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Semester 2, 2010/2011


Self-Directed Learning
(Online Writing Forum and Self-Accessed Online

Name: Nadiah Syuhada Binti Roslan

Matric No.: 155978
Group No.: 4
Instuctor’s name: Mz Azima Aziz
Self-Directed Learning Activities (week 1-week 2)

Online Writing Forum (week 3-week 12)

Topic 1: Introduction
Topic 2: Song Reach by Gloria Estefan
Topic 3: Malacca Muslim teens can marry earlier
Topic 4: Poem “The Perfect Friend” by Shannen Wrass
Topic 5: Foreign beggars
Topic 6:1 Malaysia
Topic 7: Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya Case
Topic 8: A Most Important Lesson by Bill Greer
Topic 9: poem “Do it anyway” by Kent Keith
Topic 10: Last task (answer 5 question)

Self-Directed Learning Activities (week 13- week 14)

Topic 1: Introduction

Re: Topic 1

by Nadiah Syuhada 
on Fri Aug 20,20101:4 am

Salam and hi everyone! I’m Nadiah Syuhada Binti Roslan but, I really appreciate it if

you just call me Along.   Gladly, I’m proud to be called Along since I’m really is the
oldest in my family.   I came from a large family of five siblings and I grew up in a
beautiful and cultures land of Kelantan. Now I’m 20 years and 10 days old. I got two
surprises on my birthday and thank you to my beloved friends because they made it
even more exciting with funny tales and stuff.   For your information I’m currently
studying Veterinary Medicine in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. I love to eat all
sort of local fruits; you name it! I bet it’s in my favorite list. It’s healthy and refreshing
to be a Malaysian since there are lots of fruits that can satisfied my desire. Reading
is my passion. I enjoy reading science fiction the most, but sometimes love stories
can be added to my likings. My attitude towards life is that I accept all the happiness
and the sadness in the world thankfully to the God since there’s a quote saying that
every cloud has its silver linings. 
Topic 2: Song Reach by Gloria Estefan
Re: Topic 2
by Nadiah Syuhada 
on Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:25 am

Salam. When I went through the song, the first word that came across my mind was
"WOW".   It’s truly an amazing song with great lyrics. But sorry to say, I’m quite
disappointed with this piece of work. “Curiosity kills the cat” is an exact quote to
explain my feeling at that time. After got the title of the song and the singer’s name, I
quickly search for that particular song in the Youtube. It was shocking though that
this song was selected to be an Olympic song! The melody was awful to my ears.
Once I heard the song, it’s kind of dragging me to sleep. I know that many people
were motivated by the song but it’s just not right for me.   I prefer songs that have
both the great lyrics and the perfect melody such as “Rise me up”. The song never
fails even once to move people forward in their lives. In my opinion, this is what we
can call the perfect piece that can last for eternity. As for the song by Gloria, I was
totally captured with the words in the lyrics. Its remain me of the lost battle I once
fought all by myself. Hummmm…. I guess I can still praise the song, only for the lyric
that quite interesting to me. 

Re: Topic 2

by Nadiah Syuhada
on Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:31 am

I don't know how to add to all this, but everyone must have something that inspire
them throughout their hardship and even their triumph. So, I think everyone should
stay put with what they believe and go on with live.   But sometimes, we want to
add a little spice to live that we tend to seek for something new.   The song is nice
when you read it when you are down   and it kind of lift up your spirit sometimes.
Topic 3: Malacca Muslim teens can marry earlier

Re: Topic 3

by Nadiah Syuhada on Mon Sep 06, 2010 4:58

Salam. After further research into this topic, I do not agree will the motion because
its doesn't fit anymore with our society now days. 
If this step carried out 20 years ago i might agree but looking at our development and
millenium approach I can't see the good from it. 
Allowing teenagers to marry at a young age is like closing the door towards the
better future for them. 
To choose this easy motion as another way to prevent baby dumping in Malaysia is
Just because the married teenage parent can produce babies without shame does
not mean they can raise the babies properly.
If we look at Islam perspective, marrying at a young age is considered the best step
to avoid social illness, but its just does not applied in our society no more.
If teenagers have babies at a young age, they face problem when apllying for the job
in the future because there are no company that want to give them a proper job
eventhough they have a good resume.
In a nutshell, I totally oppose the Malacca state goverment in this matter.
Topic 4: Poem the perfect friend by Shannen
Re: Topic 4

by Nadiah Syuhada 
on Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:52 am
Salam. The poem was created by someone who actually realized his own reality.   
That what struck me the first time I went through the poem.   He is magnificent in
his own way to truly exploit the soothing effect of the first half of his work. Believe it
or not, he actually manages to attract people to read his whole poem. This seems to
me that he was being cocky the entire time. He is too proud to admit that he has no
real friend at all.   

