BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan: Lab #1 Wind

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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #10

Lab #1

Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Supervisor: Julee Dykes
Lead Teacher: Ivy Darger (2nd Lesson)

Children Receiving Specific Focus Today:

1. Penelope (Outdoor)
2. Pablo (Gathering Time)
3. Harry (Small Focus)
4. Igor (Gathering Time)
5. Henry (Science)

Preassessment and Findings:

I have observed that many of the children have an interest in wind. Harry picked up the
pinwheels multiple times and carried them around the playground. He went over to spinning
pinwheels and observed them for a couple of minutes. Henry and Michael also showed an
interest in the pinwheels but did not know that they could blow on them to make them move.
Once I showed them, they blew on it several times. Elizabeth and Penelope also used the
pinwheels outside and ran around the playground with them while watching them move.
When Elizabeth had a piece of paper outside, she said “The wind is going to blow it
away!” When I blew a pinwheel hard and said “Why is the pinwheel moving fast?” she said
“Because you’re blowing hard on it.” When I asked Julie “What makes a pinwheel move?” she
said “wind.” When I asked Daniel “What happens when the wind blows?” he said “Things
move.” When I asked “Do lighter things move faster in the wind?” he said “I don’t know.”
Penelope then said “Sometimes things move around really fast, like this” and then she
proceeded to run around the playground quickly. When standing by a rock, I asked Igor “When
wind blows, will it move heavy objects like a rock?” He responded by saying “No.” When I
asked him “Why not?” he said “I don’t know.” When I asked John “What happens when the
wind blows?” he said “It makes a sound.” I then asked “Do lighter things like papers move faster
in the wind than rocks?” and he said “No. They’re the same.” When I showed Richard that the
pinwheel moves faster when I blew harder on it, I asked him “Why does it move faster?” and he
said “I don’t know.” In conclusion, in general the children seem to have an understanding of
what wind is, however, there seem to be some missing gaps in the idea that lighter objects move
faster in the wind and that strong winds move objects faster.
I plan on teaching the ideas that strong wind moves objects faster and lighter objects
move faster in the wind. I plan on doing this through having the children experiment on their
own with putting different objects over a fan.
I chose the developmental focus of working together with peers because I have noticed
that there are several children who do not frequently talk to or interact with other children in the

Ideas to be Emphasized and Overall Developmental Focus:

1. Stronger winds move objects faster than lighter winds.
2. Lighter objects move faster in the wind than heavier objects.
3. Today’s activities will focus on working together with peers to help children work toward their
developmental goals.

BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan #10
Lab #1

Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Supervisor: Julee Dykes
Lead Teacher: Ivy Darger (2nd Lesson)

Ideas to be Emphasized and Overall Developmental Focus:

1. Stronger winds move objects faster than lighter winds.
2. Lighter objects move faster in the wind than heavier objects.
3. Today’s activities will focus on working together with peers to help children work toward their
developmental goals.

Amy: Self-Selected Keelie: Check-in/Check-out
Keelie: Small/Focus Groups Amy/KD: Handwashing/Cubbies
Amy/KD: Outdoor play KD: Photographer
Julee: Snack

OPENING CIRCLE 8:20 – 8:35 a.m.

Activity Name Description Materials
Book: If You Give a We will read the big book If You Give a Pig a If You Give a Pig a Pancake
Pig a Pancake Pancake. by Laura Numeroff (B N3)
Movement Activity: Children will stand at the edge of the literacy Bear stuffed animal (WR
Wake up Mr. Bear area and the bear will be placed on top of the Cabinet 2)
felt board. I will tell the children the bear is
sleeping and they will then say quietly “Wake up
Mr. Bear.” They will then repeat this but each
time getting louder and walking closer to the
bear. When they get right in front of the bear,
they will yell “Wake up Mr. Bear!”
Phonemic I will have a bag with various items inside that Paper bag (RR1 O Cabinet 5)
Awareness: Guess start with the letter B. I will give the children hints Any book from classroom
What’s in my bag? and have them guess the item. For example, I shelf (Classroom)
will say “This item is something that you read and Block (Classroom)
it starts with the sound /b/.” Boat (RR2 G 122)
Bear (RR2 B 177)
Music Activity or We will sing the “Hello song” and do the
Song or Fingerplay: corresponding actions.
Hello Song
Story (non-book): I will retell the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Very Hungry by Eric Carle using felt storyboard pieces. Felt Storyboard (IWP)

GATHERING TIME 8:35 – 8:50 a.m.

