembly
and reassembly of any fastened parts.
Before You Start: T1uoc khi b~t & u:
- Before carrying out any of the - TrU'&c khi ti~n hanh bit cu quy trinh
procedures described in this document, nao dU'f!C mO ta trong tai li~u nay, hay
make sure that the scanner has been chic riin_g m~y s~an da tit va day ngu~n
turned off and the power cord has been da b! ngat ket noi.(180)
disconnected. (180)

Quyen s<kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9 n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
- To prevent any chance of electric - De tranb bat ell' Sl! soc di~n nilO, may
shock, the scanner housing should only scan phai duqc thao boo chuyen vien ky
be opened by a qualified electronics thu~t co tay ngh~.(178)
technician.(178) Thao n~p va m~t kinh may scan:
Removing the Scanner Lid and Scanner 1. Mo n~p may scan 1 g6c 90 d9

Glass Bed: 2. Nang n~p len va l~y ra
1. Open the scanner lid to a 90-degree 3. DUn.g dftu vitho~c but, dfty nhy kh6a cl1a

angle. m~t kinh dS l~y m~t kinh may scan.
2. Lift the lid upward to remove it. 4. Khi m~t kinh da duqc l~y ra, giu b~ng 2
3. Using a head screwdriver or pen, push tay va giftt ra khoi may scan. D~ no tren

slightly downward on the scanner's glass m~t ph~ng lot bing vai ho~c khan d~
bed lock to release the scanner's glass bed. tranh tr~y xu&c trong khi lau. (177)
4. Once the glass bed is released, grab it Meo lam sach:
with both hands and pull away from the C~ch t~t nhit d~ lam s~ch m~t kinh may

scanner. Place the scanner's glass bed on scan Ia lau vm nu&c rira kinh (176). Hay
a flat surface with a cloth or towel ch~c r~ng b~n khong dung dung dich thu6c
underneath to prevent scratching on the
glass while cleaning the glass. (177)
Cleaning tips:
nhu()m. Dung vai mSm va tranh ilit ca cac
vftt dS gay trfty xuoc nhu g~c, khan gi~y
nham. Khong phun trvc tiSp len bS m~t
kinh vi se lam hu kich co cua m~t duoi
The best way to clean the scanner glass
bed is with a clear glass cleaner solution.( kinh.
176) Make sure you do not use any color
dye solutions. Also, use a soft cloth and

avoid all abrasive material such as sponges

and rough paper towels. Spray or moisten
the cloth. Do not spray directly on the
scanner's upper housing glass, as there is a
calibration strip on the underside of the

glass bed.
Reassembling the Scanner:
1. Identify the special male and female set

and lock clips.

2. Now identify the female receptacles for

those clips and align the scanner's glass Rap may Scan:
bed perfectly over the clips. l.Xac dinh dftu n6i dvc va cai va cac kyp
3. Slide the scanner's glass fmward or kh6a
towards the front of the scanner to lock in 2. Xac dinh cac dftu n6i cai cua cac kh6a
the scanner's glass bed. nay va ~t kinh cua may scan hoan chinh
4. Replace the lid by aligning the lid at a tren cac kh6a.
90-degree angle to insert it 3. B~t kinh may scan phia tren ho~c huang
u·en phia ttuoc may scan dS kh6a ch6 dS
kinh 1~.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngttO'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
4. B~t l~i n~p b~ng each cho cai n~p nfun 1
6c 90 d9 r6i ~n vao
- Male or· female set: cac diu n~i trong cac may moe, d~ di~n tif m9t diu l~i m9t diu
lorn, dung d~ g~n I~ ho~c thao ra khi cin thi~t. (vi dl] diu USB va c~ng USB ciia may


What is the best method to clean the PhU'ong phap t~t nhit d~ lam s~ch m~t
scanner glass bed? kinh may scan Ia gi?

(A) Use the blue-colored cleaner solution (A). Su dl,lllg nuoc rua mau xanh

(B) Use paper towels (B). Dung khan gifty

(C) Use a head screwdriver (C). Dling dftu tua vft

(D) Moisten a soft cloth with a clear

tic (D). Lam im vOi vai m~m va dung djch
lam s~ch
Tir khoa: the best way, the best method, cleaning tips


What is the reason for placing the Ly do ciia vi~c d~t kinh da Iiy ra tren

removed glass bed on a towel or cloth? khan ho~c v~i Ia gi? ,

(A) To avoid scratches on the scanner lid (A). Tranh tray xuoc nap may scan
(B) To find it easily (B). BS tlm n6 dS dang
(C) To prevent dust from getting on the (C). Ngan bl,li bfui vao trong m~t kinh

underside of the glass bed (D). Tranh lam thi~t h~i m~t kinh trong
(D) To prevent damage on the glass khi lau chlli
while cleaning

Tir khoa: towel or cloth

178. c

What should be done if the scanner (B) It should be opened with a head
housing should be opened? screwdriver while the scanner is turned
(A) The user must bring it to a local
service center for service.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngttO'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
(C) The user should contact a (B). N6 phai duqc rna b~ng tua vit trong
professional electronics technician. khi dang bftt

(D) The scanner glass should be wiped (C). Nguiri su d~ng phai lien h~ vOi
with a sponge first. nhan vien ky thu~t di~n

Di~u gl nen lam n~u nhu may scan cin (D). Kinh ctia may scan phai duqc lau voi

dU«;YC rna ra? g~chuoc

(A). Nguoi su dl,lilg phai mang no dSn

trung tam dich v1,1

According to this guide, what is the The nhu huang d~n nay, vi~c diu tien

first thing to do before cleaning the truac khi lam s~ch kinh may scan Ia gl?
scanner glass?
(A). Ma kh6a cua m~t kinh b~ng m9t
(A) Pry the glass bed lock open with a chiSc tua vit

(B). Tit may scan
(B) Switch off the scanner

(C). Phun dung dich nuoc rna len kinh

(C) Spray the clear glass cleaner solution
(D). Ma n~p m9t g6c pha

over the glass

(D) Open the lid to form a right angle

180. B

Which of the following is NOT true Di~u m1o sau day KHONG dung ve
according to the guide? huang d~n nay?
(A) There are some chemicals not suitable (A). C6 m9t vai h6a ch~t khong phu hqp
for cleaning the scanner glass. cho lau chui kinh may scan

Quyen s<kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
(B) The scanner cleaning is easy, and it (B). May scan rit d~ lao, co th~ duqc lam
can be done by anyone. hOi bit cu ai
(C) The user should follow the procedures (C). Nguoi su d\lflg phai tuan theo cac thu
in the guide to prevent damage or t1,1c nay dS tranh t6n h~ ho~c trl,lc tr~c.
malfunction. (D). BS rap 1~ may scan, n~p may scan

(D) To reassemble the scanner, the lid phai duqc d~t dln1g m9t goc vuong ds kSt
should be aligned at a right angle to be n&i voi may in m9t lfm nfra

connected to the scanner again

Questions 181-185 refer to the following program and letter

Apollo Theater Proudly Presents R~p hat Apollo tl}' hao giOi thi~u
Adapted for the stage by Dan Gordon Dan dvng san kh~u hoi Dan Gordon

Based on the screenplay by Barry Morrow Dva tren kich ban cua Barry Morrow &
& Ronald Bass Ronald Bass
Story by Ronald Bass

San xu~t:
C6t truy~n: Ronald Bass

Director - Ang Lee B~o diSn: Ang Lee

Producers - Nica Burns, Jane Walmsley Nha san xu~t: Nica Burns, Jane Walmsley
Designer - Jonathan Fensom ThiSt kS: Jonathan Fensom
Lighting- Jason Taylor Anh sang: Jason Taylor
Sound- Fergus O'Hare Am thanh: Fergus O'Hare

Cast: DiSn vien:

Josh Hammond as Charlie Babbit Josh Hammond trong vai Charlie Babbit
Adam Goodman as Raymond (184) Adam Goodman vai Raymond (184)

Colin Stanton as Dr. Bruener Colin Stanton trong vai Dr. Bruener
Charles Dash as Michael Smith Charles Dash trong vai Michael Smith

Saturday, July 5 Thu 7 ngay 517

4 p.m. & 8 p.m. 4 gio chiSu va 8 gio t6i

THANK YOU 2007-2008 MEMBERS Cam an cac thanh vien narn 2007-2008 vi
<Current Donors> (182) <Nha tai trq hi~n nay>(182)
Brad & Tammy Dillon Brad & Tammy Dillon
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Davis (182) Mr. & Mrs. Bill Davis (182)
Judy Langley Judy Langley
TSW Products Co., Inc TSW Products Co., Inc
Kansas Arts Commission Kansas Arts Commission

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
Trudy Swint/Ameriprise Trudy Swint/Ameriprise

July 7 Ngay 717

Dear Ang, Ang than mSn!

I went to see Rainman on Saturday. I must Toi da di xem Rainman vao thu 7. Phai n6i

say it was awesome! It had a powerful r~ng n6 thftt tuy~t voi! N6 c6 m9t c6t truy~n
storyline, and the characters were brought m~nh me, va cac nhan vftt lam cho cu<?c
to life beautifully. It was both funny and s6ng tuai d~p. N6 vua vui vua cam d9ng.

Toi ciing mu~n noi them r~ng ngU'Oi di~n
I also want to add that the actor who vien dong vai Raymond thi rit Ia in
played Raymond was really impressive tU'(}11g (184). Toi nghi la anh ~Y c6 m9t

(184). I think he has great potential. Please tiSm nang tuy~t voi. Hay n6i voi anh ~y
tell him that he has a new fan ! r~ng anh ~Y c6 them m9t nguoi ham m9
tic moi r6i!
Toi t'! hoi li~u b~n co quan tam d~n vi~c
I was wondering if you would be h1m d~o di~n cho dJ! an ma toi dang lam
interested in being the director for a d~o di~n am nh~c(183). N6 la m9t phim
project I am now working on as musical am nh~c noi vs 2 co gai sinh doi
director (183). It is a musical about the Liverpudlian, bi chia each trong ngay sinh,
Liverpudlian twins, who were separated at do Louise Clayton va Stephen Palfreman
birth, and features Louise Clayton and thu vai. Toi dang viSt giai di~u va loi hat

Stephen Palfreman. I'm writing the music cung voi Marco Beltrami, d6ng ~o diSn
and lyrics with Marco Beltrami, the co- am nh~c, nhung chling t6i v~n chua co d~o
musical director, but we don't have a diSn chinh. Sau khi xem Rainman vao thu
director yet. After seeing Rainman on 7, t6i da tin ch~c lab~ la S\f h,ra ch9n tuy~t

Saturday, I was convinced that you would voinh~t.

be the best choice.
NSu b~n quan tam, toi mu6n g~p b~n va

If you are interested, I would like to get thao luftn vS diSu nay trong bua t6i. Toi biSt
together with you and discuss it over la b~n r~t bftn trong 2 tu~n nua, vl vfty toi

dinner. I know you are very busy for the nghi la vao t~n 2717 thl se 6n. Hay g9i cho
next two weeks, so I am thinking the week tei uuoc cu6i tu~n nay va cho toi biSt khi
of July 27 would be good. Give me a call nao thl t6t nh~t cho b~n nhe !
before the end of this week and let me
know when the best time is for you. Toi r~t mong nghe tin ru b~n !
I look forward to hearing from you Tran tr9ng!
Yours truly, Suzy Appleby
Suzy Appleby
181. B

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
What is Rainman? (A). M9t b9 phim cua Bill Davis

(A) A movie by Bill Davis (B). M()t viY k!ch cua r~p Apollo

(B) A play at the Apollo Theater (C). Phim am nh~c cua Louise Clayton

(C) A musical by Louise Clayton (D). Bu6i diSn nh~c dance a ph6

(D) A dance show in Kansas City

Rainman Ia gi?

Tir kh6a: Rainman


182. A

Why are Mr. & Mrs. Bill Davis T~i sao Ong ba Bill Davis duqc cam 011
thanked in the advertisement? trong quang cao?

(A) They are important donors to the (A). H9 Ia nha tai trq quan tr9ng cho
Apollo Theater. r~p Apollo

(B) They established the Apollo Theater. (B). H9 thanh l~p r~p Apollo

(C) They are directing a new musical (C). H9 chi d~o vi~c san xuftt phim am
production. nh~c moi

(D) Mr. Bill Davis is the chairman of the (D). Ong Bill Davis la chu tich cua H9i
Kansas Arts Commission. d6ng ngh~ thu~t Kansas

Tir kh6a: Mr. & Mrs. Bill Davis


Quyen s<kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
Why did Suzy Appleby write this letter T~i sao Suzy Appleby vi~t thU' cho Ang
to AngLee? Lee?
(A) To offer Ang a job as director (A). MOi Ang h1m ,d~o ,di~n
(B) To thank him for his generous donation (B). Cam an ong ay ve S\l dong gop cao
(C) To complement his impressive acting thm;mg CUa ong ~y

(D) To introduce him to Stephen Palfreman ~C). Khen ngqi diSn xu~t §n hrqng cilil ong

(D). Gioi thi~u ong ~y voi Stephen

Tir khoa: tJ·ong diu m1y co 2 ten rieng, xac djnh 2 ten nay ~ m9t ngU'Oi gui, m9t ngU'Oi
nh~n~ vi sao ngU'Oi gui gui Ia thU' ~ do Ia thU' khong do t<r quang cao

184. c

What performer did Suzy Appleby Di~n vien m1o dU'«;YC Suzy Appleby khen
complement in her letter?

(A) Josh Hammond

tic ng«;Yi trong Ia thU'?

(A) Josh Hammond

(B) Colin Stanton (B) Colin Stanton

(C) Adam Goodman (C) Adam Goodman


(D) Stephen Palfreman (D) Stephen Palfreman

Tir kh6a: Bay Ia diu hoi phai k~t hf!P 2 do~n van mOi ch~n dU'«;Yc dap an. Trong Toeic
tir diu 181 -200 Ia 2 do~n van vOi 5 diu hoi. Trong 5 diu hoi nay co it nhit 1 diu phai
lien k~t nhU' th~ nay.

Trong diu nay, xet ten rieng Suzy ~ do Ia thU' xem khen ng«;Yi ai ~ khen ng«;Yi
Raymond ~ do do~n quang cao xem Raymond Ia ai

185. B

What does Suzy Appleby want Ang Lee (C) To be a donor of the Apollo Theater
to do?
(D) To write the music and lyrics for her
(A) To recommend a qualified musical new musical
Suzy Appleby mu8n Ang Lee lam gi?
(B) To contact her by telephone by
(A). BS xu~t m9t d~o diSn phim am nh~c
c6 tay nghS

Quyen s<kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
(B). Lien h~ v6i co iy qua di~n tho~i (D). ViSt nh~c va loi hat cho phim fun
trU'O'c cu~i tuin nh~c moi CUa CO ~y

(C). Tro th~mh nha tai trq cho r~p Apollo

Tir khoa: diu hoi co 2 ten rieng -+ chi do hi thU', khong do do~n van quang cao

Questions 181-185 refer to the following contract and letter

Ajax Machine Tools Ltd. Service Contract Hqp dong dich Vl,l cong ty TNHH Ajax
Machine Tools

Contract No.: 2008-0206012 s6 hqp d6ng: 2008-0206012
Customer Account No.: 03487 s6 tai khoan khach hang: 03487
Customer Name: Tay Young Ten khach hang: Cong ty san xu~t Tay

Manufacturing Co. Young
Contract Date: February 6 (190) Ngay hgp d~ng: 6/2 (190)
Service Commencement Date: February 6 Ngay b~t clliu dich v1,1: 6/2
Contract Term: o 2 years~ 3 years ThOi h~n hgp d~ng: o 2 nam ~ 3 nam
(186)(190) (186), (190)
Equipment: Industrial Puncher ThiSt bi: May khoan cong nghi~p
Model: Renz Super 700 Mftu: Renz Super 700

Under this contract, the Industrial Puncher Theo hqp d6ng nay, may khoan cong
Renz Super 700 is under warranty to be free nghi~p Renz Super 7 00 duqc bao hanh

of manufacturing defects within the time rniSn phf cac 16i san xu~t trong thai h~
period of coverage stated above. duqc neu a tren. Ajax Machine Tools se
Ajax Machine Tools will provide routine cung c~p vi~c ki~m tra bao trl t~n noi
maintenance checks twice a year on site thU'img xuyen 2Iin 1 nam (187)(190) boi
(187)(190) by a trained technician, whose m9t Icy thu~t vien da duqc hu~n luy~n, dich

services will include cleaning and a Vl,l bao g~m }au chid Va ki~m tra h~ th~ng
thorough systems check. (187) (187) to~m di~n.

When the inspection discloses defect or Khi k:iSm tra ph at hi~n I6i ho~c tfl,lC tr~c, ky
thu~t vien se dua ra dS nghi sua chua.

malfunction, the technician will issue a

repair recommendation. The purchaser Nguoi mua phai n9p ban copy dS nghi sua
must submit a signed copy of the chua c6 chfr ky cualcy thu~t vien cho nguoi
technician's recommendation to the hqp d6ng dS thay thS ph~n bi I6i. Cong ty
contractor for replacement of defective TNHH Ajax Machine Tools khong co
parts. Ajax Machine Tools Ltd. shall not trach nhi~m phap ly ho~c ch!u trach
assume liability or responsibility for nhi~m v~ cac t~n thit do quy trlnh
damages due to improper handling,(187) chuyen chiY dong goi khong thich hqp
installation or maintenance by the (187), cai ~t ho~c bao trl boi khach hang,
customer, as they are not considered vl h9 khong xem xet cac I6i san xu~t. Vl

Quyen s<kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
manufacturing defects. Thus, such thS, nhfrng hu h~i nhu vfty se khong duqc
damages are not covered by this contract. bao g6m trong hqp a6ng.

Mira Kang Mira Kang

Tay Young Manufacturing Co. Cong ty san xu~t Tay Young

34 Rathburn Road Lincoln, NE 68507 34 Rathburn Road Lincoln, NE 68507

August 31 (190) 31/8 (190)

Kevin Kensington Kevin Kensington

Ajax Machine Tools Ltd. Cong ty TNHH Ajax Machine Tools
725 Sheppard Avenue Denver, CO 80211 725 Sheppard A venue Denver, CO 80211
Dear Mr. Kensington Kinh gU'i ong Kengsington

My company purchased the industrial Cong ty cua chong toi da mua may
puncher (Renz Super 700) from your khoan cong nghi~p (Renz Super 700) tir
company in February (190). However, cong ty cua ong vao thang 2 (190). Tuy
we faced some problems while using the
machine over the past 6 months. We
nhien, chtmg tei a6i m~t voi m9t s6 v~n as
trong khi Slr d1,1ng may trong 6 thang qua.
pointed this out to your technician duringChling t6i eta chi cho ky thuftt vien cua ong
the regular maintenance check on July 15, th~y nhung v§n as nay trong 1k kiSm tra
and during the inspection he found some bao tri vao ngay 1517' va trong su6t qua
parts that needed to be replaced. He said trinh kiSm tra anh ta tim th~y nhiSu b9 phftn

that he would forward his service report dn duqc thay thS. Anh ta noi ring anh iy
with a repair recommendation to the phai gili di bao cao djch v~ cua anh iy
relevant department so that the defective cimg vOi ban d~ ngJtj sila chua d~n b9
parts could be replaced. However, we ph~n co lien quan de cac b9 ph~n hll' h~i
have not heard from him since then. co th~ duc;rc sila chua. Tuy nhien, chting

(189) toi chua thiy phan h8i gl k~ tir do. (189)

We understand that there are no more Chung tOi bi~t Ia khong con duc;rc ki~m

free maintenance checks remaining for tra mi~n phi trong nam nay(190) nhung
this year (190), but we would like to have du sao chung toi v~n mu6n cai may khoan

our machine repaired nonetheless. Please duqc sua chua. Vui long cho chting toi
let us know when you think you will be bi~t khi nao ong co th~ cho ky thu~t vien
able to send the technician once again d~n m9t lin nua va cung cip cac b9 ph~n
and supply the replaced parts for our thay th~ cho em may cua chting toi. (188)
Chan thanh,
Sincerely, Mira Kang
Mira Kang Cong ty san xu~t Tay Young
Tay Young Manufacturing Co.
Cau true nh<r va: have + 0 (v~t) + V3 ~ have our machine repaired

Quyen s<kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'

How long is the contract valid? Hw d8ng co hi~u l':fc bao lau?

(A) For one year (A). Trong 1 nfun

(B) For two years (B). Trong 2 nam

(C) For three years (C). Trong 3 nam

(D) For four years (D ). Trong 4 nfun

Tir khoa: cau hoi lien quan d~n h«]p d8ng -+do trong h«]p d8ng



Which of the following is NOT true Di~u nao sau day khong dung v~ djch
about the service? V'l}?

(A) It provides free maintenance checks (A). N6 cung cftp kiSm tra bao tri miSn phi
twice a year. 2 I§n!nam

(B) It includes a visit to the customer's (B). N6 bao g6m vi~c kiSm tra bao trl ~i

business for a maintenance check. noi kirlh doanh cua khach hang (on site)

(C) It includes a cleaning and system (C). N6 bao g6m lau chili va kiSm tra h~
checkup. th6ng

(D) It covers damages caused by (D). No bao gl>m cac t~n h~i do khach
improper handling by the customer hang dong goi, v~n chuy~n khong thich

Quyen s<kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9 n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
Tir khoa: d8i vOi diu hoi lo~i suy nhU' th~ nay t8t nhit Ia nen lam sao cimg, sao khi
lam xong 4 diu cho phin do~n van m1y. Lien quan d~n djch Vt}, di~u kho?m cua djch
Vt} -7 do trong hc;rp d~ng

188. c

Why did Ms. Kang write this letter? T~i sao co Kang vi~t h1 thU' m1y?

(A) To inquire about the extension of a (A). DS yeu c~u thong tin vS rna r<?ng bao
warranty hanh

(B) To invite Mr. Kensington to a service (B). DS moi ong Kensington dSn h9P vS
maintenance training session hu~n luy~n bao tri

(C) To set a date for a maintenance (C). B~ thi~t l~p 1 ngay ki~m tra bao trl

(D) To complain about the service

tic (D). DS than phiSn vS Icy thuftt vien dich
Tir khoa: co ten rieng, co h1 thU'? do Ia thU'. V~ mt}c dich vi~t thU' thU'img n~m iY do~n
diu ho~c cu8i Ia thU'.

189. A

What is Ms. Kang waiting to receive? Co Kang ch<r df!i nh~n dU"qc gl?

(A) A written suggestion of the repair (A). M()t ban d~ nghj v~ bao cao sira

report from the technician chua tir ky thu~t vien


(B) A service report on overall terms and (B). M<?t ban bao cao dich v1,1 vS t6ng thS
conditions cite &su ki~n va &su khoan

(C) A preventive check list (C). M<?t danh sach kiSm tra phong ngua

(D) An invoice covering all the Renz (D). M<?t hoa dan vS t~t ca m9i thu lien
Super 700s. quan dSn Renz Super 700


Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
How many more times can Ms. Kang Co Kang con dU'f!C nh~n bao nhieu lin
probably receive free maintenance ki~m tra bao tri mi~n phi trong thOi
checks during the remaining contract gian con l~i cua hf!P d8ng?
(A). M9t

(A) One
(B). Hai

(B) Two
(C). Ba
(C) Three
(D). B~n

(D) Four

Tir khoa: Hqp d6ng 3 nam, 2 l~n/ nam ~ 6 lk, mua tir thang 2, ngay viSt tlm la thang 8

~ rnua trong nam, nfun nay khong con duqc bao tri rniSn phi ~ da su dl,lilg hSt 2 l~n ~
con 4 lk
Questions 191-195 refer to the following information and e-mail.

Using Statistics to Grow Your Business Sir d~ng th~ng ke de phat trien kinh
(191) doanh cua b~n (191)

One Day Seminar H9i thao 1 ngay


Statistics may be boring to some, but to B &i voi m9t s6 ngu oi th&ng ke c6 thS r~t
other savvy entrepreneurs they unlock nham chan, nhung d6i voi cac nha kinh
hidden riches ! The key is knowing which doanh hiSu biSt khac thl chung la cong c1,1
rna ra S\I giau c6. Chla kh6a cua v~n dS la
statistics are critical to YOUR business, and
which ones are irrelevant. phai biSt duqc lo~ th&ng ke nao la quan

tr9ng d6i voi doanh nghi~p cua b~n va lo~

Business Magazine invites you to a series nao khong quan tr9ng

of lunch seminars in April and May T~p_ chi kinh doaJ?h moo b~n tham dw,r
entitled "Using Statistics to Grow Your chuoi h{)i thao buoi trU'a trong thang 4
Business," featuring Dr. Sungha Lim v~ thang 5 c~ ten g9i "Sir d~ng th~ng ke

(193). The seminars will be held in four de phat trien kinh doanh cua b~n",
major cities in the United States. chuyen m~c cua Dr. Sungha Lim (193).
Cac h9i thao nay se duqc t6 chuc a4 thanh
Dr. Lim is the director of the U.S. Business ph&chinh a My.
Economics Association and is also the Dr. Lim la giam d6c cua Hi~p h9i Kinh
w inner of last year 's National Business doanh My va cling la nguoi ~t duqc giai
Book Award. thuang Sach kinh doanh q u6c gia nam
Seminar schedule:
Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng tha nh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu on t hi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai d l1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
1. April 19- Continental Hotel (New York) Lich trlnh h9i thao:
2. April 23 - East Gate Tower Suite 1. 19/4 - Khach s~n Continental (New
(Chicago) York)
3. May 5 - Park South Lodge (Dallas) 2. 23/4 - East Gate Tower Suite (Chicago)
(194) 3. 5/5- Park South Lodge (Dallas)

4. May 15- Candlewood Inn (Los Angeles) (194)
4. 15/5- Candlewood Inn (Los Angeles)

The seminar will be held from 9:30 to 5:00
at each location. Registration is $250 per H9i thao se duqc t6 chuc ru 9:30 dSn 5:00
person. Your registration fee will cover t~i m6i Qia diSm. Phi dang kY 250$/nguoi.

the workbook and other reference Phi dang ky da bao g~m sach va tai li~u
materials, instructor fees, refreshments, tham khao, phi cho ngU'Oi hU'6ng d~n,
lunch, the use of meeting rooms, and an nh~, an trU'a, sil phong hf!p va
other expenses.(192) cac chi phi khac.(192)

To: Sungha Lim
Date: May 2
Subject: Your Seminar
tic DSn: Sungha Lim
Tu: Anthony Grant
Ngay: 2/5
Tieu dS: H9i thao cua b~n
Dear. Dr. Lim
Dr Lim than mSn!
I was very glad to see the announcement on
Toi r~t vui vi thong bao clia ong vS cac h9i

your upcoming seminars in the newspaper.

I used to read your columns with much thao s~p toi tren bao. NhiSu nam truoc toi
interest years ago when you wrote for the da tUng 09C CaC bai cua 6ng voi Sl,l thfch
Business Korea Weekly magazine. I also thu vo cung khi ong viSt cho tu~n san
found your book Evaluating Statistics very Business Korea. Toi ciing th~y r~ng quySn

helpful for my business. I greatly admire Evaluating Statistics cua ong r~t c6 ich
your work. I am excited to hear that you cho vi~c kinh doanh cua toi. Toi r~t than
will be here in Dallas on May 5 (194). phl,lc cong vi~c clia ong. Toi cfing rit vui

mirng bi~t r~ng ong se 0' Dallas vao ngay

Since I work in the field of advertising, I 5/5 (194).

would like to learn more about the use of Boi vi toi lam vi~c trong nganh quang cao,
statistics in advertising, and I was hoping toi mu6n h9c hoi them vS vi~c su dl,lng
you will talk about it in the seminar. Could th6ng ke trong quang CaO, Va tOi hy V9ng
you tell me if you're planning to cover this ong se n6i vS n6 trong h9i thao. Ong c6 thS
topic in your seminar? n6i cho toi biSt li~u ong c6 kS ho~ch thao
lu~n chu dS nay trong h9i thao hay khong?
Best regards,
Anthony Grant Tran tr9ng
Cong ty quang cao Odney Anthony Grant
Cong ty quang cao Odney
Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngttO'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'


What is the topic of the seminar? Chu d~ cua h()i thao Ia gl?

(A) Ensuring the safety of employees in (A). Bao dam an to~m cho nhan vien ~

the workplace noi hun vi~c

(B) Announcing breakthrough results (B). C6ng b6 m9t kSt qua quan tr9ng

from new scientific research trong nghien Cll'U khoa h9C moi

(C) Adopting sustainable manufacturing (C). Thong qua m9t thvc tiSn san xuftt c6
practices thS chling minh duqc

(D) Analyzing data to benefit (D). Phan tich dfr li~u d~ col(]'i cho kinh
businesses tic
Tir khoa: Seminar -+ do do~n 1, d9c tieu dS
192. c

What is included in the price of Phi dang ky da bao g~m em gl?

registration? (A). Sach duqc viSt boi diSn gia

(A) A book written by the speaker (B). H9i vien hi~p h9i kinh doanh nuoc My
(B) Membership to the U.S. Business (C). Bfra an va thuc an nh~
Economics Association (D). B~t mua t~p chi Kinh doanh
(C) A meal and refreshments
(D) A subscription to Business Magazine

Tir khoa: registration


193. B

What does the announcement say (C) He is an advertising director at Odney

about Dr. Lim? Advertising.

(A) Anthony Grant and he used to work (D) He is a professor of statistics at the
together. University in Dallas

(B) He used to write for a business Thong bao nay noi gl v~ Dr Lim?
Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngttO'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
(A). Anthony Grant va ong ~y da rung Hun (C). Ong ta la m9t giam d6c quang cao
v i~c cung nhau cho cong ty quang cao Odney

(B). Ong iy tirng vi~t cho t~p chi kinh (D). 6ng ~Y la giao su th6ng ke aD~i h9c
doanh Dallas

Tir kh6a: Dr Lim va announcement -+ chi do tren do~n thong bao

194. c

Where is Mr. Grant going to attend the Ong Grant se tham d'! h()i thao rr dau?

(A) 6 khach s~n Continental
(A) At Continental Hotel
(B) 6 East Gate Tower Suite

(B) At East Gate Tower Suite
(C) 0 Park South Lodge
(C) At Park South Lodge

(D) At Candlewood Inn

tic (D) 6 Candlewood Inn
Tir kh6a: Ong Grant -+ h1 thU'-+ ngay 5/5 -+ h()i thao Dallas

195. c

In the e-mail, what does the word Trong email, tir "cover" rr do~n 2, dong
"cover" in paragraph 2, line 3 mean? 3 nghia hi gi?

(A) replace (A). thay thS


(B) encourage (B). khuySn khich

(C) discuss (C). thao lu~n

(D) conceal (D). che gi~u

Questions 196-200 refer to the following announcement and e-mail

ITo: All staff IDSn: T~t ca nhan vien

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng tha nh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua gro up "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b~ n co tai lieu on t hi hieu qua. Mong moi ngttai d l1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhtt t hese lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
From: ~anagernent Tu: Quan ly
Date: ~ay 22 Ngay: 22/5
Subject: Volunteers needed for job fairs Chii d~ : Tinh nguy~n vien cho h9i chq
(196) vi~c lam (196)

Calling for volunteers(196)! As the Keu g9i tlnh nguy~n vien (196)! Boi vi
holiday season is corning up, the ~agnolia rnua clia k)r nghi s~p dSn, khach s~n

Hotel and Spa is planning to hold three job ~agnolia & Spa len kS ho~ch t6 chuc 3 h9i
fairs to recruit more staff, and we need help chq vi~c lam dS tuySn them nhan vien,
from our staff members in the food & chung toi c~n SlJ giup do cua cac nhan vien

beverage, maintenance, and guest relations trong b9 ph~ thuc an, thuc u6ng, bao tri va
departments. Participants will have an quan h~ khachhang. Nguoi tham dl,I co co
opportunity to greet potential applicants h9i chao don cac ung vien tiSm nang va tra
and answer their questions concerning the loi cac cau hoi cua h9 lien quan dsn cac vi

positions. tri.

All three job fairs will be held in the hotel Ca ba h9i chq vi~c H1m se duqc t6 chuc a
conference center. The schedule is as trung tam h9i nghi cua khach s~n. Lich
follows: trinh nhu sau:
June 11 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. (198) 11/6: 9 giir sang- 3 giir chi~u (198)
June 19 8:00 A.~. - 2:00 P.~. 19/6: 8 gio sang- 2 gio chiSu
June 24 7:00 A.~.- 1:00 P.~. 24/6: 7 gio sang- 1 gio chiSu

Staff members who volunteer in two or Cac nhan vien lam tinh nguy~n cho hai
more of the job fairs will be awarded one ho~c han cac h9i chq vi~c lam se duqc
of the following incentives: a paid vacation thu6ng rn9t trong nhfrng khfch 1~ sau: rn9t
day, a $50 cash bonus, or a $100 gift ngay nghi duqc tra luang, tiSn thuong 50$,

certificate for the hotel spa. ho~c rn9t phiSu qua ~g tri gia 100$ ~i spa
clia khach s~n.

If you are interested, please send an e-mail NSu b~ quan tarn, hay gli'i email cho
to Emma ~arkus with your name, Emma ~arkus kern theo ten b~n, b9 ph~,

department, date(s) to participate, and if ngay tharn gia, va nSu c6 thS hay ghi kern
applicable, the incentive of your choice. ph~n thuong khfch 1~ rna b~n Ch9n.

To: Emma ~arkus DSn: Emma ~arkus

ernarkus@ rnagnoliahs.corn emarkus@
From: Sue Kowaski Tu: Sue Kowaski
skowaski @rnagnoliahs.corn skowaski@
Subject: Re: Job fairs Chu dS: h9i chq vi~c lam
Date: ~ay 23 Ngay: 23/5

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngttO'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
Emma, Emma,

Thank you for your e-mail. I would like to Cam an email cua b~. Toi mu6n lam tinh
volunteer at the job fairs as a representative nguy~n cho h9i chq vi~c lam nhu la m9t
of the guest relations department on June nguoi ~ di~n clia b9 phfm quan h~ khach

19 and 24. I will not be able to participate hang vao ngay 19 va 24/6. Toi khong th~
on the first day of the job fair (198) tham gia vao ngay diu tien cua h9i Chf!

because I will be away from work that day. (198)vi t6i khong di lam vao ngay do. Toi
I'm talking with Karen Abrams in my se n6i chuy~n voi Karen Abrams ab9 phfm
department, and I think she is interested in CUa tOi, va toi ngru la CO ~y cting quan tfun

participating in the job fair on the 24th as dSn vi~c tham gia vao h9i chq vi~c lam
well. She' 11 probably contact you herself to ngay 24. Co ~Y ch~c ch~n se t\1' minh lien
talk about it. h~ voi b~ ds n6i vs disu nay.

I'd like to volunteer for the event Toi mu~n lam tinh nguy~n cho s-., ki~n
because it was very helpful to me last nay bOi vi no da rit co ich cho toi vao
year (199) before I started working at this nam ngm1i (199) huoc khi toi b~t d~u lam
hotel. I could acquire a lot of information
about this spa and the position I was
vi~c ~day. T oi co thS thu duqc nhiSu thong
tin ve spa va vi tri rna toi quan tarn, va
interested in, and the representatives were nhfrng nguai ~ di~n r~t than thi~n. Vi thS,
very friendly. Thus, I believe I will be able toi tin 1a minh c6 thS lam t6t vi~c tra lai cac
to do a good job answering questions from cau hoi tir cac ling vien tiSm nang.
potential applicants.

As for the incentive, I would like to Con v~ cac m6n qua khich I~, toi mu~n
receive the certificate for the hotel spa. nh~n m9t phi~u qua t~ng tir spa cua
(200) khach s~n. (200)
I look forward to the job fairs. Thank you. Toi r~t mong dqi h9i chq vi~c lam. Cam an

Sincerely, Chan thanh,
Sue Kowaski Sue Kowaski

196. B

What is the purpose of the M~c dich cua thong bao Ia gi? ,
announcement? (A). Thong bao cho m9i nguoi ve lich trinh
(A) To notify people of a seminar schedule clia h9i thao
(B) To call for volunteers (B). Keu g9i tinh nguy~n vien
(C) To inform top employees of some (C). Thong bao cho nhiing nhan vien hang
incentives ruiu vS m9t s6 m6n qua khich 1~
(D) To notify people of an orientation (D). Thong bao cho m9i nguoi vS bu6i dinh
training for new staff huang nhan vien moi
Tir kh6a: diu hoi m~c dich ? do phin diu thong bao

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngttO'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
197. c

In the announcement, what does the Trong do~n van thong bao, tu
word "awarded" in paragraph 4, line "awarded" iY do~n 4 dong 1 nghia h1 gi?

(A). dm;1c nhfm
(A) received
(B). duqc ch9n

(B) chosen
(C). duqc t~ng (cho)
(C) given

(D). duqc l~y
(D) taken

Trong diu nay ly do khong ch\m dap an A (du dap an A vin hqp nghia) vi trong ti~ng

anh receive khong duqc chia bf d{)ng n~u chu ngfr h1 nguOi ~ ch9n C

198. B

On what date is Ms. Kowaski not going

tic Co Kowaski khong tham gia h{)i chq
to attend the job fair? vi~c lam vao ngay nao?

(A) June 5 (A). 5/6

(B) June 11 (B). 1116


(C) June 19 (C). 19/6

(D) June 24 (D). 24/6


Tu khoa: co Kowaski, nguOi gui thu ~ do Ia thu ~ khong th~ tham dt! ngay d~u ~
do l~i lfch trinh ngay d~u Ia ngay miy

199. c

What is true about Ms. Kowaski? Di~u nao dung v~ co Kowaski?

(A). She works in the maintenance (A). Co ~Y lam a b9 phfm bao trl
department. (B). Co ~Y chi Qinh Karen Abrams tham gia
(B). She assigned Karen Abrams to h9i chq ngay 19/6
participate at the fair on June 19. (C). Co iy da thu duqc lqi ich tu h{)i chq
(C). She benefited from the job fair last vi~c lam ~am ngoai ,
year. (D). Co ay c6 m9t de nghi tir nhan vien
(D). She has a recommendation from a uuoc d6.
previous employer.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngttO'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Le Th! Huynh Nh U'
Tir khoa: diu hoi soy Iu~n, lam sao cimg trong 5 diu hoi, chu y ten rieng -7 chi do hi


Mon qua khich I~ rna co Kowaski mu~n

What incentive does Ms. Kowaski
want? Ia gi?

(A) A paid vacation day (A). M9t ngay nghi duqc tra luang
(B) A cash bonus (B). TiSn thuong

(C) A recommendation letter from Ms. (C). M9t hi thudS nghi tir co Markus
(D). M9t phi~u qua t~ng di spa

(D) A gift certificate for the spa
Tir khoa : incentive, va co Kowaski -7 do Ia thU' cua co Kowaski


V~ phi n part 7 trong Toeic khong kho nhD"ng vOi kh~i ID"f!llg diu hoi 1011 doi hoi kha
nang d9c hi~u nhanh nen vin d~ tir v-.,ng rit quan tr9ng. Minh khuyen ring trong
khi luy~n cac b~n hay chu y h9c tir v-.,ng d~ tang t~c d9 d9c ciing nhU' kinh nghi~m

lam bai. Kinh nghi~m luy~n cua minh nhU' sao:

- Lam 1 d~ hoan chinh

- D9c l~i tirng do~n van, tirng diu hoi, tirng dap an, h9c tir v-.,ng, c~ g~ng hi~u
h~t do~n van, xem dap an vi sao l~i Ch\)n dap an do

- Lam l~i d~ (n~u co thiri gian, bU'O'c nay minh ciing IU'Oi nen bo qua)
- Lam ti~p d~ mOi

Khong nen lam m9t lin r~i sang d~ khac cac b~n nhe! Di~u then ch~t vin Ia & ch~ ren

luy~n thD"img xuyen, m~o va kinh nghi~m se tang din trong qua trinh luy~n. Chuc
cac b~n thanh cong!

Quyen s<kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9 n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy'n Vi~t Tu Anh


Monday-Satmday Thu hai - thu bay :
Lnnch: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Bfra trua: 10 gio sang - 4 gio chiSu
Dirmer: 5 p.m. - 11 p.m. Bfra t6i : 5 gio chiSu - 11 gio t6i

Sunday Chu nhftt
Breakfast: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. DiSm tam : 8 gio sang - 3 gio chiSu

Dirmer: 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. Bfra t6i : 4 gio chiSu - 9 gio chiSu
Daily specials are served dming dirmer homs Cac m6n d~c bi~t hang ngay duqc phvc vv trong gio

and are merely $10.99. All of them include a an t6i va chi voi gia $10.99. Thuc an bao g6m m6n
main course, a non-alcoholic beverage and one chinh, thuc u6ng khong c6n va chi m9t lo~i.
side. Thu hai : M6nTmtellini Alfredo

Monday: T mtellini Alfredo Thu ba : Mi Thai
Tuesday: Thai noodles (153) Thu tu : M6n muop tay Chay
Wednesday: Vegetarian gumbo
Thursday: Meat loaf and gravy
tic Thu nam : Thit lat va nuoc x6t
Thu sau : Ham - ba - ga Mega va khoai Hly chien
Friday: Mega bmger and fries Bi~u di~n nh~c Jazz vao nhfrng t~i thu ba va thu
Live Jazz band is on Tuesday and Thursday nam.
evenings. (154) DS chtmg t6i phvc vv chu dao cho b~ vui long g9i
For your convenience please call and make a dS d~t ch6 uuoc vao cac t6i thu Sau va thu bay.

reservation for Friday and Saturday evenings.

153. On what day are Thai noodles a special? 153. Mi Thai ~c bi~t vao ngay nao?
(A) Monday (A) Thuhai
(B) Tuesday (B) Thu ba

(C) Wednesday (C) ThuTu

(D) Friday (D) Thu Sau

154. What is special about Thursday nights ? 154. Bern thu Nam co gi d~c bi~t?
(A) Thai food is a special. (A) Thuc an Thai la ~c bi~t.

(B) Breakfast is available at 9 a.m. (B) DiSm tfun sgn sang hie 9 gio sang
(C) The drinks are half price. (C) Thuc u6ng giam gia m9t nua.
(D) A live band will play. (D) Ban nh~c s~ng se choi.
James Town Medical Equipment Company Cong ty thiSt bi y tS Thi trfu! James
Employee mixer lunch Ti~c uua danh cho nhan v ien
Date: JanuaJ.y 10 Ngay thang : ngay 10 thang gieng
Time: From 11: 30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thai gian : Tu 11: 30 sang dSn 1:30 chiSu
Place: Staff dining room Dia diSm: nha an nhan vien

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t finh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~ nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u quit Mong mc;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! ma cac b~n da dong
The entire company has invited you to join us Tong cong ty han h~nh miri cac b~n tham gia cimg
for a complimentary lunch (156) to welcome chong toi m9t bfra an trua mi~n phi d~ chao don
the most recently-hired staff (155), and to nhiing nhan vien vira du9'c tuy~n d~ng gin day
spend some time together getting to know them, nhit, va dS ctmg hiSu biSt nhau han, nSu b~n mu6n
if you would like to join, please send a tham gia, vui long xac nh~ voi Sophia Cru·lton a b9
confi1mation to Sophia Carlton in the Human ph~n Nhan sv nuoc ngay 1o thang gieng.
Resources department by Januruy 1Oth. Ngoai ra, t6i mu6n nh~c nha cac b~n dS l~i ch6
~u xe ve moi CUa cac b~ a nai co thS nhin th~y

In addition, we would like to remind you to
leave yom pru·king passes in a visible spot so duac sao cho nhan vien an ninh se dS dang nh~n ra

that the security staff will be able to easily chting. Cam an b~n!
recognize them. Thank you!
155. T~ sao Cong ty thiet bi y te Thi tran James t6

155. Why is James Town Medical Equipment
having this mixer? chuc bua nua than mftt nay?
(A) To introduce new products (A) BS gioi thi~u nhiing san phfun moi
(B) To introduce new staff members (B) D~ giOi thi~u nhan vien mOi

(C) To attract new employees (C) BS thu hut nhan vien moi
(D) To promote their new branch
156. According to the passage, what will
happen on Januruy 10?
tic (D) BS phat n·iSn chi nhanh moi CUa h9
156. Theo do~n van nay, nhfrng gi se xay ra vao ngay
10 thang gieng?
(A) Employees of James Town Medical (A) Nhan vien Cong ty thi~t b! y t~ Th! trin James
Equipment Company will eat lunch free of se an trua mi~n phi.
charge. (B) Sophia Carlton se b~t dftu lam vi~c a Cong ty
(B) Sophia Carlton will start working at thiSt bi y tS Thi trk James

J runes Town Medical Equipment Company. (C) Cong ty thiSt bi y tS Thi n·§n James se bi ngung
(C) Jrunes Town Medical Equipment ho~td9ng.
Company will be shut down. (D) M9tkhoahuk luy~n n·ong cong ty se duqc gioi

(D) A corporate training comse will be

Note: a complimentary lunch= lunch free of charge: bua an trua mi~n phi

Employment Oppmtunity Ca h9i vi~c lam

The Roseville Herald is looking for a full-time Roseville Herald dang tuySn m9t nhan vien lrun vi~c
managing editor (57) for the spmts section. chinh thuc cho vi n·i chu but chuyen m1,1c thS thao.
This is a small-town newspaper with a Bay la to bao tinh nho voi luqng nguoi d9c gk
readership of almost 30,000 sn·ong. The position 30,000. Vi n·i nay doi hoi l1ng vien co it nh~t nfun
requires an applicant with at least five years of nfun kinh nghi~m lam vi~c nhu m9t bien tftp vien, ki
work experience as an editor, good people nang giao tiSp t6t, va thai d9 tich Cl,IC. KiSn thuc vS
skills (158), and a diligent attitude. Knowledge thS thao la ySu t6 quySt dinh. ChUng t6i se uu tien

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
of spmts is a major plus. We will accept senior nh~n nhfrng nguoi co thftt nhiSu kinh nghi~m viSt vS
writers too if they have extensive experience llnh VlJC thS thao.
writing in the spmts field. Toa so~n dua ra muc luang dt c~nh n·anh, kern theo
The newspaper offers a vety competitive salmy, ca bao hiSm y tS va nha khoa. N Su quan tam, hay gui
and good medical and dental packages. If thu xin vi~c va ban sa ySu h lich, bao g6m tom titt
interested, send a cover letter and a resume, phuang phap lam vi~c cua b~n cho David Snell qua
including a small pmtfolio of your work to dia chi email: davesnell@roseyh. com.

David Snell at
157. What is this advettisement for? 157. Quang cao nay m1,1c dich tuySn?

(A) Spmts editor (A) Bien tftp vien thS thao
(B) Lead repmter (B) Phong vien nuang

(C) Managing editor (C) Chu but
(D) Director of news operators (D) Giam d6c t6ng dai thai S\I
158. What is mentioned as a requirement for 158. DiSu gi duqc dS cftp dSn nhu m9t tieu chufm dS
the job? lam cong vi~c nay?

(A) A university education (A) giao d1,1c d~i h9c
Willingness to u·avel
Management experience
Interpersonal skills
tic (B) sfu sang di xa
(C) kinh nghi~m quan ly
(D) Ky nang giao ti~p
Note: good people skills= interpersonal skills: ki nang giao ti~p

H~ Cong c()ng Ngm1i trOi khu V'!C Sarnia MO' l~i


Sarnia Area Outdoor Public Pools to Reopen

in July (159) vao thang bay
J nne 10-In Smnia the local neighborhoods m·e N gay 10/6 cac dia phuang lan c~n Smnia hao hue
eagerly awaiting the opening of their two cho dqi vi~c rna cua 2 bs bai cong c9ng ngoai u·oi
moi duqc tu sua,va duqc dl,I kiSn mo CUa l~i vao dftu

newly-renovated outdoor public pools, which

m·e scheduled to open their gates in em·ly July. thang 7.
The Shindo Aquatic Center was abtuptly shut

down last month after having serious drainage Tmng tam d~i duang Shindo da bi dong cua d9t ng9t
vao thang uuoc sau khi co S\I c6 nghiem n·9ng vS h~

problems with its pool water system (161). The

problem has been located and should be fixed th6ng thoat nuoc cua bs bai. vk ds do da duqc xac
soon. The pool is scheduled to be open and ready dinh va da duqc sua chua lftp rue. BS bai dl,I kiSn mo
to enjoy as of July 3rd. CUa Va sfu sang ho~t d9ng vao khoang 3/7.
The addition of a super slippety water slide to the
outdoor pool is days away from completion at the Vi~c b6 sung them m9t 6ng tluqt nuoc sieu n·an cho
Wayne Gretzsky Public PooL This will add a 16i ra bS bai cling chinh vao ngay hoan thanh bS bai

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u quit Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
load of fun for yormgsters eight years and older. cong c9ng Gretzsky. E>iSu miy se tang them niSm vui
In addition, the cafeteria and the fitness area will cho b9n tre tir 8 tu6i tra len. Ngoai ra quan an va khu
undergo minor renovations. The slide and full ~p thS thao cfulg se duqc cai tiSn han. Ong tluqt va
pool will be finished and tested for safety by July to~m b9 bs bai se duqc hoim thanb va kiSm tra muc
5th. Smnia has planned to make more d9 an to~m vao ngay 517. Smnia co kS ho~ch ~o ra
renovations to its five other recreation centers. nhiSu S\l' thay d6i han voi 5 trung tam giai tri khac
This is the fulfillment of a pledge made by Mayor nhau. Bay la cam kSt thvc hi~n cilil thi ttuang Taylor

Taylor Johns last year. Jolms nam ngmii.
159. Why was this press release made? 159. Vi sao ban tin nay duqc thvc hi~n?

A) To inform of the renovation of city A f)~ thong bao vi~c nang cip ciia cac CO' sa h~
facilities ting trong thimh ph~
(B) E>S cong b6 kS ho~ch moi

(B) To announce anew schedule
(C) To talk about the mayor's plans (C) E>S noi vS kS ho~ch cua thi tluang
(D) To intt·oduce the constluction of a new (D) E>S gioi thi~u vi~c xay d\l'llg dich Vl,l y tS moi
healthcare facility

160. What is NOT going to be renovated at 160. E>isu gi se khong duqc d6i moi a h6 cong c9ng
the Wayne Gretzsky Public Pool?
The fitness m·ea
The cafeteria
tic Wayne Gretzsky?
(A) Khu luy~n tftp thS thao
(B) Quan an tl,l' phl,lc Vl,l
(C) The outdoor pool (C) H6 ngoai tt·oi
(D) The indoor pool (D) H~ trong nha
161. What was the problem at Shindo Aquatic 161. R~c r6i a nung tam ~i duang Shindo la gi?

(A) The roof was leaking. (A) Mai che biro ri.
(B) The attendance was poor. (B) Nguoi tham dv ngheo.
(C) The pool was not safe. (C) H6 khong an to~m.
(D) Nu&c da khong_ ~f!C thoat dung each.

(D) Water was not properly drained.

Tuesday, October 31st Thu ba, ngay 31 thang m uoi
Dear all, Chao m9i nguoi,

I have some sad news I'm afraid. Some of you Toi e la t6i co tin bu6n. M9t s6 b~ co thS
da biSt r6i d~y, thS la Betty Jackson se phai

may know this already, but Betty Jackson is

retiring after 25 yem·s of service with us. She nghl huu sau 25 nam lam vi~c voi chling ta.
will be greatly missed by us all and the office Chling ta se vo cling nho tiSc co ~y va nh~t
will cettainly not be the smne without her. To dinh chling ta chua quen voi S\l' thiSu v~
show her how much she has meant to all of us , co ~y. E>S bay to cho cua co ~Y th~y r~ng co
we're going to have a black-tie dinner and ~y co y nghia v oi chling ta nhu ths nao,
dance on Saturday, December 15th at Rosebud chling ta se t6 chuc bu6i d~ ti~c - khieu vii
Hotel, a lovely countly house set in acres of vao t6i thu bay' ngay 15 thang muoi hai t~i

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
beautiful countryside where we can give her the khach s~n Rosebud, dola m9tngoi nha thon
send-off she deserves. All members of Davey cia dang yeu t~i vUn.g que xinh d~p noi do
Papers and their significant others are invited to chting ta co thS danh cho co ~y m9t cu9c
join us. The hotel is a wonderful place for a tiSn dua rna co ~y dang duqc huang. T~t ca
weekend getaway if any of you were thinking thanh vien cua Davey Papers va nguoi than
about staying there. If you need a map, send me dsu duqc mai ds tham gia cUn.g. Khach s~n
an e-mail at la noi tuy~t voi cho ngay nghi cu6i tuk
nsu b~t kY ai u·ong s6 cac b~n mu6n a l~i

Location: Rosebud Hotel do. NSu b~n dn ban d6, gili e-mail cho

Time: 7 p.m . until11 p.m . tOi qua dia chi bobbray@dayey. com.
Please RSVP before the 1st December. , -Dia diSm: Khach s~n Rosebud

To RSVP please call Sandra Day on ext. 2488 - Thai gian: 7 gio t6i dSn 11 gio dem.
or send her an e-mail: Hay ~ng ki uuoc ngay 01 thang 1 2. ,
She will need to take the names for table DS d~ ki xin vui long g9i Sandra Day- dt 2488
settings. By the way, Sandra says that she would ho~c gui cho co ~y m9t e-mail:

be more than happy to take care of any room Co ~y ck phai ghi ten va len

the hotel that night.

reservations for those of you who wish to stay at kS ho~ch. B~ng each nay, Sandra noi r~ng co se vui
mimg chuk bi t6t cac phong d~t uuoc cho nhiing b~n
I hope you can join us to show Betty how much mu6n nghi ~i khach s~n dem do.
she has meant to us. If you have any ideas for a Toi hy v9ng cac b~n co thS tham gia cUn.g chUn.g tOi
special gift, please e-mail me or Sandra as we dS cho co Betty biSt rfug co ~y coy nghia voi chUn.g
would like to make this as personal as possible. ta nhu thS nao. NSu b~n co b~t k)r y tuang nao vS m9t
Bob mon qua ~c bi~t, xin vui long e-mail cho toi ho~c

Sandra vi chting t6i mu6n thl,Ic hi~n diSu nay cang

nhisu y tuang cang t6t.

162. Why is the company holding a dinner in 162. T ~i sao cong ty t6 chuc m9t ti~c t6i vao
December? Thang Muoi Hai

(A) To welcome a new employee (A) DS chao don m9t nhan vien moi
(B) DS kY ni~m xuc tiSn cua m9t d6ng nghi~p

(B) To celebrate a colleague's promotion

(C) To bid farewell to someone retiring (C) D~ chia tay m{)t ngU'Oi nghi hU'u
(D) To observe the opening of a new office (D) Thl,Ic hi~n vi~c rna m9t van phong moi
163. Why does Bob want attendees to call 163. T~i sao Bob mu6n tham dl,I phai g9i Sandra
Sandra Day? Day?
(A) He doesn't have a phone. (A) Anh ~Y khong co di~n tho~i.
(B) He needs a volunteer to coordinate the (B) Anh ~y dn m9t tinh nguy~n vien dS ph6i hqp cac

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
dinner. bfra an t6i.
(C) He wants her to take the names of those (C) Anh i y mu~n co ghi ten cua nhfrng ngU'Oi
attending. tham dl!.
(D)He would like to ensure a variety of food. (D) Anh fly mu6n dam bao th1,l'c ph§m da d~ng.
164. The phrase I'm afraid" in paragraph 1, line 164. Cl,llll tu" Toi e r~g" trong do~n 1, dong 1 la g~n
1 is closest in meaning to nhflt trong y nghia dS
(A) I'm scared.

(A) T oi sq l~m.

(B) I'm nervous.

(C) I'm regretful. (B) Toi lo l~ng

(D) I'm unhappy (C) Toi h~i ti~c.
(D) Toi khong h~nh phuc.

To: Barbara Moore DSn: Barbara Moore < bmoore@julndustries. com >
From: Vince Miller <vmiller@juindustries, Tu: Vince Miller < vmiller@juindustries, com >
com> Date: Wednesday, (166) April20, 9:00 Ngay: Thu Tu, ngay 20 trumg tu, 9:00,a.m.

a.m. DS tai : Cu9c hyn t6i nay aLos Angeles
Subject: Tonight's meeting in Los Angeles
I am sony to give you such late notice, but I
Anh xin 16i vi bao cho em qua mu9n thS nay, anh dn
hoan l~i cu9c hyn &u gio chiSu hom nay cua chting
ta cho dSn cu6i t~n nay. Arie Gold, khach hang tiSm
need to postpone our early afternoon meeting nang cua chting ta vua s~p xsp voi b9n anh m9t cu9c
today until later this week (165). Arie Gold, h9p vao cu6i ngay cl:mg voi Quinton Jones, ~o diSn
our leading agent, has booked us a meeting later danh tiSng dSn ti.r Detroit, ban vS b9 phim Aquaman
today (166) with Quinton Jones, the famous s~p toi ella anh fly. Nhung tiuoc hSt anh co cu9c h9p

director from Detroit, about his upcoming voi giam d6c san xuflt phim va chu tich disu hanh
movie Aquaman. On top of that, I have an Hollywood. Anh timh vao sang thu 6 khoang 11h.
executive producer meeting with the studio and Luc do ti~n cho em chu? N Su ko duqc, noi cho anh
biSt ngay gio thich hqp nhe. Anh rflt mong duqc g~p

with the president of operations in Hollywood. I

have free time on Friday morning at around 11. em va khach hang ella em.
Is that time good for you? If that is not a good Vince

time for you, please tell me a more suitable date


and time. I am looking fmward to meeting you

and your client.
165. What's the prupose of the e-mail? 165. M1,1c dich cua e- mailla gi?
(A) To postpone a meeting (A) D~ hoan l~i cu{)c h~n
(B) To confitm a meeting (B) DS xac nh~n cu9c hyn
(C) To anange a meeting with Quinton Jones (C) DS s~p xSp cu9c hyn v oi Quinton Jones
(D) To talk about making a movie (D) DS ban vS vi~c san xuflt phim

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
166. When will Vince meet with Quinton 166. Bao gio Vince g~p Quinton Jones?
Jones? (A) vao ngay thu hai
(A) OnMonday (B) vao ngay thu ba
(B) On Tuesday (C) vao ngay thlf tu
(C) On Wednesda (D) vao ngay thu nam
(D) On Thursday
167. Where does Vince most likely work? 167. Vince co khanang lam vi~c a dau?
(A) 0 New York

(A) In New York
(B) In Detroit (B) 0 Detroit

(C) In San Diego (C) 0 San Diego
(D) In Los Angeles (D) 0 Los Angeles

Best Easte1n Star Hotel 123 Slone Street Phong quan ly Kh<ich s~n t6t nh~t Dinh Sao Mai
Denver, CO 65432 B9 ph~n t6 chuc Sv ki~n Dich V\1
Joyce Goldstein 2213 Streamside Drive Denver, 22 thang 10

CO 65432 Chao Ba Goldstein,
October 22
Dear Ms. Goldstein,
Your reservation for the Regal Star Banquet hall
Thu t\lc dang ki h9i truang Regal Star Banquet cua ba
tir 7 gio chiSu cho dSn 1ogio t6i ngay 02 thang 12 da
duqc tiSn hanh. Chling t6i biSt dmg Ba mu6n t6 chuc
has been booked for December 2nd from 7 p.m. ti~c chieu dai khoang 170 nguoi cho ngay IS qua thai
to 10 p.m. We have on file that you would like nien thiSu cua con trai ba. Vi~c trang tri va chu§n bi
to host about 170 people for your son's Bar se duqc xac nh~n sau do m9t ngay. Toi thvc sv mu6n
Mit2rvah celebration. The decorations and biSt chinh xac s6 luqng khach truoc ngay IS m9t tu§n.

preparations will be confinned at a later date. I

will really need to get the final head count a DS chtmg t6i ch~c chfu vi~c d~t ti~c cua ba, chling t6i
week before.(169) dn m9t khoan tiSn d~t c9c 1200 $ truoc ngay 10
For us to confirm your reservation (168), we thang 11 . Day la m9t khoan tiSn khong hoan l~i, vase

will need a deposit of$1,200 by November duqc trl.r vao t6ng chi phi cho S\f ki~n Ik nay. Choog
1Oth. This is a non-refundable deposit, and will t6i ch~p nh~n tiSn m~t, sec ho~c chuySn tiSn. Thvc

be applied to the overall cost of your event. We hi~n thanh toan t~i phong dich V\1 S\f ki~n CUa khach
s~n Dinh Sao Mai. Chtmg toi nh~ th~y day la m9t s6

accept cash, checks or money orders. Make all

payments to The Best Eastetn Star Hotel, attrl: tiSn kha IOn, vi v~y chling t6i dS nghi ba nen dich
Event Services. We realize that this is a sizeable than mang dSn.
amount of money, so we suggest that you bring DS ti~n cho ba, chling toi se cung c~p cac mon an dS
it in person. ba co ths nsm thu tu nhfrng &u bSp gioi cua chling
For your convenience we will provide a tasting t6i. Ch1lng t6i ciing da gui kern theo m9t thvc don ~c
session in which you can sample our fine chefs' san cua nha hang. Chtmg t6i mong ba thoai mai Iva

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
cuisine. We have enclosed a menu of our ch9n nhilng mon ba thich, va sau do chling t6i se s~p
specialties.(170) We would like you to please xSp m9t cu<?c hyn cho ba thu nhilng mon an do.
select those you w ish to tty, and we will then DS d~t bu6i hyn nay, hay g9i cho tOi ~i s6: i-8oo-
an·ange a meeting for you to sample the food. EASTERN, vao nhanh 07 43.
To book this meeting I ask that you call me at i- Toi hy v9ng sam nh~ duqc cu<?c g9i ctia ba.
8oo-EASTERN, and dial extension 0743. Terence I Sam 1\
I hope to hear from you soon. Gifun d6c b9 ph~n Dich V\1 SlJ ki~n khach s~ Dinh

Terence/Sam/\ Sao Mai
Manager of Event Serv ices Best Easte1n Star

168. What is the prupose of this letter? 168. Ml,lC dich CUa buc thu nay la gi?
(A) To book a reservation at the hotel (A) DS d~t t:tuoc ~t phong akhach s~n

(B) To send out invitations (B) DS goi thu moi
(C) To an ange a meeting (C) DS s~p xSp cu<?c h9p
(D) To confirm a reservation (D) D~ xac nh~n vi~c d~t ch~ tru&c

169. By what date will Mr. Sams need to be 169. Ong Sams cfm duqc bao biSt t:tuoc vS s6 luqng
infonned of the number of guests?
(A) November 10
(B) November 11
tic khach tiuoc ngay nao?
(A) ngay 10 thang muoi m9t
(B) ngay 11 thang muoi m9t
(C) November 24 (C) ngay 24 thang muo i m9t
(D) November 25 (D) ngay 25 thang muOi m{)t
170. What does Mr. Sams promise to send to 170. Ong Sams hua se gui g i cho Ba Goldstein?
Ms. Goldstein? (A) danh sach tiuoc

(A) A reservation list (B) bien lai tiSn gili

(B) A deposit slip (C) danh sach ten
(C) A list of names (D) danh sach bfra an sin sang ph~;~c VI:'
(D) A list of possible meals

171. What is NOT included in the letter? 171. DiSu gi khong bao g6m u·ong thu?
(A) The date of the event (A) ngay slJ ki~n

(B) Mr. Sams' contact infmm ation (B) thong tin lien l~c cua ong Sams

(C) Mr. Sams' address (C) dia chi cua ong Sams
(D) The fax number for Best Eastern (D) s6 fax cua khach s~ Dinh Sao Mai
Star Hotel
Notes: really need to get the final head count a week befm·e.(169) 2/12- a week= 25/11

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
Last night, in a quiet ceremony it was Bern qua, tJ.·ong buoi le tJ.·ang tr9ng Ivan Gorelikov
announced that Ivan Gorelikov won this year's duqc cong b6 d~t giai thuong Escalade cua narn nay
Escalade A ward for his book The Matterhom. cho quySn Matterhmn cua anh ~y. Anh ~y n6i tiSng
nha quySn Tro choi kSt thuc - voi dlu chuy~n vS m9t

He is best known for his spy-based action-
thriller The End Game, which will soon be di~p vien hanh a9ng -ly k)r, nose sam auqc chuysn

made into a movie staning Jim Bates. "I am thS thanh phim co vai chinh la diSn vien Jim Bates.
more surprised than anyone! (172) " " Toi kinh ng~c han b~t k)r ai!" Gorelikov phan tdn
voi nl,l cuoi r~ng ro. "Toi th~y h~nh phuc khi m9i

exclaimed Gorelikov with a giant smile. "I am
just happy that people enjoy my writing." nguoi thich tac ph§rn cua tOi."
The young writer, who is just 30 years old, has Nha van tre, chi moi 30 tu6i, da xu~t ban 10 quySn
already published 10 books (174), and won a sach, tuy da gianh duqc vai giai phl,l, nhung anh ~y

few minor writing awards but he has never chua bao gio auqc t~n huang earn giac chiSn th~ng
enjoyed (173) winning an award like this. tic
Gorelikov was the youngest writer to win the
Silver Leaflet Award for his second book in the
voi giai thuang nhu lfm nay. Gorelikov la nha van u·e
nh~t danh duqc giai Canh C9 B~c cho quySn sach thu
2 u·ong lo~t truy~n cua anh ~y. Sach cua anh ~y nhanh
chong tra thanh ten g9i ph6 bisn trong cac gia &nh va
series. His books have quickly become
common household names (176) and are OU<;YC xem la lo~i sach - nen 09C trong hang lo~t
considered must- reads by the spy-book genre quySn sach trinh tharn khac. Gorelikov xu~t than tir
crowd. Gorelikov came from a poor family, m9t gia dinh ngheo, co m9t nguoi chi, trong thi n.·§n

with one sister, in a small town outside of nho ben ngoai Moscow. Cha anh ~y la cong nhan nha
Moscow. His father was a factmy worker who may da noi vS con trai rninh," T~t ca nhfrng gi t6i
said this about his son, "All I ever wanted for mu6n danh cho con trai CUa tOi la S\1' giao dl,IC t6t, va
con t6i eta h9c duqc r~t nhiSu. T oi khong thS tv hao

my son was a good education, but he has done

so much with it. I couldn't be more proud of han nfra vS con minh!" Ivan Gorelikov hi~n nay dang
him!" Ivan Gorelikov is cunently working on a lam bien dich tho cho ~p chi Higher Life theo nhu

compilation of poeb.y Higher Life that as he each anh ~y noi," Cong vi~c nay duqc ~ora chi vi

says, "was made just for me." tOi."

The Escalade Award is presented evety year to Giai thuang Escalade duqc trao hang narn cho tac gia
an author who writes books that show vist sach co nhisu tism nang voi lo~i uuy~n u·inh
promise in the spv genre (17 5). Last year's thfun. Giai thuong narn ngoai duqc t~ng cho Neil
award was given to Neil Stratus for his book Su·atus voi quySn The Approachwhich da ban duqc
called The Approachwhich has now sold over 5 han 5 - n.·i~u ban u·en toan c~u.
million copies worldwide. 172. DiSu gi dting vS Gorelikov?

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
172. What is hue about Gorelikov? (A) Gia dinh cua anh ~y giau co.
(A) His family was rich growing up. (B) Anh iy ng~c nhien khi nh~n giai thuoog the
(B) He was surprised to win the Escalade Escalade.
1Award. (C) Anh ~y sinh t~i California.
(C) He was bom in Califmnia. (D) Anh ~y viSt tiSu thuySt lang m~n
(D) He writes romance novels 173. Cl,illl tu "chua bao gio da thich" trong do~n van
173. The phrase "has never enjoyed" in 2, dong 2 co nghia sat nh~t voi

paragraph 2, line 2 is closest in meaning to (A) m~nh me thich
(A) strongly likes (B) khong hai long

(B) is not satisfied (C) mu6nno
(C) would love it (D) chua trai nghi~m

(D) has not experienced
174. How many books has Ivan Gorelikov 17 4. Ivan Gorelikov da cong b6 bao nhieu sach?
published? (A) 9
(A) 9 (B) 10

(B) 10 (C) 20
(D) 30
20 tic
175. What is a requirement for the Escalade
(D) 30

175. Yeu cftu cua Giai thu(mg Escalade la gi?

(A) Nguoi chiSn th~ng phai x in gia nh~p vao h9i nha
(A) The w inner must apply to the Writers' van.
guild. (B) Nguo i chiSn thfug phai la nguoi Nga.
(B) The winner must be Russian . (C) Nguoi chiSn thfug phai viSt b~ng tiSng Anh.

(C) The winner must write in English . (D) NguOi chi~n th~ng phai th~ hi~n b1i nang trong
(D) The winner must show talent in the lo~i sach trinh tham.

spy-book genre. 17 6. Nhfrng nh~n xet vS sach Gorelikov da v iSt xong

176. What is suggested about the books la gi?

Gorelikov has written? (A) Hftu hSt viSt vS tho ~u cua anh ~y.
(A) They are mostly about his childhood. (B) Chung rit n~i ti~ng.

(B) They are very popular. (C) Chling da khong duqc cfich thanh tiSng Ba Lan .
(D) Chu ySu viSt vS v~n dS xa h9i.

(C) They haven' t been tr-anslated into Polish.

(D) They are mainly about social issues.

Date: November 12,09:25 Ngay thang: Thang 1112,09:25

To: Ergonomic Designs, North West To: Ergonomic Designs, Nmth West Development
Development <staff_Hst@ed_NWdev. com> <staff_Hst@ed_NWdev. com> From: Dave Chappelle
From: Dave Chappelle <DChap@ed_ NWdev .com>
<> DS tai : Giai do~n thu nghi~m

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
Subject: Testing Phase Kinh thua h9i nghi,
Staff, Toi la Dave Chappelle, Ttuemg nh6m nghien ctru tftp
I am Dave Chappelle, the research head in the doan Tay B~c. Nh6m cua chting t6i dang thvc hi~n
North West division. Our team is cunently chs ~o d6 dting van phong ti~n nghi va cac thist bi
working on making comfmtable office fmniture lam vi~c danh cho nhfrng nguoi to Ion han. Tflp doan
and equipment for the larger worker (1 78). nay duqc ~o ra dS dap tmg nhu c~u cua clan s6 ngay
This division was created to meet the demands cang n~ng din han. Ngay nay nhan vien van phong
ph6 bisn am9i noi n~ng tu 1o dsn 20 can Anh, n~

of a heavier nation. These days the common
office worker is somewhere between 10 to 20 han each day m9t iliftp nien, va disu nay da lam cho

lbs. heavier than a decade ago, and this has thiSt kS cii cua chting ta tJ.·a nen vo hi~u. ChUng t6i hy
caused ow· old designs to be rendered V9ng se ~0 ra thiSt kS moi vua dS dap tmg thi
nuanghi~n nay, ds girun cang th~ng cho co ths, va

ineffective. We hope to produce new designs to
fit this market properly, to reduce stress on the cu6i CUng dS cai thi~n kSt qua kinh doanh CUa cong
body, and ultimately to improve the company's ty.
bottom line.

At the moment, we have reached the Hi~n nay, chting t6i da d~t dSn giai do~ thu nghi~m
preliminmy stage of testing for our new line of
office chairs. These chairs possess a sturdier
constJ.uction, with a wide wheelbase for safety.
so b9 cho dong san ph§m mai la ghS van phong. San
ph§m ghS nay duqc xay d1,111g chltc ch~n, voi khoang
each gifra hai nvc r9ng cho an to~m. GhS ciing duqc
They are also designed to suppmt a lower center thiSt kS dS h6 trq tr9ng tam th~p han. Ttuoc khi
of gravity. Before we begin the stJ.·ess tests we chting t6i b~t &u kiSm n.·a kha nang ho~t d9ng duai
welcome the general staff to come and tly out ap lvc cao chting tei xin moi h9i d6ng dSn va dimg
our new chairs. We encourage the staff to spend thu ghS moi CUa chUn.g t6i. ChUn.g t6i khuySn khich

some time in the viewing room this Friday m9i nguoi trong h9i nghi danh m9t it thoi gian dSn
aftemoon. We would like you to fill out a phong u·iSn lam vao bu6i chiSu thu Sau nay. ChUn.g
short questionnaire (180) about the comfort t6i mu6n b~ diSn vao m9t bang cau hoi ng~n vS sv
and the aesthetics of these new designs.(l 79) thoai mai va cam quan cua thiSt kS moi nay. B9 phftn

The testing session will be open from 8 a.m. thu nghi~m se rna cua tu 8 sang cho dsn r6i tu 2
until noon and then from 2 p.m . until9 p .m . We gio chiSu cho dSn 9 gio t6i. Chting t6i yeu c~u b~n

ask that you be as candid as you possibly can, as th~ng th~n hSt sue, vi thong tin phan h6i cua b~n r~t
quan u·9ng cho thist ks tuong lai va y ruemg cho san

your feedback will be critical for future

design and production ideas.(l 77) phb.
For those employees who would like to help and Nhfrng nhan vien nao mu6n giup danh gia ghS moi
evaluate our new chairs, please pick up a sw-vey clia chUn.g t6i, vui long l~y m9t phiSu khao sat t~i b9
fonn at Human Resources in the next few days. phftn nh8n sv u·ong m9t vai ngay nfra. Se co thimg
There will be anonymous ballot boxes located phiSu kin nfun ben hong phong thu nghi~m danh mftu
inside the testing facility for the completed ds bo mftu dan da disn thong tin vao.

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
fonns. Cam ancac b~
Thank you, Ttuang nh6m Nghien cilu Dave Chappelle
Dave Chappelle Research Head
177. What is the main ptu'Pose of the e-mail? 17 7. M1,1c dich chinh cilil e - mailla gi?
(A) To create an open forum for discussing (A) BS t~o diSn rum thao l~n khai ni~m nghien CUu
research ideas (B) BS n6i vS huang nghien CUu moi
(B) To talk about a new research direction (C) D~ khuy~n khich nhan vien danh gia ti~m

(C) To encourage staff to evaluate nang nhfrng san phim mOi.
1p otentially new products (D) BS hoi nhan vien vS so thich cua h9

(D) To ask the employees about their
178. Theo e-mail, thi huang dn gi?

178. According to the e-mail, what does the
market need? (A) Cai tiSn san phfun cho giao vien
(A) Improved products for teachers (B) M{)t lo~i san phim da d~ng hon cho nhfrng
(B) A greater variety of products for nguOi to 1011 hon.

il arger people (C) Cung cftp van phong ph~m hi~u qua kinh tS
(C) Economicaliy-viable ergonomic office
(D) New product packaging designs
tic (D) thiSt kS bao bi san ph~m Moi

17 9. Dave Chappelle mu6n nh~n nh~ thong tin gi?

179. What does Dave Chappelle wish to
receive infonnation about? (A) Sue m~nh cua ghS
(A) The strength of the chairs (B) San phk duqc nhan vien yeu thich nhltt
(B) The staffs favorite products (C) Tr9ng luqng ghS co thS chiu dl,lllg

(C) The amount of weight the chairs can hold (D) ve ngoai va Sl! ti~n nghi cua san phim
(D) The comfort and looks of the P.roducts
180. What are interested people asked to do? 180. Nhfrng nguoi quan tam duqc yeu c~u lam gi?
(A) Send in their designs (A) Gili vao thiSt kS CUa h9

(B) Fill out a HUestionnaire (B) Di~n vao bang cau hoi
(C) Make a phone call (C) G9i di~n tho~i

(D) Reply to this e-mail (D) H6i am cho thu di~n tu nay

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
MayS Ngay 05 thang nam
Dmyl Bean Dmyl Bean
Srm of a Beach Magazine T~p chi Bai biSn Srm
Genard Avenue Genm·d Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 78665 Los Angeles, CA 78665
Dear Mr. Bean, Thua ong Bean,
As I mentioned on the phone earlier, I was at the Nhu t6i eta dS cftp tren di~n tho~i nuoc do, t6i da
co m~t t~i cac giai d~u bong chuySn Kitchener

Kitchener Beach Volleyball tmnnament
yesterday and I took a few pictures that you ngay hom qua va t6i da chl,lp m9t vai hinh anh rna

might be interested in (181). They were taken ong co thS quan tfun. ChUn.g eta duqc chl,lp n·ong
during the qualifying and playoff rormds. vong lo~i va vong d~u lo~i tn,rc tiSp. Toi co kem
I have enclosed the pictures (182) and have theo hlnh anh va da co li~t ke timg cai. M6i cai

labeled each one. The labels include the names bao g6m ten cua cac tuysn thu va m9t ban mota
of the players and a description of the game. For cua n·~n &u. DS ti~n cho ong t6i eta tom titt cac
yom convenience I have summm·ized this thong tin duoi day trong bang sau:

infmmation below in the following table: Hinh anh (ma s6) Mota Ten nguoi chai (trai sang

9576-Semi Semi-finals-men
Photo (code) Description Player names (left to

James Cuny
9576-Ban kSt Ban kSt nam James Cuny va Bm1y
and Bany Lester 4321-Ban kSt Ban kSt nil Jenny Herth va Sarah
4321-Semi Semi-finals- women Jenny park
Herth and Sarah Park 211 3-Chung kSt Chung kSt N am Chris Denny va
2113-Finals Finals-men Chris Denny and Nick Young

Nick Young (183) 3211 5-Chung kSt Chung kSt nil Loren Smith va
32115-Finals Finals-women Loren Smith Lora Meany
and Lora Meany Day la chum anh tuy~t nh~t, nhung t6i co nhiSu
These m·e the best of the brmch, but I have many han nSu b~n thvc sv quan tam.

more if you are interested. Chao than mSn!

My sincerest regards, NhiSp anh gia Jomey Hurley Freelance.

Jomey Hurley Freelance photographer


Hurles@Beachblast. com
To: James Hurley <> DSn: Jmnes Hurley < Hurles@Beachblast. com >
From: Dmyl Bean <> Tu: Dmyl Bean < Beanie@srmofabeach. com >
Date: May 8,14:56 Ngay thang : Thang Nam 8,14:56
Dear Mr. Hurley, Thua ong Mr. Hurley,
Thank you for yom photos. We really enjoyed R~t cam an chlim anh cua b~n. ChUn.g t6i thftt sv r~t
the selection of shots you sent us but we will thich thu nhilng hlnh anh b~n gui cho chUn.g t6i

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
only use two of them. We would like to ~ nhung t6i chi su dl,lllg hai trong s6 do. Chlm.g
2113 - Finals for the cover of our next issue t6i mu6n su dl,lllg anh chung kSt 211 3 cho trang bia
(183), and 3211 5 -Finals for the article. If you trong s6 bao xuftt ban l§n sau, va tr~n chung kSt
could, please send the negatives (1 85) after 32115 cho m9t bai bao khac. NSu b~n co thS, vui long
you receive your remuneration. gui am ban sau khi b~n ~n duqc thu lao nhe.
In case you were not aware, our standard Phong khi b~n chua ro, dinh muc m9t tfun anh nghi~p
freelance photo (1 84) fee is $300 per photo, du b~n nh~ $300,thuang them $200 khi duqc ch9n

with a $200 bonus for the cover shot. That len trang bia. BiSu nay co nghia la chling t6i se tra
means that we will pay you $800 minus the b~ $800 tru thus thu nh~p, vao tai khoan cua b~n

applicable taxes to your account this week. If ruk nay. NSu d6ng y, vui long lien l~c trong tu§n nay
you would, please come in this week so that we dS ban them chi tiSt.

can work out the details. Xin cam an m9t l§n nfra,
Thanks again, D mylBean
Dmy l Bean T~p chi Bai biSn M~t troi
Sun of a Beach Magazine 181. T~i sao Ong Hurley lien l~c Ong Bean ?

181. Why did Mr. Hurley contact Mr. Bean ? (A) B S thay d6i t~p chi
(A) To change magazines
To sell his goods
To an ange to have his picture taken
(B) I)~ ban himg cua anh iy
(C) B S s~p xSp dS duqc chl,lp anh
(D) B S n9p quang cao
(D ) To submit an advertisement
182. What did Mr. Htu·ley send w ith his 182. Ong Hmley gili kem gi voi thu CUa ong fly?
letter? (A) Ban miu san phim cua ong iy
(A) Samples of his work (B) L~nh chuySn tiSn va m9t s6 hinh anh

(B) A money order and some pichlres (C) B an 1i lich ca nhan

(C) A personal resume (D) Danh sach hinh anh
(D ) A list of pichlres
183. What does Mr. Bean want to publish on 183. Nhiing gi lam Ong Bean mu6n cong b6 tren

the front page ? trang nhftt?

(A) A picture of Chris Denny and Nick (A) Anh Chris Denny va Nick Young choi bong

Young playing volleyball chuy~n


(B) A picture of the torunament judges (B) Anh cac t.r9ng tai cu<?c dflu
(C) A pictru·e of Loren Smith and Lora (C) Anh Loren Smith va Lora Meany choi bong
Meany playing volleyball chuySn
(D ) A pictru·e of the competition finals (D) Anh chung kSt cu<?c thi
184. What does the e-mail suggest about Mr. 18 4. E - mail nay cho biSt gi vS ong Htu·ley?
Hurley? (A) Ong fly la m9t dly but clia T~p chi Bai biSn M~t
(A) He is a writer at Sun of a Beach . troi
(B) He works independently. (B) OngJY..lam vi~~()c l~p (tl! do).

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
(C) He was a referee at the competition. (C) Ong ~Y la u·9ng tai t~i cu9c thi.
(D) He is a new employee at Sun of a Beach. (D) Ong ~y la nhfm vien moi CUa T~p chi Bai biSn
185. What does Mr. Bean probably want Mr. M~t n·oi
Hurley to do next? 185. Ong Beanmu6n ong Hurley lam gi tiSp theo?
(A) Collect his money (A) Thu thftp tiSn cua anh ~y
(B) Call an editor (B) G9i nguoi bien tftp
(C) Write a stunmaty (C) ViSt t6ng kSt
(D) Gifi l~i am ban hinh cua ong iy

(D) Bring in his negatives

To: David Lings Ben: David Lings
From: Fung Sueng Tu : Fung Sueng

Subject: Your itineraty BS tai : ChuySn hanh n·inh
Date: Feb!uaty 10 Ngay 1 o thang hai
First, I would like to say thanks again for Ttuoc tien, Toi mu6n n6i r~ng t6i r~t dun kich vi
coming. I have included the schedule for vour chuySn viSng tham s~p dSn cua Ong. Toi da len lich

time here in Beijing (186). You will be visiting Cl,l thS cho thai gian CUa Ong aB~c Kinh. Ong se di
our university and our research facility. Your
visit will include as follows:
- March 6 - China National University,
tham huang d~i h9c Va CO SO nghien Ctru CUa chtmg
t6i. ChuySn viSng tham CUa Ong se bao g6m:
- Ngay 6 thang ba - D~i hQc Qu8c gia, B~c
Beijing Kinh Trung Qu8c
-9: 15-1 0 am-Meeting with the Board ofDeans -9: 15-1 0 sang: H9p m~t v oi Ban lanh d~o khoa va
and the President of the University hi~u ttuong ttuang
-1 0: 10-11 :40: -Bai Lee, director of Reseru·ch -1 0: 1 0-11 :40: Bai Lee, giam d6c bung tam N ghien

and Development Medicine, talk on the CUu va Phat n·iSn y h9C, tt·inh bay chiSn luqc phat
direction of the University u·isn cua ttuang.
-Lunch: Peking Duck -An tlua: vit quay B~c Kinh

-1 :00-3: 00 -Tom of the research facility -1 :00-3:00 Tham quan co so nghien ctru
4:00-7:00Tour of campus and sightseeing- -4:00-7: OOTham quan khuon vien ttuong ~i h9c va
Tiananmen Square (190) Quang nuang Thien An Mon

- March 7 - Research Facility, Peking - Ngay 7 thang ba - Tham quan CO' sa nghien
cuu, D~i hQc B~c Kinh

1:00-3:30 p.m. Board of Directors Research 1:00-3:30 chiSu: H9p m~th9i d6ng Nghien ctru, duqc
meeting, hosted by Dr. Lings chu n·i boi tiSn si Lings
3:45-4:45 p.m. Tour of research labs and 3:45-4:45 chiSu: Tham quan phong thi nghi~m va b9
optical microscopy unit ph~n kinh hiSn vi quang h9c
5:30-8:00 p.m. Dinner- Wine and cheese at 5:30-8:00 chiSu: An t6i- Ruqu va pho- mai ~i Nha
Fung Shui Restaurant hang Fung Shui

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
Dr. Lings, can you please send me yow· flight Ngai Lings, xin vui long gui t6i thong tin chuySn bay
infmmation so I can make sure the limo' is cilil Ong dS toi co thS s~p sSp m9t chuySn xe cho Ong
waiting for you at the aitpmt when you anive. If asan bay khi dSn. NSu Ong co b~t ki th~c m~c nao,
you have any questions, please send me an e- vui long gui cho t6i e-mail. Toi hy v9ng ong co
mail. I hope you have a good trip and I will see chuySn di t6t dyp va T oi se sam duqc g~p Ong.
you soon. Fung Sueng
Fung Sueng

BSn: Fung Sueng
To: Fung Sueng Tu : David Lings BS tai : [ Tra loi ] ChuySn hanh

From: David Lings Subject: [RE] Your itinermy trinh
Date: Febtumy 12, 3:00p.m. Ngay thang: ngay 12 thang hai, 3:00 chiSu!

Dear Mr. Sueng, Kinh gai ong Sueng,
I appreciate that you were so quick and T oi l~y lam cam kich la b~ da r~t nhanh va ck th~n
thorough in sending the itinermy for my visit:.! gui hanh trinh cho chuySn viSng tham cua toi. Toi se
will be flying in on Canadian Air flight bay chuySn JR183 hang hang khong Canada, dl,l' kiSn

JR183, which is scheduled to land at 9:00 dap xu6ng 9:00 chiSu vao ngay 5 thang ba Toi se tra
p.m. on March 5 (189), I will be leaving on vS tren chuySn bay JR563 hang hang khong Canada
Canadian Air flight JR563 on March 8 at 12:00 vao ngay 8 thang ba hie 12 gio 00 phut nl1a dem. T oi
midnight. I was hoping that you would provide dang hy v9ng r~ng b~ se cung c~p tom ilit huang
nghien Ctru ca 2 trung tam.Toi se sgn sang chu§n bi
a swnmmy of the research direction of both
institutions so 1 will be prepared to evaluate danh gia h~ th6ng h9C vi~n d~y. Toi cling hy v 9ng
their systems. I mn also hoping you will provide b~ se cung c~p m9t s6 bim d6 dS tham quan vi T oi se
some maps for sightseeing too as I am staying a h;ti them m9t ngay va day la chuysn di d~u tien cua

for another day and this is my first trip to t6i dSn B~c Kinh. T oi dang mong dqi chuySn di cilil
Beijing. I am looking fmward to my visit. minh.
Dr. David Lings PHD Medical Bioscience TiSn si David Lings- d<;ti h9c hoa sinh Toronto
University of Toronto

186. What is the putpose of the first e-mail? 186. M1,1c dich cilil e -mail &u tien la gi?
(A) To confitm a flight number (A) BS xac nh~n s6 hi~u chuySn bay

(B) To give a detailed schedule of a visit (B) D~ cho k~ ho~ch chi ti~t cua chuy~n vi~ng

(C) To set up a meeting with Dr. Lings tham

(D) To change the details of a trip (C) BS chuk bi m9t cu9c h9p voi Dr. Lings
(D) BS thay d6i chi tiSt chuySn di
187. What is Dr. Lings NOT scheduled to do 187. Vi~c gi Bac si Lings Khong duqc xSp lich dS
during his stay in Beijing? lam trong khi ong ~y aB~c Kinh?
(A) Meet with the president of Peking (A) G~p hi~u tru6ng D~i h9c Bic Kinh
[Jniversit)j (B) Tham gia cu9c h9p nghien ctru t<;ti ttuang d<;ti h9c
(B) Hold a resem·ch meeting at a university (C) Banh gia h~ th6ng hai d<;ti h9c

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
(C) Assess the systems of the two (D) Roi ra khoi B~c Kinh vao ngay 8 thang ba
(D) Fly out of Beijing on March 8
188. Where will Dr. Lings NOT visit? 188. Noi tiSn si Lings se Khong di thlim?
(A) Beijing (A) B~c Kinh
(B) The Great Wall of China (B) V~n Ly Truimg Thanh
(C) National University of China (C) B~i h9c Qu6c gia Trung Qu6c
(D) B~i h9c B~c Kinh

(D) Peking University
189. When will Dr. Lings anive at the airpmt ? 189. Bao g io Dr. Lings dSn san bay?

(A) March 4 (A) ngay 4 thang ba
(B) March 5 (B) ngay 5 thang ba
(C) March 6

(C) ngay 6 thang ba
(D) March 7 (D) ngay 7 thang ba
190. What will Jv.f:r. Lings be doing at 6 o'clock 190. Ong Lings se thl,IC hi~n diSu vao hie 6 gio ngay
on the 6th? 6?

(A) Taking a tour of the National (A) d~n tham D~i h9c Qu~c gia cua Trung Qu~c
University of China
(B) Having dinner
Taking a tour of the research facility
(B) an t6i
(C) dSn thfun co so nghien cw
(D) dSn tham B~i h9c B~c Kinh
(D) Taking a tow· of Peking University
e ic

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
The Florence Herald Bang tin Florence
On Jnne 2, last week, during the sweltering Ngay mting 2 thang 6, tu§n uuoc, hong cai nong oi a,
heat, nniversity students and recent graduates cac sinh vien ~i h9c Va sinh vien Vtra t6t nghi~p
(191 a) across the Ew·opean Union flocked to the kh~p chau au tftp hung t~i hung tfun h9i nghi Panini.
Pannini Conference Center. The reason for this Nguyen nhan la do co bu~i khai mac h9i cho vi~c
was the inaugural (192) Science and Medical lam khoa h9C va y khoa t~i Y. Thong tin nay da lan
(191 c) Jobs in Italy Fair. This fair boasted over toa dSn 75 t6 chuc va cong ty khac nhau, titt ca dang
tim kiSm nhfrng nguoi moi t6t nghi~p va sinh vien

75 different organizations and companies all
looking for new graduates and intetns for a thvc tftp cho 1 s6 llnh vvc cong vi~c.

diverse field of employment. NhU:ng cong ty nay gui dSn nhfrng d~i di~n ~i ch6 ds
These companies offered on-site representatives cnng c~p khong chi thong tin macon thvc hi~n phong
vk uvc tiSp (m~it d6i m~t). H9i chq nay diSn ra tU 9

providing not only infonnation, but in many
cases face-to-face interviews. The fair ran from A.M - 6PM va da thu hut gk 700 nhan lvc tiSm
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and hosted approximately 700 nang. "S6 nguoi tham dv nay da vuqt qua mong dqi"
potential employees. "This turnout was Fabio Fabrizi, nha t6 chuc, phat biSu. "Chling t6i hi

significantly more than I expected (191 b)!" V9ng mo r9ng lo~i hinh nay vao nam toi," anh noi

Diamond Plating Limited
Fabio Fabrizi, the conference staff, stated. "We
hope to expand this for next year," he added.
Cty TNHH Diamond Plating
Via Ceaseare Florence, Italy 214
Via Ceaseare Florence, 214 Italy 30 trumg 6
Jnne 30 Co Sarah Oates
Ms. Sarah Oates 189 Kings Road
189 Kings Road Chelsea

Chelsea S032 6Y4

S032 6Y4 Anh Qu6c
England Gui Co Oates
Chling t6i xin cam an coda dSn voi qu~y

Dear Ms. Oates

We would like to thank you for coming tuySn d1,1ng cua chling t6i h6i &u thang nay dS phong
to our booth earlier this month and interviewing vk. Chling toi vui mtrng khi tuySn cac b~n 1 cong

with us. We are happy to offer you a job as a vi~c la 1 ky thuftt vien cua chi nhanh Diamond
Plating, Florence. Chung toi tuv~n co vOi mot muc

technician with Diamond Plating, Florence

division. We can offer you a verv decent IU'Ollg khOi di~m rit kha, bao hi~m y tt tOi 4 tuin
starting salarv, health coverage, and up to nghi 1~. va 10 ngay nghi ~m.(195: khong bao hi~m
four weeks paid vacation and 10 paid sick nha khoa)
days.(195) La 1 ky thuftt vien Diamond-Plating, co se
As a diamond-plating technician, you duqc tham gia vao vi~c dua ra nhiing giai phap cho
will be involved in making tips for high kinh hiSn vi nguyen tu. Co se phai u·ai qua giai do~
definition atomic force microscopes. You will 3 thang thu vi~c, sau do co se duqc nh~n xet va nSu

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
have to pass a three-month evaluation period, co du nang h,rc se duqc ki hqp d6ng tuysn d1,1ng chinh
after which thuc. Sau tha i diSm nay, cit ca cac lq i ich cua co se
you will be evaluated and if you qualify you co hi~u h,rc.
w ill be given a full-time contract. After this NSu co ch~p nh~ loi moi CUa chUn.g tOi, hy
period, all of yom benefits will be effective. V\mg co b~t diu him vi~c vao 30 thang 7(194). Co
If you accept om offer, we hope you can se tra lOi buc thu nay tru&c ngay 15 thang 7 (193).
start on Julv 30th (1 94). Please respond to this Cu6i cling, toi mu6n noi voi co chUn.g t6i thl,l'c sl,l' cam
th~y co la 1 nguoi r~t phil hqp voi cong ty chUn.g tOi,

letter no later than July 15 (193). Lastly, I
would like to tell you we really felt like you Va chtmg tOi hy V9ng CO Se nh~n cong vi~c Va tham

were a good fit with our company, and we hope gia voi chUn.g tOi. NSu co co b~t kY cftu hoi nao vS
that you will take the job and join us. If you chUn.g t6i ho~c vi~c s6ng a Ythi dimg ng~i hoi.

have any questions about us, or living in Italy Iran tr9ng,
don ' t be afraid to ask. Giam d6c ky thuftt Danielle Fava
Danielle Fava Technical Manage

191 . According to the mticle, what is not said 19 1. Theo bai bao diSu gi khong duqc nh~c to i trong
ab out the career fair? tic
(A) Students and graduates are the majority
of patrons.
h9i chq nghS nghi~p?
a. Cac sinh vien va sinh vien t6t nghi~p la thanh phln
tham gia chinh ySu.
b. S6 nguoi tham gia dong la m9t Sl,l' ng~c nhien.
(B) The tmnout was a sUiprise.
(C) It is only for scientific and medical - c. Chi co cac cong vi~c lien quan dSn khoa h9c va y
based jobs. khoa.
(D) It is held everv three months. d. No dug~ chuc 3 thang m{)t lin.

192. In the mticle, the word "inaugm al" in 192. Trong bai bao thi tir "Inaugmal" trong do~ 1
paragraph 1, line 3 is closest in meaning to dong 3 co nghia gk voi tir nao sau day nh~t?
(A) first a. Diu tien.
(B) second b. Thu 2.

(C) annual c. Hang nam.

(D ) landmark d. danh & u m9t buoc ngo~c

193. What does Ms. Fava ask Ms. Oates to do? 193. Co Fava yeu c~u co Oates lam diSu gi?
ChuySn to i Yvao ngay 15 thang 7.

(A) To move to Italy by July 15th a.

(B) To accept the job by July 15th b. Nhan cong viec tru&c ngay 15 thang 7.
(C) To take a diamond-plating com se c. Tham dl,l' 1 khoa h9c Diamond-plating.
(D ) To meet F abio Fabrizi d. G~p Fabio fabrizi.
194. When was the first day Ms. Oates and 194. Ngay d~u tien co Fava g~p co Oates la ngay
Ms. Fava met? nao?
(A) On June 2 a. vao ngay 2 thang 6.

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
(B) On June 30 b. vao ngay 30 thang 6.
(C) On July 15 c. Vao ngay 15 thang 7.
(D) On July 30 d. Vao ngay 30 thang 7.
195. Which of followings are not benefits of 195. BiSu nao duoi day khong kem theo quySn lqi
this job? CUa cong vi~c nay?
(A) A competitive salmy a. M9t muc luang c~nh tranh.
(B) Ten days of paid sick leave b. 10 ngay nghi 6m.
Bao hi~m nha khoa.

(C) Dental coverage c.
(D) Fom weeks vacation d. 4 tu~n nghi he.

e ic

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
Name: Bill Sweet Ten: Bin Sweet
Reason for expense: Client meetings and Ly do cho chi phi: G~p go khach hang va
product demonstrations in Indianapolis, gioi thi~u san phfun a Indianapolis, Indiana
Indiana with Davies Home Distribution voi tftp doan phfm ph6i Davies Home.
Corporation Thiri gian di~n ra: tir ngay 12-1 8 thang 5
Dates of Trip: May 12-1 8

Expense Amount Paid ($) Details
Plane ticket 600 Round trip - Economy class
Hotel room 0 Comnlimentmv - Bonus Card

Food and Beverage 400
T axi/airpmt limo 100 The airpmt is far from the site.
Misc. • 150 Alcohol for the clients
Total 1,250

Chi phi
Phon2: khach san
Thuc an va d6 u6ng
T6ng s6 tiSn thanh
Chi tiSt
Khu hoi- tiet kiem
The tan2:
Taxi/san bav Limo 100 San bav oxa
Chi tieu l~t v~t 150 Rm;m cho khach hang
T6ng 1,250

Employee signature: Bill Sweet Chfr ky nhan vien: Bill Sweet

Manager signature: Elsa Wagler Chfr ky gh1m d6c: Elsa Wagler

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
Comments: Ghi chu:
All of the receipts from my business trip have Tftt ca chling tu trong chuySn cong tac CUa tOi da
been attached via staple to this fmm. I am sony duqc dinh kern voi dan nay. Toi xin 16i v ida n9p
that I missed the submissions deadline of 2 mu9n 2 ttilin sau khi tt·o vS. Toi da bi choang ngqp
weeks after returning. I was ovetwhelmed by the boi SlJ huang Ung CUa khach hang voi bu6i trinh
response from the clients to my product diSn san ph§m boi vi t6i da tang 80% doanh thu.
demonstration as I had an 80% increase in sales. I T oi hy V9ng r~ng ki tich nay la 1 ly do hqp ly cho
SlJ ch~m trS cua tOi. Toi lfty lam cam kich nSu ong

am hoping that this increase in sales is a valid
excuse for my tardiness. I would appreciate it if co ths chi cho tei (s6 tiSn nay) ngay khi co ths, vi

you could reimburse me as soon as possible t6i phai thvc hi~n m9t chuySn cong tac khac. Toi
(196), as I have to make another trip soon. My va quan ly cua tOi se co m~t ~i van phong ngay
hom nay nSu anh co bftt k)r cfm hoi nao. Cam an

manager and I will be in the office today if you
have any question. Thanks in advance. ttuoc nhe.
Date: May 28, 11 :20 a.m. Ngay: 28 thang 5, 11: 20 A.M
To: Bill Sweet<b,> Toi: Bill sweet

From: SamuelWilson<s wilson@mossttech. com Tu: Samuel Wilson
Cc: Payton Maroney
tic Cc: Payton Maroney
N 9i dung: bao cao chi phi
Anh Sweet,
Subject: Expense Repmt Cam an anh da hoan thanh cong vu va tt·inh van
Mr. Sweet, ban nay cho chi phi cua anh. M~c du anh da tt·S h~n
Thanks for completing and submitting the proper chling t6i se chi tra l~i cho anh s6 tiSn anh chi tieu
fmms for yow· reimbursement. Although, you cho chuySn di. Giam sat clia anh da thong bao cho

missing the deadline we will be able to pay you tOi vS huang hqp CUa anh, va duqc chftp ~n. T oi
back for the money you spent on your trip. Yom hy v9ng r~ng anh se tiSp t:l,lc cong vi~c t6t, nhung a
supervisor has already infonned me of yom nen c6 g~ng n9p h6 so quySt toan dling thai h~n thi
situation, and it is acceptable. I hope that you se dS dang han cho chling t6i rftt nhiSu.

continue yow· good sales record, but if you could Sau khi d9C bao cao cua anh, toi xem xet vi~c anh
tty and submit yow· fmms on time, it would chid~ u~ng cho khach hang. Toi liy lam ti~c

make my job easier. phai thong bao Ia chong toi khong chip nh~n
d~ng chi phi nay, vi v~y chong toi se khong th~

After reading yom repmt I noticed that you

expensed drinks for clients. I am sorry to say thanh toan cho anh. NSu anh co bftt k)r th~c m~c
that we don't cover that type of expense, so we s
nao v khoan chi tra, anh nen tham khao s6 tay
will not be able to reimburse you for that nhfm vien. Them nfra, lfui toi anh dinh kern hoa
(199). If you have any questions about what is dmm, anh vui long dS chling theo thu tv anh da
covered, you should refer to the employee viSt trong don nay nhe? Vi~c nay se tang t6c d9 xu
manual. Additionally, next time you attach yom ly va giam thisu sai sot.
receipts, can you please put them in the order you T oi se ra i khoi thi trfui b~t dfiu vao sang mai. T oi

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi$u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
have written them on the fonn? This will speed dang trong kY nghi ng~n va toi se khong lrun vi~c.
processing time and reduce enors. NSu anh co b~t k)r cfm hoi nao, lam on hay lien h~
I will be out of town starting tomon ow. I am voi thu k)r Payton cua t6i s6 6859. Toi da gili email
going on a short vacation and I will be out of nay, ds anh ta co thong tin chi tist.
reach. If you have any questions, please contact Than ai
my assistant Payton at extension 6859.1 have Samuel Wilson b9 ph~ kS totm.
carbon copied this e-mail to him, so he is aware

of the details.

Samuel Wilson Accounting Division.
196. Why did Mr. Sweet submit the repmt? 196. Vi sao ong Sweet trinh ban bao cao nay?
A. BS li~t ke nhfrng thu ong ~y da chi tieu.

(A) To list the things he spent his money on

(B) To ask for petmission to take a business B . BSyeu c~u sv ch~p nh~n cho 1 chuySn cong tac.
trip C. BSthong bao cho cty vS chuySn cong tac thanh
(C) To tell the company of his successful trip cong cua ong ay.

(D) To request that he be P.aid back for his D. D~ d~ nghj ring ong i duqc thanh toan s~
expenses tic
197. What did Mr. Sweet's supervisor ask
him to do in Indiana?
ti~n da chi tieu.
197. Gillin sat cua ong sweet da yeu c~u ong lrun gi
A. Tham dv h9i nghi chuyen dS dao t~o ban hang.
(A) Go to a sales training seminar

(B) Make a sales presentation to potential B. Lam 1 thuy~t trinh ban hang tOi nhfrng khach
clients hang ti~m nang.
(C) Acquire new sales employees c. Tim kiSm nhfrng nhan v ien btm hang moi.

(D) , Deliver new products to customers D. Phan ph6i san p!illm toi nguoi tieu dUn.g.
198. Why was Mr. Sweet late m 198. T~i sao ong sweet trinh dan nay mu9n?
submitting the fonn? A. Ong ~y diSn vao dan sai.
(A) He filled out the fmm inconectly. B. Ong i:r b~n ti~p xuc vOi khach hang mOi.

(B) He was swamP.ed with new customers. C. Ong ~y tro l~i tir Indiana sau ngay dao h~.
(C) He rehnned from Indiana after the due D. Ong ~Y gui don to i nguoi nh~ sai.


(D) He sent the fmm to the wrong person.

199. What was not covered on the expense 199. Nhfrng khoan chi phi nao khong duqc ch~p
fmm ? nh~ trong m~u nay?
(A) Taxi fares A. TiSn taxi.
(B) Drinks for clients B. D~ u~ng cho khach hang.
(C) Airfare C. Ve may bay.
(D) Food and beverages D. Thuc an va thuc u6ng.

Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
200. What is indicated in the e-mail? 20l .BiSu gi duqc chi ra trong email nay?
(A) Mr . W ilson recently hired Payton A. Ong Wilson thue Payton Maroney g~n day.
Maroney. B . Ong Wilson la girun sat cua co Wagner.
(B) Mr. Wilson is Ms. Wagner's supervisor. c. Ong Sweet lien l~c voi c6 Wagler dS co duqc
(C) Mr. Sweet contacted Ms. Wagner to 1 la dan.
obtain a fonn. D. Co Wagler va Ong Wilson da noi v~ Sl!
(D) Ms. Wagner and Mr. Wilson spoke ch~m tr~.

about the delay.


Quyen sach nay do nhung thanh vien nhi~t tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nham giup cac b~ co tai
li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngU'oi dung mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat di gia tr! rna cac b~n da dong
Liri giiii VIZ dich til: cau 153-154
Free Mi~n phi

Freedom Travel Free bag offer Freedom Travel t(ing tUi miln phi

We are offering a new great Chfutg t6i dang danh ~ng m9t S\l
incentive for those customers who sign khuy~n khich tuy~t voi clanh cho nhiing

up (153)for a two-year subscription to khach hang nao dang ki mua ~P chi
Freedom Travel magazine. we are giving Freedom Travel trong 2 nam, la t~ng 1 rui
away a new PT travel bag. This bag has xach du lich PT moi. Till xach nay duqc

been designed specifically for the kind of thiSt kS ~c bi~t danh cho nhiing ai d9c t~p
people who read our magazine. Made of chi cua chting t6i. Buqc lam tu till nilon
durable nylon, it can cany a whole range bJn' no co thS mang nhiSu thu. Tui nay li
of items. This bag is ideal for weekend trips tuang cho nhiing chuySn di chai cu6i tu§n

and even daily activities . The bag has va th~m chi la nhiing ho~t d9ng thuang
zippers on the outside (154) pockets and a ngay. No co nhiing khoa keo a cac till ben
shoulder strap that can adjust to fit
tic ngoai va m9t day deo ngang vai co thS diJu
chinh d: vua voi b~t cu ai.
153. What is the reason Freedom Travel 153. Lido Freedom Travel t~ng tui nay?
is offering this bag?
(A) To advertise their new vacation A. BS quang ba chuang trinh thuc dfty ki

promotion nghi moi cua h9.

(B) To increase map sales. B. BS tang doanh s6 ban ban d6
(C) To increase the number of magazine c. Tang IU'9'flg khach dang ki bao
subscribers D. BS lam cho chuySn di cu6i tu§n dS clang
(D) To make weekend trips easier han

154. Di~u nao khong dung v~ cai tui?

154. What is NOT true about the bag?

(A) It is versatile. A. No linh ho~t

(B) It has interior pockets. B. Co tui ben trong

(C) It is made of tough material C. Buqc lam tu vftt li~u bSn

(D) It uses zippers. D. Su d1,1ng khoa keo

Cau 153: Bai nay ta co thS lo~ ngay duqc dap an B.

Cau A: chi gioi thi~u rui nay clanh cho d6i tuqng la khach nghl cu6i tu§n
Cau D : Bap an nay dS nhk lfui nh~t vi nhin sa qua, Freedom Travel co ve nhu la dua
ra giai phap (till miSn phi) cho khach hang

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
Ch9n dap an c vi: Ml,IC dich CUa qllimg cao nay la nh~m loi keo khach hang mua bao nho
khuySn mai miSn phi.

Dau hi~u: We are offering ............ great incentive for those customers who s1gn
up ....... => la hinh thuc chao hang, moi g9i thuong th~y.

Cau 154: Dan hi~u : Interior= inside >< outside (Pocket), do do ta ch9n aap an nay

Cau A: versatile = linh ho~t = day aeo ngang vai co thS aiJu chinh aJ vira voi b~t
cu ai = a shoulder strap that can adjust to fit anyone.
Cau B: tough= dmable = bSn

Cau D: th~ ro tron bai

Liri giiii va djclt fir cau 155-156

:MEMO FOR GENERAL EMPLOYEES Ban ghi nh& cho tm1n the nhan vie
Cong ty TNim Cong Ngh~ Ga·ade -A

B~t diu tir 01/07, cong ty chimg ta s

Beginning July 1, om company will dua ra tuy~n xe buyt ng~n tu Bucheon to
now provide a new shuttle bus (155) from van phong Gangnam theo luqng lan yeu eft
Bucheon to our Gangnam office because of g§n day CUa nhan vien. BiSu nay se khong a
the recent and numerous staff requests. This huang toi nhfrng tuySn buyt ngfu hi~n co da
will not affect the cunent shuttle buses that v~ hanh gifra van phong, cac tr~m tau hoa v

are running between the office and the xe buyt. Tuy nhien, nhfrng nhan vien su d.
train and bus stations. However, the staff dich Vl,l nay se phai tra 1 mire phi nho dS b
members who use this service will have to vao chi phi. sa ti~n chinh xac v~n chua xa
pay a small charge to help cover the djnh, va se dU'(]'C thong bao vao 01106. Ch '

expenses. The exact amount is still to be t6i v§n thuc gi1,1c nhan vien cua minh lam vi~
determined, and will be posted on June 1 st ctmg nhau va chia tiJn khi dim chun mot X
(156). We still urge our staff to work tui chB Lam, Nhung nSu nhu mu6n su dl,lll

together and carpool, but if they use our dich Vl,l nay h9 se dn ~t ch6 huoc. Chimg tO
service they will need to make reservations vua dang ljch t~m thOi tren website cong ty

first. We have posted a temporary bao g 6m ca vi u·i khoi hanh.

schedule on the company website
including location depmtme times.
155. T~i sao thong bao nay du(}'c dang?
155. Why was this note posted? A. BS thong bao vS cu<?c h9p cho nhan vien.
(A) To infmm staff of a meeting B. Thong bao voi nhan vien vS 1 uuong h.
(B) To tell the employees about a retirement nghihuu
(C) To notify the general staff of C. Thong bao cho nhan vien v~ djch VI} v~
transpmtation services tai
(D) To infmm the staff of a new health lan D. Tho bao kS ho~ch cham soc sue khoe mo

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
cho nhan vien

156. What was NOT stated in this post? 156. Ban thong bao khong chi ra di~u gi?
(A) The buses will run between offices. A. Nhfrng tuySn buyt se di chuySn giua cite v y

(B) A new bus line will be launched in June. phong.

(C) A fare will be required. B. Tuy~n xe buyt mOi se dU'f!'C dU'a ra va
(D) A tempormy schedule is posted on the thang 6.

website. C. Phi xe se duqc yeu c~u
D. Lich dv kiSn duqc dan tren website

Lili giiii va phan djch cho cau 157-159

Safety Regulations Cac quy djnh v~ an toan

The entire staft must comply with and Toan b~ nhan vien phai ch~p hanh va
follow the regulations below while inside theo doi cac quy ilinh ti·ong khi dang 0'
this laboraton. (157) trong phong thi nghiem:
• While in the lab, staff must use and • Khi a trong phong thi nghi~m , nhan
wear protective clothing (lab coats, vien phai Slr dl,ll1g va mang trang
gloves. masks and goggles) all the ph1,1c bao v~ (Ao khodt nha may.
time, and should take them off only giing tay, miit na va kinh biio ho)
when they are leaving the lab. m9i hie, va chi nen coi ra khi roi

• When you m·e leaving the lab, it is khoi phong thi nghi~m .
important to remove all protective • Khi roi khoi, vi~c quan n·9ng la d9n
gear and put it in the bins marked dyp dung cu biio ho va as vao
"Protective Clothing.' '(158) nhfrng thUn.g co danh dftu "Qu~ ao

• All containers (beakers, test tubes, bao h9"

vials) should be clem·ly labeled • M9i vftt chua (c6c Bese, 6ng
while in use and before storage in nghi~m, 19) dn aJ nhiin ro rang

cabinets, fridges or the cold room. n·ong hie Slr dl,ll1g va tluoc khi aS
• To prevent spillage, all vessels vao hl, tu 1~ hay phong l~nh.

should be transpmted using carts • BS ch6ng tran aa, m9i binh chU:a
with the proper racks or baskets. It is dn dtm.g xe atiy as vftn chuysn voi
impmtant to secure the lids before gia va r6 phu hqp. Quan n·9ng la
moving to prevent any leakage. phai si~t chiit niip aa.y as ch6ng ci
• If you should spill something, the ri
procedure for proper cleaning is • N Su b~n lam lam a6 gi do, xem quy
posted on yom bench. If the spill is n·inh d9n dyp phu hqp duqc chin tJ·en
too much for you to handle or you ban. N Su luqng a6 qua Ian khong
are unsure about how to clean it, xu li duqc ho~c b~n khong chic v~
call Mr, Lewis at extension 368 each lam sach no, hay f!Oi Mr.
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
(159). Lewis s~ may nhanh 368.
• These tules are designed for your • Nhfrng quy dinh nay danh cho S\f an
safety. If any worker fails to comply, toan cua b~n. N Su b~t cu cong nhan
a wanung will be issued and mio khong tuan thu, canh dto se
excesstve wmnmgs will lead to duqc dua ra. Vuqt qua s6 lk canh

tennination. cao se bi cho thoi vi~c

Bap an : 157. B 158. B 159. C

157. Why did the company post the 157: T~i sao cong ty l~i dang ban thong

notice? bao?
(A) To make the employees aware of a
change in 1ules A. DS nhlm vien biSt vS luftt moi
(B) To infonn employees of safety mles B. B~ thong bao cho nhan vien v~ quy

(C) To tell the staff about new procedures djnh an tm1n
(D) To infmm the staff of a new schedule c. N6i voi nhan vien vS thu ti,Ic moi
158. Where should employees store their
D.Thong bao lich moi cho nhan vien

158. Nhan vien nen d~ kinh bao h9 &

safety goggles? dau?
(A) On their belt (A) 6 dai lung CUa h9
(B) In properly mm·ked bins (B) 0 nhfrng thong duqc danh diu phil
(C) In safety cabinets hqp

(D) At their benches (C) Trong nhting tu an toan

(D) aban cua h9

159. Why should staff members call 159. T~i sao nhan vien nen g9i Mr.
Mr.Lewis? Lewis:

(A) To tell him about stolen equipment (A) bao m~t thiSt bi
(B) To order additional safety gear (B) ~t them d1,1ng c1,1 bao h9

(C) To ask for help with cleaning (C) Yeu ciu Sl]' giup dO' v~ d9n d~p
(D) To advise on lab tests (D) E>ua thong tin v S kiSm tra phong thi


Cau 157 Dau hi?u : protective gear (=protective clothing (lab coats, gloves. masks and
goggles)) , put it in the bins marked "Protective Clothing."
Cau A: ko co thong tin
Cau C: dling cho vftt chtra (container)
Cau D: chi dim quy trinh xu li v~ sinh (procedure for proper cleaning is posted on your
Bai giiii va Uti djch diu 160 -163

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<Jri dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
The American Heatthcare Hi~p hoi cham soc sue khoe My
Association (AHA) and the Research (AHA) va t6 chuc Nghien Clru B~i h9C
Institute of Yale. University announced Yale hom nay da thong bao vS h9i nghi
today the Fifth Annual lntetnational qu6c ts thuong nien vs sue khoe l§n thu 5,
Heathcare Conference from Wednesday, tl.r Thu tu ngay 01103 d~n thu 7 ngay

March 1 to Sartuday, March 4. (163)This 04/03. Cu9c g~p go nay Ia dfp t~t cho
meeting will be a great chance for nhfrng nha nghien cuu y khoa h9i ng9 va

medical researchers (160) to get together thao 11$1 vS nhiing v§n dS lien quan tai
and discuss revelant issues in their fields lfuh Vl,IC CUa minh.

Yale University in New Haven, B~i h9c Yale a New Hagen,
Connecticut will host this event (161). Connecticut se t& chuc Sl! ki~n nay. H9i
The conference will start with a full day nghi se b~t diu vOi nhfrng h9i thao nho
of small workshops (162) given by AHA nguyen ngay duqc trinh bay boi cac d~i

representatives. Three days of di~n cua AHA. Ba ngay danh cho thuySt
presentations and panel discussion will trinh va tiSp theo h9i thao la thao lu~n h9i
follow the workshops. There will be tic
representatives from all over the States
including those from the Mayo Clinic and
nghi. Se co nhil:ng dai dien tu kh~p cac
bang bao g6m nhfrng ~i di~n tl.r V i~n y
khoa Mayo, Trung Him nghien cl1u y h9c
the Atlanta Medical Research Facility. Atlanta. Nhiing d~i di~n tl.r hi~p h9i y khoa
Representatives from the Brookburger va khoa h9C Brookburger se cifln d~t nhiing
Health and Science Association will be bu6i noi chuy~n nay. Davis Schwhizter,
leading the talks. Davis Schwhizter, the Truang khoa Y t~i d~i h9c Carolina, se
dua ra bai phat bi~u chu d~o trong ngay

Dean of Medicine at the University of

Carolina, will give the keynote speech on khai m~c h9i ngh!
the opening day of the conference. (163)
If you would like to attend this year 's NSu nhu b~n mu6n tham gia h9i nghi
conference or receive more infmmation, nam nay ho~c c§n them thong tin, vui long

please call Phil Hands on at 456-555-2345. g9i Phil Handson a s6 may 456-555-2345.

Bap an: 160. B 161. D 162. C 163. A


160. Who would most likely attend this 160. Nguiri tham gia h9i thao co th~ Ia ai

conference? nhit?
(A) Stock brokers (A) Nguoi moi gioi chl1ng khm1n
(B) Chemical researchers (B) Nhfrng nha nghien cl1u hoa h9c
(C) Medical scientists (C) Nha khoa h9c y h9c
(D) University students (D) Sinh vien d~i h9c

161. Where will the conference be held? 161. H9i nghi se di~n ra a dau?
(A) In Egypt (A) In Egypt
(B) In Carolina (B) In Carolina
(C) In Atlanta (C) In Atlanta
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
(D) In Connecticut (D) In Connecticut

162. What is scheduled for· the first day 162. L!ch him vi~c ngay diu tien cua h9i
of the conference? ngh!??
(A) Lectures (A) DiSn thuySt

(B) Panel discussions (B) Thao lu~n h9i nghi
(C) Workshops (C) H9i thao

(D) Presentations (D )ThuySt trinh

163. On what day will David Schwhizter 163. David Schwhizter se noi vao ngay

give his talk? nao?
(A) Wednesday (A) Wednesday
(B) Thmsday (B) Thmsday
(C) Friday (C) Friday

(D) Satmday (D) Satmday

Cilu 163: Dflu hi?u:

Davis Schwhizter, will give the keynote speech on the opening day of the conference.
The conference is from Wednesday, March 1 to Sattuday, Mm·ch 4

(Ong nay se n6i vao ngay khai m~c ' nrc la thu Tu ngay 01 /03)

Liti giai va djch til: cau 164-166


Art in the Park sale, a Financial Success Buoi ban diu gia Art In the Park, 1 thanh
cong v~ tai chinh

Natme and mt came together in Thiennhien vangh~ thuftt eta hoa Ian

Walnut Square Park (164) where the vao nhau ~i cong vien Walnut Square,
Prodice Alliance just threw its tenth annual nai rna Prodice Alliance vua moi tB chuc
Alt in the Park sale last Sunday. This sale buBi ban dim gia thuemg nien Alt in the
included works such as paintings, photos Park vao thu 7 tu~n uuoc. Bu6i d~u gia nay
(165) and cra(ts all designed or created by bao g6m cac tac pham nghe thuflt nhu
the attists of the Prodice Alliance. Despite Tranh, anh, hang thu cong my nghe, cit ca
the torrential downpour earlier in the week dSu duqc thiSt kS ho~c lam boi nhfrng ngh~
the weather on Sunday was sunny and nhan cilil Prodice Alliance. M~c cho £!!!:!
wann, and greeted the hundreds of patrons mua xBi xii nhu trnt nuuc vao &u tuk,
and att lovers. Not onl were the eo le a chu nhftt thai tist d~ nfuJ. va k a ,

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
enjoying the art, but they were enjoying the va S\1' chao don n6ng nhi~t hang tram nha
ice cream and other baked goods and treats biio tru va nguoi yeu ngh~ th~t. Moi nguoi
sold by vendors. khong nhiing thuong thuc ngh~ th~t rna
Among the favorite items at the sale con thuang thuc kern, va nhiing mon nuang
were earrings, bracelets and necklaces chieu dai duqc ban b~ng mtiv ban hang tu:

(165) made by Prodice mtist. dong.
Just five years ago the Prodice M9t trong s6 nhiing m1,1c hang duqc

Alliance was facing some difficult financial yeu thich ~i bu6i ban &tu gia la khuyen tai,
problems, but thanks to the directorship of vong tay va chuBi hat duqc lam boi cac
Christina Hanison, its fiscal situation has ngh~ nhan Prodice.

turned around (166) . The Att in the Park Chi 5 nam uuoc thoi Prodice
sale at walnut Square Park was Hanison's Alliance con dang d6i m~t voi nhiing kho
idea to raise money. The Alliance also khan tai chinh, nhung nho vao nhiem ki
throws an Attist Gala, which will be held gitim dBc cilil Christina Ranis on, tinh hinh

next week at the Grande Belle Hotel. tai chinh CUa no da hai phuc trlf lai. Att In
the Park lay tuang cua HmTison nh~m gay
tic quy. Alliance cling t6 chuc m9t Artist Gala
vao tufu! toi ~i Khach s~ Grande Belle.
*** Bap an: 164. B 165. D 166. A
164. What is the topic of this article? 164. Chu d~ cua bai bao Ia gi?
(A) The grand opening of an mt park (A) LS khanh thanh cua 1 cong vien ngh~

(B) An outdoor event th~t

(C) A new program director (B) M~t SJ!: ki~n ngoili trili
(D) An mt show (C) M9t giam d6c chuang trinh moi
(D) M9t triSn Him ngh~ thuftt

165. What kind of products were NOT 165. Lo~i san ph~m nao khong duqc ban?
sold at the sale? (A) Trang sue
(A) Jewehy (B) Tranh

(B) Paintings (G) Anh

(G) Photos (D) Tu:(J'ng

(D) Statues
166. What effect has Christina Harrison 166. Anh huiYng cua Christina Harrison
had on the Prodice Alliance? t~iProdice Alliance?

(A) An increase in profits (A) Tiing l(J'i nhu~n

(B) More members (B) Tang nhan v ien
(C) A pension plan for the mtists (C) TiSn trq c~p cho ngh~ nhan
(D) Lessons for the mtists (D) D~y h9c cho ngh~ nhan

*** Tir vung kho dich:

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.

• Sale: an occasion when goods are sold, especially an auction : Dip rna hang hoa
duqc btm, ~c bi~t la m9t bu6i diu gia.. Ex: a contemporary art sale
(Ngh'la sB 5 trong tic aiJn Oxford:
http:// )

• Throw: t6 chuc, co y nghla tuang duang nhu Throw a party (Xem nghia s6 16 ~i
oxford: 1 )

• Works: a book, piece of music, painting, etc- Tac pl~m ngh~ th~t. (Xem nghia s6
9 aoxford: 2 )
• Situation: tinh thS, hoan canh, tinh hinh, ..... Trong bai ta ch9n "Tinh hinh"

• Turn around: recovety financial situation: h6i ph1,1c tai chinh

Cau 164: Dau hi~u: Throw ...... annual Sale ........ , Walnut Squru·e Pruk T6 chuc bu6i
diu gia thuong nien ~i cong vien Walnut Square => sv ki~n ngoai troi.

NSu khong biSt nghla tir throw thi se r~t kho tim dap an dling.
NSu khong du thai gian dich, dS y tu "Sale" la Noun, doan la 1 sv ki~n gi do. Them chfr
Park nfra la ch9n duqc cau B
Cau A: khong co thong tin trong bai
Cau D. R~t dS nh§m. Nhung ta ~y co tu "Sale"- nghla vS buon ban, nen co thS lo~i dap
an nay.

Cau C: Khong gioi thi~u gi vS ong nay, han nfra ong nay lam 5 nam r6i

Cau 165: Dau hieu: Jewehy = earrings, bracelets and necklaces = ni1 trang.
Tranh (Paintings), anh (Photos) co thS tim ~y trong bai. Suy ra dap anD

Cau 166: Dau hi~u Turn around = recovery financial situation = h6i ph1,1c tai chinh.
Nghia tuang duong cau A

Ph fin dich va tu
~:iiii 167-170

Employee Newsletter - Spotlight Thu tin ttrc danh cho nhan vien -
Net n~i b~t
This newsletter highlights Dowee Thu tin nay neu bftt giai thuoog
and Cheetem 's annual merit cong tr~ng thu<mg nien Dowee and
awards(167).These awards ru·e given to the Cheetem . Nhfrng giai thuang nay danh
two most outstanding employees who have cho 2 nhan vien x~t s~c nhlt , nhfrng
demonstrated their creativity and work nguoi da chtmg minh duqc SlJ sang ~0 va
ethic. This yeru· the wtnners are Eric d~o due nghS nghi~p cua minh. Nam nay
F mman, a design technician. and Donna nguoi chiSn th~ng la Eric Fonnan- ki su
Pinciotti, a sales representative. thiSt kS va Donna Pincioti - ~i di~n kinh
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.

Eric Fonnan has worked with us for Eric F mman da lam v i~c v oi chUn.g
12 years, and brought with him a decade of ta duqc 12nam, mang l~i cho anh 10 nam
experience in the design field. During his kinhnghi~m allnh Vl,l'C thiStkS. Trong su6t

time with us he has played a significant thai gian ctmg lam vi~c voi chUn.g ta, anh
role (168) in the design team and as an iy da gifr m{)t vai tro dang k~ trong nhom

employee of this company. His additions thiStkS va nhu 1 nhan vien cua cong ty.
to the creation and implementation of dong gop cua anh iy vao sang t~o va
new products and the further thU'c hi~p. nhfrng san ph~m moo va ~'!

development of current products were phat trien m~nh bon nhfrng san phan
exceptional.(168) gin day th~t Ia hi~m co.
Ms. Pincioti t1·uy~n cam
Ms. Pinciotti also provided some hung cong vi~c trong 10 nam qua. Donna

inspirational work for the past decade khong m~t nhiSu thai gian dS t~o S\l' §n
(169) . It hasn't taken Donna long to make a tuqng lau dai d6i voi d6ng nghi~p cua

she does not have a lot of previous

lasting impression on her peers. Although

experience in sales she has succeeded in

minh. M~c du ttuoc do khong co nhiSu
kinh nghi~m trong llnh VlJC ban hang, co ~y
da thanh cong tt·ong vi~c ~o ra nhfrng
creating new and innovative methods of phuang phap sang t~o moi nh~m co duqc
obtaining new customers and keeping khach hang va lam h9 hai long. Co iy VU'qi
Cl.llTent ones happy. She has excelled and tr{)i va pha hiu h~t m\)i ki l~c ban hang
broken almost every record that the cua cong ty. Co iy hiu nhll' gianh
h~t nhfrng giai thll'Ong khuy~n khich

company had in sales. She has also won

almost every incentive award opened. dU'gc dU'a ra.
(170) Nam toi , nSu b~ th~y co ai do xilng
dang voi giai thuang nay trong phong ban
Next year, if you have someone in cua minh ' xin hay thong bao voi quan li,

yom division who you feel is worthy of this va nguai do se duqc can nhttc cho giai
award, please notify yom manager, and thuong nay.
they will be considered for this award.

M9t l§n nfra ch1lng t6i xin chile

Again, we would like to congratulate mimg Ong Fonnan va baPincioti vS nhfrng

Mr. Fmman and Ms. Pinciotti on their thanh tich CUa minh va S\l' dong gop tuy~t
success and excellent service to ol.ll· vai d6i voi cong ty ch1lng ta.
company. ** Dap an: 167. C 168. C 169. C 170. C

167. Muc dich chinh cua bai bao nay?

167. What is the main reason for the (~) DS thong bao nhfrng vi tt·i thang chuc
article? tiem nang
(A) To announce potential promotions (B) I hang chuc cho 1 nhan v ien
(B) To promote new employees (C) Thong btio nguiri. giimh ilul)'c giiii
(C) To infmm of award winners thuiJnK
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
(D) To announce a couple of retirements (D) Thong bao 2 v1,1 nghl huu

168. Ban tin m1y noi gi v~ Mr. Forman?

168. What does the article say about Mr,

Forman? (A) Anh ta trao giai cho co Pincioti.
(B) Anh fly la m9t nha th~u tv do

(A) He nominated Ms. Pinciotti for an (Freelance contractor)
award. (C) Anh tly dong gop vao thanh cong cua
(B) He is a freelance contractor. cong ty

(C) He has contributed to the success of the (D) Anh fly se la chu tich cua cong ty
(D) He Will be the president of the
company. 169. Di~u nao noi dung v~ co Pinciotti?

169. What is true about Ms. Pinciotti? (A) Co fly giup thiSt kS nhiSu chuang n·inh
tic (B) Co fly thue duqc nhiSu nhan vien
(A) She helped to design numerous (C) Co tly khong lam vi~c t{li cong ty zau
programs, nhu Mr. Forman
(B) She has hired a lot of new employees, (D) Co fly co nhiSu kinh nghi~m a1Inh Vl,l'C
(C) She has not been with the company for Nhan sv
as long as Mr, F mman.
(D) She has a lot of experience in Human

170. Di~u gi co th~ suy r·a tir bai bao nay?
170. What can be inferred from the
article? (A) Dowee la chu tich cua cong ty.
(A) Dowee is the president of the company. (B) Eric Fmman c~n thu gioi thi~u vi~c

.(B) Eric Fmman needs a recommendation liun .

letter to get a new job. (C) Donna Pinciotti hau nhu chile chiin
(C) Donna Pinciotti has probably won the gianh hJt m{Ji giiii thuiJng khuyJn khich .

most incentive awards in the company. (D) Cheetem dang c6 g~ng mo r9ng kinh
(D) Cheetem is hying to expand business doanh trong linh vvc thiSt kS.

into the design field.

167. Dnu hi~u : highlights Dowee and Cheetem's annual merit awards

168. Dtlu hi~u : has played a significant role in the design team and as an employee of
this company. His additions to the creation and implementation of new products and the
ft.Uther development of Ct.U.Tent products were exceptional.

169. Dtlu hi~u: Ms. Pinciotti also provided some inspirational work for the past decade:
chllllin vi~c 10 nam, trong khi Mr. Fonnan la 12 nam

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
170. Dnu hi?u: She has also won almost evety incentive award opened.

Ph~t giiii va dtch cho cilu 171-173

From:Madman Travel Agency From:Madman Travel Agency
544 Gerhard St. Little Rock 544 Gerhard St. Little Rock,

(172), AR 77655 AR 77655

To: Lori Weinberger To: Lori Weinberger
9986 Hotn Row Drive 9986 Hotn Row Drive
Maui, Hl 22454 Maui, Hl 22454

Dear Ms. Weinberger: Ngay 14/04

Your request for the following

tic Gui Ms. Weinberger:
Chung toi da nh~n duqc yeu c~u
information pamphlets has been cua b~n cho nhung cu~n sach nho chua
received (171) cac thong tin sau:
- Where are the Hot Spmt in Beijing? - Bia diSm choi thS thao n6i tiSng a
- Vegas for beginners B~c Kinh?
- Maps of Venice - Vegas for beginners

- Ban d6 ct!a Venice

Your order confirmation Number
is 99876 (171). As always, all maps and Ma s~ xac nh~n don hang cua b~n
city guides are specially priced for our Ia 99876. Nhu thuemg 1~, tftt ca ban d6 va
travel customers. You should receive your sach huang ci§n vS thanh ph6 duqc ra gia

publications in three to five business days. ~c bi~t cho khach du lich cua chUn.g t6i.
We have processed you order, and as B~n co thS nh~n cac ftn ban nay trong
advertised, we provide a discount for our khoang tu 3-5 ngay hun vi~c. ChUn.g t6i da

loyal travel customers. We have sent out xu li dan hang cua b~ va nhu quang cao,
your order and the confirmation Number is chling t6i dua ra muc giam gia cho nhfrng

0001000. You can use this number to check khach hang tnmg thanh . ChUn.g t6i da gui
the shipping status on-line at don hang diva rna s6 xac ~n la 0001 000. B~ co thS dung rna s6 nay dS kiSm tra
online tinh tr~ng v~n chuySn t~i
We hope you keep in mind that not
only do we give discounts on literahlre, but Xin hay luu y rfug chUn.g t6i khong
we also have rebates on airplane tickets, chi dua ra muc gifun gia cho cac tai li~u,
hotel rooms and car rentals (173). . So rna con gh1m gia ve may bay, khach s~n
when you plan your next trip, contact one va thue xe. Do do, khi b~n len kS ho~ch
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
if om helpful agents at 098-998-8876. cho chuySn di, xin hay lien l~c voi d~i li ho
tn;Y cua chling t6i t~i s6 098-998-887 6.
We are also proud to announce the
statt of om Hotel Finder Program, available
online, to help you quickly find and reserve Chling toi ding r~t han h~nh duqc

the accommodations ofyom choice. thong bao S\1' ra m~t chuang trinh Hotel
In addition, we are vety excited to Finder, sfu co online dS giup b~n nhanh

announce re-opening of om user-friendly chong tim va d~t phong uuoc theo yeu c~u
website. clia b~n
Them vao do, chling toi r~t vui mln:tg

It will help you to find tickets prices thong bao S\1' u·o l~i website than thi~n voi
and availability quickly. Check it daily for nguoi dtmg cua chilng toi.
specials and last-minute deals. We
appreciate your time and hope you enjoy Nose giup b~n tim gia ve may bay va

your reading material. Thank you for the tinh tr~g phong nhanh chong. KiSm tra
oppmtunity to serve you. hang ngay nhting S\1' ki~n d~c bi~t va nhfrng

Peter Stable
tic giao dich s~p khep l~i. Xin cam an b~n da
danh thai gian d9c tai li~U nay Va hi V9ng
b~ thich no. Cam an da danh cho chilng
171. Why is the travel agency sending toi co h9i duqc ph1,1c v1,1 b~n.
this letter? Peter Stable
(A) To request infmmation Dapan: 17l.Bl72. D 173.C
(B) To confinn an order 171. T~i sao d~i li du l!ch glfi thu nay?
(A) DS yeu c~u thong tin

(C) To book new tickets

(D) To infonn of a new promotion (B) Bi xac nhQ-n order
(C) dS d~t ve may bay moi
172. What city is the travel agency in? (D) dS thong bao S\1' thang chuc moi
(A) In Los Angeles

(B) In Honolulu
(C) In Tokyo 172. D~i li du l!ch m1y iY dau?
(D) In Little Rock (A) In Los Angeles

(B) In Honolulu
173. What is NOT opened in the letter? (C) In Tokyo

(D) In Little Rock

(A) Potential pre-booking discounts
(B) Discounted rates on flights 173. Di~u gi khong co trong thu?
(C) Foreign cunency exchange
(D) Hotel accommodations (A) Muc giam gia khi ~t truoc
(B) ti 1~ giam gia ve may bay
(C) ilBi ngof:li t?
(D) Phong a khach s~

171. Dau hi?u:

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.

• Yow: request for the following infmmation pamphlets has been received (da nh~n
duqc dan hang)
• Yow: order confi1mation Number is 99876 (Dua rna s6 xac nh~n)
172 Dauhi~u: Ngay dau
173. D~u hi~u: khong thlv dS c~p toi ngo~i t~.

Phfm giiii va diclz tu cau 174-178

Since before the industrial KS tu tiuoc cu9c each mang cong

revolution, man has dreamed of machines nghiep, con nguoi da rna vS nhfrng may
doing mundane chores for him. These moe co ths giup minh lam nhiing cong viec
days, this work costs at lot of money and nha binh thuitng. Thai diSm do, cong vi~c
manpower, so there are many companies do t6n nhisu tai chinh va nhan h,rc, do do co

that would like to tap into this market and nhisu cong ty mu6n khai thac thi ttuang
create robots for use in the home. nay va t~o ra robot ds dtm.g u·ong nha.
Robot designer, Dr. Denick Lasard of
XB2 Technology, tells us that we have the
Nha thiSt kS robot, TiSn si Denick
Lasard cua Cong ngh~ XB2, noi voi chling
ability to produce robots that can do chores t6i r~ng chling taco kha nang ~0 ra robot
in the home, but because they are so much co thS lam vi~c tt·ong nha, nhung vi chling
more sophisticated than the typical house thl,IC Sl,I tinh vi bon cac V~t trong
ware (175), they present more problems. A nha di~n hinh, nen tan tai nhiSu vk dS. Vi
toaster, for example,. can only do one d1,1 nhu cai may nuung banh , chi co ths lam

thing, and if it breaks there are only a few m9t vi~c duy nh~t, nSu hu hong thi chi co
things that can go wrong. But with a more vai thu di ch~ch huang. Nhung voi nhfrng
complex robot, there are a much greater may robot phitc tap han, se co nhi~u bon
number of ways that it can break. and nhfrng each ma chong co th~ bj hU' hong,

this makes them unreliable and costly to lam cho cho chong trrr nen kem tin cay va
repair. (174) sua chfra t~n kem.

The unpredictable nature of robots Tinh nang khong ngo toi cua cac
was shown recently during last week's robot da duqc chi ra g~n day ~i h9i thao

conference of the Robotic Engineering clia Hi~p h9i chS t~o Robot Hoa ki, noi cac
Association of America, which invites cong ty duqc moi dsn ds uung bay nhfrng
companies to display their new and !!12= nhfrng cong ngh~ moi va hita hen thanh
and-coming technology, At this cong . T~i h{)i n,ghj !lay rit ,nhi~u nhfrng
conference there were many innovatively robot dU"gc thiet ke tan tien vOi nhfrng
designed robots with new and novel kha nang mOi va La thuitng, nhfrng di
abilities (176), but it is still obvious that nhien v§n con do nhiing vk ds phuc t~p
these complexity issues are still present. con hi~n hiiu.

For example. a new robot named the Vi d1,1 vS m9t robot moi co ten

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b9n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngtt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong g6p.
Visitron Q3, built by Solmo Tech (178), Visitron Q3, duqc lam boi Solmo Tech,
was fitted with a visual diagnostic system. duqc l~p voi m9t h~ th6ng chk doan ffim
This robot was drawing some of the nhin. Robot nay da thu hut m9t vai nha bao
conference patrons. Some of the pictures trq t~i h9i thao. M9t vai hue anh nhin rit
were very nice(177), but altematively d~p, nhung thay vao do nhiing cai khac l~i

others resembled a black and white ball of mau den tr~ng khi k~t thuc.
yarn. (= the completion o(long process)

Nhfrng v§n ds nay khong khiSn cac
These problems have not discouraged cong tynan chi u-ong vi~c tiSp t1,1c thiSt kS
companies from continuing to design and va l~p rap robot ds su dl,lllg trong nha..

conshuct robots for use in the home. Trong su6t h9i thao, m9t lo~i robot mang
Dming the conference one of the robots ten "Betty" ~o ra boi HK4 Design
nicknamed "Betty" made by HK4 Design Technology duqc chling kiSn dang lam
Technology was seen doing the dishes. One cong vi~c n1a bat. M9t nguoi tham gia h9i

conference attendee Heruy Aaron said thao Heny Aaron th6t len "Wow. No th~m
"Wow! She didn't break even one dish! chi khong lam vo chiSc dia nao, ~t la §n
Impressive" tic tuqng"
Bapan: 174. B.
177. B1 78. C
175. D 176. c
174- n.,a vao bao bao thi robot trong
174- According to the article, what is the nha co vin d~ gi?
problem with robots in the home? (A) Qua d~t

(A) They are too expensive. (B) Dffhu

(B) They break easily. (C) Kho v~n hanh
(C) They are hard to operate. (D) Qua Ian khong thu~ ti~n.
(D) They are too big to be convenient.
175. T~i sao l~i d~ c~p cai may nu01lg

175. Why is the toaster mentioned in the banh trong bai bao nay?
article? (A) BS chi ra kich co co thS cua robot
(A) To demonstrate the potential size of (B) BS chi ra tiSm nang cua robot u·ong nha

robots (C) BS chi ra sv tuang d6ng giiia robot va

(B) To show the potential of robots in the vftt d1,1ng trong nha

home (D) B: chi ra SJ!: khac nhau giua robot va

(C) To demonsu·ate the similarities of nhung may moe thong thuilng khac
robots and household products
(D) To show the difference between robots
and common machines
176. Trong bai bao thi h9i thao nam nay
176. In the article, what was new at this co gi khac so vOi nam ngoai?
year's conference compared to last (A) Nfun nay co it robot han
year's? (B) T6ng chung thi kich co nam nay nho
(A) There were fewer robots this year. han
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
(B) Overall the robots were smaller in size. (C) Cdc robot niim nay co nhieu tinh niing
(C) This year's robots had more features va khii niing hun
and abilities. (D) S6 nguoi tham gia tang so voi nfun
(D) The attendance was up from last year. ngmii

177. Visitron Q3 duqc l~p trinh d~ lam
177. What is Visitron Q3 programmed to gi?

do? (A) pha cafe
(A) Make coffee (B) vehinh
(B) Draw shapes (C) Nuang banh

(C) Toast bread (D) rua bat dia
(D) Wash dishes
178- Ai t~o ra Visitron Q3?
178- Who created Visitron Q3? (A) HK4 Design Technology

(A) HK4 Design Technology (B) Sendai Robotics
(B) Sendai Robotics (C) Solmo Tech
(C) Solmo Tech
(D) XB2 Technologies
tic (D) XB2 Technologies

174 . Dau hi~u : there are amuchgreaternumber of ways that it can break. and this makes
them unreliable and costly to repair.

175. Dau hi~u: so much more sophisticated than the typical house ware , easily
break ...... .

176. Dau hi~u: At this conference there were many innovatively designed robots with
new and novel abilities,

177. Dau hi~u : Some of the pictures were very nice=> draw (ve)

178 Dau hi~u : Tim trong bai


PhJn diclz vagiiii thiclz tir 179-180

Fertilizer Company Goes from Dirty to Cong ty ph an bon chuyJn ti¥ vi~c siin suat
Green o nhilm sang cong ngh~ xanh
Cong ty Down and Dirty Manure
Down and Dirty Manure g§n day eta xay dl,l11g m9t nha may xU: li
company has recently built a new voi thiSt kS kha (=rather) doc dao. Nha
processzng plant with a rather may nay duqc xay dl,l11g voi nguyen li than
unconventional desi~n. This plant was thi~n voi moi huang, su dl,lilg phuang phap
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
built with environmeptally-fliendly xay dl,ffig xanh. Gillin d6c Bill Paxton noi
values (179), using green constJ:uction r~ng nha may nay duqc xay nhk giai
methods. Manager Bill Paxton says this quyst luqng phan bo qua tai a nong trai
plant was built to handle an excess of~ gia sue bang Texas. Nha may nay kSt hqp
manure from the cattle ranching state of vftt li~u va phuang phap xay d\ffig tai chs,

Texas. This plant combines both recycled, su d\lllg l~i, khong d9c h~i. Nhiing thimh
reused and non-toxic constJ:uction phan duqc su d\lllg bao g6m da phien a
san va cua van phong duqc tai chJ l~y tir 1

materials and methods. Parts used include
the slates in the floor and the office doors, nong u·~i dia phuang. Them vao do, tuemg
which were reclaimed from a local batn. duqc each li b~ng dat nen' va tren mai nha

Plus, the walls were insulated with la tam pin miit trili duqc thist ks ds lam
rammed earth , and on the roof are solar nong toa nha di~n tich 3000m2.
panels designed for heating the 3,ooo- M9t vai nguoi c~rili tham khi chUn.g
sqUat·e meter building. tei nh§n m~nh dng minh co ths xay d\ffig

nha may moi su d\lllg cong ngh~ xanh"'
Some people chuckled when we Paxton chi ra, "Nhung chi phi xay dl,l11g
told the press that we would build our new
plant using green technology," Paxton
stated, "but it cost 15% less to build the
nha may l~i th~p han 15% so voi nhiing
phuang phap va vftt li~u truysn th6ng", va
them vao do nhiing buc tuemg d~t nen va
factory compared to traditional methods tfun pin m~t u-oi da giup chling toi tiSt ki~m
and materials, and to add to that the thick m9t cin hoa don nang luqng.
insulated Earth walls and solar panels have
already saved us a ton on our energy

bills. (180)

179. What is the purpose of the press 179. What is the purpose of the press
release?- (A) To announce a new brand of release
fertilizer (A) Thong bao m9t thuang hi~u phfm bon

(B) To demonstJ:·ate a new method of moi

cleaning the environment (B) Phuong phap lam s~ch moi huang moi
(C) To inform of a more environmentally- (C) B: noi vJ m~t nha may than thi~n viii

friendly factory moi tr~rilng hun

(D) To tell people about Down and Dirty's (D) Noi voi ffi9i nguoi vS S\f rna r9ng CUa

expansion into a new market Down and Dirty vao thi huang moi

180. What did Mr. Paxton say about the 180. Mr. Paxton noi gi vJ nha may xi¥ li
green processing facility? xanh nay
(A) It is the first recycling facility built by
the company. (A) La nha may tai chS d~u tien CUa cty
(B) It manufactures products used to clean
the environment. (B) Sansu~tsanph§m dtmg dS lam s~chmt
(C) It has helped the company save money
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b9n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngtt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong g6p.
on energy costs (C) Giup cty tiet ki~m chi phi
(D) It is located on the same property as an
old fann building. (D) Co vi tria cimg m9t manh dftt voi toa
nha nong tr~i cii
179. nau hi~u :

Down and Dirty Manure company has recently built a new processing plant with
a rather unconventional design. This plant was built with environmeptally-fliendly

values, -Down and Dii!Y vua xay drmg 1 nha may moi 2 xay drmg tren nguyen li than
thien voi moi tiuemg

180 Dau hi~u: it cost 15% less to build the factmy compared to u·aditional methods,
have ah-eady saved us a ton on our energy bills.
Cau D dS nh§m vi co cau: "Parts used include the slates in the floor and the office doors,

which were reclaimed from a local barn. - Thanh ph§n duoc su dung .... Duac tai chS
lfty tU nong trai dia J!huong.

Ph~z djch va
J!itii tlzich tit 181-185


October 1 Ngay 01110

Dale Evans Dale Evans

337 WimbletonRd. 337 Wimbleton Rd.

Andover, Chelsea SP 98 21 Andover, Chelsea SP 98 21

England England

Dear ]\;f:r. Eves: Gui Mr. Eves:

We are excited to tell you that we are Chting toi rftt vui duqc thong bao voi

offering you the job as the Dii·ector of b~n rfug chting t6i dang d~ nghi b~ m9t
Intemational Marketing. We would like cong vi~c avi tri Giam d6c Marketing qu6c
you to statt on Monday, October 23. tS. Chting toi mong b~n b~t &u cong vi~c
vao thu hai, ngay 23/ 10 .
As per our last meeting, your
supervisor will be the Vice President of Theo nhu cu9c g~p cua chting ta uuoc
Operations, Samantha Jones.(184) We do, giam sat clia b~n se la Pho chu tich di~u
would also like you to attend the executive hanh, Mr. Samantha Jones. ChUng t6i cling
meetings as a member of the Executive mu6n b~n tham gia cu9c h9p cftp cao nhu
Management Group. We have enclosed a la thanh vien cua h9i d6ng quan tri cftp cao.
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b9n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngtt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong g6p.
contract that states your offered annual Chung toi dinh kern theo day ban h9J1
salary, your conditions of employment, d~ng chi ra mfrc Iuong b~n duf!c hu6ng
and a brief description of your job.(181) hang nam, di~u ki~n lam vi~c, va mo ta
We are eagerly awaiting your amoral and ng~n g~m v~ cong vi~c cua b~n
look fotward to working together. ChUn.g t6i dang hito hue cho dqi ngay

b~n toi va mong cho lam vi~c cUn.g voi b~n.

Jamie Lmue
Jamie Lmue Jamie Larue

Jamie Larue
Senior Vice President
Inventions Intetnational Senior Vice President
Inventions Intetnational

tic [EMAIL 2]
October 7

October 7 Ms. Jamie Latue

190 Curtis Lane

Ms. Jamie Lmue Melborune, NSW 9987

190 Curtis Lane Australia
Melborune, NSW 9987
Australia Gui Ms.Lmue,

Dear Ms .Lmue Toi rit vui dUf!'C ti~p nh~n cong

vi~c nay va d~ng y nhung di~u khoan v~
I gladly accept the position and the cong vi~c cho vj tri Giam d8c marketing

terms of employment for the Director of qu8c t~. T oi da co 1 cu9c g~p go tuy~t voi
International Marketing (183). I had a voi Samantha Jones va dt mong cho duqc

great first meeting with Smnantha Jones lam v i~c va h9c hoi duoi quySn cua co fly.
and look fotward to working and lemning Toi da cin th~n d9c h~t ban h9J1
together under her influence. d~ng, mota cong vi~c va hoan toan d~ng
I have carefully looked over the y vOi nhung di~u ki~n du-rc dua ra.
contract and the job description and Nhung toi co hoi lo l~ng vS ngay lam vi~c
fully accept the conditions offered. (181) &u tien. Nhu b~n biSt do, Hi~n toi dang
But, I am a little concetned about the start d8ng iY Anh, va toi khong ch~c l~m v~
date. As you know, I am cruTently living in khoang thOi gian minh cin d~ s~p x~p
England, and I have slightly vi~c rOi di va ti~p nh~n cong vi~c nhu
underestimated the amount of time I duO'c s~p x~p. Do do, co khong 6n khong
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
need to organizing the move and get my nSu t6i ~n vi~c vao ngay 30/10? Xin hay
affairs in order (185). So, It is impossible thong bao voi t6i nSu no kha thi. T oi mong
for me to statt on the 30th of October? day khong phai la m9t b~t ti~n lan cho b~.
Please let me know if this is feasible. I hope Toi ciing da chu~n bi 1 din h9 aMelboUine
that this is not an giant inconvenience for r6i, nhrmg t6i dn ai do gifr chia khoa trong

you Also I have atTanges an Apattment in tu§n nay, b~n co ths nho ai do lam giup t6i, but I need someone to pick up duqc khong ?

the keys this week. Could you find
someone to do this for me?

Dale Evans
Sincerely, Dale Evans

Dale Evans Dap an: 181. C 182. B 183. C 184.A

Dale Evans 185. D

in the contract?
(A) The potential salaty
181. What information is NOT included 181. Thong tin nao khong co trong hf!P
(A) Luong
(B) Contract tenus
(B) DiSu khoan h<;1p d6ng
(C) Employment background (C) Yeu cau cong vi~c
(D) Job description (D) Mo ta cong vi~c

182. In the first letter, the word 182. 0 h1 thU' diu tien, tir "enclosed" rr
"enclosed" in paragraph 2, line 3 is donl;l 2, dong 3 co nghia gin nh~t vOi tir
closest in meaning to nao sau?
(A) Slll.Tounded (A) Boa quanh

(B) on the inside (B) Ben trong

(C) on the outside (C) Ben ngoai
(D) brought with (D) theo voi

183. What was the purpose of Dale 183. Mt,~c dich cua Dale khi vi~t thU' tra

Evans' reply letter? ' '?

(A) To apply for a job (A) N9p dan xin vi~c
(B) To request an interview (B) Xin duqc phong v§n
(C) To accept a job (C) NhP-n vi~c
(D) To thank Ms. Latue for the interview (D) Cam an Ms. Lmue da phong vk

184. What is Samantha Jones' job at

Inventions Intemational? 184. Cong vi~c cua Samantha Jones tl;li
(A) Vice President of Operations Inventions International?
(B) Director of Human Resources (A) Vice President of Operations
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
(C) Sales Director (B) Director of Human Resources
(D) Senior VP (C) Sales Director
(D) Senior VP

185. Why is Mr. Evans unable to start 185. T~i sao Mr. Evans khong th~ nh~n

work on October 2Yd viec vao 23/10?
(A) It is a national holiday. (A) Bo la ngay nghi qu6c qia

(B) He has a family crisis. (B) Co khling hoang gia dinh
(C) His home was bwnt down. (C) Nha anh ~Y bi chay
(D) He will be busy moving. (D) Anh ay b~ slip x~p di chuy:n

181. nau hi~u :
[Email 1]: a contract that states your offered annual salary, your conditions of
employment, and a brief description of your job.

[Email 2]: I have carefully looked over the contract and the job description and fully
accept the conditions offered
Conditions = Contract terms tic
182: Enclosed = hqp a6ng co kem theo cac diSu ki~n => cac diSu ki~n nay a ben trong
hqp a6ng => inside .
183. Dau hi~u : I gladly accept the position and the tetms of employment for the
Director of International Marketing

184. Dau hi~u : th~y ro trong bai

185. Dau hi~u : and I have slightly underestimated the amount of time I need to
organizing the move and get my affairs in order

Phfm dich vagiai tlziclz cho diu 18S-190


Wacky and Wild Poster Printing Wacky and Wild Poster Printing

Our mission is to produce the best Su menh cua chling t6i la ~i ra nhfrng
posters with the highest quality at the lowest buc poster ayp nh~t voi cMt luqng cao nh~t,
cost, all to suit yom needs. We cater to large gia ca th~p nh~t, va phil hqp voi nhu c~u cua
organizations and have produced posters for b~. Chling t6i cung c~p cho nhfrng t6 chuc
such events as Rock conceits, school Ian va da ~ora nhfrng buc poster cho nhfrng
festivals, restaurants, giant depmtment sv ki~n nhu la Rock conceits, IS h9i h9c
stores and so much more. We want to make duemg, nha hang, cua hang Ian va han thS
your poster. nfra. ChUn.g t6i mu6n lam poster cho b~n

If ou m·e interested in our NSu nhu b~n thich d~t oster uuoc, ha
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b9n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngtt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong g6p.
poster, visit our website at ghe thllm website cua chtmg t6i and take a look at our va xem qua m9t luqng
wide range of samples and prices. Maybe Ian mfm hang va gia ca. Co thS b~n se tim ra
you will find an idea or two in our printed 1 ho~C 2 y tuong 0 m\}C in fui CUa ChUng tOi.
section (185) . Listed below are our general Sau day la danh sach gia ca chung duqc li~t

prices for color posters. ke cho poster mau:

Poste Matte Satin Banne Outdo Poster Matte Satin or Banne Outdo
r size Poster or r or SIZe Poster Glossy r or
Paper Glossy Vinyl Vinyl Paper Paper Vinyl Vinyl

Paper AO £35.0 £45.00 £50.0 £50.0
AO £35.00 £45.00 £50.0 £50.0 0 0 0
0 0 AI £17.5 £22.50 £25.0 £25.0
AI £17.50 £22.50 £25.0 £25.0 0 0 0

0 0 A2 £8.75 £11.25 £12.5 £12.5
A2 £8.75 £11.25 £12.5 £12.5 0 0

0 tic
In don le ciing duqc, nhung nSu nhu
We do allow single printings, but if b~n ~t nhiSu thi chfutg t6i se dua ra mire
you buy in bulk we provide major discounts. giam gia Ian. Tham khao website clia
See our website for details. t6i dS biSt them chi tiSt.

B~n khong biSt ch~c la minh dn gi?

Not sure what you want? No problem! Khong sao ca! Chfutg toi co m9t d9i ngii
We have a team of highly-trained and nhiin vien duqc dao ~0 bai ban va d~y kinh
experienced staff waiting with great ideas nghi~m voi nhiing y tuang tuy~t voi danh
for you. Just bring or e-mail the details of cho b~n. Chi ck b~ mang toi ho~c email

your event and we will put together a few nhiing chi tiSt cua S\f ki~n va chtmg t6i dua
demo designs for you to choose from. ra cling hie nhiing thiSt kS demo dS b~

This month we are having a sale on Thang nay chtmg t6i co dqt giam gia
our outdoor vinyl posters (187) where if Poster b~ng nhl,!a Vinyl ngoai troi t~i noi

you buy five, you get one free (190). These nSu nhu b~n mua 5, ban duqc miSn phi 1.
posters are ideal for those late summer Nhiing poster nay r~t li tuong cho nhfrng
conceits and festivals. So, if the late summer concett va IS h9i cu6i he. Do do, nSu cu6i he
rain hits, yow· poster will still be there the ma CO mua, poster CUa b~n V~n con do toi
next day ~nhom sau.

Come m to any one of ow· five Xin hay g9i b~t cir 1 trong 5 dia diSm
convenient locations today! If you have any clia t6i ma thu~n lqi cho b~ ngay
questions, call Jim Davidson at 880-7765. hom nay! N Su nhu b~n co b~t cir cau hoi
nao, hay g9i Jim Davidson t~i s6 880-7765.
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b9n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngtt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong g6p.

To: Jim Davidson <> To: Jim Davidson <>

From:Ichiro Kazanaki From:Ichiro Kazanaki
<> <>

Date: July 6 Date: July 6
Subject: New Design Needed Subject: New Design Needed

Attach: logo.jpg, Jimmy.jpg, Rockdog.jpg, Attach: logo.jpg, Jimmy.jpg, Rockdog.jpg,
Drums.jpg Drums.jpg

Dear Design Team: Gui nhom thiSt kS:

We are hosting a rock concett at our Chtmg t6i dang t6 chirc m9t rock
school for frosh week in September and we concert t~i huang danh cho tu~n IS clia sinh

have no idea what kind of posters we will vien nam nh~t vao th<ing Chin, chtmg t6i
need. I go to Hamilton University and I chua coy tuemg nao vs lo~i poster minh c~n.

Week Committee (188). Our campus is

Am in charge of promotions for the Frosh

quite large and the venue is also vety

Toi theo h9C d~i h9C Hamilton va dang phl,l
tnich nhi~m v1,1 qillmg ba cho Frosh Week
Committee. Khuon vien huang kha r9ng va
spaCIOUS. dia diSm t6 chirc ciing r~t r9ng rai
We would like you to make a few Toi mu6n cac b~n hun m9t vai lo~i
types of posters for us (189). We would poster cho chtmg t6i. 200 ban cho 1 lo~i

like about 200 copies of one type of poster poster (A4) danh cho phia hong dia diSm to
(A4) for the inside of the concett venue. On chirc concett. Tren poster dS ngay (07/09),
this poster we would like the date thai gian (9pm) va dia diSm (Timber
(September 7), time (9:00p.m.) and location Concert Hall ), va them 1 bite h·anh nfra vS
(Timber Concett Hall ), and also a picture ho~t d9ng khai m~c, bank Jimmy, va ho~t

of the opening act, the band Jimmy, and the d9ng chinh - duqc g9i la Rockdog. Toi co
main act, called Rockdog. I have attached dinh kern theo day t~t ca hinh anh vs chUn.g.
pictures of both. If you need more pictures NSu b~n c~n nhiSu anh han, website co sgn

there is a website available for both groups, ds b~n tham khao cho ca 2:
www. for Jimmy, and va
To for Rockdog.

We would also like six vety large (AO)
outdoor vinyl posters made with the same Chtmg t6i ciing dn 6 poster nhl,l'a Ian
information, but we would like to have the (AO) voi thong tin tuang tv, nhung chtmg t6i
school crest on it too which is attached as mu6n tren do ciing phai co hinhhuy hi~u cua
logo.jpg. huang nhu file logo.jpg dinh kern

We are eagerly awaiting your designs Chtmg t6i hao huWe are eagerly
(189), and look fmward to seeing the final awaiting your designs, and look fmward to
product. 1 live in the dmms so please send seeing; the final product. 1 live in the dmms
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
them to school. Thanks in advance. so please send them to school. Thanks in
Ichiro Kazanaki
Ichiro Kazanaki

186. Djch ~ mlo dU"qc chao hang?
186. What service is being offered? (A) Giffin gia posters trong nha

(A) Discounts on indoor posters (B) in sach
(B) Printing of textbooks (C) Quang ba ban nh;;tc Rock
(C) Rock band promotions (D) In banners

(D) Printing of banners
187. M~c nao dU'f!'C giam gia trong t<r
187. What is discounted in the flier? bU'Om?
(A) Outdoor vinyl posters (A) posters nhJ!a ngoai trili

(B) Single paintings (B) In da n
(C) Color prints (C) In mau
(D) New designs

188. Who is Ichit·o Kazanaki?

tic (D) ThiSt kS moi
188. Ichiro Kazanaki Ia ai?
(A) La sinh vi en df!-i htJc
(A) A university student (B) Ttuang nh6m quang ba cho frosh week
(B) The promotions manager for frosh week (C) M9t thanh v ien cilil Rockdog
(C) A member of Rockdog (D) M9t thanh vien cilil d9i thiSt kS trong
(D) A member of the school design team nuemg

189. Ichiro Nagasaki lien l~c Jim

189. Why is Ichil·o Nagasaki contacting Davidson?
Jim Davidson?
(A) Mu6n m9t cong vi~c

(A) He wants a job. (B) Mu6n tni tiSn cho poster cu6i ctmg
(B) He Wants to pay for the final poster. (C) Mu6n thuang lu<;m.g gia
(C) He wants to negotiate the price. (D) Mu~n co 1 poster dU'f!'C thi~t k~ moo

(D) He wants to have a new poster design

made. 190. lchiro Kazanaki phai tra bao nhieu

190. How much willlchiro Kazanaki have cho s~ poster nh-.,a ngoai triri rna anh ta
to pay for the outdoor vinyl posters that d~t?
he ordered? (A) £240
(A) £240 (B)£250
(B)£ 250 (C) £280
(C) £280 (D) £ 300
(D) £ 300
186. Dan hi~u : Maybe you will find an idea or two in our printed section
Cau A sai v i giam gia poster ngoai n·o i thoi, cau B,C ko co thong tin
187. Dau hi~u: This month we are having a sale on our outdoor v inyl posters
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b9n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngtt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong g6p.
188. Dau hi~u : I go to Hamilton University and I Am in charge of promotions for the Frosh
Week Committee
=> Ava B dSu co thS la dap an, nhrmg A chuilil han vi co ghi ro la : I go to Hamilton
University (t6i theo h9c tJ.uang d<;ll h9c Hamilton)
189. Dau hi~u - Xem ph§n in d~m

190. Dau hi~u - mua 5 t~ 1 => mua 6 cai chi c§n n·a tiSn cho 5 cai = 50* 5=250
Ldi giiii va djch tit 191-195

Question 191-195 refer to the following Question 191-195 refer to the following
two emails. two emails.

Ms. Parker, Gui co Parker,

We would like to thank you for choosing us Cam an quy khach da ch9n chtmg t6i dS d~t

to book yom tour of South Korea. The tour toi H~m Qu6c. KS ho~ch t~m thai duqc
temporaty schedule IS listed bellow and li~t ke nhu sau va bao g6m luon ph§n ~t
includes the hotel reservation
tic khachs~:

L!ch trinh
Day Depa Time Aniva Tim
rture 1 e Day Depa Time Aniva Tim
Sunday Hong 2:00 Seoul 6:50 tture 1 e
Kong p.m. p.m. Sunday Hong 2:00 Seoul 6:50

Tuessda Seoul 12: 00 Hong 4:45 Kong p.m. p.m.

y noon Kong p.m. Tuessda Seoul 12:00 Hong 4:45
y noon Kong p.m.
We regret to infmm you that because you
only signed up 7 passengers, we can't ChUng t6i r~t tiSc phai thong bao r~ng vi b~

provide you a group discount rate (191). chi dang ki cho 7 nguoi nen ch1.lng t6i khong
Our policy IS that a group reqmres a thS dua ra muc giam gia chi nhom. Chinh
minimum of 10 people for the 15% discount sach cua chtmg t6i la m9t nhom dn 10

on airfare. nguoi ds huang muc giam gia 15% ve may


Your payment options are credit card,

money order or direct online transfer B~ co thS h,ra ch9n hinh thuc thanh toan la
(192). the tin dl;ll1g, Ngan phiSu ho~c chuySn tiSn

Mr. Klum, (194)

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b9n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngtt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong g6p.
Gui coKlum.
Thank you for the speedy reply. We are
really looking toward to om tour. We would Cam an b~n da phan h6i nhanh chong.
like to leave on January 15th (193). We Chling t6i thftt S\I r~t mong dqi tom cua
would also like to get a more detailed minh. Chting t6i mu6n khoi hanh vao 15/01 .

itinermy for om time in Seoul. Chling t6i cling mu6n co lich trich Cl,l thS
han cho thai gian a Seoul.

As for the tour, we have two more people
who signed up for the trip, as despite om Voi tour nay, chling t6i co them 2 nguai
best effmts we can't seem to find one more dang ki cho chuySn di nfra, m~c du chting t6i

person. But we feel that with nine people da c6 hSt sue nhung v§n khong thS tim them
we should qualify for the discount, or a duqc ai nfra. Nhrmg chting t6i th~y rfug v oi
discount of some kind (195). I realize you 9 nguai thi co du disu ki~n nh~n duqc muc
have a company policy, but we thought you giam gia do, ho~c 1 lo~i giam gia khac. T oi

could bend it just this time. We hope to have hisu ro chinh sach cong ty b~n nhrmg b~n co
a long relationship with you in the future. thS linh ho~t duqc ma. Chting t6i mong minh

Thanks again,
Ellie Parker
tic chling ta se co m6i quan h~ lau dai voi b~
trong tuang lai
191. What is NOT the purpose of the first 191. Di~u m1o khong phai Ia m~;~c dich cua
a-mail? b1 thU' thlf nhit?
(A) DS xac nh~ d~t phong KS
(B) D~ thong bao vOi Parker Ia co iy dm;rc

(A) To confitm the hotel reservation

(B) To infonn Ms. Parker that she got a giam gia
discount (C) DS cung c~p thong tin chuySn di
(C) To provide travel infmmation (D) Cung c~p thai gian bay
(D) To provide flight times

192. According to the first a-mail, which

192. Theo Ia thU' thlf nhit thi phU'ong thlfc
of the following Is NOT a possible method
thanh toan nao khong kha thi?

of payment? (A) ChuySn tiSn tn,rc tiSp

(A) Direct transfer (B) Ngan phiSu

(B) Money order (C) The tin d1,1ng

(C) Credit card (D) Ti~n m~t
(D) Cash 193. Co Parker va nhom cua minh mu~n
tOi Seoul vito hie nao?
193. When do Ms. Parker and her group (A) 15/01
want to heave for Seoul? (B) 17/01
(A) Janumy 15 (C) 25/02
(B) Januaty 17 (D) 16/03
(C) Febtumy 25
(D) Mm·ch 16
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b9n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngtt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong g6p.
194. Theo nhfrng email m1y thi di~u m1o
194. According to the a-mails, what is khong dung?
NOT true? (A) Ong Klum dang hao hifc v~ chuy~n di
(A) Jvfr. Kh.un is excited about his upcoming tOi Seoul
tour to Seoul. (B) khong ro vS vi~c co Parker co nh~ duqc

(B) It is not clear if Ms. Parker will get a muc giam gia cho chuySn di toi Han Qu6c
discount on her trip to South Korea. haykhong

(C) Nine people do not qualify for a discount (C) 9 nguoi khong du diSu ki~n giam gia ve
on airfare. may bay
(D) Ms. Parker feels that she needs more (D) Co Parker cam th~y minh dn them

infonnation about her stay in Seoul. thong tin khi a Seoul
195. Ms. Parker mu~n Mr. Klum him gi?
195. What would Ms. Parker like Mr. (A) Nang h~ lo~i phong akhach s~n
Klum to do? (B)Nang h~ng lo~i ve may bay

(A) Upgrade the rooms at the hotel (C) Giam gia ve may bay
(B) Upgrade the seats on the flight (D) Gui them m9t s6 thong tin chi tiSt vS ve
(C) Reduce the airfare tic
(D) Send some more details about the plane
may bay.
Liri giiii va djclt fir 196-200

Questions 196-200 refer to the following Questions 196-200 refer to the following
advertisement and a-mail. advertisement and a-mail.

Hotel Employment opportunities: CO' hoi ngh~ nghi~p t~i khach s~n: T~p

Skywalker Corporation doim Skywalker


We are searching for motivated, toi dang tim kiSm nhfrng nguoi t~n
energetic people to begin managing our tam va d~y nghi h,rc dS b~t d~u vi~c quan li

newly-opened facilities (196). The nhfrng co so moi mo cua chling t6i. Tftp
Skywalker Corporation has become a doan Skywalker tro thanh nha tien phong
world leader in the hotel and hospitality toan c~u trong llnh vvc khach s~n va IS tan
field by its rapid growth and expansion. nho vao t6c d9 tang huang va mo r9ng
We are currently working hard on the nhanh chong. Chllilg t6i hi~n dang lam vi~c
creation of hotels in Toronto, Lima, and chlim cho vi~c hinh thanh nhfrng khach s~
Budapest.(l97) The prospective managers a Toronto, Lima, va Budapest. Nhfrng nha
will be in charge of the hiring and firing quan li tuang lai se ph1,1 u·ach vi~c tuySn
of new employees (198), the procurement d1,1ng va sa thai nhan vien moi, mua n9i th~t
of the fruniture and any exn·a equipment, va b~t cu thist bi ph1,1 them nao khi dang

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
while taking care of the daily operations. It phl,l trach cong V l~C ho~t d9ng thuemg
is impmtant that these new employees ngay. Quan tt·9ng la nhiing nhfm vien moi
create a comfortable and pleasant nay t~o duqc moi truemg lam vi~c thoai mai
environment for the workers and the va ds chiu cho nhan vien va khach toi thfun.
guests. Nhan vien tism nang phai co it nh~t 7 nam

kinh nghi~m vS quan li trong nganh IS tan.
Potential employees must have at Chtmg t6i thich nhiing ting vien co b~ng

least seven years of managing experience thuang m~i ho~c quan li khach s~n han
in the hospitality industry (200). We nhung dSu do khong c~n thiSt nSu ting vien
prefer that our applicants have a business co thai gian lam vi~c dang kS tt·ong llnh vvc

or hotel management degree, but it is not a tai chinh. Kha nang noi tiSng Anh va 1
necessity if the applicant has significant ngon ngu khac la m9t uu ths dang ks vi h~u
time working with finances. The ability to hSt khach s~n cua choog tei dsu n~m a
speak English and one more language is nhiing nuoc khong noi tiSng Anh. BiSu nay

a significant advantage as most of our co nghia la b~n co thS duqc tai phfm b6 vS
hotels are located in non-English co so noi b~n co thS dting ngon ngfr clia
speaking countries (200). This means that
you might be relocated to a facility in
which your language would be best
minh. Tftp doan Skywalker se chiu b~t cu
chi phi chuySn ch6 nao, day la m9t trong
vo s6 nhiing lqi ich chtmg t6i dua ra cling
utilized. Skywalker Cmporation will cover voi muc luang c~nh tranh han va bao hiSm
any relocation costs, which is one of the y ts.
many great benefits we offer along with our Hay gili ban li }ich va thu xin vi~c cua b~
more than competitive salaries and health cho
Robe1t Madden a dia chi email:

Please send your resume and a cover letter
to Robe1t Madden at

Gui Ong Madden,


Dear Mr. Madden: Toi vua moi th~y bai dang clia b~n va thich
thu voi vi tt·i quan li khach s~n duqc dang

I just saw your ad and I am interested a s6 phat hanh thang 6 clia bao Hotel and
in the positionofHotelManagerwhich was Times. Toi co dinh kern theo day ban li lich
adveitised in the June issue of Hotel and bao g6m thong tin tham chiSu cua t6i va 1
Times. I have attached a resume, which thuxinvi~c. Toihi~nlaquanlicuaWaikiki
includes my references, and a cover letter. Boutique Hotel, noi toi da lam vi~c duqc 9
I am currently the manager of the nam. Them vao do, t6i co duqc 1 luqng Ion
Waikiki Boutique Hotel where I have kinh nghi~m lam vi~c tt·ong llnh vvc khach
been working for the last nine years s~n qu6c tS. Toi da lam avi tt·i IS tan aParis
(199). In addition, I havegained a large va vi tri quan li khach s~n t~m thai a Seoul.
amount of experience working in the Toi se r~t vui nSu duqc thao l~n nvc tiSp
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b9n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngtt6'i dling mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong g6p.
intetnational hotel scene. I have work as a voi b~n vS kinh nghi~m cua minh. Toi co
desk clerk in Paris and as an interim hotel ths asn van phong cua b~ ho~c Ia chling ta
manager in Seoul. 1 would be ve~y happy co thS co 1 cu9c h9p dam tho~i. T oi mong
to discuss my experience with you face to cho phan h6i cua b~n
face. I can travel to your ' office or we can

have a conference call. I look forward to
your reply.

Iran tr9ng,
Sincerely, Anthony Honda
Anthony Honda

196. Lo~i cong vi~c m1o dU'c;rc dU'a ra?
196. What kind of jobs is being offered? (A) Khuan vac
(A) Concierge (B) Quan li
(B) Management (C) DiSu hanh ho~t d9ng thuang ngay

(C) Daily operations (D) Dich V\1 qufty IS tan
(D) Front desk services
tic 197. Theo m t;~c dang tuy~n thi t~p doan
197. Based on the job advertisement, Skywalker s~p lam gi?
what will Skywalker Corporation do (A) ma r~ng CO' sara toan th~ giOi
(B)chuySn van phong chinh toi Toronto
(A) It will expand its facilities all over the (C) Lfui san sang nganh giai tri
world. (D) tang g~p doi s6 lu<;m.g nhan vien vao
(B) It will move its main office to Toronto. nam toi

(C) It is expanding into the entettainment

(D) It will double its staff in a year.

198. What does the new manager NOT 198. Qm1n H mOi khong cin phai b1m gi?

have to do? (A)D~y nhi~u ngon ngfr cho nhan

(A) Teach multiple languages to the new (B)Phong v§n va tuySn dl,lng nhan vien

staff khach s~n moi

(B) Interview and hire new hotel workers (C)Mua thiSt bi

(C) Procure the equipment (D) DiSu hanh cong vi~c thuang
(D) Run day-to-day operations at the site ngay ~i noi lam vi~c

199. According to Anthony Honda's a- 199. Theo email cua Anthony Honda,
mail, what makes him qualified for the di~u gi khi~n anh dap ung yeu ciu tuy~n
job? dt;~ng?
(A) His ability to speak more than one (A) Kha nang noi han 1 ngon ngu
language (B) Kinh nghi~m lam vi~c anuac ngoai
(B) His foreign work experience (C) Trinh d9 h9c v§n sau r9ng
(C) His extensive educational background (D) Co kinh nehiem quan li khach san
Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
(D) His vast expenence m hotel

200. What was the minimum amount of 200. S~ nam kinh nghi~m it nhit cho v!
experience needed for this position? tri m1y h1?

(A) At least 7 years, but with the ability to (A) it nhit 7 nam, nhung vOi kha nang
speak more than one language noi hon 1 ngon ngfr
(B) it nhltt 4 nam

(B) At least 4 years
(C) Less than 7 years but significant (C) it han 7 nam nhrmg co kinh nghi~m vS
financial experience tai chinh rumg ks

(D) At least 9 years expenence m (D) it nh~t 9 nam kinh nghi~m vS quan 1i
Giai thich diu 200: it nh~t kinh nghi~m 7 nam nhrmg voi kha nang noi han 1 ngon ngu

• Trong to dang tuySn dl,lllg co ghi ro la tftp doan nay co nhiSu co so a nhiSu nuoc
khong noi tiSng Anh. Co nghia nhan vien co thS duqc t:ai phan b6 di noi khac. Do
do disu ki~n nay la b~t bu9c.tic
• Cau C: Kinh nghi~m vS linh vl,Ic tai chinh: email neu rola nguoi nay thich Un.g
vien co bfug thuong m~i hay quan li khach s~n, ho~c co kinh nghi~m tai chinh
=> disu nav khong phai veu c~u quan trong
. cho cong viec

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
cac b~n c6 tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<J'i dLmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong g6p.
Tran Kim Thanh

Questions 153-154 refer to the following bill

Guest N rune: Helen County Ten KH: Helen County
Reservation munber: AX 1402652 Ma s6 d~t ch6 : AX 1402652
Room: 333 Phong: 333

Anival: December 3 13:23 Ngay dSn : 13:23 , 03/12
N gay di: 09/ 12

Date Description Charge Ngay Mota Cuoc tinh
Dec 3-9 Room Chru·ge 840.00 3-9 Giaphong 840.00

Dec 3 Room Service 14.00 /12
Dec 4 1900 Bar 20.00 3/ 12 Dich v1,1 phong 14.00
Dec 6 Telephone call 10.00 4/ 12 Bar 1900 20.00

Dec 7 6/12 G9i di~n tho~i 10.00
Dec 7 Dty cleaning 5.00 7/12 An t6i ~i: 32.00*
Dec 8
Room Service
tic 7/12
1900 Bar&
Gi~tui 5.00
Total: 8/12 Dich v1,1 phong 18.00
$954.00 9/12 Dich Vl,l dua 15.00

Guest signature: helewcourcty T6ng:

Hotel manager: J e/fsemorv $954.00
* Ap dl,lllg giam gi~ 10%
Chfr ki khach hangl_.helewcourcty

Giam doc khach s~n: J e/fsemorv

153. When was Ms. County's check-out date? Ngay tra phong cua Ms. County la khi nao?

(A) December 3 (A) 3/12

(B) December 5 (B) 5/ 12

(C) December 7 (C) 7/12

(D) December 9 (D) 9/12
154. To which item was the discount applied? Giam gia duqc ap dl,lng cho ml,lC nao?
(A) A room charge (A) Gia phong
(B) A telephone fee (B) phi di~n tho~i
(C) A room service charge (C) Phi dich v1,1 phong
(D) A dinner at the hotel restaurant (D) An t~i t~i nha hang cua khach s~n
Questions 155-156 refer to the following advertisement

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

Exciting and Relaxing Waterborne Travel Ll!a ch(~m du ljch duimg thuy li tho va thw
Option gH'in
Blue Bridge Ferries- Relax and enjo the Blue Bridge Ferries- Thu gH'in va t~n
scenery! huang canh v~t!

Forget about annoying and crowded traffic! Hay quen di giao thong dong due va phiSn
Take a ferry ride across the Bay of Fundy in tmii! Lai tim thuy ngang vinh Fundy voi S\I

comfort, style, and with time to spare! Our high- ti~n nghi, phong each va sam hO'n du ki~n !
speed Blue Bridge fenies provide a quick and Nhfrng chiSc tau thliy Blue Bridge t6c d9 cao
cua chling toi dem l~i S\I luan chuySn nhanh

convenient ride between Everett and Fundy Bay
City, offering a great host of amenities including va th~n lqi gifra Everett and Fundy Bay City,
reserved seating, fax machines, and television. dem l~i m9t lo~t nhfrng ti~n nghi bao g6m ghS
Friendly captains and crew will make yow· ride d~t truoc, may fax, ti vi. B9i ngii thuySn

more enjoyable. With hourly departmes. truong va nhan vien than thi~n se lam cho
Monthly passes are available at $ 100. Parking
is available in an adjacent parking lot with
affordable rates($5.00 per day, $3.00 on
chuySn di cua b~ them li thu. Khoi hanh theo
gio, nhfrng chiSc tau clia chling t6i se dua b~n
dSn Tr~m vinh Fundy- chi 5p tir tam
thuang m~i thanh ph6 vinh Fundy- chi trong
weekends, $75.00 for a monthly pass). It is a
great way to stmt and finish yow· day! For more vong 45p. Ve thang sgn co voi gia 100$. B6
infmmation on fares and feny schedules, visit xe t~i bai kS ben voi gia hqp li (5.00$ m9t
om website at, or call us at ngay, 3.00$ ngay cu6i tu~n, 75.00 cho ve

(555) thang. Bola each tuy~t voidS b~n b~t dftu va

512-3342. kSt thuc m9t ngay. BS biSt them thong tin vS
phi va lich tau, ghe tham website cua chling
toi ~i ho~c g9i s6 (555)


155. Who are the intended readers of this Quang cao nay huang toi nguoi d9C la ai?

adv ettisement? A) nhan vien tau

(A) Feny employees B) Nhfrng nguoi hang ngay vao thanh ph6
(B) Commuters to Fundy Bax City Vinh Fundy lam vi~c
(C) Travel agents C) B~i li du lich
(D) Blue Bridge shm·eholders D) c6 dong clia.
156. What seems to be hue about Fundy Bay BiSu gi cove dling vS Tp VinhFundy?
(A) It will soon provide train service to

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

(B) It provides free parking for A) Nose sam cung c~p dich Vl,l xe lua cho
monthly pass holders. Everett
(C) It provides free schedules for the (B) No cho nguoi cove thang d6 xe miSn phi
feny service. (C) No cung c~p lich di tau miSn phi

(D) Its business center is only (D) Tnmg tam thuang m~i cua no chi each vai
minutes from the ferry terminal. phut toi tr~m don tau

Questions 157-159 refer to the following notice.
Richview District Libt·my Thu vi~n q~n Richview

1806 Islington Avenue Bia chi moi
Richview District 1806 Is ling ton Avenue
Hours Richview District
Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m-8:30 p.m. (G§n uuong Islington Junior High)

Saturday 9:00 a.m-5:00 p.m.
(Closed on holidays) tic Gier giic
Loan period: Books and audio materials-3 Thu 2-Thu 5: 9:00a.m-8:30p.m
weeks; Movies- 1 week Thu 6: 9:00a.m-6:00p.m
(One time renewal is allowed by e-mail.) Thu 7: 9:00a.m-5:00p.m
Overdue fines (per day per item): Books- $0.50; Chu nhftt: 1:30p.m.-5:00 p.m. (Thang 9-thang
Audio materials and movies- $1.00 6)
The librmy canies a wide selection of books (Bong cua vao ngay nghi)

including cunent bestsellers for both fiction and

nonfiction. There are also many audio books Ki h~n mUQll: tai li~u sach va audio: 3 tu§n.
available in CD fonnat. Movies m·e available in Phim di~n anh: 1 tu§n. (duqc phep gia h~n 1
l§n b~ng email)

both DVD and VHS fonnat.

If you have questions or suggestions regarding Ph~t qua ~n (1 lo~ilngay): sach - $0.50, tai
Circulation, Reserve, Shelving, or other Loan li~u audio va phim : 1.00$

Services functions contact Jennifer Edwins,


Loan Services Manager, by e-mail (jedwins@ T ~p chi, tai li~u tham khao, vi phim chi duqc or by phone at (507) 222-4259. su dl,lllg u·ong thu vi~n.

Thu vi~n mang l~i luang lon nhiing d~u sach

ch9n l9c bao g6m nhiing d~u sach ch9n l9c
g§n day' ca tiSu thuySt va hi~n thvc. CGng co
nhiSu sach audio voi dinh d~g CD. Phim dien
anh coca dinh d~ng DVD va VHS.
NSu b~n co dlu hoi hay gop y nao vS vi~c

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

Cho muqn, hru hii', ~t gia sach, hay nhiing

chuc nang khac cua cijch vu cho muqn, lien
h~, Jennifer Edwins - quan li dich v1,1 cho
muqn qua e-mail (jedwins@ )

ho~c qua di~n tho~i (507) 222-4259
* L ibrary Science. Circulation,

- the lending of library books and other

- the number of books and materials that a
library has lent.
- the processes connected with providing for
the use of library materials, including reserve

operations, recall, and record-keeping.

in the notice?
(A) It serves certain types of
157. What is NOT mentioned about the libraty Trong thong bao diSu gi khong duqc d cftp to i
thu v i~n?
(A) No chi ph1,1c v1,1 cho lo~i khach hang nh~t
customers only. dinh
(B) It opens on weekends during (B) No rna cua vao cu6i ttilin vao nhiing thang
certain months. nh~t dinh
(C) Its address has changed recently. (C) No d6i dia chi gfm day

(D) It is located next to a school (D) No nfun g~n m9t huang h9c
158. What time is the libt·ruy open till on Ngay thu 6 thu v i~n rna Clra toi hie nao?
Friday? (A) 1: 30 p.m.

(A) 1:30 p.m. (B) 5:00 p.m.

(B) 5:00 p.m. (C) 6:00p.m.
(C) 6:00 P..m. (D) 8:30 p.m.

(D) 8:30 p.m.


159. What is NOT allowed to be taken out of Khong duqc phep dem gi ra khoi thu vi~n?
the libraty? (A) sach
(A) Books (B) tai li~u nghe
(B) Audio materials (C) Bao
(C;)_ Newspapers (D) Phim di~n anh
(D) Movies
Questions 160-161 refer to the email
From: Rachel Ti:r: Rachel

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bie n soc;~ n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i d l1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

To: Sophie Toi: Sophie

As per our telephone conversation yesterday, Theo nhu cu9c g9i cila chling ta horn qua, toi
I'm sending you the schedule for :Mr. John gm b~n kd hoqzch lam vi?c cho chuySn cong
Lehman's business trip. I would appreciate it if tac cila Mr. John Lehan. Toi r~t vui nSu b~n
co ths ~t ve may bay va khach s~n dva theo

you could book the flights and hotels based on
this itinermy. Since he has several meetings lich trinh nay. Vi anh ~y co nhiSu cu9c h9p

scheduled in each city he visits in Europe, please duqc xSp lich a rn6i thanh ph6 rninh ghe qua
note that Jvfr. Lehman must take early flights for a chau Au, xin hay luu y rfug Mr. Lehman
phai b~t cac chuySn bay sam cho rn6i lk khai

all of his depmtures except for the New York to
Berlin flight May 10: New York to Berlin May hanh hir chuySn bay tir New Ymk toi Berlin.
13: Berlin to Barcelona May 15: Barcelona to Anh ~y co bu6i an hua chieu dCii quan u·9ng a
Madrid May 17: Madrid to Firenze May 20: New York vao 10/5, do do thai gian sam nMt

Firenze to New York anh ~y co thS khai hanh la 3prn.

infmmed Mr. Lelunan that there is no direct

Based on the information you have given me, I

flight from Firenze to New York that fits his

10/5: New York toi Berlin
13/5: Berlin toi Bm·celona
15/5: Barcelona toi Madrid
schedule. Therefore, please make sure that he 17/5: Madrid toi Firenze
has at least tlu·ee hours to transfer so as not to 20/5: Firenze toi New York
miss his connecting flight due to any possible D\1'8 theo thong tin b~ dua, t6i da thong bao
delays. cho Mr. Lehman r~ng khong co chuySn bay

If you have questions or concems, please let me nao tir Firenze dSn thlng New York rna khap
know right away. Thank you for your assistance. voi lich cila anh ~y. Do do, xin hay ch~c ch~n
r~ng anh ~y co it nh~t 3h dS di chuySn dS
khong 15 cu9c h9p cua rninh vi b~t cu kha

nang t.ri hoan nao. NSu co thS, Mr. Lehman

cling rnu6n thay d6i chuySn bay toi Bm·celona.

