Basic Sentence Structure

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1.1. Background
Communication is a very important thing for the formation of a social group.
Communities in using the language as a means of communication must have
knowledge of the language. This knowledge is a language system and context,
where language is a system that has the meaning or meaning and rules that are
systematic and systemic and systemal language is composed by a pattern, not
randomly composed randomly, Kreidler (2002: 3).

Based on the statement above, the writer conclude that language is a

systematic system of systems that have rules or patterns so that can be used by
humans to communicate in their life. And it means that Abui language is the
systematic system that have rules or patterns used by the people in Abui specially
spoken by Petleng community.

Purnomoadjie (2017), Syntax is the study of principles and rules for

constructing sentences in natural language. Syntax is the study of the principles
and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular languages. In
addition, According to Supriyadi (2014: 4), syntax is part of grammar that
reviewing the word rebellion word into a larger grammatic unit called phrases,
clauses, and sentences, as well as placement of mortorf supra segmental
(intonation) according to the semantic structure the desired speaker of the
speaker as basically. From the definition above, the writer can be stated that the
syntax is a science of the sentence that describes the relationship between the
language elements to form a sentence or knowledge related to the form of the
forming of a sentence. So, syntax in Abui language spoken by Petleng
community refers to a science of the sentence that describes the relationship

between Abui language elements to form a sentence or knowledge related to the
patterns of the forming in a sentence

A sentence is a group of words that is used to communicate an idea in writing

or in speaking. However, in variations and various languages are linked to the
social framework of its speakers, the language consists of elements or
components that are regularly composed of certain patterns and forming a unity
or word or a different sentence in syntactic understanding or sentence structure in
a particular area with its cultural identity of the language. It means that Abui
language has the differents sentence in syntactic understanding or the sentence

The writer as a speaker of Abui language find that to constract a languages or

translated language from a language to another language there disruption of the
elements of the formation. Same sentence has the same patterns of sentences. For
example, when we translated English sentence into Abui language sentence then
we will find the differences pattern in the sentences between the two languages.
We can see in this example:
In English In Indonesian
His father buys a bicycle to his brother Ayahnya membeli sebuah sepeda
Poss.Pro N(S) V Art. N(O) Prep Poss.Pro Poss.Pro. N(S) V Art N
N (OC) (O) untuk saudara laki-lakinya
Prep. Poss.Pro N (OC)

In Abui Language Spoken by Petleng Speecch Community

Homama da sepeda nuku houra neng hobel

N (S) Aux.V N Art Poss.Pro N (OC) Prep. V

Based on example above, the pattern of these sentence in English and
Indonesian start with subject, verb, object, and object complement. In Abui
language, the pattern of sentence start with subject, object, object complement
and verb. This is an interisting phenomenon to do investigation.
In order to add knowledge and understanding related to the elements and basic
structures of the sentence especially about sentence patterns of Abui language
spoken by Abui community, the writer would like to conduct a research under the

1.2. Research Problem

According to Creswell (2014: 186), that the formulation of the problem in the
implementation of a study is the focus or research center. From this opinion the
writer conclude that the formulation of the problem is the basic of research. Then
the problem is formulated as: What are the sentence patterns of Abui language
spoken by Petleng speech community?

1.3. Aims And Benefits Of Research

The purpose of the research and the benefits means to show “why you want to
do research and what you want to achieve, and what and what in general”. Locke
et al (in Creswell 2016: 163). which is the focus of research whose results are
general, therefore based on the formulation of the problems, the writer has the
purpose or the aims and benefits of this research as follows.

1.3.1. Aims
The aims of this research are:
1. To find out the form of basic sentence pattern structure of Abui language
spoken by Petleng speech community.

2. Describe the form of basic sentence pattern structure of Abui language
spoken by Petleng speech community.

1.3.2. Benefits
The benefits of this research are:
1. To enrich the writer’s ability to know detail about the basic sentence
pattern structure of Abui language spoken by Petleng speech community.
2. To enrich the literature of form basic sentence structure in local language
especially Abui language.
3. To enrich the value of culture especially in the field of language on the
community of Abui language.
4. This research also become a reference for students of English Study
Program on Tribuana University who want to conduct a research with the
similar problem or will make a research about Abui language.

1.4. Scope Of Writing

In this research, the writer will focus to find out the patterns of basic sentence
structure in Abui language spoken by Petleng speech community, and decribe it.