Activity Name Description Materials
1. Stronger winds I will begin by holding up a pinwheel and saying Pinwheel (Playground)
move objects faster to the children “How many of you have seen
than lighter winds. one of these before? What makes this pinwheel
move?” (wait for an answer). I will then tell them
“We are going to use this pinwheel today to help
us learn about wind. When I blow on this
pinwheel, we’re going to pretend like it’s wind
blowing outside. I want you to watch what
happens when I blow hard on it.” (Blow hard on
the pinwheel). “Did the pinwheel move fast or
slow?” (Wait for an answer.) “Can you all
pretend to blow a pinwheel really hard, too, just
like I did?” “Now, I’m going to show you what
happens when I blow softly on the pinwheel.”
(Blow softly on the pinwheel.) “Did the pinwheel
move slower or faster than when I blew harder?”
(wait for answer). “Just like with the pinwheel,
when the wind blows fast outside, it moves
objects faster than when it blows slowly.”

I will then teach them a song about wind with

actions. The song goes “I see the wind when the
leaves dance by. (Wave hands in front of body).
I see the wind when the clothes wave “Hi!”
(wave hello). I see the wind when the trees
bend low. (Put arms over head and bend to the
side.) I see the wind when the flags all blow
(Stand up and wave arms above head.) I see
the wind when the kites fly high (Stretch arms up
high). I see the wind when the clouds float by
(Put arms down and wave hands gently). I see
the wind when it blows my hair (Lift hair with
hands). I see the wind most everywhere (Hold
hands out with palms up).”

This activity could be beneficial for Igor as he is

interested in cause and effect and will have to
listen to directions in order to participate in the

2. Lighter objects I will place the fan onto the ground in front of Fan (IWP)
move faster in the me. I will say “This fan is going to blow air for us Piece of construction paper
wind than heavier that is like the wind outside. We’re going to put (WR)
objects. some objects on top of the fan and see if heavy Egg Carton (Beautiful Junk)
objects or light objects go faster.” “Let’s use this Piece of foam (Beautiful Junk)
piece of construction paper first. Is this heavy or Plastic Container (Beautiful
light?” (wait for an answer) “Let’s see if it moves Junk)
fast or slow.” “Next, we’re going to see if this
egg carton is going to move faster than the
paper. Is the egg carton heavier or lighter than
the paper?” (wait for an answer) “I think you’re
right, let’s test and see.” “Which object moved
faster?” (wait for an answer). “We can see that
light objects move faster in the wind than heavy
objects.” I will repeat this activity using a foam
piece and a plastic container.
Domain 3 Goal 31: Children participate positively
in group activities.

This activity could be beneficial for Pablo as it will

require him to use listening skills in order to
answer questions. I have also observed that he
seems interested in gathering time and sits and
listens attentively.
Transition to Self- “Let’s pretend a soft wind is blowing against us
Selected while we walk to the activities around the room.”


