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Understanding by Design Lesson Plan in General

Biology 1 (STEM Grade 11)

Topic: Level of Biological Organization/Cell Theory Timeframe: 30 minutes

Stage 1: Desired Results
Established Goals Understanding
Essential understandings Transfer
At the end of the day, the
students will be able to: The learners demonstrate an The student, in the long
understanding of: term and on his/her
1. Describe the own will be able to…
relationship of different 1. One of the most
levels of Biological distinctive features of life is 1. Appreciate all
Organization based on it’s that, it is highly organized components that make up
different structural into a hierarchy of structural the biological organization
components. levels. Each level is made of
components of lower level 2. Recognized the
2. Explain the postulates and itself becomes a implication of the
of the Cell Theory component of higher level. discovery of cells in the
modern world
2. The cell theory states that
all biological organisms are
composed of cells; cells are
the unit of life and all life
comes from preexisting life.

Essential Questions

1. Why is structure related to function at all biological

levels of organization?

2. What are the statements of the Cell Theory?

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Task

G – Students will have a concrete understanding on the History of Cell Theory.

R – Students will work in pairs to analyze the questions given and formulate an
A – Pairs will share their answer on the questions they answer during checking their
S – Depends on the number of students in the class, each pair consist of 2 students
P – Each pair will answer the following questions based on the video clip they watch
and the Timeline of the Cell Theory indicated on the activity sheet.
S – Each pair scores depends on the number of correct/wrong answers they will get.

*The activity sheet is attach on this lesson plan.

Other Evidence

- Recitation
- Homework
- Student Reflections
Stage 3: Learning Plan

1. Introduction to Essential Questions. Allow students to answer the essential

questions according to their prior knowledge.
2. The Class will arrange the Level of Biological Organization based on the pictures
posted on board.
3. After arranging the pictures, the class will check their work during the discussion of
the topic.
4. The class will have an activity on the Cell Theory and they will be divided into pairs.
Each pair will answer questions on the activity sheet based on the video clip that they
watch and the timeline of the Cell Theory written on the activity sheet.
5. There will be a discussion on the Cell Theory while checking their answers on the
activity they finish.
6. Students will try to answer again the Essential Questions based on what they have
learned on the topic.
7. The class will have a homework on “What are the properties of Cells?


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