1.5. Definition Of Term

In this research the writer will explain terms used to misunderstanding.
1. Syntax is part of grammar that reviewing the word rebellion word into a larger
grammatic unit called phrases, clauses, and sentences, as well as placement of
mortorf supra segmental (intonation) according to the semantic structure the
desired speaker of the speaker as basically (Supriyadi (2014: 4).
From the above definition can be stated that the syntax is a science of
the sentence that describes the relationship between the language elements to
form a sentence or knowledge related to the form of the forming of a sentence.
On other hand, Miller (2002:12), Syntax has to do with how words are put

together to build phrases, with how phrases are put together to build clauses or
bigger phrases, and with how clauses are put together to build sentences. And
the writer conclude that the syntax is the linguistic component dealing with
the system of sentence structure. And syntax in Abui language spoken by
Petleng speech community refers to a science of the sentence that describes
the relationship between Abui language elements to form a sentence or
knowledge related to the patterns of the forming in a sentence. In this research
the writer will investigation about syntax is the sentence in Abui language
spoken by Petleng speech community.

2. Basic sentence structure is a complete set of words that conveys meaning. A

sentence can communicate or a sentence is composed of one or more clauses.
A clause contains a subject and verb, Ehrlich (2004:1).
It means that sentence is grammartical unit that composed from one or
more clauses or a groub of words conist of a subject and a predicate and can
followed by the object.
3. Abui Language
In Abui – Indonesian - English dictionary for the first edition written
by Kratochvil (2008 : 11) there are five dictrict were used Abui language and
there are the south of Alor district, southwestern of Alor district, Teluk
Mutiara district, lembur district , and the middle south of Alor district. In the
middle south of Alor district, there is Petleng village, the community use abui
languge in communication on they activity. In the other hand, Kratochvil
(2007:26) said that The term ‘Abui’ is an Abui word that means ‘mountains’
or alternatively ‘enclosed place’. This term is also used in local Malay to refer
to Abui speakers who refer to their language as Abui tanga ‘mountain
language’ and to themselves as Abui loku ‘the mountain people’.
4. Petleng Speech Community

Petleng community are the people of Abui who stay in the Middle
South of Alor district on Petleng Village. Although the people in Petleng are
the Abui language speech community but in using Abui langage on process of
communication, Abui language spoken by Petleng speech community are
difference dialeg with another speaker of Abui language.

1.6. Organization Of Writing

This writing is presented in three chapters and there`are chapter I is
Introduction which cover background, research problems, aims and benefits,
scope of writing, definition of terms, organization of writing. Chapter II is review
of literature which covers concepts that relevant to the research. Chapter III is
methodology of research which covers method of this research, data resources
and procedures of research.



In this chapter, the writer would like to describe some theories related to the
topic of this research because refiew of related literature should present the last
related references first and the most related references last.
There have been many studies that have been done by researchers in advance
of the study of Abui language. Some of them are research related to Noun In Abui
Language, who conducted on 2017 by Maukari. But just research about the
differences sound of the same meaning of Nouns between Benlelang and Petleng
Village on Abui language who generate knowledge that differences of noun in Abui
language spoken by Petleng and Benlelang Village speech community only there are
in pronounciation, additional letter, but they have same meaning. Beside that, on 2017
has also been done related reesearch of Derivational Morphemes of Abui Language
Spoken by Mataru Speech Community, by Padakama, who generate knowledge that
Abui language in particular spoken by Mataru Speech Community has also some
types of morphemes as free morphemes, bound morphemes, and derivational
On 2017, has been done related research about Verb Stiem Alternation
Indicating Aspect In Abui Language Used By Takalelang Speech Community, and
generate knowledge that Abui language in particular spoken by Takalelang Speech
Community has stem alternate their morphological shape, most refer to events that
differ in internal temporal structure. Than on 2013, in research by Padamaley was
generate knowledge that Abui language has the grammatical, in particular spoken by
people in Alimebung village have possesive and reflective pronouns.
From some research related to the Abui language as described above that the
language is increasingly studied from the study of language science. But, related to
the basic pattern of the sentence or the basic sentence structure of Abui language in
particular spoken by Petleng speech community has not been done by the researcher
or not reviewed by the language students especially in Tribuana University. So, the
writer saw that the basic structure of the sentence or basic pattern of sentence on Abui
language spoken by Petleng speech community need to be review or research to