NSu b~ co cau hoi hay lo l~ng diSu gi, xin


hay cho toi biSt ngay. Cam an sv h6 t.rq cua


160. When does Mr. Lehman have to leave in Mr. Lehman phai roi khoi khi nao vao buoi
the afhnoon? chiSu?
(A) May 10 (A) 10/5
(B) May 13 (B) 13/5
(C) May 15 (C) 15/5
(D) May 17 (D) 17/5

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

161. 161. What does Mr. Lehman want to Mr. Lehman mu6n lam gi?
do? (A) thay d6i ngay khai hanh tir New York
(A) Change the depmture date from (B) Tqm dimg a Amsterdam
New York (C) Di chuy~n a Barcelona

(B) Stop over in Amsterdam (D) Nfmg h~ng ve may bay
(C) Transfer in Barcelona

(D) Upgrade his flight class
Questions 162-164 refer to the following articles.
T~p chi kinh doanh A-rftp hang ttilin

Arabian Business Weekly
October 8 10/8
Eli Finance, the lm·gest real estate financier in Eli Finance ~t giai thuang Cong ty dich V\1
the Middle East by market value and total assets, tai chinh t6tnh~t UAE (Cac TiSu Vuong qu6c

today proudly announced that it received the A Rftp Th6ng nh~t)
award for the "Best Financial Services Company Eli Finance - nha ta trq dia 6c Ian nh~t vS gia
in the UAE" dming the 2008 Liquid Real Estate h·i thi huang va t6ng tai san a Trung Dong,
Awards ceremony organized by Euromoney. hom nay tv hao thong bao r~ng minh da nh~n
Euromoney Liquid Real Estate Awards honor duqc giai thuang "thuang Cong ty dich V\1 tai
the world's leading institutions for their ability chinh t6t nh~t UAE" h·ong bu6i IS h·ao giai
to innovate and develop new products and Liquid Real Estate Awards nam 2008 t6 chuc
services to meet the market's demand in today's bai Euromoney. Emomoney Liquid Real

increasingly challenging financial environment, Estate Awards vinh danh nhfrng t6 chuc hang
as well as make the most efficient use of the d~u vai kha nang d6i mai va phat h·isn san
inherent sh·engths within their organization. phfun dich V\1 dap Un.g nhu c~u thi huang
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Ismael Alhanni, h·ong moi huang tai chinh ngay cang c~nh

Chief Executive Officer of Eli Finance said, u-anh hi~n nay, ciing nhu ~o hi~u qua t6i uu
"We m·e honored to receive this prestigious khi su dl,lng nhiing diSm m~nh c6 hfru h·ong t6

award and I would like to thank om staff at Eli chuc cua minh. Phat biSu nhan dip nay,

for their effmts. This awm·d will leverage om :Mr. Ismael Alhm1ni, T6ng giam d6c clia Eli
position as the lm·gest real estate financier in the Finance cho hay: " chling t6i vinh dl,I duqc
region (and business expansion over the last ten nhftn giai thuang uy tin nay va t6i mu6n cam
months. Its half yearly net profit saw an increase an nhiing nhan vien cua minh aEli cho nhfrng
of 155 percent and total assets, as of June 2008, n6 ll,Ic clia h9. Giai thuang nay se nang cao vi
stood at an astounding AED14.2bn, a growth of thS clia chling toi nhu la nha tai h·q b~t d9ng
133% compared to AED6.1 bn as of June 2007. san Ian nh~t khu v1Jc". Eli do~t giai thuang
Eli has also set its global footprint in various nay tir danh sach dBi thu c~nh tranh nho vao
hieu qua lam vi~c XU~t S~C Va Sl,I ma r9ng kinh

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

inte~national markets such as Egypt and Saudi doanh tJ.·ong su6t 10 thang qua. Lqi nhu~n
Arabia, and rong nua nam cua no cho th~y muc tang 155%
va t6ng tai san tu thang 6/2005 a muc dang
kinhng~c 14,2 ti AED, tang 133% sovoimuc
6,1 ti AED thang 6/2007. Eli ciing tq.o ddu dn

cua minh a nhiing thi truang qu6c ts khac

nhau nhu Ai Cftp va ARftp Xe-ut , va nhiing
ks ho~ch ds b&t ailU hoq.t a9ng a Jordan va


162. What is the main point of this mticle? BiSm chinh cua bai bao la gi?
(A) An investigation 1s being (A) M<?t khao sat duqc tiSnhanh voi V l,l be b6i

conducted for a financial company's fraud gian lftn cua m9t cong ty tai chinh
scandal. tic (B) M<?t doanh nghi~p duqc cong nhftn bai S\f
(B) A firm has been recognized for tang tJ.uang xu~t s~c ctla minh
its remarkable growth. (C) Nhiing doanh nghi~p UAE dang d~t t~m
(C) UAE finns are gammg more anh huang nhiSu han u·en thi tJ.uang qu6c tS
influence in the inte1national mm·ket. (D) Eli Finance cong b6 b6 nhi~m t6ng giam
(D) Eli Finance announces the d6c diSu hanh rna
appointment of a new CEO.

163. What seems to be hue about Eli Finance? BiSu gi cove dUn.g vS Eli Finance?
(A) It has ovettaken its rival company (A)Novuqtm~tEuromoney - cong ty d6i thu

Euromoney. cua minh.

(B) Its main office will relocate to the (B) Van phong chinh cua nose duqc doi dSn
Middle East region. vUn.g Tmng dong

(C) It received the award because of (C) No nhftn duqc giai thuang nha hi~u qua
kinh doanh x~t s~c

excellent business performance.

(D) It was disappointed with the award
given by Euromoney. D) No khong hai long voi giai thuang duqc
h'ao bai Euromoney

164. Where does Eli Finance plan to begin Eli Finance len kS ho~ch b~t d~u ho~t d9ng a
operations? dau?
(A) InEgypt (A) 0 Ai Cftp

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

(B) In Saudi Arabia (B) 0 A-Rap Xe-ut

(C) In Iran (C) 0 Iran
(D) In Qatar (D) 0 Quatar

Questions 165-168 refer to the following letter.
GenX Telecom 383 Marlee Ave. Gen X Telecom 383 Marlee Ave.

Toronto, ON M3E 7R3 Toronto, ON M3E 7R3
Ms. Duncan 788 King St. W. Ngay 15/8

Toronto, ON M5V 1N 6 Ms. Duncan 788 King St. W.
Dear Ms. Duncan: Toronto, ON M5V 1N6
The request for repmr that you has been Gui Ms. Duncan:
officially filed with om repair department Yeu c~u stra chua rna b~n dua ra 5 ngay uuoc

yesterday .. A repair to your telephone service da chinh thuc duqc d~ trinh len b9 ph~n sua
has been scheduled for August 20 Our repair chua cilit chling toi hom qua. toi r~t tiSc
engineer will contact you to let you lmow at r~ng b~n da u·ai qua nhfrng r~c r6i voi duemg
what time he will be able to visit your home for day di~n tho~;ti CUa minh Va dich Vl;l CUa chtmg
repair. t6i khong lam b~n hai long. Toi mu6n bay to
We do hope that you will continue yom business loi xin 16i chan thanh cua minh. Vi~c sua chua
with Gen X Telecom. To express our cho dich V\1 di~n tho~;ti cua b<;tn duqc len lich
appreciation for your patience with our service vao 20/8. KI su sua chua cua chUn.g t6i se lien

and repair process, we are offering two months l~;tc dS cho b~n biSt vao hie nao thi anh ~y co
of free phone service which includes local calls, thS ghe nha b~n dS sua chfra.
call-waiting and caller ID display services We ChUn.g t6i thftt SlJ hi v9ng b<;tn se tiSp tl,lc hqp

hope you enjoy this free phone service package. tac voi Gen X Telecom. E>S bay to SlJ dun kich
For questions or comments, please do not cho Sl,I kien nh~n cua b<;tn voi dich Vl;l va quy
hesitate to call us at (416) 555-3356. u·inh sua chua cua chUn.g t6i, chling t6i ~ng

Sincerely, b~n 2 thang miSn phi dich V\1 di~n tho~ bao
g6m cac cu9c g9i n9i h~;tt, cu9c g9i

Cho va dich Vl;l hiSn thi ID nguoi g9i. Nhfrng
cu9c g9i duemg dai se khong bao g6m trong
dich Vl;l dua them nay. Chling t6i mong b<;tn
thich g6i dich Vl;l di~n tho~;ti miSn phi nay.
E>s a~t cau hoi hay binh l~n nao, xin atm.g
ng§n ng~;ti g9i cho chling t6i theo s6 (416) 555-
Chan thanh cam an,

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

165. Why did Jv.f:r. Mnndell write this letter? T ~i sao Jv.f:r. Mnndell viet la thu nay?
(A) To promote a new product model (A) DS quang m~u san ph~m moi
(B) To recmit a customer serv1ce (B)DStuySndl,lllgm9td~idi~ndichvl,lkhach

representative hang
(C) To apologize for a customer's (C) DS xin 16i cho sv b~t ti~n voi m9t khach

inconvenience hang
(D) To annonnce a new service (D) DS thong bao dich V\1 moi

166. When did Ms. Dtmcan contact Mr. Ms. Dtmcan da lien h~ Mr. Mnndell khi nao?
Mtmdell? (A) 10/8
(A) On August 10 (B) 14/8
(B) On August 14 (C) 15/8

(C) On August 15 (D) 20/8
(D) OnAugust20
167. What is hue about the free services
Ms. Dnncan was offered?
tic Dieu gi dUn.g ve dich V\1 mien phi rna Ms.
Dnncan nh~ duqc?
(A) The company wants her to switch (A) Cong ty mu6n co ~y chuySn d6i qua g6i
to another calling plan. g 9i khac
(B) She can find out the callers' (B) Co ~y co thS tim ra dia chi nguoi g9i bfug
addresses by using the services. vi~c su d\lllg dich V\1

(C) The free services were offered as a (C) Dich V\1 miSn phi duqc dua ra nhu loi cam
token of appreciation for the repatr kich cho yeu c~u sua chua
request. (D) Cong ty se tinh phi cu9c g9i duang dai

(D) The company will charge her for.

making long-distance calls
168. What is implied about Ms. Dnncan? Dieu gi duqc ng\1 y ve Ms. Dnncan?

(A) She will get free phone service (A) Co ~y se chi nh~n duqc dich V\1 di~n tho~
miSn phi trong thai gian nh~t dinh

for a limited time only.

(B) She is a premium customer at Gen (B) Co ~y la khach hang moi cua Gen X
X Telecom. Telecom.
(C) She is vety happy with the cunent (C) Co ~y r~t hai long voi dich V\1 di~n tho~i
phone service. g§n day
(D) She is applying for a job at Gen X (D) Co ~y n9p dan xin vi~c aGen X Telecom.
Questions 169-173 refer to the following advertisement

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

For a honey of a deal, buzz us today!

Bus Bee Movers, Inc. chong toi ngay hom nay.
Busy Bee Movers has been proud to service the Busy Bee Movers, Inc.

Saint Louis area for 15 years .. When you move Busy Bee Movers tt,r hi10 da phl,lc V\1 vling
to a neighboring state, across the city or down Saint Louis duqc 15 nam. ChUn.g toi rftt hanh

the street, you can depend on Busy Bee Movers di~n trong viec di chuySn cac h9 gia dinh a
to take you there. We operate six day.3 a week Missouri and Illinois vaduaradich V\1 chuySn
ch6 chuyen nghi~p. Khi b~n di chuySn sang

with our team of fast, cowteous, experienced
workers. Our trucks and equipment are well bang kS ben, bang qua thanh ph6 hay vS cu6i
maintained and always clean. We're licensed duong, b~n co thS dl,l'a vao Busy Bee Movers
and insmed, and are members in good standing dS toi day. ChUn.g t6i ho~t d9ng 6 ngay m9t

with the Better Business Bmeau and the We're tu§n voi d9i ngii nhan cong nhanh nhyn, lich

heating ow· customers like members of the

a family-owned business with a strong belief in

family. We respect your belongings and take

Sl,l' va co kinh nghi~m. Nhfrng xe keo va thiSt
bi cua chUn.g toi duqc bcio hi t6t va luon s~ch
se. ChUn.g t6i duqc cftp phep va bao hiSm, va
steps to be sme that your property is handled la nhiing thcmh vien than quen cUa. Better
with the utmost care. A ll of our workers are Business Bmeau va Hi~p h9i di chuySn va luu
employed directly by Busy Bee, so there are no kho My.
last-minute contracted laborers showing up for ChUn.g toi la doanh nghi~p h9 gia dinh voi Sl,l'

yow· impmtant move. Busy Bee Movers tin tuang m~nh me hong vi~c d6i xu voi
maintains the highest standards for the people khach hang nhu nguoi trong nha. Chting t6i
we hire, the equipment we operate and the xem u·9ng nhfrng vat dung cua b~n va dam bao
services we provide. We put eve1ything we have r~ng tai san CUa b~n se duqc XU li voi Sl,l' cham

behind eve1y move. We know our reputation soc t6t nhftt. Tftt ca nhan vien CUa chting t6i
depends on it! duqc tuySn dl;lllg trvc tiSp tu Busy Bee, do do

We've got flexible pricing programs to make se khong co Sl,l' thu hep s6 nhan cong vao phut

yom move more affordable. We' ll even pack chot cho nhGng dot di chuySn quan u·9ng cUa.
and/or unpack the boxes for you; it's yow· choice b~n. Busy Bee Movers duy tr·i tieu chtilin cao
to make. Don't get stung by high prices. Call nhftt voi nhan vien chUn.g toi tuySn ch9n, thiSt
Busy Bee today at (212) 555-4314 or ! Cash, bi chUn.g t6i v~ hanh, dich V\1 chting t6i cung
check and major credit cards are accepted. cftp. Chting t6i dS l~i nhfrng thu minh gifr sau
di chuySn, chUn.g toi hiSu danh tiSng cua minh
phl;l thu9c vao do!
ChUn.g t6i vua lam bang gia linh ho~t dS b~
xoay so duqc vi~c di chuySn cua minh. ChUn.g

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

t6i co san menu dich v1,1. ChUng t6i th~m chi

se dong goi ho~c thao cac h9p cho b~ theo
Iva ch9n CUa minh. DUng dS muc gia cao acmh
lit-a. G9i Busy Bee so (212) 555-4314 ho~c

vao website ds co
bang chao gia miSn ph( chUng t6i dua ra muc

gifun gia cho khach hang Hlu nam va ki Cl,lU.
TiSn m~t, sec, the tin dl,lng duqc ch~p nh~n

thanh toan
*in good standing: in favor or on good terms
with (friendly
169. What kind of service is offered in this Dich Vl,l nao duqc dua ra trong quang cao?

advettisement? (A) Dich v1,1 trong nha
(A) Janitorial service
(B) Real estate sale
(C) Overseas travel
tic (B) Buon ban b~t d9ng san
(C) Du lich nc ngoai
(D) dich Vl,l chuySn ch6
(D) Relocation service
170. What IS NOT hue about Busy Bee Bieu gi khong dUng ve Busy Bee?
Movers? (A) No duqc c~p phep kinh doanh di chuySn
(A) It is licensed to run the moving a....

business in Illinois. (B) No tl,! hao co nhiing thiSt bi duqc bcio tri
(B) It boasts well-maintained t6t va nhan vien gioi.
equipment and skilled workers. (C) No dem lai S\I giam gia.... cho m9i khach

(C) It provides all customers with hang.

senior and veteran discounts. (D) No ho~t d9ng a Saint L uois han 10 nam
(D) It has been in operation in Saint

Louis for more than 10 years.


171. According to the advertisement, to which Theo quang cao, doanh nghi~p nay thu9c ve
association does this business belong? hi~p h9i nao?
(A) Best Business Association (A) Hiep h9i doanh nghi~p t6t nh~t
(B) Wild Life Association (B) Hi~p h9i cu9c s6ng hoang da
(C) American Moving & Storage (C) Hi~p h9i di chuySn va kho bai My
Association (D) Hi~p h9i quang cao Missouri
(D) Missouri Advettising ssociation

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

172. What can be infened from the diSu gi co thS rut ra tu quang dto?
advertisement? (A) No co nhiSu dv da d~ng dS ch9n Iva
(A) It has a varie of services people (B) Nhfrng nguoi co tin dl,lilg khong t6t phai
can choose from. tra b~ng tiSn m~t

(B) People with bad credit must pay by (C) khach hang phai lam chi phiSu thanh toan
cash. cho Busy Bee.

(C) Customers have to make money (D) M9i dv CUa cong ty re han nhfrng cong ty
order payable to Busy Bee Movers. khac
(D) All the services of the company are

cheaper than those of other companies.

173. According to the advertisement, how can theo quang cao thi khach hang co the Hly bang

customers get a free estimate? d\I tinh miSn phi b~ng each nao?

(A) By visiting the compan:r.'s (A) bfug each huy cftp website CUa cong ty
(B) b~ng each lien h~ T6ng GE> diSu hanh
(B) By contacting the CEO of the (C) b~ng each dua ra kS ho~ch di chuySn va
company lich trinh
(C) By submitting their moving plan (D) b~ng each trinh ra ban copy to quang cao
and schedule cua cong ty
(D) By presenting a copy of the

company's adve1tisement
Questions 174-177 refer to the following invitation
APEA (Ames Professional and Enu·eprenew· Hi~p h9i Chuyen gia va Doanh nhan A11ES

The Ames Professional and Entrepreneur Hi~p h9i Chuyen gia va Doanh nhan Ames
Association was founded m 1968 to bring duqc thanh lftp vao nfun 1968 dS dua c9ng

together members of the business community. d6ng doanh nhan dSn cimg nhau.Hi~p h9i
The Association provides members with a fmum cung c~p diSn dan dS cac thanh vien giai quySt

to deal with issues affecting Ames Township nhfrng v§n dS anh huang toi quftn Ames va
and enhances the relationship between members thuc dfty m6i quan h~ gifra cac thann vien va
and the residents of the township. cu dan trong qu~n.
APEA I S celebrating its 40th m 2008 at
Brodeurs on State Street. There will be a raffle APEA dang t6 chuc IS thanh lftp lfm thu 40
and an auction that night. Live entettainment for vao nam 2008 a Brodeurs tren duang State.
adults and fun activities for children are also T~t ca nhU:ng ai da va dang la thanh vien,

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

included. Food and drinks will be provided by khach moi dSu duqc hoan nghenh trong vi~c
one of the top caterers in the Ames region. The giup chling t6i t6 chuc bfra IS vao ngay 15110.
menu is included in the invitation. se co m9t man x6 s6 va bu6i d~u gia vao ngay
Tickets are available from the APEA office (1 hom do. CUn.g bao g6m luoOn chuang trinh
giai tri trvc tiSp cho nguoi Ian va ho~t d9ng

West State St. I 312-554-5055) or via e-mail
( ). The prices are $30 for vui nh9n cho tr·e em. Thuc an va d6 u6ng duqc

adults, and $20 for senior citizens. You can also cung c~p bai m9t tr·ong nhfrng nha cung c~p
purchase the tickets directly through our thl,IC plillm hang clliu a VUng Ames. Thl,Ic dan
website. Please provide yow· name, address and duqc bao g6m trong thu moi.

telephone number and how many tickets you
would like. Om reservation staff will contact Ve co sgn a van phong APEA (S6 1 duang
you for confinnation and credit card West State I 312-554-5055) ho~c qua email

information, and mail you the tickets. Tickets ( ). Gia la 30$ cho nguoi Ian,
will not be sold at the venue on the day of the
event. and click on Anniversmy Dinner. Please
by October 8.
18$ cho tr·e em duai 15 tu6i, 20$ cho nguoi
Ian tu6i. B~n ciing co thS mua ve trvc tiSp qua
website cilil chling t6i. Xin hay cung c~p ten,
dia chi, s6 di~n tho~i, s6 ve b~n cfuimua. Nhan
vien d~t ve CUa chling tOi se lien h~ b~n dS l~y
xac nh~ va thong tin the tin dl,ll1g, va gui ve
qua thu cho b~n. v e se khong duqc ban a dia

diSm t6 chuc vao ngay S\I ki~n diSn ra. DS co

them thong tin, truy cftp website cilil APEA ~i va click vao S\I ki~n
Anniversmy Dinner. Xin vui long xac nh~

uuac 0811o.

174. To whom are the invitations probably Thu moi nay co the huang tai ai?
intended? (A) Nhan vien cilil doanh nghi~p cung c~p
(A) Employers of catering businesses thl,Ic ph§m
(B) Members of a business organization (B) Thanh vien cilil m9t t6 chuc doanh
(C) Newly-elected city council members nghi~p
(D) Children and senior citizens (C) Thanh vien duqc b~u cu mai ah9i d6ng
(D) Tre em va nguoi Ian tu6i
175. What is the pwpose of the event? Ml,IC dich cua S\I ki~n la gi?

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

(A) To commemorate an anniversary (A) DS ki ni~m le th~mh lftp

(B) To celebrate an opening of a new (B) DS t6 chuc khai huang cua hang moi
restaw:ant (C) DS gioi thi~u chu tich moi cua APEA
(C) To introduce the new president of (D) DS cong b6 nguoi thlng cu9c cua "Doanh

APEA nhan cilanam
(D) To announce the wtnner of the

Entrepreneur of the Year
176. How can people purchase tickets for the Nguoi ta co thS mua ve S\1' ki~n b~ng each

event? nao?
(A) By visiting Brodeurs (A) Di dSn Brodeur
(B) By calling the catering company (B) G9i cong ty thvc phfun
(C) By visiting the APEA website (C) Ttut cftp website cua APEA

(D) By rehnning the application in the (D) Gui l;;ti ph§n dang ki trong thu moi
invitation tic
177. How much is the ticket for a fomteen- Gia ve cho khach hang 14 tuoi la bao nhieu?
year-old guest? (A) $10
(A) $10 (B) $18
(B) $18 (C) $20
(C) $20 (D) $22
(D) $22

Questions 178-180 refer to the following announcement

The Daily Chronicle, Satmday, April 8 Ml,lc tin hang ngay, Thu 7, ngay 08/04

Job Listings
Danh sach vi~c lam
Global Technical Organization
Work with indusuy leaders on exciting and Global Technical Organization

diverse projects ! Lam vi~c CUng voi nhfrng nganh hang d~u

This prestigious organization houses technical trong nhfrng dv an thu viva da d;;tng.
specialists and is one of the largest workplace T6 chuc thanh thS nay la noi danh cho nhiing
health and safety consultancies in Australia. Due chuyen gia ki thuftt va la m9t trong nhiing
to an ever-expanding workload, this exceptional
cong ty tu v~n sue khoe va an toan t;;ti noi
group is seeking to rectuit talented individuals lam vi~c lan nh~t nuoc Uc.
who are looking to build a solid career within a
challenging and rewarding workplace. Vi kh6i lu<;m.g cong vi~c tang nhanh chua
timg co, tftp doan ~c bi~t nay dang tim kiSm
tuysn dl,lllg nhfrng ca nhan tai nang rna dang

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

As an intetnational player, this group IS trong dqi m9t S\I nghi~p vfrng cMc trong moi
dedicated and thrives on being a client-focused huang lam vi~c c~nh tranh va d~y thoa man.
organization. They assist and guide clients in a La m t nguai choi tren &u truang qu6c tS,
variety of business sectors to identify and solve ,
tftp doan tftn ll,Ic va phat trien m~nh trong

workplace health and safety problems and
vi~c lam m9t t6 chuc l~y khach hang lam
implement risk management sh·ategies. you will
tr9ng tfun. H9 h6 trq va huang dfui khach

be joining a fast-paced leruning environment
hang h·en nhGng mang kinh doanh da d~
where you can and will influence decisions. To dS nhftn d~g va xu li nhGng v§n dS vS an
be successful in this role you will have to

toan sue khoe t~i noi lam vi~c va thi hanh
possess the following : teitiruy qualifications in , ,
chiec luqc qmin li rill ro. La m9t nha hr vfm
environmental science I planning/ management
moi truang sue khoe an toan, b~n se duqc
or engmeenng; expenence developing EMS; ,

tiep XUC moi huang h9c tflp nhanh chong,
knowledge of environmental indushy and
nai rna b~n co ths va se chi ph6i nhGng quyst

P lanning, proiect/program
statutmy requirements, including environmental
dinh. B~n co h·ach nhi~m voi vi~c qllim ly rui
ro moi huang, thl,IC hi~n nhGng thu tl,lc kiem
coordination and repmting expenence; and toan va Ung pho b~t nga, bao cao moi huang
excellent communication and presentation
va S\I phat h·iSn cua h~ th6ng quan li moi
huang (EMS).
To be considered please submit your to
resume@globalh· Altetnatively, you BS thanh cong voi vai h·o nay b~n se phai co

may contact Bradley Austin for a confidential nhfrng thu sau: h·inh d9 cao clling/ d~i h9c
discussion at 02 9957 1008. thu9c khoa h9c/ quy ho~ch/ quan li/ ki thuftt
moi huang, kinh nghi~m phat h·isn h~ th6ng
quan 1i moi huang, hisu biSt vs nganh moi

huang, va cac thu tl,lc phap li, bao g6m quy

ho~ch moi huang, quan tri dl,I an/chuang

h·inh, diSu ph6i va bao cao thl,Ic nghi~m, va

kha nang giao tiSp t6t va ki nang thuyst h·inh.

Xin hay n9p CV va dan xin vi~c ~i

resume@globalh· dS duqc c~t nh~c.
Ho~c la, b~n co thS lien h~ Bradley Austin dS
thao lu~n kin t~i s6 02 9957 1008

178. For whom Is this announcement most Ban thong bao nay rat co the viet cho ai?
likely written? (A) Co quan tuySn d1,1ng
(A) Recruiting agencies (B) Chuyen gia nhfm S\I

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua . Mong moi nglt<'ti dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

(B) Human resources professionals (C) Chuyen gia giao tiSp qu6c tS
(C) Intetnational communications experts (D) Chuyen gia moi huang
(D) Environmental experts
179. According to the announcement, what is Theo ban thong bao thi dieu gi khong phai la
ph§n h·ach nhi~m de giao?

NOT patt of the responsibility?
(A) Risk management (A) Quan li nli ro

ffi Being a media spokesperson (B) La nguai phat biSu truySn thong
(C) Environment system development (C) Phat h·iSn h~ th6ng moi huang
procedure (D) Ban hanh thu tuc bao cao nhiing r~c r6i

(D) Incident repmt

180. According to the announcement, what Theo ban thong bao, ilng vien phai gui cai gi

must applicants send to be considered for ds duqc d1n nh~c vao vi h·i cv?
the job?
(A) A resume and a cover letter
(B) A recommendation letter
tic (A) Ban li lich va dan xin vi~c
(B) Thu gioi thi~u
(C) A copy of a college h·anscript (C) Ban sao hocj b~ cao &ing
(D) System development cettificate (D) Chilng chi phat h·ien moi huang
Questions 181-185 refer to the following~vertisement and review

All-inclusive mt resource for mtists, students Tai nguyen ngh~ thu~t h·9n b9 danh cho cac
and lovers of exceptional design! ngh~ si, h9c v ien, nguai yeu thich voi thiSt
Your source for Art Supplies, Painting Supplies, kS d~c bi~t!

Craft Supplies, Drafting Supplies, Architecture Ngu6n d1,1ng C\1 ve, san, thu cong, thiSt kS,
Supplies, Digital Printing and Much More!

kiSn hue, in ki thu~t s6, va han ths nua!

* Weekend special! (Limited time offer while
*KhuySn mai d~t bi~t cu6i tu§n (gioi h~ thai

quantities last.)
Reeves Easel Painting Set - Watercolor, $25.99 gian khi s6 luqng con)
- $16.99 DecoColor Paint Markers - Assmted
Reeves Easel Painting Set - Watercolor,
colors, $2.79 and up Att Altetnatives Economy $25.99 - $16.99 DecoColor Paint Mm·kers-
Sketchbooks (8.5' x11 "), $9.65 Assmted colors, $2.79 and up Att
(Regulm· price $60, Sale price $48). The For Altetnatives Economy Sketchbooks (8.5'
consultation or questions, contact our customer x 11 "), $ 9.65

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

service representatives at Mua m9t set Coleman Watercolor Field Box va nh~n m9t set mau nuoc g6m sau mau
miSn phi (Gia thuemg $60, gia ban 48$). The
Art World Coleman Watercolor Field Box Set bao g6m

Intetnational contempormy art and style 12 mau nuoc §m Coleman half pans, but ve
magazine Baltimore's best mt supply store Sceptre, miSng bong thlm nuoc, binh tuoi,

Whether you m·e a student, a hobbyist, or a tr9n b9 bang mau mau trfug va nhfui ngon
serious mtist, The Alt Store has the best range of cai.
BS duqc tu v~n hoach d~t dlu hoi, lien h~

supplies at the consistently lowest price. If you
need high-quality paper, paint, bmshes, canvas,
nguoi d~i di~n dich v1,1 khach hang cilil chling
or more, The Att Store is the place to go. It is a
t6i t~i
national chain and canies its own brands of

supplies, along with other brands. Since there is
no middleman, Also, there m·e always specials
and sales on different items. Customers can sign
up to get coupons and specials in the mail. The
Th~ giOi ngh~ thu~t

Ngh~ th~t qu6c tS duang ~iva cua hang

h9a ph§m t6t nh~t cilil t~p chi phong each
Att Store also has a prefened customer card that
helps with getting the best price. baltimore.
This weekend, The Alt Store offers special B~t kS b~n la h 9c sinh, nguoi dam me hay
ngh~ si nghiem tuc, The Alt Store co m9t

discounts for watercolor paints, paint markers

and sketchbooks. If you need to purchase back- lo~t hang cung c~p t6t nhlt voi gia th~p nh~t
to-school supplies for your child, you do not khong d6. NSu b~ ck gi~y chlt luqng cao,
want to miss this opportunity to save. They also mau, but ve, tranh san d~u ho~c han thS. The
Att Store la diSm dSn cho b~n. Nola chu6i

provide free USP ground shipping on orders

over $ 100, although some supplies may take up cua hang xuyen qu6c gia va ph1,1 trach chi
to four weeks to mTive. For more details, check nhanh hang cung c~p cua chinh minh, cling

out their website, voi nhfrng chi nhanh khac. Do do khong co

nguoi bung gian. NhGng san phk cua

thuang hi~u Att Store co gia r~t mSm va ch~t
luqng cao.

Ciing luon co nhfrng khuySn mai va giam gia

d~c bi~t nhfrng m~t hang khac nhay, Khach
hang co thS dang ki nh~n coupon va khuySn

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglt<'ti dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

mai qua thu. The Alt Store cGng co the khach

hang uu tien giup co gia t6t nhftt.

Cu6i tu§n nay, The Att Store dua ra muc

gifun gia ~c bi~t cho mau san nuoc, but

dimh &m mau, s6 phac h9a,. NSu nhu b~
dn mua nhfrng san ph§m cho tre cua minh

sau khi tro l~i huang, b~n khong mu6n bo 15
co h9i nay dS tiSt ki~m dau. H9 cling dem l~i

dich v1,1 giao hang UPS tr·en m~t dftt miSn phi
cho dan hang tr·en 100$, m~t du m9t s6 hang
co thS mftt 4 tu§n moi toi nai. BS co them chi

tiSt, kiSm tr·a t~i website clia h9:
181. What is offered as a special discount item
Thu gi duqc dua ra la m~t hang giam gia d~c
(A) Two sketchbooks for the price of one (A) 2 cu6n sach phac h9a voi gia 1 cuon.
(B) A gift with the purchase of a (B) Qua t~g khi mua set mau nuoc
watercolor set (C) Giam 50% phi giao hang cho tftt ca cac
(C) 50% discount on shipping for all gmo dich

purchases (D) PhiSu mua hang miSn phi cho m9t gia ve
(D) A free coupon with the purchase of an
182. What can be infened about The Alt Co thS rut ra diSu gi ve The Att Store?

Store? (A) la nha cung cftp h9a ph§m co tiSng t6t

(A) It has a good reputation as an art (B) G§n day no chuySn toi Baltimore

suppl! provider. (C) No co chi nhanh qu6c tS voi van phong

(B) It has recently moved to Baltimore. chinh a Bantimore

(C) It has intetnational branches with the (D) No co dqt giam gia ~c bi~t hang thang
main office in Baltimore. qua website
(D) It offers special sales through the
website monthly
183. Which of the following is not included in Thu gi sau day khong bao g6m tr·ong
the Coleman Watercolor Field Box Set? Coleman Watercolor Field Box Set?
(A) Palette (A) Bang mau
(B) Sponge (B) MiSng hut nuoc

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

(C) sketchbooks (C) Sach phac

(D) Watercolors (D) mim nuoc

184. Why did the review choose The Alt Store T ~i

sao bai phe binh ch9n The Alt Store lam

as the best rut supply store? cua hang h9a ph§m t6t nhftt?
(A) Convenient inte1national shipping (A) Giao hang quoc tS thu~ lqi

(B) Excellent customer service (B) Dich V\1 khach hang xuat sac
(C) Low prices (C) Gia thftp
(D) Nhan vien than thi~n va thiSt kS ayp ben

(D) Friendly staff and nice interior design
185. In the review, the word "affordable" in 0 bai phe binh tu" affordable" a do~n 1' dong
paragraph 1, line 5 is closest in meaning 5 gan nghia nhftt voi?

to: (A) Co sue anh huang
(A) influential
(B) inexpensive
(C) kind
tic (B)
(D) n6i tiSng.
(D) popular
Questions 186-190 refer to the following emails
To: Emma Appleby Toi :Emma Appleby

eappleby@megasupply. com eappleby@megasupply. com

From: Ken Perez k; Tu: Ken Perez k;
Date: July 3
Subject: RE: Fall Catalog Review Emma,

My e-mail system was down yesterday, and I did Ngay 3/7

not have access to my messages until this Chu dS: Ira loi: Review Catalog mua thu.
mmning. That's why I was not able to address

your concems eru·lier. Emma, h~ th6ng mail cua t6i bi down ngay

Nowicanopenyoure-mail, butforsomereason hom qua va t6i khong' vao duqc mail cho toi
I cannot open the attachment. I can't figure out sang hom nay. Bola li do t~i sao t6i khong thS
what is wrong. giai quySt nhting m6i lo cila b~ sam han.
Could you send the attachment again? I have a Bay gio t6i co thS rna email cua b~nr6i nhung
mru·keting meeting this aftemoon at three, but khong hiSu sao t6i khong thS rna duqc file
will have some time to go over the pictures dinh kern. Toi khong thS tim ra 16i la gi nfra.
before that. I' 11 tly to send you my comments by
the close of business today. B~n co thS gui l~i file dinh kern ko? Toi co

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

Ken m9t cu9c h9p marketing chiSu nay, nhung

uuoc dose co thai gian ds xem qua cac buc
To: Ken Perez <> anh. Toi se c6 g~ng gui b~n y kiSn CUa minh
From: Emma Appleby uuoc khi ngay liun vi~c kSt thuc.

<eappleby@megasupply. com>
Date: July 2 Toi: Ken Perez

Subject: Fall Catalog Review Tu: Emma Appleby
Hi Ken,

Please find attached sample pages from the fall Ngay 2/7
catalog which will be released at the end of Chu dS: Review Catalog mila thu
August. Please review them and give me your
comments. Mr. Benson and I agree that the

pages with dining room frnniture should be Chao Ken,

know what you think.

We don't have much time because we have to
redone because the colors are not right. Let me
xin hay rna m~u trang duqc dinh kern danh
cho catalog mila thu se duqc tung ra vao cu6i
complete the catalog, send it for printing by July thang 8. Xin hay xem va cho toi y kiSn.Mr.
30, and release it by the end of August. So please Benson va t6i cho r~ng trang co n9i th~t nha
send me yom comments as soon as possible. bSp nen duqc lam l~i vi khong dting mau. Cho
After I incorporate all the comments, I will t6i biSt y kiSn cilit b~n nhe.

obtain the management's approval on the

revised document and send it to ABC Printing.
Emma Chtmg t6i khong co nhiSu thai gian vi phai
hoan thanh va gui catalog di in tluoc ngay

30/7 , va tung ra tJ.uoc cu6i thang 8. Nen hay

gili t6i y kiSn CUa b~n cang so cang t6t. Sau

khi t6ng hqp cit ca cac y kiSn, toi se dua

tJ.uang phong phe duy~t va gili no toi ABC

186. What did Ms. Appleby request Mr. Perez Ms. Appleby da yeu Mr. Perez lam gi?
to do? (A) Gui co ~Y ban thong bao lien quan toi cu9c
(A) To send her a notice regarding a h9p marketing
marketing meeting (B) Xem mau tJ.·ang CUa Catalog
(B) To review sample pages of a catalog (C) Dua hinh cua co ay vao Catalog
(C) To put her photo in the new catalog (D) Sl1a may tinh cua co ~y
(D) To fix her computer

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

187. By when should the document be sent to T ai li~u nen duqc gui toi ABC Pringtmg b.uoc
ABC Printing? hie nao?
(A) July 1 (A)1/7
(B) July 20 (B)20/7

(C) July 30 (C)30/7
(D) August 30 (D)30/8

188. Why did Mr. Perez send Ms. Appleby an T ~i sao Mr.Perez gili email cho Ms. Appleby?
e-mail? (A) E>S moi co ay toi CUQC h9p
(B) E>S dua y kiSn cl1a minh vS Catalog

(A) To invite her to a meeting
(B) To give his comments on the catalog (C) dS yeu cau co ay gui l~i tai li~u
(C) To reguest her to resend the (D) E>S hoi vS h~ cu6i cho vi~c in §n

(D) To ask about the printing deadline

189. In the second e-mail, the word

"concems" in paragraph 1, line 2 is
aemail thu 2, tu "concems" a do~n 1, dong 2
g~n nghia nh~t v oi?
closest in meaning to (A)Lo l~ng
(A) worries (B)Loi aS nghi
(B) suggestions (C)Yeu c~u
(C) requests (D) S\f dinh liu

(D) involvements

190. What is the attachment refened to by ban dinh kern lien quan toi gi theo Mr.

Mr. Perez? Perez?

(A) A meeting agenda (A)Chuang u·inh nghi S\f
(B) A printing schedule (B)Lich in §n

(C) A contJ.·act document (C)Tai li~u hqp a6ng

(D) Anh ch1,1p n9i th~t

(D) Photographs of furniture

Questions 191-195 refer to the following email and advertisement

Dear Mr. Heckelman, Thua Mr. Heckelman,,

I am a restaurateur in Poland, planning to open Toi la chu nha hang aBaLan, va dang dl,I
a new restaurant Bon Jour in Warsaw, Poland dinh sam ma nha hang Bon Jour moi a
soon. I think ym.u· new product line would be Warsaw, BaLan. Toi nghlla dong san ph§m

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

good for my kitchen, and would like to obtain moi cua b~ se t6t cho bsp cua minh, va toi
more infonnation on it. mu6n co nhiSu han thong tin vS no.
I was searching for a reliable and affordable Toi da tim kiSm nha cung c~p thiSt bi bSp
kitchen equipment supplier and the manager of dang tin cfty va gia phai chang , nguoi quan li

La Fete recommended your company to me clia La Fete gioi thi~u t6i cong ty cua b~n boi
because your company is well known for cong ty b~n n6i tiSng vi san ph§m co ch~t

quality products and inte~national shipping lu<;m.g va dich V\1 giao hang qu6c tS. Toi dn
service. I need the following items for my nhfrng ml,lc hang sau cho bSp clia minh:

kitchen: 10 khay nhom
10 aluminum sheet pans 10 chaonhom
10 aluminum saucepans 5 r6 h~p (20 lit)
5 steamer baskets - 20 qt. 3 n6i ham nong thuc an tron (han 10 lit)

3 round food wanners - over 10 qt. Nha hang se rna cua trong nam thang toi, va

I should decide which kitchen equipment

The restaurant will be open in five months, and

supplier to use within two weeks so that I can

t6i dn quySt dinh su dl,lng nha cung c~p
thiSt bi nha bSp nao trong 2 tu§n do do t6i co
thS mua t~t ca hang minh c§n kip thai gian.
Xin hay gui t6i danh sach san phb cua b~
purchase all the supplies I need in time. Please
send me yow· product list and cost estimate as va chi chi dl,l' kiSn cang sam cang t6t. Toi
soon as possible. I would also like to receive cling mu6n nhftn thong tin vS muc giam gia
infmmation on bulk order discounts and cho dan hang s6 lu<;m.g Ion va chinh sach

intemational shipping policy. giao hang qu6c tS.

Best regards, Iran t.r9ng,
Ruelle Ruelle

[Advertisement] [Quang cao]

Thi~t bj va hang cung cip cho nha hang

Hendrix Restaurant Equipment & Supplies cua Hendrix


***Full-size alwninum sheet pan (12-pack)

£68 (£7 ea.)
*** khay nhom kich thuoc chub (12-b9)
Heavy duty 3003 aluminum
£68 (£7 ea.)
Rolled edge for extra durability
- nhom cuemg h,rc 3003
Restamant quality
- Hin c~nh dS tang them d9 bSn
Great for baking rolls, cookies,
- ch~t lu<;m.g nha hang
brownies, buns or any type of baking use
- Tuy~t voidS lam banh cu9n, banh quy,
Dimensions: 26" x 18" x 1"

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

banh brownie, banh bo sua ho~c dting lam

***5.50 qt. aluminum saucepan£6.5 ea. bftt cu lo~i banh nao
- Satin finish - kich thuoc 26*18*1
***Xoong nhom 5.5lit, £6.5 ea.

3mm thickness
- E>uqc danh bong xatanh
Flat bottom for even heat
- ch6ng 15m

NSF listed
- day 3mm
- day bfug dS toa nhi~t dSu

*** Ah.uninum cylindrical steamer basket- 20 _ ch6ng dinh NFS
qt. £10
Perforated holes **XU:ng hftp nhom hinh tn,1 20 lit, 10£
- Fits inside stock pots - nhiSu 16.

- Easy to lift pail handle - vua khit ben t.rong n6i h§m
Smooth minor finish tic - DS dang nhftc len voi tay ck
Use for seafood, vegetables or deep- - danh bong nhfu nhu guong
fried turkey - dting cho d6 biSn, rau ell, ga Hly chien
***Wells round countettop food wrumers - 11
qt. £100 **N6i ham nong thuc countettop tron cua
- Anodized aluminum pot and band Wells

heating element
Efficient heat distribution - n6i nhom va b9 phfm dai lam nong ???
Wet and dty operation duqc anod hoa
- Thetmostatic controls (Temperature - tim nhi~t hi~u qua

range from room to 100°c) - Vfm hanh uat va kho

Shipping Rate: Domestic £7, Intetnational £15 - DiSu khiSn tinh nhi~t (trong ph~m vi nhi~t

Discounts offered for 10 items or more d9 phong toi 1oooc


191. According to the e-mail, why does Theo email thi t~i sao Ms. Ruelle mu6n mua
Ms. Ruelle want to purchase Rendt·ix' s cac san ph§m phong bSp CUa Rendt·ix?
kitchen products? (A) chtmg khong co s~n a cua hang dia
(A) They ru·e not available in a local phuang
store. (B) chling duqc quang cao tren TV
(B) They were advettised on TV. (C) chling duqc gioi thi~u boi m9t d6ng
(C) They were recommended by a nghi~p
colleague. (D) chtmg duqc nguoi n6i tiSng su dl,lilg

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

(D) They are used by famous people

192. Why does BonJour need kitchenware? T ~i sao Bon Jour can d\Ulg C\1 bep?
(A) It will be open for business soon. (A) No s~p mo cua kinh doanh
(B) It will be renovated in six months. (B) Nose duqc d6i moi trong 6 thimg

(C) Its cunent equipment is too old. (C) Nhiing thiSt bi g§n day cua no qillt cii
(D) It will sell the kitchenware (D) Nose ban d\Ulg C\1 bSp

193. According to the passages, what is NOT Theo cac do~n van thi dieu gi khong dling?
hue? (A) R6 h~p cua Hendrix co thS dUr:tg cho rau

(A) Hendrix's steamer baskets can be cu
used for vegetables. (B) Ms. Ruelle co le se tt·a it han 65£ cho 10
(B) Ms. Ruelle is likely to pay less than cai chao nhom
£65 for ten aluminum saucepans. (C) Mr. Heckehnan la chu tich cua Hendrix

(C) Mr. Heckelman is the president of (D) N6i hfun nong thuc an cua Hendrix co
Hendrix. tic
(D) Hendrix's round food wanners have
thetmostatic controls.
diSu khiSn tinh nhi~t
194. According to Ms. Ruelle's e-mail, what dl,Ia theo email cua Ms. Ruelle thi san pham
is the stt·ength of Hendrix products? clia Hendrix co diSm m~nh gi?
(A) Modem design (A) ThiSt kS hi~n d~i
(B) Qualib.l (B) Chlt luqng

(C) Free shipping (C) Giao hang miSn phi

(D) Special bonus (D) Qua d~c bi~t
195. What can be infened from the passages? Bieu gi co the rut ra tu nhiing do~n van?

(A) Hendrix doesn't have an (A) Hendrix khong co chinh sach giao hang
intetnational shipping policy. quoc te
(B) Ms. Hoelle is most likely to choose (B) Ms. Ruelle r~t co thS ch9n muc gia ~t

bulk-order international rates. hang voi s6luqng Ion

(C) Ms. Ruelle will receive free gifts (C) Ms. Ruelle se nh~n mon qua miSn phi boi

because she buys a total of 28 items. co ~y mua 28 mon hang

(D) Repeat customers will get extra (D) Khach hang thuemg xuyen se nh~n muc
discounts on all items of Hendrix. them giam gia cho m9i mon hang aHendrix
Questions 196-200 refer to the following em ails
[EMAIL 1] 1

From: Lisa Sampson Tu: Lisa Sampson

To: Renata Biske renatab@lnd. com T oi: Renata Biske

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

Date: May 1, 11:58:06 Ngay : 1/5, 11:58:06

Subject: Train schedule. Chu dS: Lich tau

Attached IS the train schedule leaving Dinh kem la lich tau roi Montreal. toi Toronto

Montreal for Toronto on May 18 and returning vao ngay 18/5 va quay vS Montreal vao ngay
to Montreal on May 22. Via Rail runs six trains 22/5. Via Rail v~n hanh 6 chuySn tau m6i

per day from Montreal to Toronto, so you' ll be ngay tir Montreal toi Toronto. Do do b~ co
able to choose the best time for your trip. Your thS ch9n thai gian t6t nhltt cho chuySn di cua
minh. Ch6 ng6i cua b~ se duqc din}l uuoc va

seat will be assigned in advance, and you will
be able to work online on your way to Toronto b~n co thS lam vi~c online tren duang toi
since Wi-Fi Inte1net is available on board. Let Toronto vi tren tau co wifi. Hay cho t6i biSt
me know which u·ain you want to take, and I'll b~n se di chuysn tau nao va tei se <%.t uuoc

reserve your seat. cho b~n. Nhan day, Mr. Colins vk di cUn.g
By the way, is Mr. Collins still going with you b~n toi h9i thao a Toronto chu? t6i biSt lab~
to the conference in Toronto? I know you da yeu du <%,t ve cho anh ~y, nhung hom qua
asked me to book a ticket for him, but toi duqc biSt anh ~y phfu a day cho cu9c h9p
h9i d6ng quan n·i s~p toi. Cho toi biSt sam
yesterday I was told that he may have to stay
here due to the upcoming board meeting. Let nhe.
me know soon.

Train Number: Depart: 31 33 635 35 37 39

Monheal Anive: Toronto 06:35 10:00 12:50 15: 10 16:45 18:05
08:36 11 :57 14:57 17: 16 18:40 21:00

Train Number: 30 32 634 32 36 38
Deorut: Toronto 06:36 09:27 12:45 15: 10 16:25 17:50

Anive· Montre:::tl OR·1'/. 11 ·19 14· ')0 17·07 1 R· 17 19· 49


From: Renata Biske Tu: Renata Biske
To: Lisa Sampson Toi: Lisa Sampson
Date: May 1, 17:38:24 Ngay : 5/1, 17:38:24
Subject: Re: Train schedule Chu dS: Tra loi: Lich tau

I was held up in a meeting until four today.

Sony for the late reply.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~ n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

Thank you for the infonnation. I need to anive

in Toronto by 6 p.m. on May 18 because I have Toi bi k~t trong cu9c h9p toi 4h, xin 16i da tra
an impmtant meeting scheduled at 6:30 in loi trS.
downtown Toronto. On May 22, the
conference ends at noon but I have lunch plans, cam an thong tin CUa b~n. T oi dn dSn Toronto

so I want to take the uuoc 6pm ngay 18/5 vi co cu9c h9p quan u·9ng

15: 10 train. If I am back in Montreal by around luc 6h30 ahung tam thanh ph6 Toronto. N gay
five, I'll be able to go to Mike's retirement 22/5, h9i thao kSt thuc vao bu6i tnra nlnmg tOi
party at 7:30! It's good because I really want co vai CUQC h~n an tlua, do do tOi mu6n b~t

to be there. chuySn tau 15h. NSu t6i tra vS Monu·eal truoc
Oh, I checked with Mr. Collins. What you khoang 5pm, tOi co thS dSn dl,I bfra ti~c nghi
heard is hue. He has to prepare a presentation huu cilit Mike luc 7h30pm, thftt t6t vi tOi thftt

for the board meeting, and also attend several S\f mu6n dSn day.

have to wony about his tickets.

meetings with board members. So you don't
oh, tOi da kiSm tra voi Colins, dling nhu nhfrng
I have one last favor. Could you please contact gi b~n biSt. Anh ~y phai chu§n bi bai thuySt
Stacie wallace in Vancouver and find out trinh tluoc CUQC h9p h9i d6ng quan u·i, va ciing
where Kenji and Nora will be staying during tham dl,I nhiSu CUQC h9p voi cac thanh vien
the conference? I need to go over the HBQT. Do do b~n khong ck lo vS ve cua anh
presentation material with them before the ay.

conference and make last-minute changes if

necessruy, so I want to stay at the same hotel. Toi co m9t y mu6n cu6i cling,' ........... Toi c§n
Thanks for all yow· hard work. xem qua tai li~u thuySt u·inh cling h9 uuoc
bu6i h9i thao va chinh sua l§n cu6i nSu c~n

thiSt, do do toi mu6n a cling m9t? khach s~n.

Cam an b~ da lam vi~c cham chi.

196. What is the number of the u·ain Ms. biske mu6n b~t chuySn tau s6 m~y tai

Ms. Biske wants to take to Toronto? Toronto?

(A) 35 OA) 35
(B) 635 (B) 635
(C) 33 (C) 33
(D) 39 (D) 39
197. What can be infened from thee-mails? DiSu gi co thS rut ra ti.r cac email?
(A) Ms. Srunpson lives in Toronto. (A) Ms. Biske s6ng a Toronto
(B) Ms. Biske yeu c~u Ms. Sampson dua lich
tau uuoc 2 tuk cho chuySn di cua minh

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Tran Kim Thanh

(B) Ms. Biske asked Ms. Sampson for (C) Mr. Colins se roi Montreal dS toi Toronto
the train schedule at least two weeks vao ngay 22/5
before her trip. (D) Ms. Biske khong kiSm tra email cua minh
(C) Mr. Collins will leave Montreal for thuang xuyen.

Toronto on May 22.
(D) Ms. B iske does not check her e-mail

inbox vety often.
198. What is hue about Ms. Biske? BiSu gi dling vS Ms. Biske?
(A) co ~y se tham dv h9i thao vao thang 4

(A) She w ill attend a conference m
April. (B) co ~y se toi Montreal cling voi Mr. Colins
(B) She w ill travel with Mr. Collins to (C) co ~y da d~t phong r6i
Monu·eal. (D) co ~y se thuySt trinh uuoc a6ng nghi~p

(C) She has ah·eady booked a hotel
room. tic
(D) She will give a presentation with
199. What does Ms. Biske ask Ms. Sampson Ms. Biske yeu c~u Ms. Sampson lam gi?
to do? (A) s~p xSp cho chuySn di cua Mr. Colins
(A) Make anangements for Mr. (B) dSn Toronto uuoc 6h ngay 18/5
Collins's trip (C) Lien h~ van phong a Vancouver

(B) Anive in Toronto by 6 p.m. on May (D) t6 chuc bfra ti~c nghi huu cua m9t a6ng
18 nghi~p
(C) Contact the Vancouver office

(D) Organize a colleague's retirement

200. What is NOT mentioned in Ms. Biske 's Bieu g ikhong duqc de cftp trong email cua Ms.

e-mail? Biske?
(A) Thai gian co ~y mu6n tai Toronto

(A) The time she wants to anive in

Toronto (B) tenkhach s~n co ~y se a
(B) The name of the hotel she will be (C) Ten nhfrng a6ng nghi~p tu Vancouver
sta! ing at (D )Li do co ~y mu6n toi Monu·eal nuoc 5pm
(C) The name of colleagues coming
from Vancouver
(D) The reason she wants to anive in
Monn·eal by 5 p.m.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bie n soc;~ n nh~m giup
c;k bc;~ n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. M ong moi ngU'O'i d l1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Nấm Maru
Questions 153-154 refer to the following receipt
Camo Industrial Uniforms Camo Industrial Uniforms
SHIPPING RECEIPT Biên nhận giao hàng
Thank you for your order. Cám ơn đơn đặt hàng của bạn

Order Number : 347 Mã số đặt hàng: 347

Date Placed : June 28 Ngày đặt hàng: 28/6
Date Filled : June 30 Ngày thực hiện: 30/6

CustomerName: Bordeaux Mining Corporation Tên khách hàng: Công ty mỏ Bordeaux
Customer Number : 2743 Mã số khách hàng: 2743
Uniform Style: Custom - company name on front Kiểu đồng phục: Tên khách hàng ở trước

lapel (154) ve áo
Color: Khaki Brown
Size: One size (45)
Quantity : 920 (153)
tic Màu: kaki nâu
Kích cỡ: đồng kích cỡ 45
Số lượng: 420
Visit our web site at Ghé thăm website chúng tôi tại
153. How many uniforms were ordered? Số lượng đồng phục được đặt là bao

(A) 28 nhiêu?
(B) 45 (A) 28
(C) 347 (B) 45

(D) 920 (C) 347

(D) 920
154. What is stated on the receipt? Cái gì được chỉ ra trên biên nhận?

(A) The name “Bordeaux Mining (A) tên “Công ty mỏ Bordeaux” xuất
Corporation” appears on the hiện trên đồng phục

uniforms. (B) công ty mỏ Bordeaux đã mua bán

(B) Bordeaux Mining Corporation has đồng phục trước đó
purchased uniforms before (C) đơn hàng sẽ được giao trong tháng 6
(C) The order will be shipped on June (D) đơn hàng được đặt qua internet
(D) The order was placed over the
Questions 155-156 refer to the following letter

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
WindowWell WindowWell

Alman Bros. Installation Co. Alman Bros. Installation Co.

16 Pine Street Framingham 6161 16 Pine Street Framingham 6161
Chào những người bạn ở công ty lắp đặt

Dear Friends at Alman Bros. Installation Co.:
Alman Bros

As the top producer of single and multi-pane
windows, WindowWell appreciates your Là nhà sản xuất hàng đầu cửa sổ một hoặc
company’s commitment to quality. We nhiều ô, WindowWell đánh giá cao cam

enthusiastically recommend our durable and stylish kết của quý công ty về chất lượng. Chúng
windows for any ongoing, or future construction tôi rất muốn giới thiệu sản phẩm kính bền
endeavors. và phong cách của mình cho bất cứ công

For this month only, we are offering special trình nào sắp sửa hay đang thi công.

savings. Please consult

discounted (155) purchasing options to new
customers. For large orders, we offer up to 40%
our regional
Chỉ trong tháng này, chúng tôi đưa ra
những lựa chọn mua hàng giảm giá cho
các khách hàng mới. với những đơn hàng
WindowWell sales representative for more lớn, chúng tôi đưa giá tiết kiệm lên tới
details (156). Call now, and we’ll even be 40%. xin hãy tham khảo đại diện bán
including a free estimate for your latest project. hàng của Window Well để có thêm thông
Additional contact information is available on our tin. Hãy gọi ngay, và rồi chúng tôi thậm

website at chí còn đưa thêm bản dự tính miễn phí
Let WindowWell help you see clearly. cho dự án mới nhất của bạn. Thông tin chi
Sincerely yours, tiết hơn có tại website của chúng tôi
Jerry Alman
Hãy để Window nâng tầm góc nhìn của


Trân trọng,
Jerry Alman
155. What is the purpose of the letter? Mục đích của lá thư là gì?
(A)To ask for the prices of windows (A) Hỏi giá cửa sổ
(B) To complain about poor service (B) phàn nàn chất lượng dịch vụ thấp
(C) To promote a special offer (C) Để quảng cáo offer đặc biệt

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
(D) To advertise a going-out-of- (D) quảng cáo giảm giá bán hàng trước
business sale khi đóng cửa
156. What are potential customers asked to do? Những khách hàng tiềm năng được yêu
(A) Take a tour of the WindowWell cầu làm gì?
(A) tham quan nhà máy của Window

(B) Sign up for a new contract Well

(C) Refer to a catalogue of products (B) Làm hợp đồng mới
(D) Contact a representative (C) tham khảo catalog sản phẩm
(D) Liên hệ người đại diện

Questions 157-159 refer to the following information
Web Applications and Development Conference Đăng kí thông tin cho hội thảo......
Cám ơn bạn đã bày tỏ sự thích thú của

Registration Information.
mình với phần mềm phát triển web của
Thank you for expressing interest in the web Expo tại Trunh tâm hội thảo Wilfred vào
applications developers’ expo at the Wilfred các ngày cuối tuần 25-26/ 4.
Conference Center on the weekend of April 25 and
26 (157). Register through our website before Hãy đăng kí qua website của chúng tôi
March 16 (158) and pay a lower online fee. trước ngày 16/3 và trả với mức phí online
On-site registration is available on the first day thấp.
Đăng kí tại chỗ vào ngày đầu tiên của hội

of the conference (157).

Online registration thảo
Single: $90 (158) Group: $150 Đăng kí trực tuyến
(credit card payment only) Cá nhân: 90$ Nhóm 150$

On-site registration (Chỉ nhận thanh toán bằng thẻ tín dụng)
Single: $100 Group: $160 Đăng kí tại chỗ
(credit card, cash or checks are accepted) Cá nhân: 100$ Nhóm 160$

*Group rates require 4 or more registrations (Thẻ tín dụng. tiền mặt hoặc séc được

from the same group received on the same date chấp nhận)
(159). * Nhóm cần lượng đăng kí 4 người hoặc
nhiều hơn trong cùng một nhóm cùng một
ngày đăng kí.
157. When is on-site registration available? Đăng kí tại chỗ vào lúc nào?
(A) On March 1 (A) 01/03
(B) On March 16 (B) 16/03
(C) On April 25 (C) 25/4

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
(D) On April 26 (D) 26/4
158. How much will an individual have to pay to Một người phải trả bao nhiêu khi đăng kí
sign up on March 9? vào ngày 9/3?
(A) $80 (A) $80

(B) $90 (B) $90
(C) $120 (C) $120

(D) $150 (D) $150
159. What condition is placed on the group Điều kiện được áp dụng cho giá nhóm là?
(A) chỉ hợp lệ khi cả các thành viên trong

(A) They are available only when all nhóm đăng kí cùng ngày
group members register on the same day. (B) Chúng chỉ được cung cấp trong thời
(B) They will be provided only during gian đăng ký online

the online registration period. (C) chúng chỉ dùng cho nhóm 4 người

4 people.
(C) They can only be used for groups of (D) Chúng không được áp dụng cho

(D) They do not apply to groups paying

nhóm trả bằng tiền mặt
in cash.
Questions 160-161 refer to the following notice
About “E-vent ENformer" Về “E-vent ENformer"

"E-vent ENformer" is published in the online

weekend edition of The Lawrence Crier and is “E-vent ENformer" được phát hành ở ấn bản
designed to promote weekend activities of online cuối tuần của The Lawrence Crier và
interest in the greater Merimack City area. To được thiết kế để quảng bá cho những hoạt ̉
advertise your local happenings in the "E- động cuối tuần yêu thích ở khu vực thành phố

vent ENformer," please contact us by e-mail Merimack lớn hơn. Để quảng bá những sự
at ; by fax at kiện ơ địa phương bạn trên "E-vent

0152-96-1221; or by post at the following Enformer”, xin hãy liên hệ chúng tôi qua

address: The Lawrence Crier, 7 Maple email qua fax

Street, Hart Building Suite #6 (160) (161). 0152-96-1221 hoặc gửi thư theo địa chỉ sau:
* We offer no guarantee for the inclusion of The Lawrence Crier, 7 Maple Street, Hart
announcements received after 2 p.m. on Building Suite #6.
Wednesday * Chúng rôi không bảo đảm cho những thông
cáo bao gồm sau 2pm ngày thứ 4
160. What is included in the notice? Cái gì được bao gồm trong thông báo?

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
(A) Advice for creating efficient (A) Lời khuyên cho kế hoạch làm việc hiệu
work schedules quả
(B) Information about local (B)Thông tin về những sự kiện xảy ra ở
happenings in Lawrence Lawrennce
(C) Cách tới trụ sở công ty

(C) How to get to the headquarters of
the company (D) Thông tin liên lạc để gửi thông cáo

(D) .Contact info for sending in

161. What does the notice suggest about The Thông báo chỉ ra điều gì về The Lawrence
Lawrence Crief? Clief?
(A) It does not offer guarantees. (A) Nó không có đưa ra sự bảo đảm

(B) It publicizes events every day of (B) Nó công bố những sự kiện hàng ngày
the week. tic
(C) It does not accept submissions
by telephone.
(C) Nó không nhận những thứ gửi qua điện
(D) Nó không nằm ở Merimack
(D) It is not located in Merimack
Questions 162-164 refer to the following letter
November 2 Ngày 2/11
Ms. Kris Furbush, Ms. Kris Furbush,

Director (163) Giám đốc

Greener Earth Foundation Greener Earth Foundation
66 Elizabeth Way Boston MA 01832 USA 66 Elizabeth Way Boston MA 01832 USA

Dear Ms. Furbush; Dear Ms. Furbush,

On behalf of the members of Green Day Thay mặt các thành viên của Grewn Day
Alliance, I would like to thank you for your Alliance, tôi muốn cám ơn sự tài trợ của bạn

sponsorship of the 10th annual Green Day cho Green Day Alliance Flower Show
thường niên lần thứ 10. Trong 2 năm qua, số

Alliance Flower Show (162).

Over the past two years, the number of people người đi đến triển lãm của chúng tôi đã gần
who have come to our exposition has nearly như gấp đôi. Do đó, chúng tôi đã tìm kiếm vị
doubled. Consequently, we had been looking trí lớn hơn để đáp sư yêu thích tăng lên trong
for a much larger center to accommodate this năm nay. tiền ủng hộ, như là của bạn, đã cho
year’s growth in interest. Donations, such as phép chúng tôi tổ chức triển lãm ơ Bay Fleet
yours, have allowed us to hold this year’s Center, với sức chứa lớn hơn. Sự đóng góp
exposition at the Bay Fleet Center, which has của bạn đã giúp sự kiện này thành công.

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
a much larger seating capacity (164). Your
contribution has helped make this event a Cám ơn sự giúp đỡ của bạn.
Thank you again for your support. Trân trọng,

Sincerely, Alice Chao.
Alice* Chao Điều phối viên triển lãm.

Expo Coordinator
162. What is the purpose of the letter? Mục đích của lá thư là gì?
(A) Thể hiện sự cảm ơn đối với sự giúp đỡ

(A) To show appreciation for
support (B) nhờ một công ty ủng hộ tiền cho một sự
(B) To ask a company to donate kiện
money for an event (C) Để bày tỏ sẵn lòng cám ơn nhà tài trợ.

(C) To express willingness to thank a D) Để đặt phòng ở trung tâm triển lãm
donor tic
(D) To book a room at a conference
163. Who most likely is Ms. Furbush? Ms. Furbush rất có thể là ai?
(A) A conference center manager (A) Quản lí trung tâm triển lãm
(B) An employee of a real estate (B) Nhân viên một công ty Bất động sản
company (C) Quản trị viên quỹ tài trợ

(C) An administrator in a (D) Người bảo vệ môi trường cấp tiến

(D) tree hugger and radical


164. According to the letter, how is the Theo lá thư thì sự kiện hiện nay khác những
lần trước như thế nào?

current event different from previous

events? (A) Nó nhận được lượng lớn tiền ủng hộ của
(A) It has received huge donations nhiều người
from many people. (B) Hiện tại nó được bảo trợ bởi Green Day
(B) It is now being sponsored by Alliance
Green Day Alliance. (C) Nó được tổ chức khác thời điểm trong
(C) It is being held at a different time năm
of year. (D) Nó được tổ chức ở địa điểm khác

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
(D) It is being held at a different
Questions 165-168 refer to the following notice

It is time for you to renew your membership
(165) at The Aquanaughts Swim Center. The Đã đến lúc bạn gia hạn hội viên ở The

center will be closed for maintenance over the Aquanaughts Swim Center. trung tâm se
holidays. đóng cửa để bảo trì suốt những ngày nghỉ lễ.
24/12-05/01: kì hạn gia hạn thành viên

Oct. 21 – Jan.5 : Membership renewal period 24/12: Ngày người giữ chìa khóa dọn dẹp
Dec. 24: Locker cleanout date 25/12 – 05/01 : Đóng cửa để sửa chữa
Dec. 25 – Jan.5 : Closed for renovations (166) 06/01: Trung tâm mở cửa lại

Jan.6 :Center reopens
tic Lịch nghỉ lễ hoàn chỉnh cho việc làm mới và
Our center’s complete holiday calendar for gia hạn của trung tâm chúng tôi có trên
renewals and extensions is available at website Hội
ac Your viên có thể được gia hạn bất cứ lúc nào bằng
membership may be renewed at any time by cách ghé qua văn phòng của chúng tôi. Thỏa
visiting our office (167) . The locker rental thuận thuê mở cửa có thể được gia hạn, do đó
agreement can be renewed, so continuing thành viên tiếp tục không cần thay đổi hay

members do not need to change or clean out dọn sạch tủ khóa của mình trong suốt giai
their lockers during the renovation period. đoạn sửa chữa.Nếu không, tủ khóa có thể
Otherwise, lockers may be reassigned, with the được chỉ định lại, với kì hạn thuê tủ khóa bắt
next locker rental period to begin on Jan 6. đầu từ 06/01. Sau hạn ngày 24/12 tủ khóa của

After the December 24 deadline, the lockers những ai không gia hạn đúng hạn sẽ bị các
of those members who do not renew on time nhân viên của trung tâm trút ra.

will be emptied by the center staff (168). Nếu bạn có bất kì câu hỏi nào xin hãy liên hệ

If you have any question, please contact us at chúng tôi tại 576-1363, số nội bộ (7765)
576-1363, extension 7765
165. For whom at the Aquanaughts Swim Thông báo dành cho ai ở Aquanaughts Swim
Center is the notice? Center ?
(A) Center members (A) Hội viên của trung tâm
(B) Potential new members (B) Thành viên mới tiềm năng
(C) Previous members (C) Thành viên cũ
(D) Center staff (D) Nhân viên của trung tâm

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
166. When will the maintenance work Công việc bảo trì sẽ bắt đầu khi nào?
probably begin? (A) 23/12
(A) December 23 (B) 25/12
(B) December 25 (C) 05/01

(C) January 5 (D) 06/01
(D) January 6

167. What should be done to renew one’s Nên làm gì để gia hạn hội viện?
membership? (A) Ghé qua văn phòng

(A) Drop by the office in person (B) Làm trực tuyến
(B) Go online (C) Gọi trung tâm
(C) Call the office (D) Gửi thư
(D) Send a letter

168. What will happen by December 24 if a Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu hội viên không được
membership is not renewed? tic
(A) The member’s locker will be
emptied by the staff.
gia hạn?
(A) tủ khóa của hội viên sẽ bị các nhân viên
trút ra
(B) Members need to contact the (B) Hội viên cần liên hệ trung tâm
center. (C) Nhân viên sẽ nhắc nhở hội viên về thỏa
(C) Staff will remind members of the thuận thuê
rental agreement. (D) Các tủ khóa sẽ tạm thời không có sẵn

(D) The lockers will not be available

Questions 169-171 refer to the following memo

Cellworks Ltd. Công ty TNHH Cellworks.

To : All shareholder
From : Gary Bodhause Gửi tới: Tất cả cổ đông

Re. Board Meeting Agenda Từ: Gary Bodhause


The following is the program for the Về việc: Chương trình nghị sự cuộc họp hội
quarterly shareholders meeting (169) of đồng quản trị.
Cellworks Ltd., to be held on Monday, March Sau đây là chương trình cho cuộc họp các cổ
23 at 1:30 P.M. at the company’s corporate đông hàng quý của công ty TNHH
offices in Ipswich (170), Massachusetts. Cellworks, sẽ được tổ chức ngày thứ 2, 23/03
1. Introduction from senior scientist Prof. vào lúc 1:30 pm, tại văn phòng hợp nhất của
Daniel Tennant công ty tại Ipswich, Massachusetts.
2. Report from Board of Management for the

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
last financial quarter 1. Lời giới thiệu của nhà khoa học lão làng
Giáo sư Daniel Tennant.
3. Report from Board of Advisors for the last
financial year 2. Báo cáo từ hội đồng quản lí về tình hình
4. Proposed projections for the next quarter
tài chính quý qua.
3. Báo cáo từ Hội đồng cố vấn về tình hình

5. New projects review
tài chính năm qua
6. Discussion of a proposed profit sharing plan

4. Các đề án được đề xuất quý tới.


for employees
7. Explanation of new employee dental plan 5. Duyệt lại dự án mới

and other benefits 6. Thảo luận về kế hoạch chia lợi nhuận dự
kiến cho nhân viên.
8. Open discussion of the direct effect of the
economic crisis 7. Giải thích kế hoạch chăm sóc nha khoa
mới cho nhân viên và những lợi ích khác.

9. Concluding remarks
(From 1 – 9 / Câu 171) 8. Thảo luận mở về tác động trực tiếp của

What is the purpose of the memo?
khủng hoảng kinh tế.
9. Tổng kết những điểm chính
Mục đích của bản ghi nhớ là gì?
(A) To revise employee benefits (A) sửa đổi lợi ích cho nhân viên
(B) To announce some corporate (B) Thông báo các trường hợp thăng chức
promotions trong công ty
(C) To discuss the global economic (C) Thảo luận khủng hoảng kinh tế thế giới

crisis (D) Phổ biến thông tin về cuộc họp

(D) To disseminate information
about a meeting

170. Where will the meeting take place? Cuộc họp sẽ diễn ra ở đâu?
(A) At the company’s corporate (A) Tại văn phòng liên hiệp của công ty

offices (B) Tại thính phòng

(C) Văn phòng của Daniel Tennant

(B) In the auditorium

(C) In Daniel Tennant’s office (D) Tại trung tâm hội nghị của khách sạn địa
(D) In a conference hall at a local phương
171. Which of the following topics is NOT Những topic sau đây cái nào không được liệt
listed? kê?
(A) Providing information about (A) Cung cấp thông tin về lợi ích của nhân
employee benefits viên

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
(B) Information regarding new (B) Thông tin liên quan tới những dự án mới
projects (C) Phê duyệt mua sắm hệ thống máy tính
(C) Authorization for the purchase mới
of new computer systems (D) Thảo luận chia sẻ lợi nhuận

(D) Discussing a profit sharing plan

Questions 172-175 refer to the following notice
Eastmont College Đại học Eastmont
Đây là danh sách những khóa học cho học kì

Here are the course listings for our upcoming
spring semester. Classes begin the first week of sắp tới của chúng tôi. Các lớp học bắt đầu
January and take place in the morning. vào tuần đầu tiên của tháng 1 và diễn ra vào
Each class runs for two hours and meets three buổi sáng.

times a week (172) for ten weeks. Classes are Mỗi lớp hoạt động trong 2 tiếng và 3 lần/ tuần

- Biology 101
limited to 15 students, so early registration is

Mon / Wed/Fri, 9:00 A.M

trong 10 tuần. Các lớp học được giới hạn 15
học sinh, do đó nên đăng kí sớm.
- Sinh học101 Thứ 2 / 4/6, 9h AM, Giảng
(175). viên Dorothy Lindstrom
Dorothy Lindstrom - Nhập môn tâm lí học, Thứ 2/4/6, 9h AM,
-Introduction to Psychology Mon / Wed/Fri, Gv. Bill Blackwell
9:00 A.M. Bill Blackwell - Nghệ thuật và khái niệm, Thứ 2/4/6, 10h

- Arts and Concert Mon/Wed/Fri, 10:00 A.M. AM, GV. Elizabeth Young
Elizabeth Young - Khảo sát các tôn giáo trên thế giới* , Thứ
-Survey of World Religion* Tues/Thur/Sat, 3,5,7, 10h AM, Gv. Grace Kim

10:00 A.M. Grace Kim - Toán 1 Thứ 3/5/7, 9h Am, Gv. Jane Singer
- Calculus 1 Tues/Thur/Sat, 9:00 A.M.
Jane Singer * Bắt đầu ngày 04/01

Bắt đầu đăng kí vào thứ 2, ngày 02/12 và tiếp

tục đến 18/01

* starts January 4
Registration will begin on Monday, December Thời gian tiếp nhận của văn phòng là 9AM –
2 and continue until January 18. 1PM. Để có thêm thông tịn, gọi 617-535-
The Admissions Office hours are from 9:00 8019, số nội bộ 153
A.M. to 1:00 P.M (174). For more information,
call 617-535-8019, extension 153.

172. How often is each class held? các lớp được mở thường xuyên như thế nào?

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
(A) Once a week (A) 1 lần/tuần
(B) Twice a week (B) 2 lần/tuần
(C) Three days a week (C) 3 ngày/ tuần
(D) Only on weekdays (D) Chỉ vào các ngày thứ 2-6
Thông tin nào được cung cấp?

173. What information is provided?
(A) Background records on (A) Thông tin các giáo sư

professors (B) Thông tin đăng kí cơ bản
(B) Basic registration information (C) Số phòng cho mỗi lớp

(C) The room numbers for each class (D) Nội dung môn học cho mỗi lớp
(D) A complete syllabus for each ** Thông báo đề cập tới các môn học , thời
class gian học và đăng kí, giảng viên,…. =>
Thông tin căn bản.

174. If students have any questions, what Nếu học sinh có bất kì câu hỏi nào, bản thông
does the notice suggest they do? báo gợi ý họ làm gì?
(A) Visit the Eastmont College (A) Truy cập website của đại học Eastmont
website (B) Gọi một trong các giáo sư
(B) Call one of the professors (C) Gửi fax khoa tương ứng qua số nội bộ
(C) Fax their respective department 153
at extension 153 (D) Liên hệ văn phòng tiếp nhận
(D) Contact the Admissions Office

175. What is NOT indicated about Dorothy Điều gì không được chỉ ra về lới học của
Lindstrom’s class? Lindstrom?
(A) The daily meeting times (A) Thời gian học hàng ngày
(B) Ngày bắt đầu chính xác

(B) The exact starting date

(C) What days the class meets (C) Ngày nào đến lớp
(D) Who will teach the class (D) Ai sẽ dạy

Questions 176-180 refer to the following letter

Kingstown Rentals 7692 John Ave. Kingstown Rentals 7692 John Ave.
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1N7 Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1N7
June 10 Ngày 10/6
Franchesca DeGardines 6556 Archway Place Franchesca DeGardines 6556 Archway Place
Apt, 10B Edmonton, Alberta TSP 1L7 Apt, 10B Edmonton, Alberta TSP 1L7

Dear Ms. DeGardines Gửi Ms. DeGardines

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru

Thank you for notification of your departure on Cám ơn về thông báo khởi hành của bạn vào
October 30. As we approach that day, we have ngày 30/10. Ngày đó theo như chúng tôi xem
some important procedures to discuss. xét, có một vài thủ tục quan trọng cần thảo

The building supervisor, Mr. Costeau, will luận.
come to your apartment on October 29 to Giám sát tòa nhà, Mr. Costeau, sẽ tới căn hộ

của bạn vào 29/10 để kiểm tra tòa nhà và


inspect the apartment (177) and ensure that it
is in the same basic condition as when you first chắc chắn rằng nó trong điều kiện cơ bản như
khi bạn chuyển tới. Nếu không có hư tổn lớn

moved in. If no major damages or unauthorized
changes are discovered, the $1,000 security hay những thay đổi không được phép nào
deposit will be mailed to you. In the case of a được phát hiện, tiền đặt cọc bảo đảm 1000$
failed inspection, the anticipated cost of the sẽ được gửi cho bạn. Trong trường hợp kiểm

repairs will be deducted from the deposit. tra có hư hỏng, chi phí dự kiến cho sửa chữa

can be provided upon request.

Copies of the repair service billing information

When moving out, please refrain from using the

sẽ được trừ vào tiền đặt cọc. Bản sao thông
tin hóa đơn dịch vụ sửa chữa có thể được
cung cấp theo yêu cầu.
main elevators. They have been damaged by Khi chuyển ra, xin cố gắng tránh dùng thang
furniture before and stall frequently with máy chính. Chúng đã bị hỏng bên trong trước
heavy loads. Please do not use them for any đó và ngưng thường xuyên với trọng tải
heavy or bulky items (179). Instead, use the nặng. Xin đùng dùng chúng cho bất cứ thứ gì

maintenance elevator at the back of the nặng hay kềnh càng. Thay vào đó hãy sử
building. dủng thang máy bảo trì ở phía sau tòa nhà.
Please meet with a building security staff Xin hãy gặp nhân viên bảo vệ tòa nhà để ra
member to sign out and return the ngoài và trả lại chìa khóa nhà vào ngày bạn

apartment keys on the day of your departure rời khỏi. Văn phòng bảo vệ và quản lí ở tầng
(180). The security and management office is trệt của tòa nhà. Xin hãy kiểm tra lần hai để

on the basement floor of the building. Please đảm bảo căn hộ sạch sẽ, và mọi thứ đã được
đưa đi hết trước khi rời khỏi. Những tư trang

double-check to make sure that the apartment is

clean, and that all items have been removed để lại trong căn hộ sẽ được xử lí như thứ vứt
before leaving. Belongings that are left in the bỏ.
apartment will be treated as abandoned. Nếu bạn có thêm bất cứ câu hỏi nào, đừng
If you have any additional questions, feel free ngài liên hệ văn phòng theo số 791-
to contact the office at 791-549¬1864. 549¬1864.
Sincerely, Trân trọng
Pcerre- CcwcUaoe- Pcerre- CcwcUaoe
Property manager Trưởng phòng quản lí tài sản-

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
176. Who is Franchesca DeGardines? Ai là Franchesca DeGardines?
(A) A businesswoman running a (A) Nữ doanh nhân điều hành doanh nghiệp
real estate firm bất động sản
(B) A resident of the building (B) Cư dân tòa nhà
(C) Người muốn thuê phòng

(C) An individual who wants to
rent a room (D) Chủ căn hộ

(D) The owner of the apartment *** Bà này chuẩn bị rời khỏi và giám sát
tòa nhà tới kiểm tra lại phòng còn như tình
trạng ban đầu hay không? Và những cv

cần chuẩn bị => bà này là người thuê,
người ở trong tòa nhà => resident
177. What can be inferred about Mr. Điều gì có thể rút ra về Mr. Costeau?

Costeau? (A) Anh ấy giám sát Ms. DeGardines tại nơi
(A) He is Ms. DeGardines’s
supervisor at work.
(B) He works for Ms. DeGardines.
làm việc
(B) Anh ấy làm việc cho Ms. DeGardines
(C) Anh ấy phục trách việc kiểm tra
(C) He performs inspections. (D) Anh ấy đưa những khách thuê tiềm
(D) He gives tours of the building to năng tham quan tòa nhà
prospective tenants
178. The word “condition” in paragraph 2, Từ “Condition” ở đoạn 2 dòng 2 gần nghĩa

line 2 is closest in meaning to nhất với?

(A) general health (A) Sức khỏe tổng quát
(B) level of sickness (B) Cấp độ bệnh
(C) Tập luyện và dinh dưỡng tốt

(C) good exercise and nutrition

(D) state of being (D) Tình trạng
179. Why is Franchesca DeGardines asked Tại sao Franchesca DeGardines được yêu

not to use the main elevators? cầu không dùng thang máy chính?
(A) They’re not big enough. (A) Chúng không đủ lớn

(B) They’re out of order. (B) Chúng bị hỏng

(C) They’re only for maintenance (C) Chúng chỉ dành cho nhân viên bảo trì
staff. (D) Chúng cần mã hóa để vận hành
(D) They require a coded key for
180. What will Franchesca DeGardines Ngày 30/10 Franchesca DeGardines có lẽ sẽ
probably do on October 30? làm gì?

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
(A) Invite friends over for a party (A) Mời bạn dự tiệc
(B) Return her apartment keys to (B) Trả chìa khóa căn hộ cho văn phòng
the management office quản lí
(C) Move to another ci+y (C) Di chuyển tới thành phố khác
(D) Receive her security deposit in (D) Tự mình nhận tiền cọc bảo đảm


Questions 181-185 refer to the following article and e-mail.
The first of five introductory sessions has Phiên đầu tiên trong năm phiên mở màn đã
already begun at Bayside Convention Center bắt đầu ở Bayside Convention Center để dạy

(181) to teach center workers how to provide các nhân viên của trung tâm cách mang lại
top services to large corporate exhibitors ???. dịch vụ tốt nhất tới những ………….??? lớn.
At the first Saturday session consultant Trong phiên ngày thứ 7 đầu tiên ,cố vấn viên

Jennifer Lynn instructed (181) sales Jennifer Lynn hướng dẫn các quản lí bán
managers and center staff in activities and hàng và nhân viên trung tâm về các hoạt động
instructional exercises designed to exemplify và bài tập hướng dẫn được thiết kế để minh
courteous service and professionalism (181) . họa cho việc phục vụ lịch sự và sự chuyên
In the afternoon, food service workers also nghiệp. Vào buổi chiều, nhân viên phục vụ
participated in a similar training session with thức ăn cũng đã tham gia phiên đào tạo tương
Ms. Lynn. The final training sessions will be tự cùng với Ms. Lynn. Những phiên đào tạo
conducted on September 27 and 29. cuối cùng sẽ được tiến hành vào ngày 27-

Complimentary food and tickets to popular 29/9. Thức ăn miễn phí và vé mời tới những
local attractions will be provided to all trainees nơi hấp dẫn nổin tiếng sẽ được cung cấp cho
to compensate for the weekend scheduling and tất cả những người được huấn luyện để bù lại
lịch làm việc cuối tuần và khuyến khích nhân

to encourage employees to sign up.

Ms. Lynn said in an interview, "It is critical that viên đăng kí,
all employees learn how to treat customers with Ms. Lynn trong buổi phỏng vấn nói rằng

an appropriate level of professionalism. The “Nhân viên cần thiết nên học cách đối xử với
customers may not always be right, but should khách hàng với sự chuyên nghiệp đúng mực.

always leave feeling like they have been treated Khách hàng có thể không luôn đúng, nhưng
with respect and consideration." mọi người nên để lại ấn tượng rằng họ được
đối xử tôn trọng và quan tâm
-------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
To: Jennifer Lynn Tới: Jennifer Lynn
From: Hong ll-Su Từ: Hong ll-Su
Date: October 6

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
Ngày 6/10
Chủ đề: Phiên đào tạo về thức ăn
Subject: Food Training session (184) (185) Dear Ms. Lynn
Dear Ms. Lynn Tôi viết thư này để nói bạn biết rằng phiên
I’m writing to let you know that I benefited đào tạo tuần trước đã giúp ích cho tôi rất

greatly from the sessions last week (183). I’ve nhiều. Tôi có được một số kĩ năng giúp tôi

làm việc với khách hàng hiệu quả hơn. Tôi


acquired some skills that have already helped
me to deal with customers more effectively. I cũng cám ơn phiếu chứng nhận quà tặng
dùng ở The Seaside Café. Tôm hùm là một

also appreciated the gift certificate to The
Seaside Cafe. Lobster is one of my favorite trong những thức ăn tôi yêu thích, và hiếm
foods, and I rarely have the chance to enjoy it. khi tôi có cơ hội thưởng thức nó.
Sincerely, Trân trọng

Hong ll-Su Hong II-Su
What is not correct about the training

(A) They are led by Ms. Lynn.

Điều gì không đúng về các khóa huấn luyện?
(A) Chúng được chỉ đạo bởi Ms. Lynn
(B) Chúng được dự kiến sẽ đào tạo những
(B) They are intended to train người lập kế hoặc cuộc họp
meeting planners. (C) Mục đích là để cải thiện dịch vụ khách
(C) The purpose is to improve hàng
customer service. (D) Chúng được tổ chức ở Bayside

(D) They are held at the Bayside Convention Center

Convention Center
182. In the article, the word “treat” in Trong bài báo, từ “Treat” ở đoạn 2, dòng 1
paragraph 2, line 1 is closest in meaning gần nghĩa nhất với?

to (A) Hỗ trợ

(A) assist (B) Đun sôi

(B) spoil (C) Xử lí

(D) Mua thức ăn cho

(C) deal with

(D) buy food for
183. Why did Mr. Hong write an e-mail? Tại sao Mr. Hong đã viết email?
(A) To ask for class information (A) Để hỏi về thông tin lớp học
(B) To register (B) Để đăng kí
(C) To provide additional service (C) Để cung cấp thêm dịch vụ
(D) To offer thanks (D) Để đưa ra lời cám ơn

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
184. What job does Mr. Hong probably Công việc của Mr. Hong có thể là gì?
have? (A) Anh ấy là nhà tổ chức hội thảo triển lãm
(A) He is a conference exhibitor. (B) Anh ấy là cố vấn kinh doanh cho tập đoàn
(B) He is a business consultant for a lớn
(C) Anh ấy làm cho công ty dịch vụ thực

large corporation.
(C) He works in food services. phẩm

(D) Anh ấy quản lí việc bán hàng


(D) He manages sales.
185. Why did Mr. Hong most likely receive Tại sao Mr. Hong rất có thể sẽ nhận được một
phiếu chứng nhận qùa tặng?

a gift certificate?
(A) He attended a training session. (A) Anh ấy đã tham dự phiên họp
(B) He will conduct future sessions. (B) Anh ấy chủ trì phiên họp
(C) He works at The Seaside Cafe. (C) Anh ấy làm việc tại Seaside Cafe

(D) He was given a best employee (D) Anh ấy được trao giải nhân viên xuất sắc
award tic nhất.
Questions 186-190 refer to the following article and e-mail.
[Book Review] The Taste Book (186) [Phê bình sách] The Taste Book
By Miguel Fuentes Bởi Miguel Fuentes

I’ve been looking forward to getting a copy of Tôi đã luôn trông ngóng lấy được bản sao của

Sam Germaine's new cookbook, The Taste cuốn sách dạy nấu ăn mới của Sam
Book (Simon & Schuster, $32.95), because I Germaine, The Taste Book (Simon &
enjoy his weekly TV show on the Food Schuster, $32.95). Bởi vì tôi yêu thích show
truyền hình hàng tuần của ông ấy phát trên

Network. However, when I got my hands on the

cookbook, I found myself a bit disappointed. Food Network. Tuy nhiên, khi cầm cuốn
sách nấu ăn trên tay, tôi cảm thấy mình có

I admit that this book has great cooking ideas. chút thất vọng.
Yet, unless you are 100% “diabetes- proof” for Tôi thừa nhận rằng cuốn sách có những ý

your entire life, have never heard of such a thing tưởng nấu nướng tuyệt vời. Nhưng, trừ khi
as a food allergy, or believe that vegetarians are 100% bạn có thể chống lại tiểu đường suốt
bad people, this book may not be right for you. đời, nếu không sẽ không bao giờ biết tới thứ
It is obvious that the author is not aware of the gọi là dị ứng thức ăn, hoặc tin tưởng rằng
importance of eating well and eating healthily những người ăn chay là người không khỏe,
because most recipes introduced in this book thì cuốc sách này có lẽ không thích hợp cho
are far from healthy. If you have high blood bạn. Rõ ràng ràng tác giả không nhận thức

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
pressure or weight problems, your doctor would được sự quan trọng của ăn ngon và lành
probably not be too happy to see you cooking mạnh bởi hầu hết công thức được giới thiệu
with this cookbook. trong sách đều không tốt cho sức khỏe,. Nếu
bạn có huyết áp cao hay vấn đề cân nặng, bá
Another thing is that some of the recipes are too sẽ của bạn có thể sẽ không vui khi thấy bạn

technical and advanced for the average person nấu thức ăn theo cuốn sách này.

to follow. Some ingredients have to be specially Một điều khác là vài công thức phức tạp và


ordered online because they are quite hard to xa vời cho những người trung bình làm theo.
find in regular stores. Also, these recipes Một vài thành phần phải đặc biệt đặt hàng

contain a lot of sugar and carbohydrates, online vì hơi khó để tìm thấy chúng ở những
which many people try to avoid or are at least cửa hàng thông thường. Những công thức
cutting back on these days (187) này cũng chứa nhiều đường và cacbon

hydrat, mà nhiều người cố né tránh hoặc ít
By leafing through the first few pages, you will nhất cắt giảm những ngày này.
begin to think that many recipes are not fit for
people trying to lose a few pounds and improve Bằng việc lướt qua những trang đầu tiên, bạn
their health. While the marvelous pictures will sẽ bắt đầu nghĩ rằng nhiều công thức không
make your mouth water, its recipes are likely to phù hợp cho những ai đang cố gắng giảm cân
be an obstacle for you to keep your New Year’s và cải thiện sức khỏe của mình. Trong khi
resolution of losing a few pounds. . những bức tranh mê hoặc làm bạn chảy nước

-------------------------------------------------------- miếng, công thức của nó gần như gây trở ngại
cho bạn trong việc giữ vững quyết tâm giảm
Dear Editor, cân trong những ngày tết
I read the review of my recent book in your -----------------------------------------------------

magazine. First of all, I thank you for your Thưa nhà xuất bản,
compliment on the photographs, which I took Tôi đọc bài phê bình về cuốn sách gần đây

myself. However, I must say that I was của tôi trên tạp chí của bạn. Trước hết, tới
disappointed with Mr. Fuentes’ criticism cám ơn lời khen của bạn về những bức hình

(190). He mentions that my book is “far from mà tôi tự chụp. Tuy nhiên, tôi phải nói rằng
healthy” and not good for people trying to eat tôi đã thất vọng về bài bình luận của Mr.
right. If he had carefully read my introduction Fuentes. Anh ấy đề cập rằng cuốn sách của
instead of just leafing through a few pages of tôi “không tốt cho sức khỏe” và không tốt
the book, he would have understood that I am cho những ai thử ăn chúng. Nếu anh ấy cẩn
targeting readers who like to eat food based on thận đọc lời giới thiệu của tôi thay vì chỉ lướt
taste. As a cook, I believe that my job is to đọc vài trang của cuốn sách, anh ấy đã hiểu
provide a delectable range of options, rather rằng tôi hướng đến những độc giả thưởng

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
than forcing people to follow a healthy lifestyle, thức thức ăn dựa vào hương vị. Là một đầu
especially when many so-called “healthy” bếpm tôi tin rằng công việc của mình là để
cookbooks are of a very low standard and reek cung cấp một danh sách thú vị để lựa chọn,
of commercialism. thay vì ép mọi người đi theo kiểu sống lành
mạnh, đặc biệt khi có quá nhiều thứ gọi là

I have confidence that my book will help
readers enjoy cooking more. And I do hope sách nấu ăn “lành mạnh” có tiêu chuản rất

thấp và sặc mùi mua bán.


that your future articles will exhibit a
broader vision (189). As mentioned in my Tôi có tự tin rằng cuốn sách của mình sẽ giúp
độc giả thích thú nấu ăn hơn. Và tôi thật hi

book, it is not for people with special dietary
needs. It simply tries to tell readers that they can vọng rằng những bài báo tương lai của bạn sẽ
experience joy and pleasure through the biểu lộ tầm nhìn rộng hơn. Như được đề cập
culinary arts. Several readers who are “home trong cuốn sách của tôi, nó không dành cho

cooks” have already sent me letters saying that những ai có nhu cầu ăn kiên đặc biệt. Nó đơn
they find my book very helpful and motivating.
I am sure that they are aware of the importance
of eating well, and still find my recipes practical
giản chỉ cố gắng gửi tới độc giả rằng hok có
thể trải nghiệm sự thích thú và hài lòng với
nghệ thuật nấu nướng. Nhiều độc giả “nội
and “not too threatening” to their health. trợ” đã gửi tôi những lá thư nói rằng họ thấy
Sincerely, cuôbs sách của tôi rất có ích và tạo động lực.
Sam Germaine Tôi chắc chắn rằng họ đã nhận thức được sự
quan trong của việc ăn ngon, và vẫn luôn tìm

kiếm những công thức thiết thực và “không

quá đe dọa” với sức khỏe của họ.

Trân trọng,

Sam Germaine
186. What is the purpose of the article? Mục đích của bài báo là gì?

(A) To introduce a new restaurant (A) Để giới thiệu một nhà hàng mới
(B) To promote a special offer on a (B) Để quảng bá offer đặc biệt trong một

cookbook cuốn sách nấu ăn

(C) To emphasize the importance of (C) Để nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của việc
eating well ăn ngon
(D) To review a recent book (D) Để phê bình về một cuốn sách gần đây
187. What seems to be Mr. Fuentes’ opinion Dường như ý kiến của Mr. Fuentes về ấn bản
of the publication? là gì?
(A) Nó được viết rất tốt và dễ dàng theo dõi

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
(A) It is very well-written and easy to (B) Nó chứa đựng thông tin hữu ích với
follow. những ai huyết áp cao
(B) It contains useful information for (C) Nó có thể không tốt cho những ai cố
people with high blood pressure. giảm cân
(C) It may not be good for people (D) Nó sẽ bán chạy nhất

trying to lose weight.

(D) It will be a bestseller
188. In the article, the word “proof” in Trong bài báo, từ “Proof” ở đoạn 2, dòng 2
paragraph 2, line 2 is closest in meaning gần nghĩa nhất với?

to (A) Kháng cự
(A) resistant (B) Chứng cứ
(B) evidence (C) Chứng thực

(C) corroborating (D) Phá vỡ

(D) disrupting

to do?
What does Mr. Germaine ask the editor Mr. Germaine yêu cầu nhà biên tập làm gì?
(A) Công khai xin lỗi vì bài báo
(A) Publish an apology for the article (B) Tránh có tầm nhìn hạn hẹp trong những
(B) Avoid taking a narrow view in bài phê bình sắp tới
future reviews (C) Thay đổi thiết kế ảnh bìa tạp chí
(C) Change the cover design of the (D) Viết bài phê bình cho cuốn sách tiếp

magazine theo của anh ấy

(D) Write a review for his next book
190. What can be inferred from the Điều gì có thể rút ra từ những đoạn văn?
(A) Cuốn sách tập trung vào những ai quan

(A) The book focuses on people who tâm việc ăn uống tốt cho sức khỏe
are concerned with healthy eating. (B) Mr. Germaine tin rằng anh ấy nhận được

(B) Mr. Germaine believes that he lời phê bình không đúng từ Mr. Fuetens
received unjust criticism from Mr. (C) Mr. Fuetens nghĩ rằng cuốn sách thúc

Fuentes. đẩy ăn kiêng lành mạnh

(C) Mr. Fuentes thinks that the book (D) Độc giả hài lòng với những công thức
promotes a healthy diet. trong cuốn sách
(D) Readers are satisfied with
recipes in the book.
Questions 191-195 refer to the following e-mails
To: Tới:

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
From: Từ:
Date: March 14 Ngày 14/03
Subject: Customer Service Request Chủ đề: Yêu cầu dịch vụ khách hàng

Tôi đã mua kệ làm việc Harley-Davidson cho

I purchased the Harley-Davidson garage
workbench (HDGS-66224) on Feb 1 (193). As garage (HDGS-66224) vào ngày 01/02. Làm

theo như chỉ dẫn lắp ghép đính kèm, tôi phát


I followed the enclosed assembly instruction, I
found that the workbench would not stand hiện ra rằng kệ làm việc không thể đứng ổn
định bởi một trong các chân dài hơn một ít so

stably because one of the legs is slightly
longer than the other three (191) Thus, I với 3 chân còn lại. Do đó, tôi muốn yêu cầu
would like to request you to replace the bạn thay thế chân lỗi để kệ làm việc có thể
defective leg so that the workbench can be được lắp lại.

reassembled. Thật tiếc tôi đã không thể liên hệ bạn sớm
I regret that I could not contact you earlier. I had
to go on a business trip to Italy right after I had
bought the product, and returned home last
hơn. Tôi phải đi công tác tới Italy ngay sau
khi mua sản phẩm, và trở về nhà cuối tuần
trước. Do đó, tôi không có thời gian giải
weekend. Thus, I did not have the time to deal quyết việc này cho tới bây giờ. Bởi vì sản
with the issue until now. Since the product phẩm có phần bị lỗi, tôi cho rằng yêu cầu sửa
contains a defective part, I believe that it is chữa là chính đáng. Tôi có biên lai gốc và
legitimate for me to request a replacement. I kiện đóng gói, cho nên nếu bạn cần hãy nói

have the original receipt and packaging, so if tôi biết nhé.

you need them, please let me know.
Mong được nghe thông tin từ bạn. Cám ơn vì
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you sự giúp đỡ của bạn

for your assistance. Trân Trọng,

Sincerely, Glenn Lindt

Glenn Lindt -----------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------- Tới: Glenn Lindt

To: Glenn Lindt Từ: Bart Graham

From: Bart Graham Ngày 15/3
Date: March 15 Chủ để: Trả lời: yêu cầu dịch vụ khách hàng
Subject: RE: Customer Service Request
Dear Mr. Lindt,
Dear Mr. Lindt, Cám ơn email của bạn. Chúng tôi thật tiếc
bạn đã không thể lắp sản phẩm vì một bộ

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
Thank you for your e-mail. We are sorry that phận bị lỗi. Chúng tôi sẽ cung cấp dịch vụ
you weren’t able to put the product together sửa chữa miễn phí cho bạn.
because of a defective part. We will provide you Theo chính sách của chúng tôi, Sản phẩm
with a replacement at no extra charge. được mua trong 1 tháng có thể hoàn trả về
cửa hàng thậm phí khi chúng không hư hại

According to our policy, products purchased
within one month can be returned to the store - gì, chỉ cần bạn có biên lai gốc. Tuy nhiên, sản

phẩm mua hơn một tháng có thẻ được hoàn


even if they are not defective - as long as you
have the original receipt. However, products lại chỉ khi chúng hư hỏng hay bị lỗi tại thời
điểm mua hàng, Vì bạn mua kệ làm việc đã

purchased more than one month ago may be
returned only if they are damaged or defective hơn một tháng trước, trường hợp của bạn
at the time of purchase. Since you bought the không khớp với loại 2. Trong trường hợp
workbench more than a month ago, your case này, bạn phải điền vào mẫu đơn Hoàn sản

falls under the second category. In this case, you phẩm tại website của chúng tôi tại
have to fill out a Merchandise Return Form on
our website, , and
submit it online. When the request is filed, a , và nộp online.
Khi yêu cầu được trình lên, một mã hoàn sản
phẩm sẽ được gửi cho bạn qua email. Xin hãy
Merchandise Return Code will be e¬mailed xuất trình mã này với biên lai cửa hàng bạn
to you (194). Please present this code with your mua để hoàn lại sản phẩm về cửa hàng.
store receipt to return the product to the store. Những chi tiết hoàn chỉnh về chính sách của
Complete details of our store policy can be cửa hàng có thể tìm thấy tại website của

found on our website. chúng tôi.

I hope this information is helpful to you. To Mong rằng thông tin này sẽ có ích cho bạn,
help us serve you better in the future, please Để giúp chúng tôi phục vụ bạn tốt hơn trong
complete the attached questionnaire (also tương lai, xin hãy hoàn thành câu hỏi đính

available on our website) on how helpful our kèm (cũng có trên website của chúng tôi) về
customer service is to you (195), and send it việc dịch vụ khách hàng của chúng tôi có ích

back to me, at which time I will send you a 10% cho bạn như thế nào và gửi lại cho tôi. Tại
thời điểm đó tôi sẽ gửi bạn phiếu giảm giá

discount coupon which can be used for your

next purchase. 10% cho lần mua tới.

Bart Graham Customer Service Bart Graham - Bộ phận dịch vụ khách hàng
191. What problem did Mr. Lindt face with Mr. Lindt đã gặp vấn đề gì với sản phẩm?
the product? (A) Một trong các chân bị hỏng
(A) One of the legs was defective. (B) Nó không cung cấp quy trình đăng kí
(B) It didn’t provide an online trực tuyến
registration procedure. (C) Nó khác với mẫu trưng bày

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
(C) It was different from the display (D) Nó đắt hơn anh ấy dự kiến
(D) It was more expensive than he
had expected.
According to the passages, which of the Theo các đoạn văn thì điều nào sau đây là

following is true? đúng?

(A) Mr. Lindt did not report the (A) Mr. Lindt không báo cáo vấn đề sớm
problem sooner because he had to move hơn vì phải ra nước ngoài
(B) Mr. Lindt mua trực tuyến kệ làm việc

to another country.
(B) Mr. Lindt purchased the garage cho garage vào 01/02
workbench online on February 1. (C) Mr. graham muốn đưa ra giảm giá 10%
(C) Mr. Graham wants to give out cho mọi người

10% discount coupons to people. (D) Mr. Graham giải quyết khiếu nại của

(D) Mr. Graham handles customer
complaints at Harley-Davidson.
When did Mr. Lindt buy the product?
khách hàng ở Harley-Davidson.

Mr. Lindt đã mua sản phẩm khi nào?

(A) On February 1 (A) 01/02
(B) On February 11 (B) 11/02
(C) On March 14 (C) 14/03
(D) On March 15 (D) 15/03

194. What should Mr. Lindt obtain via e-mail Mr. Lindt cần lấy gì từ email trước khi trả lại
before returning the item? món hàng?
(A) The invoice number (A) số hóa đơn
(B) Bưu kiện gốc

(B) The original package

(C) A special code (C) Mã đặc biệt
(D) A store manager’s note (D) Lưu ý của quản lí cửa hàng

195. What can Mr. Lindt do to get a discount Mr. Lindt có thể làm gì để được giảm gia cho ́

on his next purchase? lần mua tới?

(A) Complete a questionnaire (A) Hoàn thành một câu hỏi
(B) Become an online member (B) Trở thành thành viên trực tuyến
(C) Obtain a special code via e-mail (C) Nhận code qua email
(D) Purchase a product over $100 (D) Mua hàng vượt qúa 100$
Questions 196-200 refer to the following article and e-mail.
Business Times Business Times
Wednesday, Sept 1 Thứ 4, ngày 1/9

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
A Copy Center for Serious Business Một trung tâm sao chép cho doanh nghiệp
By Jarrett Tomlin chân chính.
Bởi Jarett Tomlin

Breslin Reproduction Services đã phục vụ

Breslin Reproduction Services has been serving
the Fairfax area for ten years. With unique cho khu vực liê tục 10 năm qua. Với dịch vụ

độc nhất và sách lược kinh doanh sáng suốt,


services and a clever business strategy, it is
rapidly expanding its customer base. lượng khách hàng của nó đã mở rộng rất
nhanh. Kỉ niệm 10 nă ngày thành lập hôm

Celebrating its 10th anniversary yesterday,
BRS's owner, Matt Hosokawa, proudly qua, Matt Hosokawa - chủ nhân của BRS, tự
announced yesterday that BRS is planning to hào thông báo rằng BRS đang lên kế hoạch
add a third copy center in the Eastern Fairfax đưa thêm 1 trung tâm sao chép vào khu vực

area, noting, "What distinguishes BRS from phía đông Fairfax, nói "điều phân biệt BRS
other copy centers is that we only serve
businesses. Rather than serving the general
public and businesses together, we focus on the
vào với các trung tâm sao chép khác là nó chỉ
phục vụ doanh nghiệp thay vì phục vu chung
cộng đồng và doanh nghiệp, chúng tôi chú
reproduction of critical business documents trọng việc tái tạo những tài liệu kinh doanh
such as project proposals, legal papers, and quan trọng, như là những đề xuất dự án, giấy
blueprints.” Fie believes that the staff of BRS is
tờ pháp lý, và bản vẽ blueprint (bản vẻ nền
also a strength of the business because they arexanh, các nét vẻ màu trắng). Anh ấy tin rằng

well trained and committed to providing các nhân viên của BRS cũng là thế mạnh của
excellent quality and superior service. doanh nghiệp vì họ được đào tạo tốt, tận tâm
đem lại chất lượng dịch vụ vượt trội và tuyệt
According to Mr. Flosokawa, business was vời.

quite slow for the first few years. Flowever,

especially with the construction boom over the Theo Mr. Hosokawa, việc kinh doanh có hơi

last two years, BRS gained a good reputation chậm trong những năm đầu. Tuy nhiên, đặc
among architects due to top quality service, biệt với sự bùng nổ các công trình xây dựng

quick turnaround time as well as its convenient 2 năm qua, BRS giành được danh tiếng tốt
downtown location. As the number of regular với ́ các công ty xây dựng nhờ vào chất lượng
customers grew, Mr. Flosokawa hired more dịch vụ hàng đầu, vòng xoay nhanh và vị trí
employees and opened a second downtown trung tâm thành phố thuận lợi. Vì lượng
copy center last year (197). BRS will soon add khách hàng tăng lên, Mr. Hosokawa đã thuê
a new center in the Eastern Fairfax area to thêm nhân viên và mở trung tâm thứ 2 ơ trung
respond to the recent residential construction tâm thành phố vào năm ngoái. BRS sẽ sớm
boom in that area. đưa thêm một trung tâm mới vào khu vực

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
The downtown copy centers are located at 227 phía đông Fairfax để hướng ứng sự bùng nổ
Yonge Street East and 330 Spadina Street. Store các công trình nhà ở cho cư dân nơi đây.
hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday
through Saturday. Emergency printing service Các trung tâm giữa thành phố đặt tại 227
Yonge Street East and 330 Spadina Street.

is also provided to accommodate last-minute
requests at an extra charge. Giờ cửa hàng hoạt động là từ 7:00 a.m. tới

8:00 p.m, thứ 2 tới thứ 7. Dịch vụ in ấn khẩn


-------------------------------------------------------- cấp được đưa ra để đáp ứng yêu cầu phút cuối
với mức phí tăng thêm.

To: -----------------------------------------------------
From: Tới:
Subject: special request Từ:

Chủ đề: yêu cầu đặc biệt
Mr. Hosokawa, tic
I always appreciate your top quality and reliable
service. I was wondering if you could do me a
Mr. Hosokawa,
Tôi luôn đánh giá cao chất lượng dịch vụ
special favor. hàng đầu và đáng tin cậy của . Không biết
I have an important design meeting with my bạn có thể cho tôi một sự giúp đỡ đặc biệt
client on next Monday morning and I need four được hay không.
copies of the blueprints attached to this e-mail. Tôi có một cuộc họp thiết kế quan trọng vào

The problem is that I cannot pick up the copies sáng thứ 2 tuần tới với khách hàng và cần 4
in time because I will be on an emergency bản copy của bản vẽ blueprint đính kèm với
business trip starting tomorrow, Thursday, email này. Vấn đề là tôi không mang kịp
and will only be returning home three days những bản sao này theo vì ngày mai tôi có

later at night, and your store will be closed chuyến công tác khẩn, thứ 5, và chỉ có thể
that day. (199: bắt đầu đi thứ 5, 3 ngày nữa quay về vào buổi tối 3 ngày sau, và ngày đó

về => chủ nhật) cửa hàng của ban sẽ đóng cửa.


As you know, my office is only four blocks Như bạn biết, văn phòng của tôi chỉ cách cửa
away from your store, so I wanted to ask you hàng của bạn 4 khối nhà, nên tôi muốn hỏi
if you could have someone deliver the rằng bạn có thể giao bản vẽ vào thứ 6 hay
blueprints (200) to my office on Friday. You không, bạn có thể cộng thêm phí giao hàng
can add the delivery cost to the invoice. vào hóa đơn.
Please let me know if this is possible. You can
e-mail me or call me on my cell phone at 330- Xin hãy cho tôi biết nếu điều này có thể làm
được. bạn có thể email hoặc gọi di động cho

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
554-6790. I look forward to hearing from you. tôi số 330-5546790. Rất mong nhận tin của
Once again, I appreciate your service. bạn. Một lần nữa, tôi . đánh giá cao dịch vụ
Yours truly, của bạn.
Dana Quinn
Trân trọng

Dana Quin

196. What is the purpose of the article? Mục đích của bài báo là gì?
(A) To introduce popular copy (A) Để giới thiệu những trung tâm sao chép
nổi tiếng của thành phố

centers in the city
(B) To describe a local business (B) Để mô tả một doanh nghiệp địa phương
(C) To analyze the recent (C) Để phân tích sự bùng nổ các công trình
construction boom xây dựng gần đây

(D) To report on advanced (D) Để báo cáo về công nghệ tái tạo tiên tiến

reproduction technology tic
Why did Mr. Hosokawa hire more
Tại sao Mr. Hosokawa đã thuê thêm nhân
(A) Because he needed younger (A) Vì anh ấy cần những nhân viên trẻ hơn
workers (B) Vì anh ấy bắt đầu dịch vụ giao hàng
IB) Because he started delivery services (C) Vì anh ấy mở một trung tâm mới ở nước
(A) Because he opened a new center ngoài

overseas (D) Vì lượng khách hàng tăng.

(B) Because the number of
customers increased
Trong bài báo, từ "noting" ỏ đoạn 1, dòng 5

198. In the article, what does the word

“noting” in paragraph 1, line 5 mean? có nghĩa gì?
(A) saying (A) Nói rằng

(B) drawing (B) Vẽ

(C) Sơn

(C) painting
(D) rejecting (D) Loại bỏ

199. What can be inferred from the Điều gì có thể rút ra từ những đoạn văn?
passages? (A) Mr. Tomlin phụ trách quảng bá dịch vụ
(A) Mr. Tomlin is in charge of tái tạo tài liệu ở Fairfax
promoting document reproduction (B) Ms. Quin rất có thể quay lại Fairfax vào
services in Fairfax. chủ nhật.

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nấm Maru
(B) Ms. Quinn will probably be (C) Mr. Hosokawa đã bắt đầu kinh doanh
returning to Fairfax on Sunday. sao chép vào tháng Chín 10năm trước
(C) Mr. Hosokawa started the (D) Mr. Quin không muốn trả phí giao hàng
copying business in September ten cho bản ve blueprint của mình

years ago.
(D) Ms. Quinn does not want to pay

for the delivery of her blueprints
200. What does Ms. Quinn ask Mr. Ms. Quin hỏi Mr. Hosokawa điều gì?
(A) Liệu anh ấy có thể cung cấp dịch vụ một

Hosokawa about?
(A) If he can provide one-day service ngày không
(B) If he is satisfied with her design (B) Liệu anh ấy có hài lòng với bản thiết kế
(C) If he could provide a delivery của cô ấy không

service (C) Liệu anh ấy có cung cấp dịch vụ giao

printing technology
(D) If he could train her on the new hàng không
(D) Liệu anh ấy có thể chỉ dạy cô về công
nghệ in mới được không

Quyển sách này do những thành viên nhiệt tình nhất của group “Toeic Practice Club” biên soạn nhằm giúp
các bạn có tài liệu ôn thi hiệu quả. Mong mọi người đừng mua bán quyển sách này vì như thế sẽ làm mất
đi giá trị mà các bạn đã đóng góp.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Opening Play Saturday 153. When can members first see The Tam ing of the
Join today! Shrew?
Join by March 4th to receive a free bag (A) On F ebmaty 20

Come to see spectacular City Shakespeare (B) On March 4

Company's (C) On March 10

The Taming of the Shrew (D) On July 15

Preview for members only: Thursday, March lOth 154. What can be won in a membership lottety?
(153) (A) Free tickets to a play

Special benefits only for members: Show discounts, (B) A free bag

members-only nights, and monthly (C) Discounts

newsletters (D) Special benefits

2 free tickets to The Taming of the Shrew can be

won in the membership lottery (154) Notes: Preview for members only = members can
Coming on July 15th and showing all summer: A
Midsummer Night's Dream
tic first see: chi co h9i vien co thS xem truoc
Masquerade 155. What kind of company most likely placed the
Dress to Impress adve1tisement?
Having a costume party? Need a costume for a (A) A party rental shop

mascot? Halloween around the cmner? (B) A department store

Masquerade has all of your party needs (C) A gift shop

specializing in costume (155). We offer the largest (D) An electronics store

156. What is the advantage of the advettised products,


selection of costumes in Sudbruy.

We offer a wide range of costumes for any party as stated in the advertisement?
occasion, including bnthdays, Halloween, long-tenn (A) They can be purchased at low prices.

and short-tenn rentals, so you are sme of finding the (B) They can be ordered around the clock.

costume you want available. We also have a fantastic (C) They can be made quickly.

range of Giant Garden Games. We have evetything (D) They can be delivered directly to the

you need to get you to tutn off yom TV, get off that customer.
couch, and have some fun! Notes:
We offer a unique service in that we can deliver Masquerade: LS h9i hoa trang
purchases to your door.(156) A patty rental shop: cua hang cho thue d6 d~ h9i
To place your order, call our business office at 0142- Specializing in costume: Chuyen vS trang pht,Ic
145-7 62 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. or Deliver purchases to your door: Giao hang t~ nha
order online at

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Masquerade ... So much more than just a costume

You are cordially invited to attend an Opening 157. What is being celebrated?
Party (157) at Mulligan's (A)The opening of a new bar

Patrick Mulligan would like to invite you to this (B) The first perfmmance of a music band
special night. (C) The birthday of a musician

Sanu·day, November 15th (158) (D) The retirement of an employee
Mulligan's Bar 158. What is indicated about the event?

23 Brown Street (A) It will take place on November 15th.
(across from Bright's Cinema) (B) Live entertainment will be provided only on
5 p.m. until 1 a.m. with The Funky Leprechauns November 15.
playing live at 10 (C) It will be held at Bright's Cinema.

And the Ray Gone Bad band on at 11 :30 (D) Refreshments will be provided for free.

unforgettable moment in yom life.

We hope to see you there and guarantee it will be an Notes:
The opening of: khai trU"ong ... Opening Party: ti~c
khanh thimh
Rink Rats Speed Skating Club 7663 Cunent Blvd.
Calgaty, Alberta
Ms. Jackie Briscoe 5 Driver Ave., Whistling Heights

Calgaty, Albetta
Dear Ms. Briscoe,
Thank you for your letter of November 16 about you Kinh goi ba Briscoe,

and your family's visit to our rink. We are sony to Cam an la thu ngay 16 thang muoi m9t vS chuySn
say we could not find your daughter's skates viSng thfun cua ba cling gia dinh dSn san bang clia
(160). We know that those skates are not cheap. chting t6i. Chting t6i rftt tiSc khi phai noi la chting t6i

Unfortunately, we have a policy that states we are khong tim thfty gi~y tiuqt pa - tanh cua con gai ba.
Chting t6i biSt la gi~y tiuqt pa- tanh do khong re. Thftt

not responsible for lost or stolen articles during

your visit to our club. You can find this in the fine dang tiSc, chting t6i co chinh sach quy dinh r~ng chting
print in our club contract, and located t6i khong phai chiu u·ach nhi~m vS vi~c mftt mat ho~c
throughout the rink; including the changing and bi n·9m c~p tai san hong chuySn viSng tham CUa ba
snack areas. If you would like to stop by and hong cfm l;;tc b9 cua chting t6i. Ba co thS thfty diSu nay
check the contract you signed, we are more than duqc in ro rang u·ong hqp d6ng sinh ho;;tt t;;ti cau l;;tc b9
willing to let you take a look. (159) cua chting t6i, va no con duqc b6 u·i kh~p san bang; ca
Nevertheless, we know you and your families have hong phong thay d6 va khu Vl,!C an u6ng. NSu ba mu6n
been faithful members of our club for over 10 yeru·s,

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

and we hope that this incident will not ruin our long- ghe qua va kiSm t:ra hqp d6ng dak)r, chting t6i sb sang
standing relationship. To hy and smooth over this, dS cho ba xem.
we would like to offer you free skate shrupening for 159. What is the main pmpose of the letter?
a year for yom· whole frunily and a coupon for a (A) To request a new member to visit the rink

family fun meal. The family fun meal includes 4 (B) To reimburse a member's losses

jeny jumbo chili dogs, cheesy fries, king nachos and (C) To offer a reduced rate of

4 soft drinks. We have included the coupon for the membership
meal in the envelope (161). To get your skates (D) To make the Rink's responsibility clear:
Ghii thich ro n1ng trach nhi~m cua san bang.

shrupened, just drop by the pro-shop and mention
your name. 160. What problem did Ms. Briscoe have?
Sincerely, (A) She lost her daughter's coat.

Hany Bw Hany Bums Rink Manager (B) She lost her little gi.-l's skates.

Notes: A coupon for a free meal: ve danh cho bfra (C) She lost her son's skates.

an mi~n phi. tic (D) She had a bad snack.

161 . What was sent with the letter?

(A) A contract
(B) A membership coupon

(C) A refund for the membership

(D) A coupon for a free meal


From: Manuel Cmtez <mcmtez@suchanhom·.org>


To: Marisol Perez <mperez@suchanhom·.org>

Subject: New Website Training Seminar


I Date: May 7

I Marisol,
Hello from Houston! !!
First I would like to congratulate you on yom recent Truoc hSt t6i xin chile mimg thanh cong g§n day cua
success with yom promotion to the head of the b~n voi cuang vi dfui &u nh6m thiSt kS web. Toi vo
Website Design team. I am vety excited to have you cling phfui khich khi b~n dSn thlim van phong clia
come and visit our office here in Houston. chling ta aHouston nay.
I I was hoping to confinn yom stay here from Toi vui mimg xac nh~n v i~c b~n a l~i day tu 20 dSn 27
May 20 (163) to 27. Dming your time here I am Thang Nam. Trong su6t thai gian b~ a day t6i mong
hoping that you would attend our training seminru· r~ng b~n se tham gia dao ~o trong h9i thao danh cho

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
for our brand new website, which is directed chi nhanh thiSt kS trang web moi ella chUn.g ta, diSu
towards increasing our customer base (164D). nay uvc tiSp anh huang dSn vi~c gia tang s6 lu<;mg
This seminar, given by Bany Swarez, will be khach hang can hill ella chUn.g ta. H9i thao nay, duqc
directed towards training the employees on how to Bany Swarez t6 chuc, nh~m m1,1c tieu hu~n luy~n nhan
vien vs each xu ly dan d~t hang nhanh chong va hi~u

process the orders quickly and efficiently while
following proper procedure (164 A). In addition, qua khi lam theo thong 1~. Ngoai ra, chUn.g ta se yeu

we will have our customer service employees c~u nhan vien chfun soc khach hang co m~t dS h9 co
present so they can understand the procedures for ths hisu thu we giai quyst va each xu 1i cac tinh hu6ng
phan nan ella khach hang. ChUn.g t6i hy v9ng b~ se

accepting and reacting to customer comments
(164B). We hope you will observe this seminar luu tam dSn h9i thao nay m9t each th~u dao vi chUn.g
closely as we I hope to hold a similar one at your t6i hy v9ng se t6 chuc tuong tv thS nay t~i chi nhanh
branch when you return.(162) cua b~n khi b~n quay vs.

We will hold this seminar on the 23rd. We ChUn.g t6i se t6 chuc h9i thao nay vao ngay 23. ChUn.g
would be very pleased if you would join us (162).
It will be followed by a wine and cheese mixer,
which will give you a chance to meet and to greet
t6i se hst sue vui mimg nsu b~ se tham gia cling chtm.g
t6i. Theo sau d~y la m9t ti~c 1uqu va pho- mai, diSu
nay se cho b~n co h9i ds g~p va chao mirng nhfrng nhan
vien ella chUn.g ta aHouston nay.
with our staff here in Houston.
Wmmest Wishes,
162. What is the pmpose of the e-mail? 162. M1,1c dich cua e - mailla gi?

(A)To plan Ms. Perez's trip to Houston (A) BS l~p kS ho~ch cho chuySn di ella Ba Perez dSn
(B) To reschedule a visit to Houston Houston
(C) To demonsu·ate a new website (B) BS l~p l~i kS ho~ch chuySn viSng tham Houston
(D) To invite a branch guest to a seminar (C) BS biSu duong m9t trang web moi

163. When will Ms. Perez probably anive m (D) BS moi khach tir m9t chi nhanh dSn dv h9i thao
Houston? 163. Bao gio Ba Perez co le dSn a Houston?

(A) May 7 (A) ngay 7 thang nam


(B) May20 (B) ngay 20 thang nam

(C) May 23 (C) ngay 23 thang nam
(D) May 27 (D) ngay 27 thang nam
164. What will Mr. SwarezNOT discuss?
(A) Proper procedme for sales teams 164. Nhfrng gi Ong Swarez se khong thao l~n?
(B) How to accept customer comments (A) Thong 1~ cho nhom ban hang
(C) Efficient procedure for human resources (B) Cach dS ch~p nh~n khach hang phan nan
teams (C) Quy u·inh hi~u qua cho nhom ngu6n nhan sv
(D) Effective use of the website Cotton Fresh (D) Su dl,lllg hi~u qua trang web

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Organic Cotton
AH Employee Bulletin
To: Pool Staff
From: Ronald Bond

Date: June 15
RE: Staff conduct Huang vien

Dear Employees, Chao cac b~n,
Bay la thong bao huang dfui nhan vien t~i h6 clia
This is a reminder of staff conduct (165) at ow:
chtmg ta. Thftt cfui thiSt vi cac b~n phai nho nhfmg diSu

pool. It is essential that you remember this when
nay khi don tisp khach himg va khi lam vi~c t~i co so
dealing with customers and while working at ow:
cua chling ta. Chtmg tOi mu6n cac b~n luon luon duy
facility. We want you to remain respectful, diligent,
and cotuteous. So we want to remind you of the
tri thai d9 tOn u·9ng, c§n cU, va lich SlJ. Vi vfty chtmg

following:(167 B) tOi mu6n nh~c nho cac b~n nhfrng vi~c sau day:
safety area closely.(166)
When on duty it is important to watch your
1. Khi dSn phien tn,rc thi diSu quan t.r9ng la phai quan
sat ch~c che S\1' an toan u·ong khu vl,l'c cua b~n.
2. Khi m9t nguoi khach dsn phan anh voi b~ vk
When a pau·on comes to you with a problem
dS gi b~ nen l~ng nghe va d6i xuvoi thai d9 tOn u·9ng.
you should listen and react with respect.(167A)
3. 3. Kip thai thay d6i nhi~m Vl,l canh gac, vi S\1' chftm
The timely change of guard duty is also a
ch~p co thS gay ra hftu qua a nhiing vi tri khong duqc
must, as tardiness can result in some areas left
unguarded. quan sat.

4. 4. Nhi~m v1,1 lau d9n phong thay d6 clia cac ca tn,rc

Cleaning shifts for the change rooms are
marked and must be obeyed. phai duqc thl,l'C hi~n ro rang Va b~t bu9c tuan thu.
This will ensme that ow: pool patrons will have a
BiSu nay bao dam cho khach dSn h6 cua chling ta se

safe and enjoyable visit to ow: pool, and we remain

co chuySn viSng tham thu vi va an toan, va chling ta
v§n luon la h6 d§n d~u u·ong khu VlJC Winnipeg. Cam
the number one pool in the Winnipeg area. Thanks
and I will see you on deck. an va T oi mu6n nhin th~y cac b~ t.rong tu thS s~n sang.

Ronald Staff Chief (167 D) B9i tluong Ronald


165. What is the prupose of the memo? 165. M1,1C dich cua thong bao n9i b9 la gi?
(A) (A) BS dam bao nhan vien dang lam vi~c dling gio
To make sme the staff members are at work
on time giac.
(B) To reanange the staff schedules ( B ) BS s~p xSp l~i kS ho~ch nhan S\1'
(C) To remind the staff of proper procedme ( C ) I>~ nh~c nhan vien nh& v~ thong I~
(D) To help the new staff ( D ) BS giup nhan vien moi
166. According to the memo, what should 166. Theo thong bao n9i b9, nhan vien nen lam gi?
employees do? (A ) Theo doi sat sao khi dang canh gac
(A) Pay close attention when on guard duty ( B ) M~c d6 tk thich hqp

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
(B) Wear proper bathing suits ( C ) Lam s~ch boong nhanh chong
(C) Clean the deck quickly ( D ) BSn so lam sam
(D) Anive at work early
167. According to the memo, which of the 167. Theo thong bao n9i b9, cai nao duoi day la

following is NOT hue? Khong dling?
(A) Staff members are supposed to treat (A) Nhan vien phai d6i xu voi khach hang b~ng Sl,l'

customers with respect. tOn tr9ng.
(B) The memo is to remind employees of some (B) Thong bao n9i b9 la d~ nhltc nhan vien nho vS
m9t s6 quy t~c ~i h6.

mles at the pool.
(C) In an emergency, a staff member does not (C) Khi nguy cip, m~i nhan vien ch~ng cin phai
have to report to Mr. Bond. bao cao cho Ong Bond.
(D) Mr. Bond is the person in charge of the staff (D) Ong Bond la nguoi ph1,1 u·ach nhan vien lam vi~c

working at the pool. ah6.

July 20
Old Pub Lets Down
tic Ngay 20 thang bay
S\1' thftt v 9ng quan ruqu cii
Toi da s6ng a Philadelphia gk hSt ca doi, t6i ciing
I have lived in Philadelphia for most of my life and I
have visited and reviewed every bar (168) in this da di tham va quan sat timg quan bar trong thanh ph6
fair city, but last night I had the oppmtunity to visit ph6n hoa nay, nhrmg t6i qua t6i co clip di tham Quan
Paddy's Pub and I can say without a doubt it is the tuqu Paddy va t6i co th~ noi ch~ng chut nghi ngo dola

worst pub in the city. I was greeted by a surly quan tuqu t~ nhftt trong thanh ph6. T oi duqc chao don
service staff (169), who when I asked for a glass boi m9t nhan vien ph1,1c V\1 cim kinh, nguoi rna khi t6i
of wine offered me a whiskey and asked me if I g9i m9t ly tuqu vang l~i mang cho t6i m9t ly u)'t- xki
va hoi t6i co tiSn boa khong. Khong khi rftt la am ~m

could give more tips. The atmosphere was vety

gloomy as the patrons were of a very seedy (171) vi dfun thl,l'c khach nhu la m9t dam h6n ~p s~c mui
variety. I felt like I was being watched the whole tuqu. Toi cam thfty nhu t6i dang bi theo doi trong su6t

time I was in there. thai gian t6i a do.


When I decided to order some food the menu had Khi t6i quySt dinh g9i m9t it thuc an thi thl,l'c dan co
vety few choices, and when I ordered I was told that rftt it ll,l'a ch9n, dSn khi t6i g9i mon thi t6i duqc bao
over half of the items were sold out. r~ng han m9t nua s6 mon an da ban hSt.
When I finally got my meatloaf it was somehow dty Cu6i cling thi t6i ciing co lat thit bam cua t6i nhrmg
and uncooked in patts. It was served with an open no kholam sao va chua nftu chin nhiSu ch6. No duqc
bag of plain potato chips, a cookie and a bottle of kern theo m9t tui khoai tay chien da bi ma toang, m9t
ketchup (170). banh quy va m9t chai x6t ca chua.
Thl,l'c dan trang mi~ng lam thftt v9ng khong kern gi
no bao g6m banh quy cay va <$u ph9ng, nhGng thu

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

The dessett menu was just as disappointing as it dling mien phi a qu~y 1uqu.
consisted of pretzels and peanuts, which were Sau cling la phong ~nL Trong anh sang ySu at nhin
complimentmy at the bar. no nhu thS da duqc lau chill it lau sau cu9c n9i chiSn.
The last straw was the bathroom. It was poorly lit M~c du quan bm· nay co m9t lich su lau doi a

and looked as if it had been cleaned sometime after Philadelphia Toi nghi no nen duqc d~p ti~m va duqc
the Civil War. A lthough this bar has a long histmy thay thS b~ng cua hang Starbucks ngay lftp tire.

in Philadelphia I think it should be closed and Jerald Perdue
replaced with a Starbucks immediately. Thai bao Philadelphia
The last straw : cai sau cling, vi~c harm d9ng sau

Jerald Perdue
Philadelphia Times (168) Clmg
Notes: sometime after the Civil War: it lau sau cu9c
n9i chiSn y noi da lau l~m r6i (Civil Wm·: N9i chiSn

(1861-1865), hay con g9i la cu9c Chi~n tranh Gifra
cac Ti~u bang (War Between the States), la m9ttic
cu9c tranh chftp quan S\I diSn ra t~i Hoa Ky, gifra
Chinh phu Lien bang va cac tiSu bang phia nam vao
gifra thS ki 19)

168. What is Jerald's job?

(A) A health inspector 168. Cong vi~c cua Jerald la gi?

(B) A food and bar critic for a newspaper ( A ) Nhan vien thanh tra y tS
(C) A regular bar patron (B) Nha phe binh thuc an va quan rucru cho m9t
(D) A sports repmter t<r bao
( c ) M9t khach hang thuong xuyen

169. What is indicated about Paddy's Pub? ( D ) M9t phong vien thS thao
(A) It is the best bar in Philadelphia. 169. BiSu nhftn dinh vS Quan ruqu Paddy?

(B) It offers a wide range of food and beverages. (A) Bola quan t6t nhftt aPhiladelphia.
(B) No dua ra nhiSu lo~i thuc u6ng thuc an.

(C) It has a mean staff.

(D) It is always open. (C) Co m9t d9i ngii nhan vien khong chit luf!Dg.
170. What is NOT included with the meat- loaf? (D) Noluon luon ma CUa
(A) A bag of chips
(B) A cookie 170. Nhfrng gi Khong duqc bao g6m voi lat thit?
(C) A glass of wine ( A ) tui khoai tay chien
(D) Ketchup (B) banhquy
(c) m9t ly rucru
( D ) X6t ca chua

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

171. In the mticle, the word "seedy" in paragraph

1, line 6 is closest in meaning 171. CJ bai b;io, ttr 11 U IU11 trong do~n van 1, dong 6
to co nghia sat nh~t v oi
(A) fnn-loving ( A ) biSt huang th1,1 cu9c s6ng

(B) good-hemted ( B ) t6t b1)11g
(C) dubious (C) mO' h~

(D) interesting (D) thu vi

The Southpmt mayor's office released figures today Nguoi phatngon van phong thi truang Southport hom
that indicate a rise in rental prices for residential nay khfug dinh vi~c tang gia cho thue din h9 nha a.
flats (172). Occupancy rates across the city went up Ti 1~ khach vang lai trong thanh ph6 tang 0.5 phfm
o.5 percent, which in tum led to rents increasing 4.2 tram, disu nay cffin dSn tisn thue tang 4.2% dua dSn

percent to an average of $854 per month. chi phi hung binh $854 rn6i thang.
Southpmt-based real estate fum, Anow, agrees that
these numbers are conect, although it says there
could be variations in the increase depending on
San giao dich b~t d9ng san t~i Southpmt, Anow, xac
nh~ con s6 nay la chinh xac, rn~c du S\1' thay d6i hong
tang huang ciing tuy thu9c vao dia diSrn. Vi~c xay
rnoi can h9 dang gia tang rn~nh tr·ong khu Vl,l'C bSn
location. Construction of new flats is increasing in
Southpmt's Marina m·ea, so far a critical business cang Southpmt, cho dSn nay khu thuang rn~i quan
distr·ict but now fast becoming a fashionable h·9ng hi~n gio nhanh chong ha thanh khu dan cu sang
residential area. Developers m·e aspiring to capitalize h·9ng. Nhiing nha phat h·iSn dang khao khat lqi d1)11g

on rising rental prices that average $1 ,432 per month S\1' tang truang dfty gia cho thue len trung binh $1 ,432

or $578 above the regional average. rn6i thang ho~c tang them $578 a khu binh dan.
A new construction project is expected to add at least Dv an xay d\lllg rnoi duqc cho la se xay them it nh~t
500 can h9 aMarina, Sv gia tang s6 nguoi rnu6n s6ng

500 flats to the Marina, The surge of people wanting

to live in this area has sparked new interest from akhu Vl,l'C nay 00 t~O ra S\1' quan tarn rnoi ttr nha nhiing
developers looking to bring more services to the area nha phat h·iSn rnong rnang dSn nhiSu dich V\1 han cho

recently occupied by affluent young khu vvc vvc g§n day bi chiSrn llnh bai cac chuyen gia

professionals.(173) h·e giau co.

The rental rates change significantly among Ti 1~ thue nha thay d6i dang kS gifra nhiing khu dan cu
h·aditional residential m·eas in Southpmt. Palm Trees huySn th6ng a Southpmt. Khu Vl,l'C Palm Trees va
and Valley Hills showed the highest rental rates Valley Hills cho th~y ti 1~ thue cao nhlt vi nai ~y vS
because they m·e geographically close to the Marina rn~t dia ly g§n khu vvc Mm·ina han. Tuy nhien,
area (175). However, Northport (174) shows a Nmthpmt nay sinh v~n dS khac, thay d6i nhiSu tir khu
different stor-y, vmying a lot from the areas and the vvc va d~c diSrn ciing khac nhiSu so voi nhfrng khao
figures also differ a lot from those included in the sat tir Southpmt. Khu Vl,l'C nay gifun $766 gia thue
survey from Southpmt. The area saw a decrease of hung binh, giarn 13% tir nam ngoai. Co nhiSu h·iSn

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

$766 in the average rental, down 13 percent from last v9ng la khi dS nghi dS cai thi~n phuang ti~n chuyen
year. lt is hopeful that when a proposal to improve cha cong c9ng trong khu V\fC nay duqc chftp thu~, gia
public transpmt in this area is approved, the rental cho thue trong noi day ciing se tang len.
prices in this area will also rise.

172.What is the main pmpose of this mticle? 17 2. Ml;lC dich chinh CUa bai bao nay la gi?
(A) DS dv doan se co bao nhieu ffi9i nguoi mua nha a
(A)T 0 predict how many people will buy houses in a

yem· nfun
(B) To give a summary about real estate trends (B) D~ cung cip bang tom tit v~ xu hu&ng bit d9ng
(C)To give infmmation about where to invest

(D)To provide a reason for the expansion of a city(C) DS cung cftp thong tin vS noi dS d~u tu
(D) DS cung cftp ly do cho rna r9ng cua thimh ph6
173. According to the atticle, why are developers 173. Theo bai bao, t~i sao nha phat triSn quan tfun dSn

interested in the Marina m·ea? linh vvc Marina?
(A) The rental price of flats has decreased.
There is great public transpmt.
tic (A) Gia cho thue cua cim h9 da gifun.
(B) Co phuang ti~n chuyen cha cong c9ng Ion.
They can open businesses to make money (C) H9 co th~ ma r9ng kinh doanh d~ ki~m ti~n tir
from the new occupants. nguOi cu ngl} mOi.
(D) Higher rents can be chm·ged there. (D) Gia nha cho thue cao co thS duqc tinh a do.

17 4. In which area have the rental fees NOT 17 4. Trong khu vvc nao co phi thue khong gia tang?

increased? (A) Valley Hills

(A) Valley Hills (B) Palm Trees
(B) Pahn Trees (C) Marina
(C) Marina (D) Northport

(D) Northport
175. What advantage do Palm Trees and Valley 175. Lqi thS nao Palm Trees va Valley Hills co?

Hills have? (A) Chung a gin ben Marina.

(B) Ch1.lng co phuang ti~n chuyen cha cong c9ng t6t

(A) They are nearby Marina.

(B) They have the best public transport. nhftt.
(C) They have the lowest rental prices . (C) Ch1.lng co gia cho thue thlp nMt.
(D) They have the most apati.ments. (D) Chtmg co nhiSu can h9 nhftt.

Leila Yin's Events 199 Castle Drive Oakville, TX

December 27 Ngay 27 thang muoi hai
Dear Ms. Yin, Kinh gai Ba Yin,

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
I am writing to tell you I was really angry about T oi viSt thu nay dS noi cho Ba biSt la t6i hSt sue tuc
the total amount I received for photography gi~n vS s6 tiSn phai tra cho dich V\1 chl;lp anh ngay 13
services (176) on December 13 (177). On that day, thang rnuoi hai. Ngay horn do, nguoi ph\1 ta cua ba,
your assistant, Bill Bailey attended my wedding Bill Bailey d\1' darn cuoi clia t6i dS chl;lp hinh darn cuoi
va ti~c chieu dai. Ong Bailey rnflt hai gio dS chl;lp hinh

(178) to take pictures of the wedding and reception.
Mr. Bailey spent only two hours taking pictures and rna nhiing tftrn hinh t6i nh~n quat~ so voi binh thuang.

the photos I received were well below par. I offered Toi da rnoi Ong Bailey u6ng t~i darn cuoi va bu6i tiSp
Mr. Bailey beverages at the wedding and reception; tfm clia t6i; tuy nhien, duong nhu anh ta da l~rn d\lllg
qua nhiSu nen eta anh huang ctsn cong vi~c cua anh ta.

however, he seemed to take full advantage of these
to the detriment of his work. He decided to leave Anh ta nhflt Qinh bo di truoc thai diSrn thoa thu~n. Khi
well before the assigned time. When I asked Mr. Toi hoi ong Bailey di dau, ong fly noi r~ng ong fly da
Bailey where he was going, he stated that he had dtmg hSt phirn CUa ong fly. Duong nhu ong fly khong

used up his film (179). He did not appear to be vety duqc tinh tao vao hie fly.
lucid at this time. tic Toi nh~ hoa dan vao ngay 23 thang rnuoi hai ghi
I received the bill on December 23 and it was $200 $200 voi ba gio lam vi~c, duqc ke $50 rn6i gio va $50
including three hours of service at $50 per hour and cho chi phi linh tinh bao g6rn di l~i va chtilin bi. Toi
$50 for miscellaneous costs including travel and set- cho la diSu do qua kinh khling khi doi thanh toan ba
up. I believe it is completely outrageous to be gio dich V\1 trong khi anh ta chi rnflt hai gio ~i dfun
charged for three hours of service when he spent cuoi clia t6i. Toi ciing nghi rfug chi phi linh tinh tinh
only two hours at my wedding. I also object to the qua cao. Toi doan nole ra phai la rn9t ph§n trong dich

miscellaneous section as being too high. I assumed V\} cua cong ty ba. Toan b9 tinh hu6ng nay th~t S\}' lam
it was supposed to be patt of your service. This t6i n6i khling. Tuy nhien, Toi se thanh toan vi ba da
whole situation really got on my nerves. However, I cung cflp dich V\1 rflt t6t trong nhiing l~n truoc. Th~t
will pay this because you have provided me with may rnfu la t6i da co duqc t§rn hinh ayp trong darn cuoi

excellent service several times in the past (180). It nho rn9t nguoi khach cua toi chl;lp, trong khi hinh clia
was fortunate that I have managed tog et good photos ong Bailey h~u hSt lam t6i qua thflt v 9ng.

of the event from my guests who took pictures of the Toi gui kern theo tlm la to sec 150 do-la. NSu ba
rnu6n biSt them bflt cu thu gi vS chuy~n da xay ra t~i

event, as ]\;f:r. Bailey's photos were mostly vety

disappointing. darn cuoi va cts thao lu~n vfln as nay, ba co ths g 9i tei
I attached a check for $150 to this letter. If you would s6 143- 8889 ho~c goi e-mail dSn bgold@yahoo.corn.
like to ask anything further about what happened at Than ai,
the wedding and to discuss this matter, you can call
me at 143- 8889 or send an e-mail to Barbara Gold
Regm·ds ,
'Barbara/ Gold/

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
Barbara Gold
176. Why was the letter written? 176. Vi sao buc thu duqc viSt?
(A) To ask for copies of photographs ( A ) DS hoi cho ban sao cua anh
(B) To complain about a service ( B ) D~ than phi~n v~ djch VI!
( C ) DS cam an ai

(C) To thank someone
(D) To demand a full refund ( D ) DS yeu cftu hoan tiSn l~i dfty du

177. On what date did Mr. Bailey take 17 7. Ong Bailey ch1,1p hinh ngay nao?

photographs? (A ) ngay 13 thang muiri hai
(A) Decem her 13 (B) ngay 17 thang muoi hai
(B) December 17 ( c ) ngay 23 thang muoi hai
(C) December 23 (D) ngay 27 thang muoi hai

(D) December 27
178. What is stated about the event?
(A) It lasted for two hours.
(B) It was attended by many people.
tic 178. Sv ki~n gi duqc noi ro?
(A) No keo dai su6t hai gio.
(B) No co sv tham dv ctia nhiSu nguoi.
(C) It was held inside. (C) No duqc t6 chuc ben trong.
(D) It was a wedding. (D) Do Ia m{)t dam CU'Oi.

179. Why did Mr. say that he was leaving? 179. T~i sao Ong Bailey noi r~ng ong ~y phai roi

(A) He had run out of film. khoi?

(B) He was drunk. (A) Ong iy da khong con phim.
(C) The event had ended. (B) Anh ~y say.
(D) He was told to leave. (C) Sv ki~n da chk dlrt.

(D) Anh ~y duqc dill d~n la phai roi khoi.

180. According to the letter, what is true about Ms. 180. Theo la thu nay, cai gi dling vS Ba Gold?

Gold? (A) Ba ~y chl,lp anh S\1' ki~n.

(B) Ba iy da co cong ty nhi~p anh tru&c day.

(A) She took photos of the event.

(B) She has used the photography company (C) Co ~y co nhiSu b~.
before. (D) Co ~Y da khong chiu tra.
(C) She has many friends.
(D) She has refused to pay.
B404 T-shi1ts size S 100
B405 T-shi1ts size M 300
B406 T-shi1ts size L 200
B407 T-shi1ts size XL 100

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

To: Your Order <>

From: Grant Jones
Ban d~t hang CUa b~n se duqc gili hong nam dSn bay

Your orders will be shipped within five to seven
business days to the business address you gave ngay hun vi~c dSn dia chi giao dich b~n da cnng d.p.

(181). We will charge yom credit card upon Chling t6i se tinh tiSn bfug the tin dl,ll1g cho chuySn
shipment of your order. If you have any questions, hang cilil b~n da d~t. NSu b~n co th~c m~c, vui long lien
l~c voi chmg t6i bfug di~n tho~i ho~c e - mail. Xin luu

please contact us by telephone or e-mail. Please note
that orders cannot be canceled (182) or adjusted y la dan ~t hang khong thS bi huy bo ho~c diSu chinh
after they have been shipped. sau khi chling da duqc gui.
Sincerely, Chan thanh,

Cotton Fresh Cotton Fresh

To: Grant Jones <>

tic Nottingham
From: Yom Order <> Ngay thang: ngay 13 thang muai hai
Date: Dec 13 Chu aS: Tom ilit dan ~t hang, hoa dan s6 667
Subject: Order Surnmruy, Order No. 667 Dear Mr. Jinhs gui Ong Jones,
Jones, T oi mu6n bay to long biSt an vi hqp a6ng ~t hang CUa

I'd like to express my gratitude for yom order with ong voi Cong ty Cotton Fresh Organic Cotton. Chmg
Cotton Fresh Organic Cotton Company. We have t6i da tiSp nh~n yeu c~u cua ong cho s6 hang hoa sau.
received your orders for the following items. Date: Dec 14
Date: Dec 14 Subject: Re: Order Summruy, Order No. 667

Subject: Re: Order Surnmruy, Order No. 667 Thu nay lien quan dSn dan d~t hang s6 667. Vi~c d~t
This is in reference (183) to order No. 667. The hang la chinh xac, nhung Toi mu6n thay a6i m9t chut

order is right, buti would like to make a few changes tJ.uoc khi cac b~n chuySn di. Toi ~t mua lo~i #B407

to my order before you ship. I placed an order for s6 100 nhrmg Toi mu6n Hing len 150.
100 of item #B407 but I would like to incr·ease the Han nfra, khi T oi d~t hang tn,rc tuySn T oi duqc bao
order to 150.(184) rfug cfr XS ao thun khong co sin. B~n co th~ cho toi
Also, when I placed my order online I was told that bi~t khi m1o b~n co hang khong (185)? NSu da co
the xs size T -shir-ts were not available. Could you sfu sang nhu trong dan d~t hang tJ.uoc CUa t6i, Toi
let me know when you are expecting to get more mu6n them 100 cai nfra.
in stock (185)? If they ru·e available before my Cam an.
order ships, I would like to add 100 to my order. Iran u·9ng, Grant Jones
Thanks. Grant Designs Brighton

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Kind regards,
Grant Jones
Grant Designs Brighton
181. What is the ptupose of the first e-mail? 181. M1,1c dich cilil e-mail dftu tien la gi?
(A ) D~ xac nh~n vi~c d~t hang quin ao

(A) To confirm an order of clothes
(B) To apologize for the order not being available ( B ) BS xin 16i vS vi~c d~t hang khong sgn sang

(C) To sell a new product ( c ) BS ban san ph~m moi
(D) To request a customer address ( D ) BS yeu cftu dia chi CUa khach rumg

182. What policy is mentioned in the first e-mail? 182. Nhilng chinh sach gi duqc dS cftp dSn trong e -
(A) Customer service mail dftu tien?
(B) A cancellation (A) tnmg tam ph1,1c v1,1 khach hang
(C) A retrun (B) sl! huy bo

(D) A refund (C) tra l~i

paragraph 1, line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) max1m
183. In the second e-mail, the word "reference" in (D) hoim tiSn l~i
183. 0 e - mail thu hai, tu "reference" trong do~
van 1' dong 1 c6 nghia sat nhflt voi
(B) reflection ( A ) cham ngon
(C) relation (B) suy nghi
(D) compliment (C) lien quan
(D) khen

184. Which size does Mr. Jones want more of? 184. Ong Jones mu6n them CUa kich co nao?
(A) Small (A) Nho
(B) Meditun (B) trung binh
(C) Large (c) Lan

(D) Extra large (D) 1011 hon

185. What is implied about Mr. Jones? 185. BiSugi am chi ong Jones?

(A) His orders are out of stock. (A) Ban d~t hang CUa anh fly la khong con t6n kho.
(B) Ong fly c6 g~ng hiiy don d~t hang khong thanh

(B) He tried unsuccessfully to cancel his order.

(C) He tried to order XS size T -shirts. cong.
(D) He ordered supplies by phone. (C) Ong iy c6 g~ng d~t lo ao thun size XS.
(D) Anh fly ~t mua d6 dting qua di~n tho~i.
To: Customer Service Team BSn: Nh6m ph1,1c v1,1 khach hang
From: Jane Breen Tu : Jane Breen
Date: Jan 1 Ngay 1 thang gieng:
Re: Customer Services Bap: nh6m ph1,1c v1,1 khach hang
Nhu b~n biSt d6, One Call da phat triSn m~ng m9t

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

As you know, One Call has increased its network each tlilin ki trong nfun qua. No la m9t ph§n no h,rc
dramatically (188) over the past year. It was patt of m~nh me cila chln1g tOi dS ~t duqc m9t lu<;m.g khach
Olll' vigorous effmts to efficiently deal with the hang dong dao su d\lllg cac cu9c g9i va thu di~n t.U. Va
large volume of customer (187) service e-mails chln1g tOi di dSn kSt lu~ rfug m6i thanh vien cila nhom

and telephone calls (186). And we came to a ph1,1c V\1 khach hang c§n duqc phan cong chuyen vS
conclusion that each member of the customer service m9t llnh vvc khach hang dS t~p trung vao.

team needs to be assigned to one area of customer Duoi day la h~ th6ng moi cho tnmg tam ph1,1c V\1
service to focus on. khach hang su d\lllg thu di~n t.U va goi di~n tho~i. M6i
thanh vien trong nhom se chiu trach nhi~m vS tUng lo~i

Below is the new system for customer service e-
mails and calls. Each temn member will be yeu c~u khac nhau. M6i th<ing b~ se xoay vong dS m6i
responsible for a different type of enquny. Each thanh vien trong nhom co thS tiSp t1,1c dam nh~n titt ca
month you will rotate so each team member can cac llnh vvc.

continue to be awm·e of all fields.(187) Adrian Gavin: Hqp d6ng moi va huy hqp d6ng
Adrian Gavin Contract renewal and cancellations
James King Lost and stolen phones
tic Jatnes King: giai quySt vi~c di~n tho~i bi m~t va bi
danh c~p.
Mel Brown: giai quySt thlc m~c cac tn,1c tr~c vS
Mel Brown Network problems and complaints m~g .

Sarah Cooper Thay d6i Dich V\1

Sarah Cooper (189) Service plan changes ChUng tOi hy V9ng diSu nay se gia tang hi~u s~t va
We hope this will increase the efficiency and allow cho phep chln1g ta tiSp tl,lc duy tri chlt lu<;m.g cua cong

us to continue the quality of work which we pride vi~c rna chln1g ta dang tl,l' hao.
omselves on.
DSn: Jane Breen Tir: Arum
To: Jane Breen <> Berm

From: Alma Berm <> Ngay 24 /I

Date: Jan 24 Chu dS: Dang ki

Subject: Subscription Toi se roi khoi d~t nuac vao thang Hai vase di du
I will be out of the countly for the month ofF ebrumy lich r~t nhiSu trong nam. Toi mu6n thay d6i kS ho~ch

and will be traveling a lot over the cot.U·se of the year. cua minh dS duqc cac dich Vl,l qu6c tS t6t nhlt. T oi xem
I would like to change my service plan to the best tren cac trang web va t6i nghi r~ng GoGo phu hqp nh~t
intemational rate. voi kS ho~ch va nhu c~u cua tOi. Toi biSt b~n ck bao
I looked on the website and I think the GoGo plan uuoc m9t thang, nhrmg u·ong huang hqp nay b~n vui
seems to fit my needs the best. I know you usually long thay d6i kS ho~ch cila t6i nuoc ngay 1h duqc
requn·e one month's notice, but will you please make khong? Toi se roi di vao ngay 3/2 va mu6n co nhfrng
an exception in this case and change my plan (190) thu do.
Toi xin 16i vi thong bao mu9n nhrmg day la m9t

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
before February 1st? I will be leaving on Febtumy chuySn di kinh doanh b~t ngo. Toi la m9t khach hang
3rd and WOUld like to have things tied Up before this. CUa b~n kho{mg 10 nam nay Va r~t hai long VOi dich Vl,l
I apologize for the shmt notice but this is a business cua b~, t6i hy V9ng b~n co thS dap trng yeu c~u nay.
n·ip that came up unexpectedly. I have been a NSu no khong thS, t6i mu6n ~t dich Vl,l cua t6i duqc
customer with you for 1oyears now and have always giu cho dsn khi toi tro l~i vao ngay 27 va thay d6i cac

been vety happy with your service, and I hope you kS ho~ch sau nay. Vui long lien h~ voi t6i qua e-mail

can accommodate this request. If it is not possible I cua toi hay g9i cho toi ~i 800-887-0990.
would like to put my service on hold untill retrun on Iran n·9ng,

Febmmy 27th and change the plan following this. Arma Benn
Please contact me by my e-mail or call me at 800-
Yours Sincerely, 186." One Call" la gi?

Anna Berm (A ) M{)t cong ty di~n tho~i
186. What is "One Call"?
(A) A phone company
(B) A website
tic( B ) trang web
( C ) hang nuySn hinh
( D ) cong ty du lich
187. 0 thong bao n9i b9, loi cu6i trong thu hai do~
(C) A television company
(D) A travel company van" llnh vvc" nghia la gi?
187. In the memo, what does the last word in the
(A) Linh Vl,l'C voi co
second pm·agraph "field" mean? (B) )inh VI,I'C chuyen mon

(A) Area with grass (C) vtmg cong ty

(B) Area of expertise (D) ten cua chi nhanh ho~c bung tam phl,lc Vl,l khach
(C) Area of the company hang
(D) The name of a branch or customer service 188. DiSu gi duqc nh~n dinh vS One Call?

188. What is indicated about One Call? (A) No da gia tangs~ luqng khach himg.
(A) It has incr·eased its number of customers. (B) No co g§n day tuySn nhfm vien moi.

(B) It has recently hired new employees. (C) Nose di chuySn vao toa nha lan han.

(C) It will move into a lm·ger building. (D) No dong n·ong m9t thang.
(D) It closes for one month. 189. Ai se giai quySt yeu c~u cua Ba Benn?
189. Who will deal with Ms. Berm's request? (A) Adrian Gavin
(A) Adrian Gavin (B) James King
(B) James King (C) Mel Brown
(C) Mel Brown (D) Sarah Cooper
(D) Sarah Cooper 190. Ba Benn c~n thvc hi~n thay d6i khi nao?
190. When does Ms. Berm need the change made ( A ) ngay 24 thang gieng
by? ( B ) ngay 1 thang hai

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(A) Janumy 24 ( c ) ngay 4 thang hai

(B) February 1 ( D ) ngay 27 thang hai
(C) Febmmy 4
(D) Febmmy 27

Cmnett Heating Solutions Lien l~c voi chllilg t6i
Contact us Cmnett Heating Solutions s~n sang giai dap cac thlc

Cmnett Heating Solutions welcomes your m~c, aS nghi va y kiSn cua cac b~n. Hay diSn vao mftu
comments, suggestions, and questions (192). Fill dan ben duoi.
(ChUn.g t6i yeu c~u ten, dia chi e-mail, va s6 di~n

in the fmm below.
(We require your name, e-mail address, and tho~i cua b~n aS chllilg t6i dap l~i kip thai yeu c~u CUa
telephone number (191) so that we may respond b~.)
promptly to your message.)

Name: Simon Knight
Telephone: 399-675-1 244
E-mail: simonknight@nob. com
tic Ten : Simon Knight
E>i~n tho~i: 399-67 5-1244
E- mail:
Town: Kobb Thi trfui: Kobb
Comments: YkiSn:
I bought a boiler (model number AX13345) from Toi mua n6i hoi (Model AX13345) tir cu.a hang
your Grange Tree store last month. I was Vely happy Grange Tree cua cac b~n thang r6i. Toi r~t vui vi duqc

with the delive1y and installment, and the machine mua hang tra gop, va no lam vi~c t6t. Nhung sau 2 tu§n
worked well. But after 2 weeks the pilot light kept den bao t~t m~t va thinh thoang trong vong vai gio thi
tuining off and sometimes doesn't reset for a couple khong khoi d9ng l~i duqc. Xin vui long cho t6i biSt lam
of hours. Please let me know how I can rectify this sao Toi co thS kh~c ph1,1c vfui aS nay. Toi da mua n6i

problem. 1 purchased the boiler only one month ago, hoi chi each day m9t thang, vi thS t6i khong mu6n phai
so I would rather not have to pay the repair service thanh toan hoa dan dich V\1 sUa chiia.


To: Simon Knight <>

From: Customer Service <> E>Sn: Simon Knight < simonknight@nob. com>
Date: April 14 Tu: hung tam ph1,1c v1,1 khach hang <
Re: Customer comment 559 on April 13 (194) customer@Comett. com>
We sincerely apologize for the problem you have Ngay: 14 thang tu
repmted on your boiler. Although we tly our utmost Tra loi: y kiSn Khach hang 559 vao ngay 13 thang tu
efforts to ensme that each appliance is thoroughly Chllilg t6i thftt S\t l~y lam tiSc v~n aS b~n eta aS cftp
vS n6i hoi cua b~n. M~c du chllilg t6i eta n6 ll,Ic hSt sue

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u 6n thi hieu qua. Mong moi nglf<Yi dLtng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhttthe se lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

tested and in tip-top shape, some nnits with minor ds bao dam rbg moi d6 gia d1,1ng duqc kiSm tra ky
defects go nnnoticed and make it to the local stores. cang va hinh thuc hoim hao, nhung ciing c6 vai nhuqc
Your appliance is covered with a standard two- dism nho khong bi phat hi~n va da dua dsn cua hang
year warranty (193): so our service team will a dia phuang.
San ph~m CUa b~n duqc bao hanh hai nam: vi thS

address the problem at no extra cost to you. The
service team's appointment schedule is open from chling t6i se giai quySt v~n dS nay miSn phi cho b~n.

May 21st. Please contact them for making an Lich lam vi~c ctia nh6m dich V\1 tir ngay 21 thang nam.
appointment at 777 6564 9980. Vui long lien l~c voi nh6m dS hyn thong qua s6 777

Before you call our service team, we recommend 6564 9980.
you also check with your gas service provider Truoc khi b~n g9i dich V\1 cua chling t6i, chling t6i dS
too.(195) nghi b~ ciing nen kiSm tra nha cnng c~p khi gas nfra.
Unfmtnnately, we have lemned that some of our Thftt dang tiSc, chting t6i da biSt r~ng vai n6i hoi ctia

boilers have been experiencing problems. There are chling t6i da dang g~p vk dS. C6 b6n m~u rna da duqc
four models which have been repmted and the
warranties of these models have been extended
for a further 2 years (193) pending investigation.
bao cao va bao hanh cua m~u nay duqc bao hanh them
2 nam nua theo tieu chi disu tra.
Cac kiSu n6i:
The models are: AX24556
AX24556 AX90888
AX90888 AX13345
AX13345 (193) Notes: 2 + 2 =years AX67656

191 . Tren d~ lien l~c trang web, thong tin nao
191. On the web page contact fonn, what khong b~t bu9c?
infonnation is optional? (A) Ten

(A) Name ( B ) s6 di~n tho~i

(B) Telephone number ( C ) dia chi E - mail

(C) E-mail address (D) Th! trin

192. E-mail thao luftn chu ySu vS v~n dS gi?

(D) Town
192. What does the e-mail mainly discuss? ( A ) N 6i hoi Moi c6 t~i cong ty
(A) New boilers available at the company ( B ) Nhuqc diSm trong n6i hoi
(B) The defects in the boilers ( c ) Gia CUa dich Vl,l sua chfra
(C) The price of the repair service ( D ) Giai quy~t vin d~ cua khach hang
(D) Solutions to a customer's problem 193. N6i hoi cua khach hang c6 bao hanh bao lau?
193. How long is the customer's boiler nnder (A) 1 thang
wmTanty? (B)lnam
(A) 1 month (C)2nam

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
(B) 1 year (D) 4 nam
(C) 2 years
(D) 4 years 194. Ong Knight viSt vk dS r~c r6i cua oonhg ~y
194. When did Mr. Knight write his problem in the cho trang web khi nao?

web page fmm? ( A ) vao ngay 12 thang tu
(A) On April 12 ( B ) vao ngay 13 thang tU'

(B) On April13 ( c ) vao ngay 14 thang tu
(C) On April14 (D) vao ngay 21 thang nam
(D) On May 21 195. Buac tiSp theo cho Ong Knight trong vi~c sfra

195. What is the next step for Mr. Knight in fixing n6i hoi la gi?
his boiler? ( A ) G9i va hyn
(A) Call and make an appoinunent ( B ) cho g9i tu cong ty

(B) Wait for a call from the company (C) Ira l~i n6i hoi dSn cfra hang
(C) Return the boiler to the store
(D) Call the gas service provider
tic ( D ) G9i nha cung cip d!ch Vl.J khi d8t
To: Cody Brown <>
From: Sarah Cook <>
Date: May 13 Subject: FIN conference
Dear Mr. Brown, Xin chao ong Brown,

It was a great pleasure to meet you in Hong Kong, Toi thftt Sl,l thu vi khi duqc g~p ong aH6ng Kong m~c
although I'm sorry we couldn't afford the time to du r~t tiSc vi khong co thai gian dS thao lu~n voi ong
talk about your plans for the overhaul of the vs ks ho~ch t6ng kiSm tra b9 ph~n tai chinh cua ong.
Toi hoan toan hiSu m6i quan ng~i CUa ong khi su dl,lllg

Finance Department (198). I totally understand

your concerns about employing too many qua nhiSu qufm ly. Khi chling t6i rna r9ng thi huang
managers (197). When we expanded our cua minh, chling tOi nhftn th~y ck thiSt tang s6 quan ly

department, we found that increasing the number of va them vao m9t s6 khac cho cac b9 ph~n da giam,
khong tang cuang khau tiSp thi. NSu ong co hling thu

management and adding another level to the

department decreased, not increased the thi tei r~t hao hling ds ban b~c vs nhiing v§n ds va bi~n
communication. If you're interested, I would be phap rna chling ta da dua ra. Truoc hSt, t6i hy v9ng la
more than happy to discuss some of the problems ong co thS tham gia diSn dan tai ch<inh vao thang 7
and solutions we found (200). Before that, I hope ciing nhu nhiing h9i thao vS vk dS nay. Drake Century
you can attend the finance conference (196) in se diSu hanh m9t h9i thao vS vi~c rna r9ng llnh vvc tai
July as some seminars address these issues. Drake chinh. Ong hay xem lich trinh theo file dinh kern.
Century is running a seminar on managing Hy V9ng duqc nh~nh6i am cua ong, tOi mong r~ng ong
co ths tham gia h9i nghi nay.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

finance depar·tment expansion. (199) This is a new Than mSn.

addition to the schedule (see attachment). Sarah Cook Director
I look fmward to seeing you soon, and I hope that Finance Solutions
you do come to the conference. 7th Annual Conference for Finance Managers

Best wishes, FIN- Finance in Numbers
Sarah Cook Director Houston, July 10 to 13

Finance Solutions
7th Annual Conference for Finance Managers

FIN- Finance in Ntunbers
Houston, July 10 to 13 Ngay-gio Ten h9i thao Nha dien thuySt
Date Workshop Title Speaker July 10 Cai t6 khoa: Drake Centwy tir

11 :00 a.m. mo r9ng ma Macalee
July 10 Re-hauling the Drake Centruy from khongm~tdi
without losing
Macalee tic July
moi lien
11 Quan ly con Brim

the personal 10:00 a.m. nguoi va so Finance First
touch li~u
July 11 Managing Brim Matthes from July 12 Cai thi~n ky Departments Adriana
10:00 People and Finance First

1:30 p.m. nang gtao Free tu KYJ

a.m. Numbers tiep
July 12 Improving Between July 13 TiSt ki~m Hoffman Keny tu SOT
1:30 Communication DepartmentsAch·iana 2:30 p.m. tien dftu tu

p.m. Free from KYJ ma khong

July 13 Saving Money Hoffman Keny from giam thu
2:30 Without SOT nh~p

p.m. Cutting Costs


196. T~i sao Ba Cook viSt cho ong Brown?

196. Why is Ms. Cook writing to Mr. Brown? (A) E>S ds nghi them chi tiSt vs h9i nghi
(A) To ask for more details about a conference (B) E>S yeu c~u ong ~y phat biSu ~i h9i nghi
(B) To ask him to speak at a conference (C) E>S than phiSn vS h9i nghi
(C) To complain about a conference (D) D~ khuy~n khich Ong ~y tham dt.r h9i ngh!
(D) To encourage him to attend a conference 197. Theo e -mail, r~c r6i Ong Brown dang g~p phai
197. According to the e-mail, what problem is la gi?
Mr. Brown experiencing? (A) Cong ty Cua ong ~y dang dqt giam bien chS.

Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
(A) His company is downsizing. (B) Cong ty Cilit ong fly dang rna r9ng.
(B) His company is expanding. (C) B9 ph~n cua ong iy co th~ co qua nhi~u qm\n
(C) His department may have too many ly.
managers. (D) Ong fly khong thS tham d\1' h9i nghi.
198. Chu dS h9i thao li~t ke u·ong thong bao la gi?

(D) He can't attend the conference.
198. What is true about the workshops listed

in the announcement? (A) Chung khong co trong k~ ho~ch ban diu.
(A) They were not in the original schedule. (B) Chling duqc thay thS cho cac diSn vankhac.

(B) They are replacements for other speeches. (C) Thai gian h9i thao da duqc thay d6i.
(C) The times of the workshops have been (D) thay thS chuang trinh uuoc day.
changed. Notes: thao l~n vS kS ho~ch t6ng kiSm tra b9 ph~
(D) They replace the previous program. tai chinh: chi co u·ong email khong co trong file dinh

kern, nen kSt l~n la khong co trong ks ho~ch ban dftu
tic 199. Ngay h9i thao nao cole se hiiu ich nhflt voi ong
199. What day's workshop will probably be most Brown?
helpful to Mr. Brown? (A) ngay 10 thang bay
(A) July 10 (B) ngay 11 thang bay
(B) July 11 (C) ngay 12 thang bay
(C) July 12 (D) ngay 13 thang bay
(D) July 13 200. Caunao duoi day la

200. Which of the following is true? (A) Ong Brown se nh~n kS ho~ch moi vao cu6i
(A) Mr. Brown will receive a new schedule at the Thang sau.
end of June. (B) Sarah Cook se tham d\1' h9i nghi.
(B) Sarah Cook will be attending the conference. (C) Cody Brown phai tham d\1' h9i nghi.

(C) Cody Brown must attend the conference. (D) K~ ho~ch mOi Ia tham do.= n~u Ong quan tam
(D) The new schedule is tentative.= If you're


Quyen s<kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nh~m giup
c;k b~n co tai lieu 6n thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngU'O'i dl1ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhU' these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

Fantastic Offer! CO' h~i tuy~t viri!

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Chi co gia u·i cho dSn ngay 30 thang muoi


153. What is being advettised? 153. DiSu gi dang duqc quang cao?
A. Kitchenware A. D\lllg c1,1 nha bsp
B. Designer clothing B. Q~n ao thai trang
C. Handmade jewehy C. Trang sue thu cong
D. Secondhand funiture D. D6 ~c da qua su dl,lllg
154. What condition is placed on the discount 154. DiSu ki~n nao kern theo dS duq giam
being offer? gia?
A. The goods must be paid for by credit card.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hie u qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

B. It only applies to one of the collections on A. Hang hoa phai duqc thanh toan bang the
the website. tin dl,ll1g.
C. It is limited to the purchase of gift cards. B. Chi ap dl,lllg cho m9t trong nhiing m~t hang
tren trang web.

D. It must be used together with another offer C. Chi gioi h~ mua b~ng phiSu qua t~ng .
code. D. C~n phai duqc dUn.g chung voi m9t ma

khuysn mai khac.

To Boost the Economy, Make a Sale De cai thi~n n~n kinh t~, hay ban dU'f!'C
Economic growth comes not from hang
Washington but from a sale at a time. Tang uuong kinh tS khong phai dSn tir

Around six million American sales washington ma dSn ru kinh doanh tirng buoc
professionals (155) get up each business m9t.
mmning to spend their day driving the growth
of our economy by selling new business,
Khoang sau - tri~u thU'ong nhan
ngU'Oi My (155) thuc ~Y lam vi~c m6i sang
which spawns yet more jobs-those dedicated va hy sinh ca ngay cua minh ds thuc &ty nsn
to producing the goods and services to fulfill kinh tS ella chling ta b~ng cong vi~c kinh
customer orders. Three trillion dollars doanh moi, ds t~o them cong an vi~c lam-
worth of gross domestic product is fueled in nhGng cong vi~c do t~o ra hang hoa va cijch

this way, one sale at a time. (Initial jobless v1,1 dS d~t yeu c~u ella khach hang. Ba- nghin
claims rose by 10,000 the week before last, the tY do la t6ng san luqng n9i dia duqc h6 u·q
highest number m several months.) The sue bftt dfty b~ng each nay, kinh doanh tirng
nation's salespeople must make more calls buoc m9t. (Ban d~u chi s6 th~t nghi~p tang

and close more sales to attempt to turn this gk 10,000 each day hai tuk, s6 cao nh~t
tide yet again.(157) trong vai thang u-a l~i day.) Cac thU'ong
nhan ti·ong nU'&c da phai len ti~ng bao

Selling new business is what creates

jobs. Our economy is not a weather front that d9ng va th~t ch~t diu tU' hon d~ t~m thOi

passes overhead while we wait for sunshine or VU'f]'t qua con suy thoai nay m9t lin nii'a.
brace for a stmm. It's a gigantic, man-made
entetprise that creates wealth and jobs m Kinh doanh theo xu thS moi la t~o ra vi~c
direct propmtion to the rate of development of lam. NSn kinh tS cua chling ta khong phai chi
new businesses. la SlJ thay d6i b~t thuemg cua thai tiSt trong
But, too often, we're led to believe in luc chling ta cho n~ng len ma con sb sang
a fairy tale (156): that the president, Congress chufui bi don d~u can bao. Bo la m9t sv buc
and the Federal Reserve chanman can go to pha ngo~ ml,lC t~O ra CUa cai va vi~c lam ti 1~

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toe ic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hie u qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat d i gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

their offices and flip switches that somehow th~n voi ti 1~ phat trien ho~t d9ng kinh doanh
will tuJ.n the U.S. economy on (or up, or moi.
down) and create jobs. Nhung, thuimg, chong ta l~i b! me
ho~c trong diu chuy~n c~ tich (156) do la

t6ng th6ng, Qu6c h9i va th6ng d6c Cl,IC dvt.rfr
lien bang co ths b~ng each nao do disu khiSn

duqc nSn kinh tS Hoa K y (ho~c len, ho~c
xu6ng) va t~o cong an vi~c lam.

155. What does the author believe is most 155. Tac gia tin tuong rfug tang huang kinh
responsible for economic growth? ts my thu9c vao disu gi nhisu nhftt?

(A) The U.S. President (A) T6ng th6ng Hoa Ky
(B) Congress (B) Qu6c h9i
(C) Salespeople
(D) The Federal Reset-ve chainnan
(C) Thuong nha n
(D) Thu tich C1,1c dv trfr lien bang
156. According to the passage, which of the 156. Theo do~n van nay, cfm nao duoi day la
following is hue? dling ?
(A) People are mistaken that those in
(A) Di~u rna m9i nguOi hi~u nhim Ia

high positions in the government will

solve problems. nhfrng nguOi co chil'c V1;J cao trong chinh
(B)Less than 10,000 Americans are cunently phu se ghli quy~t vin d~.
out of work. (B) It han 10,000 Nguo i My hi~n dang thftt

(C) The U .S. economy is on the brink of nghi~p.

collapsing. C) Kinh tS Hoa Ky la tr·en bo vvc d6 s1,1p.
(D) The total GDP of the United States is (D) T6ng GDP cua Hoa Ky la ba- nghln tY

three u·illion dollars and is likely to do-lava co kha nang gia tang.

157. How does the author believe the 157. Tac gia tin nSn kinh tS Hoa Ky se b~t dftu
American economy will begin to improve? cai thi~n b~ng each nao?
(A)By companies exporting more goods (A) Do cong ty xufttkh~u nhiSuhang hoa han
(B)By salespeople making more calls and (B) Do cac thuong nhan len ti~ng bao d()ng
closing more sales va th~t ch~t diu tu hon.
(C)By people putting more faith in powerful (C) B~ng each m9i nguoi d~t them niSm tin
economists vao nha kinh ts m~nh

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

(D)By people in the workforce working longer (D) Bang each m9i nguoi trong h,rc luqng lao
hours d9ng hun vi~c nhiSu han.

e ic

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

NexTel Phone Card User Guide HD'cmg din sir dt;~ng the di~n tho~i NexTel
The advantages of using NexTel Phone Card: Cac lqi thS cua vi~c su dl,lng the di~n tho~i
-No connection charge NexTel:
-You can also call from your mobile phone at - Khong phi kSt n6i

no extra charge. - B~n cling co thS g9i tir di~n tho~i di d9ng
-You can recharge the card with a credit card. clia b~ rniSn phi.

-Low rate- struting from 3 cents per minute - B~ co thS kich ho~t the voi the tin dl,lllg.
163 - Chi phi thftp - b~t diu tir 3 xu m~i phut

(see note below) (xern hru y ben duoi)
-You can call from any touchtone phone, - B~n co thS g9i tir bftt ki di~n tho~i bim niw,
including public phones. bao g 6rn di~n tho~i cong c9ng.

How to call: Cachg9i:
1. Dial the toll-free number on the cru·d. 1. B§rn clay s6 u·en the.
When prompted, enter your PIN.
When calling North American
numbers, including the Caribbean, dial 1 +
2. Yeu c~u dang nhftp, nhftp rna pincua b~n.
3. Khi g9i s6 B~c My, bao g6rn Caribbean,
quay s6 1 + rna vling + s6 di~n tho~i.
ru·ea code+ telephone number. 4. Khi g9i vling ngoai B~c My, quay s6 001
4. When calling outside North America, + rna qu6c gia + rna VUng + s6 ai~n tho~i.
dial 001 + count.Iy code + ru·ea code +
* NSu b~ dang kY tn,rc tuySn, b~ co thS cai

telephone number.
* If you register online, you can designate up ~t len toi ba lo~i s6 (nhu la nha, van phong
to three numbers (such as horne, office and va b~ be ) khong nhftp rna PIN.
friend) without entering your PIN. Luu y:

Note: Phi t~i thi~u m9t don vf g9i di~n tho~i Ia

The minimum unit of call charge is three ba phut.
minutes.(l63) NSu b~ g9i tir di~n tho~i tv d9ng, co 79 xu

If you call from a payphone, there is a 79 cent phat sinh.


surchru·ge. Ti 1~ co thS thay d6i rna khong bao t.Iuoc.

Rates may be changed without notice. B~n co th~ kich boat the cua b~n vOi the
You can recharge your card with a credit tin dt;~ng t~i www. nextelcard. com.
card at H6 trq khach hang (ngo~i t.Iir n~p l~i the cua
For customer assistance (except rechru·ging b~), b~n co thS g9i 1-800-237-2384 rniSn
your cru·d), you can call 1-800-237-2384 phi.
free of charge.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hie u qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

162. If a customer wants to recharge their 162. Neu khach hang muon kich ho~t the cua
card, what do they have to do? h9, h9 phai lam gi?
A. Visit the nearest convenience store A. Bi dSn cua hang g~n nh~t
B. Go to the company website B . V ao trang web cong ty

C. Call customer assistance c. G9i tn;t giup khach hang
D. Send an e-mail D . Gui e -mail

163. How much would a five-minute call cost 163. Cu9c g9i dai nfun phut m~t bao nhieu
at the least expensive rate? phi voi ti 1~ it m~c tiSn nh~t?

A. 4 cents A. 4xu
B. 7 cents B . 7xu
C. 15 cents C. 15 xu

D. 18 cents D . 18 xu
Notes: (m()t don vj t~i thi~u 3 phut, 5 phut

Rogets Cable
custom ers.(164)
welcomes its
t~i thi~u Ia 2 don vj + 6 phut *3 xu= 18xu)
Truy~n hinh Cap Rogets chao don khach
hang mOi.
Rogets Cable has been a proud TruySn hinh cap Rogets n,r hao la m9t
provider of quality encettainment for the nha cung c~p ngu6n giai tri ch~t luqng cao
whole Durham region for the last 15 years. cho ca vUn.g Durham trong su6t 15 nam qua.

We hope to expand our tenitmy beyond the Chling tOi hy V9ng se rna r9ng ph~n vi cua
Durham regwn to Hamilton and the minh ra khoi Dmham dSn Hamilton va khu
stuTounding area. We hope to continue our vvc xung quanh. Chling t6i hy v9ng se tiSp
high standard of great home service and t1,1c mang dSn m9i nha dich v1,1 ch~t luqng cao

unintenupted high-quality signal, while also va tin hi~u lien ti,Ic, trong khi cling cung c~p
offering new servtces such as high- dich v1,1 moi la cac kenh co d9 phan giai t6i

definition channels. uu.

Due to the recent deactivation of Nho xu li duqc h~ th6ng tin hi~u TV

traditional TV signals, ow· service demand cu gk day, kha nang dap ling In9i nhu c~u
has increased tremendously. We hope to be cua chling tOi da gia tang m9t each kY di~u.
the first choice m cable television by Chling tOi hy V9ng se tra thanh Iva ch9nhang
providing great technical service combined d~u trong h~ th6ng truySnhinh cap b~ng each
with a huge variety of channels to choose cung c~p dich v1,1 ky th~t cao kSt hqp voi s6
from. We can provide almost evety channel luqng kenh da d~ng thoa man m9i Iva ch9n.
allowed within the continental United Chling t6i co thS cung c~p h~u hSt kenh cho
States. Sometimes it is hard to choose which phep a Hoa Ky. Boi khi thftt kho dS ch9n

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

channel to watch, so we have also provided kenh nao xem, vi the ch1.lng t6i cGng da cung
a series of cable channel packages for you to c~p m9t lo~t cac h~ th6ng kenh cap cho b~n.
purchase. We have great spmts packages Chting toi co h~ th6ng kenh thS thao khling
that include all the big network sports bao g6m t~t ca cac kenh th~ thao chuyen

channels and 32 foreign channels, so you nghi~p va 32 kenh nu&c ngoai, vi th~ b~n
can watch Indian cricket, Japanese co th~ xem cricket An B9, bong chay Nh~t

baseball, Mexican soccer and so much Ban, bong da Me Hi Co va nhi~u hon th~
mm·e. We also have great movie channels, nua. Chung toi cling co cac kenh phim b9,

news, comedies, and multiple tin tuc, phim hai, va nhi~u kenh ca nh~c
multinational music channels (167). All of tuy~t viri cua cac cong ty da qu~c gia (167).
this and much more are available at your Toan b9 goi dich Vl,l nay va nhi~u han nfra
sfu sang trong t§m tay b~n voi m9t gia ca r~t

fingertips for a ve1y reasonable price.
This pamphlet is full of useful phai chang.
infmmation about our pricing, discount tic
packages and basic cable services. Take a
little time and read through it, and when you
Quysn sach mong nay co &y thong tin
hfru ich v~ gia ca, bao g6m gia chiSt kh~u va
dich Vl,l co ban. Hay danh chut thai gian va
are done hold on to it to receive a discount d9c ky no, Va khi b~ ffi d9c xong hay gifr
on (165) your installation. For all inquiries l~i dS duqc giam gia (165) khi l~p d~t. M9i
please call our customer service number at yeu c~u v~ thong tin xin vui long g9i trung

555-0978, or our sales department at 555- tam phl,lc V\1 khach hang so: 555-0978, hay
27 46. You can check out our website and phong kinh doanh s6 555-27 46. B~n co thS
place orders at Cable@rogets. com as well. kiSm tra trang web va d~t hang online t~i
We hope that you choose us to be your Cable@rogets. com.

cable company, and remind you that we Chting toi hi v9ng b~ ch9n chtmg t6i,
believe that the customer always comes va hay nho dng voi chtmg t6i khach hang
first. luon la uu tien hang &u.

164 .Where would this notice most likely be 164. Thong bao nay co kha nang duqc tim
found? th~y a dfm?
(A) In a magazine advettisement (A) Trong ~p chi quang cao
(B) Inx a training manual for employees (B) Trong tai li~u huang d~n cho nhan vien
(C) In a manual given to new customers (C) Trong tai li~u hu&ng din cho khach
(D) On an online message board hangmm
(D) Tren diSn dan tren m~ng

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

165. What does Rogets offer to save money? 165. Rogets cung dlp dieu gi de tiet ki~m
(A) Using the Intemet to order products tiSn?
(B) Buying all the channels you want (A) Su dl,ll1g Intetnet dS yeu c~u san ph~m
(C) Switching cable service providers (B) Mua tftt ca cac kenh b~n mu6n

(D) Using the handbook to receive a (C) ChuySn nha cung c~p dich Vl,l cap
discount (D) Su d~ng c~m nang d~ dugc gh1m gh1

166. The word "variety" in paragraph 2, line 166. Tir "da ~ng" trong do~n van 2, dong 3
3 is closest in meaning to co nghia g§n nh~t voi

(A) a small range (A) chu6i h~p
(B) a huge selection (B) S':f l':fa ch\)n thm\i mai
(C) many of the same kind (C) nhiSu lo~i gi6ng nhau

(D) a few (D) m9t vai
167. Which of the following 1s NOT 167. Cai nao duoi day khong duqc dS cftp
mentioned as pmt of this service?
(A) Documentaries
(B) Music video channels
tic trong dich Vl,l nay?
(A) Phim h1i li~u
(B) Cac kenh phim vi - de- 6 ca nh~c
(C) Professional spmts channels (C) Cac kenh thS thao chuyen nghi~p
(D) High-definition channels (D) Cac kenh co d9 phan giai cao
Have you ever visited a website that you B~n co tirng d~n tham m{)t trang web rna

thought was cool? b~n nghi Ia rit tuy~t chua?

Ever wondered how it was created? Co bao gio th~c m~c no duqc t~o ra thS nao
Our school can train you to do this in less than khong?
6 months! Tnmg tfun chling t6i co thS giup b~ giai

The web design business is huge, and there quySt diSu do trong vong chua dSn 6 thang!
are jobs opening up every day.(l68) We will Nganh thiSt kS web r~t r9ng Ian, va co ri1
nhi~u cO' h{)i cho b~n tim vi~c lam. Chtmg

give you the skills not only to prepm·e and

design your own web page, but also to work in t6i se trang bi cho b~n ki nang khong chi d€

the fast paced world of corporate America. Our chuk bi, thiSt kS trang web rieng cUa. minf
graduates have a 95 percent rate of rna con ds lam vi~c trong moi truang pha
employment, some of whom have gone on to triSn acac cong ty cua MI. Co 95 % sinh vier
be leaders in the field of web page design. We t6t nghi~p th~t nghi~p, m9t vai nguoi tr·ong sf.
boast a high-tech facility with up-to-date do da di theo con duang tr·o thanh elk d~t
computers and network access. We also trong linh vvc thiSt kS web. Chtmg t6i t:1,r hac
employ top- level instructors with actual la co so cong ngh~ cao cUn.g h~ th6ng may
tinh co thS tmy cftp m~ng hi~n d~i. Chtmg w·

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

expenence m web design for maJOr ciing hqp tac voi nhfrng chuyen gia hang dat
corporations. ruiy du kinh nghi~m thvc tS trong nganh thiS
kS hang web cho cac tflp doan Ion. Hay b~ your new career today in website design
diu sv nghi~p thiSt kS u·ang web cua b~ hay
or website management and database creation.

Enroll today and take advantage of our quan li u·ang web va ~0 co so dfr li~u vac
afternoon and night classes, our career ngay hom nay. Dang ki ngay bay giir d:

mentorship program, our online program dU'(J'C U'U tien Ch\m cac lOp chi~u va t~i
guidance and our loans and bursary chuong trinh hu6ng nghi~p, hu6ng d~n l~(l

programs for those who are eligible.(169) trinh tri!C tuy~n, cac khoan tai trq va h9<
Contact us at 11 0-449-0972, or visit our b8ng danh cho nhfrng ai co du di~u ki~n.
webpage at Lien l~c voi chtmg t6i b~ s6 di~n tho~i 11 0

449-0972 ho~c tiuy cflp vao
168. D6i tuqng chinh cua to quang cao nay

168. Who 1s the mam

target of this
la ai?
(A)Nhfrng nguiri dang tim ngh~
advettisement? nghi~p mOi
(A) People looking for a new car·eer (B) Chuyen nganh nang khiSu my thuflt
(B) Potential fine ruts majors (C) Nhfrng h9c sinh theo nganh thiSt kS
(C) Students enrolled in web design m~

(D) Web design instiuctors (D) N guoi huang cifln thiSt kS web
169. Which of the following is NOT one of the 169. DiSu nao sau day khong nfun trong
benefits this school offers? nhfrng lqi ich rna huang mang l~i?
(A) One-on-one classes (A) Cac l&p h9c rieng

(B) A mentors hip program (B) M9t chuang trinh huang ci§n
(C) Financial help for those who qualify (C)Giup do tai chinh cho nhfrng nguoi

(D) A flexible class schedule h9i t1,1 du diSu ki~n

(D) M9t lich h9c linh ho~t

Live on the Water! S~ng tren m~t nmrc!

A life on the water is a dream for many M9t cu9c s6ng tren m~t nuac la m9t
people and a reality for many Califomians. gi~c rna d6i vai nhisu nguo i l~i la co thflt vai
Recently, this unusual way of life has been nhiSu nguoi dan Califmnia. G§n day, 16i
struting to change, as the number of boat s6ng khong binh thuong nay da b~t d~u thay
inhabitants has been decreasing. This d6i, boi vi s6 luqng cu dan tren thuySn da
phenomenon is a result of overpopulation. As giam xu6ng. Hi~n tuqng nay la hftu qua cua

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

aquatic real estate (173) becomes scarce, it is S\f bimg no dfm so. K hi bli nguyen thuy sa n
driving up the cost of living on the sea. The tro nen khan hiSm, no keo theo chi phi sinh
prices for docking fees and increased hydro ho~t tren biSn Hing len. Phi bSn cang va
costs have made it difficultto find a reasonable duemg thuy hun cho vi~c neo thuySn tren

home on the sea. As well, in order to obtain a biSn tro thanh kho khan. B 6ng thai, dS co
pennit that allows a person to dock their duqc m<?t gi~y phep cho thuySn cftp bSn ~i

houseboat at a marina, one might have to wait m<?t bSn cang, nguai ta co thS phai m~t ca
months- if not years! In addition, because of thang- ho~c ca nam! Ngoai ra, do nhu du

the demand on space, local marinas have had vS khong gian, bSn cang dia phuong da phai
to create waiting lists for new members. All of r6i len dS giai quySt m<?t lo~t thanh vien moi
these factors are contributing to this decrease dang cha. T~t ca nhiing ySu t6 nay gop phfui

in water residents . lam giam luqng cu dan s6ng trennuoc.
The largest problem facing cunent V~n dS Ian nh~t phai d6i m~t voi cac
houseboat residents ts marma owners' tic
intetpretation of the laws that are cunently in
place. These marinas enforce their own tules
cu dan thuySn hi~n nay la vi~c giai thich diSu
1~ hi~n hanh cua cac chu bSn tau. Nhfrng bSn
tau nay co cac quy tic rieng cua h9 vS s6
about the number of live-aboard members to luqng nguai s6ng tren tau, chi khoang 15%
approximately 15% (172) of the total boats clia t6ng s6 tau thuySn neo dftu. Cac bSn tau
anchored. Marinas cite a lack of security and vi~n co thiSu an toan va diSu ki~n v~ sinh

poor sanitation conditions for their non-live in kern dS tir ch6i nhiing nguai khong la thanh
members as reasons for this action. The strict vien ttvc tiSp u·en tau. Vi~c tuan tho
adherence to local laws for hydroelectricity nghiem ng~t lu~t phap dja phuong v~ thuy
and local plumbing and sanitation di~n, h~ th~ng c~p nU'tYC va V~ sinh moi

ordinances are used to drive away current tru<mg, duc;rc sir dt;~ng d~ xua du~i nhftng
and potential residents. (171) They have cu dan t~m tru va co nguy cO'. H9 da
gone as far as when a problem is found with a chuySn di xa khi tim ra duqc m<?t nghS thu

resident's craft they are effectively evicted; cong cho cu dan diSu do duqc thvc hi~n m<?t

even if the boat can stay, the owner must leave each hi~u qua; th~m chi nSu thuySn nao co
until the problem is solved. This tempormy thS a l~i, thi chu cGng phai rai di cho dSn khi
loss of residence can be vety expensive and v~n dS duqc giai quySt. M~t noi cu uu t~m
inconvenient for the residents, and can thai co thS r~t t6n kern va b~t ti~n cho nguai
ultimately lead to them finding somewhere dan, va cu6i ctmg dua dSn vi~c h9 tim m<?t
else to live. It has been officially reported noi khac dS s6ng. Nguiri ta da chinh thuc
that due to all these factors, the number of thong bao ring do t~t ca nhftng y~u t~ nay,

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

maritime residents has dropped over 40% so IU'ClDg cU' dan bien da gh1m hon 40%
in the last year.(170) ta·ong nam ngm1i.
170. What is this article mainly about? 170. Bai bao nay chu ySu la viSt vS?
(A) The decline in live-in boat residents (A) s.,giam sot CU' dan s~ng tren thuy~n

(B) The laws associated with marinas (B) Luftt phap h6 trq bSn tau
(C) The rise in real estate demand (C) Sv gia tang nhu c~u b~t d9ng san

(D) The decrease in the number of boats at (D) Vi~c giam s6 luqng tau thuySn t~i bSn
mat· mas cang

171. What often happens if a boat is found to 171. E>iSu gi thuemg xay ra nSu thuySn bi
be in violation of a relevant local code? phat hi~n vi p~ diSu 1~ lien quan dSn Qia
(A) The inhabitants must find alternative phuong?
(A) Cac CU' dan phai tim ch~ rr khac.

(B) The boat must be relocated (B) Cac thuySn phai di doi ngay lftp rue.
The boat has to be fixed vety quickly.
(D) The owner must pay a heavy fine
(C) Cac thuySn da duqc c6 dinh r~t nhanh
(D) Cac chu so hiiu phai tra tiSn ph~t n~
172. What percentage of boat owners are 172. Bao nhieu ph~ tram chu thuySn thuang
usually pennitted to live aboard their boats at xuyen duqc phep s6ng tren thuySn ~i bSn
mm·inas? cang?