Air by David Bennett (B18)
A Windy Day by Charles Ghigna (P G15)
Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert (E7)
Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert (E4)
Fall Leaves, Fall by Zoe Hall (H2)
Hurray for Spring by Patricia Hubbell (H29)
Puddles by Johnathan London (L24)
A Busy Year by Leo Lionni (L27)
Activity Name Description/Activity Objective Materials, Special Set-up
Math: Which weighs Activity Description: Children will be able to use Scales (RR2 R 151)
more? the scales to determine which objects weigh Foam Fruit (RR2 R 155)
more. 5 Plastic Keys (RR2 R 159)
Child Objective: Children will use math reasoning 5 Magnetic Letters (RR1 W 45)
skills as they use scales to determine which 1 Handful of Pegs (RR1 W 55)
objects weigh more.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will ask the
children questions to hypothesize before they
weigh the objects. They could ask, for example,
“Which do you think is going to weigh more?”
Then after the children weigh the objects, the

teacher can ask “Which ended up weighing
Domain 4 Goal 40: Children demonstrate
understand of measurable attributes of objects
and the units, systems, and processes of
*Science: Fan Fun Activity Description: Children will be able to test Fan (IWP)
a variety of objects to see if they move faster or 4 Coffee Filters (RR1 Cabinet
slower than other objects in the wind provided 5)
by the fan. 2 Paper Bags (RR1 Cabinet 5)
Child Objective: Children will use scientific 2 Colored Toilet Paper Tubes
thinking and exploration skills to discover which (RR1 Cabinet 4)
object moved quickly and which object moved Any 3 small objects from
slowly over the fan. Beautiful junk that would be
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will ask children light enough for the fan to
questions about why the objects move quickly move them (Beautiful Junk)
over the fan and some move slowly
Domain 4 Goal 42: Children observe, describe,
and collect information by exploring the world
around them.

This activity could be beneficial for Henry as I

have observed that he seems to frequently be at
the science activities. This will allow him to work
on his goal of interacting with peers as they work
alongside each other in this center.
Sensory Table: Tires Activity Description: Children will move cars Shredded Tires (RR2 G 143)
and Cars through the shredded tire pieces in the sensory 5 Metal cars (RR2 B 176)
table. 5 Plastic Cars (RR2 B 176)
Child Objective: Children will use sensory 2 Red Wagons (RR2 B 182)
exploration skills to move the cars and explore
the shredded tires.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will help children
explore with their senses by inviting them to
participate in the activity and saying things like
“Did you feel these tires? Do you like how it
Domain 1 Goal 1: Children participate in
exploratory play.
2nd: Bubble Wrap Description: Children will use their fine motor skills Bubble Wrap Remnants (RR1
Racers to move cars along bubble wrap. W 31)
8 Metal Cars (RR2 B 176)

ROTATING SNACK 9:00 – 9:45 a.m.

Mini Pumpkin Muffin
4 oz milk

OUTDOOR PLAY 9:10 – 10:00 a.m. Location: South Playground

2nd: Lemonade Activity Description: Children will pretend to have Lemonade Stand (GG)
Stand their own lemonade stand. Pitcher (K)
Child Objective: Children will use their Plastic cups (RR1 Cabinet 6)
communication skills to pretend play with their Cash register (RR2 Y 218)
peers. 3 Camping Chairs (RR2 Y
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can ask children 246)
questions to expand the children’s’ play and
require the use of their imaginations.
Domain 1 Goal 15: Children participate in
pretend or symbolic play.

This activity could be beneficial for Penelope

since she seems to spend a lot of time outdoors
and plays in the dramatic play area. This could
help her work on her goal of socialization as she
talks to her peers while participating in the
lemonade stand.

CLEAN UP 10:05 – 10:15 a.m.

At the five-minute warning, put out the cleaning tubs, cover the sensory table, and close the gate to
the loft. Play the clean-up song on the Kindle to signal to the children that it’s time to clean up.
Transition to Small After clean-up, I will play the “Shake my Sillies Kindle and Speakers (Office)
Focus Groups Out” song to gather the children. We will then
sing the bubble song to dismiss the children into
their groups.

SMALL FOCUS GROUP 10:15 – 10:30 a.m.

