Holiday Homework 2017 - 2018 Class - Ix Vsa

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2017 – 2018

 What does an odometer of an automobile show ?
 Define displacement . give its S.I. unit.
 What is meant by uniform circular motion ?
 What are the three main functional regions of a cell ?
 Which cell organelle is found only in plant cell and name its types.
 Name the most important structure within a nucleus.
 Write two properties of solids .
 What is sublimation ?
 Though sponge is solid , yet we can compress it . why ?
 why the level of water does not change when salt is mixed in it?
 How pressure help in the liquification of a gas?
 Why does evaporation cause cooling ?
 Explain why some gases are compressible but not liquids ?
 Why plasma membrane is called selectively permeable?
 Which cell organelle is known as powerhouse of cell? why ?
 A body is moving with a velocity of 10 m/s if the motion is uniform , what will be the velocity
after 10 s ?
 An object travels 16 m in 4 s and another 16 m in 2 s . what is the average speed of the object ?
 if velocity of a body changes regularly from point u to point v in time t. what is the avg. velocity
of the body ?
 define acceleration . what do you mean by positive and negative acceleration ?
 an athlete completes one round of a circular track radius r in time t , what is the avg. speed ?
 what is the difference between plasma membrane and cell wall ?
 what are the characteristics of particles of matter ?
 convert the following into °𝑐 – 300k and 573k .
 an object has moved through a distance , can it have zero displacement ?
 differentiate between speed and velocity .
 a cyclist goes round a circular track of 1o5 m in 5 minutes . calculate the speed .
 when an object can have (1) positive (2)negative acceleration ?
 what is the role of proteins and lipids in plasma membrane ?
 what is the difference in vacuoles in plant and animal cells ?
 how we are able to sip hot tea from a saucer rather than a cup ?
 why naphthalene balls disappear with time without leaving any solid ?
 when does chromatin material get organized to form chromosomes ?
 name the scientist who gave cell theory , what are its main postulates ?

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