(A) About 5 percent (A) Khoang 5 ph§n tram

(B) About 10 percent (B) Khoang 10 ph§n tram
(C) About 15 percent (C) Khoang 15 phin ta·am
(D) About 20 percent (D) Khoang 20 p~ tram

173. What is the word "aquatic" m 173. Chfr "thuy" trong do~n 1, dong 3 g§n
pat·agraph 1, line 3 closest in meaning to? nh~t y nghia gi?
(A) as related to safety (A) la co lien quan dSn an toan

(B) as related to real estate (B) la co lien quan dSn b~t a9ng san

(C) as related to boats (C) la lien quan dSn tau thuySn

(D) as related to water (D) Ia lien quan d~n nml'c

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat d i gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

Thank you for choosing J- Travel. Cam on cac b~n vida ch9n cong ty J-
Please keep in mind the following infonnation Travel. Xin vui long ghi nho thong tin sau
before you embark on your jmnney: truoc khi b~n b~t d~u harm trinh cua b~n :
1. Check-in: When flying domestically, 1. Bang k)': Khi bay tJ:ong nuoc, vui long bao

please make sme that you anive at the airpmt dam b~ dSn san bay t6i thiSu 1gio uuoc khi
a minimum of 1 hom before yow· flight bay. Khi bay qu6c tS, chting t6i khuyen b~

departure time. When flying internationally, co m~t it nhltt 2 gio truoc thai gian khoi
we advise you to check in at least 2 homs hanh. Xin luu y la nSu b~ dSn u·S, b~n khong

before the depmture time. Please note that if duqc phep len may bay.
you check in late, you may not be pe1mitted to
board the plane. 2. v e dat tluoc: Cac chuySn bay co thS nh~
d~t ch6 uuoc. NSu b~n bi tu ch6i len may

2. Overbooking: Flights can be
overbooked. If you are denied boarding, you bay, b~ se duqc thanh toim b6i thuang trong
will be given a compensatmy payment in most
cases. Please check the niles related to denied
boarding and ask any ticket counter agent
Mu hSt cac huang hqp. Xin vui long kiSm
tra quy t~c lien quan dSn vi~c c~m len may
bay va yeu ciu nhan vien quiy ban ve
fm· the relevant application forms for nhfrng h~ sO' thich hf!P lien quan cho
compensatory payment.(174) thanh toan b~i thu<mg.
3. Baggage insurance: The insurance 3. Bao hiSm h~mh ly: hang bao hiSm hang
khong giai quySt dSn bu lien quan dSn vi~c

airlines provide in relation to lost or damaged

luggage has a ve1y narrow coverage (1 75). m~t ho~c hanh ly hu hong tr·ong bien d9 rit
Also, damages from cancellation, accident, h~p. Han nua, tiSn b6i thuang do hiiy
illness or stolen or damaged property may not chuySn bay, tai n~n, b~nh tftt, ho~c tai san bi

be sufficiently covered by your own personal danh c~p hay thi~t h~i co thS khong d~y du
insw·ance. Although the chance of such bao g6m ca bao hiSm than thS b~. M~c du
damage OCCUlTing to you is Veiy low theo th6ng ke vi~c thi~t h~i nhu vfty xay ra

statistically, we str·ongly recommend you to r~t th~p, chting t6i ciing thftt sv khuyen b~n

purchase yom own additional insmance. This mua bao hiSm b6 sung rieng. Bao hiSm b6
additional insmance may not be cheap, but it is sung nay co ths khong re, nhung no r~t co gia
often wmthwhile to have. Please check with us tr·i khi co vi~c xay ra. Xin vui long dang ki
to find a list of insw·ance companies. We voi chting t6i dS tim danh sach cong ty bao
su·ongly recommend you contacting one of hiSm. Chl1ng t6i m~nh d~ dS nghi b~n lien
these insmance companies to protect yourself. l~c voi m9t u·ong nhGng cong ty bao hiSm
4. Prepaid tickets: If you or someone else nay dS tv bao v~ minh.
has requested a prepaid airline ticket, you can

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

collect the prepaid ticket at the airline ticket 4. Ira ve: Neu b~ ho~c nguoi khac yeu cau
counter. Just don't forget to present a valid tra ve chuysn bay, b~n co ths mang ve dsn
piece of identification to pick it up. Be aware qu~y ban ve. Xin dimg quen dua gi~y chln1g
that most airlines will ask you for a non- minh nhan dan hqp 1~ xac nh~n vi~c da mua.

refundable service fee before you pick up Nen biSt rfug h~u hSt hang hang khong se
the ticket. (1 7 6) The passenger whose name trir ra phi djch "¥ khong hm1n l~i khi b~n

appears on the reservation will ultimately be mua ve. Hanh khach co ten tren ve cu6i CUng
responsible for this fee. Please understand that se chiu trach nhi~m vS phi nay. Xin vui long

this additional service fee is imposed by the hiSu rfug phi dich V\} b6 sung nay duqc ap
airlines. dl,lng boi cac hang hang khong.
17 4. If a passenger cannot board an 17 4. NSu hanh khach khong thS len chuySn

overbooked flight, what should they do? bay khi ve mua huoc, h9 nen lam gi?
(A) Call the u·avel agency right away (A) G9i hang du lich ngay
(B) Call a lawyer tic
(C)Demand a refund at the airline passenger
service counter
(C) Yeu c~u hoan tiSn l~i a ghi - se dich V\}
khach di may bay
(D) Fill out an application for (D) Di~n vito don doi b8i thU'irng t~i quiy
compensation at the ticket counter ban ve
17 5. According to the travel agency, why is 17 5. Theo hang du lich, t~i sao mua bao hiSm

the purchase of additional b6 sung duqc dS nghi?

insurancerecommended? (A) Hang bao hi~m hang khong cung c~p
(A)The insurance airlines provide is often thD'irng khong du.
not enough. (B) Kha nang thi~t h~i xay ra dSn d6 d~c ca

(B) The possibility of damage occtuTing to nhan cua m9t nguoi la r~t cao.
one's belongings is vety high. (C) Mua dan bao hiSm b6 sung la r~t re tiSn.
(C)Buying an additional insurance policy is (D) Bao hiSm b6 sung bao v~ u·anhkhoi m6i

vety cheap. tinh hu6ng biSt uuoc, cho du la no m~c tiSn


(D) Additional insurance protects against thS nao di nfra.

evety possible scenario, no matter how
expensive it is.
176. When someone else purchases a ticket 176. Khi m9t nguoi mua ve huoc, lam each
in advance, how can it be picked up? nao ds u·a l~i ve?
(A) By having it delivered by express (A) B~ng each dua tin len bao.
couner (B) B~ng di dSn cong ty v~n tai
(B) By visiting the u·avel agency

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

(C) By asking the flight attendants for help (C) Bang each nho tiep v ien hang khong giup
(D) By paying a service fee at the ticket do
counter (D) Thanh tm1n phi dfch ~ t~i quiy ban

Below 1s a table which shows the Duoi day la bang s6 li~u cho th~y t6ng luqng
recommended total fiber intake for men and ch~t xo su dl,ll1g anam gioi va nfr gioi:
AGE J\1EN WOJ\1EN ---+(178) nam giOi tir 19-50 tu~i cao nh~t 38

19-50 38 e:rams/dav 25 grams/day grams m9t ngay

Over 50 30 grams/day 21 grams/day
Muc d9 tieu th1,1 ch~t xo ctia nam gioi a B~c
The daily average consumption of fiber by

MI chi khoang 18 gram, t.rong khi do thi

North American men 1s only about 18 luQng tieu th1,1 cua nfr gioi a B~c MI chi
grams, while that of average Nmth
khoang 14 gram

American women is only about 14 grams.

You will be surprised to know how
B~n se b~t ngir khi bi~t each cung c~p ch~t

easy it is to add fiber to your diet. Some

XO'vao ch~ d9 an U~ng CUa b~n d~ nhU' th~
suggestions below will help you get
nao. M9t s~ d~ ngh! dU'Oi day se giup b~n
stat1ed: (177)
bit diu:
Replace low-fiber foods (white
- Thay thS nhfrng thuc an it ch~t xo
bread, white rice, candy, chips) with high-
(nhu banh mi tdng, g~o tr~ , duang , khoai
fiber foods (whole-grain bread, brown rice,
tay chien) b~ng cac thuc an cung c~p nhiSu
fruits and vegetables).

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

When appropriate, eat more raw chat xo (nhu banh mi ngii coc, g~o nau, trai
vegetables and fresh fruits with their skins cay va rau qua).
on. Vegetables lose their fiber content when Khi thich h<;YP, an nhiSu rau xanh han
cooked, and (179) people often overlook va ca trai cay tuoi dS vo. Rau qua se m~t hSt

that skins are an excellent source of fiber. ch~t xa khi n~u chin, va m9i ngU'Oi thU'img
Include high-fiber foods in your bo vo nhll'ng chong hi m9t ngu~n chit XO'

meals evety day. Having bran cereal in the tuy~t vOi.
moming is a good statt, but beans, ftuits and

whole grains should also be a patt of your Cling cfui phai co nhfrng thuc an chua
diet. nhiSu ch~t xa trong m6i bua an cua b~. An
b9t ngii c6c vao bu6i sang la m9t khoi dftu

Two things you should pay attention to: r~t t6t, nhung dftu,trai cay, va t~t ca cac lo~i
1.Your fiber intake must be increased ngii c6c cling nen n~m trong thvc don cua
gradually so that your body can have tic
time to adjust itself. A sudden increase
Hai diSu b~ dn phai luu y:
may make you feel bloated and give you 1. LU'C]llg chit XO' cua b~n c~n phai dU'f!'C
abdominal cramps. You may have to add tang d~n len d~ cO' th~ b~n co thOi gian
the recommended amount of fiber in di~u chinh. Vi~c tang d9t ng9t co th~ him
your diet over several weeks.(l80) cho b~n cam thiy kho chju va gay cho b~n

2.Drink lots of water. It is recommended nhfrng cO'D dau b~ng. B~n co th~ cung cip
that you drink a minimum of six to eight them IU'C]llg chit XO' tt·ong ch~ d9 an cua
glasses of water evety day. b~n trong vai tu~n.
177. What does this repmt aim to achieve? 2. U6ng thftt nhiSu nuoc. No r~t dn thiSt vi

(A)To explain about the different types of t6i thiSu b~ phai u6ng tir 6-8 ly nuoc m6i
fiber ngay.

(B)To watn about the increase of obesity in

Europe 177. Bao cao nay nh~m ~t duqc ml,IC dich

(C)To recommend people to consume (A) DS giai thich vS cac lo~i xa khac nhau.
more fiber (B) DS canh bao vS sv gia tang clia b~nh beo
phi a chfm Au
(D)To recommend the desired way to cook (C) B~ khuy~n khich ngU'Oi dan tieu th~
vegetables nhi~u chit XO' hO'D
(D) DS gioi thi~u cac each n~u rau cu nhu

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toe ic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

178. Who needs the most amount of fiber 178. Ai can luqng chat xo nhieu nhat moi
per day? ngay?
(A) Men between 19 and 50 (A) Ban ong tir 19 d~n 50
(B) Women between 19 and 50 (B) Ph1,1 nfr tir 19 dSn 50

(C) Women over 50 (C) Ph1,1 nfr tren 50
(D)Men over 50 (D) Dan ong tren 50

179. What is a source of fiber that people 179. M<?t ngu6n ch~t xa rna m9i nguoi
often neglect? thuang xuyen khong quan tam?

(A). Wild rice (A). lllil m9c hoang cia
(B)Vegetable skins (B) vo cac lo~i rau cu
(C) Beans (C) Dftu

(D)Chips (D) khoai tay chien
180. What does the repmt advise? 180. Ban bao cao tu v~n diSu gi?

effects of fiber.
(A)Excessive intake of fluids may offset the

(B)It is best if the fiber is added to a diet

(A) Tieu th1,1 nhiSu ch~t long co thS bu ditp
nhfrng hi~u qua cua ch~t xa.
(B) T6t nh~t nSu chlt xa duqc b6 sung vao
several weeks after one decides to do so. chS d9 an m<?t vai ttilln sau khi nguoi ta
(C)Fiber is most effective if consumed at quyStdinh.
dinner (C) Ch~t xa d~t hi~u qua nh~t nSu an trong

(D)It is recommended that the bfra t6i

introduction of more fiber to one's diet (D Khuy~n cao riing cung cip chit XO'
happen gradually vao ch~ d~ an cua m~t ngU'Oi nen di~n ra
d~n d~n
e ic

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

August 20 20 thang 8
Welcome to Bethune College Residence Chao mirng d~n vOi ki toe xa d~i hf!(
We would like to welcome freshmen and Bethune. Chung toi chao mirng sinh vie11

returning students to our residence (182). moo va sinh vien cii tr& l~i. toi h.
We hope that this year will be as good if not VQng nam nay se t6t han nam b:uoc. ChUn.g

better than the last. We have made some tOi 00 thl,l'C hi~n xay dl,l'llg moi va ChUng to.
renovations to the building that we think you nghi rfuJg b~ se thftt S\1' thich, bao g6m 1

will really enjoy, including a new lounge with phong giai tri moi voi 4 bim bida va 3 bar
four pool tables, and three foosball tables. This bong da. Phong nay se rna CUa tu 1Oh sang
lounge will be open from IO a.m. until I I p.m. dSn 11h t6i vase duqc b6 sung 1 quan ca ph€

and will be suppmted by a cafe that will offer cung c~p da c4tng cac lo~i thuc an d6 u6ng
a wide range of beverages and snacks for your lam cho cac b~ hai long.
pleasure. tic
For all of us to have a fun and safe year it is
important to set up some ground rules for
f)~ tit ca chong taco duqc m9t nam vui
ve va an toan, di~u quan t1·9ng Ia l~p nen
m9t s& nguyen tic v~ hanh vi cua b~n
your behavior (181). It is vety impmtant to (181). Thftt quan tr·9ng khi chu y rfug nSu vi
note that breaking these rules can result in ph~m cac nguyen t~c do co thS cllin dSn S\1'
suspension of privileges, eviction from the dinh chi cac quySn lqi, bj du~i ra khoi ki
toe xa, ho~c co th~ bj trt]c xuit khoi

residence, and possibly expulsion from

school (185). In addition, you are responsible tru<mg. (185) Them vao do, b~n phai chiu
for the action of any guest that you bring into trach nhi~m cho b~t ki khach nao ma b~n
the residence. This means that upon entry and moi vao ki rue xa. BiSu nay co nghia rfuJg

exit, any guest that you wish to stay with you khi vao va ra, b~t ki vi khach nao b~n mu6n
MUST sign in and out. The maximum number a cimg PHAI dang ki. s6 luqng khach duqc
moi cao nh~t cua m6i nguoi la 2. Luon ghi

of guests per person is two. With this in mind

these are the cardinaltules: nho nhfrng nguyen ilic chu ySu:

1. Drinking in the common spaces, i.e.

outside of your room is prohibited. 1. C~m 6ng tuqu tr·ong khu Vl,l'C chung,
2. Illegal drugs of any kind are banned. tuc la ben ngoai phong cua b~n
3. violence of any kind is prohibited. 2. c§m b~t ki cac lo~i thu6c b~t hqp phaJ=
4. Damage to the property is not tolerated. 3. c k b~t ki cac hinh thuc b~o ll,l'c
5. Smoking inside the building 1s not 4. Thi~t ~i vS tai san khong duqc tha
allowed. thu
5. c k hut thu6c ben tr·ong toan nha

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

6. Noise in the hallways after IO p.m. is 6. Cam gay on a hanh lang sau 1 Oh t6i
prohibited. Chling toi hi v9ng r~ nhfrng nguyen t~c chi
We hope that these main tules will help yeu nay se giup m9i nguoi c6 m9t nam ail
evetyone have a safe and educational year in toan va c6 tinh giao dl,lC a ki tUc xa Bethune.

Bethune Residence. DS biSt them chi tiSt vS nhiing qui dinh va
For further details of the tules and by-laws of luftt cua ki tuc xa tham khao s6 tay sinh vier

the residence refer to your student handbook, cua b~n, va nsu b~n co b~t ki cau hoi nao xir
and if you have any questions please ask the hoi nguoi quan li ki tuc, ong Doug McCain.

Resident Tutor, Doug McCain.

November Thang 11

Dear Mr. Camber: Gui Camber:
This letter is being sent to fonnally infonn you La thu nay duqc gili dS chinh thuc thong bac
that you are being summoned to the residence
committee meeting this Friday, November 6.
r~g b~ duqc moi dSn cu9c h9p h9i d6ng
vao thu sau, ngay 6 thang llnay. NhGng han1
The actions of your guests on the night of d9ng do khach clia b~n gay ra vao t6i ngay
October 3 1 were not in line with our tules, and 31 thang 10 da vi ph~m n9i qui, cho nen nhu
you, as stated m our welcome flier, are da duqc n6i ro tren thong bao, b~ phai chit
responsible for their actions. trach nhi~m cho hanh d9ng cua h9.

Allegedly, your guests were involved in Khach cua b~n da vi ph~m cac l~i: tham
drinking and fighting in the hallways of the gia u8ng rU"C;ru va danh nhau iY hanh Ian~
12th floor at 1 o'clock in the morning (183). ting thu 12 vao hie lh sang (183). Kh
Upon arrival of the resident counselor they giam th! d~n hf! da thi~u ton tr9ng va di)

were disr·espectful and were shoving her co iy ra ngoai (184). DiSu nay hoan toar
around (184). This 1s completely khong thS ch~p nh~n duqc va khiSn chling t6 ·

unacceptable and requires us to take action. phai thi hanh ki luftt. B~ se phai tham gia
You will have to join this meeting on the 11th cu9c h9p nay tren clng thu 11 a h9i huang

floor ofPassy Hall with the Resident Board of Passy CUng Ban quan li ki tuc va h9i d6ng
Directors and committee. They will decide quan hi. H9 se dua ra quySt dinh cu6·
your ultimate fate. cUn.gcho b~n.
Sincerely, Iran u·9ng,
VoutyMcCcUw VoutyMcCcUw
Doug McCain Resident Tutor Giam h9 Doug McCain
181. Why did the residence post the notice

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

August 20? 1 81. T~i

saoki tuc xa dang thong bao va ngay
(A) To tell the students about the donn 20 thang 8?
(B) To establish a basic set of ground A. BS bao voi sinh vien vS ki rue xa
rules B. D~ thi~t l~p cac n~i qui din ban

(C) To watn the students about other bad C. BS canh bao sinh vien vS nhfrng sinh vier
students xftukhac

(D) To tell the students how to get into the D. BS bao voi sinh vien lam thS nao dS vac
residence duqc ki rue xa

182. To whom is the notice of August 20th
mainly directed? 182. Thong bao ngay 20 thang 8 tl,rc tiSp go.
(A) The new resident tutor toi ai?

(B) The friends of people living in Bethune A. Nhfrng nguoi giam h9 moi
(C) The students who don't live in Bethune B. B~n be CUa nhfrng nguoi s6ng aBethune
(D) The residents of Bethune dorm

183. Why was the letter of November 1

tic C. Nhfrng sinh vien khong s6ng aBethune
D. Nhfrng ngU'Oi iY ki tuc xa Bethune
183. T ~i sao la thu ngay 1 thang 11 duqc
written? viSt?
(A) Mr. Camber's guest broke the rules. A. Khach cua Camber da vi ph~m noi qui
(B) Mr. McCain broke the tules. B. McCaim vi ph~m n9i qui dinh

(C) Mr. Camber's friends were having fun. c. B~n be CUa Camber da vui ve
(D) Mr. Camber himself broke D. Camber tl,l' minh vi ph~m
184. What action was taken against :Mr. 184. Hanh d9ng nao da duqc ngan can 1~·
Camber's guests? nhfrng vi khach cua Catnber?

(A) They were approached by the A. H9 da dU'<fc nh~c nhiY boo giam th!
resident counselor. B. H9 da bi b~t boi canh sat
c. H9 v~n u6ng lU<;YU va cuoi

(B) They were anested by the police.

(C) They were still drinking and laughing. D. H9 bi bo l~i m9t minh

(D) They were left alone.

185. What will most likely happen to :Mr. 185. BiSu gi co thS xay ra voi Camber?
Camber? A. Anh ta se b! du~i khoi ki tuc xa
(A) He will be kicked out of the residence. B. Anh ta se t6t nghi~p sam
(B) He will graduate early. c. Anh ta se khong bi trin1g ph~t
(C) He will go unpunished. D. B~n be cua anh fly se duqc phep tro l~i
(D) His friends will be allowed back.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

Manakech restaurant is an exotic Nha hang Manakech la m9t trai

dining experience that transcends mere dining nghi~m §m thvc tuy~t vai vuqt qua m9t bfra
and brings you into another world where you an dan thu.ftn va dua b~n vao ths gioi khac
are greeted by smiling faces in Moroccan garb, nai b~n duqc chao don boi nhfrng khuon m~t

taking you out of your daily routine for several tuai cuai trong trang pht,lc Ma- r6c, dua b~
wonderful homs. Comse after course of thoat khoi cong vi~c thuang ngay thay b~

Moroccan cuisine featuring succulent meats, nhfrng thai kh~c tuy~t vai. Mon an nay tiSp
vegetables, and salads served against the theo mon an khac g6m co mon t.hit Ma- r6c

backdrop of North African music and decor b6 duong, rau, va mon xa -lat. ph1,1c v1,1 trong
(189) will both excite and lull you into one of am nh~c va khung canh Biic Phi se vua
the most special evenings of your life. Also, kich thich vua dua b~ vao m9t bu6i t6i d~c
bi~t Ilh.ftt cu9c s6ng cilil b~. H an nfra, d9i

our expe1t staff is committed to provide top-
quality service to our customers. ngii nhan vien chuyen nghi~p cua chling t6i
Manakech restaurant is the perfecttic
place for a celebration and gives exquisite
attention to those enjoying a birthday,
se phl,lC Vl,l voi ch~t luqng cao nh~t.
Nha hang Manakech la nai ly tuong
cho cac lS h9i va la diSm dSn tuy~t di~u cho
anniversmy, graduation, wedding reception, or dip sinh nhftt, IS kY ni~m, t6t nghi~p, ti~c
that one time secret moment that you want to cuoi, ho~c la khoanh kh~c bi mftt b~ mu6n
create or remember. We promise you an t~o ra dS nho mai. ChUn.g t6i tin ch~c b~ se

experience far out of the ordinaty that you will co m9t trai nghi~m khac thuang rna b~ se
never forget. Call us at 444-3327 or visit our khong bao gia quen. G9i s6 444-3327 ho~c
website for more details vao trang web cua chling tOi ~i www.
and reservation. matTakech. com dS biSt them chi tiSt va ~t

December Special: Mention this tluoc.

advettisement when making a gr·oup D~c bi~t Thang 12: Mang theo quang
reservation and get a 10% discount! *(186) cao nay khi d~t ti~c nhom d~ duqc giam

* Group reservation: 8 people or over. gh110%! *


Effective from Dec. 1 to Dec. 31. * D~t ti~c theo nhom: tu 8 nguai u-a len. Co
gia u-i ttr ngay 1 thang muai hai dsn ngay 31
thang muai hai.

From: Mia Niro To: Tahm· Jelloun Tu : MiaNiro DSn:Tahai· Jelloun

Subject: Reservation Chu dS: Bat ti~c uuoc
Date: Dec 3 Thai gian: ngay 3 thang muai hai
Dear Mr. Jelloun: Chao Ong Jelloun :

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

I saw your adveitisement in the Food Toi thay quang cao CUa ong trong ~p chi am
Magazine and tried to call your restaurant thvc va thu g9i dSn nha hang vai lfm, nhrmg
khongduqc. S~ di~n tho~i nhin thiy trong
several times, but each attempt has failed. The
phone number shown in the ad must be quang cao khong chinh xac, vi toi cu nghe

inaccurate, because I keep hearing a t&ng dai bao s~ khong t~n t~i. Nen cu6i
message that the number is not in ctmg toi quySt dinh d~t ch6 qua trang web

service.(l88) So I finally decided to make a
cua ong.
reservation through your website. Toi mu~n d~t ti~c trU'ac cho 10 ngU'Oi vao

I would like to make a reservation for 10 thu Sau, ngay 12 thang mU'Oi hai luc 7 gi<r
people for Friday, Dec 12 at 7:30p.m. Since30 phut chi~u. Vi Ia ti~c sinh nh~t, t6i dn
it is a birthday party (187), I would like a
phong rieng, nSu co thS duqc. H an nfra, T oi
nghi la t6i duqc khuySn mai ~c bi~t nhu dS

private room, if possible. Also, I believe I am
c~p trong quang cao.
entitled to the special offer mentioned in the
adv e1tisement.
Please send a confirmation (190) to my e-
Xin vui long gOi xac nh~n dSn dia chi thu
di~n tU c"Ua t6i (nirom@chfi. com). Toi ciing
mail address ( I'd also se r~t cam kich nsu ong gui tei thong tin vs
appreciate it if you send me infmmation on bu6i ti~c va thvc dan d~y du.
patty and set menus. Cam anong,
Thank you

186. What is being promoted? 186. Nhfrng gi dang duqc xuc tiSn?
(A) A special offer by a restaurant (A) khuy~n mai d~c bi~t tir m{)t nha hang
(B) A cultural event (B) S\1' ki~n van hoa
(C) A new website (C) trang web moi

(D) A Moroccan cooking school (D) BSp truang nguai Ma- r6c
187. What is the prupose of Mia Niro' se- 187. M1,1c dich e - mail cua Mia Niro la gi?
mail? (A) E>S moi ong Jelloun dv ti~c

(A) To invite Mr. Jelloun to a patty (B)E>Syeuc~uong JellounxuctiSnnhahang


(B) To ask Mr.Jelloun to promote her co ay

restamant (C) E>S thay d6i vi~c d~t ti~c cua co ~y
(C) To change her reservation (D) D~ d~t ch~ cho S'! ki~n
(D) To make a reservation for an event 188. Theo cac do~ van tren, diSu gi duang
188. According to the passages, what seems nhu la th~t?
to be tlue? (A) Nha hang Manakech t6 chuc sv ki~n d~c
(A) Manakech restaurant holds special bi~t m6i thang.
events eve1y month.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

(B) People who make a reservation m (B) Nhfrng nguoi ~t ti~c vao thang muoi hai
December are eligible for a 10% discormt. la duqc gifun gia 10%.
(C) Mar·rakech restaurant put the wrong (C) Nha hang Marrakech d~t thong tin sai
information in the advertisement. ·~ch trong quang cao.

(D) Mr. Jellorm is planning a birthday party (D) Ong Jellorm dang len kS ho~ch cho bfra
for his customer. ti~c sinh nhftt cho khach hang cua ong ~y.

189. According to the advertisement, what is 189. Theo qillmg cao, diSu gila khong phai
NOT a characteristic of Manakech restamant? la ~c diSm cua nha hang Manakech?

(A) Waiters wearing Moroccan clothes (A) Waiters m~c qu~n ao Ma- r6c
(B) Live music played by a North African (B) Ban nh~c B~c Phi choi nh~c s8ng
band (C) NhiSu bfra an bao g6m thit, mon xa- lat

(C) A multi-course meal composed of va rau
meats, vegetables and salads (D) Nhan vien tuy~t voi va dich Vl,l chlt
(D) Excellent staff and high-quality service
190. What is Mia Niro asking Tahar Jellorm
to do?
luqng cao

190. Mia Niro yeu c~u Tahar Jellormlam gi?

(A) Conect inaccmate infmmation (A) Chinh sua thong tin khong chinh xac
(B) Organize a birthday party (B) T6 chuc ti~c sinh nhftt
(C) Improve restam·ant service (C) Cai thi~n dich v1,1 nha hang

(D) Send a confirmation for the (D) Gui xac nh~n cho vi~c d~t ti~c
Thank you for dining at Le Bistro Lamome. Cam an bfra t6i ~i Le Bistro Lamome.
We hope that you had a great experience with Chling t6i hy v9ng r~ng b~ da co m9t ki

us. We are always hying to improve om food ni~m dyp voi chUn.g t6i. Chling t6i luon c6
and service, so please spend a minute filling g~ng dS cai thi~n thuc an va phl,lC Vl,l, vi thS

out the customer satisfaction sm-vey below, vui long diSn vao phiSu diSu u·a sv hai long
and leave it at yom table. cua khach hang duoi day, va ds no t~i ban

Name: David Cm-vey cua b~n.

Address: 214 West Chester Ave. Calgaty, Alb. Ten: David Cm-vey
Canada Phone: Bia chi: 214 West Chester Ave. Calgmy,
E-mail: dcatT@gmailcom Alb.
Please indicate your level of satisfaction from S6 di~n tho~i a Canada:
1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) Email: dcau@gmailcom
Vui long cho biSt muc d9 hai long cua b~n
tu 1 (kern) dsn 5 (tuy~t voi)

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

Food was served hot and fresh. The menu has Thuc an duqc ph1,1c v1,1 nong va tuoi. Thl,Ic
a good selection. The quality of the food was dan co nhiSu S\I ll,Ia ch9n. Ch~t lm;mg thuc
good. The food was tasty and flavorful. an t6t. Thuc an ngon va nhiSu huang vi.
Did you have a reservation? B~n eta d~t ch6 b:uoc chua?

How many minutes did you wait? Was that B~n da cho bao nhieu phut? E>iSu do co ch~p
acceptable or not? nh~n duqc hay khong?

Please indicate your level of agreement from 1 Vui long cho biStmuc d9 b~ng long cua b~n
(poor) to 5 (excellent) tu 1 (kem) dsn 5 (tuy~t voi)

Our server was there to take your order quickly N guoi phl,lC Vl,l dSn dS nh~n dang 9i mon cua
and promptly. (3) b~n m9t each nhanh chong va dting gio.
Overall, the service was excellent. (3) N oi chung, S\I ph1,1c Vl,l thi r~t t6t.

. Atmosphere (5) Khong khi
Comments: Binh lu~n:
I enjoyed my meal at your restaurant, but I felt
that your service lacked in efficiency (198).
Although I had booked a reservation, my
T oi da thuong thuc bfra an ~i nha hang cua
anh, nhung tOi cam ~y S\I phl,lC Vl,l ch6 ong
con thiSu hi~u qua. M~c du t6i da d~t ch6
girlfriend and I waited 25 minutes!!! This is a t.Iuoc, b~n gai t6i va t6i eta phai cho 25
vety long time considering ! booked 3 months phut!!! Thai gian nhu vay la lau t6i eta ~t
in advance. Also, your wait staff was a little bit t.Iuocdo 3 thang. Nhung, nhan vien b6i bim

mde to me when I ordered. I am not fluent in eta co chut vo lS voi t6i khi t6i g9i mon. Toi
French, but I ny. I hope that you can address khong noi tiSng Phap luu loat, nhung t6i c6
these issues, because your food is vety good, g~ng. Toi hy v9ng anh co thS giai quySt
and I really enjoyed the atmosphere. nhiing phat sinh nay, boi vi thuc an CUa nha

hang CUa anh thi r~t tf>t, va tOi thl,IC S\I thich
khong khi a do.

Your View Tonic LCD monitor LCD Man tinh the long Tam nhin cua b~n
This VT-TX-24 LCD monitor does not need to M~u man tinh thS long VT - TX - 24 nay
be registered. This was done at the shop when khong dn dang k)r. E>iSu nay duqc thl,Ic hi~n
you purchased it. To insure the integrity of this t~i CUa hang khi b~n mua no. E>S dam bao
contJ:·act it is im pot1ant to keep the bill of sale hi~u ll,Ic cua hqp d6ng nay di~u quan trc~mg
(191) from the point of sale. If you do happen h1 phai gift chung tir mua ban clia cuahang

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

to have a problem, you will need it to make a ban le. Neu b~ co xay ra van de gi, b~n can
claim. phai bao.
Coverage includes a pruts and service package Chi tiSt bao g6m goi linhki~n va dich V\1 bao
that covers a full yeru· from the purchase date. hanh t.r9n m9t nam kS tu ngay mua. BiSu nay

This includes the replacement of defective bao g6m vi~c thay thS linh ki~n 16i b~ng linh
pruts with new ones, and the labor free of ki~n moi va miSn phi tiSn cong th<r Bao hanh

chru·ge. This prut of the wananty will be void se khong co gia tri nSu khach hang tv y thao
if the customer decides to dismantle or roi ho~c c6 gfug sua man hinh theo b~t cu

attempts to fix the monitor in any way. kiSu nao.
This wananty covers the original owner and Bao hanh nay bao g6m ca chinh chu va b~t
any successive owner as long as the receipt of cu nguoi nao so hiiu tiSp theo miSn sao bien
nh~n mua v§n con gia tri. NSu san phfun

purchase is still in their possession. If the
product is sold as a second-.hand item, the duqc bcim nhu hang da xai r6i, bien nh~n nen
receipt should be signed again by the first
owner (193) to show a passing of ownership.
co chfr ky cua ngU'Oi chu srr hfru diu tien
chtrng to quySn chuySn nhuqng cila nguoi
Dismantling of the product Bao hanh khong Bao g6m :
Improper use of power cables (i.e. - San phfun da bi thao roi
voltage, cunent spikes) - Dtmg khong dting ngu6n di~n (nhu di~n ap,

Any accidental damage to the product tk s6)

(i.e. dropping, hitting, flooding, etc.) - B~t cu thi~t h~i nao do tai n~n cho san ph~m
Using unsafe settings on your video (nhu la la lam roi, va c~m, thk nuoc, v.v)
cru·d (See manual for details) - Su dl,ll1g cai ~t cac the nho video khong an

The effect of the installation of the toan (Xem huang ci§n dS biSt them chi tiSt)
drivers on your home computer - Hftu qua CUa vi~c cai ~t chuang trinh tren
It is impmtant to read the owner's manual as may tinh gia dinh CUa b~

it contains all the details for proper usage BiSu quan tT9ng la phai dc:-c hU'O'Ilg din su

(192). If you are having technical difficulties, vi no chua mc:-i chi ti~t hU'O'Ilg din
please send an e-mail to our customer service thich h9')>. NSu b~n dang co tn,1c tr~c vS ky
division. We also have a website for the thuftt, vui long goi e - mail dSn chi nhanh
downloading and installation of new drivers dich V\1 khach hang cila chting t6i. Chting t6i
for your monitor. ciing co trang web co ths tai xu6ng va cai ~t
This wananty is a legal document and can be chuang trinh moi cho man hinh CUa b~.
used in a cow.t of law, but can be ovenidden BiSu ki~n bao hanh nay la van ki~n phap ly
va co ths dling t~i toa an, nhung ciing co ths

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

by a specific state law. Check your local state 1~ thu9c VtOlO phan quyet Cl,l the ~i toa an dia
laws for conflicts. phuong. Co xem xet dSn nhiing dt,r luftt tnii
voi disu 1~ a dia phuangctia b~
April 22

From: customer service <> Ngay 22 thang tu
To: Mr. Nick Low < > Tl:r : hung tam ph1,1c v1,1 khach hang <

Dear Customer, cs@viewtonic. com>
It was stated that you purchased our VT-TX- BSn: Ong Nick Low < lowman@gmail.

24 LCD monitor last month at Future Store at com>
your local mall and you are having problems Quy khach hang than mSn,
with it. Have you installed the drivers that Buqc biSt r~ng b~n mua VT-TX-24 LCD
came with the monitor? Have you checked the ctia chting t6i thang r6i ~i Cua hang Tuang

setting on your video card? I suggest you first lai trong khu thuong m~i dia phuong va b~n

and then plug it in again.

unplug the monitor and restatt the computer dang g~p r~c r6i voi no. B~ da cai ~t
chuang trinh di kern theo TV chua? B~ da
If you are still having problems with your kiSm tra vi~c l~p the nho xem video cua b~n
monitor and computer, I suggest that you bring chua? Toi dS nghi d~u tien b~ n1t phich dm
it in to any one of our 10 convenient locations man hinh va khai d9ng l~i may tinh sau do
in your area. Unfmtunately, we might have to cfun di~n l~i.
charge you for the service time, (195) NSu b~n v§n con g~p r~c r6i voi man hinh va

because we do not cover any driver issues may tinh cua b~n, T oi dS nghi b~n mang no
that might arise due to our software. (194) dSn m9t trong 10 Qia diSm ti~n ich cua chting
Sincerely, t6i noi b~ a. Thftt dang tiSc, b~n phai tinh

Tina Baker ti~n cho djch v~;~ lin nay, vi chong toi
Customer Service Representative khong kern them hit cu san phim cai d~t
nao co th~ phat sinh ngoai phi n m~m cua

chong toi.

Chan thanh, Tina Baker

Nhan v ien cham soc khach hang

191. What must the person do when filing a 191. Nguo i ta dn phai lam gi khi glri dan
wananty claim? yeu c~u bao hanh?
(A) Bring the product (A) Mang san ph~m
(B) Pay for shipping (B) tra phi v~n chuySn
(C) Pay for the labor on it (C) tra tiSn lao d9ng tren do

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

(D) Show a proof of purchase (D) Cho thay bang chung ciia vi~c mua
192. What should customers do if they are san phim
not sme how to operate the monitor? 192. Khach hang nen lam gi nSu h9 khong
(A) Get a home visit from customer service biSt lam sao dS khoi d9ng man hinh?

(B) Call customer service (A) Bon dSn nha nhan vien ph1,1c V\1 khach
(C) Check their user manual hang

(D) Rehnn the product (B) G9i tnmg tam phl,lc V\1 khach hang
193. How is the wananty different for a (C) D9c ki cim nang hU'cmg din su

second-hand owner? (D) Tra l~i san phfun
(A) The wananty is longer. 193. Bao hanh cho nguoi so hfru l~n 2 nhu
(B) The first owner must sign the receipt. thS nao?

(C) The product must be rehnned first. (A) bao hanh dai han.
(D) There is no wananty. (B) ngU'Oi sir hfru diu tien phai ky bien
tic nh~n.
(C) san phfun phai duqc tra l~i tluoc tien.
(D) khong co bao hanh.
194. Why won't View Tonic honour Mr. 194. T ~i sao tll.lllg tam bao hanh View Tonic
Low's wananty? se khong b6i thuang cho ong Low?

(A) The monitor's dr·ivers caused a (A) ChU'ong trinh ciia man hinh gay ra
problem. van de.
(B) The owner opened the monitor. (B) khach hang rna man hinh.
(C) The monitor's wananty ran out. (C) bao hanh CUa man hinh hSt h~.

(D) The range was not installed conectly. (D) day ffin s6 da khong duqc cai d~t chinh
195. According to the passages, what can be xac.
infened? 195. Theo do~n van, nhfrng gi co thS suy ra?

(A) The monitor that :Mr. Low pmchased (A) Man hinh Ong Low mua da khong duqc

was not registered. dang kY.

(B) Mr. Low will probably take his monitor (B) Ong Low co le se ha l~i man hinh cho
back to Fuhn·e Store. Cfra hang Tuang lai.
(C) Mr. Low may have to pay some (C) Ong Low co th~ phai tra m{)t it ti~n d~
money to get the monitor fixed. nhir sua man hinh.
(D) View Tonic provides a one-year (D) Xem Tonic cung c~p bao hanh m9tnam
guarantee without any condition attached. khong co diSu ki~n nao kern theo.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

Thank you for dining at Le Bistro Lamoure. Cam an cac b~ da dling bfra ~i Le Bistro
We hope that you had a great experience with Lamoure. Choog t6i hy V9ng r~ cac b~n da
us. We are always hying to improve om food co m9t ki ni~m dyp voi chfutg t6i. Chfutg toi
and service, so please spend a minute filling luon c6 g~ng dS cai thi~n thuc an va phl,lC V\1,

out the customer satisfaction smvey below, vi thS vui long diSn vao phiSu diSu tra sv hai
and leave it at yom table. long cua khach rumg duoi day, va ds no ~i

Name: David Carvey ban.
Address: 214 West Chester Ave. Calgmy, Alb. Ten: David Cmvey

Canada Phone: Dia chi: 214 West Chester Ave. Calgmy,
E-mail: dcatT@gmailcom Alb.
Please indicate your level of satisfaction from S6 di~n tho~i Canada:

1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) Email: dcatT@gmailcom
Food was setved hot and fresh. The menu has Vui long cho biSt muc d9 hai long cua b~

good. The food was tasty and flavorful.

Did you have a resetvation?
a good selection. The quality of the food was tir 1 (kern) dSn 5 (tuy~t voi)
Thuc an duqc phl,lC Vl,l nong va tuoi. Thvc
dan co nhiSu sv Iva ch9n. Ch~t luqng thuc
How many minutes did you wait? Was that an t6t. Thuc an ngon va nhiSu huang vi.
acceptable or not? B~n da d~t ch6 truoc chua?
Please indicate your level of agreement from 1 B~n da cha bao nhieu phut? DiSu do co ch~p

(poor) to 5 (excellent) nh~n duqc hay khong ?

Om setver was there to take your order quickly Vui long cho biSt muc d9 b~ng long cua b~n
and promptly. (3) tu 1 (kern) dsn 5 (tuy~t vai)
Overall, the se~vice was excellent. (3) Nguoi phl,lC Vl,l dSn dS nh~n dong 9i mon cua

. Atmosphere (5) b~n m9t each nhanh chong va doog gio.

Comments: Noi chung, S\1' ph1,1c V\1 thi r~t t6t.
I enjoyed my meal at your restaurant, but I felt Khong khi

that your service lacked in efficiency (198). Binh lu~n:


Although I had booked a reservation, my T oi da thuong thuc bfra an ~i nha hang cua
girlfriend and I waited 25 minutes!!! This is a anh, nhung toi cam th~y Sl! ph~;~c "':' ch~
vety long time considering I booked 3 months ong kern hi~u qua. M~c du t6i da d~t ch6
in advance. Also, your wait staff was a little bit nuoc, b~n gai t6i va toi da phai cho 25
mde to me when I ordered. I am not fluent in phut!!! Thai gian nhu vay la lau vi toi da d~t
French, but I uy. I hope that you can address uuocdo 3 thang. Han nfra, nhan vien b6i ban
these issues, because your food is vety good, hoi thol6 voi t6i khi toi g9i mon. Toi khong
and I really enjoyed the atmosphere.(197) noi tiSng Phap luu loat, nhung t6i c6 g~.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

Toi hy V9ng anh co the giai quyet nhfrng van

dS nay, boi vi mon an CUa anh rftt ngon, va
toi th..,c s.., thich khong khi o- do.

To: David Carvey <> Den: David Carvey dcan

From: Jilles LeDuc <> Tu: Jilles LeDuc
Date: June 2 Ngay 2 thang 6

Mr. Carvey, Ong Carvey,
My name IS Jilles LeDuc, and I am the Ten t6i la Jilles LeDuc, va t6i la quan li nha
restaurant manager. I really appreciate the time hang. Toi thl,l'C S\f cam kich vi ong da danh
you took to fill out our customer satisfaction thai gian diSn vao phiSu diSu tra S\f hai long

survey. We take your comments very cua khach hang. Chung toi da nh~n nhfrng

of time our customers have to wait before

seriously (196) and are working on the amount

seating. I hope that you will come back soon as

IOi gop y cua ong m9t each nghiem tuc
(196) va dang giai quySt v§n dS thai gian
khach phai cha uuoc khi dling bfra. T oi hy
we have expanded our main dining room v9ng ong se tro l~i khi chong toi m& r9ng
giving us 20 more tables (200). Next time phong an chinh chua hon20 ban.(200) Lin
you come please be sure to say hello to me sau ong d~n vui long d~n g~p toi va chic
and I will make sure you get a free dessert chin se mOi mi~n phi mon trang mi~ng cho

for you and your guest. (199) We will also be ong va khach cua ong (199). Chllilg t6i cGng
changing our menu a bit to include some new se thay d6i thl,l'c dan m9t chut bao g6m nhiSu
fare from the south of France. I think you will mon an moi tir miSn Nam nuoc Phap. Toi

really enjoy it. ngru ong thl,l'C S\f se thich no.

I hope you come back soon. Toi hy V9ng ong se sam tro l~i.
Jilles LeDuc J illes LeDuc

Le Bistro Lamoure Manager Le Bistro Lamoure Manager


196. What is the prupose of Jilles LeDuc's e- 196. Email cua Jilles LeDuc co m1,1c dich gi?
mail? (A) DS dS nghi miSn phi thuc an
(A) To offer free food (B) D~ tra IOi S'! quan tam cua m9t khach
(B) To answer a customer's concerns hang
(C) To get customer feedback (C) DS nh~ y kiSn phan h6i cillt khach hang
(D) To ask a friend for dinner (D) DS mai m9t nguai b~n dung bfra t6i
197. What did David find the best about the

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy@n Vi~t Tu Anh

(A) The food 197. David da cho rang dieu gi tOt nhat ve nha
(B) The service hang?
(C) The ambiance (A) thuc an
(D) The wait (B) SlJ ph1,1c Vl,l

198. How did David feel about his most (C) khong khi
recent meal at Le Bistro Lamoure? (D) S\l cho dqi

(A) It was quite disappointing. 198. David da dun thlty nhu thS nao vS bua
(B) It was honible. an gfui day nh~t aLe BistTo Lamoure?

(C) It was excellent. (A) no kha thit v~mg
(D) It was pretty much okay. (B) no khting khiSp
199. How can David take advantage of the (C) No tuy~t voi

complimentmy dessert? (D) no kha 6n
(A) Make anangements with the head chef 199. David co thS nl$1 mon tr~mg mi~ng
(B) Make a reservation
(C) Reply to the manager's e-mail
duqc biSu t~ bfug each nao?
(A) co sv s~p xSp voi bSp tiuong
(D) Say hello to the manager when he goes (B) d~t ch6 tiuoc
next (C ) u·a loi email cua nguoi qillm li
200. What has the restaurant done to help (D) chao nguOi quan li khi ong iy d~n lin
their service problem? sau

(A) Expanded the dining room

(B) Crammed more tables in the dining 200. Nha hang da lam gi dS giai quySt v~n dS
room phl,lC Vl,l?
(C) Made the food faster (A) rna r9ng phong an

(D) Made the waiters tun (B) them nhiSu ban vao phong an
(C) lam thuc an nhanh han
(D) yeu c~u cac b6i ban ch~y

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup c<k bG~n
co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLt<'>'i dtmg mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhlf these lam mat di gia tri ma cac
bG~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Questions 153-154 refer to the following Ciia hang Piza cua nha Carlo
advertisement. Duqc thanh l~p vito nam 1983, Pizzeria cua Carlo,
Carlo's Pizzeria chu nha hang va khach s~ la m9t gia dinh dftu tu
Founded in 1983' Carlo's Pizzeria, Restamant & phl,lC Vl,l nguoi sanh an pizza, salad, banh mi
sandwich, cac bfra an va phl,lC Vl,l thl,IC phfun a

Caterers IS a family operated establishment
serving gorumet pizzas, salads, sandwiches, New york va cac khu V\fC H1n c~n. v oi gk 25 nfun

dinners and catered foods inNew York and the kinh nghi~m ph1,1c V\1 thl,Ic khach trong va xrmg
sunounding areas. With nearly 25 years of quanh cac khu V\fC New York, Carlos, Sal, Sally,

satisfying customers in and around the New Maria, Estel va d<?i ngii nhan vien Carlo tl,I hao
York area, Carlos, Sal, Sally, Maria, Estel and mang dSn nhfrng mon tinh tily nh~t trong fun thl,Ic
the entire Carlo's staff pride themselves m Y.
servmg only the finest selection of Italian Chi nhanh d~i 19 D~i Duong

crus1ne. 1247 Ocean Avenue

Ocean Avenue Branch

1247 Ocean Avenue
tic Brooklyn, NY 11 230
(718) 578-1878 I (718) 578-4798
Gia ho~t d9ng:
Brooklyn, NY 11230 Thu Hai- Thu Nam: 11 :OOam- 1O:OOpm
(718) 578-1878 I (718) 578-4798 Thu Sau: 11 :OOam- 11 :OOpm
Roms of operation: Thlf Bay: 11:00 -12:00pm
Monday - Thmsday: 11 A.M. - 10 P.M. Chunh~t: DONG cVA

Friday: 11 A.M. - 11 P.M. Troy c~p trang web cua chung toi d~ co th-.,c
Saturday: 11 A.M.- Midnight (153) don bfra trU'a va bfra t~i.
Sunday: CLOSED
Visit our website for our lunch and dinner

menus (154)
153. On what day does the business stay open 153. Vao ngay nao thi rna cua lau han thuang 1~?

longer than usual? A. Thu2


(A) Monday B. THu3

(B) Thru·sday C. Thlf 7
(C) Saturday D . Chunh~t
(D) Sunday 154. Taco thS biSt duqc gi vS menu?
154. What is indicated about the menu? A. Cac m1,1c trong menukhac sovoi cac ngay trong
(A) Menu items are different according to tu~n
day of the week. B. Gia cao han vao thu 7
(B) Prices are higher on Saturdays. C. Gifun gia se co sfu theo yeu c~u
(C) Discounts are available upon request.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
(D) Menu items vary according to the time D . Mw.rc trong menu thay doi theo thiri gian
of day. trong ngay.
Notes: online d~ xem th'!C don trU'a va t~i
Questions 155-156 refer to the following

A trio of bands to treat fans at Shamrocks Ban nh~c b9 ba chieu dai nguoi hfun m9 bu6i biSu

show diSn t~i Shamrocks
Frontman, Mike Furie, says the musicians in his Frontman, Mike Fmie, cho biSt cac nh~c si trong
band "Loud Furie" and fellow Syracuse rock ban nh~c CUa anh "Loud Fmie"' va cac d6ng

bands "The Fergi Project" and "Little Secret" nghi~p, ban nh~c rock Syracuse "Dv an Fergi" va
want to help make things right for their fans "Little Secret" mu~n mang d~n cho ngU'Oi ham
who bought tickets to see them open for Brian m{) m{)t S'! bu dip, nhfrng ngU'Oi da mua ve d~

Michaels last week (155) at the Regional xem bi~u di~n khai m~c cua Brian Michaels
Market Block Party. tic
That show - and shows scheduled on subsequent
Thmsday nights by "Asia" and" Loverboy" -
tuin trU'O'c t~i Regional Market Block Party.

Bu6i diSn do, duqc ~t lich vao t6i thu 5 sau do

have been canceled (155). boi "Asia" va "Loverboy" da b! buy bo.
The opening bands were given tickets to sell to
their fans, Furie explains. So" Loud Furie" , "The Cac ban nh~c khai m~c duqc c~p v e dS ban cho
Fergi Project" and "Little Secret" have nguoi ham m9 cfu h9, Fmie giai thich. Vi vfty,

scheduled a show together at 4 p.m. Sunday at "Loud Fmie", "Dv an Fergi" va "Little Secret" da
Shamrocks, 1459 Taft Road, Syracuse. len kS ho~ch m9t chuang trinh cUn.g hie 4 gio
Admission is free for· anybody who holds a chiSu Chu Nhftt ~i Shamrocks, 1459 Taft Road,
ticket to the canceled Michaels show (155), or Syracuse. Vao cua mi~n phi cho hit cu ai co m{)t

$10 for eve1ybody else. ve vao chU"ong trinh Michaels- da b! buy bo,
ho~c $ 10 cho t~t ca m9i nguoi khac.

A nice touch: The band will donate the door Mw.rc dich t~t d~p: Cac ban nh~c se quyen gop
s~ ti~n vao ell-a cho Quy tir thi~n Michaels, Hi~p

money to Michaels' favorite charity (156), the

American Diabetes Association. The musicians h9i b~nh tiSu duong My. Cac ngh~ sy g9i do la
are calling it the Antidote Show. Show Giai B9c. Ngoai ra, cho nguoi ham m9 cua
Also, for fans of "Asia", weste1n New York "Asia", phia tay New York nha tai trq Billy Pilo
promoter Billy Pilo has his own show planned. da t6 chuc show cfu rieng minh theo kS ho~ch.
"Asia" plays at 7 p.m. on Satmday at the Main "ChauA" diSn hie 7:00 vao ngay thu Bay ~i Main
Street A1mmy, 78 Main Street Aim my, 78 Main

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
St., Rochester. Admission is free to the showy St., Rochester. Vao cua mi~n phi khi b~n mang
as long as you bring a canned or dry food t~ng thl}'c phim dong h{)p ho~c thuc an kho cho
donation for Rochester food banks.(156) cac ngan hang thl}'c phim tir thi~n Rochester.
155. What event is described in the article? 155. S\I ki~n gi duqc mo tit trong bai viet?
(A) M{)t bu~i hoa nh~c thay th~ cho m{)t show

(A) A makeup concert for a canceled show
(B) A program at a recital hihuy

(C) A show by a band called Asia (B) M9t chuang trinh t~i m9t bu6i biSu diSn
(D) A charity drive to suppmt sick children (C) M9t chuang t.rinh cua m9t ban nh~c co ten la
Notes:Tir 3 chi ti~t tren, b~n thiy Ia cac nh~c

si trong cac ban nh~c "Loud Fmie" ,"The Fergi (D) M9t cu9c v~n d9ng tir thi~n h6 trq tre em bi
Project" and "Little Secret" se bi~u di~n thay b~nh
th~ cho chU'ong trinh Michaels da bi hiiy.

156. According to the mticle, what do the two
shows shm·e in common? tic
(A) Perfmmers will be invited from around the
world. 156. Theo bai viSt, nhiing gi hai show dSu chia se
(B) Proceeds will be used to support a good chung?
cause (A) Nguoi biSu diSn se duqc moi tu kh~p noi tren
(C) Patticipants will be asked to donate food. thS gioi.
(D) They will give out prizes to raffle winners.(B) Ti~n thu dU'f!C se dU'f!C sir dt;~ng d~ h~ tl·f!

cho m{)t mt;~c dich tir thi~n

(C) Nguoi tham gia se duqc yeu c~u quyen gop
th\fc ph§m.

(D) H9 se dua ra giai thuang cho nguoi chiSn

th~ng x6 s6.
Questions 157-158 refer to the following Cau hoi 157-158 noi v~ bai bao sau.


Jersey Weekly Tuk bao Jersey

March28 Ngay 28 trumg 3
Robe1t Schwattz, director of Parking and Robe1t Schwattz, giam d6c cua cong ty v~n tai va
Transpmtation Services, has announced his d6 xe, da thong bao quy~t djnh cua ong iy v~
decision to retire from Hudson University hU'u tir tru<mg d~i h9c Hudson. Ngay cu6i cling
(157) . His last day will be June 13, 2011. se vao ngay 13 thang 6 2011 .
Under Mr. Schwattz's leadership, the Duoi S\f lanh ~0 cua ong Schwattz, ho~t d9ng ~u
university's parking and transpmtation xe va giao thong v~n tai da cai thi~n dang kS so
operations have improved significantly over the voi 10 nam truoc. Ong Schwattz da co cong trong

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
past 10 years. Mr. Schwmtz was instnunental in vi~c gioi thi~u New Tenytown Shuttle dS giup
the introduction of the New T enytown Shuttle giam s6 luqng xe 6 t6 a b.uemg New T enytown I
to help reduce the number of Cal'S on the New Piscataway va trong vi~c chuk bi cua cac huang
Tenytown/ Piscataway campuses and in the d~i h9c cho cac dt,r an xay dl,lllg va mo r9ng tuySn

university's preparations for the Route 18 duong 18 . Ong Schwartz trU'&c day tirng h1 trc;r
consuuction and road widening projects. Mr. ly gh1m d8c cho bai dftu xe va giao thong v~n tai

Schwartz previously served as the assistant va lam vi~c tJ.·ong nhiSu kha nang khac nhau tJ.·ong
director (158) for parking and u·anspmtation vi~c phan chia nha a.
Ong Schwmtz da lam duqc m9t vi~c tuy~t voi la

and worked in various capacities in the housing
division. thiSt lftp cac m6i quan h~ lam vi~c tich ClJC voi cac
Mr. Schwmtz has done a great job establishing sinh vien, chu nhi~m khoa, cac quan u·i vien, nhan
positive working relationships with students, vien va c9ng d6ng dia phuang. Tai lanh d~o, long

deans, administJ.·ators, staff, and local tJ.·ung thanh cua ong voi B~i h9c Hudson, va m9t
communities. His leadership, loyalty to Hudson
University, and tireless energy will be missed.
157. What is the prupose of the mticle?
nghi lvc bSn bi se duqc nha mai.

157. Ml,IC dich cua bai bao la gi?

(A) BS thuc d~y cong ty moi
(A) To promote anew company
(B) To announce a retirement (B) D~ cong b8 v~ hU'u
(C) To adve~tise a job opening (C) BS quang cao mo cong vi~c
(D) To discuss a newly hired employee (D) BS thao l~n moi tuySn nhan vien

158. What was Mr. Schwmtz's prior position? 1 58. Vi tri nuoc kia cua ong Schwmtzla gi?
(A) University spokesperson (A) nguai phat ngon B~i h9c
(B) Chief executive officer (B) Nhan vien van phong giam d6c diSu hanh
(C) Director (C) Giam d6c

(D) Assistant director (D) trc;r ly giam d8c


Questions 159-161 refer to the following Cau hoi 159-1611ien quan den thong bao sau.
Following up its successful Sushi Workshop in TiSp theo sau thanh cong cua H9i thao Sushi tvao
July, (159) the Japan-America Society of thang bay, T~ chuc hfru nghj My- Nh~t cua dao
Greater Long Island presents sushi chef Greater Long gim thi~u b~p trU"ang suchi
Maksui from Kenichi for an advanced sushi Maksui d~n tir Kenichi cho mon sushi tien ti~n
workshop on Sunday, October 25th at the h9i thao v~ Chu Nh~t, ngay 25 thang mU'Oi t~i
Tri-fold Clubhouse (410 Guadalupe St.) from Tri-fold Toa nha cua cau l~c b9 (410 Guadalupe
1:30 p.m. to 3:30p.m. This workshop will allow St. ) tir 1:30 chiSu dSn 3:30. H9i thao nay se dS

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

attendees of the previous workshop (161) to nguoo tham dt! cua h9i thao tru&c day ths hi~n
build on their sushi-making skills. ki nang tJ.·en m6n sushi cilil h9.
This is not a free event. The cost for cunent JGA Bay khong phai la m9t sv ki~n miSn phi. Chi phi
members is $35. lf you're a non-member, the cho thanh vien JGA hi~n thai la $35. NSu b~n la

cost is $40 (Please bring exact change in cash). khong phai thanh vien, chi phi la $40 (Vui long
Although the cost includes all the ingredients mang theo tiSn tiSn m~t). M~c du chi phi bao g6m

necessruy to make sushi, you will need to bring titt ca thanh ph§n dn thiSt dS lam m6n sushi, b~
your own knife and a towel or cloth of some se dn mang rieng dao va khan ho~c m9t s6 lo~i

Please note that registration is required in order Xin hru y la phai dang kY dS s~p xSp thu tv khi
to attend this class. Space is limited. Send a tham dv lap nay. H~n chS s6 luqng. Goi yeu c~u
regisll'ation request to by dang kY dSnjga- events@jga. org b.'uoc thuNam,

Thursday, October 22. 48 hours' notice is ngay 22 thang muoi, bao uuoc 48 gio nSu mu6n
required in order to cancel. tic
159. What is the main purpose of the notice?
hliy dang kY.

159. Ml,IC dich chinh cua thong bao la gi?

(A) To infmm readers of a useful website (A) BS thong bao cho d9c gia cua tr·ang web hfru
(B) To describe the Japan-America Society of ich
Greater Long Island (B) BS mo ta Xa h9i Japan-America cua Long
(C) To teach people how to write poetry island Greater

(D) To announce an upcoming workshop (C) BS d~y m9i nguoi lam sao dS lam tho
160. What infotmation is NOT given in the (D) D~ cong b& h9i thao sip tOi
notice? 160. Thong tin gi Khong c6 tr·ong thong bao?

(A) The workshop instructor's name (A) Ten cua huang dfui vien cho h9i thao
(B) Late registration instructions (B) Hu&ng din dang ky Tr~
(C) Cancellation instructions (C) Huang dk huy bo dang ki

(D) Things to bring to the workshop (D) Nhfrng thu dS mang dSn h9i thao
Notes: B~n se dQc thiy 3 thong tin ten hu&ng

din vien: Maksui, mang d~n h9i thao "your

own knife and a towel or cloth of some sort".
Cach hfiy dang ki "48 hours' notice is
required in order to cancel". Nhung khong co
hu&ng din dang ki tr~, nen chQn cau B
161 . According to the notice, who 1s the 161 . Theo thong bao, ai.. la nguoi phil hqp voi h9i
wmkshop tailored to? thao?
(A) Intermediate sushi chefs (A) Diu b~p sushi trinh d9 trung cip

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(B) Beginner sushi chefs (B) D~u bSp b~t clliu lam sushi
(C) New JGA members (C) Thanh vien JGA Moi
(D) All JGA members (D) T~t ca thrum vien JGA
Notes: ngU'Oi da qua khoa huin luy~n trU'Crc:

trinh d9 Intermediate
Questions 162-164 refer to the following

The Cooper Museum Bao tang Cooper

Members enjoy unlimited free enhy all year Thanh vien dm;1c vao c6ng miSn phi khong gioi
long to the Cooper Museum's exciting special h~n su6t nam t~i tri~n lam d~c bi~t thu v! cua
exhibition, which opens on June 19 (162), and Bao tang Cooper , khanh thanh ngay 19 thang
the world -renowned petmanent collection 6, va ti·iSn lam hung bay b9 suu ~p vinh Clru n6i

galleries. Other benefits include prevtew tiSng thS gioi. Cac quySn lqi khac bao g6m tiSp
receptions, gallety talks and toms, family
programs (163), and hands-on mt workshops
for adults and children. For more information
d6n, huang dfui tham quan phong bay, cac
chuang trinh gia dinh, va thvc hanh h9i thao ngh~
thuftt cho nguoi Ion, he em. DS biSt them thong tin
on Membership levels and benefits (163), vS muc d9 thrum vien va lqi ich, bao g6m giam gia
including discounts for older adults, educators, cho nguoi Ion tu6i, cac nha giao dl,lC, va cac ngh~
and mtists, or to purchase a membership by si, ho~c dS mua m9t the thanh vien qua di~n tho~i,
phone(163), call the Membership Depmtment at g9i B9 phftn thrum vien s6 (7 18)501 -6326 ho~c e-

(7 18) 501-6326 or e-mail mail Xem ban in cua biSu d6 cac Sv ki~n Thanh vien
View a printable version of the Member Events giai do~n 2010-2011 .
Ca nhan: $55 (bao g6m thuS kh~u tru)

Chmt for 2010-2011 .

Individuals: $55 (fully tax-deductible) Huang quySn lqi duqc tiSp d6n, khuySn mai, va
Enjoy preview receptions, discounts, and much nhiSu han nfra!

more! Gia dinh va b~n be: $ 85 (bao g6m thuS kh~u tru)

Family and Friends: $85 (fully tax-deductible) Giam gia cho cac dfch V\1 giao dt;~c cho ngU'Oi
Receive discounts on educational offerings 1011 va tr·e em! C9ng tac vien: $ 150 ($ 135 kh~u
for adults and children (164)! Conh·ibutors: tru thuS)
$150 ($135 tax-deductible) Nhftn t1·ao d6i miSn phi voi 31 d6i tac la vi~n bao
Receive reciprocal privileges to 31 mt museums tang ngh~ thuftt va miSn phi ve vao Art Facts and
and free tickets to Att Facts and Meet the Meet the Museum
162. What will happen as of June 19? 162. DiSu gi se xay ra tinh dSn 19 thang 6?
(A) Cac chi phi vao Clra bao tang se tang.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng t hanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(A) The cost of admission to the museum will (B) Cac bao tang se t6 chuc h9i dam galle~y hang
mcrease. tu~n.
(B) The museum will hold weekly gallety talks. (C) M9t chuang trinh giam gia thanh vien moi se
(C) A new membership discount program will duqc gioi thi~u.
(D) M{)t di~m thu hut mOi se mrr ra

be introduced.
(D) A new attraction will open 163. Cai gi KHONG duqc dS cftp nhu la m9t ly do

163. What is NOT mentioned as a reason to call dS g9i b9 ph~n thanh vien?
the Membership Department? (A) Nh~n thong tin c~p d9 thanh vien
(A) Get membership level infonnation (B) Mua cac chuong trinh gia dinh

(B) Purchase family programs (C) Mua thanh vien
(C) Purchase memberships (D) Giam gia cho nguoi cao nien
(D) Price reductions for seniors 164. Nhfrng ~c quySn duqc rna r9ng dSn cac b~n

164. Which privilege is extended to Friends and be va cac thanh vien gia dinh CUa bao tang?
Family members of the museum?
(A) Discounts on educational family events
(B) Preview receptions and discounts
tic (A) Khuy~n mai tren cac Sl! ki~n gia dinh giao
(B) Bon tiSp nuoc va giam gia
(C) Discounts at the museum restaurant (C) Buqc gifun gia ~i nha hang bao tang
(D) Free tickets to Att Facts (D) Ve miSn phi dSn voi Att Facts

Questions 165-169 refer to the following


Apex PC Inc Apex PC Inc
12 Gmter' s Way 12 duang Gmter
Erving, TX 75782 Erving, TX 75782

To Whom It May Concen1, T oi nhfrng nguoi lien qua11,

I am writing today to thank you for an Hom nay Toi vi~t thu nay cam on cac b~n da

excellent customer service experience (165). I cho toi m{)t trai nghi~m dfch V1;l tuy~t vOi. G~n
day t6i b~t d~u m9t cong vi~c moi la giam d6c

recently stmted a new job as the administrative

director for a nonprofit agency that, like most hanh chinh cho m9t co quan phi lqi nhuftn, gi6ng
organizations and businesses, cannot function nhu h~u hst cac t6 chuc va doanh nghi~p, khong
without a computer. This morning when I thS ho~t d9ng rna khong co may tinh. Sang nay
arrived at work, my Apex Dimension 5000 khi toi d~n lam vi~c, chi~c Apex Dimension
would not boot up properly (166). After 5000 cua toi khong khm d{)ng duc;rc. Sau khi da
exhausting (169) my own fairly extensive dung h~t kiSn thuc v6n cGng kha sau r9ng cua
knowledge about how to get a misbehaving minh la lam thS nao dS b~t no ho~t d9ng l~i dang
computer to work properly, and consulting my hoang, va tham khao b{) ph~n cong ngh~ cO'

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

agency's tech department in vain (167) ' I quan cua toi vo V\mg, tOi da g9i Ho trq ky th~t
called Apex PC Technical Suppmt Gmy, the Gmy cua Apex PC, m9t chuyen gia cong ngh~, u·a
tech, suppmt professional who answered my loi cu9c g9i clia t6i, m~t hai gio hen di~n tho~i, t6i
call, spent two hours on the phone with me, loay hoay qua nhiSu buoc khac nhau tu clilin doan
dSn khoi d9ng l~i trong chS d9 nh~c l~nh khac

walking me through processes ranging from
diagnostics to rebooting in various command nhau. Gmy la nguoi tuy~t voidS lam vi~c chung.

prompt modes. Gmy was wonderful to work T oi r~t vui mirng duqc lien l~c voi m9t nguoi ma
with. I was delighted to be on the phone with sv hiSu biSt, tOn n·9ng, va hai huoc (d~c bi~t quan
t1'9ng, theo y kiSn clia t6i, khi d6i pho voi thfun

someone whose knowledge, respect, and sense
of humor (pmticularly impmtant, in my opinion, h9a may tinh tism nang) giai quyst duqc disu nay
when dealing with potential computer disasters) it kho khan han nhiSu.
made this ordeal much less challenging. M~c du h~ th6ng n·a loi tv d9ng cua b~ lam t6i

Although your automated answering system is nan long - Toi phai nghe nhiSu cau "Toi xin 16i,
f1usn·ating - I got many "I'm sony, I don'ttic
understand" responses although I speak quite
clem· and mticulate Eng lish, and I got cut off at
t6i khong hiSu" m~c du t6i da aap l~i b~ each
dling tiSng Ang ro rang va luu loat, va t6i bu9c
phai c~t dtrt ~i m9t diSm- T oi danh gia r~t cao cac
one point - I ve1y much appreciate the excellent dich v1,1 khach hang tuy~t voi cua d9i ngii nhan
customer service yom human staff members vien ch6 b~n cung c~p cho. Vi kSt qua cua sv giup
give. As a result of the help I got today, I elected do t6i co ngay hom nay, t6i ch9n dS mo r9ng Hqp
to extend our Gold Service Conu·act so that if I d6ng dich Vl,l vang cua chling tOi vi vfty nSu tOi co

have such a problem again, I will have access to m9t v~n dS nhu vfty m9t l~n nua, t6i se lien l~c voi
your staff. cac nhan vien CUa b~n.
Again, thank you. M9t l~n nua, cam an b~n.
Sincerely, Iran n·9ng,

Mark Matthews Mark Matthews


165. What is the main pwpose of this letter? 165. Ml,lC dich chinh cua buc thu nay la gi?

(A) To offer an award to an Apex employee • (A) BS dua ra giai thuang cho nhan vien Binh.
(B) To praise an employee of the company (B) D~ ca ngf]'i nhan vien cua cong ty
(C) To repmt a problem related to a pw·chased (C) BS bao cao v~n dS lien quan dSn san ph§m
product mua
(D) T0 order an item that is backordered (D) BS yeu c~u mon d6 duqc dan hang con nq
166. Why was Mr. Matthews having a problem? 166. T~i sao ong Matthews co v~n dS?
(A) He could not get in contact with an Apex (A) Ong ~y khong thS lien l~c voi nhan vien Apex.
employee. (B) 6ng ~y khong ths hiSu nhfrng gi ma h~ th6ng
tv d9ng hoa dang noi.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(B) He could not nnderstand what the automated (C) Ong ~y khong thS mo r9ng kS ho~ch V ang hqp
system was saying. d6ng dich V\1.
(C) He could not extend the Gold Service (D) Ong iy khong th~ khOi d9ng may tinh cua
Contract plan. minh duqc.

(D) He could not get his computer to start

167. What did Mr. Matthews do before calling
Apex? 167. Nhfrng gi Ong Matthews lam uuoc khi g9i
(A) He u·ied to change his computer. Apex?

(B) He contacted his supervisor about the (A) Anh ~y c6 thay d6i may tinh cilil anh ~y.
problem. (B) Anh ~y lien l~c sSp anh ~y vS v~n dS.
(C) He asked his company's computer (C) Anh iy hoi nhfrng nguiri sir d~ng may tinh

division for help. trong cong ty nh<r giup dfr.

the company service plan.

168. What action was NOT taken by Gaty?
(D) He contacted someone in his office about (D) Anh ~y lien l~c ai trong van phong cilil anh ~y
vS kS ho~ch dich V\} cong ty.
168. Hanh d9ng NhGng gi Khong da duqc l~y
b~ng Gaty?
(A) He solved the problem through the
automated system first. (A) Anh ~y giai quySt v~n dS qua h~ th6ng tv d9ng
(B) He ran diagnostics step by step with Mr. hoa nuoc tien.
Matthews. (B) Anh ~y ch~y phep ch§n b~nh voi timg buoc

(C) He rebooted the computer in different Ong Matthews.

modes. (C) Anh ~Y khoi d9ng l~i may tinh u·ong chS d9
(D) He used humor so the long call is not boring. khac.
169, The word 'exhausting' in paragraph 1, line (D) Anh ~y su d\lllg tirlh hai huoc vfty cu9c g9i

5 is closest in meaning to duong dai khong chan ngan.

(A) tiring 169, Chu 'lam ki~t sue' trong do~ van 1, dong 5

(B) failing co nghia sat ~t voi


(C) making use of (A) phuong phap bu9c vong

(D) fatiguing (B) giam slit
(C) sir d~ng h~t
(D) lrun cho m~t moi

Questions 170-172 refer to the following

To: All employees of TWDS Gui: T~t ca cac nhan vien cilil TWDS
From: Joseph Green Nguoi gui: Joseph Green

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
Re: Survey Results Tni loi: KSt qua khao sat
Date: April1 9 Ngay: ngay 19 Thang 4
Customer Survey Khao sat khach hang
In an initiative to detetmine the effectiveness of Trong m9t sang kiSn dS xac dinh hi~u qua cua

TWOS's programs and services, our agency chuang trinh va dich Vl;t cua TWOS, d~i ly cua
regularly conducts surveys to measure chong ta thU'img xuyen ti~n hanh khao sa t d~

customer satisfaction and rate TWOS's do Sl! hai long cua khach hang va danh gia hi~u
performance in service delivery. (170) suit cua TWOS trong t~c d{) cung cip d!ch v~.
B~n co thS lam m9t khao sat khac b~ng each dling

You can make a difference by taking the time to
complete a survey online. Results are analyzed, thai gian dS hoan thanh m9t khao sat tn,rc tuySn.
especially the comments section, to identify Nhfrng kSt qua duqc phan tich, d~c bi~t nhfrng
possible process improvements or areas in the phk binh Iu~n, xac dinh trong qua trinh cai tiSn

agency which need increased education or ho~c nhting khu VlJC d~i ly la noi dan tri phat triSn
marketing effmts. Program areas use the
infonnation to review and implement any
necessmy program/process changes that will
tic ho~c nho n6 ll,Ic tiSp thi. Nhfrng llnh VlJC su d1;tng
thong tin dS tham khao va thl,Ic hi~n b~t ki chuang
trinh dn thiSt thay d6i nao khach hang se huang
lqi va tiSt ki~m tiSn. KSt qua khao sat lk tluoc da
benefit customers or save money. Previous
survey results have led to significant cho th~y SlJ cai thi~n th~n i<y CUa nhting chuang
improvements to TWOS's programs. trinh TWOS.
The Tennessee Water Development Board H9i d6ng quan tri Tennessee water quySt dinh su

intends to use this infmmation to improve its dl;tllg thong tin nay ds nang cao chlt luqng san
products and service delivety and to increase ph~ va cung c~p dich V\1 dS tang kiSn thuc khach
customer education and awm·eness regarding hang va co nh~ thuc vs san ph§m ~i ly va dich
agency products and services.


Smvey Results : 2010 Customer Survey KSt qua khao sat: 2010 y kiSn khach hang.
The most frequently cited suggestions for Cac dS nghi trich ci§n thuang xuyen nhlt cho cai

improvement included: tiSn bao g6m:


- Increasing personal contact with customers

Increasing interdepaa'tmental and
interagency cooperation - Tang ca nhan lien l~c vOi cac khach hang.
- Further improving the agency's websites - Tang CU'Ong hc;rp tac lien b{) va lien nganh.
(172) - Cai ti~n hon nfra website cua d~i ly
-Improving the scope and accmacy of - Cai tiSn ph~m vi va tinh chinh xac CUa thong tin
infonnation provided duqc cung c~p.
- Increasing funding opportunities. - Tang nhfrng co h9i tai u·q:

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
Results: In summmy, customers rated TWDB K~t qua: Trong ban tom luqc, nhfrng khach hang
highly, with 94.8% of all respondents giving the danh gia TWDB cao, voi 94,8% tren s6 nguoi
agency an excellent (52.8%) or good (42.0%) duqchoi: tuy~tvoi( 52,8%) t6t( 42,0). Hannfra,
rating. Furthennore, the specific depmtments diSu d~c bi~t nhfrng chi nhanh duqc danh gia phu

evaluated consistently received satisfaction hqp nh~n duqc S\I aanh gia hai long 96%. M{)t bao
ratings of at least 96%. A detailed report of the cao chi ti~t cua khao sat se dU'gc dang len

results will be posted on the company website website cua cong ty trong 2 tu~n tOi.
in two weeks.(l71) Notes: ngay cong b~ khao sat Ia 19/4, 2 tu~n

nfta Ia qua thang sau, phil hgp n{)i dung diu hoi
170. What is the main pmpose of the smvey? 170. M1,1c dich chinh cua khao sat?
(A) To help an organization decide which (A) B~ giup do m9t cong ty quyet dinh su d1,1ng
agencies to use cac ~i ly.

(B) To improve service efficiency • (B) B~ n~ing cao chftt luqng hi~u qua dich v1,1

gained last yem·

(D) To determine client satisfaction and
(C) To assess how many new clients the agency (c ) :£)~ danh gia co bao nhieu d~i ly moi da d~t
duqc khach hang nam ngoai
(D) D~ xach djnh Sl;f hai long cua khach hang va
hi~u suit d~i ly.
agency performance
171. What is likely to happen next month at 171. BiSu gi co th~ xay ra vao thang toi aTWDB?
TWDB? (A) TWDB se lam m9t gioi thi~u vS cac b9 ph~n.
(A) TWDB will make a presentation on the state (B) Cac nhan vien co th~ nhin thiy nhi~u k~t

of the depm1ment. qua khao sat hon.

(B) Employees can see more survey results. (C) nhfrng dS nghi thay d6i se duqc thl,Ic hi~n
(C) Suggestions for changes will be (D) Nhfrng nhan vien b6 sung se duqc thue d~

implemented. nang cao Sl,I hai long CUa khach hang.

(D) Additional employees will be hired to
improve customer satisfaction.

172. Which of the following 1s NOT a 172. Nhfrng diSu nao duoi day khong phai la m9t

suggestion made by customers? trong nhfrng dS nghi ctia khach hang.

(A) Increasing personal communication with (A) Tang tang lien l~c gifra ca nhan voi khach
customers hang.
(B) Increasing cooperation with other (B) Tang S\I hqp tac voi nhfrng ~i ly khac.
agenctes (C) Lam trang web cua cong ty t6t han.
(C) Making the company webpage better (D) Tra liri thU' cua khach hang nhanh hon.
(D) Quicker responses to client emails

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
Questions 173-176 refer to the following
letter. Ban Quan li du<mg b9
Accent Property Management Xin vui long d9C thong bao nay m9t each dn th~n,
Please read this notice carefully, as it contains vi no co chtra cac thong tin r~t quan n·9ng vS cong
trinh duang b9 duqc dl,l' kiSn se duqc thl,l'c hi~n

ve1y important infonnation about road work that
is scheduled to be perfotmed in yom trong c9ng d6ng cua b~n, n~u khong luu y co th~

community, which may result in vehicles se din d~n vi~c bj keo xe di ho~c xe bj hu hong
being towed or damaged if (eft in restricted n~U d~ trong khu V'!C thi cong trong th(ri gian
h1m vi~c theo ljch trinh. Bit ky phuong ti~n m1o

areas during scheduled work periods. Any
improperly parked vehicles will be towed at d~u xe khong dung d~u se bj keo diva thu phi
your expense.(176) ciia b~n.
San Jose Hills (1 73) is excited to announce the San Jose Hills r~t vui milng thong bao lich tJ:·inh

scheduling of the asphalt repair and seal coating cua vi~c sua chua duong va dl,l' an tnii nhl,l'a cho

following locations:
project for the community, which consists of the

Alison Creek Road Glenfield Circle Manor Hill

c9ng d6ng, trong do bao g 6m cac dia diSm sau
Duong Alison Creek, bling binh Glenfield duang
Road Manor Hill
On Tuesday and Wednesday, April 20 & Vao thu 3 va thu 4 20 & 21 thang 4, 2011 , chling
21,(174) 201 1, we will be repairing stJ:·eets in t6i se sua chua duang ph6 ~i cac dia diSm khac
various locations throughout the community. nhau tJ:·ong c9ng d6ng. Vui long tham klillo ban d6

Please refeltO the map included with this notice, di kern voi thong bao nay, khu Vl,l'C SUa chua
asphalt repair areas are the orange highlighted duong nhl,l'a duqc vong tron mau cam n6i b~t. Khu
circles. United Paving will be lacing banicades Vl,l'C thi cong se duqc viSn rao ch~n h1c 06:30 va
beginning at 6:30 a.m. and work will begin at cong vi~c se b~t dftu luc 07:00 va tiSp tl,lc n·ong

7:00a.m. and continue throughout the day. The su6t ca ngay. Nhfrng rao chin se vin dUf!C gifr
barricades will remain in place until the nguyen cho d~n khi thOi ti~t cho phep d~

weather allows for adequate curing of the nguyen li~u lam du<mg duf!c bao dufrng diy
dii, di~u do co th~ mit d~n 24 gia.

material, which may take up to 24

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Cam an Sl,l' hqp tac CUa cac b~ tJ:·ong v§n dS nay.
we understand this is an inconvenience for Chling tOi hiSu diSu nay la m9t Sl,l' b~t ti~n cho t~t
eve1yone; however it is necessmy. Once ca m9i nguoi; Tuy nhien nola dn thiSt. Khi hoan
completed, the new stJ:·eet surface will greatly thanh, m~t duang moi se nang cao dang kS S\1' xu~t
enhance the appem·ance of the community and hi~n cua c9ng d6ng va keo dai tu6i th9 cua con
extend the life of the asphalt streets. Should you duong nhl,l'a. N Su b~ co b~t k)r cau hoi lien quan
have any questions regarding the work to be

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
performed, please contact Accent Property dSn cong vi~c se duqc thvc hi~n, xin vui long lien
Management. h~ voi Ban Quan li duimg b9.
CHIR WAGES Iran n·9ng,

Facilities Manager CHIR WAGES
905-581-4796 Ext 202 or cln· Qllim ly co soh~ tili1g

905-581-4796 Ext 202 or
173. For whom Is the letter most likely 173. La thu r~t co kha nang duqc ai mong dqi?

intended? (A) Cu dan San Jose Hills
(A) Residents of San Jose Hills (B) Cong nhan ~i Gi9ng noi quan ly tai san
(B) Workers at Accent Property Management (C) Tai xS tren Manor Hill Road
(C) Drivers on Manor Hill Road (D) doan xay dl,l'ng duemg sa

(D) The road constmction crew 174. Hy V9ng cong vi~c kSt thuc vao ngay nao?
17 4. By what date is the work expected to
(A) April24
tic (A) April24
(B) ngay 26 thang ba
(C) April21
(B) March 26 (D) April20
(C) April21 17 5. Nhiing gi duqc xac din}l tren thu?
(D) April20 (A) San Jose Hills dang duqc nang c~p.
175. What is indicated on the letter? (B) E>oan Xay d\lllg se lam vi~c n·ong dem.

(A) San Jose Hills is being remodeled. (C) Glenfield Hinh n·on se duqc mo r9ng.
(B) Consn·uction Crews will work ovetnight. (D) Ngay thu hai danh rieng cho bao dufrng.
(C) G!enfield Circle will be expanded. Notes: con duemg duqc thi cong su6t ngay 20/4
nhung vfln dS rao ch~n 24h t.Uc la ngay 21 la thai

(D) The second day is reserved for curing.

17 6. Which is NOT stated as a possible penalty gian bao duong cha cho nguyen li~u lam duang
for improperly parked vehicles? du thai gian sfu sang cho su d1,111g.

(A) The owner will be fined. 176. E>iSu gi khong duqc tuyen b6 nhu hinh ph~t

(B) The car may be towed. co thS danh cho xe d6 xe khong dting ?
(C) The car may be damaged from the (A) Nguiri srr hftu se b! ph~t.
conshuction. (B) Xe co thS bi keo di.
(D) The owner will have to pay for any towing (C) Xe co thS bi hu do xay d\lllg.
charges. (D) N guai so hiiu se phai n·a tiSn 1~ phi keo di.

Questions 177-180 refer to the following news

article. N Su b~n dang tim each cham soc cho ai d~y ho~c
cho chinh minh b~ san ph§m duang ch~t thien

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
If you're looking to treat someone - or yourself- nhien thi khong c§n tim nfra, day chinh la Ranch
with natural and organic body care products, Betnard.
look no farther than Ranch Bemard. Bemardo W inety la nhfrng gian hang ~i trong
Located in the Betnardo Winety village shops, lang, Mill huang thien nhien hoan hao cung c~p
san ph§m giup b~ thu gian trong khi danh thuc

Natures Perfect Scents offers products that relax
you while awakening the senses with ca.c giac quan voi huang li~u - chlt co ban ch6ng

aromatherapy - based lotions, soaps, oils, bath kho da, xa phong, cac lo~i &u, san ph§m t~m va
products and more. nhisu san ph§m khac.
M9i thu trong cua hang d~u tl! nhien, khong

Everything in the store is natural, with no
plastics, dyes or ai1ificial ingredients (179) - nh.,a, thu8c nhu~m ho~c thanh ph~n nha n t~o
ideal for those with allergies or those inclined - ly tuong cho nhfrng nguoi bi di li'ng voi h6a ch~t
(178) to use chemical- free products. In ho~c nhfrng nguoi co ythich dung thu san ph~m

addition, the store also features post- and mi~n phi. Ngoai ra, cua hang ding co cac san

children's toys.(177)
prenatal products, including naturally made

"It's for anybody who's looking for natural and

ph~m danh cho phi} nfr mang thai, bao g~m d~
choi cua tre em.
"Danh cho b~t cu ai dang tim kiSm san phlm hfru
organic products," said Bianca Smith, a Ranch co tt,r nhien," Bianca Smith, m~t CU' dan t~i
Bernard resident and Mt. Bernardo High Ranch Bernard va Cl!u h9c sinh trU'img trung
School alumnus who opened the store last h9c Mt. Bernardo ngU'Oi vira mer m~t cua hang
December (180). "A lot of people are leaning vao thang mU'Oi hai vira qua." NhiSu nguoi dang

toward good quality natural and organic uu tien ch9n san ph§m hfru co tv nhien va chlt
products." luqng t6t."
G§n nhu cit ca san ph§m la tu cac doanh nghi~p
Nearly all products are from small businesses nho qua California, Ba Smith them. Co dong kem

across Califomia, Ms. Smith added. There's an duang da, d~u duang thS va ch~t illy rua tir cong
organic line of lotions, body oils and sCiubs ty NV Organics Napa Valley. Ngoai vi~c quan

from the Napa Valley company NV Organics. tam d~n cac san ph~m cham soc CO' th~, cua
hang co san ph~m danh cho em be va m~,

In addition to personal care products, the

store features products for babies and their chuyen kinh doanh san phlm cho ph1,1 nfr mang
mothers (177) , in line with N\s. Smith's thai ctia co Smith, m9t cua hi~u quan tam dSn sv
business Pregnatique, a baby health and minh mfui va sue khoe em be. Ba Smith, ciing h6
wellness boutique. Ms. Smith, who also assists trq cac ba m~ tre khi sinh va tu v~n sau khi sinh,
new mothers as a birth and post-birth counselor, cung c~p san phk cho be moi sinhva tre em nhu
offers products for babies and infants by cac cong ty Bebe va Moby Wrap.
companies such as Bebe and Moby Wrap.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
177. What is indicated about Natures Perfect 177. DiSu gi duqc kh~ Qinh vS Mui huang thien
Scents? nhien hoan hao?
(A) It only canies baby products. (A) no chi dua ra san ph~rn em be.
(B) It only makes organic personal care products (B) no chi lam san p~rn quan tarn ca nhan hilu co

intended for babies. danh cho em be.
(C) Its products are available only through the (C) san ph~rn Cilil no chi co sgn qua trang web.

website. (D) No chua cac san phim huu CO' ngm1i ra con
(D) It carries organic products in addition to co san phim danh cho em be.
178. Chfr "inclined' trong do~n van 3, dong 2, co

baby products.
178. The word 'inclined' in paragraph 3, line 2, nghia sat nhflt v oi
is closest in meaning to (A)tl,ra
(A) leaning (B) nghieng

(B) tilted (C) khong
(C) unlikely
(D) willing
179. What is suggested about Natmes Perfect
(D) sin sang
179. San ph~rn Mill huang thien nhien hoan hao
gqi len diSu gi?
Scents products? (A) Chling n6i tiSng voi nam gioi.
(A) They are vety popular with men. (B) Chling hltu hSt duqc san xuflt a nuac ngoai.
(B) They are mostly made outside the counhy. (C) Chung duf!c lam tir thanh phi n thien nhien.
(C) They are only made with natural (D) Chling h~u hSt re han cac san ph~rn hfru co

ingredients. nhan t~o.

(D) They are cheaper than most non- organic 180. Nhfrng gi Khong duqc tuyen b6 vS Bianca
products. Smith?
180. What is NOT stated about Bianca Smith? (A) Co fly h9c huang hung h9c lfm c~n.

(A) She attended a nearby high school. (B) Co ~y da s~ng anong tr~i Bernard su~t dOi.
(B) She has lived in Ranch Bernard all her (C) Co fly rna ctra hang co fly nfun ngoai.

life. (D) Co fly ciing ban d6 chai cho he em lam tu thien


(C) She opened her store last year. nhien

(D) She also sells naturally made toys for
Questions 181-185 refer to the following Cau hoi 181-185 tham khao bai viet sau day va
article and e-mail. e - mail.
Virgo America Names New VP of Marketing Virgo America chc~m pho chu t!ch ti~p th! mOi
Virgo America has named Portia Gales as its Virgo America biu chc~m Portia Gales lam pho
new vice president of mar·keting (181). In her chu t!ch ti~p th! mOi. Trong vai n·o moi cilil minh,
new role, Gales will bein charge of shaping the Gales se chiu trach nhi~m ve vi~c Qinh hinh

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Virgo America brand as it launches into new thuang hi~u Virgo America khi nora m~t vao cac
markets nationwide.The stmtup airline, which th.i huang moi tJ.·en toan qu6c. Cac hang hang
was launched in August in Chicago (182), is khong khoi d9ng, diSu nay da duqc dua ra vao
working to serve up to 10 cities through 2011 , thang Tam a Chicago, h9 dang lam vi~c dS ph\lc

including New York, Washington, and Los Vl,llen dSn 10 thanh ph6 dSn niim 2011 , bao g6m
Angeles. It plans to increase its service to 30 New York, Washington, va Los Angeles. KS

cities over the next five yem·s, the company said. ho~ch tang dich Vl,l len toi 30 thanh ph6 u·ong vong
Gales has worked m the public relations nam nfun toi, cong ty tuyen b6.
Gales da lam vi~c u·ong cac b9 ph~n quan h~ cong

depmtment since Virgo's launch. She takes over
the VP position in JanUaiy, the company said. chUn.g kS tu khi ra m~t Virgo. Co tiSp quan vi tJ.·i
She replaces Spence Kramdon, who left the post pho giam d6c u·ong thang gieng, cong ty cho biSt.
last yem·, a company spokesperson said. Co thay thS Spence Kramdon, nguoi daroi khoi vi

The low-fm·e canier uses a host of amenities tri nam ngoai, m9t nguoi phat ngon cua cong ty

It offers mood-lit cabins, an in-flight

entettainment system with movies, TV and
designed to distinguish itself from other airlines. cho biSt.

Cac hang hang khong gia re su d\lllg m9t lo~t cac

ti~n nghi duqc thiSt kS dS phan bi~t voi cac hang
online chat rooms in a First Class section with
massage chairs hang khong khac. Cung c~p cac cabin anl1 sang dS
chiu, h~ th6ng giai u·i hen may bay voi phim anh,
uuysn hinh va cac phong chat uvc tuysn u·ong

m9t khu Vl,!C ve thuang gia duqc phl,lC V\1 ghS


To: Pmtia Gales Toi: Pmtia Gales

From: Adam Levitt Tu : Adam Levitt
Date: JanUaiy 10 ngay: 10 Thang 1

Subject: Congratulations Chu dS : Chile mimg


Dem· Pmtia, Pmtia than mSn,

Congratulations again on your promotion. You Xin chile ml.rng vi~c b~n duqc dS b~c m9t l§n nfra.
are vety deserving of this opportunity and I B~n r~t xling dang duqc co h9i nay va t6i biSt b~n
know you will be an invaluable asset to Virgo se la m9t tai san vo gia cho Virgo America.
America. Since you left, Mr. Raleigh has asked KS tu khi b~ ra di, ong Raleigh da yeu c~u toi
me to join the marketing team. I have not given tham gia d9i ngu tiSp thi. Toi da chua tJ.·a loi ong
him an answer yet, but I have evety intention of ta, nhrmg t6i coy dinh chlp nh~n vj tr·i nay. Toi
accepting the position (183). I have wanted to da mu~n trrr thanh m{)t thanh vien cua d{)i ngii
be a member of the marketing team ever ti~p th! k~ tir khi toi gia nh~p cong ty nay 3 nam

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

since I joined this firm 3 years ago as your trU'(YC day nhu h1 trq ly cua b~n. Bay gio b~n h1
assistant (185). Now that you are the new VP of ph6 giam d6c tiSp thi moi, tam tr~ng t6i dang s~n
marketing, my mind is set. Thank you very sang. Cam on b~n rit nhi~u vida ti~n cir toi.
much for your glowing recommendation Toi mong mu~n duqc lam vi~c vOi b~n trong
tuong lai g~n day. Iran tn;>ng

I look forward to working with you in the Adam Levitt

near future (185). Sincerely,
Adam Levitt

181. Why was the article written? 181. T~i sao bai bao duqc viet?
(A) To announce the hiring of a new executive (A ) Thong bao tuy~n d~;~ng cua m{)t giam d~c
(B) To publicize the results of a company di~u hanh moo

expanswn (B) T6 chuc cong b6 kSt qua cua m9t cong ty mo

(D) To infmm readers of an up and coming
(C) To announce the retirement of a company r9ng
(C) Thong bao vi~c nghi huu cua m9t giam d6c
diSu hanh cong ty
airline (D) BS thong bao cho d9c gia cila m9t hang hang
182. Where are the offices of Virgo America khong va s~p tai
located? 182. Co quan Virgo America CUa n~m a dau?
(A) Chicago (A) Chicago

(B) New York (B) New York

(C) Washington (C) Washington
(D) Los Angeles (D) Los Angeles
183. Trong bai viSt nay, tU ' bai ' trong do~n 2,

183. In the article, the word 'post' in paragraph

2, line 3 is the closet in meaning to dong 3 coy nghia gfui nh~t.
(A) company (A) cong ty

(B) airline (B) Hang hang khong


(C) position (C) vj tri

(D) chair (D) ghS
184. What did Ms. Gales do for Levitt? 184. Co Gales da lam gi cho ong Levitt?
(A) Gave him professional advice ( A) Ba anh loi khuyen chuyen nghi~p
(B) Taught him about marketing s
(B) D~y anh ta v tiSp thi
(C) Inspired him to join the marketing team (C) L~y cam hl!ng tu ong tham gia vao d9i ngu
(D) Gave him an excellent reference tisp thi
185. What is implied about Mr. Levitt? (D) Danh cho anh ta m{)t S'! ti~n cir tuy~t viri
(A) He is not good at his job. 185.Cai gi duqc ng\1 y vS ong Levitt?

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(B) He ct.UTently resides in Chicago. (A)Anh ta lam khong t6t vi~c cua minh .
(C) He previously worked in the public relations (B) Ong hi~n dang s6ng t~i Chicago.
department. (C) TIUOC day ong da tUng him vi~c trong cac b9
(D) He has always wanted to work under ph~n quan h~ cong chling .
(D) Ong ta da luon muon h1m vi~c cimg co

Ms. Gales.

Questions 186-1 90 refer to the following e-
mails. Tu : Teny Vargas ( tvargas@ )
From: Teny Vargas (tvargas@ Toi: Allan Risi (
To: Allan Risi ( Ngay : 18 thang 3

Date: March 18 Chu dS : H9i nghi Khoa
Subject: Faculty Institute
Dear Professor Risi,
You are cordially invited to attend this year's
Thua Giao su Risi,
Than ai miri ong tham d'! H{)i ngh! Khoa
nam nay' se duqc t6 chuc vao ngay thu nam,
Faculty Institute (186), to be held on Thursday, thang5' ngay 18 ~i co so tiuong D~i h9C CUa D~i
May, 18 at the University College facilities on h9c Mmyland u·ong khuon vien Aubmn. Nam
the University of Mmyland at Aubt.Un campus. ngoai H9i nghi Khoa thanh lftp b~ng each xem xet
Last yem·'s Faculty Institute opened by m9t s6 "ySu t6" ch~t luqng giang ~y b~ng cong

considering a number of quality "elements" for ngh~. Chling t6i tiSn hanh khao sat r9ng rai vS
teaching with technology. We broadly surveyed each nhan vien h6 u·q giao vien, dich V\} giao d\IC
examples of how faculty, educational services, va cong ngh~ duqc giai quySt tilng tieu chufuJ,
ngm1i ra chong toi con khao sat sinh vien d~

and technology support staff m·e addressing each

of these standm·ds, in addition to methods of nh~n duc;rc thong tin phan h~i.
surveying students to receive feedback (190). Nam nay chUn.g t6i se them vao cac ySu t6 dS rna

This year we will add to these elements to r9ng ph~m vi cua cac giang vien CUa chling ta.
T1uong se h6 u·q kinh phi di l~i cho giang vien lam

expand the scope of om· faculty members.

University College will provide travel suppott vi~c t~i khoa tir 2011 la m9t ph~n u·ong cam kSt
for faculty attending the 2011 Faculty Institute cua chling t6i dS dfun bao ch~t luqng giao d\lc tir
as pmt of our commitment to assure quality xa. NSu b~n se di d~y tu Umpi, UMFK, ho~c
distance education. If you will be u·aveling from UMM , se bao g6m ch6 a khach s~n cho bu6i t6i
illvfPI, UMFK, or UMM, this includes hotel cua ngay 17 thang 5 ngoai vi~c hoan tra tiSn 1rng
accommodation for the evening of May 17 in uuoc chi phi cung c~p cho giang vien tir t~t ca cac
addition to the mileage reimbmsement provided huang UMS. Nhu m9i khi, chling t6i khuySn
for faculty from all UMS campuses. As always,

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

we encourage carpooling. Please RSVP along khich di chnng xe. Hay d~t cho cling voi b~t k)r
with any guests you plan to bring by April 2. nguai b~n nao co kS ho~ch clli1g ngay 2 thang 4.
I hope you will be able to join us! (188)
Toi hy v9ng b~n se co thB tham gia chling



From: Allan Risi ( Tu : Allan Risi (
To: Teny Vargas ( Toi: Teny Vargas (
Date: March 19 Ngay: 19 Thang 3
Subject: RE: Faculty Institute Chu dS : tJ:a lai: H9i nghi Khoa

Dear Professor Vargas, Thtra Gh1o str Vargas,
Thank you for your personal invitation (187).
I couldn't have had a more enjoyable time at last
year's Faculty Institute which you and your staff
Cam oniOi mOi ca nhan cua ong. Toi da co m9t
thai gian thu vi nh~t t~i H9i nghi Khoa nam ngoai
voi b~ va cac nhan vien khac. Toi d~c bi~t thich
organize. I especially enjoyed the lectures on nhfrng bai giang thuc ruly m9t moi huang l19c tftp
promoting a suppmtive leatning environment va tiSn himh cac ho~t d9ng h9c t~p dich thvc va co
and instituting authentic and meaningful y nghia thong qua Intetnet. V 9 toi tuyen b6 cac d6
leatning activities via the Intetnet. My wife v~t h·ang h·i cho Grand Hall qua la tuy~t vai,

claimed the decorations to the Grand Hall were nhfrng mon an th~t ngon, rna khong m9t noi nao
marvelous, the food superb, and the company khac lmn duqc.
second to none. Chling t6i mong mu6n sv ki~n nam nay t6t dyp

We look fmward to this year's event as well. nhu thS.

Allan Allan

186. Why was the first e-mail written? 186. T~i sao cac e-mail d~u tien duqc viSt?
(A) Yeu c~u thong tin vS chuang trinh h9c

(A) To request information about a school

program (B) DB mota cac chi tiSt cua m9t bfra an t6i tir
(B) To describe the details of a charitable dinner thi~n
(C) To extend an invitation to a faculty event ( C) B~ ma r{)ng m{)t IOi mOi d~n m{)t Sl]' ki~n
(D) To thank someone for an official khoa
invitation (D) DB cfun an ai do cho m9tlai mai nguyenm~u
187. What is suggested about Mr. Vargas? 187. Cai gi duqc dS nghi v oi ong Vargas?
(A) He often gives lectures to professors. ( A) Ong thu6ng cho cac bai giang cho cac giao su
(B) He works at the Aubwn campus. (B) Anh lam vi~c ~i huang Aubwn.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
(C) He is a close friend of Mr. Risi. (C) Ong la m9t nguoi b~n than CUa ong Risi.
(D) He is one of the event organizers. (D) Ong h1 m{)t trong nhfrng nguiri t~ chuc S1;f
188. What does Mr. Vargas expect l\1r. Risi to ki~n.
do? 188. Ong Vargas mong dqi ong Risi lam gi?
(A ) Cho bi~t ong se tham d1;f S1;f ki~n m1y

(A) Indicate whether he will attend the event
(B) Confirm the number of guests (B) Xac nh~n s6 luQng khach

(C) Be one of the speakers at the dinner (C) Hay la m9t trong nhfrng diSn gia t~i bua an t6i
(D) Lead a carpool (D) Lai xe cong

189. What does Mr. Risi communicate to Mr. 189.0ng Risi giao cho ong Vargas cai gi?
Vargas? (A) Thong bao r~ng Grand Hall co thS duqc danh
(A) Notification that the Grand Hall can be cho cac nhi~m V\1 rieng
reserved for private functions (B) Chuc mling chiSn th~ng m9t hqp d6ng quan

(B) Congratulations on winning an important tr9ng
contract tic
(C) Notification that he will be attending with
one additional guest
(C)Thong bao ring ong se tham d1;f vOi them
m{)t khach
(D) Chuc mln1g chiSn thfug nam ngoai
(D) Congratulations on last year's victmy 190. Nhting khia c~nh cua Vi~n Khoa nam ngoai
190. What aspect of last year's Faculty Institute khong ba Risi KHONG dS cftp dSn trong e -mail
does Ms. Risi NOT mention in his e-mail? cuaminh?
(A) Appreciation ofl\1r. Vargas's (A) Danh gia cao cua ong Vargas vS

invitation loi moi

(B) Ways of encomaging leruning activities (B) Cach khuySn khich cac ho~t d9ng h9c tftp su
using the Intetnet dl,lllg Intetnet
(C) Methods of receiving feedback from (C) Cac phuong phap ti~p nh~n phan h~i tir

students sinh vien

(D) How to promote a supportive leatning (D) Lam thS nao dS thuc dfty m9t moi huang h9c

environment tftp

Quest ions 191195 refer to the following information and e-mail.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng t hanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
Schedule for Stanley Erw~n. VP of Phartm ax Group


May 10 Leave New Yo rk for scheduled meet frn gs
-- - -- - --

May 11 Meeti ng w it n·representati ves of Medic
P ha rmaceutica~s t o ·e valuate the satisfaction of Paris, Fr ance

Pharmax' s new !hig h blood pressure me·dicatio:n
-----+-----~- --------+--~------ --
May 12 M eet with r epresen·tratives ·o f tlhe f renc h I

department o f health to comp lete deal for Pa ris , Fran ce
triglycine d is~ ri buHon in France
--+--~-------- - ----------~---- ·----
May 14-16 Ph arma:x Executive Conference Topk: : Toward
Ber l:in, Germany
Greater Health Care in Ge rma ny

May 18- 20 Pharmax Exec1utive Conf·erence T opic:
L A., U.S.A

May 23
!Biote c hno l.ogy Advancements in t he 21st Cen ttury
P resenta tion me·e ting w ith executives of .Astt r azutn c
about recen t c hanges in Phar max's diabet es tr .eatment Miami, U.S.A
and care
- -- f-- - - ~---
May25 Return to New York

To: Stanley Erwin<serwin@pharmax T oi: Stanley E1win<se1win@phannax. com>


(191).com> Tu Prestige Hotekmanagement @

From: Prestige Hotelananagement@ >
prestigehotel. com> N gay : 03 th<'mg 4
Date: April 3 Chu dS : Xac nh~n khach s~

Subject: Hotel confi1mation Thua ong E1win,

Dear :Mr. Etw in, Cam an yeu c~u cua b~n ~i khach s~n CUa chting
Thank you for your inqui.ty at our hotel. This e- t6i. E -mail nay la dS xac nh~ luu tn1 t~i khach

mail is to confinn yom stay at the Prestige s~ Prestige, tir 17 dSn t:hang 21 thang 5. s6 xac

Hotel, from May 17 through May 21. Yom nh~n cua b~n la 27 42. B~n co thS kiSm tra ilim tir
confi.t1nation number is 27 42. You can check in 4:00 gio chiSu ngay dSn cua b~n, voi thai gian
from 4:00P.M . on the day of your anival, with thanh totm la ngay khoi hanh.
the checkout time being noon on the day of yom Tuy nhien, co thS thanh to<'m mu9n han theo yeu
departure. However, a late checkout is available cau.
upon request. Khi kiSm tra, b~ se nh~n duqc m9t the chia khoa
When checking in, you will receive a room key phong va the khach cho cac CO' sa
t~p th~
card and a guest pass to the exercise facilities bao g~m h~ hoi r9ng 1011 trong nha cua chong

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bie n so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dll'ng mua ban quyen sach nay v) nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
including our expansive indoor pool. Your toi. Phong bao g~m Internet khong day, fax va
room includes wireless Internet, fax, and may in, theo yeu c~u cua b~.
printer,(194) as per yow· request. Toi cilng bao g6m hai phiSu giam gia. B~u tien la
I've also included two printable coupons. The cho m9t bfra sang miSn phi ~i b~t ky nha hang nao

first is for a complimentary breakfast at any of cua chl1ng t6i; thu hai la giam gia cho vi~c thue xe
om fine restamants; the second is for a discount hoi trong nha hang ngay cua chl1ng t6i.

for ow· in-house (195) daily car rentals. Chl.lng toi mong mu6n c6 b~n la khach cua chl1ng
We look forward to having you as om guest. t6i. Cam an.
Quan ly khach s~n Prestige

Thank you.
Prestige Hotel management
191. In what indusuy does Mr. E1w in probably 191 . Trong nhfrng nganh cong nghi~p ong E1win
work? lam vi~c phu hQp?

(A) Hospital management ( A) Quan ly b~nh vi~n
(B) Technology
(C) Pharmaceuticals
(D) Diabetes research
tic (B) Cong ngh~
(C) Du-rc phim
(D) Nghien cliu b~nh tiSu duong
192. Nhfrng gi ong E1win se lam aParis?
192. What w ill Mr. Etw in do in Paris?
(A) Assess the effectiveness of new products (A) Banh gia hi~u qua cua cac san phim mOi
(B) Meet with new clients (B) G~p go voi khach hang moi
(C) Observe a symposium on new dtugs (C) Quan sat m9t h9i ngh.i chuyen dS vS cac lo~i

(D) Develop a new diabetes treatment thu6c moi

Notes: d9c ljch trinh cua ong Erwin se ro (D) Phat u·iSn cac phuang phap diSu hi b~nh tiSu
193. Where is the Prestige hotel located? duong moi
(A) In Paris 193. Khach s~ Prestige n~m a dfm?

(B) In Berlin (A) T~i Paris

(C) In New York (B) T~i Berlin

(D) In Los Angeles (C) T~i New York


Notes: LA= Los Angeles xem ljch ngay 18-20 (D) T~i Los Angeles
194. What is NOT mentioned as a featme of the
Prestige Hotel?
(A) Car rental service 194. KHONG duQc gi dS cftp nhu lam9t tinhnang
(B) Exercise facilities cua Prestige Hotel?
(C) Indoor pool ( A) Dich V\1 cho thue xe
(D) Conference room (B) Cac co so thS dl,lc
195. In the e-mail, the word 'in-house' m (C) BS boi trong nha
paragraph 3, line 2 is closest meaning to (D) Phong h{H thao

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng t hanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b9 n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(A) home 195. Trong e- mail, tu" in-house " t.?i khoan 3,
(B) cheap dong 2 la y nghia g§n nh~t v oi
(C) internal (A) Nha
(D) outside (B) Gia re

(C) N9i b9
(D) Ben ng oai

Questions 196-200 refer to the following

advertisement and e-mail.
Academia Scholastic Hc;-c vi~n tri~t hc;-c
A young, growing business services /tTaining Thanh nien, dang phat tTiSn dich V\1 kinh doanh I
company seeks a sales manager. Primmy dao t~o nhan h,rc cong ty nhu m9t giam a6c kinh

responsibility is overseeing a sales team of more doanh. Trach nhi~m chinh la giam sat m9t d9i ngil
than 1o people to mcrease productivity, tic ban hang cua han 1onguai cts tang nang s~t, hi~u
efficiency, and overall sales. We have classes all qua, va t6ng doanh thu. ChUn.g t6i co cac lop h9c
over the counhy and the sales manager will need hen ca nuoc va cac quan ly ban hang se dn phai
ch~c chfu r~ng cac lap do duqc dfty du trong s6
to make sure that those classes get filled among
other things. nhilng thu khac.
Qualifications: Trinh d9 chuyen mon:
- 2-3 yem·s' experience as a sales manager a - TOI TRIEU 2-3 nfun kinh nghi~m him quan ly

J\1INIMUM ban hang.

-Existing contacts in the construction and utility - Lien h~ llnh V\fC xay d\fllg va cac nganh cong
and energy efficiency indusu·ies would be ideal nghi~p nang luqng ti~n ich va hi~u qua se r~t ly

- Sales force or other sales experience required tuang

(Those without this experience need not apply) - Lvc luqng ban hang ho~c kinh nghi~m ban hang
-Experience in working in a su·essful, fast-paced khac theo yeu cftu ( Nhilng nguoi khong co kinh

environment nghi~m nay khong cftn phai ap dl;lng )


Responsibilities: -Kinh nghi~m lam vi~c u·ong m9t moi huang ap

- Creating sales materials for use by sales staff. lvc, nhip d9 nhanh
- Managing a sales team Trach nhi~m:
- Repmting to senior management * - T~o tai li~u ban hang dS su d\lllg boi cac nhan
- Training new employees vien ban hang.
-Hiring new salespeople - Quan ly d9i ngil ban hang
- Building and managing an outside sales force - Bao cao voi quan ly c~p cao *
- Bao t.?o nhan vien moi
- Thue nhan vien ban hang moi

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng t hanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
- Xay d\lilg va quan ly m9t h,rc luqng ban hang ben

To: Aaron Plabo<aplabol@ T ai: Aaron Plabo < aplabol @
academiascholastic. com> >

From: AshleyPark<> Tu :AshleyPark < >
Subject: Sales Manager Chu dS : Quan ly ban hang

Hello Aaron, Xin chao Aaron,
I hope things are good with you and my Toi hy vong nhung di~u t~t dep d~n vOi ban va
former boss (198). I am now a human resources ong chu cu cua toi. T oi bay gio la m9t nha tuySn
rectuiter at Intel Learning. My work at Intel dt,mg ngu6n nhan h,rc ~i Intel Leaming. Cong vi~c

Leatning is interesting. The company culture is cua t6i ~i Intel Leatning thftt thu vi. Van hoa cong

I noticed your ad for a sales manager at

a lot like the culture at Academia Scholastic. We have a young intetn here

ty r~t gi6ng van hoa t~i Academia Scholastic.
Toi nh~n th~y quang cao cua b~ cho m9t quan ly
b~m hang ~i Chling toi co m9t
tftp sinh tre a day co ten la Claudia Brie se hoan
named Brie Claudia who will be completing her
intemship with us at the end of next month. I thanh thvc tftp vai chling t6i vao cu6i thang tai.
would love to be able to hire her full time, but Toi r~t mu6n thue co ~y chinh thuc, nhU'ng Intel
Intel Learning currently has no openings due Learning hi~n khong co bien ch~ do ciit giam

to budget cuts. (200) Ms. Claudia has taken on ngan sach. Co Claudia co tinh th~n trach nhi~m
increasing responsibilities since her atTival at r~t cao ~i Intel Learning, va coda tro thanh m9t
Intel Lemning, and she has become a reliable nguoi quan ly dang tin cfty. Toi thvc sv hy v9ng
co ~y tim duqc vi~c lmn ~i m9t cong ty su dl,ll1g

and tmstworthy manager. I'd really like to see

her find work at a company that utilizes her ky nang da ~ng nhu co ~y.
diverse skills. Toi tht]'C Sl]' tin ring Co Claudia dap ung tit ca

I truly believe Ms. Claudia meets all the cac yeu ciu cho vj tri rna b~n quang cao. Hay
cho t6i biSt nSu b~n quan tam dSn phong v§n co ~y

qualifications for the position you advertised

(199). Let me know if you are interested in va toi se bao co ~y chuySn h6 so cho b~.
interviewing her and I will have her fmward her
resume. Iran tr9ng,
Best regards , Ashley Park
Ashley Park
196. What ts indicated about the position 196. Nhfmg gi duqc chi dinh ve vi tri quang cao?
advertised? ( A) Do la m9t co h9i cho v i~c lam ban thai gian.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh
(A) It is an oppmtnnity for patt-time (B) No duqc quang dto tren hang web cua cong
employment. ty.
(B) It is advettised on the company's website. (C) Bola trong m9t llnh vvc c~ tranh cao.
(C) It is in a highly competitive field. (D) No dU'qc cong b~ tren m9t website li~t ke

(D) It is posted on a job listing website. cong vi~c .
Notes: li~t ke h1 m9t d~ng trinh bay van ban

bing cac g~ch diu dong n~i ti~p nhau.
197. What is the purpose of the e-mail? 197. M1,1C dich cua e -mailla gi?
(A) To recommend a qualified candidate ( A)D~ giOi thi~u m9t ung elf vien co trinh d9

(B) To apply for the listed job (B) DB ap dl,lng cho cong vi~c niem ySt
(C) To request an updated resume (C) DB yeu c~u cftp nhftt sa ySu ly lich
(D) To ask for more infonnation pettaining to (D) DB yeu c~u them thong tin lien quan dSn cong

thejob vi~c

Plabo and Ms. Park work together?

(A) Intel Leaming
198. According to the e-mail, where did Mr. 198. Theo cac e - mail, noi ong da Plabo va ba
Pru·k him vi~c voi nhau?
(A) Intel Leatning
(B) Academia Scholastic (B) Academia Scholastic
(C) Classifiedjobs. com (C)
(D) In a classroom setting (D) Trong moi uuong lop h9c
199. What is true about Ms. Claudia? 199. DiSu gi dill1g vS co Claudia?

(A) She has had her responsibilities increased at ( A) Co da co nhfmg trach nhi~m ~i Academia
Academia Scholastic. Scholastic .
(B) She has contacted Ashley Park. (B) Coda lien h~ voi Ashley Park.
(C) She is dissatisfied with her cwTent job. (C) Co khong hai long voi cong vi~c hi~n t;;ti cua

(D) She has more than two to three years of co.

experience as a sales manager. (D) Co co bon 2-3 nam kinh nghi~m lam quan

Notes: Co Claudia dap ung dU'qc tieu chuin ly ban hang.

tuy~n ch\m nen co iy phai co kinh nghi~m do.

200. Why will Intel Leatning NOT offer Ms.

Claudia a job? 200. T;;ti sao Intel Leatning KHONG moi co
(A) Ms. Claudia does not meet all the required Claudia lam vi~c?
qualifications. ( A) Ba Claudia khong dap Un.g duqc t~t ca cac
(B) Intel Learning has recently experienced nang lvc c§n thiSt.
budget restrictions. (B) Intel Learning gin day da trai qua nhung
(C) Ms. Claudia is unable to work as an intem. h~n ch~ ngan sach.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Nguy~ n Vi ~t Tu Anh

(D) Intel Leatning rarely promotes from outside (C) Ba Claudia la khong thS lam vi~c nhu m9t thvc
the company. tftp sinh.
(D) Intel Leatning hiSm khi thuc dfty tu ben ngoai
cong ty.

e ic

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
c;k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhlf these lam mat
d i gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Part 7
Direciions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements . Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for

each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following schedule.


DBS Studio fun. bus tour
Where: Times Square Broadway between 47th and 48th
What: One-hour tour to visit outside the DBS Studios for a live taping. You may
I· even appear live on TV!

10:00 a.m.
Empire State Building tou:rr

Where: Fifth Ave and 34th St
What: Take the amazing New York SKYRIDE flight simulator around NYC then go
right upstairs on a high-speed elevator to the 86th floor observatory.

$28.50 for both


Radio City Music Hall

Where: 6th Ave between soth and 51st street

What: Take a behind-the-scenes tour of this famous NY landmark for one hour -
Tours are available Mon-Sat 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

Tiptop cruise of NY
Where: Pier 83 West 42nd Stand 12th Ave
What: 2-Hour Semi-Circle Cruise on the Hudson. Learn about the history of the

.2.~}j] .£.~ Economy 0 RC IOOQ;~TI

1J<J:cr tiH-"~7lr7.l 9J.-E- .g_;~1J1l
i= cono i~ ly ?.C 1000 _ IV

Statue of Liberty as you get to see it up close. Cruise leaves at 4 P.M. sharp!
Adults $23, Kids $12

Note: Cruise times vary depending on the time of season, so visit our website to plan

your day. Many other cruises and times are also available if you want to customize
your own itinerary.

·~53. What is the tourist group scheduled to do 15llL When will the cruise end?
at10a.m.? (A) 1 :30 p.m.
(A) Visit an observation deck (B) 11:00 a.m.

(B) Climb to the top of the Statue of (C) 4:00 p.m.
Liberty (D) 6:00 p.m.
(C) Appear on live TV
(D) Perform at Radio City Music Hall

R·•·W·RM· Actual Test 02

Questions 155-157 refer to the following e-mail message.

Order Confirmation

Dear Jason Scotsman,

Thank you for your order. Please verify that the information below is correct. Due to our fast
turnaround time, there is a short window of opportunity to modify your order.

Your Sales Order Number: 67930

Order Date: 08/30/2010

Order Total: $71.00
Subtotal $71.00
Shipping and handling charge $0.00
Amount paid $71.00
If you need to change anything on your order, please contact us at 1-800-858-8690. Please
note orders generally become available for modification 10-15 minutes after being placed
online but only for a very short time.

Every order is thoroughly reviewed by our processing department to ensure that the order is

accurate, the payment method is valid, and the user is authorized to use this payment method.
Once the order has passed the rigorous review by our processing department, it is sentto our
warehouse for shipment. Most orders are processed within minutes. However, depending on
when an order is placed and the accuracy of the information supplied when the order is

placed, processing can take longer. Furthermore, for security reasons, in some circumstances
voice confirmation may be required before we can process your order.

You may check your order status anytime by clicking on the 'Track Your Order' link, or by
logging into the website and using the My Account features. From here you can also print

invoices, find rebate information, manufacturer contact and warranty information, submit
product reviews, and much more.

We at hope you enjoy your purchase and we appreciate your business.

Carl Fontana
Customer Service Representative,

.5'..1j}jj .£.~ Economy 8 RC 10007-fl

~~:i!t tiH-'!177t.AJ CU-e- ·iP1l~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

155. What is the purpose of this e-mail? 157" What is NOT listed as a service available
(A) To modify an order through the My Account link?
(B) To change the delivery method (A) Print receipts

(C) To verify an order (B) Find manufacturer information
(D) To verify that a shipment has been (C) Track shipment status

sent (D) Download the product manual

156. Why is there only a short amount of time

to modify an order?

(A) Orders can be modified 5 minutes
after an online order is placed.
(B) Orders are shipped quickly.
(C) Voice confirmation is necessary.

(D) The payment is authorized quickly.
Qa.,q estions 158a1 60 refer to the following information.

PtUblic lecture Ser~es

The Public Lecture Series was established by President Shirley ~ughes in the fall of
2001 to give Ivy Brook's faculty an opportunity to learn about the work of their
colleagues in other disciplines and to share their research with the university


Lectures are free and open to the public. These lectures are in Hall so and begin at
6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

Mary Nest and David Keller, with Rita R. Sm ith
Professor in the Department of Food Studies and Public Health at New York
College; Professor of Pediatrics and Biostatistics at the University of Florida's School
of Science; food writer and author, respectively
Tuesday, November 12, 2010
The Politics of Food and Health Care
Mike Talis and Josie Tate
Contributing editor, Rolling Rock, and U.S. managing editor, Brook Times,
Tuesday, December 1, 2010 ''

The Current State of the Economy

(NOTE: 8 p.m. in Hall1o)

Danny Masterson
Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs at Birmingham College
Thursday, December 10, 2010

America's War on Immigrants: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions


158. What is the main topic of the lecture at 160. Which topic will NOT be addressed in

Hall10? the lecture series?

(A) To learn about other members of the (A) The effect of immigrants on
university community healthcare
(B) To explore American immigration (B) The underlying causes of
(C) To investigate food and health care immigration
(D) To discuss economic issues (C) Current issues in the American
159. Who has the earliest scheduled lecture? (D) Political aspects of healthcare in the
(A) Shirley Hughes U.S.
(B) Rita R. Smith
(C) Josie Tate
(D) Danny Masterson

.5!.1J ]j] .£. ~ Economy 8 RC IOQQ;t;l]

~~.:i!t oH ~llt"-1 'V.-l=- ~7:ii""J
Economy RC 1 000 _ IV

Questions i6i~"i62 refer to the following advertisement.

Welcome to DigitalArt!

DigitalArt is a leading online digital photo site which uses the most advanced
technology to provide a time-saving, efficient and fast photo upload, sharing

and downloading platform for our clients. Whether you are a professional
photographer, model, makeup artist or just having fun, you can share your
work through our platform with friends and family. DigitalArt also offers more

than 200 personalized photo products, ranging from photo books and playing
cards toT -shirts and mouse pads - and all at unbeatable prices.
Our incredibly cheap high-quality prints use Fuji Crystal Archive photographic
paper. At only nine cents each for 4x6 prints and 15 cents each for 5x7 prints,
we provide both value and quality. There is no minimum order requirement to
enjoy our low prices, so whether you order 1 or 500 items, you will still pay
the same low price.

If you have any inquiries or you are unsure about anything, please contact us.

You can contact us using the e-mail form below. We will reply to your inquiry
within 24-48 hours.

Toll Free: 1-877-392-1256

Fax: 1-877-663-8489

161" Who are the main clients of 162. What product is NOT offered by ·

(A) Photographers (A) Photo albums

(B) Private companies (B) Playing cards
(C) Researchers (C) Mouse pads
(D) Cosmetic businesses (D) Sweaters
= = = · ····· ·········

Questions 163-165 refer to the following information.

March for Kids on Sep.t ember 12, 2011!

When you take part in the March for Kids, you give hope to the more than

half a million babies born too soon each year. The money you raise
supports programs in your community that help moms have healthy, full -

term pregnancies. It also funds research to find answers to problems that
threaten our kids. We've been walking since 1980 and have raised an
incredible $1.5 billion to benefit all children.

March for Kids is America's favorite walking event! You'll be joining 1
million people walking with their families or co-workers in more than 900
communities. Expect to run into some old friends and make new ones.

The March Organization spends 79 cents of every dollar you raise in

March for Kids to support research and programs that help babies begin
healthy lives.

Join more than 20,000 companies, both big and small, which walk in
March for Kids each year. From senior management to individual team
members, everyone in your organization can feel good about helping

babies. Participating as a company creates special connections that carry

over into the workplace.

163. What is the purpose of March for Kids? 165. How long has the March Organization

(A) It provides food for all children. been in existence?

(B) It encourages people to walk. (A) 10 years
(C) It raises 79 cents from each walker. (B) 20 years
(D) It benefits babies born before term. (C) 30 years

(D) 100 years

164. What is listed as a benefit of joining the
walk as a company?
(A) It helps create ties that transfer into
the workplace.
(B) Employees will receive a bonus for
their participation.
(C) It gives hope to more than half a
million orphans.
(D) People qualify to participate in other
marches .

.2.1) Jfl .£. ~ Economy 0 RC 10007.~

A~ ~:i!} ilH ·~·j77}.7.J ~-i:- ·iPil~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 166-169 refer to the following e-mail.

Dear Mr. Avery,

I wanted to make one more attempt to follow up with you and see if you would be able to
attend the Sales Career Forum this Wednesday, June 30 in Melville . If you haven't still done
so, please let me know if you will be attending by replying back to this email with the time

you will be attending. Right now the 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. time slots are best, but we do have
the 11 a.m. time slot open still as well. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Long Island Sales Career Forum: ·

Wednesday, June 30, 2011
Hilton Long Island/Hunter's Point Hotel
878 Broad Hollow Rd IRt. 150)

Melville, NY 11447
Phone: 1631) 425-1000
Bring 15 copies of your resume.
Business suit is required.
Plan to stay a minimum of two hours. !Interviews take place between 9 a.m.-1 p.m.)
RSVP via email due to limited interview times to cdelbeck@ and in the subject
line of the email write "Attending Long Island YOUR NAME & TIME." In the body of the
email, please include your full name and the time you plan to arrive from the list of
following times : 9 a.m., 10 a.m. or 11 a.m.

If you will not be attending, please email me back to let me know. We will be able to keep
you in our database for future forums and related events.
Chris Oelbeck
Integrated Recruiting Consultants IIRC)
410-953-0483 Ext. 2850

Recruitment Specialist

166. What can be inferred about Mr. Avery? 168. What is Mr. Delbeck asking for?
(A) He attended a presentation given by (A) A commitment to accept a job

Mr. Delbeck. (B) Extra copies of cover letters

(B) He is seeking employees for his (C) Access to the company database
business. (D) A confirmation of attendance
(C) He wants to become a sales
recruiter. 169. The word 'limited' in paragraph 3, line 1
(D) He wants a job in sales. is closest in meaning to
(A) few
167. What is Mr. Del beck's company (B) packed
organizing? · (C) job
(A) A public presentation (D) available
(B) A job fair
(C) Appointments for companies
(D) A social brunch
Actual Test 02
Questions 170~173 refer to the following document.

365-530-9627 info@ www

o o

Date: January 2, 2011

To: Sarah James, TWL Association

From: Kelly Bilowitz, Tartan Editorial Services
Re: Consumer resource kit

Thank you for the opportunity to present a quote for this project, which consists

of the following tasks:
1. Editing the files of TWL's consumer resource kit for clarity, style,
grammar/spelling, and accuracy as compared to source documents provided
2. Preparing two versions - for online and for printed (PDF) media - with
relevant language, links, and repetition
Editing is to be completed by Friday, January 27, 2011. Source files will be
available immediately on an FTP site for which TWL will supply password


This price quote is presented as an estimate. If the files are in particularly good
shape, the final charges may be less. Actual charges will not exceed this
~ '
estimate by more than 15% unless you are otherwise notified.

Editing content 30.0 hours


Hourly rate $80.00

Total project rate $2,400.00

Terms of Agreement
Tartan Editorial Services is to be retained as an independent contractor for the
duration of this project. The final product will be the sole property of TWL

Association. Tartan reserves the right to display representative work done on

behalf of its client as part of Tartan's portfolio unless specified otherwise.
Payment is due 30 days from the date of the invoice. Unpaid balances may
result in late fees.

Accepted by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Please electronically sign this document and return it by e-mail to info@tartan- .

.2.~ ;oJ] .£. ~ Economy 0 RC 1000~

~'ij:i!t oH~lltJ.! 9.H:· .g.A11~
Economy l'lC 1000 _ IV

110L What type of document is this? 172. What is NOT stated in the document?
(A) A newspaper advertisement (A) Payment is due 30 days from the
(B) A work proposal date of the invoice.

(C) A work schedule (B) The total amount must be paid by
(D) A work order form check.

(C) The document must be signed and
~ 1"6 • What type of work is being proposed? returned.
(A) Adding graphics (D) The price may change.
(B) Editing resource files

(C) Setting up a website 113. The word 'retained' in paragraph 4, line 1
(D) Editing a portfolio is closest in meaning to
(A) held
(B) paid

(C) hired
(D) contacted
Questions 174a176 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Pesay,

AmeTech Enterprises, Inc. is pleased to offer you a job as a senior engineer. We were
thoroughly impressed during your interview and believe your expertise will be invaluable to

our company. We trust that your knowledge, skills and experience will be among our most
valuable assets.

Should you accept this job offer, per company policy you'll be eligible to receive the
following beginning on your hire date.
Salary: Annual gross starting salary of $63,500, paid in biweekly installments by your
choice of check or direct deposit

Performance Bonuses: Up to three percent of your annual gross salary, paid quarterly by
your choice of check or direct deposit
Benefits: Standard AmeTech benefits for salaried employees, inc;luding the following
* 401(k) retirement account
* Health, dental, life and disability insurance
*Sick leave
* Vacation and personal days
To accept this job offer:
1. Sign and date this job offer letter where indicated below.
2. Mail all pages of the signed and dated documents listed above back to us in the enclosed

business reply envelope, to arrive by Thursday, March 17, 2011. A copy of each document
is enclosed for your records.
3. Attend orientation for newly hired employees on Monday, March 21, 2011 and beginning
at 8:00 A.M. sharp.

To decline this job offer:

1. Sign and date this job offer letter where indicated below.

2. Mail all pages of this job offer letter back to us in the enclosed business reply envelope, to
arrive by Thursday, March 17, 2011.
If you accept this job offer, your hire date will be on the day that you attend oqentation·. Plan

to work for the remainder of the business day after orientation ends.
We at AmeTech hope that you'll accept this job offer and look forward to weicoming you
aboard. Your immediate supervisor will be Jane Derry, Department Manager, Engineering.
Feel free to call Jane or me if you have any questions or concerns.
p dL R!Akv-£1
Hiring Coordinator, Human Resources

.2.~}j] .£.~Economy 8 RC IOQQAfl

~'iJ:i!t tiH~llt-'-1 ~.H:- -lP111l
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

~ 74. According to the letter, what has Mr. u16" What is NOT indicated in the letter?
Pesay already completed? (A) A deadline in which the signed letter
(A) He has visited the department must be returned

manager. (B) The benefits Mr. Pesay would
(B) He has accepted a job offer. receive if the job offer is accepted

(C) He has signed a new contract. (C) Retirement eligibility requirements
(D) He has interviewed with the (D) Starting salary and bonus structure

175. When would Mr. Pesay start work?
(A) On March 1
(B) On March 12
(C) On March 17

(D) On March 21
====••••• • •• • • • •• • ••• • • • ••OO• • • • •• • • • • • •• • oo • " " '" "

Ques~ioDils 1 77~1 80 refer to the following article.

May 21, 2010 - Last fall, Peter Roger got an order from Food Mart Stores for
organic apples that was the biggest he'd ever seen. ''I'm talking trailer

truckloads," says the 34-year-old, eighth-generation apple farmer in Maine.
Roger had heard of the giant retailer's push into organics, and he thought the
order could be the beginning of a surge in demand. But that wasn't the case.
While most retailers place orders with Roger Hill Orchards once a week, Food

Mart never came back.
He's hardly alone. A number of organic farmers across the country say that
Food Mart has backed off of aggressive plans to offer more organic foods.
After placing large orders for organic apples and juices last year, the retailer
is cutting back or stopping orders altogether. Wade Hirsch, president at the
Florida juice producer, Lake Citrus Products, says he stopped shipping his
organic orange-tangerine blend to Food Mart after a few months. "Food Mart
claimed that their sales just weren't enough to justify their costs of packing
and shipping," he says.

Farmers like Roger are now dealing with the fallout from Food Mart's
faltering demand. He has decided to pare back his organic apple farm, from
150 acres to 120 acres. He says organics are just tough to grow. Without
pesticides, insects and disease attack his Mcintosh, Gala, and Honeycrisp

apples. Production per acre dropped about 30% when he switched from
regular farming methods 10 years ago. Now he plans to switch back. "The

grocery stores want the perfect, blemish-free apple," he says, "and that's
difficult to produce."

.5.'..~ ;;aj] .£. ~ Economy 0 RC 10007.~

.:>.j~:i!r aH~llJ-7.1 ~~ .g.7.iJ.:>.J
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

111. What is implied about Peter Roger? 119. What is NOT stated in the article as
(A) Food Mart is one of his biggest difficulties in growing organic fruits?
clients. (A) They are vulnerable to insects.

(B) He sells many different fruits and (B) They are expensive to produce.
vegetables. (C) Organic farms suffer from decreased

(C) His father was an apple farmer. efficiency.
(D) He does not enjoy shopping at Food (D) It is hard to grow organic fruits
Mart. without pesticides.

~ 18. What does the author indicate about uSQ]. According to the article, when did Peter
Food Mart? Roger start. producing organic apples?
(A) They sell products a lot cheaper than (A) When production dropped by 30%
other stores. (B) 2010

(B) Their profits from organic products (C)2000
did not cover incurred costs. (D) When Food Mart began selling
(C) They are not a profitable business. organic fruits
.(D) They used to be very small stores.
= = " " " " " " " " " ' ' " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " "

Questions 181-185 refer to the following announcement and article.

Announcing the Starlet Elect!

With increasing demand for environment-friendly vehicles, the Starlet car company has

revealed its sticker price for their upcoming Elect extended-range electric vehicle.
Similar to currently available electric vehicles, the Elect will cost more than most gas

vehicles. But if a buyer is eligible for a full federal tax credit of $7,500, the effective
price would be competitive. Other state and regional tax subsidies could push the
effective price even lower for some buyers, making the Elect an intriguing option for
"green" consumers.

Does the Elect have mass appeal?
The long-anticipated Starlet Elect, Starlet Motors' foremost fully electric car, will cost $42,000,
the company announced Tuesday, leaving to decide whether its environmental
appeal is worth the price far above that of similarly sized conventional vehicles.

Electric car technology has been around for years, but the high cost to make the vehicles has

prevented automakers from producing them for the mass market.

The president of Starlet Motors has expressed optimism that automakers will be able to lower
the price tag of electric vehicle technology. Earlier this month, he suggested that major
reductions in battery costs, one of the primary reasons electric cars are more expensive, are

on the horizon.

Starlet Motors is relying on a federal tax credit for buyers of electric vehicles to offset some of

the added cost, and they're hoping that the allure- of their novel power source will make up
the rest. Price is not only one potential barrier to mass adoption, however. Consumers must
also get accustomed to plugging the cars in at home. It takes hours to recharge the vehicles,

and in the absence of a network of public recharging stations, drivers that run out of juice may
need a tow truck. It remains to be seen if the Starlet Elect will win over consumers despite its
lofty price and limitations.

5'.~ :.>11 .£. ~ Economy 0 RC !OOOAf]

~ ~.:ct tiH ~77r7.J <ll~ -lt7.iJ ~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

181. According to the announcement, why is 184. What is implied about Starlet Motors?
the sticker price not the final price? (A) It realizes the price of the Elect is
(A) All buyers will receive a substantial high.

tax credit. (B) It has produced many electric cars.
(B) The Elect is an extended-range (C) It makes batteries for a low cost.

electric vehicle. (D) It refunds the tax credit to buyers.
(C) The government will grant some
buyers tax subsidies. 185. What does the author of the article have
(D) The final price has not been to say about the Elect?

determined. (A) It does not harm the environment.
(B) Many people will buy the Elect
182. How much will buyers who receive the despite its high cost.
federal tax cut pay for an Elect? (C) It will need cheaper batteries in order

(A) $42,000 to sell.
(B) $7,500 (D) Buyers must overlook its high cost
and drawbacks.
(C) $34,500
(D) $49,500

183. Why are electric cars expensive?

(A) They rely on a federal tax credit.
(B) The power source for electric cars
costs a lot to make.
(C) Price is not the only barrier to mass

(D) Electric cars are environmentally-

QUJJestioris 18S~'i 901 refer to the following notice and billing statement.

Due Date: o2/z4/zon

Invoice# rooi234
ATTN: Margaret Fitch

Invoice Description:
Service Rendered: Energy Supply

Date: orh2/zon thru o2/z2/zon
Total Due: $61.03
Your current invoice shows an -outstanding balance of $61.03 due on your account with
National Grid.

Send payment via bank deposit, wire, or online transfer to any of the following places:
For Bay Area clients:
North Savings Bank
® .
Account Name: National Grid
Business Account #1555-555-555
For Eastside clients:
South Savings Bank
Account N arne: National Grid
Business Account #1555-300-ooo

Standard Money Transfer

National Grid
Business Account #888-300-ooo
We greatly appreciate your efforts to ensure that payment is received in a timely matter.

Please note that a $roo reconnection customer charge may be applied if your account is
suspended due to a payment delay of more than 20 days.

If you have any questions regarding your account or if you wish to pay by check, please feel
free to contact us.
Best Regards,

Terry Carlson
Billing Manager

® ~ ~ ®@ lfS e ~ 1'1> iiiJ ® ~ <>' <1.\l ® g:; "-ri ~ ©'"' l'!:l ®a>~ fl) il'l ~ ~ Ql .:-;;. ll>l ® w eo~ <tD <@ ®@ ti!> ~ ·~~ 41l I})«!~~

.2.~~ £.~ Economy 0 RC 1000Afl

;:<.~c~j!L oHA~7JL.A] 01~ ~A1]Al
• o t1 I -, I Ml- l!.. tl
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Delivery Services

Customer charge $2.75
Distribution Charge $12.54

Transmission Charge $2.99
Transition Charge $2.13
Conservation Charge $0.85

® Total Delivery Service $21.26

Supplier Services
Energy Charge $37.10

Renewable Energy Charge $0.23
<» Total Energy Charge $37.33

Gross Earnings Tax

tic $2.44

Total ·· Current Balance $61.03

The renewable energy charge is being collected for the purpose of acquiring a
portion of Rhode island's energy supply from renewable sources as required by
Rhode Island's general laws.

186. What is NOT mentioned as a method of 189. Why are there two separate energy
payment? charges for supplier services?
(A) Bank payment (A) Excessive energy use at night is
(B) Wire transfer subject to extra charge.

(C) Paying by telephone (B) Use of renewable energy is required

(D) Paying by check bylaw.
(C) Payment delays will result in a

187. If Ms. Fitch makes a payment on March disconnection.

22, how much must she pay in total? (D) All the charges are separated as
(A) $37.33 well.

(B) $61.03
(C) $109.38 190. When must a payment be made by in
(D) $161.03 order to avoid a suspended account?
(A) By April 10
188. When was the meter read for the month? (B) By March 14
(A) 02/24/2011 (C) By February 24
(B) 01/22/2011 (D) By February 22
(C) 02/22/2011
(D) 01/24/2011

' ·I.A'*IM. .
Actual Test 02 1 1
Questions 191 -195 refer to the following e-mail and memo.

To: All Personnel <personnel@>

From: Seth Roddick <>
Date: March 2

Subject: Information Sessions

In our continuing effort to in<?rease efficiency and transparency, the client relations

department will be conducting a series of information sessions for TCS employees.

Topic Date Time Location

Client Privacy March 10 4-6 p.m. Room 204
Employee Benefits March 14 9 a.m.-noon Room 207

Networking March 15 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Room 115
TCS View Server March 20 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Room 310
My assistant director, Hannah Kim, will conduct the Client Privacy and Employee
Benefits sessions. Tom Felton from the IT department will conduct the Networking and
TCS View Server sessions.
Please email Marilyn Louis to sign up at or call her at ext. 854

Thank you,
Seth Roddick

TCS Consultants

To: All Personnel

From: Donald Kravitz, VP
Date: March 4

Subject: Information Sessions

You received an e-mail from the director of client relations regarding the information
sessions being held for TCS employees. I would like to remind everyone that the March
10 session is mandatory for all TCS employees. It will be an opportunity for everyone at
TCS to gather in one place, from the president to the cleaning staff.

All employees from the IT and technical support departments are required to attend the
March 15 sessions. We will be discussing the new security protocols installed last month,
so it's crucial that all employees working with networking attend the session .

.2.~ ::>11 .£. ~ Economy 8 RC 1000~

-"j 'ij":i!J- EH~ llj-7-J ~-2 .g-Ail~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

The new TCS View Server will be implemented in the beginning of April. All employees

who work with clients using the client database must attend the session, as we will be
discussing the differences and advantages of the new server compared to our current

I encourage you to register for the required sessions by March 6. Please note that all
sessions are open to any TCS employee regardless of their department.

I look forward to seeing you at the information sessions.

191. What is indicated in the e-mail? 194. What does the memo suggest?
(A) All the sessions will be held in the (A) One session is intended for new
same month.
employees. only.
(B) Seth Roddick will lead one of the (B) Only a limited number of employees
sessions. can attend the facilities session.
(C) All the sessions will be held in the (C) All company employees will receive
morning. client privacy training.
(D) Employees must attend all the (D) Some s~ssions are open only to
sessions. specific departments.

192. What is Seth Roddick's job title? 195. What does Donald Kravitz ask all

(A) Vice president employees to do?

(B) Director (A) Respond to him by e-mail
(C) Assistant director (B) Attend the networking session
(D) Manager (C) Contact Marilyn Louis by March 6
(D) Call Seth Roddick by March 8

193. What is the purpose of the memo?

(A) To inform employees of information

session requirements
(B) To introduce recently hired
(C) To explain the features of a new

(D) To notify employees of new security
Questions 196-200 refer to the following news report and memo.

DETROIT- Edward Gaines says the main reason he's taking over as permanent CEO
of Elite Motors Co. is to bring stability to the top of the troubled automaker.

Gaines, whose appointment was announced Monday, said although he's satisfied with
the leadership team he's put in place, there's still work to do in sales and marketing,
product development, purGhasing and quality. Management experts say that means

further changes and possibly more layoffs.

EM's board asked Gaines to stay on as CEO after seven weeks of searching for a
successor from the outside. Gaines, the former CEO of Bell Inc., doesn't expect any
more big shake-ups, but said he plans to rearrange management, which totals about

23,000 people, mainly in the U.S.
The decision to permanently keep Gaines was praised by Jerry Elinger, clinical
professor of entrepreneurship and strategy at the University of Detroit's School of
Business. He's impressed with Gaines' desire to shake up EM's culture of cumbersome
committees that slowed decision making.
EM, he said, still doesn't understand where it fits into the world automotive market,
what customers want and how its products relate to the competition.

"All layers of management at EM have been problematic," he said.


:fJ.J ;:,, fj~~ ' ~~~

· H'
.:.·.... 1: t.~-; !..:/i

Memorandum from: Edward Gaines

To: All Elite Motors employees

Good afternoon. I'd like to discuss with you the state of our company. This time last
year, I had nothing but problems everywhere I looked.

We suffered from angry dealers, irate suppliers, and upset customers. Employees
were also concerned about keeping their job due to low sales. It was easy to see why I
had reservations about taking this position.

Come to think of it, when I look around EM today, it feels eerily the same. Our dealers
are angry. Our suppliers are mad. Employees are worried . And our customers are
upset. However, there is a distinct difference from last year.

Today, our dealers are unhappy because of our inability to build cars, trucks and
crossovers fast enough. Our suppliers are frantically trying to keep up with increasing
customer demand. Employees are stressed because many had to forgo the usual

.2.1) }j] £. ~ Economy 8 RC lOOO~U

~'J:i!t ofl-'!J77t?.J 'V.~ ~~il~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

summer shutdown so we could keep up with production. There are even some

customers who are upset because they don't want to waiton their new EM vehicles .

These problems are the result of our company production system and management

structure. As such, an assessment regarding our production system and plans for
restructuring will be the main topics of our next quarterly meeting.


'· =,,, = ··· = = = = =

196. What was the subject of the news 199. Who did EM want to hire initially?

report? (A) Edward Gaines
(A) The transition of a temporary position (B) Someone within EM that had many
to a permanent one years of experience.
(B) The announcement of a new (C) Someone not currently employed by
chairman of the board EM
(C) The myriad problems at Elite Motors (D) A former CEO
(D) Recent trends with car companies
2()0. Why is Mr. Gaines earning praise?
197. Who will not be likely candidates for (A) He guided EM into new markets.
restructuring at the next quarterly (B) He helped EM sell more cars.
meeting? (C) He is fixing all of EM's problems.

(A) Upper-level managers (D) He is making quick, decisive

(B) Mid-level managers decisions.
(C) Assembly line workers
(D) Newly hired employees

198. What can be inferred from the memo?


(A) The company is expanding overseas.

(B) EM employees are unsatisfied.

(C) Some employees will be fired.

(D) EM is selling more cars than last

Actual Test 02
Chong Chong Tre

Cau hoi D!ch Cau Hoi Can cu

153. What is the tomist group Cau 153. Nh6m huang dan "go right upstairs on the high-
scheduled to do at 10 a.m.? vien duqc len kS ho~ch speed elevator to the 86th floor
(A) Visit an observation lam gi vao hie 1Oh sang? observatory"_Bi len tfmg tren
b~ thang may dSn dai quan sat

deck A. Tham quan dai quan sat
(B) Climb to the top of the Note: observation deck a t~ng 86

Statue of Libetty dai quan sat
(C) Appear on live TV B. Leo len dinh cua tuqng

(D) Perfonn at Radio City NuThk TvDo
Music Hall C. Tham gia chuang trinh
truySn hinh tn,rc tiSp
D. BiSu diSn t~i Nha hat

154 When will the cruise end?
(A) 1:30 p.m.
(B) 11:00 a.m.
Cau 154 ChuySn du ngo~n
tren bisn kst thuc khi nao?
A: 1h30 chiSu
Bay ciing la d~ng cau hoi chi
tiSt, key word: "ctuise"
Dftu hi~u: 4 p.m_gio b~t dftu
(C) 4:00p.m. B: 11h sang 2-Hom Semi-Cricle Ctuise on
(D) 6:00p.m C: 4h chiSu - tninh nhftm the Hodson_ 2 gio dS d~o quanh
l~n, cau hoi la kSt thuc luc vinh Hudson
mfty gio, 4h chisu la thai

gian b~t dftu chuySn du


D: 6h chiSu - b~t dftu luc 4h

v a dung o~n them 2h kst

thuc luc 6h chiSu

155. What is the pU1pose of Cau 15 5. M1,1c dich cua Cau hoi ~ng t6ng quat_ thuong

this e-mail? buc emailla gi? nhfrng cau hoi t6ng quat cho
(A) BS thay d6i dan ~t d~ng thu tin thi m1,1c dich viSt

(A) To modify an order

thu n~m a ph~n dftu cua la thu
(B) To change the deliv ety hang Dftu hi~u: Please verify that the
method (B) BS thay d6i phuang information below is conect
(C) To verify an order thuc giao hang Vui long kiSm tra l~i tinh chinh
(D) To verify that a shipment (C) BS kiSm tra dan ~t xac cua nhfrng thong tin ben
has been sent hang duoi
(D) BS kiSm tra lo hang
duqc chuySn hay chua

QuySn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n c6 tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

156. Why is there only a shmt 156. Vi sao chi co m9t Due to our fast tumarormd
amormt of time to modify an khoang thai gian ng~n dS time_Do qua trinh xoay vong
order? thay d6i dan d~t hang? nhanh cua chling t6i
(A) Orders can be modified 5 (A) Nhfrng dan d~t hang

minutes after an online order is co ths duqc sua d6i trong
placed. vong 5 phut sau khi duqc

(B) Orders are shipped d~t hang tn,rc tuySn.
quickl . Cau nay sai vi
(C) Voice confinnation 1s

Please note orders
necessaty. generally become
(D) The payment 1s available for modification
authorized quickly 10-15 minutes after being

placed online but only for
a vety shmt time - Vui
long luu y thong thuang,
cac dan d~t hang tro nen
sfu sang cho vi~c sua d6i
trong vong 10-15 phut sau
khi duqc ~t tn,rc tuySn,
nhung chi trong m9t thai

gian rat ngan.

(B) Nhfrng dan d~t hang
duqc v~n chuySn nhanh

(C) Xac ~n qua gi9ng

noi thi dn thiSt

(D) Vi~c thanh tmin duqc


uy quysn nhanh chong

157. What is NOT listed as a 157. Cai gi khong duqc li~t From here you can also print
service available through the My ke nhu la 1 dich V\1 co sgn mvmces, find rebate
Accormt link? qua lien kSt My Accormt? infmmation, manufacturer
(A) Print receipts (A) In hoa dan contact and wananty
(B) Find manufacturer Dftu hi~u: print invoices infmmation, submit product
infmmation (B) Tim kiSm thong tin reviews, and much more. - T~i
(C) Track shipment status nha san xuftt day b~ cling co thS in hoa dan,
tim kiSm thong tin giam gia, lien

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguai dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(D) Download the produd D~u hi~u: manufacturer h~ nha san x~t va thong tin bao
manual contact hanh, bao cao nhfrng ctanh gia
(C) Theo doi tinh tr~ng lo vS san ph~m, va nhiSu han nfra.
D~u hi~u: submit product


(D) T ai huang d~n su d1,1ng

158. What is the main topic of 158. Chu dS chinh cua bai Tuesday, December 1, 2010
the lecture at Hall1 0? giang ah9i huang la gi? I

A. To lemn about other A. Tim hiSu ve nhfrng The Cunent State of the
members of the huang khac hong c9ng Economy

University community d6ng cac huang d~i h9c (NOTE: 8 p.m. In Hall1 0)
B. To explore American
C. To investigate food and
B. Nghien ctru vS s\f nhftp
cu cila nguai MI
C. DiSu n·a vS v§n dS thl,!c
Thu 3, ngay 1/12/2010, chu dS:
Tinh h·~ng hi~n t~i cua nSn kinh
tS (ghi chu: 8h t6i a H9i huang
health care phk va cham soc sue 10)
D. To discuss economic khoe
issues s
D. Thao luftn v cac v§n dS
kinh ts

159. Who has the earliest 159. Ai la nguai co bai Cau hoi chi tiSt, ~g bai lich
scheduled lecture? giang dl,! kiSn sam nh~t? h·inh, hoi vS n9i dung theo thai
A. Shirley Hughes A. Shirley Hughes gian thi xet thai gian va tim cau
ha lai phu hqp

B. Rita R. Smith B. Rita R. Smith

c. Josie Tate c. Josie Tate
D. Danny Masterson D. Danny Masterson

160. Which topic will NOT be 160. Chu de nao khong Cau hoi lo~i nir d~ng tOng quat:
addressed in the lecture series? duqc chi dinh hong chu6i D9C lu6t cau ha lai + n~m y
(A) The effect of immigrants cac bai giang? d9c luOt toan bai tim Va SO
on healthcare A. The effect of sanh (chu y tu d6ng nghla ho~c
(B) The underlying causes of immigrants on healthcare- h·ai nghia)
immigration anh huang cua van n~n D~u hi~u: The Politics of Food
(C) Cunent ISSUes m the nhftp cu dSn sue khoe and Health Care - cac quan diSm
American economy

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong 1TI9i nguai dt:rng mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu thS se lam m~t di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(D) Political aspects of B. The underlying chinh tri vS th1,rc ph~m va cham
healthcare in the U.S. causes of immigration - soc sue khoe
nguyen nhan co ban cua
n~nnh~p cu
Dftu hi~u: America's War

on Immigrants: Causes,

Consequences, and
Solutions - V§n ~n nh~p
cu aMI: nguyen nhan, h~u

qua va giai phap
C. Cunent Issues m
the American economy -

v§n dS hi~n t~i trong nSn
kinh tS MI
Dftu hi~u: The Cunent
State of the Economy -
tinh tr~g hi~n t~i clia nSn
kinh tS MI
D. Political aspects of
healthcare in the U.S. - xet

tren goc d9 chinh tri vS v§n

dS cham soc sue khoe aMI

Dftu hi~u: Whether you m·e a


161 Who are the main clients of 161 . D6i tuqng nao la ? nhfrng khac hang chinh professional photographer,
(A) Photographers cua trang web model, makeup mtist or just

(B) Private companies dig italmt. com? having fun, you can share your

(C) Researchers (A) Thq ch1,1p anh work through our platfmm with
(D) Cosmetic businesses (B) Cac cong ty tu nhan friends and family - du b~ la
(C) Nha nghien cliu nhiSp anh gia chuyen nghi~p,
(D) Nhfmg nha kinh doanh nguoi m~u, chuyen v ien trang
miph~m diSm hay chi co thu vui, b~n co
ths chia se cong vi~c cua b~
qua diSn dim cua chling tei voi
b~n be va gia dinh

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

162 What product ts NOT 162. San ph~m nao khong D~u hi~u: digitalmt also offers
offered by • duqc cung dlp boi more than 200 personalized
(A) Photo albums dig italmt. com? photo products, rangtng from
(B) Private companies (A) Albums anh photo books and playing cards

(C) Mouse pads (B) The bai tot -shitts and mouse pads- and
(D) Sweaters (C) BS lot chu9t may tinh all at unbeatable pnces. -

(D) Ao len dai tay digitalart ciing cung c~p han
200 san ph~m anh ca nhfm phan
lo~i tu sach anh, the bai dsn ao

thun va ds lot chu9t va ~i muc
gia khong thS c~nh tranh han
163. What is the pwpose of 164. M1,1c dich ctia cu9c di Cau hoi d~ng tOng quat, thuong

March for Kids? b9 d6ng hanh cho tre em? cau tra loi co thS tim duqc a dftu
(A) It provides food for all
(B) It encourages people to
(A) Cung c~p thl,Ic phb
cho t~t ca tre em
(B) KhuySn khich con
bai d6i voi nhfrng bai kho han
co thS dn phai d9c toan b9 bai
dS n~m y chinh va tir do suy 11$1
walk. nguoi di b9 ra cau tra loi
(C) It rmses 79 cents from (C) Quyen gop 79 cents tu D~uhi~u: When you take part in
each walker. m6i nguoi di b9 the Mm·ch for Kids, you give
(D) It benefits babies born (D) Giup ich cho nhfrng hope to the more than half a

before term. dl1a tt·e sinh non million babies bmn too soon
each year - khi b~n tham gia
cu9c di b9 d6ng hanh vi tre em,
b~n se trao di hi v 9ng dsn han

nua tri~u nhfrng dua tre sinh qua

sam (sinh non) m6i nam

164. What is listed as a benefit 164. Lqi ich nao duqc li~t D~u hi~u: Patticipating as a

of JOmmg the walk as a ke khi tham gia cu9c di b9 company creates special
company? voi tu each la 1 cong ty? connections that cany over into
(A) It helps create ties that (A) Giup ~o nen S\I lien the workplace - vi~c tham gia
transfer into the workplace. kSt khi di chuysn ngoai voi tu each la 1 cong ty se ~o
(B) Employees will receive a moi ttuong lam vi~c nen nhfrng kSt n6i ~c bi~t ben
bonus for their participation. (B) Cong nhan se nh~n ngoai moi huang lllin vi~c
(C) It gives hope to more than duqc tiSn thuang cho S\I
half a million mphans. tham gia ctia h9

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m9i nguoi dt:rng mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia tt·i ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(D) People qualify to (C) Trao di hi v9ng dSn

patticipate in other marches. han nua u·i~u tre m6 coi
Cau nay sai vi: When you
take patt in the March for

Kids, you give hope to the
more than half a million

babies bmn too soon each
yeru· - trao hi v9ng dSn

nhiing dua u-e sinh non #
tre m6 coi
(D) E>u tu each dS tham gia
vao cac cu9c di b9 d6ng

165. How long has the Mru·ch
Organization been in existence?
(A) 10 years
165. T6 chuc di b9 d6ng
hanh nay t6n ~i bao Hlu?
(A) 10 years
E>6i v oi nhfrng ~ng dlu hoi v S
khoang thai gmn bao Hlu,
thuang dap an bu9c phai dt,ra
(B) 20 yeru·s (B) 20 yeru·s theo n9i dung bai dS tinh toan.
(C) 30 Y.ears (C) 30 years - tir nfun C§n phai tim m6c thai gian b~t
(D) 100 years 1980 dSn nam 201 1 dftu va kSt thuc. M6c thai gian
(D) 100 yeru·s b~t dftu thuang la thai gmn

thanh lflp, thai gian mua hang

u·en hoa don, thai gian ~
duqc dan hang, thai gian ~t

phong, ... M6c thai gian kSt thuc

thuang la: ngay t6 chuc 1 s ki
ni~m, ngay viSt thu, ngay u·a

phong, m9t m6c thai gian u·ong


tuong lai duqc dS cflp cu6i bai

(vi d\1 h~ cu6i n9p bao cao
uuoc ngay dd/mm), ...
March for Kids on Sep.tember
12, 2011 ! - cu9c di b9 d6ng
hanh ngay 12/9/201 1
We've been walking since 1980
and have raised an incredible

QuySn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguai dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia u·i rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

$1.5 billion to benefit all

children. - chling toi di b9 tir
nrun 1980 va gay quy len dsn
con s6 khong thS tin duqc-1.5 ti
dola ds giup do cac tre em

166. What can be infened 166. DiSu gi co thS suy Cau hoi c4lng suy l~n t6ng quat

about Mr. Ave1y? l~n vS M:r.Avety? nen lam cu6i cimg sau khi lam
(A) He attended a(A) Anh da tham dv m9t nhfrng cau hoi d~g chi tiSt., vi

presentation gtven by Mr. bai thuySt trinh cua Ong khi lam xong nhfrng cau kia
Delbeck. Delbeck trong qua t.rinh d9c bai se lam
(B) He is seeking employees (B) Ong dang tim kiSm duqc cau d~ nay: d9c dap
for his Un.g vien cho doanh nghi~p an nam y kSt hqp nhGng gi

Business. cua minh. da d9C khi lam nhfrng cau chi
(C) He wants to become a
sales rectuiter.
(D) He wants a job in sales.
(C) Anh mu6n tro thanh
m9t nha tuySn dl,lng ban
tiet dap an phu hqp. Chu y,
ong Mr.Avety la nguoi ~n thu
D~u hi~u: Bring 15 copies of
(D) Ong mu6n lam vi~c
your resume. Business suit is
nhu m9t nhan vien ban required.- mang 15 ban sao h6
hang so clia b~n.
167. What ts Mr. Delbeck's 167. Cong ty clia ong Dau hi~u: I wanted to make one

company organizing? Delbeck t6 chuc cai gi? more attempt to follow up with
(A) A public presentation (A) 1 bai thuySt trinh cong you and see if you would be able
(B) A job fair c9ng to attend the Sales Career
for (B) 1 h9i chq v i~c lam

(C) Appointments F omm this Wednesday, June 30

compames (C) Cu9c giao luu danh in Melville - t6i mu6n n6 lvc dS
(D) A social bmnch cho cac cong ty phan h6i b~n va dS xem b~n co

(D) 1 bua an xa h9i thS tham gia vao H9i chq vi~c

lam vao thu Tu, ngay 30 thang

6 aMelville hay khong

168. What IS 1/[:r. Delbeck 168. Ong Delbeck yeu cau Dau hi~u: please let me know if
asking for? diSu gi? you will be attending by
(A) A commitment to accept a (A) Hqp d6ng lam vi~c replying back to this email with
job (B) Ban sao cua thu xin the time you will be attending -
vi~c vui long cho toi biSt nSu b~

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(B) Extra copies of cover (C) Truy cftp co so dfr li~u tham gia b~ng each h6i dap l~i
letters cua cong ty la thu nay kern thai gian b~n se
(C) Access to the company (D) Xac nh~n sv tham dv tham dv

(D) A confirmation «!!)

169. The word 'limited' m 169. Tu "limited" do~n 3 Plan to stay a minimum of two
paragraph 3, line 1 is closest in dong 1 gk nghia nh~t vai.

homs. Interviews take place
meaning to (A) Few - 1 it between 9 a.m. -1 p.m.) RSVP
(A) few (B) Packed- dong goi via email due to limited
(B) packed (C) Job- cong vi~c interview times to cdelbeck@

(C) job (D) Available - co sfuircdirect. com and in the subject
(D) available tic line of the email write
"Attending Long Island YOUR
NAME & TII\.ffi." - dv dinh a l~i
it nh~t 2h. Cu9c phong vk diSn
ra trong khoang tu 9h sang dSn
1h chiSu, boi vi thai gian phong
vk h~n chS Vui long h6i aap

qua email dSn cdelbeck@

ircdirect. com va trong dong chu
dS cua thu vui long diSn "Tham

dv chuang trinh Long Island

Note: RSVP: repondez s'il vous

plait (F) = please respond


170 What type of document is 170. Bay la lo~i tai li~u gi? Dau hi~u: Thank you for the
this? (A) Bao quang cao opportunity to present a quote
(A) A newspaper adveitisement (B) Ban dS xu~t cong v i~c for this project, which consists
(B) A work proposal (C) Lich trinh lam vi~c of the following tasks - cam an
(C) A work schedule (D) Ban ~t hang co h9i dua ra lai trich d~n cho
(D) A work order fmm dv an nay' bao g 6m cac cong
vi~c sau:

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguai dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

171 What type of work is being 171 Lo~i cong vi~c lam D~u hi~u: Editing the files of
proposed? ni10 duqc dS xu~t? TWL's consumer resource kit
(A) Adding graphics (A) Trang tri d6 h9a for clarity-
(B) Editing resource files (B) Chinh sua tai li~u

(C) Setting up a website nguon
(D) Editing a pottfolio (C) ThiSt lftp 1 trang web

(D) Chinh sua danh sach
v6nd~u tu
Diu hi~u: Payment is due 30

172 What is NOT stated in
the document? (A) Thanh toan trong vong days from the date of the invoice
(A) Payment is due 30 days 30 ngay tu ngay ghi tren Diu hi~u: Please electronically
from the date of the invoice. hoa don sign this document and it

(B) The total amount must (B) T6ng so tien phai by e-mail to info@tmtan-.
be paid by check.
(C) The document must be
signed and retruned.
duqc thanh toan b~ng sec - . - Vui long ki vao
khong duqc ds cftp tai li~u nay va chuySn tiSp no
(C) T ai li~u phai duqc ki b~ng thu di~n tu dSn hom thu
va chuysn l~i
(D) The price may change. info@tattan-. editorial. com
(D) The pnce may Diu hi~u: This price quote is
change. - gia co thS thay presented as an estimate. If the
d6i files are in pmticularly good

shape, the final chm·ges may be

less - Gia duqc dua ra chi la uoc
tinh, nsu cac tai li~u co hlnh
thuc t,hftt s\f t6t thl gia cu6i cling

co thS it han
173. The word 'retained' m 173. Tu "retained" trong Tmtan Editorial Services is to

pm·agraph 4, line 1 is closest in do~ 4 dong 1 g§n nghla be retained as an independent


meaning to voi tu : contractor for the duration of

(A) held (A) Held- t6 chuc this project- TES thi duqc thue
(B) paid (B) Paid- chi tra nhu m9t nha th~u d9c lftp cho
(C) hired (C) Hired - thue su6t qua trinh cua dl,I an nay
(D) contacted (D) Contacted -lien h~
17 4 According to the letter, what 174. Theo la thu thl ong D~u hi~u: ametech Entetprises,
has MI·.Pesay ah·eady Pesay hoan t~t cai gi r6i Inc. Is pleased to offer you a
completed? job as a senior engineer-

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(A) He has visited the (A) Ong fly viSng tham cac ametech Ente1prises, Inc vui
depmtment manager. giam d6c phong ban mirng moi b~n dam nhi~m vi tri
(B) He has accepted a job (B) Ong fly chflp nh~n loi ki su cflp cao
offer. dS nghi vi~c hun

(C) He has signed a new (C) Ong fly vuakim9thqp
contract. d6ng moi

(D) He has interviewed with (D) Ong fly phong v§n v oi
the company. 1 cong ty

175. When would Mr. Pesay 175. Khi ni10 ong Pesay Dau hi~u: Attend orientation for
stmt work? mu6n b~t d~u lam vi~c newly hired employees on
(A) On Mm·ch 1 (A) 1 thang 3 Monday, March 21, 2011 and

(B) On March 12 (B) 12 thang 3 beginning at 8:00A.M. - tham
(C) On Mm·ch 17
(D) On March 21
(C) 17 thang 3
(D) 21 thang 3
gia bu6i t~p hu§n danh cho nhan
vien moi vao thu 2, ngay 21
thang 3 nam 2011 va b~t &u
vao h1c 8h sang
17 6 What is NOT indicated in 177. Bieu mio khong duqc
the letter? neu ra trong la thu
(A) A deadline in which the (A) A deadline in which

signed letter must be retrnned the signed letter must be

(B) The benefits Mr. Pesay retumed-
would receive if the job offer is (B) The benefits Mr.

accepted Pesay would receive if the

(C) Retirement eligibilit)j job offer is accepted - lqi
reHuirements ich ong Pesay mu6n nh~n

(D) Stmting salmy and bonus duqc nsu ong chflp nh~n
loi ds nghi vi~c lam do

(C) Retirement
eligibility requirements -
nhiing yeu c~u dS co du
diSu ki~n xet huu
(D) Stmting salmy and
bonus stmctrn·e - co cau
luang va trq cflp

QuySn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhflt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m9i nguoi dirng mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam mflt di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

177 What IS implied about 177. DiSu gi co thS duqc Diu hi~u : Last fall, Peter
Peter Roger? suy ra vS Peter Roger Roger got an order from Food
(A) Food Mmt is one of his (A) chq nong san la m9t Mmt Stores for organic apples
biggest clients. trong nhGng khach hang that was the biggest he'd ever
lan nh~t ong ~y

(B) He sells many different seen - Mlia thu nam ngoai, PR
fruits and vegetables. (B) Ong ~y ban nhiSu lo~i nh~ duqc m9t dan ~t hang tir

(C) His father was an apple trai cay va rau cu chq nong san vS tao s~ch, ong
farmer. (C) Cha CUa ong ~y la m9t chua tirng th~y dan d~thang nao
(D) He does not enJoy

nong dan tr6ng tao lannhuvfty-> khong dS cftp ong
shopping at Food Mmt. (D) Ong ~Y khong thich xem chq nong san la thi huang
mua s~m a chq thl,Ic ph§m tiSm nang nh~t cua ong ~y
Di u hi~u: "'I'm talking n-ailer

tiuckloads," says the 34-year-
old, eighth-generation apple
tic fmmer in Maine - "t6i -----" 34
tu6i, ths h~ thu 8 cua nong clan
u·6ng tao aMaine
178 What does the author 178. Dieu gi tac gia muon Dau hi~u: Food Mmt claimed
indicate about Food Mmt? chi ra vS chq thl,Ic phlm that their sales just weren't
(A) They sell products a lot (A) H9 b{m nhfrng san enough to justify their costs of

cheaper than other stores. phlm re han nhisu so vai packing and shipping - Chq
(B) Their profits from nhfrng cua hang khac - nong san tuyen b6 dng doanh
organic products did not cover khong ds cftp thu h9 khong du dS bu ~P
(B) lqi nhu~n tir cac san

incurred costs. cho chi phi vS dong goi va vftn

(C) They are not a profitable phb s~ch khong bao g6m chuySn (h9 khong tinh chi phi
business. chi phi phat sinh dong goi va v~n chuysn vao gia

(D) They used to be vety (C) H9 khong phai nguoi san ph§m)
D~u hi~u:

small stores. kinh doanh kiSm loi Wade Hirsch,

(D) Chllilg thuang la president at the Florida juice
nhfrng giang hang r~t nho producer, Lake Citius Products,
D~u hi~u lo~i: Roger had says he stopped shipping his
heard of the giant retailer's organic orange-tangerine blend
push into organics, and he to Food Mmt after a few
thought the order could be months. "Food Mmt claimed
the beginning of a surge in that their sales just weren't
demand - Roger da nghe enough to justify their costs of

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

vS nhiing nha ban le Ian packing and shipping," he says.

u·ong llnh V\}'C nong s{m - Ong wade Hirsch, chu tich cua
s~ch, va ong nghi r~ng co nha san xuat nuoc tnii dly
thS b~t dftu bfug S\1' thay Florida, san ph§m Lake Ciuus,
cho bist ong ngimg v~n chuysn

d6i u·ong nhu cftu
cam qu)'t s~ch h6n hqp cua

minh dsn chq nong san sau m9t
vai thang. "Chq nong san tuyen
b6 r~ doanh thu cila h9 khong

du ds bu d~p cho chi phi v dong
goi va v~n chuySn,"

179. What is NOT stated in the 179. Bieu gi khong duqc Dau hi~u: Production per acre
article as difficulties in growing
organic fruits?
(A) They m·e vulnerable to
dS cftp u·ong bai viSt nhu Ia dropped about 30% when he
nhiing kho khan hong vi~c switched from regular fatming
phat u-iSn trai cay s~ch methods 10 years ago - Chi phi
(A) Chtmg co thS bi ~n san xuftt u·en m6i m~u giam
(B) Thex are expensive to cong boi sau b9 khoang 30% khi ong chuySn tir
produce. (B) Chting thftt t6n nhiSu phuang phap canh tac thong
(C) Organic fanns suffer from chi phi dS san xu~t thuemg 10 nam uuoc day

decreased efficiency. (C) Nong u-~i s~ch giam

(D) It is hard to grow organic hi~u qua
fnnts without pesticides. (D) Thftt kho dS u·6ng cac
lo~i u·ai cay s~ch ma khong

co thu6c uir sau

180 According to the mticle, 180. Theo bai viet, khi nao Dau hi~u: Production per acre

when did Peter Roger ong Peter Roger b~t aftu dropped about 30% when he
san xu~t tao s~ch

statt.producing organic apples? switched from regular fatming

(A) When production (A) khi san xuftt giam 30% methods 10 years ago - Chi phi
dropped by 30% (B) 2010
' - -
san xuat tren moi mau giam
(B) 2010 (C) 2000 khoang 30% khi ong chuysn ttr
(C) 2000 (D) Khi chq th\l'c ph§m b~t phuang phap canh tac thong
(D) When Food Matt began dftu ban u·ai cay s~ch thuemg 10 nam uuoc day
selling organic fruits Bai v iSt duqc v iSt vao ngay
21 /5/2010 each day 10 nam la

QuySn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

Questions 181-185 refer to the following announcement and article

Does the Elect have mass appeal?

The long-anticipated Starlet Elect, Starlet Motors' foremost fully electric car, will cost

$42,000, the company announced Tuesday, leaving to decide whether its
environmental appeal is worth the price far above that of similarly sized conventional

Electric car technology has been around for years, but the high cost to make the vehicles
has prevented automakers from producing them for the mass market.

The president of Starlet Motors has expressed optimism that automakers will be able to
lower the price tag of electric vehicle technology. Earlier this month, he suggested that
major reductions in battety costs, one of the primaty reasons electric cars are more
expensive, are on the horizon.
Starlet Motors is relying on a federal tax credit for buyers of electric vehicles to offset some
of the added cost, and they're hoping that the allure- of their novel power source will make

up the rest. Price is not only one potential batTier to mass adoption, however. Consumers
must also get accustomed to plugging the cars in at home. It takes hours to recharge the
vehicles, and in the absence of a network of public rechm·ging stations, drivers that run out

of juice may need a tow huck. It remains to be seen if the Starlet Elect will win over
consumers despite its lofty price and limitations.

Li~u dong xe Elect co hip din d~i da s~ m9i ngU'Oi khong?

Theo dl,I doan, dong xe chay b~ng di~n moi nh~t nay se co gia 42.000 $, cong ty cong b6

vao thu ba, cho phep khach hang quyst dinh xem co sue h~p d~n moi huang cua no co
dang gia han nhisu so voi dong xe thong thuang co cling kich thuoc.
Cong ngh~ xa ch~y b~ di~n da duqc m9t nam, nhung chi phi cao dS ~o ra chling da ngan
can vi~c san x~t ~i tra cho thi huang.

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu thS se lam m~t di gia h·i rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

Chu tich Starlet Motors da bay to niSm l~c quan, hang se co thS giam gia cho dong cong
ngh~ xe di~n. Vao dftu thang nay, ong dS nghi gi~un m~nh chi phi pin, m9t trong nhfrng ly
do chinh khiSn chiSc xe di~n d~t han, dang dm;1c nghien
Starlet Motors la dl,l'a tren tin dl,ll1g thuS lien bang cho nguoi mua xe di~n dS bu ~p m9t

phfui chi phi tang them, Va ChUng tOi hy V9ng r~ng Sl,I h~p cllin CUa ngu6n nang lUQilg moi

se h1m phltn con l~i. Tuy nhien, gia khong phai la rao can duy nh~t dS chUng duqc ch~p
nhfm ~i tra. Nguoi tieu dimg cling phai lam quen voi each s~c nhfrng chiSc xe anha. M~t

gio ds s~c di~n cho xe, va u·ong uuong hqp khong co m9t m~ng luoi cac u·~m s~c cong
c9ng, va khi hSt nang lu911g co thS ck dSn m9t chiSc xe tai keo. No v~n con dS duqc nhin
th~y nSu dong xe Starlet Elect chiSm duqc long khach hang m~c du gia cao ng~t va nhfrng

b~t cftp cua no.
181 . According to the announcement, why is the sticker price not the final price? - Theo
thong bao, t~i sao l~i la gia niem yst rna khong phai la gia cu6i cling
(A) All buyers will receive a substantial tax credit- t~t ca nguoi mua se nhftn duqc m9t
muc giam thus aang ks
(B) The Elect is an extended-range electric vehicle- cong ty Elect rna r9ng cac phuang

ti~n ch~y b~ng di~n

(C) The government will grant some bu! ers tax subsidies. - Chinh phu se tang khoan
u·q gia thuS cho nguoi mua

Diu hi~u: Other state and regional tax subsidies could push the effective price even lower
for some buyers, making the Elect an inu·iguing option for "green" consumers. - Trq gia

thuS Nha nuoc va khu vl,Ic co thS giup h~ gia th~p han nhiSu cho nguoi mua, lam cho Elect

tra thanh S\I ll,Ia ch9n "xanh" ctia nguoi tieu dling
(D) The final price has not been detetmined- gia cu6i cling chua duqc quySt Qinh
182. How much will buyers who receive the federal tax cut pay for an Elect? - Nguoi mua
se nhfm duqc muc giam thuS bao nhieu voi Elect?
(A) $42,000
(B) $7,500

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia u·i rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

Diu hi~u: But if a buyer is eligible for a full federal tax credit of $7,500, the effective price
would be competitive- NSu nguai mua co du diSu ki~n trq gia thuS tin dl,lilg lien bang
7 .500$ thi gia thftt co thS c~nh tranh han
(C) $34,500

(D) $49,500

183. Why are electric cars expensive?- Vi sao dong xe d~y bfug di~n m~c?
(A) They rely on a federal tax credit- chtmg dl,Ia vao thuS tin dl,lilg lien bang

(B) The power source for electric cars costs a lot to make - ngu6n nang lm;mg cho
dong xe ch~y b~ng di~n t6n nhiSu chi phi dS t~o ra
Diu hi~u: Earlier this month, he suggested that major reductions in battety costs, one of

the primmy reasons electric cars are more expensive. - vai ruiu thang nay, ong ~y quySt

dinh gifun gia Pin, m9t trong nhfrng li do lam dong xe di~n m~c han
Price is not the only barrier to mass adoption - gia khong phai la tro ng~i duy nh~t
dS ap dl,lilg ~i tra
(D) Electric cars are environmentally- friendly- dong xe ch~y b~ng di~n thi than thi~n
voi moi huang

184. What is implied about Starlet Motors? - diSu gi co thS suy luftn chu tich Starlet
(A) It realizes the price of the Elect is high. - nh~n th~y gia cua dong xe Elect cao

D~u hi~u: The president of Starlet Motors has expressed optimism that automakers will be
able to lower the price tag of elechic vehicle technology - chu tich Starlet Motors bay to

nism l~c quan tin r~ng hang xe cua ong co kha nang h~ gia cho cong ngh~ phuang ti~n

ch~y b~ng di~n

(B) It has produced many electric cars. - san xu~t nhiSu xe ch~y b~ng di~n
(C) It makes batteries for a low cost. -no t~o nen nhfrng rao can dS h~ gia
(D) It refunds the tax credit to buyers. - no hoan u·a thuS tin dl,lilg lien Bang
185. What does the author of the article have to say about the Elect? - Tac gia clia bai
viSt noi gi vS dong xe Elect?
(A) It does not hann the environment.- no khong co h~i cho moi huang

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguai dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia u·i rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(B) Many people will buy the Elect despite its high cost. - nhiSu nguoi mua m~c du gia
(C) It will need cheaper batteries in order to sell. - chUn.g c§n b9 pin re handS ban
(D) Buyers must overlook its high cost and drawbacks- nguoi mua co thS xem xet

gia Va nhfrng m~t b~t cftp CUa dong xe nay.

Questions 186-190 refer to the following notice and billing statement.
186. What is NOT mentioned as a method of payment? - Phuong thuc thanh toan nao

khong duqc dS cftp
(A) Bank payment- thanh toan qua ngan hang
Wire transfer- chuySn tiSn bfug di~n bao

(C) Paying by telephone - thanh tm1n qua di d{)ng
Paying by check - thanh toan bfuig sec
Diu hi~u: Send payment via bank deposit, wire, or online transfer to any of the following
places: thanh toan qua the ngan hang, di~n bao ho~c chuySn kho{m tn,rc tuySn dSn b~t k)r
noi nao sau day ...
187. If Ms. Fitch makes a payment on March 22, how much must she pay in total? - nSu

co Fitch thanh toan vao ngay 22 thang 3 thi co phai tra t6ng c9ng bao nhieu?
(A) $37.33
(B) $61 .03

(C) $109.38
(D) $161.03

Diu hi~u: Please note that a $100 reconnection customer charge may be applied if yom

account is suspended due to a payment delay of more than 20 days. - Xin luu y r~ng phi
kSt n6i l~i v oi khach hang co thS duqc c9ng them 1 00$ nSu tai kho{m bi dinh chi thanh toan
chftm han 20 ngay.
Chi phi t6ng c9ng la 61.03 $ vao ngay 22/2 va nSu t.ra vao ngay 22/3 tuc chftm han 20 ngay
(trS 30 ngay) thi phai them 100$ phi kSt n6i l~i.
188. When was the meter read for the month?- thiSt bi do duqc d9c khi nao?
(A) 02/24/2011

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia t.ri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(B) 01 /22/2011
(C) 02/22/2011
(D) 01 /24/2011

189. Why are there two separate energy charges for supplier services? - ~i sao l~i co hai

muc gia rieng bi~t cho nha cung c~p dich v1,1?
(A) Excessive energy use at night is subject to extra charge. - vi~c su dl,lllg nang lm;mg

qua muc vito ban dem la nguyen nhan chu quan dS tang gia
(B) Use of renewable energy is required b! law - su dl,lllg nang lu<;mg tai ~o la quy

dinh dn thiSt
Diu hi~u: The renewable energy charge is being collected for the pmpose of acquiring a
pmtion of Rhode island's energy supply from renewable sources as required by Rhode
Island's general laws.
Phi nang lm;mg tai ~o duqc thu thftp cho m1,1c dich kiSm duqc m9t ph§n nang lu<;mg clia
nha cung C~p nang luqng Rhode island's tU cac ngu6n tai t~O theo yeu C~U CUa cac luftt 0
Rhode Island's

(C) Payment delays will result in a disconnection. - thanh toan trS se bi ng~t kSt n6i
(D) All the charges are separated as well. - t~t ca nhiing chi phi duqc tach ra khi dn
190. When must a payment be made by in order to avoid a suspended account? - phai

thanh totm khi nao ds tninh tai khoan bi dinh chi?

(A) By April 10

(B) By March 14

D~u hi~u: khong duqc trS han 20 ngay kS tir ngay 22/2 => 14/3
(C) By F ebmary 24
(D) By Febmary 22
Questions 191-195 refer to the following email and memo
191. What is indicated in the e-mail?- diSu gi duqc chi ra trong thu?
(A) All the sessions will be held in the same month - t~t ca cac phien h9p se duqc t6
chuc trong cling m9t thang

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

Diu hi~u: 3 CUQC h9p dSu diSn ra vao thing 3 ngay 10, 14 va 15
(B) Seth Roddick will lead one of the sessions. - ong Seth Roddick se dfui dftu m9t trong
cac phien h9p
(C) All the sessions will be held in the mmning. - t~t ca cac phien h9p dSu duqc t6 chuc

vao bu6i sang

(D) Employees must attend all the sessions. - nhlm vien phai tham dl,I cit ca cac phien

192. What is Seth Roddick's job title? Vi tri nghS nghi~p cua ong Seth Roddick?
(A) Vice president- ph6 giam d6c
Director - giam d~c

Diu hi~u: La thu duqc gui tir ong Seth Roddick, va phia duoi c6 dS cftp "my acssistant

director" - t:rq H giam d6c cua t6i => B
Assistant director- trq H giam d6c
(D) Manager- quan ly
193. What is the purpose of the memo?- Ml,IC dich cua thu bao nay la gi?
(A) To inform employees of information session requirements- thong bao dSn nhan

vien nhfrng thong tin vS phien h9p

Di u hi~u: athu bao c6 d~y du thong tin vS chu dS phien h9p, ngay, gio, dia diSm va nguoi
chu tri tirng phien h9p

(B) To introduce recently hired employees- gioi thi~u nhfrng nhan vien moi
(C) To explain the features of a new server - giai thich tinh nang cua may chu moi

(D) To notify employees of new security measures -thong bao cho nhfm vien vS cac

tieu chu~n bao mftt moi

194. What does the memo suggest? - Thu bao dS nghi diSu gi?
(A) One session is intended for new employees only. M9t phien h9p chi danh cho nhan
(B) Only a limited number of employees can attend the facilities session. - Chi c6 m9t
s6 luqng nhan vien c6 thS tham dl,I phien h9p

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n c6 tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t ai gia tri rna cac b~n eta dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(C) All company employees will receive client privacy train in~. - T~t ca nhiing nhan
v ien dsu nh~n duqc khoa huk luy~n ca nhan v s khach hang
Diu hi~u: You received an e-mail from the director of client relations regarding the
information sessions being held for TCS employees. I would like to remind evetyone that

the March 10 session is mandatmy for all TCS employees.- B~ nh~n duqc m<?t e-mail tir

giam d6c phong quanh~ khach hang vS cac thong tin bu6i h9p duqc t6 chuc cho nhfm vien
TCS. Toi mu6n nh~c nho m9i nguoi r~ng phien h9p 10 thang 3 la b~t bu<?c d6i voi t~t ca

cac nhfm vien TCS
(D) Some sessions are open only to specific departments.- m<?t vai phien h9p chi duqc
t6 chuc cho nhfrng phong ban ~c bi~t

195. What does Donald Kravitz ask all employees to do?- Donald Kravitz yeu c~u cac
nhan vien lam gi?
Respond to him by e-mail - phan h6i email ctia ong ~y
(B) Attend the networking session - tham dl,I phien h9p
(C) Contact Marilyn Louis by March 6 - lien h~ vOi Marilyn Louis tru&c ngay 6

Diu hi~u:
Bo~n 1: Please email Marilyn Louis to sign up at mlouis@tcsconsulting .com or call her at
ext. 854 - vui long email cho Marilyn Louis dS dang ki t~i email mlouis@tcsconsulting

.com ho~c g9i cho co ~y t~i s6 n<?i b<? 854

Bo~ 2: I encourage you to register for the required sessions by March 6- t6i khuySn khich

b~n dang ki uuac ngay 6 thang 3


(D) Call Seth Roddick by March 8 - g9i Seth Roddick truoc ngay 8 thang 3

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n c6 tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

Questions 196-200 refer to the following news report and memo

196. What was the subject of the news report? - Chu dS cua bao cao moi la gi?
(A) The transition of a temporary position to a permanent one- qua trinh chuySn
d6i tir vi tri t~m thai dSn vi tri chinh thuc

(B) The announcement of a new chaitman of the board- thong bao cua chu tich h9i

d6ng quan tri moi
(C) The myriad problems at Elite Motors- vo s6 v§n dS ~i Elite Motors

(D) Recent trends with car companies - xu huang gfui day cua cac cong ty xe hoi
197 Who will not be likely candidates for resttucturing at the next quarterly meeting?-
Ai se g§n nhilng ll'ng cu vien tai c~u ttuc cho cong ty vao cu9c h9p quy toi?

(A) Upper-level managers- quan li c~p cao
Mid-level managers- qufm li c~p ttung
Assembly line workers- cong nhan cac chuySn san xu~t
(D) Newly hired employees- nhan vien mOi tuy~n d~;~ng
D~u hi~u: he plans to reanange management, which totals about 23,000 people, mainly in
the U.S.- ong ~y co kS ho~ch tai c~u ttuc quan li voi t6ng c9ng 23000 nhan vien h~u nhu

198 What can be infened from the memo?- diSu gi co thS duqc suy lu~ tu thu bao?
(A) The company is expanding overseas.- cong ty mo r9ng ra nuoc ngoai

(B) EM employees are unsatisfied.- nhfrng nhan vien EM khong hai long
(C) Some employees will be fired.- m9t s6 nhfm vien se bi sa thai

(D) EM is selling more cars than last year.- EM dang ban nhi~u xe hoi hon nam

Diu hi~u:
This time last year, I had nothing but problems evetywhere I looked.
Today, our dealers are unhappy because of our inability to build cars, trucks and crossovers
fast enough. Our suppliers are frantically ttying to keep up with increasing customer
demand. Employees are stressed because many had to forgo the usual summer shutdown

QuySn sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

so we could keep up with production. There are even some customers who are upset
because they don't want to waiton their new EM vehicles.
Thai diSm nay nam ngoai, t6i khong co gi ngoai nhfrng v§n dS duqc nhin th~y a ffi9i nai
Hom nay, cac ~i ly CUa chmg t6i khong hai long vi khong du kha nang dS chS t~o nhfrng

chiSc xe hoi, se hli. Cac nha cung c~p cua chling toi dien cu6ng c6 g~ng dS theo kip voi

nhu c~u khach hang ngay cang tang. Nhan vien cang t.hltng vi nhisu nguai datu bo vi~c
nghi ngai binh thuang mlia he vi vfty chling t6i co thS theo kip voi san xu~t. Thftm chi con

co m9t s6 khach hang dang lo 1~ vi h9 khong mu6n cha dqi chiSc xe EM moi cua h9.

199. Who did EM want to hire initially?
(A) Edward Gaines
Someone within EM that had many years of experience. - m9t ai do lam
EM co nhiSu nam kinh nghi~m
vi~c cho
(C) Someone not currently employed by EM - m{)t ai do hi~n khong lam vi~c cho
(D) A fmmer CEO - m9t C\ffi gi<im d6c

200. Why is Mr. Gaines eatning praise?- Vi sao ong Gaines duqc khen ngqi
(A) He guided EM into new mru·kets. - Ong dfui ~t EM vao thi huang moi
(B) He helped EM sell more cars. - Ong giup EM ban nhiSu xe han

(C) He is fixing all of EM's problems.- Ong giai quySt nhfrng vk dS cilit EM
(D) He is making quick, decisive decisions. - Ong quySt dinh nhanh chong va kien

quyst voi quyst dinh do


D~u hi~u: The decision to petmanently keep Gaines was praised by Jeny Elinger, clinical
professor of enh'epreneurship and strategy at the University of Detroit's School ofBusiness.
He's impressed with Gaines' desire to shake up EM's culture of cumbersome committees
that slowed decision making. - QuySt dinh dS ong Daines lam vi~c lau dai duqc tuyen
duang boi ong Jeny Elinger, giao su lam sang vS tinh ~ va chiSn luqc kinh doanh ~i
B~i h9c kinh doanh Deh'oit. Anh ~y gay §n tuqng voi Gaines khi mong mu6n thay d6i van

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguai dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

hoa hun vi~c lUOffi ni cua h9i d6ng qillm tri va chfun ch~p khi dua ra quySt dinh CUa cong

e ic

QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ffi9i nguoi dimg mua ban quySn sach nay
vi nhu ths se lam m~t di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Chon g Chong Tre

Cau hoi D jch nghia Can elf

155 What's the pUipose of the M\lc dich clia la thu la gi? W e would like to inform
letter? (A) DS thong bao cho m9i you of a change in Ro's
(A) To inform people about nguoi biSt vS sv thay d6i Ha ir Salon's present

the store's relocation dia chi CUa CUa hang. location_Chling toi m u6n
(B) To promote the new homs (B) DS xuc tiSn gio ho~t d9ng thong bao dSn b~n v S sv

of operation moi. thay d6i dia diSm hi~n t~i
(C) To announce a change in (C) DS thong bao thay d6i cua Ro's Hair Salon

management qillm li.
(D) To adve1tise a new hair (D) DS quang cao vS m9t san
care product ph~m cham soc toe moi
Dieu gi co the suy ra tir cua We will continue serving

156 What is indicated about the
salon? ti~m
nay? clients at our CUITent
(A) It w ill be closed on
November 3 and 4.
(B) It will display pe1m devices
~A)No se dong cua vao ngay 3
va 4 thang 11
VB)No se hung bay cac dl,ll1g
location until Friday,
November 2, at 5 P .M. The
new salon will be open to
for sale. C\1 UOn toe gifun gia the public at 9 A.M . on the
(C) It has changed its telephone vc)No se thay d6i s6 di~n following Monday,
number. tho~i November 5._ Chling t6i se
(D) It will expand its product ~D)No se rna r9ng S\f Iva ch9n tiSp tl,!C phl,!C Vl,l cac khach

selection. sanph~m rumg t~i dia dism hi~n t~i

cho dSn 5 gio chiSu ngay
thu Sau 2 thang 11 . Salon

moi se khai huang cong

khai luc 9 gio vao thu Hai
sau do ngay 5 thang 11 . -->

Khong ho~t d9ng ngay 3 va


4 thang 11

Cau hoi D jch nghia Can elf

157. When is the deadline fm H~n cuoi huy bo h9i nghi la A cancellation request must
conference cancellations? khi nao? be made in writing &
(A) Janumy 22 22 thang 1 receive by Febiumy 26,
(B) Februmy 8 8 thang 2 20 11_ Dan huy bo phai
(C) February 26 26 thang 2 duqc v iSt va nh~ uuoc

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thimh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m9i ngum dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se lam mat di gia hi rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(D) Febmmy 10 10 thang 2 ngay 26 thang 2, 2011.