Red: Keelie Yellow: Amy Green: KD Blue: Julee

Lawrence Richard Charlotte Daniel
Grant John Penelope Pablo
Harry Igor Henry Elizabeth
Julie Hudson Michael
Your Activity Description & Objective Materials
Making Lemonade Description: The children will work together in each 1) Lemons (IWP)
group to make lemonade. They will have to squeeze Pitchers (K)
the lemons, pour the water into the mixture, dump Sugar (K)
the sugar into it as well, and stir it. They will then pour Water (K)
the lemonade into cups and drink it at their tables Plastic cups (K)
while the teacher reads them a book. 2) Big Rain Coming
Objective: Children will use communication skills to by Katrina
work together with their peers to make lemonade. Germein (G4)
Intentional Teaching: Prior to singing the bubble song, 3) May There Always
I will tell the children “Today we are going to work Be Sunshine by
together to make lemonade!” Teachers will reinforce Jim Gill (G27)
the idea of working together by saying things like 4) Max and Maggie
“Let’s all take our urn and work together to make our in Spring by Juliet
lemonade!” They can remind the quieter children to Craig (P C20)
work with the group, as well. They can also 5) Boots by Anne
encourage the children to take turns. Schreiber (P S3)
Domain 3 Goal 31: Children participate positively in

group activities.

This activity could be beneficial for Harry as I have

observed that he works well with others. This activity
will help him with socialization as he works together
with his peers to make the lemonade.

CLOSING CIRCLE 10:30 – 10:40 a.m.

Transition to Closing We will dance to “Animal Action II” and perform Kindle and Speaker
Circle actions along with it. (Office)

I will ask the children to tell me about their experience

in the science center. I will ask “Who can tell me,
when they used the fan, which objects floated
Review of ITBE Activity:
quickly?” (wait for an answer). “Which objects
What happened with
floated slowly?” (wait for an answer). “That’s right,
the fan?
the light things moved faster. That’s what happens
with the wind, it moves light things faster than heavy
We will sing the song “Hockey Pokey” and perform the
Hokey Pokey
actions while singing.
Tiny Turtle I will sing “I Had a Tiny Turtle” with the children and
model hand motions and gestures for the children to
do along with me. I will sing it through once, then we
will repeat the song once more.
I will have all the children cover their eyes while I Blanket (RR2 Yellow
cover one child with a blanket. Then I will say “Bug in 251)
Bug in the Rug
the rug, Bug in the rug. Who’s that bug in the rug?”
The children then have to guess who is under the rug.
We will read the book Who Took the Cookies from the Who Took the
Who Took the Cookies
Cookie Jar? Cookies from the
from the Cookie Jar?
Cookie Jar by
Bonnie Lass (B L0)


Five Little Ducks
Five little ducks went out to play
Over the hills and far away.
When the mother duck said “Quack Quack Quack”
Four little ducks came waddling back.
*Continue the song until no little ducks came back then sing
So the mother duck said “Quack Quack Quack”
Five little ducks came waddling back.
Source: YouTube

Hokey Pokey
You put your right foot in
You take your right foot out
You put your right foot in
And you shake it all about

You do the hokey pokey
And you turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about.
(Repeat with left foot, right hand, left hand, whole self)
Source: YouTube

I Had a Tiny Turtle

I had a tiny turtle, his name was Tiny Tim
I put him in the bathtub to see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water, he ate up all the soap.
He woke up in the morning with a bubble in his throat.
Bubble (x3) …. Bubble (x3)… POP!
Source: YouTube

The Wind Song

I see the wind when the leaves dance by. (Wave hands in front of body.)
I see the wind when the clothes wave “Hi!” (Wave hello.)
I see the wind when the trees bend low. (Put arms over head and bend to the side.)
I see the wind when the flags all blow. (Stand up and wave arms above head.)
I see the wind when the kites fly high. (Stretch arms up high.)
I see the wind when the clouds float by. (Put arms down and wave hands gently.)
I see the wind when it blows my hair. (Lift hair with hands.)
I see the wind ‘most everywhere! (Hold hands out with palms up.)
Source: YouTube

YouTube, Blogs, Faculty

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