increase knowledge to the writer and the Abui speech community especially spoken
by Petleng speech community about the syntax because on a sentence or in a pattern
of a sentence there are nouns, verbs, adverb, adjectives, pronouns, or other aspect. So
that research writers can add syntax knowledge in Abui language.
Syntax is part of grammar that reviewing the word rebellion word into a larger
grammatic unit called phrases, clauses, and sentences, as well as placement of
mortorf supra segmental (intonation) according to the semantic structure the desired
speaker of the speaker as basically, Supriyadi (2014: 4). Syntax has to do with how
words are put together to build phrases, with how phrases are put together to build
clauses or bigger phrases, and with how clauses are put together to build sentences.
Sentence are the basic building blocks of meaning, it means that basic
sentence is a comlate thought or idea, consits of subject and predicate of the group of
words and it’s refers to the declare requests, questions, commands, hopes or fun,
Ehrlich (2004:1). On the other hand, sentence is grammartical unit that composed
from one or more clauses or a groub of words conist of a subject and a predicate and
can followed by the object
The grammatical unit in English, word, phrase, and clause are the basic form
to build a sentence. According to Supriyadi (2014: 4), syntax is part of grammar that
reviewing the word rebellion word into a larger grammatic unit called phrases,
clauses, and sentences, as well as placement of mortorf supra segmental (intonation)
according to the semantic structure the desired speaker of the speaker as basically. So,
to constitute a sentence start with a word, pharase, and clause.

2.1. Definition of sentence

As the definition above about the sentence according to Ehrlich (2004:1), that
Sentence are the basic building blocks of meaning, it means that basic sentence is
a complete thought or idea, consits of subject and predicate of the groub of words

and it’s refers to the declare requests, questions, commands, hopes or fun. Beside
that, In Manning et al (2005:35), the sentence is a group of words that form a
revelation and can be followed by a point, question mark, or a series of fun. And
further, Manning et al (2005:38), Phrases is a group of words within a sentence.
It does not contain a complete verb or its subject. It does not make sense on its
own. And clauses is a group of words that contains a verb and its subject.
Based on statement above, the writer concludes that a sentence is a
meaningful group of words that arranged systematically usually consists of
subject, predicate, may or may not be followed by an object who can have the
idea as declare requests, questions, commands, hopes or fun and has the mark.
And a sentence in Abui language especially spoken by Petleng speech
community is the group of words in Abui language spoken by Petleng speech
community that arranged systematically usually consists of subject, predicate,
may or may not be followed by an object who can have the idea as declare
requests, questions, commands, hopes or fun and has the mark.

2.2. Element Of Sentence

Sentence elements is a group of words that combine together to comprise the
building unit of a well formed sentence. According to Laalem (2014:4) there are
five types of sentence elements, they are subject, predicate, object, complement,
and adverbial.
1. Subject
Subject of a sentence can be a person, a place, a thing, or an idea that is doing
or being something, and the doer or the initiator of action in a sentence is
referring to the agent of the sentence. Subject can be simply said as the part
of a sentence that perfoming as the agent or doer in the sentence.
In Abui language spoken by Petleng speech community, the writer conclude
that a subject is the agent of the sentence in the active voice or the speaker of
Abui language spoken by Petleng speech community, or the things in Abui

language that performs or responsible for the action of a sentence in Abui
2. Predicate
Predicate is the part of a sentence or clause that expresses what is said by the
subject and usually consists of a verb with or without object, complement,
and adverbial modifiers, and it comes after the subject of a sentence. There is
a description of predicate as a word or a group of words that state something
about the subject, and includes everything in the senteces that does not
include of complete subject.
The writer conclude that a predicate in Abui language spoken by petleng
community is the part of the sentence in Abui language or clause that
expresses what is said by the subject or Abui speaker spoken by Petleng
speech community and usually consists of a verb with or without object,
complement, and adverbial modifiers, and it comes after the subject of a
3. Object
The object receive the action and usually follows the verb. It seems that
object is a noun phrase or clause with nominal function; normally follows the
subject and the verb pharase, and they can be direct and indarect object refers
to a person or things affected by the action of the verb.
The writer conclude that an object in Abui language in Petleng speech
communiy are noun, pronoun or receiver action and usually follows the verb
or the receiver affected by the action of the verb in Abui sentence spoken by
Petleng speech community
4. Complements
Complements usually completes the meaning of the sentence. A complement
subject or object defines a noun pharase, an adjective pharase or a clause with
nominal function; follows the subject, verb pharase, and object; it does not
become subject through the passive transformation, a complement is the part