157. How much money will ~ Nguoi noi phai tra bao nhieu Regular: $425 (after
speaker pay to register tisn ds dang ki vao ngay 1o I anumy 22, 201 1)_ thong
on Februmy thang 2 thuang:$425 (sau ngay 22

thimg 1, 2011)
157. What restriction is placed 157. H~n chS nao bi ap d~t Full- time student are

on student discounts? cho giam gia danh cho sinh offered a 50% discount
(A) Cancellation requests vien? code when your class
(A) Hlly bo yeu c~u phai

must be made by Febmmy 26, schedule or letter from the
2011. duqc thl,Ic hi~n truoc ngay registar (showing 12 units
(B) They must be registered for 26 thang 2 nfun 2011 or more) and copy a your
12 credits or more. (B) H9 phai dang ki 12 tin school ID are faxed to us at

(C) They must fax in their chi tro len. (818) 677-4850 or
repmi cards.
(D) They must email their
class schedule and a letter from
(C) H9 phai fax bang diSm
h9c t~p ella h9.
(D) H9 phai gm lich h9c va
submitted via email to _
E>6i voi sinh vien toan thai
the registr·m·. thu tir noi dang ki qua mail. gian duqc dS nghi m9t rna
chiSt khftu 50% khi lich h9c
ho~c thu tu noi dang ki biSu
thi b~n d~ ki tren 12 tin

chi va chl,lp l~i rna sinh

vien, fax cho chting t6i theo
s6 (818) 677-4850 ho~c n9p

qua dia chi mail

Cau hoi D!ch nghia Canclf

160 What is the piDpose of the M1,1c dich ella thong bao la As of December 12, the
notice? gi? hourly parking rate for the
(A) To reCiuit new security (A)E>S tuySn d1,1ng nhan vien Starlet Public Parking
guards bao v~ moi. Space will be subject to a
(B) To ask for additional (B) E>S yeu c~u them thong slight increase due to the
infmmation tin. upgrading of its security
(C) To announce the new (C)E>S cong b6 phi d6 xe system, including the

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thlnh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dt:rng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se Hun mat di gia hi ma cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

parking rates moi. renovation of lighting

(D) To provide directions (D):DS cnng cftp sv huang facilities and an increase in
dfui. the number of security guards
on duty._T inh dSn ngay 12

thang 12, phi dftu xe theo gio
~iStarlet Public Parking

Space se phai chiu muc tang
nhy do vi~c nang cftp h~

th6ng an ninh ciing nhu tan
trang l~i cac thist bi chisu
sang va tang s6 luqng nhan
vien bao v~

161 What is stated about the Bieu gi duqc neu trong cftp Rates are set to increase by
updated parking hours and rate?
(A) It is open for business 24
hours a day.
nhftt gio va phi d6 xe?
(A) No mo Clra 24 gio
$1 .00 on Saturdays and
Snndays ._ Gia duqc thiSt lftp
tang them 1$ vao cac ngay
(B) New security gates will (B) C6ng an ninh moi se thu Bay va Chu nhftt.
be installed on December 12. duqc cai d~t vao ngay 12
(C) Hourly rates are higher thang 12.
on Saturdays. (C) Phi gifr xe theo gio se

(D) Its business hours have cao han vao cac ngay thu
been changed recently. Bay.
(D) Gio lam vi~c bi thay d6i

Cau hoi D!ch nghia Cancu


162. What is the purpose of the Ml,IC dich cua la thu la gi? The Board of T1ustees and
letter? (A) BS bay to long bist the Members of Medford
(A) To show appreciation an v i~c trong qua khu United Group would like to
for past work! (B) BS yeu c~u tai tTq take this opportnnity to
(B) To ask for a sponsorship (C) BS khuySn khich fmmally express our thanks
(C) To promote a special nhom nhfrng nguoi giup do and appreciation to you for
helpers group d~c bi~t the wonderful work you did
(D) To ask for help in an (D) BS yeu c~u sv giup recently at our

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thlnh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se lam mat di gia tri ma cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chon g Chong Tre

upcommg do trong thai gian tai headqumters._ H9i d6ng

Qufm tri va cac Thanh vien
cua Medford United Group
mu6n nhfm co h9i nay ds

chinh thuc bay to lai cam an
va bist an dsn b~n vs nhiing

vi~c tuy~t vai b~n da lam g§n
day ~i tn,l so chinh cua

C t6i.
163. Who most likely is :Mr. Ong Dening gan giong vai A special note of thanks also
Dening? ai nh~t? to Mr. Pat Dening for his
(A) A Boy Scout (A)Huang ~o sinh leadership and time spent on

(B) An event organizer (B)Nguai t6 chuc s\f ki~n guiding his troops._M9t lai
(C) The CEO of the
American Boy Scouts
(D) The leader of a Boy
(C)Giam d6c diSu hanh
H uang ~o sinh My
(D)Nguai lanh ~o d9i
nh~n cam an ~c bi~t dSn Mr.
Pat Dening vi S\f d§n &tva
danh thai gian huang ci§n d9i
Scout troop huang d~o sinh ctia ong ay.

164. According to the letter, Thong qua la thu, nhGng The new roofing on Wing
what kind of work did the huang ~o sinh lam lo~i Band the great job you did on

scouts perfmm? cong vi~c nao? the walkway around the

(A) They sponsored a new (A) HQ tai trq m9t CUQC building was work that does
charity drive. dua xe tu thi~n mai not go unappreciated or

(B) They helped secure (B) H9 giup gay quy tin unnoticed.-
funding for a constluction cfty cho m9t dl,I an xay
project. dl,Illg

(C) They organized a special (C) H9 t6 chuc m9t nh6m


helpers group. nhiing nguai giup do ~c

(D) They performed some bi~t
construction work (D) H9 thl,Ic hi~n m9t s6
cong trinh xay dl,Ing

Cau hoi Djch nghia Can eD-

165 For whom at the Tuffs Thong bao duqc danh cho ai Current Membershi12s ExQire:
University Gym is this notice t~i phong tftp thS d1,1c d~i h9c June 30, 2010

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thimh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngum dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

probably intended? Tuffs? MembershiQ renewals may

(A) Inshuctors only (A) chi co giao vien huang be purchased starting:
(B) Gym members only dfui Monday, June 14
(C) All students (B) chi cac thanh v ien phong New membershiQs may be
~p thS d1,1c

(D) All staff members purchased starting: Thursday,
(C) Tftt ca h9c sinh July 1

(D) Tftt ca cac nhan vien Summer membershiQs may
be purchased starting:

Monday, June 14
Danh cho thanh v ien hSt h~, u
gia ~, thanh vien moi, ~
thanh vien mua he~ cit ca u

cac sinh vien ~
tic u
166. When can new members
join the gym?
166. Khi nao cac thanh vien
moi co ths tham gia phong
New membershiQs may be
purchased starting: Thursday,
~p thS d1,1c? u
(A) On June 30 July 1 _ thanh vien moi co ths
(B) On June 14 (A) Ngay 30 Th~mg 6 duqc mua b~t d~u vao thu 5 ~
(C) On July 1 (B) Ngay 14 thang 6 ngay 1 thang 7 0
(D) On September 19 (C) Ngay 1 thang 7 ~

(D) Ngay 19 Thang 9
167. Where can you check the 167. B~n co thS kiSm u·a Note: You MUST be
gym schedule? lich trinh ~p thS d1,1c a dfm? registered for classes in the

(A) In the gym (A) Trong cac phong tftp thS ctuTent semester in order to
(B) At the building door d1,1c be eligible for tlie dtscounted
(C) By calling the gym (B) T ~i cua toa nha price. If your e-mail address

(D) On the Internet (C) B~ng each g9i dSn has changed, please let us

phong tftp know by contacting Margaret

(D) Tren Intetnet Tulsa at 678-8656 or at
Ghi chu: b~n phai dang ki lap
h9c u·ong ki h9c hi~n ~i dS
du diSu ki~n gi~un gia. NSu
dia chi mail cua b~n thay d6i,
vui long cho chling t6i biSt
bfug each lien h~ Margaret

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thimh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se lam mat di gia tri ma cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

Tulsa qua s6 678-8656 ho~c

168 What will happen if a 168. BiSu gi se xay ra nSu tU You must renew by mid-July.
locker is not renewed by mid- khoa khong duqc gia h~n All non-renewed lockers will

July? truoc gifra thang bay? be reassigned to new
(A) It will be assigned to (A) Se duqc giao cho m9t members - B~ phai gia h~n

someone else. nguoikhac. nuoc gifra thang 7. Nhfrng tu
(B) It will be emptied and (B) Nose bi hliy bo va xoa khoa khong gia h~n se
chuySn l~i cho thanh vien

cleaned by staff. boi d9i ngii nhfm vien.
(C) It will be assigned to (C) se duqc giao cho nhfm moi
staff members. vten.
A wmning letter will be sent (D) M9t la thu canh bao se

duqc gui di.

Cau hoi
tic Djch nghia CaneD-
169. What is the purpose of the 169. M1,1c dich ctia ban ghi
memo? 2010 Javachips annual Meeting
nha lagi?
of Shareholders General
(A) To ask for contributions (A) BS yeu c~u dong gop Information
(B) To announce a webcast (B) BS cong b6 m9t webcast

(C) To sell tickets to a meeting (C) BS ban ve cho m9t cu9c

(D) To relay information about hQp

a company event (D) BS chuySn tiSp thong tin

vS m9t S\I ki~n cong ty

170. How can shareholders 17 0. Lam the nao cac co Please note the Javachips
buy tickets? dong co thS mua ve? Annual Meeting of

(A) They already have them. (A) H9 da co chling r6i. Shareholders IS a ticketed
(B) H9 co thS l~y chling nvc

(B) They can pick them up in event. On Janumy 26, 2011,

person at the company tiep t~i nv so cong ty. we mailed to all our
headqumters. (C) H9 co thS l~y chling shareholders a Notice of
(C) They can get them through thong qua trang web cua Intetnet Availability of Proxy
the company webpage. cong ty. Materials (the 'Notice')
(D) They can buy a Notice at the (D) H9 co thS mua m9t containing inshuctions on
company website. thong bao tren trang web cua how to access our 2011 Proxy
cong ty. Statement and 2010 Annual

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing t.hanh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se lam mat di gia hi ma cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

Report to Shareholders. The

Notice also provides
instluctions on how to vote
online or by telephone, and

includes instluctions on how
to receive a paper copy of the

proxy materials by mail. The
Notice serves as an admission
ticket for one shareholder to

attend the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders' Ngay 26
Thang M9t 2011, chting t6i

gui dsn t~t ca cac c6 dong
tic m9t thong bao u·en Inte~net
Availability ofProxy
Materialscua (phfui 'Thong
bao') co chi cllin vS each tluy
cftp tinh hinh uy quysn nam
2011 va Bao cao thuemg nien
nam 201 0 cho c6 dong.

Thong bao cling cung c~p

huang d§n v s each thuc bo
phisu nvc tuysn ho~c qua
di~n tho~i, va bao g6m cac

huang d§n vs each nhftn Hm

sao cua cac tai Ii~u liy quysn

b~ng mail. Thong bao ph1,1c


Vl,l nhu la m9t Ve VaO CUa cho

m9t c6 dong tham dv cu9c
h9p thuemg nien clia cac c6
171. What topic is NOT 171. vk dS gi khong duqc Lo~ihir
listed? li~t ke? Cau B: nhu cau 170
(A) Information about (A) Thong tin vS quySn lqi Cau C: Location: Marilyn
employee benefits nhan vien mcgraw Hall at Becks Center
(B) How to access event tickets (B) Lam thS nao dS co v e SlJ CauD: Webcast

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se Hun mat di gia hi ma cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(C) Where the event will take ki~n Shareholders may also log
place (C) Sv ki~n nay se diSn ra a onto a live webcast of the
(D) Altemative options to view dau meeting on March 14 by
the event (D) L va ch9n thay thS khac visiting the Investor Relations
dS xem cac S\1' ki~n

section of our website. The
webcast will be available for

replay through Wednesday,
April28, 2011 ._ Cac c6 dong

ciing co ths dang nhftp vao
webcast tn,rc tiSp cu9c h9p
vao ngay 14 thang 3 bfug
each buy cftp vaoinvestor

Relations cl1a trang web.
tic Webcast se sgn dS phat l~i
qua Thu tu, ngay 28 thang 4,
2011 .
Cauhoi Dichnghia Cancu
172. How often is each 172. Moi lap thuemg duqc Each class tuns for 2 hours

class held? t6 chuc thuong xuyen nhu and meets a minimum of

(A) One day a week ths nao? twice a week_M6i lop keo
(B) Two days a week (A) M9t ngay m9t tuk dai 2h va g~p nhau it nhltt 2

(C) At least three days a

(B) Hai ngay m9t tuilil lfui 1 tuk.
week (C) it nh~t ba ngay m9t
(D) At least two days a tu~n

week (D) Co it nh~t hai ngay

n·ong m9t tu~n

173. What infmmation is 173. Thong tin gi duqc

Provided in the notice? cung c~p n·ong thong bao?
(A) The cost of class (A) Gia dang ki lap h9c
reg is n·ation (B) Lich khoa h9c m~u
(B) Sample course schedule cho sinh vien mai chuysn
for incoming n·ansfer dSn
students (C) Lich h9c m~u cho

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thimh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se lam mat di gia hi ma cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chon g Chong Tre

(C) Sample schedule for Tan sinh vien

incoming freshmen (D) Cac kh6a h9c b~t bu9c
(D) Required courses for all cho cit ca cac sinh vien ky
engineering students thuftt

174. If students have 174. NSu sinh vien co th~c However, each student

questions, what does the m~c, thong bao dS nghi h9 must develop a complete
notice suggest they do? hun gi? course plan in consultation

(A) Visit the :MEAM (A) Ghe thfun trang web with his or her assigned
department website cilit b9 phftn :MEAM academic advisor_Tuy
(B) Speak to an advisor (B) N6i chuy~n voi m9t c6 nhien m6i sinh vien phai
(C) Visit the :MEAM van trinh bay m9t kS ho~ch

department in person (C) BSn phong meam tn,rc khoa hQC hoan thi~n voi S\I
(D) Contact the Admissions
(D) Lien h~ Van phong
TuySn sinh
tu vfui tt1 c6 vfui mon h9c
duqc chi dinh.
175. What is NOT 17 5. BiSu gi la khong dS
indicated about the sample cftp vS lich h9c mftu? A: social
schedule? (A) khoa hQC xa h9i I nhan science/humanities
(A) Which social van lamon Elective , dva vao bang

science/humanities Tvch9n
Elective to take (B) M6i lap keo dai m~y
(B) How many hours each gio?
(C) Cac lap h9c g~p nhau

class lasts
(C) Which day of the week vao nhfrng ngay nao trong
the classes meet tu§n

(D) Which math course (D) Kh6a h9c toan nao dn


should be taken duqc thvc hi~n

Cauhoi Dichnghia Can cu

176. Who isMs. 173. Ba Chambers la ai? This letter confnms your
Chambers? (A) Nguoi thue nha nghi reservation at Vineyard
(A) The renter of a (B) M9t cu dan a khu Vacation Homes- Buc thu
vacation property chung cu nay xac nhftn vi~c d~t

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thimh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngum dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se Hun mat di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(B) A resident in an (C) Chu clia m9t nha nghi phong 4ti Vineyard
apartment complex (D) N guoi quim ly cua m9t Vacation Homes
(C) The owner of a vacation cong ty cho thue

(D) The manager of a rental


177. What can be 177. Nhfrng gi c6 thS duqc Do not remove any cords,

infened about M:. Harold? suy ra vS ong Harold? wires, or cables from the
(A) He is Mr. Gannan's (A) Ong la nguoi Giam sat TVID VD or attach other
supervisor. cuaGmman. devices to them . Doing so
(B) He helps people move (B) Ong fly giup nguoi dan may result in requiring Mr.

into the property. di chuySn tai san. Harold to repair damages to
(C) He is responsible for

confnming reservations.
(D)He is a handyman
(C) Ong fly c6 tnich nhi~m
xac ~n vi~c d~t phong.
(D) Ong la m9tnguoi
the TV or DVD player,
which you will be billed
for_ dt:rng ng~t kSt n6i voi
bflt ki day' m~g hay cap tu
working with Mr. sieng nang c9ng S\l' voi ong
Garman. Gmman. TV/DVD ho~c kSt n6i thiSt
nhu thS c6 thS d§n dSn yeu

c~u ong H arold sua chua

thi~t h~i tu TV hay d~u
DVD, diSu d6 nghia b~

phai tra h6a dan cho cit ca.

178 The word 'subsequent' 178 Tu subsequent t~i
11 11
You will find the address of
in paragraph 5, line 2, is do~ 5, dong 2, c6 nghia the house, the phone

closest in meaning to g~n nhflt voi? number of the house, and


(A) Together (A) cling the lease dates in a

(B) Bigger (B) lonhan subsequent e-mail from
(C) Another (C) khac me_B~n se tim thly dia chi
(D) Detailed (D) chi tiSt nha, s6 di~n tho~i nha, va
ngay thue trong m9t e-mail
tiSp theo (email khac) tU
179 What has Ms. 179 Ba Chambers tra tiSn This letter confi1ms that

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thlnh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngum dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se lam mat di gia tri ma cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

Chambers paid for? cho vi~c gi? you have paid the full
(A) Only rent (A) Chi co tiSn thue balance in addition to any
(B) Only the deposit (B) Chi co tiSn CQC required security
(C) The deposit plus rent (C) Cac kho{m tiSn c9c deposits_Buc thu nay xac
nh~n b~n da tra toan b9 tiSn

(D) Nothing yet c9ng vai tiSn thue
(D) Chua tra gi thue ben c~ khoan tiSn

CQC ck thiSt.

180 Why doesn't Ms. 180 T ~i sao co Chambers *Please print this entire

Chambers need a separate khong dn 1 hqp d6ng thue lease; fill it out completely;
lease? nha rieng bi~t? sign it and send it back to
(A) She ah·eady paid the full (A) Coda u·a toan b9 s6 du mevta
balance. trong tai khoan. Regular mail or by

(B) The letter serves as the (B) La thu xem nhu hqp fax._Vui long diSn vao hqp
(C) She will receive a

separate emaiL
d6ng thue nha.
(C) Co se nh~n duqc m9t
email rieng bi~t.
d6ng nay, kiva gui cho t6i
qua thu tay ho~c fax

(D) Coda u·a tiSn ~t c9c.

(D) She paid a security *You will find the address
deposit. of the house, the phone
number of the house, and
the lease dates in a

subsequent e-mail from me

. Please make a copy of
the lease and bring it with

you on your vacation.

Your lease and all
communication from me

is your Legal authority to


rent the home._B~ se tim

duqc d~i chi nha, s6 di~n
tho~i nha va ngay thue
trong email kS tiSp tu toi.
Vui long sao m9t hqp d6ng
thue nha va mang theo
trong ki nghi clia b~. Hqp
d6ng thue nha cua b~n va
titt ca thong tin lien l~c tu

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thlnh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se Hun mat di gia tri rna cac b<;tn eta dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

t6i la quySn lqi hqp phap

cilil b~n khi dSn thue nha.

Cauhoi Dichnghla Cancu r-

181. What is NOT b.ue 181 Bieu gi khong dill1g Our instJ.uctors and
about Leaders Institute? vS lanh ~o Leaders trainers are expetts in ~

They teach how to speak Institute? developing stJ.·ong, leaders
publicly. (A) H9 d~y each dS noi throughout F mtune 500 u
They are intended for chuy~n tJ.uoc dam dong. companies and ~

Fortune 500 clients only. (B) E>uqc dv dinh chi independent businesses ~

They are designed to dimh cho 500 khach hang around the world_ Nhfrng ~
improve leadership skills. tic
may man.
nguoi huang dfui va u
They sometimes provide
speakers for conventions.
(C) ChUng duqc thiSt kS
ds nang cao k5' nang lanh
chuyen vien dao ~0 cua
chill1g toi la cac chuyen
~0. gia trong vi~c phat triSn
(D) Thinh thoang h9 dua
ra cho diSn gia cac quy 0
uoc. ~

182 In the advertisement, 182 Trong qillmg cao, tu
the word 'culture' in 'culture' trong do~n 1,
dong 9, g§n nghia nh~t voi
paragraph 1 , line 9, is

closest in meaning to (A) moi b.uong

(A) Environment (B) van phong (j
(B) Office (C) Cong ty

(C) Company (D) quy uoc


(D) Convention

183 Why did Mr. Park 183 T~i sao ong Park viSt Your seminar helped me see
write the e-mail? e-mail? that the leader's role is to
(A) To ask for (A) BS yeu c~u thong tin serve others, helping them to
make the most of their
infmmation about a vS m9t lop h9c
contributions to further the
class (B) BS dang k)r cho m9t organization's mission,
(B) To register for a h9i thao dao t~o whether it's a company or a

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thlnh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhllm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngum dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se lam mat di gia tJ.i ma cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

training seminar (C) BS hoi vS vi~c noi classroom.

(C) To ask about public huoc cong chling Thanks again.
speaking (D) BS dun on nguoi Cu(>c h9i thao cua b~n da
(D) To thank a specific huang d~nrieng. giup toi thay du'<JC vai tro
cua Hinh d~O d~ phvc Vl,l

nhung thu on
Ian nua

184 What job does · Mr. 184 Co le ong Park linn Our presentation training
Park probably have? vi~c gi? and public speaking courses,
designed specifically for

(A) He is a public speech (A) 6ng la nguoi viSt bai
teachers and professors, help
writer. disn thuyst huoc cong eliminate the fear of public
(B) He is a business chling. speaking
consultant. (B) Ong lam9tnha tuvfu!

~r?a ra~ t!iaR t!~ tt=:$~~
(C) He is a school kinh doanh. cong chung va dao t~o
(D) He is a motivational

(C) Ong la m9t giao vien
ph6 thong.
(D) Ong la m9t nguoi diSn
thuyet trinh cua chung toi
du<Jc thiet ke d~c bi~t danh
cho nhung giao vien va giao
185. Which statement is 185. Cau nao dtmg nhat ve
Our instructors and
most likely hue about Leaders Institute ? trainers are experts in
Leaders Institute? (A) la m9t cong ty hang develoJ2ing strong,

(A) It is a multi-million h·i~u do la. confident leaders

throughout Fortune 500
dollar company. (B) No t6 chuc hang h·am
companies and independent
(B) It holds hundreds of cac h9i thao va cac lap businesses around the

seminars and classes per hQC m6i nam.

year. (C) No da dao ~o cac nha
(C) It has h·ained the top diSn thuySt hang dftu

public speakers T~i HoaKy


In the U.S. (D) Vi~c giang d~y, ho~c

(D) Its teachings can apply ngu6n kiSn thuc h9c th~t
to settings other than a tir huang nay duqc ap
corporation. dl,lng h·en di~n r9ng

Cauhoi Dich nghia Can cu

186 What is the pUipose of 186 ml,lc dich cua bai viSt M9t vai dftu hi~u:

Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thlnh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngum dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se linn mat di gia hi ma cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

the article? la gi? * With her largest

(A) To explain food (A) BS giai thich cac ky collection of recipes yet,
preparation techniques thuftt chS biSn thvc ph§m F oodit Network's
(B) To discuss a new style of (B) BS thao lu~n v S phong indefatigable cook Raina
each nftu an moi

cooking Gibson guarantees you' ll be
(C) To discuss a kitchen (C) BS thao lu~n vS vi~c able to put something fresh

design thist kS nha bsp and exciting on your dinner
(D) To evaluate a recent (D) BS danh gia m9t cong table every night for a full
b6 g~nday ~

publication year._ Voi b9 suu tftp Ian
nhftt v cac cong thuc nftu u
nuang, nftu an khong bist ~
m~t moi trong F oodit u

Network cua Raina Gibson ~
tic dam bao b~n se co ths them u
Sl,l' tuoi moi va MO hUng
vao cac ban an m6i t6i tJ.·Qn
*Raina offers dozens of
recipes that, once mastered,
can become entirely new ~

dishes with just a few
ingredient swaps_ Raina
cung cftp hang ch1,1c cong
thuc nftu an rna, m9t khi da ~

lrun chu nftu an, co ths bisn (j

d6i mon an hoan toan moi

voi chi m9t vai Sl,l' hoan d6i


187. What does the 187 Bai bao ng\1 y give As a bestselling cookbook
article imply about Raina Raina Gibson? author_la tac gia cua sach
Gibson? (A) Co la m9t d~u bSp nha ~y nftu an ban c~y nhftt
(A) She is a restaurant chef. hang.
(B) She has published (B) Ba da xuftt ban sach
other cookbooks. d~y nftu an khac.
(C) She is the owner of the (C) Co la chu so hfru CUa
Foodit Network. F oodit Network.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thimh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se lrun mat di gia b.i ma cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(D) Her new cookbook is not (D) sach d~y n~u an moi
the best one on the cua co khong phai la t6t
market. nh~t tren thi uuemg.

188. In the letter, the 188. Trong thu, tir However, the flavors aren't
word 'unappetizing' in 'unappetizing ' trong do;;tn always great; they are often

paragraph 1, line 5 is 1, dong 5 gfm nghla nh~t combined in unappetizing
closest in meaning to voi? mixtures _ Tuy nhien,

(A) Tasteless (A) khong vi huang vi khong phai luc
(B) Tasty (B) ngon naocGngtuy~~chl!ng
(C) Complicated (C) phuc ~P thuemg ~0 nen S\1' ph6i hqp
(D) Assmted (D) ca m9i lo;;ti khong ngon mi~ng

189 What does Ms. Santis
ask the author to do?
(A) Reprint the
189 Co Santis yeu c~u
nguoi viSt lam gi?
(A) In l~i cac sach d~y n~u
The worst pmt ,
Though, is the lack of a
useful index. It's exu·emely
cookbook with more an vai nhiSu cong thuc n~u difficult to find your way
rectpes an han. around the book. Just uy
(B) Establish guidelines (B) ThiSt lftp huang dk looking for a 'chicken' dish.
for future cookbooks cho cac sach ~y ~u an If you don't know the title ,

(C) Refund the cost of the trong tuong lai chances m·e you won't find
cookbook (C) R oan l~i chi phi clia it fast . A future edition that
(D) Include an index in cac sach ~y n~u an remedies this problem

a subsequent edition (D) Bao g6m m9t m1,1c l1,1c would be highly
trong ~n ban tiSp theo recommended._ Phfm t6i t~
nh~~ la thiSu m1,1c l1,1c ti~n

ich. Thftt sv r~t kho khan

dS tim diSu b~ dn trong

cu6n sach. Chi c§n c6 g~ng

tim kiSm m9t mon an ru
'ga'. NSu b;;tn khong biSt
ten, r~t co thS la b;;tn se
khong tim th~y no nhanh.
M9t ~n ban trong tuang lai
kh~c ph1,1c vk dS nay r~t
duqc dS nghi.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thimh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group "T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se lam mat di gia tri ma cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

190. What is hue about 190. Dieugi dling ve ba I bought this cookbook
Ms. Santis? Santis? with no prior knowledge of
(A) She does not like the (A) Co ~Y khong thich you or your other

Spring Chicken with Spring Chicken voi mon cookbooks. - t6i mua sach
Peas dish. Peas. c4ty ~u an nay khi khong

(B) She is a fan of Raina (B) Co la m9t fan ham m9 co b~t ki hisu bist nao vs
Gibson. cua Raina Gibson. b~n va nhfrng sach khac
clia b~ tluac do.

(C) She is not a professional (C) Co khong phai la m9t
chef. d~u bSp chuyen nghi~p.
(D) She has not seen (D) Co da khong xem
Gibson's popular chuang trinh Foodit ph6

Foodit shows. biSn clia Gibson.

Cauhoi Dich
tic Cancu
191. What problem 191 Ong Sheppard bao In the meantime we watched a TV
with the product does cao vk ds gi vs san with a buzzing sound and a
Mr. ph§m? tenible picture._Trong hie cho dqi
(A) No co m9t ph§n bi chUn.g t6i xem TV voi tiSng u u va

Sheppard repmt?
(A) It contains a 16i. hinh anh t6i t~
defective part. (B) Co v~n dS vS
(B) It has problems with tuang phan mau s~c.

its color conhast. (C) No khong phai la

(C) It was not a good deal. san ph§m t6t
(D) It was back ordered (D) No da duqc giao

for weeks.
- '
tre vai tuan.

192. What most likely 192. Vi~c nao gan From: <allanw@toppurchase. com>
is a patt of Allan's job? gi6ng nh~t voi m9t Subject: RE: WatTanty complaint
(A) Contacting customers phlfl cong vi~c CUa Dear Mr. Sheppard_ Tu:
about new products Allan? allanw@to!2! Chu
(B) Training Top (A) Lien h~ voi khach dS: Phan h6i: KhiSu ~i bao hanh
Purchase employees hang vs san ph§m mai dSn ong Sheppm·d
(C) Resolving customer (B) Dao ~o nhfrng

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thlnh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngum dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se Hun mat di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chon g Chong Tre

complaints nhan vien Top

(D) Emailing customers Pmchase
about Top Purchase (C) Giai quySt khiSu
locations n~i cilit khach hang

(D) gui email cho
khach hang vs cac dia

diSm thu mua hang
Email thu nh~t:

193. When did the 193. Thq sua chua dSn
repaitmen go to Mr. nha ong Sheppard khi From: Gaty Sheppat·d
Sheppard's home? ni10? <gsheppard@ hotmail. com> Date:
(A) On Mat·ch 9 (A) Ngay 09 thang 3 Mm·ch 10

(B) On March 10 (B) Ngay 1o thang 3 The Top Pmchase .com repainnen
(C) On Febt·uary 24
(D) On Febmaty 10
(C) Ngay 24 Thang 2
(D) Ngay 10 thang 2
came to my place 14 days ago
Tu Gaty Sheppm·d < gsheppard@ > ngay 10 thang 3
Nhan vien sua chfra cua
gsheppard@ hotmail. com dSn ch6
t6i each day 14 ngay
What additional 194 Ong Sheppard can Once your replacement request is

item does Mr. Sheppard phai mang theo cai gi approved, you receive a phone call
need to obtain before ttuoc khi di dsn cac with a confi..tmation number of the
going to the Top cuahang Top approval, and that number is what

Purchase store for a Pmchase dS tra hang? the store needs to process the
retwn? (A) Hoa dan hang hoa replacement._ Sau khi yeu c~u d6i
(A) The item receipt (B) Cac bao bi g6c hang cua b~n duqc ch~p nh~n, b~n

(B) The original (C) Ma s6 xac nh~ ~n duqc m9t cu9c di~n tho~i voi
(D) M9t the bao hanh m9t s6 xac nh~n phe duy~t, rna s6

(C) A confirmation do la nhfrng gi cfra hang dn ds
number giai quyst d6i hang.
(D) A wananty tag

195. How can Mr. 195. Lam thS nao ong Please make sme to fill out the
Sheppat·d receive a Sheppard co thS nh~ enclosed fmm with your full name
discount on a futme giam gia khi mua hang and cunent address, so we can

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thimh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

purchase? trong tuang lai? send you a store coupon for 10%
(A) By filling out a (A) B~ng each diSn off your next purchase._ Hay ch~c
questionnaire vao m9t bang diu hoi chfu dS diSn vao biSu m~u kern
(B) By recommending the (B) Bfug each gioi theo ten dfty du cua b~n va dia chi
hi~n t~i, vi thS chling t6i co thS gili

company to a friend thi~u cong ty cho m9t
(C) By signing up for a nguoib~ cho b~n m9t phiSu gifun gia 10%

credit card (C) Bfug vi~c dang kY cua cua hang cho lftn mua hang
(D) By placing an Intetnet the tin dt,mg tiSp theo cila b~n.
(D) B~ng v i~c d~t

hang qua Intetnet

Cauhoi Cancu

196. Why is Ms. Adams 196. T~i sao co Adams viSt
Email1: From: Lila Adams
writing to Ms. Wang?
(A) To request infonnation
about a conference
cho co Wang?

h9i nghi
<> To:
(A) Yeu cftu thong tin vS
Diana Wang
(B) To ask her to create a (B) Yeu cftu co ~y dS t~o
I'm so glad we had a chance
wmkshop bu6i h9i thao to meet and exchange
(C) To ask for advice about numbers. I wish we had had
(C) DS yeu cftu tu vk vS
workplace issues cac v~n dS t~i noi lam vi~c
more time to talk about

(D) To encourage her to (D) DS khuySn khich co your growing business._

attend a conference tham dl,l' h9i nghi T oi r~t vui vi chling t6i da
co co h9i g~p go va trao d6i
s6 di~n tho~i. T oi mu6n

chling ta co nhiSu thai gian

han dS thao ll$1 vS vi~c

phat triSn kinh doanh.


197. According to the e- 197. Theo e-mail, co Wang Email 1: From: Lila Adams
mail, what concem has Ms. bay to quan tfun diSu gi? <> To:
Wang expressed? (A) Cong ty cua co dang Diana Wang
(A) Her company is in g~p kho khan vS tai chinh. <>
trouble financially. (B) Co qua nhiSu dv an I can understand your
(B) There are too many new nghien CUu moi trong b9 hesitation and anxiety about
research projects in her ph~ cila minh. hiring people to expand the
department. (c) cong ty cila co phai business Toi co thS hiSu

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thlnh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngum dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se lam mat di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thimh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se Hun mat di gia tri ma cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

3, 2010 II
Time: 4:00P.M. to
6.00P.M. Tinh each va
nhGng nghien ctru tfun ly

trong moi huang lam vi~c.
Bai Considerations, thu Hai

ngay 3/11 /2010 tU 4h dSn
6h chiSu.

200. For whom is Debra 200. Bai thuySt trinh cua Inu·oduction to Record
Allan's presentation most Debra Allan co thS danh Keening and Accounting

likely intended? cho ai nh~t? for First-Year Workers
(A) Inexperienced
(B) Human resomces
(A) kS toan thiSu kinh
(B) Nhan vien nhan S\f
By Debra Allans _ Gioi
thi~u vS Record Keening va
nghi~p V\1 kS toan cho
nhfrng nhan vien nam d~u
employees (C) cac qllim ly moi nhftn
(C) Newly hired managers vi~c tien
(D) Inexperienced business (D) nhGng nha phat triSn Boi Debra Allans
developers kinh doanh thiSu kinh


Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thimh vien nhi~t tinh nhit CUa group ''T oeic Practice Club" bien so~n
nhlm giup cac b<:tp co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguOi dirng mua ban quy~n sach nay vi
nhu the se Hun mat di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Digital Photos Come to life! May anh kY thu~t so di vao CUQC sOng!
You've all seen the countless ads for digital Co thg cac b<;~n da xern vo s6 quiing cao cho
photo albums. These albums have the hinh anh ky thuat s6. Lo<;~i hinh nay co cac loi
advantage of allowing you to store many thg la cho phep b<;~n hru trfr nhigu hinh anh
pictures instead oflooking at the same picttu·e thay vi chi nhin mot buc su6t ngay. M~c du
all day. While these digital albums are novelty hinh anh kY thuat s6 nay la lo<;~i hinh rnai 1<;~,

items, they do not fully utilize the technology nhlmg chlm.g khong su d\lll.g dky du cong
ngh~ san co. E>o la nai hinh anh d~p nhu rna

available. That's where Dream Picttu·es comes
in. We have developed a new digital album xu~t hi~n. Chlm.g toi da phat tlign mot lo<;li
that not only disJllays Jlictures, but also anh kl thuat s6 rn6i khong nhfrng thg hi~n

)days video files (153) in the most popular hinh anh, rna con chigu dUQC nhfrng phirn CO
fonnats. Now you can look at pictures and dinh d<;lng ph& bign nhlt. Bay gio b<;~n co thg
short video clips that play in a loop. We have xern anh va cac do<;~n clip ng~n luu t:rong

many customer service consultants waiting to may. Chlm.g toi co nhigu nhan vien tu vk
take your call. We'll hel)l you choose from phl;lC Vl) khach hang sful sang phl;lC Vl) cac
our diverse line of products and styles. You
can also send us your Jlictures and videos
and sim)lly tell us what kind of album you
b<;~n. Chlm.g toi se giup b<;~n hra chQn dong san
ph§rn phong phu va da d<;~ng. B<;~n ciing co thg
gUi chlm.g t6i hinh anh va phirn, chi c~n noi
vai chlm.g toi b<;~n rnu6n lo<;~i anh nao. Chlm.g
want (154). We personally guarantee that
you'll be 100% satisfied or your money back! toi nh~t dinh bao darn r~ng b<;~n se hai long
100% ho~c b<;~n duoc hoan tign l<;~i!
Dream Pictures, INC. [212] 589-8512 Anh d~p nhu rna, Cong ty [ 212] 589- 8512

www .drearnpictures.corn www.drearnpictures. Corn

153. What is being advertised? 153. Nhfrng gi dang dUQC quang cao?
(A) Digital albums that show pictures (A) Dia ki thuat s6 cho th~y hinh anh
(B) Novelty items (B) Mon d6 rn6i 1<;~

(C) Albums that show both Jlictures and (C) Dia hat cho th~y ca hinh anh l~n vi -
videos (te-o

(D) Video files in popular fmmats (D) Tap tin video vai dinh d<;lng ph& bign
154. What kind of support will customers 154. Lo<;li ho t:rQ gi se khachhang nhan?

receive? (A) Huang clan dg gm tap tin

(A) Directions to send files (B) Liri khuyen v~ chqn ll!a thi~t bj luu trif
(B) Advice on selecting albums hinh anh
(C) Company infmmation (C) Thong tin cua cong ty
(D) Refund instructions (D) Huang clan hoan tign 1<;~i

Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so<;~n nh~rn giup cac b<;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quygn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia t:ri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

To: Hannah Song ugn : Harmah Song
From: Karen Wilson, Manager, Global Tu : Karen Wilson, giam d6c, d\I an chign
Strategic Planning lm;rc toan du
Subject: Nelson Insight Conference ug tai: Hoi thao Nelson Insight
Date: Mon, 5/ 12 Thm gian: Thu hai, 5 I 12

Dear Hannah, Than glri Harmah,
Cole b~n da bigt, tu~n toi la hoi thao nhu lich

As you may already be aware, next week is
the scheduled conference meeting with da s~p xgp vg dg t<:.i Nelson Insight. Thay m~t
Nelson Insight. I will be giving a presentation cho nhom toi se trinh bay bao cao tren co so

on behalf of my team, based on the attached tai li~u dinh kem.
proposal. Vi hoi nghj nay C\IC ky quan trQng dg quygt
Because this conference is pivotal in deciding dinh xem co nen th\.fc hi~n dgn cimg buoc

whether to go tluough with the next steps of tigp theo d\I an lien doanh cua chimg ta hay
our joint venture project, our team has put a khong, nhom cua chimg toi da d~u tu nhigu

presentation material.
lot of time and effort into perfecting this

Although our team members, including

thai gian va cong sue dg hoim chlnh dfr li~u
cho ban bao cao nay.
M~c du cac thanh vien trong nhom, g6m ca
chinh toi, da xem xet no nhigu l~n, t6i that
myself, have reviewed it many times, I
wanted to make sure that the mate1ial is fully mu6n bigt ch~c ch~n dfr li~u co hoim toim phu
localized to the needs of the Korean market hop voi thi tmang Han Qu6c va khong co b~t
and that we have not missed any important CU chi tigt quan trQng nao con chua dUQC tinh

points that need to be addressed. Can you dgn. Xin vui long duy~t qua tai li~u dinh kem
please review the attached document and give va glri l~i cho toi b~t cu thong tin quan trong
me any critical feedback that you or your team nao ma b~ ho~c nhom cua b~n co thg co
may have? I am aware that you have extensive nhe! Toi bigtla b~n co r~tnhigu kinhnghi~m

expe1ience working with Korean research lam vi~c voi cac vi~n nghien ctiu Him Qu6c
agencies like Nelson Insight, so I'd really gi6ng nhu Nelson Insight, vi thg toi that S\.f
cfun kich ngu b~ co tl1g gop y cho t6i. D~c

appreciate it if you could give me any advice

or tips. In particular, I am especially bi~t nh~t la toi lo l~ng vg chigu dai ban thuygt

concerned about the length of our proposal. It tdnh. Duong nhu hoi dai va toi mu6n lam no
seems a bit long and I would like to make it sue tich va co tac d\Ulg tr\.fc tigp hon, nhung
more concise and direct, but I am having toi (tang g~ll kho khan trong quy~t (}jnh
trouble deciding on which llart (s) to get rid khong bi~t bo bOt llhi n nao. N goai ra ciing
of. Also, this is a minor issue, but canyou con mqt vin (}~ nho, nhir b~n hay vui long
please doubl~check to make sure that the ki~m tra l~i kY IU'iing (}~ bao (}am bi~u
Korean logo grallhics included have no tU"C;m g Han Quae co llh~m lai gi khong?
mistakes?(155) Khi b~ kigm tra xong, co le chling ta nen
When you're done with the review, perhaps g~p nhau luc nao do trong t~n nay dg thao
we could meet sometime this week to review 1uan C\1 thg v6i nhau. Toi se bay dgn Han
Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so~n nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong moi nguoi dirng mua ban quygn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

it together in person . I will be flying to Korea Quoc dern nay va den lncheon vao ngay thu
tonight and aniving at lncheon on Tuesday at ba hie 6 gio sang. T oi si n sang g~ll b4:1n bi t
6 a.m . I'm available to meet with you any Icy thOi gian nao tir 9 giir sang (l~n 5:30 tai
time between 9 a.m. and 5:301l.m. From tir Thu ba. X in vui long cho toi bi~t hie nao
Tuesday on (156). Please let me know what b4:1n ranh, (1~ chong ta co th~ h~n g~ll.
time is best for you, so we can set up a T oi rnong sorn g~p b<;m va cam on truoc vi

meeting. b<;tn da giup do.

I'm looking fmward to seeing you soon and Chao than ai,
thanks for your assistance in advance. Karen
Best regards,

155. What is the purpose of the memo? 155. M\lCdich cua van b{m ghi nho nay lagi?
(A) To decide on the next steps of a j oint (A) £)~ quygt dinh chQn buoc tigp theo cua

venture project d\1' an lien doanh
(B) To confinn a business nip schedule ( B) D~ xac nh~n kg ho<;tch chuygn di cong
(C) tic
To offer a corrected translation tac
(D) To ask for help with a llresentation ( C) D~ dua ra dich th~t chlnh sua
156. What does Karen request that Hannah (D) D~ yeu du duc;rc giup (fa cho bai
thuy~t trinll
(A) Submit a proposal sometime this week 156. Nhfrng gi Karen yeu c~u Hannah lam?
(B) Attend a conference (A) N op dg nghi vai 15n trong ~n nay
(C) Schedule an appointment with Nelson (B) Tham d\1' hoi tlillo

Insight (C) xgp lich h~n voi Nelson Insight

(D) Get together with her for a meeting (D) C img co iy h~n (f~ hqll m~t
From : Angela Leason < Tu: Angela Leason <
aleason@novarttsphanna .corn> aleason@novruttspharrna. com>

To:All employees <employees@ u gn : Toan th~ nhan vien < employees@

novarttspha1ma .com> novruttspharma. com>

Date: July 10 Thm gian: ngay 10 thang bay

Subject: Vacation Policy u g tai: Chinh sach Ky nghl

Novartts Pharmaceutical has a new Cong ty dm;rc N ovartts co chinh sach ky nghl
vacation llolicy for certain full-time rnoi cho nhan vien chinh thuc CO hi~ u l\l'C
emllloyees ( 157) and which will go into trong mot thang k~ tlr horn nay, thu hai, ngay
effect one month (158) from today, on 1o thang tam.
Monday , August 10.
This new vacation policy is designed to Chinh sach kY nghl rnm nay dm;rc thigt kg d~
provide employees who have completed at cung d.p cho nhfrng nhan vien it nh~t da lam
least six continuous months of service a vi~c sau thtmg lien tl)c dm;rc nghl ngoi rna

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so~n nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u quii. Mong rnQi nguoi dl.rng mua btm quy~n sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop .
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

pe1iod of rest and relaxation away from work khong cat luang ho~c tien tn;r cap. vien
without loss of pay or benefits. Pa1t-tirne lam bim thai gian, nhan vien khong ho:'m
employees, employees who have not thanh it nhit sau thang lien tl)c, nhan vien lam
completed at least six continuous months of vi~c t<;~rn thm, va nhan vi en lam vi~c theo rnua
service, temporary employees, and seasonal V\1 hoan toim khong du tieu chllin d~ tharn
employees are entirely ineligible to gia ky nghl theo kg ho;;tch ciing khong duqc

patticipate in the vacation plan or to earn any nghl phep ngay nao. Thai gian nghl cua

vacation pay. The length of an employee's vien se tUy thuoc vao thai gian nguai iy lam
vacation will depend on how long he or she vi~c, bit k~ la nhan vien chinh thuc hay
has worked as a full-time employee, and on vien duqc thanh toan hang narn hay theo gia.

whether the employee is paid annually or
hourly. Nguai giiun sat 0\.fC tigp cua b<;~n va I ho~c
Your immediate supe1visor and/or manager nha qu{m ly phfu xet duy~t thai gian nghl cua

must approve your vacation time before b;;tn nuoc chinh sach quygn l<;ri ki nghl b;;tn co
vacation benefits can be granted. To help us th~ duqc cip. D~ giup chling toi bao darn
assure that your responsibilities are covered
while you at·e away, you must request your
vacation time in writing at least two weeks
trach nhi~rn cua b<;~n duqc duy hi u·ong khi
b;;tn v~ng rn~t, b<;~n phai yeu c~u thm giannghl
b~ng van ban it nhit hai tuk tmoc ngay b;;tn
rnu6n ra di ho~c b~t d~u k)r nghl. Mau don
before the day you wish to leave or sta1t
vacation. This form can be downloaded from nay CO th~ tfu xu6ng tlr hang web CUa cong ty
our company website at chling ta t<;ti www. novaittsphat·rna. corn /don
www.novaittsphat· vacation fonn. xin nghl. D~ yeu c~u k)r nghl, vui long tai

To request a vacation, please download the rnau, co chfr ki cua sgp b;;tn I dong diu, va nop
form, have your SUJlervisor/manger sign it l<;ti no cho Mi1iarn Wales, giam d6c phong
(159), and return it to Mi1iarn Wales, director su.
of the human resources departinent. Xin cam on b<;~n vi S\f hqp tac vm chinh sach

Thank you in advance for your cooperation rnoi nay.

with this new policy.

157. What is the purpose of the e-mail? 157. Ml)c dich cua e - rnailla gi?
(A) To inform its emt•loyees about a new (A) D~ thong bao cho nhan vien v~ chinh

~~ ~~~
(B) To request feedback on a new business (B) D~ thong tin phan h6i yeu c~u hen chign
shategy luqc kinh doanh rnoi
(C) To inhoduce new human resources (C) D~ gioi thi~u giam d6c ngu6n luc
director rnoi
(D) To infmm employees of a renovated (D) D~ thong bao cho nhan vien cua hang
company website web cong ty d&i rnoi
158. When will the change take effect? 158. Bao gia thay d&i se co hi~u luc?
(A) In one week (A) hong mot tu~n nfra
(B) In two weeks (B) n·ong hai ~n nfra
Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so<;~n nh~rn giup cac b<;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui. Mong rnQi nguai dimg rnua bim quy~n sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam mit di gia hi rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.
ec.o•O~ 1
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(C) In one month (C) trong mqt thang

(D) In two months (D) trong hai thang
159. What are the employees instructed 159. Nhan vien duqc huemg dan lam gi tru&c
to do before taking a vacation? khi di nghl?
(A) Notify Angela Leason (A) Thong bao Angela Leason
(B) Sign a waiver (B) Ky tir bo

(C) Get written confirmation from (C) Nh~n duc;rc giiy xac nh~n tir s~p hq

their SUJ)ervisor (D) hoi y ki@n Phong Nhan s1;r
(D) Consult with the human resources

To: All cunent clients Den: Tat ca khach hang hi~n nay
From: Tu: ewall@qmerchants.

Dear Clients, Quy khach himg than m@n,

Thank you for your continuing business with Regrettably, I have some bad
news to relay to you. Due to the increase in
Cam on quy khach da ti@p tl,lc giao dich v&i
cong ty That dang ti@c , tOi co
mot s6 tin khong vui thong bao cho quy
raw material costs, we must unfortunately khach. Vi gia tang chi phi nguyen li~u, chllilg
raise the cost of our merchandise to tOi buoc phai tang cao chi phi cac m~t hang
you.(160) cua chllilg toi v&i quy khach.
As you know, our company mission is to Nhu quy khach da bi@t, phuong cham cong ty

sustain long-te1m relationships and not be chllilg toi la duy td tinh cam gfu bo lau dai
driven by profit margin. As such, we have khong 1~ thuoc vao ti 1~ lqi nhu~n. Vi vay,
avoided raising our p1ices for as long as chllilg toi da tranh nang cao gia ca cac m~t
possible, but we can no longer prolong the hang cang lau cang t6t, nhung chimg toi

inevitable. These changes were deemed khong con co thg keo dai han duqc nfra. Thay
necessary in order for our comJ)any to stay d6i nay la dn thi@t dg cong ty cua chllilg toi
duy tri t6n t~i .

We have enclosed our new price list for your Chllilg toi da kern theo bang gia m&i cho quy

review which goes into effect on May 18. Any khach himg d6i chi@u va no co hi~u l1;rc vao
orders placed between now and May 17 will ngay 18 thtmg nam. B~t cu don ~t hang nao
be honored at the lower prices. I would like tir bay gio cho d@n ngay 17 thang nam se
to hold a meeting with you next week to duqc uu dai gia th~p han. Toi mu6n t6 chuc
discuss the new JUices in more detail.(161) cuoc hQp bao v&i quy khachh~mg vao tukn t&i
We wish to thank you for your valued account dg thao 1uan gia m&i chi ti@t hon.
and know that you will understand the Chllilg toi mu6n cam on quy khach vg S\I
necessity for this price increase. quan tam quy bau va hy VQng quy khach se
Thank you,

Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so~n nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dirng mua btm quygn sach
nay vi nhu th@ se lam m~t di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
ec.o•O~ 1
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Erin Wall thong d un vi S\1' d.n thigt phai tang gia li n

AccoWlt Manager nay.
Xin cam on,
E1in Wall
Giarn d6c nghi~p v1,1
160. What is the purpose of the memo? 160. Ml,lC dich cua thu bao nay la gi?

(A) To report the results of a study on p1ice (A) £)g bao cao kgt qua cua nghien CUu tren

mcreases tang gia
(B) To request a deadline extension (B) u g yeu ciu phi n rna rong thai h()Il ch6t
(C) To recommend new product names (C) u g dg nghi ten san ph~rn rnoi

(D) To inform of I)rice increases (D) D~ thong bao cho vi~c tang gia
161. What will NOT be discussed at the 161. £)igu gi se khong dU<;tC thao l~n t~i CUQC
meeting? hop?

(A) Reasons for price increase (A) Ly do cho tang gia
(B) Possible discounts (B) Chigt kh~u c6 thg
(C) Advertising for new accounts
(D) Detailed pticing infonnation
tic (C) Quang cao cho tai khoan mOi
(D) Mieu ta chi tigt thong tin dinh gia
162. According to the memo, what would 162. Theo thu bao, digu gi se xay ra ngu
have happened without the ptice changes? khong thay d6i gia ca?
(A) Clients would have been lost. (A) Khach himg se bi thua thi~t.
(B) The company would go out ofi (B) Cong ty se ngtrng ho~t dqng.
business. (C) Su rn~nh cong ty se thay d6i.

(C)The company mission would change. (D) Cuoc hop t6 chuc khach himg se dm;rc t6
(D)A client organizational meeting would be chuc.
PURE02 Water filter Retdacements Thay the thiet bj IQc nU"Crc PURE02

Your tap water might look clean , but it may Nuoc may cua b()Il c6 thg n·ong c6 ve S<;tch,
still contain potentially hannful nhung n6 van c6 thg chua cac ch~t gay 0
nhiern c6 h~i tigrn ~n. Tuy vao nai b~n s6ng,

contaminants. Det)ending on where you

live,(165) your water can be contaminated nuoc cua b()Il c6 thg bi nhiern bk v6i rnoi thu

with everything from industrial and tir cong nghi~p va nong nghi~p cho dgn kim
agricultural ()OIIutants to heavy metals, lo~i ~ng, tri m tich va th~m chi con tim thly
sediments and even trace levels of d~u vgt clia cac h6a chlt v6i n6ng do khac
t)harmaceuticals. Find out what might be nhau. Kham phi ra nhiing gi c6 thg 6 trong
in your drinking water and how PURE02 nuoc u6ng clia b~n la each rna PURE02 c6
can help you remove it. (163) thg giup b<;~-n giai quygt.

With the PURE02 Water Filter Replacement, V 6i vi~c thay thg thigt bi loc nuoc PURE02,
you'll get Up to 100 gallons of clean, filtered b()Il se CO dU<;tC 100 ga - long nUOC loc S<;LCh.

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so<;~-n nh~m giup cac b<;tn c6 tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong rnoi nguOi dimg mua ban quygn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia hi rna cac b<;tn da dong g6p.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

water. This is urunatched by our competitors, Khong co tlriet bi nao co thg c<;tnh tranh v6i
whose products filter only about 50 to 75 thigt bi nay, boi cclC san phfun khac chilQC
gallons per filter. khoang Ur 50 dgn 75 ga-long moi bo lQC.

Our filter Jnoduces two months of clean Bo lQc cfu chUn.g toi san xu~t ra dg lam s<;tch
water (164) light from your faucet-filtered to nUOC trong 2 thang ngay tU VOi nUOC CUa b<;tn

remove 99% of lead and microbial cysts - lQc dg lo<;li di 99% chi va nang vi kh~n (ky

(c1yptospmidium and giardia), and reduces sinh trill1g C1yptosporidium va trilllg roi don
many other contaminants, such as 99% of bao ky sinh trong ruot non), va giam nhigu
pharmaceuticals. In fact, the PURE02 Water ch~t gay 6 nhiem khac, 99% hoa chk Thl)'c

Filter Replacement reduces 10 times more ra, Thay thg PURE02 thigt bi lQc nucrc giam
contaminants than the leading water filter. ch~t gay 6 nhiem g~p 10 lin so v6i thigt bi
lQC nUOC chi.

163. What does the advertisement explain? 163. Quang cao giiii Urich digu gi?
(A) How to use a filter cartridge effectively (A) Cach su d\lll.g mot binh lQc nucrc hi~u qua
choosing a water filter
What features to consider when

How to install the water filter conectly

(B) Nhfrng tinh nang ck xem xet khi
vi~c ll)'a chQn mot may lQC nUOC
(C) Cach dg cai di;it cac bo lQc nucrc dimg
(D) What contaminants are filtered out each
by the ))roduct (D) Nhfrng t~)) ch~t nao (}U'Q'C lqc nhir san
164. How often should the cartridges be ))h~m nay.
replaced? 164. Bao nhieu lau cac hop lQC nen dm;rc thay

(A) Every two months thg?

(B) Eve1y three months (A) M~h hai thang
(C) Eve1y four months (B) Moi ba thtmg
(D) Eve1y five months (C) Moi b6n thang

165. According to the instructions, which (D) Moi nam thtmg

factor dete1mines what contaminates your 165. Theo huang dan, ygu t6 nao quygt dinh

water? nhfrng chlt 0 nhiem trong nUOC CUa b<;m?

(A) How many gallons of water you use (A) Co bao nhieu lit nucrc b<;m su d\lll.g

(B) Frequency of filter change (B) Tin s6 cua S\1' thay d&i bo lQc
(C) GeograJ)hic location (C) Vj tri (}ja ly
(D) Air temperature (D) Nhiet do khong khi

Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so~n nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u quii. Mong mQi nguoi dirng mua btm quygn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Bloomdale Trailer Association Hi~Jl hQi Trailer Bloomdale

278 Watwick Rd Oklahoma City, OK 683090 278 Warwick Rd Oklahoma City, OK
Januaty 21 683.090
21 thing 1
Mr. John Cousins Oklahoma City Mayor Ong John Cousins Oklahoma Thi truemg
City Hall thimh ph6 City Hall

Oklahoma City, OK 683090 Thanh ph6 Oklahoma, OK 683.090

Dear Mr. Mayor, Thua ong thi truemg,

I am writing on behalf of the Bloomdale Toi vigt thu nay thay rn~t cho Hi~p hoi
Trailer Association to urge you to SU)l)lOrtTrailer Bloomdale dg rnong ong d6ng y bai
legislation lifting the ban on overnight b6 luat thu phi do xe qua dern clia cac lo:;ti xe

)larking charges of large vehicles in our 16n trong khu V\l'C chimg toi. S6lm;mg xe drn
area. (166) The number of campers and tr<;ti va du khach di du lich trong cac xe keo
tourists who travel in trailers has increased
significantly dming the last year. While RV
(recreational vehicle) tomism is not a
da tang dang kg trong nhiing narn qua. Trong
khi du lich RV (xe thg thao) khong phlti la
mot phkn quan trQng cua du lich truygn
significant portion of traditional tomisrn, it
th6ng, no van dong mot vai tro kha 16n trong
S\1' no l\l'C CUa nganh du lich khu V\l'C. Toi ch~c
still represents a sizeable portion of the area's
tourist draw. I am sure you will agree that cMn ong se d6ng y r~ng ep khach du lich RV
forcing RV tomists to pay substantial tni phi do xe qua dem se anh hU'O'ng (fang k~

ovemight parking fees will COm)lrOmise dgn no l\l'C CUa thanh ph6 trong vi~c thuc <ffiy
(167) the city's efforts to promote tOU1lS111,
du lich, Va trong th\l'C tg khong khuygn khich
and in fact discomage the traditionally cac tro giai hi huygn th6ng thu vi nhu c~rn
enjoyed pastime of camping outdoors. h·<;ti ngoai troi.

In an age where om children are attached to Trong thai d<;ti rna con em chilng ta bi thu hut
computers and mobile devices more than vao may tinh va cac thlgt bi di dong han bao

ever, we must strongly encomage outdoor gio hgt, chilng ta phai khuygn khich rn:;tnh me
activities and physical exercise. We are cac ho:;tt dong ngoai troi va thg l\l'c. Chilng

confident that-making Bloomdale 'RV toi tin tuong r~ng th\l'c hi~n Bloomdale, 'RV
fi-iendly' will benefit the local tomism Ullin thi~n "se co l<;ri cho nganh cong nghi~p
indushy and encomage our children to enjoy du lich dia phuong va khuygn khich h·e ern
the outdoors more. clia chilng ta thich ra ngoai choi han.
Jayrnen Town, Teaneck Village, and Coda Thi trfui Jayrnen, lang Teaneck, va Thanh
City recently lifted similar )larking fees Jlha Coda vira bai bo Jlhi d~u xe wong n,
and have subsequently re)lOrted a strong va sau (fO (fa nh~n (fU'Q"C )lhan ung tich C1:f'C
Jlositive response from locals and tourists m~nh me tir nguOi dan (f'a JlhU'ang cling
alike.(168) These nearby towns are Jnoof nhU' du khach. Nhfrng thi trilil gk do chilng
that allowing RV tourists to enjoy free rninh rfug vi~c cho phep khach du lich RV
Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so:;tn nh~m giup cac b:;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u quii. Mong rnQi nguOi dimg mua btm quygn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam mit di gia hi rna cac b:;tn da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

overnight (larking can tnomote tourism, dau xe qua dem mien phi co thg thuc diy du
and in turn generate more revenue for lich, va trong xu thg chung t<;~-o them thu fihap
restaurants and local shO()S (170). Lifting cho cac nha hang va cac cua hang dia
the parking fees have benefitted all parties phuang. Bai bo phi dau xe t<;~-o ra l<;ri ich cho
involved in other places. t~t ca cac bentham gia a nhfrng noi khac.

Another benefit of lifting the parking fees Mot loi ich khac cua bai bo phi dau xe se la
would be the additional revenue it would help khoan thu nhap rna no se giup t<;~-o ra. Cac

create. The tourism and food service nganh cong nghi~() du IJch va dJch Vl;l an
industries em(lloy a significant (lOrtion of uang (long vai tro h~t me
to Ian trong

the workforce in our community. Cunently, cQng (tAng cua chong ta. Tuy nhien hi~n
however, many visitors are leaving in the nay, nhigu du khach ra di vao luc trm vira t6i
early evening to avoid the overpriced parking dg trfmh cac chi phi $u xe d~t do. Hau qua

fees. Subsequently, our local businesses are la, cac doanh nghi~p dia phuong cua chling
losing revenue to neighbming cities. RV ta danh m~t doanh thu sang cho cac thanh
tourism is an essential part of hotel ph6 lan c~n. Du IJch RV Ia mQt (lh~n thi~t
tourism.( 169) Fostering the indusb.y would y~u cua nganh du IJch khach s~m. Khuygn
increase the total number of visitors to Our khich llnh V\l'C nay Se tang t&ng s6 du khach
dgn thanh ph6 tuy~t VOi CUa ChUng ta.
great city.
I look fmward to hearing your response, and T oi mong cho nghe phuc dap CUa ong, va toi
I'm confident you'll see the benefits oflifting tin ch~c ong cGng thly l<;ri ich clia vi~c bai bo
the parking fees. phi dau xe.

Sincerely, Tran trQng,

Drew Bledsoe Drew Bledsoe
Vice President of Community Affairs Pho Chu tich chuyen trach Hi~p hoi Trailer
Bloomdale Trailer Association Bloomdale

166. What is the purpose of the letter? 166. Ml)c dich cua la thu la gi?

(A) To inquire about local tourism (A) u g tim higu vg du lich dia phuong
(B) To advertise a new hotel (B) £)g quang cao cho mot khach s<;~-n mm

(C) To recommend a change in the ci~ (C) I>~ de xu~t thay dAi mQt lu~t trong
law thanh pha
(D) To suppmt revenue shruing with (D) u g ho n·o chia se doanh thu voi thanh ph6
Neighbming cities lan can
167. The word 'compromise' in paragraph 1, 167. Tu "anh huang dang kg" trong do~n 1,
line 6, is closest in meaning to dong 6, gfin gili nh~t trong y nghla
(A) weaken (A) lam soy y~u
(B) match (B) u-an~u
(C) detennine (C) xac dinh
(D) adjust (D) digu chlnh
Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so<;~-n nh~m giup cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui. Mong mQi ngum dirng mua bfm quygn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t di gia b.i rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

168. What is suggested about Coda City? 168. Digu gi dm;rc dg cap toi Coda City?
(A) It is building a new parking facility. (A) Dang xay dl)ll.g mot co so dau xe rnoi.
(B) It has more parks than Bloomdale Town. (B) No co nhigu cong vien hon Bloomdale
(C) It is far away fi:orn Oklahoma City. Town.
(D) It ex1)ects to attract more visitors. (C) No each xa thimh ph6 Oklahoma.
(D) No th~ hi~n Ia thu hut nhi~u du khach.

169. What is indicated about tomisrn in 169. Digu gi dUQ'C xac dinh vg du lich 6

Oklahoma City? Oklahoma City?
(A) The number of tomists has not (A) S6 luqng khachdulich da khong thay d6i
changed at all recently. trong thai gian gi n day.

(B) Local hotels are frequently empty. (B) Khach s~n dia phuong thuong v~ng
(C) Most tomists do not like neighboring khach.
cities. (C) Hi u hgt du khach khong thlch thanh ph6

(D) Local restaurants rely on business gk do.
from tourists. (D) Nha hang (fja l)huong kinh doanh tir
170. Why are nearby cities mentioned in the
khach du ljch.
170. T~i sao cac thanh ph6 lan can dUQ'C dg
cap trong thu?
(A) D~ ph&bign cho doc gia 6 thanh ph6 gi n
(A) To farniliatize the reader with nearby
cities do
(B) To suggest a new location for trailer (B) D~ dg nghi mot vi tti rn6i cho ngoi nha
homes Trailer

(C) To SUI)I)Ort the writer's assertions (C) D~ h& trc;r nhfrng khing djnh cua nguiri
(D) To convince other cities to do the same viet
(D) Thuygt ph\lc cac thanh ph6 khac lam
tuong tv

The national Meal Exchange To chlfc clfu doi quoc gia

The national Meal Exchange is a national T6 chuc CUu doi qu6c gia Ia mot t6 chuc tir
student-founded, young-driven, registered thi~n cua sinh vien, nhfrng nha digu hanh tre
charity organized to address local hunger by thanh lap nh~rn huang dgn nhfrng dia phuong
mobilising the talent and passion of students. doi kern tir vi~c huy dong cua nhfrng sinh
Since 1993, our programs have been run on vien co darn me va tai nang. Tir narn 1993,
over 50 college cam1mses across American chuong trinh (}a ho~t (l~ng khi1) 50
(173) and generated over $2.4 million worth truirng (}~i h~c cr Mi (1 73) va keu gQi dUQ'C
tren 2.4 tti~u do-la My tri gia thuc an, tuong

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so~n nh~rn giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua btm quy~n sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam mi t di gia tri rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

of food, or 96o,ooo meals to address local duong 96o,ooo bua an dua dSn cac dia
hunger. phuang thiSu doi.
A b1ief overview the The national Meal Thong di~p cua t6 chile cilu doi qu6c gia:
Exchange: Su m~nh: DSn voi nguoi doi kern qua giai
Our mission: Addressing hunger through phap sinh vien.
student solutions. Phuong cham: £)g gi up 1O<;ti bo nguyen nhan

Our Vison: To help eliminate the root causes sau xa va S\f doi ngheo kh& b~ng earn kSt horn

of hunger and pove1ty by engagtng nay cua nhfrng nha Hinh d<;to ngay rnai.
tomorrow's leaders today. TiSp c~n t6 chile cilu doi qu6c gia
The national Meal Exchange 's Approach T 6 chile cilu doi qu6c gia dm;rc t6 chile danh

The national Meal Exchange is organized rieng cho rnl).c dich tir thi~n tap bung vao :
exclusively for chmitable purposes with the Quan li ngu6n thilc an du<;rc cung d.p boi cac
aim to: t6 chile tir thi~n cho nhfrng nguoi d.n giup

DOMINATE food to registered chatitable do.
organizations and those in need. Giao d1;1c sinh vien vg nguyen nhan sau xa

EDUCATE students about the root causes of

CREATE and involve students in volunteer

cua n<;~n doi.
T ~o cho sinh vien co hoi tharn gia tinh
nguy~n vao t6 chile phi l<;ri nhuan nh~ giai
quySt n<;tn doi va vk dg lien quan dSn n~;tn
oppmtunities with not-for-profit
organizations that address hunger and hunger- doi.
related issues. Xac •ljnh va th1,tc hi~n giai phap cua sinh
IDENTITY and implement students's vien voi n<;~n doi.

solutions to hunger. Van hoa coo doi

Meal Exchange Culture Tieu chuful: - chling toi c6 g~ng tap h<;rp t~t
Inclusion - we snive to include all ca sinh vien, thanh vien hong cong d6ng,
students, community members and partners nhfrng ai quan tarn dSn an ninh luang th1,tc va

who are interested in food secmity and giai quySt n<;~n doi 6 dia phuong. Chung toi
making an impact on local hunger. We do not khong I• han bi~t •l~i tuQ'Ilg tinh nguy~n;

seek s1•ecific ty1•es of volunteers; rather, we hay •lung ra, chong toi chu tr~ng tinh ca
aim to aid individuals in realizing their full th~ trong vi~c nh~n ra kha nang •liy •lti

capabilities. (172) ctia h~.

Flexibility - The national Meal Exchange acts Linh ho<;tt - t6 chile coo doi qu6c gia ho<;tt
as a vehicle for change that promotes each dong thuc diy S\I thay d&i, phat huy sang t<;to
campus's individual creativity and innovation va d&i rnoi ca nhan dg dfun bao chuang trinh
to ensure core prog~·arns are fulfilled in a chu ySu du<;rc th1,tc hi~n theo each duy nh~t
manner that is unique to the needs of the local huang dSn nhu c~u CUa cong d6ng dia
community. phuang.
Engagement - our core programs work to Cam kSt- rnl).c dich chuang hinh la thmn gia
engage citizen leaders through opportunities dg n·o thanh nha Hinh d~;to cong dan qua co

Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
SO<;tn nh~rn giup cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua btm quygn sach
nay vi nhu thS se lam rn~t di gia ni rna cac b~;tn da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

that work with the strengths and capabilities hoi lam vi~c bkg thg m<;mh va kha nang clia
of students to address local hl.lllger issues. sinh vi en nhfun dgn v~n dg doi 6 dia phuong.
Leadershill DeveiOilment - our mission Phitt hi§n kha nang lanh d(.'to - su m~nh cua
fosters the development of social chimg ta la thuc diy phat hi§n gi6i doanh
entre1neneurs and leaders(l74) who are nghi~p va gi6i H'inh duang nhi~m d§ t(.'to gifu
working to create long-te1m solutions as well phap lau dai ciing nhu nang cao nh~n thuc

as awareness raising cam1laigns for food cho chign dich nguy co luang th1Jc 6 My,

insecurity in America, (171)
171 . What is the memo about? 171 . Bang cam kgt vg vk dg gi?
(A) Hunger in America (A) N~n doi a My

(B) A food diive program (B) chuang hinh lai thuc an
(C) College campus recruitments (C) tuy§n d1,111g khuon vien t:ruemg d(.'ti hoc
(D) Leadership development activities (D) ho(.'tt dong phat t:ri§n Kha nang Hinh d(.'to

172, Which of the following is NOT tiue 172. Cai nao du6i day la Khong dimg vg van
about the meal exchange culture? hoa cilu doi?

(A) It promotes programs tailored to local

(B) It encourages leaders to cooperate with

(A) Phat t:ri§n chuang hinh digu chlnh d§ nhu
du 6 dia phuang.
(B) Khuygn khich nha H'inh d(.'to hop tac v6i
local students. sinh vien 6 dia phuong.
(C) It is highly selective in choosing (C) Chu trqng ll!a chqn ca nhan cho
individuals for its program. chuong trinh.
(D) It suppmts campaigns for political (D) Ho h·o van dong cho thay d6i vg chinh hi

changes to help hungry people. d§ giup ngum doi.

173. Where do the programs take place? 173. Chuang trinh dien ra 6 dau?
(A) Across Canada (A) Qua Ca - na - da
(B) Homeless shelters in NY (B) nai 6 danh cho ngum vo gia cu t:rong NY

(C) Food lines in America (C) dong Th\l'c phlm 6 My

(D) At schools across America (D) Cac truimg tren kh~ll nucrc My

174. What kind of pa1ticipants do they look 174. H Q tim kigrn d6i tuQng tharn d\1' la gi?
for? (A) GiOi doanh nghi~p va lanh (}~o ti~m

Potential social entre1lreneurs 1n ang
Politicalleaders (B) nha Hinh d(.'to chinh t:ri
All students, community members and (C) T~t ca sinh vien, thanh vien trong cong
pattners d6ng va d6i tac
(D) Creative teachers (D) giao vien Sang t(.'to

Beware Travellers (175) Khuyen cao hanh khach

American Airlines ' decision to slap a $15 fee Quygt dinh clia Arne1ican Airlines thu them
on the first checked bag- and United Airlines' $15 cho hanh ly ki gili. - va quygt dinh cua

Quy§n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
SO(.'tn nh~m giup cac b(.'tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngum dimg mua ban quy§n sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia hi rna cac b(.'tn da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

decision to match it, announced Thursday- United Airlines ciing vay, theo thong bao
isn't the airline industry's first attem1lt to
ngay Thu Nfun- khong llhai lin •liu tien
squeeze more money out of 1)assengers nganh hang khong nghi ra each thu them
through a sneaky surcharge (176: B, D). ti~n tir hanh khach mQt each khong minh
And it won't be its last. b~ch. Va ch~c ciing khong phfu la Ik cu6i.
"While we understand that these fees affect "Trong khi chimg toi bigt la phi nay {mh

customers, we also believe that our pricing for
huang dgn khach hang, chimg toi ciing tin
rkg gia dich V\1 chimg toi ph1;tc V\1 r~t c~

the services we provide remains extremely
competitive in the indusby and continue to tranh trong toan nganh va se con mang dgn
offer our customers ample choice and cho khach hang nhigu hra chQn x11ng dang",

value" ,Ame1ican Airlines' chief executive, giam d6c digu hanh hang American Airlines,
Gerard Arpey, said in a prepared statement. Gerard Arpey, phat bigu trong mot tuyen b6
Reaction to the first-bag fee across the da chu§n bi s~n.

blogosphere was swift and unusually c1itical.Phan 11ng vm phi hanh ly ki gm Ian tren cong
Grant Martin, head of Global Travel Agency, d6ng blog la nhfrng lm chi tiich s~c sao.
1nedicted chaos this summer (176 C) as a
result of the new fee and compared American
Grant Martin, Giam d6c Global Travel
Agency, dt;r •loan tinh tr~ng IQn XQn he nay
la kgt qua do 1~ phi mm va so sanh Ame1ican
Airlines to Ryan Air, the hish discount canier
that charges for anything not bolted on its Airlines vm Ryan Air, (la mot cong ty hang
planes khong gia re), Ai-len tinh phi cho mQi thu
khong lien quan (dinh lign) tm may bay cua

175. For whom is this article most likely 175. Bai bao nay chu ygu thong tin dgn
intended? nhfrng ai?
(A) Airplane pilots (A) Phi cong
(B) Airline travelers (B) Hanh khach •ti may bay

(C) Airline employees (C) Nhan vien hang khong

(D) Baggage claim workers (D) Nhan vien giao nhan hanh ly

176. Which is NOT a mentioned response? 176. Digu nao khong dg cap dgn trong bai?
(A) A call to boycott the offending (A) Keu gqi t~y chay hang hang khong

airlines chua tat

(B) Claims that the surcharges are sneaky (B) Qua quygt r~ng phl;t thu khong minh b<;tch
(C) Many problems with summer travel (C) Nhigu vfin dg vm du lich he
(D) Questioning of the airlines' motives (D) Nghi ngo dong co CUa hang hang khong

Harmin GPS Warranty Information Thong tin chinh thuc san llham GPS (H~
Harmin's non-aviation llroducts are th6ng Dinh vi Toan du) Harmin
warranted to be free from detects - Nhfrng san llh~m h~ thang •l,nh ~ toan
whether materials or workman shill - for ciu duq-c bao hanh mi~n llhi- ca chit li~u

Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
SO<;tn nh~m giup cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngum dimg mua ban quygn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t di gia tri ma cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

one year from the day of llUrchase (178). va hinh thlfc - trong mQt nam ke tir ngay
Within this period, Harrnin will, at its sole mua. Trong thOi gian bao h.anh, Harrnin cam
opinion, repair or replace any components kgt , slia chfra ho~c thay thg chi tigt hu hong
that fail in nmmal use. Such repair or khi su d\lllg binh thuong. Nhu vay sua chfra
replacement will be made at no charge to the ho~c thay thg se mien phi cho khach hang
customer for the paits or labor, provided that rnang dgn dich V\1 bao himh, voi digu ki~n

the customer shall be responsible for any khach himg se chju phi v~n chuygn. Bao
hanh nay khong a1• d1;1ng cho : (i) thi~t h~i

t:ranspmtation cost. This warranty does not
a1•ply to: (i) cosmetic damage, such as my quan, nhU' Ia v~t tdy SU'Ot, v~t dt ho~c
scratches, nicks and dents, (ii) consumable b• va (1~1•, v~t Iom, (ii) chi ti~t d~ chay, nhU'

1•arts, such as batteries, unless product Ia pin, trir llhi thi~t h~i san phim xay ra
damage has occurred to a defect in do nhm;rc (ti~m cua chit li~u ho~c tay ngh~
materials or workmanshi1•; (iii) damage ; ( iii ) thi~t h~i do tai n~n, khong cin

caused by accident, abuse, misuse, water, th~n,sfr d1;1ng khong (lung, nmrc, l1;1t, boa
flood, fire or other acts of nature or ho~m hay thien tai ho~c nguyen nhan ben
external causes; (iv) damage caused by
services 1•erformed by anyone who is not
an authorized service 1uovider of Harmin
ngoai ; ( iv) hU' hong do khong 1•hai Ia mQt
nha cung cip d•ch V1;J uy quy~n cua
Harmin sfra chua.
(179 ABC). San phlrn dinh vi Harrnin duqc chg tl;lo dg ho
Ha1·rnin's navigation products are intended to trq du lich va khong duqc dimg cho bit ky
be used as a travel aid and must not by use for rnl,lc dich nao dn kigrn t:ra chinh xac phuang
any purpose requiting precise measurement huang, khoimg each, dia digrn ho~c dia chi.

of direction, distance, location or topography. Ha11nin khong bao hanh do chinh xac va
Harrnin makes no wananty as to the accuracy hoan chlnh dfr li~u ban d6.
or completeness of map data.
Repairs have a 90-day wananty. If the unit Sua chfra duqc bao hanh 90 ngay. Ngu san

sent in is still under its miginal wananty, then ph§m gili dgn van con trong thai gian bao
the new warranty is 90 days or to the end of hanh, sau do bao hanh rn6i la 90 ngay ho~c

the miginal one-year wananty, depending bao h.anh mot nam tinh ti.r ngay rnua, my
upon which is longer. thuoc huang hqp nao lau han.

To obtain warranty setvice, contact our

local authorized Hannin dealer or call ug duqc dich V\1 bao himh, hay lien ll;lc chi
Harmin Product Su1•1•ort for shilllling nh:inh Hai·rnin uy quygn 6 dia phuang ho~c
instructions and an RMA tracking gQi BQ llh~n h~ trQ' san llhim Harmin
number.(177) Securely pack the device and a hmmg d§n gfri hang va ma sci RMA. Hay
copy of the original sale receipt (180) , dong goi thigt bi va ban sao cua bien nh~n
which is required as proof of purchase for mua hang mot each dn trQng, yeu c~u digu
wananty repairs. Wtite the tracking number nay dg kigrn chU:ng san ph§rn duqc SUa chfra
clearly on the outside of the package. Send the bao hanh. Ghi ki hi~u ro rang 0 ben ngoai CUa
goi hang. Gm thigt bi, cuoc phi van chuygn
Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
SO(ln nh~rn giup cac b(ln co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnQi ngum dimg rnua btm quygn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam mit di gia tri rna cac b(ln da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

device, freight charges prepaid, to any tra tmoc, d~n bi t cu chi nhanh bao duong,
Hatmin wananty service station. bao hanh nao cua Hatmin.

177. Who issues an RMA tracking number? 177. Ai ban himh mot s6 theo doi RMA?
(A) Hatmin Electronics (A) Nganh di~n Hatmin
(B) Hatmin Navigation (B) V~n chuy~n Harrnin

(C) Harmin Product Sup1)0rt (C) Bq 1)h~n ha trc;r san ph~m Harmin

(D) Hatmin Wananty Support (D) Ho tn;r Bao hanh Hannin
178. How long is the warranty period? 178. Thm mn bao himh la bao lau?
(A) One year (A) Mqt nam

(B) T wo years (B) Hai narn
(C) Three years (C) Ba narn
(D) Four yeat·s (D) B6n narn

179. Which repatr ts covered by the 179. Sua chfra nao dm;rc bao hanh?
watTanty? (A) San phfun ngimg ho;;tt dong sau khi ngum
consumer opens it up.
Product stops working after the

Product is dropped in a pitcher of soda.

tieu dimg thao no ra.
(B) San ph§rn bi roi trong mot binh soda.
(C) San ph~rn dm;rc tr~y xuoc sau khi roi
nhi§u l~n.
(C) Product is scratched after repeated
dropping. (D) San 1)h~m khong th~ k~t nai vOi v~
(D) Product cannot connect to a satellite. tinh.
180. How can customers prove their 180. Lim th~ nao khach himg co th~ chli'ng

purchase? rninh vi~c rnua hang clia hQ?

(A) Contact a local authmized Hat'lnin (A) Lien h~ vm mot dl;li ly uy quy§n dia
dealer phuang Hannin
(B) Send in original sales receipt and box (B) Gmhoa don ban hang ban d~u vao hop

(C) Send in a co1)Y of the original sales (C) Gifi mqt ban sao cua boa don ban hang
recei1)t d~u tien
(D) Vi~t s6 theo doi ben ngoai cua hop

(D) Write tracking number on the outside

of the box

Pittsburgh international. Airport San bay quoc te Pittsburgh.

Dear Passenger, (182) Chao quy khach,

In order to serve you better we £)~ phl)C Vl) cac b;;tn tfJt han chimg toi ti~n
conducting voluntary surveys to get our himh khao sat nr
nguy~n d~ liy dfr li~u
customers' in1mt on how to im1)rove our khach himg v§ each cai thi~n san bay CUa

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so;;tn nh~rn giup cac b;;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong rnQi ngum dimg rnua btm quy~n sach
nay vi nhu th~ se lam mi t di gia tri rna cac b;;tn da dong gop .
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

air1•ort. Please take a moment to answer chimg toi. Xin liliy dimh chut thai gian tra
three questions about your eXIlerience at lm ba cau hoi vg trai nghi~m cua b<;~n 6 san
Pittsburgh International Air1•ort. bay qu6c tg Pittsburgh nhe.
1. In what aspect of the airport would you 1. Nhfrng khia c<;~nh nao cua san bay b<;~n
like to see improvements? mu6n cfu tign?
a. Wait time (184) a. Thiri gian chir

b. Diversity of food options b. S\I da d<;lng cua thuc an t1,t chon
c. Vi tri cua himg mien thug

c. Location of duty fi:ee shops
d. Customer service d. Trung tam ph\lc V\1 khach himg
e. Other e. Khac

2. In the past tlu·ee years, how often have 2. Trong ba nam qua, b<;~n co bao nhieu lin
you been tlu·ough Pittsburgh? di qua Pittsburgh?
a. Less one than a year a. Mot nam khong dgn mot l~n

b. Once a year b. Moi nam mot lk
c. Once month c. Mot thing mot lin
d. Two or more times per month tic
3. Please desctibe in two to tlu·ee sentences
what changes you would like implemented
d. it nhit la hai lin moi thtmg
3. Vui long mota tir hai dgn ba cau nhfrng
thay d6i ma b<;~n mu6n niSn khai t<;~i san bay
at our airport. CUa chimg toi.
(181) ............................................ . Notes: tra IOi ben dU'Oi mai cau hoi

Re1•ort on Findings Ban bao do (ti~u tra

Tuesday, June 7, Pittsburgh, PA (183) Thlf ba, ngay 7 thang sao, Pittsburgh, PA

This is a summaty of the results of a study Day la tom t~t kgt qua nghien CUu tign hanh
conducted at Pittsburgh Intemational 6 san bay qu6c tg Pittsburgh dS dap ilng t6t

Airport to better assess the needs of honnhu ciu clia hanhkhach. Khao sat duqc
passengers. The surveys were collected for thu thap trong thai gian hai tu~n, tir ngay 22

a petiod of two weeks, fi:om May 22 to June thang nam dgn ngay 5 thang sau. Khao sat
5. The surveys were collected from the duqc thu thap tir hop thu gop y luc 1o gio
collection boxes at 10 p .m on June 5.(183) t6i ngay 5 thang sao. T6ng cong 1,244
A total of 1,244 passengers completed the hanh khach hoan thanh khao sat, co 214
survey, with 214 passengers leaving hanh khach khong hoan thanh khao sat timg
partially completed surveys. phk.
In question #1, Olltion A was selected by
84% of (184) passengers, as expected. Trong cau hoi #1, ll:fa chQn A (fU'Q'C ChQn
Options Band C made up less than 4% of ll:fa 84% hanh khach, nhu d\I kign. L1,ta
total responses, while option D was selected chon C chua dgn 4% t6ng s6 cau tra lm,
QuySn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so;;tn nh~m giup cac b;;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngum dimg mua btm quySn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam mit di gia hi ma cac b;;tn da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

by 7% of respondents. Of the 84% of trong khi D duQc hra chQn 7% nguoi tra lm.
passengers that selected option A, almost all Trong s6 84% hlmh khach binh chQn A,
of them were infrequent travelers that phk Ion hQ la khach hang it di chQn A ho~c
choose option A orB in question #2. Those B trong ca.u hoi #2. Nhfrng nguoi hra chQn
who selected options B, C, or D were mostly B, c, ho~c D h~u hgt la khach hang thuong
frequent travelers that choose option C or D xuyen nhfrng nguoi do chQn C or D trong

in question #2. cauhoi #2.

This study seems to indicate that, as Nghien CUu nay co ve cho Hilly, nhu d\l'
expected, frequent travelers who use the kign, khach hang thuong xuyen su d\lll.g san

airport one or more times per month are bay mot ho~c nhigu l~n rnoi thang quen v6i
used to the wait times of airplanes departing thai gian cho cua may bay khi di hay dgn,
or landing, and are more concemed with Va khong hru long Vffi dich Vl,l da ill;Lng CUa

setvices such as diversity of food options, thuc an t\1' chQn, cua hang, va trung tarn
shops, and airpmt customer setvice. A more phl,lC V\1 hanh khach 6 san bay. MQt khao
in-deJlth survey that asks more detailed
questions is scheduled to be conducted
next month (185), with passenger
sat chuyen sau bon se hoi cau hoi chi ti~t
hO'n dl.f ki~n (}U'f!C ti~n hanh vao thang
sau, VOi cac CaU tra lffi nay CUa haflh khach
l~n nghien CUu thi di~rn dUQC xern nhu mot
response to this pilot study being viewed as
largely successful. thanh conglon.
181. Where are respondents told to write 181. Nhfrng nguoi tra lm duQc yeu c~u vigt
any suggestions for change? dg nghi thay d&i 6 dau?

(A) On the back (A) Tren phia sau

(B) Below the question itself (B) Ben dU'Oi m~h cau hoi
(C) On a separate sheet of paper (C) Tren to gi~y rieng bi~t
(D) At the bottom of the survey, after the (D) d dum cu6i khao sat, sau thong di~p

thank-you message cam on

182. Who was smveyed? 182. Aida duQc khao sat?
(A) Ky thuat vien may bay

(A) Airplane technicians

(B) Airline travelers (B) Hanh khach hang hang khong

(C) Airpmt employees (C) Nhan vien San bay

(D) Male flight attendants (D) Tigp vien hang khong N am
183. On what day were the smveys 183. Khao sat thu thap vao nhfrng ngay
collected? nao?
(A) On Monday (A) vao ngay thu hai
(B) On Tuesday (B) vao ngay thu ba
(C) On Thursday (C) vao ngay thu narn
(D) On Sunday (D) vao ngay chti nh~t
Notes: 183J•hai suy lu~n: ngay 7 thang 6:
thu 3, nen ngay 5 thang 6 t•hai Ia chti nh~t
Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so;;tn nh~rn giup cac b;;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong rnQi ngum dimg rnua btm quy~n sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia tri rna cac b;;tn da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

184. What did most smvey respondents 184. H~u hgt nhfrng nguoi tra loi khao sat
indicate about the airpmt? cho bigt digu gi vg san bay?
(A) The gates are too far apart. (A) Cac c6ng qua xa nhau.
(B) There are not enough vatieties of (B) Khong c6 du lo<;ti thuc an.
food. (C) Tnmg tfun pht)c V\1 khach hlmg khong
(C) Customer setvice is inadequate. d~y du.

(D) Wait times are too long. (D) Thiri gian chir qua dai.
185. T~i sao hQ tign hlmh khao sat khac?

185. Why are they conducting another
smvey? (A) C5n ca nhan them d~ tharn gia.
(A) More individuals are needed to (B) bang cau hoi phai dich thanh nhigu

patticipate. ngon ngfr.
(B)The questionnaires must be translated (C) khao sat dn dm;rc phan phbi tren may
into more languages. bay.

(C)The smveys need to be distributed on (D) Hq c~n t~t) hQl) thong tin chi ti~t bon.
board the airplanes.
(D) They need to gather more detailed
Stuben Associates JLnco Ray Baron Hi~p hQi Stuben JLnco Ray Baron
Vice President Ph6 Chu tich
West End Wing Khu canh tay Luan Don

845 Lexington Ave. New York, NY 16525 845 Lexington Ave. New York, NY 16525
United States (190) HoaKy
Phone: 545-854-1258
Di~n tho~i : 545-854-1 258

E-mail: rbaron@stubenassociates.corn
Website: E-mail: rbaron@stubenassociates.

To: Ray Trang web corn: www.stubenassociates.

Baron<rbaron@stubenassociates.corn> Corn

From: Debra Messenger<dmessenger@ D~n: Ray Baron < rbaron@stubenassociates.> Subject: Public relations com> Tu: Debra Messenger < dmessenger@
Date: Ap1il 12 gmail.
£)g tai : Quan h~ qu~n
Thai gian: ngay 12 thang tu

Dear Mr. Baron,

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
SO<;Ln nh~rn giup cac b<;tn c6 tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua btm quy~n sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam mit di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong g6p.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

Thank you for taking the time to S)leak to me Cam on vi da danh thai gian d~ tro chuy~n
in Paris on Atnil 4. (187) I enjoyed hearing vOi toi a Paris vao ngay 4 thang m. Toi
about your personal expetiences at a large thich nghe Vg kinh nghi~m ca CUa ong
firm. I read about Stuben Associates' (188) a mot tap doan 16n. Toi dQc vg chuang hinh
excellent training programs in College dao t~o xu~t s~c ctia Hi~)l hQi Stuben a
Graduate magazine and know of its excellent huang cao <ling bao chi va bigt no co thanh

track record in the industry. I would like to tich xu~t s~c trong nganh. Toi mu6n tim hi~u
vg vi hi tr<;rli giiun d6c llnh V\l'C quan M cong

inquire about the assistant public relations
director opening. I am interested in a career d6ng dang tuy~n nhan S\1'. Toi thich lam
in tmblic relations, and I would like to cong vi~c trong linh ""'c quan h~ quin

learn more about your company and chong, va toi mu~n bi~t them v~ cong ty
llOSsible OllllOrtunities.(186) CUa ong (f~ CO them CO' hQi.

I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Toi co bfuig eli nhan khoa hQc khoa Quan h~
Relations, as well as experience as an cong d6ng, cGng nhu kinh nghi~m kgt giao
associate to the director of international
relations. In addition, I completed two
internships focusing on )mblic relations and
v6i nguOi co m6i quan h~ qu~c t~. Ngoai ra,
Toi da hoan thanh hai khoa th\l'c tap sinh vg
v~n dg quan h~ vOi cong chong va chinh
sach cua cong ty. Toi ciing da du hQc a Patis
corporate policy. I've also studied abroad in
Paris and Berlin, allowing me to become va Berlin, cho nen toi noi ti~ng Pha)l luu
fluent in French and advanced in German loat va ti~ng Due d~t trinh (lQ cao. Ly lich
(189 ACD). My resume, which is enclosed, clia toi, dinh kern theo cac lo~i gi~y chl1ng

contains additional infmmation on my nh~n, co them thong tin vg kinh nghi~m va

expetience and skills. I would appreciate the ky nang cua toi. Toi that cam kich ngu co co
oppmtunity to discuss the position with you hoi d~ thao luan v6i ong cung c~p them thong
and to provide further infmmation on my tin vg toi. Co th~ lien h~ v6i toi b~t cu hie nao

candidacy. I can be reached anytime via my qua di~n tho~i di dong s6 748-571-3655.
cell phone at 748-571-3655.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Cam on vi da danh thai gian xem xet h6 so.
I'm 1llanning to visit your city next month T oi dt:r (l~nh se (ti tham thanh )lh~ ctia ong

and would love to visit your office if you're thang sau va mu~n (l~n tham van )lhong
available (190). I look forward to speaking ctia ong n~u ong sin long. Toi mong du<;rc
with you about this exciting opportunity. noi chuy~n v6i ong vg co hoi hUng thu nay.

Sincerely, chan thanh,

Debra Messenger Debra Messenger
186. Why was the e-mail wtitten? 186. T<;~i sao cac e-mail du<;rc vigt?
(A) To follow up on a previOus (A) D~ theo doi cuoc hoi tho~i tru6c
conversation (B) D~ gi6i thi~u mot nguOi nao do cho mot
(B) To recommend someone for a job cong vi~c
Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so~n nh~m giup cac b~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui. Mong mQi nguOi dimg mua btm quy~n sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t di gia hi rna cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(C) To let someone know about a job (C) ug cho ai do bigt vg mot vi hi cong vi~c
position (D) D~ xin vi~c lam.
(D) To in~uire about a job f)Osition
187. What is indicated about Mr. Baron? 187. Digu gi duqc xac dinh vg ong Baron?
(A) He has held positions at media (A) Ong iy da gifr cac vi hi t(;li cac cong ty
comparues. h·uygn thong.

(B) He recently visited Paris. (B) G~n (fay ong da d~n tham Paris.
(C) Anh chua bao gio g~p 1ieng ba

(C) He has never met Ms. Messenger in
person. Messenger.
(D) He works in France. (D) Anh ta lam vi~c t(;li Phap.

188. What does Ms. Messenger express 188. Ba Messenger bay to quan tam dgn vi~c
interest in doing? gi?
(A) Teaching at a local university (A) giang d<;ty t<;ti mot h·uong d()i hQc dia

(B) Becoming Mr. Baron's assistant phuang
(C) Training at a school in Paris (B) Tr6 th~mh h<;rly ciia ong Baron
(D) Working for Stuben Associatestic (C) dao t<;to t()i mot huang hQc 6 Paris
(D) Lam vi~c cho Stuben Associates

189. Digugi lakhong duqcnh~c dgnnhumot

189. What is NOT mentioned as one of Ms.
Messenger's sh·engths? h·ong nhfrng ba Messenger?
(A) Ability to speak several languages (A) Kha nang noi nhigu ngon ngfr
(B) Ext)ertise in media technology (B) Chuyen mon trong cong ngh~ truy~n

(C) Expe1ience in intemational relations thong

(D) Training in public relations (C) Co kinh nghi~m h·ong quan h~ qu6c tg
(D) Dao t<;to hong khoa quan h~ cong ch(mg

190. In which counhy does Ms. Messenger 190. Ba Messenger mu6n g~p ong Baron 6
want to meet Mr. Baron? nuoc nao?
(A) Hoa Ky

(A) The United States

(B) Germany (B) Due

(C) Switzerland (C) Th1,1y SI

(D) France (D) Phap
To: Aaron Lee ( u g : Aaron Lee ( alee@fastmail. thukn )
From: Stan Smith Tu : Stan Smith ( Stan@carandroadmonthly.
( Sub: com) Chu dg : Thu xac nh~n
Acknowledgement N gay thing : ngay 2 thang ba
Date: March 2
This letter is confirmation of receipt for the Thu nay xac ~n da nhan duqc bai bao theo
following article submissions scheduled to be lich s~p xgp se xuit b{m h·ong t<;tp chi thang

Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
SO<;tn nh~m giup cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngum dirng mua ban quygn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam mi t di gia hi rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

published in the next four issues of Car and Xe va Duemg trong b6n ki toi. Ngay thanh
Road Monthly. The respective Jlayment tm1n tuong ling duqc ghi trong bigu d6 sau.
(191) dates are indicated in the following Tign thanh toim se duqc goi di cho moi bai
chart. Payment will be sent for each article bao sau hai tukn xu~t b{m.
after two weeks of each publication date.

Title Amount Date

Understanding the Road $350
March 25
Family-oriented Destination $365 (195)

Cross Counhy Driving $320

Green Technology and Cars $390
June 25
I'd like to thank you for your submissions to
our organization. Our publication is well
respected as one of the foremost (193)
T oi cam an cac bai vigt cua b~n danh cho tl;tp
chi chimg toi. An ph~m cua chimg toi duqc
danh gia la mot trong nhfrng tai li~u co chit
IU'Qllg hang diu trong kY ngM xe hoi. Da
authorities in the automobile indushy. Our
history goes back three decades (192), with n·ai qua ba th~Jl nien, v6i han 3 - hi~u ngum
over 3 million subscribers all over the U.S. I dang ky kh~p noi 6 Hoa Ky Toi th1,tc SlJ cam
really appreciate your contributions to our kich dong gop clia bl;tn cho thanh cong clia

continued success. I'm sure these articles will chimg toi. Toi chlc ch~n bai bao nay cilng se
be as well received as your previous duqc chao don v6i nhfrng nh~ xet t6t nhu
submissions. I encourage you to send tmoc day. Toi hy vQng b~n gili. nhigu bai
proposals for future articles. Your insights are n·ong tuang 1ai. Higu bigt cua b~ luon duqc

always valued here at Car and Road Monthly. tran n·Qng trong tl;tp chi thtmg Xe va Duong.
Please don't hesitate to call me if you have any Xin dimg ng~ gQi toi ngu b~n co b~t cu cau

questions. hoi nao.

Sincerely, chan thanh,

Stan Smith, Assistant Editor Stan Smith, pho t&ng bien tap
Car and Road Monthly Tl;tp chi thang: Xe va duong
www 1-800-874- www .carandroadmonthly.com1-800-874-
6599 6599
To: Stan Smith (Stan@carand road monthly Dgn: Stan Smith (Stan@carand road monthly
.com) From: Aaron Lee ( .com) Tu : Aaron Lee (
Sub: Payment Chu dg: Thanh toan tign nhu~ but
Date: May 10 Thm gian: ngay 10 thang nam
Dear Stan, Stan than mgn,
Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
SOl;tn nh~m giup cac bl;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngum dirng mua ban quygn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t di gia hi rna cac bl;tn da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

It has been two weeks since your Atnil 25 Da dm;rc hai tuk kg tir ngay tl;l.p chi cU.a bl;l.n
(195) publication and I haven't received the ngay 25 thang tu va Toi chU'a nh~n (lU'C!C
payment (194) for that conhibution yet. nhu~n but cho bai vigt cua toi. Bl;l.n vui long
Could you take a look into the delay? I called cho toi bigt li do ch~m tre? Toi da cho gQi
my bank today and they informed me that ngan hang cua toi hom nay va hQ thong bao
there were no pending payments. cho toi bigt khong co ~n chi tni.

Thank you. Cam on b<;tn.
Aaron Lee Aaron Lee
191 . What did Mr. Smith receive from Mr. 191 . Ong Smith ~n tir Ong Lee cai gi?

Lee? (A) Hoa (ton thanh toan
(A) Payment receiJ)t (B) Tl;l.p chi
(B) Magazine (C) Bai bao

(C) Articles (D) Phac thao sach
(D) A book sketch

Road Monthly?
192. What is indicated about the Car and

It is published in many languages.

192. Tl;l.p chi thing Xe va Duemg co lll:lAn
m<;~nh digu gi?
(A) No duqc xuit ban voi nhigu ngon ngfr.
(B) No (}a (}U'C!C xu~t ban trong 30 nam.
(B) It has been Jmblished for 30 years.
(C) It is written for car manufacturers. (C) No duqc vigt cho nha san xuit xe hoi.
(D) It is not accepting anymore article (D) No khong chip nh~n duy~t bai bao nao
submissions. nfra.

193. In the first e-mail, paragraph 2, line 2, 193. de- mail diu tien, do<;~n van 2, dong 2,
'foremost' is closest in meaning to "hang d~u" co nghla sat nhit voi
(A) only (A) chi
(B) regular (B) thuong xuyen

(C) leading (C) d~n (tiu

(D) miginal (D) ban d~u

194 . What is the purpose of the second e- 194. Ml,lc dich cua e-mail thu hai la gi?
mail? (A) ug nghi chi tign truoc

(A) To offer a refund (B) £)g hoi tham vg vi~c dang ky bi tri hoan
(B) To mquue about a delayed (C) ug hoi tham vg vi~c tang gia
subscription (D) D~ bao tr~ tien thanh toan
(C) To ask about a p1ice increase
(D) To rea)ort on a missing J)ayment 195. Ong Lee yeu c~u ~n bao nhieu tign?
195. What amount of money does Mr. Le (A) $350
request? (B) $365
(A) $350 (C) $320
(B) $365 (D) $390
(C) $320
Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
SO(l.n nh~m giup cac b(l.n co tai li~u on thi hi~u quii. Mong mQi nguOi dimg mua btm quygn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam mit di gia tri rna cac b(l.n da dong gop.
ec.o•O~ 1
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

(D) $390

Dear Ms. Levine, Than glri co Levine,

Thank you for taking the time to listen to my Cam an co vi da dimh thai gian dg nghe toi.
request. Yom fmmer assistant, Dana Trqli clia co, Dana Whitney, bao toi lien 1<;~-c

Whitney, suggested I contact you, as she was voi co, vi co ~y ch~c ch~n co se vui long cho
toi xern mot trong nhfrng tac ph§rn d~p nh~t

sme you would be delighted to display one of
your finest works. clia co.
I am cmrently planning an exhibit that will Toi hi~n dang len kg ho<;~-ch uign Him nhfrng

display memorable costumes from top films trang ph1,1c k tuqng clia nhfrng b9 phirn dinh
of the 1980s, often called the colorful age in darn nh~t trong thap nien 80, thuang gQi la
film, at the Hollywood Film Museum. thai ki r\l'C ro cua di~n anh, t<;~-i Bao tmg


Dana is now an assistant - curator at the Dana bay gia la trqli - ph\1 trach t<;~-i bao tmg
museum and her expetience working for you va kinh nghi~rn khi lam vi~c cho b~;~n da lam
has made her an invaluable asset to me. She co ~y tro thanh tai san vo gia d6i voi toi . Co
assists me with categorizing and acquiring ~y giup toi phan lo<;~i Va tim rnau vat cho CUQC
items for the exhibition, which is trign Him, vi~c nay duqc len kg ho<;~-ch thu
tentatively 1lianned for the end of this nghi~rn cho dgn cu6i nam nay.

(196)The reason I'm contacting you is to Ly do toi lien l<;1c vOi b<;1n Ia ,.~ yeu du sw;r
request your 1•ermission to diS(llay a cho 1•he1• ctia b<;1n 't~ trung bay bQ trang
costume from the movie Unforgettable, llh\JC trong llhim. Khong thg quen, la b9

phirn da do<;~-t giai thigt kg trang ph1,1c d~p nh~t

which won the award for best costume design
t<;~-i lienhoan phim Woodbmy vao nam 1986.
at the Woodbury Film festival in 1986. I will
T oi se dua Dana dgn nh~n va tra bQ y ph1,1c,

send Dana to pick up and retmn the costume,

dg bao darn r~ng n6 duqc u·ung bay trong
ensure that it is dis1llayed under sufficient

security and return it you in the same digu ki~n du an tom va tra l<;ti cho co u·ong
condition after a 1necision cleaning by atinh tr<;tng nguyen v~n sau khi duqc lam s<;~-ch
theo tieu chu§n boi chuyen gia y ph1,1c. Xin
costume ex1•ert (198). Thank you in advance
for yom cooperation. cam On UUOC vi S\1' hqp tac CUa CO.
Chao than ai, Keny Anderson
Best regards, Keny Anderson Thl;fc sw;r Kho quen: Trang ph1;1c tir Films
Truly Unforgettable: Costumes from Films vao th~p nien 80.
in the 1980s.

Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so<;~-n nh~m giup cac b<;tn c6 tai li~u on thi hi~u qui. Mong rnQi nguOi dimg mua ban quygn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia 1li rna cac b<;tn da dong g6p.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

This costume, shown in the above llhoto, y llht;~c nay, dU'Q'C trU'ng bay trong buc anh
was worn by actress Jean LeBelle in the phia tren, •lU'Q'C m~c bOi Jean LeBelle nil
classic 1986 hit film Unforgettable, di~n vien trong "Kho quen" mQt bQ phim
directed by Tim Whitfield. The hand- cA •li~n nAi ti~ng 1986, •lU'Q'C •l~o di~n
embroidered dress was made by bO'iTim Whitfield. Chi~c ao theu tay •lU'Q'C
Alexandria Levine, who was one the most Alexandria Levine, nha thi~t k~ trang

1nominent costume designers for pht;~c nAi ti~ng b~t nh~t Hollywood vao
th~p nien 80 lam ra.

Hollywood films in the 1980s.(199BCD)

Ms. Levine continues to work as a costume Ba Levine ti~ll tt;~c llht;~ trach vf tri c~ v~n

director for many leading film studios y llht;~c cho nhftng phim trU'img hang •liu.
(200). For this costume, she hand stitched ug lam bQ y ph\lC nay, nr tay co ~y da dinh
sparkling white embroidery beads on a full- nhfrng mt cuom tr~g l~p lanh tren ao hoan

length dress of her design. It was as if she chlnh nhu thigt kg cua minh. Nhu thg la co ~Y
knew the dress wom by Jean LeBelle in the bigt duqc chigc ao duqc m~c boi Jean
climatic reunion scene would be long
remembered in the minds of movie goer even
some 25 years later.
LeBelle trong canh doan t:\1 se duqc ghi nho
r~t lau trong ni nho ngum di phim th~m chi
khoang 25 nam sau nay.
196. Why was the letter Wiitten? 196. Vi sao buc thu duqc vigt?
(A) To promote a new exhibit at a musemn (A) ug thuc diy t.Iign Him mm t:;ti bao tang
(B) To describe a film from the 1980s (B) ug mota phim tir tmp nien 80
(C) To inquire about an actor's availability (C) ug hoi thlim vg dien vien co thg tham gia

for a film dong phim

(D) To ask to borrow a n item for a n (D) D~ hoi •l~ mU'crn mon •tacho tri~n la m
197. Who will be helping Ms. Anderson 197. Ai se la nguoi giup Ba Anderson s~p

arrange the exhibition? xgp bigu dien?

(A) Alexandra Levine (A) Alexandra Levine

(B) Dana Whitney (B) Dana Whitney

(C) Jean LeBelle (C) Jean LeBelle

(D) Tim Whitfield (D) Tim Whitfield

198. What does Ms. Anderson offer to do? 198. Ba Anderson dg nghi lam gi?
(A) Provide additional details about the (A) Cung c~p them chi tigt vg nign Him
exhibition (B) Tra tign y ph\lc
(B) Pay for a replicated costume (C) Dam bao r~ng y pht;~c •lU'Q'C gi~t s~ch
C) Ensure that a costume is cleaned ky IU'O'ng
thoroughly (D) Chuful bi Ba Levine chuygn di clia dgn
(D) Anange Ms. Levine's trip to Hollywood

Quygn sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhiit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so:;tn nh~m giup cac b:;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui. Mong mQi ngum dimg mua btm quygn sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t di gia t.Ii ma cac b:;tn da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh

199. What is NOT indicated about the movie 199. Di§u gi khong duqc d§ cap voi phim
Unforgettable? "Kho quen"?
(A) It was recently re-released in (A) G~n (fay da (}U'q'C cong ba l~i trong r~1)
theaters. hat.
(B) One of its costumes will be displayed (B) M Qt trong nhfrng trang ph\lC cua no se
at the Hollywood Film Museum. duqc hi~n thi 6 Bao tang Hollywood Phim.

(C) It was a popu1ar film in the 1980s. (C) Do la mot phim ph& bign vao iliap nien

(D) The costumes fi:om the movie were 80.
designed by Ms. Levine. (D) Trang ph1,1c tir phim duqc thigt kg bm Ba
200. What is indicated about Ms. Levine? Levine.

(A) She has had a long career as a 200) Di§u nh~n dinh v§ Ba Levine 1a gi?
costume designer. (A) Co ~Y (fa lam nha thi~t k~ trang t)h~;~c
(B) She stopped making costumes for r~t lau.

films in the 1980s. (B) Co §.y khong con san xui t trang ph\lCcho
(C) She became popu1ar because of the phim vao thap nien 80.
film Unforgettable. tic
(D) She appeared as an actress in a movie.
(C) Co iy n&i tigng nho phim Kho quen.
(D) Co iy xui t hi~n nhu nfr dien vien trong

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so;;tn nh~m giup cac b;;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi ngum dimg mua btm quy~n sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam mi t di gia tri ma cac b;;tn da dong gop.
Nguy~n Vi~t Tu Anh


Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhat CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien
so;;tn nh~m giup cac b;;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u quii. Mong mQi nguOi dimg mua btm quy~n sach
nay vi nhu thg se lam mit di gia tri rna cac b;;tn da dong gop.
Part 7
Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles ,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for

each question and mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following notice.

Take advantage of this offer t:o ll"ene w you r membersh i p ~

The Norton Museum is known around the world as having one of the most
remarkable collections of art ever assembled.
The Norton Museum is a gateway to learning about the world's rich
.artistic heritage. What's more, its special exhibitions and educational
programming provide in-depth explorations of artistic movements and
genres within its renowned permanent collection .

Opening Ma rch 23, the Norton Museum will be featuring a special

Rembrandt collection until May 10 .

The members-only preview will be held on March 21 and March 22 .

Coming soon: t he Sculptures of Raul Menoz, on June 2. ;, · ,


153. When can museum members first view "154. What type of art will be featured in the
the Rembrandt exhibition? Raul Menoz exhibition?
(A) On March 21 (A) Photography

(B) On March 22 (B) Sculptures

(C) On May 10 (C) Oil paintings
(D) On June 2 (D) Home furnishings

I: .2.1);>fl .£.~ Economy 8 RC 1000Afl

7-d'J:i!t oH ~llt7-l ~~ ~Aii 1,J
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions ~ 55~ 11 56 refer to the following advertisement.

( (

Go Beyond.
Celebrate life's special moments with LeBo net!

LeBonet goes beyond just cakes. We also make specialized cookies, petit fours
with a design of your choice on top, brownies, cheese puffs, wedding cookies, and
cream cheese mints.

Wedding cakes should be ordered through Brenda and can be done over the
phone or via e-mail. Most of our brides are from out of town, so we want to
make it as easy as possible for you to book a wonderful wedding cake. We prefer

that you make an appointment sometime b.e tween Tuesday and Thursday, since
our weekends are busy with our brides of that week.
All of our creations can be tailored to your exact specifications, and you can even
send a personalized message with your order! Please allow 24-48 ·hours notice for
your order.

155. What kind of company most likely placed 156. What is the stated advantage of the
the advertisement? advertised products?

(A) A party gift shop (A) They are very inexpensive.

(8) A greeting card store (8) They are made by hand.
(C) A wedding planning company (C) They can be made quickly.
(D) A bakery (D) They can be personalized.

Actual Test 08
I •
Questions 157-158 refer to the following invitation.

Office walls are now his past.
He's retiring to the sunny shores at last!

You are cordially invited to
a Retirement Party for
Charlie Edwins

on Friday, June 8, 2010
from 6:oo to 9:00 P.M.
Debut performance by the Warren Grant Band

at the Six Lakes Lodge

. Six Lakes, Texas

Please RS_V P by May 30
to Bettyl>ratt at e.xt. 5168
Torino Corporation

157. What is being celebrated? 158. What is indicated about the event?
(A) The opening of a new restaurant (A) It will take place on January 8.
(B) The anniversary of a band (B) Live entertainment will be provided.
(C) The birthday of a musician (C) It will be held at the Torino Center.
(D) The retirement of an employee (D) Tickets are required for entry .

.2."i! }j] ~~ Economy 8 RC 1000~

A~'if.i!r 5H~77r.:>.J ~.;:.. .g.;o.iJ~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 159-161 refer to the following letter.

Dolphin Fitness Club

53 Cunnington Rd.
Tenafly, NJ 7945 3

Dear Mr. Taylor James,

Thank you for taking the time to. write us about your experience with Dolphin Fitness Club.

I understand on the 12th of May you lost your cellular phone during your visit to our club. I
also understand that you had locked your belongings in one of our lockers, and it was broken
into. I'm sorry for your loss and the inconvenience it may have caused you.

However, I regret to tell you that Dolphin Fitness Club cannot reimburse you for the <::ost of

your device. While we believe our lockers provide a considerable amount of security,
unfortunate incidents such as these cannot be avoided. As stated in the enclosed copy of the
locker use agreement you signed, Dolphin Fitness Club is not responsible for any lost items
in the locker room. Use of the club's lockers is always at your own risk.

We are considering installing surveillance cameras at the entrance of the locker rooms to
prevent future incidents.
Wh~le we cannot reimburse you for your loss, I would like to offer you a complimentary
month of membership at our club to make up for some of the inconvenience this may have
caused you. Just give this letter and your membership card to our accounts desk on your next
visit, and we'll add the free month to your membership.

Thank you for your continued patronage.


Customer Service Dept.


159. What is the main purpose of the letter? 161. What was sent with the letter?
(A) To clarify an organization's policies (A) A membership coupon

(B) To announce new membership (B) .A contract

packages (C) A new locker number
(C) To offer a free locker (D) A refund check
(D) To request a signature

160. What problem did Mr. James have?

(A) He lost his locker use agreement
(B) He could not use his membership.
(C) He had a personal item stolen.
(D) He forgot an appointment.
QIUJes~ions ~62-~54 refer to the following e-mail.

Date: April 3, 2010

To: Brad Lohaus

From: Larry Thomas

Dear Mr. Lohaus,

As someone with a reputation for technical expertise, a positive work attitude, and good

interpersonal skills, you have been selected to participate with 12 people as a team for a
Table-Top Job Analysis (TTJA) seminar, which is set to take place in Hicksville, Indiana
on August 16.

This seminar is an important step toward building a top-notch training program and
ensuring the accuracy of our operating procedures. The table-top approach used in this
seminar has proven to be an efficient, cost-effective, and pleasant way to create a task list,
as demonstrated this past March.

The list that your team develops will then serve as the foundation for training program

I support your uninterrupted involvement in this 3-day seminar and ask that you ensure its
success by contributing your positive energy and subject matter expertise.

If you are able to participate, please contact Mitch Richards at 764-456-8242. If you have

any questions about the purpose or end product of this seminar, please do not hesitate to
contact me. Thank you for your cooperation.

162. What is the purpose of the e-mail?? 164. What is NOT a benefit of the seminar?

(A) To invite someone to a workshop (A) Increased efficiency

(B) To provide training details (B) Higher annual salary

(C) To suggest transportation methods (C) Cost efficiency

(D) To schedule a visit to a new branch (D) Friendly work environment

163. When will the seminar end?

(A) On March 16
(B) On August 16
(C) On March 18
(D) On August 18

.2.~}j] £.~ Economy 8 RC !OOOAn

AcJ 'i)":i!r oH-'!Jll\-7-J ~-\:--@-Ail~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Qll..O es~i (O) fi'il S 11 65~ 11 67 refer to the following memo.

MlE M<OHRUii\~ [)) lUJ M

June 5, 2010
To: All hotel employees

From: Bill Wensington
Subject : Employees Not Allowed in Public Areas After Work
Dear staff members,

This memo is in regard to the matter of employees loitering on hotel
property after their shift has ended.
I have reviewed the security tapes from the past three months and have

found that 70 different employees loitered on hotel property after finishing
their shift. They either stayed in the back office, or remained on the
premises to chat with their friends who were still on duty. Although they
had removed their nameplate and hotel pin, 55 of these people were still in
hotel uniform. Of the employees that stayed after their shift, 40 were from
the Rooms Division, mainly the Front Office Department.
Loitering on hotel property after work has proved to be a distraction to
employees on duty and disrupts their operational duties. It also gives the
hotel a sloppy image.
As manager of the hotel, I have implemented a new policy effective June

10, 2010. Employees who have finished their shift will no longer be allowed
to remain on hotel property.
Please take note of this change .

Bill Wensington

165. What is the purpose of the memo? 167. Who is Bill Wensington?

(A) To introduce some new hotel staff (A) A business traveler

members (B) A manager
(B) To review the employee dress code (C) A hotel chef
(C) To announce changes in a work (D) A hotel clerk
(D) To inform employees of a guest's

166. According to the memo, what should all

employees do?
(A) Wear their uniform to work
(B) Greet all hotel guests pleasantly
(C) Report their break times
(D) Leave the premises after work

a ct
Eco nomy RC 1000 _ IV

168. Who most likely is Alan Trask? ·~ 10. What is NOT included with the prix fixe
(A) A food critic menu?
(B) A gourmet chef (A) Dessert

(C) A restaurant owner (B) Salad
(D) A local caterer (C) Bread
(D) A drink

169. What is indicated about al di Ia?
(A) It offers free desserts. 171. The word 'unassuming' in paragraph 1 ,
(B) It is open 7 days a week. line 4, is closest in meaning to

(C) It offers free delivery service. (A) flattering
(D) It is moderately priced. (B) rich
(C) free
(D) modest


Actual Test 08
Ques~ioli1s ~72 °~76 refer to the following letter.

Easy A Movnll1lg §ell"vke

786lReKR Ave
Oakland, CA 15949

May 12

Dear Mr. Valino,

I am writing this letter to dispute the amount I was charged for the services you rendered on

April 20; I contracted your company to move my furniture to my new house, and I was given
an estimate of $300 for the entire move, without regard to the amount of time. Thus, I was
completely caught by surprise when I received a bill for $450; $300 for the first 3 hours and
$75 dollars for each additional hour. When I signed the agreement, you clearly stated that the
amount of time it takes to finish the move did not factor into the estimate. Enclosed is a copy
of the signed estimate.

I believe these charges are incorrect, especially when the entire move only took 4 hours in
total, meaning the additional hour overcharged is also incorrect. Since speaking to your
representative over the phone did not resolve the issue, I'm now writing you a letter.

While the incorrect bill is frustrating, I believe that this must an error of some sort, as I know
you have provided excellent service to two of my friends in the past who recommended you
to me. So in spite of this, I am prepared to give you an additional $50 tip because your
company did provide satisfactory service with nothing damaged during the move.

I have enclosed a check for $350. If you would like to discuss this matter further, please
contact me at 465-5432.


Sylvia Rios

: '

.5'..~~ ~~Economy 0 RC 1000~~

7-;j'i)":i!~ t;H~77~7. J 'll~ ~~11 {1
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

112. Why was the letter written? 175. Why was Ms. Rios charged $450?
(A} To ask for copies of an estimate (A) The move was especially difficult.
(B) To complain about excess charges (B) That was the agreed upon price.

(C) To compliment an employee (C) Easy A made a mistake.
(D) To request a partial refund (D) The estimate was for $450.

173. On what date did EasyA move Ms. Rios ~ 16 . According to the letter, what is true about
to a new house? Ms. Rios?
(A) May 20 (A) She helped the movers work.

(B) May 12 (B) She has hired Mr. Valino's company
(C) April 12 more than once.
(D) April20 (C) She does not want to pay EasyA
(D) She had friends who recommended

114. What is indicated about the Easy A EasyA to her.
Moving Service?
(A) They charge $75 to move furniture.
(B) They moved Ms. Rios in one hour.
(C) It gives estimates before starting a
(D) It is run by Sylvia Rios.
Questions 177-180 refer to the following article.

As the summer rental season comes to a close, prices rose 4.6% compared
with a year earlier based ort rental listings as of August 15, according to the

Real Estate Group's 'Manhattan Rental Report.' Monthly increases have
been moderate, but rental prices have been rising each month since
February, the report said.

Average prices of two-bedroom apartments in non-doormen buildings in
TriBeCa climbed by 8.7%, to $5,930, this month.
Prices of studios with doormen are also on the rise in Harlem (up 5.48%),
the East Village (up 7.43%) and Chelsea (up 7.54%).
Inventory remains tight with vacancies dropping only slightly.

Inventory numbers may actually be lower than reported, says Andrew

Barros, chief executive of the Real Estate Group. As the city ramps up
enforcement of building codes, landlords have started to restrict the use of

temporary walls, which many renters put up to share space and rents, he

Priced out of, say, one-bedrooms in high-end neighborhoods that renters

could convert into two-bedrooms, Mr. Barrocas says renters looking for

value are likely to head uptown to the Upper East Side and Harlem.

"Otherwise, renters are just going to get creative - we're already seeing
people put up bookcases or mazelike partitions that technically comply with
building codes," he says .

.S!.~]j] .£.~Economy 0 RC 1000~

Ad 'if:i!~ t>H;,j77~7.] 'll-e- {f7.i]"tj
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

177. What is the main purpose of the article? 179. In what area have rental prices
(A) To analyze occupancy rates in the increased the most this year?
past 10 years (A) TriBeCa

(B) To summarize real estate trends in (B) Upper East Side
New York (C) Harlem
(C) To announce new vacancies (D) East Village

(D) To describe population growth in
New York 130. What is indicated about Manhattan?
(A) It is becoming overcrowded.

178. According to the article, why are renters (B) It is developing faster than any other
interested in the Upper East Side? American city.
(A) Its residential occupancy rates have (C) Its rental rates have doubled since
increased. last year.

(B) The price of buildings there is (D) Its building codes are becoming
inexpensive. stricter.
(C) Renewal projects have improved the
(D) Its rental prices are lower.
Ol l! esfti o ~n s i 8~ =i 85 refer to the following e-mails.

To: Renee Schwartz<>

From: Order Confirmation<>
Date: Jan 3, 2010
Subject: Order Summary, Order No. 21548

Hi Renee,

Thanks for shopping at CG Electronics. To help you keep track of your purchases, we're
sending you this order update.

NJN Atomizers 2 pc Item 4852

* Rechargeable 180mAh li-ion battery 2 pc Item 135

* AC charger (US plug) 1 pc Item 2185
* Manual (English) 1 pc Item 5462
* Standard cartridges
tic 5 pc Item 2145

Your order will be shipped within 2 to 3 days. It generally takes 3 to 6 business days for
domestic delivery and 12 to 15 business days for international deliveries. (Business days
are Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays). Orders cannot be changed or cancelled
after they have been shipped. You should receive your package shortly.

Your satisfaction is our highest priority! Feel free to contact us at anytime with any
questions you may have!

Best Regards,
CG Electronics

To: Order Confirmation<>


From: Renee Schwartz<rschwartz@>

~ .
Date: Jan 4, 2010.
Subject: RE: Order Summary, Order No. 21548

Thank you for such a quick order update. CG Electronics can always be relied on for prompt
service. I would, however, like to change my order. I initially ordered two #4852 items, but I
would like to increase that to four items.

In addition, I was hoping to order 5 extended life cartridges, but they were not available at the
time I placed my order. If you happen to receive a shipment of them before my order ships out, I
would like you to cancel the 5 standard cartridges and add 5 of the extended life cartridges.


.2.~}j] £~Economy 8 RC IOQQAfl

AJ~.i!~ ~H ~7l~:A] ~-E .g.Ai]~
Economy F:C 1000 _ IV
.. ... ... ... .. ...... .... ............ .. .... ... ..

i 81. What is the purpose of the first e-mail? 184. What item does Ms. Schwartz want more
(A) To confirm an order of?
(B) To announce items that are sold out (A) Batteries

(C) To introduce new products (B) Cartridges
(D) To request an updated shipping (C) Atomizers
address (D) Manuals

182" What policy is mentioned in the first i85. What is implied about Ms. Schwartz?
e-mail? (A) Her order has already been shipped.

(A) A refund policy (B) She forgot to add an item to her
(B) A cancellation policy order.
(C) A packaging policy (C) She tried to order longer lasting
(D) An exchange policy cartridges.

(D) She ordered her supplies online.
183. In the second e-mail, the word 'initially' in
paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning
(A) originally
(B) doubly
(C) solely
(D) duly
Questions 186-190 refer to the following e-mails.

TO: Customer Service Dept.

FROM: HaNey Grant, Manager
DATE: April 2
RE: Task reassignments

Dear Staff,

Clouds has recently had the fortune of tripling our number of subscribers. This is a direct

result of all your efforts in improving our company. Along with new subscribers, the large
volume of customer service inquiries has necessitated a restructuring of our customer
service department. We believe this breakdown of tasks will allow us to serve our
customers in the most efficient manner possible. Below is a list of team members and their

respective responsibilities.

Derek Carper
tic New subscriptions, renewals
Michael Kandi Subscription cancellations, temporary suspension of delivery
- ····-·· ""'"'"'''"''' ' ''"'''''''''"'"''' ' ' ' - -·-·--········-·····- ·····!···- -·······-·-·-·--·--·····-··--····-·-··········-·-·-··............... ..... ·-··-····- -- ··--···-····-----···-···· ··

-.. _~}_i~~-~ I~<:>.-~P~<?~ . . Q~l_iyf!_ry__ P.E?.~If!_~~

____Nata~~~~~-------------L---~~-~~~_r:_inquir~~~--------------------------·--------·--------·- ---·

Any questions regarding the restructuring can be directed to me at ext. 8574.

Thank you.
Harvey Grant


From: Diana Park

Date: April 24

Subject: subscription

I'm writing this e-mail to stop delivery of your magazine. While I enjoy your monthly
issues, my company has recently decided to send me on an extended business trip. I will

be going to Shanghai, China from April 27 to the end of August. While I would like to
receive your magazine in China, I know you do not yet offer international shipping. I know
this is very short notice, but the decision to send me was made only a week ago. I would
like to continue my subscription upon my return. As I know your monthly issues are
delivered almost a month in advance, I will not be here to receive your September issue.
So please send me the October issue as regularly scheduled.

Thank you,
Diana Park

.2.~ J!l .IE.~ Economy 8 RC 1000~

7-cj'i)":i!t oH);j llt.AI ~.C .g- "11~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

186. What is Clouds? 189. Who will most likely address Ms. Park's
(A) A bi-weekly magazine request?
(B) An international magazine (A) Derek Carper

(C) A monthly magazine (B) Michael Kandi
(D) A weekly newspaper (C) Elisha Thompson
(D) Natalie Lee _

187. In the first e-mail, the word 'inquiries' in
paragraph 1, line 3 is closest in meaning 190. When will Ms. Park return from China?
to (A) On April 27

(A) complaints (B) On April 24
(B) calls (C) End of August
(C) e-mails (D) End of September
(D) subscriptions

188. What is indicated about Clouds?
(A) It has recently increased its number
of subscribers.
(B) It has recently hired new customer
service employees.
(C) It will move into a new building.
(D) It will close for four months.
Q n.n es~i o rn s ~ 9 ~~~ ~5 refer to the following webpage contact form and e-mail.


Contad !Us:
Need assistance? Customer Care is here to help. To inquire about products and services

fouhd at or in our stores, contact us by phone or e-mail and we'll gladly
assist you.

IE - Mao~
Please complete the fields below as specifically as possible. This will help to ensure the
fastest and most accurate response possible. (Name, e-mail address, and telephone
number are all required.)

Name: lohn Sherman
Telephone: 574 754 7793
Country: USA

I recently purchased one of your Vizion TVs from a store in my neighborhood. Upon
delivery on june 3 I discovered. that there is a dead line of pixels in the middle of the
screen! I called the store I bought it from and told them about it, and they said that it
wasn't a problem and that they would deliver a new one in two weeks. Problem is, it's a

52-inch TV, and I paid 50 dollars for delivery. I think it's unreasonable for me to have to
wait two weeks to get delivery of a new TV, especially sin ce four days have already
passed from the delivery date. At this time I'd like Topbuys to pick up the TV, or deliver a
new one and take the defective TV back.

Re: Customer Comment #225, Submitted on June 7

Greetings Mr. John Sherman,


The purchase of a brand-new TV is by no means a small investment, so I can imagine how

frustrated you must feel! It is never an enjoyable experience to discover that one of the critical
features of an item you purchased is defective, especially if you weren ' t able to test that feature
out in advance.

We've recently had a number of reported problems from Vizion TVs. The K32 has had
problems with irregular cord plugs, the T43 has overheating problems, the T55 has problems
with irregular colors, and the K52 has suffered from dead screen pixels. Of course, all of these
problems are covered under the manufacturer's warranty, as long as you report them before the
1-year expiration date.

I also agree that you should not have to wait another 2 weeks to receive your TV. I've taken the

£:>.J}{I .£'?.1 Economy 8 RC 10007.~

:>.;j ~:c~ oH A~ ll ~AI ~-t.g.7.PJ
Econe>mJI FlC 1000 _ IV

liberty of speaking with Elizabeth, a customer service representative at the store you bought
your TV from. I told her about your situation, and she assured me that she will have a new TV
delivered to you before the end of the week. You can reach her by calling 858-215-2522,

extension 655. She's waiting for your call.

lu is dedicated to 100% customer satisfaction. Please let me know when this
problem is resolved.


Brandon Wellington, Customer Relations Manager

191" On the webpage contact form, what 194. When did Mr. Sherman send in the
information is optional? webpage form?
(A) Name
tic (A) On May 5
(B) Telephone number (B) On June 3
(C) E-mail address (C) On June 7
(D) Country (D) On June 11

192. What does the e-mail mainly discuss? 195. In the e-mail, the word 'critical' in
(A) Changes in contact information for a paragraph 1, line 2 is closest in meaning
store to
(B) The product delivery procedures in a (A) non-vital

warehouse (B) important

(C) The extension of a warranty contract (C) damaging
(D) Solutions to a customer's problem (D) criticizing

193. What Vizion model does Mr. Sherman


probably have?
(A) K32

(B) K52
(C) T43
(D) T55

i·"*·IM-+ Actual Test 08

Questions 196~200 refer to the following article and e-mail.

Hopps Cafe Owner Steven Chang Gives Out Free Meals to the Unemployed ·

A Hopps cafe owner is making a difference in today's tough economy by giving away free
brunches to diners who've lost their jobs. Steven Chang, owner of Hopps Cafe, has served up

a free brunch to any unemployed person who calls ahead and asks for one since March of last
year. Since then, a dozen people have taken advantage of Chang's offer for entrees such as
crusty French toast or pesto omelet's at the trendy cafe at 8th Stand Third Ave.

"A free brunch is something small, but it can make a big difference in someone's day," said
Chang, 41. "It's kind of amazing how good it makes people feel."
The offer has gotten out all over Bay Ridge, mostly through his customers. Chang has not been

immune from the downturn. His business is off by two-thirds since the recession hit. Even
making the store's rent can be a stretch, but the emotional payback Chang gets from giving
away meals is worth it.
"Seeing the relaxed looks on people's faces just makes me happy," he said. "I believe you get
what you give."
Chang's acts of generosity could end up being good for his business, too. Several unemployed
diners who came to Hopps for free brunches have since gotten new jobs and become paying
customers. Mai Lee, 33, went for a free meal at the cafe after she was laid off from a job in
fashion in April. She landed a new job that she likes better just a week later, and she's been a
regular customer ever since. "Hopps definitely brought me good luck," said Lee, who lives in

Bay Ridge. "It's a special place."

To: <>
From: Mark Bartolo <>

Date: January 10
Subject: Hopps is the greatest!

I just wanted to tell you about my experience at Hopps. My name is Mark Bartolo. I am 35
years old and from Bensonhurst. I lost my construction job last April. I took my wife, Nicole,

my three children and my mother there and had a spectacular breakfast of empanadas and
sangria about a week ago. I offered to pay at least half the bill, but Mr. Chang would not take
any of my money.

It was a rare moment of appreciation in my life. My savings ran out five months ago and I was
forced to move my family into a one-bedroom apartment last summer.

Times are tough and everyone's always looking out for themselves. It was so refreshing and
inspiring to see someone help out a total stranger, just out of the kindness of his heart. I'm so
glad you guys are recognizing unsung heroes in our neighborhood like Steven Chang. Keep up
the good work!

.2.~ ]jJ .£. ~ Economy 8 RC 1000~

~'Q:i!~ tiH~ll~;<.] ~-i:- .g_~j]::>.J
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

196. What is the purpose of the article? 199. Why did Mr. Bartolo write his letter?
(A) To discuss a new cafe opening (A) To ask for Mr. Chang's address
(B) To describe a local business (B) To begin a newspaper subscription

(C) To explain how to run a profitable (C) To request an article retraction
small business (D) To commend the newspaper for a

(D) To report on a local instance of job well done
200. How many months had Hopps been
197. Why did Mr. Chang give out free meals? offering free brunch when Mr. Bartolo

(A) Because his business is booming sent this e-mail?
(B) Because he needed opinions on his (A) 4 months
new dishes (B) 8 months
(C) Because he wants to give people a (C) 9 months

bit of hope (D) 11 months
(D) Because he believes they will get
new jobs
198. In the article, the word 'immune' in
paragraph 3, line 2, is closest in meaning
(A) agreeable
(B) unaffected ·
(C) effected
(D) affected

Actual Test 08
Chong Chong Tre

Cau hoi Dich Cancu

153. When can museum 153. Cac thanh vien bao The members-only preview
members first v1ew the tang co thS nhin th~y aftu will be held on March 2
Rembrandt exhibition? tien bu6i triSn lam 1and March 22 _ Sv tham

(A) On March 21 Rembrandt khi nao? quan chi CUa cac thanh vien
(B) On March 22 (A) Ngay 21 thang ba duqc diSn ra vao ngay 21

(C) On May 10 (B) Ngay 22 thang 3 thang 3 va 22 thang 3
(D) On June 2 (C) Ngay 10 thang

(D) Ngay 2 th<ing 6
154. What type of art will be 154. Nhfrng lo~i hinh ngh~ Coming soon: the
featured in the Raul Menoz thu~t mio se duqc gioi thi~u Sculptures of Raul Menoz,
exhibition? trong triSn lam Raul on June 2._Hay ghe tham

(A) Photography Menoz? sam: Bu6i trung bay dieu
(B) Sculptures
(C) Oil paintings
(D) Home furnishings
(A) NhiSp anh
(B) Dieukh~c
(C) hue tranh dftu
kh~c cua Raul M enoz
(D) ~t Trang chu

Cauhoi Dich Cancu


155. What kind of company 155. Lo~i cong ty giong LeBonet goes beyond just
most likely placed the trong quang cao nh~t? cakes We also make
adv e1tis ement? (A) Cua hang qua dv ti~c specialized cookies, _
(A) A party gift shop (B) Cua hang thi~p LeBonet vuqt xa nhiing

(B) A greeting card store (C) Cong ty len kS ho~ch IS chiSc banh. t6i cGng
(C) A wedding planning cuoi lam nhGng chiSc banh quy

company (D) Ti~m banh d~c bi~t

(D) A bakery

156. What 1s the stated 156. Lqi the nao neu trong All of our creations can be
advantage of the adve1tised nhGng san phfun duqc tailored to your exact
products? quang cao? specifications, and you can
(A) They are ve1y (A) Chting khong qua m~c. even send a personalized
mexpens1ve. (8) duqc lam b~ng message with your
(B) They are made by hand. tay. order_ T~t ca S\f sang t~o cua
(C) They can be made (C) co thS duqc thvc t6i co thS thay d6i
quickly. hi~n m9t each nhanh chong. theo nhiing chi tiSt yeu cftu

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(D) They can be (D) co thS mang tinh cua b~n va th~m chi b~n co
personalized chftt ca nhfm ths gm tin nh~n ca nhfm voi
dan hang clia b~n.

Cau hoi Dich Can cu
157. What 1s being 157. Cai gi dang duqc t6 You are cordially invited to

celebrated? chuc? a Retirement Party for
(A) The opening of a new (A) Khai truong m9t nha Charlie Edwins _B~n duqc
restaurant hang moi moi m9t each chan thanh

(B) The anniversruy of a (B) Cac kY ni~m cua m9t dSn bu6i ti~c nghi huu clia
band ban nh~c Charlie Edwins
(C) The birthday of a
(C) Cac ngay sinh nhftt clia
m9tnh~c si
(D) The retirement of an (D) VS huu cua m9t nhan
employee vien
158. What ts indicated 158. BiSu gi duqc neu ra vS Debut perfmmance by the
about the event? S\l' ki~n nay? Wanen Grant Band at the

(A)It will take place on (A) No se diSn ra vao ngay Six Lakes Lodge_BiSu diSn
Januruy 8. 08 thang 1. ma man boi ban ~c
(B) Live entertainment (B) Giai tri nvc tiSp se duqc WruTen Grant ~i Six Lakes
will be provided. cung cap. Lodge

(C) It will be held at the (C) No se duqc t6 chuc t~i

Torino Center. Trung tam Torino.
(D) Ve duqc yeu c~u khi

(D) Tickets ru·e required for

enhy vao

Cau hoi Dich Can cu

159. What 1s the mam 159. M1,1c dich chinh clia However, I regret to tell you
pmpose of the letter? buc thu la gi? that Dolphin Fitness Club
(A) To clarifY- an (A) BS lam ro cac chinh cannot reimburse you for
organization's policies sach clia t6 chuc the cost of your device_Tuy
(B) To announce new (B) BS cong b6 nhom thanh nhien, t6i rftt tiSc phai noi
membership packages vien moi voi b~n ding Dolphin

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(C) To offer a free locker (C) DS cung dlp m9t tu Fitness Club khong thS b6i
(D) To request a signature kh6a miSn phi thuemg cho b~n chi phi thiSt
(D) Yeu c~u m9t chu kY bi cila b~.
160. What problem did Mr. 160. Ong James c6 vfm de I understand on the 12th of

James have? gi? May you lost your cellular
(A) He lost his locker use (A) Ong da m~t mftu thoa phone during your visit to

agreement fmm. thu~ su dl,ll1g tu kh6a cila our club_toi biSt vao ngay
(B) He could not use his minh 12 thang 5 b~ danh m~t
di~n tho~i di d9ng trong khi

membership. (B) Anh khong thS su dl,ll1g
(C) He had a personal the thanh vien cua minh. tham quan cau l~c b9 CUa
item stolen. (C) Anh bi m~t tai san ca chling t6i.
(D) He forgot an nhan

appointment. (D) Anh ta quen m9t cu9c

161. What was sent with the

161. Dieu gi da duqc gui
cling la thu?
As stated in the enclosed
copy of the locker use
(A) A membership coupon (A) M9t phiSu gifun gia agreement you signed,
(B) A contract thanh vien Dolphin Fitness Club is not
(C) A new locker number (B) M9t hqp d6ng responsible for any lost
(D) A refund check (C) M9t s6 thay d6 moi items in the locker room-

(D) M9t kiSm tra hoan thuS Nhu da neu trong cac ban
sao duqc dinh kem trong
hqp d6ng su dvng til kh6a
b~ da dang k)r, Dolphin

Fitness Club khong chiu

trach nhi~m cho b~t k)r tai

san nao bi m~t trong phong


thay d6.

Cau hoi Dich CaneD-

162. What is the pwpose of 162. Ml,lC dich cua e-mailla Subject: PARTICIPATION
the e-mail?? gi? IN TABLE-TOP JOB
(A) To invite someone to a (A) DS moi ai d6 dSn h9i ANALYSIS- Chu dS: tham
workshop thao gm TABLE-TOP JOB

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLtc:'>'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(B) To provide training (B) DS cung c~p nhiing chi

As someone with a
details tist aao ~o reputation for technical
(C) To suggest (C) DS x~t phuang phap
expe1tise, a positive work
transportation methods vftn chuySn attitude, and good
(D) S~p xSp m9t chuySn

(D) To schedule a visit to a interpersonal skills, you
new branch office have been selected to
thfun van phong chi nhanh

moi participate with 12 people
as a team for a Table-Top
Job Analysis (TTJA)

seminar, which is set to take
place in Hicksville, Indiana
on August 16._ La m9t

nguoi co uy tin vS chuyen
tic mon ky thuftt:, thai d9 lam
vi~c tich Cl,l'C, va giao tiSp
t6t:, b~n da duqc ch9n dS
tham gia voi 12 nguoi nhu
m9t nh6m cho h9i thao
Table-Top Job Analysis
(TTJA), duqc diSn ra ~i

Hicksville, Indiana vao

ngay 16 thang 8.
163. When will the seminar 163. Khi h9i thao se ket *which is set to take place in
end? thuc? Hicksville, Indiana on

(A) On March 16 (A) Ngay 16 Thang 3 August 16_ duqc diSn ra ~i

(B) On August 16 (B) N gay 16 thang tam Hicksville, Indiana vao

(C) On March 18 (C) Ngay 18 Thang 3 ngay 16 thang 8.


(D) On August 18 (D) Vao ngay 18 thang 8 *I support your

involvement in this 3-day
seminar and ask that you
ensme its success by
contributing yom positive
energy and subject matter
expertise._ Toi ~o diSu ki~n
cho SlJ tham gia lien t:l,lc cUa.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

trong 3 ngay h9i thao
nay va yeu c~u b~n dam bao
Sl,l thanh cong CUa no b~ng

each dong gop Sl,l ho~t d9ng

tich Cl,IC ella. b~n va chu dS


164. What is NOT a benefit 164. H9i thao KHONG co The table-top approach used
of the seminar? lqi ich mio? in this seminar has proven to
(A) Tang hi~u qua

(A) Increased efficiency be an efficient, cost-
(B) Higher annual salary (B) Tang tiSn luang rumg effective, and pleasant way
(C) Cost efficiency nam to create a task list, as
(D) Friendly work (C) Hi~u qua chi phi demonstrated this past

environment (D) Moi truemg lam v i~c March._ TiSp c~n table-top
than thi~ntic duqc su dl,.Ulg tr·ong h9i thao
nay da duqc minh la
hi~u qua, hi~u qua chi phi va
ds dang t~o m9t danh sach
cong vi~c, nhu duqc
minh trong Thang Ba vua

Cau hoi Dich Can clf

165. What is the pwpose of 165. Ml,lC dich cua ban ghiSubject Employees Not

the memo? nho la gi? Allowed m Public Areas

(A) To intr·oduce some new (A) DS gioi thi~u d9i ngii After Work Dear staff

' A
hotel staff members thanh vien moi cua khach members - Cac nhan v1en
(B) To review the employee s~n khong dUQ phep 0 khu Vl,IC

dress code (B) DS xem l~i d6ng ph1,1c cong c9ng sau gio lam
(C) To announce changes nhan vien
in a work polic (C) Cong b6 nhfrng thay d6i
(D) To infmm employees of trong chinh sach cong vi~c
a guest's complaint (D) DS thong bao cho nhan
vien vs cac khisu n~ cua

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

166. According to the 166. Theo ban ghi nho, titt

Employees who have
memo, what should all ca cite nhan vien nen lam
finished their shift will no
employees do? gi? longer be allowed to remain
(A) Wear their unifmm to (A) M~c a6ng ph1,1c khi lam
on hotel property_ Cac nhfm

work vi~c vien eta kst thuc ca uvc cua
(B) Greet all hotel guests (B) Chao tftt ca cac khach h9 se khong con duqc phep

pleasantly thue m9t each vui ve a l~i trong ph~n dftt thu<?c
(C) Repmt their break times (C) Bao cao gio giai lao CUa quySn khach s~m.

(D) Leave the premises h9
after work (D) Roi khoi khuon vien
(lam vi~c) sau gio lam
167. Who Bill 167. Bill W ensington la ai? * From: Bill W ensington


Wensington? (A) M<?t nha kinh doanh du * As manager of the hotel, I

(A) A business n·aveler
(B) A manager
(C) A hotel chef
lich tic
(B) M9t nha giam a6c
have implemented a new
policy effective June 10,
(C) M<?t d~u bSp khach s~ 2010._la giam a6c khach
(D) A hotel clerk (D) M<?t nhan vien khach s~n, t6i ban hanh chinh sach
s~n moi co hi~u h,rc vao 10
thang 6, 201o

Cau hoi Dich Can cll

h68. Who most likelv id 168. Alan Trask co kha
!Alan Trask1 nang la ai nhftt?

(A) A food critic (A) M<?t nha phe binh thvc

(B) A gowmet chef ph§m

(C) A res tamant owner (B) M<?t d~u bSp nguoi sanh
(D) A local caterer an

(C) M9t chu nha hang

(D) M<?t nguoi cung dlp
luang thvc thvc ph~m dia
Caterer: nguoi cung cap
luang thvc thvc ph§m/ chu
quan khach s~n

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

169. What IS indicated 169. Nhfrng gi duqc chi

Hours: Mon and Wed-Thu
about al dila? dinh vS al di Ia? noon-3 p.m. and 6 .pm.-
(A) It offers free desseits. (A) No cung c~p cac mon
10:30 p.m.; Tue, 6 p.m.-
(B) It is open 7 days a tning mi~ng miSn phi.
10:30 p.m.; Fri, noon-3 p.m.

week. (B) No mo cila 7 ngay m9t
and 6p.m.-11 p.m.; Sat,
(C) It offers free delivery tuan. noon-3 p.m. and 5:30p.m.-

service. (C) No cung c~p dich V\1
10:30 p.m.; Sun, noon-3
(D) It is moderately priced giao hang miSn phi. p.m. and 5 p.m.-1 0 p.m._
Gio lam vi~c: Tiua thu Hai,
(D) no co g ia vira phai

thu Tu, thu Nam 3h chiSu
dSn 6h t6i.-1 0: 30 pm; Tue,
06:00-1 0:. 30 gio chiSu; Fri,

uua-3:00 va 6:00-11 gio
tic chiSu. Sat, uua-3:00 va
5:30-1 0:. 30 gio chiSu; Sun,
uua-3:00 va 5:00-22:00
170. What is NOT included 170. Mon gi KHONG bao AI eli Ia's prix fixe menu,
with the prix fixe menu? g6m trong thvc don ? which includes unlimited
(A) Desseit (A) Mon u·ang mi~ng salad and bread baked in-
(B) Salad (B) Salad house, IS served with a

(C) Bread (C)Banhmi mouthwatering choice of

(D) A drink (D) M9t thuc u6ng desserts_ Dan prix fixe AI
di Ia, bao gom xa lach
khong gioi h~n va banh mi

nuong tr·ong nha, OU<;YC ph1,1c

v1,1 ch9n Iva u·ang mi~ng

kich thich an ng on.


171. The word 'unassuming' 171. Tir 'khiem tOn' t~i I think my favorite thing
in paragraph 1, line 4, is khoan 1, dong 4, la g~n nh~t about the place, though, is
closest in meaning to u·ong y nghia that it is rather unassuming_
(A) flattering (A) tang b6c T oi nghi minh thich noi nay
(B) rich (B) giau du no kha khiem t6n
(C) free (C) miSnphi
(D) modest (D) vira phai
Modest (adj)

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~ n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
*chi ngum: khiem t6n,
nhim nhuemg, nhu mi, e 1~
*chi v~t: vua phai, phai
chang, co muc do· .' binh
thuang, gian eli

Cau hoi Dich Can ell'
172. Why was the letter 172. T~i sao buc thu duqc I am writing this letter to

written? viSt? dispute the amount I was
(A} To ask for copies of an (A) DS yeu cftu cac ban sao charged for the services you
estimate banke gia rendered on April 20_ Toi

(B)To complain about (B) DS prum nan vS chi phi vist thu nay ds tranh l~n vs
excess char es vuqtmuc s6 tiSn t6i duqc tinh phi cho
(C) To compliment an
(C) DS khenm9tnhan vien cac dich vv rna b~n dua ra
(D) Yeu cftu ho~m l~i m9t vao ngay 20 thang 4
(D) To request a pattial phftn
173. On what date did Easy 173. vao ngay nao Easy A di I am writing this letter to
A move Ms. Rios to a new chuySn Co. Rios dSn ngoi dispute the amount I was

house? nha moi? chru·ged for the services you

(A) May 20 (A) 20 thang nam rendered on April 20_ Toi
(B) May 12 (B) 12 thang 5 viSt thunay dS tranh l~n vS
(C) April 12 (C) 12 thang 4 s6 tiSn t6i duqc tinh phi cho

(D) April 20 (D) 20 thang 4 cac dich Vl,l rna b~n dua ra
vao ngay 20 thang 4

174. What Is indicated 174.Dieugiduqcneu len ve I contracted your company

about the EasyA Moving dich V\1 v~n chuySn EasyA? to move my fumiture to my

Service? (A) H9 tinh phi $ 75 dSn new house, and I was given
(A) They charge $75 to chuySn d6 d~c. an estimate of $300 for the
move fumiture. (B) H9 chuySn ba Rios entire move, without regard
(B) They moved Ms. Rios in trong m9t gio. to the amount of time. Toi
one hour. (C) No dua ra nhiing uoc kY hqp d6ng voi cong ty ctia
(C) It gives estimates tinh tiuoc khi b~t dftu cong b~ dS di chuySn d6 d~c ctia
before starting a job. vi~c. tOi dSn nha moi CUa tOi, va
(D) It is run by Sylvia Rios. tOi da duqc dua ra con s6

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(D) No duqc diSu harm boi uoc tinh la 300 $ cho toan
Sylvia Rios. b9 vi~c di chuysn, rna
khong quan tam dSn so
luqng thai gian.

175. Why was Ms. Rios 175. T~i sao ba Rios bi tinh I believe these charges are
charged $450? phi 450$? inconect, especially when

(A) The move was (A) Vi~c di chuySn d~c bi~t the entire move only took 4
especially difficult. kho khan. homs in total , meaning the
(B) That was the agreed
upon pnce.
(B) Bola gia thoa th~n.
(C) Easy Ada tinh sai.
additional hour overcharged
is also inconect._ Toi tin
(C) EasyA made a (D) Voc tinh la 450$ r~ng cac khoan phi nay la
mistake. khong chinh xac, d~c bi~t la
(D) The estimate was for khi toim b9 vi~c di chuySn
$450 chi m~t t6ng c9ng 4 gio,

nghia la gio tinh them vuqt

dl! toan cGng la khong chinh
176. According to the letter, 176. Theo buc thu, dieu gi While the inconect bill is

what is true aboutMs. Rios? dUn.g vS co Rios? fmstrating, I believe that

(A) She helped the movers (A) Co ~y da giup nhiing this must an enor of some

work. nguoi v~n chuySn lam vi~c. sort, as I know you have
(B) She has hired 1vfr. (B) Co da thue ong Cong ty provided excellent service

Valine's company more Valino han m9t l~n. to two of my friends in the
than once. (C) Co ~y khong mu6n tni past who recommended you
(C) She does not want to tiSn cho EasyA to me._ Trong khi cac hoa
pay EasyA (D) Co co nhGng nguoi b~n dan khong dling gay bl,l'c
(D) She had friends who dS nghi EasyA voi co. b9i, tei tin rkg disu nay la
recommended EasyA to 16i cua vai b9 ph~, nhu t6i
her. biSt b~ da cung c~p dich v1,1
tuy~t voi cho hai nguoi b~n

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLtc:'>'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

cua t6i t:rong qua khu nhiing

nguoi rna eta cts nghi b~ voi

Cau hoi D!ch Can cu

177. What 1s the mam 177. M1,1c dich chinh cua bai
Inventmy numbers may
purpose of the mticle? viSt la gi? actually be lower than
(A) To analyze occupancy (A) BS phan tich cy 1~ thue
repmted, says Andrew

rates in the past 10 years BmTos, chief executive of
phong trong 10 nam qua
(B) To summarize real (B)BS tom t~tcacxuhuang
the Real Estate Group. As
estate trends in New York: b~t d9ng san aNew York
the city ramps up

(C) To announce new (C) Thong bao tuySn d1,1ng
enforcement of building
vacanctes moi codes, landlords have
(D) To describe population
growth inNew York
(D) BS mota Sl,Itang huang
dan s6 aNew York
stmted to resu·ict the use of
tempormy walls, which
many renters put up to share
space and rents, he says._
Con s6 t6n d9ng thl,Ic tS co
ths th~p han so v oi bao cao,

Andrew BmTos_ giam d6c

diSu hanh clia T ftp doan b~t
d9ng san cho bist. 6ng noi,
khi thanh ph6 u·en da thl,Ic

thi cac tieu chu§n xay dl,lllg,

chu nha da b~t ruiu h~ chS

vi~c su dl,lllg cac buc tuang

~m thai, rna nhisu nguoi

thue nha ~t vao cts chia se

khong gian va tiSn thue.
178. According to the 178. Theo bai bao, ~i sao Priced out of, say, one-
mticle, why m·e renters nguoi thue nha quan tam bedrooms m high-end
interested in the Upper East dSn Upper East Side? neighborhoods that renters
Side? (A) cy 1~ thue nha khu dan could convett into two-
cu cua no da tang len. bedrooms, Mr. Banocas
says renters looking for

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(A) Its residential (B) Gia ctia cac toa nha

value are likely to head
occupancy rates have khong t6n kem. uptown to the Upper East
increased. Side and Harlem. Gia d~c
(C) Dv an d6i moi da cai
(B) The price of buildings thi~n khu VlJC. do, vi nhu r~ng, m9t phong

there is inexpensive. (D) gia cho thue cua no la
ngu u·ong cac khu ph6 cao
(C) Renewal projects have th~p han. c~p ma nguoi thue nha co

improved the area. thS biSn d6i thanh haiphong
(D) Its rental prices are ngU, Mr. Banocas cho r~ng

lower. nguoi thue nha tim kiSm cai
gia phai chang thuang di
chuySn xa trung Him thimh
ph6 dSn Upper East Side va


nam nay?
179. In what area have 179. Khu vvc nao co gia Average pnces of two-
rental prices increased the thue tang m~ nh~t trong bedroom apartments in non-
most this year? dommen buildings m
(A) TriBeCa (A) TriBeCa TriBeCa climbed by 8.7%,
(B) Upper East Side (B) Upper East Side to $5,930, this month.
(C) Harlem (C) Harlem Prices of studios with
(D) East Village (D) East Village dommen are also on the rise

in Harlem (up 5.48% ), the

East Village (up 7.43%) and
Chelsea (up 7.54%)._ Gia

hung binh ctia din h9 hai

phong ngu a toa nha khong
nguoi gac c6ng a TriBeCa

tang 8,7%, tang $ 5930,


u·ong thang nay.

Gia cua can h9 co nguoi gac
c6ng cling dang gia tang a
Harlem (tang 5,48% ), a
East Village (7.43%) va
Chelsea (tang 7,54%).
180. What I S indicated 180. Nhfrng gi duqc neu ra As the city ramps up
about Manhattan? v SManhattan? enforcement of building
codes, landlords have

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(A) It ts becoming (A) No dang tro nen qua statted to restrict the use of
overcrowded. dong due. tempormy walls, which
(B) It is developing faster (B) No dang phat triSn many renters put up to share
than any other American nhanh han bftt kY thanh ph6 space and rents, he says_
nao khac cua My.

city. Ong noi, khi thanh ph6 tren
(C) Its rental rates have (C) Gia cho thue cua no da da thl,Ic thi cac tieu chu§n

doubled since last year. tang gap doi kS tir nam xay dl,Ing, chu nha da b~t
(D) Its building codes are ngoai. d~u h~n chS vi~c su d\lilg
becoming stricter. (D) Cac tieu chu§n xay cac buc tuemg ~m thai, rna

dl,Ing dang ngay cang tro nhisu nguoi thue nha d~t
nen kh~t khe han. vao ds chia se khong gian va
tiSn thue.


Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

Question 181 -1 85 refer to the following note and fmm

Cau hoi D!ch CaneD-

181. What is the purpose of 181. M1,1c dich cilit e-mail Thanks for shopping at CG
the first e-mail? &u tien la gi? Electronics. To help you

(A) To confirm an order (A) DS xac nh~n m9t don keep track of your
~t himg

(B) To announce items that purchases, we're sending
are sold out (B) DS thong bao m~t hang you this order update._ Cam
(C) To introduce new duqc ban ra an sv mua sfun t~i CG

products (C) DS gioi thi~u san ph~m Electronics. DS giup b~n
(D) To request an updated moi theo doi hang h6a cilit b~
shipping address (D) DS yeu c~u m9t dia chi chting t6i gui b~n ban cftp

giao hang duqc cftp nhftt nhftt don hang.
182. What policy 1s 182. chinh sach gi duqc de Orders cannot be changed
mentioned in the first e-
cftp trong e-mail &u tien?
(A) M9t chinh sach hoim tra
or cancelled after they have
been shipped._Cac don d~t
(A) A refund policy (B) M9t chinh sach hily bo hang khong thS duqc thay
(B) A cancellation P.Oiicy (C) M9t chinh sach bao bi d6i ho~c huy bo sau khi
(C) A packaging policy (D) M9t chinh sach d6i chting duqc v~n chuySn
(D) An exchange policy hang

183. In the second e-mail, 183. Trong e-mail thu hai, I initially ordered two
the word 'initially' m tir ' initially ' trong do~n 1, #4852 items, but I would
paragraph 1, line 2, l S dong 2, g§n ngrua nh~t voi? like to increase that to four
closest in meaning to (A) ban &u!ngu6ng6c,khoi items._ Ban &u t6i d~thang

(A) originally &u, d~u tien hai m~t hang rna # 4852,
(B) doubly (B) g~p doi nhrmg t6i mu6n tang thanh

(C) solely (C) chi 4 m~t hang.

(D) duly (D) hqp 1~

184. What item does Ms. 184. M~t hang nao co * I initially ordered two
Schwartz want more of? Schwmtz mu6n nhiSu han? #4852 items, but I would
(A) Batteries (A) Pin like to increase that to four
(B) Cartridges (B) Cartridges items_ Ban &u t6i d~t hang
(C) Atomizers (C) Atomizers hai m~t hang rna # 4852,
(D) Manuals (D) Huang d~n nhrmg t6i mu6n tang thanh
4m~thang .

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

* NJN Atomizers I 2 pc I
Item 4852 NJN Atomizers
I s6 luqng 2 dti I rna hang

185. What is implied about 185. Nhiing gi duqc suy ra In addition, I was hoping to
Ms. Schwrutz? vS ba Schwartz? order 5 extended life

(A) Her order has already (A) Dan hang cua co da cartridges, but they were not
been shipped. duqc v~ chuySn. available at the time I
(B) Co quen them m9t m~t

(B) She forgot to add an placed my order._ Ngoai ra,
item to her order. hang vao don hang ella co. t6i hy v9ng ~t mua 5 h9p
(C) She tried to order (C) Co da c6 g~ng dS ~t ml,Ic keo dai tu6i th9, nhung
longer lasting cartridges. h9p ml,Ic keo dai tu6i th9. chting khong co sgn ~i thai

(D) She ordered her (D) Co d~t hang cung cftp diSm t6i d~t dan hang ella
supplies online tic
ella minh tn,rc tuySn minh.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

Question 186-1 90 refer to the following e-mails

Cauhoi Dich Cancu

186. What is Clouds? 186. Clouds la gi? As I lmow your monthly
(A) A bi-weekly magazine (A) M9t ~p chi bi-hang issues are delivered almost a

(B) An intemational tuan month in advance, I will not
be here to receive your

magazme bi-weekly: m9t tuk hai
(C) A monthly magazine l~nlhai l~n m9t tu~n September issue._ Nhu toi
(D) A weekly newspaper (B) M9t t~p chi qu6c tS bist nhiing an ban hang

(C) M9t t~p chi hang thang thang cua b~ duqc chuysn
(D) M9t to bao hang tuk phat h~u nhu ttuoc m9t
thang, t6i se khong co m~t a

day dS ~n ~n ban thang
Chin ella b~n.

word 'inquiries'
187. In the first e-mail, the 187. Trong e-mail d~u tien, Along with new subscribers,
m tir 'th~c m~c' t~i khoan 1, the large volume of
paragraph 1, line 3 is closest dong 3 la gk nh~t tt·ong y customer service inquil·ies
in meaning to nghla has necessitated a
(A) complaints (A) khiSu n~i resttucturing of our
(B) calls (B) cac cu9c g9i customer service

(C) e-mails (C) e-mail department_ Cting voi

(D) subscriptions (D) dang kY nhiing nguoi ~t ~p chi dai
h~n moi, kh6i luqng Ian cac
yeu ciu dich V\1 khach hang

da doi hoi vi~c tai co c~u ella

b9 p~n dich V\1 khach hang

cua chling toi

188. What IS indicated 188. Nhfrng gi duqc neu ra Clouds has recently had the

about Clouds? vS Clouds? fmtune of tripling our

(A) It has recently (A) G~n day da tang so number of
increased its number of luqng nhfrng nguoi d~t ~p subscribers._ Clounds gan
subscribers. chi dai h~n. day may m~n tang g~p ba
(B) It has recently hired (B) Gk day da thue nhan lk s6 luqng nguoi d~t t~p
new customer service vien dich V\1 khach hang chi dai h~n.
employees. moi.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhctng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngLtc:'>'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(C) It will move into a new (C) No se di chuySn dSn

building. m9t toa nha moi.
(D) It will close for fom (D) No se dong cua trong
months. b6n thang.

189. Who will most likely 189. Ai co nhiSu kha nang
Email 2: *I'm writing this e-
, '
address Ms. Park's request? se giai quyet yeu cau cua co
mail to stop deliveiy of your

(A) Derek Carper Park? magazine._Toi viSt thu nay
(B) Michael Kandi dS dtm.g vi~c phan ph6i t~p
(A) Derek Carper

(C) Elisha Thompson (B) Michael Kandi
chi cua b;;tn
(D) Natalie Lee. Email 1: * Michael Kandi I
(C) Elisha Thompson
(D) Natalie Lee_
Subscription cancellations,
tempormy suspensiOn of

delivery_ Michael Kandi
tic (tnich nhi~m ph1,1 tnich) I
Hliy dang ki, t;;tm dinh chi
phan ph6i
190. When will Ms. Park 190. Khi nao ba Cong vien I will be going to Shanghai,
retw.n from China? tro vS tu Tnmg Qu6c? China from April 27 to the
(A) On April 27 (A) Ngay 27 thang 4 end of August._ Toi se dSn
(B) On April 24 (B) N gay 24 thang Tu Thuqng Hai, Trung Qu6c tu

(C) End of August (C) cu6i thang Tam 27 thang 4 dSn cu6i thang
(D) End of September (D) Cu6i thang Chin Tfun.

Cauhoi Dich Cancu


191. On the webpage 191. Tren mau lien h~ trang Please complete the fields

contact fonn, what web, nhfrng thong tin nao la below as specifically as
infonnation is optional? khong b~c bu<?c? possible. This will help to
(A) Name (A) Name ensure the fastest and most
(B) Telephone number (B) S6 di~n tho~i accurate response possible.
(C) E-mail address (C) Dia chi E-mail (Name, e-mail address, and
(D) Counti)J (D) Qu6c gia telephone number are all
required.)_ Hay diSn vao
cac ml,IC duoi cang chinh

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

xac cang t6t. BiSu nay se

giup dam bao dap 1lng
nhanh nhltt va chinh xac
nhltt co thS. (Ten, Qia chi e-
mail va s6 di~n tho~i la t~t

ca nhiing &su duqc yeu

192. What does the e-mail Of course, all of these
192. E-mail chu ySu thao

mainly discuss? problems are covered under
ll$1 diSu gi?
(A) Changes m contact (A) Thay d6i thong tin lien
the manufacturer's
infonnation for a store l~c cho m9t cua hang
wananty, as long as you
(B) The product delivety (B) Cac thu tl,lc phan ph6i
repmt them before the !-

procedures in a warehouse san ph§m trong nha kho
year expiration date.
(C) The extension of a
wananty contract
(D) Solutions to a
(C) Vi~c gia h~n hqp d6ng
bao hanh
I also agree that you should
not have to wait another 2
(D) Giai phap cho v§n dS
weeks to receive your TV_
T~t nhien, t~t ca nhiing v§n
customer's problem cua khach hang
ds nay dang duqc bao hanh
boi nha san xu~t, miSn la
b~ bao cao t.tuoc ngay hst

h~ 1 nam.
Toi ciing d6ng y dng b~
khong din phai cho dqi
them 2 tu§n dS nh~n duqc

TV CUa b~.
193. What Vizion model 193. Mau Vizion nao ong Cont.t-act fonn* Upon

does Mr. Shennan probably Shetman co thS co? delivery on June 3 I


have? (A) K32 discovered that there is a

(A) K32 (B) K52 dead line of pixels in the
(B) K52 (C) T 43 middle of the screen! Khi
(C) T43 (D) T55 gtao hang vao ngay 03
(D) T55 thang sau toi phat hi~n ra.
rang co m9t duang chst
&sm anh a giua cua man

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
d i gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

Email: * The K32 has had

problems with irregular
cord plugs, the T43 has
overheating problems, the

T55 has problems with
inegular colors, and the

K52 has suffered from dead
screen pixels_ Cac dong
K32 da co v§n dS voi phich

dim ciay khong thuemg
xuyen, dong T43 co v§n dS
qua nong, cac dong T55 co

v§n cts v ai mim sac b~t

194. When did Mr.

194. Ong She1man gui dSn
thuemg, va dong K52 da bi
man hinh ctism anh chst
Re: Customer Comment
Shennan send m the trang web khi nao? #225, Submitted on June 7
webpage fmm ? (A) Ngay 5 th<ing 5 Greetings 1vfr. John
(A) On May 5 (B) N gay 03 Thang 6 She1man_Phan h6i: y kiSn
(B) On June 3 (C) Ngay 07 thang 6 khach hang rna #225 dang

(C) On June 7 (D) Ngay 11 thang 6 vao ngay 7 thang 7 boi ong
(D) On June 11 John Shetman
195. In the e-mail, the word 195. Trong e-mail, tu It 1s never an enjoyable
"critical" trong do~n 1,

'critical' in paragraph 1, line experience to discover that

2 is closest in meaning to dong 2 la gfui nghia nh~t one of the critical features
(A) non-vital voi? of an item you purchased is

(B) important (A) khong quan u·9ng defective, especially if you


(C) damaging (B) quan u·9ng weren't able to test that

(D) criticizing (C) gay t6n h~i feature out in advance. No
(D) chi u·ich khong bao gio la m9t trai
nghi~m thu v i dS khfun pha
ra ding m9t u·ong nhfrng
tinh nang quan tr9ng ctia
m9t mon hang b~ mua bi
16i, ~c bi~t la neu b~n

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

~Ong , thS , kiSm tra tinh I

I. nang do tluoc. .

Cau hoi D!ch Cancfr

196. What is the pmpose of 196. M1,1c dich cua bai viet Hopps Cafe Owner Steven

the article? la gi? Chang Gives Out Free
(A) To discuss a new cafe (A) BS thao l~n vS m9t Meals to the Unemployed_
operung quan ca phe moi rna Chu quan cafe Hopps ong

(B) To describe a local (B) BS mo ta m9t doanh Steven Chang trao nhiing
business nghi~p dia phuong bua an tir thi~n dsn nhiing
(C) To explain how to 1un a (C) BS giai thich lam thS nguoi th~t nghi~p

profitable small business nao dS quan ly m9t doanh
(D) To report on a local nghi~p nho c6 lqi nh~n
instance of goodwill
(D) Bao cao vS m9t uuong
hqp hao tfun t~i dia phuong
197. Why did Mr. Chang 197. T~i sao ong Chang dua "Seeing the relaxed looks on
give out free meals? ra cac bua an miSn phi? people's faces just makes
(A) Because his business is (A) Bai vi vi~c kinh doanh me happy," he said. "I
booming cua minh la dang phat u-isn believe you get what you

(B) Because he needed m~nh give."_Ong ~y n6i: "Nhin

opinions on his new dishes (B) Bai vi ong ~y dn y kiSn thly sv thoai mai hi~n tren
(C) Because he wants to vS nhfrng mon an moi cua guong m~t nhiing nguoi ~y
give P.eOP.Ie a bit of hope minh lam t6i h~ phuc". "t6i tin

(D) Because he believes (C) Bai vi ong mu6n mang b~ r~ng b~n se nh~ duqc
they will get new jobs dSn m9t chut hy v9ng cho thong di~p toi cho di"

m9i nguoi
(D) Bai vi ong tin r~ h9

se co duqc vi~c lam moi

198. In the article, the word 198. Trong bai viet nay, tir Chang has not been
'immune' in paragraph 3, 'immune' ~i do~ 3, dong immune from the
line 2, is closest in meaning 2, la gk nghia nh~t voi downtwn_Chang da khong
to (A) dS chiu mi~n d!ch khoi vk ~n suy
(A) agreeable (B) khong bi anhhuang thoai
(B) unaffected (C) thvc hi~n
(C) effected (D) bi anh huang

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre

(D) affected
199. Why did M:. Bartolo 199. T~i sao ong Bmtolo It was a rm·e moment of
write his letter? vist buc thu cua ong? appreciation in my life_ao
(A) To ask for Mr. Chang's (A) DS yeu c~u ong Dia chi la khoanh kh~c hiSm hoi ella

address Chang SlJ cam kich trong cu9c doi
(B) To begin a newspaper (B)DS b~td~um9tthue bao toi

subscription bao
(C) To request an mticle (C) DS yeu c~u n1t l~i bai

retraction bao
(D) To commend the (D) Khen ngqi to bao vS
newspaper for a job well m9t hanh d9ng t6t

200. How many months had 200. Khi ong Bmtolo viSt Do~ 1* Steven Chang,
Hopps been offering free
btunch when :Mr. Bmtolo
sent this e-mail?
email nay duqc bao nhieu
thang? Ong Hopps da cung
dp nhiing bfra an tu thi~n
owner of Hopps Cafe, has
served up a free btunch to
any unemployed person
(A) 4 months bao nhieu thang r6i? who calls ahead and asks for
(B) 8 months (A) 4 thang one smce Mm·ch of last
(C) 9 months (B) 8 thang year_ Steven Chang, chu
(D) 11 months (C) 9 thang quan Hopps da phl,lC Vl,l cac

(D) 11 thang bua an tu thi~n ctsn b~t ki

nguoi nao g9i tluoc va yeu
c~u tU thang Ba nam ng oai

2* I lost my
constluction job last
April_toi m~t vi~c ttr thang

4 vua qua

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien soc;~n nh~m giup
cck bc;~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua . Mong moi ngliO'i dLJ'ng mua ban quyen sach nay vl nhli these lam mat
di gia trj ma cac bc;~n da dong gop.
Part 7
Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for

each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questioll"lls i 53Q154 refer to the following notice.

You are cordially invited to attend the 7th Annual New York
Household Electronics Expo at Terry Hill Hall, New York, NY, October
19-23. A wide range of products, from kitchen appliances to newly
updated computers, will be displayed throughout the five days of
the exhibition. This year there will be an entire floor dedicated to
electronics devoted to utilizing the Internet, from automatic
vacuums to home entertainment systems.

153. When does the event start? 154. What type of products will be
(A) On October 5 emphasized?
(B) On October 7 (A) New refrigerators

(C) On October 19 (B) Electronic cooking ranges

(D) On October 23 (C) Air conditioners

(D) Networked devices


. ;<;

; .

.2.'1) "11 .£. ~ Economy 0 RC 1000~

7.d'Jxt oH~llt;;<.I<J.H:· ~7.11~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Q u es~i o n s 155-156 refer to the following letter.

April1 5

Donnovan Mannings
Purchasing Manager

Ann's Enterprises
1154 West Avenue
San Francisco, CA 85445

Dear Mr. Mannings,
As of May 16, the headquarters of Canari Blanc, Inc. will relocate to our new office site,
2352 Sunset Blvd., San Francisco, CA 85440, following our merger with the Gilts Group.

The new location was selected to acc?mmodate the huge increase in the number of
employees due to this M&A deal.
Please be reminded that only the Marketing, Sales, Human Resources, and Finance teams
are subject to the change of location, since the Manufacturing and Research &
Development Division will continue to remain in our current building on Sunset Avenue.
Enclosed is a brochure explaining our latest merger deal and the expansion in our product
line, which you may find interesting. We promise you that our business will be stronger
than ever with this latest merger and that we will continue to provide the best service to
you and your company.

Michelle Kellog
Director, Customer Relations
Canari Blanc

155. What is the purpose of the letter? 156. What is enclosed with the letter?
(A) To promote a special discount sale (A) A contract regarding the latest M&A

period deal
(B) To introduce a new company director (B) Documentation of the manufacturing
(C) To set up a business meeting processes
(D) To announce a change of location (C) Information about the company's
product line
(D) A company telephone book
Questions 157-159 refer to the following e-mail.

To: vjenkins@ jmanagments. net

Dear Mr. Jenkins,

The tenants at your building at 1530 East 46th St. have recently complained of cable
service being interrupted, even after being serviced by the cable company technician.

During the last two weeks the number of complaints has risen to 11. After two separate
visits by DirectTV technicians, it came to light that someone has been cutting cable
wiring on the roof. This e-mail is to request that surveillance cameras be installed to
record activities up there overnight.

If you recall, our building had a problem with vandals defacing the building walls with
graffiti last year. Unfortunately, we were not able to capture the vandals as our building
does not have any surveillance cameras. This situation with the cable wiring being cut
further emphasizes the need to install cameras.

The tenants at 1530 East 46th St. all feel that the presence of cameras will deter vandals
from causing problems overnight. We request that you install cameras at all entrances,
staircases, and hallways. We look forward to your prompt response in this matter.

Thank you,
James Revock

Tenant representative

157. For whom is this message probably 159. What did the tenants request?

intended? (A) Security cameras

(A) A repair technician (B) Police surveillance cameras

(B) A building landlord (C) Overnight security guards

(C) An Internet subscriber (D) New locks
(D) A customer service representative

158. What problems have tenants been

(A) Internet disconnections
(B) High rent
(C) Cable disconnections
(D) High frequency of thieves

.5!.1J ;1{1 .Ia ~ Economy 8 RC 1000;\fl

;;r.J<J:i!t "OH~llt;;r.J ~.H:· ~;;r.iJ {l
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

Questions 160-161 refer to the following newspaper article.

0 0 - 0 ~ M
, .• ~ . . . . ' . ~ ¥. " ' ._. ' ••• -

Loretting Copes with Drop in Sa les

Loretting Haircolor, which launched a new line of hair coloring products last

month called lnnova, reported a slight but unexpected drop in sales for the first
quarter of the fiscal year. Although the launch of lnnova showed real promise,
grabbing a 12o/o market share in its first month of sales, the total drop in company

sales came from the drop of its sales in its original hair coloring lines, including
Neutricent and Moods.

Loretting concluded that this was because of cannibalization, which refers to a

reduction in sales volume, sales revenue, or market share of one product as a

result of the introduction of a new product by the same producer. Consumer
tendency is to buy the new and updated product rather than the competing
products that have been around for a while. However, after a close analysis of
· the sales data to calculate the actual effect of cannibalization, Loretting
concluded that this effect was only temporary and that it will actually be
effective for the company in the long run, since the new product is expected to
ultimately expand the hair coloring market by attracting customers who would
ordinarily not buy hair coloring products. Therefore, Loretting will continue on
with its aggressive promotional activities for lnnova, while trying to maintain
and stabilize sales for its other product lines.

160. Why did Loretting's sales fall in the first 161. What is Loretting's marketing strategy
quarter? plan?

(A) The newly launched product line (A) Discontinue production of its older
performed poorly. products

(B) The economy was slow. (B) Conduct market research to calculate
(C) Sales of its older product suffered. the cannibalization effect
(D) The competitors introduced an (C) Lower the price for its slow-selling
innovative product. products

(D) Continue with the current marketing

efforts for its new product
Questions ~ 62-165 refer to the following schedule.

Portland University

Student Career Fair
Fair Schedule

10:30 A.M.- Student Registration Student Center Rm. 102

12:30 A.M. Students scheduled for interviews must check in 112 hour prior to their
interview time or their interview will be cancelled and assigned to
another student.

Employer Check-In Student Center Rm. 102
(1) Employers participating in Table Talk Session should arrive no
ticlater than 10:15 a.m.
(2) Employers participating in interviews only should arrive no later
than 12:30 p.m.

12:30 A.M.- Lunch (provided free of charge to all participants in the adjacent

2:00P.M. building's cafeteria)

2:00P.M.- Table Talks Exhibit Area

5:00P.M. Representatives from various companies will be available at booths to

discuss job opportunities at their companies. An opportunity to meet

and talk informally with representatives from a variety of public
interest organizations and government agencies.

5:00P.M.- Pre-scheduled Interviews Exhibit Area

6:00P.M. An opportunity to interview with a variety of public interest

organizations and government agencies for both paid and unpaid

positions. Interviews are prescheduled.

5:00P.M.- Closing Address Student Center Rm. 102

6:00P.M. 'Career Opportunities in the Academic World at Time of High

by Student Career Center Chairman Raymond Ajesh

All Day Resume Counseling Student Center Rm. 102

Career counselors will be available to help students edit and improve
their resumes .

.'i'..~}jJ .£~ Economy 0 RC IOOO;Ifl

.:>.c:J'Q.i:!~ oH~ll~.:>.J 9.H::- ~~11~
Economy F!C 1000 _ IV

il62. For whom is this event most likely 164. What will be offered in the Exhibit Area?
intended? (A) Free counseling about resumes
(A) Career counselors (B) Job interviews

(B) Technology specialists (C) Snacks and light refreshments
(C) University students (D) Educational advice
(D) Business managers

. .~ 65. What event will NOT take place at the
~ 63. What is the student career cent~r student center?
chairman scheduled to discuss? (A) Registration

(A) Job opportunities in education (B) Table Talk
(B) Changes in the unemployment rate (C) Closing Address
(C) Applying for internships (D) Resume counseling
(D) How to edit and improve your

resume tic

EloD4joipiW. .
Actual Test 09
~=-==········ ·· ·· ···· · · · · .. .. ........... ...... ... ..... ..... ..... . ...... ..... .. ..... .

Questions 166-168 refer to the following e-mail.

AAA Travel Agency
4/55 Aakasaka, Tokyo, 152-8821
Tel : (03) 5423-1112

Fax: (03) 5423-1118

Mr. Eddie Nelson

8 November 4/53 Robbongi, Tokyo, 152-8455

Dear Mr. Nelson,

Thank you for choosing to travel with AAA Travel Agency. As requested, your flights

have all been reserved and confirmed for your upcoming business trip. Please note that
we were unable to reserve direct flights, since it is the peak season and tickets can be
hard to come by.
Carefully review the itinerary below and let us know by no later than November 15 if
you'd like to make any additional changes. After that date, it will not be possible to
change any information, and a cancellation of the tickets will incur extra fees. As
previously discussed, these tickets are non-refundable after your final purchase.

Departure date: October 20 Arrival date: October 21

Departing from: Tokyo Arrival at: London

Boarding at: 10:10 P.M. Arrival time: 4:00A.M.

Flight: Asian Air #153

Departure date: November 3 Arrival date: November 4

Departing from: London Arrival at: Tokyo

Boarding at: 2:00P.M. Arrival time: 9:15 P.M.

Flight: Asian Air #855

If you'd like to ask me any questions or discuss the details, please don't hesitate to
contact me at tyaki@ or call me at (03) 5423-1116.

Sincerely, Toyosaka Yaki, Manager

Toyosaka Yaki, Manager AAA Travel Agency


.2.~ ~ .£. ~ Economy 0 RC IOQQ:.~U

7c"J tg:i!t -aH ~77t7.J 'll-i:- .g :.~iJ {l
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

166. What is the purpose of the letter? 168. When will Mr. Nelson leave Tokyo?
(A) To announce a change in an itinerary (A) October 20
(B) To promote a vacation package (B) October 21

(C) To refund the flight tickets (C) November 3
(D) To confirm upcoming travel plans (D) November 4

"'~ 67. What is indicated about Mr. Nelson?
(A) He will fly first class.
(B) He is traveling for business.

(C) He is a frequent Asian Air customer.
(D) He will take direct flights to Tokyo

(Q}ues~ions 169~171 refer to the following advertisement.

There are many ways and methods to clean your carpets. You can certainly do it
yourself At times some people even choose to do a deep cleaning themselves.

However, one cannot deny the advantages of hiring a professional carpet cleaner too.

The key to having a clean and long-lasting carpet is choosing the right London carpet

cleaners. There are several choices in carpet cleaning in London, but the most
reputable ones always stand out. Reputable carpet cleaning companies put customer
satisfaction first by using a specific and effective carpet cleaning method, Second, they
utilize efficient and proven carpet cleaning materials. Third, they seek their customers'

opinion about their service afterwards.

And that is why the Cleanbright Carpet Cleaning Service is proud to announce our
grand opening in London.

Here at Cleanbright Carpet Cleaning Service, we use a specific method of cleaning

your carpet. This method is composed of two steps that aim to finish the cleaning job
for you, leaving you satisfied afterwards. .

If you entrust your carpet in the hands of our professionals, you are not just thinking of
the welfare of your carpet but you are also doing the smart thing. And you will see that
you have made the right decision once you see your carpet is as good as new after we're

done with it. You can't help but feel great once you see your carpet is totally cleaned.

We offer free estimates, we are fully insured, and all cleaning products and equipment
are included in our fees.

Our Carpet Cleaning Prices:

® Bedroom £ 22

fit Lounge £ 26
® Dining Room £ 26
CD Staircase £21
Hallway £ 12

We offer special discount rates for weekly, biweekly, and monthly

Hurry ·· This special offer will soon end!
All prices include I 5% VAT

A £50.00 minimum charge applies to all services. Payments can be made in cash, by
money order, or by check. Sorry - we do not accept credit cards.

Telephone: (0289) 953-9999 e-mail:

.2.~ ;>{I .£. ~ Economy G RC 1000~~

7-c:J'Ji!r oH~77r;;<.J CUi:- .g-~11~
Economy r::c 1 000 _ IV

16il What is the purpose of the flyer? 1'7"'H . What form of payment is NOT accepted?
(A) To promote a new business (A) Business check
(B) To advertise a new cleaning product (B) Credit card

(C) To inform clients about business (C) Cash
hour changes (D) Money order
(D) To inform of changes in discount


il70. What is said about the Cleanbrlght

Carpet Cleaning Service?
(A) They will give a special discount to
local customers.
(B) They have relocated their offices to

(C) They also provide floor waxing and
window cleaning services.
(D) There is a minimum charge of 50
Questions 172-175 refer to the following announcement.
._,.__ -~ •" -~.-.- ·-- ~ ...,. ··-. ~ ;,; .· • T "'·. · -~~·

,, '• . ·.- .... '( , , •. -:~ •• ·.: ~ •• , ..-. ~-, ]" --- .;. ".• , .• _.;, •• ,-..·-- •.-·• ·.-:: :>" ·- "· ·- - -.·-: ' ., ......_ ·-· · ••. • ·•••. ·' ·.- , ,:-· .--· • :,-:

Nilsson GolPs annual charity event

starts Thursday

The Nilsson Golf Foundation will host Fins Weekend, its largest annual charity event, from
Thursday, June 3 through Saturday, June 5.

The event will feature a weekend of golf, fishing and celebrity appearances. All proceeds
from Fins Weekend will benefit the Nilsson Golf Foundation in its bid to construct a new
youth sports center.

"The funds that are raised during FinsWeekend are an integral part of advancing the
mission of the Nilsson Golf Foundation to support the betterment of our youth," said Tony
Sparano, Nilsson Golf's head coach. "It's an exciting opportunity for the enti~e
organization to come together with our fans for a great cause and make a huge impact on
the community."
The festivities will begin Thursday with the Fins Weekend Kick-Off event, the Pairings
Party and Team Awards Ceremony. The ceremony honoring the recipients of the annual
Nilsson Golf team awards - the Dan Shala Leadership Award, the Moore Community
Service Award and the Most Valuable Player Award - will start at 7 p.m. Golfers, alumni

and coaches will be in attendance.

Friday morning, Nilsson Golf foundation players and alumni will hit the tees at the
Fairmont Resort & Club's award-winning golf course for the Fins Weekend Golf
Tournament. Players will tee off at 9 a.m. with a shotgun start. Later that evening, golf and

fishing tournament participants will come together for the popular dance party at the Miami
Beach Marina, which will feature a live auction, entertainment and the announcement of

the Golf Tournament award winners.

Saturday morning, amateur and professional anglers will meet at the Miami Beach Marina

for the Nilsson Golf Foundation Fishing Tournament. That evening, attendees will gather
for the Fishing Awards Ceremony and Dinner to find out who walked away with the
biggest catch. I• .
I ,

~~ Those of you that would like to attend the event may purchase tickets from Eliza Sallys in !: f

~~ Nilsson's community outreach office. The deadline for purchasing tickets is May 25. For ~~
~~: H
~~ more information about the weekend, please visit Nilsson Golf's website at ~~
~~ ~t
"\.·\~~~.=:::~=;~;-:;'~~:~-;:.:~~;:::"'~"""':~'~-;:.~ ;~.:.~<-:"~-: ~ ~;.~;:~~~~': .":;,":'.;:"';~·~~~=·;-:';.,~ ~ ,~· .: :.:·.:::;-:~;;;;:;:;~::;:~~~~;:._":'".:::·~·~'_';~·';:,~~:::-:~~;,~:;~·~

} .
.2.~ ]{] £ ~ Economy 0 RC 1000~
:AJ~:c} oH~77}:A J 'U-i:- .g_;~.iJ~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

1 72. What event is this article describing? ~14. On what date will the fishing tournament
(A) A local golf lesson begin?
(B) A charity event (A) June 3

(C) A fishing tournament (B) June 4
(D) A youth dance party (C) June 5
(D) June 6

173c What project will be funded by ticket
sales? 175. What is true about Eliza Sallys?
(A) A resource center at the publishing (A) She is the senior vice president at

company the Nilsson Golf Foundation.
(B) A library for the community center (B) She is selling fundraiser tickets for
(C) A music hall for the community the event.
orchestra (C) She is a fan of the Nilsson Golf

(D) A new sports center for the youth Team.
(D) She is Nilsson Golf's head coach.
Questtn~fl'ils ~7(6~~3J(O refer to the following FAQ.

1Freq1JJLe1!1LUJy Askedl Q7ULestlio1!1Ls
:n.. Dt{)) yt{))u have a shipping minimum?

Yes, we do, depending on the type of service we offer. Please feel free to contact us or fill
out our Request a Quote form and we can provide a quote for your order.
2.What are the service levels t{))ffell"edl. by Glt{))ba11.fAirways?
We offer a variety of service levels based on the needs of the customer. We offer Same

Day, Next Day, 2nd Day, 3-5 Day, and time definite services along with international
shipping, ocean freight and exclusive truckloads. We also handle time-sensitive material.
3· Do you ship medical products/supplies?
· When you require the very highest in shipping priority, Global/Airways offers access to
aircraft ranging from small engine props to midrange business jets to the largest of cargo
aircraft. For high-priority ground transportation, Global/Airways' options go from small
courier vans to full-size tractor-trailers or flatbeds. This service will incur an extra
priority shipping fee. Please call one of our customer representatives for further
4· How do :U: get a quote?

You can contact us at our toll-free number (888-412-5344) or our local number (949-
699-1491), or complete our Request a Quote form online and we will contact you.
5· How is my freight shipped?
We utilize every means of air, ground, and ocean transportation available to meet your

service requirements. You can trust Global/Airways with all your shipping needs whether
they are standard air service or time sensitive. Our operations staff members are

available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

6. Do you pick up and/ or deliver on weekends and holidays?
Yes, please contact us for the specifics of your shipment requirements.

7. How do you track my shipment?

Our operations staff members utilize computerized tracking so that they always know
where your shipment is. You can also visit the link on our website to track your shipment
by using your airway bill number .

.2.~}j] .£~Economy 0 RC 1000~~

. ~~i!t <iH"'J77t.AI 'lH:- ~~11~

a ct
Questions 181-185 refer to the following news and e-mail.

Bengaluru Real Estate News
Starlite Hotel Enters Indian Market

Starlite Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. has announced its plans to enter the Indian market
by opening up the first newly built and managed property in Bengaluru next month. According
to the company press release, Starlite Bangalore Hotel at Brigade Gateway will be a 230-room

property and will offer amenities to suit the needs of both business and leisure travelers, from
multi-cuisine restaurants to spas.
"We are excited to be opening our first newly built and managed Starlite property in India. As
a global brand, we are well equipped to understand and deliver what our patrons expect and

our property will be the epitome of luxury for both corporate as well as leisure travelers," said
Martin Wales, General Manager, Starlite Bengaluru Hotel. "Thanks to everyone's amazing
efforts, we will actually be opening on April 10 - a full three weeks ahead of the original
schedule," he added. A special celebration to commemorate the openihg of the hotel will take
place at the hotel on April 10.
The company has arranged for a mass recruitment program in Bengaluru and is looking at
hiring over 350 employees. Once on board, these associates will be trained meticulously to be
brand ambassadors for the Starlite Bengaluru Hotel.
Manish Sadhu, Head of Human Resources, Starlite Bengaluru Hotel, added, "We are
optimistic as we launch our brand in India. Globally, Starlite Hotels and Resorts believe that

an employee coming into the Starlite family should have a combination of passion for the
industry, talent and intelligence relevant to their specific field. We look for certain attributes
when we interact with potential employees and a mass recruitment drive of this nature allows
us to gauge the temperament of the person."