FRIENDSHIP is when someone understand you even you don’t utter a single word. 
FRIENDSHIP is when someone knows you better than yourself. 
FRIENDSHIP is when someone mad at you when you does not share your
FRIENDSHIP is when someone cries out of happiness just to see your smile.
FRIENDSHIP is never to lose even you are being apart by land and seas.
Those are my principle of friendship. I believe that every single person in this earth
has a friend, even their friends are bad man or cruel person, and they still are their

Re: Topic 4

by Nadiah Syuhada 
on Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:56 am
         actually the lines just pop up in my head when I commented on the
To Izzaty who ask, there is no special person just a very great people like you guys
that lighten up my days. THANKS FRIENDS
Topic 5: Foreign beggars

Re: Topic 5
by Nadiah Syuhada 
on Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:44 am
Salam. Is begging is a job? Why so many able people choose to beg for money
instead earn money by working?
Because, there are people who donate money to them. 
That's way they beg for more by taking advantages of the kind people who give them
money due to sympathy. 
For me, the amount of money collected from begging is not an issue, but the quantity
of beggars roaming in major cities in Malaysia should be in questions. 
There are so many of them with amputate hand or leg and even with babies as a
source to gain sympathy. I don't mind seeing these people begging for money on
streets but when I saw a bunch of able people begging for money, it's just wrong.
How come they earn money without doing anything? They do not appreciate what
they have. Do they know that misfortunate people around the world might kill for a
pair of legs?

You still got a body, god legs and find feet,

get your head in the right place, and hey you're complete.(Pixar short film 2003)

So, why questions whether we need to give money or not? it’s obvious that they
don't deserve it.
Topic 6:1 Malaysia

Re: Topic 6

by Nadiah Syuhada 
on Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:10 am
Salam 1 Malaysia. I cannot agree more to this matter. In my opinion this concept
manages to bring us Malaysian together in unity to develop our country. The concept
also contributes to our harmony and peace. 
But, in order to make things right, we must first accept other ethnics believe and
culture into our way of life. When I say we must accept, this doesn’t means that we
must carried out their believe or what, but acknowledge them as a Malaysian. As a
student I prefer if there are students from different ethnics group in a university or
even in class. This way we can exchange information on culture, religion and history
within ourselves. I think we will understand more about them and we will recognize
their rightfulness to the country. 
As far as I know, we Malaysian have been living together since hundreds years ago.
So, 1 Malaysia concept can truly strengthen our bond to the extend we can live
together in and depend on each other during the hard time or even in peace and joy. 
Here I would like to suggest that the educations of three major languages of
Malaysia are taught to the student from an early age. This motion could reduce the
bad perception toward other races. 

Re: Topic 6

by Nadiah Syuhada 
on Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:18 am
Hi, its me again. In regards to what Norisal said earlier, I found it quite amusing how
people understand things differently from others. What Norisal's friend said was
meaningful enough. I think her words [color=#004080]“is there any other idea from
them on how to unite these people?”[/color] was enough to answer all the questions
regarding 1 Malaysia concept.
Topic 7: Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya Case

Re: Topic 7

by Nadiah Syuhada 
on Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:16 am
Salam and selamat hari raya to all. First of all, its kind of interesting when we were
ask to discuss about the topic. When she (Susilawati) was reported missing, my
family especially my umi, though that something was definitely wrong with this case.
Then the news later showed that the police found her and her friends murdered so
cruel that even animal don't do that kind of killing. The case made me remember how
awful human can be. But when look on the positive side, don't we should thankful
that at last we know what is happening to them. Even though the we felt really sorry
to their family (victims) for their loses, but, its hurt them more if they never know what
is really happening to them, right? I also impress how quick our police to handle such
case. As for the murderer(the 19 year old teenager), I felt sorry for him. I don't really
know what happen, but I think there must be something that drive him to be this
crazy. I don't think its about money. When its come to money, the leader is the one
that plans everything. We can see that he was so obsessed with status and money
that he paid to get the Datuk title. Last but not least, an appropriate punishment and i
believe its hang till death. But still, whatever we do, there are still people out there
that will commit such crime in the future as our morality is decreasing as times goes
by. Thank you

