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English With Movies & Series 1

Pulp Fiction “Royale With Cheese” Dialogue

Diálogo linha a linha:

And in Paris, you can buy a beer in McDonald's.

E em Paris, você pode comprar uma cerveja no McDonald's.

And you know what they call a Quarter-Pounder with Cheese in Paris?
E você sabe como eles chamam um Quarteirão com Queijo em Paris?

They don't call it a Quarter-Pounder with Cheese?

Eles não chamam (isso) um Quarteirão com Queijo?

No man, they got the metric system.

Não cara, eles usam o sistema métrico.

They wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter-Pounder is.

Eles não saberiam que *** é um Quarter-Pounder with Cheese.

- And what do they call it?

- E do que eles chamam?

- They call it a Royale with Cheese.

- Eles chamam (isso) um Royale com Queijo.

- Royale with Cheese. - That's right.

- Royale com Queijo. - É isso mesmo.

© 2019 | English With Movies & Series

English With Movies & Series 2

Texto para treinamento:

- And in Paris, you can buy a beer in McDonald's.

- And you know what they call a Quarter-Pounder with Cheese in Paris?

- They don't call it a Quarter-Pounder with Cheese?

- No man, they got the metric system.

- They wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter-Pounder is.

- What do they call it?

- They call it a Royale with Cheese.

- Royale with Cheese.- That's right.

© 2019 | English With Movies & Series

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