The construction of this Starlite Hotel points to a wider trend in India. "More and more
organizations are choosing to hold conferences and other gatherings in India, and this is
fueling a growth in hotel construction throughout the world," notes Francisco Gamier, a

reporter for Indian Architecture magazine, adding, "Over the past two years, the number of
hotels in India has grown by more than 20 percent." Seeming to reflect these changes, two
additional hotels are currently under construction in Bengaluru, both of which are scheduled to

open in late August.


To: Gloria Chanes

From: Karen Bridgets
Date: April 5
Subject: Opening Ceremony Plans

Dear Ms. Chanes,

As requested, all the food and beverages necessary for the hotel's opening next week have

.2.1)7fl £ ~ Economy 0 RC IOOOAl]

.Acj~:i!t 5H~7lt.Al 'JJ.~
Economy RC 1 000 _ IV

been purchased. I am aware that we previously discussed about hosting the celebration
outside in the courtyard. However, I've consulted with our coordinator and I'm afraid the
weather might get in the way of an outside party. The weather reports say that there is more

than a 70% chance of rain on the day of the party. So, I'd like to suggest that we move the
party venue to the meeting area on the second floor. There's enough space there to

accommodate the entire invited guest~ not to mention that it is beautifully decorated in our
famous Victorian style. The only concern I have is that the originally planned festivities,
including the fireworks, will not be able to take place inside the hotel. I'd like to meet with

you and discuss these points in depth. Please let me know when is a good time for us to
hold a conference call this week.

Also, on another note, I am pleased to let you know that a local newspaper has agreed to
cover the opening ceremony as their main article for the culture section. We will greatly

benefit from this extra publicity!

Best regards,
Karen Bridgets
Starlite Hotel
181. What is the main subject of the article? 184. What is being recommended in the
(A) Hotel recommendations for tourists e-mail?
to India (A) Changing the location of an event
(B) Finding venues for large conferences (B) Ordering extra food and beverages
(C) The building of a new hotel for an event

(D) An increasing rate of hotel fees (C) Decorating the 2nd floor for an event
(D) Creating a special menu for an event
182. What is suggested by Martin Wales'
comments? 185. What will probably NOT happen on April
(A) Starlite Hotel is the first hotel to open 10?

in India. (A) A Starlite Hotel will open in

(B) The construction period for the Bengaluru India.

Starlite Bengaluru Hotel was shorter (B) A newspaper writer will cover the
than expected. celebration.
(C) Citizens of Bengaluru are concerned (C) Fireworks will take place.
about increased tourism. (D) Guests will be invited to take part in

(D) The cost of building the Starlite the opening ceremony.

Bengaluru Hotel was very high.

183. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

(A) To inform employees of an opening
(B) To request feedback on a business
(C) To introduce the new HR director
(D) To schedule a conference call to
discuss a new idea
(Q}Mte~~i~~~ ~ 86~ ~90l refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.

./.. c~ ~~ {. ' .~

Sherwood Foods

A full service distribution company, Sherwood Food Distributors has moved beyond

the supply of meats into complete category management responsibilities for our
customers. We have been in business for over 20 years, and in that time Sherwood
has grown to become one of the largest independent distributors in the meat and

food industry. The company currently ships 16 million pounds of food products
weekly on a fleet of over 250 trucks through a network of distribution centers in
Atlanta, Cleveland, Detroit, Miami and Walton, Kentucky.

Sherwood is headquartered in Detroit, Michigan and operates distribution centers
totaling over one million square feet of refrigerated warehouse space with over a
million cases in stock in over 50 categories. And with our cutting-edge technological
capabilities, we are positioned to provide retail and wholesale customer solutions
and options unrivaled in value, quality and reliability.

We are currently offering a special discount on shipping rates for new customers.
To qualify for this offer, your company must ship a minimum of 500,000 pounds of '<
food with us this year. This limited offer is only valid until the end of this month!

If you would like more information about this offer, please send an e-mail to our ...

customer relations manager, Jane Vincent, at jvincent@sherwoodfoods com ,.;1

' "''

To: Jane Vincent<>


From: Pamela Richardson<pam_richardson@ orchardsindustry .com>

Subject: Harvest Orchards

Date: February 18

Dear Ms. Vincent,


I am Pamela Richardson, CEO of Orchard Industry. We have over 15 years of

experience in the fresh produce industry.

All our growers and producers are carefully selected for their quality, reliability and
professional approach to growing and marketing. They are able to offer full traceability,
full pesticide and residue accounting and applications. Furthermore, our shipments are
regularly controlled to ensure that our terms and conditions are strictly adhered to. Our
growers are also able to offer both spot and fixed prices for conventional and organic
products, and we are able to offer an extensive range of products from around the world.
Thanks to the solid building of trust and dedication to the fresh produce industry and to
our loyal customers, our fresh produce, which mostly consists of peaches and apples,

.2.~ }j] £ ~ Economy 8 RC IOOOAj]

7-cJ~:c:~ oH~ll~Al ~-E Pil~
Econorn\' RC 1000 _ IV

are sold in seventeen supermarkets throughout the city of Freelane. Due to our expertise
and experience, we have recently experienced a rapid growth in. our business. Our

current shipper, Freelane Distributors, which operates only within the Freelane area, will
not be able to meet our growing distribution needs.

Although we do not qualify for your special offer for new customers at the moment, we
plan to increase our production up to 40 percent by the end of next year. This would put
our company's shipping needs well above the minimum shipping requirement to receive

the discount. I'd like to discuss the best shipping rate that your company can offer us,
given our potential to grow in the future. Can you give me a call and let me know the
earliest time you can hold a meeting with us?

Thank you in advance for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Pamela Richardson
186. What is NOT indicated about Sherwood 189. What can be inferred about Freelane
Foods? Distributors?
(A) It has been in business for more than (A) It delivers fruits to fewer locations
20 years. than Sherwood Foods.
(B) It offers discounts to new customers. (B) It offers higher shipping rates than

(C) Its headquarters are located in Sherwood Foods.

Detroit. (C) It has been in business longer than
(D) It specializes in frozen foods. Sherwood Foods.
(D) It offers faster shipping than
187. Why does Ms. Richardson write to Ms. Sherwood Foods.

(A) To invite her to a special ceremony 190. What does Ms. Richardson indicate that
(B) To discuss the possibility of doing her company will do in the future?

business with Sherwood Foods (A) It will purchase ten additional types
(C) To suggest that she apply for a of fruit.
position at Orchard Industry (B) It will hire a new marketing director.

(D) To recommend a reliable delivery (C) It will produce more fruits next year.
service company (D) It will begin producing vegetables in
addition to fruit.
188. What is indicated about Orchard
Industry's products?
(A) They are produced in the south of
(B) They are sold at a special discount.
(C) They are used mainly for salads.
(D) They are sold to supermarkets.
"""""'""""""== ············ ··· ······· ···

Questions 191-195 refer to the following form and e-mail.

Special Subscription Rate of $28.25
- that's 75% off the newsstand price of $112.90!

Contact Information Payment Information
Name: Juan Perez Credit Card
Mailing Address: Apt. 2945 Easton Ave. Apt Card number

New Brunswick, NJ Full Payment Enclosed y
E-mail address: Check Number 1252

Single & Fab addresses high style and runway trends for the American sophisticate. Beauty

and fashion trends, lifestyles and personalities - and all with an international flair.
With your subscription to Single & Fab magazine, you will also receive your choice of two
free gift items (select from the list below.)
Item name Item Code Quantity requested
Cotton T-shirt (with the magazine B45 logo)
Please select T-shirt Size (s):
Small _::y_ Medium
_ Large _ Extra Large
Luxury skincare set for anti-aging S14
O~OM ooo O-hM .. OOOOMOOM'OMOOMOMOM'MU-MOMMooMOOMOMO ... MO-OMOOM00"0M'M'0-'"0'0M .. ' ' - " • M'-0"'Mo'MOMMOM'0'0000MMOM-MMO->MOOoO>MOMoOM>O-oMoOOoOoOOOoooMoo-oMoMMOoooMoMoo ' " - " " ' ' " " ' " ' "' -'""'"'0M'"''"'00 OHOOM0'00'0'MOOOOOM-0M' OM MOM'M'O _ _ _ _ _ _ ,,,. , ,M_ oMM

Travel Carry-on Bag (with the magazine logo) 012

Silk winter scarf V76

Please enter additional comments here: I know it says that I can only get two items for
free, but I was wondering if I could purchase a third one. I would really like to get 012 as a
gift for my cousin, as she is going on a trip to Europe very soon. Can you let me know if that

is possible and if so, how much the price would be?


'· . . ...

To: Juan Perez < >

From: Henry Greene <>
Subject: Single & Fab magazine Subscription

Dear Ms. Perez,

Thank you for your subscription of Single & Fab magazine. You should receive your first
issue of our magazine in approximately two weeks.

We are sorry to inform you that one of the free gift items you requested, item V76, is
currently out of stock due to high customer demand. But don't worry - we will send you

.2.~Jjj .£.~Economy 0 RC IOOO~fl

1J'?i!r oH~77r"'l 9J.-E- ·iP111l
Economy RC 1 000 _ IV

the item as soon as it becomes available. We are expecting about a one-week delay at
most. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. The other free item you

requested, item 845, will be sent along with the first issue of the magazine.

Also, to answer your question regarding purchasing a third item, you are certainly able to

buy any items from the list if you'd like. Attached is the price list for the items. Please
send us an e-mail stating the items you'd like to purchase and the payment method you
would like to use.

Thank you and please let me know if you have any further questions.


Henry Greene

Customer Service Manager
Single & Fab Magazine
<::1 1 .. f.,. ::_ ..

191. Why did Ms. Perez submit the form? 194. According to the e-mail, which item is
(A) To update her contact information currently unavailable?
(B) To complain about the late delivery (A) A scarf
of a free gift (B) AT-shirt
(C) To purchase a monthly subscription (C) A skincare set

(D) To request a refund for her (D) A travel bag

195. What information is included in Mr.
192. How much did Ms. Perez pay for her Greene's response to Ms. Perez?
order? (A) Information about canceling a
(A) $18.25 subscription

(B) $28.25 (B) An explanation concerning a billing

(C) $100.90 error

(D) $112.90 (C) Details about the company's refund

193. What does Ms. Perez indicate in her (D) Instructions for purchasing an item

(A) She would like to buy a gift for a
(B) She wants to change her gift item
(C) She was overcharged for her order.
(D) She plans to return a winter scarf.
Questtions ~ 96-200 refer to the following hotel bill and e-mail.

The Bellings Hotel
1523 Bellings Street
Winters City, FL 52660

Tel: 885-543-7514
Email: manager@bellingshotel .com

Guest name: Juliana Ro
Dates of stay: May 11 -15
Thank you for staying with us. Please find below an itemized list of the expenses you incurred
during your stay with us. Thank you for your payment. We look forward to serving you again on

your next visit.
Double room charge: 4 nights ($11 0 per night) $440.00
Hotel restaurant: 4 suppers
tic $125.00
Telephone: 3 international calls and 1 domestic call $51.00
Private pick-up service: airport-hotel round trip $100.00
Total $716.00

To: manager@

From: Juliana Ro <>
Date: May 19
Subject: Error in Hotel Bill
To whom it may concern:

As indicated in your e-mail, I stayed at the Bellings Hotel from May 11 to 15 to attend the
New York Fashion and Merchandizing Conference. Because it was a huge event with more

than 100 participants, check-out was quite hectic during the last day of the conference. Many
of us, including myself, were in a hurry to get to the airport on time. As a result, I didn't have
a chance to closely look at the bill until I got home.

However, upon reviewing the hotel bill, I found that I was charged the regular double room
charge of 11 0 dollars per night. According to the reservation confirmation e-mail with your
customer representative, I was supposed to receive a special rate that was available to
conference participants. I would like to ask for a refund of the overcharged amount back to
my credit card.
Other than this minor mistake with the billing, I was satisfied with the hotel's overall service
during my stay. As someone who has stayed at the Bellings Hotel on many occasions, I have
always been pleased with the courtesy extended to me there.
I am sure that this matter will be resolved in a timely fashion.
Juliana Ro

.2.1l ;>fl .£. ~ Economy 0 RC 1000~

7-j~x~ tiH "'lll~;;_l 'll~ -lP11~
Economy RC 1000 _ IV

196. What is the charge with which Ms. Ro i 99. What is implied about Ms. Ro?
doesn't agree? (A) She could not attend the last
(A) $440 presentation at the conference.

(B) $125 (B) She has stayed at the Bellings Hotel
(C) $51 on more than one occasion.

(D) $100 (C) She missed her flight home from the
i 97. What is Ms. Ro not charged for on the (D) She was not satisfied with the
itemized bill? service she received at the Bellings

(A) Telephone calls Hotel.
(B) Transportation
(C) Laundry service 20«1 What is implied about the Bellings Hotel?
(D) Food (A) It has recently renovated its

198. What does Ms. Ro request in her e-mail? (B) It is located very far from the airport.
(A) A free night's stay at the hotel (C) It offered a special discount to
(B) An official letter of apology conference participants.
·(C) A complimentary meal (D) It had only double rooms available in
(D) A refund May . .

Actual Test 09
Chong Chong Tre

Cau hoi Dich nf!hia Cancu

153. When does the event 153. Khi ni10 thi Sl,I ki~n nay
You are cordially invited to
stmt? b~trulu? attend the 7th Annual New

(A) On October 5 (A) Ngay o5 thang 1o York Household Electronics
(B) On October 7 (B) Ngay 07 thang 1o Expo at Teny Hill Hall, New

(C) On October 19 (C) Ngay 19 thang 1o York, NY, October 19-
(D) On October 23 (D) Ngay 23 thang 1o 23._B~n duqc moi m9t each
chan thanh dS thmn dl,I sl,I

ki~n thuong nien lfm thu 7
cua New York Household
Electronics Expo ~i T eny
Hill Hall, New York, NY, tu

ngay 19 dsn ngay 23 thang

will be emphasized?
(A) New refrigerators
154. What type of products 154. Lo~i san phfun nao se A wide range of products,
duqc nh§n m~nh?
(A) tu l~nh moi
from kitchen appliances to
newly updated computers,
(B) Electronic cooking (B) BSp n~u an di~n will be displayed throughout
ranges (C) BiSu hoa the five days of the
(C) Air conditioners (D) Cac thiSt bi n6i m~ng exhibition_ M9t lo~t cac san
(D) Networked devices phfun, tu thiSt bi nha bSp dSn

cac dong may tinh moi duqc

cftp nhftt, se duqc tnmg bay
trong su6t nam ngay triSn

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
Cau hoi Dich n~hia Can cu
155. What is the prnpose of the 155. M1,1c dich cua hi thu la As of May 16, the
letter? gi? headqumters of Canari
(A) To promote a special (A) BS thuc dfty giai do~n Blanc, Inc. will relocate to
disconnt sale period giam gia ~c bi~t our new office site, 2352

(B) To introduce a new (B) BS gioi thi~u m9t giam Sunset Blvd., San Francisco,
company director d6c cong ty moi CA 85440, following our

(C) To set up a business (C) BS thiSt lftp m9t cu<?c merger with the Gilts
meeting h9p kinh doanh Group._ Tinh dSn 16 thang
(!2) To announce a change (D) Thong bao thay d6i dia Nam, cac tn;t so cua Canari

of location diSm Blanc, Inc. se chuySn dSn
van phong moi ella chling tOi
t~i s6 2352 SnnsetBlvd., San
Francisco, CA 85440, sau SlJ

sat nhftp ella chling t6i voi
Gilts Group.
156. What is enclosed with the
(A) A contract regarding the
156. Nhfrng gi duqc kern
theo gi~y?
(A) H qp d6ng lien quan dSn
Enclosed IS a brochure
explaining our latest merger
deal and the expansion in our
latest M&A deal thoa thu~ M & A moi product line, which you may
(B) Documentation of the (B) Tai li~u cua cac qua trinh find interesting_ Kern theo
manufacturing processes san xu~t day la m9t cu6n sach giai
(C) Information about the (C) Thong tin vS cac dong thich thoa thu~n sap nhftp

compan:y's product line san ph§m ella cong ty moi nh~t ella chling tOi va
(D) A company telephone (D) Danh b~ di~n tho~i cong vi~c rna r9ng dong san phb
book ty cua chling toi, rna b~ co ths
th~y thu vi

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
Question 157-159 refer to the following e-mail

Cau hoi Dich nghia Cancu

157. For whom is this message 157. Thong b<io nay c6 le d\f The tenants at your building
probably intended? Qinh danh cho ai? at 1530 East 46th St. have

(A) A repair technician (A) M9t ky thuftt vien sua recently complained of cable
(B) A building landlord chfra service being intenupted,
(C) An Inteinet subscriber (B) N guoi cho thue nha even after being serviced by

(D) A customer service (C) Thue bao Intemet the cable company
representative (D) M9t d~i di~n dich V\1 technician Cac khach thue
khachhang t~i toa nha ~ilil b~n s6 1530
East Duong 46. gftn day da

phan nan vS dich Vl,l cap bi
gian do~, th~m chi sau khi
tic dUQ'C phl,lC Vl,l boi cac ky
thuftt vien CUa cong ty truySn
hinh cap.
158. What problems have 158. Nguoi thue nha da trai The tenants at your building
tenants been experiencing? qua v~n dS gi? at 1530 East 46th St. have
(A) Intemet disconnections (A) Khong kSt noi duqc recently complained of cable
(B) Hig_h rent Intetnet service being intenupted,
(C) Cable disconnections (B) Gia thue cao even after being serviced by

(D) High frequency of (C) Cap khong kSt n6i the cable company
thieves (D) Tr9m xu~t hi~n thuang technician Cac khach thue
xuyen t~i toa nha cua b~n s6 1530
East 46th St. gftn day da

phan nan vS dich Vl,l cap bi

gian do~, th~m chi sau khi
dUQ'C phl,lC Vl,l boi cac ky

thuftt vien CUa cong ty tmySn

hinh cap.

159. What did the tenants 159. nhGng nguoi thue nha We request that you install
request? da yeu cftu gi? cam eras at all entrances,
(A) Security cameras (A) may quay an ninh staircases, and hallways._
(B) Police surveillance (B) camera giam sat tir canh Chling t6i yeu cftu b~n cai
cameras sat d~t may quay a t~t ca cac
(C) Ov einight security (C) nhan v ien bao v ~ dem cua ra vao, cftu thang, va
guards (D) kh6a moi hanh lang.
(D) New locks

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
Question 160-161 refer to the following newspaper mticle

Cau hoi Dich Df!hia Can cu

160. Why did Loretting's sales 160. T~i sao doanh s6 ban Loretting Haircolor, which
fall in the first qumter? hang cua Loretting gifun launched a new line of hair

(A) The newly launched trong quy dftu tien? coloring products last month
product line perfmmed poorly. (A) Cac dong san ph§m moi called lnnova, repmted a

(B) The economy was slow. duqc tung ra biSu hi~n kem. slight but unexpected drop in
(C) Sales of its older (B) Cac nSn kinh tS con sales for the first qUaiter of
product suffered. ch~m. the fiscal yem·. Although the

(D) The competitors (C) Doanh thuban san ph§m launch of lnnova showed
introduced an innovative cii chiu t6n th~t. real promise, grabbing a
product. (D) Cac d6i thu c~nh tranh 12o/omarket share in its first
da gioi thi~u san ph§.m sang month of sales, the total drop

~o han. in company sales came from
the drop of its sales in its
tic original hair coloring lines,
including Neutricent and
Moods._ Loretting
Haircolor, tung ra m9t dong
san ph§.m nhu9m toe moi
thang nuoc duqc g9I la
lnnova, bao cao giam nhy

nhrmg khong ngo l~i giam

trong doanh s6 ban hang
trong quy dftu tien ella nfun
tai chinh. M~c du sv ra m~t
CUa lnnova thl,l'C Sl,l' htra hyn,

chiSm llnh m9t 12% trong

thi ph§n thang dftu tien cua
doanh s6 ban hang, t6ng s6

Sl,lt giam doanh s6 CUa cong

ty tu sv s1,1t giam doanh s6

ban hang dong san phfun

danh cho toe c6 diSn, bao
gom ca Neutricent va
161. What IS Loretting's 161 . KS ho~ch chiSn luqc Therefore, Loretting will
marketing strategy plan? tiSp thi ella Loretting la gi? continue on with its
(A) Discontinue production (A) Ngtrng san xu~t san aggressive promotional
of its older products ph§.m cii activities for lnnova, while
(B) TiSn hanh nghien cll'u thi hying to maintain and
huang; dS tinh toan hi~u Ung; stabilize sales for its other

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
(B) Conduct market chiSm llnh thi huang CUa san product lines_ Vi vfty,
research to calculate the ph§m moi Loretting se tiSp t1,1c voi cac
cannibalization effect (C) Giam gia cho cac san ho~t d<?ng quang ba tich cvc
(C) Lower the price for its pMm banch~m cua no d6i voi lnnova, trong
slow-selling_products (D) T iSp t1,1c v oi nhiing n6 khi do ciing c6 gfug dS duy

(D) Continue with the h,rc tiSp thi hi~n t~i cho san tri va 6n dinh doanh thu cho
current marketing efforts for ph§m moi cac dong san ph§m khac CUa

its new product no.


Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
Question 162-165 refer to the following schedule

Cau hoi Dich nf!hia Cancu

162. For whom is this event 162. Sv ki~n nay co thS danh Student Career Fair_h9i chq
most likely intended? cho d6i tuqng nao nh~t? vi~c lam cho sinh vien

(A) Career counselors (A) Nhan vien tu v~n nghS
(B) Technology specialists nghi~p

(C) University students (B) Cac chuyen gia cong
(D) Business managers ngh~
(C) Sinh vien ~i h9c

(D) Giam d6c kinh doanh
163. What is the student career 163. Chu tich ttung tam vi~c Opportunities m the
center chai.tman scheduled to lam sinh v ien dv kiSn thao Academic World at Time of
discuss? lu~n diSu gi? High Unemployment'

(A) Job opportunities in (A) Co h9i vi~c lam trong by Student Career Center
education nganh giao dl,lc Chaitman Raymond Ajesh_
(B) Changes
unemployment rate
(C) Applying
m the

(B) Nhfrng thay d6i trong tY
1~ th~t nghi~p
(C) Ap dl,lng cho thvc ~p
Co h9i nghS nghi~p tt·ong
gioi h9c thu~t ~i Time ctia
High Unemployment'
intetnships sinh
(D) How to edit and (D) Lam thS nao dS chinh
Improve your resume sua va hoan thi~n h6 so cua

164. What will be offered in 164. BiSu gi se duqc cung Table Talks-Exhibit Areal
the Exhibit Area? c~p trong khu vvc triSn Him? Pre-scheduled Interviews-
(A) Free counseling about (A) tu v§n miSn phi vS h6 so Exhibit Area Ban n6i
resumes (B) cac cu9c phong v§n vi~c chuy~nl chufin bi lich trinh
(B) Job interviews lam phong v§n

(C) Snacks and light (C) 86 an nh~ va d6 u6ng

refreshments giai khat
(D) Educational advice (D) tu v§n giao dl,lc

165. What event will NOT take 165. Sv ki~n gi se khong Student Registration-
place at the student center? diSn ra ~i ttl..Ulg tam sinh Student Center Rm.

(A) Registration vien? Employer Check-In-Student

(B) Table Talk (A) Bang kY CenterRm.
(C) Closing Address (B) Ban n6i chuy~n Closing Address-Student
(D) Resume counseling (C) Ch6t dia chi CenterRm.
(D) Resume tu v§n Resume Counseling -
Student Center Rm.
Table Talks-Exhibit Area
Pre-scheduled Interviews-
Exhibit Area

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre


Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
Question 166-168 refer to the following email

Cau hoi Dich nf!hia Cancu

166. What is the purpose of the 166. M1,1c dich ctia hi thu la Carefully revtew the
letter? gi? itinermy below and let us

(A) To announce a change (A) Cong b6 m9t sv thay d6i know by no later than
in an itinermy trong lich trinh November 15 if you'd like to

(B) To promote a vacation (B) DS xuc tiSn k)r nghi t.r9n make any additional
package g6i changes. _ Xem xet ck th~
(C) To refund the flight (C) R oan l~i tiSn ve may bay lich trinh duoi day va cho

tickets (D) DS xac nh~nkS ho~ch du chling t6i uuoc ngay 15
(D) To confirm upcoming lich s~p toi thang 11 nSu b~ mu6n thvc
travel plans hi~n b~t kY thay d6i b6 sung

167. What is indicated about 167. Nhfrng gi duqc chi dinh Thank you for choosing to
Mr. Nelson? vS ong Nelson? u·avel with AAA Travel
(A) He will fly first class.
(B) He is traveling for
(A) Anh se bay ghS h~ng
(B) Ong dang di cong tac.
Agency. As requested, your
flights have all been
reserved and confnmed for
(C) He is a frequent Asian (C) Ong la m9t khach hang your upcommg business
Air customer. thuemg xuyen Asian Air. u·ip._ Cam an b~ da 1\1'8
(D) He will take direct (D) Anh se di chuySn bay ch9n dS di du lich voi D~i ly
flights to Tokyo th~ng dSn Tokyo Du lich AAA. Theo yeu cftu,
t~t ca cac chuysn bay cua

b~n da duqc d~t uuoc va xac

nh~ cho chuysn cong tac
s~p toi cua b~n
168. When will Mr. Nelson 168. Khi nao thi ong Nelson Departure date: October 20

leave Tokyo? roi Tokyo? Depatting from: Tokyo

(A) October 20 (A) ngay 20 thang 10 Boarding at: 10: 10 P.M.
(B) October 21 (B) ngay 21 thang 1o Flight: Asian Air #153_

(C) November 3 (C) 03 thang 11 Ngay khoi hanh: 20 Thang

(D) November 4 (D) ngay 04 thang 11 Muai Khoi hanh tir: san bay

Tokyo luc: 22: 10 ChuySn

bay: Asian Air rna 153

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
Question 169-171 refer to the following advertisement

Cau hoi Dich nf!hia Can cu

169. What is the purpose of the 169. Ml,lC dich cua to roi la And that lS why the
flyer? gi? Cleanbright Catpet Cleaning

(A) To promote a new (A) BS thuc dfty m9t doanh Service is proud to announce
business nghi~p moi our grand opemng m

(B) To advettise a new (B) BS qllimg cao cho m9t London._ Va do la ly do t~i
cleaning product san ph§m lam s~ch moi sao Cleanbright Catpet
(C) To infmm clients about (C) BS thong bao cho khach Cleaning Service t:t,r hao

business hour changes hang vS nhfrng thay d6i gio thong bao bu6i khai uuang
(D) To infonn of changes in kinh doanh hoanh u·ang cua chling t6i a
discount rates (D) BS thong bao vS nhfrng London.
thay d6i u·ong cy 1~ chiSt

17 0. What is said about the 170. Nhfrng gi duqc noi vS A £50.00 minimum charge
Cleanbright Catpet Cleaning
(A) They will give a special
cac cijch v1,1 lrun s~ch
Cleanbright Catpet?
(A) H9 se danh chiSt khftu
applies to all services_ Muc
thu chi phi t6i thiSu 50,00 £
ap d1,1ng cho cit ca cac cijch
discount to local customers. ~c bi~t cho khach hang dia v1,1.
(B) They have relocated phuang.
their offices to (B) H9 da di chuySn van
London. phong cua h9 dSn London.

(C) They also provide floor (C) H9 cGng cung cftp dich
waxing and window cleaning Vl,l danh bong San b~g sap
servtces. va lam S~ch CUa s6.
(D) There is a minimum (D) Khoan phi t6i thiSu la 50
charf!e of 50 pounds. pounds.

171. What fonn of payment is 171 . Hinh thuc thanh toan Payments can be made in
NOT accepted? nao khong duqc chftp nh~n? cash, by money order, or by
(A) Business check (A) sec doanh nghi~p check. Sony - we do not

(B) Credit card (B) The tin dl,lllg accept credit cards._ Co thS
(C) Cash (C) TiSnm~t thanh toan b~ng tiSn m~t,

(D) Money order (D) chuySn tiSn b~ng l~nh chuySn tiSn, ho~c
b~ng sec. Xin 16i - chling t6i
khong chftp nh~n the tin

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
Question 172-175 refer to the following announment

Cau hoi Dich nf!hia Cancu

172. What event IS this 172. Sl,I ki~n gi duqc bai viSt Nilsson GolPs annual
article describing? nay mota? chru·ity event struts

(A) A local golf lesson (A)1J9tbaih9cchaigofl~i Thmsday_ Sl,I ki~n tu thi~n
(B) A charity event Qia phuang hang nam Nilsson GolPs b~t

(C) A fishing tomnament (B) 1J9t S\I ki~n tu thi~n d~u thu nfun
(D) A youth dance party (C) Giai dftu cfm ca
(D) Bu6i ti~c khieu vii danh

cho thanh nien
173. What project will be 173. D\I an nao se duqc All proceeds from
funded by ticket sales? quyen gop tu doanh s6 bin Fins Weekend will benefit
(A) A resom·ce center at the ve? the Nilsson Golf Foundation

publishing company (A) 1J9t trung tam tai in its bid to conshuct a new
(B) A librruy for the nguyen t~i cac cong ty xuftt youth spmts center._ Tftt ca
community center
(C) A music hall for the
community orchestra
ban tiSn thu duqc
(B) 1J9t thu vi~n cho cac FinsWeekend se co ich cho
trung tam c9ng d6ng Quy quyen gop Nilsson Golf

(D) A new sports center (C) 1J9t h9i huang fun nh~c trong n6 ll,Ic xay dl,Illg m9t
for the :routh cho dan nh~c c9ng d6ng hung tam thS thao danh cho
(D) T1ung tam thS thao moi thanh nien moi.
cho thanh nien

17 4. On what date will the 17 4. Ngay nao giai dftu dlu *The Nilsson Golf
fishing tomnament begin? ca duqc t6 chuc? Foundation will host
(A) June 3 (A) 03 Th~mg 6 Fins Weekend , its largest
@) June 4 (B) 04 Thang 6 annual charity event, from
(C) June 5 (c) o5 thang 6 Thmsday, June 3 through

(D) June 6 (D) 06 I hang 6 Saturday, June 5._ Quy

Nilsson Golf se t6
FinsWeekend, S\I ki~n tu

thi~n thuang nien lan nhftt

cua no, tu Thu nam ngay 3

Thang Sau dSn thu Bay ngay

5 Thang Sau.
* Satmday mmning, amatem·
and professional anglers will
meet at the 1Jiami Beach
1Jarina for the Nilsson Golf
Foundation Fishing
T omnament_ Sang thu bay,
nhfrng nguoi nghi~p du va
chuyen nghi~p tr·ong cau ca

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
se g~p nhau ~i Miami Beach
Marina cho giai dftu gay quy
Nilsson Golf.
175. What is hue about Eliza 175. Bieu gi dln1g ve Eliza Those of you that would like
Sallys? Sallys? to attend the event may

(A) She is the senior vice (A) Co la pho chu tich cao purchase tickets from Eliza
president at the Nilsson Golf cftp clia Nilsson Golf Nilsson's

Foundation. Foundation. Community outreach office.
(B) She is selling fundraiser (B) Cola ban ve gay quy cho Nhiing nguoi mu6n tham dl,I
tickets for the event. cac Sl,I ki~n. Sl,I ki~n nay co thS mua ve tu

(C) She is a fan of the (C) Co la m9t fan ham m9 van phong tiSp c~n cong
Nilsson Golf Team. cua d9i Golf Nilsson. chln1g cua Eliza Nilsson
(D) She is Nilsson Golfs (D) Co la huftn luy~n vien
head coach huang cua Nilsson Golf

Cau hoi
Question 176-180 refer to the following FAQ

Dich nf!hia Cancu

176. For whom IS the 176. Thong tin nay co thS Please feel free to contact us
infmmation most likely danh cho ai nhftt? or fill out our Request a
intended? (A) Khach hang Quote form and we can
(A) Customers (B) Giam sat vien va ghi provide a quote for your
(B) Call center supervisors nh~n thong tin khach hang order_ Xin vui long lien h~

(C) Cunent shipping (C) nhan vien v~ chuySn vai chln1g t:Oi ho~c diSn vao
company employees hi~n t~i cua cong ty m~u yeu c~u h·ich &n clia
(D) Delivety personnel (D) nhan vien giao hang chln1g t:Oi va chln1g t:Oi co ths
cung cftp bang bao gia cho

dan ~t hang cua b~n.

177. What is mentioned about 17 7. Nhiing gi duqc dS cftp Do you ship medical
medical products/supplies vS vk chuySn san phfun y tS products/supplies?_B~n co

shipping? / hang hoa? v~n chuySn san ph§m y tS/

(A) It is not available due to (A) No khong phai la co sgn hang hoa hay khong?

its time- sensitive nature. do tinh chftt ~y cam thai This service will incur an
(B) It is only available on gtan. exh·a priority shipping fee._
weekends. (B) No chi co sfu vao cu6i Dich Vl,l nay se phai chiu m9t
(C) It ts offered at a tu§n. khoan phi v~ chuySn uu
discount to prefened (C) No duqc cung cftp v oi tien b6 sung.
customers. gia giam cho cac khach hang
(D) It will incur an extra uu tien.
cost (D) Nose phai chiu them chi

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
178. In question 7, line 1, the 178. Trong dlu hoi 7, dong Our operations staff
word 'tracking' IS closest m 1, tu 'tracking' la g§n nghia members utilize
meaning to nh~t voi computerized n·acking so
(A) depicting (A)kh~ch9a that they always know where
(B) tracing (B) tluy tim your shipment is._ B9i ngii

(C) identifying (C) xac dinh cac nhan vien cua chtmg tOi
(D) drawing (D) ve su dl,lng may tinh ds theo doi

vi thS h9 luon biSt duqc nai
16 hang ctia b~n dang a.
179. What service IS NOT 179. dich V\1 gi la khong c6 (A) (D) We offer Same Day,

available at GloballAiiways sgn t~i cong ty v~ chuySn Next Day, 2nd Day, 3-5
Shipping? Global I Aiiways? Day, and time definite
(A) Same-day deliveiy (A) giao hang trong cling services along with
(B) 24-hour customer ngay intetnational shipping,

service suppmt (B) dich V\1 h6 n·q khach ocean freight and exclusive
(C) Special discounts to rumg 24 gio truckloads._ Chling t6i cung
local businesses
(D) Inteinational shipping
(C) giam gia ~c bi~t cho cac
doanh nghi~p dia phuang
(D) v~ chuySn qu6c ts
c~p cting ngay, ngay kS tiSp,
2 ngay, 3-5 ngay, va thai
gian nh~t dinh cling voi cac
dich V\1 v~n chuySn qu6c tS,
v~n tai biSn va xe tai d9c
(B) Our operations staff

members are available 24

hours a day, 7 days a week._
Cac thanh vien cua d9i ngii
nhan vien chling t6i c6 sfu
24, gio m9t ngay, 7 ngay m9t

180. What should people do if 180. Nhiing gi m9i nguoi Please feel free to contact us
they want to ~ a quotation? nen lam gi nSu h9 mu6n dS or fill out our Request a

(A) Request a quote online c6 duqc bang bao gia? Quote form and we can
(B) E-mail the shipping (A) Yeu c~u bao gia nvc provide a quote for your

coordinator tuySn order_ Xin vui long lien h~

(C) Visit a nearby office in (B) E-mail nguoi diSu ph6i voi chling tei ho~c disn vao
person v~n chuySn m~u yeu c~u n·ich cllin ctia
(D) Call a Global!Aitways (C) Ghe tham m9t van phong chling t6i va chting t6i c6 thS
delivety person g§n d6 nvc tiSp cung c~p bang bao gia cho
(D) G9i nhan vien giao hang dan ~t hang cua b~n.
ctia Global I Aitways

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
Question 181-185 refer to the following news and email

Cau hoi Dich nf!hia Can cu

181. What is the main subject 181. Chu dS chinh cua bai Starlite Hotels & Resmts
of the ruticle? viSt la gi? Worldwide, Inc. has

(A) Hotel recommendations (A) KhuySn nghi khach s~n announced its plans to enter
for tourists to India cho khach du lich dSn An B9 the Indian market by

(B) Finding venues for large (B) Tim kiSm dia diSm cho opening up the first newly
conferences cac h9i nghi Ion built and managed property
(C) The building of a new (C) Xay dl,lllg m9t khach s~n in Bengahnu next month._

hotel moi Starlite Hotels & Resotts
(D) An mcreas1ng rate of (D) Tang cua chi phi khach Worldwide, Inc. da cong b6
hotel fees s~n ks ho~ch cua minh ds buoc
chan vao thi t.tuemg An B9

b~ng vi~c g§n day khanh
thanh xay dl,lllg va quan ly
tic dt,r an ~i Thanh ph6
Bengalruu vao thang tiSp
182. What IS suggested by 182. Nhfrng gi duqc dS xu~t "Thanks to evetyone's
Mrutin Wales' comments? boi binh lu~n clia Mrutin amazmg effmts, we will
(A) Starlite Hotel is the first Wales'? actually be opening on April
hotel to open in India. (A) Starlite Hotel la khach 10 - a full three weeks ahead
s~n &u tien mo t~i An B9.

(B) The construction of the original schedule," he

period for the Starlite (B) Cac giai do~n xay dl,lllg added_ "Nha nhfrng n6 h,rc
Bengaluru Hotel was shorter cho cac Stru·lite Bengalruu tuy~t vai CUa t~t ca m91
than expected. s~n ng~n han so voi dl,I kiSn. nguai, chling ta se thl,IC SlJ
(C) Citizens of Bengalruu (C) Cac cong dan clia Thanh khanh thanh vao ngay 10

ru·e conce1ned about increased ph6 Bengalruu quan tam dSn thang Tu- u·9n Vyn ba tuk
tourism. du lich tang. t1uoc thai gian dl,I kiSn," ong
(D) The cost of building the (D) Chi phi xay dlJllg cac n6i them.

Stru·lite Bengalum Hotel was Starlite Bengalruu s~n r~t

ve1y high cao

183. What is the purpose of the 183. M1,1c dich clia e-mailla I'd like to meet with you and
e-mail? gi? discuss these points in depth.
(A) To infonn employees of (A) BS thong bao cho nguai Please let me know when is
an openmg ceremony lao d9ng t.t·ong IS khai m~c a good time for us to hold a
(B) To request feedback on (B) Yeu c~u ph~in h6i vS m9t conference call this week.
a business st.t·ategy chiSn luqc kinh doanh Toi mu6n g~p b~ va tha;
(C) To int.t·oduce the new (C) BS gioi thi~u giam d6c l~n vs nhfrng diSm nay chi
HR director nhan SlJ moi tiSt han. Xin vui long cho t6i
bist khi nao la thai dism t6t
dS chling toi t6 chuc m9t

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
(D) To schedule a (D) S~p xSp m9t cu<?c g9i cu<?c g 9i h9i nghi trong tu§n
conference call to discuss a h9i nghi dS thao lu~n vS m9t nay.
new idea y tuong moi
184. What 1s being 184. Nhfrng gi dang duqc de So, I'd like to suggest that we
recommended in the e-mail? nghi t.rong e-mail? move the patty venue to the

(A) Changing the location (A) Thay d6i vi tri cilil S\f meeting area on the second
of an event ki~n floor._ Vi vfty, t6i mu6n dS

(B) Ordering extra food and (B) ~t hang thvc phfun b6 nghi r~ng chUn.g ta di chuySn
beverages for an event sung va d6 u6ng cho m9t sv dia diSm t6 chuc ti~c dSn khu
(C) Decorating the 2nd ki~n vvc phong h9p tren t~ng hai.

floor for an event (C) Trang tri iling 2 cho m9t
(D) Creating a special menu sv ki~n
for an event (D) T ~o ra m9t thvc dan d~c
bi~t cho m9t sv ki~n

185. What will probably NOT 185. Nhiing gi co thS se The only conce1n I have is
happen on April 10? KHONG xay ra vao ngay 10 that the originally planned
(A) A Starlite Hotel will
open in Bengalmu India.
(B) A newspaper writer will
thang Tu? festivities, including the
(A) Khach s~ Stm·lite se fireworks, will not be able to
khai truong a Bengalmu An take place inside the hotel._
M6i quan tam duy nh~t t6i
cover the celebration. £>9.
(C) Fireworks will take (B) Nha bao se viSt vS bu6i co la cac IS h9i dv kiSn ban
place. IS kY ni~m. d~u, bao g6m ca phao hoa, se
(D) Guests will be invited to (C) Phao hoa se diSn ra. khong thS diSn ra ben trong

take pmt m the openmg (D) Du khach se duqc moi khach s~m..
ceremony. tham gia bu6i IS khai m~c.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
Question 186-190 refer to the following advettisement and email

Cau hoi Dich nf!hia Cancu

186. What is NOT indicated 186. DiSu gi KHONG duqc (A) We have been m
about Shetwood Foods? neu ra vS Shetwood Foods? business for over 20 years,

(A) It has been in business (A) Da duqc kinh doanh and in that time Shetwood
for more than 20 years. trong han 20 nam. has grown to become one of

(B) It offers discounts to (B) No giam gia cho khach the lm·g est independent
new customers. rumg moi. distributors in the meat and
(C) Its headqumters m·e (C) Co tn,1 so chinh duqc <$t food indusuy._ Chling t6i da

located in Detroit. ~i Detroit. kinh doanh trong han 20
(D) It specializes in frozen (D) No chuyen v e thvc nam, va u·ong thai gian do
foods ph~mdongl~ Shetwood da phat triSn dS
tro thanh m9t trong nhGng

nha phan ph6i d9c lftp Ion
nh~t u·ong nganh cong
tic nghi~p thit va thvc ph~m.
(B) We are cunently
offering a special discount
on shipping rates for new
customers_ ChUn.g t6i hi~n
dang cung c~p mire giam gia
d~c bi~t u·en gia vftn chuySn

cho khach hang moi.

(C) Shetwood 1s
headqumtered m Detroit_
Shetwood co tn,1 so aDetroit
187. Why does Ms. Richm·dson 187. T~i sao ba Richardson I'd like to discuss the best

write to Ms. Vincent? viSt thu cho ba Vincent? shipping rate that your
(A) To invite her to a special (A) DS mai co dSn m9t bu6i company can offer us, given
ceremony lS d~c bi~t our potential to grow in the

(B) To discuss the (B)DSthao lu~nvSkhanang future T oi m u6n thao luan

possibility of doing business kinh doanh voi Shetwood vS phi-vftn chuySn t6t nh~t

with Sherwood Foods Foods rna cong ty cua b~n co ths

(C) To suggest that she (C) DS dS nghi co n9p dan cung c~p cho chUn.g t6i,
apply for a position at Orchard cho m9t vi tr·i t~i Khu Cong duqc phat huy tiSm nang CUa
Industry nghi~p Orchard chUn.g ta dS phat triSn trong
(D) To recommend a (D) DS gioi thi~u m9t cong tuang lai.
reliable delivery service ty dich V\1 giao hang dang tin
company cfty
188. What is indicated about 188. NhGng gi duqc chi dinh Thanks to the solid building
Orchm·d indusuy's products? vS san p~m cua Orchard of tmst and dedication to the
nghi~p? fresh produce industry and

Quyen s;kh nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b9n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dttng mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLt these lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b9n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
(A) They are produced in (A) duqc san xuftt a to our loyal customers, our
the south ofFreelane. phia nam cUa. Free lane. fresh produce, which mostly
(B) hey are sold at a special (B) hey duqc ban voi gia consists of peaches and
discount. giam ~c bi~t. apples,are sold in seventeen
(C) They are used mainly (C) Chling duqc su d1,111g chu supetmarkets throughout the

for salads. ySu cho mon salad. city of Freelane._ Nho vi~c
(D) They are sold to (D) duqc ban cho cac xay dl,ffig VUng ch~c SlJ tin

supermarkets. sieu thi. tuang, sv c6ng hiSn cho
nganh cong nghi~p tuai s6ng
va SlJ hung thanh CUa khach

hang, san ph~m tuai s6ng
cua chling t6i u·ong do chu
ysu la aao va tao, auqc ban
t~i 17 sieu thi u·ong thanh

ph6 Freelane.
189. What can be infened 189. Nhfrng gi co thS duqc Our cunent shipper,
about Freelane Distributors?
(A) It delivers fruits to
fewer locations than
suy ra vS nha phan ph6i
(A) No cung cftp cac lo~i trai
Freelane Distributors, which
operates only within the
Freelane area, will not be
Sherwood Foods. dly ctsn cac aia ctism it han able to meet our growing
(B) It offers higher shipping Shetwood Foods . distribution needs._ Nha v~n
rates than (B) No cung c~p muc gia v~n chuySn hi~n t~i cua
Shetwood Foods. chuySn cao han t6i, Nha phan ph6i Freelane,

(C) It has been in business Shetwood Foods. chi ho~t d9ng hong khu vvc
longer than Shetwood Foods. (C) No da duqc trong kinh Freelane, se khong co kha
(D) It offers faster shipping doanh dai han Shetwood nang dap trng nhu c~u phan
than Shetwood Foods. Foods. ph6i ngay cang tang cua
(D) No cung c~p v~ chuySn chling tOi.

nhanh han Shetwood Foods

190. What does Ms. 190. Co. Richardson cho biet Although we do not qualify
Richardson indicate that her diSu gi vS vi~c cong ty cua for your special offer for

company will do in the future? co ~y se thvc hi~n trong new customers at the
(A) It will purchase ten tuang lai? moment, we plan to increase

additional types of ftuit. (A) No se mua them muoi our production up to 40

(B) It will hire a new lo~i u·ai cay. percent by the end of next
marketing director. (B) Nose thue m9t giam d6c year._ M~c du t6i
(C) It will produce more tiSp thi moi. khong du diSu ki~n voi dS
fruits next year. (C) No se san xu~t trai cay nghi d~c bi~t cua b~ danh
(D) It will begin producing nhiSu han trong nam toi. cho khach hang moi t~i thai
vegetables in addition to ftuit (D) No se b~t d~u san xuftt diSm nay, toi co kS
rau ngoai trai cay ho~ch tang san XU~t CUa
chling tOi l~n dSn 40 phk
u·am vao cuoi nam toi.

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre


Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
Question 191-195 refer to the following fonn and email

Cau hoi Dich nf!hia Cancu

191. Why did Ms. Perez submit 191. T ~i sao ba Perez n9p With your subscription to
the fmm? m~udan? Single & Fab magazine, you

(A) To update her contact (A) BS cftp nhftt thong tin will also receive yom choice
infmmation lien l~c cilit minh of two free gift items (select

(B) To complain about the (B) BS khiSu ~i vS vi~c giao from the list below.)_ Voi
late delivery of a free g_ift rumg ch~m vs m9t mon qua thue bao cua b~ cho t~p chi
(C) To purchase a miSnphi Single & Fab, b~n ciing se

monthly subscription (C) BS mua m9t thue bao nh~n duqc sv Iva ch9n hai
(D) To request a refund for hang thang m~t hang qua t~ng miSn phi
her subscription (D) Yeu c~u hoan phi cho (ch9n tir danh sach duoi
thue bao cua minh day.)

192. How much did Ms. Perez 192. Ba Perez tra cho dan Special Subscription Rate of
pay for her order? ~t hang cilit minh bao $28.25_Phi thue bao ~c bi~t
(A) $18.25
(B) $28.25
(C) $100.90
(A)$ 18,25
(B)$ 28,25
la 28.25$

(D) $112.90 (C)$ 100,90

(D)$ 11 2,90
193. What does Ms. Perez 193. Ba Perez cho biet dieu I would really like to get 012
indicate in her comments? gi trong y kiSn cua minh? as a gift for my cousin_ Toi

(A) She would like to buy (A) Co mu6n mua m9t mon thvc sv mu6n co duqc G12
a gift for a relative. qua cho nguoi than. nhu m9t mon qua cho anh h9
(B) She wants to change her (B) Co ~Y mu6n thay d6i thu cua toi
gift item order. tl;r ffil,lC mon qua CUa CO.
(C) She was overcharged (C) Co da qua tai don ~t

for her order. hang cua minh.

(D) She plans to retrnn a (D) Co co kS ho~ch tra l~i
winter scarf. khan choang mua dong

194. According to the e-mail, 194. Theo e-mail, rna ffil,lC *Form: Silk winter scarf I
which item ts crnTently nao hi~n khong co sfu? V76

unavailable? (A) M9t chiSc khan *Email: We are sony to

(A) A scarf (B) AT -shut infonn you that one of the
(B) AT -shut (C) M9t b9 cham soc da free gift items you requested,
(C) A skincare set (D) M9t chiSc till du lich item V76 is crnTently out of
(D) A travel bag stock due to high customer
demand_ChUng toi xin 16i
thong bao voi b~n r~ng m9t
trong cac mon qua miSn phi
b~ yeu c~u, m~t hang V76

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
hi~n hSt hang vi yeu dlu
nhiSu tu khach hang
195. What infonnation 1s 195. Nhfrng thong tin duqc Also, to answer your
included m Mr. Greene's bao g6m trong ph~in h6i cua question regarding
response to Ms. Perez? ong Greene toi ba Perez? purchasing a third item, you

(A) Infmmation about (A) Thong tin vS vi~c hliy are certainly able to buy any
canceling a subscription thue bao items from the list if you'd

(B) An explanation (B) M<?t loi giai thich lien like. Attached is the price list
conceming a billing quan dSn m9t h6a dan bi 16i for the items. Please send us
enor (C) Cac chi tiSt v S chinh an e-mail stating the items

(C) Details about the sach hoan tra cua cong ty you'd like to purchase and
company's refund policy (D) Huang d§n mua m9t the payment method you
(D) Instructions for m6nhang would like to use._ Ngoai ra,
purchasing an item ds tra loi cfm hoi cua b~ lien

quan dSn vi~c mua m9t m6n
thu ba, b~ ch~c chfu co thS
tic mua b~t k)r m~t hang nao tu
danh sach nsu b~n mu6n.
Kem theo la danh sach gia
cho cac m~t hang. X in vui
long gui cho chUn.g t6i m9t
e-mail ghi ro cac ml,lC ma
b~n mu6n mua va phuang

thuc thanh toan b~ mu6n su


Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
Question 196-200 refer to the following hotel bill and email

Cau hoi Dich Df!hia Cancu

196. What is the charge with 196. Muc phi mio rna co Ro *Email: However, upon
which Ms. Ro doesn't agree? khong d6ng y? reviewing the hotel bill, I

(A) $440 (A) 440$ found that I was charged the
(B) $125 (B) 125 $ regular double room charge

(C) $51 (C) 51$ of 11 0 dollars per night.
(D) $100 (D) 100$ According to the reservation
confinnation e-mail with

your customer
representative, I was
supposed to receive a special
rate that was available to

conference pmticipants._
Tuy nhien, khi xem l~i cac
tic hoa don khach s~n, t6i th~y
r~ng toi bi tinh phi binh
thuang cho phong 11 o USD
m6i dem. Theo xac nh~ d~t
phong cua e-mail voi d~i
di~n khach hang clia b~ toi
duqc nh~ muc chist kh~u
d~c bi~t co s~n cho nhGng

nguoi tham gia h9i nghi.

197. What Is Ms. Ro not 197. Co RO KHONG bi tinh Double room chm·ge: 4
charged for on the itemized phi nao tren hoa dan di~n nights ($11 0 per night)
bill? tho~i? Hotel restaurant: 4 suppers

(A) Telephone calls (A) cac cu<?c g9i di~n tho~i Telephone: 3 intetnational
(B) Transpmtation (B) Giao thong v~ tai calls and 1 domestic call
(C) Laundty service (C) Dich Vl,l gi~t ui Private pick-up service:

(D) Food (D) Thl,Ic ph§m aiiport-hotel round trip_

TiSn phong doi: 4 dem ($

11 0m6i dem)
~ha hang khach s~n: 4 bfra
Di~n tho~i: 3 cu<?c g9i qu6c
ts va 1 cu<?c g9i trong nuac
Dich Vl,l dua don ca nhan:
chuySn san bay- khach s~n
198. What does Ms. Ro request 198. Co Ro yeu cftu gi trong I would like to ask for a
in her e-mail? e-mail clia minh? refund of the overcharged
amount back to my credit

Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vien nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lieu on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Chong Chong Tre
(A) A free night's stay at the (A) M9t dem mien phi luu card_Toi mu6n hoi dS duqc
hotel tn1 ~i khach s~ hoan l~i s6 tiSn vuqt muc l~i
(B) An official letter of (B) M9t la thu chinh thuc the tin d1,1ng clia toi.
apology cua loi xin 16i
(C) A complimentaty meal (C) M9t bua an miSn phi

(D) A refund (D) Roan phi
199. What is implied about Ms. 199. Nhfrng gi duqc ng1,1 y v S As someone who has stayed

Ro? baRo? at the Bellings Hotel on
(A) She could not attend the (A) Co khong thS tham d\1' many occasiOns, I have
last presentation at the cac bai thuySt trinh cu6i always been pleased with the

conference. cling t~i h9i nghi. coUitesy extended to me
(B) She has stayed at the (B) Co da a t~i Bellings there_La m9t nguoi da a l~i
Bellings Hotel on more than Hotel han m9t l§n. t~i khach s~n Bellings nhiSu
one occasion. (C) ColO chuySn bay vS nha l§n, t6i luon co duqc hai long

(C) She missed her flight tir h9i nghi. VOi phong each ljch Sl,l' ngay
home from the conference. (D) Coda khong hai long voi cang Hing ma t6i co t~i day
(D) She was not satisfied
with the service she received at
the Bellings Hotel.
dich Vl,l co nh~ duqc ~i
Bellings Hotel.

200. Nhfrng gi duqc ng1,1 y v S

200. What is implied about the According to the reservation
Bellings Hotel? Bellings Hotel? confinnation e-mail with
(A) It has recently (A) G§n day da dti ~o nha your customer
renovated its restaurant. hang cuano. representative, I was

(B) It is located vety far (B) No n~m r~t xa tu san bay. supposed to receive a special
from the airpmt. (C) No dua ra muc giam gia rate that was available to
(C) It offered a special ~c bi~t dS tham gia h9i conference patticipants_
discount to conference nghi. Theo xac nh~n ~t phong cua
P.artici pants. (D) Phong doi chi co sfu vao e-mail voi d~i di~n khach

(D) It had only double thang nfun hang clia b~n, toi duqc nh~
rooms available in May. muc chist kh~u d~c bi~t co
sfu cho nhfrng nguoi tham

gia h9i nghi.


Quyen s;kh nay do nhling thanh vie n nhiet tlnh nhat cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~m nh~m giup
C<k b~n co tai lie u on thi hieu qua. Mong mQi ngLtO'i dting mua ban quyen sach nay vi nhLtthe se lam mat
di gia tri ma cac b~n da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

153-154 153-154.
Story Submission Guide lines to HU'Ong d~n nQJl truy~n tren website EBOO
How To Submit Your Book or Story Lam th~ nao d~ nQp sach ho~c cau chuy~n
Here's where we try to help you make the best cua b~n.

possible submission. Follow these guide lines Day la noi rna chimg toi c6 g~ng dg giup b<;~n
to increase the chances of getting your book thuc hi~n vi~c nop tai li~u nay mot each c6

published. thg nhit. Lam theo cac chi dan nay dg tang
All work must be completely finished co hoi sach clia b<;~n duqc x~t ban.

rnanasctipts. Do a very careful check of your Ti t ca cong vi~c phai hoan thi~n vg ban
spelling and grammar. Do not send email thao. K.igrn tra rit dn than loi chinh ta va
inquities about the status of your submission. ngfr phap cua b<;~n. Dimg gm yeu c~u qua
Due to the high volume of requests, we email hoi vg t:r<;~-ng thai cua bai nop CUa b<;~n

cannot answer all emails. We will only (da nop duqc hay chua). Do sa IU'qng yeu
contact you if your worki spublished on the cau rat nhi~u, chong toi khong th~ tra IOi
site .E-mail is the only way to submit stories t~t ca cac email. Chimg toi se chi lien M
and rut. If your story isillustrated, you must voi b<;~n ngu tac phlrn cua b<;tn duqc xuit ban
scan the rutwork and send it via e-mail. qua t:rang web. E-mail la each duy nhit dg
gm cac cau chuy~n va tac ph§rn ngM thuat.
N gu cau chuy~n cua b<;~n duqc rninh hQa
b~ng hinh anh, b<;tn phfu scan cac tac ph§rn

nay va gm qua e-mail.

Send a Microsoft Word document with all the GUi mot tai li~u Microsoft Word voi ti t ca
chapters of your book in one document. cac chuang CUa cufJn sach CUa b<;~n t:rong mot
Attach your Word file and graphics files to the tai li~u. Dinh kern tap tin Word cua b<;~n va

e mail message and enter "Short Stmy cac tap tin d6 hQa vao email va nhap "Nop
Submission" in the subject line of the e-mail t:ruy~n ngk" tren dong tieu dg cua tin nhk
message. That's the only thing your subject e-mail. D6la digu duy nhit dong tieu dg cua

line should say. If you do not use this subject b<;~-n nen n6i. Ngu b<;~n khong vigt tieu dg tren
dong nay' tac ph~rn cua b<;tn se khong duqc

line, your work will not be looked at.

Your e-mail must include a single paragraph xern xet.
synopsis of your stmy. Thank you. E-mail cua b<;~n phai bao g6rn mot ban torn
t~t do<;~n duy nhit cua cau chuy~n cua b<;tn.
Xin earn an.

153. What does the notice contain? 153. Thong bao nay gBm co m)i dung gi?
A Advice for writing a book (A) Lm khuyen cho vi~c vigt mot cu6n
B. How to complete runanusctipt sach.

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO()ll
nhfun giup cac b()ll co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m'ly
vi nhu th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b<;tll da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

C. Instructions for sending in stories (B) Lam the nao dg hoim thimh ban thiio.
D. Instructions for submitting website (C)Hucmg d~n gifi trong cac cau
content. chuy~n.
154. What does the notice contain? (D) Huang dan trinh noi dung website.
A. It receives many status in~uiries 154. Trang thong bao c6 n6i gi v~

from entrant.
B. It publicizes submission events once a (A)No nh~n (lU'C!C nhi~uyeu cau hoi ve

year tr~ng thai tir cac thi sinh.
C. It pay a lot for published stories. (B) N6 cong khai cac S\1' ki~n nop moi

D. It has many we bsi tes nammotl§n.
(C) N6 t:ra rit nhigu cho cau chuy~n duqc
xuit ban.
(D)N6 c6 rit nhigu t:rang web.

Food for Thought
tic 155-156
"Thanh N gfr. food for thought: 'ti~u 'tang
suy nghi."
The third edition of The Travelers "Guideto" An ban thu ba cua The Travelers "Guideto"
Japan is just a few steps away from being Nmt Ban vua mai duqc xuit ban va nhigu
published and many of our readers can't wait. doc gia cua chUn.g toi khong thg cho d<;Yi.

This best selling guide book on Japan is Cu6n sach huang dan btm ch~y nhlt t()i Nmt
renowned for its expanstve infmmation Ban n&i tigng vg thong tin toan di~n bao quat
coveting all the famous local attractions and tit ca nhiing digm dgn hip dan 6 dia phucmg
tomist sites. However, this year our publisher va cac dia digm du lich. Tuy nhien, nam nay

shave decided to add a dining section to the nha xuit b{m cua chUn.g toi ra quygt dinh
guide, which will be dedicated to introducing them mot chuyen ml)C huang dan Vg noi an
famous local restamants and dining u6ng , trong d6 se duqc danh rieng dg giai

establishments for our readers to visit. thi~u cac nha h~mg n&i tigng dia phucmg va
cac CO SO an u6ng cho doc gia CUa ChUng toi

c6 thg ghe qua .

If you are interested in having a review of Ngu b()n quan tam dgn vi~c c6 nhiinng nhful
your restaurant published in our book, please xet gi6i thi~u vg nha hang cua b~n duqc x~t
contact us. We have a special a)anel of bfm t:rong cu6n sach cua chUn.g toi, xin vui
restaurant reviewers who will t)ay you a long lien h~ v6i chUn.g toi. ChUn.g toi c6 mot
visit to s.ama)le your food. If your business nhom chuyen gia t)he binh se co mqt
qualifies to be featured in our book, your chuy~n tham tOi nha hang ctia b~n dg thir
restaurant review will be included in our book th\l'C phlm nai b~n . Ngu vi~c kinh doanh

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO()ll
nhfun giup cac b()ll co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m'ly
vi nhu th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b()ll da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

with a small advertising charge. This is a great nay cua b~n du dieu ki~n dg dm;rc xuat hi~n
PR opportrmity for your business and is b:ong cu6n sach clia chling toi, danh gia vg
provided data relatively low cost. With as nha hang cua b(ln se dm;rc bao g6m b:ong
mall additional charge, you can even include cu6n sach CUa ChUng toi chi Vffi mot kholm
a J)hotograJ)h of the restaurant. If you are phi qllimg cao nh6. Day la mot co hoi PR

curious about how your restaurant review will tuy~t vm cho doanh nghi~p cua b~n va dm;rc
look in our guidebook , you can view a sample cung d.p s6 li~u v6i chi phi tuong d6i th~p.

rev1ew on our website at v 6i chi phi phat sinh them nh6 be nhu vay,
www.travelersguidetojapan .com. Don't b~n th~m chi co th~ bao gam mqt blfc anh

hesitate to contact us if you have any further cua nha hang. Ngu b(ln to mo vg each danh
questions. gia nha hang cua b(ln se xu~t hi~n nhu thg
nao b:ong sachhu6ng dan cua chling toi, b(lfl
CO thg xem xet mot mau tJ:en trang web CUa

chling toi t(li
tic www. travelersguidetojapan .com. Dlm.g
ng5n ng(li lien M v6i chimg toi ngu b~n c6
b~t cu thitc m~c gi them.
155. For whom is this advertisement 155. Quang cao nhtim t&i d9c gia Ia ai?
intended? A Cac nha xu~t bim

A Book publishers B. C hu sa
hfru nha hang
B. Restaurants owners c. Khach du lich
C. Tomists D. Qllim ly khach S(ln
D. Hotel managers 156. Theo nhuquang cao, chi ti~t nao c6 thi

156. Accordingto the advertisement, what dUQ'C them VQO vifi m<)t khoan phi danh
can be added to the guide for a nominal fee? nghza?
A Owner's profile (A) H6 so ly lich cua chu so hfru.

B. Menu samples (B) Cac mau thl,fc don


C. Pictures (C)Cac hinh anh.

D. Directions (D) Cac chi dan .

157-159 157-159..
For: Jay Schmolts Danh cho : Jay Schmolts
While you were away, you received a call Trong khi ngai di v~ng, nhan duqc mot cuoc
from: gQi tir:
1. Mrl Mrs Toyosaka. 1. Ong I Ba Toyosaka.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vi en nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO(lll
nhfun giup cac b(lll co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nlm th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b(lll da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

- Of: Coopers Industries. - Tir: Coopers Industries.

- Telephone number: (401) 525-1 039 - s6 di~n tho:;ti: ( 40 1) 525-1 039
- Message: Wants to cancel the meeting -Tin nhfu: Mu6n huy b6 cuoc hQp d\I kign
scheduled this week, and set Up another trong tufin nay, Va lap mot CUOC hQp VaO tufin
meeting for next week to discuss several toi dg luan vg mot s6 v~n dg tai chinh

financial issues relating to his business, lien quan dgn vi~c lam an cua anh ta, bao
including the schedule of the Uf)COming gom ca ljch trinh V~ ti~n trinh ki~m toan

financial audit t)rocess. tai chinh s~1) too.
2. Mrl Mrs Winters 2. Ong I ba Winters

- Of: Personal - Tir: ca nhan
-Telephone number: 525-4204. - s6 di~n tho:;ti: 525-4204.
- Message: Wanted comfirmation that we - Tin nh~n: Mong mu6n xac nh~n rang
had received her e-mail containing her chong ta (}a nh~n (tuc;rc e-mail cua co ta

cover letter and resume for her application co chua thu xin co va h6 so U:ng tuygn cho
for the accounting assistan 't position because
she hadn't heard anything from you for two
weeks. Please check your e-mail and let her
vi tJ.i tr<;r ly kg toim boi vi co khong nhan
du<;rc tin gi tir b:;tn trong hai tufin qua. Vui
long kigm h a e-mail cua b:;tn va bao cho co
know if you did not receive anything from ~y bigt ngu b~n khong Man du<;rc b~t cu thu
her. She also sent hard copies of her gi tir co ~y. Co ciing gUi ban sao cling clia
documents to our office just to be safe. tai li~u dgn van phong cua chUn.g toi chi dg
3. Mrl Mrs Anna. cMccMn.

- Of: Dr. Cheng 's office. 3. Ong I baAnna.

-Telephone number: 525-1 942 - Tir: Van phong cua bac si Cheng.
- Message: your annualt)hysical has been - s6 di~n tho:;ti: 525-1 942
rescheduled for this afternoon at 3:30 t)m - Tin nhfu: Cuqc ki~m tra th~ chit hang

instead of 9:30 am tomorrow due to an nam cua b~n da (tuc;rc dOi l~i chi~u nay t~i
emergency surgety scheduled for Dr Cheng at 03:30 thay vi 09:30 ngay mai do mot cuoc
the hospital. Please call back if the new time phau thuat khl.n c~p du<;rc len kg ho:;tch cho

doesn 't work for you. Also, don 't forget to Tign si Cheng t~i b~nh vi~n. Xin vui long
gQi l~i ngu thm gian moi khong phu h<;tp v6i

bting the questionnaire regarding your

previous medical history records when you b~n. Ngoai ra, khong quen mang theo b{m
come for the check-up. cau hoi lien quan dgn h6 so b~nh sir tmoc
4. Mrl Mrs Jones. do cua b~n khi b~n dgn dg kigm tra.
- Of: jones Computers. 4. Ong I ba J ones.
-Telephone number: 525-0165. - Tir : Jones Computers.
-Message: Your computer has been fixed and - S6 di~n tho:;ti: 525-0165.
can be picked up anytime Friday. All bill - Tin nh~n: May tinh cua b~n da du<;rc sira
detailing the cost of the repairs has already chfra va co thg du<;rc l~y b~t cu hie nao vao

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;lll
nhfun giup cac b<;Ln co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th~ se lam rn~t di gia tri rna cac b<;Ln da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

been sent to you via e-mail. Please give them thu Sau. Tat ca h6a don chi tiet chi phi slia
a call before dropping by to make sure that chua da dm;rc gm cho bl;ln qua e-mail. Xin
that if the office is open. vui long gQi cho hQ tmoc khi ghe qua d~
dam bao r~ng van phong c6 m6 clia hay

157. Why did Ms Winter contact Mr 157. Tt;Zi sao Ms.Winters lien h? Mr.
Schmolts? Schmolts?

A. To give a job offer (A) D~ dua ra mot loi dg nghj cong vi~c
B. To au ange a job interview (B) £)~ s~p x§p mot CUOC phong vfin vi~c
C. To infonn about the new e-mail hun
D. To ask if materials were received (C) Thong bao vg cac dia chi e-mail moi

(D) D~ yeu du n~u tai li~u (fa duc;rc
tic nh~n
158. What does Mr Schmolts need to do 158. Nhimg gi ong Sclmwlts dnphai lion
today? hom nay?
A. Call his accountant (A) GQi cho k§ totm clia minh

B. Send a resume (B) Gm mot ban ly lich

C. Visit the doctor's office (C) Ghe tham van 1)himg ctia bac si
D. Meet with Mr.Toyosaka (D)G~p go voi Mr.Toyosaka
159. In what area doesMr.Schmoltsprobably 159. Mr.Sclmwlts c6 thJ lion vi?c trong l'inh

work? ' '?

v~rc nao.

A. Hospital management (A) Quan ly b~nh vi~ n

B. Finance (B) Tai chinh

C. Administrative suppoli (C) Ho tn;r hanh chinh


D. Architecture (D) Ki§n true.

160-162 160-162
The Waverly Center atWater Tnmg tam Waverly t()i Waterbury
The Waverly Center at Water bury I S Tnmg tam Waverly tl;li Waterbury thu~n ti~n
conveniently situated at the intersection of n~m t()i nga tu duang 8 va 1-84. Trai
Route and 1-84. Experience our brand new nghi~m thuong hi~u nha hang mOi ctia
bistr_!, which provides healthy offerings in chong toi, trong d6 cung d p nhfrng bfra
the morning at a small fee for hotel guests, sang c6 loi cho sue khoe khoan phi nho cho

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nlm th~ se lam rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

plus dinner se1vice in the evening. Plus, you CaC vi khach 0 khach S<;lll, cong Vffi dich Vl,l
are sure to love our new and stylishly bfra t6i vao bu6i t6i. Han nfra, b<;~n ch~c ch~
designed guest rooms. Planning an event? se thich phong khach moi va duqc thigt kg
With over 10,000 square feet of meeting mot each thai trang rit CO phong each CUa
space, our recently renovated ballrooms and chlm.g toi . Lap kg ho<;tch cho mot S\1' ki~n?

professional catering staff make the Vm han 10.000 feet vuong khong gian hoi
Comtyard Water bury hotel the perfect place hQp, phong khieu vii duqc nang dp g§n day

to hold meetings, special events and nhan vien ph1,1c v1,1 chuyen nghi~p khign cho
weddings! khach s<;tn Courtyard Waterbury la noi 1y

Meeting Space Highlights tuong dS t6 chuc cac cuoc hQp, cac S\1' ki~n
• 6 meeting rooms d~c bi~t va kg ho<;tch cho dam cuoi!
• 10,000 sq.ft. of total meeting space Khong gian hoi hQp n6i bat trong do:

• Largest meeting room is the Grand • 6 phong hQp
ballroom, witl1 maXImum meeting • 1o. ooo ft. t6ng khong gian hoi nghi

eating capacity of 400.

space of 3,744 sq. ft and maximums

When eve1y detail must be perfect, you can

• Phong hQp 16n nhit la Ballroom
Grand, voi khong gian hoi nghi 16n
nhltla 3,744 ft va
count on our advanced facilities and expeit t6i da an cong suit vm sue chua toi
meeting professionals to deliver a productive 400 ngum.
and successful outcome. Come visit our new Khi mQi chi tigt phai duqc hoan hao, b<;tn co
website at www.waver for thS tin tuong vao cac co so vat chit tien tign

room details or directions. To make a CUa ChUng toi va nhfrng chuyen gia Vg cac
reservation, please feel free to call the fi·ont cuoc hQp dS di dgn mot mot kgt qua nhigu
desk at 852-989-2125 hi~u qua va thanh cong. Hay den tham
trang web moo cua chong toi t~i

www. cho cac chi ti~t

ve t)hong ho~c hucmg d~n. DS d~t phong,
xin vui long gQi cho qu§y le tan t<:~i s6: 852-


160. What is indicated about the Waverly 160. Quang cao n6i gi v~ Trung tam
Center? Waverly?
A. It is located in the center of the city. (A) No rilim o tnmg tam clia thanh ph6.
B. It can accommodate group so fall sizes. (B) No co thS chua nhom dS giam kich co.
C. It provides a personal spa se1vice. (C) No cung cip mot dich Vl,l spa ca nhan.
D. It has a hotel restaurant on site. (D) No co mqt nha hang khach s~n trong
lk hu V\fC trung tam.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nlm th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

161. What is availahle for an additional 161. Voi mot khoan chi phi b& sung khiteh
charge? c6 th~ dm;rc phl)c Vl) cai gi?
A Transpmtation from the airpmt (A) Phuong ti~n van chuy~n ti.r san bay.
B. Breakfast for guests (B) Bfra sang cho khach.
C. Use ofthe exercise facilities (C) Sir dl)llg cac ca so tap th~ dl)c.

D. Cateting for weddings (D) Dich V\1 an u6ng cho dam cuoi.

162. According to the advertisement, how can 162. Theo quang cao, lam thg nao nhiing
directions to the Waverly Center be attained? huang dan t6i Trung tam Waverly c6 th~ c6

A. By visiting the center's website dm;rc?
B. By calling the front desk (A) B~ng each tluy cap website cua bung
C. By consulting a map tam.
D. Bye-mailing the manager (B) B~ng each gQi quky le tan.

(C) Bfug each tham khao ban d6.

tic (D) Theo e-mail cho qu{m ly

Reading is Fun! Dqc sach Ia ni~m vui!
Dear Friends ofFulmont, Than gt:'ri cac bt;m cua Fulmont.
We are about to complete our first and vety Chimg ta s~p hoan thanh mot nam d~u tien
successful year of Reading Is Fun at Fulmont va r~t thanh cong voi chuang tlinh "DQc

Academy. Many children who have never sach la nigm vui" t(li hQc vi~n Fulmont.
received a brand-new book of their choice Nhigu u·e em chua bao gio nhan duqc mot
were given this oppmtunity. Others who are cu6n sach moi toanh do chimg hra chQn clia
fmtunate to have books of their own were hQ da duqc trao ca hoi nay. Nhiing nguoi

excited and grateful about choosing a new may m~n c6 duqc cu6n sach cua tieng minh
book. The volunteers for this program have da r~t phfin khich va bigt an vg vi~c chQn
done an outstanding job in motivating these duqc mot cu6n sach moi. Cac tinh nguy~n

young readers. They are very excited about vien cho chuang hinh nay da th\l'C hi~n mot
cong vi~c xuM s~c trong vi~c thuc cffiy cac

beginning a new year with RIF .

doc gia he. Chling toi r~t vui mimg vg vi~c
b~t d~u mot nam m6i v6i RIF (Vigt t~t clia
Reading is Fun).
The enclosed information is about RIF and Thong tin kern theo n6i vg RIF va danh
the book tllate that we used this ()ast school m~;~c chti nhan cuan sach rna chong toi sif
year. I will be contacting you to see if you d~;~ng trong nam hqc vira qua. Toi se lien
will be able to help us with this endeavor. If h~ v6i b(lll d~ xem ngu b(lll c6 th~ giup chling
you have any questions, I encourage you to toi v6i no l\l'C nay. N~u b;m co bit Ctf thiic

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nlm th~ se lam rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

call me at 485-215-6598. mac nao, toi khuyen khich b~n goi cho toi
Any contributions can be made out to: t~i : 485-215-6598.
Reading is Fun at Fulmont Academy B~t ky dong gop co thg duQc th1,rc hi~n ra:
Thank you for your support! Doc sach la Fun t~ hoc vi~n Fulmont .
Sincerely yours, Cam an vi Sl,f Ung hQ CUa cac b~ !

3~3~ Tran trong,
Marketing Director Janice James

Gitun d6c Marketing.

163. What is the purpose of the letter? 163. Mlrlc dich cua Ia thu Ia gi?
A. To reguest a donation (A) D~ yeu cau quyen gop
B. To talk about the success of Fulmont (B) £)g noi vg Sl,f thanh cong cua hoc vi~n

C. To adve1tise a special offer (C) ugquang cao cho m9t san ph~m d~c bi~t
D. To thank people for their suppoit
164. What are readers encouraged to do?
A. Get financial suppmt from parents and
(D) ug cam on moi nguOi da ling h9
164. D9c gia duQ'c khuy~n khich lam gi?
(A) Nhan ho trQ tai chinh tir cac bac cha m~
suppmters va nhfrng nguoi ling h9
B. Motivate students to read more books (B) Thuc &y hoc sinh doc sach nhigu ha n .
C. Contact Janice James for more (C) Lien h~ vOi Janice James cho bi~t
information them thong tin.

D. Volunteer for the Reading IS Fun (D) Tinh nguy~ n vien cho chuang tiinh
program " Reading Is Fun".

165-168. 165-168.

Green Roof. Inn Qm1n trQ MaiNha Xanh

Wind River Mountains; Wyoming Bed & Day nUi Wind River ; Thgm Wyoming &
Breakfast Information . Thong tin bfra sang.

Welcome to the Green Roof Inn in the Wind Chao mirng b~n dgn Nha n·o Mai Nha Xanh

River Mountains, where guests ·delight in 6 day nUi Wind River, noi khach thoa thich
our food and area mazed by the stunning vOi nhfrng mon an va khu Vl!C co nhfrng
views of mountains that are situated just canh guan tuy~t d~p clia nhfrng ngon nUi
across the river. n~m ngay ben kia song cua chilng toi.
At the Crescent Water Gounnet restaurant, T ~ Nha Hang Crescent Water Gourmet nha
breakfasts often feature our famous himg, bfra sang thuong co banh myvoi cong
sourdo;ugh bread, a blue-1ibbon w inner at the thuc b9t btmh my 1ieng clia chilng toi, m9t
County Fair. Sample from Wyoming's best chign thikg danh d1,r (b9t banh my nay da
selection of single malt Scotch whiskies, too. chign thltng m9t giai gi do 6 h9i chQ) t~i H9i

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnoi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nlm th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

Lunch and dinner menus feature a wide ch<;r CUa h<;tt. Hang mau dUn.g thu tir nhiing
variety-of tasty local dishes, from steak to tuy~n chQn t6t nhit CUa Wyoming voi m<;Lnh
fish. And to end your- m.eal on the perfect nha len men ru<;ru Whiskies duy nhlt. Bfra
note, indulge in our pastry cheifs daily tma va thl,fc don bfra an t6i bao g6m rit
Sf)ecial. nhigu mon an d:ia phuang ngon, tU thj.t cho

Our highly respected chefs include the t6i ca. Va d~ kgt thuc bfra an cU.a b~;~n trong
occasional famous guest chef, each of whom S\.f hoim hao, tan huang bfm than b<;~-n voi

always prepares a wide variety of sumptuous (t:iu b~t) banh ngqt cua chong toi vOi
dishes that range from traditional dishes to nhfrng mon d~c bi~t mai ngay.

more unusual fare . There is something special D~u bgp rit dang ton trQng cua chling toi bao
for eveiyone. Also, our talented chefs are g6m cac d~u bgp khach mm n6i tigng higm
willing to meet your specific dietary requests. khi ' moi d~u bgp nay luon chu§n bi mot lo<;~-t
So if you have . any special requests regarding cac m6n an thinh SO<;In rna ph~;~m vi tir cac

your meal just let us .know and we can m6n an truygn th6ng v6i muc gia khac
prepare a special menu to comply with your thuong han. Luon c6 thu d~c bi~t cho tit ca
dietary restrictions. Breakfast is se1ved fi·om mQi nguoi. Ngoai ra, cac d~u bgp tai nang
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m .and lunch fi·omll :30 cua chling toi san sang dap Ung cac yeu c~u
a.m .to 2:00 p.m, 7 days a week dinner is C\1 th~ phu hQp chg do an u6ng cua b<;tn. Vi
seived fi·om 5:00p.m to 10:00 p.m, six days a vay, ngu b<;Ln c6 bit ky yeu c~u d~c bi~t lien
week ,and until 7:00 p.m on Sundays. quan dgn bfra an cua b<;~-n chi c~n cho chling
We can accommodate sixteen adult guests in toi va chling toi c6 th~ chu§n bi mot thl,fc

three rooms and five cabins. From May don ~c bi~t d~ thl,fc hi~n theo chg do an
through September your stay must be for at kieng CUa b<;tn. An sang du<;rc ph\lC V\1 07:00-
least two nights, except on the second 9:00 sang va tma tir 11 : 30 toi 14:00,7 ngay
Saturday of each month, when we take one- mot t~n .Dinner du<;rc ph\lC V\1 17:00-

night guest who attend our single malt Scotch 10:00, sau ngay mot t~n, va cho dgn 07:00
whisky tastings. vao cac ngay chu nhat.
See Wyoming through the eye of Fremont Chling c6 th~ dap l.lng muoi sau khach nguoi

County artists at Miss Ellen's Galle1y, which 16n trong ba phong va nam cabins. Tir

is convenienly located 1ight across the street Thang 5 t6i thang 9 nghl cU.a b<;Ln phai 6 t<;~-i
from our inn. Our setting fosters discourse for nha nghl cU.a chling toi it nhlt 2 dem, trir
people who use imagination and feeling to bu6i thu 7 thu hai hang thang, khi chling toi
create ,Join us as we gaze at a gazillion stars moi nhiing vi khach 6 mot dem tham dl,f
eve1ynight. Explore, curl up with a great bu6i ngm thu bot m<;Lnh nha len men ru<;ru
book, and hear yourself think. Whisky duy nhit cua chling toi.
Room service. N g~m Wyoming qua con m~t CUa cac ngh~
Sl Fremont County t~;~i bu6i ni~n Him cua co
Ellen, thuan ti~n n~m ngay ben kia duang

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;lll
nhfun giup cac b<;Ln co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th~ se lam rn~t di gia tri rna cac b<;Ln da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

nha nghi cua chim.g toi. Nhfrng S\1' sap cUlt

clia chimg toi c6 vii nhfrng cuoc dam luful
cho nhfrng nguoi Slr d\lll.g t:ri tuong tuqng va
d un giac d~ sang ~0. Tham gia CUng chimg
toi voi chuang tdnh ng~m sao hang dem.

Kham pha, voi mot cu6n sach tuy~t voi, va
l~ng nghe minh nghl gi.

Dich v1,1 phong
Guests can enj oy breakfast in bed, lunch on Du khach co th~ thuong thuc bfra sang t:ren

their verandah, and dinner in a cozy annchair. giuong, an trua du oi mai hien, va an t6i t:ren
Because we offer room service 24 hours a mot ghe banh 5m cimg. BOi vi chimg toi
day, we can satisfy your sudden craving for a cung c~p dich V\l))h(mg 24 giir mqt ngay,
snack at any time of the day. chimg toi co th~ dap ling nhlmg con them iin

Please see our special room setv ice menu for b~t ngo cua b~n b~t kY thai gian t:rong ngay.

contacted at extension 1555.

choice and pnces. The kitchen can be Vui long xem th\l'C don dich V\1 phong d~c
bi~t CUa chimg tOi cho S\1' l\l'a chQn va gia ca.
Nha bgp co th~ lien l:;tc duqc 6 s6 may ph1,1
165. For whom is the information most likely 165. Thong tin nay duQ'c nh!im cho dBi

intended? tuQ'ng nao?

A Room setv ice chefs (A) D~u bgp dich v1,1 phong
B. W ind River Mountains hotel managers (B) Qui'm ly khach s<;tn Wind River
C. Guests at the Green Roof Inn Mountains.

D. Waiters at the Crescent Water (C) Du khach t~i Nha N ghi Mai nha
restaurant ~a nh.
166. According to the information, what (D) B6i ban t<;Li nha hang Crescent Water.

happens every day? 166. Theo cac thong tin tren, nhifng gi se

A Fresh fi:uit is setved. xay ra mJi ngay?

B. The ))astry chef ))reJ)ares a SJ)ecial (A) Trai cay tuoi duqc ph1,1c V\1.
desert. (B) D~u b~J) lam banh ()astry chu~n bj
C. Famous guest chef sprepare dinner. mqt mon trang mi~ng (}~c bi~t.
D. The restaurant closes at 7 p.m . (C) D~u bgp n&i tigng se chu§n bi bfra
167. What is stated about the room service? t6i.
A The menu changes weekly. (D) Cac nha himg dong clia luc 19:00.
B. Guests can submit an order at any 167. Nhimg gi duQ'c n6i ve' cac dtch V1tl
time of the day. phong?

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nlm th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

C. The menu is identical to the one in the (A) Th\l'c don thay d6i hang tuan.
restaurant. (B) Du khach co th~ gifi mqt don (}~t
D. Guests should order by calling the t~i b~t kjr thiri gian trong ngay.
front desk. (C) Cac th\l'c don gi6ng h~t nhau.
(D) Du khach nen $.t hang b~ng cachgQi

quky le tan.
168. The word 'meet 'in paragraph 3, line 4 is 168. Tt'r 'dap z'mg' tq,i khoan 3, dong 4la gdn

closest in meaning to? nhdt trong y nghza
A introduce (A) Gioi thi~u

B. announce (B)Cong b6
C. fulfill (C) Thl!c hi~n, (tat) lfng
D. assemble (D)L~p rap.

169-171. 169-171
Starting from Monday , January 12, the B~t dfiu tir thu 2, ngay 12 thang 1, cac
Riverville Independent will publish a St)ecial Riveiville Independent se cong b6 mqt
section dedicated to the tot)ic of careers, chuyen m~;~c (}~c bi~t danh rieng cho chii
specifically focusing on occupations in the d~ noi v~ Sl! nghi~p, $.c bi~t tap trung vao
health care indushy. This new section of the nghg nghi~p trong nganh cong nghi~p cham
newspaper will include advertisements from soc sue khoe. Chuyen ffi\lC mm nay cua to
local hospitals, clients, and schools in the bao se bao g6m quang cao tir cac b~nh vi~n

River ville Valley region that are hi1ing health dia phuong, khach hang, va cac tmang 6
care professionals. It will also feature articles khu V\l'C Riveiville Valley rna se thue cac
on the cunent recnritment climate and also chuyen gia cham soc sue khoe. No cilng se
feature inte1views with local professionals in co bai vigt vg khong khi tuy~n d\lllg gin day

the health care field that deal with recruitment va cling CO nhfrng CUQC phong vfin vffi cac
needs and the health care indushy, while chuyen gia dia phuong n·ong llnh V\l'C cham
providing other useful interview tips. These soc sue khoe rna d6i m~t voi nhu ciu tuy~n

action will be available online on Sunday, d\lllg cua cac nganh cong nghi~p va dich V\1
cham soc sue khoe, n·ong khi cung c~p cac

January 11. We believe that this new section

will be a helpful stepping stone for both m~o phong v~n hfru ich khac. Nhfrng
recruiters and job seekers in a time of high chuang trinh nay se co san nvc tuygn vao
unemployment. Chu Nhat, ngay 11 Thang 1. Chimg toi tin
For those of you that would like to run are r~ng phfin moi nay se la m9t buoc d~m hfru
recruiting advertisement in our paper, please ich cho ca nha tuy~n d\lllg va nguoi tim vi~c
rese1ve ad space today and ensure the widest trong khoang thai gian ti 1~ th~t nghi~p cao.
possible audience for your organization's D6i vm nhfrng nguoi n·ong cac b<;Ul rna
employment opportunities. As you know, the mu6n hi~n khai quang cao tuy~n d\lllg

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th~ se lam rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

Rivetv ille Independent is one of the biggest trong bai bao ella t6i, vui long ill;lt
local newspapers in town, both in terms of cho cho khoang bao dang bai ngay hom
circulation and the number of repmters, with nay va dam bao ph()m vi d6i tm;mg doc gia
more than 60 years of experience .We attract rong nhi t d6i voi cac co hoi vi~c lam t<;~,i t&
a wide range of readers, fi:om fresh- out- of- chuc cua b<;~,n. Nhu b<;~,n eta bigt, Riverville

college graduates to expetienced seruor Independent la mot trong nhfrng to bao dia
managers . The deadline for a1)plying for the phuong Ion nhi t trong thanh ph6 vg ca

advertisement Sl)aCe is Thursday, January Iuong phat hanh va s6 Iuong cua cac phong
8. Call Jennifer Hitch at 1-800-225-1 685, ext vien, vm ha n 60 nam kinh nghi~m ch(mg

1for more information, or send an e-mail to toi thu hut nhigu d6i tuQng cac doc gia, tir
careers@Riverville sinh vi en moi t6t nghi~p dgn qutm ly cip
cao co kinh nghi ~m . Thm h<;Ln ap d\lllg cho
cac khong gian quang cao Ia thlf N am,

Mung Tam, Thang MC)t . Lien h~ Jennifer
tic Hitch t()i 1-800-225-1 685, s6 may ph\1 0 1
dg bigt them thong tin, ho~c gm e-mail vao
dia chi car eers@River ville
Indep endent. net.
169. What will the newspaper's special 169. Chuyen m1ttc d(lc bi?t cua tit bao se n6i
section deal with? v~ van~ gi?
A. Newly opened health care facilities (A) Co so cham soc sue khoe vira dUQC

B. Careers in the health care industry khai truong

C. Books and resources on heal the are (B) N gh~ nghi~l) trong nganh con~
D. Online medical courses nghi~p cham soc slfc khoe
(C) Sach va cac ngu6n hrc trong cham

soc sue khoe.

(D) Khoa hQc y tg online.
170. What will NOT be covered in the special 170. Nhfmg gi khong duQ'c cfe cl),p trong

section? chuyen mltlC d(lc bi?t nay?


A. Information about scholarshii)S for (A) Thong tin ve hqc bAng cho giao
medical education d~;~c y t~.
B. Inte1v iews about the healthcare (B) Phong vin vg nganh cong nghi~p
industry cham soc sue khoe.
C. Job postings for van ous medical- (C) Dang thong tin vi~c lam cho nhigu vi
related positions tri lien quan tm y tg.
D. Advertisements placed by healthcare (D)Quang cao dUQC d~t boi cac co so
facilities. cham soc sue khoe.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nhu th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

171. By when should the advertising space be 171. Khi niw Ia thili hc;m cuBi ad dt;zt chJ
reserved by the latest? dang bao quiing cao?
A. January 8 (A) N gay 8 thang 1.
B. January 11 (B) Ngay 11 thang 1.
C. January 12 (c) Ngay 12 thang 1.

D. January 15 (D) Ngay 15 thang 1.

172-175. 172-175.
Manila, March 30 -On September 24 the Manila, ngay 30 thang 3- ngay 24 thang 9.

Manila City Council approved new Hoi d6ng thanh ph6 Manila phe duy~t quy
regulations regarding street vendors. This was dinh moi lien quan dgn nguoi ban d<;~.o
largely due to complaints the govenunent duemg ph6. Vi~c nay phfui lemla do khigu
n~i rna chinh phu nh~n duqc tir nha himg

received from Manila restaurant and small
business owners. Manila restaurant owners Manila va cac chu doanh nghi~p nh6. Chu
have been complaining about new tic nha hang Manila da phan nan vg S\I c~nh
competition from street vendors selling tranh mm tir cac nguOi bim d<;to hang h6a va
gounnet goodies and have been demanding da yeu du Hoi d6ng thanh ph6 c6 hanh
that City Council take legal action. dong phap ly.
As the number of tourists has rapidly Khi s6 luqng khach du lich tang len nhanh
increased in recent years, the number of street chong trong nhfrng nam gfin day, s6 lm;mg
vendors has increased accordingly, widening cac nha cung dp duemg ph6 da tang theo,

the items they sell to everything fi:om da d~ng cac m~t hang hQ ban cho tit ca mQi
ieeeream to sunglasses. A booming gourmet thu tu kern d~ kinh mat. Thl,Ic phfun duemg
street food in Manila also led vendors to ph6 dang bimg n& 6 Manila ciing khign cac
feature a variety of different ethnic cuisines as nguOi ban le cung cip mot lo<;~.t cac m6n an

well as fancy deserts, including high-end dan toe khac nhau ciing nhu m6n trang
cupcakes and Creme Bruiee, so that they have mi~ng duqc ua thich, bao g6m cupcakes cao
now become a direct tlu·eat to many local cip va Creme Bruiee, do vay rna bay gio hQ

pasn·y and bakery shops. da tr6 thanh mot m6i de dQa trl,IC tigp dgn

cac CUa hang banh Pashy va banh ngQt dia

Then, new regulations will limit the Sau d6, quy (fjnh moo se h~n ch~ sa luqng
number of street vendors t)ermitted to nguiri ban rong duirng t)ha duc;rc t)het)
operate within ho~t dqng trong (}ja ph~n:
• Each business dishict and establish • Moi khu kinh doanh va thigt lap cac quy
rules about where street vendors can set up t~c vg noi bim hang rong c6 thg ~t xe hang
their rong clia hQ.
• ca1ts. Under tlus new law, food ca1t sin • Theo luat moi nay, xe ban hang an rong 6

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nhu th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

Manila must have a pennit. Street vendors Manila phai co giay phep. Cac ngum btm le
will be required to purchase a three-month duong ph6 se dm;rc yeu c~u mua mqt gi~y
))ermitthat will allow them to sell their goods ))he)) ba thang, cho phep hQ btm rumg chi
only within a certain area of the city. The trong mot khu V\l'C nhit dinh CUa thanh ph6.
number of petmits in each dishict will be s6 giiy phep trong moi huy~n se dm;rc giiun

closely monitored by the City Council. The sat cW'tt che boi Hoi D6ng Thanh Ph6. Cac
permits will cost $500 and must be clearly on giiy phep se co gia 500 USD va phlti dg ro

display on each Cait. Applications for vendor rang tJ.·en moi xe hang btm rong. Chinh sach
permits must be made in person at the city ap dt,Ing cho nhfrng nguoi btm hang rong

safety office on Luella Street between phfu dm;rc th\l'c hi~n nvc tigp t<;~,i van phong
December land December 15. anninh thanh ph6 u·en ph6 Luella tir gifra
There regulations will requires treet vendors ngay lthang 1 vangay 15 thang 12.
to keep a minimum distance of 5 meters from Co nhfrng quy dinh yeu c~u cac nguoi ban

each other. Then new regulations will take rong c~n phfu gift mot khoang each t6i thigu
effect on Janua1y 30 of the coming yem·. 5 met vm nhau. Sau do, quy dinh mm se co
hi~u l\l'C vao ngay 30 thfmg 1 CUa nam toi.

172. The word "certain" in paragraph 3, 172. Tt'r "nhtit dtnh" in paragraph 3, dong
line 5 is closest in meaning to 5 Ia gcin nghza nhtit viti?
(A) objective (A) M\lC tieu.
(B) accurate (B) Chinh xac.

(C) dependable (C) Cay.

(D) SJ)ecific (D) C~;~ th~.
173. What is NOT said about the new 173. Cai gi KHONG duQ'c nhfzc ~n v~ gitiy
permits? phep mili?

(A) They cost $500. (A) Chimg co gia 500 USD.

(B) The pe1mits must be on display. (B) Cac giiy phep phai dm;rc n.·ung bay.
(C) They m·e effective for three (C) Chimg co hi~u qua trong ba tiling.

months. (D) Hq se co m~t ngay I~)) tile.


They will be available (E)

174. What is the new minimum distance 174. Khoang each tBi thidu gif'ra cac xe ban
between vendor carts? rang Ia bao nhieu?
(A) 5 meters (A)5 met.
(B) 10 meters (B) 10 met.
(C) 15 meters (C) 15 met.
(D) 20 meters (D)20 met.
(D) immediately.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nhu th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

175. What can be inferred from the 175. Di~u gi c6 thi GUQ'C suy ra tit cac bcli
article? bao?
(A) Only a few vendors are expected (A) Chi c6 mot s6 it cac nlui cung d.p se
to apply for the permits. ap d\lllg cho cac giiy phep.
(B) There was no limit on the sa
(B) Khong co giOi h~n v~ luqng cac

number of Street vendors in the nguiri ban rong trong qua khir.
))a st. (C) Theo quy dinh hi~n nay, cac nhlt

(C) Under cmrent regulations , street cung cip duang ph6 khong duqc
vendors are not allowed to sell phep ban th\l'c ph§rn.

food. Vi~c xin giiy phep chi c6 thg duqc gm qua
(D) Applications for permits can only duang buu di~n
be submitted by mail.

176-180 176-180.
Media Contact; Arornade Pepper
Westend Research Opens New Office
tic N ghien CUu phuong dong rn6 mot van
phong VOi lam tang t:rign VQng CUa cong ty.
Toykyo, Nhat Ban, ngay 9 thang 1, tl;li Vi~n
Broadening the Scope of the Company Phuong Dong, nhfrng nhlt lanh d()o toan du
Tokyo, Japan, January 9: Westend, the t:rong mot nghien CUu vg sue khoe va thu
global leader in online healthcare research thap dfr li~u, (}a thong bao ngay hom nay
and data collection, announced today the v~ vi~c khai truong van phong a T ok'Yo

O))ening of its Tokyo office. With the cua n6. Voi mot van phong b6 sung t(;l.i
addition of its Tokyo office, Westend now Tokyo, Phuong Dong gia day t:rign khia mot
boasts a network of eight world wide rn(;l.llg luoi g6rn 8 vi hi n~rn rai rae t:ren to~m
locations, offeting localized suppmt across du, dua ra nhfrng S\1' ho trq dia phuang h6a

the globe. t:ren toan c~u.

Westend first established its Asian head Phuong Dong ban d~u thanh Iap van phong
quarters in HongKong. With the opening of clia n6 t()i HongKong. Voi vi~c rn6 them

its Tokyo office, Westend will now further van phong t(;l.i Tokyo, Phuong Dong gia day

accelerate panel development in Japan, which t:rign khai mot nh6rn phat tiign 6 Nhat Ban,
is a highly specialized market. Japan is the d6la mot thi tmang chuyen rnon cao. Nhat
world's second largest health care market and ban la thi tmang cham soc sue khoe 16n thu
is horne to one of the largest pharmaceutical 2 tren thg giffi va }a ngoi nhlt CUa nganh cong
industiies outside of the U.S and Europe. nghi~p Ion nhit ~rn ngoai nuoc My va
Earlier this year, Westend also announced the Chau Au. D~unam nay, Phuong Dong ciing
opening of its Latin Arnetican head quruters da thong bao vi~c rn6 cua van phong t(;l.i
in SaoPaulo, Brazil, one of the world's top Chau My- La tinh 6 SaoPaolo, Brazil, mot
seven emerging markets for phru1naceuticals. t:rong tbp 7 thi tmang phat tlign cho nganh

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO()ll
nhfun giup cac b()ll co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnoi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nlm th~ se lam rn~t di gia tri rna cac b()ll da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

"We can now proudly say that the sun never duqc.
sets on Westend," stated Kirk Gillenhall, "Gio day, chimg toi c6 th~ tv hao rna n6i
Westend's CEO." This year alone we have r~ng m~t troi se khong bao gio l~n 6
expanded our footp1int in to two key health Westend" CEO cua Phuong Dong Kirk
care markets, Brazil and Japan." Gillenhall da noi. Chi trong nam nay

As a leader in technological innovations, chtmg tOi da rna rong cillu chan CUa chtmg
Japan also has one of the most advanced tOi 4ti 2 thi huang cham soc sue khoe

medical systems. Westend Tokyo will be tr<;>ng ySu, bao g6m Brazin va Nh~t B~m"
directed by Katsuhiko Soko and Takahito La mot nhfrng nguoi di dftu trong d6i moi

Asano, who combined have over 25 years of cong ngh~ , ~t Ban ciing co mot trong
expe1ience working within Japan 's unique s6 nhiing h~ th6ng y tS hi~n d;;~i nh~t.
health care system. "Soko and Asano bring Tokyo Phuong Dong se duoc giam d6c
toW estend invaluable insight into Ja1)an's boi Katsuhiko Soko va Takahito

com1dex medical industry, "Kirk explained. Asano, nhung nguOi co tren 25 kinh
"Utilizing their established relationships with nghi~m lam vi~c trong h~ th~ng cham
many key opinion leaders, hospitals, and soc sire khoe dqc nhi t ctia Nh~t Ban.
pharmacies, we can expedite the development Soko va Asano mang nhung tri~n vqng
to four Asian resources to meet increased vo gia ctia Phuong Bong d~n vOi nganh
demand in the region. II cong nghi~l) y t~ phuc hqp ctia Nh~t
Ban." T~ d\lllg nhfrng m6i quanh~ vfrng
ch~c voi nhfrng nha Hinh d:;to chu ch6t, cac

t6 chuc benh vi~n, nganh duoc, chllilg t6i

co th~ thuc dfty sv phat tri~n cho 4 ngu6n
hrc chau A d~ oop ling duoc nhu cau tang
nhanh trong khu vvc.

Westend is a market leader in global health Phuong Dong la mot nguoi di dftu thi
care field work, with regional offices inN ew truemg trong llnh vvc ho:;tt cham soc sue
York, London, HongKong, Tokyo and khoe tren toim c~u, voi nhfrng van phong

SaoPaulo. Specializing in health care data khu vvc New York, London, HongKong,

collection for leading market research Tokyova SaoPaulo. Chuyennghi~phong

organizations, consulting finns, and llnh V\l'C thu th~p thong tin vS cham soc
corporations, Westend's client portfolio sue khoe cho nhiing t6 chuc nghien cliu
includes the world's top health care agencies thi huang hang d~u, cac hang tu v~n, va
and brands. cac t6 chuc, danh m\}C khach hang CUa
Phuong Dong bao g 6m nhfrng nhan hi~u
va nha d:;ti dien hang d~u u·en thS giai vs
cham soc sue khoe.
For more information, contact Aromade D~ biSt them thong tin, xin lien h~

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nlm th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

Pe1)1)er, head of media relations , at Aromade Pe1)per, trucmg bq ph~n quan

+6625559276. h~ truyen thong t4Ji sdt +6625559276.

176. Wha1 is the main purpose of the press 176. MJ!,c dicit chinh cU. a cu~c lu;p btio?

release? A. D~ thong bao v~ vi~c m& rqng cua
A To inform about the com1)any's cong cy ra nU'cYC ngoai.

ext)ansion overseas B . D~ tuy~n them nhan v ien .
(B) To hire more employees C. £)~ mieu ta dich Vl) nghien Ctru rna

(C) To describe the research services no ctmg cap .
it offers D . D~ quang cao dong san ph~m m oi
(D) To promote its newest line of nh~t.
products 177. E>iJu gi du:(J'c noi vJ vii.n phimg mili?

177. What is indicaled about the new office? A. Nose la vanphong thu 2 4ti Tokyo
(A) It will be the company's second B . Nose tra thanh van phong qu6c tS
office inTokyo. chinhmoi.
(B) It will become the company's new c. Nose dU'f!C m& vao thang 1
Intemational headqua1ters. D . Nose la chi nhanh dftu tien rna 4ti
(C) It is scheduled to Ol)en in Chltu A..
(D) It will be the first office in Asia to

178. According to press release, how will the 178. Theo nlw: thong tin btio chi tih l~,
new directors of the office contribute to nhung gitim aBc mili cua wi n phimg se
Westend Research? cBng hi~n nhu: the niw c/w Nghien cim.

(A) They will make use of their Phu:ung Dong?

ext)ertise and insight into the A. Hq se sif d~;~ng chuyen gia va Sl!
local market. sang su~t cua minh vao thj truimg dja

(B) They will oversee the opening of phuong.


several new offices. B . HQ se giam sat vi~c rna cu a mot vai

(C) They will offer research data on vanphong .
several different countries. c. HQ se dua ra dl)' li~u nghien Clru tren
(D) They will mainly be se1v ing clients vai ffit nuoc.
from the European market. D . Ho se chu ySu phl)c vl) khach hang
(E) tu thi uu(mg Ch au Au .
179. Wha1 should readers do ifthey would 179. E>~c giii nen lam gi n~u lu; mu8n
like more information? bi~t them thong tin?
(A) Contact the media re1)resentative A. Lien h~ vm d4Ji di~n truyen

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nlm th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

(B) Go to the company website [th ong.

(C) Visit the new office B. Ttuy c~p vao Website CUa cong ty.
(D) Make an appointment with Mr. C. Ghe thfun van phong mai.
Gillenhall D . Len h~n vai Ong Gillenhall.
180. The word ((utilizing" in paragraph 5, 180. Til:" t{in dl:lng" iJ' do(ln 5 dong 2 gan

line 2 is the closet meaning to? nghfa viii?
(A) miginating A. Xu~thi~n

(B) using B. Sfr d~;~ng
(C) developing C. Phat tti~n

(D) acquiting D. Thumua

181-185. 181-185
Bridge water Culture Musemn Bao tang van h6a c~u nuac

14 Bridge water Rd. San Francisco CA 90 112 14 c~u nuac Rd. San Francisco CA 90112

San Francisco, CA90 111

November 2
Mr. Michael Bottell 1457 THSt .Apt. 5553 Ong Michael Bottell 1457 THSt .Apt.
San Francisco, CA90111
Dear Mr. Botten, Ngay 02 thang 11
It's almost the end of the year now ,and you Kinh gm Ong Bottell,
know what that means it is time to consider Gio day da g§n cu6i nam nay, va nhu b~n
renewing your membership at the Btidge biSt, diSu d6 c6 nghla la da dSn luc d~ xem

water Culture Museum! With this simple xet vi~c gia h~ the thanh vien cua b~n ~i
renewal process that will take just a few Bao tang Van h6a C~u nuac! Vai qua
minutes, you can renew your membership trinh d6i mai ma l~i dan gi~m nay se chi
with us here at the Btidge water Culture m~t mot vai phut, b~ c6 th~ gia h~n the

Museum. Once you renew, you'll be able to thanh vien CUa b~n vai chilng t:Oi aday ~i
use your membership immediately to sho1) at Bao tang Van h6a nuac Btidge. Mot khi
the Bridge water Online Store. Then, a ll b~ thvc hi~n vi~c gia h~, b~ se c6 th~

year long, you'll receive free admission to su dl,lllg thanh vien cua b~n ngay l~p rue
d~ mua s~m ~i cfra hang ciu Nu&c

Bridge water' s exhibitions, special

exhibition previews, and discounts of 15% at tr.,c tuy~n. Sau d6, ca nam ' b~n se dU'f!C
the Btidge water Gift Shop. If you renew vao cfra mi~n phi cac cuqc tri~n lam ciu
before November 17, you will receive an even nu&c , xem ttuac tt·i~n lfun $,c bi~t, giam
more reduced renewal rate. Please see the gia 15% ~i cac Gian hang C~u Nuac .
membership rates listed below for further N Su b~n gia h~ ttuac ngay 17 thang 12,
information. b~n se ~n duoc ty 1~ gia h~n giam gia
Ian han. Xin vui long tham khao th~y ti 1~
gia thanh vien duoc li~t ke duai day d~

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nlm th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

biet them thong tin.

Regular rate Before Noven Gia thong thuang
$15 ~--~~~A~------------~
Student $25 H<;>c sinh: 25 do
Individual $40 30
Family $80 $
$60 ca nhan: 40 do
Premier $130 $110 Gia dinh: 80 do

Gia vang: 130 do

We have a special exhibit opening in Janua1y. Chting t6i co mot ma tri~n lam <Ute bi~t
The exhibition, titled" Grandfather's House," hong thang Gieng. Tri~n lam mang ten

is a completely immersive exhibit, allowing "Nha cua ong noi," hoan toan mot la tri~n
visitors to step back in time to life in rural lam nh€tp vai, cho phep khach quan h6i
Korea during the 1930s. tuang ha l~i cuoc s6ng a nong thon Han
Visitors are invited to tly on traditional

Qu6c trong nhfrng nam 30 thS ky uuoc.
Korean clothing while exploring the exhibit. Du khach duqc moi dSn thu hang pht,Ic

January 16.
Members are invited to a ()review on

We have also been sending e-mail U(Hiates

huySn th6ng cua Han Qu6c u·ong khi
kham pha cac u·i~n lam. Cac thanh vien
dugc mOi d~n xem tru&c vao ngay 16.
to our mernbers, informing them about
Chting t6i cling da gui e-mail cac thong
U(Hiates on events and S()ecial exhibitions tin C~() nh~t cho cac thanh vien CUa
held at the museum through out the year. chong toi, thong bao cho hq v~ ban c~p
Please let us know you re-mail address on the nh~t ve cac Sl! ki~n va tr·i~n lam <UJ.c bi~t

enclosed fonn, If you are not already on our duqc t6 chuc ~i bao tang u·ong nam. Xin
mailing list. vui long cho chting t6i biSt b~n dia chi l~i
mail u·en cac mau kem theo, nsu b~ dang
khong a u·ong danh sach gui thu cua

chting t6i.
Also, do not forget to pay a visit to our Ngoai ra, dimg ghe tham nha hang duoc
recently remodeled restaurant, located on

nang cip gin day CUa ChUng tOi, nfun hen

the 5th floor, dming your next visit to the t§ng 5, u·ong thai gian b~ tham cac vi~n

musemn. Enclosed is a 5%discount coupon bao tang l§n toi. Kem theo day la 5%
for the restaurant, valid for us until the end of phiSu girun gia cho cac nha hang , hqp 1~
this year. Please enjoy! cho chUn.g ta dSn tan cu6i nam nay. Hay
I invite you to join us for another year of fun t€tn huang!
and exciting cultural wonders. Toi moi cac b~ tham gia voi chting t6i d~
Sincery m~t mot nam thu viva ky quan van h6a
Grey Nathen- Membership Coordinator thu vi.
TI-§n h<;>ng
DiSu ph6i vien

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t clia group "Toeic Practice Club:' bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quyen sach m'ly
vi nlm th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

Address: 145 Cuba St. Apt 2 13 Dia chi: 145 Cuba St.A pt 213
San Francisco, CA 900 13 San Francisco, CA 9001 3,
Phone Number: 1-415-445-3 134 s6 di~n tho<;ti: 1-41 5-445-3134
E-mail Address: Dia chi E-mail:

Payment: $35 Thanh toim: 35 $
Please indicate one of the following: Xin cho biSt m ot trong nhiing diSu sau

Yes, I'll attend the special members preview day:
of "The Grand father's House." Vang, t6i se dSn xem huoc cac t.hanh vi en

No, I will not attend the preview. d~c bi~t " Ngo i nha cilit 6 ng Noi "
Khong, Toi se khong tham d\1' bu&i xem

181. What is NOT mentioned as a benefit of 181. KHONG du(J'c gi dJ cl)p vJ l(J'i ich
Free entrance to certain exhibits
Monthly newsletters
cU. a the thimh vien?
(A) V ao CUa tl,r do cho mot s6 tri~n lam
(B) Cac ban tin hang thang
(C) Price discounts at the souverur (C) Giam g ia t<;ti cac cfra hang qua hru
store ni~m
(D) Invitations to previews (D) Thong bao mo i xem tluoc
182. What do members receive through e- 182. Cdc thimh vien nhljn du(J'c qua gi

mails? qua e-mail?

(A) Information on Uf)COming (A)Thong tin v~ cuqc tri~n lam s~p
exhibits tOi
(B) An application fonn for (B) M ot From yeu c~u g ia h<;lll t.hanh

membership renewal vi en
(C) Discount coupons (C) PhiSu g ifun gia
(D) A list of museum members (D)M ot danh sach cac thanh vien bao

183. What is indicated about the museum? tang


(A) It hold some special exhibit 183. Nhung gi du(J'c noi vJ bdo tang?
annually. (A)N 6 t& chuc tri~n lam ~c bi~t hang
(B) It will open in Janmuy nam.
(C) It is closed on Mondays. (B) N 6 se rna cu a vao thang Gieng.
(D) It has recently renovated its (C) D ong cu a vao cac ngay thu Hai.
restaurant. (D)No gin day da cai t~o nha hang
184. What can be inferred about Mr.Bottell? cua minh.
(A) He I S a family member of a 184. BiJu gi co tid du(J'c suy ra vJ
museum employee. Ong.Bottell?

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nlm th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

(B) He was not a member before, and is (A) Ong Ut phai mot thanh v ien trong
joining for the first time. gia dinh CUa mot nhan vien bao
(C) He is already on the museum's tang.
list. (B) Ong khong phai la mot th~mh vien
(D) He renewed his membership before uuoc kia, va se tham gia Ik dftu

November 17. tien .
(C) Ong da co trong danh sach cua

bao tang.
(D) Ong g ia h~n mo i the thanh vien

CUa minh tlUOC ngay 1 7 thang 11 .
185. On what date will Mr.Bottel see urhe 185. Nhimg ngay nao Ong " Bottel xem u
Grandfather's House"? "
N goi nita cua Ong N~i"?
(A) On November 2 (A)Ngay 02 thang 11 .

(B) On November 15 (B) Ngay 15 thang 11.
(C) On January 16
(D) OnMay23 1
tic (C)Ngay 16 Thang 1.
N gay 23 thang 5

186-190. 186-190
P1ice house Center for Innovation m Trung tfun gia nha u·en Dien dan thu(mg
Teclmology Annual Inventors Forum nien cua cac nha tlhat minh vs d6i mo i
Dec. l O, Ridgefield Hall cong ngh~.

Yannes Keeves- program coordinator. Ngay 1o thang 9: Hoi huang Ridgefield.

9:00am Light weight Bass Guitar Janet SlYanesKeeves; Dieu ph~i vien chuong
l O:OOa trinh
Pmtable Movie- Playing Yang T
m Devices 9 gio sang Ghi ta bass h~ng nh~

ll: OOa Remote Sensor Neil Ja10 gia ThiSt bi chiSu phim d m tay
m Networks for Traffic sang
Monitoring gia M~ng dieu khien cam tfll

sang giao thong

Lunch Bu6itlua Nghi uua

Break 1 gio chieu V ng dl,lng dich V l) m~ng Xa
2 gio chiSu ThiSt bi s6 ca nhan cho llnh
Social Networking Pracha Sl 3 gio chieu Nhfrng nguo i thuyet trinh s
l :OOp.m. Service( SN S) vS phat minh nguyen ban c
Application cong ty co quan Hlm .
4 g io chieu Phat bi~u be m~c ngan
2:OOp.m Personal Digital James
Device for Navigation Mormon

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nlm th~ se lam rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

3:00p.m Presenters available All

to discuss their Participa1 ts
prototypes within
terested companies

4:00p.m Btief Concluding Yanes Ke eves

To: Neil Jameson Gm dSn: Neil Jameson
From: Mary Bergen Tu: Mmy Bergen
Date: December 11 Ngay: 11 thang 12
Chu dS: Quan tam voi san plilim

Subject: Interest in Product
Dear Mr.Jaeson, Than mSn Mr.Jaeson,
First of all, I would like to tell you that I really D~u tien, t6i mu6n noi voi b~n r~g t6i
enjoyed our meetig at the Inventors Fomm, thl,l'c sl,l' thich cuoc hop t~ Dien dan Nha
As I mentioned dming the conference, my phat minh, Nhu t6i da dS c€tp trong hoi
company, Smatt Tron Teclmologies, IS nghi, cong ty CUa toi, Smmt Tron
interested in purchasing the tights to yom Technologies, quan tam dSn vi~c mua b~m
product. Yom product seems to have the latest quySn san ph~m cua b~. San ph~m cua
teclmology built in , with an innovative edge b~n du(mg nhu co trong minh cong ngh~

that will smely standout among many other moi nh.ttt ' voi mot khia c~nh r~t sang mo
competitors in the mm·ket. I see huge potential rna ch~c ch~n se n6i tr6i han rM nhiSu
in your product, and would like to help you t.rong s6 d6i thu c~nh tranh khac tren thi
bting that product to a successful launch. uuemg. Toi th~y mot tiSm nang Ian u·ong

san ph~m cua b~ va mu6n giup b~ dua

san ph~ do dSn mot khoi &u thanh

I would like to get on with the processs as Toi b~t d~u vao cac tiSn trinh cang sam
soon as possible, so I was hot)ing to set Ul) a cang t6t, vi v€ty t6i da hy vqng co th~ d~t

meeting with you in the next two weeks. mqt cuqc h~n vOi b~n trong ha i tui n tOi.
One thing to note is that stmting Januaty 6, I Mot diSu dn luu y nfra la bM &u tu th8ng
will be going on an international business hip. 6, toi se duqc di cong tac qu6c tS. Vi v€ty,
Therefore, I will not be in the country for a t6i se khong a trong nuoc it nh~t mot
little ovennonth. Hence, I'd like to get the thang . Do do, toi mu6n thao lu€tn ban &u
initial discussions stalied before my business b~t d~U UUOC khi di cong tac CUa tOi, chi
trip, just to keep the momentum going. d~ gifr chling u·en co dong ll,l'c .

Q~y~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nham giup cac b~ ~o tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nlm the se lam mat di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

I assure you that I hold a very high level of Toi dfun bao voi b~ ding tOi co moi quan
interest in your product and I am excited tfun r~t Ian voi san ph~m CUa b~n va tOi
about the kind of synergy effect your product ph§n khich vS nhfrng hi~u qua hi~p hrc tir
and our massive sales & distribution channels san ph~m CUa b~n, doanh s6 b~tn hang

can bting about. kh6ng 16 CUa chtmg tOi va dtc kenh phan
I look forward to hearing :fi:om you soon. ph6i co th~ mang l~i.

Mary Bergen T oi mong mu6n duoc nghe tin tir b~n sam .
Vice President, Smmt Tron Teclmologies. Mary Bergen

186. For whom is the conference most likely Pho Chu tich nuoc, Smmt Tron
intended? Technologies
(A) Guitatists 186. H()i nghi hU'Ong tOi d~i tU"qng nao
(B) Engineeting professors

(C) Secmity gum·d (A) Nguoi choi gi ta
(D) Electronicin ventors tic
187. Who is incharge of the conference?
(B) Cac giao su kY thu€tt
(C) Bao v~ an ninh
(D) Cac nha phat minh cac san
(A) Yanes Keeves phim v~ di~n.
(B) Mary Bergen 187. Ai Ia ngU'Oi chiu trach nhi~m h{}i
(C) James Mormon nghi?
(D) Neil Jameson (A) Yanes Keeves

188. What is NOT true about the (B) Mmy Bergen

presentations? (C) James Mmm on
(A) Each one has a distinctive topic. (D)Neil Jameson
(B) Each one lasts approximately an 188. I>i~u gi khong dungS'! th~t v~ cac

hom or less. bai thuy~t trinh?

(C) They all take place at different (A)Moi nguoi dSu co mot chu dS
locations. rieng bi~t.

(D) They all take place on the same (B) Moi mot keo dai khoang mot g io

day. ho~c it han.

189. What is the purpose of the e-mail? (C) Tit ca d~u di~n ra t~i dia di~m
(A) To arrange a meeting khac nhau
(B) To report about a new product (D) T~t ca dSu dien ra n·ong CUng mot
(C) To hire a new employee ngay.
(D) To plan a business hip. 189. MtJc dich ctia e-mail Ia gi?
190. In what product is Ms.Bergen (A)I>~ s~p x~p m()t cu()c h~n
interested? (B) Bao cao vS mot san pMm moi
(A) Personal navigation system (C) D~ thue mot nhan vien moi

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club, bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nlm th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

(B) Light weight Bass (D)E>~ Hlp ke ho~ch mot chuyen di

(C) Secmity system kinhdoanh
(D) Traffic sensors 190. Ms.Bergen thich san phim nhu
th~ m1o?
(A)H~ th6ng dinh vi ca nhan

(B) Bass tn;mg lu<;mg nh~
(C) H~ th6ng an ninh

(D) Cam bi~n giao thong

191-195. 191-195.
Easy Travel Inc.
Dear.Mr.Borges, Than gti:i ong.Borges.

Please find attached a tempormy itineraty of Hay tim thong tin dinh kern mot hanh ninh
yom business trip to Korea. As we discussed t~m thai v§ chuygn di cong tac cua ong dgn
em-Iier over the phone, I was able to separate Han Qu6c. Nhu chUn.g ta da thao lu~n tluoc
yom jomney into two connecting flights, SO do qua di~n tho~i, toi da CO th~ tach roi CUOC
you will fly to Tokyo and then get a hanh tlinh cua ong thanh hai chuygn bay kgt
connecting flight to Seoul. On yom way back, n6i, vi thg b~n se bay tm Tokyo va sau do
you will have a layover in Bangkok.
However, since this was a last-minute change Seoul. Tren duong tro l<;~i, ong se co mot
and the tickets are going fast, the only flight kho{mg thai gian dimg nghl t<;~i Bangkok.

available to Tokyo from Pat-is was the one that Tuy nhien, vi day la mot S\I thay d&i vao
depatts late at night. I know that you phut cu6i va cac ve duqc di nhanh, chuygn
previously requested that you do not want bay duy nh~t co san tm Tokyo tu Paris la
an overnight flight, but this is the best I could chuygn da khm hanh muon vao ban dem.

o with with in the ptice range that you Toi bigt r~ng tmoc do ong (fa yeu du ong
requested. khong moan mqt chuy~n bay qua (}em,
nhung di§u nay la t6t nh~t toi co th~ lam voi

ph~ vi gia rna ong yeu ciu.


To make up for the late depmtme time, I was D~ bu d~p cho thai gian khm hanh muon, toi
able to replace the connecting flight fi·om da co th~ thay thg cac chuygn bay kgt n6i tU
Tokyo to Seoul from Air Asia 215 to an Tokyo dgn Seoul tU Air Asia 215 sang mot
earlier flight, so that it is scheduled only an chuygn bay som han tluoc do, vi vay rna
hom apali from yom preVIOUS flight. }ich bay nay chi SaU do 1 gio SO Vffi chuygn
Therefore, you will not have to wait too long bay tluoc do CUa ong. Vi vay, ong se khong
at the airport. I also successfully scheduled phfu cho dqi qua lau t~i san bay. Toi cGng
yom retmn flight on June 10 so that you will len lich thanh cong chuygn bay tro v§ cua

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;Ill
nhfun giup cac b<;lll co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nlm th~ se lam rn~t di gia tri rna cac b()ll da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

not have to fly at night on yom way back to ong vao ngay 10 thtmg 6, do do ong se
·Paris. khong ph:ii bay vao ban dem khi t:ra l<;ti
As for yom hotel accommodations, I made a Pruis.
resetvation for you under yom name at the E>6i v6i nai nghl , toi da d~t phong dum ten
Unison Hotel in Seoul. The cost per night in CUa ong t<;~i khach S(ln Unison a Seoul. Chi

the business suite is approximately $200. This phi cho moi dem cho lo<;~i hinh cong tac
hotel is adjacent to Myeong dong, one of the khoang $ 200. Khach s(ln nay n~m gk

best shopping areas in Seoul, as well as many Myeong dong, mot t:rong nhfrng khu V\IC
other famous tomist spots. Also, the hotel mua s~m t6t nhit nhu a Seoul, ciing nhu

operates homly shuttles to and fi·om the nhigu di~m du lich n6i ti~ng khac. Ngoai ra,
airpmt free of chru·ge for its guests. As a khach s(ln co cijch Vl). bus dua don hang gio
result, there is no need for you to aiTange for d~n va di Ur san bay mien phi cho khach
t:ranspmtation to the hotel from the airpmt. As hang cua minh. K~t qua la, se khong cin s~p

requested, I've arranged an on-smoking room s~p x~p phuang ti~n don ong tir san bay d~n
for yom stay, and the hotel offers khach S(ln. Theo yeu ciu, toi da s~p x~p mot
complimentruy breakfast buffet and fi·ee phong che phep hut thu6c cho ky nghl cua
Internet access. This hotel was recently ngai, va khach s<;~n cung cip bfra buffet an
renovated, so you will find yom stay at the sang va t:ruy cap Internet mien phi. Khach
hotel comfmtable and convenient. S(ln nay g5_n day da dU<;1C cai t(lO, do do, ngai
I think this covers all yom flight infonnation se thiy vi~c nghl t(li khach s(ln nay thoai mai
and the hotel accommodations. Please let me va thuan ti~n.

know if this itinerruy is to yom satisfaction so Toi nghl rkg thong tin nay bao g6m tit ca
that I can book the flights. For yom cac thong tin chuy~n bay va cac khach s<;~n.
infonnation, you have to confirm these flights Xin vui long cho toi bi~t n~u lich t:rinh hai
by no later than tomorrow at 6P.M.or we long voi ngai d~ toi co th~ ~t cac chuy~ n

stand to lose the flight resetvations. The bay. D~ bi~t thong tin cua b<;~n, b(ln phai xac
airline tickets are non refundable upon nhan cac chuy~n bay SB Y muon nhit vao
confitmation. Please let me know if you have ngay mai luc 6 P.M. khong thi chling toi

any questions or comments regru·ding this e- danh d~ mit chuy~n bay. Cac ve may bay la

mail. khong hoan l(li sau khi xac nh~n. Xin vui
Sincerely yoms, RoseHemandez long cho tOi bi~t n~u ong co bit ky cau hoi
ho~c y ki~n vg e-mail nay.
Tran trQng,

Itineraty for Mr. George Borges. Hanh tdnh cho Mr. George Borges
Fti June I Air Asia 152 T6 ngay 1 thang 6
Khm hanh: 12:25

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nlm th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

Depart: 12:25 AM Patis E gn luc: 5:10 Tokyo

Anive: 5: 10A.M. Tokyo

~~---------t--:-::--::-;-::--;:;:;;----1t-+fT ngay 1 thimg 6 Chuyen bay

Fti June 1 Air Asia 456 K !hOi hanh: 6: 10 am Tokyo


~ ep:.._r_t_
u : _6_:l_O_A_.:-M-:---------t-:T~-..!k.
_k_y,"J:o______li....c~h.U nhat ngity 10 T6 C~On bay

Anive: 8:25 A.M. K!hOi hanh: 9: 10 am Se

5 ~pi_n~~-------------11rrB~~~c·o~k~
sun June 10 Air Asia 682 qui nhat ngay 10 T6 C!Wen bay

l<lh6i himh: 2:00pm B-ok
Bangkok E gn: 5 :45 am Pa~
Depatt: 9:00A.M.
T~ cong: ~

~-----:-----:::-:----+:::---:-------t-"7h)'<l"fl7· M ~c dich cua la thtr lil gi?
Anive: 5:45A.M. Patis (A) D~ xac nh~n ljnh trinh (ti l~i vOi
N.B.all times ru·e local.
tic (B

ug thong bao cho ngum giam sat clia

L---:-:---:---::--------:-!-::----;--::----;;---T'E....~~.....,y Travel vg mot sf> kg ho~ch du lich
191. What is the purpose of the letter? (C) ug xac nhan s6 d~m pointsfor d~t
~A). T 0 confirm Mr.Borges' travel chuygn bay
arrangements (D) Yeu c~u ~t phong khach s~n cho mot
(B) To infmm Easy Travel's supetvisor

of some travel plans

(C) To confirm the mileage pointsfor
flight resetvations 192. Trong e-mai~ tir ' tach rieng' trong
(D) To request a hotel resetvation for a
doan van 1, dong 2 lil g&n nghfa nghfa

trip to Seoul. nhtlt viii?

192. In the e-mail ,the word ((separate" in
(A) Kgt thuc

paragraph 1, line 2 is closest in meaning to?

(B) Chia
(A) divide (C) Phln con l~i

(B) rest (D) Thlt b~

(C) defeat 193. Mr.Borges dtiyeu cdu diJu gi?
(A) D~t cho mot tour du lich gia dinh
193.. What didMr.Borges request? (B) Mot tour du lich cua Bangkok
(A) A resetvation for a family tour (C) D~t phong khach s~n 6 Patis
(B) A tour of Bangkok (D) Mqt chuy~n bay ban ngay
(C) A hotel reservation in Patis 194. Djch v~ miln phi khong dU'(fc cung
(D) A daytime flight clip biii Unison Hotel?
194. What is NOT mentioned as a free (A) Tmy cap Intemet

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t cua ¥roup, ~'T?eic Practi~e Club;' bi~n so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rn91 ngum dung rnua ban quyen sach nay
vi nlm th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

service provided by Unison Hotel? (B) Phuong ti~n san bay

(A) Intemet access (C) Mqt tour du ljch mua siim cua kim
(B) Aiipmt transportation VJ!C
(C) A shot)tling tour of the area (D) Bua sang buffet.
(D) Buffet breakfast. 195. ChuyJn bay se thay thJ chuyJn bay

195. What flight will replace Air Asia Air AsiaAirline 215lilgi?
Airlinesjlight215? (A) Chuygn bay 152.

(A) Flight 152 (B) Chuy~n bay 456.
(B) Flight 456 (C) Chuygn bay 682.

(C) Flight 682 (D) Chuygn bay 453.
(D) Flight 453

196-200 196-200
Iowabath and Kitchen Shot) is a full- Iowabath and Kitchen Shot) Ia mqt nhan
service, indet)endently owned and Ot)erated hi~u cung c~1) djch toan di~n , (tm;rc sa
whole sale distributor of everything and hfru mqt each (}qc 1~1) va v~n hanh bai
anything related to batluoom materials, mqt nha t)han t)hai ban buon mQi hang
including heating, cooling, water softeners, h6a va b~t cu llling h6a nao lien quan dgn vat
sewer& water, well& pump supplies and li~u phong t~m, trong d6 c6 h~ th6ng sum,
more. We are centrally located in Marshall lam mat, lam mgm nucrc, h~ th6ng thoat
town, Iowa. At Iowa Whole sale Supply/ Bath nucrc va nucrc, gigng & ngubn cung c~p may

and Kitc.hen Shop we ptide ourselves in bam va nhigu han nua. ChUn.g toi nfun 6
offering the very best products at competitive trung tam thi trk Marshall, Iowa. T()i Iowa
e ptices with unbeatable service and delivety. ban buon cac vat dt;mg, bbn tfun va vat dl)l1g
We also ptide ourselves m long-tetm nhabgpcua himg,chimgtoiwhaovmchinh

relationships with many of our manufacturers. b{m than minh trong vi~c trong vi~c cung
This results in quality setvice to you and c~p cac s{m phfun t6t nh~t 6 muc gia c~
quick solutions to any product or installation tranh cimg vm dich V\1 khong thg danh b~i

tssues. In addition, we work with major va giao hang.

ChUn.g toi cGng 1::\l' hao vm cac m6i quan h~

master distributors in the U.S. for those "hard

to find" items. Totally personalized setvice, laudaivcrinhigunhasanx~tcliachimgtoi .
delivety to the job-site ,evening weekend Digu nay mang dgn dich V\1 ch~t luQ'Jlg cho
appointments, an ability to talk to the owner quy vi va cac giai phap nhanh chong ho~c
and general manager at any time- these are all b~t kY v§n dg l~p d~t san ph§m. N goai ra,
reasons why you should do business with one chUn.g toi lam vi~c vm cac nha phan ph6i
of central Iowa's largest whole sale chu ygu 6 Hoa Ky cho nhfrng nguoi "kh6
distributors. tim" san phlm ung y. Dich V\1 duqc ca nhan
We are cunently featuring discounts of 20- h6a mot each hoan hao, giao hang dgn tan

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nhu th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

50% on large orders of kitchen and bath noi lam vi~c, cac cuoc h~n bu&i toi vito cuoi
room items., rnQt kh.a nang d~ noi chuyen cho chu
Our showroom (fhe Bath and Kitchen Shop) so hfru va tmong qu{m ly t~i b~t ky thm gian
IS open to the public, and we welcome nhigu thai gian nao. Day la t~t ca cac ly do
customers sent m by contractors. Our b~n nen hQp tac lam an lam voi mot trong

professional showroom staff will spend as nhfrng nha phan ph6i ban buon 16n nhlt
much time as necessa1y assisting customers trung tarn Iowa.

tlu·ough the selection process, whether it is for Chim.g toi hi~n nay co tinh nang ~am gia
new constmction or remodeling. We're happy 20-50% tren don d~t hang 1011 v~t dung

tO anange for pllVate, after-hourS 1n ha b~l) Va l)hOng tfrn.
appointments as well. Contact us for Shovvroorn clia chUn.g toi (The Bath and
information on the s especial discounted Kitchen Shop) duqc rno cua cho cong
prices or request a complete catalogo for chUn.g, va chUn.g toi chao don khach hang

building materials. duqc glri toi boi( duqc gi6i thi~u) cac nha
Iowa Bath& Kitchen Shop
999 Marshalltown lA, 50 158
Tel:555-11111 Fax:555-111 2
tic thku. Doi ngii nhan vien 6 showroom
chuyen nghi~p cua chlm.g t6i danh nhigu
thai gian dn thi§t d~ ho tr<;r khach thong qua
Jean Marquessales Manager qua t:Iinh hra chQn, cho du do la cho xay
E-mail:Sales@ibk.corn d\ffi.g rnoi hoi;ic tu sua. Chlm.g toi r~t vui
Iowa Bathand Kitchen Shoa)'s most I)Otmlar mlm.g d~ s~p x§p cho tu nhan, ciing nhu cac
discounted items include: cuoc h~n sau gia lam. Lien M v6i chUn.g toi

cho nhigu thong tin ve giam gia (}~c bi~t

Note:Sinks and bathtubs made of material so ho~c yeu c~u mqt danh m~;~c (lay dti v~ v~t
the rthan those mentioned above are also lli~u xay d\ffi.g.
available at discounted pnces. However, Iowa Bath & Kitchen Shop

these special orders may take four to six 999 Marshalltown lA, 50.158
weeks to fill.Contact our sales manager for Tel: 555-11111 Fax: 555-111 2
more information. Jean Marquessales


E-mail: Sales@ibk.corn
Mi;it hang giam gia ph& bi§n nhlt Iowa
Bathand Kitchen Shop bao g6m:

Ph\1 ki~n
Voi nuoc
Ong thoat nuoc
Ong dannuoc
Diu voi hoa sen

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach nay
vi nhu th~ se lam rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

Luu y: B6n rua va b6n t~m lam bfuig chlt

li~u nen rthan dS cap a t:ren cUn.g co san voi
gia chigt khiu. Tuy nhien, nhiing don d~t
hang d~c bi~t c6 thg mit tu b6n dgn sau tuk

dg dap l1ng. Lien h~ qllim ly ban hang clia
chimg toi dg bigt them thong tin.

To: Jean Marques< > T6i: Jean Marques <>

From: Arthm>N ajie<arthurnajie@ahc .corn> Tu: A1thur> Najie <aithurnajie@ahc.corn>
Date:Janua1y2 Date: January2
Subject: Request for p1ice information Chu dS: Yeu d.u thong tin vS gia.

Dear Jean Than gm Jean
I am the CEO of Abe Housing Construction T oi la CEO cua Cong ty xay d\ffig nha o
(AHC). Base din Iowa, AHC has been along-
tenn associate and paliner of Iowa Land
Development Corporation, and at the end of
(AHC). Co so t~i Iowa, AHC da dang la b~n
lien kgt va d6i tac cua Cong ty C6 ph~n Phat
t:rign Nha dit Iowa, va vao cu6i nam ngoai
last year we singed a contract with them to chimg ta da ky mot hop d6ng v6i hQ dg xay
build 100 new housing units in Iowa by d\ffig 100 can nha o m6i o I owa tmoc 31
October 31 of this year. Therefore, we will thang mum nam nay. Do d6, chimg ta se dn
need massive fittings and fixtmes before the ph\1 ki~n Ion va d6 d~c t:ruoc khi kgt thuc

end of August. thang Tarn.

As you might have already heard, we area fast Nhu ngai c6 thg da nghe n6i , chling toi la
growing company that has been responsible mot cong ty phat hign nhanh chong da dUOC
for many big constr·uction projects in recent chiu n·ach nhi~rn nhiSu d\1' an xay d\ffig 16n

months, including constmction of the Iowa t:rong nhiing thing g~n day, bao g6rn xay
Shopping Mall Center and the Square Garden d\ffig cac Trung tarn thuong rnai rnua s~
Hotel. We have many more large-scale Iowa va Square Garden Hotel. Chimg toi c6

projects lined up in the future , and we will nhiSu han nua cac d\1' an quy rno 16n dang

surely be in need of many more building cho t:rong tuong lai, va chimg toi cMc chk
rnateiials. Therefore, we believe that a se dn CUa nhiSu vat li~u xay d\ffig han. Vi
partnership with your company can be vay, chimg toi tin rfuig m6i quan h~ hop tac
mutually beneficial to both of us. VOi cong ty CUa ngai CO thg dern l~i lQi ich
cho ca hai chling ta.
To start off, we would like to place an order ug b~t d~u vao vi~c chinh, chimg toi rnu6n
for fittings and fixtures for the Iowa Land d~t himg ph\1 ki~n va d6 d~c cho Cong ty C6
Development Corporation. As I mentioned, phk Phat t:rign Nha dit Iowa. Nhu toi da dS
the order must be completed before the end cap, don hang phai duoc hoan thanh tiuoc

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nhu th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

of August to meet the deadline. Please cuoi thang tam de kil) thai h~n. Vui long
provide an itemized t)ricelist, including cung d.p mot bang gia tirng mon hang,
delivery costs, for the following items: bao gom chi I) hi giao hang cho cac In\lC sau

80 shower heads 80 d~u voi hoa sen
80 acrylic batluoorn sinks 80 b6n phong tfun acrylic

80 stone counter tops 80 k~ bgp bkg da
80 porcelain bathtubs 80 b6n tfun su

80 stainless steel kitchen sinks 80 b6n nha bgp b~ng thep khong ri
We look fmward to establishing a long-te1m Chimg toi rnong rnu6n thigt lap mot rn6i
relationship with your company, and trust that quan h~ lau dai voi cong ty cua b~n, va tin
you will give us the best possible quotations tuang r~ng b~n

for our first order. se cung d.p cho chimg toi bao gia t6t nhit
Sincerely, Arthur Najie. tic c6 th~ cho <Utt hang d~u tien cua chimg toi.
Tran trQng,
Arthur Najie


196. What is the purpose ofthe brochure? 196. M~J,c dich cua cuon sach lagi? ffi
(A) To promote a particular (A) D~ quang cao v~ mqt cong ty nh~t V

comt)any (}jnh.
(B) To teach readers on how to build a (B) D~ d<;ty cho doc gia vg each xay d\ffig
house mot ngoi nha.

(C) To promote a new housing unit that (C) D~ thuc d~y mot ng6i nha rnoi rna dang

is being sold dm;rc giao ban.

(D) To specify the type of building (D) Chi tigt h6a lo<;ti vat li~u xay d\ffig dn
rnate1ials needed thigt
197. What is NOT mentioned about 197. EJiJu gi khong du(J'c dJ c@ vJ
lowaBath &Kitchen Shop? Iwoabath and Kitchen Shop?
(A) The company is located in Iowa. (A) Cong ty n~m a Iowa.
(B) It has a product showroom for (B) N6 c6 mot phong tnmg bay san ph~rn .
display. (C) Mot s6 san ph~rn dang dm;rc ban a mot
(C) Some products are being offered at rnuc gia chigt khiu.

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nhu th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Nguy~n Thj Thu HU'ong

a discounted rate. (D) Hq giao hang mien 1)hi cho khach

(D) They offer free delivery to first- hang lan dku.
time customers.

198. Why does Mr.Najie want to place an 198. T{li sao Mr. Najie mu6n ilijt himg vao

order by the end ofAugust? tmilc cu6i thang Tam?
(A) He has to go on a business trip. (A) Anh §.y ph:ii di tren mot chuygn cong

(B) He is afraid that the materials he tac.
ordered might not be available (B) Ong S<;1 r~ng vat li~u ong da d{lt c6 thg

after that date. khong c6 san sau ngay d6.
(C) The prices for matetials will go up (C) Gia nguyen vat li~u se di len sau ngay
after that date. d6.
(D) He has to finish a construction (D) Ong l)hai hoan thanh mqt dl;l' an xay

project by that time. dl;l'ng truac thm digm d6.
199. What does Mr.Najie ask Mr.Marques 199. Mr.Najie yeu c~u Mr.Marques lam
to do? gi?
A Sta1t the constmction work as (A) B~t d~u cac cong tlinh xay d\ffig nhu
indicated in the contract qui dinh trong hqp d6ng
B. Indicate the cost of the selected (B) Cho bi~t chi 1)hi cua cac san 1)h~m da
items chqn
C. Contact the Iowa Land Developmen (C) Lien h~ vm Cong ty phat uign nha ffit

Corporation Iowa
D. Advise him on what building (D) Tu vin cho ong vg vat li~u xay d\ffig
constmction mate1ials to select nao dg hra chQn.
200. What items requested by Mr.Najie 200. San J)h~m nao (}U'q'C yeu du boo Mr

are most likely to require a Sl)ecial order? N ajie ma co kba nang yeu du mqt (}O'n
hang (t~c bi~t?
A Metal kitchen sinks (A) B6n bgp kim loc;ti

B. Porcelain bathtubs (B) B6n t~m b~ng su

(C) Ban t~m Acrylic

C. Acrylic bathsinks
D. Stone countertops (D) Ban da

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tlumh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~
nhfun giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguOi dirng rnua ban quy~n sach m1y
vi nhu th~ se Hun rn~t di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
Đây là những link download file MP3 của 9 test nghe. Các bạn copy đường link dán vào trình duyệt
để download. Nếu vẫn download không được các bạn vào Group “ Toeic Practice Club” nhìn phía
bên phải Group, ở đó có link download phần nghe Economy. Do phần nghe thiếu nhân lực làm
nên chỉ mới hoàn thành được 9 test. Những bạn nào muốn đóng góp làm những test còn lại thì liên
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Economy 1
Test 1
Test 5
Test 6
Test 8
Economy 2
Test 2
Test 4
Test 5
Test 6
Test 7
Nam Maru
1. A. He is riding his bicycle. A. Anh ay dang di xe d~p
B . He is putting on a helmet B . Anh iy dang d9i mii s~t
C. He is fixing his bicycle. C. Anh Ay dang sua xe d~p cua minh
D . He is stopped in traffic D . Anh iy hi k~t du<mg

• Put on: m(lc vao

2. A. The women are talking to each A . Nhfrng ngum phl;l nfr dang n6i chuy~n
other v6i nhau

B. The women are checking the B. Nhiing ngtrOi ph~ nfrdang xem ban
map. dB
C. The women are shopping in the C. nhiing nguai phl;l nfr dang mua s~m &

supermarket. sieu thi
D . One of the women is mopping D . m9t ngum trong sf> h9 dang lau san

the floor.
(A) He is calling fr·om a public
tic (A) Anh iy dang g9i di~n tho~i cong
phone. c9ng
(B) He 1s looking at a telephone (B) Anh Ay dang xem danh b~ di~n tho~i
directory. (C ) Anh iy dang dt1ng & hanh lang
(C) He is standing in the hallway. (D) May di~n tho~i dang duqc sua

(D ) The telephone is being repaired.

4. A. The bags are being stacked on
the shelves. A. Nhfrng chiSc tui xach dang chit d6ng
B . A customer 1s paymg for a tren tu

purchase B . M9t khach hang dang thanh toan tiSn

C. Many bags are displayed for sale. mua hang

D . The store is closed for business . C. Nhi~u tui xach du9'c bay ra d~ ban.
D . Cfra hang dong khong kinh doanh

• Closed: not operating or doing business

5. A. The man is feeding a horse. (A) Nguoi dim ong dang cho ngva an
B. The man is building a fence . (B) Nguoi dan ong dang xay hang rao
c. The man is riding a horse. (C) Nguiri dan ong dang CU'Oi ngl]'a
D . The man is taking offhis cowboy (D ) Nguoi dan ong dang coi mii Cao b6i ra.
6. A. Most of the shelves are empty. (A ) H~u hSt k~ tu dSu tr6ng

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mi t
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
B. The shelves are filled with (B) cac k~ tu diy sach
books. (C) M9t vai quySn sach duqc ch~t d6ng gifra
C. Some books have been piled on nha
the floor. (D) Thu thu dang xSp l;;ti sach vao ch6 cu
D. A librarian is putting away books.

• Putting away:
to put something in the place where you usua

lly keep it when you arenot using it
7. A. The street is closed to traffic. A. Con duemg ngimg ho;;tt d9ng

B. Some people are getting on a B. Vai nguai dang leo len xe buyt
bus. C. M9i nguiri dang dqi d~ qua duirng
C. People are waiting to cross the D. deli phau each duqc ve tren duang

street. • Get on bus= go into bus: lenxe bus
D. Lines are being painted on the • Closed to traffic: not operate- khOng ho(l.t a9ng

A. The buildings are being A. Nhfrng toa nha dang hi pha huy
demolished. B. Nhfing ngoi nha duqc bao quanh hoi
B. There are trees surrounding the cay c6i
buildings. C. Con thuySn dang di qua duoi cclu
C. A boat is passing under a bridge. D. Co nhi~u toa nha gin cai hB

D. There are many buildings near

the lake
9. A. the woman is browsing in a (A) Nguiri phi! nfr dang luOt xem sach a
bookstore cua hang

B. The woman is booking a table (B)Nguoi ph1,1 nfr dang d~t ban
C. The woman IS openmg her (C)Nguoi ph1,1 nfr dang rna halo ra

backpack. (D) Nguoi ph1,1 nfr dang d9c sach t;;ti ban lam
D. The woman is reading at her viec ella minh


10 A. A waiter is taking orders from the (A) M9t ph1,1c v1,1 ban dang nh~n order cua
customers khach
B. The people are waiting to enter (B)Nguoi ta dang dqi dS vao quan cafe
the cafe. (C)Nhfrng khach ben ngoai dang duqc ph1,1c v1,1
C. Meals are being served to the bfra an
patrons outside

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
D. The people are sitting outdoors (D) '"
Nhung ngU'Oi do dang ngm a phia
at a cafe. ngm1i cua qm1n cafe


11. When did you last visit our Lan trU"Crc b~n den tham nha may cua chong
laboratory? toi Ia khi nao ?
(A) It lasts about a week. (A) No keo dai 1 ttilin

(B) No. I didn't. (B) khong, t6i khong toi
(C). Yesterday with my boss (C) ngay hom qua vui s~p cua toi
12. Does anyone here know how to a day co ai bi~t each dung cai may nay

use this machine? khong?
(A) That sonnd like a good choice (A)D6 co ve h1 h,ra ch<;>n t6t d6

(B) I don't know how to thank (B)Toi khong biSt phai cam an b~n thS
nao nfra
(C) Yes, David does (C)Co do, David lam dt.rqc
13. Where is the closest parking lot? Bai d~u xe gin nhit Ia a dau?
(A) Right across the street. (A) if ngay ben kia duitng
(B) To park my car (B)BS d6 xe clia t6i

(C) At two o'clock (C)Vao hie 2 gio

14. How late are you open on Thu 7 b~n mcrcira tOi luc nao?
Saturday? (A) Vang, chtmg t6i rna Clra hom nay ne

(A) Yes. we are open today. (B)Ngay cuai tuan thi giit ho{lt d~ng cua
(B) Our business hours are from 10 chung toi lil10h-21h

a.m. to 9 pm on weekends. (C)Chtmg t6i dang xem xet rna m9t cua hang
(C) We're considering opening a shop

15. Don't you think we need more Chung ta co cin them thOi gian de hoan
time to finish the preparation? thanh vi~c chuin bj khong?
(A) Because we already had it (A) Vi chling ta dacono r6i
(B) No. It starts at seven tonight. (B)Khong, no b~t d~u vao 7h t6i
(C) Yes. we really do (C)Co, chung ta thP-t Sl:f can

16. Where can I pick up the Toi co the lay don adau?

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
application? (A) Phong 403
(A) In room 403. (B) Vao m6i sang thu 2
(B) Every Monday morning. (C) Vao khoang 3h
(C) About 3 o'clock
17. When does the message say we Chung ta cin phan h~i thU' tin do vao luc

need to respond? nao?
(A) Cai do dUn.g cho m9t bu6i ti~c nghl huu

(A) It's for a retirement party.
(B) By the end of this week. (B) Truuc cuai tuan nay
(C) Yes. I already sent him a bill. (C)Vang, t6i da gm bill cho anh ~Y r6i

18. How many people applied for the Co bao nhi~u ngU'Oi n~p d011 cho nhfrng h~c
scholarships? b&ng nay?

(A) I ' ll apply for the position (A) Toi se n9p cho vi tri do
(B) At least twenty. (B)ft nhat La 20

(C) To submit the application.
Would you like me to get you
tic (C)DS n9p dan
B~n co mu~n them 1 c~c tra nfra khong?
another cup of tea? (A)Khong, cam un, 1 cac la du(J'c rBi
(A) No thanks, one is enough. (B) T oi nghi la a cu6i hanh lang do
(B) At the end of the hall. I think. (C)Toi ding moi biSt ch6 nay thoi
(C) I'm new around here. too

20. Why at·e the renovations being T~i sao nhfrng dc;rt nang cip hi hoan l~i?
delayed? (A) Vang, nhrmg no cfm duqc thay d6i
(A) Yes, but it should be changed. (B)Chung ta ph iii co giay phep truuc dii
(B) We must get a permit first. (C)No bi hoan han 2h

(C) It was delayed over two hours.


21. You're going to the gym again, B~n dfnh tOi phong gym lin nfra dung
aren't you? khong?

(A) Yes. since last Tuesday. (A) Dung rBi, ki fir zan
vao thu 3 tuan truuc
(B) We met a long time ago. (B)Chling ta da g~p nhau tu r~t Hlu r6i
(C) The fitness room closes at (C)Phong tftp dong cua hie 9h
ntne ..

22. Do you have some time to review this B~n co thOi gian xem cai nay khong hay Ia
or does Mr. Andrews need you? Mr. Andrews co vi~c cho b~n?
(A) A quarter after nine (A) 15p sau 9h

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nam Maru
(B) Yes. I need one. (B)Vang, t6i dn 1 cai
(C) Yes, I can check it now (C) Vang, toi co thJ kiJm tra bay giit

23. I'd appreciate it if you would turn Toi rit vui n~u b~n co the v~n nho radio l~i
the radio down. (A) Bftt den len

(A) Turn on the light. (B) V ao cu6i hanh lang

(B) It's down this hall. (C)O ngt;ti qua, toi v(in nho lt;ti ngay day
(C) Oh, sorry. I'll turn it down
24. What time is the workshop H9i thao d':f ki~n b~t diu khi m1o the?

supposed to start? (A) Co ~y b~t dftu lam vi~c a day vao thang
(A) She started working here last tluoc
month (B)Nira tiJng nira La biit dau

(B) It begins in half an hour. (C)Anh ~y khong co avan ph6ng vao thu 6
(C) He is not in the office on Friday.
25. Do we have enough machines, or Chung ta co du may moe khong hay phai d~t
should I order some more? them nua?
(A) I cant operate the machine. (A) Toi khong thS v~n hanh cai may
(B) We still have plenty. (B)Chung ta van con nhiJu zJm

(C) To save some money (C)BS tiSt ki~m tiSn

26. For which hotel should I make the Toi nen d~t phong khach s~n nao nhi?
reservation? (A) T6i nay chting ta da duqc d~t phong r6i
(A) We are all booked for tonight. (B)Cai ma iJ truuc trung tam hQi nghi do

(B) The one by the conference (C)Tuthuhai toi thu6


(C) From Monday to Friday


27. Why didn't you bring the document to T~i sao b~ khong dem tai li~u toi buoi h9p?
the meeting? (A)Toi quen mang mat
(A) I forgot to pick it up (B)Khong, cftu ~Y se khong lam
(B) No. he won't. (C)5 u·ang
(C) Five pages
28. I'm in the mood for a movie Toi mu~n di xem phim vao t~i nay
tonight. (A) Vang, t6i da d9c 1 cai r6i
(A) Yes. I have read one (B) Y tuiJng cove hay do

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'm h vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia hi rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nam Maru
(B) That sounds like a good idea. (C)Toi ciing thich no nfra
(C) I enjoyed it. too.

29. How long does the delivery Vi~c giao hang thuimg mit khoang bao lau?
usually take? (A)Khoiing 4 ngay

(A) About four days. (B)Thuemg la 5usd/gio
(C) T oi b9 p~n giao hang

(B) Usually five dollars per hour.
(C) To the delivery department

30. They'll refund our money if it's H9 se hoan tien l~i neu bf hoan dung khong?
delayed. right? (A) B~ co thS n·a b~ng tiSn m~t
(A)You can pay by cash. (B)Dung rBi, do za chinh sach cua cong ty

(B) Yes, that's the company policy. (C) T oi khong co du tiSn
C) I don't have enough money
clients this morning.
I thought you were out visiting Toi da nghila b~n ra ngoai g~p khach hang
sang nay cO'
(A) Yes, he often visits the head (A) Vang, anh ~y thuemg xuyen dSn tham nv
office. so chinh
(B) No, my meeting was called off (B)Khong, cu9c hf)p dii bj huy rBi
(C) I left them on my desk. (C)Toi dS chmg tren bim lam vi~c do

32. Are you ready to order, or do you B~n co order luon khong hay df!i chut nfra?
need more time? (A) G§n 1 tiSng tJ.uoc
(A) Nearly an hour ago. (B)Chmg toi ~t hang moi vao tuk nuoc

(B) We ordered new merchandise last (C)Toi si can them vai phut nua do

(C) I'll need a few more minutes

33. Can't Mr. Gomez wait until Cuqc h9p do Mr. Gomez co the dqi tOi sang

tomorrow to have the meeting? mai khong?

(A)Yes, I have to go now. (A) Vang, t6i phai di bay gio
(B) I'll purchase one tomorrow (B)Toi se mua 1 cai vao ngay mai
(C) No. he wants to have it right (C)Khong du:(J'c, ong ay muan ngay bay giil

34. Why did Mr. Wilson hire a bilingual T~i sao Mr. Wilson thue 1 nguiri th~o song
person? ngii' v~y?

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhlt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se li1m mit
di gia hi rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
(A) Most of the clients speak (A)Hau het khdch himg deu noi tieng Nh~t
Japanese. (B)Ong ~y tro vs ngay hom qua
(S) He came back yesterday. (C) Vang, chtmg t6i c§n 1 thu ki moi
C) Yes. we need a new secretary.

35. The play starts at seven o'clock. Tro choi b~t diu vao hie 7h
(A) Anh ~y b~t dftu vao 01/08

(A) H e started August 1st.
(B) Then we'd better hurry. (B)Chung ta phiii nhanh len thoi
(C) They didn't like it. (C)H9 khong thich diSu do

36. Mr. Williams gave a great opening Mr. Williams da the hi~n m~t bai di~n van

speech at the conference, didn't khai m~c tuy~t vOi ~i h~i ngh! dung
he? khong?
(A) No, I can I go there.
(B) I saw the schedule yesterday.
(A) Khong, t6i khong thS toi do
(B) T oi da nhin ban kS ho~ch hom qua
(C)Yes, he did a good job. (CJ vang, anh ay
lam tat liim

37. Are you free for coffee later? B~n co thiri gian u~ng cafe khong?

(A) Yes, it's free. (A) Vang, no miSn phi do

(B)Five copies, please. (B)5 ban, cam an
(C) I'll be free at about three. (C)Toi si riinh vao ZUc 3h

38. This room is really hot. Can phong nay nong th~t

(A) The room is on the thirteenth

floor. (A) Can phong a t§ng 13

(B) You're meeting with the real (B)B~n se co cu9c g~p voi d~i li b~t d9ng san
estate agent. (C) T[Ji sao khong mif cua di?
(C) Why don't you open the

39. Ms. Patel, could you tell us how Ms. Patel, b~n co the cho chong toi bi~t each
you'd promote the campaign? b~n se qming ba cho chi~n djch nay khong?

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nam Maru
(A) Yes. here's a copy of my (A) Vtmg, doy la biin copy de xu at cua toi
proposal. (B)Co ~Y da duqc thang chuc
(B) Her promotion was approved. (C)No a ngay day
(C) It's right over there.

40. Please call me when you have your Hay g9i toi khi m1o b~n co chi phi~u nh~n

paycheck. Iuong cua minh
(A) Sure, what's your extension (A)Chiic chiic rJi, sa
nQi bQ cua bt,m bao za
again? nhieu?

(B) I'm glad to meet you. (B)R~t vui duqc g~p b~n
(C) No, I didn't call him . (C)Khong, toi khong co g9i anh ~y

Q. 41-43 refer to the following
conversation. M : Julie. Co co thS dai l~i cu9c h~n vao lh
M : Julie. would you please push back my chiSu nay duqc khong? Toi co cu9c h9p
1:00 appointment this afternoon? I have an khAn c~p vai chu tich
emergency meeting with the president W : Dr nhien r6i ngai Laurie. Anh mu6n xSp
W : Of course, Mr. Laurie, when would you lich l~i khi nao?
like to reschedule? M: a, ngai chu tich thong bao vai toi r~ng
M: Well, the president informed me that co vai khach hang se dSn hie 2h, do do 4h

some clients will be arriving at 2, so let's say di. Toi co le se vS van phong truac hie do.
4 o'clock. I should be back in my office by W : T6t r6i, dS toi kiSm tra xem anh ta tai
then day hie 4h duqc khong.
W : Great. I' 11 see if he can be here at 4

• Put back:
to arrange a later _lime for something

41. What would the man like Julie to do? Nguai dan ong mu6n Julie lam gi

(A) Meet with the president (A) G~p chu tich

(B) Change an appointment time (B) Thay dBi thOi gian cu9c h~n
(C) Come to the office later (C) T6i van phong sau d6
(D) Contact some clients (D) Lien l~c m9t vai khach hang

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhlt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nam Maru
42. What will the man do this afternoon? ChiSu nay nguoi clan ong se lam gi?
(A) Meet with some clients (A)G~p gfr vai khach hang
(B) Call the president office (B)G9i toi van phong chu tich
(C) Go to the emergency room (C)Di toi phong c~p CUu
(D) Relocate his office. (D)Doi chuySn van phong

43. What time will the man start his ChiSu nay nguoi dan ong se b~t dftu cu9c h~n
hie m~y gio?

appointment this afternoon?
(A)At 1 o'clock (A) Luc lh
(B)At 2 o'clock (B) Luc 2h

(C)At 3 o'clock (C) Luc 3h
(D) At 4 o'clock (D) Luc 4h
44-46 refer to the following

M: Good afte1noon Telus Mobility. What can I M: xin chao Telus Mobility. Toi co thS lam g '
do fm· you?
W: Hello, I was wondering if you can help
cho b~?
W: Xin chao, toi th~c m~c khong biSt b~n
me with my cell phone bill. I haven 't used c6 thS xem giup toi h6a don di~n tho~i di
my cell phone any more than usual, d9ng duqc khong? Binh thuemg toi chua
however the total this month seems to be bao gia sir dt,mg di~n tho~i cua minh nhiSu
much more than in the past nhu thS .. Tuy nhien t6ng tiSn thang nay c6

M : It could be that the monthly service ve nhiSu hon luc tru6c nhiSu
charge has increased. But let me look over M : Cole la do phi dich V\1 hang thang da
your 1nvmce. What 1s your telephone tang. Nhrmg cudS toi xem nhanh h6a don
number? cua b~n xem. s6 di~n tho~i cua b~n la bao

W: It's 555-9328. My last name is Hawk. nhieu?

W: It's 555-9328. My last name is Hawk.

44. What kind of company does the man

work for? N guoi dan ong lam vi~c cho lo~i hinh cong ty

(A) A delivery service company nao?

(B) An Internet provider (A) M9t cong ty dich Vl,l giao hang
(C) A mobiphone company (B) Nha cung c~p intetnet
(D) An accountant's office (C) Cong ty di~n tho~i
(D) Van phong kS tmin


Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
How does the man explain the Nguoi dim ong giai thich nhu the nao vS Sl,I
change in the woman 's bill? thay d6i a hoa dan cua nguoi phl,l nil?
(A) The price may have raised (A) gia co le da tang
(B) The woman has nvo cell phones (B) nguoi ph1,1 nfr co 2 cai di~n tho~i
(C) There was an accormting error (C) col6i vS kS toan

(D) The woman may have used her (D) nguoi ph1,1 nfr co le da di~n tho~i

cell phone more than usual nhisu han muc binh thuang

46. What information does the man ask

the woman for? N guoi dan ong yeu cftu nguoi ph1,1 nfr dua
(A) Her invoice number thong tin nao?
(B) Her telephone number (A) S6 hoa dan cua co ~y

(C) Her monthly balance (B) s6 di~n tho~i CUa co ~y
(D) Her identification number (C) s6 du hang thang clia co ~Y

47-49 refer to the

tic (D) S6 cmnd cua co ~y
W: Kevin. When 1s evetyone meeting to W: Kevin. Khi nao thi m9i nguoi se g~p m~t
commemorate Jim's retirement? dS ki ni~m ngay Jim nghi huu?
M: The invitation said 7 o'clock. Do you know M: Trong thu moi thi 7h . Co co biSt bfra ti~c

where the banquet is? nay a dau khong ?

W: Yes, it's in the W estbotten Harborfront W: Vang, no a khach s~ W estbotten
Hotel, next to the supennarket. But I need to Harborfront, kS ben sieu thi, Nhung t6i dn
stop by the bakety first, so I probably won't phai ghe ti~m banh mi uuoc da, do do cole

anive until 7:30 t6i se khong dSn noi uuoc 7:30

M: Ok, I see, but don ' t be too late because M: Duqc, toi biSt r6i, nhung dimg trS quit

I will be waiting for you nhe vi khi d6 toi se dqi co

47. What is the celebration for? Le ki ni~m nay danh cho?

(A) The promotion of a coworker (A) Sl,I thang chuc cua d6ng nghi~p
(B)The opening of a new banquet facility (B) khai huang m9t co so t6 chuc ti~c moi
(C) The anniversary of the hotel (C) ki ni~m thanh lftp khach s~n
(D) The retirement of a colleague (D) V i~c nghi huu clia m<?t d6ng nghi~p
48. When will the celebration start? Bu6i le b~t dftu khi nao?
(A) At 6:00 (A) 6h
(B)At 6:30 (B) 6h30
(C) At 7:00 (C) 7h

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mftt
di gia hi rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nam Maru
(D) At 7:30 (D) 7h30
49. Where will the woman go before the Nguoi ph1,1 nu se di dftu uuoc bua ti~c?
(A) To a banquet hall (A) toi m9t phong ti~c
(B) To a hotel lobby (B) toi s~mh 1 khach s~

(C) To a bakery (C) too m{)t ti~m banh mi

(D) To a supennarket (D) toi m9t sieu thi

50·52 refer to the following conversation.

w : William, I just found out that you won an W: William, t6i vua moi biSt vua ~t giai
award for a ptece of your mtwork. thuong cho hinh anh u·en 4tp chi. Xin chuc
Congratulations! M: Cam an co. T oi r~t vui suang tfuig hi~p h9i

M: Thank you. I'm so thrilled that the Kennedy Kennedy Association da cong nh~n tac ph~m
Association has recognized my work. cua minh
W: You should feel honored. Are you painting
any new pieces now?
W: B~n nen hanh di~n vi diSu do . Hi~n 4ti b~
co ve them buc nao nao khong?
M. Well. I stmted work on a new oil painting M. A, t6i b~t d~u thvc hi~n 1 buc tranh son &u
this week and I hope to join a sculpture moi tu§n nay Va hi VQng duqc tham dl,l' m9t h9i
workshop in the fall. thao dieu kh~c vao mua thu.
50. Why is William happy? T ~i
sao William l~i vui mtrng?

(A) He created a new painting. (A) anh ~Y lam ra buc tranh moi
(B) He recently won a prize (B) Moo day anh ~Y thing giai thuoog
(C) He met his favorite mtist (C) Anh ta g~p ngh~ Sl yeu thich cua minh
(D) He taught his first mt workshop. (D) Anh ~Y giang d~y 4ti h9i thao ngh~ th~t

d~u tien clia minh

51. What does William hope to do? William hi v9ng dieu gi?

(A) Take the vacation in the fall (A) co ki nghi vao mua thu
(B)Sign up for· a wor·kshop (B) dang ki tham dv m9t h9i thao

(C) Attend an awards banquet (C) tham dl,l' m9t bfra ti~c hao giai
(D) Join a group of mtists (D) tham gia vao nhom ngh~ si
52. 52. What is William working on these Nhfrng ngay nay William lam ve cai gi?
(A) An oil painting (A) m9t buc hanh san d~u
(B) A workshop manual (B) sach huang cllin h9i thao
(C) A watercolor painting (C) m9t buc u-anh mau nuoc
(D) A sculpture (D) m9t buc dieu kh~c

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
53·55 refer to the following conversation.
M. I'm here with a delive1y. Some office M. Toi toi day dS giao hang. M9t vai drmg cu
supplies, a filing cabinet. and a bookshelf. I van phong, mot tu drmg h6 SO, mot ke sach, tOi
believe. I'm going to have to get someone to nghi thS. Toi dang tim ai ki nhan day. T1uang
sign for them. Is there a manager available? phong c6 a day khong?

W: She's out of the office this aftemoon. I'm her W: Co ~y ra khoi van phong chiSu nay r6i. Toi
la trq li cua co ~y, t6i c6 thS ki nh~.

assistant. I can sign for them
M: Thank you, that's great. Where should I M: Cam an, diSu d6 thftt tuy~t, t6i nen dS
leave the supplies? nhfrng dl,lilg Cl;l nay a dau day?

w The filing cabinet can go in the conference W: Tu dl,lllg h6 so c6 thS mang toi phong h9i
room and the bookshelf and boxes of supplies nghi, con k~ sach va h9p dl;lng C\1 c6 thS dS lai
can be left right here. day

• Sign (or: ifyou sign for a parcel (ki?n himg) or letter,
tic you show thatyou have received it by writing your
name on a doctmtent (ki ten len mdugitiy chi ra r&ng
minh aii nh(in himg
Where is the conversation most likely take Cu9c h9i tho~i r~t c6 thS dien ra a dau?
(A) At a shipping company (A) T ~i m9t hang tau
(B)At an office building (B) T ~i m9t toa nha van phong

(C) At an office supplies store (C) T ~i m9t cua hang dl,lilg Cl;l van phong
(D) At a librmy (D) T ~i 1 thu vi~n

54. What does the assistant offer to do? Nguoi trq li de nghi lam gi?
(A) Help move the supplies (A) giup di chuySn cac dl,lilg C\1 nay
(B)Phone his manager (B) g9i di~n cho qllim li

(C) Sign the form (C) ki vao fonn


(D) Open the conference room (D) rna phong h9i thao
55. What will be delivered to the conference? Cai gi se duqc dua den phong h9i thao?
(A) A bookshelf (A) 1 k~ sach
(B)A filing cabinet (B) M9t tu dl;lllg h6 so
(C)Office supplies (C) Cac dl,lilg Cl;l van phong
(D) Meeting table (D) Banh9p
56-58 refer to the following conversation.
W· Excuse me, how much is the entrance fee? W· cho t6i hoi, gia vao c6ng la bao nhieu vfty?

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhlt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;lll nh~m giup
cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
MIt's six dollars for adults and four dollars for M 6 dola cho nguoi Ian va 4 dola cho nguoi
senior and children under 12. gia va tre em
W That's a lot more than I expected. We only W Chtm.g do han nhiSu so voi dv kiSn cua toi.
wanted to go to the gift shop. They just called Chtmg t6i chi mu6n vao cua hang qua t~ng.
about some posters that I had ordered. It'll only B9n h9 vl!a moi g9i cho t6i hoi vS nhiing

be about 20 minutes. poster t6i da d~t. Se chi khoang 20p rna thoi

M: Well, I can offer you a half price coupon. M: Vang, t6i co thS ap dt,mg m<?t nli'a gia ve
Would you like to use it? cho b~. b~n co mu6n dling khong?

• Call (s.o) about st: to call someone on the telephone,
seeking information about someone or something

56. Who most likely is the man? Nguoi dan ong co the Ia ai nhat?
(A) An Information desk clerk (A) nhan vien quiy thong tin
(B)A gift shop owner
(C) A parking attendant
tic (B) chu shop quat~
(C) Nhan vien ph1,1 trach bai d6 xe
(D) A supetmarket cashier (D) Thu ngan sieu thi
57. Where is the woman going? N guoi ph1,1 nfr dang di dau?
(A) To meet with a boutique owner (A) g~p go m<?t chu ti~c

(B)To visit an att gallety (B) Bi tham m<?t phong hung bay ngh~ thuftt
(C) To check her order (C) D~ ki~m tra don hang cua minh
(D) To walk around a shopping mall (D) Bi d~o quanh m<?t hung tfun mua sfun
58. How does the man suggest lowering the Nguoi dan ong dS nghi giam gia ve vao cua

admission price? nhu nao?ths

(A) Retuming another day (A) Quay tro l~i vao m<?t ngay khac

(B) Calling the shop owner (B) G9i cho chu shop
(C) Using a discount coupon (C) Su dl,lllg ve giam gia

(D) Chm·ging her the senior's rate (D) Ap dl,lllg gia ve cho nguoi gia d6i voi co
59-61 refer to the following
M: Is this monitor available in black or M: Man hinh may tinh nay co lo~i mau
silver? den hay b~c v~y?
W: Currently. we only have the white one W: Gin day chimg toi chi c6 lo~i mau
in stock, but if you'd like we can order either tring 6 kho thoi, nhtmg nSu nhu b~n c6

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia hi rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
the black or the silver. You can also get a th@ d~t hang mau den hay b~c, voo them
21-inch model for an additional 200 200 usd, b~n ciing c6 th@ c6 duqc hang
dollars . lo~i 21-inch
M: I'd rather order the 17-inch in black. I M: Toi mu6n d~t hang mau den 17 -
heard that silver paint tends to look old inch. Nghe n6i r~ng lap son mau b~c

quickly. nhanh cii hon

W :Great, then let's go to the customer service W :Duqc r6i, ta hay dSn guay dich v u
counter to fill out the forms . You should khach hang d@ diSn dan. B~n se nh~n duqc
have your new monitor within 10 business man hinh may tinh mai trong vong 10 ngay

days . lam vi~c .

59. What color monitors are available Hi~n t~i mim hinh may tinh co san lo~i mau

now? nao?
(A) White (A) Tri ng
tic (B) B~c
(C) Den
(D) Red (D)Bo
60. How much does it cost to inct·ease tOn them bao nhieu thi co duqc man hinh kich
the size of the monitor? co Ian han ?
(A) $100 (A) 100$

(B) $170 (B) 170$

(C) $200 (C) 200$
(D) $300 (D) 300$

61. When can the man expect to receive Du kiSn khi nao thi nguoi dan ong co th@ ~n
his monitor? duqc man hinh cua minh?

(A) In about a week (A) khoang 1 tufm

(B) In about two weeks. (B) khoang 2 tuin (=10 ngay lam vi~c)

(C) In about three weeks (C) khoang 3 ttilln

(D) In about four weeks (D) khoang 4 ttilln

62-64 refer to the followin

W : Richard, have you gotten your new parkin W : Richard, Anhnh~n duqc the d6 xe mai chua
pass? I pick mine up on Tuesday. Toi l~y the cua minh vao thu 3
M: Tuesday! No, I haven't even got a call fcM: Thu 3! khong , t6i th~m chi con chua duqc g<;

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nam Maru
mine. I have to get the parking attendant to lift thdS l~y the nfra. Hang ngay phai nho nhan vien d
gate for me evetyday. xe keo c6ng len cho
W: May you should contact someone in HR abm W: Co le anh nen lien h~ voi phong nhfm sv d
getting your card. ~y the
M: Good idea. I'll call them right after thM: y kiSn hay do, t6i se g9i h9 ngay sau cu<?c h9

Nguoi dan ong g~p phai v§n dS gi?

62. What problem is the man faced with?
(A) He doesn't know where the HR
department is (A)Anh ~y khong biSt phong nhan S\1' a dftu

(B)He has too much work to prepare for (B) Anh ~yeo qua nhiSu thu dn chuftn bi cho
the meeting. cu<?c h9p
(C) He can't open the garage gate by (C)Anh ~y khong th~ tl! minh rna c~ng bai

himself d6 xe
(D) He wasn't able to contact the (D)Anh ~y khong thS lien h~ nhan vien d6 xe
parking attendant
63. When did the woman receive her Nguoi ph1,1 nfr nh~ the do xe vao khi nao?
parking permit?
(A) On Thursday (A) thus
(B)OnFriday (B) Thu 6
(C)On Monday (C) Thu 2

(D) On Tuesday (D) Thlf 3

64. What does the woman suggest the Nguoi ph1,1nfr dS nghi nguoi dan ong lam gi?
man do?
(A) Find the parking attendant (A) Tim g~p nhan vien d6 xe

(B) Park in another garage (B) D6 a bai xe khac

(C) Arrive at the office early (C) Tai van phong sam

(D) Contact the HR department (D) Lien h~ phong Nhan sl!

65-67 refer to the following

M : What would you like to do with your M : Hom nay b~n mu6n t~o kiSu toe thS
hair today? Would you like some nao? Nhu<?m highlight hay la thu gi d6 An
highlights or something dramatic done to tuqng v6i. n6?
it? W: T oi thich thu gi d6 don giim, gi6ng
W: I'd like something simple, like the nhu nhu kier cua co tiSp tan. B~n co thS
receptionist's style. Can you add some nhu<?m highlight m9t it dS toe toi trong
highlights to make my hair look similar to gi6ng cua co Ay khong?

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
hers? M: Dl nhien r6i. Tiu,rc ra tOi vira moo hoan
M: Of course. I actually just completed a thanh h9i thiw ""what's hot" vao tu~n
"what's hot" seminar last week in New tnr6c 6 New York, chung toi t~p trung cho
York and that style was one that we kiSu d6.
focused on. W: Oh. Th~t sao? Anh khiSn toi cam thiy

W: Oh. did you? You Inake me feel more thoai mai han va hao hilng vS Sl,l' thay d6i

comfortable and excited about the changes cho mai toe cua minh
to my hair.

65. Where most likely does this
conversation take place? Cu9c h9i tho~i nay r~t co thS diSn ra a dftu?
(A) At a shopping mall (A) T~i m9t hung tam mua s~m

(B) At a h a ir salon (B) T~i 1 hair salon (Ti~m him toe eao e~p)
(C) At a fashion boutique (c) T ~i 1 cila hang thai trang

(D) At an art studio
tic (D) T ~i 1 xuang ngh~ thuftt
What would the woman like to do? N guai ph1,1 nCr muon lam gi?
(A) Meet the receptionist (A) g~p tiSp tan
(B) Attend the "what's hot" seminar" (B) tham dt,r h9i thao "what's hot"
(C) Find a new hair stylist (C) tim 1 kiSu toe moi
(D) Change her hair color (D) thay d~i mau toe

67. Why did the man visit New York? T~isao nguai dimong den New York?
(A) To see the sights (A) DS ngfun canh

(B) To learn about fashion (B) DS h9c vS thai t.rang

(C) To buy hair products (C) DS mua san phfun vS toe

(D)To attend a training seminar (D) B~ tham dl]' h{)i thao hu~n luy~n

68-70 refer to the following

M: Hi, June, hav e you had any trouble with M: Hi, June, chiSu nay co co g~p v~n dS gi
the phone system this afternoon? I can't voi h~ th6ng di~n tho(;ti khong? Toi duemg
seem to check my voice mail. nhu khong thS kiSm tra h9p voice mail
W: The system cleared our ID numbers last W: T6i qua h~ th6ng da xoa rna s6 ID r6i.
night. You'll have to visit the technical Anh se phai toi g~p nhan vien h6 trq ki thu;%t
support staff to reset your password cts cai l(;ti password

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b~ co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nam Maru
M: Okay, the office is up on the eighth floor M: Buqc r6i, Van phong co phai a tren
by the mail room, right? tang tam, phia truac phong thu khong?
W: It is on the eighth floor, but you'll have W: No a tren ting tam nhung anh phai re
to turn left at the reception desk and go down trai t~i ban tiSp tan va di vS phi a cu6i hanh
to the end of the hall. It's directly beside the lang. N6 a ngay ben c~nh phong Nhan Sl:f

Human Resources Department
vk dS cilit nguoi dim ong la gi?

68. What is the man's problem?
(A) He forgot hiS new password. (A) Anh ~y quen mftt kh~u mai
(B) He left his ID card in the HR (B) Anh ~Y ds the ID a phong nhan sv

department. (C) Anh iy khong th~ ki~m tra tin nhin
(C) He can't access his messages. (D) Buang day di~n tho~i cua anh ~y bi rat ca
(D) His phone lines have been bu6i chiSu

down all afternoon.

Where will the man probably go Tiep theo nguoi dan ong rat co these di dftu?
(A) Toi phong sv
(A) To the HR department (B) TOi d!ch v~;~ ki thu~t
(B) To technical services (C) T oi ban tiSp tan
(C)To the reception desk (D) T oi phong mail
(D )To the mail room

70. Where is the technical support staff Van phong ho trq ki thuftt n~m a dau?
office located? (A) 0 ben c~nh bim tiSp tan
(A) Beside the reception desk (B) G§n thang may

(B) Next to the elevators (C) B6i dien phong mail

(C) Across from the mail room (D) Gin phong nhan S~;I'

(D) Near the HR department

71-73 refer to the following

telephone message.

Hello, this is Katie Burke calling from Xin chao, Toi la Katie Burke g9i tir cong ty
Cogeco Internet Services. Mr. Clifford, Dich Vl,l intetnet Cogeco. Mr. Clifford, Lido
the reason I'm calling is we haven't received rna tOi dang g9i day la chling tOi v§n chua nh~n
your payment for the installation of the duqc thanh toan tir b~ cho phk l~p d~t cap va
modem and cable. We need your payment in modem. Chling tOi dn b~n thanh toan dS kich
order to activate your service. Please contact ho~t dich Vl,l. Xin hay lien h~ chtmg tOi ~i s6

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhlt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;m da dong gop.
Nam Maru
us at 1-800-222-4503, between 8 a.m and 6 1-800-222-4503 tir 8h sang dSn 6h chiSu, thu 2
p.m, Monday to Saturday. Thank you. We dSnthu 7.Camon.Chllilgt6imongnh~nduqc
look forward to hear from you at your earliest cau tni loi sam nhftt tu b~n
71. What is the reason for the call? Lido cua cu9c g9i la gi?

(A) To get l'Ar. Clifford's contact (A) L~y thong tin lien l~c clia Mr. Clifford
(B) Ch9n ngay l~p d~t

(B) To set up an installation date (C) Thao lu~n vS cac goi Intetnet hi~n co
(C) To discuss available Internet (D) Nh~n thanh tm1n cho 1 djch Vt,J.

(D) To receive payment for a service
72. What is Mr. Clifford asked to do? Mr. Clifford duqc yeu c~u lam gi?

(A) Send an e-mail (A) Send an email
(B) Call the company (B) G9i di~n cho cong ty
(C) Drop by the office
(D) Register for services
tic (C) Ghe van phong
(D) Bang ki dich v1,1
73. When does Katie expect to hear
from Mr.Ciifford? Katie mong nh~ tin cua Mr. Clifford vao hie
(A) On Monday, between 8 and 6 nao?

o'clock (A) Vao thu 2, tir 8h -18h

(B) As soon as possible (B) Cang nhanh cang t6t
(C) Before the installation date (C) Ttuoc ngay l~p d~t
(D) After the payment due date (D) Sau ngay hSt h~ thanh toan

74-76 refer to the following


I am pleased to announce the grand opening of Toi r~t vui duqc thong bao vS IS khai huang

Atlas Steels Cmporation here in Hamilton. As T~p doan Atlas Steels t~i Hamilton. La
director of Operations, I can only uy to express giam d6c diSu hanh, toi chi c6 thS thS
how proud I am. We will open the plant doors hi~n him than minh hanh di~n dSn mire
inearlyJulyandwilllookathiringanadditional nao. Chimg toi se mcr ctra nha may vao
100 staff members and then closer to the end d~u thang 7 va mu6n tuySn d\lllg them
of the year we will most likely bring on 100 nhan vien, va sau do t6i cu6i nam c6
another 75 people. We 've expand quite a le se them 75 nguai nfra. Chimg toi da
bit since our first production facility in mcr r9ng quy mo vai ph~n ks
ttr co sa san

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nam Maru
Milton, to our present day plants m suit dAu tien t~i Milton, nhfrng nha may
Portland, Rochester, St. Louis, and no hi~n t~i 6 Portland, Rochester, St. Louis,
here in Hamilton. We are looking forward va bay gio day Ia 6 Hamilton. Chfutg toi
to joining the community mong mu6n hoa nh~p v&i c9ng d6ng noi

74. Who most likely is the speaker?
N guoi phat biSu co thS hi ai nh~t?

(A) A construction crew member
(B) A steel engineer (A) Thanh vien CUa doi xay dl,lllg
(C) A plant supervisor (B) Kisuthep

(D) A company's director (C) Giam sat nha may
(D) Gillin d6c cong ty
75. How many staff will the company s6 lm;mg nhan vien cong ty se tuySn dl,lng khi

employ when it opens? mo CUa la bao nhieu?
(A)50 (A) 50
(B) 75
(C) 100
(D) 125 (D) 125
76. Where was the first facility? Co so dau tien a dau?
(A) Milton (A) Milton
(B) Portland (B) Portland

(C) St. Louis (C) St. Louis

(D) Rochester (D) Rochester

77-79 refer to the following talk.


Hello, my name is Claudia and I'm happy Xin chao, ten t6i la Claudia va r~t vui duqc tiSp
to be your host and guide this afternoon. don va huang d§n cac b~n chiSu nay. Bay gio

It's currently 12:30 and we will begin our la 12:30 va chling ta se b~t dftu chuySn tham
tour of the facilities at 1:00. But before we quan cac nha may hie 1h. Nhung truoc khi b~t

get started, I do have a few d~u, t6i co m9t vai thong bao dua ra. Thftt tiSc
announcements to make. Unfortunately, la, chUn.g t6i khong cho phep b~t cu khach
we do not allow any visitors to photograph thfun nao duqc ch1,1p anh thiSt bi hay quay phim
the equipment or video the baking process. qua trinh nuang banh. Phk d~u cua chuySn di
The first part of the tour will finish at 2 p .m. se xong hie 2h. Tuy nhien , cac b~n se co 2
However, you will have a couple of unguided tiSng tl,r do dS thfun phong thi nghi~m va phong
hours to visit our labs and tasting rooms nSm banh uuoc khi roi co so. Bimg ng~i hoi
before you leave the premises. Feel free to b~t cu cau hoi nao xuyen su6t thai gian cua

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit ella group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
ask any questions that you may have at chuySn di. T oi th~t sv mong m<;>i nguoi thich
anytime throughout the tour. I do hope that chuySn di nay.
you enjoy your visit

77. Where most likely are the visitors? Nhfrng khach tham rat co the a dau?

(A) A semi-conductor plant (A) M9t nhiumiy ban cifin
(B) M9t san v~n d9ng n6i tiSng

(B) A famous museum
(C) A large bakery's facilities (C) M9t CO' sa nuO'Ilg banh 1011
(D) A supermarket (D) M9t sieu thi

78. What will happen at 2:00? BiSu gi se xay ra hie 2h?

(A) The visitor will asked question (A) Khach tham se ~t cau hoi
(B) the guided part of the tour will (B) Ph~n dugc h uO'Ilg din cua chuy~n tham
(C) The tasting rooms will close
tic k~t thuc
(C) Phong nSm b<inh dong cua
(D) The visitors can take (D) Nhfrng khach tham co thS ch1,1p anh

79. How long will the visitors be on their Nhiing khach tham se a m9t minh n·ong bao

own? lau?
(A) 30 minutes (A) 30p
(B) One hours (B) 1h
(C) Two hours (C)2h

(D) Three hours (D) 3h

80-82 refer to the following recorded

Thank you for calling the University of Cam an b~n da g<;>i dS Thu vi~n ~i h<;>c

Washington;s library. To access a listing of Washing ton. Nh~n 1 b~t cu khi ni10 dS tluy c~p
staff and faculty extensions please press 1 at danh sach s6 noi bo nhan vien va cac khoa
anytime. Ourlibrary facilities are open from (faculty). Cac thu vi~n ella. chling t6i se rna
8a.m. to 4p.m .. Monday through Friday. If cua tu 8h- 16h, thu Hai toi thu Sau. NSu nhu
you wish to access our political b~ mu6n tluy c~p van thu chinh tri thi co thS
archives, an appointment can be made with lam cu9c hyn voi Edward Phillips t~i s6 n9i b9
Edward Phillips at extension 15. If you would 15. NSu b~n mu6n tiSp tan goi lai ttuoc, xin
like our reception staff to return your call, hay dS l~i loi nh~n sau tin hi~u. Xin cam on.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia hi rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
please leave a message after the tone. Thank

Return a call: telephone someone who tried to

telephone you earlier


80. What kind of business is the Tin nh~n nay dling cho lo~i doanh nghi~p nao?

message for? (A) Van phong Ung v ien chinh tri
(A) A political candidate's office (B) Phong dao tao clia B~i h9c

(B) A university registrar's office (C) Toa thi chinh Thu do Washington
(C) City Hall in Washington. D .C. (D) Thuvi~n d~i h9c
(D) A university library

81. What time does the facility close on v ao thai gian nao co so dong cua vao cac ngay
(A) 2 p.m
tic thu Sau?
(A) 2hchiSu
(B) 3 p.m (B) 3h chiSu
(C) 4 p.m (C) 4h chi~u
(D) 5 p.m (D) 5h chiSu
82. How can a caller speak with Edward Nguai g9i di~n co thS noi chuy~n voi Edward

Phillips? Phillips nhu thS nao?

(A) By accessing the list of faculty (A) Tmy cftp danh sach khoa
member (B) B~ng each noi chuy~n voi nhan vien IS tan
(B)By speaking with the reception staff (C) Bing quay s~ n~i b~ 15

(C) By dialing extension 15 (D) B~ each ghe tham thu vi~n trong thai
(D) By visiting the library during the gian quy dinh

regular hours
83-85 refer to the following

Do you like French food? If so. you will love B~n co thich thuc an Phap khong ? NSu vfty,
Chateau Francois, on the comer of John b~n se yeu thich Chateau Francois, a m(?t
Street and Richardson Avenue. Stop by for goc cua duang John va Bai 16 Richardson.
dinner to enJoy traditional French Ghe an t6i dS thuong thuc ngh~ thu~t nau
cuisine: escargot, homemade bread, and nuong cua Phap : 6c sen, banh mi tai gia,
fine wines. For dessert, why don't you try ruau nguyen chat. BS trang mi~ng, t~i sao
pastries with fresh fruit and rich dark b~n khong thu banh ngQt voi trai cay tuoi

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nam Maru
chocolate?The thing that makes Chateau va socola den beo ngay. BiSu mang l~i sv
Francois truly unique ts the restaurant's d<?c dao dich thuc cho Chateau Francois la
location. Our newly - designed chef's deck v i tri cua cua hang. Nhin ra (overlook) tu
overlooks our estate vineyards and the khoang hau v ien lat g6 (deck) danh cho dau
beautiful Potemac River . Enjoy the v iew as bSp la nhfrng v uem nho diSn trang va con

you relax over a glass of wine. We look song Potemac xinh d~p . Thuang thuc

forward to seeing you for dinner. khung canh ctmg vai c6c ruqu vang de me.
Ch6ng toi mong cha duqc tiSp don b~n cho
bfra t6i.

83. What is being advertised? Cai gi duqc qillmg cao?
(A) A trip to France (A) ChuySn di toi Phap

(B) A restaurant (B) M9t nha hang
(C) A hotel (C) M<?t khach s~n
(D) A food market
tic (D) M<?t thi truang thuc an

84. What is provided for dessert? Trang mi~ng thi c6 gi?

(A) Fruit juice (A) Nuac ep trai dly
(B) Fresh fish (B) Ca tuoi
(C) Patries (C) Banh ngt;)t

(D) A glass of wine (D) C6c IUQ'U vang

85. What does the speaker say about Nguoi n6i n6i gi vS Chateau Francois?
Chateau Francois? (A) Nguai diu bSp n6i tiSng toan thS giai
(A) The chef is world-renowned (B) N6 rna cua vao cu6i ttilln

(B) It is open on weekends (C) Khung canh §n tuqng

(C) The view from deck is (D) Bfra tlua ~c bi~t khong d~t

(D) The lunch specials are

86-88 refer to the following
Good afternoon. I need to remind you of an Xin chao. Toi c§n phai nh~c b~ vS sv ki~n s~p
upcoming event prior to the beginning of our toi tluoc khi cu<?c h9p cua chUn.g ta b~t dftu.
meeting. Newport Painter are arriving on Newport Painter se tai day vao thu ba dS son
Tuesday to paint the offices in the west wing van phong a huang tay toa nha. Nhfrng thq
of our building. The painters should be here son c6 thS se a day 3 ngay. NSu b~n c6 van

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia hi rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nam Maru
for three days. If you have an office in the west phon g a huang tay, ch5c ch5n b ~n phai lien
wing, be sure to contact Ms. Peters in hwnan h~ Ms. Peters aphong Nhan SlJ dS biStminh se
resources find out where you w ill be relocated chuvSn sang dau. Them nfra, hay d9n d~p hSt
to. Furthermore, remove all confidential files nhfrng tai lieu mat nuoc khi ngay lam vi~c thu
by the end of business on M onday. If you 2 kSt thuc. NSu b~ c6 b~t cu cau hoi nao, hay

have any further questions, speak to Ms. n6i voi Ms. Peters.
• Cdu trite: tobe Ving noi v~ thi tuang lai chtic ch!in,

Qlt(JC Jn ajnh

• Should: ci1ng noi v~ khd nang, ngom ngh'la "cdn"

86. What is the announcement about? Bai thong bao n6i ve dieu gi?
(A) Employment opportunities with
hwnan resow·ses (A) Co h9i nghS nghi~p vS Nhan SlJ

(B) Information regarding interior (B) Thong tin lien quan tOi vi~c trang tri
decorating ben trong
(C) C hanges
m the

(D) Pre parations for h e board

m eeting (C) Thay d6i lich cu9c h9p
(D) Chu~n bi cho cu9c h9p hoi d6ng gllim n·i
m eeting
87. How can employees fmd out the location of Nhfrng nhan vien c6 thS tim th~y vi tri van
their new office? phong moi bfug each nao?

