Written Consent Form Template

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(if required)

[PI name]
[PI contact details]
[Primary researcher details and status [e.g. MPhil student]
Oxford telephone number: 01865 xxxxxx
Oxford e-mail:

Optional statements are highlighted turquoise – delete entire table row if not applicable to your study and
re-number remaining rows (then delete this advisory text)


CUREC Approval Reference:

[Study Title]

Purpose of Study: [Insert]

Please initial each

1 I confirm that I have read and understand the information sheet version dated
________________ for the above study. I have had the opportunity to consider the Commented [HB1]: Version/date information applicable
information, ask questions and have had these answered satisfactorily. to Medical Sciences IDREC only

2 I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any

time, without giving any reason, and without any adverse consequences or academic
3 I understand that research data collected during the study may be looked at by
designated individuals from the University of Oxford where it is relevant to my taking
part in this study. I give permission for these individuals to access my data.
4 I understand that this project has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance
through, the University of Oxford Central University Research Ethics Committee.
5 I understand who will have access to personal data provided, how the data will be
stored and what will happen to the data at the end of the project.

6 I understand how this research will be written up and published.

7 I understand how to raise a concern or make a complaint.

8 I consent to being audio recorded

9 I consent to being video recorded

10 I consent to having my photo taken

Template Written Consent Form_Version 2.2 September 2017 1

11 I understand how audio recordings / videos / photos will be used in research outputs

12 I give permission to be quoted directly in the research publication against my name

13 I agree to take part in the study1

Optional: I agree for research data collected in this study to be given to researchers, including Commented [HB2]: It is up to the researcher to decide
those working outside of the EU, to be used in other research studies. I understand whether to include this statement on the consent form.
However, if you do include this, it must be optional for the
that any data that leave the research group will be fully anonymised so that I cannot participant to complete
be identified.
Optional: I agree for my personal data to be kept in a secure database for the purpose of Commented [HB3]: It is up to the researcher to decide
contacting me about future studies. whether to include this statement on the consent form.
However, if you do include this, it must be optional for the
participant to complete

dd / mm / yyyy
Name of Participant Date Signature

dd / mm / yyyy
Name of person taking consent Date Signature

In particularly complex studies researchers may want to add an additional statement: “I hereby assign to
the researcher all copyright in my contribution for use in all work stemming from this project and future
projects.” This should be judged on a case-by-case basis.

Template Written Consent Form_Version 2.2 September 2017 2

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