of the sentence that gives you more information about the subject,
complemets or the object complement of the sentence.
the writer conlude about a complement in Abui language spoken by Petleng
speech community is completes the meaning of the sentence in Abui
language or more information about the subject, complemets or the object
complement of the sentence in Abui language spoken by Petleng speech
5. Adverbial
An adverbial is adverb, adverb pharase, adverbial clause, noun pharase, or
prepositional phrase, it is capable of occurring in more than one position in
the clause, and is generally optional, may be added to or removed from as
sentence without affecting its acceptability. It concerns the circumstances of
the sentence (when, where) or relates the sentence to something else. Adverbs
are modifiers of verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or sentence.
The writer conclude that adverbial in Abui language spoken by Petleng
speech community is the adverb in the sentence of Abui language.
2.3. Basic Sentence Pattern Of English
According to Laalem (2014: 6), there are five basic sentence patterns in English,
they are:
1. Subject + Verb
These verbs are intransitive (do not take direct object)
For Example:

In English In Indonesian In Abui Language

spoken by Petleng
Speech Community
He cried Dia menangis Da Fel

My head aches Kepala saya sakit Nobikai narik

2. Subject + Verb + Complement

The verb are linking verb (be, appear, become, look, seem, sound, taste).
Complements are noun, pronouns, and pharases, and adverb completing the
meaning of verbs.
For Example:
In English In Indonesian In Abui Language
Spoken by Petleng
Speech Community
Anita is like her father Anita seperti ayahnya Anita homama wida

3. Subject + Verb + Direct Object

These verbs are transitive (take direct objects)
For Example:
In English In Indonesian In Abui Language
Spoken by Petleng
Speech Community
I drive a car Saya mengemudi sebuah Na oto nuku hopuna

S V Art N (DO) S V Art S N (DO) V
N (DO)

4. Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object

The indarect object can be reversed with the direct object. Some verbs require
“to” in this construction, and some verb require “for” in this construction.
For Example:
In English In Indonesian In Abui Language
Spoken by Petleng
Speech Community
I gave yuli the keys Saya memberikan yuli Na kunci yuli her
S V N (IO) Art N (DO) S V N (IO) S N(DO) V N(IOD)

kunci itu
N (DO)
5. Subject + Verb + Object + Complement
The complement is usually a noun, though after some verbs it can be an
adjective a noun or adverb.

For Example:
In English In Indonesian In Abui Language
Spoken by Petleng
Speech Community
Juby wrotes a letter neatly Juby menulis sebuah Juby surat nuku
S V Art O Adj.Com S V Art S Art O
surat dengan rapi tulisa latukai masena
O Adj.Comp V Adj.Comp


3.1. Method of research

A method is a systematically way that is used to symplify an activity in other
to reach a goal, (Djajasudarma, 2006:1 in Delpada 2017). Descriptive method is a
method used to amnswer the question about the reality or phenomena or to
describe a situation that taking place, Winarno (2011:21). The writer use
descriptive method to describe and investigation about basic sentence structure of
abui language spoken by petleng speech community.

3.2. Data Resources
This research uses two date sources: (a) Written document consisting of books
and some other documents which contain or discuss about the syntax or sentence
and Abui language, And (b) Native speaker as the informants. For the oral, the
writer will choose the informants like the explaination bellow:

3.2.1. Population
The writer choose Petleng speech community as the informants. Because it
is the place where the writer lives and there are too many people in Petleng
village who use Abui language as their native language or mother tongue.
3.2.2. Sample
The writer realize that could not collecting the data from all the people
because it will waste much time and energy. In this research the writer uses
porposive sampling, so the writer only choose five people as the informants
and their are the native speaker of Abui language and also their are healthy
people who have complete organ of spech.

3.3. Procedures Of Research

Dealing with this study is kind of library research and field research. The labrary
research is conducted to get knowledge and information which relevant to the
purpose of the writing. The field research is done to help the writer in obtaining
the accurate data trough the instrument used in this research.
3.3.1. Procedures Of Data Collection
In collecting data, the writer will use translation task activity or translation
elicitation as the instrument of research for collecting the data. In the
translation activity, the writer prepares two hundred sentences in Indonesian
to be translated by the informants in Abui language spoken by Petleng

speech community. After that, the writer will analyzes and describe the basic
sentence structure or the sentence pattern from the data written by the
3.3.2. Procedure Of Data Analysis
Data analysis is very important to conduct the research, and without data
analysis the research will not get the goal of the research. In this study, I will
analyze the data by using the descriptive qualitative method to find out and
describe .the basic sentence pattern structure in Abui language spoken by
Petleng speech community.


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