(A) By phoning the human (A) G9i phong nhan Sl!

resources department (B) N6i chuy~n voi quan li
(B) B y speaking to their m an ager (C) Ghe qua sanh toa nha
(C) By v isiting the lobby of the building (D) Lien h~ voi N ewport Painters

(D) B y contacting New port Painters

Nhfrng nhan vien duqc yeu c~u lam g i vao thu


88. What are staff asked to do on Monday

b efore they leave? Hai uuoc khi roi di

(A) C lean up their workspace (A) D9n d~p noi lam v i~c
(B) Tum off their computers (B) T 5t hSt may tinh
(C ) Contact the human resources (C) Lien h~ phong nhan sv
de partment (D) S~p x~p l~i nhiing tai li~u mftt
(D) Put away confidentia l files

89-91 refer to the following


Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mi t
di gia hi rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
Good evening, Office Depot shoppers. This Xin elmo nhfrng khach hang cilit Office
is your Office Depot sales manager, Kendra Depot, toi la Kendra Williams, quim li ban
Williams, informing you of some hang cua Office Depot, dang thong bao cho
tremendous discounts we have for you in the m9i nguai vS nhCing mon giam gia kh6ng 16
store today. In our stationary section,all t~i cua hang hom nay. T~i khu van phong

computer paper ts available at a 20% phAm, gi&y cuon dS in tren may tinh duqc

discount. Also, shoppers with an Office giam gia 20%. Nhfrng khach mua vai the
Depot Preferred Customer Card will receive khach hang uu tien Office Depot cling se
an additional 5% off of all purchase. Don't nh~n duqc them 5% giam gia cathay cho s6

forget the electronics department, where l~n mua. Dtmg bo qua khu hang di~n tu, nai
computers, faxes , and printers are also on rna may tinh, may fax, may in cling duqc
sale.And remember to pick up our new fall giam gia. Xin hay nh6 mang theo catalogue

catalogue as you leave the store. It's your mua thu khi b~n rai cua hang. Do la each as
way of learning more about all that Office b~n biSt hSt vS nhfrng diSu rna Office Depot
Depot has to offer.
tic se danh t~ng .

89. What IS the purpose of this Ml,lC dich cua Hm th6ng bao la gi?
(A) To tell about special offers (A) Noi v~ nhftng mon qua d~c bi~t
(B) To inform of a change in the store (B) Thong bao thay d6i chinh sach cua hang

policy (C) Thong bao gia gi&c CUa cua hang

(C) To announce the store's hours (D) Giai thi~u cac d6i tac ban hang
(D) To introduce sales associates

90. What is Ms. Williams' position? Chuc Vl,l cua Ms. Williams la gi?
(A) Store manager (A) Quan li cila hang

(B) computer programmer (B) L~p trinh vien may tinh

(C) Radio announcer (C) Phat thanh v ien

(D) Restaurant staff (D) Nhan vien nha hang

91. What can customers receive at no Khach hang duqc nh~n mien phi thu gi khi roi
cost as they leave? d1.
(A) A fax machine (A) May fax
(B) Computer paper (B) Gi&y in cu9n cho may tinh
(C) A store catalogue (C) Catalogue cua cila hang
(D) Preferred customer card (D) The khach hang uu tien

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong rnQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nam Maru
92-94 refer to the following short talk. KS tir thang toi day chling t6i se cho ra m~t h~
Starting next month we'll be introducing the th6ng dfr li~u may tinh moi CUa cong ty. M~ng
company's new database computer system. luoi moi kSt hqp m9t vai tinh nang se giup
The new network will combine a few chling ta gifr kSt n6i hi~u qua han, d~c vi~c
features that will help us to ~connected trong cong viec d9i nh6m. Xin hay nho r~ng

more efficiently, especially on group tasks m9i ~p tin tir ph§n dfr li~u elise khong duqc
chuySn ph§n moi. Do d6 m9i nhan vien nh~t

Please remember that all files from the old
database will not be moved to the new one, thiSt phai sao luu cac file uuoc cu6i thtmg.
so it's essential that all staff back up their NSu bankhong lam duoc thl dfr li~u quan trong

files by the end of the month. If you fail to do se m~t di. M~ng luoi hoan chinh se m~t 2 tu§n
so, important data could be lost. The full dS l~p ~t.
network will require two weeks to install. ..... Stay adj: gi[}' trqng thai g/ d6

'*- it's essential that someone (should)
do st: ai d6 can thiet nen lam gl
92. When will the new system start?
(A) lbis afternoon
(B) In two weeks
tic H~ thong moi se khoi d9ng khi nao?
(A) chiSunay
(B) hong 2 tu§n
(C) At the end of month (C) vao cu6i thang
(D) Next month (D) vito thang sau

93. What does the speaker say 1s the Thay doi thl c6lqi ich gi theo nguoi n6i?
benefit to the change? (A) Giao ti~p hi~u qua hon
(A)More efficient communication (B) Ngan c~n m~t cac ~P tin
(B)Prevent the lost of files (C) Bao mftt dfr li~u quan tr9ng t6t han

(C) Better secure important data (D) Giup nhan vien gifun s6 gio lam
(D) Allow staft to work less hours

94. What does the speaker ask staff to Nguoi n6i yeu c~u nhan vien lam gi?

(A) Obtain a new ID card (A) L~y the ID moi
(B) E-mail group files (B) Email cac ~p tin cho nh6m
(C) Copy existing files (C) Sao luu cac file hi~n co
(D) Rewrite files on the new server (D) ViSt l~i file hen server moi
95-97 refer to the following talk. Xin chao tat ca m9i nguoi va cam an b~n da
Good afternoon everyone and thank you for dSn dl,l' h9i thao vS "t6 chuc hanh vi" nam nay.
commg to this year's conference on Ten toi la Francis Lee va toi se chu tri h9i

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia hi rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
organizational behavior. My name is Francis thao trong 3 ngay t6i day. M6i ngay
Lee and I'll be chairing the conference for the ta se thao lu~n m9t pham tru m6i cua "t6
next three days. Each day we'll discuss a new chuc rumh vi". M9t vai khai ni~m duqc chting
m of organizational behavior. A few of the t6i bao ham bao g6m tap guan tuySn dl,lllg,
concepts we'll be covenng include hiring dong luc nhom va quan li dv an. M6i nguoi

practices, group dynamics and project trong s6 b~n se co trach nhi~m m6i ngay phan
h6i l~i cac diSn gia va dang no tren website cua

management. Each of you will be responsible
for responding daily to the lectures and h9i thao - nai co phong chat dS cac b~n thao
posting your responses on our l~n y kiSn voi d6ng nghiep. HiSn nhien, trong

conference website. which also maintains a su6t h9i thao,b~n se duqc lqi ca doi duong tir
chat room for you to discuss ideas with your chinh nhiing diSn gia va giao tiSp vai d6ng
colleagues. Undoubtedly, during the nghi~p cfu minh. Chile cac b~n may m~n trong

conference, you will benefit both from the ba ngay toi day.
lectures themselves, and by interacting with
your colleagues. We wish you good luck over
the next three days.
95. How long will the conference run? H9i thao se dien ra bao lau?
(A) a day (A) M9tngay
(B) three days (B) 3 ngay

(C) a week (C) 1 tufui

(D) three weeks (D) 3 tu§n
96. What 1s the matn subject of the Chu dS chinh cfu h9i thao la gi?
conference? (A) Ky thu~t quan li

(A) Management techniques (B) T~ chuc hanh vi

(B) Organizational behavior (C) H9i thao dam tho~i

(C) Tele-conferencing (D) KS toan

(D) Accounting

97. What must conference participants do Nhilng nguoi tham dv h9i thao phai lam gi sau
following the lectures? phk CUa cac diSn gia?
(A) Raise questions on the lectures (A) d~t cau hoi cho cac diSn gia da trinh bay
they've heard (B) dang phan h6i cfu minh len website h9i
(B) Post their response on the thao
conference website (C) g~p go d6ng nghi~p
(C) Meet with their colleagues (D) n9p gi~y to cho Francis Lee
(D) Submit a paper to Francis Lee

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;m da dong gop.
Nam Maru

98-100 refer to the following excerpt

from a meeting.
Good aftemoon. This meeting shouldn't take Xin chao bu6i chiSu. Bu6i h9p nay se m~t
more than 30 minutes. I wanted to make khong qua 30p. Toi mu6n m9i nguoi biSt vS

everyone aware of our new computer h~ th6ng bao m~t may tinh moi cua chUn.g ta.

security system. Previously, we had Ttuoc day, chUn.g taco thS su d1,1ng miSn phi
been able to use any computer within the b~tki may tinhnao trong toa nhamakhong ck
building freely, without having to log on. dang nh~p. G~n day, Phong cong ngh~ thong

Recently. the information technology tin da nang c~p m~ng luoi may tirm cua chting
department updated our computer network, ta, yeu c~u m6i nguoi co m~t kh~u dS tmy c~p
requiring each of us to use a password to b~t ki may nao trong toa nha. DiSu nay se cai

access any computer on the premises. This thi~n S\I bao m~t va giup chling ta ghi l~i nang
should improve security and allow us to s~t lam vi~c clia nhan vien
record employee productivity.
98. What's the purpose of this meeting? Ml,IC dich cua bu6i hQp la gi?
(A) To introduce a new manager (A) Gioi thi~u quan li moi
(B) To announce a new security (B) Thong bao v~ h~ th~ng bao m~t mOi
system (C) Phat triSn m~ng luoi may tinh moi

(C) To develop a new computer (D) Neu len vk dS vS nang su~t lam vi~c cua
network nhan vien
(D) To address the issue of employee

99. Where will this new policy be Chinh sach moi se duqc ap dl,lllg a dau?

enforced? (A) Trong nuoc

(A) Across the country (B) Trong thanh ph6

(B) Across the city (C) Trong b9 ph~n IT

(C) Within the IT department (D) Trong toa nha
(D) Within the building
00. What changes have been made to the H~ thong may tinh co thay doi gi?
computer system? (A) Nhan vien nay phai sir d1;1ng m~t khiu
(A) Employees must now use a (B) Nhan vien nay phai tt,.r ghi gio lam
password (C) Nhan vien nay chi duqc su dl,lllg may tinh
(B)Employees must now record their cua minh

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
Nam Maru
hours (D) Nhan vien phai n6i voi quan li uuoc khi
(C)Employees must now use only their dtmg may tinh
own computer
(D) Employees must speak to their
manager before using the computer.

e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Ngan Du
1. A. People are putting books on the A. Nguoi ta dang ~t sach len gia.
shelf. B. Co nhiSu nguoi dang xem sach.
B. There are people looking at books. C. Cac gia sach dU'f!C x~p thanh hang.
C. The shelves are lined up. D. Cac cu6n sach dSu cUn.g kich thuoc.

D . The books are all the same size.
2. A. The televisions are hanging on the A. Nhii'ng chi~c TV dU'f!C treo tren tU"img.

wall. B. Cac ghS dSu da kin.
B. The chairs are all full. C. M9i nguoi dang thuang thuc b9 phim.

C. People are enjoying a movie. D. NhGng chiSc TV dang roi ra khoi tuang.
D . The televisions are falling off the

3. A. The men are lying on a bed A. NhGng nguoi dan ong dang n~m tren
B. The men have the same clothes on giuong
C. The men are wearing hats
D . A man is lifting a bed
B. NhGng nguoi dim ong dSu m~c quk ao
gi6ng nhau
c. Nhii'ng ngU'Oi dan ong dang d()i mu
D. M9t nguoi dan ong dang nh~c chiSc giuong
4. A. People are running in the halls A. M9i nguoi dang c~y trong h9i huang
B. People are mopping the floor B. M9i nguoi dang lau san nha

C. People are hanging paintings up C. M9i nguoi dang treo u·anh len
D. People are looking at the D. M~i ngU'Oi dang nhin vao tranh
5. A. A man is getting some water A. M9t nguoi dan ong dang lay nuoc

B. A man is wrapping the package B. M9t nguoi dan ong dang g6i buu ki~n
C. A man is holding a pen C. M()t ngU'Oi dan ong dang cim but
D. Ca hai nguoi dSu dang deo ca v~t

D . Both men are wearing ties

6. A. The man is stacking wood A. Nguoi dan ong dang xSp go

B. The man is working with a B. NgU'Oi dan ong dang lam vi~c vOi xe nang
forklift C. Nguoi dan ong dang lai xe dua
C. The man is driving a cmt D. Nguoi dan ong dang dr;c ba-i thuyJt trinh
D . The man is delivering a

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
7. A. He is tanning in the swimming A. Anh ta dang tam nang a be bai
pool B. Nhfrng chu cho dang ch~y duoi nuoc
B. The dogs are lUillling in the water C. Anh ta dang choi vOi nhung chu cho cua
C. He is playing with his dogs minh
D. Anh ta dang cho cho an

D. He is feeding his dogs
8. A. The buildings are the same height A. Cac toa nha co cl:tng chiSu cao

B. There are buildings next to each B. Co nhung toa nha sat qmh nhau
other C. M6i toa nha co 1 ban cong

C. Evety buildings has a balcony D. M9t s6 nguoi dang di chuySn vao toa nha
D. Some people are moving into the

9. A. All the cords are hanging on the A. T~t ca cac day di~n duqc treo tren tuang
wall B. Rit nhi~u day di~n dU'c;rc c~m vao &
B. Lots of cords are plugged intic
C. A man is taking out some cords
C. Nguoi dan ong dang noi vS m9t s6 day di~n
D. Day di~n dang n~m tren san nha
D. The cords are lying on the floor
10. A. He is cutting down a tree A. Ong ta dang ch~t cay
B. He is bending over with a shovel B. Ong ta dang cui xu~ng vOi m(}t cai xeng
C. He is building a house c. 6ng ta dang xay nha

D. He is making a mark on the wall D. Ong ta dang danh d~u tren tuong
11. When do you leave for japan? Khi nao b~n riri den Nh~t Ban?
A. It left at 7 o'clock A. No roi di luc 07:00

B. On Thursday morning B. V ao sang thu Nam

C. Yes, they 're from Japan c. Co, h9 dSn tu Nhftt Ban

12. Where can I buy a stapler? Toi co the mua cai k~p giiy iY dau?
A. By car A. B~ng xe hoi

B. That's the good idea. B. Bola y hay.

C. Try the convenience store. C. Hay thif too cua himg ttJ-p hoa.
Convenient store: ti?m tqp hoa bcm Grocery store: bcm rau, trai cay, thit ca, gq.o,
m<?t s6 ad dung nhu ad bq.t lua, ve s6, mu6i... chu yJu la thuc em.
the xe bus, banh kt}O, ddu an, nurYC co ad tuoi.

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thanh vien nhi?t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co tai li?u on thi hi?u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ s£
lam mdt di gia trj ma cac bq.n da dong gop.
Ngan Du
13. Didn't you think the presentation B~n khong nghi h1 bai trinh bay m1y nham
was boring? chan a?
A. It was a long time ago. A. Da each day m9t thai gian dai
B . Let's take a break B . Chimg ta ctmg nghi thoi.
C. No, I thought it was great. C. Khong, toi nghi Ia no ri t hay.

14. Hi, I would like to reschedule my Xin chao, toi muon sap xep l~i cu9c h~n vOi
appointment with Dr. Roth. bac siRoth.

A. May I have your name, please? A. X in vui long cho bi~t ten?
B . He was appointed to the board. B . Ong duqc b6 nhi~m vao h9i d6ng quan tri.

C. Yes, he 's my dentist. C. Vang, anh ~Y la m9t nha sy.
15. Did you see my umbrella a
B~n co thay chiec o cua toi dau khong?
anywhere? A. Khong, sang nay troi mua to.

A. No, it was raining hard this B. Co, b~n d~ quen no trong van phong toi.
morrung. C. Co, t6i th~y anh ta hie 4 gio chiSu
B. Yes, you left it in my office.
C. Yes, I saw him at 4 p. m
16. Would you like to tr-y this jacket B~n co mu~n thu chiec ao khoac nay
on? khong?
A. I'm g lad you did. A. Toi r~t vui khi b~n da lam.
B . Yes, it's official. B . Co, no la chinh thuc.

C. What size is it? C. No cfr bao nhieu v~y?

17. When did you pick up the contract? B~n da nh~n ilu(lc hf!P d~ng khi nao v~y?
A. My assistant will be picking me A. Trq ly cua t6i se illm toi.
up. B . Nam toi.

B . Next year. c. No da dU'9'C gui d~n cho toi.

C. I had it delivered to me. Pick sb up: illm ai

Pick up sth: nh~ iltr(ICcai gi


18. Would you rather have cream or B~n co mu~n kem hay sfra vao ca phe
milk in your coffee? khong?
A. Neither, thanks. A. Khong, cam on.
B . I made tlu·ee copies. B . T oi da pho t6 ba ban.
C. Yes, I do c. Co, t6i lam
19. Why do you go to work so early Buoi sang sao anh di lam SOm qua v~y?
every morning? A. Khong, ngay hom nay t6i lam vi~c dSn 6h.
A. No, im working until6 today. B. DSn van phong an ninh.

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thanh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup c ac bq.n co tai li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lamm dt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
B. Go to the security office. C. Co v~y toi mOi tranh duc;rc tiic nghin giao
C. So I can avoid the traffic thong.
20. How could you complete the Lam th~ m1o rna b~n co the hm1n thanh cac
blueprints for the new building so bank~ ho{lch chi ti~t cho toa nha mOi m()t

quickly? each nhanh chong v~y?
A. Khong, t6i se g9i l~i.

A. No, I'll call back. B. Toi da co m()t s~ nguOi giup dfr.
B. I had some help. C. Chimg ta nen hoan thanh no vao ngay mai.

C. We should complete it tomonow.
21. Could you please turn the volume B~n co the lam on giam am luc;rng xuong
down? duc;rc khong?

A. Xu6ng sanh va di phia ben tnii cua b~.
A. Down the hall and to your left. B. Re tnii ~i ch6 co den.
B. Twn left at the light. tic
C. I'm sorry. I will turn it down.
C. Toi xin l~i. Toi se v~n no xu~ng.

22. If your flight arrives after 4p.m., I N~u chuy~n bay cua b~n den sau 04:00, toi
think you should rest throughout nghi b~n nen nghi ngoi d~n h~t ngay.
the remainder of the day.
A. As soon as the plane anives. A. Ngay sau khi may bay dSn.

B. That's the lovely idea. B. Do Ia y hay.

C. The afte1noon would be good. C. Bu6i chiSu se la t6t.
23. Who's going to prepare for the Ai se chuan b! cho cu()c phong vin?
interview? A. Vang, do la m9t khung canh dyp.

A. Yes, it's a nice view. B. Toi nghi vao h1c 9 ho~c 09:30
B. I think it's at 9 or 9:30 C. Cac b() ph~n nhan s'! se chu~n b!.

C. The personnel department will.

24. Aren't the research proposals due Khong phai cac d~ xuit nghien cllu s~p d~n

soon? h~n r~i sao?

Due (adj) : d~n h{ln, d~n ky A. Vang, m9t nha nghien Clru se co m~t a day
A. Yes, a researcher will be here soon. sam.
B. Vang, cua thOi h~n vao ngay mai.
B. Yes, the deadline's tomorrow. C. No la kha thoai mai.
C. It was quite comfortable.
25. I can help evaluate employees' Toi co the giup danh gia hi~u suat cua nhan
performance. VI' en.

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thanh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup c ac bq.n co tai li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lamm dt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
A. That should save me some time. A. Di~u dose ti~t ki~m thOi gian cho toi.
B . We didn't receive any comse B . Chling t6i da khong nh~n duqc b~t cu khoa
evaluations. h9c danh gia niw.
C. B o la m9t hi~u su~t tuy~t voi.
C. That was a great performance.

26. Would you like to go out for dinner B~n co muon di ra ngm1i an toi sau buoi h{H
after the seminar? thao khong?

A. Yes, how about Italian food? A. Vang, d~ an Yth~ nao?
B . I've been there ah·eady. B . Toi da a do r6i.

C. Yes, last yeru·. C. Vang, nam ngoai.
27. What's the extension for the So may le ciia trung ta m h~ tr9' san pham Ia
product support center? gi?

A. Satisfaction ! A. Sl,I hai long!
B. 555 B. 555
C. 5 dollars. tic
28. Do you know why Ms. Lopez is
c. 5 do la.
B~n co bi~t t~i sao ba Lopez tri~u t~p cu9c
convening a meeting? h9p khong?
A. To introduce her new secretary. A. D~ giOi thi~u thu ky mOi ciia ba i y.
B . We had to submit the repmt . B . Chimg toi da n9p bao cao.
C. Sure, let's eat in the cafeteria. C. Ch~c c~n, chling ta hay vao nha an thoi

29. I don't like the mood at this place. Toi khong thich tam tr~ng khi cr day.
A. Are you bored? A. B~n thi y chan a ?
B . He is very moody. B. Anh ~Y r~t ~t thuang.
C. It looks like a new tie. c. N 0 trong g i6ng nhu m9t chiSc ca v~t moi.

30. Do you know who will be replacing B~n co bi~t ai se thay th~ Alan khi ong i y
Alan when he retires? nghi huu khong?

A. Yes, Mruy has replaced the tires. A. Co, Mruy da thay 16p xe.
B. It hasn't been decided yet. B. No da chua du9'c quy~t djnh.

C. This town is known for its seafood. c. Thi t.r~n nay n6i tiSng voi hai san
31. Mark has to submit his expense Mark phai giai trinh bao cao chi phi ke
report to accounting, doesn't he? toan, phai khong?
A. Yes, it's vety expensive. A. Vang, no r~t t6n kem.
B . Sony, I can't count exactly. B . Xin 16i, t6i khong thS dSm chinh xac.
C. The manager said it' s not C. NguOi quan ly noi khong ci n thi~t vao
necessary this time. luc n ay.

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh v ien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
32. Where is the best place to buy office Dau h1 noi t~t nhit de mua v~t tU' van
supplies? phong?
A. The item there is always good. A. Cac m~t hang ado loon t~t.
B . They're vety reliable suppliers. B . H9 la nhiing nha cung c~p r~t dang tin cfty.
C. Thompson's C. Cua hang Thompson's

33. Isn't there a recently released Chang phai Ia gan day co m~t phien ban
version of this computer program? mOi phat hanh cua chU'ong trinh may tinh

nay sao?
A. That's the only one we have. A. Bola cai duy nh~t chUng t6i co.

B. No, I don't think we need to buy B. Khong, toi khong nghi r~ng chong ta cin
it phai mua no.
C. Khong, h9 dang ban kha ch~y.

C. No, they're selling well.
34. Is the new programmer we hired L~p trinh vien mOi ma chong toi thue da
getting used to the work?
A. Sure, she found a new place.
tic quen vOi cong vi~c chU'a?
A. Ch~c ch~n r6i, co ~y da tim th~y m9t noi
B . Yes, she's doing well. B . Vang, co ~y lam r~t t6t.
r< 1\T, T ,..1 '+ +~ . ,1, ;._, n~~ r< VL~ +A· l,~ A .~ ~ .~ A~ ,:. A/ lA ,:.

35. Should I have the itinerary sent to Toi nen giH cho b~n I~ trinh hay b~n se d~n
you or will you pick it up? liy no?

A. I'll stop by to get it. A. Toi se ghe quadS l~y no.

B. No, she can pick up the car. B. Khong, co iy co th~ don xe.
C. Yes, she grew up in Paris. C. Vang, co Ion len aParis.
36. We received the final approval last Chung ta da nh~n dU'f!C Sl! chip thu~n cu~i

week, didn't we? Ctmg vao tuin trU'tYC, phai khong?

A. Actually, almost a month ago. A. Tren th'!c t~, each day gin m~t thang.

B . We sent it by e-mail. B . ChUng toi da gui no b~ng e-mail.

C. It was hard to prove. C. Thftt kho dS chtrng minh.

37. Is there a faster way to process the Co each nao nhanh bon de xilly ket qua
test results? ki~m tra khong?
A. Buses go very fast on this street. A. Xe buyt di rit nhanh ta·en dU"img ph~
B . A few minutes away. nay.
C. Submit them in person. B . Chi qua m9t vai phut.
C. Hay n9p theo ca nhan

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
38. Why does Mark want to work the T~i sao Mark mu~n b1m vi~c ca dem vao
night shift tomorrow? ngay mai?
A. He's got an appointment with A. Anh iy co m9t cu9c h~n vOi hac si
Dr. Charles during the day. Charles vao ban ngay.
B. No, his coworker retired. B. Khong, d6ng nghi~p cua anh ~Y da vS huu.

C. I think we treat evety worker C. Toi nghi chling ta d6i xu cong b~ng voi m6i
equally. nguai lao d9ng.

39. How about sending the samples this Gui cac miu vao chi~u nay thi th~ nao ?

A. No, by train. A. Khong, b~ xe lua.
B. It's a new model. B. Do la m9t mo hinh moi.
C. Sounds like a good idea. C. cove day Ia m9t y tU'O'Ilg hay.

40. How should we dramatically Chung ta nen cai thi~n cac phU'ong thuc san
improve our methods of xuit bflng each nao?
production? tic
A. I like comedies more than dramas.
A. Toi thich phim hai han phim truySn hinh.
B. Vang, do la m9t S\1' cai tiSn
B. Well, that's an improvement C. Co m9t nhom nghien cuu lam vi~c v~ no.
C. There is a research team
working on it.

41-43 refer to the following conversation. 41-43 tham khao cac cu9c tro chuy~n sau
M: Hello, what time are you open in the M: Xin chao, vao bu6i sang b~n mo cua hie
moming? I'd like to come in and purchase a m~y gio? Toi mu6n vao mua m9t mon qua cho

gift for a colleague. d6ng nghi~p.

W: we open at 9 a.m., but unfortunately we W: chling toi mo cua vao hie 9 gio sang,

open at noon on Saturdays. nhung tiSc la ngay thu Bay chling toi mo vao
bu6i tlua.

M: I should be able to get there by 9, but are M: Toi cole se qua t§m 9 gio, nhung b~n co
you able to hold something for me until ths giu cai gi do cho t6i cho dsn thu hai trong
Monday in case I can't make it in? uuang hqp t6i khong thS dSn khong?
W: No, I'm vety sony. We don't hold W: Khong, toi r~t tiSc. ChUn.g toi khong gifr
anything because people rarely retum to b~t cu thu gi vi m9i nguoi hiSm khi quay l~i
purchase the items. l~y hang.

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
41. Who is the man buying for? NguOi dan ong mua d~ cho ai?
A. His children A. Con cai cua ong ~y.
B . A close friend B. M9t nguoi b~ than
C. His cousin C. Anh em h9 cua ong ~y
D. A coworker D. M{)t d~ng nghi~p

42. What time does the store open on Thu Bay may gia cua hang ma

A. Eight o'clock A. Tamgio
B . Nine o'clock B . Chingio

C. Eleven o'clock C. Muoi m9t gio
D. Twelve o'clock D. MuOi hai gi<r
43. What should the customer like the Khach hang mu~n nhan vien ban hang lam

salesperson to do? gi?
A. Provide a discormt A. Gifun gia
B. Put aside an item at the store
C. Open the store earlier
B. D~ l~i m{)t m~t hang t~i cua hi~u
C. Ma cua sam han
D . Exchange an item. D. B6i l~i hang.
44-46 refer to the following conversation. 44-46 tham khao cu{)c tro chuy~n sau day.
W: I'm available to help the next person. W: Xin moi nguoi kS tiSp.
(djch stit: toi sin sang giup iliJ nguili tiJp

theo) M: Xin chao, t6i mu6n mua hai ve hoa nh~c

M: Hello, I'd like to purchase two tickets to thu Sau.
Friday's concetts. W: Thftt khong may, chting t6i chi con 1 ch6
W: Unfortunately we only have seats available ng6i akhu C va D. Nhu vfty co duqc khong?

in section C and D. Would that be okay? M: T oi thich khu B han, nhung t6i doan toi se
M: I would have prefened section B, but I co ch6 ng6i t6t nh~t.

guess I'll take the best seats available.

44. Where most likely are the a
Nhftng nguOi noi co kha nang dau nhit?

speakers? A. Trong m9t vi~n bao tang

A. In a museum B. T~i quay vecua m{)t thinh phong
B. At an auditorium box office c. T ~i m9t quay thanh totin cua Clra hang
C. At a store checkout D. Trong m9t hung tam mua s~m.
D. In a shopping mall.

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
45. What is the purpose of the man's M1,1C dich chuy~n tham cua ngU'Oi dan ong
visit? Ia gi?
A. B~ m ua ve xem trinh di~n
A. To buy tickets to a performance B. DS tni l~i m9t m~t hang khong mu6n
B. To rehnn a nnwanted item c. DS mua ve may bay.

C. To purchase an airline ticket. D. DS moi m9t nguoi b~ dSn m9t bu6i hoa
D. To invite a friend to a concert. nh~c.

46. What section did the man originally Luc diu ngU'Oi dan ong mu~n khu nao?

A. Section A A. KhuA
B. Section B B.KhuB
C. Section C C. KhuC

47-49 refer to the following conversation. 47-49 tham khao cuqc tro chuy~n sau day.
W: I'd like to send these files to Kimberly W: T oi mu6n gui cac t~p tin nay cho Kimberly
Dawson. Do you have her e-mail address?
M: No, I don't. But Jim in HR should have a
Dawson. B~n co dia chi e-mail co ~y khong ?
M: Khong, t6i khong. Nhung Jim ben nhan S\I
list of all company acconnts. I'll get it from co danh sach t~t ca cac tai khoan cong ty. Toi
him and fmward it to you later today. se l~y no ru anh ta va chuysn tiSp no cho b~
sau trong ngay hom nay.
W: that would be great. I have a number of W: Thftt la tuy~t voi. Toi co m9t s6 khach

new clients that I need to set up meeting with, hang moi va toi co cu<?c h9p cling h9, nen t6i
so I'd like to let my supervisor know. mu6n dS quan ly cilit t6i biSt.
M: Well, make sure that you contact Sam as M: Vang, dam bao la b~n nen lien h~ voi Sam
well. The company has decided that both a nfra. Cong ty da quySt dinh ca giam d6c va

director and a supervisor should be present at quan ly co m~t a cit ca cac cu<?c h9p v oi khach
all new client meetings. hang moi.

47. What will the man do for the NgU'Oi dan ong se giup gi cho ngU'Oi ph1,1 nu?
woman? A. G~p go khach hang moi

A. Meet a new client B. Gui m9t s6 tftp tin.

B. Send some files. C. N oi chuy~n voi Sam.
C. Speak with Sam. D. Tim dja chi e-mail.
D. Find an e-mail address.
48. What does the woman have to do NgU'Oi ph1,1 nu phai lam gi vOi cac khach
with the new clients? hang mOi?
A. She must send them an e-mail. A. Co phai gui e-mail cho h9.
B. She must send them a file. B. Co phai gm t~p tin cho h9.

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
C. She must sign a new contract. C. Co phai k)r m9t hqp dong moi.
D. She must set up a meeting. D. Co phai thi~t l~p m~t cu~c hf!p.
49. What does the man say about the NguOi dan ong noi give chinh sach mOi cua
new company policy? cong ty?
A. A director must attend a new A. Giam d~c phai tham dt! cu~c hf!p vOi

client meeting. khach hang mOi.
B. E- mail addresses must be listed on B. Cac dia chi E-mail phai duqc li~t ke tren

the contact sheet. gi~y lien l~c.
C. Supervisors must be introduced to C. Cac quan ly phai duqc gioi thi~u voi khach

new clients hang moi
D . Files must be sent by e-mail to a D. Cac ~P tin phai duqc gui b~ng e-mail cho
supervisor. quan ly.

50-52 refer to the following conversation. 50-52 tham khao cac cu~c tro chuy~n sau
W: Brian, are you available to pick me up at
the train station tomorrow aftemoon? I'll be
W: Brian, b~n co sgn long don t6i ~i ga chiSu
mai khong ? Toi se quay vS tuNew York sau
coming back from New York after the khi h9i nghi kSt thuc.
conference ends. M: Toi co cu9c h9p dSn hie 3gio, nhung nSu
M: I have meetings until 3, but if you're b~ d\1' kiSn dSn khoang 6 gio, t6i se a do.
scheduled to anive at around 6, I'll be there. W: T6t, tau se dSn ga hie 5, nhung t6i co thS a

W: well, the train should be at the station at 5, l~i va cho. Toi se xem l(li cac ghi chu CUa t6i
but I can stay and wait. I'll go over my notes vS h9i nghi cho dSn khi b~n dSn.
of the conference until you anive. M: Tuy~t. Toi se co m~t hie 6 gio. T~i sao
M: Great. I'll be there at 6 then. Why don't chting ta khong dian t6i ds thao lu~n vs bai

we go for dinner to discuss ow· presentation on thuySt trinh cua chtmg ta vao thu Sau nhi?

50. Why is the woman going to New T~i sao nguOi ph1;1 nu di New York?

York? A. BS th\fc hi~n m9t bai thuySt trinh


A. To give a presentation B. BS g~p m9t khach hang.

B. To meet with a client. c. BS thiim thu
C. To visit the sights D. B~ tham dt! m~t h~i ngh! kinh doanh.
D. To attend a business conference.

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
51. What time will the woman arrive at NguOi ph1.,1 nii' se d~n nha ga hie miy giir?
the station?
A. At 3 o'clock A. 3 gio
B. At 4 o'clock B. 4 gio
C. At 5 o'clock c. 5 giir

D . At 6 o'clock D. 6 gio
52. What will the woman do while she NguOi ph1.,1 nii' se lam trong khi chir dqi?

is waiting?
A. Eat dinner A. An t6i

B. Review her notes B. Xem l~i cac ghi chu cua minh
C. Schedule a meeting C. S~p xSp m9t cu9c h9p
D . Work on a presentation D. L1m bai thuySt t.rinh

53-55 refer to the following conversation. 53-55 tham khao cuqc tro chuy~n sau day.
W: Karl, have you completed the financial W: Karl, b~n da hoim th~mh cac bao cao tai
repmts? I have to detennine next year's budget
before my impmtant meeting with the director
chinh chua? Toi phai xac dinh ngan sach nam
toi nuoc khi b~t dftu cu9c h9p quan n·9ng cilil
this aftetnoon. t6i voi giam d6c chiSu nay.
M: X in 16i, t6i chua xong. Toi da tra loi di~n
M: Sony, not yet. It seems like I've been tho~i ca bu6i sang va t6i duang nhu khong con
answering my phone all moming and I can't thai gian dS hoim th~mh chling. Khach hang

seem to find the time to finish them. My CUa toi ifoi hoi rat khfit khe.
clients are vety demanding. W: Thftt sao? Toi da g~p cac khach hang cua
b~ n·ong cong tac xa h9i thang huoc va h9 co
W: Really? I met your clients at last month's ve biSt diSu rna. Hay nho Jenny giup b~n hoan

social function and they seemed reasonable. thanh bao cao tai chinh nhe. T oi se di n·ong vai
Ask Jenny to help you finish the financial gio, nen co ~y co thS su dl,1I1g may tinh n·ong

repmt. I'll be away for a few hours, so she can van phong cua toi.
use the computer in my office. M:Tuy~t voi, nhung ch~c chfu dtmg khoa cua

social function= social event phong vi toi khong co chia khoa.

M: That sounds good, but be sme not to clock

yom door because I don't have a key.

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
gittp cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ s~
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
53. What will probably happen in the Di~u gi co these xay ra vao buoi chi~u?
A. The finance department will be A. Cac b9 ph~ tai chinh se lam vi~c mu9n
working late.
B. The computer network will shut B. Cac m~ng may tinh se titt.

down. C. Cac bao cao tai chinh se duqc phan ph6i
C. The financial repmts will be cho nguo i lao d9ng.

distributed to employees. D. M~t cu{)c h~p quan tr~ng se du9'c t~
D. An important meeting will be chuc.

54. What did woman do last month? Nguiri ph~ nuda lam gi trong thang trucrc?
A. Attended a social function A. Tham d~;f m~t cong tac xa h~i

B. Worked on a computer v i.tus B. Lam vi~c tren may tinh co vi rut
C. Hired a new director C. Thue m9t giam d6c moi
D . Installed new locks. tic D. Cai d~t 6 kh6a moi.

55. What does the woman suggest the Nhung gi nguiri ph~ nu d~ ngh! nguiri dan
man do? ong lam gi?
A. Manage the clients more politely A. Quan ly khach hang m9t each lich Sl,I han
B. Get help to complete the reports B. Tim ki~m sl! giup dO' d~ hoan thanh bao

C. Work in her office to complete the C. Lam vi~c trong van phong cilit minh dS
repmt hoan thanh bao cao
D. N9p bao cao cho h9i d6ng quan tri

D . Submit the repmts to the board


QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thanh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
gittp c ac bq.n co tai li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ s~
lamm dt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
56-58 ..ere.. to the following conve..sation. 56-58 tham khao cu9c t ..o chuy~n sau day.
W: Hi, Vanessa. Have you heard from the W: Chao, Vanessa. B~n da nghe tin tir b9 ph~n
finance department? I'm still waiting for the tai chinh chua? Toi vk dang cho cac bao cao
financial repmts for this qumter. tai chinh CUa quy nay.
M: I was talking to Jill in finance a few M: Toi da noi chuy~n voi Jill a phong tai

minutes ago. She doesn't think they' ll be done chinh each day vai phut. Co ~y khong nghi h9
this week. They've been really busy preparing se xong tJ.·ong tu§n nay. H9 r~t b~ chtilin bi

the budget for next qumter. ngan sach cho quy toi.
W: That's ridiculous. We have to get them to W: Th~t m,rc cuoi. Chling ta phai co duqc

work on ow· chmts first. I just got an e-mail chting dS tiSp t1,1c lam biSu d6 nuoc da. T oi
from the director, and the vice president is vua nh~n duqc e-mail tu giam d6c, va pho
coming from New York to review ow· t6ng giam d6c dang tir New York dSn dS danh

progress. gia tiSn d9 CUa chling toi.
M: Wow. T oi se g9i cho qllim ly b9 ph~ va
M: Wow. I'll call the department manager and
tell her to make this qumter's repmts a
bao co ~y uu tien lam cho bao cao quy nay.
56. What a ..e the speake..s discussing? NgU'Oi noi dang thao lu~n v~ nhung gi?
A. Submitting a budget repmt A. N9p bao cao ngan sach
B. Completing financial statements B. Hoan thanh bao cao tai chinh

C. Ananging a business trip to New C. S~p xSp m9t chuySn cong tac dSn New
York York
D. Working ovettime D. Lam them gio
57. What does the woman say about the NgU'Oi pht;~ nu noi gi v~ h9 ph~n tai chinh?

finance department?
A. They haven't retwned her calls. A. H9 da khong g9i di~n l~i cho co ~y.

B. They haven't completed the B. H9 da khong hoan thanh cong vi~c

wo..k C. H9 khong phai lam vi~c cham chi

C. They aren't working ve~y hard D. Giam d6c dang di cong tac
D . The director was on a business trip
58. What will the woman p ..obably do NgU'Oi pht;~ nu co the lam gi ti~p theo?
next? A. Co se lien l~c voi ai do a New York
A. She will contact someone inNew B. Co se noi voi giam d6c hliy bo cu9c h9p.
B. She will tell the director to cancel
the meeting.

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
gittp cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ s~
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
C. She will tell finance to change C. Co iy se yeu ciu b(} ph~n tai chinh thay
their work plan. d8i k~ ho~ch lam vi~c.
D. She will move to another D. Co se chuySn sang b9 ph~ klillc.
59-61 refer to the following conversation. 59-61 tham khao cu(}c tro chuy~n sau day.

W: Fiona told me that you' ve decided to hold W: Fiona noi voi t6i b~ da quySt dinh t6 chuc
the convention in Miami. h9i nghi aMiami.

M: Yeah, I can't wait. Actually, we were M: Vang, t6i khong thS cho dqi them. Tht,rc ra,
thinking of Singapore at first, but the price of hie dftu chting tOi nghi dSn Singapore, nhrmg

the airline tickets is too high due to the gia ve may bay qua cao do nhu c~u theo mua.
seasonal demand. W: Vang, Singapore r~t tuy~t voi. Ky nghl
W: Well, Singapore is fantastic. I spent my tluoc cua toi a do va tOi da r~t vui ve.

last vacation there and had a great time. M: Thftt sao? NhiSu nguoi noi r~ng h9 th~y no
M: Really? Many people said that they found kho khan khi giao tiSp a do.
it difficult to communicate while there.
59. Where will the convention be held? H(}i ngh! se duqc to chuc 6 dau?
A. Singapore A. Singapore
B. Chicago B. Chicago
C. Toronto C. Toronto
D. Miami D. Miami

60. What does the man say about Nguiri dan ong noi gi v~ Singapore?
Singapore? A. Ong da dSn do vao kY nghi tluoc
A. He went there on his last vacation B. Co r~t nhi.Su noi dS tham quan
B. There are many places to visit C. Gh1 ve may bay d~t do

C. The airfare is expensive D. Ve khong co s~n

D. Tickets are not available

61. According to the man, what Theo nguiri dan ong, nhieu nguiri da g~p
difficulty do many people kho khan gi 6 Singapore?

experience in Singapore? A. DiSu ki~n thai tiSt

A. Weather conditions B. Nha n·9
B. Accommodation C. Giao thong v~n tai
C. Transportation D. can ngon ngfr
D. Language barriers

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thanh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup c ac bq.n co tai li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lamm dt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
62-64 refer to the following conversation. 62-64 tham khao cu9c tro chuy~n sau day.
W: We were asked to save all of this month's W: Chling t6i da duqc yeu c~u luu tftt ca cac
computer files in order for the IT department ~P tin may tinh cua th•ing nay ds cho b9 ph~n
to change servers. However, I think that the CNTT thay d6i may chu. Tuy nhien, t6i nghi
files are too large. Where should we store r~ cac tftp tin qua n~ng. Chling ta co nen luu

them? tn! chling khong?
M: Yang, chtmg taco thS cftu hinh l~i h~

M: Well, we could reconfigure the computer th6ng may tinh dS ~t duqc luu trfr. Nhfrng gi
network to gain storage. What about that? vS diSu do?

W: Thftt la t6t. Hay cling c6 g~. B~n co biSt
W: That sounds good. Let's try that. Do you lam thS nao dS tai cftu hinh m~ng khong ?
know how to reconfigw:e the network? M: Toi khong biSt. B9 ph~ CNTT se biSt lam

M: I have no idea. The IT department will thS nao. T oi se g9i cho h9 bay gio.
probably know how. I ' 11 call them now.
62. What are the speakers talking
NgU'Oi noi dang ban v~ cai gi?
A. Noi muamay tinh
A. Where to buy a computer B. Thai gian t.Iuy cftp m~ng
B. When to access the computer C. Noi lU'u trfr cac t~p tin may tinh
network D. Lam thS nao dS nh~n duqc cac tai li~u di~n
C. Where to store computer files tU

D . How to receive elecu·onic

63. What does the man suggest they NgU'Oi dan ong d~ ngh! h9 lam gi?
do? A. G9i m9t cong ty IT ben ngoai

A. Call an exte1nal IT fum B. Thue m9t trq ly ky thuftt m~ng mai

B. Hire a new IT technical assistant C. Giam s6 luqng tftp tin luu t.Iii'
D. Nang cip m~ng may tinh

C. Reduce the number of files stored

D. Upgrade the computer network

64. What department will most likely B9 ph~n nao co the giup dU'C]'C ngU'Oi dan
help the man? ong nhit?
A. Human resow:ces A. NhanslJ
B. Accounting B. KS totm
C. Marketing c. Thi uuang
D. Information technology D. Cong ngh~ thong tin

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thanh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup c ac bq.n co tai li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lamm dt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
65-67 refer to the following conversation. 65-67 tham khao cu9c tro chuy~n sau day.
W: Have you contacted the convention center W: B~n co lien l~c voi uung tam h9i nghi dS
to confinn how many guests will be attending xac nh~ co bao nhieu khach se tham dl,I h9i
the conference? nghi khong?
M: I haven't had a chance yet. I'm still going M: T oi chua co co h9i. T oi v~n dang xem qua

over the names of the clients that we are ten cua cac khach hang rna chUn.g toi xem xet
considering inviting. se moi.

W: Well, please try to get to it as soon as W: Vang, hay c6 g~ng lam cang sam cang t6t.
possible. If we postpone it much longer, we NSu chling ta u·i hoan Hlu han, chUn.g ta se

may not be able to get the staff to do khong thS yeu c~u nhan vien dS lam nhfrng thu
evetything we would like in time. chling t6i dn dUn.g h~n.
M: T oi se lien h~ v oi m9t vai khach hang dS

M: I'll contact a few clients to confinn xac nh~n h9 co tham dl,I hay khong. Toi co thS
whether or not they will attend. I can finish it hoan thanh no trong chisu nay.
this aftemoon. tic
65. What are the speakers talking Nguiri noi d~ c~p v~ cai gi?
about? A. Thay d6i ngay h9i nghi
A. Changing a conference date B. Noi t6 chuc m9t h9i nghi
B. A place to host a convention C. G~p go voi khach hang
C. Meetings with clients D.Cac k~ ho::_1ch h9i ngh!

D. Plans for a conference

66. What is the man currently working Hi~n t::_1i nguOi dan ong hi~n dang tiep tl!c
on? vi~c gi?
A. Lien l~c voi cac nha thuySt u·inh u·ong h9i

A. Contacting the conference ng.hi

presenters B. KSt thuc bao cao h9i nghi
C. Xac nh~n s~ luf!Dg khach

B. Finishing repmts for the D. QuySt dinh dia diSm diSn ra h9i nghi

C. Confirming the number of guests
D. Deciding the location of the

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
gittp cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ s~
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
67. Why is the woman concerned? T~i sao nhfrng ngU'Oi ph~ nfr co lien quan?
A. They have not invited enough A. H9 eta khong moi du khach
guests B. Danh sach khong duqc tim thlty
B. The list cannot be found C. H9 se khong co du thOi gian d~ chuin bj.
C. They will not have enough time

to prepare. D. Lich trinh h9i nghi da thay d6i
D. The conference schedule has

68-70 refer to the following conversation. 68-70 tham khao cu9c tro chuy~n sau day.

W: I have so many meetings this aftemoon. I W: ChiSu nay to c6 kha nhiSu cu9c h9p. Tht,rc
really don't think that I'll be able to complete Sl,I tir gio cho dSn thu Ba to khong thS cai d~t

the installation of our new software before xong ph~n mSm moi duqc.

Tuesday. M: Khong sao dfm. D\I kiSn la c6 them m9t s6
M: That shouldn't be a problem. A few extra may tinh se vs vao thu 6 nay, vatu gio cho

and the technical team won't finish

computers are scheduled to anive on Friday, dSn thu Hai d9i ky thuftt se khong kSt n6i xong
m~ng cho may moi dau.
reconfiguring the new network before W: Vfty thi tuy~t qua. ch~c ch~n khi d6 to se
Monday. lam xong, a, b~n c6 mu6n to kiSm t.ra kSt n6i
W: That's great. I' 11 sure to be done by then, m~ng khong?
oh, did you want me to check the inte1net M: C6 dfty, thinh thoang toi khong thS dang

connection? nhftp vao cac trang web dfty. Toi nghi m~ng c6
v§n dS r6i.
M: Yes, sometimes I can't log on to the
website. I think there are some problems with

the intemet.
68. Where do the speakers most likely NgU'Oi noi co the him vi~c iY dau?

work? A. M9t CUa hang vftt tu van phong

A. An office supplies store B. M9t cong ty tu vftn

B. A consulting fum C. M9t cong ty IT

C. An IT company D. M9t cong ty xuftt ban
D. A publishing company
69. What does the man intend to finish NgU'Oi dan ong coy djnh hoan thanh cai gi
by next Tuesday? vao thu Ba tuin tOi?
A. Install some software A. Cai d~t m9t s~ phin m~m
B. Create a network B. KSt n6i m~ng
C. Register some complaints

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
gittp cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ s~
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
D. Purchase some equipment C. Dang kY m9t so khieu n~i
D. Mua m9t s6 thiSt bi

70. What is the women's problem? vin d~ cua ngU'Oi ph~;~ nii' h1 gi?
A. Co iy khong th~ troy c~p vao cac tt·ang

A. She can't access the website
B. She has many meetings to attend web
C. She doesn't know how to install B. Co fly phai tham dv nhiSu cu9c h9p

the program c. Co fly khong biSt cai d~t chuang trinh nhu
D. She lost the inte~net company's thSnao
contact number D. Co bi mflt s6 lien l~c cilil cong ty m~ng

71-73 refer to the following advertisement.
Thanksgiving is a time for families to get
together and be grateful for their health and
71-73 tham khao qoang cao sao day.
LS T~ dn la thai gian dS cac gia dinh t1,1 h9p va
t~ an vi sue khoe va h~nh phuc. Cach t6t nhflt
cts n~m b~t nhiing khoanh kh~c nay chinh la su
happiness. The best way to capture these
moments is with a Canax digital camera. The dl,lllg may anh ky thuftt s6 Canax. Chflt lu<;m.g
quality and color in the pictures will help you va mau s~c trong anh se giup b~n quay tro vs
go back to that moment in time. Now is the thai diSm do. Da dSn luc ghe vao cua hang di~n

time to head down to Gibby's Electronics for may Gibby's nhan dip xii hang hang nam. Tflt
our annual holiday clearance sale. All of your ca cac nhan hi~u yeu thich cua b~n hi~n t~i
favorite brands are now marked down to a duqc giam xu6ng rflt hoi. T9a l~c tren duang
fraction of the price. Conveniently located on Geneva, ben c~nh tnmg tfun thanh ph6, Di~n

Geneva Sb:eet, next to the downtown arena, may Gibby's co thS dap ling tflt ca cac nhu c~u
Gibby's Electronics can fulfill all of your thiSt bi di~n tu cua b~n. Hay ghe vao cua hang

electronics needs. Stop by to see us today! chling t.Oi ngay hom nay!
head up = go north

head dmvn= go south

71. What is being advertised? Thlf gi dang dU'CJC qoang cao?
A. Digital cameras A. May anh ky tho~t s~
B. Professional photography B. NhiSp anh chuyen nghi~p
C. Holiday movie C. Phim ngay IS
D. Electronics exhibition D. TriSn lam thiSt bi di~n tu

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
gittp cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ s~
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
72. What group does the Quang cao t~p trung vao nhom nao?
advertisement focus on?
A. Families A. Gia dinh
B. Professional photographers B. Cac nhiSp anh gia chuyen nghi~p
C. Office workers c. Nhan v ien van phong

D . Students D . H9c sinh, sinh vien.
73. Where is Gibby's Electronics Electronics Gibby cua n~m 0' dau?

A. On the highway A. Tren du(mg cao t6c

B. In the electronics district B. Trong tlung tam di~n may
C. Downtown C. Trung tam thanh ph~
D . Next to the market D . Benc~chq

74-76 refer to the following message. 74-76 tham khao tin nh~n sau.
Welcome to Zodiac Computer customer Chao milng dSn voi s6 may u·q giup khach
tic hang cilil May Tinh Zodiac. Chling t.Oi r~t vui
help line. We are happy to assist you with any
of your computer- related questions and khi duqc giup b~n voi b~t ey diu hoi Va S\l'
concerns. If you have a question relating toquan tam nao lien quan dSn may tinh. NSu b~n
downloading software, press one. If you co cfm hoi lien quan dSn v i~c tai phk mSm,
nh~n phim 1. NSu b~ dn giup kSt n6i Intetnet
require help setting up an Inte~net connection
ho~c m~ng, b~m phim 2. BS biSt danh sach cac
or network, press two. For a list of our store

locations, press three. If you would like todia diSm cua hang CUa chling t6i, b~m phim 3.
order a product and know the serial code, NSu b~n mu6n d~t hang m9t san phfun va biSt
rna seri, nhk phim 4. NSu b~n dn phai n6i
press fom. If you need to speak to a computer
chuy~n voi ky thuftt vien may tinh, b~m phim 0.
technician, press 0. To listen to the options

BS nghe l~i cac S\l' Iva ch9n, b~m phim 9. Vui

again, press 9. Please visit ow· website dw·ing
the next two weeks and download Zodiac long truy cftp website cua chling t.Oi trong thai

coupons, we appreciate your business and we gian hai tuk toi va tai phiSu giam gia Zodiac,
chling t6i danh gia cao cong vi~c cua b~n va
will make evety effmt to provide you with the

products and services you need. chling t6i se c6 g~ hSt sue dS cung c~p cho
b~n CaC San ph§m Va dich Vl,l b~n cfui.
74. What should the customer do to set Khach hang nen lam gi de k~t n~i Internet?
up an Internet connection?
A. Press two on the telephone A. Nhin s~ 2 tren di~n tho~i
B. Press nine on the telephone B. Nh~n s6 9 hen di~n tho~i
C. Visit the website C. Tmy cftp trang web
D . Visit a store location D . Ghe vao cua hang

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
75. How long will Zodiac coupons be Phi~u gb1m gbl cua Zodiac co hi~u l'!c tren
available on the website? trang web bao lau?
A. Only today A. Chi ngay hom nay
B. For the next two weeks B. Trong hai tuin ti~p theo
C. For six months C. Trong sau thang

D. Until December D. BSn thang 12
76. Where can the customer use Khach hang co the sir d~ng phi~u giam gia

Zodiac coupons? Zodiac & dau?
On the website A. Tren trang web

B. At a Zodiac store B. T~i m9t cila hang Zodiac
C. At any electronics store C. T~i b~t Icy cua hang di~n ru
D. At the customer service center D. T~i cac Him dich V\1 khach hang

77-79 refer to the following short talk. 77-79 tham khao cu9c tro chuy~n ng~n sau
I would ask evetyone at this time to tutn in day.
yout· company manual to page 15. This
chapter of the manual details out· company
T oi mu6n yeu c~u m9i nguoi gio l~i trang 15
sach huang dk cua cong ty. Chuang nay CUa
policies. As you read over the various sach neu chi tist cac chinh sach cua cong ty ta.
policies, please pay attention to those relating Khi b~n d9C cac chinh sach khac nhau, hay chu
to customer service. I will give you a few y dSn nhfrng gi lien quan dSn dich V\1 khach
minutes to read these policies and then we hang. Toi se danh cho b~n m9t vai phut dS d9c

will discuss them as a group. Once you have va sau do chilng ta se thao 1~ theo nhom. Sau
finished reading, please tutn to the person khi b~ da d9c xong, xin vui long quay sang
sitting next to you. Discuss with your partner nguoi ng6i ben c~ b~n. Thao l~n voi h9 xem
how you can better serve yom customers. lam thS nao dS phl,lc V\1 khach hang t6t han. Sau

After you have spent a few moments speaking khi b~ da danh m9t vai phut thao l~n voi b~n
with yom partner, write down yout· ideas on a cling nhom, hay viSt y kiSn clia b~ tren m9t
manhgi~y. Vao cu6i bu6i h9i thao nay, b~ se

piece of paper. At the end of this seminar you

will have a chance to share yout· ideas with co co h9i chia se y kiSn cua minh vai ca nhom.

the rest of the group.

77. What is this seminar about? H9i thao nay Ia gi?
A. Increasing overseas business A. Tang huang kinh doanh a nuac ngoai
B. Improving customer relations B. Cai thi~n quan h~ khach hang
C. Creating a new department C. T~o m9t b9 ph~n mai
D. Developing a company website D. Phat triSn tt·ang web cong ty
78. What should employees do after Nhan vien nen lam gi sau khi dqc cac chinh
reading the company policies? sach cua cong ty?

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
A. Discuss the policies A. Thao lu~n v~ chinh sach
B. Write the policies down on paper B. ViSt cac chinh sach tren gi~y
C. Conect the grammatical enors C. Sua cac 16i ngu phap
D. Share their ideas with the group D. Chia se y kiSn cua minh voi nhom
79. Where does this talk take place? Cu9c h9i tho~i di~n ra iY dau?

A. At a training session A. T~i m9t khoa dao t~o
B. At a restaurant B. T ~i m9t nha hang

C. At a job interview C. T~i m9t cu9c phong v~ vi~c lam
D. On a website D. Tren 1 website

80-82 refer to the following talk. 80-82 tham khao cu9c noi chuy~n sau.
We would like to welcome you all here today Chln1g t6i r~t vui long chao don cit ca cac vi a
to the Downtown Juniper Office Complex. day ngay hom nay ~i Downtown Juniper

You have been asked to join us because, as Office Complex. Cac quy vi duqc moi tham d1,t
investors, you have all played a significant in cling chling toi, boi vi, voi tu each la nhfrng nha
getting this project stmted. Presently, we have
rented nem·Iy 80% of the office space, and I
d~u tu, cac vida dong m9t vai tro quan tr9ng dS
dl,I an nay b~t d~u. Hi~n nay, chln1g t6i da thue
must add that we are thrilled with the results. g~ 80% khong gian van phong, va t6i phai noi
I'd like to stmt by taking you for a tour of one them r~ng, chling t6i r~t kinh ng~c voi kSt qua
of the model offices. Following the tour, I nay. Toi mu6n b~t &u bfug vi~c dua cac vi
would like to invite you to join me in the tham quan m9t trong nhGng van phong m~u.

building's 5- star restaurant for a tasting of Sau khi tham quan, t6i mu6n moi cac vi tham
some of our delicious lunch specials. And gia cling t6i trong m9t nha hang 5 sao cua toa
once again, thank you for your continued nha ds thuong thuc m9t s6 ~c san trong bua
suppmt with the completion of this project. t.rua. Va m9t lk nfra, cam an vida tiSp t1,1c h6

trq ds hoan thanh d1,t an nay.

80. To whom is the speaker NgU'Oi noi dang hU'O'Ilg tOi ai?
A. D~i ly b~t d9ng san

A. Real estate agents B. Cac nha diu tU'

B. Investors c. Khach thue can h9

C. Apmtment tenants D. Nhan vien van phong
D. Office workers
81. What does the speaker say about NgU'Oi noi nhiic gi v~ cac van phong?
the offices?
A. They m·e completely fwnished A. Chling duqc n·ang bi n9i th~t hoan thi~n
B. They each have balconies B. M6i van phong co 1 ban cong

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
C. Most of them have already C. H i u h~t s~ van phong da duqc thue
rented D . Chling co thiSt kS binh thuemg va ph6 thong
D . They have a popular and common
82. What will the group do after the Nhom se h1m sau khi di tham quan?

A. Finish the constJ:uction A. R oan thanh vi~c xay dl,lllg

B. Have lunch B. An trua
C. Attend a speech C. Tham dv m9t bai phat biSu

D . Fill out a fonn D . DiSn vao m~u
83-85 refer to the following telephone 83-85 tham khao tin nhan di~n tho~i duOi
message. day.

This is the customer service line for
Quickstmt Intetnet Service. All of our agents Day la s6 may dich Vl,l khach hang CUa m~g
m·e cunently on the line serving other clients.
Our hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 6p.m.,
Quickstmt. T~t ca cac d~i ly CUa chling tOi hi~n
dang b~ kSt n6 i phl,lC Vl,l cac khach hang khac.
Monday to Friday. Please stay on the line to Chling t6i ho~t d9ng tir 09:00-06: 00, tir thu H ai
schedule an appointment. At the time of dSn thu Sau. Xin hay gifr may dS len lich h~n.
installation, please have your order number T ~i thai diSm cai ~t, xin vui long nh~p rna s6,
and a check or money order to cover the fees . sec ho~c tiSn dS ll'a phi. Chi phi l~p d~t la $

The installation cost is $59.95. it should only 59,95. Va chi m~t khoang 25 phut, b~n co thS
take about 25 minutes, and you will be able to tJ:uy c~p Intetnet ngay l~p tuc. Do yeu c~u 1
access the Internet immediately. Someone nguai phai co m~t ~i thai diSm ky thu~t vien
must be present at the time the technician dsn l~p, nen nsu b~n chua sgn sang , b~ nen

visits, so if you m·e not available, you must thvc hi~n m9t cu9c h~n khac. Cfun an b~ da
make another installation appointment. Thank ll,l'a ch9n Dich V\1 Intetnet Quickstmt.

you for choosing Quickstmt Internet Service.

83. What is needed at the time of cin thu gi khi cai d~t?

A. Photo identification A. Nh~n ~ng hinh anh
B. Payment B. Thanh tm1n
C. An order package C. D~ing kY g oi cuoc
D . A technical assistant D . M9t ky thu~t vien

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
84. Approximately how long does the Qua trinh cai d~t mit khoang bao lau?
installation process take?
A. Twenty- five minutes A. Hai mU'oi Him phut
B. Half an how· B. Nuagia
C. One hour c. M9tgia

D. Twohours D. Haigia
85. What happens if you are not Di~u gi se xay ra n~u b~n khong co m~t khi

present for the installation? cai d~t?
A. You are not pe1mitted to enter the A. B~n khong duqc phep vao nha

B. You must make another B. B~n phai th1,1'c hi~n cu9c h~n khac

C. You must cancel your C. B~n phai huy iliing ky cili ilijt
subscription D. B~n phai dang kY tn,rc tuySn
D. You must register online
86-88 refer to the following introduction. 86-88 tham khao giOi thi~u sau day.
Good aftemoon. It is with great pleasme that I Xin chao. T oi xin h·an tr·9ng gioi thi~u TiSn si
inh·oduce Dr. Meg Robettson. Dr. Meg Meg Robettson. TiSn si Meg Robettson la nha
Robertson is the leading research associate at nghien cilu hang d~u t~i trung tam nghien cilu
the Clear Enviromnental Research Group. For moi huang Clear. Trong 8 nam qua, hl.lllg tam

the past 8 years, the center has been da chiu tl'ach nhi~m phat triSn m9t s6 phuang
responsible for developing some of the most phap d9c dao nh~t lien quan dSn cu9c chiSn
unique methods related to the fight against ch6ng l~i SlJ nong len toan c~u. TiSn si
global wmning. Dr. Robettson has joined us Robettson da tham gia ctmg chtmg ta a day

here today to talk about her group's most hom nay dS noi vS nhiing n6 ll,l'c g~n day cua
recent effmts to reduce the hatmful effects on nhom ta ds gifun thisu tac d9ng co h~i dSn moi

the environment. There will be a question and huang. Se co Sau bu6i tr·inh bay se co thai gian
answer period following the talk. Please give dS hoi dap. Xin vui long n6ng nhi~t chao don

a watm welcome to Dr. Meg Robertson. TiSn si Meg Robertson.

86. What is Dr. Robertson profession? Tien si Robertson lam nghe gi?
A. She is a motivational speaker A. Co ~y la m9t diln giii
B. She is an intetnational financial B. Co ~Y la m9t nha phan tich tai chinh qu6c tS
C. She is an environmental C. Co Ia m9t nha nghien cifu moi trU"<mg
researcher D. Co lam vi~c cho m9t nha cung c~p di~n

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
D . She works for an electricity

87. What will Dr. Robertson talk Ti~n si Robertson se noi v~ vin d~ gi?

about? A. Nhu c~u tai chinh cua nh6rn nghien cUu
A. Her research group's need for
B. Cac phuong phap t6t nh~t dS tht,rc hi~n

B . The best methods for conducting nghien cw nh6rn
group research C. Nhfrng lqi ich CUa S\f hqp tac nghien CUu

C. The benefits of intemational quoc te.
research collaboration.

effects on the envir·onment

D. Ways to reduce the harmful

88. What will happen after the speech?

D. Cac phuong phap giam thi~u tac d{)ng co
h~i d~n moi truimg
Vi~c gi se di~n ra sau bai phat bieu?
A. Participants will eat lunch A. Ngtdri tham dif sean tiua
B . Delegates will write a repmt B . Cdc il(li bi:u se viSt bao cao
C. Questions can be asked C. Cac thic mic se duqc giai dap
D . Dr. Robettson will sign D .TiSn si Robettson se ky

e ic

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thanh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup c ac bq.n co tai li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lamm dt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
89-91 refer to the following telephone 89-91 tham khao thong di~p di~n tho~i duOi
message. day.
Hello, Mr. Undetwood. This is Maria Avila
calling from Warehouse Office Supplies Xin chao, anh Undetwood. Toi la Maria Avila
Limited. I just received your e-mail regarding g9i tir kho cung c~p thiSt bi van phong. Toi vl:ra

your company's purchase of computers and nh~ duqc e-mail cill anh vJ vi~c mua may tinh
printers. Unfortunately, the printer model that va may in CUa cong ty anh. Th~t khong may,

you had requested is presently unavailable, nhfrng mftu may in anh yeu cftu hi~n gio khong
and won't be in stock for another couple co sgn, va ciing khong co ~i kho trong m9t vai

months. We do, however, cunently have thang tai. Tuy nhien, hi~n chling t6i co m9t
another printer model that is comparable to mftu may khac luling It!: vui dong may ma anh
the original one that you had requested. We yeu cftu. Chfutg toi sgn sang cho ben anh muqn

are willing to loan you this model while you mftu nay trong khi dqi hang va se khong co vk
are waiting for the other shipment. There are dS gi voi dan ~t hang cua chling ta. Chling tOi
no problems with the computer order. We will
have yom delivety shipped by Thmsday
aftetnoon. Please contact us about how you
se giao hang vao chiSu thu Nam. Lam an hay
trao d6i voi chling toi vS phuang thuc anh
mu6n tiSp tl,lC voi s6 may in tren. Olin an S\I
would like to proceed with respect to the hqp tac CUa anh Va chtmg tOi hy V9ng nh~ tin
printers. Thank you for yom cooperation and tu ben anh sam.
we hope to hear from you soon.

89. What is the reason for the call? Ly do cua cu{)c g9i h1 gi?
A. To confinn the customer's A. DS xac nh~n dia chi cua khach hang
address B. D~ thong bao cho cac khach vin d~ tir don
B. To notify the customer of an hang

order problem
C. To receive payment for the C. DS ~n thanh toan tiSn hang

purchase D. DS mua thiSt bi van phong

D. To purchase office equipment

90. What does the caller offer Mr. NguOi gC]i d~ ngh! cho anh Underwood
Underwood? nhii'ng gi?
A. To deliver the equipment herself
B. To let him use a comparable A. Tl,I co ~y se chuySn thiSt bi
printer B. D~ anh Underwood sir d~ng m{)t may in
C. To provide him with additional tuong tl]'
software C. Cung c~p cho anh ~y ph§n mSm b6 sung

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
D. To give him a discormt on his D. T~ng anh ta m9t phieu giam gia mua hang

91. What will be delivered to Mr. Cai gi se dugc chuyen giao cho anh

underwood on Thursday? Underwood vao thO: nam?
A. General office supplies A. Vftt tu van phong noi chrmg
B. Computers B. Maytinh

C. Printer cables c. Cap may in
D. A computer networking system D. M9t h~ th6ng m~ng may tinh
92-94 refer to the following introduction. 92-94 tham khao bai giOi thi~u sau day.

We would like to thank you for joining the Chting t6i xin cfun an quy vi da thmn gia zi

Theater. Tonight's opening perfmmer

grand opening of the Fallsview Ballroom &

demonstrates the kind of classical talent that

khai truO'ng cua Fallsview Ballroom &
Theater. Mim biSu diSn khoi dftu t6i nay se cho
chting ta th~y tai nang uu vi~t se duqc ra m~t
we will be showcasing over the next few
trong vai thang tiSp theo trong 6 man bisu disn
months in ow· six-part series. We believe that cua chtmg tOi. ChUng tOi tin r~ng cac man biSu
these perfonnances, and the overall chatm of diSn nay, voi S\1' quySn n1 r~t rieng cua
the Fallsview Balh·oom & Auditorium, will Fallsview Balh·oom & Auditorium, se gop phftn

add to the cultw-al chm1n of the area. And vao S\1' quySn n1 chung cua van hoa toan khu
how let us begin tonight's perfmmances. We Vl,l'C. v a chting ta se b~t dftu bu6i biSu diSn t6i
do ask that you switch off any cell phones and
nay ngay sau day. Chting t6i dS nghi cac vi hay
t~t t~t ca cac thiSt bi di d9ng va may nh~n tin
pagers at this time. There will be a ten-minute

inte1mission between each act at which time ngay hie nay. Se co muoi phut giai lao gifra
refreshments will be served in the main m6i man bisu diSn va do ciing la luc da

entrance. Thank you for your cooperation and se duqc phl,lC V\1 trong cac 16i chinh. Cam an S\1'
enjoy the evening. hqp tac ctia quy viva xin hay thuemg thuc bu6i

t6i hom nay.

92. What is the purpose of this speech? M1,1c dich cua bai phat bieu nay Ia gi?
A. To introduce the presenters A. BS gioi thi~u cac diSn gia
B. To invite guests to dinner B. BS moi khach dUn.g bfra t6i
C. To cancel futme performances C. BS hliy bo bu6i biSu diSn trong tuang lai
D. To celebrate an opening D. D~ chao mirng I~ khai truong

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
93. How many performances are Co bao nhieu man bieu di~n ducrc d'! kien trong
scheduled over the next few vai thang tOi?
months? A.5
A. Five B. 6
B. Six C.8

C. Eight D. 10
D. Ten

94. What can audience members do Cac khan gia co the lam gi trong giir giai lao?
during the break?

A. Take photos A. Ch1,1p anh ~

B. Use their cell phones B. Su dl,lllg di~n tho~i di d9ng
C. Meet the perfonners C. G~p go nhfrng nguoi biSu diSn

D. Have a drink D. Thu01lg thuc d~ u~ng
95-97 refer to the following comment. 95-97 tham khao nh~n xet sau day.
tic ~
The last item to talk about today at this
afte1noon's meeting is the company's new
Ph§n cu6i ctmg toi mu6n n6i t~i cu9c h9p chiSu u
nay la chinh sach moi cua cong ty lien quan dSn
policy with regard to expenses. We have chi phi. Chting toi eta thao lu~ va thong qua u
hai diSu dn thay d6i. Vi~c d~u tien phai lam
discussed and approved two changes. The
first has to do with receipts and invoices. voi bien lai va h6a don. Thu nh~t, t~t ca cac h6a
Firstly, all bills must be submitted on the last dan phai duqc n9p vao ngay cu6i cting clia m6i ~

day of each month. The other major change thang. Sv thay d6i Ian thu hai la voi tai khoan ~
has to do with company accounts. We have cong ty. Chting ta cGng tang ngan sach len 5%, ~
also increased budgets by 5%, so as to dS h6 trq t~t ca cac nhan vien. Nhan vien ban 0
accommodate all employees. Prut- time thai gian se nh~ duqc m9t the tin dl,lng cong ty ~

employees will be given a company credit ds su d1,1ng cho chi phi di l~i va an u6ng khi ~
cru·d to use for travel and meal expenses when giao thi~p voi khach himg cfmg ry. Xin vui ~

dealing with corporate clients. Please speak long n6i chuy~n voi Sally phong nhan SlJ tiuoc
to Sally in HR before the end of the week to cu6i tu§n dS nh~ duqc the. ~

receive yow· card.

95. What is the purpose of the M~;~cdich cua cu{k h9p Ia gi?
meeting? A. BS n6i vS tai khoan khach rumg moi
A. To talk about new client accounts B. D~ cong b~ m()t chinh sach h1i chinh mOi
B. To announce a new finance c. BS gioi thi~u nhan vien moi
policy D. BS n6i vS vi~c chi tieu vuqt muc
C. To inti·oduce new employees
D. To speak about overspending

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thanh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup c ac bq.n co tai li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lamm dt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
96. What is part-time staff expected to Nhan vien ban thiri gian dl! kien se nh~n
receive? duqc th u gi?
A. Cash bonus A. Thuemg tiSn m~t
B. Less responsibility B. it tnich nhi~m han
C. More work homs c. Lam them nhiSu gio han

D. Credit cards D. The tin d~ng
97. When should employees contact Khi nhan vien cin lien h~ vOi phong nhan

HR.? Sl!?
A. By the end of this week A. Cu~i tuin m1y

B. The beginning of next week B. B~t d~u ttilin tiSp theo
C. By the end of the month C.Cu6ithang
D . The beginning of next month D . B~u thang tiSp theo

98-100 refer to the following telephone 98-100 tham khao tin nhiin di~n tho~i duOi
message. day.
Good morning, Jemma. This is Irene Smith
from Dr. Baker's office. I am calling to Xin chao, Jemma. Toi lalrene Smith, g9i tir
confinn yow· appointment for 8:30 a.m. on van phong CUa TiSn si Baker. Toi g9i dS xac
Wednesday mmning. Please anive at least 15 nh~ cu9c h~n cua b~n h!c 8:30 sang thu Tu.
minutes prior to yow· appointment so that we Xin hay dSn truoc cu9c h~n it nh~t 15 phut dS
can fill out the appropriate fonns . Don't chling t6i diSn vao cac thu t1,1c thich hqp. BUng

forget to bring yom health insmance card and quen mang theo the bao hiSm y tS va m9t phan
a piece of photo ID to the appointment. In pho to CJ\.1ND toi cu9c h~n. Nhin chnng, Ilk
total yom physical examination shouldn't kiSm tra sue khoe khong m~t qua 20 phut,
take more than 20 minutes, but you may need nhung b~n ciing co thS dn a l~i sau do dS xet

to stay aftetwards for some blood tests. Dr. nghi~m mau. TiSn si Baker se cung c~p kSt qua
Baker should be able to provide the results of xet nghi~m cho b~n trong vong 2 ttilin. Vi v~y,

yow· tests within 2 weeks. So remember, yom xin hay nho, cu9c h~n cua b~ vao luc 08:30
appointment is at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday sang thu Tu. Hay g9i cho chling toi nSu b~n co

moming. Please call us if you have any b~t k)r dlu hoi nao. H~n g~p l~i sau!
questions. See you then!
98. What is Irene phoning about? Irene gC]i di~n v~ vi~c gi?
A. A test result A. KSt qua xet nghi~m
B. A request for blood donations B. Yeu c~u hiSn mau
C. A job oppmtunity C. Co h9i vi~c lam
D. An upcoming appointment D. M9t cu9c h~n sip tOi

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thcmh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup cac bq.n co ted li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lam mdt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.
Ngan Du
99. What should Jemma bring with Jemma gi nen mang theo thu gi khi co den
her to the appointment? cu9c h~n?
A. A credit card A. The tin dl,lllg
B. The results of her tests B. KSt qua thu nghi~m cua minh
C. Her health card C. They t~ cua minh

D . A photo of her family D . M9t buc anh cua gia dinh
100 When will Jemma find out about Khi m1o Jemma se nh~n dU'«!C cac k~t qua

her test results? thir nghi~m cua minh?
A. Tomonow A. Ngay mai

B. Within a week B. Trong vong m9t tu§n
C. Within two weeks C. Trong vong hai tui n
D . Within a months D . Trong vong m9t thang

e ic

QuyJn sach nay do nhi'mg thanh vien nhi¢t tinh nhdt cua group 'Toeic Practice Club" bien soq.n nhd
giup c ac bq.n co tai li¢u on thi hi¢u qua. Mong m9i ngum aimg mua ban quyJn sach nay vi nhu th~ S(;
lamm dt ai gia trj ma cac bq.n aa dong gop.

(A) The boats are floating in the water A) Cac tau thuy~n dang n~i tren m~t
(B ) The boat is being pushed into the nU'cYC

water (B) Cac thuySn dang duqc d~y xu6ng
(C) The boats are crashing into each other nuoc

(D) The boats are sailing on the open sea (C) Cac tau thuySn dang dam vao nhau
(D) Cac tau thuySn dang cheo tren biSn

(A) The children are washing a car (A) B9n tre dang rua xe

(B) Several people are getting into a (B) M9t s6 nguoi dang len m9t chiSc xe
vehicle (C) M9t s6 cong Cl,l da duqc ch~t d6ng len

a vehicle
(C) Some tools have been piled up behind

(D) The children are leaming against a car

phia sau m9t chiSc xe
(D) Cac em duqc h9c tftp voi m9t chiSc xe
(A) The man is moving down the slope (B) Nguoi dim ong dang leo len m9t cai thang
(B) The man is climbing a ladder (C) Nguiri dan ong dang d{H m9t chi~c mu
bao hi~m

(C) The man is wearing a safety helmet

(D) The man is cutting the rope (D) N guoi dan ong dang c~t clay
(A) Nguoi dan ong dang di chuySn xu6ng d6c

(A) People are putting ftuit in the baskets (B) Nhomnguoi dang lam the gia
(B) The people are making price tags (C) Nguiri ph~;~ nfr dang tim ki~m m9t

(C) The woman is looking at some fruit s~ trai diy


(D) A customer has his anns folded (D) Khach hang khoanh doi ban tay cua
(A) M9i nguoi dang d~t tnii dly vao trong anhta
(A) The man are using a ladder to climb a (C) Contluction workers have closed off
cliff the road
(B ) The cable has been rolled completely (D) The electricians are working on the
in to a coil cables

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vi en nhi~t tinh 11bkt CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO(Ill nhfun giup
cac b(lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

(A) Nguoi rum ong dang su dl,lflg m9t cai (C) Cong nhan xay d\ffig da dong ra khoi
thang ds leo len m9t vach da duong
(B) Cac cap da duqc can hoim toan trong (D) Cac thq di~n dang him vi~c tren cac
m9tcu9nday day cap

(A) The road through the forest has been (A ) Con duong qua rimg da duqc lat.

paved (B) Co nhftng du<mg ray tren canh d~ng
(B) There are tracks in the field (C) Co nhfrng nong tr~i tren canh d6ng
(C) People are fanning in the field (D) May nong nghi~p dang dftu g~n m9t toa

(D) Farm machines are par·ked near· a nha


(A) Some people are playing musical

(B) People are watching the performance

(A) M9t s6 nguoi dang choi nh~c c1,1
(B) M9i nguOi dang xem bu~i bi~u di~n
(C) N guai dan a l~i duqc tftp hqp cho cu9c
(C) People in the back are gathered for hQp
meeting (D) Cac diSn vien dang cUi chao khan gia
(D) The perfonners are bowing to the

(A) People are crossing the street (B) Cac xe dang m~c kyt t.rong giao thong
(B) The cars are stuck in traffic (C) Cac giao thong dang chuySn d9ng theo ca

(C) The traffic is moving in both directions haihuang

(D) There are arrows painted on the road (D) Co miii ten son tren du<mg

(A) M9i nguoi dang bang qua duang



Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b()ll da dong gop.

(A) Framed pictures have been placed on (A) Khung anh da duqc d~t a ban
the tables (B) NhiSu hinh anh dang duqc cai tiSn
(B) Many pictures are being developed (C) Co rit nhi~u hinh anh duc;rc dang
(C) There are a lot of pictures posted on tren tu<mg

the wall (D) M9t nguoi dim ong dang tTeo hinh anh
(D) A man is hanging pictures on the u-en bang

(A) The man is reading a sign in the park (B) Nguoi dan ong dang ng6i tren m9t

(B) The man is sitting on a bench chiSc ghS dai
(C) The man is holding an umbrella (C) Nguiri dan ong dang cim m9t chi~c
(D) The man is planting a tree

( A) Nguoi dan ong dang d9c chi cffin (D) N guoi dan ong dang tr6ng m9t dly
trong cong vien tic
When is the new economic repmt due? H~n chot bao cao kinh tS moi la khi nao?
A. 20 pages A. 20 trang

B. By the end of the month B. B~n cu8i thang

C. A new supervisor c. 1 giam sat vien moi

12. Would you prefer milk or juice? 12. B~ thich sfra hay nuoc t.rai dly han?

A. From Russia A. TunuocNga

B . Not at all B. Khong phai titt ca

C. Juice, please. C. N uac trai cay, xin vui long.


13. Do we have to pay for the tickets? 13. ChUn.g toi co phai tTa tiSn cho cac ve
A. No, the company pays for them dokhong ?
B. Yes, It's a beautiful city A. Khong, cong ty tra cho hf!
C. No, I sent them by fax B. co, do la 1 thanh ph6 dyp
C. Khong, t.Oi da gui cho h9 qua fax

14. Who sent us these financial repmts? A. Brian did

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri ma cac b()ll da dong gop.

B. By e-mail A. Brian da him

C. To review them B. B~ email
14. Ai da gui cho chUn.g ta nhiing bao cao C. BS xem l~i chUn.g
tai chinh nay?

15. Why did you choose that office? 15. T~i sao b~ ch9n van phong do?

A. We need to choose a delegate for the A. Chling t6i phai ch9n 1 ~i biSu cho h9i
conference nghi
B. It has a great view B. No co quang canh d~p

C. Two days ago C. Hai ngay uuoc

16. What should i wear when we attend 16. T oi nen m~c cai gi khi chUn.g ta tham

the conference? dvh9i nghi
A. I'd recommend a suit and tie
B. I bought it yesterday
C. Over there in the fitting room
tic A. Toi sed~ ngh! m{)t b{) comle va ca v~t
B. Toi damua no ngay hom qua
c. 6 do u·ong phong thu d6
17. Didn't I write down your company 17. Toi da viSt ten cong ty cua b~ chinh
name conectly? xackhong?

A. Yes, It's right over there A. Vang, no a do

B. No, it has two J's , not one B. Khong, Co 2 chu J khong phai 1
C. I'm sony, I can't. c. Toi xin 16i tOi khong thS

18. Margaret McCarthy is the head of 18. Margaret McCmthy la nguoi dilng
advettising, isn't she? dftu cua qllimg cao, phai co ~y khong?

A. Yes, I work in the advettising A. Vang, t6i lam vi~c u·ong b9 ph~n quang

depmtment cao
B. No, She didn't make it B. Khong, Co ~y khong lam no
C. Yes, she just got a promotion. C. Vang. Co iy chi vira duqc thang

1 9. Where did you go on your summer A. At the end of the year

break? B. Vali, for a change

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia hi rna cac b()ll da dong gop.

C. The camera lens is broken B. Vali, cho 1 Sl;f thay d~i

19. B~n da di dau cho k)r nghi he? C. Cac 6ng kinh Camera da bi vo
A. Vao cu6i nam

20. Should there be more strict safety 20. Nen co nhfrng quy dinh an toan
regulations at the workplace? nghiem ng~t han a nai lam v i~c

A. Yes, but it takes place in September. A. Co, nhrmg no diSn ra trong thang 9
B. No, it's in the safe B. Khong, Do la hong an toan r6i
C. No, the present rules cover C. Khong, cac quy t~c hi~n nay bao

everything. g~m tit ca m\)i thfr

21. How long have you had this job? 21. B~ co cong v i~c nay hong bao lau

A. For almost five years r6i?
B. It's five kilometers aways
C. I work five days a week
tic A. Trong gin 5 nam
B. No each 5km
C. Toi lam vi~c 5 ngay 1 t~n
22. Aren't you meeting with the real 22. B~ co tham dl,l' cu9c h9p voi cac ~i
estate agent today? ly b~t d9ng san hom nay khong?
A. No, our meeting was canceled A. Khong, cu9c hf!p da bf hoy

B. By bus, usually B. Thuang b~ng xe bus

C. To find a new office c. DS tim van phong moi

23. What's the exact size of the new 23. Kich thuoc chinh xac CUa van phong

office? moi la gi?

A. It's conveniently located A. v i u·i do th~n ti~n

B. Yes, it has three meeting rooms B. Vang, t6i co 3 phong h9p

C. I'm not sure c. Toi khong ch~c

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ID9i nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

24. Who can give us some assistance with 24.Ai co thS cung cftp cho chting t6i 1 s6 sv
the advettising campaign? trq giup voi cac chiSn clich quang cao?
A. Yeah, it's really helpful A. Vang, no thvc SlJ hiiu ich.
B. Mr.Ramirez can help us with that B. Mr.Ramirez co th~ giup chung toi vOi
di~u do.

C. No, She's a pmt- time assistant
C. Khong, Co fly la trq ly pmt -time.

25. Al:e the marketing repotts nem·ly 25. Bao cao tiSp thi g~n day da sgn sang
ready? chua?

A. What m·e you repmting? A. B~n dang bao cao gi?
B. Nearly a year ago B. G~n nuoc 1 nam
C. We need more time C. Chung toi cin them thiri gian

A. We'd rather take a taxi
26. Excuse me, is this the express bus for 26. Xin 16i, Day la xe bus t6c hanh toi
A. Chting t6i thich di taxi han
B. Xin l~i, Chinh toi cling khong chic
B. Sorry, I'm not sure myself
C. To express a conce1n chin
C. DS thS hi~n 1 m6i quan tam

27. This repott looks pretty impressive, 27. Bao cao nay cling kha ~n tuqng, phai
doesn't it? khong?
A. I'm just browing A. Toi chi
B. Yes, they've done a good job B. Vang, hf! da thl]'c hi~n xong 1 cong

C. Tomonow morning looks good vi~c

C. Ngay mai bu6i sang cove t6t.

28. Why didn't anymore answer the 28. T~i sao l~i khong tra loi di~n tho~i

phone this mmning? sang nay?

A. Sure, that's a good idea A. Ch~c chfu, do la 1 y tuong hay
B. You can use my phone B. B~n co thS su d\lilg di~n tho~i cua t6i
C. I think the office is closed today C. Toi nghi van phong da dong cifa
hom nay

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~ nhlm giu
cac b~n co t<h li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi ngum dirng mua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mftt
gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

29. Where should i keep these company 29. Toi nen gifr nhfrng dftu thu cua cong
letterheads? ty a dau?
A. In the cabinet by the door A. 0 trong tir trU'O'c cira
B. Late this aftetnoon B. Cu6i chiSu nay

C. My assistant will order them C. Trq ly cua t6i se ra l~nh cho h9

30. The maintenance department will 30. Cac b9 ph~ bao tri se cai <%t m9t h~
install another air purifying system in the th6ng lQC khong khi trong nha an
cafeteria A. Khong, t6i khong thS

A. No, I can't B. T~t Th~t kho d~ hit vao trong do
B. Good. It's hard to breathe in there nhU' th~ nay.
as it is C. Toi v~n chua doi

C. I'm not hungty yet.
31. Why don't we go over the research
results next?
31. T~i sao chting ta khong di qua cac kSt
qua nghien cilu tiSp theo?
A. Chung toi co th~ lam di~u do
A. We could do that
B. Yes, She did B. Vang, co ~Y da lam
C. Usually once a year C. Thong thuemg m6i nfun m9t l~n

32. When is Amelia's resignation going to 32. Khi nao dan tu chuc cua Amelia se
be officially announced? duqc chinh thuc cong b6?
A. Yes, he was fired A. Vang, anh ~Y da bi sa thai
B. Congratulations on your retirement B. Chuc mUn.g S\f nghi huu clia b~

C. At the next board meeting, I think C. Toi nghi t~i bu~i h9p h{)i d~ng quan
tr! ti~p theo

33. Would you prefer to meet in the 33. B~n thich g~p trong phong h9p hay
meeting room, or somewhere eles? m9t nai nao do?

A. Someone else will take it A. M9t nguoi nao do khac se mang no

B. Let me reserve the cafeteria B. Hay d~toi
C. Yes, he's in a meeting C. Vang, anh ~y dang trong 1 cu9c h9p

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;lll nh~m giup
cac b<;lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b()ll da dong gop.

34. Don't you think we should start 34. B~n khong nghi chtmg ta nen b~t dfm
looking for a different distributor? tim kiSm nha phfm ph6i khac sao?
A. No, It's a different kind of paper. A. Khong, No la 1 lo~i gi~y khac
B. I'm not looking for a job B. Toi khong tim kiSm 1 cong vi~c
c. Co le b~n dung

C. You're probably right

35. How long will it take to implement the 35. Se m~t bao lfm dS thvc hi~n cac thu
new procedures? tt,Ic moi?
A. Approximately two months A. Khoang 2 thang

B. By analyzing procedures B. B~ng each phan tich cac thu d1,1c
C. About a new policy c. vs 1 chinh sach moi

36. Why hasn't the new equipment been 36. T~i sao vk chua cai d~t thiSt bi moi
installed yet?
A. It's from Asia
B. No, I'll use other devices
tic A. No tir Chau A.
B. Khong, t6i se su d1,1ng thiSt bi khac
C. H9 dang dqi 1 phin b~ sung
C. They're waiting for an additional

37. When will the technical suppmt team 3 7. Nhom h6 trq ky thftt se dSn tu London
anive from London? khinao?
A. About seven or eight people A. Khoang 7 ho~c 8 nguoi
B. The plan hasn't been confirmed yet B. K~ ho~ch vin chua dU\)'C xac nh~n

C. They worked cooperatively C. H9 da hqp tac hun vi~c


38. Don't you want to join us for the free 38. B~n khong mu6n tham gia voi chtmg

trip to Disneyland? t6i cho chuySn di miSn phi toi dao Disney
A. Yes, I'm looking fmward to meeting sao?
her A. Co, t6i dang mong duqc g~p co
B. No, he usually wears a unifonn B. Khong, anh ~Y thuong m~c 1 b9 d6ng
C. Thanks, but I went last month ph1,1c
c. Cam on, nh ung toi da di thang

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

39. It was quite nnexpected to see a long 39. 86 la kha b~t nga khi th~y m9t hang
line at the new restaurant on the cmner dai cac nha hang moi tren g6c do.
A. About twenty dollars A. Khoang 20 $

B. Yes, it was surprising to me, too B. Vang, No da gay ng~c nhien vOi toi
C. Medium rare, please qua

C. Vui long, tai vua

e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n eta dong gop.

40. How did you manage to find the new 40. B~n da xoay so thS nao dS tim dill h9
apartment near the office? mai g~n van phong?
A. The present tenant is a friend of A. NgU'Oi thue hi~n t~i h1 1 ngU'Oi b~n
mine cua toi
B. Vang, Quan ly se a day vao thu 3

B. Yes, the manager will be here on
Tuesday C. No g~n buu di~n

C. It's near the post office

Part 3
41-43: Refer to the following 41-43. Tham khao cu9c tro chuy~n sau
conversation day:

W: Do you have your train ticket for W: B~ cove xe lua toi Denver chua?
Denver yet? M: Khong , tit ca cac ve da dU'qc d~t vi
M: No, all of the tickets are booked
because of the holidays
nhfrng ngay I~
W: Vang, t:Oi nghi r~ng m9i thu se im l~ng
W: Well, I think things will quiet down by vao ngay chu nhftt. Sao b~n khong c~
Sunday. Why don't you try to leave on g~ng riri di vao th tf 3
Tuesday? M: No se khong hi~u qua. Cac cu9c dam
M: That won't work. Negotiations with phan vOi khach hang dU'qc d~;f ki~n b~t

the clients are scheduled to begin on diu vao thlf 2

e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thrum vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b()ll eta dong gop.

41 . Why has the man not purchased his 41 . T~i sao co nhiing nguoi rum ong vk
ticket yet? chua mua duqc ve?
A. He's waiting to schedule a meeting A. Anh ta dang dqi dS s~p xSp m9t cu9c
B. The trains are under repair h9p

C. The tickets are sold out B. Cac doan tau dang duqc sua chua
D . Some routes have been cancelled C. Cac ve dugc ban h~t

D . M9t s6 tuySn duang da bi hliy

42. When does the woman suggest the 42. N guoi ph1,1 nfr g qi y nguoi dan ong nen

mango? dikhinao?
A. Sunday A. ChuNhftt
B . Monday B . ThuHai

C. Tuesday c. Thu ba
D . Wednesday tic
43. What is the man planning to do on
D . Thutu
43. KS ho~ch cua nguoi dim ong vao thu
2la gi?
A. Fly to Denver A. Bay dSnDenver
B . Attend a training program B . Tham dv chuang tdnh aao ~o
C. Go on a holiday C. TiSp t1,1c k)r nghi
D. Have a meeting D. Co m{)t cu{)c hf!p
e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b()ll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ID9i nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b()ll da dong gop.

44-46: Refer to the following w: X in chao, bfra an nua hom qua nhu thS
conversation nao?
W: Hello, Bill. How was the hmch on M: Toi da khong thS di toi do. Toi da b~n
yesterday? hm1n thanh n~t phin thuy~t trinh cho

M: I wasn't able to go. I was working on d6i tac moi vao ngay mai. Nhung v§n co
finishing up that presentation we had vai nguoi dang mu6n t1,1 ~p sau khi tan ca

for the new clients this rooming. But a dfty. Cftu co mu6n di khong ?
few of us are looking at going out tonight W: Tuy~t qua di fly chu. Co phai l~i t6
after work. Would you care to join? chuc dem u6ng cocktail maritini a cai nha

W: That would be great. Is it martini night hang moi rna do ha?
at the new restaurant again? M: Khong, dem nay h9 co giam gia n·en
M: No, tonight they have a discount on monkhai v i. Thai gian d~c bi~t b~t d~u tir

appetizers. The special statts at 7:00, so 7:00. Vi vfty,hay g~p nhau iY sanh hie
let's meet in the lobby at 6: 30 tic
44-46: Tham khao cac cu9c tro chuy~n
44. What are the speakers talking about? 44. Nguoi noi dang noi dSn cai gi?
A. Making a presentation A. Lam m9t bai thuySt n·inh
B. Going out socially B. Di choi ben ngoai xa h9i

C. Getting a discount at the cafeteria c. Duqc giam gia a qm1n ca phe

D . Prepm·ing appetizers D. Ch~n bi mon khai vi
e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn mftt
di gia hi rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

45. What did the man do yesterday 45. Nguoi dan ong da lam gi chiSu ngay
aftemoon? hom qua?
A. Worked on a presentation A. Ba him bai thuy~t trinh
B. Had a meeting with some clients B. E>a co m9t cu9c h9p voi m9t s6 khach

C. Went out with some coworkers hang
D. Attended a company luncheon C. E>a di ra ngoai voi m9t s6 d6ng nghi~p

D. E>a tham dv m9t bfra ti~c cong ty

46. When will the speakers meet? 46. Cu<?c g~p cila nguoi noi se diSn ra khi
A. 6:00 nao?
B: 6:30 A. 6:00

c. 7:00 B: 6:30
D. 7:30 tic c. 7:00
D. 7:30
e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

47-49: Refer to the following conversation M: B~n co th~ tin dong san phim m1y
M: Can you believe the lineup? Why are so khong? T~i sao nhiSu nguoi t~i cite ngan hang
many people at the bank in the middle of the a gifr ngay? Ch1lng ta se lang phi toan b9 thai
day? We ' re goig to waste our whole break gian nghi dS xSp hang cho.
W: B~n co nghi r~ng chong ta nen tra l~i

waiting in line!
W: Do you think we should come back vao ngay mai khong? Chling ta nen quay tra

tomora·ow? We should get back to prepare for v S dS chub bi cho bai thuySt trinh vao chiSu
the presentation this aftetnoon. nay
M : I think you 're right. If we keep waiting then M : T oi nghi b~n da dUng. NSu chling ta tiSp tt,Ic

we' ll definitely be late for the presentation cho dqi sau do chling ta ch~c chfu bi tre cho
W: I wonder if Lian in sales put the sales vi~c thuySt trinh
report on my desk. I told her that I need it W: Toi tl! hoi n~u Lian ban hang dua cac

for today's meeting bao cao ban hang ti·en ban cua toi. Toi da
47-49: Tham khao do~n h9i tho~i sau: tic noi vOi co iy r~ng toi cin no d~ cho cu9c hf!p
hom nay.

47. Nguoi noi a aau?

47. Where are the speakers?
A. At a presentation A. T~i m9t bai thuySt trinh
B . In an office building B. Trong m9t toa nha van phong
C. At a financial institution C. T~i m9t t~ chlfc tai chinh

D . In a post office D . Trong m9t buu di~n

e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhiing tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nh~t cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO()Il nhfun giup c '
b()Il co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dirng mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se him m~t di gia
ma cac b()Il da dong gop.

48. What does the woman suggest they 48. Nguoi ph1,1 nfr d~ nghi h9lam gi?
do? A. d l~i va cho dqi trong dong
A. Stay and wait in line B. Roan trinh bay
B. Postpone the presentation c. G9i giam d6c

C. Call the director D. Tr& l~i sau
D. Return again later

49. What is the woman conce1ned about? A. N~u bao cao co d~ nghj s~n sang
A. If a report she asked for is ready B. Cu9c h9p se duqc t6 chuc a dau

B. Where the meeting will be held c. NSu phong h9p qua nho
C. If the meeting room too small D. Nguoi thuySt trinh se b~t &tu thuySt
D. What time the presentation will begin trinh hie m~y gio

49. Nguoi phl,l nfr quan tam dSn cai gi?
e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b()ll da dong gop.

50-52: Refer to the following conversation 50-52: do~ h9i tho~i sau:
M: On Wednesday i have to go and see M: V ao thu tU' toi phai di g~p
Mr.Franklin in human resources, and I Mr.Franklin thu~c b~ ph~n nhan Sl}',
don't think I'm prepared for the meeting. He's toi khong nghi t6i chuk bi sfu sang cho
cu9c g~p. Ong ~y phong v§n toi dS xem

interviewing me to see if i am qualified to
transfer into the accounting n~u t6i co du diSu ki~n chuySn sang vi tri

W: You'll be Okay. I spoke withMr.Franklin k~ toan.
yesterday and he seems like a really friendly W: B~n se 6n thoi. Toi da noi chuy~n voi
Mr. Franklin hom qua va Ong ~y cove

man. Why don't you go home early today
and prepare for the interview? gi6ng nhu m9t nguoi dan ong th\IC S\f than
M: That's a good idea. I know that he 's thi~n. T~i sao b~n khong v~ nha smn
interviewing a lot of people for the position hom nay va chuin b! cho cu~c phong

and so i want to make a good impression v~n?

accounting manual to study from

W: I think you' ll do fine. I'll lend you my M: D o lay ki~n hay. T oi bi~t r~ng ong ~y
dang phong v§n r~t nhiSu nguoi cho vi tri
do vfty nen toi mu6n ~o m9t §n tuqng t6t.
W: Toi nghi b~n se lam t6t. Toi se cho
b~n mU'gD tai li~u k~ tm1n CO' ban CUa
t~i d~ b~n nghien cuu
Human Resources: B9 ph~ nhan sv

50: What will most likely happen on A. Nguoi dan ong se vS nha sam
Wednesday? B. Nhung ngU'Oi dan ong se dm;rc phong
A. The man will go home early v~n hOi Mr.Franklin
B. The man will be interviewed by c. Nguoi dan ong se dQC m9t cu6n sach

Mr.Franklin k~ toan
C. The man will read an accounting book D . Nguoi dan ong se thay d6i nhting b9

D . The man will change deprutments ph~n


50: DiSu gi co thS se xay ra viw thu tu?

Quy~n sach nay do nhUn.g thlnh vien nhi~t tinh nl15.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nhlm giup c
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi ngum dimg mua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit di gia t:ri I
b()ll da dong gop.

51. What does the woman suggest the 5 1. Nhfrng gi nguoi ph1,1 nu gqi y nguoi
man do? dan ong lam g i?
A. Go home early to prepare for a A. Tr<Y v~ nha s6m d~ chuin b! cho m9t
meeting cu9c h«Jp

B. Visit the accounting department B. DSn phong kS tocin
C. Buy Mr.Franklin breakfast C. Mua cho Mr.Franklin bua an sang

D. Attend a training session D. Tham dv m9t bu6i dao ~o

52: What will the woman probably do 52: Nguoi ph1,1 nu co thS lam gi tiSp theo?

next? A. Phong vilil m9t nguo i n9p dan
A. Interv iew an applicant B. N oi chuy~n voi Mr. Franklin
B. Speak with Mr.Franklin C. DSn phong kS toan

C. Visit the accounting department D. Dua cho nguOi dan ong m9t cu~n
D. Give the man a book for reference

53-55: Refer to the

sach tham khao

53-55: Tham khao do~n h9i tho~i sau:

W: Hom nay t6i r~t b~n. B~n co phi~n
W: I'm ve1y busy today. Do you remind khong n~u toi lam vi~c mu9n t~i nay?
if i work late tonight? M: V oi toi thl khong sao. Cole Trevor co
M: That's OK with me. Maybe Trevor th~ danh m9t vai gia giup b~n lam bao

can help you with the report for a cao

couple of hours tonight. W: Do se la m9t S\1' trq giup Ian. DiSu do
W: That would be a big help. It's really thvc S\1' quan trQng voi t6i dS hoan thanh
impmiant for me to finish this repmt so bao cao dS t6i co thS gm no dSn Chicago.

that I can send it to Chicago M: v§n dS thvc tS, Toi da noi vOi khach
M: As a matter of fact, I spoke with our hang cua chong toi iY Chicago hom nay

client in Chicago today and he is waiting va ong ~y dang dq i ban dv thao cu6i cling.

for the final draft.

53. What does the woman want to do? 53. Nguoi ph1,1 nu mu6n lam g i?
A. Go to Chicago A. Toi Chicago
B. Leave early B. Roi di sam
C. Work late C. Lam vi~c mu9n
D . Anive early tomon ow D. DSn sam ngay mai

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;lfl nh~m giup
cac b<;lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b()ll da dong gop.

54. VVhat does the man say about Trevor? A. Ong co th~ giup Trevor· bai bao cao
A. He can help with the report B. Ong se lien h~ voi cac khach hang a
B. He will contact the client in Chicago Chicago
C. He will anive late tomonow rooming c. 6ng se dsn mu9n vao bu6i sang mai
D. Ong co thS tni loi di~n tho~i

D. He can answer the phone
54. Nguoi dan ong noi gi vS Trevor?

55. VVhat did the man do today? 55. Nguoi dan ong da lam gi hom nay?
A. Finished the repmt A. Roan thanh bao cao

B. Spoke with his client B. Noi chuy~n vOi khach hang cua minh
C. Contact Trevor C. Lien l~c voi Trevor
D. Visited Chicago D. Ba di thiim Chicago

e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b()ll da dong gop.

56-58: Refer to the following 56- 58: Tharn khao do~ h9i tho~i sau:
conversation W: Thftt t6t khi g~p l~i b~ Adam.
W: It's good to see you again, Adam. ChuySn di cilit b~n dSn U .S thS mio?
How was your trip to the U.S? M : Thftt tuy~t voi. Toi da di cimg rn9t vai

M : Fantastic. I went with a couple of close nguoi b~n than. Chung toi da 0' m{)t
friends. We stayed at a big hotel in Las khach s~n 1011 0' Las Vegas trong 1

Vegas for a week. tuin.
W: Yeah, I loved Las Vegas when i was W: Yeah, Toi da rit yeu Las Vegas khi
there two years ago. Did you get to see a toi 0' do 2 nam trml'c day. B~ co xern

lot while you were there? duqc nhisu thu a do khong?
Actually, only a little. We were more M: Thvc sv, chi co rn9t chut. Hang ngay
interested in gambling at the hotel chong toi da thich tho vOi err b~c t~i

everyday. Once in a while, we tried out khach s~n . Thinh thoang chling t.Oi ghe
some interesting bars, though

Once in a while: thinh thoang

tic vao rn9t vai qmin bar hay

a Las
56. Where did Adam stay in Las Vegas? 56. Ttuong hqp da lam Adam
A.In a hotel Vegas?
B. His cousin's house A. Trong m{)t khach s~n
C. In an express bus B. nha anh h9 cua

D .In a small inn C. Trong rn9t xe bu)rt t6c hanh

D. Trong rn9t qllim tr9 nho
e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~rn giup
cac b<;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn rn~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

57. When did the woman go to Las 57. Nguoi ph1,1 nCr dSn Las Vegas khi niw?
Vegas? A. T~n ttuoc
A.Lastweek B. Thang ttuoc
B. Last month c. 6 thang ttuoc

C. Six months ago D. 2 nam trU'cYC
D. Two years ago

58. How did Adam mostly spend his 58. Adam chu ySu climh k)r nghi cua minh
vacation? lam gi?

A.Fishing A. Cau ca
B. Gambling B. Cir b~c
C. Visiting his parents C. Tham cha my

D. Relaxing at home D. thu gian ~i nha
e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia hi rna cac b()ll da dong gop.

59- 61: Refer to the following 59 - 61: Tham khao do~ hoi tho~i sau:
conversation M: Nhan v ien nha hang khong ph1,1c v1,1 d6
M: Doesn't the staff restaurant include a u6ng cling voi bua tnra sao? T~i sao t6i
beverage with lunch? Why don't! see that khong th~y nfra nhi?
W: Cong ty da quy~t djnh cit giam chi

opinion anymore?
W: The company has decided to cut phi n~u co th~. Va d6 u6ng kern nhu la

costs where possible. And it looks like SlJ ll,l'a ch9n hiSn nhien.
the restaurant was the obvious choice M: Thftt t~ qua. Toi luon u~ng ca phe sau
M: That's too bad. I always drink coffee khi an trU'a va cac chi phi co th~ t~n

after lunch and the extra cost can be kern trong thOi gian dai.
expensive in the long run. W: Vang, B~n c6 thS dimg l~i a shop
W: Well, you could always stop by the coffee tren duong vS van phong. H«! co

coffee shop on your way back to the the giam gia cho khach hang than quen.
office. They do have that preferred
customer discount card
59. T~i sao cac thuc u6ng khong bao g6m
59. Why are drinks not included with
lunch anymore? an hua nfra?
A. They lost one of their main suppliers A. H9 m~t m9t nha cung c~p chinh cilit h9
B. There is a coffee shop nearby B. C6 m9t cua hang ca phe g~n d6

C. Not many people drink coffee c. Khong nhisu nguoi u6ng ca phe
D. The company is trying to save money D. Cong ty dang c~ giing d~ ti~t ki~m

60. What is the man's concetn? 60. Nguoi dan ong quan tam cai gi?

A. Going to a nearby cafe A. Di m9t quan ca phe g~n d6

B. B~n dang tim kiSm m9t cong vi~c moi

B. Looking for a new job

C.Paying for a drink C. Tra ti~n cho d~ u~ng
D. Sending in a complaint D. Gili tt·ong dan khiSu ~i

61. Why does the woman recommend the B. The company pays for the bill
coffee shop? C. The coffee tastes fresh
A. Her friend owns the shop D. They offer discount cards

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

61. T~i sao ph1,1 nfr gqi y quan ca phe? C. Ca phe co vi ng9t
A. Nguoi b~n cua co ~y la chu Clra hang D. H9 cung cip the giam gh1
B. Cong ty tra cho cac hoa don

e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhlt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b()ll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong ID9i nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b()ll da dong gop.

62-64: Refer to the following M; Xin elmo, t6i dSn tir b9 ph~ cung cftp
conversation: thiSt bi van phong. Toi co m9t s6 to d1,1'ng
M: Hello, I'm here from Business Office tai li~u, ban, gh~ va se duqc chuysn giao
Supplies. I have some file cabinets, cho Grace Cameron.
W: Chik ch~n r6i, dS t6i xem nSu toi co

tables, and chairs to be delivered for
Grace Cameron. thS kiSm duqc co ~y. Thftt khong may,

W: Sure, let me see if i can get her. Grace dang a gifra m9t cu9c h<;>p quan
Unfortunately, Grace is in the middle of tr<;>ng.
an important meeting. M: Vang, Thvc sv toi khong thS dqi. T oi

M: Well, I can't really wait. I have co lich chuySn hang ca chiSu nay. Co
deliveries lined up all aftemoon. Is there nguiri nao co th~ ky vao hoa don
someone else that can sign the invoice? khong?

W: Sure, I can do that. Why don't I W: Ch~c ch~n r6i, t6i co thS k)r no. T ~i sao

help you bring things in?

contact the maintenance department to

62 - 64: Tham khao do~n h9i tho~i sau

khong ds tei lien h~ voi b9 ph~n bao t.ri
giup b~n mang no vao tTong.

62. What are the speakers talking about? 62. Nguoi noi dang noi vS diSu gi?
A.A shipment A. M9t lo hang

B. A document B. M9t tai li~u

C. Home fumishings C. D6 n9i th~t
D . A Colleague D . M9t d6ng nghi~p
e ic

63. Why is Grace Cameron unavailable? 63. T~i sao la Grace Cameron khong a do?
A. She isn't in the office today A. Co khong co trong van phong hi~n nay

B. She is on vacation B. Co dang co k)r nghi

C. She is in a meeting C. Co dang 6' trong m9t cu9c he]p
D . She is away at lunch D. Cola di xa an trua

64. What does the woman offer to do? B. Fax it to her boss
A. E-mail it to Grace C.Sign the form

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhlt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri ma cac b<;~n eta dong gop.

D.Make a copy B. Fax nodS ong chu cua co

64. Nguoi ph1,1 nfr dS nghi lam gi? C. Ky vao miu don
A. E-mail cho Grace D . T~o m9t ban sao

65-67: Refer to following conversation 65-67: Tham khao do~n h9i tho~i sau:

M: Hello, I saw an advertisement in a M: Xin chao, Toi da thiy m9t quang cao
newspaper that you have a few tren m9t tir bao r~ng b~n co m9t vai vi
positions available in marketing. tri co sin ti·ong b9 ph~n marketing.

W: Yes, but there is only one opening W: Vang, nhrmg bay gio chi con m9t co
right now. We do have several positions h9i. Chllilg t6i co m9t s6 vi tTi co s~n t.rong
available m the technical suppmt b9 ph~n h6 trq ky th~t. B~n co mu6n tim

division. Would you like to lerun more hiSu them v S chllilg khong ?
about those? tic
M: Well, I would prefer mru·keting. I have
extensive experience in advertising, and
M: Toi thich marketing. Toi co nhi~u
kinh nghi~m trong nganh quang cao, va
t6i se chi quan tam dSn 1 vi t.ri t.rong b9
ph~n ky th~t nsu h9 bao g6m m9t vai
I would only be interested in a technical
suppmt position if there were some khoa dao t~o.
training involved W: T~i sao b~n khong tOi va dqi a
W: Why don't you go and wait in the phong khach. v a toi se g~p m9t ai do a

visitor room. And I' 11 see it someone phong nhan sv co ths g~p b~n.
from HR can meet with you.

65. How did the man lerun about the 65. Nguoi dim ong tim hiSu vS vi tri do

positions? nhuthSnao?
A. His friend is in the HR deprutment A. B~n clia anh la trong b9 ph~n nhan sv

B. He saw an ad in the paper B . Ong nhin thiy m9t quang cao tren
C. He was searching their website

D .He contacted the marketing division C. Ong da tim kiSm trang web clia h9
D . Ong da lien h~ voi b9 ph~ marketing

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b()ll eta dong gop.

66. Why would the man like to work in 66. T~i sao ngu o i dim ong mu6n lam vi~c
marketing ? b9 ph~n marketing?
A. He can make a lot of money A. Ong co thS kiSm duqc nhi~u ti~n
B. He has a friend in that divison B . Ong co m9t ngu o i b~n lam trong do
C. No bao g6m nhi~u khoa dao ~o

C. It involves a lot of training
D.He has experience in that field D. Ong co kinh nghi~m trong linh V'!C


67. What w ill the man probably do next? 67. N gu oi dan ong co thS lam gi tiSp theo?
A. Visit another company A. B Sn m9t cong ty khac
B . Write out his resume B . ViSt ra ban ly lich cua minh
C. Wait for an interview C. Chir cho m{)t cu{)c phong v~n

D .Contact the marketing division D . Lien h~ voi b9 ph~ marketing
68-70. Refer to the following conversation 68-70: Thrun khao do~ h9i tho~i sau:
M : To i nghi r~ng cai nay co cit ca cac ySu
M: I think that this one has all of the
elements that you 're looking for. There is a t6 rna b~n dang tim kiSm. Co m9t goc van
cmner office, the w indows overlook phong, cl1a s6 nhin ra Cong vi en Trung Him ,
Central Park, and there is a kitchen in the va co m9t nha bs p agoc sau.

back cmner. W: Co ve nhu chinh xac la cai chting ta

W. That sounds like exactly what we ' re dang tim kiSm . Toi rftt mu6n ng~m nhin no.
looking for. I'd love to look at it. We only Chung toi chi co 1 thang tru&c khi chong
have a month before we expect to launch toi mong d«[i hOi d{)ng chi~n djch

our new marketing campaign, so I was marketing moo cua chong toi, nen toi
really hoping to get into an office as soon th'!c Sl! hy vc;mg co dugc m{)t van phong

as possible. How much does it cost? cang s&m cang t~t. Gh1 no th~ nao?
M: Well, the selling price is $500,000 . W e M: Vang, gia ban Ia 500.000$. ChU:ng taco

can look at presenting an offer slightly thS dua ra d~ nghi thftp han m9t chut, nhung
lower, but it will depend on the number no se pht,J thu{)c vao s~ lugng ngum mua
of interested buyers in the market quan tam tren thj truirng.

68. Who most likely is the man? B. A real estate agent

A. A park supet-visor C. A financial analyst

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn mftt
di gia tri rna cac b()ll da dong gop.

D.An office receptionist B. M9t d~i ly hit d9ng san

68. Ai co kha nang nh~t la nguoi dan ong? C. M9t nha phan tich tai chinh
A. Giarn sat rn9t cong vien D. M9t nhan vien lS tan van phong

69. Why would the woman like to msh the 69. T~i sao nguoi ph1,1 nfr v9i vang mua?
purchase? A. Co la quan tarn dSn v i~c gia nhftp d9i
A. She is interested in joining the team bong

B. Her office building is expensive B. T oa nha van phong cua co la d~t do
C. Her company is launching an advertising C. Cong ty cua co dang tung ra m9t
campaign soon chi~n djch q uang cao SOOn

D. She would like to be closer to home D. Co mu6n duqc g§n nha han
70. What will detennine the selling price?
A. The number of people interested in the
70. DiSu gi se xac dinh gia ban?
A. S8 lu9Dg nguOi quan tam d~n khong
space gian
B. Whether or not the seller is willing to sell B. Nguoi ban co ho~c khong sgn sang ba
C. If the building passes the inspection c. NSu vi~c xay dt,mg vuqt qua kiSm tra
D . The location of the office tower D. Vi tri cua cac toa thap van phong
e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh ll.bkt cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngum dimg mua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t di gia tri
b<;~n da dong gop.

Part 4
71-73: refer to the following talk
According to our records, this is your first visit to our clinic. Before Dr.Briant can examine
you, you' ll have to fill out these medical histmy and insurance fmms. Please include a list of

medications you are taking and any allergies you may have. After you have filled out the

forms, out· nurse will take your blood pressure and temperature. I'll be here in my office
if you have any question.
71-73: Tham khao bai noi sau:

Theo h6 so CUa chUn.g t6i, day h11in diu tien b~n d~n phong kham cua chong toi. TIUOC
khi Dr.Briant co thS kiSm tra cho b~, b~n se phai diSn vao nhfrng lich su kham b~nh va cac
hinh thl.rc bao hiSm y tS. Vui long bao g~m m9t danh sach cac lo~i thu~c b~n dang dung

va bi di lrng b~n co thS co. Sau khi b~n da di~n cac miu don, y ta cua chong toi se liy
huy~t ap va nhi~t d9 cua b~n. Toi sea day trong van phong CUa t6i nSu b~n co b~t kY cau
71. Where is the speaker? 71.Nguoi noi a dau?
A.In a medical clinic A. Trong m9t phong kham y t~
B. In an insurance office B. Trong m9t van phong bao hiSrn
C. At school c. T ~i uuong
D.In a spmts equipment store D. Trong rn9t cila hang d1,1I1g C\1 thS thao

72. What infmmation should be included on 72. Nhfrng thong tin c~n phai duqc co
the fmm? trong m~u?
A. Height and weight A. ChiSu cao va trong luqng

B. Blood pressure reading B. Bo huySt ap

C.Medications being taken C. Thu~c da dung

D . Home address D. Bia chi nha


73. What will happen after the fotm has been 73. BiSu gi se xay ra sau khi dan da duqc
filled out? diSn d~y du?
A. The bill must be paid in full A. Cac hoa dan phai duqc thanh toan d~y
B. Laboratmy tests will be mn du
C.Biood pressure and temperature will B. Cac xet nghi~m se duqc lam
taken C. Huy~t ap va nhi~t d9 se duqc liy
D . The doctor will rescribe new medication D. Bac si se ke toa thu6c moi
Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh ll.bkt cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnoi ngum dimg rnua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia tri
b<;~n da dong gop.

7 4-7 6: refer to the following message.

Good rnmning, Mr Willows. This is Kevin Pine calling from Kinford Electronics to let you
know that your computer is ready. I apologize that we weren't able to get your computer

to you yesterday as we had promised. However there was more damage to the hard drive than
expected. We're closing today at 6p.rn, but we will be open from 8 a.m to 7p.m tomorrow.

Please call us if you are unable to come in, and would you like to pay an additional delivety
charge. I thank you for your patronage and apologize once again for any inconvenience this
may have caused you.

7 4-7 6: Tharn khao thong bao sau:
Chao bu6i sang, Willows. Toi Ia Kevin Pine d~n tir cong ty Di~n tlf Kinford d~ bao cho
b~n bi~t ring may tinh cua b~n da s~n sang Stf dt;~ng. Toi xin I8i chung toi khong th~ co

may tinh cho b~n vao ngay hom qua nhu chung toi da hlfa. Tuy nhien 6 cling bi hong hoc
nhiSu han chling t6i nghi. Horn nay chling t6i dong cua hie 6h chiSu, nhung ngay mai chung
toi se mrr clfa tir 8 giir sang d~n 7 giir chi~u. Vui long gQi cho chling t6i n~u b~n khong thS
d~n, va b~ vui long tra them phi v~n chuySn. Toi cam an S\1' lui toi thu(mg xuyen cua b~ va
xin 16i b~n rn9t l§n nfra vS cu sv bftt ti~n nay da gay ra cho b~n.
e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh ll.bkt cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnoi ngum dimg rnua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia tri
b<;~n da dong gop.

7 4. Where does the speaker probably work? 74. Nguoi n6i co thS lam vi~c a dau?
A. Computer repair shop A. Cua hang sua chua may tinh
B . Inte1net cafe B. Qllim ca phe Inte1net
C. Software manufacturing plant c. Nha may san xu~t ph§n mSm
D. Cua hang sua chua 0 t6

D.Auto repair shop

75. When was the computer originally 75. Ban d~u may tinh duqc dv kiSn se vfm
scheduled to be delivered? chuysn khi nao?
A. Yesterday A. Hom qua

B. Two days ago B . Hai ngay uuoc
C. Today C. Hom nay
D.Lastweek D. Tu§n uuoc

76. What time will the business open 76. Hang kinh doanh mo cuavao ngay
mai khinao?
A. Vao h1c 6 gio sang
B.At 7 a.m B . Luc 7 gio sang
C.At8a.m C. Luc 8 giir sang
D.At9a.m D. Vao luc 9 gio sang
77-79: Refer to the following instiuction

All delegated, may I have your attention, please. Now, please register at the front desk where
you can pick up your convention ID card and information booklet. Also, we have posted
a list of guest speakers outside ofthe main conference hall. The keynote speaker will present
this rooming at 10 a.m in the Wentworth Auditorium. We will then take a short break for a

group luncheon.
Afterwards we gather once again for a video presentation entitled "Your Money:

Achieving Financial Success," narrated by Bill Gated. A shmt discussion will follow the

screening. Should you have any questions or concems, please visit the reception desk located
on the main floor. I would like to thank eve1yone for joining us today. Please enjoy the
77-79: Thrun khao huang d§n sau day:
T~t ca cac b~n vui long chu y. Bay giir vui long dang ky t~i quiy I~ tan noi b~n co th~ nh~n
the ID cua b~n va t~p sach thong tin. Ngoai ra, chung toi da dang m~t danh sach khach

Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnoi ngum dimg rnua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia ni
b<;111 da dong gop.

miri ben ngm1i h()i trU"img chinh. DiSn gia chinh se trinh bay sang nay hie 1Oh t~i thinh phong
Wentworth. Sau do t6i se nghi ng~n cho m9t bfra an nua nhom.
Sau do chong toi t~p hf!P l~i lin nfra d~ xem video thuy~t trinh mag ten: Ti~n cua b~n:
D~ d~t dU'«!C thanh cong tai chinh" thu~t l~i hOi Bill Gated. M9t cu9c thao lufm ngfu se theo
sau bu6i chiSu. B~ co bftt kY dlu hoi ho~c quan tfun, xin vui long dSn ban tiSp tan at~ng chinh.

T oi mu6n cam on cac b~n tham gia voi chtmg t:Oi hom nay.

Hay thuang thuc bai thuySt n·inh

77. Where should the pmticipants go first? 77. N guoi tham dv di dSn dau d~u tien?

A. To the front desk A. D~n quiy I~ tan
B. To the group luncheon B. DSn bfra an tiua voi nhom
C. To the video screening c. DS sang

D. ToWentworth Auditorium D. DS Wentworth Auditorium

78. Where is the guest speaker schedule 78. Lich trinh cua diSn gia khach moi
duqc dang a dau?
A.In the front foyer A. Trong tiSn sanh
B. Outside the conference hall B. Ben ngoai h()i trU"img
C. At the reception desk c. T ~i ban tiSp tan
D .In auditorium D. Trong khan phong

79. What will the participants do after lunch? A. DiSn gia khach moi se co m9t diSu
A. There will be a surprise guest speaker ng~c nhien
B. The opening speeches will be given B. Cac bai noi khai m~c se duqc phat biSu

C.A short video will be screened c. M()t do~n video ng~n se dU'«!C trinh
D . A financial paper will be presented chi~u

79. Nhfrng nguoi tham dv se lam gi sau khi an D. M9t bai bao vS tai chinh se duqc u·inh

tlua? bay

80-82: Refer to the following instluction.

Welcome, evetyone. I would like to discuss the renovations that we will begin at the end of
March. While it is presently only November, we must develop the best execution plan
possible. I would like for each of you to note your comments on the cards I have left on
Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnoi ngum dimg rnua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rnftt di gia hi
b<;~n da dong gop.

table. On the cards, please list what you feel are the most important changes for our office
space. And we will meet again in two weeks to determine whose suggestions we will
include in the renovation plans. Please keep in mind that although the renovations are
necessaty, we would like to keep the overall cost to a minimum.

80-82: Tham khao huang dfui sau day.
Chao mlm.g m<;>i nguoi. T oi mu6n thao 11.$1 vS vi~c xay dl,Ing moi rna chong ta se b~t diu vao

cu~i thang Ba. Trong khi hi~n nay chi Thang Muoi M9t, chling ta phai cai tiSn cac kS ho~ch
thvc hi~n t6t nh~t c6 thS. Toi mu~n m~i b~n ghi nhfrng nh~n xet cua b~n vao the toi da d~
tren ban. Tren cac the, vui long li~t ke nhfrng gi b~ cam thly nhfrng thay d6i la quan tr<;>ng

nh~t cho khong gian van phong cua chling ta. v a chong ta se g~p l~i nhau ta·ong hai tuin d~
xac djnh nhfrng g9'i y cua cac b~n chong toi se bao g~m trong k~ ho~ch d~i moo. Hay ghi
nho dng m~c du vi~c xay dl,Ing moi lack thiSt, chling t6i mu6n giu cho t6ng chi phi dSn muc

t6i thiSu.

A .In two weeks

B. InNovember
80. When will the renovations statt? 80. Vi~c xay d\lllg se b~t d~u khi nao?
A. Trong hai tu§n
B. Trong thang muoi m9t
c. v ao d~u thang tisp theo
C. At the beginning of next month
D.lnMarch D. Trong thang 3

81. What are the employees asked to do? 81. Cac nhan vien dU<;YC yeu c~u lam la gi.
A. Contact the design depatiment A. Lien h~ voi b9 ph~ thiSt kS
B. Provide suggestions B. DU'a ra g9'i y
C. Clear out their desks C. Lau d<;>n ban lam vi~c

D .Infmm their colleagues D. Thong bao cho cac d6ng nghi~p cua hQ
82. What does the speaker wish to talk 82Nguoi n6i mu6n n6i vS cai gi vao bu6i

about at the next meeting? hQp tiSp theo?

A. When to begin the renovations A. B~t d~u vi~c xay dl,l'llg moi khi nao

B. How they will budget for the B. Ngan sach cho vi~c xay dl,l'llg moi hQ
renovations se lam nhu ths nao
C. What new departments to create C. Nhfrng b9 ph~n moi ~o ra cai gi
D. Whose suggestions will be included D. Nhfrng g9'i y gi dU'qc bao g~m (trong
k~ ho~ch moo)

Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
c6 tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnoi ngum dimg rnua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia tri
b<;111 da dong gop.

83-85: Refer to the following announcement

Good aftetnoon, evetyone. If you are joining us today at the Technology Made Easy
Seminar, then that means you are looking at making your computer and Intetnet work for you.
And I know how difficult it may be, but once you practice these simple techniques you' ll see

how quick and easy technology can be. My program will help you to use Microsoft Office,
anti -virus updating techniques, how to surf the web, and much more. Best of all, the whole

program takes just one day to leam. Until now, my products have only been available in select
stores, but today we are offering free home delivety for only $49.95. Don't forget that if you
are unhappy with the system , we will refund your money

83-85: Tham khao cac thong bao sau:
Xin chao bu6i chiSu m9i nguoi. N~u b~n dang tham gia chung toi ngay hom nay t~i Hc)i thao
Cong ngh~ Made Easy, co nghia lab~ dang nhin vao v i~c lam cho may tinh va Intetnet CUa

b~ lam vi~c cho b~. V a t6i biSt co le no kho khan nhu thS nao, nhrmg m9t khi b~ th\fc hanh
nhfrng ky thuftt dan gian, b~n se thfty lam ths nao ds cong ngh~ co ths nhanh chong va ds dang.
ChU'ong trinh cua toi se giup b~n sir d~ng Microsoft Office, ch~ng cac ky thu~t c~p nh~t­
virus, him th~ nao d~ IU'Ot web, va nhi~u hon nfta. Hay nhftt la toan b9 chuang trinh chi mftt
m9t ngay dS h9c hoi. Cho d~n nay, san phim cua toi chi co s~n trong mc)t s~ cira hang d~
l'!a ch\m, nhrmg horn nay chting t6i dang cung cftp giao hang tftn nha miSn phi chi voi $ 49,95.
Bimg quen r~ng nSu b~ khong hai long voi h~ th6ng nay, chUng tOi se hoan l~i tiSn cua b~n.

83. Who is listening to this announcement? 83. Ai dU<;YC nghe thong bao nay?
A. Workers in a plant A. Cong nhan trong nha may
B. Visitors to a seminar B. Khach mc)t hc)i thao
C. Intetnet providers C. Nha cung cftp dich V\1 Intetnet

D. Software salesmen D. Ph~nmSm ban hang


84. What did the speaker say about the 84. Nguoi noi da noi gi vS san phfun?
A. Chting da la d~t han vao thai gian dai

A. They were more expensive a long time ago nuoc day
B. They have helped millions of people B. H9 da giup do hang tri~u nguoi
C. They used to be sold only in a small C. Chung chi dU"qc ban t~i mc)t s~ cira
number of stores hang nho
D .They have always been available online D. H9 da luon luon co sfu nvc tuySn

Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngum dimg mua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mftt di gia hi
b<;~n da dong gop.

85. What is being advettised? 85. Nhiing gi dang duqc quang cao?
A.New model of computer A. Mo hinh moi CUa may tinh
B. Computer training program B. ChU'ong trinh dao t~o may tinh
C. Web pages C. Cac trang Web

D .New computer shop D. Cuahang may tinhmoi

e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh ll.bkt cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnoi ngum dimg rnua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia tri
b<;~n da dong gop.

86-88: Refer to the following announcement

(86) Chicago's twenty-fifth annual Office Trade Show will begin on September 15th and
continue until Sunday September 171h. (87)The show will feature office products from
distributors all over North America. (88)0rganizers are expecting to attract mor·e than

fifteen thousand people over the course of the weekend, which will create a substantial
economic boost to hotels and restaurants in Chicago's downtown district. Events will be

organized throughout the weekend to cater to guests, as buyers and vendors vonverge on the
city for this three- day event. Participants will have the opportunity to win a brand new office
suite in a raffle to be held on Sunday.

86-88: Tham khao thong bao sau:
Cu9c tri~n Him thll'ong m~i van phong ngay 25 hang nam a Chicago se hit diu vao ngay
15 thang 9 va ti~p t~;~c vao Chu Nh~t 17 thang 9. Chll'ong trinh se g~m cac san ph~m van

phong tir cac nha phan ph~i tren khiip Biic My. Cac nha t~ chlfc dang mong dqi se thu
hut bon 15.000 ngll'Oi trong su~t nhftng ngay cu~i tuin, di~u do se t~o ra m9t d9ng ll}'c
kinh t~ dang k~ cho cac khach s~n va nha hang a qu~n trung tam thanh ph~ Chicago. Sl,I
ki~n se duqc t6 chuc trong su6t nhiing ngay cu6i tufui dS phvc V\1 cho khach, la nguoi mua va
nha cung c~p tren thanh ph6 cho S\I ki~n 3 ngay nay. Nhiing nguoi tham gia se co co h9i dS
gianh chiSn th~ng m9t thuong hi~u ph~n mSm van phong moi trong cu<?c x6 s6 se duqc t6 chuc
vao ngay Chu nhftt.
86. When will the tTade show finish? 86. Khi nao kSt thuc triSn Him thuong

A. September 15th m~i?

B. September 16 h A. 15 thang 9
C.September 17'h B. 16thang 9
D . September 18th c. 17thang 9

D. 18 thang 9

87. What will be displayed in the show? 87. BiSu gi se duqc hung bay n·ong cu<?c
n·iSn Him?

A.Rare mt
B. Medical equipment A. N gh~ thuftt hiSm
C. Food and wine B. ThiSt bi y tS
D. Office furniture c. Thuc an va lU<;YU
D. N9i thit van phong

Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh ll.bkt cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngum dimg mua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t di gia ni
b<;~n da dong gop.

88. How will this event help Chicago? A. 6 nhiSm khong khi u·ong th~mh ph6 se
A. The air pollution in the city will decrease giam
B. Tourism to the city will increase B. Du ljch thanh ph~ se tang
C. Organizers are making a donation c. Cac nha t6 chuc dang t~ qua

D. Visitors will tell their friends to visit D. Khach tham se n6i voi b~ be cua h9
Chicago dSn tham Chicago

88. S\1' ki~n nay se giup Chicago nhu thS nao?

89-91: Refer to the following introduction

I'd like to welcome Martino Lopez, a world -renowned business columnist, to our radio
talk show this morning. Many of you know Mr.Lopez because of his best-selling
marketing books. Mr.Lopez joins us today to discuss the concept of Intetnet marketing. Let

me inu·oduce Mr.Lopez by speaking briefly about his education and personal background .
Mrutino Lopez was botn in Columbia in 1964, but traveled to England as a young man to attend
school. After studying abroad for several years, Mr. Lopez returned to Columbia to teach at
the University of Bogota before depruting once again on a world speaking tour. Following
our conversation, I will take calls from listeners who have questions for him. And now, Let's
begin our talk with Mr. Lopez.
89-91: Thrun khao gioi thi~u sau day:
Toi mu6n chao mimg Martino Lopez, m{)t th~ giOi-renowned m1,1c kinh doanh, radio talk

show cua chong toi sang nay. NhiSu nguoi trong s6 b~ biSt Mt·.Lopez vi sach tiSp thi ella
anh ~Y ban c~y nh~t. Mr.Lopez tham gia voi chling ta ngay hom nay dS thao lu~ vS cac khai
ni~m tiSp thi Intetnet. Hay dS t6i gioi thi~u Mt·.Lopez b~ng each n6i ng~n gQn vS gia canh va
SlJ giao dt,IC cua ong ~y. Martino Lopez da duqc sinh ra a Columbia vao nfun 1964, nhung da

dSn nuoc Anh nhu la m9t nguoi dan ong tre tu6i di hQC. Sau khi nghien Clru nuoc ngoai trong
nhiSu nam, ong Lopez trrr l~i Columbia d~ giang d~y t~i cac trU"img d~i h9c cua Bogota

tiuoc khi khoi hanh m9t l~n nfra tow· du lich thS gioi n6i. Sau cu9c n·o chuy~n cua chting toi,
t6i se nh~ cu9c g9i tu thinh gia co cau hoi cho anh. Va bay gio, hay b~t d~u cu9c noi chuy~n

ella chling toi voi ong Lopez.

Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnoi ngum dimg rnua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia ni
b<;~n da dong gop.

89. Who is Mmtino Lopez 89. Ai la Mmtino Lopez

A.A university student A. M9t sinh vien d~i h9c
B . A business executive B . M9t giam d6c kinh doanh
C.A columnist C. M{)t chuyen m~;~c

D . A radio talk show host D. M9t nguoi d§n chuang trinh phat th

90. How might people know Mmtino Lopez? 90. M9i nguoi c6 thS biSt Mmtino Lopez
A.He has writtem books nhuths nao?
A. Ong da vi~t sach

B . He has a popular name
C. He works for a famous company B . Ong c6 m9t cai ten ph6 biSn
D . He has appem·ed on the show before C. Ong lam vi~c cho m9t cong ty n6i tiSn
D. Ong da xu~t hi~n tren chuang trinh t.tu c

91. Where did Jvfr.Lopez teach? tic 91. Jvfr.Lopez da d~y a dau?
A .In England A. OAnh
B . In the nmthwest B . d phia Tay B~c
C.In Columbia C. Trong Columbia
D .InNew York D. T~i New York

92-94: Refer to the following announcement

Ladies and Gentlenmen, may i have your attention, please? I have been asked to inform you
that this year's charity dinner has exceeded our financial goals. The organizers and

promoters of this year's event will join me after dinner to thank you for your generous
contributions. We believe that this year's event may be the most successful ever. We sincerely

appreciate your effmt and hope that this money will make a difference in the fight against

cancer. Thank you once again for your generosity

92-94: Tham khao thong bao sau
Thua quy ong va quy ba, cac vi c6 thS vui long chu y khong? Toi da duqc yeu ciu thong bao
cho b~n ding bua an t~i tir thi~n cua nam nay da vu.,t m~;~c tieu tai chinh cua chong ta.
Cac nha t~ chuc va qming ba Sl]' ki~n nam nay se cimg toi sau bua t~i d~ cam 011 Sl]' dong
gop hao phong cua b~n. Chling t6i tin rfug SlJ ki~n nam nay c6 le la thanh cong nh~t. Chling
tOi xin chan thanh danh gia cao n6 ll,l'C CUa b~n Va hy vc;mg r~ng S~ ti~n nay se t~o ra m{)t Sl]'
Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhlt cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnoi ngum dimg rnua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia tti
b<;~n da dong gop.

bi~t trong cu9c chi~n ch~ng l~i b~nh ung thu. Cam an cac b~ m9t lfm nfra cho sv hao ph6ng
cuacac b~
92. What is the pwpose of this 92. dich cua thong bao nay la gi?
annmmcement? A. E>S chao don khach dSn an t6i tu thi~

A. To welcome guests to this year's charity namnay
dinner B. Cong b6 nguoi chiSn th~ng trong x6 s6

B. To announce the winner of the raffle C. D~ cam 011 khach cho nhfrng don
C. To thank guests for their gop cua hf!
D. E>S nang cao nh~n thuc vS nghien c '

D. To raise awareness about cancer ung thu

e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngum dimg mua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t di gia tri
b<;~n da dong gop.

93. When will the promoters thank the guests? 93. Nha t6 chuc se dun an cac khach khi
A.Before dinner nao?
B. Before the dance A. Ttuoc khi an t6i
C. Just before dessett B. Ttuoc khi khieu vii

D.After dinner C. Ttuoc khi tn1ng mi~ng
D. Sau khi an t8i

94. How will this money most likely be
spent? A. D~ h~ trc;r cho dl! an nghien cuu ung

A. To support cancer research project thU'
B. To found a scholarship for students B. DS tim duqc m9t suftt h9c b6ng cho
C. To build new office buildings nhiing sinh v ien

D. To cover event's marketing costs c. DS xay dl,lllg toa nha van phong moi
94. s6 tisn nay duqc chi tieu nhu ths nao?

95-97: Refer to the following news repmt

D. DS trang trai chi phi tiSp thi S\f ki~n
This aftemoon at his weekly municipal meeting, the mayor expected to announce plans to
build a new bridge over Lyons Creek. The bridge will join east and west Hampton . Patterson
Constluction & Engineering, the company scheduled to design and constluct the new stiucture,
spoke to KVB News earlier today. They say the bridge will be orange in color, four lanes in

width and fit in with the new modem theme the city has been ttying to achieve. The bridge will
no doubt be beneficial to a number of Hampton residents who make the now crowded
commute from east to west on a daily basis. Patterson Construction & Engineering has
agreed to start the project this summer, with hopes to complete the project next spring.

95-97: Thrun khao bao cao tin rue sau day:

ChiSu nay ~i cu9c hQp thanh ph6 hang tufu! cua ong, th! trU'Ong thanh ph8 dl! ki~n cong b8

k~ ho~ch xay dl!ng m9t cay ciu mOi tren dong song Lyons. Cay c~u se n6i phia dong va
phia tay Hrunpton. Cong ty Xay dl,lllg & Ky thuftt Patterson d\f kiSn dS thiSt kS va xay dl,lllg

theo cftu uuc moi, h9 da n6i chuy~n voi ban tin KVB uuoc ngay hom nay. H9 n6i r~ng cay c~u
se co mau cam, b6n lan xe, r9ng va phu hqp voi chu ds hi~n ~i rna thanh ph6 da c6 g~ ds
d~t duqc. Cay c~u se khong c6lqi cho m9t s6 cu dan Hrunpton, giup cho nhung ngll'Oi lam di
lam gi<r dong due tir dong sang tay d~ dang. Cong ty Xay dl!ng va Ky thu~t Patterson da
d~ng J bit diu dl! an VaO mila he nay, VOi hy VQllg Se hoan thanh dl,I an VaO mua XUan toi.

Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh ll.bkt cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnoi ngum dimg rnua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rnftt di gia ni
b<;~n da dong gop.

95. What will the city mayor announce? 95. Thi huang thanh ph6 se thong bao gi?
A. The number of new employees A. S6 luqng nhan vi en moi
B. Building the city's new bridge B. Xay dt.rng ciu mOi cua thanh ph~
C. The location of a new bridge c. Vi tri CUa m9t cay c~u moi
D. Oii t~o c~u cii

D .Renovating old bridges

96. What benefits will the bridge bring? A. Them vao duang chan h·o i thanh ph6
A. Add to the city skyline B. Giam s6 luqng nguoi a Hampton
B. Reduce the number of Hampton c. Thi huang co tiSp xuc voi cac phuong

C. Provide the mayor with exposure to the ti~n truySn thong
media D. D~ dang cho giao thong tir dong sang
D. Ease the traffic from east to west tay

96. Lqi ich gi cay c~u se mang l~i?
97. When is construction for the bridge
scheduled to stmt?
97. Cay c~u dl,I kiSn b~t ~u xay dt,mg khi
A. This summer A. Mila he nay
B. At the end of this year B. V ao cu6i nam nay
C. At the beginning of next year c. v ao d~u nam toi
D .Next spring D. TiSpxuan

98-1 00: refer to the following announcement

May i have your attention please? The flight scheduled to leave Heathrow International
Ail·port at 7:20p.m has been delayed. We ask that you remain in the boarding gate area until

further notice. A mechanical engineering team is cunently inspecting the aircraft. Upon impact
with the runway, one of the pieces in the landing gear jammed. However, it shouldn't take

long to repair. We will depmt for Paris as soon as the problem has been fixed. In the interim,

please remain in your seats or join us in the lounge, where complimentaty coketails and
refreshments will be served. We ask that you continue to listen for updated and we thank
you for your cooperation.
98-1 00: Tham khao thong bao sau:
Cac b~n vui long chu y? Cac chuy~n bay dt.r ki~n se riri san bay qu~c t~ Heathrow hie 7:20
da b! tri hoan. Chling t6i yeu c~u b~n a l~i trong khu V\fC cua len may bay cho dSn khi co
thong bao moi. M9t d9i ngu ky thuftt co khi hi~n dang ki.Sm h·a may bay. Khi tac d9ng vOi cac
Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnoi ngum dimg rnua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t di gia hi
b<;~n da dong gop.

bang, m~t trong nhung phin trong b~ ph~n h~ canh hi k~t. Tuy nhien, no khong m~tnhiSu
thai gian dS sua chfra. Chting t6i se khai harm di Paris ngay sau khi cac v§n dS da duqc sua
chfra. Trong thai gian do, xin vui long a l~i ch6 ng6i cua b~ ho~c tham gia voi chUn.g t6i trong
phong khach, noi coketails miSn phi va giai khat se duqc ph1,1c v1,1. Chung toi yeu ciu b~n ti~p
t~c ling nghe cac c~p nh~t va chong toi cam 011 Sl! hc;rp tac CUa b~n.

98. Where most likely is this announcement 98. Thong bao nay dang diSn ra a dau?

taking place? A. T~i co quan hai quan
A.At the customs office B. Trong m~t san bay
B. In an airport

C. Trong nha hang
C. In restaurant D . Trong m9t co quan du lich
D .In a travel agency

99. What is the reason for the flight's delay? 99. Ly do cho S\I chfun n·S cua chuySn bay
A.Bad weather conditions
B . Power failure
C.Mechanical problem
tic la gi?
A. DiSu ki~n thai tiSt x~u
B . Nang ll,Ic kern
c. vin d~ may moe
D .Employee strike
D . Dinh cong nhan vien

100. What are passengers asked to do? 100. Hanh khach duqc yeu c~u lam gi?

A. Listen for further announcements A. Nghe thong bao them

B . Check into the nearest hotel B . KiSm tra khach s~n g~n nh~t
C. Purchase drinks in the lounge C. Mua d6 u6ng n·ong phong cha
D .Help the engineering team D . Giup d9i ngu ky thuftt
e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhilng thanh vien nhi~t tinh ll.bkt cua group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien so~;~n nhlm giup
co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong moi ngum dimg mua bim quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t di gia hi
b<;~n da dong gop.

e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhl.t CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so<;~n nh~m giup
cac b<;lll co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se linn m~t
di gia tri rna cac b()ll da dong gop.

1. A
(A). The man is rowing a small boat (A). NgU'Oi dan ong dang cheo m9t
(B). The man is fishing in the boat chi~c thuy~n nho
(C). The man is swimming in the water (B). Nguoi dan ong dang cfm ca tir tren

(D). The man is walking from the boat thuySn
(C). Nguoi dan ong dang boi duoi nuoc

(D). Nguoi dan ong dang di b9 tren

(A). The walls in the room are bare (B). Tren tran nha c6 treo m9t vai chiSc
(B). Lamps are hanging from the ceiling. den

(C). Seat cushions have been positioned (C). N~m nglJi duqc bay tren nhfrng chiSc
on the chairs.
(D). The bed is between the lamps.
tic ghs ng6i
(D). Cai giD'img n~m giii'a nhii'ng cai
(A) Trong phong, cac buc tuang trfmg
trO'n (khong duqc trang hoang gi ca)
(A). The woman is looking through a (A). NgU'Oi pht,~ nii' dang nhin qua kinh

telescope vzen Vf)ng
(B). The woman is tying her hair back (B). Nguoi ph1,1 nfr dang buQc t6c b~ng
with a scarf m9t chisc khan choang ca
(C). The woman is staring at something (C). Nguoi ph1,1 nfr dang nhin chdm chdm

in the pot vao thu gi d6 trong binh

(D). The woman is positioning the (D). Nguoi ph1,1 nfr dang chinh sua vi t.ri

microphone cai micro


Ct,~m tir, ciu true, tir mOi cin IU'u y:

+tie (v): bu9c, c9t
+ stare at SO or ST (v): nhin ch~m c~m vao ai d6, cai gi d6
4. (C)
(A). He is cutting some fmit. (A). Anh fLy dang c~t trai dly
(B). He is rolling up his sleeves (B). Anh fLy dang xtin img tay do len
(C). He is holding a plate (C). Anh iy dang cim m9t cai dia
(D). He is throwing something away. (D). Anh fLy dang nem m9t thu gi d6 di

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.

5. (C)
(A). They are writing letters (A). H9 (nguoi trong anh) dang viet
(B). The woman is holding a phone nhfrng 1<1 thu
(C). Both people have sunglasses (B). Nguoi ph1,1 nfr dang cfun m9t chiSc

(D). The man is talking on the telephone di~n tho~i
(C). Ca hai d~u mang kinh mat

(D). Nguoi dan ong dang n6i chuy~n di~n
6. (D)

(A). The audience is applauding the (A). Khan g ia dang vB tay khen ng(fi man
perfotmance trinh diSn
(B). One man is looking at his reflection (B). M9t nguo i dan ong dang nhin vao

(C). The man is standing on a stone bong cua anh ~y
(D). The people are enjoying the game
tic (C). M9t nguoi dan ong dang dilng tren
m<?ttiing da
(D). NgtrOi (trong tranh) dang choi
game ngmli trOi
7. (C)
(A). They are taking a nap on the bench (A). H9 (nguoi trong anh) dang ch(fp miit
(B). Benches are positioned under the tren chiSc ghS dai

building (B). Nhfrng chiSc ghS dai duqc b6 tri duoi

(C). They are resting on the bench toa nha
(D). The woman is stretching out on the (C). H9 dang (ng&i) nghi tren gh~ dai
bench (D). Ngu oi ph1,1 nfr dang duBi nguoi ra

trenghS dai tir, c~u true, tir mOi c~n ltru y:

+ take a nap (v): chqp m~t; nap (n): gi~c ngu ngfu
8. (D)

(A). The men are repairing their boats (A). Nhfrng (hai) ngu oi dan ong dang sua
(B). The boats are being loaded with thuysn cua h9
goods (B). Hai chiSc thuySn dang cho r$1g boi
(C). The boats are sinking himg hoa
(D). The men are standing in their (C). Hai chiSc thuySn dang chim ci§n
boats (D). Hai ngtrOi dan ong dang dung
trong thuy~n cua he]

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vi en nhi.~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia t:ri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

9. (A)
(A). All the computers are turned off (A). T~t ca may tinh da dU'f;rc tit
(B). The computers are stacked on top of (B). Nhfrng chiSc may tinh duqc chlit ben

each other trennhau
(C). Several people are working on the (C). Co vai nguoi dang lam v i~c u·en may

computers tinh
(D). An engineer is working on a (D). M9t ky su dang lam vi~c u·en may

10. (C)
(A). There is a lone walker on a counny (A). Co m9t nguoi di b9 m9t minh u·en
road duong que

(B). The land near the fann is fenced (B). Khu d~tgk canh d6ng da bi rao l~i
(C). The hay is piled neatly on the tic (C). Co kho dU'f;rc ch/u thimh dang m~t
ground each gf)n gimg tren m~t d~t
(D). The road curves into the distance (D). Con duong cong vS phia xa tir, c~u true, tir mOi c~n luu y:
+ neatly (adv ): m9t each g9n gang,
phan bi~t voi nearly: gk, g~n nhu
+ curve (v,n): cong, duong cong, cua quyo

11. c
Does anyone have an extra calculator? Co ai co m9t cai may tinh nao them
(A). She calculated it yesterday khong?
(B). No, it should be here on time (A). Co ~y da tinh to~m no ngay hom qua

(C). You can borrow mine r6i!

(B). Khong, no nen a day dling gio.

(C). B~n co th~ mugn cua toi ne!

Luu y:

Day la cau hoi Yes/No nhung khong phai u·a lo i la Yes ho~c No, vi vfty cau (B) n.-a loi No
dS danh l~c huang nSu b~n khong nghe ro cau hoi. D6i voi cau (A) tu "calculated" la b~y
vi g~n voi tir "calculator" h ong cau hoi. Thuimg thi nhung tir ti·ong dap an rna phat am
g~n vOi cau hoi chinh Ia biy. Do do cau nay phai nghe ro cau hoi moi ch9n duqc dap an

Quygn sach nay do nhiing th:'mh vi en nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dirng mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t
di gia tri ma cac b<;~n da dong gop.

Why don'twe inspect this result next? Ti~p theo ch ung ta hay ki~m tra k~t qua

(A). Yes, I received the election result nay!
yesterday. (A). Vang, hom qua t6i da nh~n duqc kSt

(B). I'd be glad to. qua b~u cu.
(C). The inspection isn't so difficult. (B). rut vui long
(C). Vi~c kiSm tra thanh tra thi khong qua

B 6i voi dlu hoi d~ng Why don't I, Why don't we khong phai la dlu hoi nguyen nhan kSt

qua, mala cau dS nghi. Trong cau nay b~y chinh la "result" (cau A), va "inspection" (cau
13. A
Why is the post office closed?
tic (A). Hom nay Ia ngay nghi I~ toan qu~c
(A). It's a national holiday.
(B ). I didn't buy these stamps. (B). Toi khong co mua m~y con tem nay.
(C). Next to the post office. (C). KS ben buu di~n.
T~i sao buu di~n dong cua?

Cau nay la cau hoi nguyen nhan kSt qua. Co2 b~y nhu sau: "stamps" trong cau dan an B,
va "post office" trong dap an c. NSu b~ nghe tu "post office" trong dap an duqc l~p l~i y
nhu cau hoi va chQn dap an nay la b~n da bi b~y. B 6i voi cac b~n biSt phan bi~t b~y, khong

ch9n ctap an co tu trung l~p va nghe duqc "stamps" cac b~ se nghi no co lien quan ctsn
btru di~n nen ch9n dap an B, la sai.

Tu quan t.r9ng trong cau nay la "Why" va "closed" , t~i sao... dong cua? Trong dap an A

chi ck nghe duqc tu "holiday" la co thS ch9n duqc dap an dfutg.

Tuy nhien, trong part 2 nay cang nghe duqc, hiSu ro cau hoi tY 1~ lam dling cang cao!
14. c
What's the problem with the new Covin d~ gi vOi cai may in moo v~y?
printer? (A). Toi thich choi ct:Jng voi con cua t6i
(A). I like to play with my children. (B ). Bo la m9t quang duemg xa tu day
(B ). It's a long way from here. d~y!
(C). It doesn't print very well (C). No in khong dugc t~t cho lim!

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia t:ri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

Day n~i d~ k~t n~i may tinh ma toi mua

Where's the extension cord to connect
the computer in the living room I hom tuin ta·U'O'c dau r~i?

bought last week? (A). Chung ta da xai (sir d~ng) h~t r~i
(A). We used it all up. con dau.
(B). It's about thirty-five dollars a roll.

(B). Khoang $35 m9t cu9n
(C). Check the power switch first. (C). Hay kiSm tra c6ng ngu6n t.tuoc da. tir, c~u true, tir moo cin IU'u y:
+Use something up (or use up something): to use all of something so that there is none

left. Su dl)11g hSt khong con l~i gi ca
16. c tic
Would you like to come to my dinner MOi b~n d~n d'! bu~i ti~c t~i nay cua toi
party tonight? nha!
(A). Help yourself. (A). Giup chinh b~n.
(B). It's being repaired for you now, sir. (B). No dang duqc chu~n bi cho ong d~y,
(C). Sorry, I already have plans. thua ong!
(C). Xin l~i b~n, minh da co k~ ho~ch

khac r~i! (minh da len k~ ho~ch lam

chuy~n khac r~i, minh b~n r~i)


Has your truck been fixed, or is it still Xe tai cua b~n dang dU'CJC sira hay vin
being worked on? dang dU'CJC sir d~ng?

(A). Please use the t.tuck (A). Vui long dtmg xe tai.
(B). It was repaired today. (B). No dU"qc sira ngay hom nay.

(C). Not very. (C). Khong h~n thS!

Hasn't the copier I ordered arrived? May photo ma toi da d~t hang vin chU'a
(A). Yes, he did. d~n ha?
(B). No, not yet. (A). Vang, anh ~Y lam r6i.
(C). All right. I'll do that. (B). ChU'a, vin chU'a d~n!
(C). Duqc r6i. Toi se hun vi~c do.

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhlt CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia hi rna cac b<;lll da dong gop.

19. c

When is the company awards Bu~i I~ t~ng thuO'Jlg cua cong ty rr New

ceremony in New York? York se di~n ra khi m1o?
(A). To welcome a new director (A). DS chao don m9t giam d6c moi.
(B). At the headqumters inNew York (B). 0 tn;t so chinh ~i New York

(C). In the middle of the month. (C). V ao giii'a thang
Who was that call for? Cu9c g9i do danh cho ai v~y?

(A). I don't know why she is calling . (A). Toi khong biSt t~i sao co ~Y g9i.
(B). Oh, it was for Anna Lopez.
(C). No, by fax.
tic (B). A, cho Anna Lopez
(C). Khong, bfug fax.
21. B
Mr. Rion is responsible for arranging Ong Rion ch!u trach nhi~m x~p d~t bii'a
the farewell party, isn't he? ti~c chia tay phai khong?
(A). No, he didn't tell me that. (A). Khong, ong ~y khong noi voi t6i vS

(B). Yes, he's in charge of it. chuy~ndo.

(C). A table for four, please. (B). Dung r~i, ong iy ch!u trach nhi~m
v~ chuy~n do diy.
(C). Lam an cho m9t ban b6n nguoi!

C1,1m tir, ciu true, tir mOi cin luu y:

+responsible for SO/ST/ doing ST: chiu h'ach nhi~m vS ai, vi~c gi do

+ in charge of = responsilbe for

+ take responsible: nh~n trach nhi~m

Did you visit the new office building? B~n da d~n toa nha van phong mOi
(A). Yes, it looks very nice chua?
(B). No, I didn't know. (A). R~i, no tr·ong rit Ia d~p.
(C). Because it's vety small (B). Khong, t6i khong biSt.
(C). Boi vi no r~t nho.

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguoi dlm.g rnua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

Isn't this your new computer? Cai m1y khong phai Ia may tinh mOi cua
(A). All of them were computerized. b~na?
(B). No, he didn't like this. (A). T~t ca chling da duqc luu trfr tren
(C). Yes, that's it. may tinh
(B). Khong, anh ~y khong thich cai nay.

(C). Phai, Ia no do.

c-..m tir, ciu true, tir mOi cin luu y:
+ Computerize ST (v): (1) to provide a computer or computers to do the work of some
thing: vi tinh hoa, (2) to store infmmation on a computer: luu trfr thong tin tren may tinh

Luu y:
Nhltc l~i m9t s6 kiSn thuc d6i voi dlu tra loi cho lo~i dlu hoi ~ng phu dinh, dlu hoi duoi:
Xet vi d1,1 sau:

"Did she come yesterday?" va cau: "Didn't she come yesterday?"

-Yes(= she came)

-No (=she didn't come)
Ca hai dlu nay dSu nhu nhau va co chung dlu tJ:a loi:

B~m ch~t S\f vi~c trong dlu nay la DEN hay KHONG DEN
N Su hom qua co ~Y co dSn --> tra loi Yes, khong dSn --> tra loi No
Yes mang tinh khfug dinh cho d9ng tu come (DEN), nguqc l~i No phu dinh cho d9ng tU
come (KHONG DEN), khong phai cho ca cfm.

Va vi d1,1 sau:
II Snow is white, isn't it?" va cau: II Snow isn't white, is it?" (TuySt mau tr~ng dUn.g khong ?)

Hai cau nay cling tuang duang nhau va cau tra loi nhu sau:
- Yes, it is (chinh xac, dUn.g la tuySt mau tr~ng),

-No, it isn't (khong, tuySt khong phai mau trfug)

B~m ch~t S\f vi~c trong dlu nay la TRANG hay KHONG TRANG

Yes thS hi~n tinh k~ng dinh cho white, No thS hi~n tinh phu dinh cho white
Tom l~i d6i v oi cfm hoi duoi, ho~c dlu hoi ~ng phu dinh tra loi Yes hay No la ph1,1 thu9c

vao ban cMt CUa S\f thftt rna nguoi hoi noi dSn tTong dlu. D6i voi lo~i dlu hoi nay phai
nh~ biSt duqc ban cMt sv vi~c, khi do diu tra loi Yes thS hi~n sv kh~ng dinh cho sv vi~c
do va nguqc l~i b:a loi No.
24. A
How long have you been managing the (B). He is the personnel manager
personnel department? (C). It usually takes three days.
(A). For nearly two years

Quygn sach nay do nhiing th:'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia t:ri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

Bl;ln qm1n ly b9 ph~n nhan Sl;f bao la u (B). Anh fly la nuang phong nhan s\f
r~i? (C). Thuong thi no mflt khoang 3 ngay
(A). Gin 2 nam r~i.

25. A
How would you feel about going to the Bl;ln cam th~y th~ nao v~ vi~c di bi~n

beach this weekend? cu~i tuin nay?
(A). I'd love to. (A). Toi r~t thich.
(B). No, I didn't feel well (B). Khong, t6i cam thfly khong t6t l~m.

(C). Yes, here you are. (C). Vang, clia b~ day.
26.C tic
Is this year's awards ceremony going to
be in Osaka or Tokyo?
Bu~i I~ t~ng thU'cmg nam nay se dU'f;rc t~
chuc cr Osaka hay Tokyo?
(A) No. I didn't attend the ceremony. (A). Khong, t6i da khong tham dlJ bu6i lS
(B) Yes, it stmts at 9. (B). Vang, no b~t dftu hie 9g.
(C) That hasn't been decided yet. (C). Di~u do vi n chU'a dU"qc quy~t djnh.

How did you send the package to the Bl;ln da gui ki~n hang cho khach hang
new client? mOi b~ng each nao?
(A) She didn't pack the shipment. (A). co fly da khong goi hang l~i.

(B) By express mail. (B). B~ng thU' t~c hanh.

(C) The assistant confi.nned a reservation. (C). Nguoi trq ly da xac nh~n vi~c ~t ch6

28. A
Co ~Y se d~n day d'! hf!p doanh s~ phai

Won't she be here for the sales

meeting? khong?
(A) No, she has a scheduling conflict. (A). Khong, co ~y co m9t ljch trinh r~t
(B) Sales were excellent. day d~c.
(C) Yes, it's on the desk. (B). Doanh s6 rflt tuy~t voi.
(C). DUng r6i, no a tren ban.

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;Ill nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mftt
di gia hi rna cac b<;~B da dong gop.

When does the next flight to Tokyo Chuy~n bay ti~p theo di Tokyo khi m1o
leave? khOi hanh?
(A) I'm going to do it in the rooming (A). Toi dinh sang mai se lam.
tomonow (B). Toi dadS no a nha m~t r6i!
(C). Nob! hoan r~i

(B) I left it at home.
(C) It's been postponed.

Don't you think that we should attend (A). Khong, t6i da lam vi~c a m9t nha

the manufacturing conference? may sanx~t.
(A) No. I worked at amanufachlring plant (B). Co chu! Toi nghi Ia no dang d~
(B) Yes. I think it's worth going there. tham d'! diy
(C) In the conference room (C). Trong phong h9i nghi
B~n co nghi b1 chong ta nen tham d'!
cu9c hc;-p v~ san xuit khong?
C1,1m tir, ciu true, tir mOi cin luu y:
+It's worth + Ving: dang dS lam gi

31. B
Who is making a design presentation? (A). Con s6 nguoi tham dl,I khong chinh
(A) Attendance figures were inaccurate. xac.
(B) Ma·. Benson said that he would. (B). Ong Benson noi r~ng ong iy se lam.

(C) You must use an overhead projector (C). B~ phai dting cai may chiSu a phia
tren clliu ~y!

Ai se thuy~t trinh v~ thi~t k~ v~y?

32. c

This is your first company dinner Day h1 lin diu tien b~n tham d'! bu~i
party, isn't it? ti~c cua cong ty dung khong?
(A) Well, I don't know why. (A). 6, toi khong biSt t~i sao.
(B) Yes, at the reception party last year. (B). Vang, a bu6i ti~c chieu dai nam
(C) No, I attended last month's. ngoai.
(C). Khong dau, toi da tham d'! bu~i
ti~c cua cong ty vao thang tru&c r~i

Quygn sach nay do nhiing th:'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguoi dlm.g rnua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia t:ri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.
Chu y:
L ast month's: last month company dinner party
Why was the product strategy meeting T~i sao cu~c hf!p ve chi~n luqc san
phim l~i bj huy?

(A) Yes, in the mailbox. (A). Vang, a trong h<;>p thu

(B) The president was out of the office. (B). Gh1m d~c da di ra ngm1i r~i.
(C) Please post the notice. (C). Vui long dang thong bao len di

34. A
How many of these reports have been Cho tOi nay co bao nhieu bao cao dU'f!C

reviewed so far? xem l~i r~i?
(A) About half of them.
(B) Yes, we got a good review.
(C) It is quite far from here.
tic (A). Khoang m~t ni'ra trong s~ do
(B). Vang, chting ta co m<?t bai nh~n xet
(C). No kha la xa tir day d~y!
35. A
What's the charge for pressing a shirt? in m~t ao sa mi gia bao nhieu ti~n?
(A) Four dollars per shirt. (A). 4$ m~t ao

(B) Just press the button. (B). Chi dn ~n nut

(C) There's one next to the banlc (C). Co m<?t cai c~nh ben ngan hang


Where can I find the bus stop? (A). Xe buyt khong dSn thuemg xuyen
(A) The bus doesn't come vety often l~m!

(B) Just across the streets (B). Chi cin bang qua du<mg (h1 d~n)

(C) Sony, I wasn't able to. (C). Xin 16i, t6i khong thS.
Toi co th~ tim tr~m xe buyt rr dau?
Did you proofread the report I sent out (C) Yes. I corrected several errors.
this afternoon? B~n da df!C va si'ra l~i cai bao cao ma toi
(A) Just fill out and send the fmm. da gi'ri chi~u nay chua?
(B) No, my repmt is the bound copy over (A). Chick diSn va gm m~u dan

Quygn sach nay do nhiing th:'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhlt CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t
di gia t:ri ma cac b<;~n da dong gop.

(B). Khong, bao cao cua t6i la ban copy (C). R8i, toi da sira vai l~i
kyt &ing kia kia.
38. B
Would you prefer to meet in the lobby B~n thich g~p iY d~i sanh hon hay iY cira

or by the gift shop? hang qua t~ng?
(A) I prefer a window seat. (A). Toi thich m9t ch6 g§n cua s6 han.

(B) Either is fine. (B). Ch~ nao ciing duc;rc (trong 2 ch~
(C) What a nice gift. nay)

(C). Mon qua xinh qua!

39. A
She was supposed to complete the tic
market research by last Friday, wasn't
Co iy phai hoan tit bang nghien CtfU
thi truimg tru&c thlf 6 phai khong?
(A). Khong phai dau, d~n tuin too moo
h~t h~n.
(A) No, it's not due until next week.
(B) I reviewed the repmt. (B). Toi da xem l~i bao cao r6i.
(C) Yes, I saw the memo. (C). Vang, t6i da th~y thu n9i b9.
40. A

I think the parking lot is near the Toi nghi bai d~u xe thi gin trung tam
service center. dfch vt,1
(A) Yes, it's across the street from the (A). Chinh xac, tir trung tam dfch vt,1
service center. bang qua duimg Ia d~n.

(B) This park is so beautiful. (B). Cong vien nay thftt la dyp.
(C) No, I didn't work there. (C). Khong, t6i khong co lam vi~c a do.

Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation.

W: Pardon me, do you know where I can M: That'll be at the end of aisle 4, next to

find tomato soup? the flower center. Follow me. I'll show
M: I'm pretty sure it's in either aisle 8 or you.
9. w: Xin thu I6i, ong co biSt toi co th~ tim
W: I've been looking up and down those sup ca chua (Y dau khong?
aisles, but I can't seem to find it. M: Toi kha ch~c la ho~c iY l~i s~ 8 ho~c iY
l~i s~ 9.

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguoi dlm.g rnua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia t:ri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

W: Nay gio t6i tim kh~p cac l~i do r6i M: Nose a cu6i l~i s~ 4, ben c~nh uung
nhrmg t6i khong th~y tam hoa. Di theo toi. Toi se chi cho ba.

41. c

Where is the conversation probably Cu9c h9i tho~i nay di~n ra rr dau?

taking place? (A). Cua hang bim hoa
(A) Flower shop (B). Ttuang d~y n~u an
(B) Cooking school (C). Cira hang t~p hoa

(C) Grocery store (D). Quan Cafe
(D) Cafe

42. A
What does the woman ask the man?
tic Ngll'Oi ph~;~ nu hoi ngll'Oi dan ong di~u
(A) Location of a product gi?
(B) The price of flowers (A). V! tri/ d!a di~m cua san phim
(C) Ingredients of a product (B). Gia ban ctia hoa
(D) The man's position (C). Thanh ph~n cua 1 san ph~m

(D). Vi tri nghS nghi~p cua nguoi dan ong

What most likely will the man do now? (A). G9i di~n nho h6 u·q
(A) Call for assistance (B). Giup ngll'Oi ph~;~ nu xac d!nh d!a

(B) Help the woman to locate the item di~m mon hang
(C) Give the woman a map of the store (C). Bua cho nguoi ph1,1 nfr ban d6 cua

(D) Create a bouquet for the woman hang

Ngll'Oi dan ong rit co th~ dang lam gi?

(D). Bo m9t bo hoa cho nguoi ph1,1 nfr

Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following conversation.

M: Ms. Martin, I really think that the W: Our readers prefer golf and football,
photos from the weekend rugby match so I usually include those spmts instead.
should be included in this weekend's M: I understand, but we need to
sports section. differentiate ourselves from other

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m9i nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia hi rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

papers. Why don't we try offering W: NhiSu d9c gia clia chling ta thich gon
something different? va bong da han, vi ths tei thuang kern
W: I don't think many of our readers theo hai thS lo~i do thoi.
are rugby fans, but I'll talk it over with M : Toi hiSu, nhung rna chling ta d n phai

Josh and consider it. lam cho minh khac bi~t so vOi cac tir bao
khac. Chling ta hay thu cung c~p vai diSu

M : Co M rutin, toi th~t s'! nghi rilng khac xem sao?
nhfrng hue anh v~ tr~n diu bong hiu W: Toi khong nghi nhi~u d9c gia cua
dt;~c nen duc;rc kem theo trong mang th~ minh h1 nguiri ham m9 bong hiu dt;~c,

thao cu~i tuin. nhung tOi se ban b~c voi Josh va xem xet
Ct;~m tir, ciu true, tir mOi cin luu y:

+ talk over: ban b~c, thao l~n
+ ny Ving: thu
+ tiy to V: c6 g~ng

44. B
Where do the speakers most likely Nhfrng nguiri trong do~n h9i tho~i m1y

work? rit co th~ hi m vi~c a dau?

(A) At a tugby stadium (A). San v~n d9ng bong b~u d1,1c

(B) At a newspaper company (B). Toa so~n bao


(C) For a spmts team (C). Cho m9t d9i choi thS thao
(D ) At a bookstore (D ). 0 m9t nha sach
45. A
What would the man like to do? Nguiri dan ong mu~n lam di~u gi?
(A). Feature rugby (A). Co m9t chuyen mt;~c v~ bong hiu
(B). Cover golf dt;~c
(C). Write a new atticle (B). L~y tin t.Uc vS gon
(D ). Watch a football game (C). ViSt m9t bai bao mai

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia hi rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

(D). Xem m9t tr~n bong da

What does the woman say about NgU'Oi ph~;~ nu noi gi v~ bong b~u d~;~c?
rugby? (A). Josh la m9t nguoi r~t ham m9 thS

(A) Josh is a big fan of the spmt. thao
(B) It is growing in popularity. (B). Bong b~u dt,:tc dang tra nen ph6 biSn

(C) It is difficult to play. (C). No r~t kho choi
(D) Not many people like it. (D). Khong nhi~u ngU'Oi thich no

Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation.
W: Hi, I was wondering if the hotel has W: Xin chao, t6i tv hoi li~u khach s~n co
any pmt-time positions for the fall season. tuysn vi tri nhan vien bim thai gian nao

M: Yes, we do. We're looking to hire vao ml:ta thu khong ?

front desk attendants.

W: I have a lot of experience working
housekeepers, servers for the lounge, and M: Co! Chl:tng t6i dang tuySn quan ly ~P
V\1, nhan vien phl,IC Vl,l a phong cho Va
nhan vien phl,IC Vl,l a q~y lS tan.
W: Toi co kinh nghi~m h1m ph~;~c Vl;l a
as a server in restaurants. Would it be
okay if I met with you this afternoon to m~t s~ nha hang. Co v§n dS gi khong nSu
discuss the positions further and to fill out t6i g~p ong vao chisu nay ds ban them vs
an application form? cac vi tri do va disn vao m~u dan xin

M: No problem. I'll schedule an interview vi~c?

with you this afternoon. Be sure to bring M: Khong thanh v§n dS. T oi se len lich
along your curriculum vitae and any phong v§n co vao chiSu nay. Hay chic Ia
training certificates you may have. mang theo cv va hit cu chung chi

huin luy~n naoma co co nhe!

C~;~m tir, ciu true, tir mOi c~n IU'u y:

+ cuniculum vitae (viSt titt la CV) =Resume: So ySu ly lich mo t.a tom t~t vS ban than cling
nhu qua trinh lam vi~c dS xin vi~c lam

+References: thu gioi thi~u (dling trong xin vi~c, do nguo i da timg c9ng tac voi l1ng vien,
biStro qua trinh ciing nhu biSu hi~n cua tmg vien viSt dS gioi thi~u l1ng vien)
+ trong bai thi toeic nSu co xu~t hi~n form --> thuang se co fill out: diSn vao m~u don

Quygn sach nay do nhiing th:'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

Where would the woman like to work? NgU'Oi ph~;~ nft mu~n him vi~c 0' dau?
(A) Restaurant (A). Nha hang

(B) Office (B). Van phong
(C) HR. depmtment (C). Phong nhan s\f

(D) Hotel (D). Khach s~n
48. B
What kind of employment experience Lo~i cong vi~c m1o ma ngU'Oi ph~;~ nu co

has the woman had? kinh nghi~m?
(A) Housekeeping (A). Quan ly t~p v1,1
(B) Waitress (B). Nhan vien ph~;~c v~;~ (nu)

(C) Chef (C). E>~u bSp
(D) Flight attendant tic (D). TiSp vien hang khong
49. c
What will the woman bring to the NgU'Oi ph~;~ nft se mang cai gi d~n bu~i

interview? phongvin?
(A) Identification (A). Chling minh nhan dan
(B) An application fmm (B). Mftu dan xin vi~c
(C) A resume (C). SO' y~u ly l!ch

(D) References (D).Thu giai thi~u


Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following conversation.


M: Hi, Sue. I noticed that you'll be away M: There m·e. I was there last month. I
next week. Are you going away on suggest you walk around Central Park,
business? too. There are so many things to do.
W: Yes. I'm heading to New York on W: That sounds great. I'll be in Manhattan
Monday. I'm really looking forward to on Wednesday. I may see if I can join a
seeing the sights of Manhattan. I hear city tour.
there are some great restaw:ants, too.

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dirng mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia t:ri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

M: Chao Sue! Toi dS y la b~n se di vao Central Park. 0 do co nhi~u thu d~ him
t~n toi. B~ s~p di cong tac phai khong? l~m (0 do co nhi~u thu thu vf l~m ?!)
W: BUn.g vfty! Toi s~p sira di New York W: Nghe hay d~y! Toi sea Manhattan vao
vao thu 2. Toi rit mong df]'i ng~m canh thu 4. Toi se di (Central Park) nSunhut.Oi
Manhattan. T oi cling nghe noi la ado co

co ths tharn gia vao chuysn tharn quan
nhiSu nha hang r~t tuy~t! thanhph6

M: NhiSu 1~. T oi da dSn do tilling huoc.
T oi dS nghi la b~n cling nen di m9t vong
Central Park la m9t cong v ien Ian va n6i tiSng a quftn Manhattan bang New York

C1,1m tir, ciu true, tir mOi cin luu y:
+ on l~i c~u hue tuang lai g§n: Am/is/are+ Ving (ciu true gi&ng thi hi~n t~i ti~p di~n):
s~p sira: diSn ta m9t hanh d9ng s~p diSn ra trong tuang lai rna da co ho~ch dinh, len kS

ho~ch huoc.

+ tuang tv c~u hue Am/is/are going to: Dt,r dfnh se

When will Sue begin her trip? Khi nao chuy~n di cua Sue b~t diu?
(A) Monday (A). Thu 2

(B) Tuesday (B). Thu 3

(C) Wednesday (C). Thu 4

(D) Thmsday (D). Thu 5


What is Sue looking forward to doing? Sue mong df]i lam gi?
(A) Meeting clients in New York (A). G~p khach hang aNew York
(B) Sightseeing in Manhattan (B). Ng~m canh Manhattan
(C) Hiking in Central Park (C). Bi b9 a cong vien Cenh·al Park
(D) Transfening to the Manhattan branch (D). ChuySn dSn chi nhanh aManhattan

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia hi rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

How does the man describe Centr·al NgU'Oi dim ong mieu ta Central Park
Park? nhU' th~ m1o?
(A) It is quite small. (A). No kha nho
(B) The scene1y is beautilul. (B). Canh vftt r~t d~p
(C). No r~t dong due

(C) It is ve1y crowded.
(D) There are a lot of things to do. (D). 0 do co r~t nhi~u thtl d~ h1m

Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following conversation.
M: The carpet is nearly installed. You M: Thrun trai san duqc l~p g§n xong r6i.

should be able to replace the fumiture by Ch~m nh~t la thu 6 chi co thS ~t l~i d6
Friday. d~c nhu eli r6i d~y!
W: I'm hosting a dinner party this W: Toi s~p t6 chuc m<?t bu6i ti~c tu§nnay.

week. Is it possible to finish by Co thS nao hoan thanh tluoc thu 5 duqc
Thursday? tic
M: To be honest, most of the work should
be finished by Thursday, but we need to
khong ?
M : Thanh thftt rna noi chftm nhlt la thu 5
la chling t6i hoan thanh xong m9i vi~c,
nhung chling t6i c~n chuySn cac cong C\1
remove our tools and equipment.
However, if it's important for you to use va thiSt bi khoi day. Tuy nhien, nSu nhu
the room on Thursday, we will do our vi~c su dl,lng din phong nay vao thu 5 la
best to have eve1ything cleaned up. r~t quan t1'9ng v oi chi thi chling toi se c6

W: I really appreciate that! My husband g~ng hSt sue ds m9i thu duqc d9n s~ch se.
and I can help with the cleanup. M : Toi r~t cam kich vS diSu do! Ch~ng
toi va toi se giup d«;m d~p ID\)i thfr.
C~m tir, c~u true, tir mOi cin IU'u y:

+For 0 to V: dS cho ai lam gi

+ do SO' best: lam hSt sue minh

+ take SO to SWhere: dua ai do dSn dau

+be able to: co thS (tJ.·ong dlu da co be able to thi khong co can/could)

53. c
What project is the man working on? NgU'Oi dan ong dang lam d'! an gi?
(A) Renting equipment (A). Cho thue thiSt bi
(B) Hosting dinner patties (B). T6 chuc ti~c
(C) Installing carpeting (C). Lip d~t tham trai san
(D) Renovating a basement (D). Tan n-ang ffing hk
54. D

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dirng mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia hi rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

Why does the woman want to use the T~i sao nguiri ph~ nu mu~n sir d~ng
room on Thursday? din phong vao thu 5?
(A) She is away for the rest of the week. (A). Co ~Y ra ngoai su6t nhfrng ngay con
(B) She decided to use hardwood instead. l~i trong tufui
(B). Co ~y quySt dinh dtmg g6 ctmg

(C) She and her husband are home on
Thursday. (C). Co ~y va ch6ng a nha vao thu 5

(D) She is having guests over that night. (D). Co iy co khach su~t dem do.
55. B
What will the woman do for· the man? Nguiri ph~ nu se lam gi cho nguiri dan

(A) Wait until next month to finish ong?
(B) Help remove the equipment (A). Cho cho dSn thang toi dS ho~m cit
(C) Install a new sink (B). Giup di diri cac thi~t bj

(D ) Take the man to the party (C). L~p 1 cai b6n n1a moi
tic (D ). Dua nguoi dan ong dSn dv ti~c

Questions 56 through 58 refer to the following conversation.

M: May photo mo i v~n chua dSn sao? Toi
M : Has the new copier anived yet? I need
to stmt printing our new brochures for the d n b~t & u in to roi moi cho chi~n djch
mar·keting campaign we're going to marketing ma chong ta s~p giOi thi~u
launch on Monday. vaothu2.

W: Didn't you hear? Accounting has W: B~ chua nghe gi a? Phong k~ toan

decided that it won't fit into our budget quy~t djnh ding khong phil hqp trong
this year, and they cancelled the order. ngan sach cua chong ta nam nay, va hf!
M: Oh, no. They cancelled the order last da huy yeu ciu r~i.

yem· as well, and now we'll have to wait M : Oi khong ! Nam ngoai hQciing huy yeu
another year? We should really call a c~u, va gio chling ta phai cho them m9t

meeting with the department nfun nfra u ? Chung ta cin phai tri~u t~p

supervisor. m{)t cu{)c hf!p vOi ban quan ly.

W: I agree. Our division should get W: Toi d6ng y. B9 ph~n CUa minh nen
priority when it comes to office supplies. duqc uu tien vS van phong ph~m. Toi se
I'll come along when you meet with the di cimg khi b~n di g~p quan ly.

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nhlt CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia t:ri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

56. c
What will the man try to do on NgU'Oi dan ong se lam gi vao thu 2?

Monday? (A). Lien l~c vai phong kS toan
(A) Contact the accounting department (B). B~t hang 1 cai may photo mai
(B) Order a new copier (C). GiOi thi~u chi~n dfch mOi

(C) Launch a new campaign (D). G~p giam d6c
(D) Meet with the director
57. C
Why is the man unable to use a copier? T~i sao ngU'Oi dan ong khong th~ sir
(A) The office supplies store was closed. dt;~ng may photo
(B) The accounting department has a new (A). Cua hang van phong ph§m da dong
budget cua
(C) The order of a new copier is (B). Phong kS to<'m da co ngan sach mai

cancelled. (C). Yeu ciu v~ may in mOi da b! huy

(D) The department supe1visor is on (D). Ban quan ly dang nghi phep

58. A
What are the speakers going to do? Nhfrng ngU'Oi trong do~n h{)i tho~i d';l'

(A) Go and complain dfnh lam gi?

(B) Work overtime (A). Di phan nan

(C) Purchase a new copier (B). Lim them gio

(D) Leave work early (C). Mua may inmai
(D). Tan gio lam sam (VS sam)

Questions 59 through 61 refer to the following conversation.

M: Hello, this is Ted Jenkins. I spoke to
someone about full-time employment

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguoi dlm.g rnua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

with Primerica a couple of weeks ago. I vOi m{)t ngU'Oi ta·ong Primerica m{)t vai
was wondering if you've made any tui n trU'Crc. Toi tt}' hoi li~u ben cong ty
decisions with regard to hiring. b~n da dU'a ra quy~t djnh tuy~n d~ng
W: Well, Mr. Jenkins. I wanted to contact chU'a
W: 0 ong Jenkins, t6i mu6n lien lac voi

you because we were hoping to have you
in for another interview. Are you free ong vi ChUng toi hy VQng phong V~n ong

anytime next week? We'd like to see you m9t lk nua. T~n toi ong co thai gian ni10
on Monday or Wednesday. ranh khong ? Chling toi mu6ng~p ong vao
M: Tuesday would be better for me. thu 2 ho~c thu 4

Would 10:00 work for you? M: Thu 3 co le ffit hon cho toi. V ao hie
W: That's just fine. Please meet us on the 1 Og duqc chu?
fifth floor in the conference room. You W: T 6t! Hay g~p chUn.g t6i a phong h9i

can speak to Ms. Morgan at the reception nghi tkg 5. Ong co thS hoi co Morgan a
desk should you have trouble finding it. quity tiSp tan n ~u nhu ong gif.p kho khan
M: Xin chao, t6i la Ted Jenkins. Toi da trong van dJ tim kiSm.
noi chuy~n v~ cong vi~c toan thOi gian
C~m tir, c~u true, tir mOi ci n IU'u y:
+have trouble Ving: g~p kho khan vS vi~c gi
+ dao ngu m~nh dS IF:
Taco thS diSn ta dlu diSu ki~n rna khong dting IF hay UNLESS b~ng each dao chu ngu ra

sau SHOULD, WERE, HAD. Luu y khong duqc hun voi d9ng tu khac
Ex: If you should run into (tinh co g~p) Peter, tell him he owes me a letter
--> Should you run into Peter, tell him he owes me a letter
If they were stronger, they could lift the table

--> Were they stronger, they could lift the table

If he had studied hard, he would have passed his exam

--> Had he studied hard, he would have passed his exam


(ngu phap Mai Lan Huang)

59. D
Why is the man calling? T~i sao ngU'Oi dan ong g9i di~n tho~i?
(A) To cancel his appointment (A). BS huy cu9c hyn
(B) To advertise full-time employment (B). BS quang cao m9t cong vi~c toan thai
(C) To request an interview g tan
(D) To inquire about a job application (C). BS yeu c~u phong v~n

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguoi dlm.g rnua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

(D). D~ hoi thong tin v~ m~t d011 xin

When are they scheduled to meet? H9len l!ch g~p vao ngay m1o?

(A) On Monday (A). Thu 2
(B) On Tuesday (B). Thu3

(C) On Wednesday (C). Thu 4
(D) On Thursday (D). Thu 5
61. c

Where is Mr. Jenkins asked to go for Ong Jenkins duqc yeu diu di d~n
the interview? phong vin iY dau?
(A) To the infmmation desk (A). Qufty ti~p H1n

(B) To the lobby (B). B~i s~mh
(C) To the conference room
(D) To the sixth floor
tic (C). Phong h~i ngh!
(D). T~ng 6
Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following conversation.
W: I've really wanted to see that movie W: Toi mu~n danh chut thiri gian d~
for some time now, but I saw a TV show xem b~ phim m1y, nhung t6i qua t6i xem
last night that said it was awful. m9t chuang trinh hen TV h9 bao la no r~t

M: That's sh'ange. My friend said that it t~.

was one of the best films of the year. It's M: L~ thftt! B~n t6i l~i noi no la m9t trong
playing at the cinema downtown. nhiing b9 phim hay nh~t u·ong nam d~y.
Would you like to go? No duqc chi~u iY r~p trung tam thanh

W: That sounds great. I'd like to check it ph~. B~n co mu6n di xem khong?
out for myself. There have been so many W: Nghe hay &y! Toi mu6n tl,l' minh

reviews, both comments, good and bad. kiSm chln1g. Co cit nhi~u nh~n xet, ca
t~t lin xiu. Toi co vai ban iY tren ban.

I've got a few up on my desk. I could

make you a copy if you'd like Toi se copy cho b~n n~u b~n thich
M: Thanks. My sister is really interested M: Cam an! Em gai toi r~t quan tam d~n
in that film. phimnay

Quygn sach nay do nhiing th:'mh vien nhi~t tinh nhlt CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia t:ri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

What would the woman like to do? (A). Xem m~t b~ phim

(A) See a movie (B). B9c m9t bai bao
(B) Read an article (C). Noi chuy~n voi em gai cilil nguoi dan
(C) Talk to the man's sister ong

(D) Make copies of a proposal (D). Copy m9t bandS xu~t
Nguiri phi! nft mu~n him gi?
63. c
What does the man say about the
tic Nguiri dan ong noi gi v~ b~ phim nay?
movie? (A). Ong ta da xem r6i
(A) He's ah·eady seen it (B). Ong ~y khong nghi la no hay
(B) He doesn't think it's ve1y good. a
(C). No duqc chi~u r~p dja phuong
(C) It's showing at a local theater. (D). No r~t la rumg tranh dii

(D) It is vety controversial

e ic

64. B
What does the woman offer the man?
(A) To lend him a copy of the movie
(B) To give him a copy of some reviews Nguiri phi! nft cung c~p cai gi cho nguiri
(C) To give him her sister's e-mail dan ong?
(D) To discuss the movie with him (A). Cho anh ta mm;m m9t ban copy cua

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dirng mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

(B). I>U'a cho anh ta ban copy cua (C). Bua cho anh ta email cua em gai co
nhfrng nh~n xet ay
(D). Bim b~c voi anh ta vS b9 phim

Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation.
W: Good aftetnoon. Thank you for calling W: Xin chao. Cam an vi da g9i dSn

Dwight & Jones Financial. How may I Dwight & Jones Financial. Toi co thS
help you? giup gi cho ong?
M: Oh, hello. This is Kenneth from Xerox M: 0 xin chao. Toi la Kenneth tir Xerox

Canada. I'm calling about the copy Canada. T oi gQi dSn dS noi vS may photo
machine you had purchased for your rna co da d~t mua cho van phong cua CO.
office. I would like to deliver it Toi mu8n giao no vao chi~u mai, co

tomorrow afternoon, if that works for thu~n ti~n cho co khong?
W: You lmow, I have to copy a number
of documents tomorrow morning. Are
tic w: Ong biSt khong toi phai copy rit
nhi~u tai li~u vao sang mai. Ong co th~
giao vao chi~u nay dU'qc khong?
you able to come this afternoon? M: I>U'qc, toi ciing giao mc)t cai khac
M: Yes. I have another delivery in your trong khu V'!C cua co. Toi se gQi ttuoc
area. Why don't I call you about thirty khi t6i dSn 30 phut
minutes before I get there?

65. c
What most likely is the man's Chuyen mon cua ngU'Oi dan ong rit co
profession? th~ Ia gi?

(A) An accountant (A). Nhan vien kS toan

(B) An office supplies manufacturer (B). Nha cung cftp van phong ph~m

(C) A delivery truck driver (C). NgU'Oi lai xe giao hang


(D) A shop salesperson (D). Nguoi ban hang

66. B
When will the man most likely arrive at (D) T omonow aftetnoon
the office? NgU'Oi dan ong rit co th~ d~n van
(A) In 30 minutes phong vao hie nao?
(B) This afternoon (A). Trong 30 phut nua
(C) Tomorrow mmning (B). ChiSu nay

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mftt
di gia hi rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

(C). Sang mai (D). ChiSu mai

Why is the woman worried? T~i sao nguOi phi} nfr lo l~ng?
(A) She can't copy some files. (A). Co iy khong th~ copy b1i li~u
(B). Co ~y m~t m9t tai li~u quan t.r9ng

(B) She has lost an important file.
(C) She missed a meeting this morning. (C). Co ~Y bo 15 m9t cu9c h9p sang nay

(D) She has broken the company's (D). Co ~y hun vo may ban hang CUa cong
vending machine ty

Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following conversation.
M: Your total comes to $23.00. Would M: T6ng s6 tiSn la 23$. Co c6 mu6n t6i
you like to have this book gilf-wrapped? goi (thanh mon qua) quysn sach nay

W: Oh, no. It's actually for mysell. I'll khong?

read it at a cafe. Do you accept credit

just take it like that because I'd like to W: Khong cin dau. Toi mua cho toi
thoi. Cu d~ nhu v~y vi toi mu~n df!c no
quan cafe. Toi t:ra bfug the tin d1,1ng
M: Only for purchases over $25 can you duqckhong?
pay by credit card. M: Co co th~ tra b~ng the tin dt}ng chi
W: I'll just pay by cash, then. khi co mua tren 25$ thoi.
W: Toi se tJ:a bfuig tiSn m~t vfty!

