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Cigarette tax is collected from cigarette manufacturers or cigarette importers.

The Malaysian
Government earns a large amount of revenue from its involvement in the tobacco industry.
There are several reasons for raising cigarette excise taxes such as; to increase government
revenue, to protect children and youth, to improve public health and to correct externalities.
These entire reasoning further pose a question as to what is the optimal tax that should be
imposed on cigarette. From the economic perspective, the optimal tax can be achieved when
the marginal cost of the last cigarette consumed equals to its marginal social benefits.
Therefore for a country to set the level of tax, it should take into account the national health
objectives and also depends on societal value such as the extent to which the children should
be protected from the effect of smoke polluted environment. Apart from the health and social
objectives of imposing tax on cigarettes, some governments may levy taxes with the intention
of maximizing revenues.

 Incerase governmern Income  The rise of illegal or black market
 Increase healhty awareness 
 Reduce pollution

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