Re: Topic 7

by Nadiah Syuhada 
on Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:20 pm
well i couldn't agree more to what danny said but was really amazing how that young boy can
become something like that and i 100% agree that this
kind of act does require more than guts, maybe it was
grudge or revenge?.......
Topic 8: A Most Important Lesson by Bill Greer

Re: Topic 8

by Nadiah Syuhada 
on Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:59 am
Salam. I had read the story before. My beloved English teacher compiled a book of
motivational and inspirational stories for all Form 3 student at that time, so we can
practice our writing and improve our grammar. I love that book so much that i kept it
until now. Its refreshing how people can come out with some ways to actually make
others understand the reality of the world. In our everyday life, we tend to neglect
this aspect because we choose not to involve in the friendly ways with people who
don't benefit us. But the story has actually made us to realize the importance of small
things in the world. It does make us to be more alert and stay focus and most
importantly never take anything for granted.
I love to read such inspirational stories and i thank Mz Azima for this new task she
give us. 
We can truly seek what best for us by learn the objective of the story and reflect it all
back to our personal self. What should we do if we are to be in the same kind of
situation? How do we act toward the lecturer question? Do we actually know our
cleaner's name? 
When we ask these kind of question after finishing the story, I think it all will start
coming back to us. How we judge the situation reflect our true self.

Last edited by Nadiah Syuhada on Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Topic 9: poem “Do it anyway” by Kent Keith

Re: Topic 9

by Nadiah Syuhada 
on Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:33 pm
Salam 1 Malaysia. Once i read the poem, I was wandering whether this poem would
apply to Robin Hood. Hurm....... then I realize that I need to agree with Seetha.

to understand this poem in a better way, we must create a definition of good and

We define good or bad from what our surrounding teach us and of course we learn it
throughout our life. But, different people define good and bad in different way. As for
me, I think the poem was great, that I'm considering to look at the history surround
the poem. 
Maybe most of you do not agree with me on this, but the world is not the same
anymore. Now, human compete each other to survive, like it or not you need to do
whatever you can to strive, even in the ugly way..........
Dr. Kent Keith wrote a book with the same title a couple of years ago in order to
motivate people. Man who seek to understand how things work with another man
should probably get hold of copy. In my opinion, I can only agree with the final line of
the poem, just like Sabri. Our final result is between the Creator and us, no one can't
argue with this right?.....So, its up to you what do you believe, because you the one
who live your life not anyone else..

Last but not least, 

we cannot satisfy everyone
we cannot make anyone to like our line
we try to satisfy maybe one than everyone
and we try to make someone to agree with our line (plus he/she opinion)
LOL........ho ho about it?
feel free to comment.....salam

Last edited by Nadiah Syuhada on Fri Oct 15, 2010 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Topic 10: Last task (answer 5 question)

Re: Topic 10

by Nadiah Syuhada 
on Fri Oct 15, 2010 12:17 am
Salam and hi, how are you guys doing?......feel great right?...its finally our last writing
forum!!!!!!!!!!!!... yie ha!!!!!!!!!!!
hurm..........(cooling down...)LOL....I'm so excited but let we finish this first right? In
regards to the questions and as our beloved mz Azima told us that this is the last
one to do here, I shall answer the questions sincerely deep from within me....   
First, the most important thing that I learn from this awesome online writing forum is
I'm more open to voice out my opinion and in the same time I can comment on
others. Before I forget, this forum (especially group4) made me open my eyes to the
new issues happening around us, and also I found out that I was quiet amused by
the poems and lyrics that we need to comment to.
The most difficult part about writing the online is I think that I failed to deliver my
messages and comments straight to the other readers, because when I write, there
will be some part that I miss among all the line that I wrote. I just can't see how to do
it right.
 The easiest part is quiet a problem to me cause it seem to me that it was a really
a hard job to find what is suppose to be easy in these??????
           maybe the effortless job in writing the forum is the effectiveness of
the website.....we can load many interesting smilies and add quotation to our
comment in a very exciting and simple steps.
Next, truthfully, I rate my writing skill 7 out of 10. Don't ask me why.
About the confidence level to write in English I would like to rate myself 9 out of
10.....           Wow...I'm really impressed....
If the question is to ask before we start the online forum maybe I would not become
so generous to myself...         

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