Ct}m tir, ciu true, tir mOi cin luu y:

+ Cong thuc nho va:
Have+ 0 (nguOi) + V(bare inf): nh<r ai do b1m gi
I'm going to have John fix my computer tomonow

Have + 0 (v~t) + V3: v~t do du«!c lam gi

I 'm going to have my computer fixed tomonow

so sanh vOi cong thuc nhava vOi "GET":

Get+ 0 (nguOi) +to V: nh<r ai do lam gi

I get John to fix my computer

Get + 0 (v~t) + V3: v~t do du«!c lam gi
I get my computer fixed (by John)
68. B
Where most likely is this conversation? (C) At a cafe
(A) At a clothing store (D) At a newsstand
(B) At a bookstore Cu9c h9i tho~i nay di~n ra adau?
Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguoi dlm.g rnua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia t:ri rna cac b<;lll da dong gop.

(A). Cua hang q~n ao (C). Qmin cafe

(B). Nha sach (D ). Qufty ban bao
69. B
How would the woman like to take her NgU'Oi ph~ nft mu~n d~ mon hang ciia
co iy nhU' th~ nao?

(A) Gift-wrapped (A). Goi l~i (thanh mon qua)

(B) As it is (B). Gift nguyen
(C) In a shopping bag (C). Bo vi10 rui mua dm
(D ) Covered in newspaper (D). Goi l~i b~ng gi~y bao

70. D
Why is the woman unable to pay by T~i sao ngU'Oi ph~ nft khong th~ thanh
credit card? toan b~ng the tin d~ng?

(A) She lost her credit card yesterday. (A). Hom qua co ~y da lam m~t the tin
(B) The credit card was unauthorized.tic
(C) The business does not accept checks.
(D) The cost of the purchase is not
(B). The tin d1,U1g khong duqc ch~p nh~
(C). Nguoi ban hang khong chlp ~ tra
b~ng sec
(D). SB ti~n phai thanh toan cho mon
hang chU'a dii (d~ phai tra b~ng the)
e ic

Questions 71 through 73 refer t o the following conversation.

Before I get stmted this afternoon, I'd like taking pictures as a profession and as a
to briefly tell you a little about myself. My hobby for nearly fifteen yeat'S. I'm
name is James Nonnan and I have been thrilled to be here this afternoon to share

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;Ill nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia t:ri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

my work with you. Now, let's get struted chuyen gia va Ia StY thich rieng cling gin
talking about different techniques. A duqc 15 nam. T oi sung suang dtmg aday
good piece of equipment, lighting, and ngay hom nay dS chia se vS cong vi~c cua
good film all play an essential part in t6i voi cac b~n. Bay gio chling ta b~t dftu

creating beautiful photos. We'll go noi vS nhfrng ky thuftt khac nhau. M9t
through the vru·ious apettw:es and shutter chut vs thist bi, anh sang, film t6t tit ca

speed techniques that will give your lam nen m9t phin quan trc;mg tr·ong
picture character. After that, I'll pass vi~c t~o ra m9t buc anh d~p. Chling ta
around a handbook using my favorite ma kh~u a9, 1<Y thuftt vs t6c a9 ch1,1p khac

shops and websites that will help you get nhau se cho ra nhfrng buc anh co tinh ch~t
struted. khac nhau. Sau do, toi se chuy~n cho cac
Ttuoc khi toi b~t dftu, t6i mu6n noi ngk b~n quy~n s~ tay vS cac CUa hang va

gQn m9t chut vS ban than t6i. Toi ten la trang web rna tei ua thich, &su nay se
James Nonnan, toi cht,~p anh nhu hi m9t giup ich cho cac b~n ctsb~t a~u.
Ct,~m tir, ci u true, tir mOi ci n luu y:
+necessary =essential (adj): cin thi~t
+talk about: noi vS
71. c
Who most likely is the speaker? NguOi noi rit co th~ Ia ai?
(A) A salesman (A). Nguoi ban hang

(B) A wedding planner (B). Nguoi len kS ho~ch t6 chuc ti~c cuoi
(C) A photographer (C). Thq cht,~p anh
(D ) An rut gallety owner (D ). M9t nguoi chu phong tranh
72. B

What does the speaker say about good NguOi noi phat bi~u gi v~ thi~t b! t~t?
equipment? (A). No r~t kho tim

(A) It is difficult to find. (B). Rit c~n thi~t d~ t~o ra tac phim

(B) It is necessary to create good work.

(C) It is vety expensive. (C). No r~t ~t tiSn
(D) It is inelevant to the work. (D). No khong thich hqp dS lam v i~c

73. B
What will happen at the end of the (A) Jrunes will go shopping.
demonstration? (B) A book will be distributed.

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vi en nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

(C) The listeners will take pictures. (A) James se di mua sfun
(D) The speaker will surf the Intetnet. (B). M{)t quy~n sach se dU'f!'C phat ra
Vi~c gi se xay ra sau ngll'Oi noi thuy~t (C). Nguoi nghe se ch1,1p anh
minh xong? (D). Nguoi noise luot Web

Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following conversation.

Welcome to Montreal. Tonight we'll be Chao mirng d~n vOi Montreal. T6i nay
listening to the words of Penelope chimg ta se l~ng nghe vai loi tu Penelope
Andreas, whose latest collection of Andreas, ngll'Oi co t~p thO' mOi nhit vira

poetry has risen to the bestseller's list. VU'O'D len trong danh sach ban ch~y
The book, entitled "Amor is Love," was nhit. T~p tho co ten la "Amor is Love",
recently recognized by the Magnolia gk day da duqc cong nh~n boi hi~p h9i

Latina Association with its top prize. Her Magnolia Latina b~ng giai thuang thu9c

famous musician and socialite, Ms.

Andreas was born in Buenos Aires, but
poems are written based on her life as a hang top. Nhfrng bai tho cilil co ~Y duqc
sang tac dva tren chinh cu9c s6ng cua
minh nhu la m9t ~c si, m9t nguoi n6i
tiSng, co Andreas duqc sinh ra a Buenos
immigrated to London as a young adult.
Those of you who have seen her in the Aires, nhung sau do di cu dSn Luan Bon
past may have heard her speak of the khi con tre. NSu cac b~ da biSt co ~y
difficulties she faced dealing with a new uuoc day co le da nghe co ~Y noi vS

culture. Tonight, we will take requests nhfrng kho khan co ~y phai d6i m~t ds
from the audience and accept questions thich nghi voi nSn van hoa moi. T8i nay
for Ms. Andreas as well. ch~ngtffisenh~ncacyeuc~ucfingnhll'
cac dtu hoi tir khan thinh gia cho co


74. D
Who is Penelope Andreas? (A) An editor

Quygn sach nay do nhiing th:'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t
di gia hi rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

(B) A musical actor (A) M9t bien ~P vien

(C) A tourist (B) M9t ngh~ si am nh~c
(D) A poet (C) M9t kluich du lich
Penelope Andreas h1 ai? (D) M9t nha thO'
75. c

Where is the interview taking place? Cu9c phong v~n di~n ra adau?

(A) In Buenos Aires (A). 0 Buenos Aires
(B) In London (B). 0 London
(C) In Montreal (C). 0 Montreal

(D ) In Toronto (D ). 0 Toronto
What does the speaker suggest about NgU'Oi noi d~ ngh! gi v~ co Andreas?

MsAndreas? (A). Tai nang cua co ~Y khong n6i tiSng
(A) Her talents are not welllmown.
(B) She will answer questions
(C) Her appearance will be brief.
tic (B). Co ~y se tra IOi cac cau hoi
(C). S\f x~t hi~n cua co ~y se duqc rut
(D). Co ~y se roi khoi Buenos Aires
(D) She will be leaving for Buenos Aires
e ic

Questions 77 through 79 refer t o the following conversation.

Quygn sach nay do nhiing th:'mh vi en nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;Ill nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t
di gia t:ri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

Are you interested in losing weight but B~n quan tam dSn v i~c gi~im din nhung
don't want to spend all of your valuable khong mu6n t6n titt ca thai gian quy bau
time stuck inside a gym? Fmtunately, cua minh atrong phong tftp thS d1,1c? May
Hard Line Fitness is now accepting new m~n thay, phong tftp thS d1,1c Hard Line

members for discounted rates. If you dang co chuang trinh giam gia danh cho
and a friend register for a six-month thanh vien moi. NSu b~n va b~n CUa b~

membership within the next five weeks dang ki the thanh vien 6 thimg trong 5
you will only have to pay fifty percent tu§n toi b~n se chi phai tra 50% so voi gia
of the regular membership fee. Hard CUa the thanh vien thong thuang. Phong

Line Fitness has expett trainers who are tftp thS d1,1c Hard Line co chuyen gia hufu.J.
fit, enthusiastic and friendly, and our luy~n r~t m~nh khoe, nhi~t tinh, va thfm
fitness equipment is top-of-the-line. Our thi~n, va trang thiSt bi CUa toi ciing

introductmy fitness package includes one thu9c hang t6t nh~t. Khoa huang cifui thS
month of fitness classes that include
aerobics, weights,
and stretching
exercises. Furthe1more, you'll be able to
d1,1c cua chting t6i bao g6m cac bai tftp vS
thS d1,1c th~m my, tftp t~, va co gian. Han
ths nua, b~n se co ths tftn d1,1ng bs bai v oi
kich co chu~n Olympic cua t6i.
take advantage of our Olympic-size
swimming pool. Call now to get more Hay g9i cho chung toi vao s~ 1-800-988-
information about us at 1-800-988- 3355 ngay bay gi<r d~ bi~t them thong
3355. tin.

C~m tir, c~u true, tir mOi cin IU'u y:

+take advantage of: t~ dl,lilg, lqi dl,lilg
77. D
Who is the advertisement for? Quang cao nay danh cho d~i tU'f;mg

(A) Store managers nao?

(B) Fitness instmctors (A). Cac qillm ly cua hang

(C) Healthcare prov iders (B). Nhfrng nguoi huang d~n thS d1,1c
(C). Nha cung c~p cac dich v1,1 vS sue khoe

(D) Overweight people

(D). Nhfrng ngU'oo thira can

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;Ill nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

What is being advertised? (A). Cac rnon thi d~u Olympic
(A) The Olympic Garnes (B). S6 tay cho nguoi gifun can
(B) A new manual for dieters (C). Giam gia cho thanh vien cua phong

(C) A discount on fitness memberships t~pTD
(D) Registration for an employee training (D). Dang k:y chuang trinh hu~n luy~n

program cho nhan vien
Cai gi dU'9'C quang cao?
79. A

How can a listener get more NguOi nghe mu~n bi~t them thong tin
information? b~ng each nao?
(A) By calling Hard Line Fitness (A). G9i cho Hard Line Fitness

(B) By faxing Hard Line Fitness (B). Fax cho Hard Line Fitness
(C) By visiting the website
(D) By visiting an office
tic (C). Tmy cftp website
(D). DSn van phong
Questions 80 through 82 refer to the following conversation.
As reporters, you are responsible for La phong vien, b~n chiu tr·ach nhi~rn
infonning the public of eve1y news stmy, thong bao cho cong chtmg vs cac cfm
here and abroad. I've been working as a chuy~n tin rue, tr·ong va ngoai nuoc. Toi

television reporter for two decades and lam phong vien cho dai truySn hinh duqc
would like to tell you that working from hai thftp kY va rnu6n noi voi cac b~n r~ng
another country can be both challenging lam vi~c anuoc ngoai coca thach thuc va
andrewarding. But when you've beensent plilln thuang. Nhung khi b~ duqc giao

on assignment to a new and distant nhi~rn V\1 arn9t ~t nUOC rnoi me Va Xa 1~

country, it can be a little difficult. I co thS co vai kho khan. Toi khuyen r~ng

recommend that you start by trying to b~n nen b~t &tu b~ng each c6 g~ng lienh~

make contacts with the local people voi nguoi dia phuang tiuoc khi dSn. DiSu
before you leave. This can help to reduce nay co ths giup giarn ph~n nao tinh u·~ng
sometimes the awkward situations that r~c r6i phat sinh do khac bi~t vS van hoa.
arise due to cultural differences. And v a nhfrng Sl,I lien h~ ban &tu nay co thS
these initial contacts can help you with giup b~n co duqc thong tin co ban vS dlu
background infmmation on your stmy. chuy~n cua b~n. Day chi la nhfrng rnyo
Just a little tip that will help you when nho giup b~n lam vi~c a nuoc ngoai.
working abroad.

Quygn sach nay do nhiing th:'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dirng mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t
di gia hi rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.
LE Tiq HUYNH NHU' tir, c~u true, tir mOi c~n luu y:

+responsible for: chiu tnich nhi~m vS ...
+ c~u true khuyen bao, dS nghi:
S +recommend/suggest/advise, ...+( that)+ S + V (nguyen m~u)

Ex: Yesterday, I suggested Maty go to the dentist.

80. c
Who most likely are the audience Nhfrng nguiri nghe co th~ hi ai?
members? (A). TiSp v ien hang khong

(A) Flight attendants (B). Nha nghien cUu
(B) Researchers (C). Phong vien
(C) Reporters (D). Nguoi t6 chuc tour du lich

(D) Tour operators
81. B
How long has the speaker been
working in the field?
tic Nguiri noi him vi~c trong linh V'!C nay
bao nhieu nam?
(A) For 10 years (A). lOnam
(B) For 20 years (B). 20 nam
(C) For 25 years (C). 25 nam
(D) For 40 years (D). 40nam

82. B
What does the speaker suggest before Nguiri noi d~ nghf gi tru&c khi lam vi~c
working abroad? iY nu&c ngoai?
(A) Leatn the language (A). H9c ngo~i ngfr

(B) Talk to local people (B). Noi chuy~n vOi nguiri dfa phuong
(C) Watch local teievision (C). Xem truySn hinh dia phuang

(D) Attend many business meetings (D). Tham gia cite cu<?c h9p vS kinh doanh

Quygn sach nay do nhiing th:'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t
di gia t:ri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

Questions 83 through 85 r·efer to the following conversation.

Hi, Katherine. It's Lynn from the Chao Katherine. Toi la Lynn a phong
Cmporate Training department. It's 10:30 cong tac hu~n luy~n. Bay gio la 10:30 thu
a.m. on Tuesday and I wanted to let you 3 va toi mu6n b~ bi~t la chting ta da thay
d6i ngay t6 chuc h<?i thao h~n luy~n s~p

know that we have decided to change
the date of the next training seminar to toi dS c6 g~ng dap Un.g cho nhiSu nhan

tly and accommodate more staff. Instead vien han. Thay vi thu 6, chling ta se h9p
of Friday, we'll be meeting in the vao thu 2 hie 2:30 a phong giam d6c,
boardroom on Monday at 2:30, the same CUng thai gian voi nhii:ng h9i thao UUOC

time as previous seminars. And just to day. Va hay ch~c ch~n r~ng khi di dirng
be sure, don't forget to bring the manual quen mang theo quySn s6 "thuc dfty n6 h,rc
"Motivating Yourself and Others" by chinh minh va nhU:ng nguoi khac" cua

Frederik Dyson when you come. If you Frederik Dyson. N~u b~ khong thS tham
are unable to attend, please contact tic
Lily so that she will have an idea of how
many employees will be there. Thank you
dv, hay lien h~ voi Lily dS co ~y bi~t bao
nhieu nguoi se d~n. Cam an vi S\1' thong
cam va r~t xin 16i vi S\1' b~t ti~n nay.
for understanding and I apologize for the
. .
Luu y: D6i voi cau hoi vS nguoi nhu cau 84, h~u h~t cac ten trong 4 dap an se xu~t hi~n
trong bai nghe khi nghe nguoi d9c d9c cac ten nguoi b~n phai chu y xem co C\illl "unable

to attend" g§n ten nguoi do khong. Con cac thong tin khac b~ khong c§n phai tftp nung
hiSu nguoi ta noi gi. Ngoai ra, cac cau hoi vS m1,1c dich dS l~i tin nhfu u·ong bai thi Toeic
da s6 la u·ong 2-3 cau &u chling ta se hisu duqc.

83. B
What is the purpose of this message? MI,IC dich cua tin nhiin mly hi gi?

(A) To suggest a location for the (A). DS nghi dia diSm cho h<?i thao vS

cmporate semimar c<?ng tac

(B) To inform an employee of a (B). Thong bao cho nhan vien v~ m{)t
schedule change lfch trinh thay d~i
(C) To inquire about a staff member's (C). Hoi thong tin vS cac k~ ho~ch cua
plans on Friday nhan v ien vao thu 6
(D) To remind an employee about a lunch (D). Nh~c nha nhan vien vS cu<?c h9p vao
meeting bu6i tiua

Quygn sach nay do nhiing th:'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se hun rn~t
di gia hi rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

84. c
Who should be contacted if an Nhan vien co th~ lien h~ vOi ai n~u
employee is unable to attend? khong th~ tham d~;f?

(A) Lynn (A). Lynn
(B) Katherine (B). Katherine

(C) Lily (C). Lily
(D) Frederik Dyson (D). Frederik Dyson

85. D
What time have the seminars been in Nhung h9i thao lin trU'&c dU"qc t~ chlfc
the past? hie miy giir?
(A) At 10:30 (A). 10: 30

(B) At 11 :30 (B). 11 :30
(C) At 1:30
tic (C). 1:30
(D). 2:30
Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following conversation.
I would like to welcome each of you to T oi rnu6n chao rnlm.g rn6i cac b~n dSn voi
the job fair here at the Sunset Haven h9i chq vi~c him ngay hom nay iY vi~n
Nursing Home. The Sunset Haven dU'frng Hio Sunset Haven. Vi~n duang

Nw:sing H orne has been a vital prut of Hio Sunset H aven Nursing Horne la rn9t
community life for the past 30 years and ph§n quan n·Qng trong doi s6ng c9ng a6ng
we are currently offering a variety of n·ong 30 narn qua va hi~n nay chong toi
positions for volunteers within the cung cip m9t s~ vi tri cho cac tinh

nursing facilities. You may not come nguy~n vien trong khuon vien cua
into close contact with the patients within chong toi. B~n cole khong thS lien h~ g§n

yom first work tenn, but if you return giii voi b~nh nhan trong l§n hun vi~c &u
tien nay, nhU'ng n~u b~n quay l~i lin

for a second term you will have more

opportunities to take care of the thlf 2 b~n se co nhi~u cO' h9i d~ cham
patients. Before we strut a tow: of the soc b~nh nhan. Ttuoc khi chting ta b~t
facilities. I would like to collect yow: &u thrun quan co so vftt ch~t, tOi rnu6n
resumes to better understand where you thu thftp soySu H lich cua cac b~n dS hiSu
will fit within the organization. ro han noi nao se phu hqp voi b~n n·ong
t6 chuc clia chUn.g t6i.

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;Ill nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong rnQi nguoi dlm.g rnua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia hi rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

86. D
What is the purpose of the talk? dich cua bai noi chuy~n Ia gi?
(A) Chao mlm.g b~nh nhan moi dSn voi

(A) To welcome new patients to the
nursing home vi~n duang lao

(B) To ask volunteers about their (B) Hoi tinh nguy~n vien vS kiSn thuc
community knowledge c9ng d6ng
(C) To interview new patients for the (C) Phong v§n b~nh nhan moi vao vi~n

home (D) Tuy~n tinh nguy~n vien cho vi~n
(D) To recruit new nursing home dufrng lao

Who will be able to work with the tic Ai co th~ lam vi~c vOi b~nh nhan nhi~u
patients the most? nhit?
(A) New volunteers (A). Tinh nguy~n vien moi
(B) Retrnning volunteers (B). Tinh nguy~n vien cu
(C) Medical students (C). Sinh vien y khoa
(D) Nmses assistants (D). Trq ly y ti
88. B

What will probably happen now? (A). Ng.tham dl,l' se dang k)r cho cac vi tri
(A) Participants will sign up for positions. tuySn dl,lilg
(B) Participants will hand in their (B). Nguiri tham d'! se n9p SO' y~u li l!ch
resumes. cua hf!

(C) Participants will visit the patients. (C). Ng.thmn dl! se di tham b~nh nhan
(D) Pmticipants will meet the other staff. (D). Ng.tham dl! se g~p nhan vien khac

Bay giir di~u gi se chic chin xay ra?


Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t
di gia t:ri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

Questions 89 through 91r·efer to the following conversation.

On Wall Street this afte1noon, New Tren Wall Street chiSu nay, New York's
York's Softwatch Industries revealed Softwatch Industries da ti~t 19 phin

its new version of spreadsheet software. m~m d~ng bang tinh phien ban mOi
Company Chainnan Leon Walters met nhit cua her Chu tich CUa cong ty ong
with repmters today outside of the Leon Walters da g~p ph6ng vien sang nay

company's headqumters to discuss the benngoai tn,1 so chinh dS ban vS vi~c tung
release of the new software. Softwatch's ra phin m~m mOi nay. Phien ban mOi
latest version of the spreadsheet wasn't nhit cua Softwatch d~ng bang tinh

expected to be released until em·ly next khong duqc mong dqi tung ra cho dSn
year. Mr. Walters explained today that the
decision to release the softwm·e em·ly was
pmt of a revised marketing strategy by the
sang nam. Ong Walters sang nay da giai
thich r~ng quySt dinh tung ra ph§n mSm
nay sam la m9t ph§n trong chiSn dich
fum. They will begin the marketing marketing da duqc cong ty duy~t l~i. H9
campaign for this new software later se biit diu chi~n d!ch marketing cho
this month. phin m~m mOi vao cu~i thang nay.

89. A
What is the main topic of this report? Chu d~ chinh cua bao cao nay Ia gi?
(A) A new version of software (A). Phien ban mOi cua m9t phin m~m
(B) An advettising campaign (B). M9t chiSn dich qllimg cao

(C) A company chainnan (C). Chu tich cua m9t cong ty

(D) A recmitment strategy (D). ChiSn luqc tuySn d1,1ng

90. c
Cong ty nay kinh doanh lo~i hinh nao?

What kind of work does the company

do? (A) Thuang m~i hang h6a
(A) Stock trading (B) B~t d9ng san
(B) Real estate (C) Phat tri~n phin m~m
(C) Software development (D) San xu~t may tinh
(D) Computer manufacturing
What will the company do next? (A) Move to Wall Street

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

(B) Market the software in Europe (A) ChuySn dSn ph6 Wall
(C) Hire a new chainnan (B) Quang ba ph§n rnSrn a Chau Au
(D) Begin advertising the software (C) TuySn chu tich rnoi
Cong ty se h1m gi ti~p theo? (D) Bit diu qm1ng cao phin m~m

Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following conversation.
This morning Rex Industrial Supplies Sang horn nay Rex IndustTial Supplies da

announced that they will be moving their cong b6 r~ hf! se chuy~n CO' san sa
production facilities into Mexico. Rex xuit d~n Mexico. Rex Industrial
Industrial Supplies has been the largest Supplies h1 nha cung cip thi~t bj xay

supplier of constJ:uction equipment in the d..,ng 1011 nhit trong 10 nam qua vilng a
southeastern United States for the past dong nam nU'&c My va len kS ho~ch b~t
ten years and plans to begin producing d~u san xtilit nhisu san ph~rn han nfra a

various items in Mexico. Along with this Mexico. C1lng voi quySt dinh nay, Rex
decision, Rex Industrial plans to close Industrial s~p dong CUa nha may aFresno,
their factmy in Fresno, while maintaining trong khi do duy tri nha may chinh akhu
the main plant facilities in the greater Los Vl,l'C t6t han a Los Angeles. H an thS nfra,

h9 se c~t giarn g§n 100 vi u·i nhfm vien nha

Angeles area. Furthe1more, they will be
cutting nearly 100 full-time factmy may toan thai gian, va 50 vi hi nhan vien
positions and another 50 pmt-tirne jobs. ban thai gian. Cac chuyen gia tai chinh
Financial experts believe that the move tin r~ng vi~c di chuy~n nay se khong co

will not have an effect on the company's m~t Sl! anh hU'ang nao len gia c6 phi~u
stock prices. cua cong ty.
What is the subject of the report? Chu d~ cua bai bao cao Ia gi?

(A) A company has gone bankiupt. (A) M9t cong ty pha san
(B) A company is moving its (B) M~t cong ty dang chuy~n nha may

production facilities. san xuit cua no

(C) A new product is being introduced. (C) M9t san phk dang duqc gioi thi~u

(D) A product has been taken off the (D) M9t san p~rn duqc ua chu9ng/ph6
market biSn tren thi huang

Trong cau nay Take off co nghia Ia pho bien, ua chu<)ng

He new product of this company has incredibly taken off.
(Lo~i san pham m&i cua con ty duqc tfa chu<)ng den kh6ng ngo

Quygn sach nay do nhiing th:'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

93. A
What does the report say about Rex Bai bao cao noi gi v~ Rex Industrial
Industrial Supplies? Supplies?
(A) Rex Supplies is the biggest supplier (A). Rex Supplies Ia nha cung cip 1011
nhit dong nam nu&c My

in the American southeast.
(B) Rex Supplies products will no longer (B). San phfun cua Rex Supplies se khong

be available in Fresno. con aFresno nfra
(C) Rex Supplies will be increasing its (C). Rex Supplies se tang cac vi tri nhfm
full- time positions. vien toim thai gian

(D) Rex Supplies will now have ten (D). Rex Supplies se co 10 dia diSm d~t
factmy locations nhamay
94. D

What will probably happen? Di~u gi se chic chin xay ra?
(A) The company will hire some
American employees.
(B) Mexicans will not like R.S products.
(A) Cong ty se thue them vai nhfm vien
(B) Nguoi Mehico se khong thich san
(C) The company stock price will ph§m cua Rex Supplies
Increase. (C). Gia c6 phiSu CUa cong ty se tang
(D) Rex Supplies stock price will not (D). Gia c~ phi~u cua Rex Supplies se
change khong d~i

Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following conversation.

I have called you all here this moming to tell you about the new parking arrangements
our office building has made. Many of you who drive to work have spoken to me about

the lack of reserved par·king spaces in the undergr·ound garage. Therefore, while we
may have to pay slightly more for parking each month. From now on the company will set

aside reserved parking spaces for you. This will make it more convenient for you to park
your car. I have asked Samantha Callaway in HR to send out an e-mail today describing

the changes. Kindly review this message as soon as you receive it. If you are still unclear
as to how the new parking system will work, please visit Samantha in HR.
T oi gQi cac b~ dSn day sang nay d~ noi v~ ch~ d~ xe rna van phong chong ta da sip
x~p. NhiSu b~n da noi voi t6i vS S'.f thi~u h~;~t ch~ d~ xe gara dum ting him. Vi thS,
choog ta phai tra hoi nhiSu cho vi~c d6 xe m6i thang. KS tu bay gio, cong ty se rna m9t
ch6 dS xe rieng cho cac b~n. DiSu nay se giup cac b~n d6 xe dS dang han. T oi da yeu c~u
Samantha Callaway ab9 ph~n nhan S\1' gui mail cho cac b~n dS mo ta S\1' thay d6i. Hay vui

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rn~t
di gia tri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

long d~c tin nh~n mly ngay khi b::_~n nh~n dU'f!C. NSu vk khong ro vS each ho~t d9ng
cua h~ th6ng dflu xe moi nay, b~n co thS g~p Samantha a phong nhfm Sl,J.
95. c
What was the purpose of this meeting? dich cua cu{)c h~p mly hi gi?

(A) To address the issue of vacation time (A). Chi ra vfui dS vS thai gian di nghi
(B) To plan for an upcoming conference (B). Len kS ho~ch cho cu9c h9p s~p toi

(C) To inform employees of a new (C). Thong bao cho nhan vien v~ m{)t h~
system thong mOi
(D) To anange transpmtation to the (D). S~p xSp phuong ti~n di l~i cho nha

manufacturing plant may san xuftt
96. A
Why do they need a new parking

, .?
system? moo.
(A) There are not enough reserved tic (A). Khong co du ch~ d~ xe
parking spaces. (B). Lam 6 nhiSm thanh ph6
(B) There is too much pollution in the city (C). Khong du nguoi di hun b~ng oto
(C) Not enough people are bringing cars (D). Van phong mu6n lam ra nhiSu tiSn
to work. han
(D) The office wants to make more

What are employees told to do? Nhan vien dU'f!c yeu c~u him gi?
(A) Park in the lower parking blocks (A). Dftu xe a 16 thftp han
(B) Review an e-mail (B). D~c l::_~i email

(C) Park their cars at home (C). Dftu xe a nha

(D) Send out an e-mail (D). Gui m9t email

Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following conversation.


Good afternoon. I have been a member of the community here in Bracebriclge for many
years, and I would like to welcome you all here today. On our walking tour this aftemoon,
we will be visiting all of the beautiful sites that the city has to offer, like the historic
Bmnaby Castle, Juniper Bridge, and Macintosh Botanical Gardens. We will begin at and
retmn to the Kline Street Cafe. The entire tom should take approximately 3 homs. At the
botanical gardens, a professional honiculturist will speak to us about the various
kinds of unique plant and flower species grown there. If you'd like, complimentary
coffee is offered just inside. Now, let's meet back here in 10 minutes.

Quygn sach nay do nhiing thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong m9i nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rnftt
di gia t:ri rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

Xin chao cac b~. T oi la m9t th~mh vien CUa c9ng d6ng Bracebridge a day nhiSu nam r6i,
va tOi mu6n chao mUn.g titt ca cac b~n a day ngay hom nay. Trong chuySn du ljch di b9
chiSu nay, ch1lng ta se tham quan t~t ca nhGng dmh ayp rna thanh ph6 nay co, nhu la lau
dai lich su Btnnaby, c~u Juniper, va vuon thvc vftt Macintosh. Ch1lng ta se b~t d~u va quay
vS ~i quan cafe Kline Street. T oan b9 chuySn di m~t 3 gio. 0 vuim thl!c v~t,

chuyen gia h)m VU'On se noi cho chong ta bi~t V~ nhi~u lo~i d1y, lm)i hoa d9c dao dang

s~ng 0' do. NSu b~ mu6n, cafe mi~n phi se duqc ph1,1c V\1 a phia trong. Nao, chting hay
u·a l~i day u·ong 1o phut nfra.
98. c

What kind of tour is it? Lo~i hinh tham quan m1y h1 gi?
(A) A marina tour (A) Du ngo~n b~ng thuySn
(B) A bicycle totn· (B) Tham quan b~ng xe d~p

(C) A walking tour (C) Di b9 ngiim canh
(D) A bus tom
99. D
At which place will they listen to a guest
(D) Tham quan b~ng xe bus

Noi nao rna nhfrng ngU'Oi khach du ljch

speaker? se dU'C]'C nghe ngU'Oi khach noi chuy~n?
(A) The Kline Street Cafe (A) Quan cafe Kline Su·eet
(B) Bmnaby Castle (B) Lau dai Brnnaby
(C) Juniper Bridge (C) C~u I uniper

(D) Macintosh Botanical Gardens (D) VU'im thl!c v~t Macintosh

tOO. A
What is free for visitors taking the Khach du ljch se nh~n dU'C]'C cai gi mi~n
tour? phi?

(A) Coffee (A) Cafe

(B) Lunch (B) An tlua

(C)Amap (C) Ban d6

(D) A souvenir (D) Qua luu ni~m

Quygn sach nay do nhiing th:'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group ''Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;In nh~m giup
cac b~;~n co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dlm.g mua ban quygn sach nay vi nhu thg se lam m~t
di gia hi rna cac b<;~n da dong gop.

A. The man is holding a pencil A. Nguoi dim ong dang cfim d1i but chi
B. The man is sipping a cup of coffe B. Nguci dim ong dang nhfun nhi lly ca

C. The man is wearing a shmt-sleeved Ie
shitt C. Nguci dan ong dang m~c ao so mi

D. The man is reading a newspaper ng~ntay
D. N guoi dim ong dang dQc bao

A. Various goods are laid out for sale A.Nhigu 1~ hang duQ'c bay ban
B. The orchard is full of fnrit B. Vuon dfiy hoa qua
C. The fruits are being placed in bags C. Hoa qua dang dUQ'C d~ vao (nhiing)

D. The fnrits have been piled in a truck till
tic D . Hoa qua duQ'c ch~t diy tren xe cho
A. They're watching a spmts event A. HQ dang xem 1 S\1' kien th~ thao
B. They're tuming on the computer B. HQ dang bat may tinh
C. They're checking information fi:om C. HQ dang ki~m tra thong tin tir sach
reference books tham khao

D. HQ dang nhln vao man hinh may tinh

4. B
A. There are some pedestlians crossing A Mot s6 nguci di bo dang bang qua
the road duong

B. There are trees on both sides of the B. C6 nhlgu cay o 2 ben duong
road c. Duang dang bi t~c nghen bm xe co
C. The road is jammed with traffic D. Nhigu o to chi do o 1 ben duong

D. Cars are parked on only one side of


the road
A. The man is balanced on a ladder A. Nguci dan ong dang can b~ng tren cai
B. The man is painting a picture thang
C. The man is reading a sign on a B. N guoi dan ong dang ve 1 buc tranh
building C. N guoi dan ong dang dQc 1 ki hi~u
D. The man is hanging fi·om some cables trong toa nha
D. Nguci dang ong dang dUQ'C moe bm
vai day cap

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

A. A worker is loading cargo onto a A. I ngum cong nhan dang ch~t hang len
plane may bay
B . People are seated on an airplane B . Moi nguoi dang ng6i n·en may bay
C. A set of stairs has been pushed up to a C. Mot bo ghg dm;rc diy dgn may bay.

plane D. C6 mot vai may bay trong phi b.uong
D. There are several airplane at the (san bay)

A set of stairs: Mot bo ghg

A. She is hanging up her coat on a rack A. Co ~Y dang n·eo citi ao choang len gia
B . She is shopping for clothes B. Co ~Y dang di mua qukn ao
C. She is holding her bag in her hand c. Co ~Y dm till 6 hen tay

D. She is wrapping up the clothes D. Co ~y dang g6i qukn ao
8.A tic
A. They're dressed in identical unifonns
B . They're walking tluough the forest
A. HQ mi;ic d6ng ph1,1c gi6ng nhau
B. H Q dang di xuyen qua rung
C. They're all canying bags on their C. Ho dgu khoac tUi hen 2 vai
shoulders D. HQ dang di bo 6 nong thon
D. They're taking a walk in the counb.y

A. There's a lamppost next to the A. C6 1 cot den ben c<;~nh duang ray
railroad B. 1 do an tau dang vao ga
B . A train is entering the station C. Khu V\l'C c6 nhigu diy
C. The area is heavily wooded D. Mot chigc o to dang di doc theo con

D. A car is driving along the road duong

A. The man is speaking into a A. Ngum dan ong dang n6i vao micro

microphone B . Nguoi dan ong dang c~t cai ken

Trumpet cua a ~y

B . The man is putting away his humpet

C. The man is playing the musical C. Nguoi dan ong dang choi nh<;lc C\1
insb.ument D. Ngum d~m ong dang vay tay v6i khan
D. The man is waving at the audience gia

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach nay vi nlm th~ se
lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

11. c
What time does our flight leave? Miy giir chuy~n bay ctia b0;1n riri di
A. By 3 o'clock (cit canh)?
B. About tluee or four times a day A Tmoc 3 gio

C. It's scheduled to take off at 7:30 B. Khofmg 3 ho~c 4lk motngay
c. K~ hOO;lCh dt canh luc 7:30

Where did you leave your glasses? C~u •1~ kinh m~t 0' •tau?

A. By taxi A. BOi taxi
B. In my office B. Trong van 11himg ctia toi
C. At 9 a.m C. Luc 9 gio sang

When will the presentation be over? Khi nao buAi trinh di~n k~t thuc?
A. OK. See you then
B. Over there in the hall
C. In about two hours
tic A 0 K. G~p l<;U sau nhe
B. Qua ben d6 trong hanh lang iy
C. Trong khoang 2 giir
Why were you late for the T0;1i sao b0;1n l0;1i •l~n hQi thao muQn?
sua1ervisors' workshotl? A. Con •lU'irng •lang thi cong lam
A. The road construction held me Ull toi bj mUQn

B. I'm working until 6 today B. Toi lam vi~c dSn 6 gio ngay hom
C. Yes, the supervisors asked me nay
yesterday c. Vang, ngum gifun sat yeu d.u toi
ngay hom qua

ciu true: Held sb up: Gift chan, niu gift ai d6

15. c
How will I recognize the guide? Lam sao toi nh~n ra ngtriri hU'cmg

A. It's available d§n?


B. Yes. We can make it A. N6 c6 san

C. She'll be waiting near exit 8 B. Vang, chilng toi c6 thg linn n6
C. Co iy se chir 0' g:in cfra ra sci 8
Do you want me to install the B0;1n co muan toi cai •l~t he •li~u hanh
011erating system? khong?
A. No, it should be delivered on time A. Ko, N6 nen duqc chuygn toi dilng
B. No, I'll do it myself h()n
C. That is quite a large operation B. Ko, Toi se t.lJ linn

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

c. N6 ho~t dong o p~m vi kha la


C1;1m: Operating system: H~ digu hlmh


Would you ruefer ice tea or B~n mu~n tra •la hay nuac chanh?
lemonade? A. Vang, toi c6 thg

A. Yes, I can B. Trong tU l~nh
B. In a refrigerator c. Cho toi tra •ta

C. Ice tea, rllease
Why don't you com1llain about the T~i sao c~u ko llhan nan v~ vi~c tri
delay? hoan?

A. It was delayed over two hours A. N 6 da hoan han 2 gio r6i
B. Yes, it's vety convenient tic B. Vang, n6 r~t la thu~n ti~n
C. I think I will C. T oi nghi Ia toi se lam v~y
What is Ms.Lydia's email about? Thu ctia Co Lydia noi gi v~y?
A. I haven't checked yet A. T oi v~n chua ki~m tra
B. Five days ago B. 5 ngay truoc
C. We are already mailed it C. Chimg toi vira gili. n6 qua du6ng

buu di~n
Do you have the product evaluation C~u co m~u •Tanh gia san llh~m ko?
form? A. Dign thong tin danh gia

A. Fill out the evaluation B. Khong, T oi •1~ no a ban rAi

B. No, I left it on my desk c. Anh ~Y lam vi~c 6 1 hang quang
C. He works in an advertising fitm cao

21. c

Why is that door locked? sao cai cua kia l<;ti kh6a?
A. In the safe A. Trong ket s~t
B. Yes, near the exit door B. Vang, 6 gk cli'a ra
C. It's a restricted area c. Do Ia khu vt!C cim
Tir moo: Safe (n): Ket s~t
The final reports are in the cabinet, Ban bao do cu~i cimg trong tti, phai
aren't they? ko?
A. I'm not sure A. T oi ko ch~c

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

B. Yes, he's in a meeting tight now B. Vang, anh iy dang trong phong
C. We need more repmters hQp
c. Chimg toi dn nhigu ph6ng vien

Who designed the both for this year's Ai •la thi~t k~ ca 2 cu~c tri~n lam nam
exhibition? nay?

A. By the end of next month A. Tmoc cu6i thtmg tm
B. To the design depattment B. ug thigt kg van phong
c. 1 trong nhung •lAng nghi~l• ctia

C. One of my coworkers did
toi da lam
24. B
Isn't that grocery store o1•en yet? Ciia hang t:;tp hoa vin chua mO' ciia a?

A. No. it's not my fault A. Khong, d6 ko phai la loi cua toi

C. I haven't read it yet
B. No. I think it usually o1•ens 9 B. Chua, T oi nghi no thuimg mO'
ID-e 9 giir
C. Toi van chua dQc n6
Where is the working ca1•ital coming van luu •l~ng tir •Tau •l~n?
from? A. Tir (nhung) tr~ sO'
A. From headquarters B. Vang, miy thang tm kg tir bay gio

B. Yes, for the next few months from c. N6 khong d~t

C. It' s not expensive

Let's check the chart one more time Hay ki~m tra bi~u ll~n nua truO'c
before our meeting? khi cu~c hQil di~n ra nhe!
A. I've already looked it over twice A. T oi •la xem qua no 2 l~n rAi

B. We should submit it on time B. Chimg toi nen nop n6 dimg h<;~n

C. Anh iy dang di Iiy bigu db

C. He ' s leaving to take the chali

27. c
It's ex1•ected to rain tomorrow, isn't Dl;f bao Ia mai mua, 1•hai ko?
it? A. Bao cao hgt h<;lfl vao ngay mai
A. The report is due tomonow B. Ko, toi chua tirng nhin thiy n6
B. No, I haven't seen it C. Ko, triri se n~ng
C. No, It's going to be sunny

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nlm tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

Have you finished writing the monthy C~u vi~t xong ban bao cao hang thang
reJlort? chua?
A. Please w1ite clearly A. Uun on vigt that ro rang
B. It's almost comJdete B. G~n nhu xong rAi

C. Yes, It 'll be finished by Monday c. Vang, n6 se xong tm6c thu 2

Doesn't Mr. Tanaka work in the Ong Tanaka khong lam vi~c a phimg
Jlersonnel deJlartment? nhan Sl.l' a?
A. Ko, T oi ko mu6n o day them 1

A. No, I'm not here anymore
B. Yes, I prefer to walk phut nao nfra
C. No, he retired two week ago B. Vang, T oi thich di b<? ha n
C. Khong, ong iy nghi huu 2 tu~n

truac rAi
30.A tic
Let's not make revisions until we get
more accurate information
Dirng sira cho tm khi chong toi co
•luc;rc thong tin chinh xac hon
A. Oh, I think we already have enough A. Oh, Toi nghi chong ta •la co •lii
data dfr li~u rAi
B. No, I like the fresh air B. Ko, toi thich khong khi mat me
C. I don 't know how to make it C. Toi khong bigt lam thg nao ca

31. B
Who won the contract to build the Ai •la danh •luc;rc hC!Jl .tAng xay dl;fng
new bicycle )lath? duimg (ti xe (}~)) mm v~y?
A. Yes, we don 't expect to win this year A Vang, chling toi khong mong se

B. Creative Construction thing vao nam nay

C. Congratulations! B. Cong ty Xay dl;fng sang t~o
C. Xin chuc mim.g!

32. c

Should comJdaint forms be sent to the Nhfrng miu Jlhan nan nen •luc;rc gui
manager, or the consumer affairs cho quan li hay Jlhimg st.r V\1 khach
deJlartment? hang?
A. Yes, I agree with you A.Vang, Toi d6ng yvm b<;tn
B. The customers were very upset B. Nhigu khach hang da ri t kh6 chiu
C. It deJlends on the nature of C. No Jlhl:f thu~c vao ban chit vin •l~

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

33. B
When does the editorial de11artment Khi nao 11hong bien t~11 11hat hanh
issue the newsletter? ban tin?
A. By registered writers A. Bm ngum vi§t dm;rc dang ki
B. On the last day of the month B. Vao ngay cu~i thang

C. A parking pennit was issued c. Gi~y phep do xe duqc phat hlmh
yesterday ngay horn qua

We've just 1mrchased several new Chung toi vira mua vai ban in mOi,

co11ies, haven't we? 11hili khong?
A. Yes, we orderedthem over the A. Vang, chong toi da d~t chong
internet qua m~ng
B. it's inlucded in the purchase ptice B. N6 bao g6rn gia rnua

C. Cream and sugar C. Kern va duemg
35.B tic
Where do you think is the 11rogress
Theo c~u thi ban bao cao qua trinh a
A. It progressed more rapidly A. N 6 duqc ti§n tri~n nhanh ha n
B. I put it in the cabinet by the door B. T oi •l~ no trong tu truac cua
C. They will repmt your records every C. HQ se bao cao thanh tich rnoi tufin

I'm going on my coffee brea k Toi se
A. Thanks, but I don' t need any hel11 A. ir, toi ko dn gi •tau
B. A mechanic will fix it B. Mayse sua n6

C. I'll join you C. Toi se di voi b~


You are planning to attend the formal C~u .t,nh tham gia buAi •lao t~o may

com1mter training session today, tinh chinh thtl'c ngay hom nay, 11hai
aren't you? khong?
A. No, I couldn't see the training A. Ko, Toi ko th~y k§ ho<;tch bu&i
schedule yesterday dao t<;to hom qua
B. It' s com1mlsory, isn' t it? B. No Ia b~t bu~c ha?
C. New computers for new employees C. May tinh rnm cho nhan vi en rnoi

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;> i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nlm tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

How did you get such a good 1nice on Lam th~ nao ma b~n mua (lC thi~t bj
the office furniture? van phimg vOi gia tat th~?
A. We got a Sf)ecial discount A. Chung toi co giam gia (t~c bi~t
B. I took a taxi to the theater B. Toi b~t taxi t6i r<;tp chigu phim

C. Yes, she's at the office C. Vang, co §.y 6 van phong

This local maJ) is really complicated C ai ban (t~ dja phuO'ng nay th~t Ia
A. I'm not really good at comparing l)huc t~1)

figures A. T oi ko gioi trong vi~c so simh cac
B . Nearly one week ago con so
C. Where are you try to go? B. Gin 1 min t:ruoc
C. C~u (fjnh (fi (tau a?

Are you finished with that markettic
research re1)ort, or do you need more
B~n hoan thang ban bao cao nghien
cuu thj truimg chua hay c§n them
thiri gian?
A. Give me another hour or so A. T oi cin hO'D 1 giir nfra
B. The store closes at 5:00 B. Cua hlmg dong cua hie 5 gio
C. All the trains are on time C. Ti t ca doan tim d@u dgn dimg gio

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO(;lll nhfun
giup cac b(;lll co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nlm tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b(;lll da dong gop.

41-43 refer to the following conversation.
M: My Internet service is so slow. It's M: Dich V\1 m~ng cua toi cMm qua. N6
really affecting my work. I think it's that S\f {mh huang tffi cong vi~c CUa toi.
time that I changed Internet providers. Toi nghl day la thai di~m d~ toi thay d6i

W: You should contact Roger' Inc the nha cung d.p m~g.
company that I use. They have great W: B~;tn nen lien M v6i Cong ty Roger

service staff, and their technical d6 la cong ty toi dang dimg. HQ cung d.p
SU)lport is the best in the industry. nhan vien dich V\1 rit t6t Va ho trO cong

M: Thank you for the suggestion, I 'll ngh~ cua hQ la t6t nhit t.rong nganh.
keep that in mind. M: Cam on S\f g<;ri y cua b~;tn, toi se suy
W: And when you call, don't forget to nghl.
mention my name. They'll give you a W: v a khi b~ gQi, dimg quen nh~c dSn

new contract discount and credit my ten toi. HQ se lap cho b~;tn 1 hqp d6ng
account for refening a fiiend. tic chiSt khiu moi va cong nhan tai khotm
cua toi vi gi6i thi~u 1 nguoi b~;tn.

41. D
What is the man's r•roblem? N gtrOi (lim ong g~)l v~n (t~ gi?
A His computer is broken A. May tinh cua anh ta bi vo
B. His internet provider closed down B . Nha cung cip m~g cl.ia an ta

C. He cannot contact technical suppmt dong cua

D. His internet is slow c. Anh iy ko th~ lien h~ v6i ho tn;r
kY thuat
D. M~ng ctia a ~y ch~m

Why does the woman recommend T ~i sao ngtriri ph1;1 nu l~i giOi thi~u
Roger's Inc.? cong ty Roger?

A. They offer great technical A. Hq cung C~)l ha trc;r Icy thu~t tat

assistance B. HQ biw dam hoim l<;ti tign

B. They provide a money-back C. HQ giam gia su d\lng may tinh
guarantee D. HQ sua may tinh mien phi
C. They give discounts on used
D. They repair computers free of

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

What does the woman ask the man to N gtriri l)h1:J nfr yeu ciu ngtriri (lim ong
do? lam gi?
A. Go to nearby com)mter shO)) A. TOi gin ctia hang may tinh
B. Give her name when orde1ing a B. Cung d.p ten co ~Y khi yeu c~u

seivice cijch V\1
C. Talk to a se1vice staff member C. N6i chuy~n v6i 1 thanh viennhan

D. E-mail the company his details vien cijch V\1
D. Gm cho cong ty thong tin chi tigt

clia anh~y

44-46 refer to the following conversation.

M: Ma1ia, were you able to shil) the M: Ma1ia, chi c6 th~ chuy~n san phfim

JUoduct for the customer's order in khach da t$t dUn.g thm gian duqc ko?
time for delivery? tic
W: No, the shipping office was closed
this morning. I've already faxed them
W: Khong duqc dau, Van phong van
chuygn dong cua vao sang nay rbi .
chigu nay toi da fax cho hQ 2 l~n d~
twice this afternoon to remind them. nh~c .
M: Would you please try calling them? I M: Chi gQi hti cho hQ de k? Toi phai lien
have to contact the customer this h~ v6i khach t6i nay va cho a ~Y bigt la
evening, and I'd like to let him know khi nao tlu himg toi.

when the delivery will arrive. W: U, Toi se gQi ngay day.

W: OK, I will do it right way.


What did Maria do this afternoon? Co Maria da lam gi chi~u nay?

A Called the shipping company A GQi cho cong ty van chuygn
B. Sent a coUJ)Ie of faxes B. Gtii 2 cai fax

C. Photocopied records C. Photo tai li~u

D. Phac thao 1 dg xu~t

D. Drafted a proposal
Why would the man like Maria to T~i sao ngtriri dan ong muan co Maria
make a phone call? th1;fc hi~n cu~c gc,i?
A. To ensure the shi))))ing is done A. D~ ch~c ch~n vi~c chuy~n hang
B. To complain about the a customer (ta xong
C. To order a replacement product B. £)g pharr nan vg 1 khach hang
D. To complete the paperwork C. u g t$t san phfim thay thg

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach nay vi nlm tl1~ se
lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

D. ug hoan thanh cong vi~c (

gi~y to)

46. A
Why are the s11eakers concerned? T~i sao ngtriri noi l~i quan tam?

A. They need to deliver an order A. Hq cin chuy~n 1 •lO'n hang
B. They need to cancel an order B. Ho d.nhuy 1 don hang
C. They need more customer c. Ho d.n them thong tin kluich

infmmation hang
D. They need to fix their fax D. HQ c~n SUa may fax

47-49 refer to the following conversation.
M: Angela, I've just cornfirrned the M: Angela, Toi vita xac thai gian
depruture times and it looks like our train khoi hanh va hinh nhu la chuy@n tau cua
will be delayed a couple ofhours. It's chUn.g ta se bi hoan 2 gio. Hi~n t()i dm;rc
now ex11ected to leaved at 7 o'clock rnong la khoi hanh hie 7 gio.
W: That's a big problem. We won't W: To chuy~n r6i. ChUn.g taseko d@n
arrive in London in order to make our London kip CUQC h~n v6i d6i tac vao hie
9:00 meeting with our 11artners. 9gio

M: It will be okay, I was going to M: Cai d6 se 6n thoi . Toi se lien h~ voi

contact them anyway to comfirm that hQ b~ng rnQi each dg xac nhfulla hQ da
they received the documents I ~ dm;rc tai li~u toi chuygn luc sam
couriered earlier today. ngay horn nay.

W: Ahight, so you can let them know W: T6t r6i, vay cau n6i luon cho hQ bi@t
our situation. tinh hinh clia ta hi~n gio nha.

47. c

When is the train SUilllOsed to leave Khi nao •loan tau •ljnh riri ga?
the station? A Luc 3 gio
A. At 3 o'clock B. Luc 5 gio
B. At 5 o'clock c. Luc 7 giir
C. At 7 o'clock D. Luc 9 gio
D. At 9 o'clock

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nlm th~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

48. B
What is the woman concerned about? N guiri ))hi:J nu quan tam v~ (ti~u gi?
A. She can't confitm departure times A. Co ~y ko thg xac nh~n tn,rc tuygn
online dm;rc thai gian khm hanh
B. She will be late for B. Co ~Y se muqn 1 cuqc h~n

ana))))Ointment C. Co ~y dg nh~m cho cai hQp d6ng
C. She has misplaced the contact D. Co ~Y vira m~t 1 s6 tai li~u quan

D. She has lost some impmtant trong

49. c
Why was the man ))Ianning to contact T~i sao nguiri (tan ong (l,nh lien l~c
the ))artners? vOi (tai tac?
A. To discuss the presentation A. £)g th{w lu~ vg bai thuygt ttinh

B. To arrange acconunodation B. ug s~p xgp cho 6
C. To ensure that they received the c. D~ ch~c dng h«;l (}a nh~n (lU'c;rc tai
files li~u
D. To obtain directions to the office D. ug co dm;rc huang dan toi van
50-52 refer to the following conversation.
M: Good afternoon. I am here to M: Xin chao. T oi chuygn 2 goi hang cho
deliver two ))arcels for Karl Michaels. Anh Karl Michaels, a ~y co 6 van phong

Is this his office? ko chi?

W: Yes, but Mr. Michaels is out of W: Vang, Anh Michaels dang di cong
town on business. However, he should tac ngoai thanh ph6 r6i a a.Nhung chigu
' '
be back this afternoon. nay a ay seve.

M: Are you able to sign for the M: Chi co thg ki nmn ko? Hay toi se
documents? Or would you JUefer that I quay l<;ri vao 2 gio nua
return in a couple of hours? W: T oi co thg ki nmn no, xin hay dg goi

W: I can sign for them, just put the hang tren ban.

packages on the desk.

50. B
When does the man offer the return? N guiri (tan ong yeu du quay l~i khi
A. In an hour nao?
B. In two hours A. Trong 1 gio
C. Tomonow moming B. Trong 2 giir
D. Tomonow aftemoon C. Sang ngay mai
D. c higu ngay mai

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

51. A
Where is Mr. Michaels? Anh Michaels cr (tau?
A. On a business trip A. Dang di cong tac
B. In his office B . Trong van phong cua a ~y
C. At a meeting C. Trong cuoc hQp

D. Downtown D . Khu thuong rn()i
52. B

What are the speakers talking about? N gtriri noi (fang noi v~ cai gi?
A. A presentation A. 1 bai thuygt tJ.inh

B. A shi(lment B. 1 goi hang dU'f!c gifi
C. An office desk C. Ban van phong
D. A nip itineraty D. Kg ho;;tch cua 1 chuygn di

53-55 refer to the following conversation.
M: Welcome to Mitchelt's. Do you want
to hear about our specials today?
M : Chao rnimg dgn voi Mithchelt. B()n
c6 rnu6n nghe vg nhfrng rn6n d~c bi~t
W: I don't know what I feel like, so cua ngay horn nay ko?
what you recommend for lunch?, W: Toi ko bi~t minh thich gi nfra, Co
M: Well, our club sandwich is vety gi cho bfra trU'a nay?
popular, and I particularly like the M : Banh rni Sandwich cua toi r~t

chicken fingers that come with curly ph6 bign va toi d~c bi~t thich rn6n canh
fries. Does that sound good or shall I ga rna dUQC chien xU. B;;tn th~y de chu
name some other positions? hay toi se n6i them vai rn6n nfra?
W: I think I'lllook over the menu one W: Toi nghl toi se xem qua thl!C (ton 1

more time before I order. While I'm li n nfra truac khi gqi (ta. Trong luc toi
thinking, could you get me a chocolate nghl, cho toi 1 ly sfra so ca la nhe!


Where most likely are the S(leakers? N gtriri noi (fang cr (tau?
A. At a hotel A. d khach s()n
B. At a restaurant B. 0 nha hang
C. At a cooking class c. d lop d<;ty ~u an
D. At a farm D. d hang h;;ti

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO()ll nhfun
giup cac b()ll co tai li~u on tlli hi~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nlm tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b()ll da dong gop.

54. D
What does the woman ask the man to N gtriri tlhl:f nu yeu ciu ngtriri (lim ong
do? lam gi?
A. Join her for lunch A An tma cimg co iy
B. Bting hot the menu B. Mang cho co §.y th1,tc dcm moi nhit

C. Make her a club sandwich C. Mang cho co iy banh mi sacdwich
D. Suggest something to eat D. GQ'i y vai mon an cho co iy

55. D

What will the woman probably do N gtriri flhl:f nfr (ljnh lam gi ti~tl theo ?
next? A. U6ng ca phe
A. Drink her coffee B. Niu d6 an cho 1 nguoi b<;tn
B. Cook food for a friend C. Thanh toan h6a don

C. Pay her bill D. Can nh~c xem se gqi mon gi
D. Consider what she wants to offer
56-58 refer to the following conversation.
M: Hello, I'd like to atlflly for a credit M : Xin chao, Toi muan xin citl the tin
card. d~:~ng.
W: Do you have any identication W: Anh c6lo<;ti giiy to gi d~ xac minh
containing both your address and bao g6m ca dia chi va chfr ki ko?
signature, sir? M: Vang, toi c6. Day Ia b~ng lai xa cua

M: Yes, of course. Here's my driver's toi. Con yeu c~u gi khac vg mau cua vi~c
license. Do you require any other fmms xac minhk?
ofiD? W: Khong, Bfug lai xe la du r6i. A vui
W: No, This dtiver 's license is good long hoan thanh mau nay trong luc toi

enough. Why don't you start filling out flhoto b~ng lai xe cua anh.
this form while I flhotocotlY your
driver's lienee?

56. D
What would the man like to do? N gtriri (tan ong muan lam gi?
A. Fill out an application form A. Dign vao mau dang ki
B. Renew his dt-iver's license B. Utm l<;ti b~ng lai xe
C. Check his credit rating C. Ki~m tra tinh hinh tai chinh
D. Obtain a credit card D. Lam the tin d~:~ng

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach nay vi nlm tl1~ se
lam mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

57. B
What did the man JUovide the woman N gtriri (tan ong (lU'a gi cho ngtriri Jlhl:f
with? nu?
A. His credit card A. The tin d1,U1g
B. His driver's license B. B~ng lai xe

C. His passport C. Ho chigu
D. His reference letter D. Thu gi6i thi~u

58. B

What will the woman do? N gtriri I•h~;~ nu se lam gi?
A. Fill out the aplication form for the A. Hoim thlmh mau dang ki cho nguoi
man dan ong
B. Photocopy the man's identication B. Photo giiy xac nh~n cua ngtriri

C. Get the man a new driver's license (fan ong
D. Tell the man more about bank's c. Dua cho nguoi dan ong bkg lai xe
services m6i
D. N6i cho ngum d~m ong bigt nhigu
han vg dich V\1 cua ngan hang
59-61 refer to the following conversation.
M: So, Sarah, has the bank contacted M: Sarah nay, ngan hang da lien l<;tc v6i
you since your inte1view with them? cau tu khi hQ phong v~n cau chua?

W: Yes, they phoned this morning. They W: R6i, hQ vua gQi sang nay. HQ muan
want me to meet with the vice minh g~Jl Jlho giam (tac vao thu 2 tuin
JUesident of the company next too.
Monday. M: 6, 1 tin that tuy~t vm, khi niw thi

M: That's wonderful news! What time is g~p?

the inte1view? W: HQ mu6n g~p vao bu6i chigu ngay
W: They wants to meet in the aftemoon, sau bu6i tma. NhU'ng tO' (fa (f~ nghj Ia

1ight after lunch. But I asked if I could chuy~n buAi phong vin vao buAi sang.

have the interview in the morning


Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nlm tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

59. D
What's the main to)lic of the M1;1C (lich chinh cua CUQC noi chuy~n
conversation? Ia gi?
A. A restaurant rese1vation A. D~t cho nha himg
B. A business meeting B. Bu6i hQp kinh doanh

C. A conference C. Hoi nghj
D. A job interview D. Phong vin xin vi~c

60. c
Khi nao Sarah g~)l )lho giam (tac?

When will Sarah meeth wqith the
vice-)lresident? A Ngaymai
A. Tomonow B. Cubi tukn
B. At the end of the week c. Diu tuin tai

C. At the beginning of the next week D. D~u tilltng t6i
D. At the beginning of the next month

61. B
What request did Sarah make Sarah (fa yeu du gi v~ buAi )lhong vin
regarding ger second interview? thu2?
A. To after location A. Sau khi xac dinh vi tii

B. To modify the time B. Chuy~n thiri gian

C. To change the person interviewing C. Thay nguoi phong vk co iy
her D. D~t l<;ri ngay phong vfin
D. To reschedule the day of the


59-61 refer to the following conversation.


M: Ms.Jeffrey, I won't be able to attend M: Ms. Jeffrey. Thu 6 toi k th~ tham gia
the seminar on Friday, so could you bu&i hoi thlto, co co th~ chell l~i 1 sa y

take notes for me? chinh cho toi (lc k?

W: No problem, Mr.Pauls. Are you W: Ko vin d@ gi Mr. Pauls. Cubi cling
finally going on that vacation you've thi a cling c6 ki nghl nhu a tim.g n6i
been talking about? dimg k?
M: No unfortunately not. I have to leave M: That k may Ia k fai vay! T oi llhai too
for New York tomorrow morning to NY vao sang mai d~ g~p 1 khach hang
meet with our new client. We'll be moo. chong toi se thao lu~n v~ cac di~u
discussing negotiations for the khao cua hC!Jl (tAng t~i van tlhong cua

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

contract at his office. So I 'll need a few a ~y. Vi vay toi dn vai ngay dS hoan
extra days to finalize things. th~mh 1 s6 thu.
W: Wow, good luck with the tasks. I W: 6! Chuc a may m~n. Toi tirng nghe
heard that the Johnson & Johnson v~ hf!ll (tAng Joshson & Johnson se
contract would bring in a lot of mang v~ nhi~u lc;ri nhuan. T oi se cho a

revenue, I 'lllet you know if they discuss bigt ngu hQ thlto 1uan v@ bit ki di@u gi
anything impmtant all the seminar on quan trQng trong bu&i hoi thf10 hom thu

F1iday. 6.

62. c
What would the man like the woman N gtriri (lim ong muan ngtriri (lh1;1 nfr
to do? lam gi?

A. Schedule a meeting A. Len kg ho<;tch bu&i hQp
B. Contact a client in New York
C. Get information at a seminar
D. Make a travel anangements
tic B. Lien l<;tc v6i khach hang 6 NY
c. L~y thong tin v~ buAi hqi thao
D . S~p xgp 1 chuygn di
63. D
Where is Mr. Pauls going tomorrow? N gay mai Ong Pauls se (}i (}au ?
A. To a business lunch A. 1 bfra an tma

B . To a marketing presentation B. Toi 1 bu&i thuygt trinh v@ marketing

C. To a training workshop c. T oi hoi thao dao t<;to
D. To a client's office D. TOi van I•hong ctia khach hang

What does the woman infer about N gtriri (lh1;1 nfr (lhong (loan gi v~ cong
Johnson & Johnson? ty Johnson & Johnson?

A. They will increase the company's A Cong ty se tang lc;ri nhu~n


(lrOfit B . Cong ty ko thanh cong

B. The company isn' t very successful C. Cong ty mu6n chuySn vi hi
C. The company wishes to relocate D. HQ se gioi thi~u chlnh sach m6i
D. They will introduce new company

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b<;t11 co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b<;t11 da dong gop.

65-67 refer to the following conversation.

M: Ms.Dias, we' d like to introduce the M: Ms. Dias, chimg toi mu6n gioi thi~u
Spanish edition of Marketing a fin ban ti§ng Tay Ban Nha vg qu{mg dto
Successful Product by the end of the thimh cong san phfun vao cu6i quy nay.
qua1ter. W: Di~u 'to co nghia Ia tai co chu-a 't~n

W: That would mean I would have less 1 thang d~ hoan thanh bai dich a.
than a month to comt•lete the Khong kil• thai gian ,1~ dich 75 bai

transaction. That won't be enough bao 'tau.
time to translate a 75-t•age article. M: inn, chimg toi co thg hoan vm nha

M: Well, we may be able to delay the xufit b{m them 2 tufu! nfra. Th§ da &n
publishers a couple of extra weeks. chua?
Would that be better for you? W:N~u toi ca h~t me chi t~ll trung vao
W: If I dedicate myself exclusively to dl;f an nay thi 5 tuin moo co th~ xong

the llroject, five weeks could be (10'4;rc!

65. B
Who most likely is Ms. Dias? Ms. Dias co th~ Ia ai?
A. A Spanish diplomat A. Nha ngo<;~i giao Tay Ban Nha
B. A translator B. MQt d'ch gia
C. A publisher C. Mot nha xui t b{m

D. A marketer D. Mot ngum quang ctw

What would Ms. Dias like from the Ms. Dias muan gi tir ngtriri (fan ong ?

man? A 1 nha xuit ban mm

A. A new publisder B. Luong cao han
B . A higher sala1y C. MQt h~n hoan thanh cong vi~c

C. A new deadline moo


D. An assistant D. Mot n·<;r li

How will Ms.Dias make the due date? Ms. Dias se lam gi ,1~ hoan thanh 'tung
A. By focusing only on the h~n?
translation of the book A. Chi t~1• trung vao dich sach
B. Be delaying a business hip B. Hoan chuy§n cong t<ic
C. By hiring an assistant c. Thue tr<;rli
D. By shmtening the a1ticle D. Rut ngik bai bao

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO()ll nhfun
giup cac b<;lll co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun m ftt di gia tri rna cac b<;lll da dong gop.

68-70 refer to the following conversation.

M: Did you see the review written UJl M: C~u co nhin th~y bili vi~t tAng hc;rp
about Tangy Babgkok? It sounds like v~ Nha Hang Tangy Bangkok ko? No
it has the best Thai food in town. (lU'Q'C noi d~n nhU' 1 nha hang •lA Thai

W: I read the article, but I don't know ngon nh~t thi tr~n.
if I agree. I had lunch there with Bill this W: Toi •lQc rAi, nhllllg toi k hfulla dbng

past Monday. The food was just so-so, y. Thu 2 tukn tmoc toi da an tma odo
and the setvice could have been much voi Bill. Db an thi t<;tm duqc, dich V\1 thi

better. co ve t6t han.
M: Wow! That 's surprising. What did M: vay hii. Khong khi a •lo th~ nao?
you think of the atlosllhere? The Nguiri vi~t noi dng a •lo dt tho vi.
writ~ up said it was really fun. W: U, no kha Ia dqc •lao, nhllllg ciing

W: Yes, it was quite unique, but it khong la gi so voi gia qua d~t va db thi

prices and average dishes.

doesn't make up for the outrageous ciing thuong thoi.
68. D
What tyJle of business is being talked Doanh nghi~J) nao •lang (lU'Q'C noi too?
about? A D<;li ly du hch

A. A travel agency B. Cua himg t<;tp hoa

B. A grocery store c. Tobao
C. A magazine D. Nha hang
D. A restaurant

How did the man learn about the Lam th~ nao ngtriri dan ong bi~t v~

business? doanh nghi~ll ?

A. Tir 1 bai tren t~Jl chi

A. From a newspaper article

B. From a colleague B. Tit I dbng nghi~p
C. From a pamphlet C. Tit 1 cu6n sach huang dan du
D. From a news program lich
D. Tit 1 chuang tdnh bi'm tin
What did the woman like about the N gtriri Jlht;t nu thich gi a doanh
business? nghi~Jl?
A The staff

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b<;lll co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nlm th~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b<;lll da dong gop.

B. The location B. Vi t.ti

C. The atmosllhere c. Khong khi
D. The food D. Thuc an


7 1-73 refer to the following conversation.
Miss Damon. This is Peter Bedford Chao co Damon. T oi la Peter Bedford

calling from the Air-Italia Airlines gQi tir Doi bao v~ hang hang khong
security desk. I'm hallllY to inform you Italia. T oi r~t vui thong bao voo co

that we have located your baggage dng chong toi •la tim •lU'f!c himh li
from flightA1893. We'll be delivering cua co tir chuy~n bay sa hi~u AI 893.
it to the N ardizzi Hotel. I believe this is ChUn.g toi se chuy~n n6 tm kbach s~
your location while you're staying in Nardizzi. Toi tin do Ia •l~a chi cua co

Rome. The delivery should arrive this trong khi co cr Rome. H anh li se •lc
afternoon before 4 p.m. Should you chuy~n too truO'c 4h chi~u nay. N gu co
have any questions, please contact me at c6 b~t ki cau hoi gi xin hay gQi cho toi
1-888-567-4FLY. We sincely apologize theo s6 1-888-567-4. Chling toi th\l'c S\1'
for any inconvenience this may have xin loi Vi b~t ki S\1' b~t ti~n nao xay ra vffi
caused you and thank you once again for co va 1 lfin nfra xin cam on vi co van tigp
your continued patronage. t\lc la khach hang tt·ung thanh clia hang.

71. c
What is the man calling about? N guiri •lan ong gqi too vi vi~c gi?
A. A document A T ai li~u

B. An airline delay B. Hoan chuygn bay

C. A piece of luggage c. 1 tui hanh li
D. A travel itinerary D. Kg ho~ch vg 1 chuygn di

Ms. Damon co th~ nh~n •lU'f!C goi hang

Where can Ms. Damon eXJlect to

receive the delivery? cr •tau?
A. At her hotel A Khach s~n
B. At the post offce B. Btru di~n
C. At the airpost c. San bay
D. At the secmity desk D. Doi baov~

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

73. B
When can Ms. Damon eXJlect the Khi nao co Damon co th~ nh~n dU'f!C
delivery? goi hang?
A. This moming A. Sang nay
B. This afternoon B. Chi~unay

C. Tomorrow morning c. Sang ngay mai
D. Tomorrow afternoon D. chigu ngay mai

74-76 refer to the following conversation.

Good evening, shoppers! Our store will Chao bu6i t6i tit ca cac tin d6 mua s~m,
be closing in 10 minutes. Please take allciia hang cua chong toi se •long ciia
of your purchases to the nearest cashier trong 10 Jlhot nua. Xin hay liy tit ca
counter. And don' t miss out on our himg b~n mua toi qu~y thanh toan g~n

specials available in the cleaning dimg quen nhiing uu dai cUte bi~t
products section. All laundry detergents a
c6 san khu V\.fC san ph~m lam S<;tch. Tit
are at 25% off the orginal sticker cMt t~y giam 25% so voi gia g6c.
The customer setvice desk is now Ban clich Vl,l khach hang dong cua ngay
closing. Should you have any bay gio. N~u b~n co bit ki cau hoi nao
questions, Jllease ask to Sfleak to the xin hay noi vOi quan li chju trach
manager on duty, Ms. Barbara nhi~m, co Barbara Henderson. Chimg
Henderson. We're pleased to announce toi han h<;tnh thong bao r~ng gio rna cua

that our regular business hours have thuang 1~ cua cua hang se duqc rna rong
been extended to serve all your shopping d~ ph1,1c V\1 mQi nhu c~u mua s~m. B~t
needs. Beginning next Monday, our •l~u tir thO: 2 tu~n sau, khung giir ho~t
new hours of operation will be 8 a.m •lQng moo cua chong toi Ia 8 giir sang-
to 10 Jl.m, every day of the week. We'd 10 giirtai tit ca cac ngay trong tu~n.

like to thank you once again Mot l~n nua cho chimg toi xin tran trQng
cam em quy khach.

74. B
Why is the announcement being T~i sao thong bao l~i dU'f!c •lU'a ra?
made? A Huang dan mQi ngum dSn clich
A. To direct people to customer setvice v1,1 khach hang
B. To inform customers that the B. D~ thong bao cho khach hang
store is closing dng ciia hang s~1• •long ciia
C. To introduce the new manager on c. Gioi thi~u qu{m 1i ph1,1 trach
duty m6i
D. To advertise the prices of produce D. Quang cao gia cua san ph~

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nlm tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

Who should customers ask question N~u co cau hoi, khach hang hoi ai?
to? A. Quan li
A. The manager B. N guoi thu ngan
B. The cashier C. Doi bao v~

C. The secmity guard D. D<;~i di~n dich V\1 khach hang
D. The customer service representative

What change will be introduced next Co thay (tAi gi (fU'c;rc giOi thi~u vao
;, t'01.

week? tuan
A. A new cashier will be hired A. Nhan vien thu ngan mm dm;tc time
B. Special discounts will be introduced B. Giam gia ~c bi~t duqc dua ra
C. The store will stay o1•en longer C. Cifa hang se mO' cifa lau hO'n

D. The store will receive a shipment D. Cua hang se nhan chuygn hang
77-80 refer to the following conversation.
Welcome to Pelter Monison. My nane
is Cameron and I will be serving you
Chao dgn voi Pelter Morisson.
Ten toi Ia Camaron va toi se Ia nguiri
this afternoon. We have two special ph~;~c V1;1 b~n chi~u nay. ChUn.g toi co 2
dishes prepared by om chef this lunch. I mon d~c bi~t duqc chuful bi boi d~u bgp
would highly recommend both the sun chigu nay. Toi d~ xu~t The sun dried
dtied tomato and feta stuffed chicken or tomato va ga nhAi 1•ho mat ho~c the

the wild 1ice stuffed bell pepers. Both wild rice (lU'c;rc nhAi boo bell1•e1•ers. Ca
items are priced at 17 dollars and are 2 mon tren d~U 17$ va (fU'Q'C kem VOl 1
served with a CUll of soup and a side bat su1• va 1 ph~n rau tron. Banh ngQt
salad. Om pastry chef has also added an cfing duqc them vao mon n·ang mi~ng .

item to the desse1t menu. It's a lavender Banh kem trfrng co mid boa oai hU'ang
infused mousse cake served with (lU'c;rc lam vOi kem (tanh (f~c l~nh gia
chilled whiJllled cream for 8 dollars. 8$. B<;~n co mu6n u6ng gi trong khi dua

Would you like something to drink while ra quygt dinh ko?


you are making yom decisions?

Who most likely is the SJleaker? N guiri noi gi~ng ai?
A. A waiter A. N guiri 1•h~;~c V1;1
B. A food critic B. Nha phe binh fun th\l'C
C. A cook c. N guoi n~u an
D. A receptionist Le
o. tan

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO()ll nhfun
giup cac b<;lll co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nlm tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b<;lll da dong gop.

What accom1•anies the Sllecial dishes? Mon an (l~c bi~t (ti cimg vOi cai gi?
A. Patiies A. Banh ngQt
B. SOUil B. SuJl
C. Rice C. Com

D. Desse1t D. M6n hang mi~ng

How much does the lavender mosse Banh kern l~nh hu011g boa oai hu011g

cake cost? gia bao nhieu?
A. Six dollars A. 6$
B. Eight dollars B. 8$
C. Fifteen dollars C. 15$

D. Seventeen dollars D. 17$

Phases ComJlany marketing

80-82 refer to the following conversation.
Good morning. As director of the Chao bu&i sang, La quan li cua Van
I• hong marketing cong ty Phases. Hom
de1•artment. I am happy to announce nay toi han h<;mh thong bao vai tin t6t.
today some great news. Our company Cong ty cua chong toi tang vqt gin
has achieved record sales this quarter, 15% doanh sa ban trong quy nay. Toi
a jum1• of nearly 15%. I believe this tin tuCmg S\I tang hUCmg nay lien quan

growth is directly related to the excellent tn,rc tigp dgn qui'mg cao tuy~t vm duqc
advettising our team developed to chUn.g toi phat tii~n d~ thuc diy dong san
promote the new product line. I am ph~m moi. Toi t\I tin r~ng b~n se d.t
confident that you will be thlilled to hear phk kh6i vi S\I tang. huang l~c quan
nay, tit ca nhan vien cua cong ty

that due to the positive growth, all

Phases ComJlany em1lloyees will Phases se dU'q'C tang ti~n thucmg trong
receive an increase in their yearly nam nay


Who is the s1•eaker? N guiri noi Ia ai?
A. A sales representative A. D<;ti di~n ban hang
B. A comJlany' s deJlartment head B. Van llhong tr~;~ sa cua cong ty
C. A public relations officer C. Nhan vi en quan h~ cong chUn.g
D. A newspaper j ounalist D. Ph6ng vien t~p chi

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

81. D
What is this announcement about? Thong bao nay noi gi?
A. A new job opporhmity A. Mot co hoi cong vi~c m6i
B. A newspaper article B. Mot bai btw
C. A new product c. San ph§m m6i

D. A rise in sales D. Tang doanh sa ban

82. c

According to the announcement, what Theo thong bao thi nhan vien se nh~n
will staff members receive? (fU'Q'C gi?
A New employees A Nhan vien m6i
B. Larger office space B. Van phong rong han

C. An increase in bonus c. Tang ti~n thU'O'Ilg
D. The new product line tic
83-85 refer to the following conversation.
D. Dong san phfun m6i

Godd evening. This is Dialna Miles at Chao bu6i tbi. T oi la Dialna Miles clia
PRCK Light Jazz, your favorite jazz PRCK Light Jazz- chuyen ml)c ~c
music station. I wanted to remind all of Jazz b;;tn yeu thich. Toi mubn nh~c l;;ti
you that Kevin Onawa, a renowed v6i t~t ca cac b<;~n r~ng tbi mai ngh~ si

Jlianist, will be perfonning with the dU'Ollg c~m nAi ti~ng Kevin Onawa se
Toronto Symphony Orchestra tomonow c6 bu&i bigu dien t<;tiToronto Symphony
night. At eight-nine years old, Orchestra. 0 tuAi 89, Ong Onawa se la
Mr. Onawa will be the oldest member to thanh vien 16n tu6i nh~t timg bu&i dien

ever perfmm a piano solo alongside the so-lo dQc theo nh6m n&i tigng. Bu6i bigu
famous group. The conceit will be aired dien se dien ra t<;ti PRCK Light Jazz tir 6
on PRCK Light Jazz fi·om 6 p.m to 8 gio- 8 gio tbi . Chim.g toi r~t xuc dong

p.m. We are also tluilled to announce thong bao r~ng sang thtr 6 ong Onawa
ciing se tham gia vOi chong toi t~i

that Mr. Onawa will join us here at

PRCK Light Jazz Friday morning. Be PRCK Light Jazz. Hay cMc ch~n nh6
sure to remember to listen to this once- dg nghe bu&i phong v5n 1 lfin duy nh~t
in-a-lifetime inte1view. That's Friday trong doi. Vao luc 9h sang thtr 6 nhe!
morning at 9 a.m.

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;lll nhfun
giup cac b<;tn co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.

Who is the subject of this re11ort? Ai Ia (tai ttrc;mg ctia thong bao nay?
A. A 1lianist A. N gh~ si dU'ong cim
B. A jazz artist B. N~c si nhc;tc Jazz
C. A radio armouncer c. Phat thanh vien

D. A music critic D. Nhlt phe binh fun nhc;tc
84. D

How old is Mr. Onawa? Ong Onawa bao nhieu tuAi?
A. Eight A.8

B. Eighteen B. 18
C. Eighty-seven C. 87
D. Eighty-nine D. 89
85. B

At what time on Friday will Mr. Thlf 6 loc m~y giir ong Onawa (lU'C!C
Onawa's interview be on air? tic phong v~n t.,c tuy~n?
A. At 7.00 a.rn A. 7 gio sang
B. At 9.00 a.m B. 9 giir sang
C. At 6.00 p.rn c. 6 gio t6i
D. At 8.00 p.rn D. 8 gio t6i

86-88 refer to the following conversation.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are extremely Thua cac quy ong va quy ba, chimg toi
honored to have tonight's guest speaker r~t vinh d\I don ti§p khach rnm bu6i t6i
here with us. I'm sure I don't have to horn nay. Toi ch~c r~ng rninh khong dn

remind you of Dr. Nathan East's most phai nh~c l<;ti vg Giao SU' Nathan Easrt
11rominent works, including his - nguiri (f~t (fC thanh cong XU~t chong
reseach on the effects of global bao gAm nghien CtfU v~ anh hU'Ong ctia

warning. After listening to Dr. East trai (l~t nong len. Sau khi nghe Giao
SU' East noi v~ nhfrng v~n (f~ moi

s11eak at the Global Enviroment

Agenda in Tokyo last summer. I asked trU'irng toan du t~i Tokyo he nam
him to present here tonight, though I was ngoai. T oi da dg nghj ong trinh bay vao
surptised to hear that he would be t6i nay, toi ngc;tc nhien khi bi§t r~ng ong
interested in speaking to such a small r~t hU:ng thu dien thuy§t v6i nhom nho
grou11 like ours. Dr. East' s talk tonight nhU' chong ta. T6i nay, chu dg giao su
is entitle "Simple Ways to Reverse the East n6i vg ''Nhfrng each don gian dg t~
Effects of Global Wanring". We are dt,mg nhiing anh huang cua vi~c tnh ~t
pleased to have you with us Dr. East.

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlri lri~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nlm tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

nong len". chUn.g toi d.t han h~ duqc

don tigp Giao su East.

86. B
Who is Nathan East? Nathan East Ia ai?
A. An astronomer
B. An environmentalist
tic A. Nha thien van hQc
B. Nha moi trU'img h~c
C. An urban planner c. Ngum quy ho:;tch do thi
D. A chemist o. Nha hoa hQc

Nguiri noi bi~tNathan East nhU' th~

How does the SJleaker know Nathan

East? nao?
A. She attended one of his previous A. Co iy tirng tham gia mQt buAi
talks noi chuy~n ctia ong iy
B. She assisted him on a research B. Co ~y giup ong ~y nghien cliu d\I

project an
C. She dined with him in Tokyo C. Co ~y an cimg ong ~y 6 Tokyo

D. She was one ofhis students D. Co ~y la 1 hQc sinh clia ong ~y


88. c
What does the S)leaker say about the N gti'OO noi (la noi gi v~ khan gia?
audience? A. v ai thanh vien chu ch6t da roi di
A. It has lost some key members B. HQ hoan thanh vai nghien cliu thu
B. It has done some exciting research VJ
C. It is quite small in number C. sa
IU'f!llg kha it
D. They are globally recognized D. HQ la t& chuc toan du

89-91 refer to the following conversation.

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

Good evening. Thank you for joining us Chao bu&i tbi. Cam on da tham gia cimg
here at Gossip Cental. I'm Jenny chimg toi t<;ti Gossip Cental. Toi la Jenny
Jenskin. We have special guest with us Jenskin. Hom nay c6 1 vi khach d~c bi~t
here in studio today, Ms. Sarah Polly, dgn truCm.g quay , co Sarah Polly, giam
director of the hit movie "Jumping (}~c san xuit b9 llhim thanh cong

though Hoops". Actors and producers "Jumping though Hoops". Dien vien va
alike have praised Ms. Polly's directmial nha san xu~t duqc khen ng<;ri ngay lk

debult as reaching new heights in d~u ra m~t bm giam dbc Polly nhu la d<;tt
Hollywood. The stmyline of this film dinh cao moi 6 Hollywood. cbt chuy~n

minors the hardships that Sarah herself cua phim phan anh S\1' gian nan khi Sarah
has faced tluoughout her life. After wminh dbi m~t voi cu()c sbng cl.ia minh.
many years of truggling in the film Sau nhigu nam no l\l'C trong nganh cong
industry. It looks as though Ms. Sarah nghi~p phim. Duong nhu co Sarah Polly

Polly has finally caught a break. So Ms. cubi cimg ciing d<;tt dinh digm cua S\1'
Polly, how did you stay motivated over nghi~p. Co Polly, lam thg nao co gift
nearly a decade? Ten years can seem d()ng l\l'c g§n thap nien qua? 10 nam
like a lifetime. Many people would have gi~ng nhU' 1 cu9c 'too. R~t nhigu nguoi
given up after just five years or so. da tir b6 chi sau 5 nam ho~c hon.
What is Gossi1• Central? Gossi1• Centalla gi?

A Magazine A 1 to bao
B. A film B. 1 b() phim
C. A radio show C. 1 chU'ong trinh radio
D. A conceit D. 1 bu&i bigu dien

90. D
Who is Sarah Polly? Sarah Polly Ia ai ?

A A motivational speaker A Dien gia nghien CUu vg d()ng l\l'C


B. An actor B. Dien vien

C. A producer C. Nha san xu~t
D. A director D. Giam 't~c

91. B
How long has Ms. Polly worked in her Co Sarah Polly 'ta lam vi~c trong
industry? nganh Jlhim bao lau?
A Five years A 5 nam
B. Ten years B. 10 nam

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b<;lll co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b<;lll da dong gop.

C. Fifteen years c. 15 nam

D. T wenty years D. 20 nam

92-94 refer to the following conversation.

Good morning, this is Christina from Chao bu&i sang, toi Ia Christina gQi Ia

Jiffy Lube Car Services. We're been a Djch vt;~ o to Jiffy Lube. t6i la
member of the Better Business Bureau thanh vien cua Better Business Bureau

for over five years and we' s proud to han 5 nam va chong toi tl! hao thong
announce the grand Ollening of our bao I~ khanh thanh quan trQng cua

new and im1uoved store. That's 1ight, ciia hang moo va dU'Q'C siia chfra. Vang,
we're expanded. We still offer the same chim.g toi da mo rong han. toi
great service on oil changes, tire van cung d_p dich V\1 tuy~t VOl nhu trUOC
rotation, alignment, and windsheild khi thay d~U, S\1' quay vong, S\1' lien k§t

repair. To celebrate the grand opening of va sua kinh ch~n xe. Nhan dip le khanh
our new store, we are offe1ing a special thanh cua hang mai, chUn.g toi cung c~p
discount. Only this weekend, 1mrchase giam gia <Ute bi~t. Chi cu~i tuin nay,
any discounted service 1•ackage and mua bit ki goi djch Vt;I khuy~n m~i
receive a free oil change. Ifyou would nao b~n se (}U'f!C thay diu mi~n Jlhi.
like to more infonnation, or to book an N§u b~n mu6n c6 nhigu thong tin han
appointment, please call us at 679-7310. ho~c d~t lich, hay gQi theo s6 679-7310.

92. c
What kind of com1lany is being Lo~i cong ty nao (fang (fU'Q'C quang
advertised? cao?
A. Shipping company A. Cong ty v~n chuy~n

B. Renovation services B. Nang c~p dich V\1

C. Auto re1•air shot• C. Ciia hang siia chfra t1;r (f~ng
D. Food deli ve1y D. V~n chuy~n d6 an

What has the com1•any recently done? Gin (fay cong ty hoan thanh cai gi?
A. Introduced new products A. Gim thi~u san ph§m mai
B. Opened a new store B. MO' 1 ciia hang moo
C. Calebrated an anniversary c. Le ki ni~m
D . Founded a new company D. Thanh lap cong ty mai

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

What do customers receive this Khach hang nh~n (lU'Q'C gi n~u chi
weekend only with the tmrchase of a mua goi d'ch VI;) VaO cuai tu~n?
service ))ackage? A. Thay d~u mi~n ))hi
A. A free oil change B. Danh gia mien phi

B. Free estimates c. Dich v1,1 1 gia
C. Hourly service D. The uu dai khach himg

D. A prefen ed customer card

95-97 refer to the following conversation.
Next up at 6:00, a special look at health Tigp theo luc 6 gio, 1 cuoc kigm t:ra sue
care. But first, at the city courthouse khoe d~c bi ~t. NhU'ng trU'ac tien, hom
today, members of the community met nay t~i to a an thanh pha, nhan dan

with local law enforcement officials to (t'a ))bU'Ollg g~)) chinh thuc nba thi
discuss the growing tnoblem of tic hanh J)haJ) lu~t (t'a phU'Ollg d~ thao
violence. Domestic disputes were the lu~n 81! tang len ctia b~o l~;fc. Nhfrng
main area of concern. The police force is b~t d6ng nQi bQ la khu Vl)'C chinh dU<;YC
consideting a zero tolerance policy with quan tam. Ll)'Cluqng canh sat dang can
regard to an ests. Many SU))))Orters of nhttc chinh sach khong khoan dung v6i
the decision feel that it will he))) to vi~c b~t gift. Nhi~u nguiri ting hQ quy~t
make the community a safer )dace. d'nh nay no se gill)) CQng (tang an toan

And judges believe it will reduce the bOll. v a th~m phan tin r~ng n6 se giam
number of cases brought to court. S\1' vi~c giai quygt tren toa an. Tuy
However, a few U))Set citizens joined nhien, 1 va i cong da n ))han (tai khi co
the tasks downtown to raise concerns cong vi~c ngoai th' tr~n hq dt quan

about the ))Ossibility of false tam v~ vi~c b' buQc tQi sai va b~t gifr
accusations and wrongful arrests. trai ))he)).

95. c
CuQc hQJ) di~n ra 0' dau ?

Where did the meeting take tdace?

A. At a community college A. Tmong cao d~ng, d()i hQc
B. At a local police division B. Phong canh sat dia phuong
C. At the courthouse c. Toaan
D. At a judge's residence D.

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;> i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nlm tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

96. D
What was the subject of the S1:f vi~c cua CUQC t~ll trung Ia gi?
gathering? A. Xay d\ffig nhigu van phong cong
A. Building more public offices c()ng
B. Lowe1ing the cost of health care B. Giam chi phi cham soc sue khoe

C. Reducing the number of the C. Giam s6 nhan vi en canh sat van
police officers phong

D. Im1noving the safety of the D. Tang cuirng an ninh cQng (tAng

Why were some 1•eo1•le against the T~i sao l~i co mQt sa ngll'iri llhan (tai
talks? CUQC noi chuy~n?

A. Innocent lleOJlle may be arrested A. N gll'iri vo tQi co th~ bj b~t
B. The number of jobs will decrease B. s6luong nghg nghi~p giam
C. It will ha1m the community C. N6 gay h(U cho c()ng d6ng
D. The program will be too costly D. Chuang tdnh qua t6n kern
98-1 00 refer to the following conversation.
Hello, Bob. This is Wanda St. Piene Chao Bob. Toi la Wanda St. Piene tir
fi.·om parking services. I wanted to dich V\1 do xe. T oi muan thong bao vOi

inform you that the )larking garage b~n r~ng khu V1:fC (1~ xe se sfra chua
will be under reJlairs beginning on b~t (l~u vao thu 3 trong khi cac vk dg
Tuesday while some issues with the CUa cac CO SO vat ch~t dUQC quan tam.
facilities are taken care of. The Jnoject n., an se di~n ra trong ngay va se s~n

should require three days, and the sang ph~;~c VI;J vao thu 6. T oi tin r~ng r~t
area should be available by Friday. I nhigu nhan vien cua b~n lai xe di lam vi
realize that many of your employees vay chimg toi xin loi vi b~t ki S\I b~t ti~n

drive to work, so please apologize for nao. 1 tuy~n xe buyt se (lU'f!C cung cip
tir cua vao chinh m~i buAi sang va

any inconvenience this may cause them.

A shuttle bus will be provided from chi~u thu 4,5. Hay cho chimg toi bigt
the main entrance each morning and ngU b~n CO CUQC hQp nao ngoai thj tr~n
afternoon on Wednesday and va toi c6 thg s~p xgp phuong ti~n.
Thusday. Let me know if you have any
downtown meetings, and I should be
able to arrange transportion.

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nhu tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.

What is being worked on? Cai gi dU'f!c tac (tQng?
A. The parking garage A. Ch~ d~ xe
B. The main entrance B. L6i vao chinh
C. The shuttle bus C. Tuy§n xe bus

D. The computer network D. M<;mg lum may tinh
99. D

When is the parking garage avalaible Khi nao ch~ (1~ xe Jlht;~c V1;J trcr l~i?
again? A. Thu3

A Tuesday B. Thu4
B. Wednesday C. Thu5
C. Thursday D. Thlf6
D. Friday

How does Ms. St. Pierre offer help? Co St. Pierre giuJl dfr nhU' th~ nao?
A Give directions to the parking lot A. Dua ra huang dan do xe
B. W1ite a repmt outlining the repairs B. Vi§t blm thao bao cao vi~c sua
C. Provide tranSJlortation for chfra
emJlloyees c. C~Jl JlhU'ong ti~n cho nhan vien
D. Send staff to help repair the garage D. Gm nhan vien d~ giup sua chfra
cho d~ xe

Quy~n sach m'ly do nhiing th~mh vien nhi~t tinh nhftt cua group "Toeic Practice Club" bien so~n nhfun
giup cac b~ co tai li~u on tlli lli~u qua. Mong m<;>i ngrrm dimg mua ban quy~n sach m'ly vi nlm tl1~ se
Hun mftt di gia tri rna cac b~ da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

Q. 41-43 refer to the following conversation.Cau hoi 41-43 theo doi cu9c h9i tho~i sau
M. So, who is going to head the new day.
department?<4 •> M. Nhu vfty, ai se la nguoi dtmg aftu phong ban

W . The job went to Ms. Williams. moi?
M . Really? I thought Mr. Wong and Ms. W. Cong vi~c da giao dSn ba Williams.

Newman were being considered. I wonder why M. Thftt khong vfty? T oi nghi ong Wong va ba
Mr. Smith went with Ms. Williams<42>. Newman eta duqc xem xet. Toi tl,l' hoi la ~i sao

W . Well, it's probably because she has more ong Smith da di voi ba Williams.
work experience(43). W. Vang, no co thS la vi coda co kinh nghi~m
lam vi~c nhiSu han.

What does the man want to know? Nguoi dan ong mu6n biSt diSu gi?
(A) Who will be the leader of the new (A) Ai se h1 ngU'Oi Hinh d~o cua phong ban

department tic
(B) Why Ms. Newman tumed down the
(B) T~i sao ba Newman tir ch6i SlJ ph1,1c v1,1?
(C) Ba William co bao nhieu kinh nghi~m
(C) How much wmk experience Ms. (D) Khi nao phong ban moi se rna
Williams has
(D) When the new department will open

Who made the promotion decision? Ai ra quySt Qinh thang chuc?

(A) Ms. Williams (A) Ba Williams
42. (B) Mr. Wong (B) Ong Wong

(C) Ms. Newman (C) Ba Newman

(D) Mr. Smith (D) Ong Smith

According to the woman, why did the Theo nguoi ph1,1 nu, t~i sao cong vi~c giao den

job go to Ms. Williams? Ba Williams?

(A) She has more work experience. (A) Ba iy co kinh nghi~m lam vi~c nhi~u hon.
43. (B) She was most liked by the boss. (B) Ba ~Y duqc giam d6c thich nhlt.
(C) She has been with the company the (C) Ba ~y da lam vi~c a cong ty lau nh~t.
longest (D) Ba ~y co m6i quan h~ voi giam d6c.
(D) She is related to the boss.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

Q. 44-46 refer to the following conversation.

M. This is your room key and this is a M. Day la chia khoa phong cua b~n va day la
complimentary breakfast coupon you can m9t phisu giam gia bua an sang miSn phi b~
use in our restaurant in the morning.<44•45> co ths su dt,mg trong nha hang cua chting toi vao

W. Thank you vety much. Could you also tell bu6i sang.
me how often your shuttle bus to the aitpmt W. Cam an b~n rftt nhiSu. B~n co thS noi cho

tuns ? t6i biSt khoang bao lau xe bu)rt dua don cua b~
M. The bus leaves here every ten minutes(4 6). dSn san bay c~y?

W. Thank you. I'd like these bags sent up to M. Xe buyt roi khoi day cu muoi phut la co.
my room now, please. W. Cam an b~n. Toi mu6n nhfrng chiSc till nay
duqc dua dSn phong cua t6i bay gio, xin vui

Where is this conversation taking place? Cu9c h9i tho~i dien ra a dau?

(A) In an aitpmt
(B) At a bus stop
(C) In a restaurant
tic (A) Trong m9t san bay
(B) T ~i m9t tr~m xe buyt
(C) Trong m9t nha rumg
(D) T~i m{)t quiy 1~ tan khach s~n
(D) At a hotel front desk

What is the woman doing? N guoi ph\1 nfr dang lam gi?
(A) Checking into the hotel (A) Dang ky vao khach s~n

45. (B) Waiting for the shuttle bus (B) Dang cho xe bu)rt dua don
(C) Buying airline tickets (C) Mua ve may bay
(D) Finishing up her meal (D) KSt thuc bfra an cua minh

How often does the bus run? Bao lau thi xe buyt ch~y?
(A) Every five minutes (A) Cu m6i nam phut

46. (B) Every ten minutes (B) co- m~i muiri phut

(C) Evety half hour (C) Cu m6i nua gio

(D) Ev ety hour (D) Cu m6i gio

Q. 47-49 refer to the following conversation. M. Toi da xem qua cac cu9c nghien cliu thi
M. I've been reading up on the latest market uuong moi nhftt va t6i thvc sv nghi r~ng chting
studies and I really think we should get our ta nen d~t chan vao thi uuang qufui ao tre em.
foot into the children's clothing market<47). W. Toi d6ng y voi b~n. Toi luon luon cam thfty
w. I agree with you. I always felt that we have r~ng chling t6i phai rna r9ng llnh V\}'C doanh cua

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

to expand our business and this will give us chUn.g t6i kirili va disu nay se dua cho chUn.g tei
an opportunity to break into a new m<?t co h<?i ds d<?t phi vao m<?t thi huang mai.
market<48>. M. Vang, thi huang thi r~t 16n va co ch6
M. Yes, the market is huge and there is room dS chting tOi pMt triSn a do. T~i sao chUn.g ta

for us to grow there. Why don't we have a khong co m<?t cu<?c h9p trong tu§n nay ds theo
meeting this week to pursue this issue du6i v~n dS nay xa han nfra?

further?<48> W. R6i. Toi se noi chuy~n voi d9i ngil thiSt kS
W. All right. I'll talk to the design team and va nhom l~p ks ho~ch ngay hom nay va yeu c~u
the planning team today(49) and ask them to h9 phai chlilin bi m9t dti gi do cho cu<?c h9p.

prepare something for the meeting.

What are they discussing ? H 9 dang thao lu~n ve nhfrng gi?

(A) A future project for the company (A) M~t dt! an tU'ong lai cho cong ty

47. goes shopping

(B) A market where the woman always

(C) The new design team the man is

(B) M<?t thi huang noi rna nguoi ph1,1 nfr luon
luon di mua sfun
(C) N guoi dim ong dilng d~u nhom thiSt kS moi.
heading (D) Qu§n ao cua nguoi ph1,1 nfr da mua cho con
(D) The clothes the woman bought for cua co ay.
her children

What does the man suggest? Nguoi dan ong co gqi y gi?
(A) To explore a new market (A) D~ kham pha m~t th! trU'img mOi
48. (B) To hire new designers (B) BS thue thiSt kS moi

(C) To get another room (C) BS co duqc m9t phong kMc

(D) To stop going to the market (D) BS dirng v i~c di chq

What will the woman do today? Nhfrng gi nguoi ph1,1 nfr se lam gi hom nay?

(A) Play with her children (A) Choi voi con cai
49. (B) Talk to some co-workers (B) Noi chuy~n vOi m~t s~ d~ng nghi~p
(C) Read the latest market studies (C) BQC cac nghien CUu thi huang mai nh~t
(D) Buy some children's clothes (D) Mua m9t s6 qu§n ao h·e em

Q. 50-52 refer to the following conversation. W. ChUn.g t6i dang lam vi~c a day h·ong ngay.
NSu b~n dang di vS nha t6i co thS tha b~ xu6ng
a m<?t ga tau di~n ngfun lan c~n.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia hi rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

W. We're done here for the day. If you're going M. Tht,rc ra, t6i dn phai quay tro l~i van phong
home I could drop you off at a nearby dS nh~n m9t ~p tai li~u cho m9t cu9c h9p tOi co
subway station.(5o) voi ong Cmtis vao d~u bu6i sang ngay mai. Toi
M. Actually, I need to go back to the office to se di th~ng dSn van phong CUa ong truoc khi t6i

pick up a file for a meeting I have with Mr. dSn vao ngay mai.
Curtis first thing tomorrow morning.(51) I W. Ah co, t6i quen m~t. B~n se dSn do dS c6

will be going straight to his office before I come gfuJg d~t duqc hqp d6ng, phai khong?
in tomonow. M.llimg v~y, t6i da lam vi~c thvc sv kho khan
W. Ah yes, I forgot. You're going there to try trong hai thang qua va nsu m9i vi~c suon se tei

to land the contract, right?<52> co thS co thS quySt cu6i cting vao ngay mai.
M. Yes,C )I've been working really hard for the
last two months and if evetything goes well I

might be able to close the deal tomonow.

What does the woman offer to do for the Nguoi ph\1 nfr de nghi lam gi cho nguoi dan
(A) Help close the contract (A) Giup kSt thuc hqp d6ng
50. (B) Pick up the file from the office (B) N~n ~p tai li~u tir van phong
(C) Go to the meeting with the man (C) BSn cu9c h9p voi nguoi dan ong
(D) Give him a ride to the subway (D) Cho anh ta m~t chuy~n d~n ga tau di~n

station ngam

When will the man meet with Mr. Cmtis? Khi nao nguoi dan ong se g~p ong Cmtis?

(A) This aftemoon (A) ChiSu nay

(B) Tomorrow morning (B) Sang mai
51. (C) Next week (C) Tu§n toi

(D) In two months (D) Trong hai thang


What does the man say could happen N guoi dan ong noi nhfrng gi co thS xay ra vao
tomonow? ngay mai?
(A) Sign a contract (A) Ky hc;rp d~ng
52. (B) Get in contact with Mr. Cmtis (B) Co thS lien l~c voi ong Cmtis
(C) Not come into the office (C) Khong di vao van phong
(D) Receive the file from the woman (D) Nh~n ~P tin tu nguoi ph\1 nfr

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nhlt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

Q. 53-55 refer to the following conversation.

M. How did the presentation go in Los M. Bu6i thuySt trinh a LA diSn ra nhu thS nao
Angeles, Mary?<53) Many?
W. It went much better than I thought. I only W. No da t6t han nhiSu han toi nghi Toi chi co

had ninety minutes for my speech<54> but I chin muoi phut cho bai phat biSu cfu toi, nhung
managed to cover most of the topics I wanted t6i quan ly dS dan trai hltu hSt cac chu dS t6i

to talk about. And after the talk, I received a lot mu6n noi. Va sau cu9c noi chuy~n, t6i nl$1
of questions and managed to hand out auqc rfttnhisu cau hoi va thong bao dm tay nho

pamphlets as well. la t6t.
M. That's great to hear because I know how M. Bola diSu tuy~t voi t6i nghe thfty vi t6i biSt
hard you had worked preparing for it. Anyway, kho khan thS nao rna b~n da timg chtilin bi cho
did you also have time to look around the city no. Du sao, da lam b~n ciing co thai gian dS

and enjoy the seafood there? nhin quanh thanh ph6 va thuong thl.rc hai san a
W. Yes, I did. I went out to dinner with a
couple of people from the head office<55).
They took me to this lobster restaurant and it
day chl.r?
W. Co, t6i da lam. Toi di ra ngoai an t6i voi m9t
vai nguoi tir tn,1 so chinh. H9 dua toi dSn nha
hang tOm hlim nay va no rftt tuy~t voi.
was fantastic.

What does the man want to know? Nguoi dan ong mu6n biSt diSu gi?
(A) What kind of seafood the woman (A) Lo~i hai san nguoi phl,l nfr thich nhlt

53. likes best? (B) Nguoi ph\1 nfr da toi dau aS noi chuy~n?
(B) Where the woman went to give her (C) NgU'Oi ph1;1 nfr da lam th~ nao vOi bai
Talk? thuy~t trinh cua co iiy?
(C) How the woman did with her

(D) Nguoi ph\1 nfr da dling bfra t6i voi ai?

(D) Who the woman had dinner with?

How long was the woman's Bai thuyet trinh cua nguoi ph\1 nfra dai bao lau?
presentation? (A) 30 phut
54. (A) 30 minutes (B) 60phut
(B) 60 minutes (C) 90 phut
(C) 90 minutes (D) 120 phut
(D) 120 minutes

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong m9i nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

What did the woman do after she gave Nguoi ph1,1 nfr da lam gi sau bai phat biSu cua
her speech? minh?
(A) She went to have a meal. (A) Coda co m()t bfta an.
55. (B) She visited the home office. (B) Coda dSn tham van phong nha.
(C) Co nh~t m9t s6 to roi.

(C) She picked up some pamphlets.
(D) She asked many questions. (D) Co hoi nhiSu dlu hoi.

Q. 56-58 refer to the following conversation.
W. I get a lot of patients who sprain their T oi nh~n duqc r~t nhiSu b~nh nhan bi bong gan

muscles from doing spm1s(56). I send them to co b~p tir v i~c choi thS thao cua h9. T oi gui cho
massage therapy but it doesn't seem to do h9 thu6c dS xoa bop tri li~u, nhung no du(mg
much good.<57) nhu khong t6t len.

M. Have you tried sending them to an M. B~n da thu gui chtmg dSn m9t cham vi~n
acupuncturist? tic
W. No, I've never done that but I have been
hearing about it from my colleagues. Do
cham cilu?
W. Khong , t6i chua bao gio lam diSu do nhung
t6i da duqc nghe vS no tir d6ng nghi~p cua toi.
B~ co biSt ai khong va b~ co thS chi cho t6i?
you know anyone that you can refer to me?
M. Yes, I've been sending my patients to a M. Co, toi da dua nhfrng b~nh nhan cua t6i dSn
doctor I was introduced to a few months ago m9t bac si t6i da gioi thi~u voi m9t vai thang
and they seem to recover quite fast. Here, let t.Iuoc va h9 cove ph1,1c h6i kha nhanh. Bay, dS

me get his number for you. (SB) tOi l~y sdt CUa ong ~y cho b~.

Who are the speakers? Nhfrng nguoi noi la ai?

(A) V~n d9ng vien

(A) Athletes
(B) Masseurs (B) Nhan v ien mat xa
56. (C) Physicians (C) Cac Bac si

(D) College professors (D) Cac giao su ~i h9c


What does the woman mention about Nguoi ph1,1 nfr dS cftp gi vS massage u·i li~u?
massage therapy? (A) NhiSu b~nh nhan clia co nhanh chong h6i
57. (A) Many of her patients recover ph1,1c
quickly (B) No khong th'!c s'! giup du-;rc b~nh nhan
(B) It does not really help her cua co ay.
patients. (C) Bay la m9t each chua u·i r~t ~t.
(C) It is a very expensive u·eatment.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(D) Most of her colleagues use it. (D) H~u hSt cac d6ng nghi~p cua co ~y su dl,lng
What will the man do next? N guoi dan ong se lam gi tiSp theo?
(A) Look for a phone number (A) Tim m9t s& di~n tho~i

(B) Call someone he !mows (B) G9i m9t nguoi ma anh biSt
58. (C) Get a message (C) N~n tin

(D) Talk to his colleague (D) N6i chuy~n voi d6ng nghi~p clia minh

Q. 59-61 refer to the following conversation. W. Steve, cftu da l~y m9t chiSc xe tai dS su dl,lng

W. Steve, have you picked up a used truck cho chuySn cong tac clia cftu chua?
for your business yet?<59> M. Khong, chua duqc. T oi da tim kiSm tren bao
va da tham quan m9t s6 cac d~i ly xe hoi da qua

M. No, not yet. I've been looking in the paper
and have been visiting some of the used car su dl,lng trong thanh ph6, nhung t6i duang nhu
dealerships in the city, but I can't seem to find
anything for the price I am willing to pay.
W. Oh, that's good. I thought you ah·eady
khong thS tim th~y b~t cu diSu gi cho cai gia t6i
s~n sang u·a.
W. Oh, d6 la diSu t6t. Toi nghi b~ da
bought one. Anyway, my neighbor has this da mua m9t cai. Du sao, nguoi hang x6m cua
uuck he bought two years ago and it's in tei co chisc xe tai ong ~y mua hai nam truoc ctay
perfect condition. He's moving out of the va n6 u·ong tinh u·~ng hoan hao. Anh ~y di
country and he wants to get rid of it<60>. I told chuySn ra khoi vling que va anh ~y mu6n duqc

him about you and he 's willing to meet the thoatkhoi n6. Toi n6i voi anh ~y vS b~n va anh
price you want to spend on it. would you like sfu sang dap trng muc gia ma b~n mu6n u·a cho
to check it out? n6. B~n c6 mu6n kiSm u·a xem n6 ra sao khong?
M. T~t nhien. Toi se di theo dia diSm nay cua

M . Of comse. I'll swing by yom place this

evening. Can you talk to your neighbor and b~n bu6i t6i nay. B~n c6 thS n6i chuy~n voi
arrange a meeting?<61) nguoi hang XOm CUa b~ va

s~p xSp m9t cu<?c h9p?


59. What are they mainly talking about? H9 chu ySu n6i vS cai gi?
(A) An ruticle that appeared in the paper (A) M<?t bai viSt xu~t hi~n u·en bao
(B) Steve's new business (B) Kinh doanh moi CUa Steve
(C) A purchase of a vehicle (C) M<?t vi~c mua xe
(D) The woman's next-door neighbor (D) N guoi ph1,1 nfr ben c~ cua hang x6m.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

60. What does the woman mention about Nguoi ph1,1 nfr dS cftp gi vS nguoi hang xom cua
her neighbor? minh?
(A) He owns a car dealership. (A) Ong so hfru m9t ~i ly xe hoi.
(B) He is trying to sell his truck. (B) Ong dang c~ g~ng ban xe cua minh.

(C) He has a new business. (C) Anh co m9t doanh nghi~p moi.
(D) He's recently moved to the countJ:y. (D) Anh fLy vua moi chuySn dSn lang que.

61. What does the man want the woman to Nguoi dan ong mu6n nguoi ph1,1 nfr

do for him? lam gi cho anh ta?
(A) Arrange a meeting with her (A) S~p x~p m()t cu()c g~p vOi ngtrOi hang
neighbor xom cua minh
(B) Lend him her buck for the day (B) Cho muqn xe tai cua co fLy trong ngay

(C) Check out his new vehicle (C) KiSm n·a xe moi cua minh
(D) Help him move into his new place

Q. 62-64 refer to the following conversation.

(D) Giup anh ta di chuySn vao vi tt·i moi.

W.Ong khong thS vao cong huang xay dl,lllg

W. Youcan'tenterthe construction site without ma khong co mu bao hiSm va ling, ong Grey.
your hard hat and safety boots, Mr. Grey. M. Toi co doi ling tt·ong xe nhung t6i dS chiSc
M. I have my boots in the car<64>but I left the mu cling atrong van phong. B~n co cai nao thay
hard hat back in the office. Don't you have a thS dS t6i co thS muqn ngay hom nay khong?

spare one that I could borrow for today?<62> W. Co, t6i nghi chling t6i co sv b6 sung cho
W. Yes, I think we have extras for visitors. khach. T~i sao ong khong diva nh~ doi giay
Why don't you go and get your boots and in cua ong va khi fLy, toi se hoi I ohn ds dem cho
the meanwhile(64>, I'll ask John to bring you

ong m9t chiSc mu cling.

a hard hat.<63> M. Cam an b~n. Chi la khi t6i roi van phong
M. Thank you. It's just that when I left the vao bu6i sang nay, toi khong co kS ho~ch s~p

office this monnng, I wasn't planning on toi a day.


coming by here.

What will Mr. Grey bonow? 6ng Grey se mu<;m cai gi?
(A) A hard hat (A) M()t chi~c mii cung
62. (B) A pair of boots (B) M9t doi giay
(C) A car (C) M9t chiSc xe
(D) A pair of gloves (D) M9t doi gang tay

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia hi rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

What will the woman do for the man? Nguai ph1,1 nfr se lam gi cho nguai rum ong?
(A) Ask a co-worker to bring the (A) Bao m{)t d~ng nghi~p mang mu an tm1n
63. safety (B) Cho nguai dan ong m9t chuySn di tro l~i
gear van phong cua minh

(B) Give the man a ride back to his (C) Nh~n mii tir xe cua nguai dan ong
office (D) Noi John r~ng nguai dan ong dSn vi m9t

(C) Get the hat from the man's car chuySn tham
(D) Tell John that the man came for a

Where will the man go next? Nguai dan ong se di dau tiSp theo?
(A) To his car (A) D~n chi~c xe cua minh

64. (B) To his office (B) BSn van phong cua minh
(C) To John's office
(D) To the construction site
tic (C) BSn van phong cua John
(D) BSn cong huang xay dl,ID.g
Q. 65-67 refer to the following conversation.
W. Mr. Fujimoto's speech was really Bai phat biSu cua ong w. Fujimoto da thl,IC S\f
good(65). I'm thinking that he must have put in a t6t. Toi nghi r~ ong phai co r~t nhiSu thai gian
lot of ch~n bi cho no.

time preparing for it. M. Vang , thong tin ong cung c~p r~t
M. Yes, the information he provided was chi tiSt. Toi chi mu6n chl.lng t6i co nhiSu thai
very gian ds hoi ong cau hoi da nghi.
Detailed(66). Ijustwishwehadmore time to ask W. Toi d6ng y. Co qmi nhiSu diSu t6i mu6n cho

him questions though. biSt. Hey, ~i sao chting ta khong noi chuy~n voi
W. I agree. There is so much more that I want ong Lee va bao ong ~y s~p xSp m9t cu9c hQp

to know. Hey, why don't we talk to Mr. Lee voi ong ~y?

and ask him to anange a meeting with him? T oi nghe noi h9 biSt nhau tir hl.lllg h9c
I heard they know each other from high school M. Thftt khong? T oi da khong biSt r~ng ong Lee
M. Really? I didn't know that Mr. Lee ga·ew Ian len aPittsbmgh.
up in Pittsburgh. (67)

What are they discussing? H9 dang thao lu~n nhfrng gi?

(A) A speech they had heard (A) M{)t bai phat bi~u h9 da nghe

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(B) A man they both knew from their (B) M9t nguoi rum ong h9 dSu biSt tir nhfrng
65. high ngay hQC ph6 thong
School clays (C) Thai gian danh cho vi~c g~p go nhau
(C) The time spent on putting together bu6i thuySt trinh
(D) Cac dlu hoi rna h9 da nh~n sau bai phat biSu

the presentation
(D) The questions they got after the


What does the man mention about the Nguoi dan ong dS cftp gi vS
speech? bai phat biSu?
66. (A) It was too long. (A) Bola qua dai.
(B) It was not useful. (B) Bo khong phai la hiiu ich.

(C) It was very detailed. (C) Do h1 rit chi ti~t.
(D) It was not well-prepared. tic
How do Mr. Fujimoto and Mr. Lee know
(D) No da khong duqc chu~n bi t6t.

Lam thS nao dS ong Fujimoto va ong Lee biSt

each other? nhau?
(A) They taught at the same school. (A) H9 d~y cling truemg.
67. (B) They grew up in the same area. (B) Hf! 1011 len trong cimg m{)t khu VI,I'C.
(C) They worked in the same company. (C) H9 lam vi~c trong cling m9t cong ty.

(D) They both gave speeches at a (D) Ca hai dSu phat biSu ~i m9t cu9c h9i thao.

Q. 68-70 refer to the following conversation. W. Chtmg t6i co m9t vk dS nho, 1v:fr.
W. We have omselves a little problem, M:. Ross. Toi vira co m9t cu9c g9i tu thq san chinh
Ross. I just got a call from the head painter va ong ~y noi r~ng h9 dang hSt san va khong

and he said that they are out of paint and thS tiSp t1,1c lam vi~c ngay hom nay.

can't continue working today. (68) M. B~n dang dua t6i? Chling t6i phai hoan
M. Are you kidding me? We have to get the thanh toan b9 ngoi nha vao thu sau vi chu so
entire house finished by Friday<69> because hiiu se tr·o vS tir chuySn di CUa hQ vao thu hai
the owner will be coming back from their trip toi.
next Monday. W. Vang, san se duqc giao vao bu6i sang ngay
W. Well, the paint will be delivered tomonow mai va h9 khong thS lam b~t cu diSu gi cho dSn
rooming and they can't do anything until then. khi sau do. B~n mu6n t6i lam gi?
What do you want me to do? M. Buqc r6i, lien l~c voi thq san chinh

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia hi rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

M. 0 kay, get in touch with the head painter ngay lftp rue va giai thich tinh hinh cho ong ~y.
right away and explain the situation to him T oi ch~c ch~n r~ng h9 co thS hoim thanh duqc
I'm sure that they could get the job done if vi~c do nsu h9lam qua gio cit ca cac ngay trong
they work overtime all this week. <70> tu§n nay.

What is the problem? v§n dS la gi?

(A) The owner is coming back earlier (A) Cac chu so hiiu se tro l~i sam han
than scheduled. han dv kiSn.
(B) Cac thf! son h~t v~t li~u va khong th~ ti~p

(B) The painters are out of material
68. and tl}c lam vi~c.
can't continue working. (C) Nguoi dan ong khong thS co duqc m9t ve
(C) The man cannot get a plane ticket for may bay cho chuySn cong tac cua minh.

his business trip. (D) Nguoi phl,lnfr khong thS tim th~y s6 CUa cac
(D) The woman cannot find the number
of the paint supplier.
nha cnng c~p san.
When do they have to finish the work? Khi nao hQ phai kSt thuc cong v i~c?
(A) By Friday (A) Trm)'c Thlf sau
69. (B) By Satmday (B) Ttuoc Thu Bay
(C) By Sunday (C) Ttuoc chu nhftt

(D) By Monday (D) Ttuoc Thu Hai

How will they most likely solve the H9 chac chan giai quyet van de nhu the nao?

problem? (A) Bing each cac thf! son lam them giir
(A) By having painters work extra (B) B~ng each thue nhiSu nhan vien ban thai
70. hours gran

(B) By hiring more prut-tirne employees (C) Bfug each dn m9t sv keo dai h~n chot
(D) B~ng each nh~n san hom nay.

(C) By getting an extension on the

(D) By receiving the paint today

Q. 71-73 refer to the following recorded Cam an b~n da g9i Tanner Warehouse.
message. Chling t6i vo cling xin 16i nhung cit ca cac di~n
tho~i vien cua chling t6i hi~n dang b~n r9n voi

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thimh vien nhi~t tinh nhlt CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

Thank you for calling the Tanner cac cu<?c g9i vao hie nay. Tuy nhien, nSu b~
Warehouse.(n) We're tenibly sony but all of biSt s6 may b6 sung cua nguoi rna b~n rnu6n
our operators are cunently busy with calls at noi chuy~n, xin vui long b§rn no vao hie nay.
this time. However, if you lmow the extension NSu b~n dang g9i dS hoi vS vi~c giao hang, xin
vui long b§rn phirn 1 ngay h!c nay. NSu b~n

number of the person you wish to speak to,
please press it at this time. If you are calling to rnu6n rn9t ban c~p nh~t s6 du tai khoan clia b~,

enquire about a delivety, please press 1 now. If xin vui long b§rn 2 ngay hie nay. NSu b~nrnu6n
you'd like an update of your account nghe rnuc gia d~c bi~t trong ngay, vui long nhln
balance, please press 2 now.(72) If you'd like to 3 ngay hie nay. NSu b~n rnu6n noi chuy~n voi

listen to the day's special rates, please press 3 rn9t di~n tho~ vien, xin vui long cho tren duang
now. If you wish to talk to an operator, please day va rn9t di~n tho~i vien nao dose noi chuy~n
wait on the line and someone will be with you voi b~n rftt nhanh chong. Thai gian cho dqi d1,1

vety shmtly. The estimated waiting time is kiSn khoang 5 phut.
about 5 minutes. <73> tic
Who most likely is listening to this Ai co kha n~ing nhftt l~ng nghe
message? tin nhfunay ?
(A) A customer (A) M9t khach hang
71. (B) A salesperson (B) M<?t nhan v ien bim hang
(C) A delivety person (C) M<?t nguoi giao hang

(D) An accountant (D) M<?t kS toan

How can the caller update the account Lam the nao co the nguoi g9i c~p nh~t tai khoan
can b~ng?

72. (A) By calling another number (A) B~ each g9i s6 khac
(B) By calling back later (B) B~ng each g9i l~i sau

(C) By staying on the line (C) Bai a tren dong

(D) B~ng each nh~n m9t s~

(D) By pressing a number

How long will the caller have to wait to Bao lau nguoi g9i se phai cho dqi dS
speak to an operator? noi chuy~n voi rn9t di~n tho~i vien?
(A) 2 minutes (A) 2 phut
73. (B) 3 minutes (B) 3 phut
(C) 4 minutes (C) 4 phut
(D) 5 minutes (D) 5 phut

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~rn giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong rnQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam rnftt
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

Q. 74-76 refer to the following report.
In spmts news today, the owner of the city's Trong tin tlrc thS thao ngay hom nay, cac ong
baseball team told repmters that next year's b~u cua d9i bong chay thanh ph6 noi voi cac
phong vienr~ng gia ve cuanam toi se tang them

ticket prices will be inca·eased by 10%.(74) He
explained that the main reason for the hike is 10%. Ong giai thich r~ng ly do chinh cua vi~c

the rising salaries of the players which have nay la vi~c tang luang cao cua cac c~u thu da
been on the rise in the last few years. He fillther duqc gia tang trong vai nam qua. Ong giai thich
them rfug d9i bong dang g~p kho khan dap tmg

explained that the team is having a hard time
meeting the payrolls of the players and their bien chS CUa cac c~u thu va Sl,I Iva chQn duy nh~t
only choice besides ta·ading away the top cua h9 ben c~ vi~c mua ban di nhiing c~u thu
players is to hike up the seating prices.(75) hang d~u la phai tang gia ca len ghS ng6i. Tang

This price hike is bad news for the fans, but as gia nay la tinx~u d6i voi nhiing nguoi hfun m9,
always, the fans will continue to suppm·t
their team.06) Now we go to the streets of
nhung nhu m9i khi, nguoi hfun m9 se tiSp tl,lc
ling h9d9i bong cuah9. Bay gio chlln.g tadi dSn
Chicago to talk to some people about the latest cac duong ph6 cua Chicago dS noi chuy~n voi
m9t s6 nguoi vs nhiing tin tuc moi nh~t.

What is the repmt mainly about? Bao cao chu ySu la vS v~n dS gi?
(A) The hosting of a futme spotting event (A) Sv t6 chuc cua m9t sv ki~n thS thao t:rong

in the city tuang lai cua thanh ph6

74. (B) The increase of ticket sales due to the (B) Sv gia tang cua doanh thuban ve do Sl,I ph6
team's popularity biSn clia nhom qu~ chlln.g

(C) The increasing cost of ticket prices (C) Cac chi phi ngay cang tang cua gia ve
(D) The perfmmance of the city's (D) Vi~c thvc hi~n cac thanh ph6
baseball team d9i bong chay

What does the speaker say is another Nguoi noi lam gi de d9i bong Iva ch9n khac
option the team has to control the phai kiSm soat tinh hinh?
situation? (A) Gui di cac ciu thu chu ch~t
75. (A) Trade away their key players (B) Nh~n cac nha &u tu khac tham gia
(B) Get other investors involved (C) Ira cho nguoi qillm ly it tiSn
(C) Pay the manager less money (D) Di chuySn d9i bong dSn thanh ph6 khac
(D) Move the team to another city

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

According to the repmt, how will the fans Theo ban bao cao, nhfrng nguoi ham m9 se
react? phan U:ng nhu thS ni10?
(A) They will stop going to the games. (A) H9 se dimg vi~c choi game
76. (B) They will continue to cheer for the (B) H9 se ti~p t~;~c c~ vii cho d9i bong

team. (C) H9 se tfty chay tro choi
(C) They will boycott the games. (D) H9 se yeu c~u hoan tiSn tren ve

(D) They will ask for refunds on the

Q. 77-79 refer to the following
announcement. M9i nguoi chu y! Thu vi~n se dong ella. trong
Attention eve1yone! The library will be 15 phut va chting t6i se yeu c~u titt ca m9i nguoi

closing in 15 minutes<77) and we ask eve1yone chuftn bi roi khoi to nha. Danh cho nhfrng nguoi
to get ready to leave the building. For those
who want to check out books, please make
your way to the check-out counter at this
mu6n tra sach, vui long di theo huang ra q~y
tra sach ngay luc nay. Vi v~y, chling t6i yeu c~u
tra l~i titt ca bao va t~p chi t~i phong dQC. Vui
time<78). Also, we ask that you retum all long khong mang chling di khoi ban. Va cu6i
newspapers and magazines to the reference cling, nhac nha r~ng ngay mai la ngay nghi
depmtment. Please do not leave them on the qu6c tS va chting t6i se dong CUa. Tuy nhien,
tables. And lastly, a reminder that tomora·ow is chling t6i se rna cua tra l~i vao 9 gio ngay thu

a national holiday<79) and we will be closed. Tu.

However, we will reopen Wednesday<79> at 9

Where is the announcement taking place? Thong bao duqc ~t a dau?

(A) In a restaurant (A) Trong m9t nha hang

77. (B) In a library (B) Trong m9t thU' vi~n


(C) In a bookstore (C) Trong m9t hi~u sach

(D) In a hospital (D) Trong m9t b~nh vi~n

Who should head over to the check-out Ai nen toi quay tra sach ngay bay gio?
counter now? (A) Nhfrng ngU'Oi mu~n mU'f!11 sach
78. (A) People who wish to borrow books (B) Nhfrng khach hang quen rna mu6n mua
(B) Patrons who want to purchase some m9t s6 hang hoa

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(C) Customers who want to be led to their (C) Nhfrng khach hang rna m u6n duqc dan
tables d~t toi ban cua hQ
(D) Patients who want to check out of the (D) B~nh nhan mu6n dang kY xuftt vi~n

What day of the week is it today? Hom nay la ngay nao trong tu§n?

(A) Monday (A) ThuHai
79. (B) Tuesday (B) Thuba

(C) Wednesday (C) Thu Tu
(D) Thursday (D) Thunam

Q. 80-82 refer to the following voice mail

message. Xin chao, day la Julia Lee tu Trung tfun nghien
Hi, this IS Julia Lee from the Universal Clru toan c~u voi m9t in nh~n cho ba Kelly
Research Center with a message for Ms. Kelly Miller. Toi g9i di~n co lien quan dSn cu9c
Miller. I am calling in regards to the phong vk b~n sang nay va t6i mu6n kS cho cac
interview you had this morning and I'd like b~nhfrng tin t6tma b~n eta duqc ch9n u·ong s6
to tell you the good news(so) that you have been 400 trng vien chimg t6i da phong v~n u·ong
chosen among the 400 applicants(Sl) we had t~n. Bay gio, la m9t u·ong nhiing thanh vien
interviewed over the week. Now, as one of the moi nh~t cua cong ty chimg t6i, chling t6i mu6n

newest members of our company, we'd like cac b~n tham dv bu6i dinh huang nhan vien moi
you to attend the new employee t~i nv so clia chimg t6i t~i New York vao tu§n
orientation( ) at our head office inNew York toi. Nhu t6i eta noi voi b~ u·ong su6t cu9c
next week. As I told you during interview, it is phong v~, b~t bu9c b~n dSn tham dv. Chling

mandatmy for you to attend. We'd like you to t6i mu6n b~n vao van phong vao ngay maidS
come in to the office tomonow to get the details co duqc cac thong tin chi tist vs chuySn di cua

of your trip. If you have any questions, please b~. NSu b~n co b~t k)r cau hoi, xin vui long
don't hesitate to call me at 7 55-0909. I will be dl:rng ng§n ng~i g9i cho t6i t~i 7 55-0909. T oi se

in the office until 5 today. au·ong van phong cho dsn 5 gio ngay hom nay.
Why is the speaker leaving the message? T~i sao nguoi noi chuyen tin nhan den?
(A) To an ange a time for a job interview (A) DS s~p xSp thai gian cho m9t cu9c phong
(B) To convey the result of the v§n vi~c lam.
80. interview (B) D~ truy~n d~t cac k~t qua cua cu9c phong

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia hi rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(C) To infonn of a change m the (C) Thong bao vS S\1' thay d6i trong ngay dinh
orientation date huang
(D) To welcome a guest from New York (D) BS chao don khach dSn tir New York

How many people did the company Co bao nhieu nguoi da duqc cong ty phong

(A) 70 (A) 70
81. (B) 90 (B) 90

(C) 250 (C) 250
(D)400 (D)400

What does the speaker ask Kelly to do? Nguoi noi yeu cau Kelly lam gi?

(A) Prepare a resume (A) Chuk bi m9t ban ly lich
82. (B) Call her back
(C) Come for an interview
(D) Attend an orientation
tic (B) G9i co ~Y tro l~i
(C) BSn dS phong v~n
(D) Tham dl]' chuong trinh djnh hu&ng
Q. 83-85 refer to the following news report. Hai cai ten Ian nhat cua nganh cong nghi~p vien
The telecommunications indushy's two largest thong, T-Solutions va Wireless Telecom, eta c6
names, T -Solutions and Wireless Telecom, g~ng dS kSt thuc m9t thoa thu~n rfug duqc d6n

have been trying to close a deal(83) that is d~i la Ian nh~t trong lich su CUa nganh cong
rumored to be the biggest in the indushy's nghi~p. M9t phat ngon vi en ctla T -Solutions noi
histmy. A spokesperson of T-Solutions told voi cac phong vien rfug h9 eta duqc nhin vao

repmters that they have been looking at a m9t dv an hqp tac t6t voi Wireless va h9 dang
possible joint project with Wireless and they r~t g~n voi vi~c kY kSt m9t hqp d6ng. NSu thoa
are vety close to signing a contract. If this deal thu~n nay t1·o nen hoan thanh h9 se tuysn d1,1ng

becomes finalized they will be hiring more han 3.000 nhan vien ngay tl·ong thanh ph6 cua
chling tOi bao g6m ca vi~c xay dl,l'ng m9t nha

than 3,000 employees(84) right here in our city

including building a factmy in Lansing. Mr. may aLansing. Ong Stone khong tiSt 19 cac chi
Stone did not reveal the details at today's press tiSt ~i cu9c h9p bao ngay hom nay nhung gqi y
conference but hinted that he will most likely r~ng ong co ths se co m9t tuyen b6 chinh thuc
have an official statement to make early next dS lam cho d~u tu~n toi. Bay la m9t diSu gi do
week. (ss) This is something evetyone in our city rna cit ca m9i nguoi trong thanh ph6 ctla chling
can look fmward to. This has been Susan ta co thS mong dqi. BiSu nay eta duqc Susan
Stevens repmting for CHCH radio. Stevens bao cao cho CHCH radio.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

What is being repmted? Nhfrng gi dang duqc bao cao?

(A) The merging of two local companies (A) Sv kSt hqp cua hai cong ty dia phuang
83. (B) The city's economic situation (B) tinh hinh kinh tS cua thimh ph6

(C) A possible joint business deal (C) M9t st,r thoa thu~n kinh doanh chong co
(D) The increasing use of telephones kha thi

(D) Vi~c su dl,ll1g di~n tho~i ngay cimg tang
What will happen if the conn·act gets BiSu gi se xay ra nSu hqp d6ng duqc kY kSt?
(A) Nhi~u nguOi se dugc tuy~n dt;~ng.

(A) Many people will be employed. (B) Cac nha may se di chuySn dSn m<?t thanh
84. (B) The factmy will move to another city. ph6khac.
(C) The telecommunications industry (C) Cac nganh cong nghi~p viSn thong se ngilng

will falter. tr~.
(D) Many workers will be out of jobs. (D) NhiSu cong nhan se mftt vi~c.

According to M:. Stone, when will the Theo ong Stone, khi nao thi cac Hqp d6ng co
conu·act likely be signed? thS duqc kY kSt?
85. (A) Today (A) Homnay
(B) Later this week (B) Cu6i tufui nay
(C) Next week (C) Tuin tOi

(D) Next month (D) Thang tai

Q. 86-88 refer to the following short talk.


I'd like to thank each and every jornnalist and Toi mu6n cam on tilng nguoi va m6i nha bao
columnist for taking the time out of your busy va chuyen m1,1c da danh thai gian ra khoi lich
schedule to be here this evening. The movie n·inh b~n r<?n cua cac b~n dS co m~t a day t6i

you have been invited to watch(S6) will begin nay. B<? phim b~n da duqc moi dSn xem se b~t
d~u trong m<?t vai phut toi . Nola m<?t b<? phim

in a few minutes. It is a movie based on the

best- selling novel, Mystery. As you know, the dva n·en cu6n tiSu thuySt ban ch~y nhftt ,
movie was directed by the famous director, Mystety. Nhu b~n da biSt, b<? phim duqc ~o
John Sacchi, and it will be released in movie diSn boi ~0 diSn n6i tiSng, John Sacchi, va no
theaters all across the nation next month. The se duqc phat hanh ~i cac r~p chiSu phim n·en
talk of the town is that this movie will be the hit khlp nuoc My vao thang toi. Cu dan thi n·ftn noi
film of this summer. Anyway, as the guests of r~ng b<? phim nay se la b<? phim hit ella mila he
this special preview, we'd like you to sit back nay. Du sao v~y, voi tu each la khach ella bu6i

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mftt
di gia hi rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

and enjoy yourselves.(87>Following the movie, gioi thi~u ~c bi~tnay, chting t6i mu6n b~nng6i
the stars will make an appearance and you will l~i va tl,l'thuong thuc. Sau b9 phim nay, dtc ngoi
get a chance to meet them and ask questions at sao se xuftt hi~n va b~n se co duqc m9t co h9i
that time. Thank you and enjoy the show. dS g~p hQ va d~t cftu hoi vao thai diSm do. Cfun

an b~n va thuang thuc chuang trinh.
Who is listening to this talk? Ai nghe noi chuy~n nay?

(A) Journalists (A) Cac nha bao
86. (B) Novelists (B) Cac tiSu thuySt gia

(C) Movie producers (C) Cac nha san xuftt phim
(D) Actors (D) Cac diSn vien

What does the speaker mention about Nhfrng gi nguai noi de cftp v e b9 phim?

the movie? (A) La nhfrng ngoi sao diSn vien n6i tiSng.
87. (A) It stars famous actors.
(B) It is based on a tJ.ue stmy.
(C) It will be released next month.
(B) No duqc dl,l'a tren m9t cfm chuy~n co thftt.
(C) Se duqc phat hanh vao thang tOi.
(D) Day la b9 phim duqc xem nhiSu nhftt tJ.·ong
(D) It is the most watched film of the year nam

What will the listeners do right after the? DiSu gi nguai nghe se lam sau khi xem chuang
(A) Enjoy some refreshments tJ.·inh phim?

(B) Meet with the actors of the movie (A) Thuong thuc m9t s6 giai khat
88. (C) Write comments about the movie (B) G~p gO' vOi cac di~n vien ciia b9 phim
(D) Get their books signed by the author (C) ViSt ~n xet vS b9 phim
(D) Nh~n sach CUa hQ co chfr kY cua tac gia

Q. 89-91 refer to the following advertisement

Come down to Mark's Bargain House this Di xu6ng Mark's Bargain House cu6i tu.k nay

weekend and find great prices(89) m va tim thfty gia ca tuy~t vai tJ.·ong tu dong l~nh,
TV, may tinh va m6i thiSt bi gia dinh khi b~n se

refrigerators, televisions, computers and just

about evety home appliance you will ever need. dn. T~i Mark, chUn.g t6i co cac san ph§m cua
At Mark's, we have products of every brand at m6i thuang hi~u voi gia re nhftt b~n co thS tim
the cheapest price you can find anywhere. And thfty abftt cu aau. Va trong thai gian nay, chting
for the time being, we will give away a brand tOi se gioi thi~u m9t b9 pin thuang hi~u moi co
new rechargeable battery set of all sizes to thS s~c l~i CUa cit ca cac kich co toi m6i va mQi
each and every customer just for shopping at khach hang chi mua s~m ~i Bargain Mark
Mark's Bargain House<90>. So, if you are House. Vi vfty, nSu b~n dang tim kiSm m9t thiSt

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia hi rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

looking for an appliance at bargain prices, bi voi gia hoi, kiSm t:ra bM kY 12 cua hang cua
check out any of our 12 stores in the city and chtmg t6i trong thanh ph6 va noi chuy~n voi b~t
talk to any of our experienced staff. They will cu nhan vien giau kinh nghi~m cua chling t.Oi.
help you find the right product. We're open H9 se giup b~ tim dling san ph~m. Chling t6i
rna cua hang ngay tu 10 sang dSn 10 dem, ngo~i

daily from 10 until 10 except on Sundays
when we close at 8(91>. tn1 ngay chu nh~t khi chtmg t.Oi dong cua luc 8

gio t6i.
What is being advertised? Nhiing gi dang duqc qllimg cao?

(A) A television (A) T1uySn hinh
89. (B) A computer (B) May tinh
(C) A refrigerator (C) Tul~
(D) A retail shop (D) Cira hang ban le

(A) A giveaway gift
(B) A free delivety
What is being offered at the moment? Nhiing gi dang duqc cung c~p t~i thai diSm
(A) M9t mon qua t~ng
(C) A discount coupon (B) M9tgiao hang miSn phi
(D) A two-for-one sale (C) M9t phiSu giam gia
(D) Mua hai ~ng m9t
When does the business close on Cong v i~c kinh doanh dong cua khi nao vao

Sunday? ngay chu nh~t?

(A)At 8 (A)Luc 8
91. (B) At9 (B) Luc 9

(c) At 10 (C) Luc 10

(0) At 11 (D) Luc 11

Q. 92-94 refer to the following excerpt from


a talk. Trong m9t cu9c h9p voi cac nha quan ly khac
In a meeting with the other managers yesterday, ngay hom qua, chtmg t.Oi di dSn kSt l~n r~ng
we came to the conclusion that we must chtmg ta phai Hing doanh s6 ban hang cua chling
increase our sales this year. It is known that a ta trong nam nay. Th.rqc biSt, m9t nhan vien ban
strong sales staff is the force behind any hang thanh cong la d9ng h,rc d~ng sau b~t k)r
successful company. What good is a great cong ty thanh cong nao. Nhiing gi t6t la m9t san
product if the salespeople do not roll up their ph~m tuy~t voi nsu cac nhan vien ban hang
sleeves and sell the product? For that reason, khong n6 h,rc va ban san ph~m? Vi ly do do,

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

we have decided to do something to help you chUn.g t6i da quySt Qinh lam m9t cai gi do dS
get the sales you want. From now, you will giup b~n co duqc doanh s6 rna b~n mu6n . Tu
be going to the head office for a week at the bay gio, b~n se duqc di dSn tn;t so m9t tu§n vao
beginning of every quarter to get the proper d~u m6i quy dS co duqc S\I dao ~o thich hqp,
training you need to improve your sales b~n ck phai cai thi~n ky th~t ban hang cua

techniques.<92•93> We will be inviting the tops b~n. ChUn.g t6i se moi nhGng nguoi ban hang

sales people from om company to help you t6t nh~t tt:r cong ty chUn.g toi ds giup b~n voi cac
with the little skills that will make a difference. ky nang nho se lllin m9t S\I khac bi~t. ChUn.g t6i
hy v9ng rfuJg huoc thang Ch~p nam nay, chling

We are hoping that by December of this
year, we will be able to reach the goal(94) we ta se co thS d~t duqc m1,1c tieu, chling ta da d~t
have set for ourselves. ra cho ban than minh.
What will the company do to increase NhGng gi cong ty se lam de tang doanh so ban

their sales'? hang ctla h9?

92. (B) Produce quality products

(A) Educate the staff to do a better job

(C) Hold a sales event eve1y three

(A) Gh1o dl;lc cac nhan vien d~ h1m m()t cong
vi~c t~t hon
(B) San x~t san ph~m ch~t luqng
(C) T 6 chuc m9t S\I ki~n ban hang ba thang m9t
(D) Hire more sales representatives l§n
(D) Thue nguoi d~i di~n ban hang
How often will the listeners go to the Nguoi nghe se di den van phong bao lau?

home office? (A) M9t tuk m9t l§n

(A) Once a week (B) M9t thang m9t lk
93. (B) Once a month (C) Ba thang m()t lin
(D) M6i nam m9t 1~

(C) Once every three months

(D) Once a year

When do they hope to achieve their goal? H9 hy V9ng se d~t duqc ml,lC tieu CUa h9 khi

(A) By the end of the month nao?

(B) In three months (A) BSn cu6i thang
94. (C) In six months (B) Trong ba thang
(D) By the end of the year (C) Trong sau thang
(D) D~n cu~i nam
Q. 95-97 refer to the following
announcement. Nhan vien chu y! M9t loi nh~c nho dng m9t
cu9c diSn ~P thl,Ic tS dl,I kiSn vao thu Hai toi

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong m9i nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

Attention staff! A reminder that a tire drill lucl 0 gio Nhu b~n da biSt, kho hang cilil chtmg
practice is scheduled for next Monday<95) at bi d6t chay m9t vai nam b:uoc day va nSu no
10 a.m. As you know, our warehouse burned khong diSn ~p tht,rc hanh, cac t6n thuang co thS
down a couple of years ago(96) and if it weren't tro nen t6i t~ han nhiSu so voi uuoc do. Do do,
chling t6i nh~n ra t§m quan t1·9ng cua cac cu9c

for these practice drills, the damage could have
been much worse than it was. Therefore, we t~p h'~ va chling t6i mu6n hqp tac thai gian t~n

realize the importance of these drills and we'd lihlg cua b~. Bay gio, khi di~n ~p b~t dftu, b~
like yom lull cooperation. Now' when the drill binh tinh se lam theo each cua b~n dS thoat khoi
khu vvc g§n ra khoi toa nha. Khi b~ di xu6ng

begins you will calmly make yom way to the
nearestexitoutofthe building. Asyougodown c~u thang, khong duqc ch~y. Ngoai ra, khong
the stairs, do not tun. Also, do not use any su dl,lllg b~t k)r thang may nhu cit ca cac thang
elevators as all the elevators will be shut down. may se duqc ilit. Va cu6i ctmg, khong dS l~i b~t

And lastly, do not leave any valuables on k)r v~t co gia tr·i u·en ban lam vi~c cua b~ vi
your desks as the company will not take
responsibility for any loss(97). Thank you.
When will the drill take place?
cong ty se khong chiu u·ach nhi~m vs b~t kY t6n
th~t nao. Cam an.
Cu9c dien ~p se dien ra nhu thS nao?
(A) Today (A) Hom nay
95. (B) This Friday (B) Thu sau nay
(C) Next Monday (C) Thu hai tuin sau
(D) Next Wednesday (D) TiSp Thu tu

According to the announcement, what Theo thong bao, nhfrng gi da xay ra ~i cong ty
happened at the company a couple of m9t vai nam huoc day?
(A) Cac thang may bi pha vo trong qua tr·inh

years ago?
(A) The elevator broke down dming the khoan.
drill. (B) M9t s6 can b9 da bi t6n thuang nghiem

96. (B) Some staff members were seriously u·9ng

(C) M9i nguoi b~t d~u ch~y xu6ng c~u thang.

(C) The people began 1unning down the (D) Cac khu Vl]'C luu trfr b! d~t.
(D) The storage area burned down.

What does the speaker say the company Nguoi noi cong ty se khong chiu tr·ach nhi~m
will not be responsible for? cai gi?
(A) Staff members getting hmt (A) Nhiin vien bi thuang

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

97. (B) People losing their belongings (B) M9i ngU'Oi m~t d~ d~c cua h9
(C) Elevators not operating properly (C) Thang may khong ho~t d9ng dtmg
(D) Workers not getting off work on time (D) Nguai lao d9ng khong duqc nghi vi~c dling
thai gian.

Q.98-100 refer to the following
announcement Chao ml:mg b~n len tau duang s~t qu6c gia

Welcome aboard the Canadian National Rail. Canada. Chling ta vira rai khoi Toronto Union
We have just departed from Toronto Union Station va chtmg ta se dirng ~i hai diSm
Station<98> and we will make two stops at Kingston va Ottawa huoc khi dSn dich cu6i

Kingston and Ottawa before aniving at our cling ella. chling ta, Monu·eal. ChuySn di duqc
final destination, Montreal. The u·ip is expected dv kiSn se m~t khoang sau gia va chling ta dSn
to take approximately six homs and we should diSm cu6i cling khoang nua dem. Ngoai ra, m9t

arrive at our final destination around lai nh~c nho dS cho cit ca hanh khach biSt r~ng
midnight(99>. Also, a reminder to let all
passengers know that dinner will be served in
om dining car in an hour at seven o'clock.
bfra an t6i se duqc phl,lC Vl,l u·ong phong an tren
xe cua chtmg t6i trong m9t gia hie 07gia. Hanh
khach nao chua thvc hi~n ~t phong va mu6n
lam nhu v~y hay noi cho nguai tiSn hanh vao
Passengers who have not already made
reservations and wish to do so please talk to thai diSm nay. B6i voi nhfrng nguai da co bfra
the conductor at this time.(loo) For those who an t6i, co nhfrng mon an nh~ va d6 u6ng co sgn
already had dinner, there are snacks and u·ong xe cha. Chling t6i hy v9ng b~n co m9t

beverages available in the lounge car. We hope chuySn di dS chiu hen tau duang s~t qu6c gia
you have a pleasant trip aboard Canadian Canada. Chling toi a duang s~t qu6c gia luon
National Rail. We at National Rail always do luon lam t6t nh~t ds thu va lam cho m6i hanh
khach cam th~y thoai mai. Cam an.

our best to tJ.y and make each and evety

passenger feel comfmtable. Thank you.
From which city did the u·ain depmt? Boan tau khoi hanh tir thanh pho nao?

(A) Toronto (A) Toronto


98. (B) Kingston (B) Kingston

(C) Ottawa (C) Ottawa
(D) MontJ.·eal (D) Montreal

When will they mnve at their final Khi nao h9 se di dSn diSm dSn cu6i cl1ng cua
destination? h9?
(A) At 6 o'clock (A) Luc 6 gia
99. (B) At 7 o'clock (B) Luc 7 gia

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg rnua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia hi rna cac b~;~n da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(C) At 10 o'clock (C) Luc 10 gio

(D) At 12 o'clock (D) Luc oo gi<r

What should a listener without a Nguoi nghe khong d~t cho din lam nhiing gi de
co bfra an t6i ?

reservation do to have dinner'?
100. (A) Walk over to the dining car now (A) E>i b9 qua chiSc xe an t6i bay gio

(B) Talk to the conductor at this time (B) Noi vOi ngU'iri th1;fc hi~n vao luc nay
(C) H ave dinner at one of the stops (C) An t6i t~i m9t trong nhiing diSm dirng
(D) Cho cho dSn khi h9 d~t toi diSm dSn cu6i

(D) Wait until they reach the final
destination cling.

e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(A) Mqt nguOi dan ong mang theo
mqt chi~c thang.
(B) M9t nguoi dim ong dang leo len
nhfrng b~c thang.
(A) A man is carrying a ladder. (C) M9t nguo i dim ong dang buoc vao

(B) A man is climbing up the steps. toa nha.

(C) A man is entering the building. (D) M9t nguoi dan ong dang ch<;>n m9t
(D) A man is picking up some tools. "
so;., con Cl,l.
e ic

(A) HQ dang dong rem cua s6.

(B) Hq dang lam vi~c trong mqt toa
nha van phong.
(A) They're closing the window blinds.
(C) Nguoi ta dang tim m9t s6 tai li~u.
(B) They're working in an office building.
(D) HQ dang dU11g a hanh lang.
(C) They're looking for some documents.
(D) They're standing in the lobby.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;m da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen


(A) Bi~n thoc;ti dang duqc sua chua.

(B) Nguoi dim ong dang nhin vao cac
biSn chi d&n.
(C) Cac b6t di~n thoc;ti atren g6c ph6.
(A) The telephone is being repaired. (D) NguOi dan ong dang su dt;~ng

(B) The man is looking at the sign. di~n tho~i cong c~ng.
(C) The phone booths are on the street corner.
The man is us lie hone.

(A) Cac cua tau di~n ng~m dang dong.


(B) llimh khach dang ng~i tt·en xe

(A) The door of the subway train is closing.

(B) Passengers are seated on the train.
(C) Nguoi truong tau thu ve tu cac
(C) The train conductor is collecting tickets
hanh khach.
from the passengers.
(D) Boan tau di xuyen qua vung ngoc;ti
(D) The train is traveling through the

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(A) HQ dang xem m9t cu9c diSu himh.
(B) M9t dam dong dang t1,1 t~p quanh

(A) They're watching a parade.
cac chang trai.
(B) A crowd is gathering around the boys.
(C) M()t nguOi dim ong dang chi vao
(C) One man is pointing at something in the

(D) They are about to take a seat near the

m()t cai gi do iY khoang each xa.
(D) HQ chu&n bi ngbi gin ghS bang.

(A) Cac nhan vien dang dung phia


sau ban ti~p tan.

(B) HQ dang di b9 xung quanh tiSn

sanh khach s~m.

(A) The clerks at·e standing behind the (C) Nhfrng chiSc den dang duqc d~t
ft·ont desk. tren ban.
(B) They're walking around the hotel lobby. (D) Cac khach hang dang dong goi
(C) The lamps are being placed on the table. hanh ly cua hQ.
The · their

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen


(A) Co &y dang danh bong kinh hiSn
V l.
(A) She's polishing the microscope. (B) Co &y dang chai mai toe th~ng dai
(B) She's combing her long straight hair. cua minh.
(C) She's using laboa·atory equipment. (C) Co ~Y dang su d~ng thi~t bj thi

(D) She's putting on a laboratory coat. nghi~m .

(D) Co &y dang m~c m9t chiSc ao
khoac thi
e ic

(A) There are trees surrounding the park. (A) Co nhiing cai cay xung quanh
v ien.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(B) The benches are arranged in a circle.

(C) The grass is being trimmed at the moment.
(D) The pathway leads out onto the street


(A) Hq dang nghi ngoi tren hien

(B) HQ chu~n bi ngbi tren ghS.

(A) They'a·e resting on the porch. (C) HQ dang dJ cac nhanh cay.
(B) They're about to sit on the chair. a
(D) HQ dang dtmg phia tnroc ngoi
(C) They're cutting the branches of the trees. nha.

(D) They're standing in front of the house.


(A) M9t chiSc xe dang d6 t<;ti I6i vao.

(A) A car is parked in the driveway. (B) Cac ngoi nha khoang each xa
(B) The houses are spaced far apart. nhau.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;m da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(C) The street is blocked by a fallen tree. (C) Con du&ng ph6 bi ch~n bai m9t
(D) The road curves into the distance. cai cay bi nga.
(D) Con duimg cong di tOi khoang
each 6' phia xa.

11 . Would you like to go to dinner with us? B~n co mu6n di an t6i cling chung
(A) Thanks but I already ate. toi khong?

(B) I'd like to see it first. (A) Cam on, nhung toi da an.
(C) The steak dinner please. (B) Toi mu6n nhin th~y no l~n d~u

(C) Bfra t6i voi thit bo bit tSt, xin vui
12. Where do you live? B~n song dau? a

(A) Let's leave soon. (A) Hay rai di sam.
(B) In this neighborhood. (B) Trong khu V'!C nay.
(C) Once a year.
tic (C) M6i nam m9t l~n.
13. When will the annual conference take place? Khi nao h9i nghi h~ng nam se diSn
(A) For a week. ra?
(B) I'll meet you there. (A) M9t tu~n.
(C) At the end of the month. (B) Toi se g~p cac b~n do. a
(C) V ao cu~i thang
14. Who's giving the presentation at today's Ai trinh bay t~i CUQC hQp ngay hom

meeting? nay?
(A) Sandy ft·om the head office. (A) Sandy tir tr~ s.Y chinh.
(B) He will be present today. (B) Anh ~Y se co m~t ngay hom nay.
(C) Yes, right after lunch. (C) Co, ngay sau khi an trua.

15. Why is the office so empty today? T~i sao van phong ngay hom nay
(A) Let's fill up then. tr6ng ving v~y?

(B) Everyone's on the road. (A) Hay diSn vao sau do.
(C) We'll come back tomorrow (B) MQi nguai dSu tren duang.

(C) Chung ta se quay tra l~i vao

ngay mai
16. Could you lend Mr. Wright a hand with the B~n co thS giup Ong Wright m9t tay
boxes? voi nhfrng chiSc h9p dm;rc khong?
(A) I'd be glad to. (A) Toi r~t s~n long.
(B) Yes, I'm right-handed. (B) Vang, Toi thu~n tay phai.
(C) I can borrow it later. (C) Toi co thS mm;m no sau.
17. Who is the new receptionist? Nhan v ien tiep tan moi la ai?
(A) Her name is Brenda. (A) Co ~Y ten Ia Brenda.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(B) fu the reception area. (B) Trong khu v l,l'c tiSp tan.
(C) No, it is not new. (C) Khong, no khong phai la moi
18. When will the assignment be completed? Khi nao cong vi~c phan cong se
(A) Yes, I'll do it myself. duqc hoan thanh?
(B) In a couple of days. (A) Vang, toi se tl,l' lam diSu do.

(C) I'll assign it later. (B) Trong 2 ngay
(C) Toi se chi dinh no sau.

19. Why did you show up late today? T~i sao anh l~i xu&t hi~n vao cu6i
(A) I had an appointment. ngay hom nay?

(B) I came late, too. (A) Toi co m(}t cu(}c h~n.
(C) She showed it to me. (B) Toi dSn mu9n, cling v~y.
(C) Co dua cho toi xem.
20. Pardon me, which is the right way to the Noi l~i cho toi, con duong doog dS

auditorium? di t6i phong hQp?
(A) Yes, he is auditioning today. (A) Vang, ong duqc t6 chuc thu
(B) You might be right about that.
(C) Upstairs to your left
tic giQng ngay hom nay.
(B) B~n co thS doog vS diSu do.
(C) T~n~ tren ben tnli cua ban.
21. The library closes at nine tonight, doesn't it? Thu vi~n dong cua luc 9 gio dem
(A) I borrowed some books. nay, dung khong?
(B) Yes, it is very close from here. (A) Toi da muqn m9t s6 sach.
(C) I believe it does. (B) Vang, no r&t g&n tu day.

(C) Toi tin r~n~ no nhu vay.

22. How often do you work out here? B~n co thuang xuyen lam vi~c t~i
(A) Three times a week. day?
(B) The office upstairs. (A) Ba l~n m(}t tu~n.

(C) To work on the project. (B) Van phong tren l&u.

(C) BS lam vi~c trong dl,l' an.

23. Are you going to the seminar today? B~n co di dl,l' h9i thao ngay hom
(A) To give a speech. nay?

(B) Right down this hallway. (A) BS co m9t bai phat biSu.
(C) I'll be there at two. (B) Phai xu6ng hanh lang nay.
(C) Toi se iY day h!c 2 ~iir.
24. How long will it take for John to get here? Bao lau John se den day?
(A) He's taking the bus here. (A) Anh &y di xe bus aday.
(B) By 2 o'clock at the latest. (B) Ch~m nh&t la tru6c 02 gio
(C) Probably about an hour or so. (C) Co le khoang m(}t giir ho~c la u

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;m da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

25. Have you looked over the report or should I B;~m

xem qua ban bao cao hay toi
go ahead and do it? nen di tnroc va lam no tnroc?
(A) I'm quite busy. Do you mind? (A) Toi kha b~n r~n. B~n co phi~n
(B) Why don' t you go ahead first? khong?
(C) Thanks. I will look over it soon. (B) T~i sao b~n khong di truoc tien?

(C) Cam an. Toi se xem xet no sam.
26. What is the adult fare on the bus these days? Gia ve ngua i Ion tren xe buyt nhfrng

(A) Bus 22 will get you there. ngay gi?
(B) Yes, I usually take the bus nowadays. (A) Xe Bus s6 22 se dua b~n to i day

(C) Two dollars and fifteen cents. (B) Vang, D~o nay toi thuang di xe
(C) Hai do Ia va muOi Him xu.
27. I believe Ms. Williams will be conducting Toi tin r~ng ba Williams se tiSn hanh

the workshop today. thao ngay hom nay.
(A) What happened to Mr. Lee? (A) Di~u gi eta xay ra vOi ong Lee?
(B) To conduct an interview.
(C) It's hard to believe.
tic (~) BS thl,l'c hi~n m9t cu9c phong
(C) Th~t kho dS tin.
28. Where would you like me to sign? Khi nao b~n mu6n toi ky ?
(A) Write down your name. (A) ViSt ten cua b~n.
(B) Wait for the signal. (B) Cha tin hi~u.
(C) On the dotted line, please. (C) Tren dong co d~u ch~m ch~m,

xin vui long.

29. That's a new briefcase you're carrying, isn't Bo la m9t chiSc c~p mo i rna b~n
it? dang mang tren ngua i, phai khong?
(A) Yes, I picked it up at the depat·tment (A) Vang, toi l~y no t~i cua hang

stm·e. bach hoa.

(B) Sorry, we don' t carry that in our store. (B) Xin 16i, chung toi khong thl,l'c
(C) Yes, but make it brief. I'm a bit busy hi~n diSu do trong cua hang cua

today. chting toi.

(C) Vang, nhung lam cho no ng~n

gQn. Toi hom nay b~n chut.

30. Why don't you come for a visit after you're T~i sao b~n khong den tham ngay
done with your work? sau khi b~n xong vi~c ?
(A) Yes, I'll do that thl,l'C hi~n voi cong Vi~c CUa b~n?
(B) It's almost done. (A) Vang, toi se lam di~u do.
(C) I'll be doing it later. (B) No g~n nhu hoan t&t.
(C) Toi se lam no sau.
31. Should I place the order today, or wait until Toi co nen d~t hang ngay hom nay,
Monday? ho~c cha cho dSn thu hai?

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(A) I placed it on your table. (A) Toi d~t notre bim cua b~n.
(B) Let's wait until Monday. (B) Chung ta hay chir d~n thir Hai.
(C) I'd rather order in. (C) Toi mu6n d~t himg
32. Doesn't lvfr. Lewis work for a computer Ong Lewis co lam vi~c cho m9t
firm? cong ty may tinh khong?

(A) The Internet is hooked up now. (A) Internet dugc n6i bay gio.
(B) The forms must be filled out. (B) Cac m~u dan phai dugc diSn d~y

(C) Yes, he is a programmer there. du.
(C) Phai, anh ~Y Ia m~t l~p trinh

vien iY day.
33. It's expected to rain this afternoon, isn't it? Dl,l' doan lachieu nay mua, phai
(A) Yes, did you bring an umbrella? khong?
(B) The train arrives at 2 o'clock. (A) Vang, anh co mang theo du

(C) Maybe, we should go over then. khong?
(B) Cac doan tau t6i luc 02 gio.
34. I' 11 be on the road most of this week.
(C) Cole, chl!ng ta nen di qua sau.
T~i se chic chin tren duong trong
(A) Okay, I'll call your cell number then. tuan nay.
(B) You should take the highway instead. (A) Duc;rc r~i, toi se gqi cho s~ di
(C) Most of them are on vacation as well. d~ng cua b~n sau.
(B) B~n nen di duong cao t6c dS
thay thS.

(~) H~u hSt trong s6 hQ dang di nghi

35. I thought you already finished the project. Toi ngh1 riing b~n da hoan thanh dl,l'
(A) The presentation ended five minutes an.

ago. (A) Bai thuySt trinh kSt thuc trong

(B) I'm just making some last-minute changes. nam phut tru6c.
(B~ Toi chi thay ctAi m~t s~ phut

(C) The projector should be set up now.


(C) May chiSu nen dugc lip ngay bay

36. Can we afford to hire another designer for Chung ta co the du kha nang de thue
the project? m9t nha thiSt kS cho dl,l' an chu?
(A) Yes, the bank loan came through this (A)Vang, cac khoan vay ngan
moa·ning. hang eta thong qua sang nay.
(B) No, I won't be designing it this time around. (B) Khong, toi se khong thiSt kS
(C) Sure, I will look into it for you today. quanh thai gian nay .
(C) Chic chin, toi se nhin vao no
cho b~n hom nay.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

37. Will Mr. Jackson drive or take the bus to St. Ong Jackson se lai xe hay di xe buyt
Louis? dSn du&ng Loui?
(A) He'll most likely take his cal". (A) 6ng ~y cole se di chiSc xe cua
(B) Yes, the drive was very nice. minh.
(C) I won't be taking it to the boss. (B) Vang, 6 dTa r~t d~p .

(C), Toi se khong thS dua no dSn
ong chu.

38. Why isn't John picking up his phone today? T~i sao hom nay John khong nh~c
(A) He's gone to the home office. di~n tho~i cua anh ~y?
(A) Ong ~y da di d~n toa nha van

(B) I'll be picking him up today.
(C) In the after noon, I think. phimg.
(B) toi se ch<;>n anh ta len ngay hom

(C) Trong bubi chiSu, toi nghl.
39. The front door is always kept closed to Canh cua truoc luon luon duqc dong
keep out intruders.
(A) AI"e visitol"s assigned a tempol"at·y cal"d?
kin dS ch6ng nhfrng ke xam ph~m.
(A) Cac khach tham quan du-rc
(B) No, we don't keep them there. giao the t~m thOi phai khong?
(C) We should close up for the night, too. (B) Khong, chfulg toi khong gifr
chfulg aday.
(C) Chung ta nen g&n nhau cho dem
nay, cfing v~y.

40. Didn't Ms. Chen work out the details of our Ba Chen da khong lam vi~c ngoai
group insurance? cac nhom cua t~p doan bao hiSm cua
(A) I'll talk to hel" at lunch. chfulg toi?
(B) The group will meet today. (A) Toi se noi chuy~n vOi co t~i

(C) She gets off work at live. bii'a an ti"U'a.

(B) Nhom se hQp ngay hom nay.
(C) Co ~Y duqc nghi vi~c dS sBng.

Q. 41-43 refer to the following
convei"sation. W. T?i gQi di~n dS thay dfJi ngay bay
W. I'm calling to change the date of my tra ve cua toi.
return flight. <41> M. T~t nhien, ba Smith. Toi th~y r~ng
M. Of course, Ms. Smith. I see that you are ba dang len kS ho~ch dS tra l~i vao 15
scheduled to I"etul"n on November 15.<43) thang 11 . Ba mu6n toi thay dfJi no luc
When would you like me to chan e it to? nao ?

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

W. I really have to come back a day W. Toi thl,l'C Sl,l' phai tro l~i sam han
early.<42•43) I hope there is a flight available? a
m9t ngay. Toi hy VQng day co m9t
M. You're in luck. There is a seat available on chuySn bay co s~n?
the 3-o'clock flight. Will that be okay? M. Ba th~t may m~n. Co m9t ch6 tr6ng
tren chuySn bay 3 gio. Se 6n chu?

41. What is the woman doing? Nguoi ph1,1 nfr dang lam nhfrng gi?
(A) Changing her flight schedule (A) Thay d~i ljch ta·inh chuy~n bay

(B) Booking a hotel room cua minh
(C) Making an appointment (B) B~t phong khach s~n

(D) Purchasing a book (C) £)~t mQt CUQC h~n
(D ) Mua m<)t cu6n sach
42. Why is the woman concerned? T~i sao nguo i ph1,1 nfr lo l~ng?
(A) Her plane has been delayed. (A) May bay cua co ~y da bi tri hoan.

(B) The book she wants is sold out (B) Cu6n sach rna co mu6n duqc ban
(C) The hotel room is fully booked ra.
(D) She may not be able to come back
(C) Phong khach s~n da duqc d~t hSt
(D) Co th~ co ~Y khong th~ tr«YI~i
43. When w ill the woman most likely come Nguoi phl,l nfr se co nhiSu kha nang
back? quay tro l~i khi nao?
(A) On November 13 (A) Ngay 13 thang 1o
(B) On November 14 (B) Ngay 14 thang 11

(C) On November 15 (C) Ngay 15 thang 11

(D) On November 16 (D) Vao ngay 16 thang 11

Q. 44-46 a·efer to the followingconvea·sation.


W. I heard that Crystals Consulting went W. Toi nghe noi rang Crystal
bankrupt. <44) Consulting da pha san.
M. You're kidding me. I thought they were M. B~n dang dua toi. Toi nghi r~ng h<;

doing well with the new contract they signed da lam r~t t6t voi cac hqp dbng moi ffi<
earliea· this yea a·. <45)

hQ da ky truoc do trong nam nay.

W. I know. I wonder what happened there. W. Toi biSt. Toi tl,l' hoi diSu gi da xay rc
M. Mr. Smith is your client, right? Why don't a do.
? '
you give him a call and find out?<46) M. Ong Smith la khach hang cua b~n
phai khong? T~i sao b~n khong gQi chc
anh ta m9t CUQC gQi va tim hiSu?
44. What are the speakers discussing? Nhfrng ngua i noi thao lu~n vs nhfrng gi,
(A) An ongoing project (A) M<)t dl,l' an dang thl,l'c hi~n
(B) A new co-worker (B) M<)t dbng nghi~p moi
(C) A bank loan (C) M<?t khoan vay ngan hang

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;m da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(D) A client's company (D) M~t khach hang cua cong ty

45. What has Crystals Consulting done Crystals Consulting da thl,l'c hi~n cai gi
lately? trong tha i gian g&n day?
(A) Fired some workers (A) Sa thai m9t s6 nhan v ien

(B) Moved to another location (B) ChuySn dSn m9t vi tri khac
(C) Received a bank loan (C) Nh~n m9t khoan vay ngan himg

(D) Closed a deal (D) K~t thuc m~t thoa thu~n

Nguoi phl,l nfr r~t co thS se lam gi tiSp

46. What will the woman most likely do
next? theo?
(A) Make a phone call (A) ThtJc hi~n cu~c g«;li di~n tho~i
(B) Attend a meeting (B) Tham dl,l' m9t cu9c hQp

(C) Sign a contract (C) Ky hqp dbng
(D) Go to the bank (D) DSn ngan himg

Q. 47-49 refer to the following

conversation. M. B~n da lien lc;tc duqc voi ong Wong
M. Did you get in touch with Mt·. W ong?<4 7) chua?
W. Sorry. I forgot. I'll give him a call right W. Xin 16i. Toi quen. Toi se gQi cho
now. <48> anh ta ngay bay gio.
M. That's okay. I will call him myself. Why M. T6t d~y. Toi se tl,l' gQi cho anh ta.

don't you run downstairs and get these T~i sao b~n khong bc;tn ch~y xu6ng c&u
reports copied for me?<49> thang va l~y nhfrng bao cao da duqc
W. OkayC49), I'll take care of it right now. sao chep cho toi nhi?
W. Duqc rbi, toi se lam diSu do ngay

bay gia.
47. Who most likely is the woman? Nguoi ph1,1 nfr co kha nang nh~t la ai?

(A) A client (A) M9t khach hang

(B) A repairperson (B) M9t nguoi sua chua

(C) A delivery person (C) M9t nguoi giao hang

(D) The man's secretary (D) Thu ky cua nguiri dan ong

48. What did the woman forget to do? Nguoi ph1,1 nfr da quen lam gi?
(A) Call a client (A) G«;li cho m~t khach hang
(B) Deliver a product (B) Cung c~p m9t san pham
(C) Make some copies (C) Thl,l'c hi~n m9t s6 ban sao
(D) Finish the report (D) KSt thuc bao cao

49. Where will the woman go next? Nguoi ph1,1 nfr se di toi dau tiep theo?

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(A) To Mr. Wong's office (A) BSn van phong cua ong Wong
(B) To the post office (B) BSn buu di~n
(C) To the flooa· below (C) D~n t~ng ben duOi
(D) To see a reporter (D) BSn g~p m9t bao cao vien

Q. 50-52 refer to the following conversation.
M. I'd like to check out these books and this M. Toi mu6n kiSm tra nhfrng cu6n sad

magazine, please?<SO) va t~p chi nay' xin vui long?
W. I'm sorry but you cannot take the magazine W. Toi xin 16i nhrmg b~n khong thS l~:y

out of the building. It's reference material. t~p chi ra khoi toa nha. Bo la tai li~t
M. I'm sorry, I didn't know. I guess I have no thamkhao.
choice but to make copies of the aa·ticle I M. Toi xin 16i, toi khong biSt. Toi doat
need<52>. Would you change this dollar bill toi khong co sl,l' ll,l'a chQn nhrmg dS cc

for me?<SI) cac ban sao cua bai v iSt toi c&n. B~n cc
W. Of course. And, our copier on this floor is thS dbi tado la nay cho toi duqc khong~
out of order. You will have to use the one
downstairs. (Sl)
W. T~t nhien. va, may photocopy CUe
ch(mg toi tren san nay khong ,su dvng
duqc. B~n se phai su dl,ll1g chiec a tan~
duo i.
50. Where is this conversation taking place? Cu9c noi chuy~n nay xay ra adau?
(A) In a bank (A) Trong m9t ngan hang
(B) At a coffee shop (B) T~i m9t quan ca phe

(C) In a library (C) Trong m~t thu vi~n

(D) At a grocery store (D) T~i m9t cua hang t~p hoa
51. What does the man ask the woman to do Ngu&i dan ong yeu c&u ngu&i ph1,1 nfr
for him? lam gi cho anh ta?

(A) Find the book he is looking for (A) Tim cac cu6n sach rna ong dang
(B) Give him some change tim kiSm
(C) Guide him to the floor below (B) Cho anh ta m~t s~ thay ctAi

(D) Recommend a good bookstore (C) Huang d~n ong ~y dSn t&ng duo i
(D) Gqi y m9t hi~u sach t6t

52. Why will the man go downstairs? T~i sao ngu&i dan ong se di xu6ng c&u
(A) To buy some coffee thang?
(B) To get something copied (A) BS mua ca phe
(C) To read a book (B) D~ sao chep gi do
(D) To go to the bank (C) BS dQC m9t cu6n sach
(D) BS di dSn ngan hang
Q. 53-55 refer to the following
conversation. M. Xin 16i. Toi nghl dng da co m9t sai
l&m. Toi khong co banh tao nay duqc

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;m da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

M. Excuse me. I think there has been a tinh phi tren hoa don cua toi. Ngoai ra,
mistake. I didn't have this apple pie toi khong co bfra an t6i v&i bo h&m. To
charged on my bill<53>. Also, I didn't have the chi co mon salad ga.
steak dinner. I just had some chicken salad. W. Toi vo cung xin 16i vS diSu do. Toi
W. I'm terribly sorry about that. I must have dua cho b~n hoa dan sai. Hay dS toi

brought you the wrong bill. Let me get the sua sai ngay l~p tuc cho b<;m.
a·ight one foa· you right away<54>. M. Rbi. Toi co thS bo thuc an thua nay

M. All right. Could I also have this leftover didau?
food to go <55)? W. Ch~c ch~n, toi se cho chtmg vao

W. Sure, I will put it in a bag for you. trong tui xach cho b~n.

53. What is the problem? v~n dS la gi?

(A) The man didn't like the food. (A) Nguoi dan ong khong thich db an.

(B) The woman brought the wrong food (B) Nguoi ph1,1 nfr mang sai thuc an
(C) The food did not taste good. (C) Thuc an co mui vi khong t6t.
(D) The bill was switched.
tic (D) Hoa don da ducyc dua.

54. What does the woman say she will do? Nguoi ph1,1 nfr noi co ay se lam gi?
(A) Get the correct bill (A) Dua hoa dO'n dung
(B) Talk to her manager (B) Noi chuy~n v&i quan ly cua co ~y
(C) Prov ide a discount (C) Cung c~p m9t sl,l' giam gia
(D) Order another dish (D) GQi mon khac

55. What does the man request? Nguoi dan ong yeu cau dieu gi?
(A) To get a discount (A) Co m9t Sl,l' giam gia
(B) To take out some food (B) Mang v~ mqt s~ th(rc an

(C) To speak to the manager (C) Mu6n noi chuy~n v&i nguoi quan
(D) To speed up the order ly
(D) DS tang t6c d9 d~t hang

Q. 56-58 refer to the following conversation.


M. Hi, Jean. Is l\!fr. Ramirez in his office? M. Chao, Jean. Ong Ramirez co trong
W. Yes, but he is in there with Mr. Duncan van phong ong ~y khong?
right nowC56). Is there something I can do for W. Co, nhung bay gio ong ~y a do v&
you, Ron? ong Duncan. Toi co thS lam cho b~n ca
M. Yes, could you tell him that I need his gi do khong , Ron?
signature on this document<57> when he is M. qo, b~n co thS noi v?i anh ~y r~ng
done in there? Tell him that I will need it by toi can chfr ky cua ong ay tren tai li~l
noon<58> because I have to give it to l\!fr. Chow nay khi ong ~ xong vi~c a day? Noi v&
when I meet him for lunch. Can you do that for ong ~y r~ng toi se c&n no vao bubi trua
me? vi toi phai dua no cho ong Chow khi to

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;m da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

W. Sure, I think I can do better than that. I'll g~p ong ~y bfra trua. B~n co thS lam diSt
ask him to sign it then bring it by your office. do cho toi?
W. Chic chin, toi ngh1 r~ng toi co tht
lam t6t han thS. Toi se bao ong ~y ky ter
sau do mang no toi van phong cua b~n.

56. Who is :tvlr. Ramirez with now? Bay gio Ong Ramirez dang voi ai? a
(A) Jean (A) Jean

(B) :tvlr. Chow (B) Ong Chow
(C) Ron (C) Ron

(D) Mt·. Duncan (D) Ong Duncan

57. What does the man ask the woman to Nguoi dan ong yeu c~u nguoi ph1,1 nfr
do? lam gi?

(A) Sign a document (A) Ky m9t tai li~u
(B) Give something to Mr. Ramirez (B) Dua cai gi do tOi ong Ramirez
(C) Have lunch with him
(D) Come by his office at lunchtime
(C) Co bfra an trua voi ong ~y
(D) DSn van phong cua ong ~y vao gio
an trua
58. When does the man need the signed Khi nao thi nguoi dan ong c~n cac tai
document' ? li~u duqc ky kSt ?
(A)By noon (A) Tru&c bu~i trua
(B) Right away (B) Ngay l~p tuc

(C) Before the end of the day (C) Truoc khi hSt ngay
(D) By tomorrow (D) Truoc ngay mai

Q. 59-61 a·efer to the following


convea·sation. M . B~n co thS lam cho toi m9t vi~c va

M. Could you do me a favor and take a trip di xu6ng dSn buu di~n dS gui la thu
down to the post office to mail this letter? nay duqc khong?

W. The post office is closed now. Do you W. Buu di~n bay gio da dong cua. B~n

want me to call a courier service instead? co mu6n toi g<;>i m()t nguoi chuySn pha
M. Oh, is it that late already(59)? In that nhanh dS thay thS vi~c nay khong ?
case, I'll just get Mary to take it to the M. Oh, No mu()n rbi? Trong truong
client's office after we finish work today hqp do, toi se phai dua cho Mary dS
then(60). She lives very close to :tvlr.Brown's mang no dSn van phong cua khach
office. hang sau khi chung toi hoan thanh cong
W. Okay, I'll give it to Mary when she vi~c ngay hom nay rbi. Co ~Y s6ng
comes back from the warehouse<61>. c~nh van phong cua :tvlr.Brown.
W. Duqc rbi, toi se dua no cho Mary
khi co ~y tra l~i tu nha kho.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

59. Why is the post office closed? T~i sao buu di~n dong cua?
(A) It's a national holiday. (A) E>o la vi ngay IS qu6c gia.
(B) It is after business hom·s. (B) Do Ia vi sau giir lam vi~c.
(C) It's being renovated. (C) No dang dugc cai t~o .
(D) It's moving to another location. (D) No dang di chuySn dSn m9t vi tri


60. How will the letter be delivered? La thu se dugc chuySn di nhu thS nao?
(A) A co-worker will take it. (A) M~t d~ng nghi~p se dua no.

(B) The woman will call a courier (B) Nguai phl,l nfr se gQi m9t dich Vl,l
servtce chuySn phat nhanh
(C) The man will take it to the post (C) Ngua i dan ong se mang no dSn blXU
office di~n

(D) Mr. Brown will come and pick it up. (D) Ong Brown se dSn va l~y no.

61. Where is Mary now?

(A) At a client's office
tic Bay gia Maria adau?
(A) T~i van phong cua khach hang
(B) At the company warehouse (B) T~i nha kho cong ty
(C) In a meeting (C) Trong m9t cu9c hQp
(D) At the post office (D) T~i buu di~n

Q. 62-64 refer to the following


convet·sation. W. Toi da r~t ng~c nhien khi nh~n dug<

W. I was very surprised to get your resume ly lich cua b~n Mr.King. Chung toi
Mr.King<62). We are looking for an dang tim kiSm m9t giam d6c quang cao
advertising manager<64) but we have not let nhung chung toi da khong dS cho b~t

anyone know of this yet. May I ask how you Clr ai biSt vS diSu nay dugc neu ra. Toi
found about it? co thS hoi b~n la lam thS nao b~n tim
M. Well, a friend of mine works here<63) and th&y vs no v~y?

he told me to send in my resume to you. M. Vang, m9t ngua i b~n cua toi lam
vi~c aday va anh ~y noi voi toi dS gui

W. I see. Well, I'm very impressed with your

qualifications and I think we may be able to so ySu ly lich cua toi cho ong.
make space for you here. What is the name of W. Toi biSt. T6t, toi r~t &n tugng voi
your friend by the way? trinh d9 cua b~n va toi nghi r~ng chling
M. His name is Andrew Jones. He's the toi co thS co ch6 cho b~n a day. Ten
accounting manager here. b~n cua b~n la gi v~y?
M. Ten cua anh &y la Andrew Jones.
Anh ~y la truang phong kS to an aday.
62. Who are the speakers? Nhfrng ngua i noi la ai?
(A) The boss and his team member

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(B) An interviewer and a job (A) Ong chu va thanh vien trong d9i
candidate cua minh
(C) An accountant and his client (B) M~t nguOi phong v~n va m~t un~
(D) The advertising manager and his vien
client (C) M9t kS toan va khach hang cua

(D) Giam d6c quang cao va khach hang

cua minh
63. How did Mr. King find out about the Ong King tim hieu ve vi tri ma nhu the

open position? nao ?
(A) From a newspaper advertisement (A) Tu m9t quang cao tren bao
(B) From the personnel manager (B) Tu nguai quan ly nhan Sl,l'
(C) From the company brochure (C) Tu cong ty tai li~u

(D) From a pea·son he knows (D) Tir m~t nguiri rna anh ~y bi~t

likely work?
64. In which department will the man most Phong ban gi ngua i dan ong se co kha
nang lam vi~c nh~t?
(A) Advertising (A) Quang cao
(B) Marketing (B) Marketing
(C) Accounting (C) KS toan
(D) Personnel (D) Nhan sl,l'

Q. 65-67 refea· to the following convea·sation.

W. Have you finished reading the book I W. B~n da d<;>c xong cu6n sach toi chc
lent you a couple of weeks ago<65)? b~n mm;m m9t vai tu~n tru6c day chua:
M. Yes, I finished it over the weekend and it M. Vang, toi da hoan thanh no vao cu6

was really good. I am so glad that you tu~n qua va no thl,l'c Sl,l' t6t. Toi r~t vui v
recommended it to me. Anyway, I was going b~n gqi y no cho toi. Du sao, hom na'
to bring it with me today but I forgot. Do you toi se mang no di, nhung toi quen m~t

need it back soon? B~n c~n toi dua no l~i sam khong?

W. Well, James has been asking about it and W. Vang, James da hoi vS no va toi d<
I told him that I would lend it to him(66). noi v6i anh ~y r~ng toi se muqn no chc
Could you bring it with you tomorrow? anh. B~n co thS mang no vao ngay maii
M. Oh? I know James. He and I live in the M. Oh? Toi biSt James. Anh ~y va to
same apaa·tment buildingC67). If you'd like, I s6ng trong toa nha chung cu do. NSt
could give it to him after I get off work tonight. b~n mu6n, toi co thS dua cho anh ta sat
khi toi xong cong vi~c t6i nay.
65. What does the woman want to know? Nguai ph1,1 nfr muon biet gi?
(A) How he knows James (A) Lam thS nao anh ~y biSt James

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(B) Where the man's apartment is (B) Can h9 cua nguai dim ong n~m a
located dau
(C) If the man is finished with the (C) N~u nguOi dim ong hoan thanh
book cu~n sach
(D) Who the man got the book from (D) Nguai dim ong co cu6n sach tu ai

66. Why does the woman want the book T~i sao ph1,1 nfr muon lay l~i cuon sach

back soon? sam?
(A) Someone wants to borrow it. (A) M~t nguOi nao do mu~n muc;m

(B) The book belongs to someone else no.
(C) She wants to read it again. (B) Cu6n sach nay thu(?c vS ngtroi khac
(D) The man had it for too long. (C) Co mu6n d<;>c no m(?t l~n nfra.
(D) Nguai dan ong daco no qua lau.

67. How does the man know James? Nguai dan ong biet James nhtr the nao i
(A) They went to the same school. (A) HQ da di h<;>c cung tru&ng.
(B) They live in the same building.
(C) They worked on a project together.
(B) H~ s~ng trong cung to a nha.
(C) HQ lam vi~c v6i nhau trong m9t dl,!
(D) They belong to the same book club. an.
(D) HQ CUng thu9c vS cau l~c b9 sach.
Q. 68-70 refer to the following
conversation. M. Cac tai li~u quang cao con l~i cua
M. The leftover brochures from our last bubi h9i thao cu6i cl!ng cua chung toi

seminar are stacked up in the back of the a

duqc xSp chbng len nhau phia sau
room and it doesn't look good with clients cua can phong va no trong khong t6t
coming in and out of our office(68). I really trong mit khach hang dang dSn va ra
think we should move them to another place. khoi van phong cua chung ta. Toi thl,!C

W. Couldn't we just put them in the S\! ngh1 r~ng chung ta nen di chuySn
stm·age room foa· now?<69> chting dSn m9t nai khac.
M. Well, I would've already done that but W. Sao chting ta khong d~t chting tronf

there is no room there now. Hey, I have an phong luu trfr bay gio?

idea. I'll go and speak to J\!fr. Lee and see if M. Vang, toi se da lam diSu do nhung
we can temporarily store them in the janitor's khong co phong hi~n nay. Hey, toi co
room. I'm sure that there is some space there. m9t y tuang. Toi se di va noi chuy~n
W. That sounds like a good idea. Tell him v6i ong Lee va xem chung ta co thS
that we will be handing them out at our t~m thai luu trfr chting trong phong cua
next seminar so it'll only be for a week<70>. nguai gac cbng. Toi chic chin r~ng co
I'm sure he will let us keep them there. m9t s6 khong gian do. a
W. E>o la m9t y tuang t6t. Noi v6i anh
~Y r~ng chung ta se ban giao cho hQ t~i
h9i thao tiSp theo cua chting ta vi v~y

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;m da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

no se chi dS duqc trong m9t tu~n. Toi

chic r~ng ong &y se cho chung ta dS
chl!ng do. a
68. What is the problem? v&n dS la gi?
(A) Many clients have complained about (A) NhiSu khach himg da phan nan vS

the mess. Sl,l' l9n x9n.
(B) The stack of brochm·es makes the (B) Cac d~ng tai li~u quang cao lam

office look bad. cho cac van phong trong x~u.
(C) The woman did not attend the (C) Ngua i ph1,1 nfr da khong tham dl,l'

semmar. h9i thao.
(D) The janitor is not maintaining the (D) Nguo i gac cbng khong duy tri van
office properly. phong hqp ly.

69. How will they address the problem? HQ se giai quyet van de nhu the nao?

(A) By making extra space in the storage (A) Bang each them khong gian trong
(B) By throwing the brochures out
phong luu trfr
(B ) B~ng each phat to ra i
(C) By finding another place for (C) B~ng each tim m~t nO'i khac d~
storage luu trfi'
(D) By stacking them up in the back (D) B~ng each xSp chbng chung len
phia sau
70. According to the woman, why will Mr. Theo ngua i ph1,1 nfr, t~i sao ong Leese

Lee agree w ith the man's suggestion? dbng y voidS nghi cua ngua i dan ong?
(A) It will only be temporary. (A) No se chi Ia t~m thOi.
(B) Mr. Lee owes her a favor. (B) Ong Lee nq co &y m9t an hu~.
(C) He is very kind. (C) Anh &y r&t t6t b1,1ng.

(D) She is his boss. (D) Co &y la ong chu cua ong Lee.

Q. 71-73 refer to the following
announcement MQi nguoi chu y! TriSn lam di~n tu se
May I have your attention everyone! The duqc dong cua trong 15 phut. Chung
Electronics Exhibit will be closing in 15 toi mu6n luc nay yeu c~u t&t ca cac nha
minutes<71 •72>. We'd like at this time to ask all cung c&p bit d~u dong goi hang hoa
vendors to start packing your goods. Visitors cua b~n. Du khach dSn voi triSn lam
to the exhibit should make your last-minute a
nen mua hang phut cu6i cung tha i
purchases at this time as well. And lastly, diSm nay la r&t t6t. v a cu6i cting,

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<:tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia' t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

those who have parked your cars in the nhfrng ngua i da d~u xe trong nha dS xe
underground garage, you are to move your agar a duoi m~t d&t, b~n di chuySn xe
vehicles by 6:15. The gar·age door· will be cua b~n truoc 06:15. Gara dS xe se bi
shut down at that time<73). Thank you and dong cua vao tha i diSm do. Cam on
we hope everyone's had a great time today. b~n Va chfulg toi hy VQng t&t ca ffiQi

ngua i da co tha i gian tuy~t vai hom

71. What is being announced? Nhfrng gi dang duqc cong b6?
(A) The closing of the exhibit (A) Vi~c dong cua tri~n Him
(B) M9t chiSc xe d~u trai phep

(B) An illegally-parked vehicle
(C) The day's agenda (C) Chuang trinh nghi Sl,l' cua ngay
(D) The sale of the day (D) Vi~c ban hang trong ngay

72. What products are most likely being Nhfrng san pham nao co nhieu kha
exhibited? nang dang duqc trung bay?
(A) Cars
(B) Televisions
tic (A) 6 to
(B) Tivi
(C) Sofas (C) Bi vang
(D) Garage doors (D) Cua Gara

73. What is going to happen at 6:15? BiSu gi se xay ra vao 6:15?

(A) The exhibition will close. (A) TriSn lam se dong cua.

(B) The vendors will set up their stands (B) Cac nha cung c&p se d~t len ch6
(C) The garage door will close. cuahQ
(D) The visitors will be allowed to enter. (C) Cua gara se dong.
(D) Cac du khach se duqc phep vao.

Q. 74-76 refer to the following short talk

Hello everyone. I'd like to first of all Xin chao t&t ca m<;>i ngua i. Toi mu6n la
ngua i d&u tien thS hi~n long biSt an cue

express my gr·atitude for allowing me to

speak at your annual seminar every toi dS cho phep toi duqc noi chuy~n t~i
year<74>. It has already been 5 years since I hQi thao thu&ng nien cua b~n m6i nam.

first set foot in this company. I can still Ba duqc 5 nam kS tu l&n d&u tien toi
remember the first time I stood here and I d~t chan vao cong ty nay. Toi v&n con
have to say the company has grown at least nh6 l&n d&u tien toi d(rng a day va toi
twofold since then. At the time, the phai noi r~ng cac cong ty da tang it
company's gr·owth was anticipated but the nh&t g&p doi kS tu do. Vao tha i diSm
speed at which it has expanded takes me by do, Sl,l' tang truang CUa cong ty da dUQ'C
surprise a little(75). Anyway, I am really dl,l' doan nhung t6c dQ rna no da rna
happy to have contributed at least a little rQng da khiSn toi ng~c nhien chut. Du
with my knowledge and exper·ience in sao, toi thl,l'c sl,l' h~nh phuc khi da dong

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

sales<7 6). Now, let me begin the day's talk with gop it nh~t m9t chut kiSn thuc va kinh
a brief history about how the first salesman nghi~m CUa toi trong llnh Vl,l'C ban
was born. hang. Bay gia, hay dS toi b~t d~u cu9c
noi chuy~n trong ngay v6i m9t lich su
ng~n g<;>n vS nguai ban hang d~u tien

duqc sinh ra.
74. Who most likely is the speaker? Ai co kha nang nhat la nguai noi?

(A) A guest speaker (A) M~t ngu<ri khach noi
(B) A company director (B) M9t giam d6c cong ty

C) A sales representative (C) M9t ngua i d~i di~n ban hang
D) A professor D) M9t giao su

75. What does the speaker say is surprising Ngua i noi ng~c nhien ve cong ty dieu

about the company? gi?
(A) The history (A) Lich su
(B) The rate of growth
(C) The size of the offices
tic (B) Ty I~ tang trmrng
(C) Kich thuac cua van phong
(D) The number of employees (D) S6 luqng nhan vien
76. In which field of work does the speaker Ngua i noi lam vi~c chuyen mon trong
specialize in'? llnh Vl,l'a nao?
(A) Sales (A) Ban hang

(B) Marketing (B) Marketing

(C) Design (C) ThiStkS
(D) Computers (D) May vi tinh

Q. 77-79 refer to the following report.

The road conditions around the city this DiSu ki~n duang xa xung quanh thanl
ph6 sang nay khong tim kiSm b~t ~

morning aren't looking any different than

another other morning<77•78) with the regular khac v6~ m9t bubi sang khac v6i nhfrn~

tie-ups and a minor accident to report in the Sl,l' ach tac thuang xuyen va mQt tai n~t
Bay Area. A two-vehicle collision on the nho bao cao trong khu Vl,l'a Bay. M9t V\
intersection of Mills Road and Jackson Avenue va ch~m gifra hai chiSc xe tren giao 1<;
is being cleared up and traffic should resume Mills Road va Jackson Avenue, da~E
to its normal condition very shortly. Also, the duqc lam sang to va giao thong can tief
construction on Peace Bridge has its five lanes t1,1c duy tri tinh tr~ng binh thuang nhanl
reduced down to two lanes. Those who are chong. Ngoai ra, vi~c xay dl,l'ng tren C~l
planning to travel across the bay are Peace co nam Ian duang giam xu6ng ha
advised to use the Ambassador Bridge Ian . Nhfrng ngua i dang co kS ho~ch d
du !ich tren vinh dUQ'C khuyen nen Sl

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

instead<79). This has been Rob Stewart with the dl,lllg c~u Ambassador dS thay thS. BaY.
day's traffic report. la Rob Stewart voi bao cao giao thong
trong ngay.
77. According to the speaker, how is the Theo nguoi noi, diSu ki~n giao thong
traffic condition today compared to other hi~n nay so voi nhfrng ngay khac nhu

days? thS nao?
(A) It is similar. (A) Tuong tt,r.

(B) It is slower. (B) Ch~m han.
(C) It is smoother. (C) Muqt.

(D) It is unknown. (D) Chua biSt.

78. What part of the day is this report being Ph~n nao trong ngay duqc bao cao nay
given? dua ra?

(A) In the morning (A) Vao bu~i sang
(B) In the afternoon (B) Vao bu6i chiSu
(C) In the evening
(D) At midnight
tic (C) Vao bu6i t6i
(D) Vao nua dem
79. What are motorists who are planning to Nhfrng nguoi Iai xe rna dang co kS
use the Peace Bridge advised to do? ho~ch dS su dl,lng c~u Peace nen lam
(A) Take an alternate r·oute gi?
(B) Leave the house a bit earlier (A) Di m~t 1~ trinh khac

(C) Have the exact toll ready (B) Roi nha sam han m(?t chut
(D) Use the far left lane only (C) Co s6 di~n tho~i chinh xac da s~n
(D) Chi su dl,lng cac Ian duang ben trai

Q. 80-82 refer to the following voice mail.

Thank you for calling the voice mail of Stan Cam an b~n da g<;>i toi h9p thu tho~i cu(
Stan Johnson B~i ly McMillan. Toi hi~r

Johnson of the McMillan Dealership. I'm

currently showing a vehicle to a customer dang gioi thi~u m9t chiSc xe voi m9

and can't answer your ca11<80). However, if khach hang va khong thS tra loi CUQC gQ
you'd leave me the details ofyour call and a cua b~n. Tuy nhien, nSu b~n mu6n dS 1~
number to contact, I will get back to you as cho toi cac chi tiSt cua CUQC gQi cua b~r
soon as I can<SI). If this is a call about the va m9t s6 lien I~c, toi se co thS g 9 i 1~
compact sedan you saw m today's cho b~n cang sam cang t6t . NSu day 1(
advertisement in the paper, I'd like to mention m9t cu(?c g<;>i noi vS xe sedan nho g<;>t
that the sale price will only last until b~n da th&y trong quang cao cua bai vis
tomor·row. The sedan is a hot item and is nay hom nay, toi mu6n dS c~p gia ban S€
going fast, so don't delay<82)! If this is an chi keo dai cho dSn ngay mai. ChiS<
urgent call, please press zero and talk to the sedan la m9t m~t hang nong va co t6c d~

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;m da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

receptionist. She will page me right away. nhanh, do do, khong ch~m trS! NSu day;
Thank you and have a nice day! la, m9t cu9c g<;>i kh~n c~p, xin vui long
bam khong va noi chuy~n v6i nhan vier
tiSp tan. Co ~y se noi cho toi ngay l~r
tuc. Cam on b~n va chuc b~n co m9

ngay t6t d~p!
80. Why is the caller getting the message? T~i sao ngua i g<;>i nh~n duqc tin nhan?

(A) It is the weekend. (A) Bo la nhCing ngay cu6i tu~n.
(B) Stan is with a customel'. (B) Stan vOi m~t khach hang.

C) It is after business hours. C) Bola sau gia lam vi~c .
D) Stan went out for lunch. D) Stan da di ra ngoai an trua.

81. What is the caller asked to do? Nguai g<;>i yeu cau lam gi?

(A) Call back later (A) GQi l~i sau
(B) Call another number (B) G<;>i s6 khac
(C) Leave a message
(D) Page Mr. Johnson
tic (C) I>~ l~i tin nh~n
(D) Bao Ong Johnson
82. What can be known about the sedan the Nguai noi co thS nhic dSn diSu gi vS
speaker mentions? xe sedan?
(A) It is on sale. (A) No ctucrc ban.
(B) It is very expensive. (B) R~t t6n kern.

(C) It is very big. (C) R~t 16n.

(D) It is very fast. (D) R~t nhanh.

Q. 83-85 r·efel' to the following talk.


Hi, and welcome to the Pittsburgh Zoo. My Xin chao, dSn voi vuan thu Pittsburgh.
name is Charlie and I will be guiding you Ten toi la Charlie va chiSu nay toi se
ar·ound this aftel'noonC ). Now, before we huang d~n cac b~n di xung quanh. Bay

begin our tour, I'd like to quickly run through gia, truac khi chung ta bit d~u tour du

the schedule of the day's activities with you. lich cua chung ta, toi mu6n nhanh
In the first part of our tour, you will get a chong xem qua lich trinh cua cac ho~t
look at the br·and new baby tigel' that was d9ng trong ngay v6i cac b~n. Trong
bol'n yestel'day. HeI' name is "Sar·ah," (&4) ph~n d~u tien cua tour du lich cua
named after her caretaker, and she is the chting ta, cac b~n se nhin th~y chu hb
cutest thing you will ever see. We will arrive con m6i da duqc sinh ra ngay hom qua.
just in time for her feeding. Then, you will be Ten cua no la "Sarah", d~t theo ten cua
guided through our recently-refurbished nguai cham soc no, va nosex la diSu dS
aviary to view our famous collection of exotic thuang nh~t b~n se chua th~y bao gia.
tropical birds. After that, we will stop for Chung ta se dSn ngay trong luc cho no

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

lunch at the food court. In the afternoon, you an. Sau do, b~n se duqc huang d~n qua
will be free to a·oam around the zoo on your di qua chubng chim moi duqc tan trang
own<85) . Does anybody have any questions? l~i cua chung toi dS xem b9 suu t~p nbi
tiSng vS cac loai chim nhi~t do i. Sau
do, chung ta se dlm.g l~i an trua t~i khu

~m thl,l'c. Vao bubi chiSu, b~n se duqc
tl,l' do di lang thang kh~p cac VUCm thu.

Co ai co b&t kY cau hoi nao khong?
83. Who is Charlie? Charlie la ai?

(A) A zookeeper (A) M(?t nguai trong thu
(B) A tour guide (B) M~t huO'Jlg d~n vien
(C) A veterinarian (C) M9t bac sr thu y
(D) An animal tamer (D) M9t nguai thu&n hoa thu v~t

84. What is mentioned about Sarah? Nhfrng gi duqc de c~p ve Sarah?
(A) She is a new employee.
(B) She was born recently.
tic (A) Co &yla m9t nhan v ien moi.
(B) Co ~Y du-;rc sinh ra g~n day.
(C) She is a large tiger. (C) Co &y la m9t con h616n.
(D) She eats a lot. (D) Co &y an r&t nhiSu.

85. What is the last thing on their agenda? BiSu cu6i cung trong chuang trinh ngh
(A) A tour of the aviary Sl,l' CUa hQ la gi?

(B) Lunch break at the food court (A) M(?t tour du lich toi cac lbng chim
(C) Free time to roam aa·ound the (B) An trua t~i qu&y ~m thl,l'c
place (C) ThOi gian nlnh d~ di lang thang
(D) A stop by the veterinarian's office kh~p noi

(D) M9t van phong cua bac Sl thu y

Q. 86-88 refer to the following report.
A special report just in. We have several M(?t bao cao d~c bi~t chi trong. Chung

travel advisories in effect today. The ta co m9t vai lai khuyen di l~i co hi~u
snowstoa·mC86) that hit our city last night is

ll,l'c cho ngay hom nay. Can bao tuySt

causing traffic chaos this morning. Up to 100 db b9 vao thanh ph6 cua chung toi dem
centimeters of snow has come down so far qua dang gay ra sl,l' h6n lo~n giao thong
and it does not look like it is going to stop sang nay. Cho toi gia tuySt da rai
anytime soon. An airport official has told xu6ng day len dSn 1oo em va no khong
reporters that all planes departing and landing co ve nhu se nglm.g rai sam bat cu luc
have stopped. Most of the schools in the city nao. M9t quan chuc san bay da noi voi
have also closed for the day as well. It is cac phong vien r~ng t&t ca cac may bay
advised that you stay indoors today(&?) as khai hanh va h~ canh da dlm.g l~i. H&u
most of the highways are jammed with cars. hSt cac truemg h<;>c trong thanh ph6

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

This has been Jim Brown. Stay tuned as we cung da dong cua trong ngay dS t6t.
will bring you more updates in one hour< ). Lai khuyen r~ng b~n a trong nha ngay

Now, back to our scheduled program. hom nay, h~u hSt cac tuySn du&ng cao
t6c bi tic du&ng. Bay la Jim Brown.
Gifru kenh va chung toi se mang l~i chc

b~n nhiSu thong tin c~p nh~t trong m9t
gia. Bay gia, tr& l~i chuang trinh da

duqc len lich cua chung toi.
86. What is in the forecast for the day? Trong dt,r bao cho ngay co cai gi?
(A) B~u trai u am

(A) Overcast skies
(B) Rain (B)Mua
(C) A snowstorm (C) M~t c011 bao tuy~t
(D) Clear skies (D) Thai tiSt d~p de

87. What are the listeners being Nguai noi dang gqi y lam gi?
recommended to do?
(A) Stay indoors
tic (A) 0 trong nha
(B) M~c qu~n ao ~m
(B) Wear warm clothes (C) Ra san bay sam
(C) Get to the airport early (D) Rai nha sam han thu&ng 1~
(D) Leave the house earlier than usual

88. When will the next report air? Bao cao thai tiet tiep theo khi nao diSn

(A) In fifteen minutes ra?

(B) In thirty minutes (A) Trong muai lam phut
(C) In sixty minutes (B) Trong ba muai phut
(D) In ninety minutes (C) Trong sau muoi phut

(D) Trong chin muai phut

Q. 89-91 refer to the following talk.
Welcome everyone to this year's annual House Chao mtmg t~t ca mQi nguai t6i HoUS(

and Home Show. We are pt·oud to announce va Home Show hang nam. Chl!ng toi r~
tl,f hao thong bao r~ng chuang trinh narr

that this year's show will be the biggest ever

held in this stateC89). There will be one nay se 16n nh~t tu tru6c t6i gia duqc tc
hundred and fifty exhibitors, displaying chuc t~i tiSu bang nay. Se co m9t trarr
more than two thousand different home nam muai nha triSn lam, trung bay har
products<90). You will find exciting, hai ngan san ph~m gia dinh khac nhau
innovative, practical, artistic, and beautiful B~n se th~y thu vi, sang t~o , thiSt thl,fc
designs of products ranging from mansions ngh~ thu~t, va thiSt kS d~p cua cac sar
built in stone to houses made with bottle ph~m khac nhau, tu bi~t thl,f duqc xa'
openers. In the architectural section, you can dl,fng b~ng da dSn ngoi nha duqc larr
find stunning models of the latest in home b~ng cac dl,lng Cl,l m& chai. Trong ph~I

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

designs, including houses, apartments, and kiSn true, b<;m co thS tim th&y mo hint
tuy~t d~p cua cac m~u thiSt kS mai nh&
villas. The furniture section includes both the
most modern new modular designs and a range trong gia dinh, bao gbm nha 0, can hQ
bi~t thl,l'. Ph&n n9i th&t bao gbm c~
of genuine antiques. And that's not all. We also
have extensive displays of dinnerware, nhiing thiSt kS mo-dun hi~n d~i nh&t ma

cookware and lighting. So let's begin this va m9t lo~t cac db cb chinh hang. v a de
spectacular event<91). khong phai la t&t ca. chung toi cilng cc

tnmg bay mo r<)ng bua an t6i, dl,ll1g q
n&u va den th~p sang. Vi v~y, chung tc
hay b~t d&u Sl,l' ki~n ngo~n ml,lC nay.

89. What does the speaker mention about this Nguoi noi de c~p nhfrng gi ve chuang
year's show? trinh nam nay?
(A) It is the biggest held event to date. (A) Day Ia Sl.f ki~n dU'Q'C t~ chuc 101:1

(B) It is the first event ever. nhfit cho d~n nay.
(C) It will display only houses. (B) Bay la sl,l' ki~n d&u tien.

(D) There will be many free giveaway (C) Nose trung bay chi nhfrng ngoi nha
(D) Se co nhiSu ph&n qua trao t~ng miSr
90. How many exhibitors will be displaying Co bao nhieu nha triSn lam se trung
home products? bay cac san ph~m gia dinh?
(A) 50 (A) 50
(B) 100 (B) 100

(C) 150 (C) 150

(D)200 (D) 200

91. What will happen next? Bieu gi se xay ra tiep theo?


(A) The show will begin. (A) Chuong trinh se b~t d~u.
(B) The event will come to a close. (B) Sl,l' ki~n nay se di dSn hbi kSt.
(C) The speaker will make a presentation (C) Nguoi noise co m9t bai thuySt

(D) The models will make their trinh

(D) Cac mo hinh nay se t~o Sl,l' xu&t

hi~n cua hQ.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

Q. 92-94 refer to the following talk.

Good morning and welcome to our monthly Chao bubi sang va chao mtmg dSn bub
breakfast meeting<92). 1 know many of you hQp an sang hang thang cua chung toi
have difficulty getting up that extra bit early, Toi biSt nhiSu b~n g~p kho khan tronE
but in my view, this is a really worthwhile vi~c phai d~y s6m, nhung theo quar

exercise. And I'm sure you'll agree that the diSm cua toi, day la m9t bai t~p thl,l'C S\
quality of the coffee and food on offer makes dang gia. V a toi chic chin r~ng b~n S€

up for the inconvenience of getting up early. I dbng y r~ng ch&t ltr<;mg CUa ca phe V<
want to start today with a very pleasing news thuc an cung c&p t~o cho sl,l' b&t ti~n cu<
vi~c d~y s6m. Toi mu6n bit ,d~'-: nga)

item. One of our engineers, Michael
Kleinsfeld, has won an award for innovation hom nay VOi mQt ffil,IC tin tuc rat de chju
in the field of computer security system M<)t trong nhfrng ky su cua chting toi
design<93>. This is very exciting. Michael will Michael Kleinsfeld, da gianh dm;rc m9

be featured in an article in Computer giai thuemg cho Sl,l' dbi moi trong llnl
Magazine next month, and of course will Vl,l'C thiSt kS h~ th6ng bao m~t may tinh
gain valuable publicity<94). Michael will be
addressing our meeting a little later. Now, does
anyone have any business they would like to
DiSu nay la r&t thu vi. Michael se dm;rc
gi6i thi~u trong m9t bai viSt tren t~p ch
may tinh vao thang toi, va t&t nhien S€
add to the agenda? quang cao gia tri lqi ich. Michael S€
trinh bay CUQC hQp CUa chung toi ffiQ
chut sau do. Bay gja, co ai co b&t k)
cong vi~c gi rna muon them vao chucmg

trinh nghi sl,l' khong?

92. How often do the listeners meet? Nguoi nghe thu&ng dap trng ra sao?
(A) Once a week (A) M<?t tu~n m9t l~n

(B) Once every two weeks (B) M9t l~n m6i hai tu~n
(C) Once a month (C) M~t thang m~t l~n
(D) Once every three months (D) Ba thang m9t l~n

93. What did Mr. Kleinsfeld do? Ong da Kleinsfeld lam gi?
(A) Won an awar·d (A) Gianh m~t giai thucmg
(B) Invented a new computer (B) Phat minh m9t may tinh moi
(C) Wrote a newspaper article (C) Da viSt m9t bai bao
(D) Made some coffee (D) Pha ca phe

94. According to the speaker, what will be Theo nguoi noi, kSt qua th~mh tich cua
the result of Michael's achievement? Michaella nhfrng gi?
(A) The company will receive free (A) Cong ty se nh~n duq-c quang cao
publicity. mi~n phi.

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;m da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(B) The security of the building will be (B) S \l' an toim cua to a nha se duqc an
safer. toan han.
(C) The magazine will be delivered on (C) T~p chi nay se duqc giao dung thai
time. gtan.
(D) The designers will have more work. (D) Cac nha thiSt kS se phai lam vi~c

nhiSu han.
Q. 95-97 r·efer to the following message.

Hello, this is a message for Nancy Brown. Ms. Xin chao, day la m9t tin nhin danh chc
Brown, this is Shelly Williams of Balcombe Nancy Brown. Chi Brown, day 13 Shelly

South Financing. I am calling to let you know Williams cua Balcombe Soutl
that I have been working to process your Financing. Toi gQi dS cho b~n biSt r~n~
loan application and I realized that I have toi da lam vi~c dS xu ly dan xin vay tiSr
not yet r·eceived a couple of documents I had cua b~n va toi nh~n ra r~ng toi v~n chuc

asked for earlier· this week<9 5). It is very nh~n dUQ'C mQt vai tai li~u toi da yeu C~l.
important that I get those documents by the end cho d~u tu~n nay. Toi co duqc nhiing ta
of today. My boss will be taking his vacation
starting next week<96) and if I don't get those
li~u nay vao cu6i ngay hom nay diSu de
r~t quan trQng . 6ng chu cua toi se tharr
documents on his desk before the end of gia ky nghi cua minh bit d~u tu tu~n to
tomorrow, your application will not be looked va nSu toi khong co duqc nhiing tai li~t:
at for at least two weeks. Therefore, would tren ban lam vi~c cua minh truac khi kS
you please call me back at my office as soon thuc vao ngay mai, dan xin cua b~n s(
as you get this message<97)? I will be here until khong duqc xem xet it nh~t hai tu~n. V

5 today. Thank you. v~y, b~n vui long gQi l~i cho toi t~i var
phong cua toi ngay khi b~n nh~n duqc
tin nhin nay? Toi sea day cho dSn 5 gic
ngay hom nay. Cam an.

95. Why is the caller leaving the message? T~i sao nguoi gQi de l~i tin nhan?
(A) To set up an appointment (A) DS thiSt l~p m9t cu9c h~n
(B) To give a reminder to send (B) I>~ nh~c nh« gui cai gi do

something (C) DS co duqc m9t khoan vay cho

doanh nghi~p cua minh

(C) To get a loan for her business

(D) To finalize a deal (D) DS hoan t&t m9t thoa thu~n

96. When will the caller's boss leave for his Khi nao ong chu cua nguoi gQi se di
vacation? nghi?
(A) Today (A) Hom nay
(B) Next week (B) Tu~n tOi
C) In two weeks C) Trong hai tu~n
D) Next month D) Trong thang t6i

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng tht'mh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qui Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;m da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

97. What does the caller request? Nguoi gQi yeu c~u nhfrng gi?
(A) To call her back (A) G«;li l~i cho co ~y
(B) To pick up the documents (B) L~y cac tai li~u
(C) To discuss a possible loan (C) BS thao lu~n vS m9t khoan vay co
(D) To come in to talk to her boss thS

(D) Bi -yao dS noi chuy~n v&i ong chu
cua co ay

Q. 98-100 refer to the following talk.
I'm glad to see that everyone is present today. Toi r~t vui khi th~y r~ng t~t ca mQ

The reason why I have called you here today nguoi co m~t ngay hom nay. Ly dot~
is to introduce our new international sao toi da gQi mQi nguoi day hom nay lc
•·elations manager, Jason Hegay<98>. Mr. dS gi&i thi~u nguoi quan ly cac m6i quar
Hegay had worked for Islington h~ qu6c tS m&i cua chung toi, Jasor

Incoa·poa·ated foa· four years before moving Hegay. Ong ~Y da lam vi~c chc
onto HatTison Limited for six yearsC99). Mr. Hegay Islington Incorporated b6n narr
Hegay brings with him ten years of experience
in international business and fills the gap that
tru&c khi chuySn sang cong ty TNHI-l
Harrison duqc sau nam. Ong Hegay
we so desperately need m building mang theo v&i muoi nam kinh nghi~rr
relationships with other foreign corporations. cua ong ~y trong kinh doanh qu6c tS V<
During his tenure at his last two companies, l~p d~y khoang each rna chung ta dan~
Mr. Hegay had lived in Europe, North r~t c~n trong cac m6i quan h~ xay dl,lll~
America and Asia and is fluent in five v&i cac cong ty nu&c ngoai khac. TronJ

languages. This of com·se is going to be a nhi~m ky cua minh t~i hai cong ty cuo
ga·eat asset in our goal to a·each into other cung cua ong ~y, ong Hegay da s6ng c
parts of the world<100>. Now, would everyone chau Au, Bic ~y va c~au A v~ thong
please make Mr. Hegay feel at home here and th~o nam thu tieng. Bieu nay tat nhier

welcome him to our company? la CO dUQ'C mQt tai san lan trong ffil,lC tiel
cua chung ta tiSp c~n vao cac nai khac
tren thS gi&i. Bay gio, t~t ca mQi nguo

co mu6n lam cho ong Hegay cam th~y

;rui ~u a nha t~i day va chao don onf

ay den cong ty choog ta chu?

98. What is the speaker doing? Nguoi noi dang lam gi?
(A) Saying good-bye to a co-worker (A) Noi loi t~m bi~t v&i m<?t dbng
(B) Introducing the newest member nghi~p
of the company (B) GiOi thi~u cac thanh vien mOi
(C) Talking about the company's future nh~t cua cong ty
plan (C) Noi vS kS ho~ch tuang lai cua cong
(D) Discussing an upcoming trip ty

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia tri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
f)inh Cong Tuyen

(D) Thao lu~n vS m9t chuySn di mroc

\ • ~ I •

ngoa1 sap tm

99. How many years of experience does J\Ar.

Ong Hegay co bao nhieu nam kinl
Hegay have in his field of work? nghi~m trong llnh Vl,l'C CUa ong ~y V(

(A) 1 year cong vi~c?
(B) 4 years (A) 1 nam

(C) 6 years (B)4nam
(D) 10 years (C) 6 nam

(D) 10 nam
100. According to the speaker, what about Theo nguoi noi, ong Hegay se mang l<;t
J\Ar. Hegay will bring value to the gia tri gi cho cong ty?
company? (A) Kha nang cua ong ~y noi nhi~t

(A) His ability to speak many ngon ngfi' khac nhau
different (B) NSn tang g,iao ,dl,lC cua ong ~y trong
(B) His educational background in
kinh doanh quoc te
(C) Quan h~ cua ong ~y voi cac cong t'
international business nuoc ngoai tren toan cau
(C) His ties with foreign companies (D) M6i quan h~ cua ong ~y voi cong t'
around the globe TNHH Harrison
(D) His relationship with Harrison
e ic

Quy~n sach nay do nhfrng thanh vien nhi~t tinh nJ:ilit CUa group "Toeic Practice Club" bien SO<;tn nh~m giup
cac b<;tn co tai li~u on thi hi~u qua. Mong mQi nguoi dimg mua btm quy~n sach nay vi nhu thg se lam mit
di gia t.ri rna cac b<;tn da dong gop.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương



a. She ‘s turing on the light.
b. She ‘s holding up a booklet.

c. She’s speaking to the audience
d. She’s rearranging the book shelf

a. Cô ấy đang bật đèn.

b. Cô ấy đang cầm một quyển sách.
c. Cô ấy đang nói với khản giả, người nghe
d. Cô ấy đang xếp lại giá sách.

a. The woman is at the counter
b. The man is serving coffee to the customer.
c. The man is stacking up the cups.
d. He ‘s handing a tool.

a. Người phụ nữ đang ở quầy.

b. Người nam phục vụ cà phê cho khách hàng.

c. Người đàn ông đang chồng mấy cái cốc.
d. Anh ta đang cầm một dụng cụ

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

a. He’s handing a tool
b. He ‘s cutting grass.
c. He’s building a bookself.

d. He’s walking up to the roof

a. Anh ta đang cầm một dụng cụ.

b. Anh ta đang cắt cỏ
c. Anh ta dựng giá sách
d. Anh ta đang đi tiến gần tới mái nhà.

a. The man is finishing his meal.

b. The customer is waiting for a table

c. The waiter is setting the table.
d. The woman is looking at the menu

a. Người nam đang ăn.
b. Người khách đang đợi bàn

c. Người bồi bàn đang đặt bàn ghế.

d. Người nữ đang xem menu

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
a. There are cars on the road
b. Traffic is moving in both directions
c. The pedestrian are crossing the road.
d. The car are parked on the side of the road


a. Có nhiều xe trên đường
b. Giao thông đang di chuyển theo hai hướng
c. Người đi bộ đang sang đường

d. Xe được đậu 2 bên đường

a. The man is setting up a stand outdoors
b. People are shopping at an outdoor market.
c. The market is ready to close for the day.
d. The umbrellas are being folded in half

a. Người đàn ông đặt giàn hàng ngoài trời.
b. Nhiều người đang mua hàng tại khu chợ ngoài trời.

c. Chợ đóng đóng cửa trong ngày

d. Những chiếc ô được gập một nửa.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
a. The copy machine is out of order
b. Boxes are stacked on top of each other
c. A man is stocking the boxes in the shelf.
d. The copier is being used in the room


a. Máy in bị hỏng
b. Những chiếc hộp được chồng lên trên nhau
c. Một người đàn ông đang chồng những chiếc hộp lên giá
d. Máy copy đang được dùng tại phòng



a. All the computer screens are turned on.

b. A man is using a computer.
c. The chair is nearly tucked under the desk.
d. There are monitors in the room

a. Tất cả màn hình máy tính được bật lên
b. Một người nam đang sử dụng máy tính.

c. Chiếc bàn gần như xếp lại dưới chiếc bàn

d. Có nhiều màn hình trong căn phòng.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

a. The man is looking into the file cabinet.
b. The office equipment is being removed.

c. The man is opening the drawers.
d. The door of the room is open.

a. Người nam đang nhìn vào tủ chứa tài liệu.

b. Thiết bị văn phòng đang được chuyển đi
c. Người nam đang mở những cái ngăn kéo.
d. Cánh cửa của căn phòng đang mở

a. The waves are hitting the shore.
b. A boat has been pulled onto the beach.
c. The boats are floating near the pier
d. The ducks are flying over the sea.

a. Các con sóng đang đập vào bờ
b. Một chiếc thuyền đã được kéo vào bờ biển.

c. Những chiếc thuyền đang nổi trên gần ở bến tầu

d. Mấy con vịt bay trên biển

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
11. Where does the bus for Toronto leave? 11. Xe bus Toronto rời bến ở đâu?

19.a.MrFrom gate 17
Roberson runs our an Francisco office, doesn’t 19.a.Ông
số 17.
hành văn phòng Francisco,
b. Yes, let’s go b. Ừ, đi thôi
c. In ten minutes. phải
c. Trong 10 phút nữa.

a. No,
12. Would youit’s
Los Angeles.
to drink? 12. Cậua. muốn
Không phải,
uống ở Los Angeles.
gì không?
b. Yes, he is the boss there. b. Đúng rồi, ông ta là xếp ở đó.

c. He’s on a business trip. a. c. À Ông ta đã
có, tôi đang đi công
từng thích tác
nó lắm
a. Yes, I liked it very much.
Someyoutealike a hand
would with your luggage?
be nice b. Chút chà sẽ tuyệt
20. Cậu có muốn giúp với hành lý của câu
c. No, I didn’t get anything c. Không, tôi không nhận được gì cả.

a. Yes, I can lend it to you.
13. Whob. asked for a copy
is inofthe
report? 13. Ai đã yêu cầu một bản copy của bản báo cáo?
The handle a. Ừ, tôi có thể đưa nó cho cậu.
c. Yes, that would be nice, thanks. b. Tay cầm ở đằng trước.
a. Yes, a. c. Vâng,
tốt,tacảm ơn
wishcomeask him

21.Why by yesterday? b. 15 trang
b. Fifteen pages 21.c.TạiÔng
cậu không
c. a. Mr. Johnson did today đã tới
hỏi.ngày hôm qua?
I came in early
b. Because I had a question.
14. Where
c. Byis the

22.a.I hope
It’s on
o’clock at room?
land contract
the earliest

floorthis afternoon
a. Tôi
14. Phòng ở đâu?
họptới sớm sang nay
b. Bởi vì tôi có một thắc mắc
a. c. Ở Sớm
trên 2nhất là 2 giờ
b. Let’s meet in a short while 22.b.TôiHãy gặp nhau
hi vọng cậu kýmột lúc hợp đồng này chiều
a. Yes, wish me luck. c. Chúng tôi có rất nhiều phòng.
c. We have plenty of room. nay!
b. He will contact me after lunch.
15. Cái phần mềm chạy lỗi rùi !
15. The Aroundistwo
c. software noto’clock.
running properly? a. À ừ, chúc tôi may mắn đi
23. Do you know who Mr Sanchex went to the head a. b. EmAnh ta sẽnên
không liênchay
lạc sau
quábữa trưa
a. You shouldn’t run too fast

office with? c. Khoảng 2 giờ

b. Để tôi xem nếu tôi có thể làm gì được không?
b. Let me see if I can do anything about it
c. No, iam not going to wear it 23.c.Cậu Không,
có biếttôiÔng
sẽ không cùngcái
San đimặc vớiđóaiđâu.
tới văn
a. Brian Triper, I think. Cậu đã
16.phòng giaokhông?
chính kiện hàng trực tiếp tiếp chưa?
16. Didb. you
attend the package in person?
a senimar.
c. No, Iam not heading it. Brian..,
a. a. Chưa, tôi bảo
tôi đã nghĩRick
vậy nhận nó.
a. No, I asked Rick to take it.

24.b.DoAtyou b. b. Ở Tham
bưu điện
dự cuộc họp
office. for the vending machine? tới đó.
c. c. Anh
Không, phải người
tôi không
ta không đó
c. He is not the person.
a. Yes, I’d like a drink. Ông
17.24. CậuChin đã nói
có tiền lẻ cho vàobạn
gì với máytạibán hàng
cuộc tự

17. What
b. did Mr IChin
Sorry, onlysay to bills.
have you at the meeting?
động không?
c. You shouldn’t bend it. a. Ông ta không nói nhiều.
a. He didn’t say much

25.b.You spoke to the gì đấy

to accounting manager today, didn’t b. a. Hãy
muốn uốngvới ông ta.
Lets go talk him.
you? c. b. Ông
Xintalỗi, đang
giờtôi chỉ ởcóđâu?
tiền giấy thôi.
c. Where is he now?
18. Ai c.đã tán
nên gập
lịchnó lại. mới?
18. Who No, I didn’t
a. approved the get
chance to. 25. Cậu đã nói chuyện với quản lý kế toán hôm
b. Yes, he delivered a great speech. a. đúng
Em phải chứng minh nó.
a. c. You nay, không?
needhave to prove
to count it. again.
it over b. Xin lỗi, tôi không thể đổi lịch trình được
b. Sorry, I can’t change may schedule
c. a. Tôi nghĩ làtôiÔng
Không, Sulton có
đã không đã cơ
c. I think Mr Sulton did.
b. À vâng, Anh ta đã có một bài diễn văn
rất tuyệt.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương c. Chúng ta cần đếm lại nó lần nữa.

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
26. I got these tickets to the show toningh. Do you 26. Tôi đã mua được vé cho show diễn tối nay. Cậu muốn đi
want to check it out?
không? xem cùng không?

a. They only accept cash , not check. a. Họ chỉ nhận tiền mặt thôi.
b. Thanks, but I’ve got plans this evening. b. Cảm ơn, nhưng tớ đã có kế hoạch cho tối nay rồi.
c. I’ll check it over again tonight. c. Tôi sẽ kiểm tra lại tối nay.
27. Which apartment do you want to see fisrt? 27. Phòng nào em muốn xem trước?

a. How about the one by the beach. a. Phòng cạnh biển trước đi.
b. b.Probably at the Sales Department. b. Khả năng là bộ phận Sales.

c. Actually, I saw it earlier. c. Thực tế là, tôi đã thấy nó trước rồi.
28. Will the new store open this month or next? 28. Cửa hàng mới mở tháng này hay tháng sau nhỉ?

a. Probably next month a. Chắc là tháng sau
b. No, its not open yet. b. Không, nó chưa mở đâu
c. We store everything there c. Chúng tôi lưu trữ mọi thứ ở đây.

29. What do I have to bring to the interview? 29. Tôi phải mang cái gì tới cuộc phỏng vấn không?

a. The view is quite nice from there. a. Cảnh khá đẹp từ đây.
b. I’ll talk to the interview today.
c. Just your resume and cover letter.
30. Would you like to receive a sample of our new
b. Tôi sẽ nói chuyện với ứng viên hôm nay
c. Chỉ cần hồ sơ và thư xin việc.
30. Cậu có muốn nhận hàng mẫu mới của chúng tôi không
product? ?
a. No, I’ll just take it with me. a. Không, tôi sẽ chỉ cầm nó theo
b. Sorry, I am not interested. b. Xin lỗi, tôi không hứng thú
c. I’ll send it at the post office. c. Tôi sẽ gửi tại bưu điện.

31. How long is the drive to the branch office.

31. Từ đây tới bãi biển xa không?
a. John is going to drive there.
b. Three of us will be going there. a. John sẽ lái xe tới đó.
c. At least an hour in this traffic. b. 3 chúng ta sẽ đi tới đó.

a. c.Ít nhất 1 giờ với tình trạng giao thông này.

32. Where do I have to get my driver’s license?
32. Tôi lấy bằng lái xe ở đâu được nhỉ?
a. Line up at window 7.

b. You shouldn’t drive today. a. Xếp hàng tại cửa số 7

c. I will go with you in a short while. b. Cậu không nên lái xe hôm nay
c. Tôi sẽ đi với cậu một lúc.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
33. Aren’t you going away this weekend? 33. Cậu sẽ không đi cuối tuần này hả?

a. He’s away this week. a. Anh ta rời đi tuần này

b. This Sunday is okay. b. Chủ nhật này được đấy
c. No, next weekend. c. Không, tuần sau
34. Would you like some milk or cream with your 34. Cậu có muốn sữa hay kem hòa với cà phê không?

a. Một trong 2 đều tuyêt.
a. Either would be great. b. Xin lỗi, chúng tôi hết sữa rồi.

b. Sorry, we’re out of milk now. c. Tôi cũng cần một số bản copy nữa.
c. I need some coppies as well.
35. How about going over the report together this 35. Hay là kiểm tra báo cáo cùng nhau vào chiều này nhé!

a. Chắc rồi, hãy gặp lúc 2 giờ nhé
a. Sure, let’s meet at 2 o’clock. b. ừ, hãy đi tới chỗ kia cùng nhau
b. Yes, let’s go over there together. c. Tôi nay lúc 8 giờ

c. This evening at 8 o’clock
36. Weren’t you at the regional conference? 36. Cậu đã không ở cuộc họp khu vực à?

a. Let’s meet there.

b. No, I couldn’t go.
c. I am originally from there.
tic a. Hãy gặp ở kia
b. Không, tôi đã không thể tới
c. Tôi ban đầu từ kia.
37. Why did Michael leave his position? 37. Tại sao Michael lại rời vị trí này nhỉ?

a. He left an hour ago. a. Anh ta rời đi khoảng một giờ trước.

b. He’s a manager here. b. Anh ta là quản lý ở đây.
c. He found a better job c. Anh ta đã tìm thấy một công việc tốt hơn.

38. My computer is making that terrible sound again. 38. Cái máy tính của tôi là tạo ra một tiếng động rất kỳ lạ

a. Maybe it’s time to get new one. a. Có lẽ đến lúc phải thay mới rồi.
d. b.Okey, I’ll turn it down a litte. b. Okey, Tôi sẽ vặn nhỏ xuống.
b. Yes, let’s make it for one. c. Ừ, hãy làm một cái đi.

39. The advertising staff did a great job with this 39.Các nhân viên quảng cáo đã làm việc rất tốt với cái chiến
campaign, didn’t they? dịch quảng cáo này, đúng không?

a. In the local newspaper. a. Ở các bài báo địa phương.

b. The client is very sastified. b. Khách hàng rất hài lòng.

c. Yes, I will let him know c. Ừ, tôi sẽ báo anh ta biết.

40. Pets are not allowed in the building. 40. Thú cưng, vật nuôi không được phép vào tòa nhà này!

a. A cat and a dog a. Một con mèo và một con chó

b. Let’s all go there b. Tất cả hãy cùng tới chỗ kia
c. Sorry, I didn’t know c. Xin lỗi, tôi đã không biết

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

41-43 41-43

M: I can’t believe the highway is closed. M: Không thể tin được quốc lộ lại ngừng cho xe chạy.

W: Well, we’d better go around and take College road. W: Ồ, Chúng ta tốt hơn là đi vòng và đi đường
It takes a it longer, but it seems like we don’t have College. Sẽ dài hơn, nhưng mà có vẻ như không có sự

choice. lựa chọn nào khác.

M: If I had know this, I would ‘ve made a turn at the M: Nếu tôi đã biết về việc này, tôi đã không ngoặt vào
đoạn đường giao nhau lúc nãy.

last intersection.

W: Don’t worry. We still have plenty of time to pick W: Đừng lo. Chung ta vẫn còn khối thời gian để đón
up the client at the bus station. khách hàng ở bến xe mà.

41. What is the problem? 41. Vấn đề là gì?

The highway is closed
They missed a bus
The road is congested
They made a wrong turn
tic a.
Quốc lộ ngừng cho xe chạy.
Họ đã lỡ chuyến xe bus
Đoạn đường bị tắc nghẽn.
Họ đã ngoặt nhầm lối.
42. Where is the conversation taking place? 42. Cuộc hội thoại diễn ra ở đâu?

a. In a bus a. Trên xe bus

b. At a college b. Tại trường đại học.
c. In a car c. Trên xe ô tô

d. On the highway d. Trên quốc lộ.

43.Where are they going? 43. Họ đang đi tới đâu?

a. To catch a bus a. Để bắt xe bus

b. To a local college b. Tới trường học địa phương.

c. To a client’s office c. Tới văn phòng của khách hàng.

d. To pick up someone d. Đi đón ai đó.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
44-46. 44-46

W: Hey, Ron I heard you got a new job. How is it? W: Này, Ron, Tôi nghe nói câu tìm được việc làm mới.
Nó thế nào?
M: I really like it. The staff seems very friendly and the
work is not too bad either.However I am a little M: Tôi thực sự rất thích công việc này. Các nhân viên có

concerned about the distance. It’s a bit far from my vẻ rất thân thiện và công việc cũng không quá tệ. Tuy
place. nhiên, tôi hơi lo ngại về khoảng cách. Khá xa so với chỗ

của tôi.
W: Oh, That’s too bad. Maybe it’s time for you to get a
car. W: Ồ, thế thì tệ nhỉ, có lẽ đã tới lúc cậu mua xe đi.

M: I ‘ve thought about that, but then there’s the hassle M: Tôi đã nghĩ tới việc này, nhưng cũng thiệt khó để thi
of getting a driver’s license. bằng lái xe.

44. What does the man say about his new job? 44. Người nam nói gì về nghề nghiệp mới của anh ta?

a. It’s very difficult a. Rất khó khăn
Đồng nghiệp của anh ta rất thân thiện.
His co-workers are friendly
It is very close to his place
He has to drive a lot.
45. What does the man say he is worried about?
Rất gần với chỗ của anh ta.
Anh ta phải lái xe rất lâu.
45. Người nam nói anh ta lo lắng về việc gì?
a. The distance a. Khoảng cách
b. His co-worker b. Đồng nghiệp.
c. The work c. Công việc
d. The play. d. Vở kịch

46. What does the woman recommend? 46. Người nữ gợi ý việc gì?

a. To talk to his co-worker. a. Nói chuyện với đồng nghiệp của anh ta.
b. To buy a new car. b. Mua một chiếc xe mới
c. To walk to his new job. c. Đi bộ tới chỗ làm

d. To move closer to work d. Chuyển gần chỗ làm.


Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

47-49. 47-49.

W: What did you think of Jackson? W: Anh đã nghĩ như thế nào về Jas vậy?

M: Well, his background in sales is very impressive M: À thì, lý lịch của anh ta về mảng sale rất ấn tượng
and he also seems like a real nice guy. và anh ta cũng có vẻ như một chàng trai tốt.

W: I agree. I think he may be the guy to lead our sale W: Đồng ý. Tôi nghĩ là anh ta đúng là người lãnh đạo

team. Did you get any feedback from the personnel cho đội sale nhà mình. Anh đã nhận được phản hồi từ
manager? quản lý nhân sự chưa?

M: Yes, he likes him a lot, too. Let’s go and tell Jason M: Rồi, anh ta cũng thích chàng này lắm. Hãy đi báo
that he got the job. với Jason là anh ta nhận được việc mới đi.

47. What are the speakers discussing? 47. Người nói đang bàn luận về việc gì?

a. A person they have just interviewed a. Người mà họ vừa mới phỏng vấn.
b. Company sales figures b. Danh số bán hàng của công ty.
A guy they both knew in the sales department.
The feedback they got from a recent survey.
48. What impressed the man about Jason?
Người mà họ đều biết trong bộ phận sales.
Phản hồi mà họ nhận được từ khảo sát gần đây.
48. Cái gì đã gây ấn tượng với người nam về Jas?
a. His job experience a. Kinh nghiệm của anh ta.
b. His education background. b. Lịch sử học tập của anh ta.
c. His work ethic. c. c.Đạo đức nghề nghiệp
d. His confidence. d. Sự tự tin của anh ta.

49. In which department will Jason most likely work? 49. Jas có khả năng sẽ làm ở bộ phận nào?

a. Personnel. a. .Nhân sự
b. Accounting b. Kế toán
c. Computer c. Máy tính
d. Sales d. Bán hàng

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
50-52 50-52

M: Wendy, are you done with your monthly report? M: Wendy này, cô đã xong báo cáo tháng của cô
The general manager wants it in his office first thing chưa?. Quản lý trưởng muốn nó trong văn phòng ngay
tomorrow morning. sang mai đấy.

W: I finished writing it up, but I have to read it over to W: Tôi đã viết xong rồi, nhưng tôi còn phải đọc lại để

make sure there aren’t any errors. I am going out to chắc không còn lỗi. Tôi ra ngoài ăn trưa bây giờ nhưng
lunch now but I’ll read it over in the afternoon. tôi sẽ đọc lại vào buổi chiều.

M: That’s great. Could you give it to Mr Wright’s M: Thật tuyệt, Cô đưa cho thư ký sau khi cô xong nhé!
secretary after you are done?

W: Không vấn đề gì, tôi sẽ đưa nó cho cô ấy vào cuối
W: No problem.I ‘ll get it to her by the end of the day. ngày.

50. Who wants to see the report? 50. Ai muốn xem bản báo cáo?

a. Wendy. a. Wendy
b. The general manager. b. Quản lý trưởng.
c.Mr Wright’s secretary
The receptionist.
51. When will the woman hand in her report?
Thư ký ông Wright.
Lễ tân.
51. Khi nào người nữ sẽ nộp báo cáo?
a. By lunch a. Trước bữa trưa.
b. By the end of the day. b. Cuối ngày.
c. By tomorrow c. Trước ngày mai.
d. By the end of the week. d. Trước cuối tuần.

52. Where will the woman go next? 52. Người nữ sẽ đi đâu tiếp theo?

a. To have lunch. a. Đi ăn trưa.

b. To talk to Mr. Wright b. Nói chuyện với Ông Wright
c. To see the general manager. c. Đi gặp quản lý trưởng.
d. To her office. d. Tới văn phòng của cô ấy.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
53-55 53-55

M: Take a seat, Ronda. I’ve asked you here to here M: Mời ngồi, Ron. Tôi mời cô tới đây để bàn về tiến
discuss the progress of your work in the marketing trình công việc của cô ở bộ phân marketing.
W: Tôi hi vọng tôi đang làm đúng mọi việc. Tôi thực
W: I hope I am doing all righ. I really like my job and sự rất thích công việc và mọi người đã rất tốt với tôi.

the people have been great to me.
M: Yes. I can see that you really like your job here. As M: À đúng, Tôi cũng thấy cô thực sự thích công việc ở
đây. Như cô đã biết, đã được 3 tháng kể từ khi cô bắt

you know, it’s been three months since you started with
us and your probationary period is over. I’d like to đầu công việc với chúng tôi và giai đoạn thử việc đã
offer you a full- time position with our company. kết thúc. Tôi mong muốn đề nghị với cô vị trí toàn thời

gian tại công ty.
W: That’s wonderful. You don’t realize how much this
mean to me. W: Thật tuyệt. Anh không thể hiểu việc này có ý nghĩa
lớn như thế nào với tôi đâu!.

53. In which department does Ronda work? 53. Ron sẽ làm việc tại bộ phận nào?

tic a.
Kế hoạch.
Kế toán
Nhân sự.
54. How long has Ronda been with the company? 54. Ron đã làm việc với công ty được bao lâu rồi?

a. One week a. Một tuần

b. One month b. Một tháng
c. Three months. c. 3 tháng

d. Six months d. 6 tháng

55. Why is the man meeting with Ronda? 55. Tại sao người nam lại gặp mặt Ron?

a. To transfer to another department a. Để điều chuyển cô tới bộ phận khác.

b. To offer her a full-time position. b. Để đề nghị cô một vị trí chính thức.

c. To discuss a future project c. Để bàn luận về dự án trong tương lai.

d. To talk about her promotion. d. Để nói về việc thăng chức cho cô ấy.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
56-58 56-58

W: Mr Lee, the results from your physical came back W: Ông Lee, các kết quả từ việc kiểm tra thể lực đã về
and you are in fine health. và sức khỏe của ông rất tốt.

M: I am so believed to hear that. I was getting worried M: Thât là vui khi nghe tin. Tôi đã rất lo lắng bởi vì
because I have been feeling tired all the time. I guess dạo gần đây tôi thường thấy mệt mỏi mọi lúc. Tôi đoán

I’ve just been exercising too much. là do tập thể dục quá nhiều.

W: It is good idea to exercise, but over- exercising and W: Tập thể dục đúng là tốt, nhưng quá trớn và không

not getting enough rest may actually wear you out. Try nghỉ ngơi đủ có thể thực sự khiến ông uể oải. Cố gắng
exercising every other day. tập thể dục vào các ngày khác nhé.

M: Okey, I will try that for a while, I will take it easy M: Okey, tôi sẽ thử trong một thời gian, từ giờ tôi sẽ
from now on. nhẹ nhàng hơn.

56. Who most likely is the woman? 56. Người nữ có khả năng là ai?

a. A doctor. a. Bác sĩ.
b. A patient. b. Bệnh nhân
A teacher
An exercise instructor.
57. How has the man been feeling lately?
Giáo viên.
Giáo viên hướng dẫn tập thể dục.
57. Người nam cảm thấy như thế nào dạo gần đây?
a. Excited. a. Phấn khích
b. Worn out. b. Mệt mỏi.
c. Energetic. c. Đầy năng lượng.
d. Depressed. d. Depressed.

58. What does the woman recommend? 58. Người nữ đề xuất việc gì?

a. To exercise less a. Tập thể dục ít hơn.

b. To go on a diet. b. Áp dụng chế độ ăn kiêng.
c. To sleep less c. Ngủ ít hơn
Gặp bác sĩ.

d. Too see a doctor d.


Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
59-61. 59-61.

M: I have to attend a conference in Hong Kong next M: Tôi phải tham dự một cuộc họp ở HongKong tuần
week. tới.

W: I wish I were going with you. I went to Hong Kong W: Tôi ước là tôi có thể đi với bạn. Tôi đã tới
on my last vacation and I had a great time there. I HongKong vào kỳ nghỉ trước, and tôi đã có một

especially loved the food. You will have a great time. khoảng thời gian tuyệt vời. Tôi đặc biệt yêu thích thực
phẩm. Anh sẽ có khoảng thời gian tuyệt vời.

M: I am not sure if I will have enough time to go out to
eat. Iam only staying there for a day and I have M: Tôi không chắc nếu tôi sẽ có đủ thời gian để đi ra
meetings and seminars scheduled all day.It’s a bit of a ăn ngoài. Tôi sẽ chỉ ở đây trong 1 ngày và tôi có các

shame, isn’t it? cuộc họp và hội thảo lên lịch cả ngày. Thật là hổ thẹn
đúng không?
W: Well, if I were you I would take off a day early.
After all, it’s not like you can go to Hong Kong all the W: À thì, nếu tôi là anh tôi sẽ xin nghỉ sớm một ngày.

time. Tóm lại, không phải lúc nào anh cũng có thể ở
Hongkong mà.
59. When will the man leave for Hongkong?

a. Today
b. Tomorrow
tic 59. Khi nào người đàn ông tới HongKong?

a. Ngày hôm nay.

c. Next week b. Ngày mai.

d. Next month. c. Tuần tới

60. What did the woman like the most about d. Tháng tới
HongKong? 60. Người nữ thích nhất gì ở Hong Kong?

a. The food. a. Thực phẩm

b. The shopping b. Việc mua sắm
c. The conference c. Cuộc họp

d. The people d. Con người.

61. What does the woman remommend the man to do? 61. Người nữ gợi ý người nam làm gì?

a. Take her with him. a. Đưa cô ấy đi cùng

b. Đến sớm hơn 1 ngày

b. Leave a day earler.

c. Visit the HongKong office. c. Thăm văn phòng Hong Kong
d. Go to the conference at another time d. Tới cuộc họp vào thời gian khác.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
62-64. 62-64

W: Jack, can you install this new accounting program, W: Jack, Anh có thể cài đặt chương trình kế toán trong
on my computer? I am terrible with computers. máy tôi được không? Tôi rất tệ về máy tính.

M: Okay, I’ll help you this time but you really should M: Okey. Tôi sẽ giúp lần này nhưng cô thực sự nên học

learn more about computers. It’s really not that thêm về máy tính. Nó chả khó đâu mà.

W: I’ve thought about taking classes and actually W. Tôi đã nghĩ về việc đăng ký lớp học và xem xét vài
looked up a few places. The city college offers nơi. Trường nghề thành phố đề có lớp cơ bản, nhưng
introductory courses, but it’s too far from here. There

mà có vẻ quá xa từ đây. Và cũng có những khóa khác
are also courses offered ar nearby institutes but they are
way to expensive. gần viện này nhưng chúng quá đắt.

M: If you’d like I could give you a quick lesson. Let’s

M: Nếu cô muốn tôi có thể giảng nhanh . Hãy gặp nhau
get together during luch today and I can show you a vào bữa trưa hôm nay và tôi có thể chỉ cho cô vài điều.
couple of things.
62. What does the man suggest the woman do? 62.Người nam gợi ý người nữ làm gì?
a. Đăng ký khóa học tại một học viện.
a. Enroll an a class at an institute
b. Tìm hiểu thêm về máy tính.
b. Learn about computers.
a. C Ăn trưa với anh ta
c. Have lunch with him
c. Dạy một lớp tại trường học địa phương.
d. Teach a class a a local college.
63. What does the woman mention about the course 63. Người nữ nhắc gì về khóa học gần viện?

nearby institutes?
a. Chúng rất khó
a. They are very difficult.
b. Chúng rất đắt
b. They are very expensive
c. Chúng thật ngớ ngẩn.
c. They are very dull
d. Chúng rất tốt.
d. They are every good.

64. When will they get together? 64. Khi nào họ gặp nhau?

Trong bữa trưa


a. During lunch a.
b. After work. b. Sau khi tan sở
c. Before work. c. Trước khi vào làm việc

d. On the weekend. d. Vào cuối tuần

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
65-67. 65-67

W: Your total comes to $99.17. How are you going to W: Tất cả là 99.17 đô. Ngài trả bằng gì cho chỗ rau củ
pay for your groceries, sir? này, thưa ngài?

M: I’m going to have to write you a check. You do take M: Tôi sẽ viết một tấm séc. Chỗ anh có nhận séc đúng

personal checks here, don’t you? không?

W: Yes, we do, but I will need to see one piece of photo W: Vâng, chúng tôi có, nhưng tôi cần phải bản photo

ID. xem chứng minh thư của ngài.

M: Oh no, I must have left my wallet in my car. Could M: Ôi không, Tôi chắc hăn đã để ví của tôi trên xe.

you please hold these items here while I go out to Làm ơn giữ mấy món đồ này một lúc tôi ra bãi đỗ xe để
parking lot to get it? lấy nó.

65. Where is the conversation taking place? 65. Cuộc hội thoại đang diễn ra ở đâu?

a. In a parking lot. a. Bãi đậu xe.
b. In a bank b. Trong ngân hàng.
In a picture studio
In a supermarket
66. How will the man pay for his purchase?
Trong một studio âm nhạc
Trong siêu thị
66. Người nam sẽ trả tiền như thế nào?
a. With cash. a. Bằng tiền mặt
b. With a check. b. Bằng séc
c. With a credit c. Bằng thẻ tín dụng
d. With a coupons. d. Bằng phiếu gquà tặng.

67. What does the woman ask the to provide? 67. Người nữ yêu cầu người nam xuất trình gì?

a. Photo ID a. Bản photo ID

b. A receipt b. Phiếu biên lai
c. A discount coupon c. Phiếu giảm giá

d. A parking stub d. Cuống vế gửi xe


Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
68-70 68-70

W: Good morning. This is Jane with the J&J Hardware W: Chào buổi sáng. Tôi là James bộ phận dịch vụ phần
Service Department. What can I do for you today? cứng J&J. Tôi có thể giúp gì cho cậu hôm nay?

M: Hi, there. I am calling to check on an order I placed M: Chào đằng ấy, Tôi goi để kiểm tra đơn hàng mà tôi
two days ago. I was supposed to get the items delivered đã đặt 2 ngày trước. Tôi cho rằng sẽ nhận được hàng tại

to my house today but they have not arrived yet. Could nhà vào hôm nay nhưng vẫn chưa giao tới. Cô có thể
you check and see what’s going on? kiểm tra xem có chuyện gì không?

W: Of course. May I have your name and the order W: Dĩ nhiên rồi,anh làm ơn cho biết tên và mã đơn hàng
number? !

M: Yes, my name is Lester Reid and the order number M: À vâng, Tên tôi là Lester Reid và số đơn hàng là 13-
is 13-05. 05

68. Who most likely is the woman? 68. Người phụ nữ có thể là ai?

a. A receptionist a. Lễ tân
A salesperson.
A telephone operator.
A customer service representative.
Người bán hàng
Tổng đài viên
Đại diện nhân viên dịch vụ khách hàng.

69. Tại sao người nam gọi điện tới?

69. Why is the man calling?

a. To place an order for some items. a. Để đặt hàng một số sản phẩm
b. To check on the status of his order b. Để kiểm tra tình trạng đơn hàng
c. To check and see if the delivery has arrived c. Để kiểm tra xem hàng giao đã tới chưa.

d. To talk to one of the sales representatives d. Để nói chuyện với một trong số đại diện.

70. What does the woman ask the man to do? 70. Người nữ yêu cầu người nam làm gì?

a. The order number a. Mã đơn hàng


b. His identification card. b. Thẻ nhận dạng

c. A proof of purchase c. Bằng chứng mua hàng
d. The name of the salesperson. d. Tên người bán hàng

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
Hi, this is a message for Ms Helen Kim. Ms Kim, this is Xin chào, Đây là tin nhắn dành cho cô Helen Kim. Cô
your dentist office calling to remind you about your Kim, đây là văn phòng nha sĩ của cô gọi điện để nhắc cô
appointment with Dr. White on Thursday at 11 am. I can về cuộc hen với bác sĩ White vào thứ 5 lúc 11 giờ. Tôi
see in my appointment book that you are scheduled for thấy ở sổ ghi cuộc hẹn có ghi cô được lên lịch cho việc
a cleaning that day. Anyway, I’d like to remind that you làm sạch vào ngày này. Dù sao, tôi muốn nhắc cô rằng

need to arrive at least 10 minutes early to fill out some cô cần tới sớm ít nhất 10 phút để điền một số thông tin.
information. If by any chance you cannot make it to your Nếu vì một lý do nào đó mà cô không thể tới, xin vui

appointment, please let us know a least two hours before lòng báo cho chúng tôi biết ít nhất 2 giờ trước thời gian
your appointment. Have a nice day and we will see you hẹn. Chúc một ngày tốt lành là gặp cô vào thứ năm.
this Thursday.

71. Cuộc hen của cô Kim là khi nào?
71. When is Ms Kim’s appointment?
a. Thứ 4
a. Wednesday b. Thứ 5

b. Thursday c. Thứ 6
c. Friday d. Chủ nhật
d. Saturday tic
72. What does the speaker remind Ms. Kim to do?
72.Người nói nhắc cô Kim về việc gì?

a. Tới cuộc hẹn sớm giờ.

a. To arrive her appointment early. b. Lấy sổ ghi cuộc hẹn
b. To pick up her appointment book. c. Dọn sach văn phòng trước 10 giờ
c. To clean the office by 10 o’clock. d. Gọi cho Helen sau đó trong ngày hôm nay.
d. To call Helen later today.
73. Khi nào người nhận tin được yêu câu gọi điện nếu

73. When is the speaker receiver asked to call if she cô ấy không thể tới văn phòng nha sĩ?
cannot make it to the dentist office?
a. 1 giờ trước cuộc hẹn
a. 1 hour before her appointment. b. 2 giờ trước cuộc hẹn
b. 2 hours before her appointment c. 6 giờ trước cuộc hẹn
24 giờ trước cuộc hẹn

c. 6 hours before her appointment. d.

d. 24 hours before her appoinment

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
74-76 74-76

Hello, everyone. This is Arthur Chang with the morning Xin chào tất cả mọi người. Tôi là Arthur Chang cùng với
traffic report here on FM 104. The road conditions in bẳng tin giao thông buổi sang tại kênh FM 104. Điều
most parts of the city look good except for a minor kiện đường xá trên hầu hết các con đường có vẻ khá tốt
accident to report on highway 401 wesbound near the ngoại trừ có sự cố nhỏ trên quốc lộ 401 Wesbound gần
Mayfield Street exit ramp. A collision involving two đường thoát quốc lộ Mayfield. Một vụ va chạm liên quan

vehicles is being cleard now and the police have told us tới 2 phương tiện đã được giải quyết và hiện tại cảnh sát
that traffic should be back normal within the next few thông báo giao thông trở lại như bình thường trong vài

minutes. I’ll be back in half an hour with another traffic phút nữa. Tôi sẽ trở lại trong khoảng 30 phút nữa với
report here at FM 104. một thông tin giao thông khác tại Fm 104.

74. Thời gian nào trong ngày thông tin giao thông được
74. In which part of the day is the report being aired? phát sóng?

a. Buổi sáng
a. Morning.

b. Buổi giữa trưa
b. Midday.
c. Buổi chiều
c. Afternoon
d. Evening. tic
75. How many vehicles are involved in the accident?
d. Buổi tối

75. Bao nhiêu phương tiện liên quan tới vụ tai nạn?

a. 2
a. Two b. 3
b. Three c. 4
c. Four d. 5
d. Five

76. Khi nào thông tin tiếp theo được phát sóng?
76. When will the next report air?
a. Trong 5 phút tới
a. In five minutes b. Trong 15 phút tới
b. In fifteen minutes. c. Trong 30 phút tới

c. In thirty minutes d. Trong 60 phút tới.

d. In sixty minutes

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
77-79 77-79

Hi, Mr Lee, This is Sam Jackson of Harris Financial Xin chào, Tôi là Sam Jason của Dịch vụ tài chính Harris.
Service. Iam calling in regard to the resume you sent to Tôi gọi điện về hồ sơ của bạn đã gửi cho công ty chúng
our company recently. First of all, I would like to thank tôi dạo gần đây. Đầu tiên, tôi xin cảm ơn vì sự quan tâm
you for your interest you have show in sales manager’s của bạn tới vị trí Quản lý bán hàng. Tuy nhiên, tôi rất
position. However, I regret to tell you that the position tiếc phải thông báo rằng vị trí này đã tìm được người rồi.

has been filled. Anyway, the real reason for my call is Dù sao thì, lý do chính tôi gọi là chúng tôi có một vị trí
that we have another opening for a computer lập trình máy tính còn trống. Tôi thấy ở trong hồ sơ của

programming position. I can see in your resume that you anh có ghi anh học đại học ngành này và đã từng có chút
studied computer programming in university and had kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực đó trước khi chuyển sang
some experience in that field before moving on to sales. sales. Nếu vị trí này có tạo hứng thú cho anh , xin vui

If this position is of any interest to you, please call me at lòng gọi về văn phòng trong giờ làm việc để có một buổi
my office during regular business hours to set up an phỏng vấn. Xin cảm ơn.
interview. Thank you.

77. What position did the Mr Lee apply for? 77. Ông Lee đã xin vào vị trí nào ?

a. Sales manager
b. Personnel manager
c. Accounting manager
tic a. Quản lý bán hàng
b. Quản lý nhân sự
c. Quản lý kế toán.
d. Computer programming d.Lập trình máy tính.
78. What is the main purpose of the call? 78. Lý do chính của cuộc gọi là gí?

a. To set up an interview. a. Để lên một cuộc phỏng vấn


b. To offer a position at the company. b. Đề đề xuất một vị trí ở công ty.

c. To seek information about the job. c. Để tìm thông tin về vị trí công việc.
d. To respond to an earlier call. d. Để trả lời cuộc gọi trước đó.
79. What does the speaker ask Mr Lee to do? 79. Người nói yêu cầu Ông Lee làm gì?

a. Come into the office a. Tới văn phòng

b. Give him a call b. Gọi điện cho anh ta.

c. Talk to the sales manager c. Nói chuyện với quản lý bán hàng.

d. Fax his resume d. Gửi fax cho anh ta bản lý lịch.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
80-82 80-82

I have asked you to gather to day to give you great news Tôi đã yêu cầu các bạn tập trung vào đây để thông báo
that our team has won this year’s sales campaign. As một tin vui rằng đội chúng ta đã thắng chiến dịch bán
your manager, I cannot help but be excited about this. I hàng năm nay. Là quản lý của bạn, tôi không thể kiềm
just want to say that I am very proud of each and every chề được sự phấn khích về việc này. Tôi chỉ muốn nói
one of you. You guy really did a wonderful job. rắng tôi thực sự rất tự hào về mỗi các bạn. Mọi người đã

Anyway, to celebrate this great occasion, I am going to hoàn thành tốt nhiệm vụ. Dù sao thì để ăn mừng cho dịp
treat everyone to a nice dinner at Sophie’s Restaurant này, tôi sẽ đãi mọi người một bữa tối thiệt ngon tại Nhà

this Friday. We will have dinner, drinks and talk about hàng Sophie thứ 6 này. Chúng ta sẽ có bữa tối, đồ uống
everything that happen during this campaign. Also, I và tám chuyện về mọi thứ trong chiến dịch này. Và tôi
will be presenting a cash prize to our team’s top cũng sẽ trao thưởng tiền mặt cho cá nhân xuất sắc nhất

saleperson there. trong đội sales.

80. Who most likely is giving the talk? 80. Ai khả năng là người đang phát biểu?

a. A team manager a. Quản lý đội.

a. b, Sophie b. Sophie
b. c, A waiter c. Một người bồi bàn.
c. A sales representative.
81. Why is the speaker excited?
tic d. Một người đại diện bán hàng.
81. Tại sao người nói lại phấn khích?

a. He will receive a cash reward. a. Cô ta sẽ nhận được thưởng bằng tiền mặt.
b. His team won the campaign b. Đội của cô ta thắng trong chiến dịch
c. He just got promoted c. Cô ta vừa được thăng chức.
d. He opened up a new restaurant d. Cô ta đã mở một nhà hàng
82. What does the speaker say she do for the listeners? 82. Người nói sẽ làm gì cho người nghe?

a. Treat them to a meal a. Đãi một trầu

b. Buy them a gift b. Mua quà cho họ
c. Introduce a new project c. Giới thiệu sản phẩm mới.
d. Announce the new manager d. Thông báo người quản lý mới.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
83-85 83-85

If you are tired of spending your weekend lying around on Nếu bạn mệt mỏi việc với việc lẵng phí thời gian cuối tuần
your couch, why don’t you consider booking a room with nằm dài trên sa long,tại sao bạn không nghĩ tới việc đặt
us? At Travel Lodge Inn, we have the perfect get –away phòng với chúng tôi!. Tại Nhà nghỉ Travel Lodge, chúng tôi
package for people just like yourselves at a price you can có gói du lịch tránh xa mệt mỏi cho những người như bạn ở

afford. For a mere $200, you can dip your feet in our một mức giá hợp lý. Chỉ với 200 đô, bạn đã có thể ngập chân
Olimpic-sized pool, relax in our whirlpool, and get a good mình dưới bể bơi có kích thước như bể bơi Thế vận hội, và

workout in our gym, That’s right. For $200 you can spend thư giãn ở bể nước xoáy, tập thể dục tại phòng thể hình.
the entire weekend in paradise. And at nigh you can stroll Đúng vậy. Với chỉ 200 đô bạn có thể dành cả cuối tuần tại
along the boardwalk, camp by the bonfire, and enjoy some thiên đường. Vào buổi đêm bạn có thể đi dạo trên đường

fine dinning at our resteraunt. So, book now. This special bằng gỗ dọc bờ biển, cắm lửa trại và thưởng thức những bữa
offer is only available for this weekend. tối tuyệt vời tại nhà hàng. Vì vậy hãy đặt phòng ngay. Ưu
đãi chỉ dành cho cuối tuần này.

83. Who would be most interested in this advertisement? 83. Người nào có hứng thú nhất với cái quảng cáo này?
a. People who want to travel everseas.
Members who belong to the fifness club.
Staff who work for the Travel Lodge.
Those who want to get away for the weekend.
Những người muốn đi dụ lịch nước ngoài.
b.Những thành viên của câu lạc bộ.
Nhân viên làm việc cho Travel Lodge
Những người đi du lịch vào dịp cuối tuần.
84. How much is the special offer? 84. Ưu đãi đặc biệt này bao nhiêu?
a. $100 a. 100 đô
b. $200 b. 200 đô
c. $300 c. 300 đô

d. $400. d. 400 đô
85. According to the speaker, how long will the special offer 85. Theo như người nói, ưu đãi này sẽ kéo dài bao lâu?
a. Một ngày
b. One day b. Một cuối tuần

c. One weekend c. Một tuần

d. One week d. Một tháng
e. One month

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
86-88 86-88

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Chào buổi tối, quí bà và quí ông, và chào mừng tới buổi diễn
tonight’s performance. This evening, we are proud to tối nay. Tối nay, chúng rất tự hào để giới thiệu….., Bà Palula
present the world renowed planis, Ms Paula Jennings, in her Jennings, trong buổi biểu diễn cuối cùng trong năm của bà.
last performance of the year. Ms Jenning has spent most of Bà Jenning đã dành hầu hết các thời gian trong năm biểu

the year performing around the world, choosing her diễn vòng quanh thế giới. Tối nay, bà sẽ kết hợp cùng với
hometown her her last performance. Tonight, she will be dàn hợp xướng Philadelphia. Buổi biểu diễn bắt đầu đúng 7

accompanied by the Philadelphia Orchestra. The curtain is giờ và kéo dài tới 10 giờ, với 15 phút tạm nghỉ. Ngay sau
expect to rise at exactly 7 pm and the show will last until buổi diễn bạn sẽ có cơ hội gặp gỡ với bà Jenning chụp anh
10.00 pm, with a fifteen-mintune intermission at 8:25. và xin chữ ký. Xin cảm ơn và chúc buổi tối tốt lành.

Immediately following the show, you will get a chance to
meet Ms Jenning to take pictures and to get her autogragh.
Thank you and have great evening.
86. Theo như người nói, Bà Jennings đã dành hầu hết thời

86. According to the speaker, how did Ms Jennings spend gian cả năm để làm gì?
most of the year?

By performing around the globe
By playing at one venue
By talking pictures in different parts on the world.
Biểu diễn trên toàn cầu.
Biểu diễn tại một sự kiện.
Chụp ảnh ở nhiều nơi trên thế giới.
Dành thời gian tại quê hương của bà.
d. By spending time in her hometown.
87. Ai là Paula Jennings?
87. Who is Paula Jennings?
a. Một người làm về âm nhạc
a. A musician b. Một nữ diễn viên
b. A actress c. Một thợ chụp ảnh.

c. A photogragher. d. Một người viết văn

d. A writer.
88. Paula sẽ làm gì ngay sau khi buổi buổi diễn kết thúc?
88. What will Paula do right after the event comes to a
a. Rời tới show diễn khác

a. Leave for her next show b. Ăn gì đó

b. Have something to eat c. Tạo dáng chụp ảnh
c. Pose for pictures d. Bắt chuyến bay tới Philadelphia

d. Take a plane to Philadelphia


Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
89-91 89-91.

Welcome to Danae Cosmetic’ annual ball. I’m very happy Chào mừng đến với buổi khiêu vũ thường niên của Mỹ
to see that everyone here is having a good time, so I won’t phẩm Danae. Tôi rất vui mừng rằng mọi người ở đây có
make this so long. This year we are celebrating a fabulous một khoảng thời gian vui vẻ, vì thế tôi sẽ không tốn nhiều
growth in market share. Not only have we had a dramatic thời gian thêm nữ. Năm nay chúng ta ăn mừng một sự tăng

has also grown. In the new year, we hope to capitalize on trưởng kỳ diệu về thị phần…. Trong năm nay chúng ta hi
this growth by opening a chain of boutiques in many major vọng cổ phần hóa với sự tăng trưởng này bằng cách mở
mới một chuỗi các cửa hàng cao cấp trên nhiều thủ đô

European capitals. These stores will only carry Danae
brand items. If these store prove to be successful, we are chính trên khu vực Châu Âu. Nếu nhưng của hàng này hoạt
thinking of expanding into other parts of the world within động thành công, chúng ta sẽ tiến tới việc mở rộng sang các
nước khác trên thế giới trong vòng 5 năm tới. Dù sao thì,

the nex five years. Anyway, our future looks bright and I
cannot tell you how much you great effort has made all this tương lai của chúng ta có vẻ rất tương sang, và tôi không
possible. So thank you all for your excellent work, and let’s thể diễn tả được bao nhiêu nỗ lực đã được cống hiến cho
keep it up. việc này. Xin cảm ơn vì những đóng góp phi thường và hãy

cùng duy trì nó.

89. Sự kiện này được tổ chức thường xuyên như thế nào?
89. How often is thi event held?

a. Once every six months.

tic a.
6 tháng 1 lần
1 năm 1 lần
b. Once a year c. 2 năm 1 lần
c. Once every two years d. 5 năm 1 lần
d. Once every five years

90. Theo như người nói, họ đã đạt được những thành tựu gì

90. According to the speaker, what have they accomplished trong năm?
this year?
a. Gia nhập thị trường Châu Âu.
a. They entered the European market b. Tăng được doanh số bán hàng
b. They increased their sales c. Họ mở được một chuỗi các cửa hàng.
c. They opend a chain of stores d. Họ giới thiệu dòng sản phẩm mới.

d. They introduced a new line of products

91. What will Danae do next year? 91. Danae sẽ làm gì năm tới?

a. Open new clothing tores in Europe a. Mở thêm cửa hàng quần áo mới tại Châu Âu
b. Conduct more market studies b. Tiến hành nghiên cứu thị trường.

c. Increase the salary of its workers c. Tăng lương cho nhân công.
d. Hire more sales staff. d. Thuê thêm nhân viên.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
92-94. 92-94
Lễ hội đa văn hóa của thành phố Kingston” Thế giới
Kingston City’s” World at your feet” multicultural
dưới chân bạn” lúc 9 giờ sáng thứ 7 này. Buổi lễ mở
màn sẽ được tổ chức tại đường Smith, nơi sẽ cấp giao festival begins this Saturday at 9:00 a:m. The opening
thông tạ i cả 2 đầu đường.Gian hàng ẩm thực dân tộc sẽ ceremory will be held at Smith street, which will be
được đặt tại cả hai bên lề đường Smith. Hãy thưởng blocked off to traffic at either end. Ethnic food stalls

thức những hương vị của Trung Quốc, Việt Nam, Ấn will be set up on both sides of Smith Street. Enjoy the
Độ, Pakistan, Mexico, Argentina, Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, Ý và Hi smells and tastes of China, Vietnam, India, Pakistan,

Lạp. Sân khấu cũng sẽ được đặt mỗi bên đường Smith
Mexico, Argentina, Turkey, Italy and Greece. Stages
cho những màn biểu diễn âm nhạc. Đại diện từ 8 nhóm
cộng đồng, bao gồm Úc và Ai Len, sẽ có đồng ca âm will also be set up at each end of the Smith street for
nhạc và các người hướng dẫn các điệu nhảy truyền musical performances. Representatives of eight

thống. Vì thế, hãy xuống phố Smith khi hoàng hôn community groups, including Australia and Ireland,
xuống Thứ 7 và chủ nhật, và thưởng thức tất cả các will provide musical ensembles and folk dancing
niềm vui.
instructors. So, come on down to Smith Street as the

92. Sự k iện nào đang được thông báo? sun sets on Saturday and Sunday, and enjoy all the fun
a. Một hội chợ ẩm thực 92. What kind of event is being announced?
cuộc thi khiêu vũ
cuộc thi âm nhạc
lễ hội đa văn hóa.
tic a.
A food fair
A dance contest
93. Khi nào sự k iện sẽ bắt đầu? c. A music competition
d. A multicultural festival
a. Ngày hôm nay
b. Thứ sáu. 93. When is the event scheduled t begin?
c. Thứ bảy
d. Chủ nhật a. Today

b. Friday
94. Cái gì sẽ được đặt tại cuối đường Smith?
c. Saturday.
a. Gian hàng ẩm thực. d. Sunday
b. Sân khấu âm nhạc
c. Lớp học khiêu vũ. 94. What will be set up at the end if Smith Street?

d. Máy bán hàng tự động.

a. Food stalls
b. Musical stages

c. Dance classes
d. Vending machines

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
95-97 95-97

Triple-J radio station is proud to announce its firs tYoung Trạm phát thanh Triple-J tự hào thông báo về Cuộc thi “ Tài
Song writers Competition, which it will sponsor in năng sáng tác trẻ” đầu tiên, sẽ tài trợ cùng với Hội Đồng
association with the Arts Council. Songwriters must submit Nghệ Thuật. Tác giả phải nộp 2 bài hát thu vào một đĩa Cd
two songs on a Cd or a a sound file. Selected performers will hoặc một file âm thanh. Người được chọn sẽ biểu diễn 2 bài
be the perform the two songs, which will be recorded the the hát được thu âm tại chi nhánh gần nhất của đài phát thanh

local branch of your nearest Triple- J radio staion. One Triple-J . Một thí sinh sẽ được họn từ mỗi sân khấu sẽ được
contestant will be selected from each state be flown to Los bay tới Los Angeles, tất cả các chi phí được đài thọ để tiếp

Angeles, all expense paid, to continue in the national tục dự thi cuộc thi quốc gia. Đây là một cơ hôi quý giá cho
competition. This is a wonderful opportunity for all aspiring những người viết nhạc đáng ngưỡng mộ. Tất cả các thí sinh
songwriters. All contestants must be under the age of 21, as không nhất thiết phải là nhà viết nhạc chuyên nghiệp hoặc

of June 31st . Contestants must not be professional musicians đang có hợp đồng với các công ty thu âm. Ghé qua phòng
or be under contract to any recording company. Drop into thu Triple- J hôm nay và điền vào phiếu dự thi.
your local Triple- J studio today and fill out entry form.

95. What are performers asked to submit?
95. Người dự thi được yêu cầu nộp gì?
Their work
A job application
An entrance fee
tic a.
Tác phẩm của họ
Đơn xin việc
Phí vào cửa
d. Their flight schedule.
d. Lịch trình chuyến bay
96. What is scheduled to happen in Los Angeles?
96. Việc gì sẽ xảy ra ở Los Angeles?
a. A recording session
b. A signing of a contract a. Một khoảng thời gian thu âm

c. A national competition b. Ký kết hợp đồng.

d. The selection of finalists. c. Cuộc thi quốc gia
d. Danh sách thí sinh lựa chọn.
97. Which of the following people can participate in the
competition? 97. Những người dưới đây có thể tham dự vào cuộc thi?

a. Those over the age of 21 a. Những người trên độ tuổi 21

b. Those with a recording contract b. Những người có hợp đồng thu âm

c. Those who want to be professional c. Những người muốn được chuyên nghiệp
d. Those who are professional. d. Những người có chuyên môn

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

98-100 98-100

Good morning, everbody, and welcome to the company’s Chào buổi sáng mọi người, và chào mừng tới với hội
fifth annual marketing convention. My name is Branda thảo marketing thường niên của công ty. Tên tôi là
Taylor and I am this year’s convener. I’d particularly like to Branda Taylor, và tôi người tổ chức cuộc hội thảo ngày

welcome our overseas and interstate visitors. I hope you had hôm nay. Tôi đặc biệt xin chào mừng các vị khách quốc
a pleasant flight and managed to catch up on your sleep last tế đến từ nhiềucác nước khác.. Tôi hi vọng các bạn đã

night. This is the fifth annual convention and I have been có một chuyến bay thoải mái và đã có được một giấc
present at three of those conventions. I can say that they have ngủ tối qua. Đây là hội nghị thường niên lần thứ 5 này
provided me with wonderful memories, and, even more và tôi đã có mặt tại 3 trong số 5 hội nghị này. Tôi có thể

importantly, invaluable information about current trends in nói rằng hội nghị này để lại cho tôi những kỷ niệm đẹp,
marketing. As I see it, the importance of keeping up with the và, quan trọng hơn cả, những thông tin vô giá về xu
lastest trends is the key to our survival. So, on that note, let hướng marketing. Như tôi có thể thấy, cập nhập với xu
me introduce out keynote speaker to us about the current hướng marketing mới nhất là chìa khóa cho sự tồn vong

trends in our business. của doanh nghiệp. Vì vậy, về vấn đề này, tôi xin giới
thiệu người nói chủ đạo sẽ nói về những xu hướng hiện

98.What is the speaker doing?

tic nay trong hoạt động kinh doanh.

98. Người nói đang làm gì?

a. Talking about his past memories a. Nói về kỷ niệm quá khứ.
b. Making a closing speech b. Đang đọc diễn văn bế mặc
c. Welcoming the guests c. Chào mừng các vị khách.
d. Discussing the latest marketing trends. d. Bàn luận về xu hướng marketing mới nhất.

99. According to the speaker, how many convention has she 99. Theo như người nói, cô ta đã tham gia bao nhiêu hội
attended? nghị ?

a. Two a. 2
b. Three b. 3

c. Four c. 4
d. Five d. 5

100. What does the speaker say is most important in 100. Người nói cho rằng yếu tố quan trong nhất trong
marketing? marketing là gì?

a. Having plenty of capital a. Có nhiều vốn

b. Advertising to the target market b. Quảng cáo chiến lược marketing
c. Finding the right investors c. Tìm đúng nhà đầu tư
d. Being aware of the latest trends. d. Nhận thức về những xu hướng mới nhất.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic- TỪ LIÊM- HÀ NỘI
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương


A.She is checking into the A. Cô gái đang làm thủ tục

hotel. nhập phòng khách sạn.

B.She is conversing over B. Cô gái đang nói chuyện

the phone. qua điện thoại.

C. She is helping a C. Cô gái đang giúp đỡ

customer at the desk. một khách hàng tại quầy lễ
D. She is wiping the
counter D. Cô gái đang lau chùi kệ.

She is conversing over the phone.hone =she is talking on the phone; she is making a phone call.
Các từ đồng nghĩa với wipe: (lau, kỳ): mop(lau bằng cây lau nhà), scrub, rub(kỳ cọ, ráp) thường là bằng
bàn chải.
Reception desk đôi khi được viết gọn thành desk mà vẫn được hiểu là bàn lễ tân, khu vực lễ tân
A.The man is getting his hair B. Người con trai đang
shampooed. được gội đầu.

B. The woman is mopping B. Người phụ nữ đang lau

the floor. sàn nhà.

C.The man is about to take a C. Chàng trai đang chuẩn bị

seat. ngồi xuống.

D. The woman is attendting D. Người phụ nữ đang chú

to the man tâm vào chàng trai.

- Các từ đồng nghĩa với mop(lau bằng cây lau nhà):scrub,

rub(kỳ cọ, ráp) thường là bằng bàn chải; wipe (lau, kỳ).

- be about to do sth:sắp sửa, gần.

- to take a seat= to sit: ngồi.
- attend to: chú tâm, chú ý: The woman is attending to the
man= the woman is pay attention to the man


Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

A.The man is picking up a cup.

B.The audience is being addressed.

C. There is a microphone near the man.

D. The woman is wearing headphones

A.Người đàn ông đang chọn với lấy một cái

B. Khán giả đang được nhắc tới.

C. Có một chiếc micro gần người đàn ông.

D. Người phụ nữ đang đeo tai nghe

4. tic
A.The flags are being taken down.

B. The audience is leaving the lecture hall


C.All of the seats are occupied.

D. The woman is addressing the audience

A.Nhiều lá cờ đang bị hạ xuống,kéo xuống.


B..Khán giả đang rời khỏi phòng diễn thuyết.

C.Tất cả ghế đang bị chiếm dụng(có người



D.Người phụ nữ đang nói trước khán giả


Lưu ý: address được hiểu là nói chuyện trưc tiếp người với người, không dùng address để diễn tả nói
chuyện qua điện thoại… - adresss cơ bản bằng với talk.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương


A.They are strolling on the sidewalk.

B.The people are crossing the street.

C.Cummuters are waiting for the bus

D.They are waiting for the traffic light to change

A.Họ đang đi bộ trên vỉa hè, đường cho người đi bộ

B.Nhiều người đang sang đường.

C.Hành khách đang chờ xe bus.

D.Họ đang đợi đèn giao thông đổi tín hiệu

Một số từ đồng nghĩa với stroll: đi thong dong, wander: tản bộ, walk: đi bộ.
Cummuters:chỉ những người đi phương tiện công cộng thường xuyên.


A.One man is putting down his backpack

B.They have climbed to the top of the hill.

C.The trail leads down to the mountain.


D.They are standing side by side.

A.Người đàn ông đang hạ ba lô xuống.


B.Họ vừa leo lên đỉnh đồi.


C.Lối đi dẫn tới ngọn núi.

D.Họ đang đứng cạnh nhau


Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
A.One man is drawing the curtains.

B.They’re concentrating on their work.

C.One man is cleaning his desk.

D.They’re entering the workplace.

A.Một người đàn ông đang kéo màn che.

B.Họ đang tập trung vào công việc.

C.Một người đàn ông đang lau dọn bàn.

D.Họ đang tiến vào nơi làm việc.

- To draw/pull curtains/blinds/shades: kéo màn che.

A.Somes boxes are scattered outside the store.

B.The boxes are being unpacked.


C.There is an assortment of fruit displayed.

D.The shoppers are sorting through the goods.

A.Vài cái hộp đang nằm rải rác ngoài cửa hàng.

B.Vài cái hộp đang được dỡ.


C.Có nhiều loại hoa quả phân loại được bày bán.

D.Người mua đang phân loại, so sánh hàng hóa


Lưu ý: assortment :a collection of different things=> Bộ bao gồm nhiều loại. Tuy có mạo từ “an” nhưng
bản thân assortment đã có nghĩa nhiều loại trong một tổng thể.


Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
A.Cars are parked on both sides of the road

B.The ground is covered with leaves.

C.The trees are being planted along the road.

D.Some people are getting out of a vehicle.
A.Nhiều xe oto được đỗ hai bên đường.

B.Mặt đất bao phủ bởi lá rụng.

C.Những cái cây đang được trồng dọc con đường.

D.Một số người đang bước ra khỏi khỏi một phương tiện

Lưu ý :C The trees are being planted along the road:diễn tả hành động cây đang được trồng(có người
đang trồng). Diễn tả đúng The trees were planted along the road.

tic A.Two women are sitting at the dock.
B.The boat is being tied to the pier.

C.They are rowing the boat toward the ship.


D.The boat is floating in the water

A.2 người phụ nữ đang ngồi trên bến tàu.

B.Chiếc thuyền được buộc vào bến.


C.Họ đang chèo thuyền về hướng con tàu.

D.Chiếc thuyền đang trôi nổi trên mặt nước


Harbor=dock=port:cơ bản nghĩa là bến tàu( có chút khác biệt nho nhỏ ^^).

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

11. You like Chinese food,don’t you? 11. Bạn thích món Trung phải không?

a. Yes, I do. a. Có chứ

b. No,I didn’t eat yet.

b. Không, tôi vẫn chưa ăn.
c. At the restaurant. c. Ở nhà hàng.

12. Who looks after the complaints we get? 12. Ai sẽ lo liệu những phàn nàn chúng ta nhận được?

a. Ms.Rodriguez, I think. a. Bà Rodruguez, tôi nghĩ thế.

b. We get them all the time. b. Chúng ta lúc nào chả nhận được chúng.
c. Yes, It’s a problems. c. Đúng vậy, đó là một vấn đề.

13. When is the applicatioin form due? 13. Khi nào đơn đăng ký hết hạn?

a. For the vacant position. a. Cho vị trí trống( vị trí đang tuyển dụng)
b. Tôi sẽ dự tuyển vào vị trí đó.
b. I will apply for it. tic
c. By the 31st of this month.

14. Can you send me the price list today?

c. Trước ngày 31 tháng này.

14. Anh có thể gửi tôi bảng giá hôm nay không?
a. I will hand it in. a. Tôi sẽ nộp nó lên.
b. Yes, in the afternoon b. Vâng, buổi chiều nhé.
c. If the price is right c. If the price is right.

15. Where is the nearest bank? 15. Ngân hàng gần nhất ở đâu nhỉ?

a. To make a withdrawal. a. Để rút tiền đó mà.

b. Next to the grocery store. b. Bên cạnh cửa hàng nông sản.
c. C.Let’s go there together. c. Đi cùng nhau đi.

16 .Would you like to go over later? 16. Cô có muốn kiểm tra sau không?

a. I want it, too. a. Tôi cũng muốn vậy.


b. Yes,that would be fine. b. Vâng, vậy cũng được.

c. I’ve looked over it twice. c. Tôi đã kiểm tra 2 lượt rồi.

17. I apologize but we don’t have that book in stock 17. Tôi xin lỗi nhưng chúng tôi không còn quyển sách
today. đó nữa!

A. Make the reservation tomorrow. A. Đặt trước vào ngày mai đi.
B. Could you order one for me, then? B. Anh có thể đặt cho tôi một quyển không?
C. When will that stock’price go up?. C. Khi nào giá của hàng hóa tăng vậy?

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
18. Who’s going to get the tickets for the show. 18. Ai sẽ đi lấy vé cho buổi diễn đây?

A. At the movie theater. A. Ở raph chiếu phim.

B. No,not today. B. Không phải hôm nay.
C. I’ll do it. C. Tôi sẽ làm việc này.

19.Hợp đồng được kí từ khi nào vậy?

19.When was the agreement signed?

A. earlier this week. A. Đầu tuần.

B. we both agreed. B. Cả 2 chúng tôi đều đồng ý.
C. at the conference room. C. Tại phòng họp.

20. How many books did you check out? 20. Em lấy ra mấy quyển sách thế?

A. at the front desk. A. Tại quầy lễ tân.

B. I already read it. B. Tôi đã đọc nó rùi.

C. Just three. C. Chỉ 3 thôi ạ.

21. Have you thought about which computer you are 21. Em đã từng nghĩ sẽ mua chiếc máy tính nào
going to get?

A. yes, I’ve made up my mind.

tic chưa?

A. Dạ, em quyết định rùi.

B. I think it’s correct. B. Em nghĩ là nó đúng đấy.
C. to look for a website. C. Để tìm một địa chỉ web.

22. We’re eating out today,aren’t we? 22. Chúng ta sẽ ra ngoài ăn tối chứ nhỉ?

A. yes, It’s in the righ order. A. Đúng rùi,nó đúng thứ tự rồi.

B. we did it yesterday. B. Chúng ăn nhà hàng tối qua còn gì.

C. no, let’s order in instead. C. Thôi, hãy đặt món gọi về nhà đi.

23. Hasn’t John left for his meeting yet? 23. John đã rời cuộc họp chưa vậy?

A. I’m going in a short time. A. Tôi sẽ đi một lúc thôi.

B. I think he has. B. Tôi nghĩ là anh ta rời rồi.
C. Maybe I’ll leave it there. C. Có lẽ là tôi sẽ rời đi.

24. What is that you are eating? 24. Anh đang ăn cái gì đó?

A. no, I’m not hungry. A. Không, tôi không đói.

B. this is a new chocolate. B. Đây là một loại socola mới.
C. at lunch hour. C. Vào giờ ăn trưa.

25.Are you going to get Rick write up the report? 25. Anh sẽ nhờ Rick viết báo cáo chứ?

A. it was very helpful. A. Việc này đã rất có ích.

B. let’s go another time. B. Cùng đi vào lần khác nhé.
Nguyễn Thị ThuC. Hương
yes, I’m think of doing that. C. À vâng, tôi đang nghĩ sẽ làm vậy.

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
26. Is the meeting being held here or in the large conference 26. Cuộc họp tổ chức ở đây hay ở phòng hội nghị
room? vậy?

A. yes, that’s a good idea. A. Ừ, ý hay đấy.

B. it will be held at one o’clock. B. Nó sẽ được tổ chức lúc 1 giờ.
C. let me find out. C. Để tôi tìm hiểu xem.

27. Why is the road blocked off? 27. Tại sao đường lại bị chặn thế nhỉ?

A. There’s an accident up ahead. A. Có một vụ tai nạn xảy ra phía trên.
B. A few blocks east from here. B. Cách vài dãy nhà về phía đông từ đây.
C. Sure, lets get off at the next stop. C. Ừ, xuống bến tiếp theo đi.

28. Where do we keep the weekly reports? 28. Chúng ta lưu báo cáo hàng tuần ở đâu vậy>

A. probably next Monday. A. Có thể là thứ 2 tới.

B. let’s keep waiting a bit more. B. Hãy đợi thêm tý nữa đi.

C. try looking in the cabinet. C. Thử tìm ở tủ cabinet xem.

29.Why did’t you bring your car?

A. I have to do it.
tic 29. Sao anh không mang xe tới?

A. Tôi sẽ phải làm thế.

B. it’s in the shop today. B. Nó ở cửa hàng hôm nay.
C. Did you park in the basement? C. Anh đã đỗ nó dưới tầng hầm đúng không?

30. His new assistant will start next Monday? 30. Trợ lý mới sẽ bắt đầu làm việc vào thứ 2 tới nhỉ?

A. no, I will be done the week after. A. Chưa, tôi sẽ hoàn thiện nó vào tuần sau.

B. to help him with some of the work. B. Để phụ giúp anh ta một số việc.
C. I though she already started. C. Tôi nghĩ là cô ta đã đi làm rồi.

31. Don’t you think we should get back to work? 31. Anh có thấy chúng ta có nên quay lại vào việc
không?( chúng ta quay lại công việc đi).

A. I will be returning by then.

B. Okey, but in a minute. A. Tôi sẽ quay lại sau đó.
C. Sure, let’s get together tomorrow. B. oke, Đợi tý.

C. Chắc rùi, cùng nhau ngày mai được chứ.


32. What did you think of our new boss? 32. Anh nghĩ gì về xếp mới?

A. He’s quite young A. Khá trẻ.

B. The personnel manager. B. Quản lý nhân sự.
C. Yes,I think it’s ours. C. À ừ, tôi nghĩa đấy là của chúng ta.

33.Don’t you have to leave soon? 33. Anh có phải rời đi ngay không?

A. yes, I left it there? A. Vâng, tôi để nó ở đó mà.

ThịI Thu
B. no,
Nguyễn Hương
still have some time. B. Không, Tôi vẫn còn ít thời gian( tôi sẽ ở lại
C. at the bus stop. một lúc nữa).
C. Ở bến xe.

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
34. We need to pick up the tickets for the show? 34. Chúng ta phải lấy xé cho buổi diễn?

A. I’ll pick you up. A. Tôi sẽ đón anh.

B. No, I didn’t see it. B. Không, tôi đã không thấy nó.
C. Why don’t we go now? C. Tại sao chúng ta không đi bây giờ( đi lấy vé
bây giờ thôi).

35. Do you want me to talk to John about the presentation? 35. Anh có muốn tôi nói chuyện với John về bài
thuyết trình không?

A. Yes , that would be great.
B. I’ll buy the presents. A. À có, thế thì tốt quá.
C. No, he didn’t want it. B. Tôi sẽ mua vài món quà.

C. Không, anh ta đã không muốnó.

36. My brother is coming to town, so I won’t be able to go 36. Anh trai tôi tới nhà tôi chơi, tôi không thể đi xem
to the movie with you tonigh. phim tối nay với anh được.

A. I wish he would come along. A. Tôi ước anh ta có thể đi cùng.
B. I’ll just go with Ron, then. A. B Tôi sẽ đi với Ron vậy.
C. The movie was really good.
37.Can you look after this or are you too busy righ now?
B. Bộ phim đã rất hay.

37. Anh coi cái này được không hay là bận rồi?
A. I have some spare time now. A. Tôi đang rảnh mà.
B. No, I won’t need two of them. B. Không, tôi sẽ chả cần hai cái đó( hoặc 2
C. After he gets back from work. người đó).
C. Sau khi anh ta quay lại làm việc.

38. How did the business meeting go? 38. Cuộc họp diễn ra thế nào rồi?

A. I’m going with my boss. A. Tôi sẽ đi cùng xếp tôi.

B. He left an hour ago. B. Anh ta rời đi 1 tiếng trước rồi.

C. It went rather well. C. Nó diễn ra khá tốt.

39. Lets wrap it up here and finish the report tomorrow. 39. Thôi hãy tạm dừng ở đây à ngày mai hoàn thành

nốt nhé!

A. The wrapping paper is over there. A. Giấy bọc ở đằng kia.


B. They’re here already. B. Họ đang ở đây rồi.

C. Yes, that’s a good idea. C. Ừ, ý hay đấy.

40. Tim’s the head of our new department, isn’t he? 40. Tim là trưởng bộ phận ta đúng không?

A. He’s ahead of everyone else. A. Anh ta dẫn trước tất cả m.n.

B. I took a look at the apartment. B. Tôi đã nhìn qua phòng mình rùi
C. Yes, he got promoted C. À đúng, anh ta đã được thăng chức.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Chú thích:

M: giọng nam
W: giọng nữ

41-43 41-43

M: Sandy, if you’re not busy tonight, how about checking M: Sandy, Nếu tôi nay em không bận, chúng mình đi
out a movie at the mall? xem phim ở tổ hợp mua sắm nhé!

W: All right, but I have to take these drawings down to the W: Được rồi, nhưng em phải mang mấy bức tranh
Arts Center in the afternoon. xuống “ Trung Tâm nghệ thuật” vào buổi chiều.

M: Okay. The movie starts at 7, so why don’t we get together M: Okey. Bộ phim chiếu lúc 7 giờ, thế hay là chúng

around 6:30 ta gặp nhau khoảng 6: 30 nhé.

W: Actually, let’s make for 6:15. That way we can get a W:Thực tế là, lúc 6:15 đi. Vì mình có thể tìm cái gì
quick bite before the movie starts.

41. What are they discussing?

tic đó ăn nhanh trước khi phim bắt đầu.

41. Họ đang bàn về việc gì?

A. A movie A. 1 bộ phim
B. Their evening plans B. kế hoạch buổi tối của họ.
C. The new Arts Center C. Trung tâm nghệ thuật mới.
D. The meal they just had D. Bữa ăn họ vừa ăn xong.

42. Where will the woman be in the afternoon? 42. Người nữ sẽ ở đâu vào buổi chiều?

A. at the mall A. ở khu trung tâm thương mại

B. at the theater B. Rạp chiếu phim
C. at the Arts Center C. Trung tâm Nghệ Thuật
D. at the restaurant D. Nhà hàng

43. When will the speakers likely meet? 43. Mấy giờ khả năng họ sẽ gặp nhau?

A. at 6:00
A. 6
B. at 6:15
B. 6:15
C. at 60:30

C. 6:30
D. at 7:00
D. 7:00
New words

To get a quick bite= to grab a bite: ăn nhanh cái gì đó

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
44-46 44-46

W: I saw the For- Rent sign on your lobby window. Can you W:Tôi đã nhìn thấy biển hiệu “ Cho- Thuê” trên cửa
tell me how much the rent is here? hành lang. Cho tôi biết tiền thuê như thế nào được
M: Well, our units range from 900 to 1,100 dollars a month.
However, there is only a two- bedroom unit on the fifth floor M: À, Đơn giá ở đây giao động từ 900 tới 1100 đô

left. All the one- bedroom apartments have been rened out. một tháng. Tuy nhiên, chỉ còn lại một phòng có 2
giường ngủ trên tầng 5 thôi. Các phòng một giường
W: That’s perfect. I was looking for a two-bedroom

đã cho thuê hết rồi.
apartment. Would you mind showing me the place now?
W: Hay quá. Tôi đã đang tìm một phòng 2 giường.
M: No problem. Let me just get the key from my apartment. Giờ phiền anh chỉ tôi xem phòng đó nhé?

44. Who most likely the man? M: Không vấn đề gì, để tôi đi lấy chìa khóa trên
A. a real estate agent phòng.

B. a superintendent 44. Người nam có thể là ai?
C. a tenant
D. a banker tic
45. What does he man mention about the one-bedroom
đại diện nhà đất( môi giới nhà đất)
người quản lý tòa nhà.
người ở trọ
D. nhân viên ngân hàng
A. they are quite big 45. Anh ta đã nói gì về phòng một giường?
B. They are all rented out
C. they are very expensive A. chúng khá to
D. they are on the top floor B. đều đã cho thuê hết

C. khá là đắt
46. What will the man do next? D. đều nằm ở tầng thượng.
A. check out the apartment 46. Người đàn ông sẽ làm gì tiếp?
B. write out a check

C. get something from his apartment A. ghé qua xem phòng.

D. take down the For-Rent sign B. viết tấm séc
C. lấy cái gì đó trong phòng của anh ta

D. hạ tấm biển” cho thuê” xuống


Chú ý:
Câu 44:
A real estate agent: là môi giới nhà đất- bán nhà, đất ( không cho thuê)
A superintendent: là người coi sóc một tài sản( có thể không phải của mình) và làm một số việc tại nơi đó- trường
hợp này có thể tương đương với building manager: quản lý tòa nhà.
Các từ vựng quan trọng cần nhớ đối với hoạt động thuê nhà.
Rent: (v) cho thuê; (n) tiền thuê
Rent out: (v) cho thuê hết
Nguyễn (n) chủ
Thị Thu trọ
Tenant: (n) người thuê trọ.
Unit: (n) đơn vị ( có thể là tiền, thời gian..( đối tượng có thể đo đạt được ^^)

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
47-49. Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

M: Are you done making the centerpiece yet? M: Em đã làm xong trang trí trung tâm chưa?

W: Yes, i got it done a few minutes ago and placed it on the W: Rồi ạ, em đã làm xong vài phút trước và đặt vào
table over there. Do you want me to get it for you? giữa bàn. Anh có muốn em lấy nó cho anh không?

M: No, but what I need you to do for me is to go downstairs M: Không cần, nhưng anh cần em xuống tầng hầm và

to the basement and get me two buckets of roses. The lấy giúp anh 2 chậu hoa hồng. Khách hàng vừa gọi và
customer just called and said she wants to use roses instead of nói muốn sử dụng hoa hồng thay vì hoa cẩm chướng
these carnations for her party. cho bữa tiệc của cô ấy.

W: Od, is that righ? I though she was quite insistent on using W: ồ chắc không, em thấy cô ấy đã khăng khăng muốn
the carnations. I wonder why she changed her mind. dùng hoa cẩm chướng mà. Em thắc mắc tại sao cho ta

lại đổi ý nhỉ?

47: Who most likely are the speakers? 47. Những người nói có thể là ai?

A. florist A. người bán hoa
B. caterers Người cung cấp dịch vụ
party organizers
tic B.
Những người tổ chức sự kiện
Nữ phục vụ
48. What does the man want the woman to do? 48. Người nam muốn người nữ làm gì?
A. buy a centerpiece A. Mua vật trang trí trung tâm
B. talk to the client B. Nói chuyện với khách hàng
C. use the carnations C. Sử dụng hoa cẩm chướng

D. set some roses D. Sắp đặt hoa hồng.

49. What does the woman wonder about? 49. Người nữ phân vân về việc gì?
A. why the customer changed her mind. A. Tại sao khách hàng lại đổi ý
B. how many people will show up to the party

B. Bao nhiêu người sẽ tới bữa tiệc

C. where the party is going to be held C. Bữa tiệc diễn ra ở đâu
D. who is going to receive the roses D. Ai sẽ nhận hoa hồng.

Câu 47.

Phân vân giữa florist và caterer

Caterer chỉ người cung cấp thực phẩm và đồ uống cho các sự kiện.( không có hoa)
Florist: người bán hoa, cửa hàng hoa

New words

To be insistent on/ insist on: khăng khăng, cương quyết.

To set flowers/ table: đặt/xếp bàn, hoa.
A bucketThị
Nguyễn Thu Hương
of roses: chậu hoa hồng

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
50-52 50-52

M: Have you heard? Richard won his medical malpractice M: Em đã nghe gì chưa? Rich đã thắng trong vụ kiện
case in court today? sai sót ý tế hôm nay?

W: Yes, isn’t that great? I was talking to him last nigh and W: Có, việc này tốt đúng không? Tôi đã nói chuyện

he was wery unclear how his case would go. I am so happy với anh ta tối quá và a ta có vẻ rất mơ hồ về vụ việc
to hear that he won. này sẽ đi tới đâu. Thật phấn khởi khi anh ta thắng vụ

M: Well, he’s a great lawyer and he has a great reputation.
Hey, Why don’t we celebrate by taking him to that new M: À thì, anh ta là luật sư giỏi mà và lại anh ta khác

Greek restautant tonight? có tiếng tăm. Mà hay là chúng ta chúc mừng bằng
cách mời anh ta tới nhà hàng Hi Lạp tối nay?
W: Actually, that sounds like a great idea. Why don’t I just
finish faxing these documents to my client and come by W: Thực ra nghe rất hay. Để tôi hoàn thành việc gửi

your office right after Iam done here. fax đống tại liệu này cho khách hàng và ghé qua văn
phòng của anh ngay khi tôi xong.

50. Who is Richard?

A. a chef
tic 50. Ai là Rich?

A. Một đầu bếp

B. a doctor B. Một bác sĩ
C. a lawyer C. Một luật sư
D. the client D. Một người khách hàng.

51. What does the man suggest they do for Richard? 51. Người nam đề nghị việc gì cho Rich?

A. treat him to a meal A. Đãi anh ta một trầu.

B. send him off Greece B. Gửi anh ta tới Hi Lạp
C. introduce him to a client C. Giới thiệu anh ta với một khách hàng.
D. Represent him in court D. Đại diện cho anh ta tại phiên tòa.

52. What does the woman have to do first? 52. Người nữ cần phải làm việc gì trước?

A. eat lunch A. Ăn trưa


B. call a client B. Gọi cho khách hàng.

C. send some documents C. Gửi vài tài liệu

D. work on her case D. Làm việc về vụ án của cô ta.

New words:

medical malpractice: sai sót y tế.

reputation: danh dự, danh tiếng
documents: tài liệu, chứng từ; accounting documents: chứng từ kế toán.

Một số diễn đạt với win

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
- to win lottery: trúng số, thắng số
- to win sb’s heart: chiếm được trái tim ai, tình cảm của ai
- to win a contract: giành được hợp đồng
Kèm tiếngover
- To win anhsb:
thắng cho
tối ai đó,người
giànhmất gốc,
chiến tiếng
thắng anhaigiao
trước đó tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
53-55 53-55

M1: Mr Lewis, I just finished changing the tires on the M1: Ông Lewis, tôi vừa thay lốp xong cho chiếc Jeep.
M2: Tuyệt, Rob. Bây giờ, Anh thay dầu cho chiếc xe tải
M2: That’s great, Rob. Now, could you change the oil in nhỏ đằng kia nhé. Người chủ gọi và anh ta bảo sẽ tới lấy
the van over there? The owner called and said he will be xe trong 1 giờ nữa.

coming to pick it up in one hour.
M1: Được rồi, nhưng ông không thay cái chắn bùn
M1: All right, but don’t you have to replace the fender on trước đi chứ? Tôi nghĩ là việc này cũng khá gấp đấy.

the black sports car first? I thought that was an urgent job
as well. M2: à, đúng. Cảm ơn chú đã nhắc. Tôi sẽ làm ngay sau
khi tôi sửa xong cái điều hòa chiếc xe Sedan này đã.

M2: Oh, right. Thanks for reminding me. I’ll get to that
righ after I am done fixing the air-conditioner of this

53. What kind of work was performed on the jeep? 53. Việc gì đã được thực hiện trên chiếc Jeep?

the tires were replaced
the engine oil was replaced
the new fender was put on
tic A.
Chiếc lốp đã được thay.
Dầu động cơ đã được thay
Chiếc chắn bùn mới được đặt vào.
D. the air-conditioner was fixed D. Chiếc điều hòa nhiệt độ được sửa.
54. According to Mr Lewis, which is following will be 54. Theo như Ông Lewis, chiếc xe nào sẽ được lấy trong
picked up in one hour? 1 giờ tới?

A. a jeep A. Chiếc Jeep


B. the van B. Chiếc xe tải nhỏ.

C. the sedan C. Chiếc Sedan
D. the sports car D. Chiếc xe thể thao.

55. What is Mr Lewis doing now? 55. Ông Lewis sẽ làm gì bây giờ?

A. changing the oil A. Thay dầu

B. replacing the fender B. Thay cái chắn bùn

C. fixing the air-conditioner C. Sửa chữa điều hòa

D. replacing the tires D. Thay lốp

Car, Sedan, Van, Jeep: đều là các từ chỉ các loại xe ô tô.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
56-58. 56-58

M: Excuse me. Iam here to get these pair of pants M: Xin nhờ chút. Tôi tới để đổi đôi quần này vì chúng
exchanged because they are a bit too tight for me. khá chật với tôi.

W: Of course. May I see your receipt, please? W: À vâng, dĩ nhiên, Vui lòng cho tôi xem biên lai ạ?

M: Actually, I don’t have one because I got them as a gift M: Thực ra thì, tôi không có bởi vì tôi được tặng

the other day.

W: I’m terribly sorry, but I can’t give you an exchange

without the receipt. It’s store policy. Why don’t you get W: Ôi vậy thì rất xin lỗi, nhưng tôi không thể cho đổi

the receipt from your friend and come back at another được nếu không có biên lai. Đó là chính sách của cửa
time? hàng. Hay là anh hỏi biên lai từ người bạn rồi quay lại
đây vào dịp khác nhé!

56. What does the man mention about the pants? 56. Người nam nhắc gì về đôi quần?

A. they are too small A. Chúng quá nhỏ

they are too expensive
they are out of the style
they are sold out
tic B.
Chúng quá đắt.
C.Chúng đã lỗi thời.
Chúng đã được bán hết
57. What is the problem? 57. Vấn đề là gì?

A. the man does not have a proof of purchase A. Người nam không có bằng chứng cho việc mua
B. the woman does not like the style of the pants hàng

C. the store is out of the pants the man wants B. Người nữ không thích cái style của mấy chiếc
D. the warranty period has expired quần.
C. Cửa hàng hết loại quần mà người nam cần.
D. Thời hạn bảo hành đã hết.

58. What will the man most likely do? 58. Người nam có thể làm gì tiếp theo?

A. talk to the store manager A. Nói chuyện với người quản lý.

B. return another day B. Quay lại vào ngày khác.

C. buy another item C. Mua món hàng khác

D. English:
Funny go to another store D. Đi tới cửa hàng khác.

Các từ : Item, article, product, goods, merchandise, freight, consignment, cargo: đều là các từ chỉ hàng hóa, món

Freight, consignment, cargo: lô hàng, hàng hóa thương mại- dùng trong vận tải hàng hóa.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
59-61 59-61.

W: Are you ok? You look really worn out. W: Chú có sao không? Trông chả còn tý sức nào thế.

M: I’ll be fine. I just feel a little tired because I stayed up M: Em không sao chị ạ. Chỉ cảm thấy hơi mệt tý. Đêm
really late last night preparing for today’ speech. There qua thức hơi muộn chuẩn bị cho bài diễn văn hôm nay.
were just so many numbers to look at. Có nhiều con số cần xem quá.

W: Ah, yes. That’s right. You are due to give a speech W: À, đúng rồi. Chú phải phát biểu về ước tính doanh
about the sale projection for next year later, aren’t you. số bán bán hàng cho năm tới đúng không. Mà nhân tiện

How does next year’ projection look, anyway? Mấy con số ước tính khả năng thế nào cho năm tới thế?

M: Well, it doesn’t look too good with the inflation rate M: À thì, không tốt lắm với cái tỉ lệ lạm phát leo thang

going up as it is now.I though about ways to improve our như hiện nay. Em đã nghĩ các cách để cải thiện việc bán
sales but I can’t seem to come up with anything really hàng nhưng mà không thể nảy ra bất cứ cái gì hay ho cả.
good. I’ll get more into details later but things don’t look Em sẽ xem chi tiết hơn sau nhưng mà mọi việc không
được khả quan lắm vào thời điểm này.

so positive at this time.

59. Why is the man so tired? 59. Tại sao người nam có vẻ mệt mỏi ?

he gave many speeches today
he did not get much sleep last night
A. Anh ta đã phát biểu hôm nay.
B. Anh ta ngủ không nhiều đêm hôm trước.
C. he just came back from a business trip C. Anh ta vừa quay trở về từ chuyến công tác.
D. he sat through a long speech D. Anh ta đã ngồi qua một bài diễn văn dài dòng.

60. What does the woman want to know? 60. Người nữ muốn biết gì?

A. how long the presentation will be? A. Bài thuyết trình dài bao lâu

B. where the presentation will take place? B. Buổi thuyết trình diễn ra ở đâu
C. what future sales will be like C. Doanh số bán hàng sắp tới ra sao
D. how the man’s speech went. D. Bài diễn văn diễn ra như thế nào( tốt hay không).

61. Người nam cảm thấy bán hàng sang năm sẽ như thế

61. How does the man feel about next year’s sales? nào?

A. Khả quan

A. positive
B. pessimistic B. Bi quan
C. excited C. Thú vị

D. depressed D. Thất vọng vô cùng.

New words:Sales projection:: ước tính bán hàng.Sales figuree: doanh số bán hàng( đôi khi chỉ viết sales).

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
62-64. 62-64

W: Hi there. Iam not sure if you ‘d remember me, but we W: Chào đằng ấy, Tớ không nhớ rõ lắm, nhưng hình như
met at a marketing seminar in Toronto last March. chúng mình gặp nhau tại hội nghị marketing ở Toronto
tháng 3 trước thì phải.
M: Ah, yes, I remember you. Your name is Mary Stewart
and you work for Jason Miller. Are you still working for M: À ừ. Tớ nhớ ra cậu. Cậu tên là Mary và làm việc cho

Jason?. Jason. Cậu còn làm cho Jason không?

W: No, I left Intech last month. Iam with Expert now. Have W: Không, tớ nghỉ chơi Intech tháng trước rồi. Giờ tớ
you heard of the company? làm ở Expert. Cậu nghe qua chưa?

M: Yes, I have. In fact, we often do business with your M: À có chứ. Thực ra. Bên tớ thường hợp tác làm ăn với
company. Iam quite familiar with the sales manager there. công ty cậu đấy. Tớ khá là quen thuộc với quản lý bán
His name is Jack Little. Do you know him? hàng bên cậu. Anh ta tên là Jack Little. Câu biết không?

62. Người nói gặp nhau lần đầu ở đâu?
62. Where did the speaker first meet?
A. Ở một hội nghị
at a senimar
while on vacation
at Intech Incorporated
tic B.
Trong kì nghỉ
Tại Intech Incorporated
Ở công ty của người bạn.
at a friend’s company
63. Khi nào người phụ nữ đổi việc làm?
63. When did the woman change her job?
A. Tối qua
A. last night B. Tuần trước

B. last week C. Tháng trước.

C. lat month D. Năm ngoái.
D. last year
64. Ai là Jack Little?
64. who most likely is Jack Little?
Xếp của người nữ.

A. the woman’s boss? B. Xếp của người nam
B. the man’s boss C. Quản lý của Jason

C. Jason’s manager D. Đồng nghiệp của Mary

D. Mary’s co worker

Funny English

Các từ: Conference, seminar, session, workshop, meeting, summit: điều có thể cơ bản hiểu là cuộc họp

-Conference; meeting: cuộc họp

- Workshop, seminar: hội thảo, hội nghị chuyên đề

- Summit: hội nghị thượng đỉnh

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
Session: phiên họp
2 từ cuối thường liên quan tới nhà nước
Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
65-67. 65-67

M: All the tables are set and the food has been prepared. We M: Tất cả bàn tiệc đã được bày và thức ăn đã được chuẩn
just need for the guests to arrive. Is there anything else you bị sẵn. Chúng ta chỉ cần chờ khách tới. Có việc gì cần chị
want me to do. cần em làm không?

W: Yes could you go into the kitchen and see if we have W: Có , em vào bếp xem đã đủ đồ uống trên cầu chưa?

enough drinks in the bridge? I just got a call from the client Chị vừa nhận điện thoại từ khách hàng và anh ta nói sẽ có
and he said that about 10 more people are coming after dinner thêm 10 khách sẽ tới sau khi bữa tối được phục vụ.

has been served.
M: Em sẽ đi kiểm tra xem sao, nhưng mà em khá chắc là
M: I’ll go and take a look, but I am pretty sure that there chỗ đó không đủ. Em có nên gọi cho Sarah gửi thêm đồ
aren’t enough. Should I call Sarah to send more drinks if uống nếu không đủ không?

there aren’t enough?
W: ừ, làm vậy đi. Còn nữa, em có thể bảo Joe mang thêm
W: Yes, please do that. And could you also ask Joe to bring ghế từ phòng kho chứ?
some more chairs from the storage room?

65. Who most likely are the speakers? 65. Những người nói này có thể là ai?

tic A.
Người cung cấp dịch vụ.
Người làm nghề giải tri.
C. chiefs C. Đầu bếp
D. guest D. Khách

66. In which of the following situations will the man call 66. Trường hợp nào người nam sẽ gọi cho Sarah?
A. Ngay khi khách tới.

A. as soon as the guests arrive B. Sauk hi bữa tối được phục vụ.
B. after dinner has been served C. Khi khách hàng xuất hiện.
C. when the client shows up D. Nếu thiếu đồ uống.
D. If there is shortage of drinks

67. What will Joe most likely do? 67. Joe sẽ làm gì tiếp sau?

A. order more drink A. Đặt thêm đồ uống.


B. greet the guest B. Chào mừng khách khứa

C. serve the food C. Phục vụ đồ ăn

D. get more seats D. Lấy thêm ghế ngồi.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
68-70. 68-70

M: Excuse me. I believe you are sitting in the wrong seat. M: Xin làm phiền, Tôi cho rằng em đang ngồi nhầm
This is my seat. chỗ rồi.
W: Are you sure? I was led to this seat by the theater
attendant. Let me see…my ticket here says sections C, W: Anh chắc không? Tôi được dẫn tới vị trí này bởi
nhân viên rạp chiếu. Để xem nào…. Vé của tôi chỉ vị trí

number 13.
Khu C số 13.
M: This is section B, Your seat is in the next ailse

M: Đây là Khu , Chỗ của em ở hàng tiếp theo.
W: Is that right? I’m terribly sorry about that. I guest the
attendant was confused because its very dark here. I’ll just W: Đúng không nhỉ? Tôi rất xin lỗi. Dự là nhân viên

make my way over there, then. rạp chiếu bị nhầm vì trong này khá tối. Thôi tôi ra đằng
đó đây..

68. Where is the conversation taking place? 68. Cuộc hội thoại diễn ra ở đâu?

A. in a theater A. Rạp chiếu
B. in an airplane B. Trên máy bay.
in a travel agency
in a restaurant
tic C.
Ở đại lý du lịch
Ỏ một nhà hàng.

69. What is the problem? 69. Có vấn đề gì đang xảy ra?

A. the woman lost her ticket A. Người nữ mất vé
B. the attendant is very rude B. Nhân viên râs thô lỗ.
C. the man cannot find his seat C. Người nam không thể tìm thấy chỗ ngồi.

D. the woman is sitting in the wrong place D. Người nữ ngồi nhầm chỗ.

70. According to the woman, why did the attendant make 70. Theo như người nữ, Tại sao nhân viên rạp chiếu lại
the mistake? măc lỗi?

A. he was not paying attention A. Vì anh ta không chú ý.


B. he often makes mistakes B. Vì anh ta thường xuyên mắc lỗi.

C. he couldn’t see very well C. Anh ta đã không thể nhìn rõ.

D. he is absent- minded A. D . Anh ta lẵng trí.


Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

71-74 71-74.

Good morning. All of you graduating today must be very Chào buổi sáng. Tất cả các bạn tốt nghiệp ngày hôm
excited and nervous about your future. As a practicing nay chắc phải rất phấn khách và bồi hồi về tương lai

physician who graduated from this university 10 years ago. I của mình. Là một nhà bác sĩ thực tiễn đã tốt nghiệp từ
want to say that your chosen profession will be rewarding both 10 năm trước. tôi muốn nói rằng nghề nghiệp mà các

ethically and financially. What I am trying to say is , you will bạn chon sẽ được đền đáp cả về đạo đức nghề nghiệp
be helping many people in need, while also earing a good deal và tiền bạc. Điều mà tôi muốn nói là bạn sẽ giúp được
of money. However, you have to remember that the work you rất nhiều người đang cần, bạn vừa có thể vừa kiếm

will be performing will be very stressful and require a great được một khoản tiền. Tuy nhiên, bạn cũng nên nhớ
amount of patience and inner strength. công việc mà bạn thực hiện sẽ rất nhiều áp lực và yêu
cầu sự kiên nhẫn và sức mạnh tinh thần lớn.

71. Who is the intended audience of this talk? 71. Bài nói nhắm tới đối tượng thính giả nào?

A. students A. Học sinh

company staff.
tic B.
Bác sĩ
Chuyên gia, giáo sư
Nhân viên công ty.
72. What does the speaker do for a living? 72. Người nghe làm nghề gì?

A. He is a doctor A. Bác sĩ
B. He is professor B. Giáo sư

C. He is a student C. Sinh viên

D. He is a banker D. Nhân viên ngân hàng.

73. What are the listeners being reminded of? 73. Người nghe được nhắc về việc gì?

A. There will be a party after the talk. A. Sẽ có một bữa tiệc sau bài nói.
B. Their future jobs will be very stressfull B. Công việc tương lai của họ sẽ rất áp lực
C. The final exam will not be very easy. C. Bài kiểm tra cuối cùng sẽ không dễ dàng gì.

D. They are eligible to receive financial loans D. Họ chịu trách nhiệm nhân các khoản vay tài

New words:

Inner Strength: sức mạnh từ bên trong( ý nói tinh thần thép, sức mạnh tinh thần)
In need: đang có nhu cầu
Physican: dược sĩ, thầy thuốc
Doctor: bác sĩ nói chung.
Nguyễn Thị Thunghiệp
nghề Hương mang
tính chuyên môn cao( cơ bản bằng job, occupation)
Cụm “that your chosen profession will be rewarding both ethically and financially: trong bài: ý nói” nghề này sẽ mang
lại chotiếng anhbạc
bạn tiền buổi
vàtối cho
giúp người
bạn mất gốc,
rèn luyện tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
đạo đức.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
74-76 74-76

Hi, Sarah, This is Jame. I’m sorry to be calling you at home Hi Sarah, Là James đây. Tôi xin lỗi phải gọi cho cô tại
this late, but I could’t catch you at the office because I was nhà muộn thế này. But tôi đã không thể gặp cô ở văn
in a meeting all day. Anyway, the reason for my call is to let phòng vì tôi đã vướng với cuộc họp cả ngày.Dù sao, lý
you know that our meeting with the head office people has do tôi gọi điện là để cho cô biết là cuộc họp với văn
phòng chính đã bị hoãn tới thứ 2 tuần sau. Rõ ràng

been posponted to next Monday. Apparently, the accounting
manager has a personal emergency he has to attend to and quản lý kế toán có việc cá nhân đột suất và không thể
can’t make it tomorrow. I hope this doesn’t inconvience you tới ngày mai. Dù gì thì tôi hi vong việc này không có

in any way. If you have any question, please call me at gì bất tiện với cô. Nếu có câu hỏi gì, xin vui lòng gọi
home. Thanks, and I’ll see you at the office tomorrow. vào số nhà. Cảm ơn, và sẽ gặp cô ở văn phòng ngày


74. What did the speaker do today? 74. Ngày hôm nay người nói đã làm gì?

A. Attend a meeting A. Tham dự cuộc họp.

B. Make a trip to the head office. B. Đi tới văn phòng chính.
C. Visit the hospital C. Tới bệnh viện( thăm người ốm, nếu không có “
D. Relax at home. tic the” thì mục đích là tới khám bệnh)
D. Nghi ngơi ở nhà.

75. Why is James leaving the message? 75. Tại sao James lại để lại tin nhắn này?
A. A To remind Sarah of a meeting tomorrow A. Để nhắc Sarah về cuộc họp ngày nai.
B. To inform Sarah of a change in schedule. B. Thông báo cho Sarah về thay đổi trong lịch
C. To invite Sarah to the head office. trình.
C. Mời Sarah tới văn phòng chính.

D. To let Sarah know about a personal emergency of

his. D. Để báo Sarah biết về việc đột suất của anh ta.

76. What should the listener do if she has a question? 76. Người nghe cần làm gì nếu có thắc mắc?

A. Call James at home A. Gọi James vào số nhà.


B. Make a trip to the head office. B. Đi tới văn phòng chính.

C. Show up to the meeting a bit early. C. Có mặt tại cuộc họp sớm hơn.
D. Get in contact with the accounting manager D. Liên hệ với quản lý kế toán.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
77-79. 77-79

The weather looks great this morning, with clear sunny Thời tiết có vẻ rất tốt buổi sáng nay, Với bầu trời nắng
skies and temperatures in the mid-20s in most parts of the quang đăng và nền nhiệt độ giữa 20 độ trên hầu hết
city. However, clouds are heading our way from the thành phô. Tuy nhiên, mây đang tiến về phía chúng ta

northeast, and by this afternoon we should be getting some từ phía Đông Bắc, và tới chiều nay chúng ta sẽ có mưa
rain showers. If any of you listeners are planning to go rào. Nếu ai trong số thính giả lên kế hoạch đi ra ngoài
outside today, don’t forget to bring umbrella with you. The hôm nay, đừng quên mang theo ô bên mình. Dự báo

forecast for next week look similar, with temperatures in thời tiết cho tuần tới khá tương tự, với nhiều độ đầu 20
the low 20s and a chance of rain. This has been Johanna và có khả năng mưa. Đây là Johanna Newman với thời
Newman with the day’s weather. I’ll be back in one hour, at

tiết hàng ngày. Tôi sẽ quay lại trong một giờ nữa lúc 10
10 o’clock, with more weather updates. Thank you for giờ với nhiều thông tin cập nhật hơn. Cảm ơn vì chọn
turning in. We’ll now get back to our regular programming. kênh này. Chúng tôi sẽ quay lại với các chương trình
như thường lệ.

77. What is the weather like at the moment? 77. Thời tiết như thế nào vào thời điểm này?

tic A.
D. Windy. D. Gió
78. What does the speaker remind the listeners to do before 78. Người nói nhắc thích giả việc gì trước khi họ đi ra
heading outside today? ngoài hôm nay?

A. Have a hearty meal. A. Thưởng thức một bữa ăn ấm cúng.

B. Listen to the weather update. B. Nghe cập nhật thời tiết.
C. Pack an umbrella C. Cầm theo ô
D. Check the bus schedule. D. Check lịch trình xe bus.

79. Theo như báo cáo thời tiết, Thời tiết tuần tới sẽ như

79. According to the weather report, what will the

temperature most likely be next week? thế nào?

A. 22 degrees A. 22 độ

B. 25 degrees B. 25 độ
C. 29 degrees C. 29 độ

D. 30 degrees D. 30 độ

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
80-82. 80-82

May I have your attention, please?. Due to unforeseen Xin mọi người chú ý!. Do tình huống không đoán trước,
circumstances, this morning’ speech by our CEO, Mr Frank bài diễn văn sang nay của CEO ông Frank Harri sẽ bị
Harri, will be canceled. We apologized for this inconvience, hủy. Chúng tôi xin lỗi vì sự bất tiện này, nhưng Ông
but Mr Harris, who went to Paris on a business trip with Harris trong chuyến công tác tới Parris với quản lý, đã
general manager, could not catch his flight back last nigh. không thể bắt kịp chuyến bay trở về tối qua. Chuyến bay

His flight was canceled due to a heave snowstorm there. của ông ấy đã bị bủy do có bão tuyết lớn ở đó. Tuy
However, don’t worry because who have something else nhiên, đừng quá lo lắng bởi vì Ông Scott – Phó chủ tịch

planned for you this morning. Mr Scott Owens our vice- có dự định khác cho mọi người, sẽ thay Ông Harris. Ông
president, will fill in for in for Mr Harris, He will come on sẽ có mặt trên sân khấu trong ít phút nữa để nói về dự
stage in a moment to talk about our sale projection for next tính bán hàng cho năm tới. Xin hãy chào mừng nồng ấm

year. Would everyone please give a warm round of applause Ông Owens!
for Mr. Owens!

80. Who was originally supposed to give a speech this 80. Ban đầu ai được dự định phát biểu sang nay?
A. Ngài chủ tịch
The president.
The vice- president.
The sale manager.
tic B.
Ngài phó chủ tịch
Quản lý bán hàng.
Quản lý trưởng
D. The general manager.
81. Why did Mr. Harris not show up today? 81. Tại sao Ông Harris không xuất hiện ngày hôm nay?

A. He is not feeling well today. A. Ông ta không khỏe.


B. His meeting with the general manager is being B. Cuộc gặp gỡ với quản lý trưởng bị kéo dài.
prolonged. C. Có sự thay đổi về lịch trình chuyến bay .
C. There was a change in his flight in his flight D. Giao thông khiến ông muộn.
D. Traffic has made him late

82. Việc gì sẽ xảy ra tiếp theo?

82. What will happen next?
A. Ngài tổng sẽ phát biểu vài lời.

A. The president will say a few words.

B. Ngài phó tổng sẽ phát biểu.
B. The vice president will give a speech
C. Thích giả sẽ về nhà
C. The listeners will go home for the day.

D. Quản lý trưởng sẽ giới thiệu người nói

D. The general manager will introduce the next
tiếp theo

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
83-85. 83-85

Hi, Mr Tanaka. This is Jason Price here. I just received a Xin chào, Ông Tanaka. Tôi là Jason Price. Tôi vừa nhận
call from travel agent and he has informed me that a được một cuộc gọi từ đại lý dụ lịch và ông ta đã thông
flight to Tokyo has been booked for tomorrow morning. báo về chuyến bay tới Tokyo được đặt trước cho sang
This is good news because this means that I can now mai. Đây là một tin tốt vì giờ tôi có thể tham dự cuộc
attend the meeting scheduled for the 4th of May in họp lịch từ mùng 4 tháng 5 ở Tokyo. Tôi đã đang hi

Tokyo.I was hoping you could reserve a room for me at vọng rằng có thể đặt trước một phòng tại khách sạn
the Yoshimi Hotel since it is very close to your office . I Yoshimi bởi vì nó rất gần với văn phòng của ông. Tôi

would appreciate it if you could take care of that for me. rất biết ơn nếu ông có thể lo liệu việc đó giúp tôi. Cảm
Thank you and please call me back after you’ve deal with ơn và xin vui lòng gọi lại cho tôi sau khi ông dàn xếp
the arrangements. xong.

83. What will Mr Price do tomorrow? 83. Ông Price sẽ làm gì ngày mai?

A. Get on a flight A. Bắt một chuyến bay.

B. Attend a meeting B. Tham dự cuộc họp
C. Reserve a hotel room. C. Đặt phòng khách sạn.
D. Visit Mr Tanaka’s office. D. Thăm văn phòng của ông Takana
84. According to the message, what is the good news? 84. Theo như tin nhắn, tin tốt là gì?

A. Mr Tanaka became the head of the Tokyo branch A. Ông Tanaka đã trở thành trưởng phòng chi
office. nhánh Tokyo.
B. Mr Price received a good deal on a flight. B. Ông Price nhận được một món hời cho chuyến
C. Mr. Tanaka was able to book a hotel room. bay.
D. Mr. Price will be able to attend the conference. C. Ông Tanaka đã có thể đặt phòng

D. Ông Price đã có thể tham dự cuộc họp.

85. What does the speaker ask Mr Tanaka to do for him? 85. Nguời nói yêu cầu Ông Tanaka làm gì giúp mình?

A. Reserve a flight to Tokyo A. Đặt một chuyến bay tới Tokyo

Đặt phòng

B. Make accommodation arrangements. B.

C. Postpone the meeting to another day C. Hoãn cuộc họp vào một ngày khác.
D. Meet him in the Yoshimi Hotel lobby D. Gặp ông ta tại hành lang khách sạn Yoshimi

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
86-88. 86-88

Brand new from Captain Sea’s world famous frozen dishes, Mới toanh từ thế giới của Captain Sea món ăn đông lạnh
an extra large meal for those who like a truly hearty meal. nổi tiếng , một phần ăn lớn bổ sung cho những người
To prepare the meals, simply open the package and heat for phàm ăn (a hearty meal ngụ ý những người ăn nhiều) .
5 minutes. This news comes in 4 different varieties: Để chuẩn bị món ăn, đơn giản chỉ cần mở gói và hâm

chicken, turkey, pork and beef. And, for a limited time, if nóng trong 5 phút. Sản phẩm mới này được làm từ 4
you purchase one extra large frozen dinner, you will thành phần khác nhau: gà, gà tây, thịt lợn và thịt bò. Còn

receive one at no cost. So, if you are a hearty eater, start nữa, cho một thời gian hạn hẹp, nếu bạn mua một phần
packing up your feezer with the world’s best frozen dinners bữa tối đông lạnh lớn, bạn sẽ nhận được một cái khác
today. This special offer will only last until the 30th of this miễn phí. Bắt đầu cho đồ vào tủ lạnh với bữa tối đông
month. Captain Sea’s frozen dinner are available at your lạnh tuyệt nhất thế giới, Ưu đãi này chỉ diễn ra tới ngày

local supermarket. 30 tháng này. Sản phẩm bữa tối đông lạnh của Captain
Sea có bán tại siêu thị đại phương.

86. What is being advertised? 86. Cái gì đang được quảng cáo?

A. Frozent dinners. A. Món bữa tối đông lạnh.
A restanrant
A microware oven
A supermarket
tic B.
Một nhà hàng.
Một máy
Một cái siêu thị.
87. What is being offerd for the time being? 87. Cái gì đang được đề bán lúc này?

A. A free gift A. Một phần quà miễn phí.

B. A two-for-one sale. B. Bán 2 trong 1( mua 1 tặng 1)

C. A 50% discount on the items C. Giảm 50 % trên mỗi sản phẩm.

D. Free delivery D. Giao hàng miễn phí.

88. When will the special end? 88. Khi nào ưu đãi này kết thúc?

A. Today A. Hôm nay


B. This weekend B. Tuần này

C. Next week C. Tuần tới.
D. At the end of the month D. Cuối tháng.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
89-91. 89-91.

Now, to the entertainment news. Beginning this week, Bây giờ tới tin tức giải trí. Đầu tuần này, Lady Day sẽ
Lady Day will be celebrating its 10th anniversary at the kỷ niệm 10 năm tại nhà hát Imperial Six. Nhạc kịch cổ
Imperial Six Theater. This classic musical has touched the điển này đã làm rung động hàng triệu trái tim với câu
hearts of thousands with its moving story about an chuyện cảm động về một câu bé mồ côi người trưởng

orphaned boy who grows up to be the weathiest thành cà trở thành một doanh nhân giầu có trong thành
businessman in the city. The show’s success is due mainly phố. Sự thành công của show diễn là nhờ chủ yếu nhà

to the writer of the musical. However, the always modest soạn nhạc kịch. Tuy nhiên John Sanders cho rằng lý do
John Sanders tells others the real reason for the show’s thực sự để buổi biểu diễn thành công là màn biểu diễn
success is brilliant performance of the actor who bring his suất sắc của diễn viên người đã mang câu chuyện tới

story to life. Perhaps the show’s real success is a pleasant cuộc song. Có thể thành công thực tế của buổi diễn là
mixture of both great writing and skilled acting. To sự kết hợp hài hòa giữa cả chế tác và biểu diễn hoàn
celebrate the anniversary of the show, all ticket price will hảo. Để chúc mừng ngày kỷ niệm của Show diễn, tất cả
be 30% off this week. If you have not yet seen the show, giá sẽ được giảm 30% tuần này. Nếu bạn chưa từng

this is the perfect time to check it out.. xem show diễn này, đây là thời điểm thích hợp tuyệt
vời để check đấy !!

A. One year
89. How long has the show been performed? 89. Show diễn này đã được biểu diễn trong bao lâu?

A. Một năm
B. Two years. B. Hai năm
C. Five years C. Năm năm
D. Ten years D. Mười năm
90. According to the writer, who’re responsible for the 90. Theo như chế tác, ai là người chịu trách nhiệm cho

success of the show? thành công của buổi diễn?

A. John Sanders A. John Sanders
B. The actors. B. Diễn Viên
C. The producer. C. Nhà sản xuất

D. The director. D. Đạo diễn.

91. How are they celebrating the anniversary? 91. Họ mừng ngày kỷ niệm như thế nào?

A. By offering a discount on tickets. A. Chiết khấu cho giá vé bán

B. By giving an encore performance.

B. Tặng thêm một màn biểu diễn phụ.

C. By having a party after the performance. C. Có một bữa tiệc sau buổi biểu diễn.
D. By having a parade in the city. D. Có một cuộc đi diễu hành trong thành phố.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
92-94. 92-94.

The ongoing talks between labor and management at the Các cuộc đàm phán đang diễn ra giữa liên đoàn lao
nation’s largest automobile company finally came to an end động và ban quan lý tại công ty oto lớn nhất nươc cuối
yesterday with an agreement after two months of failed cùng cũng tới hồi kết thúc ngày hôm quá với một thỏa
negotiations. The 10-hour talks last night result in a positive thuận sau 2 tháng đàm phán thất bại. Cuộc nói chuyện

outcome for both parties involved. The company kéo dài 10 tiếng có một kết quả khả quan cho cả 2 bên
sspokeperson said today that we will make an official liên quan. Người phát ngôn của công ty đã nói rằng
statement later today, but the rumor is that the labor union hôm nay sẽ có tuyên bố chính thức. nhưng tin đồn cho

was guaranteed a 10% wage hike, with increased security rằng liên đoàn lao động được đảm bảo 10 % lương tăng
meansures at the factory. This, according an insider, is và các biện pháp an ninh gia tăng tại nhà máy. Theo
thông tin nội bộ, đây chính là điều liên đoàn lao động

exactly what the union was after and it seem like the wait
was worth their while. The 100 assembly line wokers who theo đuổi và có vẻ như việc kiên nhẫn chờ đợi xứng
walked out on their jobs will be back at work tomorrow. This đáng với công sức. 100 công nhân dây chuyền lắp ráp
has been Jack London with the day’s report. Now back to đã đình công sẽ quay trở lại công việc vào ngày mai.

you, Tom. Tôi là Jack London với bản tin hàng ngày. Trở lại với
anh, Tom.
92. According to the report, how long have negotiations been
going on?
92. Theo như bản báo cáo, các cuộc đàm phán đã diễn
ra bao lâu?

A. One week A. 1 tuần.

B. Two weeks B. 2 Tuần
C. One month C. 1 tháng
D. Two months D. 2 tháng.

93. What will happen today? 93. Việc gì sẽ diễn ra sắp tới?

A. The talks will continue. A. A . Cuộc đàm phán sẽ tiếp tục.

B. A statement will be made B. Một tuyến bố được đưa ra.
C. The employees will go back to work. C. Các nhân viên quay trở lại làm việc

D. The assembly workers will walk out of their jobs. D. Nhân công dây chuyền sẽ bỏ việc.

94. Who is Jack London? 94. Ai là Jack London?


A. A reporter A. Một người đưa tin.

B. The company CEO B. CEO của công ty.

C. One of the factory workers C. Một trong số công nhân nhà máy
D. A security guard D. Bảo vệ
New words
Talks= negotiation: (n) cuộc đàm phán,thương lượng
Labor/ labor union: liên đoàn lao động, công đoàn
Management: ban quản lý
Amsembly line= production line: dây chuyền sản xuất
Security/ security meansures:An ninh/ các biện pháp an ninh
Factory; plant: nhà máy, xưởng sản xuất.
Party: bên
Nguyễn cóThu
Thị liên Hương
quan, đảng, phái

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
95-97. 95-97

Good morning and welcome to the fifth career day here at Chào buổi sang và chào mừng ngày hội việc làm lần
Empire Hall. I can see that most of you in attendance are thứ năm tại Empire Hall. Tôi có thể thấy hầu hết các
fourth-year university students who are eager to talk to bạn tham dự đều là sinh viên năm bốn rất mong muốn
company representatives here today. I’m happy to let you nói chuyện với các đại diện của công ty ở đây.Tôi rất

know that there are over 200 companies who are set up vui mừng báo cho các bạn biết rằng có trên 200 công
booths to help you with your carreer choices. Simply walk ty đặt gian hàng tại đây để giúp đỡ với các sự lựa
chọn nghề nghiệp. Chỉ cần bước tới gian hàng bạn

up to the booth you are interested in and speak to the person
standing behind the table to get the information you need for quan tâm và nói chuyện với người đứng sau bàn để
the job you want to apply to. And if you need help smoothing tìm hiểu thông tin bạn cần cho công việc mình muốn
gửi đơn. Và nếu bạn cần làm trôi chảy hồ sơ hay thư

out your resume and cover letter , a special workshops at 10
this morning will teach you how to catch the attention of the xin việc, một hội nghị đặc biệt lúc 10 giờ sáng nay sẽ
job recruiters. hướng dẫn bạn làm sao đã thu hút sự chú ý của nhà
tuyển dụng.

95. Who most likely is listening this talk? 95. Người nào có thể nghe bài nói này?

Managers of company
People looking for jobs
Students trying to enter universities. A.
Những sinh viên cố gắng vào được đại học.
Quản lý công ty
Những người tìm việc
D. Members of the university faculty. D. Sinh viên.
96. How many booths are set up today? 96. Có bao nhiêu gian hàng được lập ngày hôm
A. 10

B. 40 A. 10
C. 100 B. 40
D. 200 C. 100
D. 200
97. What is schedules to happen at 10 o’clock?

97. Có sự kiện gì lúc 10 giờ?

A. A workshop A. Một hội nghị
B. A speech B. Một bài diễn văn

C. Breakfast C. Bữa sáng

D. Carreer counseling A. D Tư vấn nghề nghiệp

New words
Stand; booth; stall: gian hàng.
Fair: Hội chợ
Career(job)/ trade/ business fair: hội chợ việc làm/ kinh doanh/ thương mại.
Recruit: (v) tuyển mộ, tuyển dụng= employ; engage; hire: thuê, tuyển
Recruiter= employer: nhà tuyển dụng.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
98-100. 98-100

May I have your attention for a minute? This is an announment Xin vui lòng chú ý một lát ! Đây là thông báo về sự thay
to let you know that the following changes will be made in đổi sau đây sẽ được tiến hành về việc lịch trình cuộc
today’s conference schedule. The opening speech scheduled to họp ngày hôm nay. Diễn văn mở màn do Ông Wagner
sẽ bị hoãn lại tới sau bữa trưa lúc 1 giờ. Ông Wagner

be given by Mr. Wagner will be postponed until after lunch, at
1 o’clock . Mr Wagner, who is coming in from London, has tới từ London đã bị tạm hoãn do sương mù dày đặc tại
sân bay Heathrow. Tôi vừa nhận được tin ông ấy hi

been delayed due to heavy fog at Heathrow Airport. I just
received news that he is expected to arrive around lunch time. vọng sẽ tới đây vào khoảng giờ ăn trưa. Vì vậy. Bài phát
Therefore, the one o’clock speech by Julie Munich will be biểu lúc 1 giờ của Julie sẽ được đẩy lên lucs 10 giờ. Tất
pushed up to 10 o’clock. Also, those of you, who have signed cả các bạn những người có đăng ký cho cuộc hội thảo

up for the 3 o’clock workshop, are to go to the front entrance lúc 3 giờ sẽ tới cổng trước để lấy gói đồ cho cuộc hội
to pick up a packet for your workshop. Thank you and have a thảo. Cảm ơn và chúc một ngày tốt lành.
great day.
98. Mục đích của thông báo này là gì?

98. What is the purpose of the announcement?
A. Thông báo về sự thay đổi lịch trình trong ngày.
To inform people of a change in the day’s schedule.
To provide the weather conditions for the day.
To guide people to the lecture hall.
Cung cấp thong tin về điều kiện thời tiết.
Chỉ dẫn mọi người vào sảnh thuyết trình.
Giới thiệu người nói chính của ngày.
D. To introduce the main speaker of the day.
99. Khi nào Ông Wagner đọc diễn văn?

99. When will Mr Wagner give his speech? A. 10 giờ.

B. 10 giờ
At 10 o’clock

A. C. 1 giờ
B. At 12 O’clock D. 3 giờ
C. At 1 O’clock
D. At 3 o’clock 100. Những người có tham gia hội thảo được yêu cầu
làm gì?
100. What are those attending the workshop asked to do?

A. Lấy mộ gói đồ
A. Pick up a packet B. Xếp hàng tại cửa
B. Line up at the door C. Nói chuyện với Ông Munich

C. Speak to Ms. Munich A. D Đi tới bữa trưa.

B. D.. Go to lunch early

Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương


Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương

Kèm tiếng anh buổi tối cho người mất gốc, tiếng anh giao tiếp, Toeic.
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
To borrow sb st / st from sb : mượn ai cái
A gì
To accuse sb of st/doing st : buộc tội ai
To break the law/ one''''s promise : phạm
To agree with sb on st : đồng ý với ai
luật/ thất hứa
To agree to do st : đống ý làm gì
To break down : hỏng (máy), sụ đổ, suy

To allow sb to do st : cho phép ai làm gì
nhược, bật/oà khóc
To allow st/ doing st : cho phép cái gì/
To break into : đột nhập

làm gì
To break out : khởi phát, bất ngờ, bùng
To apologized (to sb) for st/ doing st :
nổ (chiến tranh)

xin lỗi (ai) vì cái gì/ vì đã làm gì
To break off : cắt đứt, gián đoạn, tuyệt
To approve / disapprove of st/doing st :
tán thành/ không tán thành
To break loose : thoát khỏi sự kiềm chế
To ask sb for st : hỏi xem, đề nghị ai cái

của ai, sổ lồng

To break in : tập dần cho (cái gì) còn

làm gì/ không làm gì

To ask sb to do / not to do st : yêu cầu ai

To attack on st/sb : tấn công cái gì/ ai

mới, chưa quen, ngắt quãng (= to cut in)
To bring sb st/ st to sb : mang đến, mang
lại cho ai cái gì
To attempt to do st : cố gắng làm gì
To bring back : làm nhớ lại, gợi lại
B To bring to : làm hồi tỉnh
To bring up :mang lên, giáo dục, đề cập,
To back off : lùi, rút lui
nuôi dưỡng, phát biểu

To back up : lùi lại, bảo vệ, ủng hộ, trở

To bring about : gây ra
lại ý kiến ban nãy
To bring out : đưa ra, giới thiệu với công
To back out : lấy xe ra khỏi bãi đậu; rút
lui, huỷ bỏ, lẩn trốn, nuốt lời
To bring back : trả lại vật đã mua hoặc

To base on st : dựa trên cơ sở gì

mượn (= to take back)
To beat around the bush : nói vòng vo,
To brush up on : ôn lại, xem lại
lẩn tránh vấn đề

To build up : gia tăng từ từ ( tiền bạc),

To become of : xảy ra với ai
mạnh dần lên ( sức khoẻ)

To believe in : cho rằng, nghĩ rằng; làm

To burn down : cháy chầm chậm, không
ra vẻ, giả vờ
hoàn toàn, cháy rụi hoàn toàn
To bite off : cố với lên
To burn up : phá huỷ hoàn toàn bằng lửa,
To blame sb on st/doing st : quy tội, đổ
làm cho giận hay rất phiền lòng (= tick
lỗi cho ai
To blow up : lạm phát, bơm đầy, nổ
To burn out : ngừng sử dụng do sử dụng
tung, phá huỷ, làm nổ
vượt mức, cảm thấy mệt do làm việc quá
To blow off : thổi, bay đi, cuốn đi
To blow out : nổ, thổi tắt, dập tắt

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
To burst out : ra đi nhanh chóng (= to To clean out : dọn sạch, vét sạch; ăn cắp,
storm out); hành động đột ngột, bất ngờ ăn trộm; mua hoặc bán tất cả mọi thứ
To buy sb st / st for sb : mua cho ai cái gì To clear up : làm sáng tỏ (= to straighten
To buy up : mua sạch, mua sẵn, mua out)
toàn bộ To collect st from smw : thu thập, thu

To buy out : mua một doanh nghiệp hay lượm từ đâu
công ty; mua toàn bộ cổ phần của ai để

To combine st with st : kết hợp với
nắm quyền To come from : bắt nguồn từ
To come to : tập hợp lại nhận thức, làm

cân bằng, lên tới đến
To call for: đề nghị, đòi hỏi
To come into being : ra đời
To call on/at sb : ghé thăm ai
To come about : xảy ra
To call up: gọi điện thoại = to give sb a

To come across : tình cờ thấy, tình cờ
nhìn thấy

drop in on)
To call off : huỷ bỏ, xoá bỏ
To call on : mời yêu cầu, ghé thăm (= to
To come over : đến thăm
To come round : ghé thăm
To come up : nổi lên, lộ ra
To call it a day / night : nghỉ một buổi (
To come true : thành sự thực, chứng tỏ
không làm việc 1 buổi)
điều gì đúng
To care for : trông nom, chăm sóc
To come across : bắt gặp hay tình cờ
To carry on : tiếp tục, xúc tiến
thấy (= to run across), được nhận thấy,

To carry out : thực hiện, thi hành

nhận biết (= to come off)
To carry out : tiến hành, thực hiện, hoàn
To come about : xảy ra
thành (= to go through with)
To come to an end : kết thúc
To catch fire : bắt đầu cháy
To comment on st : bình luận về

To catch on : trở lên phổ biến

To complain about st/sb : kêu ca, phàn
To catch up (with) : đuổi theo, theo kịp
nàn về

To catch up : đuổi kịp, bắt kịp

To concentrate on st/ doing st : tập trung
To catch on : trở lên phổ biến, trở thành
tư tưởng vào

được ưa chuộng, hiểu được, nắm được

To congratulate sb on st : chúc mừng ai
To catch cold : cảm lạnh
To change one''s mind : thay đổi ý kiến,
To continue to do/ doing st : tiếp tục làm
quyết định

To check up on : kiểm tra nhằm mục
To cooperate with sb in doing st ( to do
đích xác định điều kiện, chấp thuận (= to
st) : hợp tác với ai
check on)
To count on : tin tưởng, trông mong (= to
To cheer up : sự vui vẻ, khoái trá, hoan
depend on)

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
To cover up : che giấu, trốn tránh cho suy yếu
To crash into st : đâm sầm, lao sầm vào To dry out : khô ráo, làm cho khô ráo;
To cross out : chấm dứt bằng cách gạch cai rượi,làm cho tỉnh rượi (= to sober up)
ngang một đường
To cut off : cắt ngang, ngăn cản đột ngột

To earn one''s living : kiếm sống
To cut out : cắt bỏ bớt, ngừng làm (= to
To eat in : ăn ở nhà

knock it off)
To eat out : ăn ở nhà hàng
To cut corners : tiết kiệm
To enable sb to do st : khiến ai có thể
To cut short : thu ngắn, ngắt lời

làm gì
D To encourage sb to do st : khuyến khích
To decide to do st : quyết định làm gì ai làm gì

To deny st/ doing st : phủ nhận đã làm gì To enjoy st/doing st : thích làm gì
To depend on st/sb/doing st : phụ thuộc To escape from : trốn thoát khỏi
vào tic
To die down : giảm, suy yếu ( sức khoẻ)
To die out : tiệt chủng, biến mất
To expect st/sb : mong chờ, mong đợi ai
cái gì
To expect sb to do st : mong muốn ai làm
To discuss st ( with sb) : bàn bạc, thảo gì
luận cái gì với ai To explain st to sb/that + clause : giải
To divide st into : chia thành thích cho ai cái gì
To do over : ôn lại, làm lại To explain (to sb) that + clause : giải

To do st instead of st/doing st : làm gì, thích với ai rằng

thay vì làm gì F
To do st for sb/st to sb : làm gì cho ai/ To fade away : phai mờ, bị quên lãng
làm gì ai

To fail to do st : không thể làm gì

To do without : tồn tại mà không có cái To fall through : vỡ kế hoạch, không tiến
gì (= to go without) hành được

To doubt that + clause : nghi ngờ rằng To fall behind : rớt lại, không theo kịp (=
To draw up : kéo lên, múc lên; thảo (văn

to get behind)
kiện) To fall in love : bắt đầu yêu, yêu
To dress up : ăn mặc cầu kỳ, duyên dáng To fall behind : thụt lùi
To drop off : ngủ gục, đưa đến một nơi To fall down : thất bại
nào đó; giảm suy thoái (= to fall off) To fall off : tách rời, rời khỏi
To drop sb a line : viết vài dòng cho ai To feel sorry for : tiếc, tiếc chuyện gì (=
To drop out of : dừng lại, đứt đoạn, lắng to take pity on)
xuống, rơi xuống To feel like : nghĩ rằng sẽ (làm,có) cái gì,
To dry up : cạn ráo, làm khô cạn, bị làm muốn làm cái gì

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
To figure out : giải quyết, tính toán Get round...( to doing) : xoay xở , hoàn
To fill st with st : làm đầy bằng tất
To fill up : lấp đầy, đổ đầy xăng Get along / on with = come along / on
To fill in : điền câu trả lời vào, cung cấp, with
nói cho ai đầy đủ chi tiết Get st across : làm cho cái gì đc hiểu

To fill out : hoàn tất 1 câu có sẵn Get at = drive at

To find fault with : phê bình, than phiền Get back : trở lại
về cái gì đó Get up : ngủ dậy
To find st/sb : tìm thấy, tìm được Get ahead : vượt trước ai

To find st/sb + adj : thấy ai cái gì/ai như Get away with : cuỗm theo cái gì
thế nào Get over : vượt qu a
To find out (that) + clause : phát hiện/ Get on one’s nerves:làm ai phát điên ,

khám phá chọc tức ai
To find out : lấy thông tin về, xác định,
khám phá, tìm ra
To finish doing st : hoàn thành
tic Give away : cho đi , tống đi , tiết lộ bí
To fix up : sửa chữa hay đưa lại tình mật
trạng tốt, sắp xếp một cuộc hẹn hay hứa Give st back : trả lại
hẹn với người khác Give in : bỏ cuộc
To fool around : lãng phí thời giờ (= Give way to : nhượng bộ , đầu hàng( =
screw around), rong chơi, đi long nhong, give oneself up to ), nhường chỗ cho ai

đùa cợt Give up : từ bỏ

To force sb to do st : bắt, ép ai làm gì Give out : phân phát , cạn kịêt
To forget to do st : quên không làm gì Give off : toả ra , phát ra ( mùi hương ,
hương vị)

G Go out : đi ra ngoài , lỗi thời

Get through to sb : liên lạc với ai Go out with : hẹn hò

Get through : hoàn tất ( = accomplish ) , Go through : kiểm tra , thực hiện công
vượt qua (= get over) việc

Get into : đi vào , lên ( xe) Go through with : kiên trì bền bỉ
Get in: đến , trúng cử Go for : cố gắng giành đc
Get off : cởi bỏ , xuống xe , khởi hành Go in for : = take part in
Get out of = avoid Go with : phù hợp
Get down : đi xuống, ghi lại Go without : kiêng nhịn
Get sb down : làm ai thất vọng Go off : nổi giận, nổ tung , thối giữa (
Get down to doing : bắt đầu nghiêm túc thức ăn )
làm vịêc gì Go off with = give away with : cuỗm
Get to doing : bắt tay vào làm việc gì

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
Go ahead : tiến lên
Go back on one ‘ s word : không giữ lời Keep away from = keep off : tránh xa
Go down with : mắc bệnh Keep out of : ngăn cản
Go over: kiểm tra , xem xét kĩ lưỡng Keep sb back from : ngăn cản ai không

Go up : tăng , đi lên , vào đại học làm gì
Keep sb from = stop sb from

Go into ; lâm vào
Go away : cút đi , đi khỏi Keep sb together : gắn bó
Go round : đủ chia Keep up : giữ lại , duy trì

Go on : tiếp tục Keep up with : theo kip ai
Grow out of : lớn vượt khỏi Keep on = keep ving : cứ tiếp tục làm gì
Grow up: trưởng thành Knock down = pull down : kéo đổ , sụp
đổ, san bằng

H Knock out : hạ gục ai

cho thế hệ sau,,,,)

Hand down to = pass on to : truyền lại (

Hand in : giao nộp ( bài , tội phạm )

Lay down : ban hành , hạ vũ khí
Lay out : sắp xếp, lập dàn ý
Leave sb off = to dismiss sb: cho ai nghỉ
Hand back : giao lại việc
Hand over: trao trả quyền lực Leave out = get rid of
Hand out : phân phát(= give out) Let sb down : làm ai thất vọng
Hang round : lảng vảng Let sb in / out : cho ai vào / ra , phóng

Hang on = hold on = hold off : cầm máy thích ai

(điện thoại Let sb off : tha bổng cho ai
Hang up ( off) : cúp máy Lie down : nằm nghỉ
Hang out : treo ra ngoài Live up to: sống xứng đáng với

Hold on off = put off Live on : sống dựa vào

Hold on: cầm máy Lock up: khóa chặt ai

Hold back : kiềm chế Look after : chăm sóc

Hold up : cản trở / trấn lột Look at ; quan sát

Look back on: nhớ lại hồi tưởng

J Look round : quay lại nhìn
Jump at a chance /an opportunity chộp Look for: tìm kiếm
lấy cơ hội Look forward to ving: mong đợi , mong
Jump at a conclusion : vội kết luận chờ
Jump at an order : vội vàng nhận lời Look in on : ghé thăm
Jump for joy : nhảy lên vì sung sướng Look up : tra cúư ( từ điển, số điện thoại
Jump into ( out of) : nhảy vào ( ra) )
Look into : xem xét , nghiên cứu

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
Look on : đứng nhìn thờ ơ Put st away : cất đi
Look out : coi chừng Put through to sb : liên lạc với ai
Look out for : cảnh giác với Put down : hạ xuống
Look over : kiểm tra Put down to : lí do của
Look up to : tôn trọng Put on : mặc vào ; tăng cân

Look dowm on : coi thường Put up : dựng lên , tăng giá
Put up with : tha thứ, chịu đựng

M Put up for : xin ai ngủ nhờ
Make up : trang điểm, bịa chuyện
Put out : dập tắt

Make out : phân biệt
Put st/ sb out : đưa ai / cái gì ra ngoài
Make up for : đền bù, hoà giải với ai
Put off : trì hoãn
Make the way to : tìm đường đến

Mix out :trộn lẫn , lộn xộn
Miss out : bỏ lỡ Run after : truy đuổi
Move away: bỏ đi, ra đi
Move out : chuyển đi
Move in: chuyển đến
tic Run away/ off from : chạy trốn
Run out (of) : cạn kiệt
Run over : đè chết
Run back : quay trở lại
O Run down : cắt giảm , ngừng phục vụ
Order SB about ST: sai ai làm gì
Run into : tình cờ gặp , đâm xô , lâm
Owe st to sb : có đc gì nhờ ai

P Ring after : gọi lại sau

Pass away = to die Ring off : tắt máy ( điện thoại )
Pass by : - go past : đi ngang qua , trôi S
qua Save up : để giành

Pass on to = hand down to : truyền lại See about = see to : quan tâm , để ý
Pass out = to faint : ngất See sb off : tạm biệt

Pay sb back : trả nợ ai See sb though : nhận ra bản chất của ai

Pay up the dept : trả hết nợ nần See over = go over

Point out : chỉ ra Send for: yêu cầu , mời gọi

Pull back : rút lui Send to :đưa ai vào ( bệnh viện , nhà tù
Pull down = to knock down : kéo đổ , Send back : trả lại
san bằng Set out / off : khởi hành , bắt đầu
Pull in to :vào( nhà ga ) Set in: bắt đầu ( dùng cho thời tiết)
Pull st out : lấy cái gì ra Set up :dựng lên
Pull over at : đỗ xe Set sb back: ngăn cản ai
Put st aside : cất đi , để dành Settle down : an cư lập nghiệp

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
Show off: khoe khoang , khoác lác Tell off : mắng mỏ
Show up :đến tới Try on: thử ( quần áo )
Shop round : mua bán loanh quanh Try out : thử...( máy móc )
Shut down : sập tiệm , phá sản Turn away= turn down : ;từ chối
Shut up : ngậm miệng lại Turn into : chuyển thành

Sit round : ngồi nhàn rỗi Turn out; sx , hoá ra là

Sit up for : chờ ai cho tới tận khuya Turn on / off: mở, tắt
Slown down : chậm lại Turn up / down : vặn to , nhỏ ( âm lượng
Stand by: ủng hộ ai )

Stand out : nổi bật Turn up: xuất hịên , đến tới
Stand for : đại diện, viết tắt của, khoan Turn in: đi ngủ

Stand in for : thế chỗ của ai
Stay away from : tránh xa Use up : sử dụng hết ,cạn kiệt
Stay behind: ở lại
Stay up :đi ngủ muộn
tic W
Wait for : đợi
Stay on at: ở lại trường để học thêm Wait up for; đợi ai đến tận khuya
Take away from : lấy đi, làm nguôi đi Watch out /over= look out
Take after : giống ai như đúc Watch out for : = look out for
Take sb / st back to : đem trả laị Wear off : mất tác dụng , biến mất , nhạt

Take down : lấy xuống dần

Mistake sb for sb else : nhầm ai với ai Wear sb out = exhaust sb
Take in : lừa gạt ai , hiểu Work off : loại bỏ
Take on : tuyển thêm , lấy thêm người Work out; tìm ra cách giải quyết
Take off : cất cánh , cởi tháo bỏ cái gì Work up : làm khuấy động

Take over : giành quyền kiểm soát Wipe out ; huỷ diệt / exhaust sb
Take up : đảm nhận, chiếm giữ ( không Write down : viết vào

gian ), bắt đầu làm gì ( thành thú tiêu To hear of: nghe nói tới
khiển) - To make a success of sth: thành công

Take to : yêu thích về việc gì

Talk sb into st : thuyết phục ai - To be relate to: có bà con với ai
Talk sb out of : cản trở ai - To give advice on:
Throw away : ném đi , vứt hẳn đi - To be apposed to: phản đối, chống lại
Throw out; vứt đi, tống cổ ai - To write with a pen: viết bằng bút
Tie down : ràng buộc - To belong to: của thuộc về ai
Tie in with : buộc chặt - To succeed in; thành công
Tie sb out = wear sb out = exhaust sb - To happen to : xảy ra với

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
- To aim at: nhắm vào Show affection for :có cảm tình
- To care for: chăm sóc Feel pity for :thương xót
- To complain of sth: phàn nàn về điều gì Feel regret for :ân hận
To turn one’s back on someone: bỏ rơi ai Feel sympathy for :thông cảm
- To jump over sth: nhảy qua cái gì Take/have pity on :thương xót

- To fall over sth: vấp phải vất gì Make a decision on :quyết định
- To be wounded in the leg: bị thương ở

Make complaint about :kêu ca, phàn nàn
chân Make a fuss about :làm om xòm
- To speak in a whisper: nói nhỏ Play an influence over :có ảnh hưởng

- To be released from prison: ra tù Get victory over :chiến thắng
- To know someone from someone: pha Take interest in :quan tâm
biệt được ai với ai Have faith in :tin tưởng

- To be expect in…: chuyên môn về…. Feel shame at : xấu hổ
- To rejoice at:mừng rỡ về điều gì Have a look at : nhìn
Catch sight of :bắt gặp
Lose sight of :mất hút
tic - to choose s.o for (a post) : chọn ai vào
một chức vụ gì
Make fun of :chế diễu - to make a fool of s.o : làm cho ai trở
Lose track of :mất dấu thành ngu ngốc
Take account of :lưu tâm - to make a singer of s.o : làm cho ai trở
Take note of :để ý thành ca sĩ
Take care of :chăm sóc - to make the best of : tận dụng tối đa

Take advantage of :lợi dụng điều gì

Take leave of :từ biệt - to send for s.o : gửi ai đến, gửi ai tới
Give birth to : sanh con - to send s.o : gửi cho ai cái gì
Give place to :nhường chỗ - to send to s.o : gửi cái gì cho ai

Give way to :nhượng bộ, chịu thua - to set on fire : gây hỏa hoạn
Pay attention to :chú ý - A true friend to s.o : một người bạn tốt

Put an end to :kết thúc đối với ai

Put a stop to :chấm dứt - give s.o a ring : gọi dây nối, điện thoại

Set fire to :đốt cháy - had better : tốt hơn (thường dùng ở
Make a contribution to : góp phần dạng rút gọn
Lose touch with :mất liên lạc - in connection with : liên kết với, kết
Keep pace with :theo kịp hợp với
Keep correspondence with :liên lạc thư - in time : kịp giờ
từ - It comes to doing tới lúc làm việc
Make room for : dọn chỗ gì
Make allowance for :chiếu cố - It is kind of you : bạn thật tử tế

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
- It is thoughtful of you : bạn thật cẩn làm việc gì
thận, chu đáo - to be acquainted with s.o : quen biết ai
- little by little : dần dần từng chút từng - to be afraid of : sợ
chút một, từ từ - to be against s.o : chống lại ai
- never mind : đừng lưu tâm đến, đưng - to be anxious about : nôn nóng, lo

lưu ý đến, khỏi lo lắng về điều gì

- no good to s.o : không tốt cho ai - to be appropriate for : thích hợp cho
- on time : đúng giờ - to be astonished at : kinh ngạc về
- stick out : nhô ra, lộ ra, lòi ra. điều gì

- to be of royal blood : thuộc dòng dõi - to be at war with ( a country)
quý tộc - to be available to : có sẵn, sẵn sàng
- to be out of the question : ngoài vấn đề, - to be aware of : biết, nhận biết

không thành vấn đề, không thể - to be bad at ( a subject) : dở về môn gì
- to feel like + V ing : muốn (làm gì) - to be beneficent to s.o : từ thiện đối với
- to take out : lấy ra, rút ra
- to a place : đến một nơi nào
tic ai
- to be beside the point : ngoài đề, lạc đề
- to accuse s.o of : tố cáo ai về tội gì - to be brought before the judge : bị đưa
- to adapt oneself to (a situation) : thích ra tòa
nghi vào một hoàn cảnh - to be capable of doing : có khả
- to add to another : thêm một vật năng làm việc gì

vào một vật khác - to be conscious of : ý thức về

- to adhere to : đính vào, bám vào - to be considerate of : ân cần, chú ý tới
- to agree with s.o : đồng ý với ai - to be contempt for s.o : khinh miệt ai
- to aim at : nhắm vào - to be content with : hài lòng với
- to argue with s.o about : tranh cãi - to be contrary to : tương phản, trái

với ai về điều gì ngược với ai

- to arrange for : sắp xếp cho - to be courteous to s.o : lịch sự đối với

- to arrive in : đến (một thành phố hay ai

một đất nước) - to be critical of : hay phê bình, hay chỉ

- to ask for : đòi hỏi, yêu cầu trích về

- to attend to : chú ý đến - to be destined for: được dành riêng (để
- to be satisfied with : thỏa mãn với, hài làm điều gì)
lòng với - to be different from : khác với
- to be above s.o in the examination list : - to be dressed in white : mặc đồ trắng,
thi đậu cao hơn ai mặc quần áo trắng
- to be accustomed to : quen với - to be eligible for : đủ điều kiện, đủ tiêu
- to be accustomed to doing : quen chuẩn

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
- to be engaged in doing : bận bịu về - to be ignorant of : không biết điều
điều gì gì
- to be engaged to s.o : đính hôn với ai - to be important to s.o : quan trọng đối
- to be enthusiastic about : hăng hái, say với ai
mê - to be in : đang thịnh hành, đang là mốt

- to be equal to : ngang, bằng - to be in bad temper : cáu kỉnh
- to be in business : đi làm ăn

- to be essential for : cần thiết cho
- to be experienced in : có kinh - to be in danger : nguy hiểm
nghiệm về việc gì - to be in debt : mắc nợ

- to be expert in (a subject) : chuyên môn - to be in favor of : ủng hộ tán thành
về cái gì - to be in fond of : thích
- to be expressive of : diễn đạt, biểu lộ - to be in for a storm : gặp bão

- to be faithful to : trung thành với - to be in port : vào cảng
- to be false to s.o : giả dối đối với ai - to be in sight : trông thấy, trong tầm
- to be familiar to : rành rẽ, quen thuộc
- to be familiar with s.o : thân mật , là
mắt có thể nhìn thấy
- to be in want of money : thiếu tiền
tình nhân của ai - to be indebted to s.o : mang ơn ai, mắc
- to be famous for : nổi tiếng về nợ ai
- to be fatal to s.o : nguy hiểm đến tính - to be independent of : độc lập với,
mạng ai không lệ thuộc vào
- to be indifferent to : thơ ờ, lãnh đạm,

- to be favourable for doing : thuận

lợi để làm gì không quan tâm đến
- to be filled with tears : đầy nước mắt - to be indifferent to : thờ ơ, xao lãng
- to be forgetful of : hay quên về - to be innocent of : vô tội
- to be free from : thoát khỏi. - to be intended for s.o : dành cho ai

- to be full of : đầy, tràn ngập - to be interested in : quan tâm tới

- to be gallant to ladies : lịch sự với phụ - to be involve in : có liên quan, dính líu

nữ, nịnh đầm tới

- to be good at (subject) : giỏi về môn gì - to be jealous of : ganh tỵ về

- to be good for one's health : tốt cho sức - to be kind to s.o : tử tế với ai
khỏe của ai - to be looking forward to s.t = to look
- to be guilty of : có tội forward to s.t : mong mỏi
- to be happy about : vui vẻ vì, hạnh - to be loyal to s.o : trung thành với ai
phúc vì - to be mad about : đam mê, say mê
- to be hopeful of : hi vọng về - to be made from : làm từ (vật được làm
- to be hungry for : thèm khát điều gì ra không còn giữ nguyên chất liệu ban
- to be identical to : giống, giống nhau đầu)

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
- to be made of : làm bằng (vật được làm - to be responsible for : chịu trách nhiệm
ra còn giữ chất liệu ban đầu) về
- to be named after : được đặt tên theo - to be satisfactory to s.o : thỏa mãn đối
(tên một người khác) với ai, làm ai hài lòng.
- to be negligent of : xao lãng - to be sawn into small logs : cưa thành

- to be new to s.o : mới lạ đối với ai những khúc nhỏ

- to be offended at (by) : giận dữ, - to be secured from ( a disaster) : an
bực mình về việc gì toàn , ko bị tai nạn
- to be offended with (by) s.o : bị xúc - to be shocked at : xúc động về điều

phạm bởi ai, giận ai gì
- to be on fire : đang cháy - to be stolen from : bị trộm
- to be on holiday : đi nghỉ lễ - to be stuck - get stuck : bị lừa gạt

- to be on the committee : là thành viên - to be suitable for : thích hợp với.
ủy ban - to be superior to : vượt hơn
- to be opposed to : phản đối, chống lại
- to be out of order : hư, không hoạt
- to be sure of :chắc chắn
- to be tired from : mệt nhọc vì
động - to be tired of : chán ngấy vì
- to be over : xong kết thúc chấm dứt - to be tired of : chán
- to be patient with s.o : kiên nhẫn đối - to be tired out : mệt lử, mệt lả người
với ai - to be to one's liking : hợp với sở thích

- to be perfect for doing : tuyệt hảo của ai

để làm việc gì - to be to one's taste : hợp với khẩu vị
- to be pleasing to s.o : làm vừa ý ai, làm của ai
ai dễ chịu - to be tolerant of : nhân nhượng, nhượng
- to be popular with: phổ thông đối với bộ

ai - to be under age : dưới tuổi thành niên

- to be positive about : quả quyết về - to be under repair : đang được sửa chữa

điều gì. - to be unfit for : không thích hợp với

- to be preferable to : thích hơn - to be up : hết xong (dùng cho thời gian)

- to be prepared for : sẵn sàng, chuẩn bị - to be up to s.o : tùy thuộc vào sự quyết
- to be proud of : hãnh diện về định của ai, tùy vào ai
- to be put in prison : bị tống giam - to be used to doing : quen làm việc
- to be qualified for doing : đủ tiêu gì
chuẩn, đủ trình độ để làm việc gì - to be useful for : hữu ích
- to be ready for : sẵn sàng - to be welcome to : được đón tiếp, được
- to be related to : có bà con thân thuộc chào đón
với - to be well- off : giàu ( to be rich)

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
- to be wounded in the leg : bị thương ở cười, phá cười lên
chân - to call down : rày la, khiển trách, trách
- to become of : ra sao, xảy ra, xảy đến mắng
(cho người hay vật bị thiếu vắng) - to call off : bãi bỏ, hủy bỏ,bác bỏ thủ
- to believe in : tin tưởng vào tiêu

- to believe in : tin, tin tưởng - to call on : viếng thăm
- to call s.o's attention to : lưu ý ai về

- to belong to : thuộc về, của
- to bite off : cắt đứt ra điều gì
- to blow away : thổi bay đi - to care about : quan tâm tới

- to blow down : thổi ngã rạp xuống - to care for : chăm sóc, chú ý tới, thích
- to blow off : cuốn bay đi - to carry out : hoàn thành, thực hiện, thi
- to blow up : nổ tung, làm cho nổ hành

- to boast about to s.o : khoe khoang, - to catch cold : bị cảm lạnh
khoac lác với ai về điều gì - to catch fire : bắt lửa, phát cháy
- to break away : vượt khỏi, thoát
- to break down : hỏng, không chạy được
- to check on : kiểm soát,
- to check up : khám xét
(máy móc, xe cộ) - to check up on : kiểm tra, xem xét
- to break down : phá sập xuống - to check up on : phối kiểm.
- to break off : bẻ gãy, đâp vỡ - to chew up : nhai nhỏ ra, gặm nát
- to break out : xảy ra thình lình, bộc - to chop up : chặt nhỏ ra, bẻ vụn ra

phát - to clean up : lau sạch

- to break through : phá thủng, vỡ - to clear up : khích lệ, làm cho vui, phấn
- to break up : bẻ nhỏ, vụn ra khởi
- to bring to : tỉnh , hồi tỉnh - to come about :xảy ra
- to bring up : dạy dỗ, nuôi cho trưởng - to come across : chợt thấy , ngẫu nhiên

thành thấy, gặp (bất ngờ)

- to burden ( an animal) with : chất - to come across : tình cờ, tình cờ tìm ra,

cái gì lên một con vật nhân thấy, trông thấy

- to burn down : bị thiêu hủy, cháy rụi - to come to : hồi tỉnh, hồi sinh, tỉnh lại

- to burn out : đứt (bóng đèn, cầu chì), - to come to the point : vào thẳng vấn đề
không còn dùng được - to come under my umbrella : hãy đến
- to burn up : cháy rụi hết, cháy ra tro che dù với tôi
- to burn up : đốt hết, cháy hết, cháy tiêu - to compare with : so sánh với
- to burst into tear : bật khóc - to complain of : kêu ca, phàn nàn
- to burst out crying : phát khóc, bật về chuyện gì
khóc, òa lên khóc - to condemn s.o for doing : kết án ai
- to burst out laughing : phát cười, bật về điều gì

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
- to condemn s.o to death : kết án tử hình - to drop out : thôi, bỏ, rút (chân) ra khỏi
ai - to drop s.o a line : viết cho ai vài dòng,
- to congratulate s.o on : khen ngợi, viết vài hàng
chúc mừng ai về điều gì - to ear one's living by doing : làm gì
- to consent to a proposal : tán thành một đó để kiếm sống

lời đề nghị - to eat up : ăn hết
- to count on : hi vọng ở, trông mong ở

- to excuse s.o for doing : tha thứ cho
- to count on : tin cậy vào ai vì làm điều gì
- to cross out : xóa bỏ, gạch bỏ - to exempt s.o from doing : miễn

- to cure s.o of an illness : chữa khỏi cho ai khỏi làm việc gì
bệnh cho ai - to fail in an examination : thi rớt
- to cut off : cắt lìa ra, cắt bỏ - to fall down the stairs : ngã cầu thang

- to cut up : cắt nhỏ, vụn ra - to fall off : rơi, rớt xuống- giảm, sa sút
- to decide upon : quyết định chọn - to fall onto : rơi lên trên vật gì, ngã
điều gì tic
- to depend on s.o : lệ thuộc vào ai
đè lên trên vật gì
- to fall over : vấp phải vật gì mà
- to deprive s.o of : tước đi cái gì của ngã
ai - to fall through : thất bại, hỏng.
- to die away : lắng dịu, dần tắt, im bặt, - to fasten one's eyes on : nhìn chằm
tan biến ở xa (dùng cho âm thanh). chằm vào

- to die down : giảm bớt, hạ nhiệt, suy - to feel like + gerund ( v + ing) : thích
giảm. cái gì
- to die of : chết vì - to feel sorry for : thương hại, thương
- to die out : dần dần biến mất hẳn cảm
- to do over : lặp lại, làm lại - to feel up to : cảm thấy khỏe khoắn,

- to do under orders : làm điều gì thích hợp với việc gì

theo mệnh lệnh - to fill in : điền vào, ghi vào điền vào,

- to draw up : thảo, soạn (văn kiện) ghi vào cho đầy đủ, bổ túc cho đầy đủ
- to dream of : mơ tới, mơ về (đơn từ)

- to dress up : trang điểm, chải chuốt - to fill out : mở rộng ra, làm rộng ra
- to drink to : uống mừng về điều gì - to fill up : đổ đầy xăng (cho xe…)
- to drink up : uống hết - to find fault with : phê bình, chỉ trích
- to drive up to : lại tới - to find fault with : chỉ trích điều gì
- to drop in on : ghé thăm, rẽ vào thăm, - to find out : tìm ra, tìm được, khám
ghé chơi phá, tìm thấy
- to drop in on s.o : ghé vào thăm ai, tạt - to fix for : ấn định thời gian cho
vào thăm ai - to force one's way through : chèn lối đi

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
qua - to give birth to : sinh, đẻ ra
- to forget s.o for : quên ai về chuyện - to give into s.o : nhượng bộ ai
gì - to give s.o : cho ai cái gì
- to get + (sick, well, tired, wet, busy.....) - to give away : cho cái gì đi làm quà
: bị ốm, thấy khá, mệt, ẩm ướt, bận rộn… tặng

- to get along : tiến bộ, thành tựu, chạy - to give up : đầu hàng, từ bỏ, chối bỏ

(nói về công việc) - to go for a walk : bách bộ, dạo bộ
- to get along with s.o: hòa thuận với ai - to go for( on) a picnic : mời đi…
- to get away : trốn thoát, lìa bỏ - to go in for : chơi ham mê

- to get away with : thoát khỏi sự trừng - to go in for : hâm mộ
phạt, hình phạt tội - to go through: kiểm soát, xem xét
- to get away with : tránh khỏi bị - to go up to : đi tới

khiển trách vì điều gì - to go with : xứng hợp với (đúng mốt)
- to get back : trở lại, trở về - to go without : nhịn, chịu thiếu thốn

(kém hơn)
- to get better (worse) : trở nên khá hơn - to go wrong : hư hỏng, trục trặc, ,không
- to get into : vào, bắt đầu( cãi nhau, - to hang on to : nắm chặt cái gì
đánh nhau), dấn thân vào - to hang up : treo, móc, nhấc lên
- to get into difficulties : gặp khó khăn, - to have a craving for : thèm khát
trở ngại điều gì
- to get lost : đi lạc

- to have a demand for : có nhu cầu về

- to get married : lấy ai - to have a dexterity in doing : khéo
- to get off : xuống xe, xuống bến làm việc gì
- to get on : lên xe, đón xe bus - to have on : mặc, bận, đội, mang
- to get on one's nerves : làm cho ai bực - to have in one's hand : tay cầm vật

mình, tức giận, khó chịu gì

- to get out of doing : tránh khỏi phải - to have time off : có thời gian rảnh,

làm điều gì nghỉ việc ở không

- to get over : vượt qua, phục hồi, lấy lại - to hear of : nghe nói tới

- to get rid of : đuổi đi, loại trừ, vất đi - to hit below the belt : đánh dưới thắt
- to get through : xong, làm xong, xong lưng
việc - to hold good : giữ hiệu lực, giá trị, duy
- to get to (a place) : tới, đến nơi trì
- to get up : thức dậy - to hold to the fire : hơ cái gì vào
- to get used to : trở nên quen với, làm lửa
quen với - to hold still : ngồi yên, đứn yên, giữ
- to give advice to s.o : khuyên bảo ai yên

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
- to hold up : chặn cướp, cướp, hoãn lại, - to let go of : buông cái gì ra
trở ngại, bế tắc - to let on : tiết lộ, bộc bạch ra, cho hết
- to hope for : hi vọng điều gì - to lie down : tựa vào vật gì, nằm xuống
- to introduce s.o to another : giới thiệu - to live from hand to mouth : sống tay
ai với một người khác làm hàm nhai, kiếm được đồng nào xào

- to judge s.o by one's appearance : xét đồng đấy
người nào về bề ngoài.

- to live on : sống nhờ vào
- to jump over : nhảy qua vật gì - to live up to : đạt được, giữ được
- to keep away from : tránh xa khỏi - to live within one's income : sống theo

- to keep good time : chạy chính xác, hoàn cảnh, sống theo thu nhập của mình
chạy đúng giờ (đồng hồ) - to live within one's means : sống trong
- to keep house : làm việc nhà, làm nội điều kiện cho phép

trợ - to long for : mong đợi
- to keep in touch with : liên lạc, giao - to look after = take care of : chăm nom,
- to keep on : tiếp tục
tic chăm sóc
- to look at : nhìn vào, trông vào
- to keep on doing : tiếp tục làm việc - to look down upon : khinh khi , khinh
gì thị , khinh dễ
- to keep out, off, away, from... : tránh ra - to look for : tìm kiếm
xa, ở ngoài... - to look into: tra xét cẩn thận, điều tra
kỹ lưỡng

- to keep track of : theo dõi, ghi nhớ

- to keep up : giữ ở một mức, cấp độ - to look on with s.o : xem nhờ ai
- to keep up with s.o : bắt kịp ai - to look out : coi chừng cẩn thận
- to knock out : đánh bại, đánh ngất, làm - to look over : xem xét ,phán đoán,
bất tỉnh duyệt lại, xem lại

- to know all about : biết toàn bộ về - to look to s.o for help : trông cậy ai
điều gì giúp đỡ

- to know s.o by sight : biết mặt ai, có - to look up : tìm kiếm , tra từ điển
nhìn thấy - to look up to: kính trọng, kính mến

- to know s.o from s.o : phân biệt ai với - to make a success of : thành công
ai về cái gì
- to laugh at : cười chế nhạo - to make believe : giả vờ, giả đò
- to lean on : tựa lên, dựa lên - to make clear : vạch rõ, giảng, nói rõ
- to learn by heart : học thuộc lòng - to make faces : nhăn nhó, nhăn mặt,
- to leave out : thiếu sót, bỏ sót, làm mất làm trò khỉ
- to leave with s.o : để cái gì lại cho - to make for the open sea : bắt đầu ra
ai giữ khơi

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
- to make friend : kết bạn, làm bạn - to provide s.o with : cung cấp cho
- to make good : thành công (thêm giới ai cái gì
từ in) - to put credit in s.o : đặt tin tưởng vào ai
- to make good time : đi nhanh chóng, - to put down : đàn áp, dẹp, tiễu trừ
mau - to put on (weight ) : cân nặng thêm, béo

- to make oneself pleasant to s.o : vui vẻ ra, lên cân
- to put on : mặc, đội, mang ( mũ, nón,

chiều chuộng, làm hài lòng ai
- to make out : áo quần...)
- to make out : thành công, tiến bộ, có - to put out : dập tắt, thổi tắt (ngọn lửa,

kết quả đèn)
- to make over : sửa đổi trang phục lại - to put away : cất vật gì vào chỗ của
cho giống như mới nó

- to make sense : có thể tin được, có lý, - to put together : lắp, rắp lại, hợp lại với
hợp lý nhau
- to make up : tic
- to make up one's mind : quyết định
- to put up with : chịu đựng
- to put up with : chịu đựng, nhân
- to meet halfway : điều đình, hóa giải. nhượng
- to meet s.o at (a place) : đón ai ở một - to quarrel about : cãi nhau vì
nơi nào chuyện gì
- to mix up - to be mixed up - to get - to quarrel with s.o about : cái nhau
với ai về điều gì

mixed up
- to moan like hell : than trời trách đất - to read in the book : đọc được điều
- to object to : phản đối gì đó trong sách
- to object to : phản đối điều gì - to rejoice at (over, in) : mừng rỡ về
- to pay for : trả vật gì để được điều gì

cái gì - to rely on : tin tưởng vào ai

- to pick up : chọn lựa - to reminds s.o of : gợi ai nhớ điều

- to pick up : nhấc lên, cầm lên gì

- to pin the failure on s.o : đổ thừa thất - to respect s.o for : kính trọng ai về

bại là do ai điều gì
- to plan on doing : dự định làm điều - to rest against : tựa, đấu cái gì
gì vào cái gì
- to point out : chỉ, vạch ra - to run across = to come across : tình cờ
- to prevent s.o from doing : ngăn gặp, chạm trán với, ngẫu nhiên thấy
cản ai làm điều gì - to run across s.o : tình cờ gặp lại ai
- to protect s.o from : che chở cho ai - to run an errands : làm việc vặt, mua
khỏi điều gì bán lặt vặt

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
- to run away : thoát ly, ra đi, trốn đi cho
- to run away from home : bỏ nhà ra đi, - to stand out : nổi bật
trốn khỏi nhà - to stand to reason : rõ ràng, hợp lí, cố ý,
- to run into : tình cờ gặp, chạm trán với, hiển nhiên
ngẫu nhiên thấy - to stand up for : đòi hỏi, bênh vực, ủng

- to run up to : chạy tới hộ.
- to stay in : ở nhà

- to rush at s.o : xông vào ai
- to sacrifice one's life : hi sinh cuộc đời - to stay out : vắng nhà, đi ra ngoài
mình cho - to stay up : ngồi thức , thức

- to save s.o from doing : giúp ai - to stick s.o : lừa gạt, lừa đảo.
tránh khỏi phải làm điều gì - to stick to : kiên trì đeo đuổi, bền lòng,
- to say to s.o's face : nói thẳng vào không thay đổi.

mặt ai - to stick up : cướp có vũ khí
- to see about : để ý đến, lưu ý, lưu tâm - to suffer from : khổ vì, đau khổ vì
- to see s.o off at (a place) : tiễn ai
- to serve one right : đáng tội, đáng kiếp,
- to suggest to s.o : gợi ý cho ai, cho ai
biết là
đáng đời. - to supply s.o with : cung cấp cho ai
- to set fire to : làm cháy, tiêu hủy cái gì
- to set on fire: đốt cháy - to take s.o for s.o : nhầm ai với ai
- to set out : bắt đầu, ra đi, lên đường, - to take a look at : xem, nhìn đến

khởi hành - to take a seat : ngồi xuống , mời ngồi.

- to shake hand : bắt tay chào - to take a walk : đi bộ, đi dạo
- to show a spirit towards s.o : chứng tỏ - to take apart : thào rời từng bộ phận
tình cảm, chứng tỏ tinh thần đối với ai - to take delight in doing : thích thú
- to show off : khoe khoang, phô trương làm điều gì

- to show up : hiện diện, có mặt - to take down : lấy xuống, đem xuống,
- to smile at s.o : mỉm cười với ai ghi chép ( tốc ký )

- to speak in whisper : nói nhỏ, nói thì - to take for granted : xem cho là thật, là
thầm hiển nhiên, chấp nhận như vậy

- to spend money on : tiêu sài tiền về - to take hold of : cầm, nắm lấy
món gì - to take into account : để ý đến, kể đến,
- to spend money on : tiêu tiền vào lưu ý đến
việc gì - to take off : cởi, tháo, gió ( nón, dày,
- to stand a chance : có cơ hội, có thể có dép...)
được - to take on : tuyển dụng, thuê mướn (
- to stand for : khoan dung ,chiu dung người làm)
- to stand for : tượng trưng cho, thay thế - to take one's time : làm thư thả , không

Sưu Tầm
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
vội vàng, làm một cách ung dung - to trouble s.o for : phiền ai giúp
- to take one's word for : tin tưởng điều gì
lời ai nói về điều gì - to try on : thử, cố gắng
- to take over : đảm đương, đảm nhiệm, - to turn into : đổi sang, đổi thành
đảm trách - to turn on : mở, bật ( TV, máy lạnh ,

- to take pains : làm việc tận lực, hết sức đèn...) trái ngược với to turn off
- to turn one's back on s.o : quay lưng lại

cẩn thận
- to take part : tham dự với ai, bỏ rơi ai
- to take pity on : thương hại, thương xót - to turn out : hóa ra, rốt cuộc, trở thành

- to take place : xảy ra - to wait on (upon) : dọn bàn ăn (chỗ
- to take s.o by surprise : làm cho ai ngạc người nào đó) phục dịch
nhiên - to walk up to : tiến tới

- to take s.o by the hand : nắm tay ai - to waste time on : lãng phí thời
- to take s.o by the hand : nắm tay ai gian về việc gì

được nghỉ, nghỉ

- to take time off - to have time off : - to waste time on : phí phạm thời
gian về việc gì
- to talk over : bàn luận, thảo luận, - to wish for : ước ao
nghiên cứu, xem xét - to wonder about : tự hỏi về, ngạc nhiên
- to taste of : có mùi, có vị về
- to tear off : xé đứt, xé bỏ - to work for a company : làm việc cho

- to tear up : xé ra thành từng mảnh, hủy một công ty

bỏ - to work for living : làm việc để kiếm
- to tell s.o about : kể cho ai nghe về sống
điều gì - to worry about : lo lắng về
- to thank s.o for doing : cảm ơn ai vì - to write with ( a pen) : viết bằng (bút)

đã làm điều gì - would rather : thích hơn ( I would

- to think of : nghĩ tới, có ý kiến về rather = I'd rather.......)

- to think of s.o : nghĩ về ai

- to think over : suy nghĩ chính chắn, xét

- to think up : phát minh, khám phá, tìm
- to throw at s.o : ném cái gì vào ai
- to tie up : cột chặt, buộc chặt
- to treat someone to something : thiết
đãi ai món gì
- to tremble with cold : run vì lạnh

Sưu Tầm

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